13 TTTF, MORNING OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY. AUGUST S, 1910. T if PLOWS INTO HANDCARS; 5 DEAD 40 Section Laborers Caught on Bridge Over Canyon 200 Feet Deep. ... MEN PITCHED HEADLONG Many Cling. RctIouait Hurt, to Tres tle Cntll Help Reaches Them. Speeding Cars Come Without Warning Around Curve. Five members of a crew of tt foreign section laborers were nd many seriously Injured t yesterday morning; when Mtb"1n,J passenger train No. 5. e!ht id one-half hour. late, plowed Into a string of five handcars on the bridge over Burr s Canyon, east of the fcnaKe Ulver. on the North Bank road. The section hands had no warning;. They had no Idea the belated passen ger train was approaching and were peacefully propelling; their flimsy carrlaire. when No. S. rounding a curve, bore down upon them. Caught on a trestle 200 feet above a yawning canyon, they had no time to retreat and the swiftly moving train struck them squarely, hurling men In every direction. The five men killed were pitched like stones Into the canyon. They were dead when rescuers reached them. Men Cling to Bridge. Others were thrown on the beams of the trestle, some of them clinging tenaciously. terribly injured. like drowning men. until relief reached them. . . A few had time bo jump to the bridge beams before the train struck the handcars, but almost every one of the JS men who escaped death received serious or sllxht Injuries. Wild confusion followed the crash which crumpled the handcara as If they had been matches The frensied. injured laborers fought like tigers for places on the bridge, fearful of new disaster. ... w The dead men are Steve Dukltch. George Popovltch. Pete Dukltch. Nick Oscovltch and Pete Blonlson. They recently Joined the section crew, which was an extra gang. Wild Tales Told. Various wild Incidents of the ac cident are told. iut most of them are thought to be phantasms born of ex citement and confusion. One Is to the effect that a victim of the wreck was hanging by his hands to the bridge and that a lunatic comrade stepped on his fingers, causing the fellow to let go his hold and tumble to the jagged canyon below. A special train, carrying doctors and the coroner, was sent to Burr's Csn- r-an Th H r.H and Inlured were taken to Pasco and an Inquest will be neia mis morning. Burr's Canyon is 38 miles esst of - t h 1 1, f 1,. atallnn of Par tington. The track approaches Burr's Canyon Bridge at a simrp turn ami aa No. was running fast to make op lost time, tne engineer was unable to check Ms cars when he saw the danger ahead. The section crew, according to regulations, should have a man ahead to sea If the track was clear. The delayed passenger train arrived In Portland at last night. Few of the passengers know of the circum stances of the accident They were unable to furnish any additional facts. FRENCH IS O.V HIS WAV WEST He Will l ikely Announce Retire ment as Head of North Bank. George B. French, acting president of. the Spokane. Portland A Seattle Rail way, la on the Oriental Limited that left St. Paul yrsterday morning. Should the limited keep on time he will be due at Spokane Saturday miming, and with an hour to make connections with the North Bank, he will arrive at Portland at (:15 the same night. Considerable Interest Is being mani fested among railroad men as to Mr. French's arrival, as he will probably make an official announcement regard ing the severance of his connection with the road. Fortland Kilts Confident. After escorting the Elks to Detroit snd stopping off at Boise, to bring to Portland the Maho North Beach excur sion. J. II. O'Nell, traveling passenger asent of the O. R- A N-, reached Port land yesterday. Mr. O'Nell ears the Portland Elka are aura of the 1911 grand lodge. Had Portland been ready, ha says, the convention for 1911 could have been Induced to come here, as the efforts of the Portland boosters were most con spicuous during convention days. Personal From Railroad Row. . P. O'Brien, general manager, and R. B. Miller, traffic manager, of the Harrlman lines In the Northwest, are rn the Huntington division of the O- R. A N. on an Inspection trip. 8- J. Allison, general passenger agent of the Great Northern at St. Paul, passed throush Portland yesterday. He will re turn Monday. W. A. Ross, assistsnt general passen ger agent of the Great Northern at Se attle, was on the row yesterday. MAGNATES BEFORE JURY Probe of Alleged Courthouse Site Graft Is In Progress. MONTESAXa Wash.. Aug. 4. (Spe cial.) The grand Jury this afternoon railed Rneben Fleet, real estate man. of Montesano. A. D. Devonshire, a mil lionaire banker, and W. H. France, a banker, for the purpose of securing testimony regarding the alleged $15,000 graft In the purchase of the location of the Courthouse. These are the first witnesses exsmlned by the grand Jury In seven daya That the jury will go to the bottom of the alleged Courthouse graft first seems a certainty, and the calling of these witnesses Is the best kind of evidence along that line. RACING IS FAIR FEATURE Director. Complete Preliminaries for Opening on Labor Day. With the adoption of a classification for this ysar'a fair which open Sep iam bar, t, o continue lx days, auoh of the preliminary work for that under taking was completed at last night's meeting of the directors of the Port land Fair and uvestocK Association, held last night In the Portland Com mercial nuD. TV. I .l...ltf.tlnn will AlatrlhntCl St- proxlmately 10.000 caah among the livestock breeders of the Pacific Northwest- This amount equals that dis tributed by the state fair at Salem and Is larger than any distributed by any city on the Pacific Coast. The directors at last night's meeting also decided to make the racing fea ture of the fair one of special import ance and Interest. It Is planned to make the racing programme to any previously held here. There will w. - t in n.nninv race, as well as a w m .,v . uu....-0 2:30 trotting race. These are classes that will appeal to lovers of horse racing. . As Monday, septemoer o. wio iu Ing day of the fair, is also Labor day. every effort will be made to make this T" 7 , .ir. A feature me Rrw v. - - of the opening will be a parade of high-grade stock, wnicu win -hlbited later. Arrangements are being made to give away a pony outfit on the opening day. Each child entering the grounds will receive a coupon which will entitle the . ... tmnm The avact OTO- cedure haa not been -worked out. but that there will be a Dig aiienoanco iu - i. Ba.iiril President M. Coasrijuviika . - . C Maris presided at last night s meet ing. Wm OFF ON TRIP THREE SISTERS PEAKS GOAL OF MOCXTAIX CLIMBERS. Noted Scientists Accompany Party and Will Make Reports on Gla ciers, Craters and Formations. EUGENE. Or.. Aug. 4. (Special.) The last load of Maxamas left at 6:30 o'clock this morning for the McKenxle River country on the way to the Three Sisters peaks, all of which they will climb and explore during the three weeks' outing In the Cascades of West ern Lane County. The party will probably stay over night at Blue River. H. 11. Rlddell Is In charge of the expedition. The baggage wagon should make Blue River by o'clock, in ample time for establishment of the first night's camp. The baggage wagon left here at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. This section of the Cascade Range Is a region full of Interest fo the scientist and the mountain climber, and thus far little haa been done in the way of exploration. Accompany ing the party are two scientists of note Dr. C. Bare of St- Louis, one of the authorities on glaciers In the Vnlted States, and Professor Ira A. Williams, geologist of Ames College. Dr. Bare will make a thorough exam ination and study of the glaciers to be found In the Three Sisters region, while Professor Williams will Investi gate the craters of the mountains, study the lava beds and other geologi cal features of the mountains. Both these men will later issue reports on their work. There are two special photographers In the party C. L Winter, of the Kiser Photo Company, and W. Welster, the photographer for the Southern Pa cific Company. These men will secure a good photographic record of the ex pedition. The party went In hacks and wagons xi.v.n.i hriHu. This will shorten the time necessary to get to the point where tne luggage mum oe pcra and everybody walk. By this plan. It Is expected, the camp at Obsidian Cliff can be easily reached Baturday. The total number who will make ine trip will be about 16. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Aug. 4. Maximum tempera ... - -a rt..f.M: minimum. &0 dffTMl. RIvsV reading. A. M.. -S feat. Change In i. . Knnn. 3 feet. Total rainfall (3 P. M. to S P. Ml. O. Total rainfall lnca September 1. lone. 4o Inches. Normal rainfall sines fpiemter l. men--. Xteflelrary of rainfall .Inc. September I, loos. 2.43 Inches. Total sunshine. 11 hours. PoMlMt sunshine. 14 hours. 42 minutes. Barometer irenucea xa . M.. 40-30 Inchea TUB WEATHER. Wln4 State of Weatbac STATIONS. 3 Ble. Boston Chicago ....... D.nr,r. ......... rx. Moines.. ... Duluth - Eureka Galveston Helena Jacksonville. .... Kansas Cltr Msrshfleld Montreal ...... w tirleans New York ..... North Head .... I'hoenla ........ Focatello. . . . . . Fortland ....... Raasburg Sacramento. . . . . 8U Louis Pu Paul ....... Fait Lake Pan Ptego Pan Francisco.. ft.sklyon Ppokane Tacoma Taioosh is'and. Walla Walla Washington. .. .- Winnipeg . Yellowstone. .... . I (W.o 8 , go o.ni 24 . SOO.OO 8 .1 RiV T. 114 . i 1S4IW1 e fW Clear RW Rain K 'Clear NW Rain N' ;clear XV ICIrar SW ICIear JP. 'Clear i o.no io I oK-0.01 0.04. II a'v.oo) ttoo nol 4 fJTPi Cloody SW Clear E Clear StV 'Clear B ICIoudr w Cloudy SW 'Rain I et o.oo s4! T I OO 12 IM o.no 4 a0.04 18 NW Pt. Cloudy . 'm2 o.ool a W flear W 'Clear N 'Clear N ICIear S ICIear ' NW Clear NE ICIear SW Icloudy NW'Clear W Clear it ri.ap 2 O.OO 12 0.00 10 82-0. 0H 8 8 0.0O; 8 .J 82 0. On' IS T4-0.OO; 4 840.00 8 TO A.OOI1Z o.no 14 ToO.00 4 8" 0 OO 12- 0.00 IO il 0.0O 12 8A0.no. 8 a. ft na) s W Pt. Cloudy N Pt. Clouily s Pt. Oeudy J Cl.ar w Cloudy NW .Clear PW 'Clear ! 700. ooj s 82 0 .0OI W KATHFR CONDITIONS. U ana ins dbivuisisi tva. w along th. North Pacific Coasu tJca' n,n have lauen in " - ' Western Nebraska and eeneral rains have . . 1 ri.tl- Atl-ntle and New oecurrea in ' ' .- - Enaland atatea. It U much cooler over a er.-ent-shaped area exteodlns from the Middle Flateao states southeastward to Texsi and thence northeastward to the lake The conditions are favorable for fair and wanner weather la this district, exc.pt near the coast and la Southern Idaho, where the temperature win tlucary or Mcvms . SORBCAST. Portland and vicinity Fair and wanner; ""oVeloT Tnd Whing1on-F.lr. warmer, . w uasi riArt h a-af vinflt. xrpDi ntar v iiw . - Sho Fair. wrrnJT north and cooler fjoutheaat Tvomon. . ACCTIO.X BALES TODAT. . . . al ta,Msta. Mr-It 9A atlld TahM.'ri. "aV To' a7-T 57 V Wllasa. UftlQBW. wximo XOX1CKS. . . wn am vrv ax A T. AND A. M. Stated eommttnlca tloa. Masonic Temple, this (Frl- . . ..in A'lwlr Work la k mjm. " il" x, PENWNO THE RECEIPT OF A f ebarur from the srmad lode. Kaurhta (f U of Fvthlaa. Cosmopolitan Loose will CSj5 mfnrmallr en everr Friday rn- lts at 8 o'eiock at o. iw ou - streeu v isitors mwwmw. APFIJCATIONS WIH, SB RECWIVTO tor 4mise'-ei to tSs Order of the Founa SI. gtsashlB. W. ii. JCMwTVr lsiaisrPO AMVriEMENTa. main c a ista. SASIMEK XVaar DAT. &Z&-50I TUir AT-PTH Ti.?i-H-75e WEEK At'Cl KT 1 Special ensagement "Operatic Fe.tlval.' flfteea blgh-claes eolo in I ; r." mnA Tamival of enlce." FUoasaa aad F.dwards In "On and OIT'i J. C. Nuxent la "On the squarer. in. Harve-le Vora Trio, Melrose and Kennedy. A. O. Uuaeaa, Popa and L ao, 1 let urea. Or chestra. CI Ft A 1M r. Week Ang. 1. 1910 McMahon's "Pull man Porter Maids." Corsch Russell. Rose A Ellis. Rawson a Clara. Will Davis. Symonds. Ryan and Arlama Witt) IVed tCork) Norton. The areat- est of all m us 1 co spectacular crea tions. Orandaacopa. UlUnu Wmmw w Tav .S0: IDT seat ISO. Cvsnlnv PMtnm inr, at T:30 and S:13: Bslcony 15e; Lower Floor 25o: Boa Boats SOe. LYRIC rOKTI.AND'S AMILY LAVHOCSK All wMk. Edward Armstronc litulcal Com- eay to. rrtmi U A -asi A Itaf IliV . . a. a s- . s w Frirtar Kiaht I'HORLB GIRLS CONTEST. TUI? A AITC Tfmnf-r Eut Morrl- 111 i. om and Kaatt Watr. Prize Band of America Under Direction of . JOHN C. WEBER. The Musical Event of the Season. Weber's Rand for a I.I ml ted Season. IMEIX MONTGOMERY In this city. Au(t. 4. at the family residence l.lli allssissippi ave.. John H. C. Montgomery, aged el years 4 months 4 daya DOVINO la this city. Ausust 4. at his lata residence; 881 Michigan are., unmm mov ing, aged 47 years 10 months and 4 days. Funeral notice hereafter. O'CONNOR Mrs. Johanna O'Connor, widow of the late John o Connor, at uis Tamiiy residence. 714 East Burnslda. 1XNERAU MOTIC3U. CLANCY Funeral of the late Daniel W. Clancey will- taKe place irora iuniuna s Mcmee chapel tomorrow tsatuxday) August 0, at A. M.. thence to St. Ignatlur Church. 41st and Powell streeu, at 10 A. M. Friends Invited. MONTO The funeral services of the lata Mabel Monto, who was arownea in goiuiu ki. Kin..vh Jun. 10 will he held at Eric- son's chapel, 409-411 Alder et.. today (Friday) at 2 V. M. Friends respectfully invited to aueno. xntermofc aiuiuium.. Cemetery. unvwinnPRT Th. funeral services of John H. C. Montgomery win do neia i Holman's chapel at 2 f. m. toaay trn ivt Friends invited. Interment River- view Cemetery. Services at the (rave private. YERGEN At the home of her daughter. Sn r& -I V SBIH f.. lOtn. AUK. o. JVilw both Tergen, ago 77 years. Funeral will te held at the residence toaay trriu., 5 at 8 A. U. Friends respectfully invited. Interment Buttevllle Cemeten". HOSFORD In this city, August 1. Milton U UstarnrO LB 1 M n I inn,, ur.. UW 0 ysars. The funeral services will be held at r lnley s cnapeu eunoay, ausu. -. 2 P. M. Friends invited. Interment at Lone Fir Cemetery. ION8KTH FLORAL CO. MAKVILAJ4 ULAJO. FLO HAL Ur.SlONS. rbancs; Main Slux; A lies, DaBDUX m XCXH"0 UMV. vuww,-, TtU and i'lne. Pboae Main 44. LmAj as- stsiant. vu.. .11 . uiiii.n,. mv.t both nhoDesi iadr attend ant; n.ot modern establishment in the city. rs. XtO ad st. Lady Assistant, phone M. sol. j p. nLKx m sun, so ana mioism, Ijjr altra iUk u I' boa eM la , A !! . EAKT MIK Funeral Directors, eunresinrs t0 f. a. Ini2'". lae. E. 41. B 6S. ERiCrbx CO. Cndertakers: lady assist- sat, sue ffiu". ii. . . LERCH. Undertaker, eor. East Alder and ..a. 1'honea 181. B lssa. Ladr asusuat. CLASMXIED ADVEETISINO BATS Tkallv m fUSdsV. Fee Una One time ii; Sanaa ad two eooseeatlve times XX batuie ad threw cwneecatlTe lime. ..Svo satue ad six or seven consecutive times, .ceo fix woeua counts . : T" , eertlsemeota aad aw ad counted fur leas tbaa two llaea. nkra an au iwuw . wm m itlve times ta. ane-uma rale applies. -.-. at book advertiseiuelits the charge will be based on the actual number of Unas sppearuig la im imw". ya- .iMhe of words In each line. la Mew Today all advertisemeau are charged by measure only, 14 lines to the Inch. The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and aU otber class! Ilca- tions excepting ine luira.iu., Mtuallons anted. Mala ttltualloas Waated, Female. ar Heac Koommt I'rtvate jtamlliee. Roams aad Board. Privsla FujniUes. a, ...kMni. k.u.m. Private f amilies. Ine rate on the above class ideations la 1 cents a line each Ineenlou. TO OIT-OF-TOV1N PATRONS The Ore woniaa will receive copy by mail, provided sunk-tent remittaace for a definite number ol issues Is sent. Acknowledgement of such remittance will be forwarded promptly. In ease box office address is required, use regular form given, and count this aa part of the ad. Answers to advertisements will ba forwarded to natrons, provided self-ad- nvMlotM arm Inclosed. If you bave either telephone in your house we will aoeept your ad ever the pbone and send you the bill tbe next day. Pboaa Meat Ad. Dept Mala 747. or A eOSS. blt aataou Wanted and Personal advertisements awt accepted aver tbe pbone. Errors are more easily made in telephoning advertise ntents. therefore Tbe Oregonlua will set bold ItselK respoxwDio mr sura vrror.. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE, CITY HAIX MAI.V OV8, A 7B8S. HUMANE OFFICER. EAST 477S. NEW TODAY. To Trad e High-grade, close-in city warehouse property, with trackage, for other city property or acreage. Apply owner, 606 Concord Bids. Phone Main 1373. MORTGAGE LOANS Private funds to loan on acceptable security. B. N. Tufford. Realty Manager. M-ERCHASITS SAV1G et TRUST COMPANY, . W. Cot. 4)th aad Wa.alngtou Sts. 81000-800 CASH Two lots and small house In South Portlsnd. This Is 1500 under the mar ket. Call up J. A. Goodfellow, trent for Klelnsorge estate. z ut street. Mortgage Loans M ORGAN, PXIEDXER. at BOYCE. eoS-eo Aklagtoa Building. CHEAP H0DSE I am compelled to leave the city by September 1. so will sacrifice my near ly new East fide home In good restrict ed district. There are four bedrooms and a sleepinc-porch. All the modern 1 y W a I W marl 1 t aa a n CODTtaiCncri. V'IJe--iiiw.ii, v AAA isss die it, U. Ill, uregoruan. XEvT TODAY. LAKE SIDE On Vancouver Lake, Is the coming suburban home location of Portland. All the Portland and Seattle trains pass the property and stop at the Junction. It takes but 80 minutes to go from the Union Depot to the junc tion. The whole City of Portland is in sight, also the Columbia and Wil lamette Rivers, together with moun tains, Hood, Adams, Rainier, St. Helens and the Cascade Range. A few home sites of 5 and 10-acre tracts in a high state of cultivation. with bearing trees 7 to 12 years old, are now on the market by I. L. RAY, at Hotel St. Elmo, Vancouver, Wash. ARE YOU an Investor, and do you want to make some easy money and lots of it, if so, see us at once. Dubois & Crockett We have 80,000 shares of stock of the best gold-dredging mine in Cali fornia for sale. We have put three days on the property personally In vestigating it, and have founded a financial proposition without a rival as a money maker, and money is what we all want. For further Information see us without delay. Dubois & Crockett Washington Bids;., Room 3. Apartment House (07 nnn n,v f sooo cash, Oe& I UUU balance easy terms. Brand new building. Rented to re sponsible tenants for $350 a month. Figure this. Pays 16 per cent net. Located on the West Side. Can you pass this up? HAAS & RINGLER 211 Lewi. Bids. EXCHANGE OR FOR SALE for Portland Income property, at cash value, or sell on easy terms, 208-acre farm In Willamette Valley. 95 miles from Portland, one mile from good city: land lays slightly rolling, good sandy loam soil. Place will produce net iuuu, besides 8-acre hop crop this season: good orchard, two houses, barn and hophouse. fnce 4u per acre. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bide-, 4th and Oak. TO LEA tit . 1. . .. m-arnev tielrlr rtiltldlnflr. SAwlAA am ITnlnn va no,, Ttiirn.lrie. containing stores, basement and 30 rooms on second floor; will lease ior term of years to rood tenant. Apply 10 HART LAND CO 144 Second St. IRVINGTON HOME Tour choice of four beautiful new houses, in the best parts of Irvington. Must be sold at once, and we want your offer for any one of them. You make your own terms. , Grussi & Zadow S17 Board of Trade Bids-, th and Oak. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY lROvlOO. ISO feet of trackage with switch. S. W. cor. ISth and Overton. Special price for short time only. MERCHANTS SAVlNftS el TRUST COMPANY, R. ti. To f ford. Realty Manager. for timber, acreaae. business residence aad apartmsnt properties, zuo soinsxao. NFTW, modem houses, in Irvlnrton. R. B. Mice, aw mw. pmu REAI, ESTATE IsKALEKS. . REAL KOTATK DEALERS. Beck. 1 1 1 h in u . . ti, p. u,u. Bin-ell. A. H. Co.. 202-3 MeKsy bid.. Real estate, insurance, mm Brubaker Benedict. 602 McKay bide. M. 30. Chspln 4 Herlow. 332 Charhber Commerce. Cook, B. B. l. v -"' a Jsnntnss Co.. Main 188. 200 Oresjonlan. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P., 213 Commer- fc-fffc'SiW. l S2 Stark st. Main 802, SCHINDLER HALL, 206 Ablnton bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st. IHolladay Addition.) M. E. Thompson Co.. cor. 4th and Oaksta. REAL F.STATK. For Bale Lota LAST CHAM-H to S"V '"L""" ,". "in beautiful Brentwood. -'76 per lot; 1U down, a montn. mi. tar x,- mont station, see Mr. uoouns. pn. S10.O0O 1 Ll. OUT a ' ' v Bide: splendid apartment propoeltlon: In di rect line tor dis - " - Corbett Blag. OREGON ABSTRACT COMPANY, 201 Swetland Bids;. Phone Main 303T. NOT IN THE TRUST. KENTON ROxlOO. one of the best business lots In Kenton: price S35O0 cash. Owner, K 313. Oregon!, , urn, Disir 4 lots nesr carlme, old contract, cheap. 1 I r L your pmpnir -.... - - .. -rs. Venn. Invest. Co... 614 Buchanan bids. 1 ..11 1 o 1-none a.i,u... Two lots on Ainsworth. near Union. n, ...... faln AT7Q cui rvTiin t t v lots to exchanse for acre- ace or small house: will assume dlffer- KOUIT1ES in several Laurelhurst lots to for real estate or Jewelry. C lit. i . ROSE CITT PARK bars-alns: choice lots ineludlns all Improvements. J 190, ursnui"."- PORTLAND HEIGHTS lots from S00 to SOOO: trSCtS I hwhiww. wmiu qw. IRVINGTON snap; east front, 50x100, one blocx from carjine. iwricr. rwam v. loqi. TF.N lota In Madras. Or., to trade for resl- dence in tuy. " ' ... - 40x1 1.- Ft'OT lot cheap oil terms; owner ONB lot. lOxloO, near Irvlnstoa; '; Part cash, -JUS ise, vresaaiH- 1 SE REAL ESTATE. 'or Bale BATOCEAN. In need of a little money; will sell at a baritaln a lot in Bayocean. the 11.0"". 0O0 resort ol the Northwest; investigate this. G 172. Oreronlsn. BAYOCEAN. - EAST LOT PROFIT FOR YOU. Lots 50x100. Just south of Hawthorne sve.. on 41st snd 42d streets, for a snort time at 10 down and 10 monthly: tne openlnc of Madison bridge will send values up quickly here and you will maKe a pront many times larger than your actual investment: act now: regrets later will not put any mony in your purse. Room tw t Couch bldg; FINE LOT. E. YAMHILL ST. 50x100. north front, in a line residence district, on E. Yamhill, near 8th: street Improved, cement sidewalk; price g-oou. HOW cash, balance yearly at S per cent. GRUSSI 4 ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. roniLAAU nr.i.j.i .. -20.607 sq. ft.; excellent neighborhood, good view; beautiful trees: owner needs money: no reasonable offer refused; good Investment or charming home site. Main 7 lots, with house, fine soil, trout ana erawflsh rlBht at your door: 10 H. r. waterpower. 5c cars: the place to raise everything; price $lo0. , JT. FUCHS. 221 Morrison St. E." 25TH AND GLADSTONE. A few choice lots left at tSOO each: 2S cash, balance $10 per month. The cheap est close-in lots In the city. E. A. McGratn, 331 inamper or uimm My entire equity goes for only -50 casn. In one of the finest lots in Laurelhurst. must sell at once: might exchange lor aiamonu. j m. vtcsm"". $10 DOWN and 5 per month for a eeautl- , IU1 lOt DIOCRB muuui , ,Z t.rrns. city water; only a i ' " 11 V iJ. HIGL.fc.ir ee manor. ONE-FOURTH block In Alameda Park; on car line; wmi an iji.j......- . part cash. AE 161. Oregonlarj For Sale Houses. . . . i. . mt In rOK BALL A ,-ruum I'"' - . Holladay Pars: house new ana ..!.., modern; lots covered with shrubbery; will take SlUvu. Daiance ictuio w O. W. MERRILL, 416 Ablngton Bldg. . w.,..m TT We ofler to reliable man wtlh steady smplojment sn oppjrtunity to buy nice. new, live-room ana oam, " low. on full size lot. sewer connection, on monthly payment of 18 and Interest, without any down payment. Location Just off W. R. car on Clinton st., about lo minutes on clr. Price $2900. Here Is where the right party can turn his rent money towards buying a home instead or . . . . . . . .. .1. . c nwner. paying toil to ine wuuiwu. " . .Xi room 809 Couch building. Phone A 408S- WE AKH. IJLli.LU.o ..1 v i . i . - . - - - -THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THfcj (.lit. IHfiKKi AXVE, UW"u . . . . . . n OITR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY AND GET BETTER WORK. ON TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOT Wt WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO build. piArvs amj t," - . 8ui HENRY BLDG. LET CS FINANCE THE BUILDING Of YOUR HOME IF YOU OWN LOT. SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH IS SUFFICI a, NT. OUR REPUTATION FOR WELL-BUILT HOMES. FAIR. DEALING ?SR5: ING US MAI 1.L1E..-.13. v.ii in .. n.. ERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. Successors to Portland rteaity sc ujuiuuvuwu .w., Z-J Lewi, gius - - -. . . , . . . . t-- , n . m r A cur BinUALUll DiiAr. .- Swell new 6-room bungalow, all tne latest Improvements, ount-in cn"a beamed ceilings, etc: on a corner lot, on East Lincoln street: improved streets and cement sidewalks; price S3100, 500 cash ana e-u per momii. GRVSSI & ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade Bldg- 4th and Oak. RQ9B CITI PARK BAttuAlA. Just eompleteu. o-room nome wu -'-n pain, uuicn i n in ... . . . ... . - - -- sleeping porch, full basement, laundry tubs. etc.; lot ooxiuu; improvBuieuw -' , ' splendid buy for S4000; owner wlU sell for 2o0 less if taken at once; terms 500 cash, balance S20 per month. National Realty -r . WHI- Tl'aah at., room 516. ..... I- T I) I." t-T. evip Good 7-room house on Belmont street. right in line wnn ui i.unin.... v. " ' slue; lot is oo i-oi.iu. ' , ' . provements In and paid: a big bargain at t3000. 11000 cash, balance in 3 or o e GRUSSI ft ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak IEST BARGAIN IN RICHMOND" If you have 71i5 cash you can buy my 5-room DuDKfliow at ! uiccuwuv" - one DiocK Bourn 01 v -a - Vk Which IB .tWU DB1UW noyi uuB i.s trict of lia class; you aiao save agent a commission aa I am the owner, phone A BARGAIN New, modern. 8-room house, lot 80x100; Arleta. close to carllne; anyone wanting a good, well-constructed house, worm murw uibh oir " rtflO 13A T AViriN.- JtV CCi ljlftjlaj OJJVAMVJ.v 233 Stark St.. Near becond Owner leaving Portland ; must aell at once my new Irvington 6 -room, modern home, including all new furniture, rugs, range, piano, sewing machine; in fact all the fumlBhtngs. On sale with J. E. Do len. Ofnce 690 Broadway. Phones; East . .,rtT-.T7-T5-v Tjricn" ru trip 3 lots aVXIUU oatrii, yitwv yu.j , , J sizuo casn ; a uiutw a. , addition-, concrete walks, garden ; owner must leave city in next few days; a rare "P- e VX PA 101 ith Rt. hi. W. iun.- w- -vt . -.mrtv OA TO n A T XT ".f-1 orn anrl alt. tractive 8-room house, on E. 12th near Han- n i nt 1 Kvims a nrl varv at. coclt.: w.e" vu.l't- 'Z1TZ: vl. tractiveiy "oncu . a...- furnace, large Dusonrcni ' a bargain at T260. McCargar. Bates & Live- ly, aio rttium r 6: WEST til DEj DAr. $3800 for an eiegant o-ruum mn-on-r,, beautiful view, all improvements in and F. r Lena. -t 'Z . '. . . l 1 it av-a.- ft. FINE SUDUman Vltsw nuuic, m. . - room house; hot water heat, greenhouse, all kinds of fruit; best bargain In city. Might consider part exchange. Call at premises. 36 East 63d st. Morrison at.- Mt. laoor car. HULLuuU lv;lv V...IH 7 -room nouuj a.-wj everything modern and up-to-date, lot 6 xlOO ft.-; near J2thl and Halsey. Apply rnfim sos. Corbett bldg. BARGAIN if taken at once; on account of sickness muai BS it get money" FHday7 day r evening. SSESgth st..Hawthornecar. A B ARGAIN in a One 7-room modern house, furnace, ga nd electric lights flns yard 60x100, cement walks, fine neighbors, close in, near io "" 6 3 ttOTTTSwrjut . i-n.nxTcinci TMCTD I fT For sale, my home, new and modern In every respect; 6 rooms, full cement basemeni ana u .-.-... D gicno buvs nice 4-room bungalow; lot 50x 11.K7; 9 1'"' . - MOU 11 1 Dt.ui., irv. " . HIGliEY A Big HOP, 132 Third st. a -T-i a Df-U-VM C7 t7Cf v. ilth snd Gladstone; low price and easy forms. E. A. McGratb, 231 Chamher of Commercebldg; FOR SALE (-room house, modern, sleep lnr Dorch: street improvements and aide walk paid; $3000 cash; 10l0 a years. 721 v""f - . , virsT sell house and 3 lots near Oak Grov .i i ? r lrM If : man Palmap whV r NEW o-room "."S"' ' " " -"is Information caU or write R. TV'lUke, 40 54 MONTHLY Income; $1700 handles it. Mr Renter pays the rest. " Butterworth. zr. TifnvAtte hldK. Main FOR SALE by owner: new "-room bouse. . .... 1 . .. SB,. .1 I ' . Vn. stnciiy mvuvt i. ucm .in i. j.c-. ... hil St.. I D1QCK SUULll ul o-o car. iuftnM house with a 60-foot lot in Holla- day Park; $5500; ,3500 cash, balance on time. AU i.o, WBfuniM. irrvR 8-room residence. brick basement, around, lawn, fruit trees, scenery unsur- . . i - . c-1 II. . K I OA passea. 1 1 1 1 o i . - ii-i i -i ' i - i ii v..-'. fOH SALE by owner, the aandsomMt 5- rOOID nOUSV 111 . i . ill . , airmmt .MM W -.11 -n M 1, v REAL ESTATE. For Sal -Hon IP YOU KNOW VALUES IN IRV1NQTOSI. WE WANT YOU TO, SEE US IN REGARD TO THIS HOUSE. It is situated on 11th ave.. near Broad way car; has 7 reat bis tine rooms, thor oughly modern, with beautiful lawn and flowers; the street improvements are all paid. We can deliver this property 11750. 60ME TERMS. And we are thoroughly convinced after a thorough canvass of this district that it is THE CHEAPEST HOME by a margin of AT LEAST "50; in fact we are not able to find anything as good for SjO0. Our automobile Is at your service. SUBURBAN LAND CO- 610 HENRY BLDG. Marshall 18S9, A 7105. Business Properly. ONE double store with 11 office rooms and lodge hall on upper noor. goou ui"-. basement: size 50x80. paying .100 per month rent; price 8000; terms. Sondre .Rorr.tredt. Jr., Toledo. Or. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. IM.50U for a fine business corner, easy rental capacity of $100 a month: 6 blocks from City Hall; $0000 cash will handle. F. FUCHS, 1Z y Morrison St. A TWO-STORY brick business block. 40x90, on union ave.. near Fine, for sue ai once. Apply room 508 Corbett bldg. 20 PER CENT net on $10,000 Invested In a new. well-rented apartment, rum, oo Chamber of Commerce. . BUSINESS corner block. Income better than 10. under lease. Tabor -f- Acreage. ACREAGE BARGAIN. 18 acres. mile from Orenco. on Ore con City electric line; 1-3 mile from V.-n ,. . nl .in., RAorivllle. nn 8. P. R. R. : 6 acres in cultivation, some timber, bal ance easy to clear; nice level land except creek along north line; 2 springs: price S3&00, terms. K GRUSSI 4 ZADOW, 317Boardjf Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. SURE INVESTMENT. We have a tract of 300 acres of land lvlna- within 3 miles of the City: on this Is 3.W0 cords of wood, which will sell for S180.000 In the city; tne lana win sen ior $80. per acre after the wood la off; the prloe 01 the tract, on easy lerms, is J40.000. KEASEY. HUMASON 4 JEFFREY. rtv nwT.R acres, or will divide subur ban nome. iwo diock, num i " from churcn. two irom scnooi. mur river, line orchard and berries, nice gar den; 7-room nouse, goou uiuu ..urfln.- Oregon CItv cars ston at Jen nlngs Lodge. Inquire at stors lor C. S. Hlocum. O w . ii iu-i.iiu . iini.ii. Level and perfectly cleared land, in cul . . -.-. . . i . o ti TD . rTS short distance from Portland; X200 per acre, on easy imiub. .PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., $2800 BEAUTIFUL, sightly 6 acres near $1750 2 acres, cleared, fins soil, near car. Just outside city limits; very easy terms. $1000 One acre, sightly location, near car; is caan. j-qintc. w a arnKa g.ri5A. A dandy buy. can be handled for $100 down, balance easy; a snap for someone; Investigate. 402 Commercial block, 2d snd Washington sis. 110-ACRE farm, ideal, one block from R. R. station. 2tt miles Irom rorusna; oo ua- galn to be zouna. STATE INVESTMENT CO., 602 Buchanan Bldg. COURTNEY ACREAGE. 8 choice acres at Courtney, all in fruit $;200 per acre, easy terms. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. $650 Choice half acre handy to car, only 15 minutes' rioe rrom .uy nan, mj M. E. Lee. 411 corbett piog. IF you want an acre tract close in. drop a card to tr ill, uregoniaji. Homesteada Ifrirn Hiir,ni.htTintB. lolnlna. all fenced. S wires, good buildings, P. O. and town 2 miles, school lti miles, on county XOaO SIOCK. CrWUB IUU uju.ihuiu Swww inviT(iF.fl OB" OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the 84 counties is best adapted for; gives smount or uovernment iuu ui w stead in each county; map attached, lx 98 ihnwin. new R R. and towna includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon: counties in different colors; drawn to March 1, 1910; latest map in u. o.; price .j mo sc ituney, oia ngrouwu 1 RELINQUISHMENT, 160 acres; running water, z minion teei nmwri msiiu lnr- Ki.t nf fruit land: close to Portland. 1 rellnqulsnment, 160 screa, 20 acres in cultivation, 3 acres In berries and rhubarb: neighbors, schools and church close; good faouav and other improvements; this la a big bargain. J. A. DAVIS, 214 Swetland Bldg. HOMESTEADS in Southern Oregon. Address H. J derzlnger. urama raw, w,re.w. For Sale Fruit Lands. Sai AUAUA A r '.LI 1 vc.nii.i- . . . . , , . . , . .1.1-1- i- i I. "1" 1 1 V" T5 T T V n& ;uab i ji n i .-n n - -Apple growing is destined to become one of the principal Industrie! of Oregon and it is the development of this industry that is malting mo uiu."i.s . , .f . Estacada the center of one of the finest fruit districts in tne siaiw. Believing." We want you to corns and see for yourself. You will And here all the conveniences of a modern, up-to-date community, and all the necessary QualiB catlons for the successful growing of fruit. You will see some of the finest young orchards In the Northwest, beautifully situated in the Western foot-hills of Mi. Hood. IOU twou .o- ...- of locating in a section where the people nre an conHii.i.,.i - - Industry, and where they are going Into the proposition intelligently and scien tifically, and where there is good trans portation lacuuiea auu i.. ... for immediate development, at reasonable Prprof. C. L Lewis, of the Oregon Agri cultural college, to wiiuiii y v1- ure In referring any inquiries, says re- saruing tnia ui-.u n i. . ub.o -. caslon several times to visit Estacada. In. perlmental orchard In this locality which Is making a woiiuenw - -- glon contains probably the largest area of good apple land to be found in Oregon to day, and will certainly In time show a winaerxui oeieiopnwu i Lfi limner, ine ueiim ,hr Ing cnaracier oi nn vu,...j signs seem to point strongly to a good fruit region, x am - many people to that section, and the more I see of it the mors pleased 1 am. and I can assure you this country Is one of the best to be found in the Northwest today.1 One of the most Ideal orchards in the district Is owned and managed by Stand- lsh Bromers, who n. R : ' study to the raising of fruit. They are acting as our hibiiw , j will be pleased to show you the progress that has been made in this locality. If sufllclent proot b - ask for more, we are able to produce it ana to snow jhu in. .... -- opportunity for a home or an investment wnlch you cannoi luv. CHAP1N & HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. SIMCOE ORCHARDS. MAninAuu Am in.. openings will make you comfortable for the balance of your life. NO IRRIGA TION Easy terms. Springs of finest mountain water. Bee all others and see these. Ofso. o. (.abcui vv, juwwuj .J"- merciai duo pmimii. 'iwu nuui iv i . iin Aj........ . - , onrVD D ,Q1A TVS WU1 sen or hu" .j. .... commercial apple orchards; on ditch and raliroaa; uc.ii' . - w .' . , V a . aVre yeHT-Oias; nouse u ' . - r ' 20 acres or.e-year-olds. $400 per acre; no agents. Aaorecs i . 10 ACRES unimproved, good soil: 35 minutes' ride by rail; running water; some timber, fine fruit land: S25. i down. Palmer. o07 coueaDiag. UNIMPROVED Hood River apple land. 5 and 10-acre tracts; small first payment, til.." vou want U. 609 Couch bldg. For Bale Farms. EASTERN OREGON WHEAT RANCH ,,m nf rood wheat land for sale . , m. ...u. under nlow: 10 miles from railroad. Call Hawthorns B tables, 420 yawthorns avenui 81250 Ten acres of line river bottom land ,hi. twwt imoroved will yield you big re turns; let us show you this property; very liberal terms: buy now. M. B. Lee, 411 Cor bett blcg. uf.r us for farm bargains, large and small we make a specialty of farm lands; we can save you money. J. M. French A Co.. 412-413 AQingion piag.. luott so si. SEVERAL good dairy farms and homestead relinquishments: also town property in Lincoln Co., ur. Aaoress eouuis swuii.. redt, .Jr--TOieao, vr, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. SO ACRES. With 22 acres under cultivation. 10 acres slashed and seeded, all fenced and cross fenced: fine orchard of assorted fruits, several feet of good limber. 6-room house, good barn 44X4S. chicken-house and wood shed: living stream and spring water, piped to buildings; fine land, no rock o? gravel: only 4H miles from a good town, close to good school and in a fine neigh borhood: including personal property, team, harness. . wagon, 2 cowa hoifer. plows, harrows, disc and all tools, some chickens; price $0300: terms. 15 ACRES. With 4 acres cleared and 2 more easily cleared. 1 acre of potatoes, balance of land has at least 33,000 feet of good saw timber; new 4-room house, fine spring and trout stream; lies on - main county road, only 1H miles from country town, 3 miles from electric line and town and 10 miles from Vancouver. This is a snap and will sell to the first man that sees it; price $1750; terms. THOMPSON 4 SWAN. 208 Rothchlld Bldg.. Portland, Or. National Bank Bldg., Vancouver. Wash. A FARM FOR $200. An 18-aere farm. 14 miles from Port land, on good county road. 2 miles from Gladstone; light timber and brush, fins shot soli, for $200 cash, balance can b arranged so you will not have to maks any more payments for a year, then take It up under contract plan for long time, easy terms; price $115 per acre; cleared land In this vicinity selling for $300 per acre. Thia is as represented. CHAPIN HERLOW. "CROWLEY." 332 Chamber of Commerce. , I 20 ACRES. 1 20 acres of the best land In the Molsllsj Valley; 17 acres in HOPS and 3 acres in wheat; hops are fine and will be a good yield; one-third of the crop will go v.ltl the land If bought before gathering; there is a good hophouse and good well on the place: this land Is located about 1 H miles south of Canby and Is well worth $250 an acre withobt any crop; our price, if sold now, is $4000, i4 cash and balance 1, 2 and 3 years. 6 per cent; tha third of the crop will almost make ths first payment. Let us ahow you this as once. REPASS 4 WOODY ARD, 300 Henry Bldg. BEAUTIFUL BEAVERDAM LAND. Think of It. only 2 blocks from Utica carllne and only 4 miles from Vancouver, a city of 15,000 people; this land is pro ducing today 300 bushels of onions to ths acre, which will make any man a grand living; this lanu haa produced $700 to the acre; we are selling 5 acres of beaverdam and 5 acres of upland for $300 per acre; half cash will handle 't or quarter cash, if preferred. You must remember the mar ket Is at your door. ONLY A FEW MILES FROM PORTLAND. The onions on thess tracts are nearly ready for the market. Come with me today to look at It. . DAVID LEWIS, Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg.. 5th and Stark, EXCEPTIONAL FARM BARGAIN. 120 ACRES, 50 acres under fine state of cultivation, balance pasture and timber; 6-room house, barn 50x34, granary, hoghousa and all other neceBsary outbuildings; 3 acres fine orchard in full bearing; plane fenced, and cross-fenced: living water on every forty, water piped to house and barns; 44, miles from river and railroad town. 2 miles from river town and 16 miles from Van couver. In excellent neighborhood, with good school and church advantages; pries $7500, terras. THOMPSON 4 SWAN. 206 Rothchlld Bldg.. Portland, Or. National Bank Bldg.. Vancouvr,Wash. " GOOD FARMS. " 100 acrea. 6 miles from Estacada, on good wagon road; young bearing orchard, build ings and water; $3200. go acres, 25 in crop, 8 in orohard; build ings and plenty water; goO.per acre. For complete description of farm proper ties see O. W. P. signboard. First and Al der. 2 acres at Wichita, 7J4o fare; only $500 per acre. WINTER WHEAT LANDS. Now la a good time to go and inspect the Winter and. Spring wheat land in Al berta, Canada. Harvest will soon be on and you can see what crops the country will produce. REDUCED RATES FOR LAND SEEKERS. , ' IDE-M'CARTHY LAND COMPANY, COLONIZATION AGENTS CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, 425-26-27-28 Lumbermens Bldg. 20-ACRE tracts, unimproved, 23 miles by . rail from Portland; sultaoie ior rrun rain ing and chicken ranches; well watered, "plenty of timber for all purposes; best of soil, no rock or gravel; $15 to $23 an acre, easy terms; these are the cheapest tracts on the market and will bear Inspec tion. Call and arrange to go and see them,, 310 Corbett bldg. IDEAL stock ranch ; 400 acres. 50 acres al- xaiia, bujk irm,. miles of mountain stream with trout, lotf acres good timber, good, buildings, unlim ited range; Implements and some stock with place; one mile of poatofflce; will consider Portland property in exchange. Address N 173. Oregonlan. SANDY RIVER FARM. Overlooking the valley snd Mount Hood. For particulars see WILSON 4 MEYERS, 1606 Division St.. Portland. Taporj56Q, 10-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved, oa railroad. 25 miles from Portland; best soil no rock: $40 an acre, easy terms; ar range Wth us to go and make selactloal round trip sams day. 310 Corbett bldg. EQUITY in beautiful 320-aere farm; ten miles from Salem; 100 acres apples and walnuts; will sell orchard separate; take Income property in part. Call Woodlawn 2483 after 7P.M. . J. A. CUNNINGHAM. For sale, farms, livery, business, ware house and business: prices reasonable; no exchange, p. u. am it. FOR SALE California ranch, one of best In Sacramento Valley. For particulars address A. E Morton, Chlco. Butts County, Cal., R. D. No. 1. Miscellaneous. ' ' rF YOU ARH LOOKING FOR Close-In acreage, & wheat ranch or email well-Improved farm, at low pries and osl most liberal tsrms. sea me. I hanttls nut swn properties. J. X). ELROD. 520 Corbett Bldg. $10,000 CASH handles one of the best-paying apartments In the city. Purse, 818 ChamDer oi commerce. WE sell or trade anything anywhere. Fenn. infCSU 1'. , ,11 j,umio.,,m. WANTED REAL ESTATE. I WANT to buy a nice horns- In Irvington or rloliaaay; give me iuu -cation, price and how much caah required and how balance is to be paid; I am no agent. AB 173. Oregonlan. WANTED Thoroughly modern residence, north of Washington and west of 19th st ' state price, location and number oc rooms, sue oi lot; agents or owners au dress F 173. Oregonlan. n.ivTfn in Trvlnrton. north of Tlllsmook. improved quarter block; center-hall house preferred; must be two or mora blocks from carllne: slats location and j,rlce. B 200, oregonlan f ACRE and H acre tracts from owners, I East orNWest Side; have customers wait-I ing. Sold the last 6 tract we had this I week. H IGI.EY at niftier, JOJ inirq at. WANTED To buy houss and lot, $1500 to J $2500 on West 8ide. not too far out; In I nice locality: muat be a bargain; will payl .9UU CSSU, UOMHt-a ... . --. , - gonian. WANTED By builder, lot, $600 to 10;I walking distance irom .i cn.ciBi.il School, on paynieni.. iw um,-.,. 517 Worceater bldg. Phone Woodlawn 22i-i. WANTED 80 acres of unimproved farml iA mAll river. . eoms timber,! within 10 miles of Eugene; slatol Drice. best terms. AF 161. Oregonlan. HAVE spot cash client waiting to buy Westl Bids home; modern, not over 6 room, orl over $3500; South Portland preferred. Calll ROT McKay building. Main 4710. I WE have client who wants to buy 10 to 23 seres; $35" to $50 per acre near Eatacada.1 243 Stark St. " ' . V1-..-.-!- t kn...'tfiiVI amy ti nut Int LOT vy a i '--J" -: r halJ Snce- must be 50x100 and must be cheapj . AJmm k 172. Oregonlan. I I AM in the market for a good view lot or fontanel ii..6'.. - V i be easy. M 173, Oregonlan. I SMALL FARM wanted at once, near town J for siuw uuwii. i.. a J - Homes Co., 204 Morrison at. WANTED Between Madiaon and Montgom ery. Fourth and Front its., full quarte: .blocIor nuni. . ' X WANT a good lot cheap. East Side pre ferred: give location, price and terms firs letter. AB 17L Oregonlan. -BLOCK, west of E. 8th. for manufaetur ing PUIPOSC, PHiei icimv. H. mini rmJ