TTIE MORNING OREGONIAN. : FRIDAY. 1UGUST 5. 1910. . HUPS GO TO LQiiDQN Five Hundred Bales Taken for Foreign Account. DEMAND FOR CONTRACTS tjnalilT or Hie Ore icon Crop Promises to Be Superior An Early Kaln Would Make It Larger. Weather Abroad. About MO Mln of Orea-oa low hop. km been boufbt In the past few days for Enn Uah account. Included In this quantity u tke Tom Holman crop of Sag bales, at Salem, which was purchased by Isaac Flncus Sena at a price reported 10 b better than 11 eenta Another transaction yesterday ass j the purchase by tatun at unn ra Ooshonc lot of 1O0 balea at Jefferaon at 11 H eeata There la a od demand for 1910 contracts at li eenta, but there doea not appear to be any aellera at this figure. Yesterday's London cabin gave the weather In England aa fin, but announced that lice were Increasing. Estimates of the Enallsh crop remain unchanged, moat of the foreign houses placing the yield at gUO.OUO to 3-t.0OO CWL Conditions In Oregon, on the whole, ara favorable, though a few days' rain now would be beneaclal m filling out the hops. The quality of the crop could not be bet ter. The prospects are good for a yield of does to lOO.owO bales. KOTTHEKX OntEtiOX WOOL TRADING. Geo! PHrea Betas Pal" P 1"ke" rlew. Good prices, eonelderlnr. the general level of the market, bars been paid for Southern Oregon wool, according to the Lakevlew Examiner, which naye: V. L. Snelllng. who Is buying for Hol lowell. Jones el Donnelly, topped the mar ket Tuesday when he paid 1 eenta for the 8. B. and Dan Chandler and Con Tay lor clip, of 8W.00O poonda. Howsv.r. It la rumored that J. Frank! paid I6S cents for the Fltxgerald clip, but It la difficult to confirm rumors, as each buyer tat epdeaTortng to secure as many of the best clips aa possible, and hence Is not letting his. left hand know what hto tight Is doing Joe Fuller bought the McCormlck clip, paying l cents, and was hot after ths Chandlers when Mr. Snelllng beat him to It. J. Frankl has perhaps bought more than all the other buyers, he having se cured ' the . clips of Verllng Bros-. W. K. Barry. John Flynn. Fltagerald Keeffa. Sherlock and Applegate and others, aggre gating loo.OOO In addition to that reported last week. rAtHIRH RKAPT TO SELI. WHEAT. A.k'lag Opewras Frtrea Wh Few Dealers Will Fay. Aa threshing progresses and the move ment of wheat to warehousea Increases, farmers are 'showing more disposition to selL They are still askln full prices, now STer. and aa there are a few buyers In the market willing to pay these prices for small lots, the Ideas of selling are kept at the top. The majority of the dealers are holding back and give as their reason that they believe prices will move to a lower level. There was no change In the quotations given by Vocal dealers yester- day. Local receipts. In cars, were reported by in. Merchants Exchange aa folloas: Wheal Barley Klour oata Hay Monday ... Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday .. Year ago . . 17 . . I'u , . . lu 1 S3 , S 5 1 13 IS .. " 1 I"' M 4 '2 17 3tr VU 24 "5 , M 7 IJJ 44 Hi nUT-TREET JUS'S PICNIC. athletic Games sad High Jinks aa GaTera aaeat lalaad. August lt The Front-street commission men aro arranging- for a picnic and high Jinks for their employes, to be held, on Government Island on Sunday. August II. The steamer lone baa been chartered for the occasion. The dsy will be given up to a baseball game and field sports, for which prises val ued at Iln0 will be given. Participation In tha athletic events will be confined entirely to Front-street men. The feature win be the annual baseball gams between the rival teams of the East KMe and West Side of the street, the captains of which are. re spectively. E. F. Farrell and Frank Temple ton. Tbe arrangements for the picnic are In the hands of the W. H. MrCorquodale. pres ident; B. F. Farrell. secretary: Howard Gavtord. treasurer, and Jack Tyron. trans- portstloa manager. Frank Temp.'eton rhairmaa of the athletic committee. IS CARLOAD OF GRAPE ARRIVES. Callfwrata Malaxes Meet Ith Goad Pleased. Prarhea Flrsa. A straight car of California Malaga grapes arrived yesterday. They were In One con dition and la grand demand at f 1 sow I 7a for lugs Peaches were In plentiful supply. Oregon Crawforda sold at 5 73 cents per box. Ashland will begin shipping Crawforda la carlots Monday California Elbertaa were firm at l IS for lugs and 73 eenta for two- tier boaea. A car and a half of California Bartlelts. about the taat of the season, reached the street in the forenoon- There wss a big stork of cantaloupes on hand, many ol them of poor quality. Watermelons were In food demand aad flrsn. POILTRV AMO M4! ARE FIRM. With Reretpta Decreasing. Frtrea Aro firad wally Advaxteiaw, Receipts of poultry this week have shown a considerable falling oil and prices have strengthened arcoedlagry. Hena and Springs Cleaned ap readily yesterday at lit) 17 H rents. The egg market la also gradually moving upward aa the aeasoa advances. Recetpta aro damaging aad ths demand la fairly good. Candled oreaon stock was quoted yesterday at IS eenta. Butter and cheese were firm at former prices. Mofeahr Trade hs the Ka. Trading la mohair has fallen off con siderably this week but prices are being maintained steadily at current quotations, ays ths Boston Commercial Bulletin- Man ufacturers of mohair goods bavs received a satisfactory call for mohair goods of dirrerent grades aad for various uses. For eign hair la without demand In thla coun try. Boston, combing hair. Jittoc: good combing, snsjuc; poor combing, ttSIOs: carding. IStjSOr. POBTLJUiD MARKETS. Grass. Flewe, fsod. Rta. WHKAT ttluestrm. MeSSc: club, lit arte: red Russian. -: V.lley. 2c; forty-fvtd. war: Turkey red. sCattc FLOUR Fatenta 45 3S per barret: strait Ms. t4 n4 so: export. 4: Valley. tA.40; ararera. 45. oboie wheat, quartera. lo 30. HAT Track prices: Timothy. WUlaaacts Valley. IS ISO Pr "n: Eastern Oregon. Istil-'e: alfalfa, new. (11014. BARl-Kr Feed and brewing. t5.50 per ton- COftJf Whole. cracked. S33 per tan. MlU-STLFFti Bran. 20 per ton; mid dling, shorts. 210 ; rolled, barley. OATS Xo. 1 white. "S0 per ton. . Tegetables and Frulrs. GREEN FRUITS Apples, new. SOce.l-S per box; apricots. JOcvl per box; plums. 7.-.r1jm jtr box; pears, per box: peaches. uc 1 per box; Kral-s. $1Q1.73. BLACKBERRIES 1.30 per crate. alELAJXis Watermelon. OcSl 5 per hundred: cantaloupes S16-3 Pr crm:- TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges. Valencia. ft. Go: lemons, $!: grapefruit. a...i.u per box; baaanaa. iVc per pound; pineap ples. 6c per frouud. VElirn AKL-ES Artichokes. 0O.Je per dosca: beans. ISSa per pound: eabbsge. ele per pound: caullllower. 11.50 per dox; celery. Woe per uoxen: corn. Sic per a oxen; cucumbers. iOc per box; egg Plant. ISisc per pound; hothouse lettuce. SOctttl per Sot: garlic. lc pr pound; horserad ish. lllSse per pound: green onions. 15c per doxen; peas. Jc: peppers. 60c per box; radishes. liSS'ic per Uoxen rhubarb. Je per pound: squash, ioo per crste; tomatoes, "IacK "vETABt-ES-Carrots. HC1.H; beets. $l.SO: parsnips. SI 1.23: turnips. IL. POTATOES New. ll.U1l.:S Per hun dred: et potatoes. 5c per pound. UNIONS WeUa Walla. per sack. Oregon. Jt2 per sack. Dairy aad Country produce. BUTTER City creamery, aulid pack. He per pound; butter fat. 3 4c per pjund; coun try store butter. 24c per pound. EGOS Oregon candled. XTixySHc per doxen. CHKESK Full cream, twins, nssi.u per pound; Young America, lxfe&lsc PuLLlKl rleus, liyliic; p-pring. it illTWc: ducks. H J lie;- Keese, lllSc; turxevs. live, lu.uc: dressed. axtx-5c; Bquili. S.i oer Uoxn. 1'OKX r ancy. lie per pouuo. VEAL Fancy, 12jc per pound. Grecearrea. Dried Fruits, Eta. SKUU FKUIT Apples, luc per pound; peacbaa, 7c: prunes, Italians. 4C5c; prunsa, tresch. 45c; currants, luc; aprlcota, lc; aates. 7c per pouud; figa. fancy wnita, 1st; tsncy blaca, ic; cbotca black. 4 a c. 64LMU.N--CommDl Klver, 1-pvund tails, (1 per doaea, z-pousd tails, tJ.nn 1-pousd liala, g.iu; jxtaaaa piua. a-owim.w .mm, ew.. red. I-pound tails. 4L4A; sockeye. 1-pouu tails. i CUIl'XB Mocha. Ilgaw: Java, oramary. 17 luc; Costa Mica, laacy. 13 it JUa good. 119C. ordinary, l9l-e per pound. 2L j a vv a-.nuia, pouuu, stuji nuts. Istxsylc; tilbcrts, luc; almonds, l.oi pecans, luc, cocoauuts. t0cl per doasa. oranuiateo. 1J par ton; half ground, luua, tlw-iw par tou; sua. 411 not tea. blANa Small whits, sac; largs wnita, .c; Lima. ie; una lui red Msx loans. nic; baou, 7e. KlCal No. 1 Japan. 4xc: cheaper grades. IXsuw 4-5c; buutnern heao. ftCc- Ho.Nk.lf Choice. S4jo4a.oU per case. straiuea. 7u per pound. SIM a H Lrv armnulated- fruit and berry. 16.23; beeU 4.Uj. extra C 45 JS; goldea O eiui. yellow D. 45 Mi; cubea tbarrelc), 43.115; powu.rou. eu-50; Ijoniiao, 41U4U47 ,s jj per case. Ternia on remittances with in 16 days deduct c per. pound. If later man 13 ana within BU osjs. aeauut wie per pouud. Maple sugar. 13slSu per pound. Mops. Wool. HliKa, Lis. HOPS Hnrj crop, tj Hc. according 10 ; oias. nominal: iwiu contracta, io 'x vtuui, aiastera uiaivn, aw.iu y Valley. Itftflc Pr pound. CASCAKA BAKii tc per po.ind. Hi uta oaited uidee, 77wiC per -pound; sailed calf. Uc; aalted kip. sc; aaited staga, ac; arecn bHlM. Ac less; dry hides, lefexj Ale; dry call. 17 6 lac; dry atags. Altjl-V. 1EL1S Ury. luVjc; salted. butcners lui-ml, 411-11.40. spring lam ox. bijlje UHA1A UAtiS in cariota. ixo eaca. Xrorkaoas. HAMS 10 to 12 pounds. 22c; 11 to 14 pounds. Zinc; 14 to la pounds, lie; II to pounds, none; sklnded, ItJc; plcnlas. A3o; collage roll. last. BACON Fancy. 30c; standard. SsyiC; cholie. xsu; Engllab. xiw25Vsc SMUKEU kaATd Aieef louguss, ?Sc; dried beef seta, -u; outaiues, -wc, Insidea. Uo; knuckles, inc. ij R Y bALT CCHs'D Regular short oleara. dry salt. IS he. amuked. Abe; bacaa Ugnt, salt, Idfee; amoked. lac; backs, heavy, aait. loc: sniuaed, lilsc; expvri ociuea, sail, xic; smoke J. la toe riCkLxU GOODS Barrels, pigs- rest, 31d: regular tripe, xio; boneyconib tripe. jii; lunch tongues. 42; lamus toatfuaa, 340. LAKU lena; a-etvie rvauewu. ioc, standard pun. lic; choice. 141o. shoriea lug. lllxc Oils. LINSED OIL Purs raw la barrels, $1.01; kettle boiled. In barreia, 31.03: raw. la cases, 41. o; kettle boiled. In cases, Lota of iu gallons, 1 cent Itsa ier gallon. TUUA'ENTlNAv-la cases, ac; la wood barreia. To. COAL oli- Water .white la drums. Iroa white In drums or iron barrels, lto; union kerosene in cases. 2-sx. ssc: oleum kero sene in cases x-ss, ale; Aurora kerosene ill cases. x-s. xlc GAtioLl.Nti Union gaeoUne In bulk. 18c; union gasoline in cases. 2-as, 2sc: anion motor Sp.r 1 1 in urn., a.o. iuwb motor spirit in casee, 2-3s. zsc; .No. 1 engine dis tillate la Iron drums. aSc; Ko. l engine distillate in cases X-5s. 15Hc; V. M. A naphtha In Iron drums or barrels, l&c; V M. P- naphtha in cases, l-3a, 22c 'j3A,NxMNK cuion benxlne in iron drums or barrels, 15c; union benxlne la cases. 2-&S. Sic; anion stove distillate la iroa oxuma. la Farm. FURS Prices paid for prime No. 1 skins; Mink. Northwest Canaua and Alaska, as lu- Colorado. Wyoming. Montana. Idaho and Ca'llfornla. 35V i.5o: xlrtllsh Columbia and Alaska Coast, 4S1V10: ureson. Washington. Idaho and Montana. 97. Lynx. Alaska and lirltlah Columbia. 343; Paclfio Coast. 3-a. Raccoon. 41ol5t) axunk. cuada, li.5u; racltlc Coast. 31 2- Wolf and coyote. Can ada $34 u, Idaho, Montana. Wyoming. Ns via. $l.3u3. Beaver, Oregon. Washing ton. Canada. Alaska. $5wU7: Idaho, alou Unx, $lu; Utau. Wyoming. 46.50U 7; cube. $a2.3a. Otter. Canada. Alaska. 312.30W14; Oregon. aivaahlnKton. Alaska. Canada. Brit Isa Columbia, $As)4.30; Pacific Coast. 41.7$ ay 1. 3d. Gray fox. Pacific Coast. $l-$otjx. Bear, blark and brown. Alaska. Canada. $14 42U: cubs. tl2l&: Paclfio Coast, fiottlo; Cuba $lwl3; Paridc Coast. $10tyl3; cubs. I5W7; gnxxly. perfect. -5.t5. Iladger, A Muskrat. Canada. Alaaka. Sue; Pacific Coast. $0lrde. FUher. British Columbia. Alaska. $13-0; padna Coast. loli Welverlns. lanl. bllver fox, $300 w5uO. ux. 410- Ermine, goc Mountain lion, $5r Cross fox, 910 0 13. Sea otter. $ji0t45O. Blue fox. S1U- White fox. H-'U-i Swift lO. Rlnstall cat. I375c. Cl.ei cat. 107 $lc. House cat, 3I3c Rank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balanrea. Portland Il..v.i.:l7 $l70.biT .Seattle l.-1.4 l"j-e Taomt '.iJo.rLM 4H.til Siokane Tna.ld 75. 1M) Mrtal Markrta. NEW TORK. Aug. 4 Standard copper easy. 5rt lioiull; August. September and October. II 05e, llloc; November, 12.U7S a II; loc. Lonrlon easy. Spot. l."0: futures 133 13s d. No arrivals at New York tcrfay. Custom-house returns show exports' of an" tone 01 far this month. Lake cxpier. 12.759 IS.SSc: e:r-rr lytic. II 5 li uJ',c and cast ing II liO II 37 S'. Tin firm. 8;it aintr.U.30c; August. XiQ UKar: sVrptember. 3I.Jb3-c; tx tober. 2- S54S 3a.uo. ljondon clieed strong, with spot quoted at 1151 17s d and futures at 1151 lw. Sales, pot, IIS tons; futures 4411 tons- Lead Spit 4."Jr4.3uc New York srd 4.Cvi4f 4.r,c; East St. Louis. London, spot tit H. Speltrr easy. Spot 3 40c New Tork and 4 iOrtl T-.c East St. Louis. London, BOH t 13. ClevHaad warrants 4s ISHd In Lnn3on. Lo. ea:ly lmo was easy. No. I Northern, $10.15) 1A:: No. 2. $13.3tf)lil: No. 1 Sourhern and No. 1 Southern soft. $13. i34? lg !.. Dried Fruit at New York. - NEW YORK. A or. 4 Evaporated apples quiet, steady. On the spot fancy, lot 9 llSe: choice. SSerSc; prime. 7.trSc; com mon to fair. S tf 7c. Prunes are In better demand and prices firm, especially for Oregons. Influenced by reports of a email crop. Quotationa range from 30V,c for Callfornlas up to 14 41s and $j'e for Oregon a Apricots firm on decresslng stocks. Choice. V0 14!,e: extra choice. 14 4 11c; fancy. 1V 01.1,0. Peachea quiet, unchanged, but with lit tie pressure to sell. Choice. IviHc; extra choice. 47l,c: fancy, 7,1iiljc. Kalslns quiet, sti'sdv. I.o,.ee muscatels. It, etic: to fancy seeded. t ta ,; seedless. l,Vsc; London layers, $l:4s l.IL FIRM AT THE CLOSE Downward Course of Stock Prices Is Turned. DUE TO BETTER CROP NEWS Trading Is on a Small Scale, With Most Speculators Awaiting De- . Tclopmcnts SttxM and Cop per Industrials Heavy. NEW YORK. Aug. 4. The speculative at titude tr ward the stock market remains one of watching and waiting, as was shown In the halting and Irregular movement 01 prices todav snd the extreme dullness or trading. Belief that bankers had been called on again to relieve ome over-exteiid-ed account of large capitalists hsd a dis turbing effect on sentiment. The reported denial by the president of the United States Steel Corporation that prices of steel products were being cut did not eat at rest "entirely the belief that the market In that industry was tending lower. The special weakness In the copper Industrials revived doubts over the success of efforts to bring about effective reduction of output. In the field of politic, the position of party conventions In the Western States sras advanced by some operatora aa ground for selling atocka. In the view that movemeute to alter the tariff and renewed agitation of antl-rorporation sentiment would detract from the demand for corporation securities. The fsvorsble views of the crop outlook snd several good reports of csr oadlngs hy railroads were factors In turning the downward movement of prices upward. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. $1.473000. United Steles bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sties, High. Low. Bid. Allls Chalmers pf " ; , Amal Copper .... Sl 2'x ? 5 Am Agricultural .. 4s 4I 4I"4 42 Am Beet Sugar .. l.S- Sot, , I Amerlan Can 4ci ; -s Am Car A Fdy .. 7 43 44 J. J Am Cotton oil .. 1" .V.14 J4 33 Am Hd sr IJ. pf.. alr J?' Am Ice lJcurl.... 4h lt, 1NA, I8J1 Am Linseed Oil .. Uji J'; "J Am IXKHtiotlve .. K) 34i 34S J4V Am Smelt A Ret.. 8 wilt h do preferred ... IOO lol ll 1'W Am Steel Fdy Am Stigsr P.ef .. H 11-, ! ., lid Am Tl Tel .... 4 ll iMhi 1; Vi Am Tobacco pf .. ! ' Am Woolen H 2's ! Anaconda Mln Co. 4 S H g.vm Htit. M do nreferre,! ... 1' ls 1S All Coaat Line... 2" l". '"iVi Halt A Ohio 3tW 1" l-i " Bethlehem Steel Hrr-k Rap Tran. 1 - ,'JU Canadian Pacific .. 3i lS-. 184 Central leather .. S.&oO S3, 31 3.1 do preferred ..... 1' cn.wi ... n: r .. J-VJ Che. A Ohio 3.400 70S " -Jy Chicago A Alton.. !' I; S; Chicago Gt West. i1"" II 2J S I do preferred ... HH 41 41 41 S Chicago A N W ... VII 142 145 141 c" M st Paul .. .20 111. 1" ri 0lo Fue&8tIron".'. " ' bi'i 'is" jS Colo A Southern ; Consolidated Gas.. 2.60 W 12oi l:s,, ryrn Products -liif Wei A Hudson 'JJJs D A R Grande ... 1 I 28 2H4 do proferred "-sll Dllllers' Securi .. inn 27 27 JS Erie l.W 24 2Si k 1st preferred. 4i .tx as 3i do 2d preferred. loo .Vs 30'i General Klecirlc JJ? Gt Northern pf ... S. I?? 122J4 122 Illinois Central ... 1"" !! '4 12. S 128 Interborouxh Met. 7i lulu 15i 1 do preferred ... 45S 44S v,. irar-...te . fioo HH 87 87 Inter-Marine pf . In. 1 .. ..... in Irrt Pump 40 .TO 3SJ4 Iowa Central .... 300 l 1G 1S K C Southern , J. do preferred ... 1"" " " r'B'4 Gs 7( !W l4"4 ' Iyulsvllle A Nah " l-TTt-i 17 H 1WS Minn A St Louis.. -4 -4 s .J vi e. r A u a u oiS 124 -12.1 123 Mo. Kan A Texas " nftVi 3ti do preferred 2' - ni s m Missouri Pacific .. i 3" 4S 4UI, National Biscuit .. 2"0 11 1 ! v.iinml 1.i1 ... 2l0 30 4nA 40 lv Nut Rr 2d uf 27 N T Central 1.2" H"S If1 H" N T. Ont A West, 3ii -a owa "" Norfolk A Wem 4-i North American .. 1M) BT.'s 17 0514 Northern Paclfio .. o.Sou 114, 112 114-1, Pai-lflc Mnil 2 Pennsylvania 4.1O0 laix. 127-V, 12 People'o Gas .... 300 104. 104Vi K'4H P CCAStL. " tind,.,re Cn.l in r14 I.Hi 13 Pressed Steel Csr. 20 32 31 Pullman Pal Car. 1S Ry Steel Spring .S Reading 4S.OHO ISTS l-'S 1-Ti Republic Sleel ... 3.200 IS 2S 2RS do preferred Kt R.ick Islsnd Co.. 3. 2B, 2S4 ml. do preferred ... i i m o' St L A S F 21 Pf 100 3S 3S JI1 St L Sottthweatern ..... 22 do preferred . - oo SW.u.ujHerrteU1 4 Southern Pacific .. 12 "0 11 Hi lol", 1WH Southern Hallway. ! 21 21V. 21 do preferred ... Inn 41t, 40 4!- Tewn Copper .... 2"0 22S 22S 22S Texas A Pacific 23S TVI. St I. A West. I.Win- z-j-i -.-ii-, zi do preferred ... Bnr. 43 4SVi 4S Union Pacific .... 38..V" 1S1', Iff) 11 d,v prererred ... o e'-, tei-?, no. f S Realty 7 i- p. Ttohhee . ::l V Steel K7.n K) 7 n7. do preferred ... I.!'" ll-v 1J4V, f-t.h Conner l.l"-! 44t! 4.1H 4.1X1 Va-Cam Chemical. .n wi, .il'N M Wabash 3' 14 l4 do preferred ... bow a.T, as :" Weevem 11.1 42 T, Westlnghouew Elec 4oo M oSMi 3S Western Union ... I 62 l' 1S Wheel A L Erie., l.ano i . S Total aalca for the dsy, 306.000 shares. BONOS. NF-w YORK. Aug. 4. Closing quotations f fL rmt 2s r. lOOVtN. Y. C in IWl. 7 . do coupon HHitslNo. Pacific 3s 70B U. S. .is peg lol V No. Psclflc 4S.. BBS do coupon lllnlon pscl'lc 4s.1oos I R. new 4s regll4 Wis. Central 4s. SOS do rounon 114S Japanese 4s.... 80HB D. A R. O. 4S. PZSBI Castrra Mining Stocks. BOSTON. Aug. 4. Closing quotstlons: Allnnes 3!A'Mohawk 4 Araalg. Copper.. Al, 'Nevada Con 111. A. 1 A Sm. J! ;.N'lplssing Mlnea. los Arlxonn Com... 14 North Butte 23 Atlantic 3'i'North Lake 1 H A C C A s at. lm'l'ld Oomlnlon... . :ia nna -.iK 1 1 1 Inn . . 1ss!Osceola. II? CaL A Anions. .Ms Perrott (8. A C) l!B Cal. A Hecia. . .K ouincy o Centennial .... 144 shannon 4 i-nn Ran. C Oo. 61 S Superior. 40U K. Bulla Cp. At. 7 Isup A Bos Mln.. SS Pranklln 1 'Sup A Pitts Cop. 1H4 Otroux Con.... ns'Tamaracic rf i-.r.nhv con 31 lu. S Coal A Oil. 3:1 Greene Cananea. HVf. 8. S. R. A M. .1314 I. Royale iCop. ) m'vl no prererred... 4. tree. Lake TSlU'Sh Con 28 S l.ake tapper... e) Utah Copper Co. 40S . c ii. 1-r.nn.r flu,!wlnona ........ 0 Miami Copper... ins'Wolverlno HOB Dally Treasury Statement. tt isuiVCTOS. Aug. 4 Ths condition o! the Treasury at the beginning of business today ti ss follows-. T , eiinits Gold coin $c7..K12.fl11 Sliver dollars 4i"Vl.v..ort0 Silver dollars of 1S0 S.MO.000 silver certlflcatea outstanding... 4(K).litj,00 General fund o i - i . dnllara in ren- .1 r..rf ?.ni.1.fl.1.1 Current liabilities 98.373.300 h.isnce In Treasury offices ao.iiMos in hanks to credit of Treasurer or tne i. niieu pt.n. - - - Subsidiary stiver coin ln.431.7P:". Mlsnr coin 1.14H.04O Total balance In general fund... 93.23S.4d3 Money, Excatsuxge. Ktc. LOKDOX. Aug. 4. Bsr silver, stesdy, 24 Sd per ounce. Money, is I' rnt- The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is SS Per cent. Ths rate of discount In the oen market for three months' bills is as per rent. Consols for money. SIS. Consols for sccount. 81 S. NEW YORK. Aug. 4, Mousy on call easy, 1581H per cent: ruling rate, 1H; closing bid. 114; offered at 14. Time loans firm snd dull. Sixty days, S63t and so-day. 3x4474; six months, 46. Prime mercantile paper, onvo per wuu . 1 1 t rm with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at $4.S325tj4.8335 lor 0-day bills and at 34.S540 for demand. Commercial bills. $.iw-!r-oJ. Bar silver. 321.C. Mexican dollars. 44c. Government Tjondx. steady; rallrcjad bonds; Irregular. SAX FRA-NCISCO. Aug. 4 Sterling on London, 00 days. $4.83 Vi ; sterling on Lon don, sight. $4.95x4. Sliver bsrs. c- Mexlcan dollars. 44c. Drafts Sight. Se: telegraph. Sc. CHICAGO. Aug. 4. Exchangs on New York, 3c discount. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 4. Cotton Spot closed quiet- Mid-uplands, 15.45c: do. faun, lt.ivc Sales. 3U00 bales. Futures closed steady. August. Sep tember, 14.oc: October. 13.66c; November, U.4oc: December. 13.52c: January, 13.4SC-. February. 13.50c; March. 11.55c; May. 13.67c; June. 13.40c: July. 13.61c CnTTLrRETTRONG FANCY COWS ASD CALVES SELL AT ADVANCE. Other Lines Hold Their Own Re ceipts at the :Xorth Portland Tards Are Light. n...- . v. DA-tanrfA vsrrla were again llehtlv "stocked yesterday, little coming in aside from sheep. There were two sales oi lanty calves st $7. heavy weights going at o and $3.23. Cowa ranged from 53.25 to ?r. .i i.,.r nrlce helnv realized on a load' ' of choice quality averaging S6I pounds. Receipts yesterday were 13 cattle. calves. ,r hogs and 13oo sheep. Shippers of the stock were: Kidwell A Caswell, of Halnee. one car of cattle and calves- W. E. Hunt, of Shaniko. 4 cars of sheep: F. B. Stark, of Huntington, one car of cattle: B. T. Logan, of Huntington, one car of cattle snd galves; v.. v.. i-i-"-of Huntington, one car of cattle and . n. t rvv.n one car of cattle; fc.d Howell, by boaT." 40 cattle, and the Sundial Ranch Company, sol sheep. The daj-'s sales were as follows: Weight. Price. -a vtil $ 4-ou IB cows , n .,- "tl cows i3 cows r.f: 0 calves ; "ir? ::::::::::::::iso i.;. t: Knii 4-imi .( CO Wat - - , .. , .... im 0.sHF i.l IBIira -ml ?S ::::::::::::::::::::: - ." 7 ''1H t III LIII ..-;:A"o-"ihV various classes of stock at the yards jesteruay were tows: Beef steers, good to choice J J-a 4:73 til- l steers, i.o ' " Cows and hellers. i . Choice .,-.i,, 4.00 Cows ana netiera. i.iv o.- - Bulls -.. . u cue.. ught ; Calvea, heAvy io..m1 10.23 Cks: ill to medium:::::.:... jwg filr to good wethers.... 3.UOV J-M . .. a-r - - S )UU .l..rV '".::::::::::::::: g SS r..ia Llvrstork Market. mii-.r-n sue 4. Cattle Receipts, eatl- . ...,-..' -I,., .-nrnllv 10c UD. BeeVCS. $190tf8.3O:'Texa- steers. $3.50t.3.0; We. tern steers. $4.ooe. a; Taw." fl:23; cows and neiiera, e .v-w., '-Irieeelpts. estimated at 13.000; mar . ii-w, ch 4ri62M.H3: mixed. $i.lora .t'aii- rouxh. $7.6317.85; good to chores' heavy. $7.856.40; piss. S-239 9; bulk of sales, atiwooo. , c ..timated at 1500: market Onwp nm - - r .. .i... to ftief4.e0: Western, 1.X9 4.60; yearlings. $4.BoeiS.75: lambs, native, $4.50f7; Western; $4.50i7.15. o.o rt-rr sue 4 Cattle Receipts, XASia . ------ -- - 50110: market, 10c higher. Native steers $4.o0 68: cows and heifers, $2.2S!.75; stockefn and feeders. M.ZjfcO; duiib. "1 ' Hogs Receipts. 8000: market, steady. Bulk of sales. $8438.40: heavy. J""" , ........... - .a iimih.u: llgnt. .'..u. Sheep Receipt 2oo0; market, steady. Mut tons, $3.6Ctr4.30; lambs. $4i0.75: fed wethers and yearling, sn.omja; ieu $3 ISfH.lO. . rvxs.ux A ne 4. Cattle Receipts-. 240O; Ti... J..,. to stronger. Native steers, $4 73ST-83; cows and heifers. $363.80; West ern steers. $3.3043 8. 25; range cows and heif- ., nu 7i: eanners. $2.60(83.23: stockers . i uita calves, so.oini 1 . uun Hogs Becelpts. 90i: market, slow to 10c lower. Heavy. $ mixeu. i.ovt,..oo. light. $7.83fJ8.13: plga $74J8; bulk of sjles. . - i . nit Bheep Receipts, 76O0; market, steady to i vriinii $1.3ui5.60: wethers. $3.3024.40; ewes, $2.733.85; lambs. $r7.15. BAM TBANCISCO QUOTATIONS. Prodnos Prices Current la ths Bar C4ty Markets. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. i. The follow Ing prices were current In the produce mar i . . . Butter Fancy creamery. Km; creamery seconds. 30 toe; fancy dairy, zsc Cheese New. 14014,c: Toung America. l17c Ks Store. 32c: fancy ranch: 34c. Poultry Roosters, old. $695.54; roosters. nr tlAlft: brollera small. $3.2503 broilers, large. l.l5C-6: fryers. $54; h.rfs ISfilO: ducks, old. $4.50 J, 5; ducks. nunf. ttlttS. e v... i. hies Cucumbers. 2047 40c; garlic, 2H4y31sc; green peas, 2414c: string beana 14j4c; tomatoes. :530c; eggplant. 40675c. jnm California. 10ft 13c Mlllstufts Bran. $23014; middlings. CloS, 1A Hay Wheat. $9014: wheat and etts. $$ I2; alfalfa, $7tj 10; stock, mas; straw, t.vam Fruit Apples, choice 63c4y$1.23; apples. Ammnn 't'. :rw' bsBttitx 73cf$3: Mexl- eaa limes. $3,304(1; California lemons. choice, $3.73: California lemons, common. $2:30; oranges, navels, nominal; pineapples. $203. Receipts Flour. 8t:ui qusrter sacks: wheat, 120 centals; barley, 70.15 centals . .inT Mniili: corn. 1 .".it centala: nota toes. 94193 sacks) bran. 83 sacks; middlings. , ii sacxs; nay, l-W lone, wwoi, .aj. vmtvm Hides, iua.1. - , IlsUry Prodaeo la the East, CHICAGO, Aug. 4. Butter Steady; creameries. Z3hiil2Sc: dairies, H2cr. Eggs Receipts, 9nS2 esses; stesdy at msrk. cares Included, 10014c; firsts, 18c; prims flrata, 17tc. Cheese Firm: "daisies, 1314tT13toe; twins, 14Vi0144ic; Toung Americas. 13916c; long horns. 13 e lc NEW YORK, Aug. 4. Butter Firm, un changed. .-heese Firmer: State whote milk special. JSfrinVic: do factory, line; do average prime, 14 tJ 14 toe: do fair to good. 124 47 1.1c: do common. H(Jlt; skims full to speclsl. zto12Ko. .- - Eggs Steady, unchanged. ' ' Duluth Flax Market. DUIA'TH. Aug. 4. Flax In store, $2.36; on track. $2.S4; to arrive, $2.49; September, $2.49: October. $2.3. bid. November, $1.33 bid: ryecember. $1.30 bid.. Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 4. Wool Steady. Ter rltorv and Western mediums. 13923c; fine mediums. 17 O IOc: Una. 13817c. tl BUYING FOR EXPORT oreign Demand for Wheat t Helps Lift Prices. IRM CLOSE AT. CHICAGO Expert Fisures Total Crop of fnitetl . States at Not to Exceed 641,- : 000,000 Bushels Foreign Reports Less Favorable. ; I i i . . . nn . a . .Cima. ottontinn was mi-llAtj'J, AUg. oi.x, gavw given to the Ohio tate report which put tne yieia i iitj t. -g,ww,"ve -" af7.ry0,W0 bushels last year. There was also discussion or the estimate mu- u crop expert who figured the total output ol .x. v . . -a n ti imio (Win bushels to ine Lniteu niait; " t. " 641.t0U,0O0 bushels. Export sales, lss ra- vorable reports irom 1 v anil shorts and speculators buying at lv- j erpool. were among the elements that - . s .i n..sstsa for thp market ormca an ujj t - vum . today. The Pacific Coast sent news that France had been buying there steadily for a week past. A strong party of the larger local iraaen narteii w " , kept at the task persistently, notwithstand- ... i 1 . tAf Vis (M flint? ing neavy sening vy - houses here. Purchases of wheat here sup- j posed to be for French account kept the . . . K..itiav. tmni- until near the UlUi litr l ill a uu44iig . r- - - close, when prices showed some reaction. rrom ll.ui tt to t.o-'a. wm v. . to at4j-c up,- at ii.iai."-n: .. ' , .t .. ,i ... t h. influence of I, u 1 11 an iai.ii " - the strength In wheat. High and low poln for the Beptember option ui - and o-4c, wltn tne ciose huh -rle of He above the price 24 hours previous. r--.h Tnsrket was also firm. No. 2 yellow closed at COc. For the September option in oais. cu today were bounded by 'Mc and I 3i Vc arlth the final sales -c up at ouvo.. support tor piu,ieiwi " closed unchanged to 71,c lower; lard down 7 Vic to Sc up and ribs at 12Vic decline to an advance of a St? 5c. j The leaning xutures ranaeu u t WHEAT. Onen. High. . Low. '?lose. sept ilois" $io:S $ioi Dec 1.05' l.uoii i.ii -t i May...... 1.09 1.09 1.08 L09 CORN. fpt ?.. ? 'Sr.2 Dec .oa "ii' May, ZH S1' '- OATS. Sept.". 3H Dec 381, .SITU ;. May 41 7 MESS PORK. Sept 21..10 al.424 21",, Jan 17.91i , LARD. sept n. i;?;'1 Oct 11.50 ll.r.JV, 11.45 110 NOV. 1125 11.2o li; x SHORT MBS. I Sept...... 11. 115 11.55 11.4s Oct 11.07V4 11-OiVa n3' "i- Jan 9.S2'.x Flour Easy. 5!!Ti7oilWirt' 'S 'mixing. 485c; fair to I choice malting. 60rS6c .,,. v t-io. s.o l Southwestern, $2.39; AO. , 1 Northwestern, $2.49. t Timothy seed sniB' : Clover 812.87. ' Pork Mess, per barrel, $21. Lard Per 100 pounds. $11.82 fa. Short ribs Sides (loose), $11.12fa ll.t2t. ... TEA1! Sides snort. Clear iwiwi, OraiVi stantistlcs: , . .. t anil flmie WCTB i otat . ,--. - equal to 1,5.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 1.X68.UUU ousneio. wihiicu , 000 bushels the corresponding day a year spo. Estimated receipts ivr ...... Wheat 421 cars: corn, 274 cars; oats, xtt cars; hogs, 14,0000 head. , ,; Plnur barrels - 25.500 17.300 Corn, bushel 315.000 144,800 Oats, bushels "J'SX,. ..,- Rye. bushel ?00O .'. Barley, busheU ls.OOO 1,800 Grain and Produce at New York. ...iviTunr sue - FWinr steady, with a quiet demand. Kansas straights, $4,85 0 5.10. Receipts, jo.Joi iwrrc, '!"' ' 18:l barrels. Wheat Spot firm. No. 2 red. $1.0614 eleva . i oTii r o h afloat: No. 1 Northern, $1.25 fa t. o. b. There was a firmer market in wheat early on the sharp advance abroad and a-ood speculative buying, eased late under liquidation and large receipts, out ax me ciuro was again firm on renewed buying at Hlo net advance. September closed at $1.0i4. December at $1.17fa. Receipts, lo.sw ousneis. Horss Easy. Hides Dull. Petroleum Stesdy. Wool Quiet. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 4. Wheat Septem ber, $1.1 2 fa 1.12 (4: December; $l.llfa; May. $1.14fa. Cash: No. 1 hard. $1.19; No. 1 Northern. $1.17 fa l.lSfa : No. t, $1.15fa 1.16fa; -No. 3. 1.121.13fa. Flax Closed at $2.49., Corn No. S yellow, 61 4? 63c Oats No. 2 white. 38fc40c. Rye No. 2, 70 4J73C. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 4. Wheat Firm. Barley Steady. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $1.65 4J170. Barley Feed. $1.0.-,1.07fa : brew ing. 1.U)I.1S. Oats Red. $1.4L47fa; white. $1.70; black, $1.60. Call board rates Wheat, no trading; bar ley. December, $1. Corn, large yellow, $1.L Grain Markets of the Northwest. TACOMA. Aug. 4, Wheat Bluestem, 96 97c: club and file. 92c. A sale was made yes terday of 25.000 bushels of red Russian wheat from Whitman Ct-unty for August de livery In Tacoma st 91c. Receipts: Wheat, five cars; barley, two. SEATTLB. Aug. . Milling quotations: Bluestem, J2c; forty-fold. 91c; club. 90c; fife. 90c- red Russian. tc. Export wheat Blue- cn. v-fitl,1 ftftc: club. S8c: fife. 87c- red Russian. K3c. Yesterday's car re ceipts: Wheat. 8 cars; oats, 1 car; barley, 2 cars. Knropean Grain Markets. . .-..-i-u-tv- i a Csrsoes firmer with IIU,iiiv,-i . r more Inquiry; no sellers. Walla Walla for shipment, 6d higher at 37a 6d. Bnalieh country markets, quiet. French country markets, quiet LIVERPOOL. Aug 4. Wheat October, 7a 6d: December. 7a 87d. Weather fine. Coffee and Sugar. ' - NEW TORK. Aug. 4. Coffee futures closed steady at a net advance or 7 10 points, sales 66.500 bags. August. 7.00c; September. 7.05c: October. 7.10c; November, 7.20c; December, 7.25c: January. 7.29c; Feb ruary, 7 S3c; March. 7.35c; April, 7.38c; May, 1 air: June. 7.4Jc: July. 7.44c- Spot firm. lo No. 7. c: No. 4 Santos, 9c Mild . .. , ,1 .... - 1AAl1il Sugar Raw, flmv Muscovado, 89 tesC $.86c: centrllugai, ss test, ...t; nintuue. sugar. S test. .61c Refined steady: Crushed, B.8Sc; granulated, 5.15c; powdered, 1.25c Judge Canficld of Colfax ftesigns. COLFAX, Wash., Aug. 4. Superior Judge Henry W. Canfield, of Whitman County, has resigned, and the news came as a great surprise to even his closest trienuB. it i iuihuicu in t.ui fax that Judge Canfield had expected to form a partnership with Attorney Reese Voorheqs, In Spokane, as soon as his term of office expired. Owing to the large amount of work since the death of Attorney Charles S. Voorhees, Reese Voorhees was compelled to have Judge Canfield with him at once. Ef forts are being made to have Attorney J. N. Pickreli, of Colfax, appointed. Among the other candidates mentioned is Robert Hanna, present chairman .of the Republican County Committee. 1 1 -ll lumbermens National Bank CORNER FIFTH AND STAR'K STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital . OFHCERS. n. . Wentworth ,- John A. Keating. . ... Goo.' L. MoPaerson... B. D. Story:.... .... F. A. Freeman Graham Dokebart . . . Assistant Assistant First National Bank : Capitaf $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West o! ths Rocky Mountains Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital, and Surplus $900,000 Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and Savings EXPORTERS OFFER LESS WHEAT TKADIXG LIGHT IX THE NORTH. Peach Market Overstocked and Weaker Fresh Eastern Eggs -Cut Out by Dealers. SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 4. (Special.) Wheat was just steady today. Exporters were not offering more than DO cents tor new wheat and made the assertion that foreign markets do not-warrant paying mora than 89c. New oats could be obtained for ISO. Barley sold at J23.B0. A prominent . .,.i inrinv- ihst. iudging from exporter . . . - - detailed figures now coming in from all parts of the grain neit, no 1S10 crop in Washington at 70 per cent ol last year's harvest. The peach market was easier, due to larger receipts from Eastern Washington. As a result about the very top price dealers could get for Elbertaa was 85 cents. Hales Early were freely offered down as low as 30 eenta There was almost a glut in cants. Small California stocks sold as low as SI and not above 2. Fancy moved slowly at $ Watermelons were unchanged. Rasp berries were easier with reds at 2:.: and blacks af1.752. Logans ranged from 1.25 1.50. Good Royal Anne cher ries were scarce and sold at 8 cents per pound and up. The apple market was still glutted. . The market was badly overstocked with wax beans and peas. ' It was reported that large quantities of white Petaluma eggs have been purchased In the South for Immediate shipment to Puget Sound.. Dealers have about discon tinued buving fresh Eastern, which have been arriving In very poor condition i as a result of the hot weather In the Middle West. The salmon trade Is badly upset on ac count of the short salmon pack reported from Bristol Bay. PARKER WILL GIVE BAIL Wireless Fiscal Agent to Go to Xew York Voluntarily. SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 4. George H. Parker, fiscal agent of the United Wire less Telegraph Company in the terri tory West of the Mississippi River, and who was indicted by a Federal grand jury in New York yesterday on charges of conspiracy to defraud, will return to Seattle next Saturday from a vaca tion in the country, a clerk in his of fice said today. It is expected that Mr. Parker, who is reputed to be worth more than 2,000,000, will go to New York next week to furnish bail. A charge of conspiracy to defraud was filed against him here last June, but this charge, United States District Attorney Elmer E. Todd said today was made only to hold him on bail until the New York grand Jury could act. There is no intention of prosecuting Parker in Seattle, and when he is ar raigned in New York the charge here will be dismissed. District Attorney Todd Bays he has no doubt that Parker will proceed promptly to NewsYork. OFFICERS ON RIDING TEST General Maus Lieads Party on 00 Mile Jaunt Sham Battle Today. .TACOMA, Aug. 4. In the maneuver camp at American Lake the first battle will be fought tomorrow between two battalions with Mank cartridges. The organizations to meet on the strenuous but bloodless field have not yet been naTwenty-one officers, headed by Gen eral Maus, start on the Roosevelt en durance test tomorrow. They will ride 30 miles the first day and have three days in which to make 90 miles. Kelly's Check Held Worthless. OREGON CITY, Or.. Aug. 4. Spe cial.) J. B. Kelly, of San Francisco, is $500,000 President DIRECTORS. '.3 G. K. Wentworth Chaa. 8. Russell ..Vice-President P. 8. Brumby or. rk. a. .uacaensio tienrge G. Blnghnm J. Wentworth J. E. Wheeler Vice-President Casbler . tweo. L. McFherwn Cashier John A. Keating. Robert Treat Flat Cashier 11. I). Story .. in the County Jail charged with uttering a forged paper. He cashed a check for 50 at L. Ruconich'a saloon yesterda afternoon, and the saloonkeeper found the paper worthless and Kelly's arrest followed. He had spent only J6.90 of the money. Kelly rays he has funds at a San Francisco bank and Chief of Po lice Burns thinks his story true. BITULITHIC Makes good streets. Property owners who have paid for it know this. Ask them about BITULITHIC TRAVELERS' GUIDE. All Modem Safety Uevlcea Wireless. Ktc LONDON PARIS HAMBURG fO. WaId'eeAulS.8 pmH Pennsylvania Aug. 81 Cincinnati. .-.Aug. IKMtKaisn.Aug. Vic.&ept 3 Unexcelled Rlts-Carlton a la Carte Kes taurant. "New IHambunr direct. GIBRALTAR, NAPLES ASD GENOA. 8. S. MOI.TKE August 30. t P. M. 8. 8. HAMBLRO September X0 Hamburg-American Linn. 166 Powell St.. bun Francisco, CaL and Local R. R- Agents In Portland. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY Fast iixcuraiot: Steamer CHA6. K. SPENCER Ijeavea dally except Wednesday, 6 A. M. for Hood River and a-ay landings and re turn leave Mood Klver, 2:M P. at.; arriva Portland 8 P. at. SUNDAY EXCURSION- . i Leases 0 A. M.: return.-, 3:30 P. at. FIrat-clasa Meals Served.. I Fare. One Dollar Round Trip, Lp-town Office, 69 fitn St. Phones Marshall 19T9, A 1288. Landing and Office. Foot Washington aV Phones Main 86 la, A 246S. i Lowest Rates to Picnic Parties, E. W. SPENCER. OWNER. BAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND SS. CO. New aervice to Los Angeles. Tla San Fran cisco, every live days. From Alnsworth Dock. Portland. 9 A. M. g.S. Bear. Aug. 6, lione City 11, Beaver 16. From San Francisco, northbound, 12 M. 8.S. Beaver Aug. 8, Bear. 14, Rose City 19. From San Penro, northbound. Beaver Aug. 7. Bear 12. Rose City 17. H. O. Smith, C. T. A.. 142 Third St. J W. Ransom, Agent, Alnsworth Dock. ' Phones Main 402.26S:A 140i. COOS BAY LINE (DAT SERVICR. . Steamer Breakwater leaves Portland A M., August 7, IX 17, 22. 27 and every five days, from Alnsworth Dock, for North Bend. Mnrshfleld and Coos Bay points. Freight received until 5 P. M., daily. Passengftr fare, first-class. $10; second-class. $7. including, berth and meals. Inquire 'Alnsworth Dock. Main 268. San Francisco and Los Angeles ' . DIRECT North Pacific S. S. Co.'s S. S. Roanoka and S. 8. Elder sail every Wednesday alternately at 6 P. M. Ticket ufilca 132 Third at, near Alder. MARTIN J. HIGI.EV, PssMarer Aaremts W. H. SHjSSbilt, Frelvut A sent, f hones l- 1314. A 1314. Why Get Seasick? Tonique Mai de Mer will positively pre vent seasickness. If you contemplate a trip by sea or rail, tret a bottle at once from, your druggist and follow directions, promi nent Portland residents testify to Its merits. Prlre 50 cents or sent postpaid by NEF TUNE RKMEDY CO., Sole Manufacturer!. Portland. Or. Phones Main 2S07. A 5512. IliMlil