THE MORNING OREGONIAN. TUESDAY. AUGUST 9, 1910. 13 HIGHWAYS VERY BAD American Roads Are Worst in World, Says Englishman. EVEN INDIA HAS BETTER California Roads Especaily Bad for Autos, According to Hunter and Traveler Wife la Good Snot With Rifle. "American automobile read are tf mnt I hara ever n." said George Wilder, a prominent English business man and politician, at the Portland hotel yesterday. Mr. Wilder, who Is an extensive traveler. Is accompanied by his wife, who agreea with him In his uncomplimentary opinion of the public highways of this country. They hare recently toured India. Ceylon. France and Germany as well as their own country, and nay that the roads every where are better than they are In the United States, especially In California. The road from San Francisco to Santa Barbara." declared Mr. Wilder, la almost as bad as no road at all. It Is roua-h and full of atones nearly all the way and In some places the grade ts so steep that many cars can- not make the ascent. I have not traveled over any of the Oregon highways, but I understand they are no better than those In California. "In England our motorists have suc ceeded In having roads constructed that are practically as smooth as billiard tables. France has excellent roads; so has Germany. Even In India, where one would not expect to find the roads Im proved, they are much better than In this country. "Understand. I am not complaining, as the beauty of the scenery and the hospitality of the American people In many Inatancea discounts the difficul ties of travel." Mr. Wilder is also a sportsman of note, and during his ,stay In India bagged three nne naUve tigers, which he brought down without Injury to himself and without damaging the skins of the beasts. Mrs. Wilder, too. enjoys a chase after big game and ac companies her husband on nearly all his hunting expeditions. She has not been so successful, however. In her ef forts. She Is one of the best women rifle shots tn England. In the last general election, which aroused the Interest of the whole world, Mr. Wilder aided Lord Edmund Talbot, a brother.of the Puke of Norfolk, and the representative In Parliament of the West Sussex district. It Is said that Mr. Wilder is slated to succeed Lord Talbot, but he declares he is having too much enjoyment to think about en tering Parliament for a while. Mrs. Wilder says that the women of her country were greatly Interested In the Jeffries-Johnson fight and were ar dent Jeffries sympathisers. She sup plied them with San Francisco papers at the time of the contest, and says that she herself read all the reports from the ringside. 'I have been amused at one thing about your American women." she said laughingly, "and that Is the effort of some well-meaning but misdirected lsrtles to Induce Mra Longworth. the ex-President s daughter, to quit smok ing ctaarettrs. If she does smoke them. It Is no one's business but her own. Imagine some of those same women receiving directions from stran gers as to the manner In which they shall wear their hair or as to what kind of complexion cream they shall use. Mrs. Long worth's cigarette smok ing Is a matter Just as personal, and I wouldn't blame her a bit if she met the requests of the committee with a harp and pointed reply. After all. she Is the only one who will get brown fingers from the hahlt." Mr. and Mrs. Wilder are the guest of Mr. Wllder's brothers. Richard Wild er, of 72 Kearney street, and Frank Wilder, of 711 Washington street. They will be joined here today by his mother, who Is coming directly from her home In England to Portland. In a few days Mr. and Mrs. Wilder will leave for the Canadian Rocky moun tains for a few weeks' hunting. They will travel In their motor car which they Drought with them from England. They are devoted motor enthusiasts, traveling about 25.000 miles each year. Extradition Papers Issued. SALEM. Or.. Aug. . (Special.) Ex tradition papers were Issued at the ex ecutive offices toda for Aaron B. Rosenblatt, who Is held In Portland and la wanted tn San Francisco on a charge of Issuing a check on a bank In whlrh he had no fundft. AMVtigirEJSTS. mi a. a tesa. lUIUiU (IUT DAT. IX3TS THEATER 15-?5-M-T5C WFCK ArfifW S Mips Mlaal. Irapree ta -Tli. Minister- Wife." Al Jolsoa. The Orig inal Ms Kaufmans. Issle sad Hojle. U'Bnr Havel la "Tha HfW-e Boy and The Type wrtirr." Beam. Ueaal Uroa. Itelarea. Or cbe.ira. GRAND wk 1910 MR. HENRY LEE Beatrte. MclCefiste. Walter Shannon A Cft.: Musical Irrln; M lu Alice Hortlnek and Tympany; Lew Hoffman; George CrMalley; Grand iMop. Msttaee Beery Day. 110- any mt 15a, Iaalng Parformasraa at t : and :15: FsUonr l&c; Lower Floor uo; Box aoata SOo. LYRIC PORTLAJTO'S FAMILY ruivuorai Vrrua and Alder Streets. All week. Edward Armatroor Musical Coen dy Co. Presents -THE COLLEGE GIRLS" Phows commence dallr at t:4.V Tr. :15 rnlar XIM THORI'S CONTEST. THE OAKS KS!S2" EXTRA VVStCAL EVENT Weber's Prize Band SYjrrHONY CONTEST Thts afternoon. rwTin Apvij'y-.PN- to xrptTORirM BASEBALL BFCREATtOV PARK, Cer. Vaagha a ad Tweaty-foartk Streets SACRAMENTO PORTLAND Aaa. a, la. 11,-13, IS. Id. basse Bea-la Weekdays at Si9a P. M. Bandars SiS P. ML Admission Bleachers, tic: Grand stand. oc: Boxes, lie extra. Children. Bleachers 10c. Grandstand 25c LADIKV DAT FRIDAT . Bays Under It Free to Bleach era Wednesday. 5v r HOTEL I HOTEL OREGON SEATTLE rail nan ra Meat ensuing HeeL Hew, Meam, Centrally IiSeatsel. KITKOPKA rLAJT. KCnOPBAJf PLAIT. 7th and Stark Portland, Or. Pioneer Square, Seattle, Wn. WRIGHT-DICKINSON WRIGHT & DICKINSON HOTEL COMPANY, Props. HOTEL COMPANY, Props. notat ta trriu ty. Only oonvenlenoe for I. awai The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 630 Booms, 104 Suites, With Private) t Hatha. I Utivt il ke rtuuvr jsu.Luu.Lnt Moderate Bates, PM Metscxiaa & Sons, Props. THE PORTLAND rOKTlAHO, 08. ECBorZaJf rLAJf 1KOOEB3C augfrrAvaAjn cost on mtTMaow non.tmtl !r a a w. cobilEZJus, Proprietor. OPENED SEPT, Io PUVATB HOTEL LENOX E. D. and V. H. JORCENSEN ePropAw wUui Jhetgna COR. 3D JrVD MAIN STSL Rot t Cold Wmtar. Leaf Distanoe Phoos in Every Room. RATES $1.00 and up ferr s-V BeautifulHotelMoore CLATSOP BEACH SEASIDE, OR. Portland's Nearest Beach Resort Via A. & 0. S. E. Open AJ1 Tear. Directly overlookirg the Pacifie Ocean. A delightful Summer and Winter resort. Hot salt baths and surf bathing. Sea foods a spe cialty. Walks, drives and boating. DAK J. M00RE, Prop. ACCTIOX SALES TODAY. At aaleerneoVn. 1M 2d It, at 10 A K. 8. L. N. Oilman, auctioneer. At Baker's aortkm bouse, 153 Park street. Furniture, etc sale at 10 o'clock. Geo. Bker Jfc Co.. auctkti.era. IXXERAL XOTICES. 6A1LP Harry P. Salla, aged Xs year, died In Spokane. Waeb.. August A Funeral ertlcee at Flnler a. today (Tuesday). Aug. a. 10 A. M. Interment Uone Fir Cemetery, from Finleye. Services at grave private. KIVPER In this city. Aturnet t. Nancy E. Kinder, ajred SI yeara 4 month and 7 days. Tha lun.ral service will be held at the M. E. Church. Ore (ton City. Wednesday. August IS, at 1 P. M. Friends invited. SAlIvS At Ppokana. Waslu. August . illarry P. Sail, eon of Mrs. J. II. Sails, axed -I years month and i day. The funeral servirea wilt be held at Finley's parlor at 11 A. M. today (Tuesday!. Friend Invited. Service at the grave private. HAWKINS Auut s. Joeph Hawkins aged 71. member tieo. Wrlsht Pot O. A. It Funeral from Dunning A McEntee chapel. ' Wednesday. Anituet 10. at I A. M. Friends reetectfully invited. Interment at Green wood Cemetery. O'BRIEN In this city. Angut . Michael CBrlen, ased IT years. Funeral services will be held at Punning A McKntee's chapel. 7th and Pine streets, tomorrow (Tuesday). Auxust at A. it. Friend resnertfullr invited to attend. TOXSETH FXORAt, CO. MAKVIDAM BL1HI. VI DUAL DKll.NH. Pheoee: Mala Biej; A tie. franatng a Mrintse. tuaeral Dlreetara, Tth aadPlae. Pboae Main . Lady a. .i....t Office ef toonty Ceruaer. ti;l.I.l.R-BVR Ea CO.. Funeral Dtrectora, Sat wlillasaa ava boh phooeei Lady attend ant: moet moderm eetabuehment In the city. KIWABD HOUVA.V CO-. Fsneral DLrect - .. .H st. Led. Aaaistaat. Fbone M. SOT. era. If 3 j. r. rrxusT SON. Sd and Madlaea. Pbeae Mala . A IMS. wAa-r Rfns eel rMrectors. auovaaaars I f . H. iwpiiiiia. Inc. E. at. B tssa. FRJCHOV CO. Cndertakers: lady seslst- est 4l Alder. M. iiS. A I.VWH. Vadertrnker. cor. East Alder aad Sth. Tjh 7S1. K lsas, ldv aeelstant. Tha value of the stamp collection of the postal department la modestly placed at 300. 00O. but It would bring many (Unas that If Biaose en the market for sals. NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. Opened Tune. 1908. the very heart of Portland's business ao. hotel equipped witn wireless teiegrapn. - v RaIj. sl-OO and un. Cafe and grill; muaio daring lunch, dinner and arte theater. r. . Rl.aarsaeav ,, W . weretlasd, See. aaa Ma iffS-:a,.:aB:.pifd E. i-sJ a a i a a 1 1 W 33 12 3 IB is. VTEAfH) CARTERS FOR TOTRjlriTW ai roMMWlAL UTKAVELEBa. CWU rata te f amnios and sis. gla iwunea The fnanaaemTitil will . be K eased at all times shew raoms aaa atve nrleea, A mod ern Turkish eetmbllabmeat H. C ROWER. land's newest and most modern hotel. European plan, re sinning May 1st our rates will be as follows: All back rooms Vli" blih. stasia. 1.00 per dar: double. ,.0 per day. All front rooms wit bout bath. 1X80 per dag. alnaie; $2.60 per dar flimMiL All OtJXlilOa rooma. Our omnibus meets H. E. TLELCSESL, Manster. HOTEL RAMAPO Corner Fourteen! and Washington Xeaw Hot ail. Elegantly Furaiahed Rates $ l.OO and Up Special Ratoa for Permanent. rami i iaai ptaa. Bos Meets AO Teabsw sle. roure. rsioeaisTOBv T0"J W IXJCj UBTB BATHS p THE WOODS American Plan TJt' I 'Ih'T European Plaa UI Per Day XIU X Julu 1 UeS Par Qa "It's All CoialortJ' On Iwkrs eTHete Maala Oat Fearara. la heart of business district, canter of city, half blooM from o. K. Ry. and N. P. Ky. Depot, close to all steam. ablp wbarras and C P. R. Depot. VANCOUVER, B.C MEETING XOXICXa. BIJJSOX EXCAJfFMENT. NO. 1. L O. O. P. Reaular meeting thl (Tuesday) evening, at 8 o'clock. Patriarchal degree. Visitor ai- way welcome. R. OSVOLJ). Perl be. : PIED. SUMNER Mlsa Florence 'Sumner, of Chi cago, passed away at Mlradero Sanitarium, Sunta Barbara. Cal.. Aug. 1. Chicago and Detroit paper please copy. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE, CTTT HAXX. T MAIN 08ft. A 7S. Hr MAN B OFFICER. EAST 4T7fc NEW TODAY. PIEDMONT Several very desirable homes to se lect from. Seven and eight room houses that are attractive In every way. even In price. MKRCHAXTS . SAVIiS A TRUST COMPANY. . W. Cor. th and Washington streets. I BOUGHT FOUR LOTS THE FIRST OF JANUARY ON MACADAM ROAD, RUNNING THROUGH TO VIRGINIA ST. I CANT MEET MT PAYMENTS AND MUST SELL. S 191 OREGONIAN. MORTGAGE LOANS Lawaet rata aad teraaa te emlti a se rial sates aad favetrable teraaa a tnrgs ! ea aaalaeea properties. Vwjaeks Leue for Prleata lastatnt. A.H.BIRRELL. CO. 0I M.kv lllilB. a .tarte. IHVIJiGTOX. Eight-room house, all conveniences, cement basement, improved street; tr.iuO, tJSOO cash, balance 6 per cent, lbng time. 439 E. 19th St.. N. Inquire 436 ISth St., N. KBW, modern houes. In Irelngtoa. X. B. Rica, 8U Wasco. Both phooes. NEW TODAY. 100x200 ' HALF BLOCK Modern 9-room house, full cement, 10-foot high basement, new furnace, fireplace, well fenced, 35 bearing fruit trees, 25 shade trees, 20-foot high holly tree, 8x26 feet fine bear ing grape arbor, automobile garage, two god chicken-houses, plenty fine roses, all kinds of other fine flowers: good location, only two blocks from car and only 15 minutes from West Side. This is a beautiful home; all j streets will be hard-surfaced and fin- j ished in four weeks. Price $9500. A. J. GANTNEE. 618 Board of Trade Building, Fourth and Oak Streets. Office Phone Main 3875: Residence Phone Sellwood 138. LAKE SIDE On Vancouver Lake, is the coming suburban home location of Portland. All the Portland and Seattle trains pass the property and stop ' at the junction. It takes but SO minutes to go from the Union Depot to the junc tion. The whole City of Portland is In sight, also the Colombia and Wil lamette Rivers, together with moun tains. Hood, Adams, Bainler, St. r-lblens and the Cascade Range. , A few home sites of 5 and 10-acre tracts in a high state of cultivation, with bearing trees 7 to 12 years old, are now on the market by I. L. RAT, at Hotel St. Elmo, Vancouver, Wash. SACRIFICE AT RIVERDALE A VERY DESIRABLE CORNER. Commanding the finest view m this section, only 3 blocks from the car; 5-room house, with big sleeping-porcn, This property is in the finest con dition, improved with very choice fruit; has fine barn, suitable for auto. Good reason , for selling. See owner, CHAR. McCORMICK Care H. Jenning & Sons., Second and Morrison. Will also sacrifice a 10-acre tract 4 blocks from the electric car at Oak Grove. WEST SIDE RETAIL DISTRICT If you are looking for a good hotel or business site in the heart of the re tail district downtown, where property is japldly advancing; In value, nere it Is. Will make big increase in next 90 da vs. It will nay you to Investigate this, as It cannot last. No better buy In Portland's business district today. F. E. TAYLOR & CO. 402-3 Leerls Bids;., Fourth and Oak Sts. Imngton Swell Home Brand new. modern, swell 9 room house, everything in and ready to move into, furnace, fireplace, two sleeping porches built-in china closet, window seats, nice combination fixtures, shades. breakfast-room, in fact it has all latest Improvement and Is a beautirul home, on a lot 60x100. with cement sidewalk and street improvements paid, this home la wortn aio ana you can ouy it for a few days for $7600. about $3000 cash, balance easy terms, in the best part ol irvington, notning DUl swell homes surrounding It. Gmssi & Zadsw S17 Board Trade Bids, dth and Oafcasj 65x100 $1254) 55x110 S1500 TERMS FINE VIEW CHAPIN & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce v TWO 6-room modern houses, bringing good rent; lots lOOilOO, on East 10th st, only 200 feet from carline. $5500 Cash A. J. GANTER 618 Board of Trade Bldg., Fourth and Oak Sts. Fine Buy 100x100. Close in, on Taylor St. Present income about $300 per month; good terms. Vanduyn & Walton 515 Chamber of Commerce. MILLIONS OF DOLUBg Ef GOLD. Values lying" dormant in already devel oped mines, within twenty mile of the Sumpter Smelter in Eastern Oregon, -where a ready caan market exists. Hundreds of thousands of tons of ore now blocked out ready to break down and ship. Grand opportunltle for practical miners and live promoters. Now is the time to se cure some of these valuable properties. through purchase, lease or worKins opuun. Quick action counts. Address Secy. Sumpter Development League. Sumpter. Oregon. tMVSSTORS Call on iwnerr Beany --'"; for timber, acreage, nuslnee. residence aaa apartment properties. 206 AMngtna, NEW TODAY. 160 ACRES ORCHARD LAND . 20 MILES fROM PORTLAND, FOR PLATTING : If you are looking for either a beau tiful country home or platting proposi tion, we have it. Cut into 5 and 10 aero tracts, should net 150 to 200 per cent. No better soil in Oregon. Trout stream running through the place. Will raise as good fruit as Hood River. Is only one hour from Portland and three miles from electric line. . Owner is actually compelled to sell "and will make big sacrifice If taken this week. If you are looking for gilt-edge invest ment, HUB IS J UU U(IJUL,UUIIJ , " better speculation on the market. It will be worth your time to Investigate .kino. F. E. TAYLOR 6 CO.; 402-3 Lewis Bids;., Fourth and Oik Sts. To Trade High-gTade, close-in city warehouse property, with trackage, for other city property or acreage. Apply owner, 606 Conctrd Bldg. Phone Main 1373. RBAL ESTATE DKALER3. REAL ESTATE PKALERa,, T4k. William Q.. 312 Fallinr bldff. Birrell. A. H. & Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate, insurance, .moriKafces, loans, etc. Bru baker & Benedict, 602 McKay bldg- M. CARD REALTY & INVESTMENT CX. 623 HENRY BLXKJ. AI A KS H A LLi lOO. A llK).. Chapln & Herlow, 332 Chamber Commerce. Jenning- ft Co.. Mala 188. 200 Oregonlan. PALMER-JONES CO., H- P, 218 Commer cial Chih hid or. Scbalk. Geo. -, 228 Stark st Main 392, A 2392. SCHINDLER ft HALL. 205 Abington bids. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand av. and Multnomah at. inouaaay auuiuuilj M. E. Thompson Co., cor. 4th and Oak sts. REAL, ESTATE. For Sale Lots. HIGH-GRADE RESIDENCE SITES. Choice West Side building; sites with view. Cedar Hill, just this side the City Park, In walking distance and of easy aorau hv ra r nnrf automobile: Portland Heights south from the end of Ford street onage to council crest; singio ioib, quarter blocks, half b!ocsr blocks and acres with a beautiful unobstructed view. from $3000 to 110.000 per lot in price. R, F. BRYAN. 1227. 605 Cham, of Com, Main 1963. AN EXCELLE NT Investment. View lots that are reaily close in on the west bide, i.e., within walking distance of P. O-. and those that have an absolutely un obstructed view of anything without the climb, together with eood car service, are scarce and will be mighty valuable In the near future. I have such a lot a on the proposed Scenic Boulevard which "is to be four miles long, for $1800; terms. In a year you won't be able to touch it lor huuu. ad 1 77, uregonian. RIVERSIDE ADDITION. SNAP. Two full lots on Carpenter street, be tween Concord and Denver, at $650 cash. apiece. RUSSELL & BLTTH. Commonwealth Bldg. 1900 ONE of the finest lota on Mt Tabor, within 75 feet of Belmont st. cars; streets - on two sides, commanding superb view, and in a most desirable neighborhood; we ask a comparison with other East Side lots selling for 2000. Hart Land Co.. 146 becona gt. jnone .uarsnau moo. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. 50x100 corner lot. Just across street from Beaumont. Rest buy in city for the money. Only s&ju. Easy terms, v ibo, ure- gontan. - THINK OF THIS FOR A SNAP. Five 50x100 lots at 63d and Davis sts. for S2B00 if taken at once. The owner lives tn Detroit, Mich., and wired me to sell them. Almost adjoins Laurelhurst. DAVID LEWIS, Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg.. Sth and Stark. $650 LOT 50x100. graded streets, water, ce ment walks, electric lights, ornamental shade trees, all Improvements tn and paid for; am unable to keep up my payments ana am iorcea to seu; some terms, i.o, Oregonlan. A LOT SNAP, $27R. Nice lot. 40xlOO, in Span ton Addition, near E. 26th and Gladstone; only $275; must b sold auick. GRUSSI ft ZADOW, ,317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. LIKE living In the country but still within the mile circle on the West- Side, X have a full-sized lot, near carline, with beauti ful trees and foliage, with a wild scenio nature view, for $1600; terms. AD 176, Oregonlan. 70x100 ON NORTH RUP ST. NEAR 24TH. Suitable for apartments or flats. No building restrictions. Some Income from well-built 1-story house. Apply to Owner, Alex C. Ra. 407 McKay bldg. Phone Main 649L . $10 CASH and $5 a month for a very pretty lot, 3 blocks Mt. Scott 5c car; city water; get in on this and double your money in a short time. HIGLEY & BISHOP, 132 THIRD ST. LOT 50x100, in Winflsor Heights on East 4Rth street, three mocks irom Hawtnorne ave., one block from car; price $700, $200 cash will handle. Mc Car sax, Ba t es ft Lively. 315 Falling building. BIG DISCOUNT FOR CASH. IRVINGTON corner, 100x100, on 13th and Stanton sts., at $1350 a lot; only two blocks from Irvington carline. A- Backus, 619 Board of Trade bldg. WHY go on the East Side when you can get a lot on tne west eiua wuam whiimhh distance. In an exclusive, restricted dis trict, near carline, for $1250? Terms. AD 180. Oregonlan. E. 25TH AND GLADSTONE. A few choice lots left at $500 each; $25 cash, balance $10 per month. The cheap est close-in lots in the city. E. A. McGrath, 331 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. $2 each month payments ; price $150 to $200; nothing down. Just $2 per month; Oregon City carline. National Realty ft Trust Co., 326 Washington at., room 516. YOTT can buy a lot near Rose City Park for JdUU. uowa aiiu v uiuiimij , nucu streets, cement sidewalks. Bull Run water. 524-52B Jjoarq or iraae jjiog. I MUST sell two choice corner lots in Ful ton Park, ngnt at tne station; no reason able offer refused. See attorney. 410 Fail ing bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Splendid lot on canine, in an xciuaiTtj i wiumiiuoj u trict, for $1500; terms. AC 179, Orego nlan. OWN ER leaving city is obliged to d 1s- pose or a most signtiy o-uiming 101 in me old portion of Portland Heights. Phone Marshall 1948. $700 BUYS a lot 4x108 on Ivy and Kerby Streets; lerilia. van 71 aiuiiinuui BUi Room 9. ALAMEDA PARK. Four lots, near carline, old contract, cb eap. Phone Main 3308. - - BARGAIN $150 takes a business lot on Belmont St., wanting uwiu;c. -n -a t M orrlson at.. Room 9. PORTLAND HEIGHTS A beautiful lOOx lOO, close to cam no. lermi. AOt 175, Oregonlan. FINE. Jot 50x100. on Church st,, near Pat ton ave,, IOr - "t nui eiupm auu concrete walk. Call 410 Falling bldg. $500 EQUITY in Laurelhurst lot. I'm broke ana sannu- avcu uy r-s,.'unjww, aui $150 cash. J 176. Oregonlan. A SNAP In Council Crest site lor a few days oniy. w . j. jua-vi , mv dwiiu vi Trade bldg. GREENWAY lot, on carline, SSO0. W. J. Baker, b lit tsoaru ui 1 1 sua jsiug. PA RO RA MIC view lot, on West Side, close In, IloWJ. i erms. a vj no, vregqnian. FOUR Irvington Park lots on Ainsworth avenue, cneap rr csn. raune x BEAUTIFUL home site. Council Crest Park, terms, owner, ta r anmg oiug. PORTLAND boulevard lot at $750; size 5 Ox loo. see trustee, waning piag. $150 CASH and $20 monthly, corner lot, near PIEDMONT 100x100. $2000; will mil In 2 veparata iota or as a wmu. rouu .w cw. KEAi ESTATE. For Sale .Lota. WHAT gives property value? It'a nearness to the business center of town. Especially is this fact emphasized when a city has two sides with one side "The Side." Stop bemoaning lost opportunities that you did not get in on the ground floor when you can buy a lot now. yes. now, when the future of Portland is assured, on the West Side, with frontage on one of the principal streets, within the mile and one-half circle of the P. O., right on the carline, and with all improvements, pave ments, cement sidewalks, sewer, gas and water mains. Included in the purchase price of $1800. Terms. This space will . be worth from $30,000 to $40,000 When the residence restrictions are off. The man who builds here will grow rich. AC 178, Oregonlan. WHY buy where you have to ride all day on the streetcar when you can get a lot on the West Side, within easy walk ing distance of the P. O., in a splendid locality where there are beautiful homes, for $1400; terms. The West Side is the side aad It is the place to Invest your . - - .a i. vi csuuiau. For Sale Houses. RIVERDALE HOMO. One Of the handiiinieatt In the RIV- errtde district; 7 beautifully designed and artistically finished rooms', a reception hall. full-lenrth llvlnr mnm with lsJTfl fir- place, bookcases and seat, casement and rrencn wmaows, paneled ana oeamea un-lng-room with artistic buffet, Dutch kitchen, 4 bedrooms, each in senarata color scheme; sleeping balcony, large bathroom, attlo soaced for twi lYvim anri Hath full cement basement; extra large furnace; private water avnrni unaer Heavy pressure; oeautirui grounds about an ara in extent and com manding a sweeping view of the city, river wo mouqiuiu. f or xurtner paruoucs svyyi R. F. BRYAN, 505 Chamber of Commerce, A 1227. Main 1963. SO MANY people ask how I can get so many snaps in dwelling houses. Don't let that bother you, but please let me show all those tired and discouraged the two best sacrifice propositions In Portland In good homes at moderate prices on easy terms. Corner lot 50x100, S large rooms, full basement. cement floor, cement walks, sewer, electric liKht fixtures, shades, 1 block from car; bath, shade ana zruit trees; 3th, near Clinton, ?.tuuu. A Iso 7-room modern new house, furnace. fireplace, paneled dining-room, electric fixtures. $i250. Call 507 McKay bldg. Main 4710. ' BUILD NOW. LET US FINANCE THE BUILDING OF YOUR HOME IF YOU OWN LOT. SMALL AMOUNT OP" CASH la BUKFlUlHiA X. OUR REPUTATION FOR WELL-BUILT HOMES, FAIR DEALING AND DIS PATCH OF CONSTRUCTION IS BRING ING US MANY CLIENTS. NORTHWEST ERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. Successors to Portland Realty & Construction Co., 901-2-3 Lewis Bldg. . WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. Brand new 5-room buntcalow. Just fin ished, full . cement basement, electric llehts. north front, xood neighborhood. half block from car; on a lot 40x100; price only $2600, $500 cash and $20 per montn; just like paying rent to yourseitv GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. ROSS CITY PARK. BARGATN. ' Just comnleted. 8-room home on 52d st. bath, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch, full basement, laundry tubs. etc.: lot wiiw: improvements1 in ana p&ia: splendid buy for $4000; owner will sell for zoo leas u taken at onoe: terms sow caan, balance $20 per month. National Realty &. Trust Co.. 3264 Wash, st., room oio. HOUSE. EAST 10TH AND COUCH. Very good 6-room house, walking dls tance; on East Couch, near 10th, has full cement basement, tras. full nlumblntr. etc: a very icood comfortable home and right down town; price is only $4000, half casn, balance a years. -tRUSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. " SWISS BUNGALOW. East 37th st., near Hawthorne ave., $2800 ; $750 cash, balance easy terms ; 6 rooms, modern, three bedrooms, fine bath, hardwood floors and Dutch kitchen: a swell little home; shades and fixtures in cluded. See us about this quick. HAAS & R INGLE R, 211 Lewis Bldg. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. block from Alberta car; 7 large rooms, facing east, large clothes closets, bath and toilet. 4 bedrooms, living-room. dining-room and kitchen, beautiful lawn and garden, 4 fruit trees; fine chicken house ; $2900; $1500 cash, balance 1 per cent. L ibb, uregonian. NEW. 5-room bungalow, on carline, about 30 minutes' ride from center of city; never before occupied; east front; lot ouxiou, large reception -room, fireplace, built-in buffet, large open attic, full basement, laundry trays, fitted for gas and electricity. Owner leaving city, will make terms. Room 41 Rothchild pi cur. PIEDMONT HOMES. Three houses, facing east, at 1317, 1321 and 1325 Rodney avenue, of five, six and seven rooms, thoroughly modern and fin ished, near Woodlawn carline; inspection Invited. F. G. Warner, owner, 1275 Wli- ' uams ave. rnone w ooaiawn av. W3 WILL SELL a cosy five-room bungalow. near carline, moaern conveniences, resLoci eri district. $2700: easy terms. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT & TRUSTEE 524-626 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473. BEAUTIFUL HOMES ON EAST SIDE We have some attractive bargains In homes in Holladay and Irvington additions. If you are looking for a home in this fine resi dence district, see us. McCargar,'Bates & T I Ol- TT Minn KlTflstirKT ONLT 1100 DOWN. Art A iso Mr month buys new 5-room modern bungalow, 32d and Clinton; all conveniences. C L. SHEETS, Main 7776. 420 Swetlanad Bldg, GOOD INVESTMENT. Choice corner. 100x100. Larrabee st. npai' Rmnilwftv taridtre. at a barealn: only $6000 cash, balance to suit. .Vanduyn & Walton, 010 cnamper uommerce. OWNER sacrificing furnished 7-room, new. handsome bunsralow. latest Improvements, furnace. 50x100 corner, 150 feet from Rose 'City car; $3750, easy terms. -No agents. Tabor 2330, DOX oo4, roriianu. IN ESTACADA-jSlOOO. 8-room house; lot 50xl0v feet; $50 down, $10 a month; Interest at 0 per cent. ARTHUR B. SMITH, Room 28 Ainsworth Bldg. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS, $U50. KAflf 4-room house, beautiful lot 50x153. fruit, vegetables, flowers, etc. ; one block to Car, erma, rinu . i, .- uum- side. Main 2776. MODERN six-room bungalow, finished at tic, furnace, two fireplaces, gae, electric iiehts cement basement, large porches; on carline. 664 Ravensview Drive, Portland Heights. Tel. Main 563. $50 DOWN. 6-room house, modern, on Woodstock carline, basement, bath, etc, $50 down, balance $15 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 32ti Washington St.. room 516. $3200 GOOD 8-room house, location central. jast - oiae, one uiotn iu jhuhuwii r, easy terms. B. C Mathews, 80S Fenton bldg. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS. 6-room modern house, 13 lots, all in fruit. 2 blocks from car; $1500 will handle this. Phone Tabor $300 CASH, balance $15 per month, buys 3- fruit, on carline, for sale by owner. Call 14 North 6th St. Phone Main 1038. NEW house, just finished, hall, reception hall, Dutch Kitcnen. lot graaea; near Hawthorne ave. ; $4000. terms. Fisher & Hilller, 305 Aolngton. iVin iwi. $20 A MONTH, including interest, for a line new o-ruum uuugaiun, nuieu wkiib, one block to carline; $2000. and only $200 down. Call at 630 Worcester block. $1000 BUYS a 4-room bungalow near Mt KCOtt cariiuw; iui i , ..tfu voou uu balance easy. HIOLEY & BISHOP, 132 THIRD ST. BEST buy In city; strictly modern 7-room home, restnetea aioi-riuL, 101 miw, oeau tiful grounds close in; 832 E. Kelly st. Phone Sellwood 37; price $3400. terms. WEST STDE. 40x100. close in., modern flat. 2 6-room apanmenu; luroaceB, nrepisxres, full basement; good income; $11,000; terms. 830- Chamber of Commerce. 1 4, 5 A ND 6-ROOM HOUS ES. E. 25th and Gladstone; low price and easy terms. E. A. McGrath, 331 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IF you have $150 cash and want a new mod ern K-rOOm UUUarj, uco . taw J &U1 US hlrltr. FOR SALE Strictly modern '5-room bun- . 9 narllnB, IXfthd- enstv farms 242 5th st. f " $54 MONTHLY Income; $1700 handles it. nwner 35 Lafayette bldg. Main 8529. BARGAIN Five-room house, rtrlctly modern. r maiiire 224 E. 61st. B S50 CASH and $30 monthly, including In- Teresa ow Swetland bldg. FOR SALE by owner, the nandsomest 8- room house m xmnswa. t,a N. call ana see it. $200 CASH buys 4-room house, large lot, car two blocks: pay balance as desired. Hatfield. 165H 4th at. - FOR SALE 5-room house, lot 50x100, and two-room nouse. d-h aiua si... oenwooq car. 3-ROOM houee and lot, 8 blocks) from car; only y4oo. ynone xaooritao. . I BUILD houses, terms to suit. Ev E. MiUer, 430 Worcester xiiasi as REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses GOING TO BUILD? WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THH CITY. THERE ARK GOOD REASONS OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY AND GET BETTEK WORK. ON TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO., 809 HENRY BLDG. eBuftiuetMi Property. A GOOD BUY. 66x100. Lovejoy. near 2od St.; a fine site for apartment-house, in best part of Nob Hill section. Vanduyn &. Walton; 515 Chamber Commerce. BUSINESS corner block. Income better than under lease. 88400. Tabor 210. . Acreage. " 15 ACRE FRUIT AND BERRY RANCH. 1 An ideal suburban home and a money maker; only 10 miles east of Portland, on 2 county roads; one mile to station; best kind of soil, no rock or gravel: has 2 acres blackberries, 3 acres red raspberries, 1 acre strawberries, 1 acre of currants and froose berries, H aore loganberries, acre grapes, 4 acres fruit. 4 acres good garden land. Price Is $7000 if taken soon. Talk with, owner, COS Gerllnger bldg. Second and Alder. Fair set of buildings. - SACRIFICE SALE. Five acres, all in cultivation, with fln 7-room house, just outside of Hlllsboro. 15 minutes to electric station, rich level land, on main county road, large shade and fruit trees; $700. $400 cash, balance S10 per month. See owner, 700 Corbet bldg. BY OWNER 6 acres, or will divide subur ban home, two blocks from station, one from church, two from school, four to river, fine orchard and berries, nice gar den; 7-room house, good barn and out buildings; Oregon Citv cars stop at Jen nings Lodge. Inquire at store for C LV Slocum. """7 GARDEN LANDS FOR RENT. We have within the 15-mile limit of th City of Portland. Oregon, Borne very choice; river bottom land, which we will rent for ten years or less, in tracts of ten acres and up. THE TROUTDALE LAND CO., 305 Lumbermens Bldg. IF YOU want an acre or bo for a home anfl garden spot and yet work ia town come with us to Garden Home and we will show1 .acres for the price of lots the same dis tance out. Acreage from $400 up. Fisher & HHller, 305 Abington. Main 4S41. 2hi ACRES, with house and well and small orchard ; $850; at ' station. 5 acres, all cleared, on electric line, 12 miles from Portland, $175 per acre. 11 acres at Tlaard station. $350 per acre. 411 Couch bldg. ACREAGE. 1 acres at Courtney, in grapes and ber ries; fine home site. 4 blocks from Oregon City car. A snap. See us quick. CLODFELTER BROS., t 414 Couch Bldg. ; $1250. Five acres, all cleared, undor cultivation, best of soil, only 45 minutes to business center; this Is a snap; let us show you. LUCAS & HEITSCHMIDT, . 511 Corbett Bldg. FIVE AND TEN-ACRE TRACTS Thoroughly cleared and in cultivation at $200 per acre, on easy tearms; on electrla line, close to Portland. PACIFIC N. -W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 404-5 Couch Bldg. 10 ACRES, Improved, comfortable house, bearing orchard, fine spring, near school and county road; no rock; 35 miles from Portland. $750; half cash, balance easy. PALMER. 507 Couch Building. ON Oregon Electric Line between Portland and HUlsboro, a fine tract of level platted land; carline runs through the center, for $200 per acre. This Is an extraordinary bargain. Call 410 Falling bldg. FULL acre 27 minutes out, 5c car service; $400 to $700; good view. HIGLEY & BISHOP, 132 THIRD ST. Homesteads. TWO relinquishments, joining, all fenced. S wires, good buuaings, r. v. ana town 2U m 1 1 anhool 1 U miles, on county road, stock, crops and household goods. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the 34 counties is best adapted for; glvei amount of Government land open to home stead in each county; map attached. 21x 28, showing new R. R. and towns. Includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon: counties tn different colors; drawn to March 1, 1010; latest map in U. S,; price 25c. Nlxn mo A Runey. 313Hamllton bldg. WHY pay two and three hundred dollars per acre for fruit land when you can secure 160 acres, relinquishment, of the same kind of land? Best in the state, close to Portland, for $650. 1 relinquish ment 820 acres, wheat land, improvements worth price of relinquishment, and 320 acres adjoining can be filed on. Don't answer unless you mean business, as the above are great values. J. A. Davis, 214; Swetland bldg. For Sale Fruit Lands. 75 ACRES of fine fruit land, 3 miles from Dallas, Oregon; house, barn, 15 tons of hay, 4 milch cows, 3 heifers, 12 hogs, 40 goats, 1 team horses, 300 chickens, 75 cords of wood, oak and fir; 3 wells on place, 100 bearing fruit trees, 110O trees young orchard, lots of good saw timber, oak and fir; 3 acres of potatoes, 1 acre beans, corn, etc., farming implements. Price $4000. For sale by owner. Ad dress, Charles- Malllnson, Dallas, Oregon. PRIZE FRUIT LANDS. Tpn-n nrfl nlanted tracts, cared for 1 year, $135 per acre; $350 down, balance 1 5 years. 6 per cent; apples, peaches, apri cots, almonds, grapes; spring water piped through the tract; Sundale fruits and veg etables took the medal at Seattle's great exposition. "North, south, east, west. . Hunter lands always best." 4U7 weiis- Fargo bldg.. Portland. 160 ACRES $.1000 EASY TERMS. 25 miles from Portland; unexcelled fruit lonrl ahmit .'ist orrPR hnftnm iwnri Pnfirrt piece well watered and on direct trans . portation to Portland. Will double in tralna fn sir wisntrie Hmo PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., M 4045 Couch Bldg T tt A V B a mnch KIL mllPR hnplr of T.vln Wash., and I -want to sell 10, 20 or 40 will clear for you, set out your orchard and care for It when It's young, corres pond, see me or write. F. E. Manchester, Lyie. wasn. For Sale Farms. 160 ACRES, deep rich mahogany red hill clay loam soil, 2 miles from railroad, within 30 miles of Portland, in the center of a well-established apple country; 3" acres now in. grain, 2 acres commercial orchard, berries and vegetables, balance ciearea ana ueu iur ynoiuic, lucid uguis " waste land: well watered by several good springs ana wen ; r . j-. i'""r . good 7-room house, new barn,, and well fenced; fine slope for apples and righi elevation for walnuts. If yent are looking for an ideal fruit proposition where you can make some money, bay this at only ALFALFA AND CLOVER FARM In Oregon. Does not overflow; beautuu THIS IB a Blllil -"f OrVUCi ocu nc mean business.- Price $2100; $800 wil i - 1 1 Anj,A QACi Tina r-H nf TrnslA in. a f vi tr. frnrr uni m nroveu. nines v rail from Jr'ortiana; suitaoie kt irun rcu ing and ' chicken ranches; well watered soil, no rocK or grave.; o 10 ?o ' acre, easy terms; tnese are mo cneiipos 310 Corbett biag. - 1rt4 ACRES $3000 EASY TERMS. 25 miles irom .fornana; unesccueu irui piece well watered and on direct trans value In six months' time. PACIFIC N. W- DEVELOPMENT CO., 404-5 loucn jsiag. niiiTii-rtrirn iiAnn tjtvpr ja e.nnu in uni-A In Knft an ail UUUUl MliaauuH, . j " well located home close to station; una value ior yunja. iui m . AZ 1 " Yauuu" " ' - TriArce. DOUGLAS COUNTY. OR. FOR SALE 170 acres cnoico iau. swu "" L at present in su v , : - ner acre. For particulars and terms app; blOCK, roruanu, ttor SALE By - owner, 40-acre tract wit rrmoM r.nwi. riiniacua, was11". u ua, ., All lr nrll Tril t VMI U- TAT-. R I I I IIUU. fOT ill lUiUIUlllU" B-VK C. Glttere. Banks, R. F. , Na 2- nverlooiting tne vaiiey an e. . . o' . For particulars see v ' vv iijow.i ts aii2 z r ' v 1808 Division St.. Portlai-. - . r i.'. ia a rRB orchard tract a unlmo:, u nn sannir lilt sin prfi rcv urmi ' a rouna trip same oay. aiv mrewt nwi. J. A. CUNNINGHAM. house and business; prices reasonable; .exchange. P. O- Box 74. CarUon, Oft