TUT. MORNING- OREGOXIAnV THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1910. 17 SEASON ABOUTQVER Wool Buying in Oregon Nearly at an End. CLIPS CLOSELY SOLD UP t.f Than One Million Pound Re main In Grower Hand Kat of the Mountain Activ ity In Montana. Til 191A ua la Orefnn fa dr&w- tc to a el- Pin th lut of th treated bid ml tbr ha bm a fatr amount at tradtos at private aalo la various part, of Caatora Orrom. aad Mocks now ara aaarly all out of tirat hand. It U aiatad that aomthln I ana thaa 1.00.O0O aoaada roprrvanta tha total hold togs aUll la tba hands of shsepnea aaat of tha moaa talaa. Tha aaly larg clipa ramaiDlaa unoold thara aro thoaa of tha Baldwin 8hxp m Load Compaar and FrM A Hah a. la taa WUIamatta Vallr aot ovar a quar ter of tha clip la anaotd. accardlac to local mtrar aattmataa. but It la difficult to ar vtrm at tha exact aaovni. aa tha remain ins tot ara small and aratterad. The Soothara Oirgon eltpa ara aald to bars all baaa dls pooad sf. rrartlraUy aolhlns la left unsold la TVaataincttn and bat lit t la la 1ft In arawara haada la tdaho la mostly of poor ejualtfy. ft ah. Wyoming and tha Dakota ara gtn araily rleanad op of av wool and, tbo ac tivity of tbo bayara haa now baaa trana frrd U Montana, whara a clip of about .xaou poaada la aaw paaiag lata tha daalara baada. Do far aa reported tba tp price for Montana wool la SS ceata and that ha for aa uawraalty choice lot of wxxL Lasa attractira loca bare broaabt SI centa and aa low aa IB centa haa bfen paid. The deal era bare expert buyera la the field, and there la Tory careful eemttny of the wool offeree) far aaJo aa far. Ae baa been aoted in the preea diepatrhee. the Eastern wool mark la have d ere loped a atronder baaa aa a reealt of tha Improved la a, airy from mllla, hot buvloeaa la etlll below tha aermal ta volume. New York. Heat Crop Liaht. Hp crop oandlttons la New York state ara reported by te Watervllle Tlmea as folio wa: Frefioent showers are prortn of benefit to the arowtnr Hop crop and tbe yarda preaaat a clean, healthy appearance. X light crop, however, la anar a I r jr conceded by arowera thmaaboat tha at at a. ' There haa been considerable activity amona tha deajera dwrina the past week and titer la a aod demand for all llKW hops. Ft. Wilson Roberts void bla crop of 120 bala fr IPS centa thh week. This la IS cents higher than any offer recently made on thle 'crop, whlt-h was not graded as choice. Ihta a ould Indicate t hat t he market was not weakening; any- There are now aot to ex ceed halea left la growers' hands la Madison and Oneida Counties. Grala Bayera ad eilere Apart. There were no new developmenta of Im portance In tha local grain market yester day. Tba deman v In the country waa re ported to be leaa keen tbaa earlier In tha w ark. and with farmers asking; extreme prices trading; waa on a limited scale. Oats and barley were steady wttb not much borinesa passing. - Local receipts aa reported by the Mer chants Exchange, were: Wbeat.Barley. Floar.Oata.Uay. Manrtsv 27 . . ! Teiar If 1 M Mlnee1ay 3 2 4 1 13 ear ago I 1 1 i'iwn to date. . ? Ti 59 M lfn Tar aro 73 121 4 White goxar aearew ta Eenwae. Tba acorrlty of white beet ngar this year baa a'so been tha causa of considerable c.oant!tteg of whlto Java crystals being bought for aaa la the United Kingdom, and at their relatively cheap price they hare aien attracted Important attention from manufacturers, says the London Produce Market Review. ft may ha said that tha pns'wt clrrnmstancea ara exceptional, and are due to tha fact that a better market ex lets here thaa elee where, but the excel lence of the white cane crystals will receive a thorough trial here thla season, and It is only fair to eappnee that with America In different to "outside" sugar, the United Kingdom and tha Continent will receive larger and mora regular supplies of these kmda la future. VP. A strong tone as maintained In the local better market, aa the deroaid ta strong; and tba owtpot light. Cheese la also firm. Poultry cleaned op early again yesterday at tha previous day a prices. Eggs were steady and vncbanged. peat haa Are Firm. Peaches ware Tha firmest feature of tha Front-street fruit market yesterday. Can taloupe were plentiful and California and Ore on stock aoid at former prce, A email shipment of Fayette cants was received. Watermelons were firm. Brietat Bay Park Uat. ASTORIA. Or Aug. 3. Private adrlrea received by the Alaska Fishermen's Packing Osmpaay from tha manager of Ita plants at uharak and Kogsiun Rivera say that the total pack of eetmon aa Bristol Bay. Alaska, will bo about ftoo.Ooo caees. or nearly j-O per cent leaa thaa last season, when the pack was I.SOO.OOrt cases. The Flahermen'a Com pany pack ta 43.0rtO case and iww barrel of salt ftah. Last year Its pack waa 50.000 cases. Bank Clemrtnc. ftnk clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows- flearlnre. Balance. pwtrand I.HT!.I!T .i..-.Tl sttu l.-.:t.;.H rAMll T. -ma -wt.' : i.V7l Spokane itfl.VM 27 rORTXAP MARKTT1 Grain, W H E AT Bluest era, Mfe: club. & pv; red Ruun. Vatiey. 2r; forty-foW. p- : Turkey re-1. geitMc FLOU R PateeMa $3M or barret; pirsichta. S: export. 4: Vall-r -eO, ri-im ai. w rw whwt. ousrterm. s.1 ii. DARLtV Fewd and brewins. per tan. HAT Track pricear Timothy. Willamette Vel'ev. 19 Pr Eastara Oregoa, !,::: ni'sira. aw. $;jgL4. CORN Wh..l. $ cracked. 939 per tea. klLUTt'FF Bran. 30 per toa; mM d!4ns. J0; barta. J2; roHed barley. a-QI" OAT N& 1 whlta 30 par too. Taeatablea aaw Fruit a. ORT.r.S FRUITS Apples, new. 50r tl M per box; apricots. SOctitl Pr box; p.uma, Te til pr box: pers. per box; peacbea. a&c$l.SS per box; grapes, Sl iatJ X UK. PERRIE Blacbberrlea, tl Pr crata McJLAXNd Wa:ermeone. 80c ba I-25 per boa m t: oantakcpea SlfiS. par crate. TTtOPlAl. FRl'lTS Oranges, Va'enrlaa. I4M: lemon. 7g. grapefruit. 111 per box; bnans,a 5S Pr pound: piacAp- pl4W. c per pound. x V P 8TT ABLK ATttcbokea. aa)aT5 ae dexea; baaaa. IgJc per pound: cab bare, 34 iS per pound: caalfflowar. f l-a per di: celery, bar per dosea: corn. w" per dexea. cucumbers, 50c per box; egg ptaat. 13So per pouad: hothouse lottocex gar 11 per box: garlic. lOe pr pound: borersa lib. 11 e per pound: greea aaloaa. lie per dosea: pe. be; peppers. c per boa: ladaea, lew -c pec Uoaea; vbaoaxb. per pound: sqnasb. c por crate; tomatoes, elceii ner box. SACK VEGETABLES CrrU. 1L: W.U. 1 SO: uul turnips U POTATOES X.w. tl.lvl.zi pr hun Ari ; wl potmtoe Sc pr poand. OMO.VS Wall. Walls. pr sack. Oresoa. pr sscs. Dairy sad CranUT Ttoam. BITTTER City creamery, solid pack. Jc par pound; butter fat. S4c pr sound; coun try store butter. S4c per pound. EtKid Oreaua candied V :I c per CritCSE Full cream, twins. 17lc per pound; Young America. lfcto&ic. POULTRY lieu 17c: Bt-rlnca. lie; docks. 1-IVlSc: ,. !illSc; turacys, lire. 1-S) Juc: dreased. I2'a2Sr: seuab. W Per dosea. POkK Kancy. Lie per pcund. VEAX Fancy, liso per pound. Cwilaa. Ortrel Fralts. KM. CRIIlD FRUIT Apples. 10c per pound; pescces. Tc: prunes, itsUsns; lit; proaes. Frencn. ec: currants, loe: apricots, lie; dates, Tt per pound; f1a, fancy vhlt. (t.e; Cancy blsca. 7c; cfcolce black. bALMoN Columbls River, l pound UlJ. (1 per dosea; Z-pouad tails. ii; 1-pound (X.1U. Alaska puts, l-pound talis, sue; red. 1 -pound tails, S1.4J; sockeys, 1-pound tails. cut lCE Jtoeba. 2 4 e Zc ; Jses. srdlasry. JTtj'Mc; Costa Mica, lsncy. IstfUlc; good. 11m:; orolnsry. UIM per pound1. .VUIS Wsmuls. lie per pouad; B.-ssIl nuts. 13iiflSc; lllberts, loc; slmoada, 17.; pecans lc; cocosouu. ocl per dosaa. BA1.T Ursaulsted. lis par ton; hm.lt rround. lwus. 1SM per toa; AOs, 11 pse ten. KEAN8 Basil whits. km: larss whits, Vc: Lima lit; pins. lu. rod atexlcaaa, tc; bayou. Tito. HHIH No. I Japan. 4c: chesper grades. I4.ioy4.ioc; feoutnern head. .liOc. MONKI Choice. 1URM per esse; tr.ined. Tc per pooad. SUGAR Dry granulated, fruit and berry. I4.U; beet. Sd.0i; estra C ti-tii (oldsa C lido; yeilow 1, i83; cubes IbarrelO. ei-di; powdered. iO; Iom:no. lllKUtf .Ids. per case. Terms os remittances wltlt In la days deduct feo per pound. If later tnsa u sad wlthla to days, dedoot per pound. Msple sugsr. HBlac per pound. Hews. Wsss, Hides, B.t. IIOP8 IKS crop. 0IZc; sccordlng t. quality; olds, nominal; IvlO contracts, 13 l a WOOL Eastern Oregon. 13 id ltd pound; Valley. lwl Pr pouad. stulaA.i. lAokm. .1M per pouaa. CAsCAKA BiKs-Hi Pr pound. UlUtj called hldesr-Tw71so Pr pound; sailed nail. IJc; salted kip, Sc; aslted stsgs. Sc. green bides, lc less; dry hides, W- lac; dry call. KtlK; dry stsgs, HOlc FELl'li iry. loc; salted. butchers taa.e-oU. el-lit Lew; burins lambs, -lia)4s. GRAIN BAOa la csx lots, bQ each. HAMS 10 to pouaaa, Klc; IX ta It pounds, 21 e; 14 to 10 pounds, zlc; lg to 2 pounds, nose; sklnns-d. ptcnirs. lio; cottsge roll. Is be BACON Fsncy. 3oe; stsndnrd. ZSISe; choice, alt; sliigllah. aiHtyXiwc HMOlvlU staATs Beef longusa, T5; dried bet sets. X2c; outsldes, -wo. Inaldes, 24c; knuckles, 2Jc DKI HALT CLltF.U Regular short clears, dry sslt. ItJ-sc; smoked. Isc; backs, Ugbt, salt. ItfHtc; smoked. Isc; bscka, hsary. salt, loc; mused. 17 tea. ssnort bellies, salt, 17c; smoked, lb 'so. riCslLslU OOODS Barrels, pigs test. $16; reguisr tripe, fid; honeycomb tripe, lunctt tongues, tTi, lambs' tongues. SiU. LAKH Tens: ivettl. rendsred, Itftbc; stsndnrd purs. Uic; chutes. 14fco. bsrtea lag. 111c OUs. LINSEED OIL Pur. rsw In barrels. 1.01; kettle LoUed. In barrels. tl.Uo; rsw, la ris, .1.VS; kettis boiled. In esses, tl vs. Lots s( id gsllons. 1 cent less i-er gslloa. TCiLfsV.STlNs; 1. csies. S2a; Is wood barrels, 7t.c COAX. Oil. Water whits In drums. Iron white la drums or iron bsrrsls, 14c; union kerosene m cases. 5-is, lac. oleum kero sene la esses 3 -is. 11c; Aurora kerosene in esses, 2-is. 11c GAbOLlNK Union gssoltns In bulk, lftc; union gssollns In cases. 1-is. tec; unboa motor spirit in bu.k. lie; union motor spirit Is cases, I-CiS. 24c; No. 1 engine dls tillsl. In iron drums. .He; Ns. 1 engla. dlstUlste In cases 1-ss. llWjc; V si. at r. nspbtha In Iron drums or bsrrsls. lie; V. ll. si r. nspbtha In cases, --la, 2c BIs.Ntl-Ns Cmon benzine In iron drums or bsrrvls, lie; union benslns In esses, x-ss. l.c . uaiou stove disuilsts Is iron drums, io. rVKS Prices paid for prims No. 1 skins: Muik. Northwest Csnsds snd Alssks, gstf lu- Colorado. Wyoming, stontsns. ldsbo snd Cailfornls. llo'': siritish Co.umbia snd Als.ks Const, ot 10; Oregon, Washington. Idalio snd Hontsna. S7. Lynx. Alska and British Columbls. 3i; Pscinc Cosst, ss. TKsccoon. tlsyl-id. bkunk. t'snads. IXiO; Pscinc Coast. 14t. Wo.f snd coyote. Csn ads. i, ldsno. Montana, Wyoming. Ne vads. gl.WtJs. Bssrer. Oregon. Wssnlng ton. Cansds, Alaska. .iiOuJ: Idaho, lion tsus. lu; TJtsa. Wyomlnt. 10 ill o 7- cubs. $s2.&0. Otter. Csnsds. Alssks. glXoOwl4; Oregon. Wasn,ngtun. Alssks. csnsds. Brit ish Columbls, gJ-2 4.50: Psclflc Coast. 11 To mi-SO. Oray fox. pacific Coast, 1.&uiX. Besr. blaik and brown. Alaska. Cansds. tit tjao; cuOs. iU&li: Psclft- Cosst. 1011; cu&s. $1J li: r'sctdc Cosst. glutfli; cubs. tivT: grissly. perfect. iit3i- llsdger. i stuekrst. Csnsds. Alssks. Sue; Psclfic tuul, 104t e.-c. Fisher, tirttleb Columbia, Alsska.- tlio30; Psclflc Coast. IsOlS. Wolverine. eB. Silver fox. e3nowio0l fox. 41.1c. Ermine. 60c Mountain lion, gitf Cross fox. 10 WIS ties otter. $000 410. Blue fox. 9e lu. White fox. 12bi0. swift Iti. Ringtsll est, "lit. 7ic- Ct.e. cat. 10s fttlc jjous. est, iu '- BAD FRUIT CONDEMNED PKAKS -VXD PEACH KS lt)l TO BE WORMY Oil SCALY. California KlbertRs Find Ciond Do -niand at S-mlc. but Rest of lAt Is Mow. 8EATTI.H. Wsh.. Aug. . (Sleelsl.) Mors thsn a boxes of prscbes snd pesrs were condemned snd destroyed todsy by W. C. l"endelt.. district Hortlcultursl Inspector. SkVarly all of the fruit was shipped In by Csttfornls growers and was either wormy or srsly. A csrlosd of f.scy rsllfornia A;brta pesrhee s-rlred toilsy snd found a brisk de mand at 7i to SO rents. 1h. market is bsuly orrrstoclted with in ferior spplvs. which are UifTlcult to move at any price. Adriccw received rrm the douth tn.lay In dlcsted tbst the Csll'ornta wstermelon sea sm will so-m be at an end. The lemon and orsnxe market was also stronger m tb Snath, but unchanged hers. l'4tss moved ,cler seme restraint. The poultry market was .esk. Ttiere wss iunt llttls d-ntand for old whest todsy. for whuh PS cents wss bid. Outride this acidity the market wxi. quiet lo rsMy. I'j.rr was weaker, with (23 the top price. Another etilpmenl of California bar ley arrived. Thirty-one carlcs.l. of hsy. niost of which Is new crop, were received to lsr. SAN Fm.lNClM-O QCOTATIOXS. Can sat ka ths Bay City Markets SAX FRANCISCO. Aug. I The follow ing prices wars currant In the produce mar ket today: Butter Fancy creamery. 21 He; creamery seconds 3Sc; fancy dairy. 2Sc. Choose New. 14t)14Sc: Voting America. 1G 17c. Egga Store. 21c; fancy ranch. 32c. poultry Boosters, old. U-: roosters, young. f?vlv; broilers. small. 11.24442; broilers, am 124)1 44; fryers. 4(: hens. (5014; docks, old. et.34 0 4; ducks, young. Vegrtabres Cucumbers. :u t 40c ; garlic. Hit. 3 He; green, peas. 24e: string besns. 3tr4c: tomatoes, :S4jS4c; rggplsnt. 4a75c Hops California. 10 lie. Mlllrtuffs Brsa. Ivl; middlings, f3ov34. Hay Wheat. tC14: wheat and satx. t 4l:: alfalfa. eifflO; stock. !: straw. 3i00. Fruit Apple, choice, sic (i 1 1 :3 ; apples, common. 31tyi0c: bsnanai. 7ieO$3; Mexl can limes. $i.o0 8: CalUomla lemons. cho.ee, iiO ; c'alifornia lemons, eemmox (.M: oisnges. naveix. aomlnal: pineapples, l-'tfl Receipt. Flour. : ausrter ssrkf. whest. l.4i rental.: baHer. 21 eentsis: ssts. 3141 eentsis: besns. 104 sscks: com. 13 eenrslj; potstoes. 477 sacks: -mlddllsrs. ti sscke; bai'. (13 tons; wools, s bales; hides. 4. STOGKUST-HnHRDW Sharp Rebound of Previous - Day Exhausts Demand. SHORTS EXTREMELY COY While There Is Xo Renewal of TJr gent Selling in New York, There Is Some Pressure to Realize Profits During Session. NEW TORK. Alg. t. Th. stock market todsy disclosed Its nsrrow Umltstlons un der conditions as they exist. Th. shsrp rebound of th. dsy befor. seemed to ex haust th demand from th. shorts and ther. -waa none for th. coming of a mors positive nature. While ther. was no re newal 0f th. urgent selling which has aroused th. suspicion of forced liquidation from time to lime. ther. waa a pressur. of storks for ssl. to resins profits on th. rebound of yett.nlsy. Movement of cash Into New York bank reserve, continues on a larg. scale. The gain for tha week of $4,153,000 on Sub-treasury operations Is helped by large deferred payments from th. assay ofBc. for gold arriving from London. Additional shipments sre arriving and jrest.rday" en gagement of over 3.0.4O In London re main! to go Into account. An existing actual surplus reserv. of up ward of 3S0.0S0.oe0. computed from last Saturday's actual surplus of over l4J.000.0tO. seems warrantable assumption from thee, figures. Bonds wer. Irregular. Total sales, par value, 1.444.00. United States bonds were unchanged oa call. CliOSINO STOCK QUOTATIONS. dosing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Allur Chalmers pf K Amsl Copper .... .4"t 61 6p Am Agricultural .. M Sl 31-., Am lel Suxsr .. 2 Amerlcsn Can ... ' 7 .4 Am Csr 4 F.ly .. 1T,0 4.V. 4I 44. Am Otton Oil .. MJi J Am HI 4 U I. loo !) i Am lc Becuri J Ara Lirj-ed Oil .. ) 11. 11. I'S Am li.KMmotlv. .. 0 S3 Am rtmell Kef.. 1S.4-W ! B m' Sur Rrf ".I HO Jl;t ll Am TeJ Tel.... lffi ! J. Am Toba.-oo pf.. S !' iT. Am Woolen 3iO 27X. 27 i7T Aiurowis Mln Co. M , ? Atchison 11 7S W. Wl. do preferred ... W.", ). All Cosst UM ... 4 I"7 1 . l7 Bait a Ohio eV0 109 li' 1) llethiebem Steel Jj., Ilrook Rsp-Trsn. S.4U) 7 i4 .4J ( snsdlsn t-sclnc .. l."0 IK'H Central Leather .. o." 33 i 31 H ' lo nreferred ... SO K'Z 101 ll Central of N J Ches A Ohio M.SoO Ch.cano A Alt-in Chicsgo t!t west., n ... ..... Ot. au 7"i at 2i -i do preferred ... 2VO 42'i 41S 41 Chlcas 4k N W 141 -. M St rtol.. .700 12 laoA 1-'H4 C. C. C A 8t L, Colo Fuel 4V Iron. 400 SCS 7V Ck rVulhern .. 50 OonsolXtsted Oaa. . 3.8"0 la7', 1M 1U Corn Pr.lucta ... I4 J4 l..t Del Hudson'.. " ll I1 l.H L K tirsnd. ... 4i-0 is-j, atj do preferred 0s Dtetlllrrw' Securt.. 2") 27a, z;, Erie .4' 2't t do 1 preferred. low 3 3o' 3 do 2d preferred-! 20 Oenerul Kle.-trlc .. 4UO 140S l.T4 las Ct Northern pf... S.li'O 124 121 1 12214 Gt Northern Ore .. I. M 01 51Vi Illinois Central ... .Ti 127 127H 127V, InterborouKh Mel.. lo J !.( do pretcrred ... J,u 411). 41 4S Inter Harvester .. 2" bH S71. 7t. Inter-Msrln. pf... 1WI 1SX IS1 ! Int l"sr ..... IO Int Pump l' 40', 40S 3Kt, loss Central .... 4uo 1 1 Ifi K C Southern ... 4W Z7W 27S -'Si do preferred ... 1"0- : , 60'a Laclede Ooa 4-n ui ur. tn Louisville A Nssh X 1U7S 13844 1M Minn A St Lool... 20 24 1 24 24 M. St P S S M. 4" 123H 12:ii4 123 Mo. Kin Texaa XXI XI 31 31 do preferred ... l'O Bl 61 60 M Uncurl Pacinc .. 1.4 51 4SV. SOt, Natlonsl Blclt .. 700 101 100 lol National Lead ... WW 3" 49"4 4!t4 Mex Nat Ry id pf 1" T!', 27", S74 K Y Central 3.2O0 HlVi W Hoi N T. Ont A West. 3l to 40 SSt, Norfolk A West.. 4ort SA H W V, North American .. 2"0 67 67 7 Northern Pacific .. 23.3a Hi 11 1 H H3U Paeldc Mall 4o0 24 1, 21 rn, Pennsvlvsnia 4.7 12M 127 127, People's Oss SOO 104Vi 103 1(14 P. C C St L. 84 ritlurg Crial 30O 131. 13 14 Pullman Psl Csr. 2uo SO. SO 29 Tty Hteel Spring ..... Ii9 Resiling 2!14 Republic Steel ... S4.3(a 1.17 1, 1.15 136'. do preferred ... 1 4O0 2it 2vt 27. Roek Island Co.. son &n '. Bo do preferred ... 1S.HO 24 2 2 St L A S F I pf Z.W , tn S2 4 St L Southwestern ttov 38 36 .11 ' do preferred 22 SUaw-iihefrield .... Srfl em, 57 38 Southern Pacific .. 200 MM.'. Southern Railway. 22.2 112 HO 1U do preferred ... 3t 22', 22 ft Tenn Copier 4H Mil, 4i 40 T'lM 4V 1-aeinc.. l.anil ZSl. 23 ij 22 U Tol. St I, II West. 4o 2SV4 sn do preferred ... "o SOT. 20 20 do nrfrrd ... "0 43 44t 4114 Union Psclflc .... ll.suu ltui. 137T. !" oo prsxerrea ......... ..... .... U 8 Realty U S Rubber rno 33 S3 V 8 8teel 141.0"O NIU 67 n8 31 H do preferred ... .VO 114 114W 1HH ftsh Copper S.S00 44, 43 ' 4ii Va-t'aro Chemical. S.KO 5s 474 57 Wabash 200 U1V, Ki: do preferred ... 1.7O0 34 ij S2 33 Weetern Md loo 42 424 42 Wetlngnouee FJec 4"0 sa (ii mu Weetern Union ... 100 62 62 61 Wheel I L Erie 414 Total sales for th. day. 510,600 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK. Aupr. 3. Closing quotations: U. S. ref 2s reg.loo,N. T. C. gn SVi S74 do coupon ...ion. No. Psclflc Sa... 70 V. 8- Ss res lolilNo. Pacific 4s... 0014 do coupon. .. .101 vM'nlon Psclf Ic4s. Iimih U. S. new 4S reg.ll4aWls Centrsl 4s. 1B do coupon 1 14 14 'Jspanes. 4s ... S9w D. R. O. 41. iB Mower. Exchange. Etc. NEW TORK. Aug. J. Prim, mercantile paper. S H tr 0 per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual business In bankers' bills. $4.8335 6 4. SS30 for t-dsy bills, and at 4.430 for demand. Commercial bills. 34.(34y4.14. Psr silver 33c. Mexican dollars 44c. Government bonds steady; railroad bonds irregular. Money on call easy. 1491 per cnt: ruling rate. IVi per cent: closing bid, IS per cent: offered. 1 per eent. Tim. loans firm Sixty dsys. 347344 par eent; On days, 4 per cent; six months, A 4ys per eent. LONDON, Aug. 3. Bar silver 6teady, 34 Sd per ounce. Money 11V. per cent. Th. rat. of discount In the open market for short bills Is 1 1-14:4 per cent; threw months' bills. z!4e3 Per cent. Consols For -money, llxl for account, 31. CHICAGO. Aug. 3. Exchange on -New York loc discount. SAN FRANCISCO. Ang. S. Sterling, days. 4.3 4: sight, M.SiH. Silver bars &lc Mexican dollars 44c Drafts Sight, sc: telegraph. Sc. Daily Trra ry statteaneart, WASHINGTON. Aug. 3 Th. condition of the Treasury st the beginning of t business todsy wss as follows: Trust funds Gold com eSH.1S3.6A0 Silver doners 4UO. 107.000 Silver dollars of 1S90 3-S.I0.0o0 Silver certificates outstanding.. 490.397.0OO General ffunti Standard silver dollars in gen eral fond . 1.0;:.9OO Current liabilities 112.667.342 Working, balance la Treasury offices 29.442.70 la banks t. credit of Treasurer of ta. United Slaws 3S.107.4iS Fub.ldisry silver coin SO.3.10.. 5 Minor coin I.H7.H.4 Totsl balance In general fund.. 91.8od,31J . Easter BOSTON, Aug. AUouex Amaig. Copper. A. Z. U 4 lis. Arixona Com... Atlantic B A C C S M. Butte Coalition. a Mining Stocks. 3. Closing quotations 38 1 Mohawk 4.1 is'4 10 S4 7H 34', 12iB 12 70 94 40 Vi S'i 10;4 50 S3H .".t4 48 2o A HOB 03 Nevada Con 21 Nlpissing Mines. 14wiNorth Butts .... 6 I North Lake .... 121, Old Dominion .. ir.SiOsceola .104 Parrott (3. A C.) 323B Quiney 1314 Shannon ....... 62 ISuperlor 4 'Sup At Bos Mln.. 10 'Sup A Pitts Cop. cal. st Arixona. Cal. A Heels.. Centennial Cop. Ran. C. Co. E. Butte Cp. M. Franklin .' Glroux Con Granby Con Greene Cananea I. Royale (Cop.) Kerr Lake .... Lake Copper. .. . La Salle Copper Miami Copper.. Cw (Tamarack 32 L S. Coal A Oil. U. S. S. R- M. do preferred. . . rtah Con 6 in, 16 38 10 20 twinona Volverln. : Metal Markets. NEW YORK, Aug.' 3. Stsndard copper, doll. Spot and August. 12.0i:.20c; Sep tember. October. 12.106 12.20c: November. 12.35tyl!.;V4c London dull. Spot, Hi 101 91.: futures. 50 2s Od. Arrlvsls at New York today. i0 tonei exporta, 2463 tons so far this month.- Lake copper. I.754?12.t7',,c; electrolytic 12.MW 12.6!Ve. and caitlng. U.5i:.37V4c Tin easy. Spot. 33.00ty31.2Sc; Aurust, 22.il0rr32.0ec: September and October. 22.S0 tT2;.9sc Sales. 40 tons September st 3!.94c Arrivals so far this month. 1103 tons: sflont. 9S tons. London closed dull, with spot quoted st flit and futures st ilil 7, d. London ales were 100 tons spot and 1000 tons futures. Lead. easy. Spot. 4.404 4.S0C New York and 4 ?0tf 4.10c East St. Louis. London spot. $13 10s. . Spelter, easy. Spot. 5.40.50c New York and 4. 91 1.0 5 East St. Louts. London spot. 123 lis. Cleveland warrants. 49s 4Hd In London. Locsllv Iron wss quiet. No. 1 Northern. 310.234 10.50; No. I. 1.T51; No. 1 Southern. 191.:S; No. 1 Southern soft, li.;tv14.1i: PET TRADE AT YARDS XOT MCCII LIVESTOCK NOW COMING IN". Market Is Steady In Toue Steers Sell Cp to $5.50 and Cows to f t. Receipts of livestock yesterday Were again very light and trade at the yards wss con sequently on a emsll scale. The tone of th. market. In general, wss steady. Steers moved up to J3.30 for the best of ferings and good cows brought 34. The receipts were 76 cattle and 19 calves. Shippers of the stock were C W. Roust, of Halsey. one car of cattle: A. I Dills, of McMtnnville. one car of cattle and calves, and B. J. Fhllllpl. of West Scio. one csr of cattle. The day's sales were as follows: Weight. Price. !.'0 steers ....... 10 steers 2 cows ........ 4 cows 1 stag 1 bull 1127 J5..VI 1117 5 io HOI 4.00 1155 2.110 1154 4.0O 1403 3.00 Prices quoted on the vsrlous classes of stock at th. yards yesterday were as fol lows: Beef steers, good to choice....! 3.259 5.73 Beef steers, fair to medium.... 4.250 4.73 (Xws and heifers, good to choice 4.25(9.4.115 Cowa and heifers, fair 10 medium 3.5U&S 4.0O Bulls .too 3.T5 ptsgs 2.50 sip 4.50 Calves, light 5.75W 0.75 cslves, heavy 3.5ool 3.O0 Bogs, top 10.0O4J) 10.25 Hoits. fair to medium.......... 8.UU4J 9. i- Sheep, best wethers 3.75 ty 4.35 Sheep, fair to good wethers 3.00(iy 3.50 Sheep, best ewes 100 3.50 Lambs, cholc l-jog M0 Lambs, fair ' Eastern Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 3. Cattlr! Receipts. 60O; market 10c hicher. Native steers. 14.SOI8; cows and heifers t2.50iro; stock ers and feeders. $31j.V50; bulls. $.14: calves. $3.5o7.50; Western steers. 14.25 W 7; Western cows. $2. 50 f 4.50. Hogs Receipts. 8000; market 5c to. lOc higher. Bulk of sales. 97.90U8.35; heavy. I7 75tj7.5; psckers and butchers, t7.U0 8:3o; light. 8.138.SO. Hheep Receipts. 3000: market strong. Muttons. I3.70i4.50: lambs. ttt.25)7: fed wethers and yearlings, 13.505; fed West era ewes. J3tf 4.10. CHICAGO, Aug. 3Cattle Receipts es timated at 10.000: market lOtploc higher; beeves, t4.804r8.20; Texas steers. I2.50nj5.rl0; Western steers. $4$'6.05; stockers and feed ers. $4 "ft 6.25; cows and heifers. 12.00 6. ivi; calves. JBSOifrS .50. Hoei Receipts estimated at 14.000; mar ket strong, generally 15c higher: light. SM.:;5 tys.90; mixed, 7.!iO8.80; heavy, (T-eoirv K.40: rough. I7.40i 1,55: good to choice heavy, t7.8S6a40; bulk of sales, 18.05 8.30. Sheep Receipts estimated at 24.0O0; mar ket stesdy; native. 2.Oig 4.00: Western, $2.73w 4-do; yearlings, 14.50ti5.75; lambs, native, 4.50(f7.10. OMAHA. Aug. 3. Cattle Receipts. 5500; market loc higher. Native steers, 14.759 7.75; cows and heifers, 1345.H5: Western steers, $3.30ra6; range cows snd heifers, t2.73&4.65; canners. S2.50(3.25; stockers snd feeders. :it5.U5: calves, J47; bulla, stsgs. etc.. 135.25. Hues RecelptH. 750O: market 20c higher; heavy. (7.:!0r7.83; mixed. 17.0007.00: light, (7.IMir8.20; pigs. 17ty7.30; bulk of sales. 7. .-.!.. Sheep Receipts. 11,500; market steady; yearlings. 14.75 b 5.50: wethers. IX50tp4.40; ewes. 22.73w3.85; lambs. JO If 7 25. Dried Fruit m New York. NEW YORK, Aug. S. Evaporated apples quiet, steady. On the spot fancy, loiity llfec; choice, 8 4ic; prime, 74 Sc; com mon to fair. t.7c. Prunes quiet on the spot but prices ara firmly held on reports of a small crop and a good export demand. Quotations range from 34j9')4c for California up to 30-40S and 4fe49W for Oregons. Apricots quiet, steady. Choice. 9Q 104,c; extra choice, lOVjOUe; fancy, 10 lme. Peaches quiet. Choice. 6HtSe; extra cholc. i in; fancy? 7 14 t 7 Sc. Raisins quiet, firm. Loose muscatels. 44 4r7c: choice t. fancy seeded. ific: seedless, IXtJtc; London layers, (1.3042 LIS. Coffee. NEW YORK. Aug. 3. Coffee futures opened steady with prices unchanged snd ddring th. day developed a slightly easier undertone, closing steady at unchanged to i points net lower. Total sales. 24.2&0 bsgs. Closing bids: August. 0.90c; Septem ber. a.91c; October. 7c: November. 7.10c; December. 7-1 ic; January. 7.!0c: February. 7.34c; March. 7.iSc; April. 7.30c; May, 7.31c: June, 7.33c; July, 7.35c - Spot steady. No. 7 Rio, fJS13-lc; No. 4 Santos, 9Sc: Cordova, 10 to 12 "Ac. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. Z.-'-Cotton closed quiet. 11 points higher. Mtd-uplsnds. 11. 45c; mid Gulf. 13.70c. Sales 3100 bales Cotton futures closed steady. Closing bids: August. lS-tic; September, 14.28c; October. 12.84c: November. 12.74c; Decem ber. 12.72c: January, 13.07c; February, 11.08c: March. 13.74c; May, 13.77c; June, lJ.Slc; July. 11,83c ' MeJmoa Park Falls Short. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 3. Te Bristol Bsy salmon pack for 111 10 fell conaMerably below th. pack of last year. The total output for this year amounted to 834.0UO casea. against 1.147 505 cases for 1909 and 1.10T.283 canea for 1908. The' largest Individual pack wss made by the seven canneries .of the Alsska Packers' Association, which, turned cut 450.000 cases. Sugar aad Coffee. NEW YORK. Aug. S. Raw sugar, steady. Muscovado. .89 test, $3.86; centrifugal. .96. test. 14.36; molasses sugar. .89 test. 10.81. Refined, quiet: crashed. 15.83'. granulated, 5 15: powdered. 13.23. Coffee Spot, steady. No. T RIo. 84C: Santos. No. 4. ftHtyOHe. Duiulh Flax Market. DULL'TH. Aug 3 Flax on track and ia store. 82.50: to arrive. 12.45; Sept., 12-15: Oct,. 12.31 bid; .Nov. 12.30; Dec. tlTi nominal. WHEAT HAS UPTURN Bullish Report on Crops in France Cause of Rise. SHORTAGE ABROAD SEEN Premiums in Cash Market Show Better Tone Corn Options Firm and Oats Are Steady. Provisions Unchanged. CHICAGO. Rug. 3. One of the factors In producing sn upturn In wheat was a report by the Government of France Indicating a crop 1n that country of 11.000.000 bushels lees than the smillrst yield in recent years. The Liverpool market was unexpectedly firm and so were prices In Winnipeg. Cash wheat In the samrile market today was somewhat firmer, premiums rising a tri ple. The September option ranged front 11.01 to 11.02 4,. closing Arm at $1.01"4? 1.01 '4. a rise of "4J-lc to H4c compared with 24 hours previous. September com fluctuated between 61ic and feUkC with the close firm at 62!4c, aa against 82 ' trf 62c last night. The cash market also was Arm. No. 2 yellow closed at 9414 44c. September oats. 36'i and 38'Ac, with the close the same as yesterday st 36364 0. Provisions Arm. Pork close", unchanged to 1H4C higher. Lard unchanged to 7V4c higher. Ribs unchanged to Be higher. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. Sept Z1-01V4 10!Mi 11.01 '-01; Dec....... 1.04 1.041, 1.03 "4 i.u:, May l.OSU 1.08 - 1.07 l.OSVi CORN. sept .02. .si. Dec 2i May 1 .01T4 . OATS. - Sept SdH .J"4 S'i'i .36 Dec .37 .381. -3' -3S MESS PORK. Sept 21.80 21.80 21.B7V4 21.52 Oct 20 75 Jan. 18.00 18.05 18.00 11.00 LARD. Jan 10.25 10.30 30.CS 10.30 Sept l'..7I4 H-7:'i II.0714 1 ll-'O Oct 11.00 11.60 11.674 11.571J Nov 11.30 11.35 11.27 11-30 SHORT RIBS. Sept .. 11.00 11.62V4 US' l1-'1 (h-t....... 11.15 11. IS . 11.07V4 11.10 Jan 9.20 9.30 3.25 930 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Slow. Rye No. 2. 77 f 77 14c Barley Feed or mixing. 485c; fair to choice malting. OOfSOOc Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, I2.JS; No. 1 Northwestern, 11.45. Timothy seed 1S.10. ' Clover 112.85. Pork Mess, per barrel, $226 22.25. Lard Per 100 pounds, gll.70. Short rlbs Sides (loose). $lL12tt4ll.s:H Sides Short, clear (boxedj. 111.75012. Grain statistics: Total clsarancea of wheat and flour wer. equal to 127.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 1.7SL000 bushels, compared with 1. 165.000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 42 cars: corn. 289 cars; oats. 185 cars; hogs, 18.000 head. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 39.500 30,300 Wheat, bushels 762.000 54.6O0 Corn, bushels 413.700 2G3.400 Oats, bushels 518.400 223. 5O0 Rve. bushels 3.000 1.000 Barley, bushels 78.000 11.009 Grain and Produce at New York. . - NEW YORK. Aug. 3. Flour Steady, with a moderate local trade. Winter straights. 14.404.00. Receipts, 21.591 bar rels: ehipments, 1955 barrels. Wheat Spot steady. No. 2 red, 1L0O; No. 2 red. 11.0654 elevator and $1.07 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern, ll.:5 t o. b. There was a very dull trado In the wheat market but prices were firmer on higher cables and prediction of lighter -receipts, but lost part of the advance on reports of better yields In North Dakota, but again rallied and closed at V4 ft "ic net advance. September closed $1.0714; December. 11.09T4. Receipts. 14.400 bushels; shipments. 8510 bushels. Hops Easy. Hides and wool Quiet. Petroleum Stead j-. . Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 3. Wheat Sep tember, 11.11(4; December. $1.104; May, 11.11. Cash: No. 1 hard. 11.18,; No. 1 Northern, 11.164; No. 2. $1.14 i LIS; No. 3, 11.1114 3 1.1254. Flax Closed at $2.45. Corn No.-3 yellow. 61SC1V4C Oats White. 37 39c Rye No. 2. 71 73c. European Grain Markets. LONDON. Aug 3. Cargoes quiet arid easier: Walla Walla for shipment at 37a English country markets partially 6d cheaper; French country markets quiet. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 3. Close: Wheat October, 7s 4Vd; December, 7s S!4d. Weather tine. . Grain at Saa Fraaciseo, SAX FRANCISCO, . Aug. 3. Wheat Firm. Barley Steady. Spot quotations Wheat Shipping, 11.65 1.70 per cental. Barleys Feed. $1.05ei.O754 per cental; brewing. ll.10tTl.15 per cental. Oats Red, $1.42 54 fit 1.4714 Per cental: White. 11.80 per cental; black. $1.60 per cental. Call board sales Wheat No trading. Barley December. $1.0954 bld$1.1054 asked per cental Corn Large yellow, 11.01 per cental. - Grain Markets of the Northwest. TACOMA. Aug. 3. Wheat, bluestem. 96c; club. 91c Receipts, wheat, 2 cars; oats. I; barley. 1. SEATTLE, Aug. 3. Milling quotations, bluestem, 92c; fnrtyfold, 91c; club, 90c; fife, 00c; red Russian, 88c Export wheat, blue stem. 89c: fortyfold, 88c: club, 88c; fife. 87c; red Russian, Sic. Yesterday's car receipts: Wheat, 3 cars: oats. 2 cars; barley, 7 cars. Dairy Produce in the East. CHICAGO. Aug. 3. Butter Firm: cream eries, 23 54 628c; dairies, 23 6 29c Err Receipts!. 11.748 cases: firm at mark, cases Included. 1054c; firsts, loc; prim, firsts, 17 54 c. Cheese Firm; da teles. 1554613540; twins. 1454 t?14e; Young Americas, 1516c; long horns, 15 jl0c. NEW YORK. Aug. S. Butter, firm; creamery specials. 29c. Cheese, firm; state whole milk specials. 1416c: do. average fancy. 1454c; do. average prime. 134 14c; do. fair to good, 1254 w 1354c; do. common. 954 H-54c Eggs, steady, unchanged. n WW at. St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 3. Wool Steady. Ter ritory and Western mediums. 18f2354c; fin. mediums, 17 20c: fines. 13 17c ' .. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Ang. 3. Cotton closed steady at 19 to 26 points net .dvance. FARMERS TO CO-OPERATE Union County Locals to Join in Electing: Grain Agent. LA GRANDE, Or., Augr. 1 (Special.) A grain aeent, representing Union County locals of the Co-operative Farmers' Union, similar to the one employed last year by the La Grande local, will bo elected at LUfVlBERMENS National Bank CORNER FIFTH AND STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital OFFICERS. G. K. IVentworth President John A. Keating...... Vice-President Geo. L. McPherson Vice-President H. . Story Cashier F. A. Freeman Assistant Cashier Graham Dokehart Assistant Caauler Lack. & Tilton Bank Established 1859. t ; OLDEST BANK ON THE PACIFIC COAST Capital $1,000,000 . SURPLUS AND PROFITS $600,000 xv M I adrl President. n, S. Hovrnrd, Jr., Ass't Cashier. F.dvr.'t ookiiisrham, Vice-President. J- W. LadrL Assistant Cashier. W. H. DnneVley, Cashier. Walter M. Cook, Aas't Cashier. , First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 , Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tha Rocky Mountains a mass meeting; of members of the county I , i . ii m u.tiimav npcreiiuv -u i. ivau 0.1. . . . - --.I Allister has called the meeting and urges every member to attend. The La Grande local last year employed . who rlirl the sellinST from a Kiaui ...... - ' 7 i ,,, K the, locals of the Union HHicuuiwtoi -- i entire country are to Be oanaea togeuiei i with one agent mis year. The meeting; promises to. be important, for a Walla Walla man- of prominence in fanners' unions will likely attend. Thou sands of bushels of wheat and other grains will be handled through this agent, WHEAT IS "HEAVIEST YET Records Broken on a 20 Acres Sowed .to Pullman Hybrid No. 143. DAYTON. Wash.. . Aug. S. (Special.) The record wheat yield for Eastern Washington was established today when J. H. McCauley. living eight miles south of Dayton, finished harvesting 220 acres of Pullman hybrid wheat No. 143 that yielded an average of 35 bushels an acre. The feature of this crop, however, is the weight, tests showing the average weight to bo above 65 pounds, which is two pounds heavier than any record pre viously made this year irr the Northwest. Furthermore, this is the largest yield re ported on a large acreage, other records having been established on damp bottom StBuyers here assert that Pullman hybrid No. i will be the leading wheat grown in Columbia County in future. . About 1300 acres was grown this year in dif ferent parts of the county and under varying circumstances as an experiment. AURORA'S NEW CLUB MEETS Commercial Body Listens to Speak ers on Value of Organization. AURORA. Or., Aug. S. (Special.) The newlv-organiied Commercial Club of Au rora held its second regular meeting in Lewis and Clark Hall here Tuesday even ing. Speeches were made by visltlns friends from Salem and other towns and neighborhoods close to Aurora, Those from Salem were John C Carson, Mr. Gaylor, Mr. Hill and several others, all of whom were speakers with pointed remarks in regard to good roads, good government, good schools at home and the better results obtainable through a com mercial body. The president, J. W. Sadler, of Aurora, and treasurer, H. L. Bents, also spoke. There are already 50 subscribed members. Canby Store Balded; No Clew. CANBT. Or.. Aug. 3. (Special.) Gordon Bros.' store was entered by burglars last night, who robbed the store of what change was left in the till, took a good suit of clothes, helped BITULITHIC Makes good streets. Property owners who have paid for it know this. Ask them about B1TUILTHIC $500,000 DIRECTORS. " 1 G. K. Wentworth i Chas. S. HoMsetl P. 8. Brumby Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie (lenrge . Bingham IJod i. W ent n orth J. . Wheeler fleo. L. McPherson John A. Kerttlng Robert Treat Piatt H. D. Story themselves to a good lunch, including the largest watermelon in stock; then cleaned out the jewelry department and left the way they came. There is no clew. York Pleads Not Guilty. KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. Aug. 3. (Special.) Thaddeus E. York pleaded" not guilty when arraigned in the Cir cuit Court this morning on the indict ment of forgery by the grand jury. His trial on this charge was set for tomorrow. This makes two indictments against York with a plea ot not guilty to both. York is said to have swin dled a Louisville bank of 895. TRAVKLERS' GUIDE. $66 ALASKA IncludlrtK Berth and Mssals SUMMER EXCURSIONS via Smooth "Inside Passage" Twelve delijrhtfnl excursions from Seattle to ALASKA and back cheaper than staying at home. Don't' wait until mtmammrm arm mold out Writm Qaick far osteite and ress nation Pacific Coast Steamship Co. 249 Washington St. PORTLAND H0N0LDLD $110 And Back (Flrst-Class) f. 1.- liv. fmn K IT. The splendid twin screw steamer SIERRA (10.000 tons displacement) sails July SO, Aug. 20. Sept. 10 and every 21 days. KouniJ trip tlekets -ood lor four months Honolulu, the most attractive spot on entire world tour. BOOK NOW and secure best berths. USE TO TAHITI AND NEW ZliALAND 8. S. slariposa and Union Line, salllnr Auc 6. Sept. 11, etc. Tahiti and back (-4 dais), tins Brat class. New Zealand (Wel lington). s:4.2S urst class R T. SIX months. Write or wire for reservations. OCEANIC 8. U. CO., 7. Market Street, Ban Francisco. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY Fast Excursion Steamer CHAS. R. SPENCER Leaves daUy except Wednesday, A- at-, tor Hood River and taay landings and re turn leave Hood River, i: P. M.; am re Portland 8 P. M. , . SUNDAY EXCURSION 5 laea 8 A. M-; returns, 6:30 P. M. First-class Meals Served.. Fare, One Dollar Round Trip. Up-town Office. 69 6th SU Phones Marshall 19T9, A 1383. lauding and Office. Foot TVashlngtoa H4 Phones Main 861!), A 24B5. Xiowest Rates to Picnic Parties. K W. SPENCER. OWNER. SAN FBANCISCO PORTLAND 88. CO. New service to Los Angeles, via San Fran cisco, every five days. From Alnsworth Dock, Portland, 9 A. M. SS. Beaver, Aug. 1; Bear, 6; Kose Citv. It. From San Francisco, Northbound, la M. SS. Bear. July 30; Rose City, 4; Beaver. 8. From Ban Pedro. Northbound. SS. Rose Citv, Atigost : Beaver, 7: Bear. 13. H. G- Smith, C. T. A., 14 Third St. J w. Raiiuim. Agent. Alnsworth Dock. Phones atain402.2:A 1102. COOS BAY LINE 5-DAT SERVICE. Steamer Breakwater leaves Portland t A M-, August 7. 1-'. IT. 22, 27 and every five days, from Alnsworth Dock, for North Bend. Marshneld and Coos Bay points. Freight received until 5 P. M.. dally. Passenger fare, flrst-claas, 110; second-class, 7, Including berth and meals Inquire Alnsworth Dock, Main 868. San Francisco and Los Angeles DIRECT, North Pacific S. S. Co.'a S. S. Roanoke and S- S. Elder sail every Wednesday alternately at P. M. Ticket offica 122 Third nU near Alder. MARTIN J. HIGLKY, Passenger Ageat, W. H. SLliSSKK, Freight Agent. Phones M. 1314, A lit. Canadlsn Pacinc Empress line of steamers, sailing weekly between Montreal and Liver pool. Wireless on all steamers. Ask any ticket agent or write F. R. Johnstn. G. A. 142 Third tL, Portland.