Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 04, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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Pacific State. Brnk
rnUn-rsoni Main ToT; A I
OUr Circulation Hln ToTO A
Motrin Editor u TO.o A J
und.r Editor Main
. 1 u.m 7itT A " J
Mt, Edi.o; r?. :::::: ::5.m t..t a j-j
Supt. Hulldlnsa ....Main Ttno
A "M
Sixth u4 frtr.oth) Vsudavllls. ThU
att.raooa at 2 11 and toalsnt at
CRA.SU THEATER (Park and WahlntoB)
VaudOTtila. Thta ataraooa at
tonight at 1 and -
LYMO THEATER l?WBth f.',,A!'7r
Armstroos Musical .om.dr compnr m
"Barsaia Dar-" Thla aftarnooa at 1JO.
tonlsbt at T SO and a
STAR THEATER (Park and 'W.hlnrtvn
Motion plrtoraa. Coatlauoua. from 10 to
14:SO P. M-
OAKS PARK (a W. P. earllna) Thla aftr
aooo aad tonls-ht.
rslssshss Bsaeb at. U OaUaaB,
Gwtet rark R. J. ralrbaisa,
isilni nmm Caw
Bar Otiaa WtiWt Wsasssk
PacsfVs CUT IX r. Xd
Mmiil lin aWaalar.
Boast ta.
Snurarr FToHTiNa Cask cosmroiB.-Al-terrallon
oer an unpaid account caused
a flKht Iwtirnii Will J. Shhy and
Jvasa C. Sill, an undertaker, at Sixth and
Washington atreeUi and led to their
appearance In court yesterday on a
cbarn of flKbttnjr. They were arrested
by Patrolman Grwajn. from whosa testi
mony and that of Sbeehy tt appears that
when Bheehy asked 8111 for payment on
account. Sill atruck at the collector and
knocked oil his spectacles. Sheeny said
that ha had been trying to set payment
on account for a lone time, but that
Bill eluded Mm. He said be managed
to squeeaa CO out of him when Sill was
running for Osroner. He had- written
to Salem, where the debtor Uvea, and
received word that 11 la wye rB had at
tachments asalnet him. So. seeing; no
recourse In the courts, he attempted a
little psychological suggestion and was
assaulted for his trouble. Further bear
ing of the case will be had next Friday.
Onb Slap Costs lii .Because the plas
tering work In a house being built on
the Kast Side by Henry Huddleston was
unsatisfactory, the omner and the con
tractor. Charles. E. Watts, came to
gether and Huddleston wa slapped, for
which Wans psld SIS In Police Court
yesterday. As he laid down the money
he said that the next time he would get
has money's worth. Watts was cautioned
by Judge Bennett that he would be put
under bonds to keep the peace if he
repeated the threat. When Huddleston
held np payment and alleged poor work.
Watts filed a mechsnlc's lien. A tew
days ago the men met to talk It over
and high words ended In the chaexise
ment of Huddleston which was punished
in court yesterday.
Sleep i Courtroom Cost tlO. Undis
mayed by the knowledge that a misde
meanor charge was hanging over his
head. Walter Miller went Into the Police
Court yesterday, snuggled down In a cort
ner and went fast asleep. When his cass
came up his same was called three times
snd ball was about to be forfeited when
the defendant was discovered, far on the
thither stde of the gate of dreams.
Vigorous shaking was required to awaken
him. and when be finally opened his eyes,
he emitted a number of musical and
penetrating whistles before he realised
where he was. Miller was arrested for
peddling without a license. He paid a
fine of no.
Ac-ro Wrecked: Bctt Ftled. W. E.
Harris, of 384 North Nineteenth street,
complained to the Police Department
yesterday that his automobile was
wrecked snd his wife thrown from the
machine at Nineteenth and Couch streets;
through the neglect of the Barber
Asphalt Company In not placing barri
cades across an unfinished street. Harris
said that he drove onto the street and
encountered a high embankment, in pass
ing over which the car received serious
Pastor Retcrxs From Vacatiok. Dr.
W. F. Reagor. pastor of First Christian
Church, who haa been enjoying a month's
rest, will return to the city today. Dr.
Keagnr and family have been camping
on the Nehalem River. Mr. Reagor will
Hit the pulpit a usual next Sunday. His
morning theme will be. "The Charms of
a Vacation."
Box Compart Finttx 8- P. Cobb ap
peared for the Standard Box Lumber
Company In Justice Olson's) court yes
terday snd entered a plea of guilty to
a charge of dumping sawdust In the
rnver. He paid a fine of ISO. The arrest
waa made upon a complaint of Iu Rath
burn, deputy Csh warden.
attempting to sell to packages! of cigar
ettes which had been stolen from the
store of Theodore Raratante. on Burnstde
street. J. P. MeGraw was arrested yes
terday, charged with larceny. He said
that the cigarettes had been given to
him to sell.
Tr Ton Wart to Brr a few shares of
Campbell Automatic gas stock. American
Standard Power. American Differential
Railway Axle Co. with the Seabrock Box.
D R . A. Co. stock with It. see F. J.
Catterlln aV Cot. quick. Room 1 Lumber
mens building.
Mi Tract's last free conking lesson in
Alblna will be this afternoon at 2:S0. at
C. T. M. C. Hall. S9 Morris street. Sub
ject, bread, rolls and roasting of meats.
Next week Miss Tracy will lecture at
Artisan temple, Portsmouth.
Brrrt-MER Is Arrested. Gottlieb Fla-M.
butcher of North Front street, was
arrested yesterdsy upon complaint or
J. Welnsteln. charged with selling meat
which waa unfit for human food. He
will be given a hearing today.
Dr. Sarrord Wkitoo has moved his
offices from the Marquam to rooms n-403
Macieay bUg comer Fourth and Wash
ington st.; Office hours and telephone
numbers the same as heretofore.
rats War. Steamer Northland sails
direct for San Francisco Saturday noon:
cabin tKX steerage So. berth and meals
Included. Frank Bolltm. agent. VX id. St.
rrma. have your Fall suits made now
at reduced prices: Fall styles and samples
In. V. Kaspar. ladles tailor, 401 Mer
chant Trust bldg.
To 7LT. For two years, house of nine
rooms, completely furnished throughout;
most desirable location: rent. SIX- R l&X
Get Walxtt Book from Southern Pa
cific and land from Wlthycombe. the
walnut expert, room 421 Hamilton block.
H. C Brardes has sold his restaurant
at KB Sixth. Still caters to wedding,
banquets and parties. Phone A S3QS.
Piamotcds Gems of the first water
only. C Christensen. second floor Cor
bett butldimg. Take elevator.
Swiss Watch Repairiro C Christ en
sen. Sd floor Corbctt bldg. Take elevator.
Drxnir VAC-rrM Ci-sakehs, easy pay
ments. 4T34j Wash. Main &X A MS6.
Woosters Tou can get It there; opea
day and Bight. 4t Wash.
Dr. Clattos Seamarr has returned,
. Dsacieay bldg
Jmw ta snsckast liBun at n
sola tarns tbs tailsslaa, ss -sa.
CkrnM. sjaliantuisnssi ay aaU ata
sjsjjsftls asmfaablr aa asiaasa.
Ohm 1 P. K. Biiiiit.
IM, Wliaahal Ca
fcaiUa Asa.. Mara,
Dm Ir. oa Bui ssssu.
Miristers Taes Yacatiors. Rev. D. A.
Thompson, pastor of the Spokane-Avenue
Presbyterian Church, Sellwood, has gone
to Ocean Park to spend the month of
August with his family. During htat
absence hls pulpit will be occupied by
Rev. David Kiehle. D. D.. a prominent
educator of the East, who is taking a
rest in the West- Rev. J. F. Ghormley,
of the Central Christian Church. East
Twentieth street, has started on bis
vacation, which he will spend on hla
ranch near Entacada. He will run Into
the city occasionally to keep In touch
with affairs. Rev. Francis Cook, as
sistant pastor, will assist at the services.
Vacation period starts In the First Uni
versalis! Church. Broadway and Bast
Twenty-fourth streets; after next Sunday s
service. Rev. J. D. Corby, the pastor,
will take several stde trips, but will not
leave the city for long. Rev. E. Nelson
Allen, of the Hawthorne Presbyterian
Church, and family left yesterday for
Detroit, Or., for August. Rev. William
Parsons, of the Third Church. Is putting
In his vacation lecturing before Chautau
qua assemblies In the Ernst.
-HrsRER" Pats Sioo Peraltt. A One
of S10O was assessed In Police Court yes
terday and promptly paid by Claud
Brakke, accused of trying to extort
money from a rooming-bouse proprietor
by representing himself to be a police
officer. Brakke denied the charge, but
the witnesses were strong against him
and be waa found guilty. The accused
went to a rooming-house at Third and
Taylor streets Tuesday night and repre
sented to Mrs. Anna Mackey, the pro
prietor, that he waa a police officer and
wanted "hush money." The woman notl
fled the police and an officer was sent
to the piece. He hid himself in sn ad
Joining room, gave the woman a marked
SS piece and heard the conversation
during which she paid the marked coin
to Brakke.
Saloor or Rocepilb Mar's Choice.
John Hylander. an elderly night watch
man at the Willamette Iron Works, must
stay out of saloons in the future If he
would avoid serving a sentence of 30
days on the rockptle. Hylander. who was
formerly a foreman for the foundry until
he lost an arm, when he was pensioned
In the capacity of watchman, became
boisterous In a North End saloon a few
days ago and when an attempt was made
to quell mm. snowea ins ponce
drew a revolver on Henry Thlel. Judge
Bennett told hlra that only good luck In
the handling of the weapon saved him
from being in court on a charge of mur
der, and warned him that his next visit
to a saloon would cost him his liberty.
Five Dats Pbraitt for Isoi.t. Mar
tin Pheney Insists that he was pushed,
while the proprietor of the West Hotel,
st 41 S North Sixth street, declares that
he fell. Patrolman Oelsner heard the
body of the man fall down the stair
way leading to the hotel and arrived In
time to find Pheney lying at the bottom
with a severe cut In hla scalp. The wo
man stood at the bead of the stairs. She
said that Pheney bad insulted her but
denied that she was the cause of hla
tumble. Pheney. who was Intoxicated,
said the woman pushed him downstairs.
He was arrested and Judge Bennett yes
terday sent him to the rockplle for five
Horse Beater Pats Penalty. Appear
ing burly enough to knock down a horse
with his list. Walter Sehnert. a teamster,
was In Police Court yesterday to answer
to a charge of beating one of his team
over the nose with an iron-weighted
whlpstock. He waa arrested on Yam
hill street by Patrolman Barxee. soon
after the brutal beating w adminis
tered. He had first whipped the animal
on the sides, raising 1 big welts, and
then went to Its head, breaking the
whip and causing the horse to bleed at
the mouth. He had no excuse to offer for
his conduct and was fined S35 by Judge
Spree Allowed Evert 44 Tears. One
Joyous, glorious spree every 64 years is
the maximum allowed Wilbur Johnson by
an agreement made with Judge Bennett
yesterday in Police Court. The vener
able offender admitted that he had Im
bibed too freely, but said that it was
the first time In his long life, which be
gan before the Mexican War. Upon con
dition that he would not fall from grace
again for another 4 years. Judge Ben
nett let him down with a fine of S3,
which Is Just what he would have re
ceived anyhow.
Awards Midi Disused. Some of the
property osnei on East Eleventh street,
between Brooklyn and Beacon, which is
to be opened to Brooklyn streel, object
to the award the viewers made to them
for the land that will be required for the
extension. A 60-foot line Is cut through
piivste property for about a block, sev
eral buildings being cut by the new line.
They aver that the award Is too small,
and are contending that a 40-foot street
would be wide enough. They have the
matter In court.
Water Committee to Be Appointed.
At the meeting of the Seventh Ward Im
provement Le&gue tonight, at the hall on
the corner of Mllwaukle and Powell
streets, a general -water committee will
be appointed to devlee plans and means
n.iiM in tha South East Side.
The main question to be decided will be
how the mains are to i psju
Pours Captvrb Fromvx Charged
with passing bad checks in San Fran
cisco. Aaron B. Rosenblatt wss picked
up here yesterday by Detective Pat
Moloney, upon telegraphic request from
ths Sn Francisco ofllciala The man was
arrested upon a description furnished
by the San Francisco police and admitted
his Identity.
Portland Mar Dies ir Spokane. The
body of Samuel M. Steele, of Portland.
j i in (kiAb.n. J nl v 21. has been
brought to Portland. He waa a years
old The funeral will be held In the
chapel of the. Est S..le Funeral Directors.
. i.-..-. im cret. tod&v at 1 o'clock
and the Interment will be made in Lone
Fir Cemetery,
n- ci r tt vrw Th TCVtmen'e
Christian Temperance Union of Multno
mah County will nolo its regular mr-iina
Friday. August 6, at Sellwood. Those
who wish to attend should take a Sell
wood car. get off at Clayburn avenue,
walk toward the river to north of the
school house. The meetings will begin at
10:30 A. M.
Hior Prebsdrr Gas Main Laid. The
n i 1 na IAmnsnv im laYlnar a six-
i w n.h.i. ..wir main ajnnar Mllwaukle
street to Westmoreland. Sellwood and
other points in tne eoutn bast cjiue. n.
large force or men startea to worn yes
terday from Division street putting the
pipe under grouna ana out m in j
for the Improvement of the street.
, . wm Sims Annieirran. arrvinsr
a razor In his pocket and unable to give
any account of himself. O. O. Smith was
picked up at Sixth and Washington
streets, yesterday afternoon, by Detec
tives Mallet and Craddock and charged
with vagrancy. Smith aald he had found
the raior and carried It to shave with.
Arrest Follows Fioht. Dragotln
Moneff. 17 years old, was arrested yester
dsy by Patrolman Humphries, charged
with threatening to kill M. Panoff. The
two men had a fight In a poolroom at
Thirteenth and Marshall streets and
Panoff says that his youthful assailant
promised to take hla life.
Association Will Hold Picric. The
Parents' and Teachers' Association of
Woodlawn will give a picnic at Penin
sula Park, corner of Portland Boulevard
and Mississippi avenue. today. All
mothers and their children Invited. Please
bring lunches.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart
ments for ladies. SOS Wash- near 6th St.
Soreness of the musclea, whether In
duced by violent exercise or Injury, Is
qulckiy relieved by the free applica
tion of Chamberlaln'a Liniment. Thla
liniment Is equally valuable for mus
cular rheumatism, and always affords
quick relief. Sold by all dealers.
Purpose .hich Lynch Urges
on Commercial Club.
Manager of California Development
Board Speaks In Favor of Ex
tending Organization to Cover
Whole Pacific Coast.
Urging a united effort on the part of
all Oregon. Washington and Califor
nia cities for the. development of the
entire Pacific Coast territory. Robert
Newton Lynch, manager of the Cali
fornia Development Board of San
Francisco, addressed the members of
the Commercial Club at their noonday
luncheon yesterday. Mr. Lynch told of
the work California is doing In pro
moting the welfare of the varied inter
ests of that state, and expressed the
belief that the same spirit should be
extended through the cities and towns
of the Pacific Northwest as well.
"San Francisco Is deeply gratified at
the action Portland has taken in in
dorsing San Francisco for the Panama
Pacific exposition." he said. "There is
no doubt with us In San Francisco that
the fair will be held there. We are
going ahead as If Congress had already
Indorsed the project. We have already
the S7.500.000 practically raised. We
would like to see the same sentiment
popularized in Portland.
"I came to Portland to get Into close
touch with the Portland Commercial
Club, and through It the Oregon De
velopment League, looking toward
common action by the whole Coast on
matters that affect us all mutually.
Coast Cities Would Combine.
I believe in the amalgamation of
the Coast cities for proper purposes,
and I have been very much pleased at
the Idea of C C. Chapman, manager of
the Commercial Club's promotion com
mittee. In uniting the Coast cities on
conventions thsh can be brought to
this section of the country. It will
work wonders If put Into effect, and I
want to assure the people of Portland
that we are with you In this plan.
"In San Francisco we have an or
ganization in the California Develop
ment Board that wipes out the differ
ent sections. Interests of all parts of
the state are merged for the common
good. Our association represents 325
Chambers of Commerce In the state,
and we are all working together for
the same objects.
What California Has Done.
"Our board la composed of organiza
tions of the different counties of the
state having exhibits In the Ferry
building at San Francisco and of the
business Interests of that city who
contribute to its support. We have in
the Ferry building what Is undoubt
edly the finest permanent exhibit In
the world. This place is the headquar
ters for every visitor to the state who
is looking for a location or is inter
ested In the state's products.
"Our statistical department keeps on
hand the most complete figures of the
state's crops, output of mines, etc Our
publicity department furnishes all
sorts of material for publications cal
culated to attract attention to Cali
fornia, sends lecturers throughout the
country to tell of the attractions of
California for the tourist and farmer,
and seemingly nothing Is being over
looked. The Governor Is the head of
the board, and the work Is subdivided
Into bureaus, which are separate and
Interesting Programme Enjoyed by
Portland Club.
C. C. Colt, president of the Union
Meat Company, gave an Interesting talk
at yesterday's luncheon of the Portland
Ad Club. His subject was "Creating
a Demand for Special Brands," Post
m aster Merrick, president of the club,
presided. Introducing Mr. Colt as "one
of Portland's foremost captains of In
dustry." A feature was Introduced that serves
the purpose of making the members
better acquainted with each other. Cer
tain members were selected to write
the biographies of other members and a
good deal of good-natured fun was en
Joyed. Testerday noon'a programme
was furnished by D. O. Lively, manager
of the Portland Union Stock Yards. The
programme for next Wednesday's lun
cheon will be made up by C. C. Chap
man, manager of the Promotion Com
mittee of the Commercial Club.
At Seashore and Mountain Resorts.
Haielwood candies can be enjoyed away
from the city as well as In It. for we
make a specialty of packing them to be
sent by mail or express, and the sender
can feel assured that his friends will
receive them In good condition. Prices:
Hazel wood chocolates, sue and SI per lb.
Hazelwood bitter sweets, 75c per lb.
Hazelwood bon-bons, 60c per lb.
Postage 30c for each pound will cover
Tour orders will be given prompt at
388-90 Washington street.
Phones Main 7SW. A
la Oar Hew rsHEaisl
gtntss BcdlaV
last, CeiaeU Koaa, S3
aae Wsss,
4tvca, a liar. -
t Banner Acres f
There are many acreage
tracts on the Portland mar
ket, and most. If not all, of
them possess merit, and we
b e 1 leve the purchasers of
these tracts will make
How can It be otherwise
when we see how our city
Is expanding, when we see
outside acreage tracts of
only a year or two ago
now cut Into building lots
and selling as high as 25
cents a square foot, or
S1250 per lot?
The Best of All
But we aver that our
Banner Acre lands have
more merfta than any other
acreage now offered, and
we can prove this to the
satisfaction of any viewer.
Best Roads
Good roads, sightliness,
good water, the best of
soil, attractive surround
ings these are some of
the things we bank on to
prove our assertions, and
the price,
, Only $100 to S1SO Per Acre
makes this the best acre
age buy now offered.
F. B. Holbrook Co.
Room 1. Ground Floor,
Worcester Building.
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
not only cleanses, preserves and
beautifies the teeth without in
jury, but impartspurity and fra
grance to the breath, removing
instantly the odor or tobacco.
Tent City
Bayocean tent city is a canvas
eovered hotel, American plan.
Kates $?.50 and $3 per day, $15
and $17.50 per week. Electric
lighted, heited, purest water;
sewer system, gr-vel walks.
DaUy Touring Service car
leaves Perkins Hotel every morn
ing at 7 o'clock. Make reserva
tions at the office.
Further information will be
mailed you on request.
T. B. Potter Realty Co.
614 Corbett Building,
Portland. Or.
T. J. HO ARE. Prop.
Large, shady playgrounds and
yard for children; hammocks,
benches, swings and croquet lawn
Large, sunny rooms. We raise our
own poultry and vegetables. Spe
cial rates on table board and for
Best mountain resort on Coast; best
medicinal water, acenery, hunting and
fishing; Nature's own conservatory of
health. Auto from Albany, stage from
Brownsville and Lebanon- Write or
phone to .
Caaoadla. Oregoa.
North Beach Inn
Mrs. N. M. Dewey, Manager.
All Trains Stop at Grounds of HoteL
Directly Facing the Ocean. Large,
Shady Grounds. Superior Accommoda
tions. Fostofflca and Telegraph Ad
dress. ' LONG BEACH, WASH.
"Spend your vacation at
tbe ecenie beach of Oreg-on. Take train
to Seaside, thence by conveyance. Good
fishing and hunting. Sea foods served
at all times. W. I. Torrey. proprietor.
Sea Croft
Mrs. W. E. Hutchinson. Manager. '
A seashore bouse. Meal, quaint and oom
fortable, with the ocean right in front; a
bis fireplace, always biasing- and the bast of
home-cooked meals. Children love the place
snd srown-UDs find the step from the dress-
.Ins-rooms to the eurf most comfortable.
Tl ft TT1 sTTP Prompt and "Efficient Service
PA I t1 ll I .N Strictly Professional.
iniUUU -Write for information
Henrr E. Wilkin. Co., formerly of
Evans. WUklns 4 Co.
437 Munsey Bldg. Washington, D. C
lac Only Woman's College ea the
Pacific Coast ExdasiTely
for Yoanx Womcm
Located among tbe beautsni!
tills nesr Oakland, California,
close to San Francisco sad the,
great Universities of the West.
Fall mllwiat. eonne leadinS
. m
equivalent to those ol Stanford and University
of California. Training fits students for teaching
. 1 i: -f .MJ-.w wm-V. and oners soecial
ivyuias w. - " , -
.J --. U music art- librarv study and
' . nrnr Well eauimxd laboratories for
science.. .Special attention to health of students.
Modern gymnasium thoroughly equiupea.
J 1:1 J In the ideal California cli
uta. Alumnae in every city on tke Pacific Coast.
President Luri-LA clay Carson. Ll O.
A select home school for the training
of manly boys. Instruction thorough
and nersonaL Athletics encouraged
fine new gymnasium; a healthy country
school life: modern buildings; pure
water, wholesome food. Prepares for
college and business life. Special col-
lea-e DreDaratory courses and InstruC'
tlon In languages. Fall term begins
September 16, 1910. Located on Lake
Steilacoom. eight miles south of Taconaa.
For full lntormation aaaress
D. S. PliXFORD, Principal, .
Sooth Tacoma, 'Wash.
North Pacific College
Unsurpassed in Equipment and Advantages
The Regular Sessions Begin
Monday, October S, IS10
The college la located near the heart of
the city, convenient to iiDrarics, ciuoa. tare,
business houses and public buildings, which
contribute so much to the lite of the stu
dent. For Information and catalogue of either
course address
Portland. Oregon.
A Boarding and Day School for Girls.
A church school whose aim is the very best
in instructors and equipment. Cheerful,
homelike buildings; wholesome climate;
rvmniiinm-mmle hall: Drtvato theatricals.
Special features are the- art studio, giving
Instruction in different art branches, and the
music department with Its staff of foreign
trained instructors. Certificate admits to
Smith. Wellesley and other Eastern colleges.
For further Information, address
JULIA P. BAILEY, Principal,
Spokane, Hash.
Portland Academy
Included. Receives boys and girls aa
young as six. The work of the grades
In seven years. Emphasis on essentials,
v.n.-inp.ri and thorough teachers.
Short school day. Physical training and
free play In gymnasium and on play
ground. Sena ior catalogue.
DEP ARTM ENTwhWtf oots
Session Besilna Sept. 12, 1910. For cata
Intr nHrireAs. Dean. Dr. S. E. JoaeohL
610 Dekaim Bldg., Portland, Oregon,
ZfJ "BeldBt snd Dar School torGlnradttsW
r care of Sister of St. John Baptist ( Episcopal ) i
Collegiate Academic and Jtlementary
Depta. Moste, Art, Klocntlon. Grmnaslum.
Resident papils mast be over 14 rears of see and
well recommended. The number is limited to
flftr. Application shtyald be made early.) Address
The S'itw Superior, OHice 2 , St. Helena Hall, Portland, Of.
The School That Gets Results
A select boarding and day school for boys
and young men. Accredited at lea-ling uni
versities. Small classes, strict discipline.
Fall term opens Sept. 1, 1910. Send for il
lustrated catalogue.
S21 Marshall St., Portland. Oregon.
Palo Alto, California.
Boarding and day school for girls; ac
credited to college. Grammar and primary
departments. Music, arts and crafts, horns
economics. Ninth year begins August IS.
Palo Alto- Cai
Prepares boys for college or technical school.
Pall term opens Aug. 30. Catalogue upon
reouest. W. A. 8HEDP. Head Master.
Painless Dentistry
r.,r 1 '"f"1 "f Out of town people
n have their plate
hri dmwnrk fin.
ished in one Caf
it necessar
We sill rive yes a gM
22k gold Of Boresialt
crows ior $3.50
u!., f fi fVfi
ft 22kBrtdgeTMtll3.5Q
" ,1- Eotmtl Fillings IOQ
,: SIvsrFllBngs .50
2 Inlay Fillings 2.50
y 6.00
sw..irsniTjMim "SS
nnmrnuunmrnnmrn Pafclatt Extrflos gm
Painless Extraction Free when plates or bridge trerir
la ordered. Oonsultstlon Free, Yon cannot set bettes
painless work done anywhere. All work ruUyruar
antoed. Modern elretrio equipment. Best methods.
Wise Dental o.
5 arums BunvDnto "l? VSr r-rnu
OiTlOiaooss: A.K. esf.M. atanaays.aa
It makes the toilet something: to be
enjoyed. It removes all stains and
roughness, prevents prickly heat and
chafing, and leaves the skin white,
soft, healthy. In the bith It brlngrs a
glow and exhilaration which no com
mon soap can equal, imparting; the
Igor and life sensation of a mild
Turkish bath. All g-rooers and draff
Hotel Colonial
Stockton Pt., above Sutter. Select family 110
room hotel. Every modern convenience
One block from shopping and theater dis
trict. European plan. $1.50 a day. American
plan. $3-00 day. . Sutter-t. cars direct from
' e -' . i
. trf ,adb
For Sewing Machines
Most satisfactory labor - saving
device for domestic use
Electric Store
Alder Street, Corner Seventh
Calls to Salem completed same as local calls in Portland by,
our Two-Number Service.
If you do not know telephone number of part7 wanted,
call "Information" and ascertain.
The Pacific Telephone Telegraph Company
Beck Building, Seventh and Oak Streets.
issued by this bank offer a safe and convenient method
of carrying funds for a trip anywhere in this country,
or abroad. They are, in themselves, a letter of intro
luction to any banker and give the bearer, standing
ind credit when among strangers.
Fumed Oak Rocker, Spanish leather
spring seat, consisting of twelve oil
tempered springs. , : v .
J. G. MACK 8 CO.
8 Stark
Three minutes
'25 Cents
n in