THE MORNIXG OREGONIAJf, TUESDAY. AUGUST 9, 1910. 9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF raclfle Btats ....Mill ""TO ....Main T'T0 ....Main 7T0 ....Main TITO ....Main TU70 ....Mam TnTO ....Main 7070 . Horn. CooBtnirf wui . . .. City Circulation..., Managing Editor.., Sunday Editor Composing-room rtly Editor upt- Buildings. A n.1 A -.; A "5 A "5 A A felrfS A -)3J AMI SF.MEXTS. nnpnnrv twpitm fMorrtaon beta .n Slith and Seranlhl Vauderllla. Th! at.rnoon at 1.1ft and toalgbt at 8:16. no i vn TarTrp rparit an1 Washington) VaudeTlll. This atleinooo at 2:14; lARixht at 7 -SO and V. TLYKIC THEATER isernth and AldirV Armstrong Musical Comedy Company In 1 ha College Girl " Thla afternoon at :oO; tonight at 10 ana m TAR THEATER (Park and WaahlnstOTO Motion pictures. Conllnuona. from 1:30 to 10AO F. it- OA KS PARK fO. W. p. carllae) Wbar Prise Bard- This artsrooon a&d totugnu ORZCOXIAX AT RESORTS. Tar Una antcfcast etrray of T aria torauafc Om fotlawtec agenta. CUy mesa, annilulfciaai ax aaall ara aarabia tanarlafclr la aaranra. Ocaaa Park D. K. Bwchar. Ilaaaa Ry. CSV iiei Cataaabla Baanh M. U Uallatfian, J. FalrkarM. Co. -Weans A VTmik, racmfla City D. F. Jrtamarta - CaTaaa!' WsVh Mlnaral eprtsca castas l- a. cautaa SXulis c T. Betcsvc Tun cats to Kill Charostjx. Complaint was made befora Justice Oiaon yesterday by James A. Shannon, that "John Ioe' Jobnaoa had threatened to kill Mra Lil lian Shannon, wife of the complainant. Constable Im 'Wagner arreted Johnson, at SMS ast OeJi street and he was held ander bond of tiooa. Shannon that Johnaon. who occupies adjoining rooms la an apartment-house, has made frequent threats to kill first one and than another in the house. He raaya that Johnson kept Mrs. Johnson shut up In a room for three days and that the Shannons tn the next room could hear him walking the floor and sarins. "Shall I kin her oor TVXTHTX-L. "MAJHIaj" ARRKSTOD. Seeking; to meet two young girls who were not desirous of making; acquaint ances on the street brought Clarence Still and Everett Hay. youths about S years of a. before the Police Court yester day, charge! with violating the mashers' ordinance. Still, who lives at S Twelfth street, and Hay. who Hjes at wM Buit flmon street, were seen y Patrolman Humphries to speak to the stirls at Second and Aldec streets at o'clock Sunday night and were arrested. The boye were much crestfallen In court yesterday mornlnit. but pleaded not arutlty and asked for a continuance until Thurs day. If a. IHthkits Old Portland Hew-r-enrr. Mrs. Lucretia 8. Mathews, who died at her home tn Portland. July 31. JSfll. was born In Stark County. Illinois; January 4. IMS. In 1W3 she was married to Lemuel F. Mathewn. who died In lkS9. Mrs. Mathews came to Portland In ISM and since that time resided here per manecUy. Five children survive her as follows: Loren A. and George "".. of Moeaer. Or.: Mary B. Mathews, of Port hand; Mra. Francis Trekell. of DrununonJ, Okla.. and Mrs. J. V. Cooper, of iljlla Walla. 'Wash. Mra. Mathews was a mem ber of the ML Tabor Presbyterian Church. Book Agbmt Burs Commission amount Ins to on one set of books, was sued tir In Justice Court yesterday. The suit k b aught by C. N. Tierney against Luther R. Bailey. The plaintiff says that he has a contract with a .Ntw York firm to sell a work called "Underwood's Travel System." He succeeded In placing a set tn the Public Llbrarr in that city and left the matter In Bailey's hands. He alleges that Bailey collected the com mission, amounting 50 and has re fused to turn It over. Ashlaxd Crawford Peaches tor Cax xi 3. Ashland Crawford peaches are the finest grown, and the association pack In perfect this year. The first carload of tite arrived on the market today, and a fresh car will arrive each day until about the Xh of August. W. B. GJafke Company. 10S-110 Front street, axe sole selling agents for the Ashland Fruit Asso ciation. Order your peaches for canning at once, through your grocer, and If you want the best insist on having Ashland Fruit Association pack. ae these are su perior to all others. Dr. Rtax Rbtvrns to St. Paul. Rev. John A. Ryan. D. !.. a prominent Catho lic priest and educator, who has been sojourning In Portland for several months, accompanied by has sister. Cathrine Ryan, left yesterday for St. Paul. Minn. Dr. Ryan delivered a number of addresses and sermons while In Portland. Miss Ryan will enter a St. Joseph's convent. SL Paul, thai Fall. A farewell recep tion was given In her honor by the So dality of St. Mary's Church last Wed nesday. Thi ORgooMAX announced on Sunday that the Wonder Millinery Company would occupy the Sixth street part of the old Olds. Wort rr an St King store. This la an error. The Wonder Millinery will remain where they are. but the Sixth- street store will be occupied by what will be called Portland's Emporium. which has no connection whatever with the Wonder Millinery store. Vtcriai of Drownijco Buried. Funeral services for Jacob Jacobsen. a young man who was drowned at Rosa Island Friday evening, were held from the chapel of Dunning St McEntee yesterday afternoon, by arrangement of the Portland Dairy Association, which employed Jacobsen. Jacobean had no relatives here. He was a native of Pennsylvania, where his parent Uve. Preacher's Ikstlter Fixed. Peter Battery, who thrust a bottle of "pan ther blood" whisky nnder the rose of a street preacher at Third and Burnside streets) Sunday night and Invited him to take a drink, had little to say for him self when arraigned tn Police Court yes " terday morning. He admitted that he had been Intoxicated and was fined Jo. Vbuetablb SocP. Summer squash, fried chicken, country gravy; ham omelette, .roast veal and potato salad, fruit salad, cold slaw, queen of pudding and whipped cream, pineapple Ice cream, on the menu at the Woman's Exchange, iss Fifth sL VaoarrARiAKe to Meet. "The Prophet Daniel's Vegetar'anawn and Its Results. will be the subject for discussion at the meeting of the vegetarian conversaxione, at Ml Tarn MI street, tonight at S o'clock. The meeting la free to the public Dr. Saxpord Wbittso has moved bis efTlces from the Marquam to rooms) n-d Mscleay bhlg.. corner Fourth and Wash ington sts.; Office hours) snd telephone numbers the same as heretofore. First Free Cookixo Issok In Ports mouth this afternoon. i:30. Artisan Tem ple. Miss Tracy mill lecture on "Cakes and Salads." All are invited. DlAMOtcsa. Oema of the first water only. C Christensen. second floor COr bett building. Take elevator. Dr. l b. Smith has returned from San Francisco, where he attended the National Association of Osteopath. Swiss Watcr REFAiRnra C Chrlsten- aea. M floor Oorbett bldg- Take elevator. DtrxTLET Vacr-rsi Clearer, easy pay ments. 4:n, Wash. Main siol. A S886. WonerER's great fruit and variety store, dot Washington street. Holdup BrtsrEcr Cacoht. Ed Wells, who is believed to be one of the two masked men who attempted to hold up a saloon, at Fifth and Flanders streets, Saturday night, was given a sentence of five days for vagrancy yesterday, to hold him until the other charge against him can be Investigated further. Patrolman Oelsner, who made the arrest, is con fident that Wells is one of the two rob bers. The man ' who attempted to go through the pockets of Ernest Helliere, the proprietor, wore a handkerchief qyer his face with a hole tn It for the nose, and wore a miner's) union button on bis coat- Wells when arrested had snoh a handkerchief in his pocket and wore a miner's button. His companion has not been captured. LonoE Burs Quarter Bloce Calantha Lodge. Knights of Pythias, yesterday completed the purchase of a quarter block on the corner of KUUngsworth and Minnesota avenues, by making the first payment to J. H. Nolta. the owner. The price of the property Is leooo. The lot Is KXMOO feet and is occupied by a ten- room, modern rooming-house which brings in K3 a month. The plan Is to Issue bonds to the amount of about CB.OOOi or whatever may be required for the erec tion of a modern two-eTtory building. brick or concrete, with a large hall on the second floor. Plana are to be drawn at onoe for the building. Mr. Nolta also sold his home and ground In North Alblna for jam Tooth Has Cocaixts Habit. Addicted to the use of cocaine for only three weeks. William L Adams, a youth of 19 years, recently here from New York, became boisterous under the Influence of the drug, at Sixteenth and Washington streets Sundsy, and was) arrested. He admitted that he had recently contracted the co caine habit and said that he was making an effort to break away from It. Police officers urged the court to give Adms a sentence long enough to allow him a chance to overcome the habit. Judge Gebhardt. however, was moved by the pleadings of the prisoner and allowed him to leave the city. Suspects Hearixo on Todat. George Onhorne and Louie Larsen, arrested Sat urday night upon suspicion of attempting to frame uc a criminal Job of some kind' on the East Side, were called In Police Court yesterday and their cases were continued until today, while further in vestigation as being made of their records. Osborne is alleged to have approached a bartender In a saloon on Grand avenue last Friday and tried to arrange an alibi for Saturday night, when, he said, he was going to "pull off a big deal." Osborne waa matched and caught with Larsen while acting In a suspicious) man ner. Bakert Evplotb Drowxs. While out with a picnic party Sunday afternoon, K. La. Michael, a driver for a bakery, was) drowned In the Columbia River alougb, half a mile from Morris Crossing, on the Vancouver electric line. Michael, who lived with his wife at 412 Vancouver avenue, had gone to spend the day with a party of friends at the river side. He was wading about ten feet from, the shore when he stepped Into a deep hole. snd. being unable to swim, sank at once. The body was not recovered. Michael was 3S years old. His parents live at Lima. O. Rot's Couraob Droops. Walter Con nelly, a messenger boy, was not so confident when he appeared In Police Court yesterday as he had been the day before when he told Detective trice that he knew every detective on the force and was not afraid of any of them. Price arrested 'Connelly for knocking down a younger messenger boy, and the prisoner told his csptor that he "was the boy Lost could fight," and wasn't afraid of tiae officers. He was given a suspended sentence and a caution by the court that his next offense would land him In Jail. Important Improvemext Started. Work was started yesterday on the pav ing of Larrabee street, which will be Improved between Holladay avenue and Goldsmith street. It being part -of the hard-surface pavement that Is to extend to the Lower Peninsula. The other streets to be paved as part of this through street are Mississippi and Patton ave nues, which connects with Lombard street. now under contract. When all these streets are improved it will form the largest paved through street on the East Side of the river. Mrs. Qutnn's Funeral Held. The fu neral of Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor Qulnn. who died August t at her home. 13 East Seventy-sixth "street, waa held yesterday from her late home and the Church of the Ascension. East Seventy-sixth and East Yamhill rtrre'j. Rlverview Ceme tery was the p'ace of IntermenL Mrs. ulnn wrs 71 rears old, snd had lived In Portland for a number of years. She Is survived by three children: Edwin L, Qulnn. of Los Angeles, CaL; Tllden Qulnn. of Portland; Mrs. J. J. Collins, of Albany, Or. Bowmax Is Unhurt. B. B. Bowman, who lives at Flrland on the Base Line road, was uninjured In the accident that happened on Sunday while en route home. Mr. Bowman's car slid to one side while he was trying to get out of the road of other cars and in so doing the car struck a telegraph pole. Mr. Bowman as well as the other occupants of the car es caped snd the car was but little dam aged. Mr. Boa-man saya he was driving at a moderate speed when the car skidded Into the telegraph pole. Gborob Austin Souoht. Mrs. Alice Gibbs of 89 Lay ton street. Lyons, N. Y.. has written to the authorities In this city asking for information regarding the whereabouts of George Austin. 47 years of age. who was a former resident of that place. The writer says that Austin's mother died a short time ago and that It Is. necessary for his relatives to hear from him to settle the Htate. She thinks he may be in one of the lumber camps In the state. Expressman Under Arrest. Driving a horse with a collar boil on Its neck, sev eral Inches In diameter. Martin Tyo. an expressman, was arrested yesterday on the Burnslde-street bridge charged with cruelty to animals. Tyo with his team, waa taken to the police station, where he was ordered to unharness the suf fering horse and send for another to take Its place. He was released on ball of ilii and will have a hearing In court thla morning. Garaob Noises Disturb. A big peti tion, signed by many property owners tn the vicinity of Sixth and Salmon street, has been filed with City Auditor Barbur asking that some steps be taken to suppress the various noises that Issue forth from the White garage. That It Is Impossible to sleep during the night be cause of the racket, is charged, snd the remonstrators declare that the place "should be declared a nuisance." Mrs. O'Connor's Funeral Held. The funeral services of Mrs. Johanna O'Con nor, who died August 4 at her home. 714 Ost Burnside street, was conducted yes terday morning at SL Francis Church, East Eleventh and East Oak streets, snd the Interment was made In 8L Mary's Cemetery. Mrs. O'Connor waa 73 years of age. She was the widow of the late John O'Connor. Public Docks Asked. Petitions for the creation of public docks and an improved waterfront were started In circulation among the voters of the city yesterday afternoon by representatives of the Chamber of Commerce. A number of signatures were secured. About 3000 names will be necessary Jto get the peti tion on the ballots. Man Accused As Hors btr ncp .A. C. Cameron waa arrested yesterday by H. W. Koeller. Constable at oswego and charged with stealing the horse of Andrew Brugge wnicn was in a pasture on the Base Line roaa near uie iweive- Mile House. The corse was taken late last week. It was recovered yesterday. Curses Cost $!. Andrew Darfin. a stableman who was accused of cursing Patrolman Taft for escorting a strike breaker, sppeared in Police Court yester day morning and was lined SIS for his offense. Rotart Club Committees Appointed. The following standing committees have been appointed, by Dwlght Edwards, president of the Portland Rotary Club: Membership committee C X. StockwelL chairman; John T. O'Neill. Will A. Knight, D. L Williams; Wilfred B. Cole. Entertainment committee Phillip Grossmeyer, chairman; .Oliver G. Walker, Roy Searle. Charles R. Little. Noah Gregg. Publicity committee Charles M. Burrows, chairman: A. M. Shannon. O. O Letter. Charles Deyette. M. A. NewelL Clvk: committee C. V. Cooper, chairman; W. W. Cox. Howard Haskell, Lewis A. Colton, Edward Newbegin. Sails Funeral to Be Held Todat. The funeral of Harry P. Sails, who died of heart failure last Saturday at Spokane, .Wash., will take place this morning at 11 o'clock from Flnley's undertaking rooms, 261 Third street. The late Mr. Sails was 28 years old and was formerly en gaged In the Jewelry business In this city. He was the son of Mrs. J. Sails OLD SUBSCRIBERS PLEASR WRITE. The Oregonlan desires to secure the Barnes and addresses of all persons whs have been abac. libera either for the dally er for the weekly editions of this paper alnoe Its flrst publication as a daily on February S, 1861. or for , longer time for The Weekly Orego Isa. The flrst publication of The Weekly Oregonlaa was December 4, ISM. It will be appreciated If all who have taken The Oregonlaa dur ing this period "will communicate with the manaalaig editor. and brother of Miss Lorene Sails, a well known singer and pianist of this city.- Torpedobs Frighten Residents. A series of loud detonations In the nelgh borhaad of Mississippi avenue and Graham street alarmed residents of the vicinity Sundsy evening, when a party of boys placed torpedoes on the ptreet csr track. Patrolman -Amundson caught James Murphy. 18 years old. In Police Court yesterday he admitted his guilt. Judge Gebhardt reprimanded the boy and allowed him to go on good behavior. Victim or Runawat Dies. Mrs. Evelyn Kinder, who sustained a fracture of the skull In a runaway accident on the White House road, Sunday afternoon, died at Good Samaritan Hospital early yester day, without recovering consciousness. Her grandchild, the Infant child of James W. Kinder, was taken to Its home by the parents and has a chance of re covery. Youno Wolpp Not Forger. Mrs. Esther L. Wolff, 88 Kearney street, widow of Nathan Wolff, a pawnttroker who was killed in his plaoe of businene by E. H. Martin about two years ago, says that P. Wolff, recently arrested for forgery of a check for $180, is not her son. Mrs. Wolff says that she has but one son. who Is still a boy. Burolars Raid Cash Drawer. Enter ing the store of Lennon Bros.. 3CS Morri son street, through a skylight, burglars secured S3) which was left in the cash- drawer, and made their escape In the same way In which they had entered. They left no Identifying mark. Nothing but the money was disturbed. HILLMAN TO BE PROBED GRA-VD J CRY TO CONSIDER SUS PICIONS OP FRAUD. ' Salem Man Says Promoters Deceived Him About Value of Property la New Townslte. Prosecution for alleged false pretenses In connection with the sale of lots In the alleged townslte of Hlllman. In the Deschutes Valley, will be undertaken when the grand Jury assembles the latter part of this month, said Dlstrct Attor ney Cameron yesterday. That ofScial has been quietly looking about for in formation on the subject and yesterday was In communication with one who says he is a victim of the representations made by the promoters. J. O. Fleming, a resident of Salem, 1-ft.rmed the District Attorney that he purchased two iots In Hlllman an the installment plan and has paid .175 on account. He says he was deceived as to the value of the property and will give his testimony if a prosecution Is under taken. Fleming has also laid. -his case before the Postoffice Department and It Is possible that a prosecution will be commenced before the Federal grand Jury alleging misuse of the mails. Both F. J. Cooper and T. M. Taylor, who constitute the company selling Hlll man, are out of the city, and It is said that they are making a harvest In the vicinity of Spokane. There is no activity In the Hlllman trade In this city at pres ent, but the wife of one of the promoters la here and is said to have announced her intention to carry on the sale of the property, contending that it is all that It Is represented to be. Hlllman is an outgrowth of the rail road extensions going on In the Des chutes Valley and Its name is intended to be a felicitous combination of sylla bles from the names of the two great builders. Lots In the proposed town are sold under representation that both roads have recognized It as a strategic commer cial point on their lines. Attorney-General Crawford, who visited the spot re cently, and officials and prominent clti rens of Crook County, say that the town site Is located on a lava bed and is to tally unsulted for any human purpose. If, as Is alleged, the promoters have made representations In their advertls- ALLOW US TO FIT UP YOUR OFFICE Complete. Make your special fixtures, counters, vault fitting's in steel or wood. Solid Cutler Office Desks in large variety to harmonize in construction and color with your special fixtures TABLES CHAIRS FILING CABINETS Ifci' r llBnilB CABINETS r 1 F..ffl ftl CASES KILHAM FIFTH AND JlgHipHipHjiHH)' invites comparison There are many offerings of acreage in the Portland market. They are adver tised as "best." "choice." "big bargains." and desig nated by hyphenated and other adjectives. If you wish to invest In property of that kind look these bargains over all of them If you have time. Then let us show you Banner Acres. If we cannot convince you that it Is the best acreage buy In the market by 25 per cent then you will be out your time and we will be minus both time and ex pense. But you will buy. There Is not a particle of doubt about it. F. B. Holbrook Co.' Room 1 Woremiter Bld Ground Floor. Phones Main 5306. A 7507. Lvon's PERFECT Toofh Powder neutralizes the destructive acids of the mouth cleanses, preserves and beautifies the teeth, and imparts purity and fragrance to the breath. Ing which are falso, they are liable to a maximum fine of $50 or a maximum Im prisonment of 20 days In the County Jail. MISSING MAN IS SUED Collector Disappears, but Accounts Seem to Be Correct. The unexplained absence from the city of Hyde McGowan. a collection agent, was brought to light yesterday when three suits were filed against him in Justice Court. McGowan until recently conducted the business of the Pacific States Adjustment Company, with offices In the Chamber of Commerce building, and Is said to have had an extensive list of accounts for collection, among his clients being the Pacific States Telephone Company, the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company and a number of phy sicians and other professional men. McGowan was sued yesterday by the Pacific States Telephone Company for J17S.10, alleged to be due for telephone rent and for accounts collected by Mc Gowan. Another suit was filed by the Seattle Dock Compcny, owner of the Chamber of Commerce building, for Wo for rent of offices. The Columbia Valley Trust Company entered suit on a promis sory note for JIOO. So far as can be learned, no one knows the presen. where abouts of McGowan. It Is kr.cnn. that he handled considerable rums cf money for his clients, but no complaint of short age on that account has bee it officially made except In the suit of the telephone company. PANIC-STRICKEN JAPS FLEE Flames W ipe Out Lodgers in Early Morning- Hours. Japanese lodgers to the number of about 40 had narrow escapes from death when a nest of wooden buildings at First and Couch streets caught fire at 3:30 o'clock yesterday.mornlng. Many of the men, panic-stricken, leaped from second story windows. One, giving the name Leo Kutani, had his hair singed before he arose from his bed. M. Hachtya. pro prietor of the place, escaped by sliding down a water pipe. The fire started from a kitchen in the rear of a store occupied by M. Hachiya & Co., dealers in Japanese goods. It at once developed threatening proportions and additional alarms were sent in until nearly all the fire apparatus in the city was in service. Two frame dwellings were destroyed and the upper story of a Japanese temple at 4S North First street was burned away, though the temple on the ground floor was not damaged. The damage amounted to $15,000 and Is well covered by Insurance. .WHERE Jp DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ments for ladies. 305 Wash., near 6th st. Be sure and take a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with you when starting on your trip this Summer. It cannot be obtained on board the trains or steam ers. Changes of water and climate often cause sudden attacks of diarrhoea, and it is best to be prepared. Sold by all dealers. STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. OAK STS. SPECIAL SALE OF DESKS DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST ROLL TOPS, FLAT TOPS, TYPEWRITER AND BOOKKEEPERS AT LOWEST PRICES EVER MADE BE FORE IN PORTLAND ALL GRADES OFFICE APPLIANCES, PRINTING. LITHOGRAPHING, BLANK BOOK MAKING. LOOSE LEAF SYSTEMS PARK AND OAK STS. AND 87-91 PARK STREET A. low close-fitting Arrow COLLAR. for Summer Be. each, 2 for 25c. ArrowCa-V 8q, duett. Peabody Sc. Co- Troy, N. t. Sootless Anthracite Rock Springs, Etc Phone E 303, C 2303 EdlefsenFnelCo.,Inc. TO SALEM. . . . Coal Calls to Salem completed same as local calls in Portland by bur Two-Number Service. If you do not know telephone number of party wanted, call "Information" and ascertain. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company Beck Building, Seventh and Oak Streets. FINEST SAFEST Grand Trunk Pacific Steamships S. S. "PRINCE RUPERT" AND S. S." "PRINCE GEORGE" LEAVE SEAT TLE, MIDNIGHT, THURSDAY AND SUNDAY FOR Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert and SteWart, Connecting; at Prlnca Rupert With S. S. "Prince Albert" for Queen Charlotte Islands. NOTE Sailing S. S. "Prince George," August 18, from Seattle, will be at 2 P. M instead of midnight, and will not call at Vancouver, sailing direct to Prince .Rupert. . VICTORIA. .....JK2.00 RETURN... VANCOUVER ...S3.00 RETURN... PRINCE RUPERT 18 RETURN... STEWART $24 RETURN. . . For Tickets and Reservation Apply to Local Ticket Agents, or 1. H. BURGIS, General Agent, First Ave. and Vesler Way, Seattle, Wash. Enameled bedroom furniture in white, ivory or gray. Dressers, chiffoniers and toilet tables to match. J. G. MACK a CO. Fifth 8 Stark TO MAKE ROOM FOR INCOMING STOCK AND FOR THIS MONTH ONLY ft S - '. '.If P L-'jsV.1' ,-lswaaaaaTO.V4S!?i AND SIZES M BUSHONG & it J. Si i. FURS Si New models In Coats, Neck pieces and Muffs at special prices. Select now- small deposit. Free storage until needed. Reduced Summer prices on all orders placed now for Fall de livery. No Eastern hurried whop made Fan) only our own factory made Furs and Fur Garments. Remodel f UK and renovatlqa; ef ficiently done by expert work men H. Liebes & Co. tOTbett Building-, 288 Morrison St. J. P. PLAGEMAJfX, Mgr. Hotel Colonial SAN FRANCISCO Stockton St., above Sutter. Select family 110 room hotel. Every modern convenience. One block from shopping and theater dis trict. European plan. $1.50 a day. American plan. $3.00 a day. Sutter-st. cars direct from Ferry. Three minutes '.' " '25 Cents .-....:. . .. FASTEST ..3.50) Not Including Heals -85.00I and Berth. . ...1361 Including Meals and 848) . Berth. Fifth Stark THOROUGH IN CON STRUCTION, HAND SOME IN FINISH AND DESIGN, IN QUARTER - SAWED OAK, MAHOGANY AND IMITATION. MAHOGANY UST GO CO. SCHOOLS AND COUXEHtg. North Pacific Colleg SCHOOLS OF DENTISTRY AND PHARMACY PORTLAND. OKEGOW. Unsurpassed In Equipment and Advantag . The Reg-alar Sessions Beffln Monday. October S, 1810 The college la located near the heart th rllv. r.nnvenient to libraries, clubs, lax; business houses and public buildings, wbld contribute so much to me me 01 u. .i For Information and catalogue of alth oourse address DR. HERBERT C. MLLLEB. Portland. Oregon. tau A select homo school for the tralnlrJ of manly boys. Instruction thoroud and personal. Athletics encourage fine new g-ymnaslum; a healthy oounttj school life; modern Duuaings; pu water, wholesome food. Prepares f college and business life. Special co lege preparatory courses and instru tion In laneuasres. Fall term begrti September 15, 1910. Located on LaH Steilacoom, eight miles south of Tacom For full Information aaaress D. S. Fl'LFORD, Principal, South Tacoma, Wash. LAW DEPARTMENT University of Oregoi PORTLAND, OREGON. Fall term opens September 19, 1910. tuuiae. mice j mi a each, covering twenty branches of tl law. Evening classes. Graduates are especially prepared f the state bar examination. For catalogue giving information a dress WALTER H. EVANS 611 CORBETT BLDG., PORTLAND. 01 rnTTTIflffiTTrT A Boardlnc and Iay School for Girls. church irhflol whose Aim ! the VCIT be In Instructor and equipment. Cheerfii homelike buildings; wholesome cllmat rvmnaalum-muaio hall: Drlvate theatrical Special features are the art studio, vivid instruction in ainerem arc uraiuos, n music department with its stall of for id ri-alrtori InKtruntnrs. Certificate admits i Smith, Wellesley and other Eastern coUesel For xurtner inzormation, aaaress JULIA P. BAILEY, Principal, . Spokane. Wash. nEDABTEiEUT H S I ft It I Itilali I (OKIVOUITVWIMMmil HIGH STANDARD. THOROUGH COUBaEal Session Begins Sept. 12, 1010. For catu log address Dean, Dr. S. E. JoaepM 610 Dekum Bldg., Portland. Oregoi tesident and Dot School for Gil-re under T care of Sisters of St. JohnBsptistfEpiscopsir1 Collerlate, Academic ana iuemeniary Etopts. Music, Art. EJocntlon, Gymnasium. (Resident pupils must be over 14 years of age and well recommended. The number is limited to fifty. Application should be made eerly.) Address The Sislar Superior, Of tics 2, St.Hatana Hall.Portland.Or. The School That Gets Result a ..i.f hn.rrilnr and dar school for bv and youns men. Accredited at leading nr. v..,-.!... Rmn.ll rlaasea. strict dlscinilc Fall term opens Sept. 14 1910. Send for i lustrated catalogue. B1U MILITARY ACADEMY, 821 Marshall St.. Portland. Oregon. BUSS HAREER'S SCHOOL. Palo Alto, California. Boardlnc and day school for sir's: a departments. Music arts and crafta. noni economics. . XMictn year pegina aukuh JUANZANITA HALL Palo Alto. Cal. Prepares boys for college or technical senoH Fall term opens Aug. 80. Catalogue upd request. w. A. bntuu, awa Aituior. Dentistri 1 Ont of town peopl can nsve tnetr pu, and bri daM-sTnt-lr fl i isnea in one if necessary We will give yod g dk fold f porcsl crowafor $3.5f , ? 22k Bridjre Teeth 3.5 Hold fiUiDga feu Enamel initios XC Cilvsr Filling .5j Inlay Fillinss Sood Rubber f,f Pistes Oil. Qist Red Rub a. m) w.anliaMmiMHutiiiiKr btrPlatss tx nut OTUUHMB n Tfwxvam fairness txtrnoii w WORK GUARANTEES VOR IS YEARS WORK GUARANTEED FOR IS YEARS I flWInlMB ILxtrsotio-c Free whan in 1 tntes or bridjre WOV nofe wot set bett- is ordered. Consultation Free. Ton oannot set bett, mairtlsaan BTorbr sinnn Hnvtrhsm. All vnrk fllllv B"IX0 1 nteect. Modern electric equipments Best mothoc WiseBentalCc' ailiSS BOOM:. a. U-J tt.M. iamaja, lira MEDICAL IloFft Painless J