14 THE MORXiyG tmEGOSIAS. TUESDAY. AUGUST 9, 1910. . I , t , ,. W NTFP MALE OK FEMALE. WAXTF.D TO REXT. 1 FOB BEJJT. W V V I . I a ww - . I eastern or boon wheat ranch TOR 8AI.K. 1404 arre of rood whaet land for jale: lion ir:M nnder plow: ZO mllfi xrom railroad. Call Hawthorne Stable. Z . Hawthorne avenn. ISO-ACRE hMt tmm. all In cultivation: mils railroad town of Lexington Or., will take pmrt trade or morl owner, E 1ST. Oregonlan. . Linn County farm of all descriptions at prices very reasonable, writ for Infor mal ton to J. V. Pipe. Albanr. Or. Mlscellan ASS mu looklr.g for a farm or acre? Don't fall to call at TWD CROSLEY COM PAST." 76 and 70 Corbeti bid. Tt onota you nothtn and wo treat yoa rlaht. It surely will ba to your advantage ' to see u before buying. don't putt- , lnh our XT TOU ARB LOOKING FOR welt-tayroTed farm, at low price and oa asoat liberal terms, aaa ma. I hand sa wa properti J. O. EXROD. S2o Corbett Bld. WASTtP KFAt ESTATE. OUR CLIENT EATS: To r-t a banaalow of 5. "or t rwmi for him; he say. It MUFT BE In Irvlng toa and Ml'ST BE A BUNGALOW. Let tin hear from you. SUBURBAN LAND CO.. RIO HENRY BLDO Marshall !: A 1''S- VE .ell real e.tate on coatract and com rnlailon only. Ll.t your property. Confi dential tranaartton. solicited. MERCHANTS BA VINOS TRUST COM PANT. B. W. for. th and Washington streets. THREE HOUSES wanted: 1 In Ladd. Ad dition, not to roil over $00; 1 m WivtrlT- Richmond district not to cost ettr lioeo. and muit have S bedroom, and atoreroom or attic; I near the Jarenn Hlh School, not to roil over 3SO. wltn 2 bedroom Phone Marehallll; 'l HATE I44 paid on contract for 60x100 lot In Laurelhurat which I offer a. part Kvment on a to 7-room modem bungalow, tween Uth and JOth. Belmont and Hawthorne preferred: will pay or aaaume difference. K 177. Oregonlan. WANTED timall ranch of from o to 1' arrea- would prefer one partly Improved and In Waahlnaton Co.; give full particu lar. In first letter, atatlnir price term, tc: ownera only. Addicse L 18.. Ore- t aonlan. WANT OWNER TO BUILD. Wanted Property-owner In dl.trlct bounded by Jd. sth. Oak and Everett sts.. to build a modern hotel of to 4 rooms. Ions leaae. well seoured. taken on .am. Address S 191. Oreitonlan. I WANT the beat bargain I can ret In six or aeren-room houae; modern and rom- Jlete. reatrtcted neighborhood, for -". MOO rash, balance per cent. X '. Oregonlan. . tWILL pay caah for a TK.nl lot or bpuee and full lot If price, la rtitht. Naln 944L Owner only. 314 McKay bld. EASIEST term, on five-room houae. Kenton dl.trlct preferred. P. B. Pitta. E K'.lllngsworth. V-BLOCK. we.t of E. th. for msnufaetur ln purpose prefer vicinity of Sullivan a Oulrh. A B 163. Oreaonlan. JEW a or a-room bunaalow: aim be anap for ca.h. N 1HO. ufnonUn. TO EXCHAXCI ACREAGE SNAP, rractlonal eiafitv acrea. cloee In on elec tric Una. partially Improved. running water, orchard, etc.: no better acll In Ore-a-on- Una for .ubdlvldlna: abeolutely the cheapen buy around Port'.and; mlaht con alder trade for city really. Vanduyn Walton, iS Chamber Commerce. " EASTERN OREGON RANCH. ICe acrea located near Rock Creek on the Condon R. K.; 1 acrea plow land, balance eepectally adapted for rra.ins The owner will trade for Portland lota or a. home. DAVID LEWIS. Room ? Lumbermen, tllda-. 5th and Ptark. 1 BEAlIirl L acre, all In fruit, which con.lat. of plum., peara. apple, and cher rtea Thla place Ilea alonaalde or the electric carllne only 4 mllee from Van couver. The owner will trade for Port land property. David Lewie, room 1 Lb hermen. bl'lir.. i:h and Mtark. HlXIU RIVER VALLEY, vrartlonal eiKhty. boat of fruit land, partially improved, running water, eon.e god timber, onlv three mile, to R. P..: mlaht conalder trade for Portland realty. Vanduyn & Walton. &1 Chamber of Coai- jaene. t WILL em. hanire a lovely 9-roora home, with choice .urroundlng. and aa unob atructed marine view, in the City of Ta roma. for a minlern B-room houae In Port land, on equitable terme. K 18 Orego nlan. 1 HAVE ItM paid on contract for 60x10 lot In Laurelhurat which 1 offer aa part payment on & to 7-room modern bungalow. Hvwthorne preferred: will pay or aaaume difference. K. 177. Oregonlan. . J3" Equity In modern -room houae and full at. cloee In on carllne, to exchange for Im proved farm to acre.: will pay JO caeh and aiuwin-e 3U or AJOCO. 1630 Cham- ber of Commerce. To EXCHANGK II acrea of good uncleared fruit land. 12 mile from Portland, near carllne. Prl.-e l;t75. Will take a city lot worth aa flrat payment. See owner. S'-il S Momeon at.. Room 9. wli.W EVJUITT. valuabir'so-timber and cord-wo-wl . mill ad'tnlng: email clearing and houee: electric line building; exchange for ouelneew or Portland property: no aaenta. Owner. Tabor KU; Box &A4. Portland. A BARGAIN In a fine T-roora modern houae. furnace, ga. and electric llghta. fine yard Amino, cement walk., fine neighbor., cloee In. near two carllnea; term.; from owner. Klrt Worceatcr Mo-k. J"tR lot or cottage at beach, a beautiful Aeolian grano orcneairviir. nf nine " mu.lc and cabinet; coat 9ini. AF 17. Oregonlan. EXCHANGE Mtiictly mmlern ll-room houae in Irvingtoo for ! or li acre. Improved; not too far from the electric line- :4J Mh et txrHAMJE On William, ave.. lot 100xu and one w ana one n-'m p'w ir un proved farm up to i0. :ti Mh II. WANTED Automoblie. Ford runabout pre ferred; will traoe gllt-eage coal atoca H all. 321 Lumbermen, bldg. WE exrhanre your property, regardleee of location, for that which eulta you better. Northweat :xcnanga. nenry IWO lot. on car: fruit. Ging on homestead. an or term, j !:' rKiMii.n. I TOU can trade any kind of property at 310 oak at. . rp 1IALE TtMBFR LAM. IFOR SALE or trade New 1O.0O0 rapacity aawmlll and I.OHI.OOO feet off good fir tim ber. Write Will A t o., r-entta ililia. or., ctwner. or Fourth-Will. I'Os Sla Lumber Exi hange. I1 and lark eta.. PorUand. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J M CKACKEN. tiH McKay rTMg. 1t1 clalma. b .mcateaJa. rellnqulahmenta. t:9 Worceeter bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. KBNT acre oa Johneon'a Creek. clfwe In on fitacaaa cariiae; gooa now. and Improvement: garden, free wood; gmly 2 a month. Innuire W. B. Maeoo,iWll. en's Starlon. rABMS WANTED. I-'ARM EKf we want e gooa larm. at omv. 4 to lew acrea. near rwn"i; io. Eaat watting, call or write. SCHNCIDKR-STKARN CO. Suite 41". Board of Trade Bldg. Vv ANT ED Farm, alao Acreage frcertlng on or overVM'Ung nver w e. ww wonlaA. S04 jica-ay ona. rom alb. "llorwo, ehiclea aa Ha ORTLAND Siablee. ta North, lath. Mala 11- for r.ne horaea aad wagon. FOR HIRE by the day. week or gaoaths rlrat-1.-.. kmtnaa rlra tlBERT HALL'S (TABLES, ! Front at livery auameea. rig, oviwe. . .'... for aale or rent. Main ISO. Ipcr V'l at once, leaving city, g d 1100-Ib. 'JC.V. owj " . rTjlawtbme ave. carllne. .BABIAS etallloa. a year. old. weight loo. .aaraoieea iw w " - - - Hrookin- V fr team young, weil-matched horaea weighing Z'vu ina.. eouna ana witooui Kimt.hee. Rueae;i at. tAVT horae. and trotting horee. Inquire r'T boy In town. New wagon ana tt.m prion 734 Halelsn at. I YA R1I.K. 1 HMT WA.ICW aala. I . . - -- - Horaoa. Vehicle and Hara WHY buy aeoond-hand yehlclea when you can get a new one from an old-establlanea wholesale houae. 44 year. In Oregon, at almoat the aame coatT We are located out-ide the high rent dlrttict. own our building, and can make the price, u clualve agema for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicle., delivery , wagona. top bugglea. runabout, and farm wagone. Be .ure and aee ua befure you buy. it may aave you money. R. M. WADE CO, Hawthorne ave.. bet. Eaat l.t and la. HORSES OR SALE. Two car. of noraea have Ju arrived and will be aokl under our gaurantee. They range In weight from 1000 to 1400 lba: age from t to 11 years; all good worker, and prlcea reasonable. We a.jo have three .pan of email mulee. weight K0 to 1000 lb... for aale. Call and Impact these. If wanting borsea. Hawthorne Staples. ; Hawthorne ava. FOR tALB Some very fine combination rid ing and driving horaea, eleo 1 chlldrens saddle pony, very gentle. , ' '" poor man's horse aa well aa -4he horaee ahow pr-jepect. A trial to any person ol recognised responsibility. Terma. Kramer tlaL-. ISth and Alder ata. . TEAMS wanted for Bull Run water ditch: all allp work, ateady Job: per day for man and team; Jo per montli for team and harness. WILSON. RECTOR ft DALY. 414 Leal. Bldg. , MISSOURI mules for aaie New ahtptnent Just received, ljuo to 1B0O lba.. aultable for rall rd. logging and farm work: mules at Freedman Bros.- barn. 13th and Overton ata Addreae Spark Wtgginton. Imperial notcL BARGAIN Black mare, with pedlgfee. AI tamont atock. t yeara old. buggy, cart, harneas. etc: can be seen at Club Stables. 15th and Couch, afternoon between 2 and 4 o'clock, at 111 North 3d t- BARGAIN 300 buys team, mares, weight 27U; true workers anywhere; good Mr nces. good wagon. 242 Omndaye.S. WANTED To rent horse and light wagon two or three weeks, cheap. 4i Tamhlll. Marshall 1833. Tailor shop. GOOD team mares, weight S5O0 lba.. harneea. wagon. t Em ljth: takeBrooklyncar. FINE voung mare and horee. reaaonable. .t Union Tran.fcr barn.l 1 th and Hoyt t A u tomohl lea SL1GHTLT USED CARS FOR SALE. 1 30-H. P. touring car, complete, with presto tank, clock, chains, dust hood, tire Irons, casing and tube; tlrea on car all new. A bargain. 1 JO-horeepower roadster. In rirst-ciasa condition, detachable tonnean. could bo used to good advantage for light dellv- l 40-H. P. touring car. with 7-lnch wheel, very easy riding par; was used as demonstrator. . . 1 seven-passenger MATHESON car. Just the thing for hire or stage line. Call and see at 506 Burnslde au. Port- lend. Or. FOR SALE K h. p. Thomas .Flyer. 7-paa-en. ber auto In firat-claae condition. fully equipped with top. wind ahleld. etc.; armor plate for rear tire and new tires all round; thla is a beautiful oar and I will sacrifice aame for tawuo. H ca. bal. approved pa per or real estate. Main 4M3 or writ 3oi Gerllnger bldg. eO H. P. BUICK. Model 18. In A-l condition, color dark green; Bve paaaenger car: price 1250; terms. Call at i;wf mipmin ev FOH SALE OR TRADE Several J. 3, 4. 5 and 1 passenger automoblie of various ( makea; In good condition. HESS ft O'BRIEN. Inc. Davis and Lnlon ave. 6-PASSENGER 2-cylInder Rambler, top and giaa rroot. newiy p.miej, ' ' for real estate, mortgage, equity or any good paper: car at 2 11th. W. F. Hummel, with Churchley Rro... Uth and Marshall. NEW and second-hand automobile at a bar gain; must sell: from a one-cylinder runa bout to a six-cylinder. seven-paasenger Thomas Flyer. S2 Everett I'UI.I'MIlt'S Electric. good as new. for HALF PRICE If sold Immediately. A 17J. Oreaonlan. FOR SALE -One 6-passenger Pullman auto in nne conaitioo, mw ' e - Marshall ZltO. . W NT ED I want a Hupmoblle runabout for ioo or less; musttbe In good running order. What have you T E 204.Oregonian. AUTOMOP1LB In good running order, for sale at a bargain. The Ames Mercantile A gency. Ablngton bldg. TON t, auto truck for aale cheap. Call Main 3V- or Main 2153. - " rtlrda. jloaa aad Pet blocac FOR SALE-Oood young Jersey cow. came In fresh about two month ago. Call up Sellwood474. - NATURAL .hort-tall fog terrier pup for sale. Call 74tf Overton at., cor. 23d. Marahall17 1 0. GREAT DANE pupplea. S months old, pedl greel. 151V, X. ,th. GERMAN Rollers canary blrda for aale. Phone B 1770. Planoa. Orgaas and Musical Instrnmeoita. NEW SS-note mahogany piano player for sale at $500: breaking up housekeeping; cost $30- classic and popular mu.lc worth over $100 rtirown In. ill Madison SL, Kings Heights, or phone Main 74. AM GOING back to New Tork. will sacri fice a good Schaefer upright piano cheap for cash. Bought In Portland. Miss Piper. '. ,1th st. FOR SALE First-class piano cheap; par tlec leaving city. Call at office Barton hotel. 13th and Alder. aliacrll MOVING Picture Machine, all makea. lat est models, we buy nothing but the cream of American film Our stock of clean comedy nlma la the largeet on the Coast and rented at reasonable ratee, we atand for a square deal to all, guarantee every machine we eell and Instruct In operating moving ' picture machine Lamemme Film Service, Pantage Bldg. Portland. Oregon. MOVING-PICTURE THEATERS. Our films are the pick of 23 Indepen dent manufacturers: 14 new pictures re leased weekfcr. . . Tou need the best; we can furnish It, Write for full Information. IND. WESTERN FILM EXCHANGE. 513-51U Swetland Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. WINDOWS SCREENS. Do you want first-class window screens? We manufacture In Portland. Nothing but rustproof screens that fit. Call Main or A 223. GR1SWOLD RUSTPROOF SCREEN CO., 143 First st- 18-FOOT, all-round apeed and pleasure boat. 2-cyllnder. 6-11. P. engine, about 14 miles, fully equipped, at a bargain. See Ja B. Welch. 141H First SL THE Northwest Typewriter Company. 222 Ablngton bldg. Phone M. 8S70. Is the only company selling strictly factory re bulit typewriters; prices IO to $o5. WATER wneel for sale. 23-lnih Standard Leffel wheel, new. Lexington Roller Mill. l.exlnton. Or. FOH SALE or rent: logging and hoisting , engine. Railway Equipment Co., 74 First st. Both phone FOR SALE Showcase, wallcasee, counters. cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone Kaat S3S. FOR SALE Fine roll-top desk, chairs and ruga or trade for real eetate. 216 Lewis h:ug. AT bargain, complete high-grade office fur nishing two offices. Apply elevator boys. Lumbennens bldg. BLICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS. $45, X.-.O. Aak for catalog. Rebullta $13 up. N. M. Havter Co.. 10 3th St. Main 529. BLOCK TEXT 40x0 ft., cheap. Pacific T-nt ft Awning Co.. 27 North 1st St. VIOLINS, banjos, mandolin, guitar at half regular prices. Uncle Myers. 71 gth st- SOTES and mortgages bought and sold. Na tional Credtt Aas'n. ol Worcester bldg. $00 business cards. $1.23 If you bring this ad. R-a fity Prlntery. 102 V 3d St. SHOWCASES, new and second-hand. SIS prerett. comer 6th. Also fixtures. WANTCT MIHfrlJ-tNTOIS. HIGHEST price paid for men's cast-off clothing, shoe, and bicycles. Tb Globe Second-band store. 390 First. Mala 2oS. We also fur laoie cioinma- WANTED Maa'a eest-off clothing aad eboeec we also bug bousebold rurnlshinaa: hlgaaac ct!o Pali Call at th. Fair Deal.7- J N. sd St. Main W3J1. WANTED New or second-hand twin engine rope feed and 14x18 self-contained engine. Cha McGowan. Imperial Hotel. Portland. IF TOU have household furniture to sell call up George Baker ft Co. 132 Park St. Ttotn phone. WILL buy a limited amount of desk, fil ing cabinets and office ftxturea: prlcea must be right. Call 410 FalllngbMg1 CARPENTER work of all kinds: Jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty. Cummin gs ft Catlln. $71 First St. Marshall 232i. fjCLL your eeooed-baad furniture to the Fare Auction Co. cr you'll get tea. PhooAS- A 2ts: Main Wgl. W'ANTFD i'ool table, second-hand. Phone call Main WANTED Movlng-pictnre machine. etc.; at at e what you have. AH 74. Oregonlan. i wiA nae row furniture: rocas4 arleallna ajwara grra. Jas4 Beat 106T, TAMS wanted, any number T per day, free stable room. Apply Robert Wake field Co. Work. Mount Tabor Reservoir, East outh at. WANTED Able-bodied men for the TJ. S. Marine Corps, between the age. of 18 ana 85; must be native born or hjv first papers. Monthly pay 13 to 6. Ad ditional compensation possible. jooo. clothing, quarters and medical attendance free. After 80 years' service can retire wiin -75 per cent of pay and allowances. Serv ice on board ship and ashore In all P"r . of the world. Apply at U. 8. Marine Corp. Recruiting Station. Breeden bldg.. 8d ana Washington sts.. Portland. Or. WANTED Traveling salesman to .ell men's furnishing goods specialties; must under atand the line and be aequpalnted wltn the trade In Oregon and Washington: com munliate'.ln own handwriting, stating age, experience, reference, and basis of pay ment expected. Address The Elkus c; manufacturers of Elk Head shirts. San Francisco. Cal. OUTSIDE MAN Thoroughly experienced, flrst-clas In car pets, draperies and general house furnlsn ings, to secure contracts. OLDS, WORTMAN KINO. MEN WANTED, age 18 to 30. for Bremen $100 monthly, hrakemen ISO. on nearby rail road: experience unneceesary: no '"ike. promotion to engineers, conductors; railroad employing headquarter; over &00 men sent to positions monthly; state age. send stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonlan. 10.OO0 POSITIONS for graduates laat year: men and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from 115 to S23 weekly; expert Instructors: tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 35 North 4th St.. Portland. Or. 1 WANTED. FYvjr hustler for laundry dellverymen; ateady Job: ran make good wages, commis sion and salary; married men preferred; give present and past employment: also refer ence and phone number. Addres AO loo. Oregonlan. NON-UNION second cooks, 15 to $25 week; night cooks. $1.". to M per week; waiters for first-class houses. $14 to $17.50 per week. Spokane Hotel ft Restaurant-keepers- Association, 216 Qranlte block. Spokane. Wash. WANTED Several live solicitor! who are in touch with people of means and who can Interest them in a flrst-clas. gold dredging proposition. Apply after 9 A. M.. A. A. Poiisant, room X Washington bldg. . Al GOOD worker In a bakeshop. one not afraid of work; steady position to right party. If you don't want to work don't apply. Gilbert Home Bakery Delicatessen. WANTED Toung man. who lives at home, . . 1 1 .... .... Th Or.rnnlan. Apply to the foreman of ma 11 room. Tues day afternoon, between 1:30 and o'clock. - MEN wanted to wear Jlmmle Dunn's sample suits now selling at $10.85: regular $20 values; big pants sale next week. "Knew Sample Suit Shop, room 313 Oregonlan bldg. TEACHER Military drill eerv.ee. Utah; gtooo and found: also man for French and German. $00 and found Call Pacific Teachers' Agency. 304 Lewie bldg., corner 41 h and Oak. WANTED Machine hands of all Jn". frame makers, stair and cabinet builders; steady work Winter and Summer. Apply at once. Selgetke ft Kohlhaus Mfg. Co.. La Crosse. Wla . RAILWAY mail clerk. Portland examination November 1": $ to $1300; preparation free. Franklin Institute, dept. 285 S. Roches ter, r. x. WANTED Man of good address and neat appearance who knows something about advertising: salary or commission. Ask for Mr. Miller. 3o Ablngton bldg. RAILWAY mall clerks, postofllce olerks and carrlera- examination In November: salary up to lsoo; free Book 30: Pacific States School. McKay bldg.. Portland. MAN wanted who understands the grocery business, good solicitor, for general mer chandise store: references required. Ad dress M C. S. Postofflce Unlvertity Park. YOUNG men. aged 14 to 20 year. old. to sell on commission and salary. Apply J 4th and Vaughn baaeball park. a A. M. NectJgeri.Read. WANTED Harness makers. single, strap worker $3.23 to $3.75 per day; also good light harness cutter; highest wage. Dun can Aspna. aeattie. ni. AN experienced washer, good wages and per manent position to competent man. Ad dress The Dalles Laundry Co.. The Dalles, Oregon. ; . BLACKSMITH and horseshoer wanted; none but flrst-clasa need apply. Paul Low. Woodburn. Or. PARTY to take $50 active or silent Interest; good business, good Income assured. No. r . . i 1 1 ml n,rrtnlnn. - .-- - BOY TO LEARN business and do general work- retail Jewelry and music store; small wage to begin with. C 178. Oregonlan. WANT to let contract to clear 10 to 10O acres land east of city. Vanduyn ft Wal ton, 315 Chamber Commerce. , WANTED Steamfltters. Swanby ft Schnei der. Railway Exchange bldg., id and t proposiwo". " " targ. NON-UNION photo engravers, all branches. tor iiosion, " ; . . and aalary wanted. AK 175, Oregonlan. $1S TO $25 wee lew situations guaranteed. Watchmak.ng-En-gravlngSchool. Box 182. Ashland. Or. ricvirH boy In wholesale house, good chance for promotion. Apply In own handwriting. .1 lie., uits""""'- WANTED New. agent for news service on railroad train. Cole Newa Co.. 332 John son st. . WANTED Tinner; one who can do plumb ing: steady work, good wage A. C Freeman. vorain. y DRYGOODS man and milliner, suburban lo cation, good opening for business. Ap- piy 13. W. v WANTED DrunrisU nd denttt. good lo cation, on carllne. S Bleuer. care Blaumiuer-rra nK1'B; TWO iialemcn for automobile necessity; do not answer unless you are a nrst-class man, hoi - iriR.aT-CIASS bread baKer wanted; open shop, OoWen Weit Bakln Co.. Seattle, Wash. . ' WANTED Neat young- man with $0: must be willing to learn re4 estate business. i'in mine oa luurJ- HOY wantKl who desires to learn clothing . . .. I .Win. knalnaag. T)nvmKn Broa. 3d and nurniiae. m TWO boys, with wheels. 1 years old; good wage Apply Salem .Woolen Mill, cor. 4th ana Aiuer. BARBER wanted; steady Job. 18H Morrl- son St. , BOY to distribute type. Bates. 40 Mor ris, u ... HIGH-CLASS salesman or representative. X15 -"mnirM i.i e- Japanese boy to wait on table, 115 per .w -. t Unit LATHERS wanted at once. Apply 5th and Market. INTERNATIONAL Correspondence School, '.'aa Alder. Our new catalogue now ready. WANTED First-class dishwasher. $4$ Mor- r:son it. SHOVELERS wanted. lth and Orange; In Ladd'e Addition MACHINIST wanted, call early. 34S E. Oak St. , ' STEADY all-round farm hand. Corner 27th Jviwil'.lnerwyrih. Phone Wodlawn 403. WANTED A barber, steady Job- 304 Burn side st- . A MAN to do Janitor work. Rose City Ho- tel. loo . otn afc. WANTED A man with experience to drive bakery wagon. ppun WANTED S good. live men to eell 'coal and COal SlOCkS. J - LUmwrmrui BOY wanted for delivery and office work. Underwood Typewriter Co.. SS 6th st. PIKT-CLASS shoemaker wanted. S67 Stark JAPANESE porter wanted. Nau'e Pharmacy. Portland Hotel. Sth and Morrison sis. WAITER7"flrstclaaartor night work. Meves. 15 6th st. . PHOTOGRAPH ooupon and portrait agents; new offer. Cut berth studio. Dekum bldg tir.i.r iv aa t. i.ri a.aw i WANTED A good girl for general houae- W LCr;,.. V. nIL, .nA wood, plain cook. Apply 787 Qultnby. WAXTED TODAY Cook. waitress and kitchen helper for countrv hotel. $90. Cooks, $35 to $50. Waitress and laundress In country ho tel. $i0. fare paid. Waitresses. $7 to $S per week and $115 to $30 per month. , Housekeeper In rooming-house, $20. Dishwasher. $7 per week. Chambermaid. $25. room and board. Second girl, private family, 3U per month. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Dept. 205 "4 Morrison. WANTED Several bright young women to learn telephone operating; tiuoonu i- $20 per month while learning; a thorougn training given each student before as signment to position. This 1 an excep tional opportunity for such applicant, t n at qualify. Apply to SCHOOL PRINCIPAL at our EAST OFFICE. East Ankeny ana th sts.. or MAIN OFFICE. West Park and Alder bib., between 8 A. M. and P. M. week daya. The Padflo Telephone ft .Telegraph .Co. GROCERY SALESWOMEN. Thoroughly experienced, first-class gro cery saleswomen can find good, permanent position. Apply to superintendent, OLDS, WORTMAN & KING, WANTED LADIES TO LEARN. All branches of beauty culture; our parlors are up-to-date: good chance to become Independent; visit and talk It over. Bee for yourself. 4O0 to 414 Dekum bldg. san- Itary Beauty Parlora, 7 large, airy rooms. WANTED Stenographer who wishes desk room free, to do public work. Use of new tvpewrller. desk and both phones free. Wish some one In office to answer phones. Inquire 402-3 Oregonlan bldg. between 11 A. M. ana iz M GIK1.S . wanted .to work In manufacturing j . . . . . .. n .1 ah tO in, mi iiiifiiL. .,i ii.-. vwj o.iwua . - handle machinery. Also need some ex ' prlenced paper-box makers. Do not ap ply unless over lo years of age. American EXPERIENCED stenographer and office gin. rtepiy in own nor't'". --...' experience, age and present occupation: whether at home or boarding, salary ex pected and telephone number. O 194, uregonian. WANTED Lady bookkeeper for general . merchandise store In country town. 2o miles from Portland. Must be over 20 years old. state age and salary expected. K 209, Oregonlan. UNIVERSAL shorthand writes letters the 'first week: soon prepares for positions guaranteed; enter now at special tuition rates, t Electric Business University. 630 Worcester block. TEACHERS for Oregon. Washington. Cali fornia and Nevada. We hire direct. Call Pacific Teachers' Agency, 304-5 Lewis o 1 ug.. stn ma un. at.. - WE TEACH ladle either millinery or dress making in a tow itecu, iuhiuh . . .. . August. Boston School of Millinery ft Dress making. 274 William ave. Phone Eaat 345. NON-UNION waitresses for first-class house, ..a . . . i . ...... i. .... u ... . I m H Ites- tiU.iiu per wec. n.un.. ....... --.- taurant-keepers'- Association, 216 Granite block. Spokane. Wash. WILL pay $7 a week for good, competent girl for general housework. Apply 7 to S:;10 evenings. 621 East Washington, cor. Kith st. WAXTED A woman who understands car ing for Infant; steady position to experi enced person; apply after 10 A. M. to 830 Overton st- GOOD girl for general housework, family of two; must be good plain cook. Apply be tween 2 and 4 P. M. Tuesday. 51l Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Competent colored woman for general housework and care of one child. Apply to Mrs. Weldon Darling. 775 Mult nomah St. Phone E. 1402. EXPERIENCED nursegirl over IS years; telephone afternoons. Main or A 2576; city reference, required. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; good wage. Call 395 Uassalo st., cor. Grand ave. WOMANof energy and ability. Must be am bitious and willing to learn all branches of business. AL 171, Oregonlan. ilKS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, J2oto Washington St., Room 314. Main SS30 or A 3200. MAID for general housework; govid wages, good home, small family. Apply 1210 Cleveland In Piedmont. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843Vs Washington St.. Cor. 7th. Upstair Phone Main 2092. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 600 Roth- chlia Diag.. un sou viiib'-". WANTED Girl for general housework. 4fl Alnsworth ave.. corner E. 8th. Take Woodlawn car. r-nunc ituuuibhi jioo. WANTED A girl over 16 to take care of two little girls. Call 114 N. 15th st. bet- tween 1Z ana i:.o r. . ae o. WANTED Reliable, experienced nurse girl; - ..... nl.M miwl waeea. references. Applylnperson at 32 Kearney st. LADIES' Employment Agency. 303H Wash ington st., room 25. Phone Main 2JU2. A 3250 WANTED Girl to do general housework In family of four; wages $25 per month. Ap- .-.1 E. Vamhlll at. WANTED Middle-aged woman aa house keeper and cook; two In family. Wood- lawn so. MIDDLE-AGED woman ti take care of sick lady and assist In housework. 4ttl Rodney ave. WANTED Girl for gen ..! h oa wag ousework. must be good cook: gooi age. Ring tip mornings Main 2liwo, YOUNG ladv atenof rapher, must be rapid and accurate. $12 a week to start; law office. S I90, oregonlan. MENDERS and sewers. $2 per day for ex perienced hands on worsted mill work- t..... l. .4nhnl. Xffill. CAllvfUUl lriiTRESjl' wanted for the VJlorious Res taurant, 521 Union avenue North. East I 7. . MILLINERY apprentice, good opportunity to learn the business thoroughly. Fraley Bros.. Zltaast. n i t lio.hr housework. three in family, good wares. Sol Mellnda ve. tneaa juiiiii), , F1KST-CLASS fur operator, steady position for right party. N. M. Ungar Co., 10 7th at, . WANTED A first-class girl for general housework: must be good cook. Phone ... . K1MT WANTED Competent girl for general house- .. . it.. . s .! 1 1 t.. nviii wasres. Mrs. L. Mmuei. riwnq wm .r : , . t ... . a. oro WANTED An experie..ou ! R'"-.:r: housework; no washing, small family. J74 N 241 n St. WANTED Ladles to learn halrdressing. manicuring, scalp, face and body massage. Call at New York School. 406 South 3d. GIRL to help with housework; Swede or orwecrian oreicrrw. -....... .- WANTED Girls to mske shirts and overalls. ML Hooa ractory. .a ' LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by expert ;5amonth.20014th; Main ji8B3. HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co.. Id and Columbia. t,IKr. , sjeilst with housework, 2 14th, near Jefferson. GIRL 'for general housework, small family. 8 178 oregonlan. - WANTED A waitress. $30 a month and room and board. 7i Hoyt St. GIRL for general housework; must be good COOK. Ool uovejuj. GIRL for general housework; must be a good cook. lwt J4tn I.. :or. aim i iwiil. WANTED Young girl for fruits and cigar stand. 127 N. Bth su WANTED Dining-room girl at 163 12th au, corner Morrison st. GIRL for general housework. 3 adult. Wood- lawn jo.iu, ..... GIRL for general housework, email family. 601 E. Taykrst. WANTeS An experienced chambermaid. Csll Norton! HoteL WANTED A girl" at the Portland pairy Lunch. 123 1st st. . LADY mandolin teacher wanted at SSf E. -. v. .. - - - u.rrlBon. COOK and general helper for boardlng- . . . . tts Vnrth 17th St. nouse, . - - - WANTED A ehsmbermald In a boarding hn'.,e aso Glisan. Phone A 4402. WANTED Girl for office work. Call 214 Henry oicg 404 MADISON ST.. cor. 10th. Main 2O06; good GOOD panta flnUher. 145 3d St., room L H. Appiniaiv. ABLE, mlddie-agod lady housekeeper; give particulars- j "... v. GIRL to assist with general housework, good . ,1,1,1 nartv. Call at 872 E Davis. WANTED Experienced waitre Call after I 1 A. ai. o t WANTED A good cook at 721 King Court. WAITRESS wanted at the Waldorf. 147 13th street- CO.OK for private family. 23B King st. HF.I.P WANTEDMALE OR FEMAXg. I WAMEIJ Laay sgeni. w e a I good sellers; per montli guaranteed. K 103. Oregonlan. . ' WANTED-jlOO hop-picker.; families pre- icrreo: v m. xa" " ' T . Hlllsboro. Or.; nneat crop and best a. commodation. In state; lro?,onBr',cj..: send in your names now. Win. Bas.le; Hlllsboro. Or., or rooms. 019 or 612 nor cester bldg.. fortianu, EARN $5 dally selling Father . Dominic's sample.3 SXS"Fr. Mount Angel, or. 400 HOPP1CKERS wanted, also driers; best . , ina. .nmnnir around with grocery and boarding-house. Andrew jvan ee t.o.. - ' .. b - ''"'t'J'.i" ''"5 JS.. I'rwhole: oery store; i ' . a sale house; 3 years' exjierlenoe; references furnished. AH orvgoma" MAKE money writing storle. "g"-,: fZKS- Pres.PVyndicte. San Francisco. CHARACTER" woman .nen. for stoc k": new beginners consiuei eu. u - F1SK.T EACH ERS' AGENCY o"e" good positions tO ITI1ATION WANTED MALaV tKiuaKviM'. miki Clerks. LOTS $70,EAPH. We are putting our new addition, on the Oregon City carllne. on the market at 7l) per lot. graded streets and 1" f'6?4 this Is excellent soil and very sightly prop erty with grand view of the mountains, unexcelled r home or Investment. prices will advance very rapidly, terms in per cent down. 5 per cent r "tb; also, we have the best and cheapest acre age on the market, close to carllnes; $150 per acre; terma to suit. i EMPIRE LAND CO.. 50 Merchants Trust Bldg., 826 Wash. st. COMPETENT man of 30. eyera'y.eol! perlence wltn r.aai.eu -"""""--house, as assistant manager, would take -charge of branch house. ellng : have no bad habits and give the best of reference. Address O 102. Or-gonlan. WANTED By. flrst-clasa, all-around candy man lust rrom tne j. in...".. ar of retail store, factory or In n ca pacity, where skill and experience count. A ml Oreeonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, f'J: class aii-rouiiu '- - , . ences. Moderate salary. T liS. ore- BOOKKEEPER. typewriter, general office , avnArlence. lumber. assistanL, in J merchandise; highest recommendation AUOU traiiu & ........ ARCHITECTURAL draughtsman, first-class. au-arouna mail, u , -heavy building construction, wants posi tion. C 179.- Oregonlan. . WANTED A position as manager otru- store uepi. " T N venrs' experience. Call or address J. Gilllland. Hotel Oregon. WAN.TEp-Bookkeeper with .10 . V"' .; Derienrss in dk o.... - ment. wants permanent or temporary po Heferences. AJ 18S. Oregonlan, YOI NO man stenographer with , wants posiiiu". E. 3731. EXPERIENCED ealestnan wantf. Pf "1o" or out oi city , nici - gonlan. - Miscenanroos. KE?.LE young man speak. En and thoroughly experienced in repair and I up keep of cars. Also experienced In land scape gardening. Best reference. S 1.1. oregonlan. WANTED-Posltlon In . 1 cTaS: Vmeick-n and Euro"pean experience: wage not less than $120 per month. R lsl. Oregonlan. . vioviNG-PH'TURE operator, experienced, reliable with technical and practical knowledge of electricity, de.lie. position. K US), urcg'wiiaii. WANTED By young SvvlM-Gcrrnsn. a J'b; erencr Plione "Marshall 239S. or call 33 c fit h mi. Joe Arnold. STEAM shovel engineer wishes Position; can run bueyrns. ai-""v --- shovel. K 201. uregonmii. YOUNO man of 18. who tecture, wlsnes pimu ; reference n. i"'. ALU-BOUND baiter, with 20 year, exper- lence. wouia iiae lv- " Oregonlan. MAN thoroughly acquainted with the- bottling of whlrtty. wines ahd liquors, wants perma- nent position, au .P.. ... I irFNBED chaufTuer wants position as sales demoSstrator or driving private or re n t. Rererences. .v w vnrT, man. factory experience, would like position ar... a- i-."-- nrVconlan. rename, a""1 : nnoaschooY aTS oV. njan. TOUNG colored Vnan wants Position PJ; ter or elevator boy; best of reference. phone Main awa. Z--s:n hnv wants place to work In ex change for b?ard and room. i64 Patton road. . 4 TRAVELING man, calling on general stores In Oregon and Washington, wlshc. side line. A J lH.Cegonian. MAN and wife want situation in mining or M?n?cmp as cooks. J 1T2. Qregonian. WANTED-Auto truck loeim keep in reyiui. ... WANTED Position In warehouse or as black- k.i.wr 174 Morris st. EXPERIENCED buffer, porter or Janitor (col- ored); beet of references. A 3i83. CARPENTER work." -fX aa" " tract, rnw. Japanese Employment Co. will furnish JA3nAEn. Main 4or,i). A 4073. 268 Everett. rHAI'FFEl'R wishes position with private family. T 173. Oregonlan. 6lTLATIONlANTEp FTalAXK BoolleepeiraSd8ogrnpnera: BOOKKEEPER and stenographer: young lady, experienced In olce- work accur ate, desires a position with a good firm. Address Miss G..5B3 Irving st, STENOGRAPHER.- bookkeeper. accurate, rapid and reliable. A-l local references; moderate salary. V 179, Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER, beginner, with some ex perience; not very rapid. 'but accurate and willing. T 175. Oregonlan. YOUNG lady wishes position as cashier. Pour years' experience in laundry office. phpne East412X. WANTED By lady, place In cigar store or cashier In restaurant or moving picture snow, rnone saiiwwo "WANTED By young lady with experience, office work or stenographer. G 176. Ore- gonlan. Dressmakers, . DRESSMAKER, capable, wants few more engagements by day. N lU3.Oregonlan. BOY with wheel, age 15, wants position. Phone Main iAa&. FANl'Y and plain gowns. Main 7C16. Domestics. MIDDLE-AGED " woman wants housework, small family, flat preferred. O lau. Ore gonlan. i A GIRL, wants to assist in genera! house work. 8S Taylor st. Call between 8 and II. N ursrs. GRADUATE nurse will take hourly calls, maternity case baths and general nurs ing; terms reasonable. Helen E. Jones, . Main HO. A 11 3H. CONG experience all kinds nursing, mater nity. Invalids, elderly. Infants; reference. Main 3:153. Domestics. WOMAN wants place to do housework. Call 409 North 18th St. 'Miscellaneous. STENOGRAPHER and office assistant. Hours 9 to 5. State experience and salary expected. V 1S7. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED young lady wants position as cashier, hotel, clear stand or exchange operator, ja i'.'x. ib"""- POSITION as Janitress or chambermaid. Phone A -.ijl- WANTED -By young married woman, position in doctor" office. Phone No. 8. 1245 Main. EXPERIENCED girl wishes place, cooking or general nouseworn. - " NORWEGIAN woman wants day work. Phone Main sti.n. morning or c,c.,i.a EXPERIENCED woman wants work by th MIDDLE-AGED woman wants work by day or honr. R 192. Oregonlan. ; WOMAN cook wants work in logging camp or for crew of men. J 192. Oregonlan. WANTED AUENT3. AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown nursery stock is In demand: sales this ... n vm K. immense: a flattering op- r, tortunlty: casn paia weeaiy. wu... . Salem jsursery io.. oaiem. v.. ACTIVE canvassers can make $"0 per week easily selling trees tor me ceo" Co Orenco. Or. Good territory open; lib eral proposition. Call or write to Orenoco. Oregon. AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de mand for choice nursery storkj outfit free; cash weekly. Address Capital Clur TO RENT. We furnish the renter, collect the rent, pay Taxes, insurance and keep up repair, , the aame fur you as though the property maa our own; references, any batik ia l-ortiandl J US E H AW-7EAR COMPaN, 245ft Stark St. Phones A 3500. Main 35. House. WANTED About September 20 furnished cottage, five or six rooms, will lease If : satisfactory; no children. L 169, Orego nian. WANTED To rent 3 -room house, by fam ily of two; state price and location. M Oregonlan. WANTED Furnished cottage or housekeep ing rooms, Eaat Side, not to exceed $20 per month. AD 1ST. Qregonian. Booxns. THE MORTON Washington and King; fur . nished apartment, including piano, phone, bath. . WANTED2"or 3unfurnlshed rooms, with heat, close in. Phone 1161 Marahall. Booms With Uotwd. ROOMS with or without board in vicinity of Rose -Jity- Parlt, by two young men. .N 1 5U , uregoniaa. WANTED Young lady wishes room and board on Portland Heights for two weeKs; near Myrtle st. Main 4514. FOB REST. Rooms. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. MILNER BLDG," 3i0 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASUNA-BLE . Fqrp.lsb.cd Kooma. HOTEL ALDER. Corner Fourth and Alder, J. W. Blaney, Manager. In the heart of the city, only one block from postofflce. Meier & Frank store and Oregonlan building; first-class and Just opened, July 20. Every other room a suite with private bath; sample suites with bath for traveling men; no noise, as no carllnes pass hotel, but within one block of all cars; phone In every room. See our mezzanine floor and ladles' receptlonoar lor Kates 11 day up; with bath. z-LaO ' up. Bus meets all trains. Kate to perma nent guest IN- THE HEART OF THE CITY NEW SCOTT HOTEL. Seventh aqd Ankeny at The preacher who preaches. The teacher who teache And the drummer with goods to sell. With wife or with daughters. When looking lor Quarters. All are welcomed at the New Scott Hotel. A quiet home for quiet people. HOTEL, MED FORD. ONE BLOCK KROM UNION DEPOT. JUST OPENED; new. MODERN brick building: line large ground-floor office; hot and cold running water In all rooms. eam heated; private bath; very richly furnished; rate only r and"P. pr week: 50c up per day. Call and see us. Northeast corner Fifth and Glisan sts COST HOMELIKE. COMFORTABLE. HOTEL MINNESOTA. 88 North 6th St.. a. E. cor gander New brick building, steam heated, por celain Datns, nne muse uu..u " e; '"- ""-J elegant bete, everything absolutely new and clean; rates only 3.SI and up per week. 6uc and 73c per day; 3 blocks from Union Depot. HOTEL SAVON. New. modern brick building, . Meam heatei private baths, hot and cold water . , ,i..tiu furnished, cosv and in rooma, o-.-f ----- - - fnd eaDu. Regu ano-ranalent trade goucueu. HOTEL SAKUlvi, ot - Hawthorne. Phone East 2!ll. connecting every room Private baths, elevator, flrst-clas. ?!', Special ratcs by weeK or moni.ii. 1 ransienis aiiu-iuu. ilUlKii j) I. ....... - , . Washington and 17th. Brat-class furnished t. nrcUlllf room, single or en suite. . -venlcrices; 3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 564 1. - HOTEU, IRViNG. 312 Oak t., comer airy rooms, elegantly furniehed; electrto lights, running water; low rates. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, opp. Portland Ho tel 330 Yamhill: nrst-clajjs furnished rooms, single or en suite, modern; 15 up; transients solicited, aiain ai, a THE BEAVER. 12th and Marahall st, well furnished sleeping room., ?- " eltctric ngnts, no. .- MODERN outside rooms, S2.60 to $3 per week. Including baths; also housekeeping room O-iV'rj v m.nii.e."J ELEGANTLY and newly furnished single ... tin aH nr. The Del ouisiae ruoiiio, uuu '. Monte, zmn auu Mu..bw- THE LANDOREv 288 10th. near Jefferson Newly rurnisneq rooms, ..o-i'j Furnished Rooms m mrau rsnug NICELY new. furnished . front rooms with private .ii..y. residence aiBinci f"""3 near 2 carlines. 404 Clay St., near 10th Onq newly furnished large bedroom, suitable xor coupie or en..a", w - .... i ti 111, car rt Hir Vitnt- Bincuy private oil ai.m . gomery, over rvi 1 ' SLEEFlNIi rooms u. iu". ,V. veniences. large lawn, $10 and v, or- hir the week. 570 Couch, e() rn er x a tn LN FIRi5T-CLA3S neighborhood. 2 desirable connectniK a"--. ' '. . terma reasonau.c xn room, gas ana eiw:uiii .- if desired. LARGE, well-furnished front room, sult- abie ror two KBuiiem, - ltith st. MarshaIll-0. rViv n. ea- j- xi-ico a-.. -- --- sleeping j?orch, every convenience. h. Tamhlll. E. 3354. NICELY furnished room with phone and bath. a.f jeiieiwu, -a.. Park ; reasonaoie. NICELY-furnlshed suite suitable for 2 or 4 i'i - FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen; splendid people, uaii ov jwi, n- location, o m. PLEASANT rooms for 1 or 2 gentlemen; rUlininp W -' ' cca.gs-.a.a- FURNISHED 3-roora flat, bathroom, tele p"""1" CLEAN, well-furnished rooms, close In. 268 14th" St. South. Main 6763. NICELY furnished rooms from $2 up. 289 1H Bf. phone, no cnumtu. - LOVELY furnished front room, phone, baths. 4U jn. -i un oi. SLEEPING-ROOMS to let. 450 Yamhin, Gas, batn ana pnunc. TWO nice furnished rooms, walking distance. 5'2'6 Love30y c""r NEWLY furniehed room to let. -Inquire eve , -. ioil: I'nlOTi jV. T9. ii i u 6 a n . ' . HANDSOMELY furnished, attractive home for a gentleman. Main 668. 424 6TH. Clean: airy, newly furnished rooms. wHitMiiK uiotoi. NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for one or two, ag w i mm.. Unfurnibhed Booms. " JUST WHAT YOU WANT. "MILNER BLDG." 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL, REASONABLE Booms With Board. PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year, room with Doara. DC Vj",u 510 Flanders. Miss Frances Heath supt. THE HAZEL For ladies and gentlemen; nicely iurnisnea rwnw, 385 3d St.. cor. inontKuiiici j. HANDSOMELY furnished alcoye room for BEAUTIFUL front room for two in first- class private Doaramg-nuuac Rooms With Board In Private tamuy. NICE room, with sleeping Pyrch desirea: orauuiui kuuh", cood table board; So East Sth : st corner .,...hin.n . Phone East 181)0.. LARGE front room. 2 clothe cloMt suitable lor two genuemwi - , " o'clock dinner if desired; East bide, close In. P!-one iaat MODERN, furnished room, with os?r.d phoi.es. oain. an '' . 1UI iOlD "L, - tAR?. KtS iS-S-w.'Sa n22d outtru; uii'ium - Phone A. 73U. JOHNSON HOTEL, 3-21 ,Water Bt": rooms and board In city; 6 per week. Try tnem- 33 17TH ST NORTH -One block off Wash Ington, well furnished rooms. Board op tionai X1CELY furnished room, choice board. In o-ivate family, for 2 young men; convenient. reaaqcauie. nw.o - CLEAN, cool room with board for 2. 25 eacn. .m tiui otou FUPNISHED rooms with board. 5315 Mpr riaon St.. cor, j ROOM and board, German cooking prl- vate nome. -v BOAP.D and room. bath, phone, home cook VA ... 101 nth n A-t r- Yamh 1. ing. ' n w y-s. - . , - ROOM with board, two gentlemen preferred J cooking reaaonale rates. Main 1016. re it rencea reguiiu " ApsJimenn. LUCRETIA COURT. On Lucretla bl. bet. 2-id and 23d sts- near Wash. About ready for occupancy Mr. S. Sllverfleld has Just completed thi elegant and most modern apartment building, the copy of one of the best New York apart men t-housas. Apartments can be secured from 35 to $75. References re quired. Apply to superintendent on tne premises. THE BANNER APARTMENTS. 489 Clay treet, second house from -14th, the only moaorn completely furnlhsed 2 room apartment-house in the city; house and elegant furniture brand new; Jut opened tor business; steam heat, electric hght, hot and cold water in every apart ment; private phone, bath; walking dis tance; $18-25, Including electric light. Mar sha.ll 2174. THE LOIS APARTMENTS. 704 Hoyt at.; new brick apartments, now ready for occupancy, 3 and 4-room suites, large sleeping porches, 'electric and fl re lees cookers, built-in iceboxes, bath and phone in every apartment; electric lifts, steam heat, hot and cold water, janitor service, vacuum cleaner; reference re quircd. Phone Marshall 2ul0. HEINZ apartments. 14th and Columbia: 4 010CK9 BOUttl i rom mornswn at. .. building, completely fiist-class; furnished In 2, 3 and 4-room I am i ly apar t me n t. prfvate bath, reception hall, team heat, hot watetr, "elAator. free prone, janitor service; rent from $25 per month and up rAlaoon e 3-room unfurnished, 27.50. ORDELEIGH APAKTMENTS. Cor. Grand ave. and Stark st. New fireproof brick building, beautiful lv furnished two and three-room apart ments, private baths, wall beds, large clothes closet; Summer rates. Phone . 300. BELLE ROSE, new brick apartments, ready August L'itn; xwo, mree, iour ! rooms; all conveniences. South side or Lovejoy between Hist and 2-nd sts. Mar tin & Campbell, Inc. Main V39L Worces ter building. ANGELA APARTMENT. 33 Trinity Place. . . n. u -nirh nuur Wisli in.f3rton New brick building; 2. 3. -!! V' ments, furnished and unfurnished with, private bath, telephone electrlo elevator. outside porcnes. jamm . .. SAX MARCO APARTMENTS. E. 8th and LOUCfl BIS. 11 rj rY uisvn - - -- - all A rooms and bath. Ea range, lino eum on bathroom and kitchen 'loor" phones; rents. to 2. For parucu.ais apply on prcwiacB. 165 6tout st., near jloth and Washington- nicely furnishedf housekeeping and single apartments;, hot and cold water, electric and gas lights, both phone Trial 1KV1.M1. " ilst and Irving sts.; 4-room unfurnished apartments : all outside room ample closet room verandas; rent very reasonable: THE ill", ti 1 1j AraniJiiM Strictly modern, large roms and three closets to every apartment; cool and airy for Summer. 605 Lovejoy st. Take W car. FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment. modern in every particular; steam-heated, hot water Janitor services, with first-class fur nishings? Apply to Janitor. o8 Itear- ney st. CECILIA APARTMENTS. 22d and Glisan 3 and 3-room apartments, new 4-story brick. Just completed, ell modem conveniences; each apartment has private outside balcony ; rent reasonapie. STEAM-HEATED 5-room apartment, mod ern and desirable. 525 Everett St. Apply . Morgan. Fleldner 4 Boyce, 503 Ablngton bldg. ONEONTA APTS. 1ST 17th, south of Tarn hill (W. car at depot), 2 and 3-room fur nished suites, hot and cold water, free phones, bath. Main 4B97,A 4739. ST. CROIX Apartments. 170 St- Clair St., near Washington. Two and "three-room modern apartments. Fino residence loca tion. Reasonapie rent. JUST OPENED THE WHITEHALL,- 253 flth st , 4 squares above P. O. ; family ho tel, private baths and .telephones; tran sients soiiciieu. KEELER APARTMENTS. " nth ana -iy out. A few choice suites left at .$40 and of ner month. ' ST. CROIX APARTMENTS. 170 St. Clair St.. near Washington; furnished, modern. 3 room apartment; fine location, reasonable FOR RENT Three-room elegantly fur nished apartment, everything modern and convenient; centrally located. $60 month. Phone A 3U-z. 6TANLEY APARTMENTS. 701 Washlngtoa Mr T. D. Hughes. Modern 3 and 4 rooin apartments; every convenience; both phone " j-K jj apartments. 624 Marshall st- Exclusive, modern every respect; Quiet surroundings. If looking for something real nice, see tnese. so., ooj. a THE WESTFAL. 410 Sth St., furnished and unfurnished apartments; private baths and Shone- elevator and Janitor service; rent, reasonable. Phone A 2038. FOR RENT Newly furnished three and four room apartments; modern conven iences. The Leonce, 186 22d st. North. LAl'RBTTE APARTMENTS, 229 11TH One elegantly furnished 3-room apartment, strictly modern; both phone KING HILL APARTMENTS, King and Wayne st Apply to janitor. JUAN1TA, 325 11th St., very nicely fur nished 2-room apartment, modern. THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders; 4-room. modern apartments. Apply to Janitor. ST. CLAIR. 715 Wayne, modern 6-room apartment; two porche Phone Main 450. rut. THREE-ROOM furnished flat, all moderp ground floor, three blocks from new Helllg Theater; no children. Call after 10 o clock. -o in -- ttwfi-N tnovinir call up Van Horn Transfer WCo MTln 1618? A 1984. All covered wag- ona, all experienced men. A NEWLY furnished flat, 10 minutes walk from postofflce. all modern. 40. Inquire 301 Holladay avenue. MODERN 5-room flat, walking distance. 17214 East 2d st. north, cor. Oregon st. TeleDhone Woodlawn 362. ' w c- hath X30. 73 union ave. Louis Salomon nwjia .... ---- North, near E. Everett. Co., PtaiK. MODERN 5-room flat, 2o; J""'JLWeit Side; close in. on carllne. Apply 408, E. 12th and Division or A 3383. THREE rooms, new. modern flats. 22d near Clinton. phoneSellwood 1762. . NEW "modern. 5-room flat. East ISth and Ash. Phone B 200S. . : STRICTLY modern 6-room lower flat. 780 Johnson st. Tel. Main 4THS. . MODERN 5-room flat on East Side near 2 carllne Inquire at 146 2d St. NEW 5-room corner fiat, good attlo and basement. 475 7th. MODERN 6-ROOM upper flat, nice location. . 10th and Everett sts. 529 Everett st. FOUR new, modern 4-room flats; every con- venlence. East 5; B 1404. flats, FOR RENT 6-room flat, corner Grand ave. and Ankeny. Inquire 400 Concord bldg Maln 998. A 1298. 5-ROOM fiat, within walking distance. 249 E. oth St.. norui. pi Housekeeping Kooms THE BEAVER. 12th and Marahall. Fur nished for housekeeping, gas ranges, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free; 15 per month up; a clean Plao"-,0" in the city for money; short distance from Union Depot .Take "S" or l'n-"- .car" north, get off at Marshall at. No dog WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2 (3 month; 3 for $13; furnished cottage, large rooms. $20; lower flat 4 rooms; 364 N. 26th (west side river). W from depot, 6th or Morrison to 26th. block north. FOUR connecting rooms completely fur nished, suitable for 4 persons; very reason able: walking distance. Phone Marshall 1S29; A 1124. 3 HOUSEKEEPING room for rent, fltu" for sale cheap If taken at once; month; close In. 2U 2d at. cor. galn room 29. Call between 10 A. M. and I S. M. UNFURNISHED two-room. S."'" suites, five blocks from P0"0!', Jefferson, corner Fifth at. Beautiful out- look. - FIVE DOWNTOWN HOME. "MILNER BLDG." 350 MORRISON ST. - MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th, com Pletely furnished housekeeping rooms reasonable- , furnlshed housekeeping room?- ufdryf-bath, phone, gaa. heat. yard, clean linen. 4U6 Vancouver ave . rpn r iri us 2 and 3-room apartments, fur- "Pshed. 1M lh .1: transient solicited. $1.80 week, large, clean furm housekeeping rooms: launary, uav.. SI - kniiaalrsoninir mn ni T" " . nT o a,! A. Uarrlinn T-T 0.1 !. k-p'ng rroFrey phone baths, hot water. irn-R RENT Housekeeping rooms -In new Concrete brtdg. Phone Woodlawn 2997. si -.0 WEEK, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry,bath. 203 Stanton. U car. -."iVonTcely furnished housekeeping rooms, close In. 4S9i Washington. .. TWO and three nice large modern house keeping rooms, 680 2d st,