I - ' itttt rmrrvr nprnnvTAV vnvnAY. ATTGTTST 8. 7.910. . tjQ JAVilUiximr i '' VEAN GREGG SAVES PORTLAND TEAM Remarkable Control of South paw Proves Undoing of Oakland Boys. DOUBLE-HEADER IS SPLIT In Afternoon Gum, Won by North erner by l-to-0 Score, Gregg Strikes Out 14 Men Ryan Starts Hostilities in First. PACIFIC COAST LEAGCE. YeMerdaj's Results. Portland 1-2. 0lnl 0-4. Lea ImlH -l. Vernon 4-4. San Francisco 2-1. Sacramento 0-0. ,, J Standing a tbo Claba. T..JI i ...ri" l" n T 10! Minis', .'is 14j insato 1 12 121 . ..59H3J1 i T.V3TSI I ; I jj 8 S f 3 t t club. ? 1 I I " I San Fran..' 113.14 U 14 13' TO .54. i Oakland 114 13.14 13! ex .'-J 4 Portland ...fliMO : 14: ls M f 4 Vsrnon T toils 111:11; M -32 i I Loa AnU .'IS14 4!ul ltl 63;.4J 1 I 6acramnto ,12 13 7 3 III I 4 .3M I SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 7. Speclal. It remained for Vean Gregg, the Portland southpaw, to win the only two same tna Braver took this week from the Oak. Thiring the middle of the week It wa Gregg who managed to win from the fast-coming Commuters, and strain this afternoon, following a morning defeat. Gregg abut out the Omklanders. 1 to . In a game In which the hits were mighty scarce. Both pitchers were accorded errorless support, but Gregg's victory can be at tributed In large part to bis remarkable control. 14 of the Oaks being struck out. It wss all in accord with hi strike out record of the previous game, when be fanned ten of the Commuters. The attendance at Recreation Park, not so large perhaps as last Sunday, wa good, and ropea had to be stretched in renter field to keep the crowd back. There were no fielding errors charged, although the Portland run cams through a man who was hit by Nelson, a slip that was followed by a long bit. Gregg held the locals to three hits and they were never dangerous after the first Inning, when they annexed two hits, but were doubled out. In the forenoon, although Portland gathered ten hits In all. as against seven for Oakland. It was the latter team that . won. The Oaks bunched four of their hits In one Inntag the third and that proved the undoing of the Beavers, for Maggart drove In two runs with a timely two-bsgger. That Inning gave the Oaks three runs, and they wound up the game with a 4-to-l score in their favor. Most of the action In the afternoon af fair was In the first Inning. Ryaa start ed hostilities by beating out a bunt that Nelson attempted to field In ungainly tyle. He wa sacrificed to second by Ol son, and Rapp was hit by the pitcher. An attempted double steal resulted in Rysn being headed at third base, but Rapp was on second and he scored really when Casey bit a liner just lnalde the hrst-basS line. The Oaks almost did thing In the same inning. There was a cheer when Hogan hit to right and Wares followed that up with a swat paat second. Maggart fanned and Hogan was doubled out in attempting to n reach third. Cameron retired the side by ' striking out, - . The Beavers placed two men on the ' saves In the fourth on a wild pitch and a ' walk, but there was no action. In the ' ) y seventh some particularly classy work by ' . Wares at short robbed the Beavers of I ,tia. but they closed the ninth In fast - ' frm. With one down Olson singled and : Rapps doubled Into the left-field crowd. (-aw was called out for stepping across the plate, and. after Sheehan had drawn a pass, he was forced at second. In the forenoon seion. with the bases full. Mags-art dropped a Texas leaguer on the left-Held1- chalk line that called for two of the trio. Later. In the eighth. Wolverton's The scores: slDgle added another run. Mora Ins PORTLAND. AB R a o PO 2 4 1.' 2 1 0 o s o 0 w,-an. Olsen. cf. . o 4 Rapps. lb Fihr. c . 5b Sh haa. 3b... Spaa. If 'rt. rf Safon. p..... JlcCredlo . . . Totals ST S OAKLAND. AB R H"an. cf 4 1 tv.rea, a .......... 1 S M(rt. If S 1 i a mroii lb.. ....... S 1 Wclverton. b 3 0 'utshaw. 2b......... 0 Carroll, rf Thorn as, c...... 0 IJveljF. p 1 1 24 IS PO 0 2 1 IS o 4 1 S o Total 24 4 T 2T 31 Baited for Ssatoo la ninth. SCOBS BT 1NXTNOS. Portland ....... ......o 0 O 1 1 0 O 0 1 H.t. i 3 o 2 o 1 1 w Oakland 001OOOO1 -4 Hit. . 1 S401001 T ST.-MMARY. Two-baso hits Masrart. Ttyaa. 8hhan. Hn arifl- hits Warn S. Stolen strait. Ntn t'arroU- Base, on halla off l.lwiy 2. off 8-ion s htmck out Ft l.lT:y X. tiaton 1 Hit by pltrhr tarmll Pasd bain Ftahar. Tlras 1:43, I mptra McOroeyjr. Altera ttaase. PORTLAND. AB Rvan. rf OIn. ss. ...... ..... Rapp. Ir. 3 I MY. Ct". .......... a Phehaa. 3b ......... s Ewas, If. .... 4 on. rf 7..... a Murrey, e.. Or.iS. p. Totals 3 OAKLi AB Mian. rf. . .......... 4 w ro, m 4 Maaaart. If t nron. lb ........ - Woltortoa. Sb. ...... 3 i ntahav. 3b......... rarroil. rf... Mita. c. ............ Ni"R. p....-....--- 1 llarklns 1 Total ST R H PO A E 0 10 0 0 S 1 1 3 0 1 1 I o s S 1 S 3 0 o o O O 1 0 O 0 A 0 0 A S 15 S S s o S o i 4 It lo LND. R H PO A TB 0 1 a I o 1 0 T S o n a o 12 2 ft 110 S 4 1 0 0 3 0 O 0 0 3 3 O 1 2 n 0 i is "is "o Caaoy declared est for tepptng ever the rBattd for Nalaoa in ninth. COftX BT ISNINOS. Port'.nd 1 f mks 2 e e e 2 oa k 'and .......... ....e o e O 0 O A O 0 ft H.ta " MimOW SlU MART. Two-baaa hit Rappa Sarrlnc hit Ol- Ms rr on ba'ls ff Or 1. off Nolsea a SUuca out By Crg li. by Xtitv . NEGRO CHAMPION WHO IS "TAKING THE COUNT" FOE THE LAST TIME. 'fir JOB Hit by pitcher Rapp. Nolaon. I"a.b'; plays Murray to OIen to Kheohan. v. lid Pitch Nalaon. Time 1:40, Umpire Mc Greevy. IiODIE'S SINGLE GAME WIJTXEB San Francisco Takes Both Contests From Sacramento. SACRAMENTO. Aug. 7. Bodle single to center broke up today's sfternoon game In the tenth inning. Jimmy Lewis, who had previously doubled, scoring the winning run of a -to-2 score. The Seals took both games. Henley shutting out the Senators in the morn ing. 1 to 0. By ram. the ex-Princeton Col lege man who pitched for the Senators in the morning, showed tip well, but was given ragged support. Scores: Morning game R. H. E. ' R. H. E. San Francisco. S ljSaeramento ...0 4 I Batteries Henley and Berry; Byram and Splesman. Afternoon game R. H. E. R. H. E. San Francisco t 2, Sacramento ...2 7 1 Batteries Sutor and Williams; Baum and La Longe. Vernon 4-4; Los Angeles 5-1. LOS ANGELES. Aug. 7. Lo Angeles won the morning game and Vernon the afternoon game today. The work of the pitchers in the morning was a bit out of the ordinary. Willett passed six men and truck out three, while Thorsen neither struck out nor passed a man. Scores: Morning game R. H. E l R. H. E. Vernon 4 t 6,1m Angeles ..6 4 1 Batteries Willett and Hogan; Thorsen and H. Smith. Afternoon game R.H. E. . R.H. E. Vernon - 4 1 lLos Angeles ..1 4 6 Batteries Hltt and Hogan: Castleton. Klein and Orendort Umpires Finney and Hildebrand. AMERICAN LEAGUE.' Won. Lost. P. C 5 31 .67T 60 :n 55 42 .57 R 43 .5i 44 50 -4S 4 5S .40 SS 58 .3WI 28 5 -01 Philadelphia ..... Boston .. ...... New York Detroit .......... Cleveland ........ Washington ...... Chicago ......... St. Louis ST. LOCIS GETS BAD SHTJT-OCT Coombs, Philadelphia Pitcher, Strikes Out 9 Men In Game. . ST. LOUTS. Aug, 7. Philadelphia, through the splendid work. of Pitcher Coombs, today hut out St. Louis to 0. Coombs struck out nine St. Louis batters. Lake was hit hard In the third Inning. The field wss wet and soggy. Score: R H E R H E St. Louis ...0 6 iiPhlladelphia 11 Batteries Lake and Stephens; Coombs snd Livingstone. ChrcaRO 4; Washington 0. CHICAGO. Aug. 7. Walh held Washington to two hits, both made by Conroy her today and Chicago 4 to 0. Score: R HE R H E Chicago 4 Washington Oil Batteries Walsh and Payne; Groom, Meyer and Beckendorf. Detroit 4; Xew Tork 1. DETROIT. Aug. 7. Detroit made it three straight from New Tork today, winning 4 to 1. Summers deserved a shutout but lot it through ragged support. Score: R H EI R H E New Tork ..I i lDetrolt 4 8 Batteries Hughes and Mitchell; Summers and Schmidt. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. 2 54 54 4T 47 4 S M Lost. P't. . 32 ." Chl-aro ........ Plttaburs; ....... Now York ...... Philadelphia .... Cincinnati ..... Brooklyn ....... Pt. t.ouia Boston ......... .57 47 4ff 54 5 63 .5M .5O0 .4 .4.13 .4"3 '.34 Vancouver Tennis Opens Tuesday. VANCOUVER, Wash.. Aug. 7. (Sps- Cl,l.) Ths Vancouver tennis club will hold a handicap tournament on its grounds In Vancouver, beginning Tues day and continuing for the remainder of th week. Ths finals in doubles and singles will be played next Satur day afternoon. Two cups will . bo awarded for the winners. The com mittee In charge of the tournament Is composed of C. W. Shumwsy. W. B. rra Bols and Josepb wsrtx- The com mittee will arrange the handicaps. President Graham, of the Paclfio Coast League, Is advocating a post season series between the thres leading clubs of this league and ths pennant winners of the Eastern, Western and Southern Leagues and ths American Association, ' . W - - ?:iof;S!:: I ; Aiy CANS. GANS READY TO DIE Famous Fighter Turns Over All to Wife. MOTHER PROVIDED FOR Though Condition Is Unchanged, ex Champion, Knowing End Is Near, Tells Life-Partner to Pay Every Dollar of Indebtedness. BALTIMORE, Md.. Aug. 7.-(Special.) The condition of "Joe" Gans, the old prize fighter who Is dying of tubercu losis at the borne of his mother, 102C Argyle avenue, was reported to be un changed tonight. Dr. John G. Jay, who Is attending him. has Issued orders that he should be kept quiet. Only his clos est friends sro allowed to see him. Realizing that the end. is fast drawing near, "Joe" sent for hi attorney. Wil liam H. Palro and Harris S. Cummings, yesterday, and drew up an assignment turning all of his property and belong ings over to his wife, Martha J. Gans. Mrs. Gans, the mother, has also been provided for by her dutiful son. After the papers were signed. "Joe" called his wife to his side, and in tones hardly discernible said: "Martha, I want you to run my busi ness after I am gone. If you go to the wall sell out, but pay up every dollar." Gans Is a hotel proprietor in this city. JENSEN GOES TO PIECES FAMOUS VANCOUVER PITCHER LETS IX FIVE RUNS. After Getting Drubbing in First Game, Canadians Almost Drop . . Another in Day. , TACOMA. Aug. 7. Taeoma won the first game of the double-header from Vancouver here this afternoon, S to 2, and ths second game was called in the 11th inning with the score 5 to 6 In order to permit Vancouver to catch a boat. Three visitors were on bases and none down when time was called. Vancouver outhtt and outflelded the Tigers In the first game, but Miller was wild and his bases on balls were converted Into runs.' Flanagan's hit ting was a feature in this game, he getting two clean triples and a double In four times" up. Annls was wild In the second gams and Vancouver took a five-run lead. Jensen then went to pieces and In the fourth Inning the Tigers scored five times on bard hitting, tying the score. Maston and Erlckson, the relief pitchers, had command of the game from the fifth on. Umpire Hall was badly oft on deci sions. Vancouver protested tbe first game on an alleged misinterpretation of the rules by Hall. Scores: First" game: R. H. E. R. H. E. Taeoma ... 8 lVaneouver .1 11 0 Batteries MeCamment and Blanken shlp; Miller and 6ugden. Second game: R. H. E. R. H. E. Taeoma ... 10 Vancouver .6 9 Batteries Annls. Mason. Byrnes and Blankenship; Jensen. Erlckson and Lewis. SEATTLE COMES TO LIFE; WINS Spokane Goes Down to 9-to-l De feat at Sound City. SEATTLE. Wash.. Aug. 7. Seattle unexpectedly came to life today and won the last game of the series from Spokane by a score of to 1. Claflin was unsteady and Kratsberg, who relieved him. was bit hard in ths eighth. Score: H.H.E1 H.H.E. Seattle SSpokane ...1 t Batteries Zackert and Custer; Claf lin, Kratsberg and Ostdlek. Ball tossers are the most supersti tious individuals inhaling ozone for exercise, and to steal a favorite bat from a player Is worse than stealing bis bast girl or his pocketbook. HUPERTS WIN 1WIGE West Siders Defeat Peninsula Fulton Nine Twice. LAST IS PITCHERS' BATTLE Wlnterbotham Holds East Side Players to Few Hits In First Event Meeting Winds Up Season in Tri-City League. boh" Rimort'a West Side aggregation made a grandstand finish of the Trl-Clty thn Vausrhn-street lot by defeating the Peninsula-Fulton nine In two games,-both of which were hotly con tested. The first game wa a nine-Inning affair and was . won by the "Rubes," 3 , - . v. 1 1 th, Ar.rtxirl rams went to the same club by the score of 3 to 0. In the opener of the doume-neaaer oib Wlnterbotham was sent against the Pen- . v. a a fojalln? pxfra- lllDUia l ill 1 1 " hi. . - - " ordinarily good, for he mowed down ten of them by the strike-out route ana i i !.. ,i,. hnth nf which were lun uiuj . " . corralled by the same man. In the final chapter the redhead slacked a trifle and his support was also somewnai tame, miu the opposing team came within an ace of tying the score. However, the three-run lead acquired earlier In the game proved sufficient and the "Rubes" were safe, as the final out was made when McElwaln tossed Lucky out at the plate. The second game was a pitchers' battle between "Collie" Druhot and a tall chap o . Thmnrann. The former pitched gilt-edged ball, fanning nine men in the seven innings the game lasiea, ana 1 1 H on. mpa.lv hit. TllOTTl DSOIl also did good work., but he was unfortu nate in being on a club that failed to hit the ball.. The scores follow: FULTON-PENINSULA. First game AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 0 0 0 Taylor, cf........ Leo. 2b...' Nelaon. If. ....... Whitney, ss McFarland. lb... Lucky, rf Schemer. Sb. Llnrk. c Parker, p. ....... Totals 4 . .v 4 ... 2 ... 3 ... 2 ... 4 ... 3 ... 3 ... 3 1 1 3 ...28 S 2 PORTLAND. AB. R. H. WEST PO. A. k Taylor, as LodelL lb Turk. 2b.. ....... BrlsKl. cf McElwsln. If..... Brown. 3b. ...... . Rupert, rf . ........ Shea, c Wlnterbotham, p. 1 1 o O o 2 0 O 2 1 1 3 Totals 28 8 5 27 f 0 8CORE BY INNINGS. Peninsula Siu 1 o o o o o 1 a weat roruino . . , H,irr 0 2 0 0 1 0 o o 3 hi .::..:::::o I o o a i o - SUMMARY. Struck out By wtnterbothara. 10: by Parker. 3. Bases on balls Off botham. 1: off Parker. 3. Double Pi" Parker to McFarland. Sacrifice hits Lode 1. McFarland. Stolen bae Taylor. Lode l. Rupert! Hit by Pitched ball-Taylor Lode McFarland. Time of game 1:30. Lmpire Rankin. Second game R. H. PO. A. E. O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 5 0 0 0 10 0 O 0 2 3 1 0 0 12 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 110 0 0 12 1 1 1 i li i LAND. R. H. PO. A. E. 112 10 0 17 10 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 1 2 0 O 1 0 0 8 1 O 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 3 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 21 10 1 Taylor, cf. ...... Lee. 2b Nelson. If... -. Whitney, ss 1 1 ..... . vv..... Pembroke, c Thompson, p. .... Taylor, ss Lodell, lb Turk. 2b .... 3 .... 3 a Brig cr . . Dl'SS ..... .. McElwaln. If - 3 Rmvn. 3b. Rupert, rf..... Shea, c Druhot. p...... ... 3 ... 3 SCORE BT INNINGS. Peninsula 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 west Portland- .s Sh. i 1 a 5 SUMMARY. Struck out Bv Druhot, 9: by Thompson. 1. Bea on ballOff Druhot 2: off Thompson. J. Two-base hits Pembroke. Three-base hit Rupert. Double play Thompson to McFarland. Sacrifice hits Brims. McElwaln. Rupert. Stolen bases TaylorT Passed balls, battery error Pem broke. First base on errors West Portland. 2: Peninsula. 1. .Time of game 1:25. Um pire Rankin. SWEDES GET READY FOR GAMES Olympic Contests in 1912 Promise Keen Interest. STOCKHOLM, Aug. 7. (Special.) Keen Interest Is already being shown in the next International Olympic games, to be held here in 1912. James Hurley, a well-anown English swimming trainer, has arrived in.Stockholm, where be will probably remain till September. The two local water-polo clubs are obtain ing much benefit from his experienced "wlmnfing clubs in other Swedish towns, notably Gothenburg and Malmo, are also anxious to serve a training period under his guidance and for the moment there is competition that shows a note of strain and Jealousy, but mat ters will shortly be adjusted amicably. Barring unforeseen ' happenings the games will prove a great success. Lord Desborough ha declared that the Swedes are the best sportsmen he has ever met and they are determined to merit the tribute. Apart from sport Stockholm has on enviable reputation for hospitality and this will be maintained during the In ternational athletic meetings. .It Is the ambition of the local managers to con? duct the games so that there shall be no aftermath of complaints such ss were heard In London two years ago. ST. HELEXS DEFEATS LIXXTOX B; II to S Total Fast Ball Team Scores Another Victory. ST. HELENS, Or- Aug. 7. (Special.) In a game altogether one-sided the FAMA NACIONAL CIGARS Ax Hade Best Havana Tobacco HATE YOU TRIED OJTEf CMIPBm-lJaKIN SEGAR COMPANY, Distributors St. Helens team defeated Linnton here today by a 13 to 3 score. inn bujb from up the river were at the mercy of the local pitcher of the team and had no show whatever of winning. Batteries St, Helens, B. E. Neefe and Morton; Linnton, Kemp and Broock. Next Sunday the locals go to Rainier to play the first game of the champion ship series. Junction City Wins Game. JUNCTION CITY, Or., Aug. 7. (Spe cial.) Junction City defeated Jefferson to day in a featureless game on the -home diamond to the tune of 9 to 4. The bat teries were: 'Junction City, Baker and Driver; Jefferson, M. Doty, West W. Blrtcbet-- LIPTOX TROPHY IS SOUGHT Speedy San Diego Yachts Prepare to Enter Regatta. . LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Aug. 7. (Special.) San IMego yachting enthusiasts are busy preparing for the regatta for the Thomas J. Lipton challenge cup, which will be held under the auspices of the San Diego Tacbf Club August 24 to 26. Most of the speediest yachts on the Coast have been entered in the regatta. Commodore A. J. Mitchell, of the Sunset Yacht Club, of Long . Beach, has an nounced that he will sail his fast craft Columbine in the event, and that he ex pects to make a close race for first hon ors. Dr. E. W. Gahan, of San IMego,. will enter the Trilby, Frank Wyatt the Aeolus and Thomas C. Hammond the Gretchen, The racing committee of the club has determined to run the races under the old rules of the club regarding regattas, which expired July 1. It is probable tin t the old regulations will be re-adopted for another term at the next session of the committee. ELEVEN WILL GO NORTH CRICKETERS TO PLAY SEATTLE AXD TACOMA COMBINED. Team to Be Picked 'After Practice Game Saturday Mackenzie's Men Victors Over Gray's. An Interesting cricket match was played Saturday afternoon between teams captained by A. E. Mackenzie and G. Gray and resulted after a close game in a victory for the Mackenzie team. Coppinger and Mackenzie "batted well for the winners, while Fenwick, Hooke and. Neame made the run for the losers. m The local club will journey to Seattle August 20 to play the combined Seattle and Taeoma club and if the team se lected can make the trip It expects to be well able to hold Its own. The 11 to play will be chosen after the practice match next Saturday. The following Is the score of Satur day' game: G. Gray's Eleven. P. Neame e. McKenzle, b. Coppinger..... 18 S. Hooke b. Coppinger 17 H. Phen c. Leigh, b. Mallet O E. Fenwick b. Mallet 26 C. GJedsted b. Coppinger.... 2 C. Leigh b. Coppinger 11 G. Gray, not out 5 P. Henderson b. Coppinger B J. Mcpherson b. Shipley - G- Hunt, run out 0 Extras 2 Total . Bowling Analyst. Coppinger 6. wickets for 32. Mallet. 2 wickets for 48. Shipley, 1 wicket for 4. A. E. McKeniee Eleven. M. Coppinger c. Neame. b. Fenwick. J. J. Churchley b. Neame ......... C. P. Browne b. Fenwick ........ G. Shipley b. Fenwick A. E. McKenzle b. Fenwick J. J. Mallet, not out A. Slsley c Fenwick, b. Neame.... A. Cllnkett c. and b. Neame A. Slncler, run out ............... A. Smith b. Hooke J. Pratt b. Hooke Extras Total Bowling Analysis. Fenwick. 4 wickets for 2L Neame. 4 wickets for 33. Hooke. 2 wickets for 87. Gray. 0 wickets for 9. 88 GHEHALES WINS TWICE RAYMOXD'S LEAD DIMINISHED IX STATE LEAGUE. . Both Teams Play Big League Ball. Trick of Walking Fielder Jones Proves Costly. CHEHALIS. Wash., Aug. 7. (Special.) Chehalis put a crimp in the lead Ray mond has had In the Wa. hington State League by winning both of today's games, making it three straight. The locals won the morning game, 3 to 2; the afternoon game, 5 to 2. Both were splendid exhibitions of the National arame and there was a large attendance. Calllhan pitched for Chehalis In the morning and struck out 12 men, allow ing only five scattered hits. Baker pitched for Raymond and struck out two men and allowed but six nits. Viv ian made a double play to Kennedy, un assisted. Fulton, of Chehalis. played first base and made a home run in the fourth Inning, scored another runner and received a money shower for do ing so. McBrlde caught both game for Chehalis and Wlneholt caught for Raymond. Raymond made six and Che halis three errors. Pat Butler, of Seattle, pitched the afternoon game for Chehalis and Walsh pitched for Raymond. Each team made seven hits. Chehalis made three and Raymond four errors. Each team had the bases full more than once but could not score. Vivian, Dyer and Flchtner made threi base hits; Dyer a home run. In the third Inning Walsh . walked Fielder Jones, apparently purposely, with another runner already on bases. Jansa made a clean hit and scored both men. Features were the fielding of Flchtner and Taylor on critical chances. Swindells umpired. By winning this series Chehalis is one game behind Raymond In the race for the State League pennant and the rest of the games will be closely con tested. Cleveland to Play Cincinnati. CLEVELAND. Aug. . 7. President Charles Somers, of the Cleveland club. of tbe M N DON'T GIVE UP I Am Reitorfngr Suf t crime Men Every Day ' to Robust Health, Many of Them. No Doubt, Were Much. Lower lm Strength, Tham Ton. Tou may have been unfortunate in se lecting a doctor to treat you or you may not have given yourself the atten tion which your aliment demands. You know that every day you put the matter off you are getting worse and worse. Life does not possess for you the pleas- . u TlTnii A vnn mitt cr i . muh to possess that robust health, vim and vigor that were yours before the ravages i . i .. .A tr,k4 vAtir ivit.mt Mow If you really have this desire to be well call at my Institute at once and consult the RELIABLE SPECIALISTS, who have restored hundreds of men to health, many of whom, perhaps, were in worse condition than you are. In a short time after the treatment 1 begun decided im provement la noticed, and when dismissed they go out from under my care restored to the health nature intended should be laeira. The ailment, below are the ones to tlon and I knew bow to cure them, Juat work you may followi I aeldom fall to tU.n I proml.e, aid I Have sova eared iron Die ior wows ucvkdu " ,n. - T oa rarich praise and thanks from patients I euro of these troubles; from young men who are weak, nervous, dis tressed, embarrassed and worthless because they are not strong and vig orous as they should be. Tou have to have such treatment as I give you It is your fault if you don't let me cure you. Kidney. Bladder and Kindred Ail ments are scientifically cured by me. My method Immediately bene fit you and the majority of case I curs come from other specialists who failed. piles I can cure you o quickly and easily that you will be ur- i r 1 1 ctvA vmi 1nnt the re- suit and cure you are looking for wiwoui a aivts -l uiwiui-w; ut a Siygiciu operation, r.lTlfOV HAVE NOTHING TO PAT SluKff 5wf AJbM.S?5W. W..0 to ,6.50 pet eynjj. If yo cinnot .write Tfor partlo ulars. Many case, are curabls at homo. .Hours 9 A. oa. 10 o r. m- ouuuojo, - ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO. 230 V4 TABHILL STREET. announced today that he had accepted the challenge of the Cincinnati Na tional League club for a post-Beason series to decide the baseball cham pionship of Ohio. ' ' MOUNT HOOD ROAD BUSY Autolsts Find Improved Highway Source of Pleasure." More than 100 automobiles were counted on the Mount Hood wagon road since Fri day on their way to the several moun tain resorts. Yesterday forenoon and af ternoon 50 were counted on the way to Rhododendron Tavern and Government Camp. Among those who went out Saturday were W. J. Clemens, who made the run in three hours; J. A. Strowbridge. with Dr. and Mrs. D. Raftety. and Miss A. L. Dlmick, principal of the Brooklyn School,, who will remain till school opens; Colonel Blaisdel and family. Fred Buchtel and family are taking vacation there, as well as Assistant Chief Laudenklos, of the Fire Department, who expects to go on a bearhunt today. A wonderful amount of work has been i MOTHER'S FH1BI A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. Not only is Mother's Friend a safe and simple remedy, but the comfort and healthful condition its aires it of inestimable value to every expectant mother. Mother's Friend relieves the pain and discomfort caused by the strain on the different ligaments, overcomes nausea by counter action, prvents backache and numbness of limbs, soothes the inflammation of the breast glands and in every way aids in preserv ing the health and comfort of prospective mothers. . Mother's Friend is a liniment for external massage, which by lubricating and expand ing the different muscles and membranes, thoroughly prepares the system for baby's coming without danger to the mother. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book containing valuable information for expectant mothers. THE DR AD FIELD CO.. ATLANTA. GA. Mj -m -t, , 7. m 4 Sa -s-4 r it hcuc-koco h. b. n-.tm.nt ns that the money will be returned If a cure Is not effected. . , Those addicted to the liquor habit or having friends or relatives who are should not fall . to INVESTIGATE THIS. THE NEAL INSTITUTE Dr. Taylor's $10,000 Museum of Ariatomy Open FREE to Men All men visiting Portland should see Dr. Taylor's Free Museum of Science. As far ahead of all other advertised museums as the Dr. Taylor methods of 'treating men's ailments are superior to the old, haphazard and guesswork treatment. An exhibition pre pared at a great cost of time and labor. No charge to see museum, which, is entirely apart from medical offices. Consultation and Advice Free Not a Dollar Need Be Paid Until Cured If You Canqot Call, wme wr fmiiiu The DR. TAYLOR CO. CORNER SECOND. SOT A DOLLAR NEED BB PAID UNLESS CURED. wnlcn I "",( ". j , h aa well as yoa know bow core any of my patients ia " any one who bad a retnra of the Blood Poison, Sarin Ailments I will give you treatment that will la a few days cure every sign and svmptom of your trouble. My treat ment gets the poison out of the sys tem Instead of driving It In like other treatments. I cure blood pois on and skin ailments so they can not come back. Varicose Veins Are Cured My one-treatment cure Is what you should have and what you will have to have to be oured right. Only one visit Is required. Tou suffer no pain nor trouble. Ail signs disap pear In a few day. Contracted Ailments My treat ment stop every lymptom and cure In a few days. It Is scientific ..-.. ka Aniv Riira wav to be cured. - A ' w thvam. PORTLAND, OR. done on the Mount Hood road In the last few weeks. For some distance this side of Cherrwille along the side of a hill tne road has been completely rebuilt, great trees havine been blasted out or tne way Runs of three and four hours are not con sidered particularly fast with the pres ent Improvements in the road. Great credit is given Henry Wemme for hits work in behalf of the Mount Mooa wagon road. He has informed the people along the road that the work has just begun, and that the road must be cov ered with hard surface. Everybody along the Mount Hood road swears by Mr. Wemme and declares that they are ready to co-operate with him in the further improvement of the road. Five Want to Be Commissioner. . MONTESANO, Wash., Aug. 7. (Spe cial.) There are five candidates in the field for County Commissioner, and each is making a personal canvass. The men who want to be Commissioner are: Fred Rosmond, County Auditor; G. J. rr. 1 rn,,ntv TrftSll Tftr. WhOSe term of office expires January 1, 1911: L. I. wakerieia, ex-wayur ui .cmm., . SatsoD. and E. C. Kibbe,' former owner and editor of the Elma Chronicle. Drink Cured in Three Days Habit "The Neal Cured Me" Without Hypodermic Injections . The NEAL is an INTERNAL treat ment, no hypodermic injections, that cures the worst case of drink habit in THREE DAYS and a guaranteed bond and contract is given each patient that if a perfect cure is not effected, at the Institute or in the home, the treatment will- oe rtveu. Removes the Appetite For Strong Drink be taken at the home or Institute, and Tbe Leading; Specialist. Sunday, 10 to 1.