17 THE MORXING OREGONIAN. TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1910. CROP WILL BE LIGHT English Hop Yield Cut Down by Wet Weather. LETTER FROM KOLA NEIS Estimates the Yield at No to Exceed ZOO. 069 HandredwelghtCar " mlchael Bujrs Gilbert Patterson Lot. Kola writs to Th Oregoniaa from 'm u4tr cte of July XT of bop crop com dlttona In EEglaad aa follow: -Ta continued cool and rainy wathsr baa kept bark lha growth of tba vine and. therefore, bop bara not armed out aa wall aa expected. It la now too late for tba blna to man sufficient growth to produc a heavy crop. Tba blna la omnn and wtl!e they k very well In aoma garden. In otbara bop how atacknaaa la blna. Thla liawr tbera raa been not ao much waanlaaT dona aa usual, but then la aoma vermin In all district Slnca laat wee tnara aa bWD a UtUa Increas In vermis. -I do not think that tba yleia la likely to umd aoo.OOO ewta. under favorable condl lioas. Soma dealer estlmat tba crop at tTO.ono evif.. but abould nnfavwabl weather eoatmua tba rMd will rail conaloerably abort of thla figure. Thjer baa been a Ittlla mora buaincaa dona dur.ng tha last few day, but tha market la not q notably higher. Tba nntairorabla report . tha effect of checking tha further de cllaa of prtoe." It en reported In tha local markat jeter day that John Carmlchael bouicht tha Gilbert a, Patterson lot of SI 1 balea of li at (Mem at 12 ceat. No aurprlaa would ba occa etooed If a conaldermbla block of apot bopa warn taken In tha near future- by exporter. Tbera are S3"0 bale or mora of good export quality amllable. Yesterday' English -k:ea raportel tha weather unsettled and tba markac unchanged. A California letter announced that picking woaM beain In the Sacramento Valley on August 12. The market for arot Ciltforllana waa dull and a shade weaker, but contract, aa In thla etate. were anobtalnable at current raf. i-lenty or miiT or all kinds. Fraat Street Heavily Mocked but Demand la Good. Front street waa again heavily loaded with fruit yesterday, what amounted t practically two days' shipments coming In oa top of tha big slock carried over from Saturday. There waa a brisk demand, however, and steady prices were maintained oa all sound offerings. Soft stuff went at buyers' prices. Over a car of Ashland early Crawford peachee arrled. and the quality being good, they sold well. The large alxea brought IS cents. Three car of California peaches ware also received. Other arrivals Included three cara of bananas In good condition and a car of California cantaloupes. Tba latter were quoted at, $1 7SJ.:J per crate. Orapee of all klnda were plentiful. Early Oregon and California applea were In large supply aa4 bard to move. California) Frwtt Milpaaeerta. Tha movement of California deciduous fruit Is reported by the California Fruit Dis tributors aa follows: reaches Aa predicted last week, there bas been a considerable falling off In tha ahlpment of thla variety of fruit during tha pest week and there will be a further de cline In the coming werk. There will be reasonable quantity of fruit available, but the large supplies for the season have been exhausted. There will be ample supplies of our finest Tellow Clings available during the next two or three weeks. Plums A slight decline In shipments Is to be noted, but not as great as was ex pected. The same varleltea are going for ward aa were being shipped last week. It la not expected that plum shipments will keep up In volume tor mora than a few da. Peara Over ! cara less of peara went oat this last week than the preceding one. There will be a further decline during tha coming week. Fall and Winter pears are report-d aa being a light crop. tSrapee Nearly three time aa many grape went forward this week as during the preceding aeven dajs. Vartetlea con tinue the same as last week. Increased quantities of Malagas are now going for ward and beginning the latter part of the week some fin Black Prince will be avail able In carlo!. Urapes have been of on usually good quality ao far and thla la ex pected to prove true throughout the sea- EXPORTERS HI VINO CM. B WHEAT. lata Oneratioaa la rfy-Feld Are Alaa Repearteel Hlaewteaa Mtaatloa. Exporters appeared In the market for club wheat yesterday and bought con eulrrable quantities In the country on tha tide water basla of JJ cents. There were also purchases of forty-fold by exporters at 97 cents The blnestem situation la ettll atralned. A few buyer continued to operate in the Walla Walla country close to lha dollar mark, which keepa tha country mar ket for this variety excited. In some sec tions, farmers are aald to be offering wheat mora freely, but la general tha disposi tion of growers la to hold back. Local receipts In cara were reported by tha Merchants' Exchange aa followa: Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay. Monday : . 1 M . li Vear axo t I ' K-.rn.n to date..3i: :7 Jl s :l Year ago H 111 The weekly grain statistlca of the Mer chante' Exchange follow: American Vleible eupply Increase. Bushels. Bushel. Aug r. 11 M.7wv0 2.II!M Aug. . I!" M .' :.. Vuc. lo. lux !.!:."" V."!.""1 Aug. li. l:7 4viv-.imm l.;v0"0 Aug. is. i :il.:-'.i- 2.f.:.t Auk. 11. I!'".-. IS. :. 15I.I1 Aug. IV. 1' lt' 4.-..I""' Aur to I !. l'i.'M m.YooO Aug: 11. IS 2t.T7X.nw 2i.wHl Aug V-. r.'l ......... .2v2 MM 2-"--",o.O"0 Aug 12. 4S.-1H.OOU OS-1.000 Ueereaa. Quantities oa raasage Week Week Week . ending enillnte ending yur All a. Ju 'Ji- Aug. 7. '-. rmted Ktng. .91. .." 2i.2.i. iv7;".ivi Continent ... .Mo." . artt'.otaj 12. . Totals SO.240.noO IS.'JSO.ooO 3V.0rt.oim Worlds shipments principal exporting ccuntrlea (flour lnciuieu. Week Week Week ending Aug. a. 1.7.n 1.3JO.ON 1.7.viioo ending ending July .. Aug. I. '. From t'. f. at can.. Aic-ntm . . . A jetr:ia . . Ianube ports, ousa.a ...... Indva 1 117. is) 1.4o4J"0 l.tL'.C. Hk f.40.taHl e,7KO.Ni ;.ouo.0fO I.rtlU.lHNJ l.MWl.tllKI S.77.) Totala .1J.X T.23.ooo .4S.V00 llaak rtearlmr. Bank r'.cartngs of the Northwestern citlea yesterday were aa follows: Clearing Balance Po-t:and n.::V. l.Jel Seattle 1.7J. Ts.oma l.?7.ii iJt. ep..kane 1I.147 .! PwoJtry mm4 Isalry Preduee Firm. Ther were fair receipt of poultry yes terday for Monday, but the demand waa good and everything cleaned op at Saturday's pre-ea. Egxs war steady at SKv'-ftl cent Tha cheese market la firm and local con -2iuona would Justify aa advance, but for tha check In tha Eastern market. Batter Is active and arm. roRTLAxn mrntm Grain. Flaaur. Fred. Eta. WHEIT fuetem. taTrnrtc; club. V.e err- red Rnsslan. Mc: Valley. 3e; 0-folo. ;6!r- Turkey red. 0c. FLOUR Patenta. J.M per barrel; etralcbta. 4.SC"S4.i; export. $4: Vslley. -; grat.am. ia: whole wheat, quarters. $5.3'X HAT Track prices: Tlnwtbi. Wlllamarta Valley. llnl per ton: Eastern Oregon. i:oj22: alfalfa, new.' 13 u li; grain hay. ''bARI-ET Feed and brewing. 2t.50e2S per ton. CORN Whole. $32: cracked. 133 par tew. SIILLSTLFFS Bran, gio per ton; mld dllnra. 30; sborta. IfltUi rolled barley. 23S 21. OATS No. 1 white. $31633 per ton. Vegetable an Frutra. GREEN' FTU'ITS Applea. new. 50ct?l.S0 per N.x: apricot. ! 11 rr box: tlurns. 7ir.$l per b..x: pvr. 11 Vr .bux pea. he 60r$I.2S f-r. D"X; grap-a. l.7i; blacktrrla. 11.75 per crate; logan berries, tl.io per crate. MvnXlNS Wstermel.ru. 9oc$125 per hun.lred: cantnlouis. $l..V2-ii per crsta. TROPICAL FKLITS Oranges. Valencia. Ulim;;: lemone, ITtiS: graifrult, 4tf-4.SO per box: bananas. &Wo per pound; pineap ples fie per pound. VRGKTsR!.E5? Bean. 31jjc pound: cab bace 2",i(ii1-c pound: cauliflower, $1.50 per dux-" celery. ""0o per doxen: corn. 25c per doaen; cucumbers, ooc per box; egg plant. Snlva per pound: garlic. 8jtl per pound; green onions. Kc per dxen: peppers. WK per box; radlsbee-. l.vftiuc per doaen; euuaaii. Ouo per crate; t "m no. O xj$l per box. SACK VEGETABLES Carrota. Iiatil; beets. $1.50: parsnips. $101.23: turnip. $1. POTATOES New. 11.15 1-35 per bun dr.ei; meet p'tatoea. 44ij!k; per pound. ONIONS Walla Walla. $J.S0 per saclt. Oregon. $:e:.2& per sack. Dairy aad Country Produce. BUTTER City creamery, aolld pack. 4o per pound: butter fat, J4c per pound; coun try store butter. 24c per pound. E".GS Oregon candled. 22HiC per dosen. CHEESE Full cream, twins. 17rlso per pound: Young America, l&Htylsc. POUUTRT Hena. lc; Springe. 18c; ducks, lixjl'c; gveae. 10lli,c. turkeys, live, :c: drexaeu. Jloic; aquabs, $3 per doxen. POKK Fancy, Uc per pound. VEAi Fancy, 12V,613c per pound. Groceries. Dried Fratta. Eta. DRIED FRUIT Applea. 10c per pound: peaches. Tc; prunes. Italians. prunes, French. 95c; currant, loc; aprlcota. lie; dates. 7c per pound; figs, lanoy white. Is; fancy black, 7c; choice black. IsC tiAtalON Columbia Klver, 1-pound tall. $2 per doxen: Z-pound tail. $2.M; l-pouad (lata. $2. IV; Alaska pink. 1-pound talla. Oo; red, 1-pound talla, 41.4J; aocksye. 1-pound tails. $2. Col r EE Mocha, S102SO; Java, ordinary, 174x20c; Coata Hlca, fancy. ls920o: good, ISO 1m; ordinary, lxtbloo per pound, tiUIS Walnuts, lie per pound; Brazil nut. lJHtolic; f liber is, loc; almond. 17a; pecan, lvc; cocoaouta. poey$A per doiea. gsXT ormnulatad, $13 par ton; balf grund. iwoa, $'o-ew per tan; sua. $11 par ton. atSAN'8 Small white. 3 we: large whit. c; Lima. 1; piak. 1c. red. Ataxic-na, tiac; bajou. T)o. RICK No. 1 Japan. 4Vo: cheaper grade. $3.iove-&ic: SouLucrn bea'l. etate 7c. HONEY Choice. $3.2is 13-iw per case; straintd. 7c per pound. SUGARDry granulated, fruit and berry, $a.2i; beet, $0.0i: cxt-a C ei.e; goldea C $3 6; yellow D, $a Oi; cubea (barrels). $3.03; powdered. $o-3o; Duiu: to. $10.40tr $10.WO per case. Terma on remittsncea wltb Itt 1$ day deduct fee per pound. If later than 13 and within av daya. ucduol 40 per pound. Aluple augar. 13tl$v fvc pound. . PrerlMona. EaxS 10 to 13 pound, 22o, 12 to 14 pounds. 21tc; 14 to 10 pound. 21c; 1$ ta zu pounds, none; akiuuau. im; plcnloa, 13o; euttag roll, la fee BACON Fancy. 30c; standard. 29 fee; choice. 2Sfec; Eugllsh. 2feW23fea BkOKa'U HEATa Heef tongue. T3o; dried beef aeta. 22c; ouLside. 2ue; loatdae. 2JC ; knuckle. 22c DRY OAX.T CLUED Regular short clear, dry salt. 10 fee; amuked. lao. backs, light, salt, lOfec; smokvd, lbc; backs, beavy. alt, ldc; amuked. 17 fee; export bellies, salt, lie; moked. ltifee. piCaLLEO GOODS Barrel, pigs' feet. $10 regular tripe. iu; ooneycomo tripe, $12: luncn tunguea, 4; lambs' tonguaa. $4tt. L HO Tana: Eettle rendered, lofec; sUnoard puis. ISfee; caotce. Isfee; abortea l"a' ilfee-- - Oils. LINSEED OIL. Pure raw la barrsla, $1 01; kettle boiled, in barrela. $1.03. Taw. la nasea, $LOO; kettle bolieu. In casea." $.oa. Lota of Zo gailuiia. 1 cent U vr gallon. TUHPENT1NE 1A cases, aZo; la wood bax.'e.a. is fee. coal, oil. Water white In drum, lroa wbit m drums or Iron barrela. 14c; unloa kcioaen in caaea, 2-ea. 2Bc; oleum kero sene In cases 1 - as. lie; Aurora karoaen Ui caaea. 2-s, 210. gasoline Uuion essoline In bulk, lae; union gasoline in casea. 2 - 4s, lac ; union motor spirit In bu.k. 18c; unloa motor spirit In case. 2 -3s. lie; No. 1 engine dia tillala la iron drums, bfec; No. I angina distillate la caaea 2-3. 13 fee: V M. ak y naphtha In Iron drtrms or barrsla. 15c; V 11. P. naputba tr caaea. 2-3. 2 to. liKSZlNaV Luiua benzine la Hon arum or barrela, lo; unlo benaute la caaea. j.ts, 2Jc; union atova dlatmate la 1-oa djuma io. Far. " FURS Price pld for prime No. 1 skins: Mink. Northwest Canada and Alaska, $sJ lo- Colorado, Wyoming. Montana. Idaho and Ca'ufornla. $5x4 7. 3o; lirttiab Columbia and Alaska Coast. tvjlO; Oregon. Washington. Idaho and Montana, $7. Lynx. Alaska and British Columbia, $33; Pacific Coast. $2. Raccoon. $lrl-30. skunk, Canada. $2.io; PaciOe Coaal, $12. Wo.f and coyote. Can ada. $3t)0; Idaho. Montana. Wyunilng, Nt vxda. $1-30CZ. Beaver, Oregon. Washing ton. Canada. Alaska. 3.50w7: Idaho. Mon tana, $10: Utan. Wyoming. 90.30 xr 7; cube. $2w2.3u. Otter. Canada, Alaska, $12.30x4 14; Oregon. Washington. Alaska. Canada. Brit ish Columbia, e3 4r.30; Pacific Coast. (1.73 4T2.30. Gray fox. pacific Coast. $l.buj2. Bear, black and brown. Alaska, Canada. $10 4j20: cub. l21jl3; pacific Coast. $10713; tubs. $12013; Pacific Coast. $100 13; Cuba. it7; grixxly. perfect, $23886. Badger. $2. Muskrat. Canada. Alaska. 0c: Paclfle Coast. $041 Oyc Fisher, British Columbia. Alaska. $1320; Pacific Coast, 4114,13. Wolverine, tout EUver fox, $300x3oa fox. 40c. Ermine. 00c Mountain lion. $3 01 Croas fox. $10U13. Sea otter. $2tMw430, Blue fox. ISt)lu. White fox $12)20. bwlft IO. Ringtail cat. 2f.tr 75c Civet cat. 100 $0c Uoua cat, 6 XT 23c Bopa. tVaol. HI dee. Els. HOPS UMXI crop. St12Hc. according to quaiit; olds, nominal: 1!10 contract, lofec WOOL Eastern Oregon. 13 1? 17e pound; Va'lev. l-'ii'Jiic per pound. MOHAIU choice. u2x?3e per pound. CASCARA BARK 4 fee per pound. HIDES Salted hides. 7tj7feo per pound : salted calf. 13c; aalted kip. 8c; aalted staga, 6c: green hides, lc less; dry hides. lfet 17c: dry calf. 17tjl$c; dry stags. 11013c PELTS Dry. lofec: aalted. butcher take-off. $1,1341.40; Spring lambs. 2543a. GRAIN BAGS la carlota, 3 wo each. Dairy Produce la the East. NEW YORK, Aug. R. Butter Firmer; creamery specials. 20r 20Uo; extras. 2Sa Si',c: third to firsts. 24tt27c; state dairy common to llnest. 2: 9 21 fe e : process se-.-ond to special. 22t23fec: Western factory. 22 23'ic: Western creamery. 24tr2rc. Cheese Firm: stale whole Jnllk. special. lilfec; fancy. 14fec: do average prime, 14u-14fer; do fair to good. 12fetjl3fec: do common, Ofe 6 11 4c; aklms. full to special. StjOISKie. Eggs Firmer: fresh, extra first, 20ty22e; first. lSfettiafec; second. lfitflTfec. CHIfAGO. Aug. 8. Butter Steady: creameries 23few2Kc: dairies. 23y20c. Kggs Recclpta. 74o2: firm at mark, cases Included. 10V14c; firsts. 17c; prime first. 1V-. Cheese ftteady: daisies. Life 13 fee; twine, 14 few 14 fee: Young Americana 13fetr 10c; long horna, 13fex10c Pried Frnlt at New York. NEW YORK. Aug. 8. Evaporated applea quiet, unchanged. On tha apot fancy. 14 fe tjllfec; choice, $fetc: prime. $xafec; common to fair. $4c prunea quiet, but owing to the amall stocks, firmly held. Quotatlona range from Sttffec for California up to 30-40 and 3 tr fee for Oregon Aprlcota quiet and ateady. Choice, i t lec: extra choice, lofefjlle: fancy, 11 1 list 1' caches, firm. Innctlae. Choice. 4fe4,c: extra choice. fett7fec: fancy. 7 fees 7 fee. Rxlelna quiet, firm. Loose muscatel. 3 iSr; choice to fancy seeded. Ifetrtfer; seedless. Ifetrlfec; London layers, $1.:4 Elgia Bauer Market. ELfltN. Aug. 8. Butter Firm. 30c Out put. P18.00O pound. GUTTLE SALES GOOD Trade at North Portland Yards on Active Scale. PRICES HOLD STEADY Hecelpts Are Liberal and Demand Satisfactory Quality Gener ally Is Good Hogs Sell at Top Prices. The week opened with a good run of live stock of all kinds at the North Portland yards. A good demand developed and cattle sale were oa an active scale. Hog again sold at full value Tha bulk of the trading was in cattle. Several loada of good ateer sold t $3.30 and tbera waa one sale of a bunch of fil bead at $5.00. which was tha beat price paid during tho day. Other lot moved at $3.25 and $3 and nothing went lower. Cowa had aa a range $4 and $4.30, while bulla sold at $4 and $3. Three lot of bogs were disposed of, one butch of 40 head bringing tha top of the marker. $10.23. Tha other sold at. $10 and $10.20. Receipt for Sunday, and Monday were 718 cattle. 2440 aheep, 309 hog and 1 horse. Shippers of the stock were: William Shep herd, who drove in 1341 sheep: P. R, How ard. who drove In 8 hogs; MoKlnnon 41 Chandler, of Hllgnrd, 3 car of sheep: M. Albertson, of Bellevue, Idaho. S cars of cat tle: Jon Kennedy, of Bellevue.' 7 cars of rattle; E. E. Wlllard. of Nam pa, 2 cars of cattle: Mas-.erson tt Wiley, of Wallowa. 1 car of cattle and hoga; C. F. Walker. T car of cattle from Enterprise. Joseph and Union: Kldwell aV - Caswell, of Durkee, 3 cars of cattle; C. G. Adams, of Lebanon, 1 car of hogs: c. Deerlng, of Salem. 1 horae; L. E. West, of Oakland. 1 car of cattle; O. W. Ortffln. of Deer Island, 1 car of cattle, and A. D. Jonea, by boat, 103 hogs. Tha day' aalea wera as follow: Wt Price. 19 steer 1082 $.V30 1 steer 103O i.50 1 steer 1250 3.30 IS steers 1421 3.30 22 cows . M3S 4.30 0 cews 973 4 3 1ft cow 900 4 (XI 8 cow - 7H 4.O0 2 alters lotto 3.3U is ateer llirj 5.30 1ft steers 1147 5 30 5 steers 1102 3. 30 1 bull isno" 4.oo 32 steers IOH.1 3 25 7 steers 1"" 3 23 1 row 0411 4 imi 17 steers lOHO 3.50 8 steer 1121 3.G0 14 bull 12R1 4.00 2 bulls 1SSS 4.IIO 61 bulls 134S 3.O0 1 steer 9oo 3. no . 3 steers lotto S.OO 2 steers 1120 3.23 24 steer 1002 5.2S 2 steers 973 5.23 22 cows 1432 4.25 4 cows , 912 4.23 20 steers 1"20 S on 31 steers 1H2 3.00 .-, cows 'Olft 4.23 12 cows -3 11". 4.30 13 cowa 1019 4.10 10 hogs 2IO 1O.20 1CI3 hogs 23l 10 00 4.1 hogs 10.25 17 cows 10n 450 Price quoted on the various classes of stock at the North Portland yarda yesterday were aa follows: Beef steers, good to choice.. $ 6.5nf$ $.73 Beef steers, fair to medium.. 4.3"5 3.00 Cows and heifer, good to choice 4408' 4.90 Cowa and heifers, fair to me- medium . Bulls Stags - 3n 4.15 X.otMf 3.75 2.3nt 4.30 5.7.-. 6. 73 3..".n 3.00 Calves. light .. Calves, heavy . Hogs, top l(I.OO' ii .... fair tn medium v.ii Sheep, beat III. Adam weth- 4 Sheen.'" beat' ' Valley" wethers.. 3 75W 4.n0 Sheep, fair to good wethers.. 3..j- 3 .5 Sheep, best Valley ewes 3.2.1 3.i5 Lambs, choice Mt. Adama 5 wl'ij 6.CH Lambs, choice Valley 8.S0S 8.75 Kastrrn IJveetock Market. CHICAGO. Aug. 8. Cattle Estimated re aetpt. S3.000. Market, steady to 10c up. Beevaa. $4-9042 8.33: Texaa steers. $3.3063.05; Western steers. $4.0O.73: stockers and reedera. $4.0C.2S: cow and heifers, $2.70 o.65; calvaa. $.50t?S.3t, Hogs Estimated receipts, 23.000. Market, 10c higher. Light. $8.409.00: mixed. $7.e0 S.SO: heavy. $7.43418.33; rough. $7,430 7 63: good to choice heavy, $7.83tJ8.3S; pig. $S.40r9.05: bulk of aalea, $7.8398.20. Sheep Estimated recelpta. 28.000. Market, steady. Native. $2.04J4.00: Weatern. $2,759 4.80; yearling. $4.305.70: lamba. native. $4,301)7.13; 'Weatern. $4.75t7.13. KANSAS CITT. Aug. 8. Cattle Receipt, 1S.000. Market, ateady. Native ateer. $4,309 8.0O- cow and heifer. $2.23-30; tock er 'and feeder.' 3.00O3.3O: bull. $3,009 4.0O: clve, $3.7397.00; Western steers, $4.009 7.20: Western cow. $2.30 94.50. Hog Receipts. 50O0. Market. 10o higher. Bulk of aalea. $8.1098.40: heavy, $8,009 8,23; packer and butchers, $8.1098.45; light. $8.30 9 8-50- ghoep Receipts. 0O0O. Market. steady. Muttons, $3.7394-50: lambs. I8.359T.00; fed wethers and yearling. $3.5095.00; fed Weatern awe. $3.00 94.00. OMAHA. Aug. 8. Cattle Receipts. 8300; market, ateady. Native steers. $4.7597.75; cows and heifer. 394.86: Weatern ateer. $3 6090.26: ran cow and heifer $2,759 4 aj. cannera, $2.2393.25: stockene and feed er '$.1i5.CM ee.:v, $3.5096.50; bulls, staga etc., $J. 254)3 23. Hog Receipt 2800: market. 10c to 15o hleher. Heavy. $7.50C7.96; mixed. $7.804J8; light, $8438.35; pigs, $768; bulk of aalea, $7.76 Receipt. 24.000: market, steady to loo lower. Yearling $4oS3.S0: wether, $3.5004.23: ewes. $3tH: lambe. $OgT. STOCKS ARE AFFECTED CROP REPORT AND .COPPER STATISTICS CAUSE CONFUSION. Prices Fluctuate Feverishly, but Rally Near the Close With Good Support. NEW YORK, Aug. $. The Government re port on condition of grain crops m Au gust 1 and July statistics of the Copper producers' Aeeoclatlon were the two item of newa which attracted the greatest amount of attention In th Bnanctal dletrlct today. The effect waa more of repression than of stimulation on apeculatlve activity, as tha appearance of the two reports dtd not oc cur until tha session of the etock exchange waa well advanced. Tha first effect of th Government crop report was to depress price aharply. but a rally followed. The Copper Producers' report wa wall received, mora from Ita contrast with pre dictions of Its contents than from positive betterment In trade condltlona to ba In ferred from It shewing. The Impression bad got abroad that a substantial Increase In ' the surplus stock on hnd would b shown by th report. An Increase of only 2.155,441 pounds was accepted, therefore, og xn agreeable disappointment. A reduc tion In the month's productlun of 8.S41.ISS pounds compared with June Indicated n axrreaaely moderate restriction of output. The rise In th copper stocks in response to th report was belated, following a long paua after th statistics war first pub- Halted. The stocks broke again later, in common with tha whole market, but showed vigorous resistance. The confusion of sentiment over the actual situation In tha stock market waa accu rately reflected In the feverlab nuctuatlone which followed the appearance of the crop report la tha laat half hour of tho stock market. But support waa accorded the mar ket and the rallying power of the coppera helped in sustaining the general list at the laaL The more favorable weather condi tions which hdve existed since the date of the report, both In the corn belt and In the Spring wheat region, neutralixed the effect to some extent. The engagement of additional gold In Lon don today waa In accordance with expec tations. The British foreign trade atate ment for July, ahowing a considerable fall ing off In values of imports, does not promise well for the July statement of exports fro mthls country, which hve been ex pected to how the June Improvement In tbt Item continued or extended. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $90.0l0. United Statea bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sale. High. Low. AMI Chalmers pf - Amal Copper 20.700 65 03 Am Agricultural Am Beet bugar. . 1.50 3.1 3d 'a American Can 90 8 8J Am Car ft Fdy .. 45 4.! Am. Cotton OH .. 1.3UO o. oiV Bid. 28 tHU, 41 33 S 4514 57 27 ' 18 121 36 OB7 1UL H 43! 117 132H HI Am Hd Lt pi. fjo f' ) f;a Am Ice Securl low 18 le Am Linseed Oil.. SOU 131 12 Am Locomotive .. 10O 3 3o Am Smelt A Ret. 7,St 6. bo!4 do preferred - ..... Am Steel Fdy.... 100 44 44 Am Sugar Ret ..... Am Tel 4 Tel .... 400 132 132 Am Tobocco pf - Am Woolen 3oO Anaconda Min Co. l. Atchison .8"0 no nreferrp.1 ... 20O 27 4 40i 27 :i 90 i 99 Va If 84 ' 90 98H Atl Coast Line ... 2IW lo 1")7 Bait 4 Ohio WO lOc n.rhl.hMn Mtel 10ttj Ji 74'4 74 li Brook Hap Tran.. 2.8i 75 Canadian PaclHc .. Central Leather .. do preferred . . Central of N J Chea JL, Ohio !,- 1K714 18634 1S7H 1.2UO 34', 33 33 : . io3 280 5,300 721, 71 71 40 23 43 1414 122 Chicago & Alton.. . Chicago Gt est do preferred Chicago 4 N W ... 7W 142 C. M 8t Paul .. 3,000 123 142 121 C. C, C at St L Colo Fuel & Iron.. 30O 284 2S 27 14 52 1271, 13 V4 158 2814 Colo at cuthern . Consolidated Ga. Corn Product .. Del & Hudson . DAK Grande .. do preferred Diettltera' Securl . Erie do 1st preferred do 2d preferred, General Electric . Gt Northern pf .. 1,11V 12.S" loo 13. 1211 13 ICO 10O 2IIO 1.S.IO 300 70 27 23 39 iiWi 12314 23 :wij 2914 141 123 52 J2SI4 16 461, 891s 1414 10 39 H 400 1424 3.9U0 124 is Gt Northern ore Illinois Central InterborouKh Met.. 3.3H do preferred ... l.tw-o Inter Harvester .. 3.6no Inter-Mrlne pf .. 1 Int Paper Int Pump ........ 2O0 Iowa Central . : K C Southern 2M J7 47 16 461, b8' 14 lx ( 1414 to 40 'if" "H" 6II 6-I14 3914 10 MM 3'4 lol 1.18 24 12814 31 62 ,V KM 5o do preferred ... I'" Laclede Gai. Louisville & Nah Minn 4 St Louin. M. St P S S M. Mo. Kan & Texaa do preferred Missouri Paeltlc .. Vailnnul Hlscult 5.200 H'2 1"1 4.IO 138 13S 2oo 24 24 li 900 131 128 V, 31 'jo' " 'ii" l.OUO 31 '4 1U0 50 National Lead ... &h 31 Mex Nat Ry 2d pf l.ol 2V,4 28 N T Ceneral N T, Ont at West. Norfolk West.. North American .. Northern Pacific ., Pacific Mull Pennsylvania Peonle'a Gas . l,l 111 11 1 HI 4-n 4i i, av .4 300 I"0 95 95 06 1- OB'.i 66 7.1K 115 1144 11414 1IN 24 'n -'41 2414 4.3HO 128 127 1271, 105 93 M!i 34 157 2914 138 '4 29U 90 29 4 AO 38 22 60 58 112 MH 2314 25 22 "4 47", 163 It 9.14 63 .124 8 114 45 3714 16 33 42 58 64 TOO 11614 13 P. C C at St L... . Pittsburg Coal Pressed Steel Car. Pullman Pal Car. . 4 CO 34 " 40O 30 34 Ry Steel Spring. Reading ' Renubllc Steel .. 81.90O l.llra 1O0 2914 137 "4 29 , oi4 29 Ml 1 do preferred ... 10 Rock Ieland Co.. 4,200 do preferred . . . 70O St L at S F 2d rf St L Southwestern 4 90S 30S 02T4 do preferred SlmoK-Sherf ield southern Pacific 4l 58 56 111 32 23 i 25 S 221, 47 1621, 94 '.io" 67 114 441, 57I4 16 S3 'oOli o4 14.1011 112K, Southern Rallasy. '0 22! do preferred ... 1" 62 Tenn Capper 7 231s Texas at Pacific.. 2"o 25', 21 HI 4110 4IS Tol. St L Weet do preferred .. Union Paclfle . . . do preferred .. 48!, 47,7011 164 40O 94 V S Realty V S Rubber 300 V 8 Steel 54.0 3314 09 do preferred T'tah ConDer 1.3UO HSU 3.700 4514 Va-Caro Chemical. 40o Wabash 4i do preferred . . . 900 Western Md Wejetlnghouse Eleo 100 Western Unton ... 300 3714 59 '4 63 Wheel St L Erie 5 Total aales for the day. on, zoo snares. BON DS. NEW YORK. Aug. 8. Closing quotations: U. S. ref 2 s reg.loo IN. T. C, gn 3H 87 do coupon ...ltiOjfc No. Pacific 3s... TO U. S. 3s reg 10114 No. Pacific 4a.. .100 do coupon ... 101 1 'Union Pacific 4slloo14 U. S. new 4a reg.H4IWIs. Central 4a. 91 do coupon . ..114 , Japanese 4s .... 89 D. R. G. 4s. 92 Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON, Aug. S. Closing quotations: A Hours 4014N'evada Con. ... 2014 Amalg. -Copper. . 4 14 N'lplaslng Mines. . 1014 A. Z. L. & Sm.. 221iNorth Butte 27 Arliona Com. .. 18N'orth Lake Atlantic 0 Pld Dominion... 371 B at C C & S M. 14 14 Osceola 130 (Butte Coalition .US Pnrrott (S. ft C.) 14 r-nl. sV. Arizona. 56VlQulncv 72 Cal. tt Hecla. ..523 ;Shannon 1014 Centennial Superior 43 V4 9 Cop. Ran. C. Co. 64 ISup. ft Bos Mln.. E. Butte CP. M 7ISuo. & Pitts Cop. 12 franklin Giroux Con Granby Con. . . . 1114 Tamarack 57 6U. S. Coal ft Oil 34 32 U. S. S. R. ft M. 38 714 do preferred .. 47 H Green Cananea. I. Royalle (Cop.) 18!t:tah con it Kerr Lake 3914 t'tah copper Co. 45 La Salle Copper 11 Winona 8 Miami Copper... 21 IWolverlne 116 Mohawk ..48 Money, Kxchaage, Etc. NEW YORK. Aug. 8. Prime mercantile paper closed 5 14 tf per cent. Sterling exchange firm, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at $4.835064.8360 for 0-dy bills and at $4.8370 for demand. Commercial bills. $4.81 4.83. Bar silver 53c. Mexican dollars 44c ,. hnniti rtmmAv- railroad, steady. Money easy, 114 4J1 per cent: ruling rte. 114 per cent: closing sou. a? .vcu., offered at 1H Per cent. Time loans steady and dull: $0 days, tip 1 per cent: 0 daya S4 per cent; months, 4tJ3 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. $ Sterling. $0 days.' $4.83: sight. $4.86. Silver bars 63c. Mexican dollars. 44c Drafts Sight. 4c; telegraph, 7c LONDON. Aug. 8. Bar silver Steady, 2414d per onuce. Money-e-101 Per cent. The rate of discount In th open market for short bills Is 2 per cent; three months" bills. 3 per cent. Consols For money, 811-; 'for account. 81 3-16. CHICAGO. Aug. Sv-Exchange on New York. 15c discount. Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. The condition of the treasury at the beginning of business today waa aa follows: Trust funds Gold car ' $S73.42.69 SHver Jflara WS'?'!SS Silver dollar, of 1890 ''S'SSi Silver certificates outstanding.. 48'J.j29,000 General fund Standard silver dollars in gen- eral fund $ 2.98J.4SJ Current llabllltlea 101.001.679 WrcalB" . '"T". 20.834.014 In bank's' t'o "credit of Treasurer of the United Stte 2HH Subsidiary allver coin "fJSi'SIS )Vf tnor coin .........- 13, Total balance in general fund.. S2.8u3.920 Cold Taken for America. LONDON. Aug. 8 America purchased $3,000,000 out of $3,000,000 available gold supply In London markat at a price -d be low tho laat tranaactlon. The rest of tha. gold went to India and the Continent. Wool at St. Louis. 8T. LOUIS. Aug. 8. Wool Steady; terri tory and Western mediums. ist?23c; Bn mediums. 17020c; Bna, 14617c POTATOES ARE FIRMER WHITE RIVER GROWERS HOLD ING BACK SUPPLIES. Seattle Dealers Had Cut Down Ship ments From California Bet ter Demand for Peaches. SEATTLE. Wash.. Aug. 8. (Special.) ' Tha price of new sweet potatoes was cut j to 4 cent per pound in some quarters this afternoon. A straight carload of sweets : arrived Saturday afternoon. Tne aemano for. new sweet potatoes is none too strong. The white potato market was much stronger. White river tubers ware scarce and dealers who had cut down shipments from California In anticipation of securing a supply at home are facing trouble. The price of all flrst-claaa potatoes advanced to $1.50 today. cnirtiinnnM were unchaneed In price, but the market waa weak. Peaches were in bet ter demand. rtaspoerries were c-iw. Lack of demand caused considerable un certainty In the poultry market. Stocks were heavy, but the demand was unusually light. The week-end receipts were heavy, k... h.nv the lower nrlces offering in the country this week will have the ef fect of checking receipts anu cutc to clean up. Fresh local eggs were steady at 35 and 3$ cent. The dairy produce exchange ad vanced the quotation on Oregon selects to. 32 cents. . i ....... . ..hirelitM InnlV. i ne grain o. a . . - - - - With lower Eastern markets, millers and dealers were unwilling to speculate at the prices asked by growers. Grain men de clare the Federal report snuMina . ditlon of the crop In this state is mis leading. If not abaolutety inaccurate. BAN FRANCISCO QUOTATIONS, Produce Price Current la tha" Bay City Market. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 8. Tho follow ing nrlcea were current U tha produce mar ket today: Butter Fancy creamery, tuc; crearaei-y seconds, 3014c: fancy dairy. 28c Chee--c New, 14615c; Young America. 161714c. . ... Kggs Store, 32c; fancy ranch. 3jc. Poultdy Roosters, old, $5(y5.50c; roosters, young, $79: broilers, small, .$2.25t!$; , twA ttAI iO: frvers. S54Y5.50: hens. $56.10; ducks, 'old, $4.505; ducks, young, $6 4? 7. Vegetables Cucumber. 20 40c: garlic, 2 u ft 3c; green peas, 4c: string bean. 2ig4c; tomatoes. 65c2$1.25; eggplant, 4041 63c. Hops California. 10 15c Mlllatufla Bran. $2S24; middlings. $30034. Hay Wheat, $9 914; wheat and oats. $ 12; alfalfa, $7 4flO; stock. $06$: straw, S5g)c. Fruit Apples. choice, 65 85c: apples, common, S5tj)50c; bananas, 73cty$3; Mexi can limes. $5.308: California lemone. choice $5.75; California lemons, common. $2.50; pineapples. $23. Receipts Flour. 2430 quarter sacks; wheat. 600 centils: barley. 4006 centals; oats, 2682 centals: potatoes, 7865 centals: hay, 1775 tons; wool, 15 bales; hides. 337. Melal Markets. NEW YORK, Aug. 8. Standard copper, Arm. Spot. 12.10 12.30c: August,' 12.15 l -ISc: September. 12.17 14 12.20c: October. November. 12.2012.25c London, dull. Spot, 55; futures. 55 15s. Sales. $00 tor spot and 550 future No arrivals at New York today. Custom-house returns show exports of 8629 tons so far this month. Lake cop per. 12.7312.87!4c; electrolytic 13.504J 12.6314c; casting. 12. 25g 12.75c. Tin easy. Spot and August, S313.20e; September, 82.90 J 33.20c; November. 32.90 633 16c. London closed dull with spot quoted at 152 and futures at 151 12s 6d Salea, 170 tona spot and 220 tons futures. Lead, dull, 4.40i'4.50c New York; 4.25 4 33 East St. Louis. London, spot. 12 10s. Spelter dull. Spot. 6.355.40c New York and 4.9O6i5.O0c East St. Louis. London spot 22 15s. - Cleveland warrants. 49s 6d In London. Locally Iron was quiet. No. 1 Northern, $14.25&16.50: No. 2. $15.5oei6; No. 1 South ern and do. soft, $15.75 16.23. Monthly Copper Statistic. NEW YORK, Aug. 8. Copper stocks on, hand In the United States on August 1 were 170 640,678 pounds, an Increase of 2.2j,661 pounds as compared with July 1. according to the monthly report of the Copper Produc ers' Association made public nere today. The report shows: Copper stocks on hand August 1 were liO. 640 678 pounda. aa against 168.3S6.017 pounds on July 1. an increase of 2.555,661 pounds. July production wa 118.370,003 pounds, as compared with 127,219.188 pounds in June, a decrease of 8.849.185 pounds. Total deliver ies in July were 116.115.342 pounds, as com pared with 119.259,144 pounds in June, a de crease of 3.143.802 pounds. Of the deliver ies, 56.708.176 pounds were for domestic con sumption and S9.407.10l were lor ei-o. w -----mestlc deliveries showing an Increase of 3. 344.979 pounds, while deliveries for export decreased 6,488.781 pounds. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, Aug. 8. Coffee futures closed steady at 8 10 points decline. Sales, 57.500 bags. Closlne bids: August. 6.95c; September, 7.00c; October, 7.10c; November, 7 15c; December. 7.25c: January. 7.30c; Feb ruary 7.35c; March. 7.39c; April. 7.43c: May, 7.49c: June. 7.46c: July. 7.48c. Spot. firm. No 7 Rio. 9c; No. 4 Santos, c. Mild, steady. Cordova. 10 ft 1214c. Sugar Raw, firm. Muscovado, 8 test, 1,86c; centrifugal. 96 test. 4.36c; molasses sugar, S9 test. 3.61c. Refined, steady. Crushed, 5.85c; granulated, 5.15c; powdered, 5.25c y New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 8. CottonSpot closed quiet. 15 points higher: middling uplands 16.05c; middling Gulf. 16.30c sales, 13.444 bales. Cotton futures closed firm. Clos ing bids: August. 16.08c: September, 14.74c; October. 13.91c: November, 13.79c; Decem ber, 13.71: January. 13.74c: February, 13.-6C. March. 13.79c; May, 13.80c; June, 13.83c; July, 13.81c Hop at London. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 8. Hops at London: FaclBc Coast, steady, 4 Brt 10s. SPOKANE MERCHANT SHOT Chauncej- H. Sawyer Fatally Wound ed hy Landlord, Suicide. SPOKANE, Wash.. Aug. 8. Chauncey H. Sawyer, president and treasurer of the Washington Furniture Company of this city, was shot and fatally wounded this morning by his landlord, Richard Traul, a candy dealer. Traul then committed suicide. He is re ported to have been crazed by an old wound and had formed the idea that Sawyer had ruined his family. School Population Grows. VANCOUVER. Wash, Aug. 8. Spe cial.) In his annual report to H. D. Dewey, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, County Superintendent McBride shows that during the school year 5757 pupils were enrolled, an in crease In one year of 638. The total number of days' actual attendance was 82,639 days greater than during 1909. The number of pupils between 5 and 21 years has increased 780, of whom 3699 are boys and 3641 girls. The gain in value of school property is $90,000. The value of the school buildings and property is now $291,000, and the equipment represents $36,000. The in surance carried on school property in the county districts is $150,000. There are SOischool buildings this year, com pared to 83 last year. . Architect Hurt In Runaway. LA GRANDE. Or.,' Aug. 8. (Special.) Howard C. .Gaunt, supervising archi tect for the new high school building, is In a critical condition tonight as the lumbermens National Bank CORNER FIFTH AND STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital $500,000 OFFICERS. DIRKCTOKS. 43. K. Wratworth " -G. K. Wentwort President rhiu B. BlMM!u ,., A k-ui., vioe-rresrtdent P. 8. Brumby - John A. Kesttsf Dr. K- A. J. Madtesns Coo. L. McPhersoa Vioe-Presideeit Xirorme G. Bingham , . IJoj d J. Went worth jr. u. Story Cashier j. jj. wheeler (.eo. x. MoPheraoa tr A- Freeman Assistant Caahlar John A. Keatlnc V. A- Jrreaman Kobert Tree Plat Grabaaa Dnkohart Assistant Cashier jl. . glory THE BANK 0E CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OP SAX Capital Paid in Surplus and Undivided Profits BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, and Virginia City We buy and sell Foreign Exchange: lssu Drafts and Cable Transfers, CrmercialCred. its and Travelers' Irfcters of .Credit ayaiiablj In all parts of the world; male collections o all points and conduct a general foreign and domestic banking business. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. sti1'' PORTLAND OFFICE Chamber of Commerce Building THIRD AND STARK STS. WM. A. MAC RAH Manager. J. T. BlRTCHAELI. Asst. Manager. Ladd S Tilton Bank Established 1859. JlsDUST BANK ON Capital SURPLUS AND w y eaairf "PrMident. KiCklnmhm Vlce-TieBlient. H. DuaeSley, Cashier. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tho Rocky Mountains result of an accident in a runaway in the river canyon, when his team ran away hurling him against .the railroad ties. His face Is badly cut, his nose broken, his scalp injured and is badly bruised about the body. BITULITHIC Makes good streets. Property owners who have paid for it know this. Ask them about BITULITHIC TRAVELERS CitJIDK. HONOLULU $11 0 And Baffle (FIrst-Claas) tlj JL JL J &V. Dio'S from H. if. Tba splendid twin screw steamer SIERB (10.000 tona displacement) aalls July 30. Aug- -iO. Sept. lo and every 21 daya Hound trip tickets Kood for four months. Honolulu, the most attractive spot on entire world tour. BOOK NOW and secure best bertha. UN'S TO TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND. S. &. llaripoaa and Union Line, sailings Ana , Sept. 11. eto. Tahiti and back (24 oas) nrst class. New Zealand I Wel lington). 241i.2S first class. R T. aix months. Write or wire for reservation OCEANIC 8. 8. CO.. C7S Market Streat. San Francisco. COOS BAY LINE (DAT SERVICE. -Steamer Breakwater leave Portland A M.7 Augut 7. 12. 17. 22, S7 and every five day, from Ainsworth Dock, for North Bend. Marshneld and Coos Bay points. Freight received until S P. . M daily. Passenger fare, first-class. $10: second-class. 7. Including berth and meal Inquire Ainsworth Dock. Main 268. Canadian Pacific Empress llnesof steamer, sailing weekly between Montreal and Liver pool. Wireless on all steamers. Ask any ticket agent or write P. R. Johnson. G. A., 142 Third at- Portland. FRANCISCO $ 4,000,000 $11,300,436 THE PACIFIC COAST 1,000,000 PROFITS $600,000 R. S. Howard, Jr., Ass't Cashier. J. W. Ladd, Assistant Cashier. Walter M. Cook, Ass't Cashier. TRAVELERS GUIDE. ALASKA AND BACK Including: Berth and Meals SUMMER EXCURSIONS , via Smooth "Inside Passage" Twelve delightful excursions from 8eat0e to ALASKA and back cheaper than Btaying at home. Don't wait until mtmammr or oo! ont Writ Qaick for detail and mmrBation Pacific Coast Steamship Co. - 249 Washington St PORTLAND COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY Fast Kx curat on Steamer CHAS. K. SPENCER Leaves daily except Wednesday, 8 A. M tor liood River and ay landings aad re turn leave Hood Klver, 2:30 F. (; arm t-artland B P. M. (SUNDAY EXCURSIONS. Leaves v A. return.-. 6:30 P. at. Flrsr-xlass Meala Served.. Fare, One Dollar Round Trip. Lp-town Office, 68 Bth St. Phones Marshall 1978, A 1293. Landing and Office. Foot tvaahingwa a Phones Mala 8019, A 248S. Lowest Rates to Plcnfcs Partlea. JL W. SPENCER. OWNER. San Francisco and Los Angeles DIRECT North Pacific S. S. Co.'s 8. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder sail every Wednesday alternately at 6 P. M. Ticket uffica lilt Third at, near Alder. AtAKTI J. HIGLEY, Paaaensrcr A great, W. u. SLUSS1&H, Freight Agent. Pboaes U. 1314. A 131. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND 68. CO. New service to Los Angeles, via San Fran cisco, every five days. From Ainsworth Dock. Portlafid. 8A.M. S. Rose City Aug. 11, Beaver '16. Bear L From San Francisco, northbound. 12 M. 8Bver Aug. 9. Bear 14, Rom City 18. From San Pedro, northbound. SS Bear Aug. 12, Rose City 17, Beaver 22. H. O. Smith, C T. A.. 142 Third St. v W Rajisom. Agent. Ainsworth Dock, Th.,nea Main 402. 268: A 1403. S. S. Golden Gate for Til lamook, Bay City and Garibaldi Leaves Wash.-st. dock Tuesday at S P.M. Freight and Passengers. Phone Main S619, A 2465. Jl aA