TTTE JIORNTXG OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1910. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREOONIAK TELTrHOXEA. Pacific Stat. ....Main ?; ....Main 7"TO ....Main WD ....Main 7"T Mala TT ....Main T"TO .....Mala 7070 . Horn. A A ia A ao5 A "V4 A WJ A " A au6 Caantinf.rootn ..... City rtreularloo. MaRsrtns Editor... FaRdy Editor...... I'onpftnf-reom ... City sMttor Supt. Buildings .. AjicsEiuarrs. flR PHH'tf TH riTFB IVarrlm batw Sixth and 6T.oth Vaadevtlia, Thin Kflarnnnn at 1 U ud tocusht at 9:1B. RRAKn TBItATEB I Parr and WaShlOSton) Vandavlila. This tllarwMa nt 2:16; toalsht at 7:90 ud a. X.TKI'- THEATER Snth and Aider) Armjtrong Musical ComMy in ItarfBlfl Day. i an uiinmn a . -v. tonlsbt nt 7:30 and a. STAR THEATER (rark and Wanhlntoti Motion pictures. Continuous, from 1:20 to 10 o p. M. OAKS PARK (O. w. p. oartlne) Thai arter- aooa and loalaht. OUCOXlaJf AT KKSOBTSL Far lata aralckaat dUssrj af T setlka tfcr.aafc taa failastac mgm CMy rataa. hmaiilHaa ay aaatt i sty. Ca. Km aa a. U CallaatMB, , J. ralrauus. Ca. at Waanav cttr x r. i Oia. gylianlar. Adnrlnaata lataadad far tba Cirp la Brl.f aalanaaa la aKvdaya la. an aaaat ka kaaava la Tka OrcsraaUaus kaalaaaa of flea Ty fateck Satmraay IaMBAjto Si na i-i la Wmaxxrx After u months of hard work and agitation the VntversKy Park Board of Trade haa Anal ly brouaht about the extension of Lom bard atraet. roaktnir It re wiaa d- tareen Wabash avenue and Patton ave nue The total coat Is placed oy tne viewers at V- These proceedings make lsmhard street 80 ft wide between Waatnna and Patton avenue. Moat of the street la already under contract for hard- surface pavement, and more than loo men are lavlnar cement sidewalks. puttinK in the water mains and laylnit the telephone wire underground preparatory to the Im provement. roarrsiAOmRa An Hurrtixo. Contrac tors who are Improving streets with bard- surface- paving have begun to increase heir working forces, in order to com plete their contracts by early Fall. This is being done upon tne siiRgeaoon ot -iiy Engineer Morris, who llaa pointed out that as soon aa the rains begin, practical ly no work can be done with the streets. a i the nrenent time, more street im proving W being done than last month and as a confluence, the streets In the resi lience dattrtrta are torn up and impass able tn some places. Pa-nntstTLA TVasts HoaptTAU An elation la balng organised for the eree tlon of a first-class hospital at some cen tral place on the Peninsula near Iximbard street and m the vicinity of University Park. W. a. Steele, secretary of the or ganisation. report) that the physicians on the Peninsula and North Alblna are all boosting the project. A committee ban been investigating several tracta oi iana with a view to the purchase ot a sue. Incorporation papers have been prepared. but DO stock has been Issued. A asTiKBlf Cat TO WlJf FRaUSDOM. Total abstinence for lire years or atx months on the rockplle are alternatives that stare Mike Sullivan In the face, as the rault of a aoree Wednesday night. Mike waa full of contrition when he appeared before Judge Bennett yesterday morn ing, and proposed of bis own accord that the agreement be made. Bainrr tircie was instructed to draw up a document to that effect and Sullivan was allowed to go free. Cra pshootbtrs Four r.rr Bn. The bonea" were rolling merrily when Pa trolman Frey entered a place at TO Fourth street yesterday morning ana placed four crap" hooters under arrest. They gave the namea J. A-,Morrts. lemac Hutler. TV. O. Dewltt and J. W. Brown. Each gave $10 ball and was released. None of the players appeared In court yester day morning and their ball was forfeited. Boot or Prad Giri. Arrivrs. Com pletely identified aa the body of Mable ilonlo. who with Frisco Day wis drowned tn the Oregon Slough. th body of a nomin found In a tree on the lwer Columbia River was brought to this city yesterday. The mother of the dead girl. Mrs. Sehlacter. accompanied the body, which was turned over to a funeral director. PLATOROCWnS TO BC DlKTMIO.-At A meeting of the City Park Board, which will be held at 10 o'clock this momlng. plana for making Improvements in the public playgrounds will be discussed. It is probable that the Board will recom mend the establishment of a swimming tank in the North Park grounds. Wiuiam B. DgrrrVa F1 kkral Held. The funeral of William B. Deputy was held yesterday morning from the borne of Ms daughter. Mrs. Luella C. Cpdyke. 1829 tielmont street. Interment was made in ljne Fir Cemetery. Bev. W. B. Hlnson. of the White Temple, conducted the serv ices!. Rzv. R AaRASAvaosc to Prxach. Serv ice will be held at the Congregation Ahaval SR;olom. comer Park and Clay streets, tonight at o'clock. Rev. R. A bra ham son will officiate. All are wel come. Tomorrow morning services at I o'clock. Emplotmkxt Sbctrso fob 522. Accord ing to J. Q. a.-hroeder'a report for July, tiled yesterday with the City Auditor, the Free Employment Bureau secured Jobs for E3 persons In that month. Of thla number. S&l wero male and 171 female workers. Bt-ai-RB Aaga for Pouri PROTaK-rtOK. T'.oae city Park will ask Chief Cox to detail a mounted policeman for that dis trict. Recently suspicious characters have been prowling about the residences. Dr. Sasford WHmxo has moved his offices from the Marquam to rooms) 1-S Macleay bMg.. corner Fourth and Wash ington sts.; Office hours and telephone numbers the same aa heretofore. rats War. Steamer Northland sails direct for Sam Francisco Saturday noon: cabin S10. steerage S5. berth and meals Included. Frank Bollam. agent. 128 3d. St. p.TTOX KOMS ASSOCIATIOM TO MBET. The regular monthly meeting of the Pat ton Home Association will be held this morning at 10: o'clock at the home. Ta.e the "tV car. H. C. BRAKDCa has sold his reataurant at 10S Sxth. Still caters to weddings, banquets and parties. Phone A UOa. "ScUicaiant axo Old Orsxjon.- "Mc Donald of Oregon", and "Tba Conquest" at all bookstores. " Dlhiljt Vacucm Cixaxbrs. easy pay nenta. Wash. Main 6tO. A . Dm. CiATTcar SkAMAirw has returned. CHINA GIRIJSLOVE DIES Tbert Bcaa Sweetheart Annoys Her He Is Arrested. AtteaefK- well mrA aetf. Little lieto. a Chinese till, I aayatl. tsmariaalr as adiaaia. On. a Fasti P. K. Baaakay. i.rt.w alnlun Mara. Daata Caaraart Park a. Paaifla Xewsat a. Man la -a apctaas Chasiss O. aajsn Catlsm Wmttmf r T. Btlcaia appeareJ at the police station yesterday to compicki that Jack Wong, a young Chlncmar., had threatened to kill her. The girt, who is living with a private family at Twenty-third and Thurman streets, raid that aha had formerly en tertained a feeling of friendship for Jack. , but that it had cooled, since which time he had pursued her with threats of violence. On one recent oc raston, In the- Goodnough building, he drew a revolver and discharged It. she said, narrowly missing killing her. Of late ha has continued his threats and Intimated that he would uae violent means to bring her back to him. The girl swore to a warrant for Jack's arrest and he waa taken Into custody by Patrolman Humphries at a saloon At Second and Alder streets, whera he Is' employed. Jack denied that he had made any threats against the gtrL He was held under bail aX $1000. The accused ia Americanised, well dressed and carried on a love correspond ence; with the girt In a weird attempt at the English language. In one of the letters which he wrote to her In an ef fort to r ring- her back to him. he said: "I am bad hurt you feel so bad bo I know bad so much trouble again and I shame so mean and all my fault. I am hurt In my heart over hurt your heart .ot you chance so I mean to you. Please excuse me. Don't had trouble any more. I am loved you so much on my heart. Too nice girl In the world. Tou nice, lovely girl with your kiss. Goodbye." DECLARATIONS ARE FILED Only One of Si Thus Far Officially Made Is Democrat. Four of the candidates for state Rep resentative Indorsed lat the recent meeting of the Multnomah County as sembly of Republicans, tiled their dec larations of Intention with County Clerk Fields yesterday. They were inunh w. Rayerldse. of 2l East Couch street; Charles B. Moores. of 281 Fifteenth atreet. North: ur. J. -Wetharbee. of 75 Broadway, and George W. Stapleton. of 445 Hassalo atreet. L. M. lavls also filed his dec laration to run for the'offlee of Repre sentative on the Republican ticket, and H. W. Goddard announced his Intention to run for County Commissioner. He says: "l will endeavor to manage the county affairs in a satisfactory man ner, build good roads ana seep iiran In repair." On the ballot he wishes the wor: "Good roads, proper reg ulation of draw bridges. Indorsed by assembly." The declarations or ueveriage. Moores. Wetherbee and Stapleton are Identical Each says: "I will dis charge the duties to the best of my ability. I believe in the assembly as the beat method of suggesting party candidates and In the direct primary aa the place to have Its work ratified or rejected." On the ballot after their namea they want the statement: ror direct primary, with an open assem bly." Davis says: "I will perform the duties thereof to the best of my abil ity and stand squarely for the best In terests of the massee of the people." on the ballot he wishes to say: "Obey the Dtimary law: trust the people; anti-assembly." If elected he will rep resent the Eighteenth district. Although 11 declarations have thus far been filed, only one of them Is tor a Democrat. He la C. I Daggett, who la running, against R- L. Stevens and N. II. Bird for. Sheriff. COLBORN LIKES PORTLAND Salt Lake City Man Smitten With This City's Climate. Among Portland's most enthusiastic boosters is Judge Edward F. Col born, of Salt Lake City, who la spending the Summer here with his wife, who Is In poor health. Judge Colbora has long been prominent in Salt Lake City, locating there In 1888. He Is charmed with Portland's Summer climate and haa taken a house for an Indefinite stay here. "In the middle of the night, ob served the Judge, yesterday, "when people In Salt Lake City are hanging out of the wlndowa because of the heat, one ahlvera here without blank ets on the bed. Tou do not get this favorable combination of yie elements at Los Angeles, where so many peo ple go from the Interior. To my mind. here is the Summer climate par ex cellence. For the person afflicted with the nervous troubles brought on by life In the eternal sunshine of the high altitudes. Portland offers a haven of rest and a permanent cure." HAZELWOOD CANDIES. At Seashore and Mountain Resorts. Haselwood candies ran be enjoyed away from the city aa well as In It. for we make a specialty of packing them, to be sent by mall or express, and the sender can feel assured that his friends will receive them In good condition. Prices: Haselwood chocolates. 60c snd $1 per lb. Haselwood bitter sweets, 7Sc per lb. Haselwood bon-bons. 60c per lb. Postage lOe for each pound will cover postage. Tour orders will be given prompt at tention. HAZELWOOD CREAM STORE, s-M Washington street. Phones Msln 79. A 4561. First Brakebemm Ride Fatal. A LB ANT. Or.. Aug. . Special. Luclen Lafargue. of San Rafael. Cal.. died In Sister Mao's Hospital In thla city at 8:10 o'clock this morning as the result of injuries sustained about six Y2 Parasols Special at y2 All of our Beautiful Parasols at tbeir original price. Tou should see them. $9.00 Big Bag Sale, Special ?4.98 Mat Seal, Goat Seal, Pin Seal, Morocco, Walrus, Calf, Alligator and Pigskin or Patent Leathers; regular $7.50 to $9.00 special.. .$4.98 $3.50 Long Kid Gloves, Special $1.98 Browns, .Blue, Tan, some evening shades. 65c and 50c Ribbons, yard, 29 Colors only. F.P.YOUNG 290 Morrison street, between Tourth and Fifth, Corbett Buliding. hours earlier when he was run over by a Southern Pacific freight train at Har risburg. lAfargue, who was 22 years old, was beating hla way but denied that he was a common hobo and said his father, John Lafargue, was a well known man of San Rafael. County Judge Duncan has telegraphed the young man's relatives. PORTLAND'S SHOWING GOOD Building Activity During July Runs 93490 Less Than in 1809. Portland made a good showing in building activity for the month of July, according to Building Inspector riura mer'a monthly report filed yesterday with the city auditor. The report ahowa an Increase of 28.8 per cent In the number of permlta over that of the corresponding- month of last year. Per mits issued for July, 1909. were 40S, whUe in the month Just closed S21 per mits were Issued. The total cost ofbulldings for July reached $908,080, being Just $3490 less than the total for July, 1909. An Interesting feature of the report Is that 221 permlta were Issued for dwellings on the East Side and but seven permits for the West Side, show Ing the rapid growth that ia being made east of the Willamette River. The total amount to be expended for the dwellings Is $517,(50. Permits for eight office buildings were Issued cov ering a total of $213,000. During the month, 1642 inspections were made and 180 violations of the building ordinance were discovered and remedied. WHEREJTO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ments for ladies. 305 Wash., near 6th at. Trunks, suit cases and bags. Largest variety at Harris Trunk Co.. lit Sixth. L Mayer & Co. Portland's Oldest Grocers 148 .Third Street Main 9432 A 4432 WEEKLY GROCERY BULLETIN What kind of table butter are you using? We give you the BEST. STRICTLY SANITARY BUTTER In the city at no advertised sale price, but QUALITY. Ask for "Rhode" brand butter. FOR FRIDAT AND SATIRDAY AIT,. B AKD 6 WE OFFER! Vinegar, "Dessaux," regular 50c, per bottle 3o C. & B. Pickled Walnuts; regular 85c, per quart 75? Le Court Mushrooms; regular 35c, per tin... .' 25t C. & B. Olive Oil; regular 85c, per quart 75t English Mustard; regular 60c, per pound 45r O. P. S. Bye or Bourbon, in bond since 1903; regular $6.00 per gallon $5.00 C. & C. Ginger Ale; regular $2.00, per dozen $1.75 DELICATESSEN DEPT. Smoked Salmon, Kippered Salmon, Summer Sausage, Bismarck Her ring, Roll Mopse. Boiled Tongue. Corn Beef and Baked and Boiled Ham. Gluten Bread. t mO" Madgeburg Style 'Dill Pickles; per dozen...; 25t? "A Child Can Buy As Safely As a Man" Painless Dentistry -. . x vac uk wwn swonie 4 osa bare thslr plate (C iahea in one das fj it necesaarr. a HajrUI rnsyos s not ia tola er vercaiiis crswi tor $3.50 Msltr Crams 5.00 22kBrkjrTftb 3.50 J tsiae! rmnfS 100 i I lilTW Fitter .50 . 2 InU, rillnr. Z.9H W 5.00 0t . 7 en . ., riaai as auraex ewr. tt mw aia ! Jsrrusi rsMaw tjrtVflss .911 VORK SUAMNTItV FOR t VKARS) tilalaa, xtraolioa JTras whan platasor bridse vorc oroarad. Ooosaltstion Frea, y on cannot sat bettse paialaei work don anrwhara. All work fullr gust nteed. Modern slectrio aqnlpman. Hast methods, Wise Dental Co. mo aou: A. Aft. 9. H. feuuUrV M i F. W. BALTES AND COMPANY PRINTING. Main 165, A 1169 First and Oak I V "Hn 1 A VV.a. Some Things For Savings and time Depositors to consider. We were founded in 1887 We are strong and able to keep you safe. We pay from 3 to 496 We invite your deposits s i Call for our Statement and Book of 1 LUSTRATIONS. Portland Trust Company BANK S. . CORNER THIRD AND OAK STS. w 1 BEX J. I. COHEN President Si. V. CAJRPENTB...Viee-lreldeiit B. LEE FAUET Secretary THE MONEY. YOU SAVE NOW and deposit regularly with Ashley & Rumelln, Bankers, will be one of the best sources of protection for both present and future. What satisfaction to know that your funds are constantly Increasing; at Compound In terest. 4 per cent interest paid on Savlnsrs Accounts. Accounts of 11.00 and up re ceived. Portland, Oregon Open 8 A. M. until 5:30 P. M. Saturdays until S P. M. SCHOOLS AND COUXKUES. BUSINESS COLLEGE T1LF0RD BUILB1RG. TENTI AND BORIISOI A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. B., PRINCIPAL Ours ia a&mitudlv the h iff h -standard commercial school of the Northwest. Teachers having: both business and professional experience qualify stu dents for success, by individual Instruction If desired. In a short time and at small expense. Position for each as soon as competent. Open all the year. Catalog-ue, business forms and pen work free. Call, telephone (Main 664), or write. Belmont School (FOR BOYS) LBelmont, California JZTstl, U tryinr to d for the moral, physical sad intellecfnal wel fare of ia boya what crery thoughtful parent moat wiabea to hare done. Ita location beyond the dirertdoaa and tempta- ttona of ton or city, the fiaeaeaa of its climate, the beauty of ita baildinn and ground, the ran re and attrmcdTrDcaa of the MiTouiatlinf country are anoat helpful mida. Our new dormitory with cement plaster finish. Spanish tile roof, whita tiled bath and ihowCT room. Krtvm heated and electric lirhtrd. is onto roasted for beantr. comfort and bealtbfalneaa. Ask or patrons, oar rradnatea and our boya about as. and writ mt for specific information. WM. T. REID. A. M. (Harvard) Heai-Mstar W.T. RE1D. J R.. A. M. (HarvmrdX Am' t HeadVMaatar. B1 ROWNELL UALL V-t.hll.haw1 Iftftt Qffllh A ateriAnl fnr wir with All th advant- Ken of Eaatern schools. Certificates ad mit without examination to Wellealey, Smith. Vassar. Eastern and at ate universi ties. Native French and German teachers. Art. music, domestic science, rymnastlcs. academic and colleaje preparatory courses. All n-irla in special charaje of house mother. Tear book sent upon request. Miss Ma radon, principal, 1S1T South 10th street. Omaha. Exceptional values in Dining Tables in golden and waxed oak. This week we are showing a golden oak table, 45-in top, 8-ft. extension, as low as.. .... . $18.00 ,t J. G. MACK 8 CO. Fifth 8Su Final Glean tv r f. Men s ana Jtsoys ummer - W eight buits Men's Suits $40.00 Suits now.. $35.00 Suits now. . $30.00 Suits now.. $25.00 Suits now.. $20.00 Suits now.. $18.00 Suits now. , $15.00 Suits now.. SPECIAL SALE OF DESKS DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST ROLL TOPS, FLAT TOPS, TYPEWRITER AMD BOOKKEEPERS AT LOWEST PRICES EVER. MADE BE FORE IN PORTLAND ALL GRADES AND SIZES MUST GO OFFICE APPLIANCES, PRINTING, LITHOGKAi-HlNli. BLANK BOOK MAKING, LOOSE LEAF SYSTEMS PARK AND OAK STS. AND 87-91 PARK STREET Coal Sootless Anthracite Rock Springs, Etc. Phone E 303, C 2303 EdlefsonFuelCo.,Inc fCHWAB PRINTING CO FOSOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE laT STARK - STREET FiftK Surk -i an . ar-ar- -V a .$20.00 .$17.50 .$15.00 .$12.50 .$10.00 . . $9.00 . . $7.50 $30.00 Suits now. $25.00 Suits now. . $20.00 Suits now. $15.00 Suits now. $10.00 Suits -now. Boys' Knickerbocker Suits 2 Price $15.00 Knickerbocker Suits now.'... ''""eZ'nft $14.00 Knickerbocker Suits now .-. - J J J" $12.50 Knickerbocker Suits now. . . JS'A $11.00 Knickerbocker Suits now JlJ-JJJ $10.00 Knickerbocker Suits now $8.00 Knickerbocker Suits now ........ SJ'JJJ $7.00 Knickerbocker Suits now -.. JliSJ $6.00 Knickerbocker Suits now.. $5.00 Knickerbocker Suits now... $.s.&u TO MAKE ROOM FOR INCOMING STOCK AND FOR THIS MONTH ONLY 3 . B j BUSHONG & AnElectric Washing Machine Saves Time and, Money Have You Seen the "Thor? Call and let us show you. 0. B. Stubbs Electric Supply Co. No. 61 Sixth Street, Portland, Or. We can furnish you with a complete Office Equip ment and every Modern Machine.and Device for doing all things needful in your business f. KILHAM PNTINGRCO& Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers, FIFTH - Engravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders AND OAK HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, aboe Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1.50 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up Few ted and brick structure. Furnished at cost of $200,000. Everr comfort and con venience. On carlines transferring all over city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers. Send for Booklet with map of San I ran Cisco - Up 1 rancy 1 Sd S Young Men's Suits . ..$15.00 .......$12.50 $10.00 $7.50 $5.00 THOROUGH IN CON STRUCTION, HAND SOME IN FINISH AND DESIGN, IN QUARTER - SAWED OA1, MAHOGANY AND IMITATION MAHOGANY CO. Phone Main 1696, A 1696. COAL ' For August Delivery. $S.SO Per Ton. Telephone, your orders to WILLAMETTE FUEL & SUPPLY COMPANY. Mala 1225. " A 1223.