Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 04, 1910, Page 14, Image 14

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. i i"orsale. 1 h,,-k wiTUA""ir;r;rMAI"- - - i..: ;
T .tt- nar Newbenr for Medfort r
TAshland property. iu.wv. . .
mm or . ror nwg -
on. -ama i s--.wv. - .
aw bol-l in thrlvta city la
M.ilnitoo for whs,t land.
1-jOO . crs. Co dairy r-nch.
vita stock, ror oitfinr. . .
u lot in city Ir -d rm or otnr
'lTJiot property; will -chng It.
Call u id u- .,. -..
BUNGALOW. 7 room renting fr PJJ
trad, for what you bJac 1W". t
J, par Th! plc la cbtmp at
D ltJ. Org yon tan.
000-ACRB homestead relinquishment, good
soil and running water: -; would con
alder lot or business cnanre.
INCOME property paying 10
tert. flat buildings tnewl. fn Mmne.po
II Minn., for bearing fruit orchard, jli
lull dacrlpilon. Oiaet In city on ween.
F 16H. Or. soman-
JSOUITr of $li In three fine lota In Roaa
m.r.: -111 for 11.. !'''
well-located houa. nd lot nnd naaum
mortgx. Call ! Board of Trade. Mir-
OR SALE or schng. for Portland prop
erty: a modern i-ruom bungalow, at Med
ford. Or. Call room 30J. commercial
block. Phone Main ;
jK SALS or exchange. T4 acre. In Tualatin
VaJWy. 14 mliee (rem lrt:nd; will take and lot up to ,"" -18
Worcester bi. Phon Main M"3.
li ACHES good timber, two mile, from
Hav Ocean, on Tillamook Hay. to -STi.fot
Improved 1-ortland property.
AD 1ST, oregonian.
Xi-FOOT caxillna launch, lil-homepowcr.
o-lTnder nBln, worth i: fur .ale or
will exchange for real estate. P 111.
5Ti TRADE 1" acre timber land on
Rogu. River f -r i or 10 acre. Improved
land near Portland. Chaa. E. Gatke. W ard-
. per. 1. K
VE exchange your property. reardlea of
toc"ion. for Thai which .ult. : yon bettar.
yorthwest Exchange. 22- Henry Bldr
ThAUEBS W e have a larxe Hat of tr.dlns
propertlea. Call and ee ua. 417 Board
or i ra.
GXCUAXilE-My H-od River 10-acre orch
ard 1 mile from town, for Portland, up to
7S.X. Owner, liox 1T. Hood Ulver. Or.
T11U) like to traoe Hood River fruit farm
of 11 aire for IvrUand realdenoa property.
T ITS. OreKor.ian.
1"1LX. trade lota In Interior town for launch
or auto. Penn. Inveat. Co.. 1114 Buchanan
bMi. Mar.ha!! 19
TOC can trade any kind of property at 310
Oak t.
WILL aell or trade launch for real estate,
value 1250. Phone Eaat 40.SO.
r-i i 7 irniivii
LAN Lid.
Oolna to CWIUonuaT Looklna for lrrl
awtedlaadar 11 ao. atop ai Wmowa. Oleoa
Couiiry oo the mam lina of the bouihera
Pacific" Railroad, whera tha repreaentatlvea
it the baciamanto Valley Irrljatlon Coa
Baay wUl affonl you every opportunity la
aee the areateat Irritation project in Amar
JcX You wul aea tha fu awakenlna of
Ua OitEvAT VALUJf. Many niu.lua of
aollara of mexbaeed valuea will ba aoaca
there within a lew yaaxa. Yiui you aaare
,hiela project u financed by J. S- and W.
K.uhn. Incorporated, banaero of Pltta
bara. Pa., who ao .uccaaafully devaloped
JhJT In Southern comiatna la ail
auv 000 acree.
The bum opportmltlea far money-makln(
that ware glvea In Idaho will be aelaed by
auany la tha bacramcnto Valley Project.
Pries at land iJia per acrs wua eur
Very aaay terma. Caab. payment of oa.y
116 per acre, other payment extending over
lit year.
For literature ana tun nuw.i
ueparuneni a.
Willowa, Callfoinla.
Other of Bee Pittsburg. Pa-: Chicago. TIL:
. Fan pranciacu. and Loa Angeles. Califorala.
Vehicles and Harare.
HY buy Moond-bana vehicles when yso
can get a new one from an oid-eelabH.bed
wheieaale houes. 44 year In Oregon, at
almost the asms erst! W are licated
oct. .J the high-rent district, own our
building. ud can make the price. Ba
rlualv agent for th old reliable line o.
Micbltaa Buggy Co. fin vehicle, deliv
ery wagons, top buggies, runabout and
farm atiou B sui nd a bafor
you buy. It may sav you money.
R. at. WADE sk CO.
. 1 pswthorne are., bet. Eaat 1st and d
' Two ears of horses have Just arrived
and will b sold under our gaurante.
They range In weight from 1000 to ItlMJ
lb.: age from to II years; all good
workers and prtcee reasonable. Ve alao
have three .pan of email mule, weight
. ,H to lb... for sale. Call and Inspect
these. If wanting horse". Hawthorn
Stables. 42 Hawthorne ava,
JVR 6ne verj fin combination rid
ing and cnvlc horses-, alao 1 children's
a.Ml pony, very gentle. We sell th
".r man's bora as well as the borse
show prapect. A trial to any person of
rcrmicd rer-'a.blllt. Term. Kramer
Stable, 13th and Aldrr m
TEAM wanted for Pull Run water ditrh:
all silo work, .traily Job; per day for
man and t-am; too pvr muntn for team
and harness.
4 1 1 Hid.
MISS.l"RX mule for sale New shipment Just
ret-wlved. 113 O to 15W ih.. aultabl for rall
raj. and farm work: mules at
Prvedman Hr-m.- barn. 13th and Overton
scs. Adorvss Sparks Wlggmtoa. Imperial
HAVl.Vi! no further use for my team will
sell for Jl.'o: thry e;h 2S0 snd ars
true workers: also sad.lle pony that IS
handsome snd safe for children; ask for
s-a' horses : ' Front t.
2LAK msrs for sle. Altamont stork,
seisbt UoO. rars old: a .o busgy and
harneea Inquire 111 North 3d su. Bon
riur falooa. from 1 till g P. M.
V E sre now ready to sublet 12 miles of the
Atorla !Miut.i-rn Hellwav: supp.tea fur
nished. See llson. Hector A IJsley. con-
on t rarturs. today, room 414 Lew: bldg.
V A NT EI To buy for rash, good driving
bora-, burcy and ba-ueea: must be cheap.
Anawrer or phone Thursday. A. C. Sau
tie.. Lenox H oteL
PvFtTLAND Stable. 2d North 16th. Ma'n
ll-.t: for fin horses and wagon 1'OR
HIKE by ths day. week or month; first
c;ea bualneas rtga
VB are now ready to submit I- miles of ths
A.torla S.uthem Rallwsv; mppllea fur
nlebeU. See Wilson. Reotor dt laler. coo
tractora. today, room 414 Lewis bi-lg.
HCbalHT a HALL s-rXBLEa."" iso St,
livery business, rigs. Lorsws, ha mass. a
oa for sale or rent. Mala xixa.
I"OR SALE cheap; thre horses, wagon,
harne. 2U cortls fir wool. five tons hay
an t hay rack. J1 E Mid St.. North
VR S.vl: Chesp. sood 11.10-lb. borss
r-i&ber-tlrrd ruoab'ut. 4o4 both St..
llawtrn-me ave. car.
J-INE drums: horse, rood harness, new rub-
tcr-tlred buggy, cheap. SOl Wsshlng-
ton st.
SAl.E Top bucgy and horse. $;:
worth m-re. but mo-tt he sold. Last bouie
on TV. Skulmor iNo. 7
PARHAI.V -JO buy mare and horse.
true workers anywhere, and good harness.
r--1 waror.a :t; Grand av S.
11KAVT horses and trotting bora. Inquire
at St1 fnloa ave.. North
UH"T delivery wagon for sal ehap; In
good condition. Call 1311 Belmont.
so n p. pncK.
1u.ia Model lit
fa A-l condition, color dark green: flvs
yasaenger car. Price llSoO: terms. Call
at fhapman st.
WANT EI "loo J ftve-pssenger automobile,
lmo or 1:09 If In fine condition: will
trade fine aewly finished eaiV well lo
cated modem bungalow on same at cash
rrlc and tak mortrsr hack for differ
ence. Room 0O Couch building. Phone
A wt
VE h ave a few good second-hand fiw and
seven passenger automobiles In first-class
running order, which will sell oa term
to good parties.
2 a. 1 1 1 h at-. cor. Jffexo.
TA E HAIL In aad rer-li autocaoMlaa Smlth
Mlller Auto Co, 1'bon Jvsst 33 tMach'.D-
ist R. O'Brien.
Ft.-R aiALE 110 Chalmers-Petrolt touring
car g-passenger: good condition; $1100.
Inquire Hallou st Wright. SALtl Four cylinder runsbout. A-l
rendition. Inqor room T. Hotl Itlllllpa
4tr snd Purnanle.
TV a MFD I went a Hupmoblis runshout
' for (..oi or lees; must be In good running
er-'rr. hsv you? g 4. oregonlan.
tros a anta track foe sal chssp. Call
' ssaJa IfUd car Main SUA.
WANTED One matched team, between 4
and 7 years old. weight from 150O pound
or up: must he sound. 3H0 Lombard t.
Glen wood station. Ku John car line. F. H.
. HoeneL
Birds. Dew and Pet Stoca.
FOR SALE Boston Terrier Puppies, mat
and female, by Champion ErIKIant Ex.
Estons Christy. S. A. Chase. 10o. E. J4th
t- N. Phone C
GREAT DANE puppies, months old, pedl-
grred. loll, X. ttth.
Pianos, Organ nod Mnstcal Instrnmcnta
A NEW Weser Bros, piano for sale; have i
either one $200 cash. Call 22j 5th st- Ai-
w ay. lome.
FoR SALE FIrst-clas. piano cheap: par-
tlec leaving city. Call at office Barton
hotel. 13th and Alder.
SNAP Rare old make piano; sell cheap
for cash. H.- 13th at., near Washington.
PIANO check for i: on Ellers; make an
offer. T 140, Oregonlan.
Our film, are th pick of 2 Indepen
dent manufacturer; 1 nw picture re
leased week.y. , .
you need th best: w can furnish It,
Write for full Information.
olo-olO Sw-etiand Bldg..
Portland, Oregon.
BEWINO machines, special sal on splendid
lot of fin second-hand machines of all
Itaillr.g makes Singer. Wheeler Wil
son. New Horn. Whit. Domestic House
bold and others, to mak room for now
Sinter OS and rotary. Singer sawing
Machine Store. S 8. 81get. - agent SJi
Morrison St. Phon Main gta,jkrrL
Anyone wanting a good collection ox
I'mted States stamps, mounted and in
first-class condition, about moo varieties,
at about one-third catalogue value, call at
Room 2V. Washington bids-
WRITER PR ESS. practically nw. with com
plete equipment; cost l-OO. will sell for
tlou. ' . ,
i '.ammeter multlrxapb. regular prlc
g.vxi. will sell for 1-S- Pacific siorloncry
r Printing Co.. Second and Taylor.
FOR SALI 50-foot launch. 30 H. P.. built
last year; hava had overhauled and re
painted; carry heavy load: at a bargain
If taken at once. Phone Marshall lrt-o-81
Electric bldg. or Von der Worth
IS-FOOT, all-round speed and pleasure boat.
2-rvlladrr. o-H. P. engine, about 14 miles.
fuliv equipped, at a bargain. be Jaa.
F. Velch. H1H First st.
NEW houseboat, bem money could, build .16
3: also new launch. 13 h. p.: most sell at
once- com to Cottonwood Island, or ad-drc-wi
B. Well. Carroll ton. Wash.
THE Northwest Typewriter Company. iJl
Ablngton bldg. Phon M. 1 th
only company selling strictly ctory re
built typewriter: price $10 tfc go.
FOR SALE Second-hand Remington type
writer and Beck s duplicator. Telepbon
Main il-3 or A o.M7.
WATER wheel for sale. 23-inch Standard
Leffel wheel, new. Lexington Roller Mill.
Lexington, or.
FOR SALE or rent: locking- and hoisting
engine. Railway Equipment Co.. 4 Flr.t
. t. Both phonea
XSO. Ak for catakig Rebuild S.S Bp. .
a.. EAo ter Co.. 1)0 bta t. Mam OoJa.
FOR 8A LfiV Showca. wallcasea. connterj.
cnes p Ha aa www '
VIOLINS, banjoa, mandolins, guitars at ha2
regular prices. uaoi i".
FOR SALE A scda fountain and two how a bargain. Call at 83 4th at. North.
Nolfc.3 and mortgage bought and "d. Na
tlocal Credit Ass n. 601 Wcrcastar bldg.
gOO business cards. 11.15 It yon bring th
sd Rose City rrintcry.l2ttdt.
30 TAKES new launch hull; leaving city,
fall 307 North 16th. '
fccsl' 4-foot nr cord wood le-io. deUvwred.
uu momka r uri -o- xw.u
FOR SALE A second-hand traction wood
saw: nseu soori. moc . """" -
FIVE-FOOT mahogany desk and chair. Call
aionaw a oios-
.-x Remington typewriter, good aa new. X
It, nr'
BARliAIN Remington typewriter. No. 6. J.
yOK SALE Steam table. Phone East s5!
HUiHEST prlc paid for men1 cast-off
clothing, shoes and bicycles. The Glob
Second-hand store. 2i0 Flr.t- Msin 30.
We also buy lauiea cioiooia
an TfcUJ Men's cast-off clothing and saoe;
wa also buy household furnishings; klghaat
c P Call at tha "Fair aW" J
N ad st. Main K72.
CARPENTER work of all kinds; Jobbing, re
modeling, repairing a specialty. Cummlnga
at Call in. a t x -
BELL your coad-band furniture to th For
Auction Co. or you'll get lea. Phon: A
243: slain asoi.
WANTED Office furniture, econd-hand
d.ek. carpet, chairs, etc S14 Buchanan
WANTED Pool table, second-hand. Phon
all Main 13"-
6POT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention alway given. Phone. East 107.
SECOND-HAND roller top desk.
FIRST-CLASS horseshoer or a good all
around man. ateady Job and good wages
assured. Phone number 114-J. Phon or
writ W. P. Morrl. Albany. Or.
WANTED Man and wife on rancn In Hood
River section: must furnl.h reference; a
desirable plsce for tha right parties. B
; ureconlan.
t V fv 1 1 a man: must be good tinner nd
Jobber, .ready position to right man. Jacob
LoelL 1 -' Jefferson .t.
W t XTEHjTmin who understands cooper
ing and work in pickle factory. Apply at
L. Maer Co.. H 3d.
NORTON! A Wanted, an experienced ele
ator loy. Call between 1 and 1 o'clock,
1 1 th and Washington.
1 H WE a good proposition for a feeder or to take charge of my printing
i' 1 ' . - -- - -
w A.NTI-I Experienced machine hand, and
...' - innlv ll'Bl.r
and Oak. Acme Planing Mill Co.
WANTKD Stock salesmen for flrst-elass
Innul trial i-1 o- - - - ri--i ww - ,
. . .1 Vnrllind.
b.k 111 t-lo Mk few osanlha only learning:
ttaatlOC guarwa.ewM.
ravlna ScbooL beg 182. AaOlaad. O.
EXPERIENCED man for fruit and cigar
- ,.thra need aunlv. 171 N" tub
MACHINISTS Flrst-cla!m. long Joti and pay. Call at room 1. Strattun Hotel,
4 ana
WANTED fount man eottcltor for th sal
of tailoring In cty. must be a salesman.
3ih swetland bldg.
WANTED A flrst-claa and tenoner
men to work on odd door. Chehalla Fir
l-oor Co.
WANTED Cook snd wsiter to stay away
from Spokane: sirtk on. Allied Culinary
Craft. Spokane. Wash.
FIRST-CLASS bread baker wanted: open
shop. Ooaien West Baking Co.. Sesttls.
ONE experienced potwasher. also one young
man to irrr dish. Peerlesa Cafeteria.
loa Sth t
WANTED Young man with business abil
ity at once; .mail capital requireu. o
Washington .t . room 417.
WANTED Dentl.t: must be nrst-elaaa ope
rator: gooo salary ror reiiaoiw mwu. jvp
ply AM. I'll. Oregonlan.
WANTED Good helper on sweet dough.
Apply at Royal Bakery. 11th and Everett
M VN to take lath contract on Wick lath
machine. Apply Klamath Lumber Co..
Klamath. Or., advlalng prlc per 100.
WANTED Flrst-claa. salesman for mining
stock in good glit-edged proposition. Ad
dress Box 7. Salem. Oregon
f-TEI Good steady boy over 1 to learn
the r-UineS. t- r roni at. m-ruiin v o.
CARPENTER for Jobbing shop; one good
on estimating prnnn-i.
WANTED 2 men to explain our coal and
aa system. 321 Lumbermens bldg.
3 MILK drlvvr. experienced. Apply 2 o'clock.
Vo Has t rx-.rae sve.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agesta;
new offer. Catberth studio. Dekum bldg.
WANTED Registered ssststant drug clerk.
Nau's Pharmacy. Portland Hotel,
j,-v. k T . quick diahwa.her wanted. ' Stein's
Restaurant. 1-- 14th st.
MEN' for factory near Portland: married
men preferred 13 Sherlock bldg.
JATAVE5E to wait on table from g to t
P M. 715 Hovt t.
WEAVER wanted In mattress factory. Call
IMh and Thurman.
AN experienced presser st WIMsmett Dy
Works. 744 Id st. Slilnjs::
WAGON bUtck.mtth wanted.'a Wa.T
sai Bhop, 114 Union av.
TEAMS wanted, any number 7 per day.
free stable room. Apply Robert Wake
field Co. Works. Mount Tabor Reservoir.
Eaat 60th L
W want good, LIVE MEN to handla
Our latest subdivision. More talking point
than any other subdlvUlon which has ever
been placed upon th market, and tn
genuine valu Is there. Are preparing for
a good hot campaign. TERMS EASY.
Commissions big. .
Tto.rrt of Trade nid.. 84 4th St.
WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. 8.
Marine Corps, between the ages of 10 ana
3.V. must be native born or hay nrst
paper.. Monthly pay 15 to 8. Ad
ditional compensation possible. Fooa.
clothing, quarters and medical attendance
free. After 30 years' service can retire with,
7.1 per rent of pay and allowance, serv
. rA .hin onH nhnre In all parts
( of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps
necruiting mauun. nremcu wiua-. -
Washington st.. Portland, in-.
Manufacturer's broken line (sized by
Jlmmle Dunn at 40 per cent leas than
wholesale prlc and sold by him at no
rent pile. Regular t20 to 2i ults at
10 83; regular 30 to 1S ulu at $H.bJ
Knew Samp! suit Bhop. 315 Oregonlan
bldg. Jlmmle Dunn, manager. .
Thoroughly experienced; flrst-cl In car
pet., draperle. and general hous furnish
ings, to secure contracts.
3 lots 5o by loo each; prlc only 2."50:
tlSuO cash: 2 block, to car; restricted addi
tion; concrete walk, garden; owner must
teava, city in next few days; a rare snap.
H. W. GARLAND at CO.. 191 4th8t.
MEN WANTED. ge 18 to 5. for firemen
100 monthly, brakemen !40, on nearby rull
roads; experience unnecessary: no rtrike;
promotion to engineer, conductors; railroad
empk: lng headquaruuw; over 600 men sent
to position monthly; state . send stamp.
Railway Association, car Oregonlan.
X established trust company wants a man
with small capital to take an Interest In the
business and manage either the real estate
or the business chunc department; previou
knowledge of the buslne not eescntlal. but
must have business qualification. Room
417, Washington t.
WINDOW-DRESSER-wanted by large firm;
only thos having several yeara' experi
ence with large concerns need apply; a
high-grade position for the best man In
the business: state age. salary and full
details of experience; application confl-
denrlal. T 162. Oregonlan.
T. M. C. A. Th friend of th young man
and strangar; hearty welcom and good
counsel ar your without coat. Constant
demand for men who can do somemlng
wlL Special mploymnt membership as
sure mploymnL jAVtlgata before yog
InvesL t
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year:
xnen and women to learn barber trade In
g- week, help to secure promotion; gradu
ates aarn from S13 to (36 weakly; expert
Instructors: tool frss; writ for cata
logue. Mohler System Of Collega. M
North 4th st.. Portland, Or.
Front and Hall st.
WANTED Apprentice, between 17 and 22
years old. to learn the mechanical work of
piano manufacturing and repairing; rapid
advancement: tat previous employment,
ge and references. Address O InV, Oro
gonlau. WANTED Thoroughly experienced bench
and machine men wanted for planing mill
at Medford, Oregon. Call at room 544 Ore
gon Hotel, between 12 and 1 P. M. Thura-
DO YOU want to make a fortun with a
mall amount of money? If ao, call and
see me- 1 will tell you how It's dona.
Rose City Film Exchange, e2t ft Washing
ton St., near 17th .t.
WANTED Machine hand of all kind,
frame makers, stair and cabinet builders;
steady work Winter and Summer. Apply
at once. Selgelk gt Kohlhau Mfg. Co., La
Crosse. Wis.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors; ac
ceptable contracts cashed; three estab
lished publications. Ralph C. Clyde, ad
vertising manager, Benedictine Press,
Goodnough bldg
l:20 LEGS wanted for 600 pairs of men's
trousers All new Fall patterna Regu
lar 93 values fur $3.50. Regular $4 val
ue for $l.&u. Jimmte Dunn. 315 Orcgo
nlan bldg.
WANTED For night work
1 marker.
1 piece tallyman.
J ratchet setters.
Apply fill Bosrd of Trade,
RAILWAT mall clcrka. Portland examination
November 12; $800 to $16o0; preparation
fro. Franklin Institute, dept. 265 S, Roches-
tcr. X. Y.
International Correspondence Schools,
moved to 233 Alder St., near 2d, our new
. local headquarter.
SNAP Wanted: men to cut 750 cords wood,
near Woodstock. Ju.t felled and trimmed,
level. C. F. Spauldln-, Woodstock. Sell
wood 5 r l .
KAJLWA T mall clerks, postofflc clerks snd
carriers' examination in November; salary
up to II 0u: free Book 30: Pacific State
School. McKay bldg.. Portland.
framing treatle for R. R. bridge: long
Job. S3.73 per day. Lllyman & Renard,
33 1 N. 2d t.
WANTED Energetic man, good address, for
high class Investment proposition; excel
lent chsnce for right man. Room J, Hotel
LEDGER KEEPER, one capable of rapid
nd accurst posting. Address, ststlng
experience and salary. E 2Q3. Oregonlan.
WANTED Boy for shoeing shop. 300
BARBER wanted: good man; steady Job,
Hit guarantee. 16." North nth it.
MN and wife for farm work: permanent
if satisfactory. W KM), Oregonlan.
SHOEMAKER wanted. 183" Holladay ava.,
east end steel bridge.
GOOD solicitor.
3d t-
Bwlln Dy Work. S3?
FIRST-CLASS hore.hoer wanted.
Ru.sell. Phon East tO.
239 H
WANTED A boy for a railroad office. AC
175, oregonlan.
jtOT wanted, over It. 43V, North th t.
YOUNG man who can set type. 231 Stark.
GIRL to do dining-room work: good home;
wage ig per week. 1W1 11th St.
W ANTED German girl for general house-
work: good wage. 3 Broadway.
WAITRESS wanted at Steln'a Restaurant,
122 Hth. near Washington.
WANTED Graduate nurse, small hospital;
surgical work. A 4S1S.
GIRL' to learn dining-room work; all day
or part of day. 735 Hoyt st.
WANTED Experienced waitress. Call after
1 lA.M.l7t h.t.
DINING-ROOM girl at 13 Twelfth and
FIRST-CLASS fur operator. Apply N. M.
I nssr Co.. 10 Tth t.
GIRL to help with housework; good was.-.
322 E. 321. cor. Market.
LESSONS In shorthand nd typewriting by
Xpert ;33 a month. 2014th-Maln alB3.
W ANTED Olrl or woman experienced In
trimming men' hat. 1 MV 4th et.
UELP wan lad. Union Laundry Cow. 3d and
GIRL about 17 to assist; good bom. Tabor
NEAT experienced lunch waitress at Wom
(.n'o Kxc-hanse. lsrt
GIRL for general housework, family of 2.
Phono East 2W.
COliT finisher wanted at once. 2031 Ym
hlll l- room .
TWO young women to work In factory. I
jknpti- leJfc Grand av,
' Cook for hay baling crew. $45.
Cook for small camp, $35.
Cook for restaurant, $10 to $15 per
week. .
Waitresses, $7, $8 and $9 per week.
Waitresses, $25 to $30.
Cabin girl for boat. $:5 to $30.
Housekeepers, $20 to $25.
Kitchen helpers. $30 to $25.
Good general housework.
Ladles' Dept 211514 Morrison St.
Need the service, of competent saleswo
men In a number of departments, especial
STENOGRAPHER. Apply to superlnten
tendent in the mornings.
WANTED Several bright young women to
learn telephone operating; tudnt palo
$20 per month whll learning; a thorough
training given each student before a
slgnment to position. Thl. Is an "to"0"
tional -opportunity for such applicant, that
qualify. Apply to SCHOOL PRINCIPAL
at our EAST OFFICE. East Ankeny ana
. 6th at., or MAIN OFFICE. West Park
and Alder st... between 8 A. M. and a
P. M. week day. The Paclflo Telephone
. A Telegraph Co.
GIRLS to work In cracker department; good
wages, steady employment.
Twelfth and Davla
2 waltressea.
2 girls for general housework.
Housekeeper for out-of-town.
New places every day.
30HH Waahlnjrton su, room 25. Phone
Main 2402., A 3250.
First-class, competent operators wanted at
once. Apply to Madam Hudson, hair goods
TYPESETTER to operate a hand-card print
ing machine. Apply at once to Superin
tendent, Olds, Wortman A King.
2S Front Su .
Will furnish housemaids and any and
all kind of competent help on short
notice. Call or phone M 2183; A $250.
30S s Washington at., room 3ft. . : .
FURS. 6 operator and 6 liners wanted at
once; must be experienced; good wages;
permanent work. Apply H. Llebes A Co.,
iurners, 2-SS Morrison st.
STENOGRAPHER to take temporary position
ton month); state weekly salary expected
and give telephone number. X 171, Ore
gonlan. M 1 i ' I : I . K - A -1 K 1 lady, housekeeper, family
of quiet home place. 2H2 Portland boule
vard, SL John car. Arbor Lodge Sta
tion. LADY stenographer, office work; perma
nent position; wages $lo per week; com
mence work at once. Call Friday after-
noon. Room 403, Commercial block.
COMPETENT stenographer wanted for hlgh
clasa position: state sge. experience and
. salary desired; give telephone number. - Y
173, Oregonlan. .
WE HAVE a good position for a young
lady stenegrapher; neatness and accuracy
required; one having knowledge of book
keeping preferred. 418 Mohawk bldg.
WANTED Body lroner. one who 1 first
class on starched work and able to make
$12 to $14 dollar, per week. Pacific Laun
dry Co., 231 Arthur St.
WANTED Girl for chamber and dinlng
room work In small boarding-house; good
home. 90 East 8th St., vor. of Washing
ton. Phone East 1390
WANTED Competent woman for general
housework; good wages. Apply 658 Irv
ing st.
GIRL for kitchen and general housework In
small private family; good wages. Apply
2 Schuyler.
WANTED An experienced chambermaid.
Nortonla hotel. call between 12 and 2-
P. M.
326" Washington St., Room 314.
Slain boo or a j-'m
343 V. Washington St., Cor. 7th, Upstair.
Phone Main 269'i
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co.. fi09 Roth-
child bldg.. 411 anavvasningiuii.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Ainnworth ave., corner E. 8th. Take
WooUlawn car. phone Woodlawn 1738.
OTEXOGRAPHER; cook. $40, 45. $50; beaob
Wat t res others, $30; chambermaids. Howe'a
Ladles' Agency, room 314. 3!tffr, Waah.
AN experienced second Irl reference).,
small family; sjood wages. Apply 25
West Park st- . .
EXPERIENCED glri for hair iroods depart
ment; must understand switch-making',
seliiny. etc. Fraley Bros.. 214 Third.
WANTED Youns; Rlxl to assist at house
v crk. 8:30 to 2:30. Phone Main 6780. 3W2
Jackson st.
MAiD of ail work permanently; also woman
to clean for few days. Call 1240 Cleve
land. in piedmont.
WOMAN to keep house for work In ; couple;
splendid home to right party. B 207, Ore
fpmlan. WANTED One chocolate and bon ton dip
per. Address ShonkwUer Co., Pasco,
EXPERIENCED saleslady for domestic
apartment, permanent position. Bannon
t Co., 3SS-39Q E. Morrison st.
V a N T K D A girl over 16 to take care of
two little irlrls. Call 114 X. 15th st. bet
tween 12 and 1:30 P. M. Take 8. car.
NECKWEAR finishers; also girls to learn
to finish men's neckwear. Columbia Neck
wear Mfg. Co.. 291 Stark st.
WANTED Reliable, experienced nursegirl;
nrmunent nine. sTood waiei: referencest
Apply at 822 Kearney M. Phone Main 3M9.
CAPABliE family second airl. $2.V St. Louis
a ff.nrv 302 Wash. Main 2039.
GIRL, to answer phone calls In carpenter
shop.l71 1st t.
COOK. "crew. $45; family. $40. St. Louis
.Agency. 303 "Wash. M sin 2031. m
WANTED 300 hop-pickers; families pre
ferred; Wm. Bagley ranch. 2 miles from
Hillsboro. Or.; finest crop and best ac
commodations In state; railroad on ranch;
send in your names now. Wm. Bagley,
Hillnboro. Or., or rooms 619 or 612 Wor
cester bldg.. Portland. Or.
GOVERNMENT .employes wanted. Write for
Port land examination schedule. Franklin
Institute. Dt-pt. 241'R, Rochester. N. Y.
MAK money writing stories for news
papers; big pay: fee booklet: tells how.
United Press Syndicate. San Francisco.
WANT E 1-F1 rs t - class ma rker and dis
tributor. L S. Laundry Co.. corner Grand
ave and yamnui
FlriK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good
positions to A-l Instructors. 611 Swetland.
n.i i4prfca
CREDIT man. office manager, expert book
Iteenvr and H round young business man
desire position with good concern- Well
acquainted in and around city. A-l ref
erences. AO 161, Oregon Ian.
BOOKKEEPER and general office man. 10
years' experience, age 27, desires position
affording advancement. V 104, Oregon
lan. A-l ACCOUNTANT md bookkeeper with
mercantile, manufacturing and transpor
tation experience desires temporary or per
manent position. AC 164. Oregonian.
WANT to learn the dry goods or furnish
ing goods business; wages no object. Good
references. B 203, Oregonlan. .
POSITION wanted by young married man
of good business ability as collector or
office work. AC lei, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and off iceman
wishes position. AK 159. Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants position as elevator boy.
AB ItH). Oregonlan.
GOOD helper on cakes, flrst-claas ornaznenter.
A. Wlnke. 4.9 Hancock st.
SHOE MAN. experienced floorman and shoo
repairer wants position. X 160. Oregonian.
CARPENTER work, any kind, day or 00 n-.-.
Phnti, Urhn 2327.
JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish
-11 v -1 -ut at; a io73 2Hft Everett.
COMPETENT movinjr-plrture operator desires
position. E Sfi'. Oregonian.
WAN1FD Position, male nurse, references
given. L. D. Broderlck. Phone Main 6Q10.
HOrsE and window cleaning; floors a spe
cialty. Main 6673 evenings. Thos. Green.
JAPANESE boy wants w kind of work.
W 170. OrscoatogX,
Tnt'vr: min 'j mo rrirl tt-hA Is thorough'
ly competent bookkeeper, auditor and of
fice manager of nearly 32 years' exper
ience in wholesale and retail mercantile
lines, wants change; have also had consid
erable credit, buying, selling and adver
tising work; have capacity, executive
ability and experience to handle first
grade position and will guarantee results;
opportunity the essential; holding respon
sible position in Spokane; can change in
15 days. Address P 172. Oregonlan.
RELIABLE, middle-aged man. used to Jan
itor and garden work, desires steady em
ployment, city or country, at moderate
wages. AB 172, Oregonian.
JANITOR Married, no children, city refer
ences, and obliging, wants apartment
house or office building work. AC 174, Ore-
. gonlan.
POSITION wanted aa window trimmer. Grad
uate of Koestar School, Chicago. Fast, card
writer; department experience. Beat of ref-
erences. B ItH. Oregonlan.
WANTED Position by married man with
small family; Is an experienced farmer and
stockman. Call or write M. A, Solomon, 211
6th st. ,PortUidOr. . t
GOOD all-around Norwegian cook wants
steady Job, private boarding house pre
ferred; 3 yeara last place. AD 162, Ore
gonian. WANTED Position In Oregon or Wash, by
firm -class engineer; handled A. C. D. C.
current, also turbine .engine AJ 161,
MIDDLE-AGED man wishes position with
carpenter where he can learn the trade;
prefer dwelling-house work. H 160, Ore
gonian. BARTENDER wants steady Job; sober,
trustworthy and good man with stock; ref
erences B 205. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by good baker, small
shop; country preferred. W 172, Ore
gonlan. A YOUNG man wants about 4 hours' work
evenings after 6 o'clock. Phono Main
SINGLE ma a wants steady position, moder
ate wages; temperate and not afraid to
work; would leave city. B 209, Oregonlan.
FOR a good, reliable chauffeur, capable of
keeping car in good condition, call A
5081 or Main 7793.
STEAM shovel engineer .wishes position; can
run Bueyms. Atlantic type and Vulcan
shovel. K 201, Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese boy wants cooking and
housework in private family. Address W
171. Oregonlan.
WANTED Painting to do; good work and
reasonable prices. Phons Frank Ron In g.
Main 5009.
FIRST-CLASS confectioner, German, wants
engagement. Henry Hotel, Tennessee, 274
Madison street.
JAPANESE man wants a situation as gar
den boy or help cooking. R. Y., 250 1st st.
A 5032.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes position
with real estate company or private f am
lly; references. AD 156. Oregonlan.
POSITION wanted as porter; 21 months ex
perience first-class hotel; good references.
W 174. Oregonian.
WANT job Id laundry and can give good
references. C 145, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted as porter; Experienced.
Main 3S38. Louis Corak.
FIRST-CLASS , all-round baker,
first-class. A lt7, Oregonlan.
Booltkeepers and Stenographers.
YOUNG lady, capable and of good address,
dcBlres position as office or reception girl
with people who recognize the value of hav
lng their clients or patients- properly treat
ed; considerable experience dealing with the
public; am also stenographer; references.
Main 3539, this morning.
YOUNG lady bookkeeper and general office
work; 5 years' experience; can use type-
rm writer. B 208, Oregonian.
COMPETENT, experienced stenographer de
sires position; wages $45. Phone Main
EXPERIENCED cashier In picture show,
hotel or restaurant. Room 318, Sargent
YOUNG lady stenographer. 2 years' exper
lence. desires position. Phone East 2757.
STENOGRAPHER, competent and experi
enced, desires position. Phone A 5446.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posl
Uon. Phones Woodlawn 1661, C 2015.
TAILOR-MADE skirts, $3 up: dresses, suits.
Reduced prices durirg the month of
August. The Westminster, cor 6th and
Madison. Main 5582.
LADi.fc.' tailoring; alterations, coats r lined.
Mrs. Muckler. 430 Columbia St. A 4709.
PRACTICAL nurse desires situation any
kind sickness; references. - Main 2039, A
WANTED By lady "" of" experience, position
as landlady or housekeeper of flrst-class
rooming-house or hotel; references given;
capable of taking entire management. Call
or address room 3, Sherman Hotel.
WIDOW, with boy of ioTwishes position as
housekeeper for widower or bachelor. AB
174. Oregonian.
YOfc'NG lady would like position of any
kind : experienced in most anything;
steady position preferred. E 212, Ore-gonian-
a" LADY wants a place to do housework ;
country preferred. Phone Main 2309 or
AN 174. Oregonian.
COLORED lady and girl would like a place
In the country; girl for second or nurse and
woman for cooking. A 162, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by experienced manicur
ist in hotel or barber shop. B 2U4, Ore-g-onlan.
GERMAN-SWISS woman wants work by the
day, washing. Ironing and house cleaning
done. 128 14th st.
SHAMPOO and scalp treatment at your
home. Phone East 4042.
WOMAN wants work by the day; references.
Phone East 2039.
JAPANESE girl wants a situation
work In city. A 5032.
AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown
nursery stock is In demand: sates this
season will be immense; a flattering op
portunity; cash paid weekly; outfit free.
saiem nuracrj ....
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de
mand for choice nursery stock; outfit
free: cash weekly. Address Capital City
Nursery to., oaiem. kjv.
ACTIVE canvassers can make 9?0 per week
easily selling trees for the Oregon Nursery
Co.. Orenco. Or. Good territory open; lib
eral proposition. Call or write to Orenoco,
WANTED Agents to sell nursery stock;
rash weekly; outfit supplied. Carlton
N u rsery Co.. Carlton, Or.
W Aa x O.D A i trr x.
We furnish the renter, collect ths rent,
pay taxes. Insurance and keep up repairs,
th same for you as though tha property
was oar own; references, any bank Is
245 Stark St.
Phones A 3500. Main S3.
FIVE or six-room modern bungalow or home
In good location, furnished or unfurnished;
West Side preferrea: $25 to $30. Phone Main.
3996. Mrs: N. D. Edwards.
WANT to rent a house In Irvington or Hol
laday after Oct. 1 ; furnished or unf ur
nlshed. AB 161, Oregonlan.
A 5 OR 6-ROOM bungalow or house on the
East Side, close to car; will lease If suit
able. V 162. Orego plan.
6 OR 9-room house, furnished. West Side;
prefer south of Morrison ; walking dis
tance. Main 4526. 2-!5 Failing bldg.
SEVEN or eight rooms, furnished house,
family of five grown. A. H. Northrop,
1097 Cleveland av. A 1799.
WANTED Two or three furnished house
keeping rooms in private family, any good
' residence section; state rent. K. 202, Ore
gonlan. ALL or part of small furnished steam
heated flat; lady employed. W 173, Ore
gonian ,
Rooms With Board.
RESPECTABLE young business man wants
room and board with private family; must
be refined: willing to pay about $50 per
month. AC 171. Oregonlan.
WANTED By young couple, room and
board In private family living near Laurel-
hurst. Call B 126&. .
BOOM and board- In private family with
nice home, by young lady. AB 196, Ore-
BOOM and board In private family near
power plant on east side. AM. 162. Ore
gonlan; ,
YOUNG office man wants finely furnished
room and two meals; West Side; state
location and price. C 163. Oregonlan.
WANTED Room and board with private fam
ily by young man; walking distance. X 173,
Oregon ten.
XOTORMAN wants private room and board
near 6wvlsr-t, bars. 1 203, pregoiila, .
k - .
Furnished Rooms.
JUST OPEN ED; n ew. M ODER N brick
building; tine large ground-floor office; hot
asd cold running water la all rooms;
steam heated; private baths; very richly
furnished. Rates only $3 and up par
week : fiOo up per day. Call and see us.
Northeast corner Fifth and Glisan sts.
Seventh and Ankeny sts.
The preacher who preaches.
The teacher who teaches.
And the drummer with goods to sell;
With wife or with daughters.
When looking for Quarters.
All are welcomed at the New Scott Hotel.
A quiet home for quiet people.
129 Eleventh
New modern brick building, stesua-
heated, private baths, hot and cold wa
ter In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy
and comfortable. Kates "Very reasonabla
Call and see us. Kegular and transient
trade solicited.
BACHELOR apartments. open building,
formerly occupied by Arlington Club; will
rent; single rooms, baths, every conveni
ence, valet service; new furnishings
throughout; best class In city. Alder and
W. Park.
HOTEL SARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. and
Hawthorne. Phone Eat
291, connecting every room. Private hatha
elevator first-class grill. Special rates by
week or month- American or Eurwpeaa.
Transients solicited.
SIS Oak su, corner Sixth. Large, light,
airy rooms, elegantly furnished, electrlj
lig hts. running water; low rates.
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, opp. Portland Ho
tel, 330 Yamhill; flrst-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite, modern, $5 up;
transients solicited. Main 31. A 7177.
ROOMS Well furnished, light, welt venti
lated running HOT and COLD WATER
In each, line beds and clean; rate $2.50
to $4 a week. 341 Harrison, corner 7th.
Washington aad 17th, flrst-class furnished
rooms single or en suite; all modern ca
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5W7.
Grand, ave.. East Stark, modern, private
bath, pnone, elevator. East 5465, B 2863.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts., well
furnished sleeping rooms !.a0 per week;
electric lights, hot baths free.
MODERN outside rooms, $3.60 to $ 3 per
week. Including baths ; also housekeeping
rooms. 64Sfr Washington st.
THE LAN DO RE, 288 10th, near Jefferson
Newly furnished rooms, centrally located.
NICELY furnished single rooms and suites,
modern ; free p h ones.490 Morriso n st.
v Unfurnished Rooms.
Furnished Rooms tn Private ramify.
346 Madison street; nicely furnished suite
of front and back parlors, ground oor;
other double and single rooms; fine neigh
borhood; y block to park; 5 blocks to
post O fflce; p rices reasonable.
FOR RENT In Irvington, elegantly furnished
front room in strictly private family; all
modern conveniences; near two carlines;
references required. 408 B. 15th st. North.
NICELY furnished room In private family;
all modern conveniences, 5 minutes' walk
from Portland Hotel; price $20. Telephone
Main 7329. fc
BRIGHT furnished room in cozy, modern
flat, reasonable, electric lights, fine por
celain bath, both phones, free; gentlemen
only. 351 6th st
WELL furnished room, bath, phone, elec
tric light; walking distance. 547 Yam
hill st.
NOB HILL, close in. two large front rooms,
nicely furnished, ml table two or more gen
tlemen. 632 Flanuers.
NICE large front bedroom with alcove; $10
r per month: back room $6; nice walking
distance.550 TavIorst. ,
NICELY furnished front and back parlor,
large bay window, suitable for 1 or 3.
195 North 23d st. Main 7785.
FOR RENT Completely furnished or unfur
nished housekeeping rooms and sleeping
rooms. 475 East Bumslde st.
FOR RENT, with or without board, 1 large
room with sleeping porch.. 435 lOth-su,
cor. College. Main 2589.
NICE large alcove room, suitable for 1 or 2
gentlemen. .95 13th St., coravr Taylor.
ELEGANT room for gentlemen at 258 hk
ROOMS Pleasantly situated. 321 West
Park ; terms reasonapie.
NICELY furniahed room, with grate; suitable
. .1 OftJ.1. Parlr
$1.75 FRONT room, modern, walking dis
tance. o;: r lajiuci t, ittaiu ioiu.
NICELY furnished sleeping-room, very rea
sonable. 430 Yamhill. ,
FURNISHED rooms, 553 Hoyt St., cor. 17th;
modern; 15 ana
TWO nice, large, furnished rooms for rent
at 3o fr13tlgj-.
Rooms With Board.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year, room
with bo aid. use of aewing-room and library.
610 Flanders St. Miss Frances N. HeaLh,
THE HAZEL For ladles and gentlemen,
nicely furnished rooms, flrst-class board.
385 3d st., cor. Montgomery.
33 17TH ST.. one block north of Washing
ton, well-furnished suite and- single rooms.
modern, boara optional.
Koom With Board tn Private FaniUr.
NICELY furnished room, adjoining bath,
with or without excellent board, strictly
private, or wouia rem o ruum- .ua
keeping; nice .ocation. 521 Couch.
LARGE front room, suitable -for two gen
tlemen, with board. Phone A 4il4. 19a
11th st.
TWO nicely furnished rooms wtih first-class
table board, suitable for 4 young men.
Appiy inv otn pt-
WELL furnished room, suitable for two. 241
Norm :u su. mean-"-
HWDSOME SUITE, also single room, choice
DOara, rettsu'iaiio. .
43w YAMHILL Front room with alcove;
suitable tor vwu, w.m u -
TWO nicely furnished rooms with first-class
table poaru. Atif
4a2 THIRD ST. Well furnished front room.
HOME cooking reason ablerates. Main 7016.
Strictly modern, large rooms and three
closets to every apartment; cool and-airy
for Summer. 696 Lovejoy st. Take W
FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, modern
In every particular: steam-heated, hot
water Janitor services, with flrst-class
XurnishiDss- Apply' to Janitor. 608 K.eax-
ney it
FURNISHED apartment four rooms and
bath' every modern convenience. 5 min
utes walk from postoffice, $45 per month;
no children. The Sheffield. 272 7th st-
Main 2506. A 8149.
ONEONTA APTS. 187 17th, south of Yam
hill tW. car at depot). 2 and 3-room fur
nished suites, hot and cold jvater, free
phones, oa-'-'t. aimu -r-
unfurnished 3-room apartments, all mod
ern conveniences, private porches, rea-
BOIiaUIC assay. -a tr 1
Gth sU, 4 squares above P. O-. family ho
tel private baths and telephones; tran-
sients solicited. ,
Mrs. T. D. Hughes. Modern 3 and 4
rooin apartments; every convenience; both
THE WESTFAL, 410 5th St., furnished and
unfurnished-. apartments; private baths and
7 . lanitn, Rprv ffi- 1611 L
T) none : eieva "- -- .
gtoTiJiKle. Phone A 2U38.
STEAM-HEATED -room iparuiiouw mini
era and desirable; 525 Everett su Apply
Morgan. Fleidner A Boyce, 503 Ablngton
bldg. ,
elegantly furnished 3-room front apartment;
trictly modern ; owa
7 -room apartment, modern in every respect;
location 22d and Johnson. Call at 711
jo nil son xor noy. a
APARTMENT, up-to-date, handsomely fur
nished, 4 rooms and bath, select neigh-
Dornooa. ov
THE CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders; 4-room
modern unfurnished apartment. Apply to
Janitor. .
King and Wayne sts. Apply to Janitor.
BRYN MAWR. 185 East 15th St.. corner
Yamhill ;modern;5 rooms; heat. t
FOUR-ROOM, steam -heated, modern apart-
ment. Cottel Drug Co.
6T. CLAIR, 715 Wayne, modern 6-room
aparunent; two porches., Phone Main 4930.
On Lucre tia st,, bet. 2Jd and 23d ita
near Wash. About ready fcr occupancy.
Mr. S. Silverfield has just completed this
elegant and most modern apartment
building, the copy of one of the best New
York apartment-houses. Apartment- can
be secured from $35 to $75. References re
quired. Apply to superintendent on the
704 Hoyt St.; new brick apartments,
now ready for occupancy, 3 and 4-room
suites, large sleeping porches, electric and
flreless cookers, built-in Iceboxes, bath and
phone in every apartment; electric lifts,
steam heat, hot and cold water, janitor
service, vacuum cleaner ; reference re
qulrcd. Phone Marshall 2010.
4S9 Clay street, second house from 14th.
the only "modern completely furnished 2
room apartment-house In tho city; house
and elegant furniture, brand new; just
opened for business; steam heat, electric
lipht. hot and cold water in every apart
ment; private phone, bath; walking dis
tance; $lS-$25, including electric lishu
.Marshall 2074.
HEINZ apartments,. 14th and Columbia; 4
blocks south from Morrison st.; new brick
building, completely f list-class; furnished
in 2. 3 and 4-room ramily apartments,
private bath reception hall, steam heat,
hot watetr. 'elevator, free prone, janitor
service; rent from $'-i5 per month and up.
AJjupne 3-roomunrurnlshed, ?7.5Q.
Cor. Grand ave. and Stark st.
New fireproof brick building, beautiful
ly furnished two and three-room apart
ments, private baths, wall, beds, large
clothes Clowe tfc; Summer rates. Phone E.
ANGELA APARTMENT. 39 Trinity Place,
between llth ana otli, near Washington
' New brick building; 2, 3, 4-room apart
ments, furnished and unfurnished with
private bath, telephone, electric elevator,
outside porches. janitor service .
finest 3 and 4-room suites In the city? pri
vate baths and phones, steam heated, hot
and cold water, disappearing beds. Garlaad
stoves. porcelain-Jined refrigerators, eiectrie
elevator; $55 to $5Q per month.
21st and Irving sts.; 4-room unfurnished
apartments; all outside rooms, ample closet
room, verandas ; rent very reasonable ;
references ,
CECILIA APARTMENTS, 22 d and Glisan,
2 and 8 room apartments, new 4-story
brick lust completed, all modern conven
iences, each apartment has priva:s outside
balcony. rent reasonable. .
THE SHEFFIELD 7th and Jefferson sts.
Unfurnished apartment with bath. All out
side rooms, modern, every convenience,
and only 5 minutes' walk from P. O. Very
reasonable renLMain2506.A.3149.
624 Marshall St.; newly furnished, strictly
modern, bath, phono in each apartment;
most beautiful surroundings; W" car.
Main 6032; A-3iai..
JEvFERSONIAN Apartments. 10th and Jef
ferson; furnished 2 or 3-room apartments
clean and modern, with piano; $20 and
$3U. .
THE MORTON Washington and King; fur
nished apartment, including piano, phone,
bath. . -
THREE, new up-to-date, flats, best location
in city. Call Main 1305. East 1187. W.
Beldt. 401 Kothchlld bldg. Money n
.object; want a good tenant.
FIVE-ROOM flat, steam heat, hot and cold
water; 15 minutes' walk from business
district, on car line. Inquire 2721 Wll
liams ave.
4-ROOMED flat, porch ; exceptionally pleas
ant; walking distance. Inquire afternoon
235 Hall. .
FOR 1 RENT Beautifully furnished 5-room
flat. Phone Main 8560. Apply to janitor,
Kearney Apartments.
DESIRABLE -furnished flat. 5 rooms. West
Side, sleeping porch, piano; adults. Phone
A 5347.
ELEGANT up-to-date lower flat, 6 rooms,
close to Postoffice, adults, 328 Mill St.,
bet, 6th and7thst.
SM A LL. flat, pleasant, convenient, easy walk
ing distance, $15; adults. 233J4 Hall, aft
ernoona. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co.. Main 1618, A 1984. AU covered wag-
. ons. all experienced men. ,
FOUR new, modern 4-room flats; every con
venience. Eaat 5; B1404.
6-ROOM flat, corner 22d and Kearney; mod-
ern, iari; c . l m. -xom .--
MODERN 5-room upper flat, 424 Tillamook.
Sleepingporch Phone C 2Q58.
S-ROOM modern flat, furnished. 776 E.
MODERN 6-ROOM upper flat, nice location,
ltjth and Everett sts. 5l'9 Everett st.
Ho use kef piug ltoomii
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. Fur
ctshsd for housekeeping, gas ranges, elec
tee -lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all
free; $15 per month up; a clean place; bess
In the city for money; short distance from
Union Depot, Take "S" or 16th st. cart
jgorth. get off at Marshall st. No dogs.
WELL-FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, 2
$. month; 3 for $13; furnished cottage,
large rooms, $20; lower flat, 4 rooms, $-0.
364 N. 26th (west side river), "w , ca.p
from depot, 5th or Morrison to 26th, blocic
FOUR connecting rooms completely fur
nished, suitable for 4 persons; very reason
able; walking distance. Phone Marshall
1S29; A 1124.
UNFURNISHED, two-room, bay window'
suites, five blocks from Postoffice. o7it
Jefferson, corner Fifth st. Beautiful out
fvTo large newly furnished housekeeping
rooms, walking distance, at 541 Glisan st.,
on S. and mtn-st. carlines.
y W EEK Clean, furnished housekeepinc
rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas. heat.
yard, clean linen. 406 Vancouver ave.
461 EA.ST MORRISON, cor. East 8th, com
pletely furnished housekeeping rooms rea-
THE NEWCASTLE. 3d & Harrison. House
k'p'ng rms. Free phones, baths, hotjwater.
THE ELMS 2 and s-room apartment, fur
nished. 101 14th St.; trans lent. gollclttd.
$1 50 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 1S4 Sherman.
$1 25 WEEK, clean fur. housekeeping- rooms,
heat, laundry, bath. 103 Stanton. "XT' car.
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms in new
concrete brldg. Phone Woodlawn 2997.
$1 5u TO 2-00 a week Clean furnished
huusekeeping roomaDeSoto House. 29l 2d.
1 "0 WEEK, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
'heat, laundry, bath. 20.-. Stanton. U car.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, including
bath and gas plates; also bachelor apart
ments; reasonable. 181 I2th St., cor 1am
hlll. " ' .
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms,
swell location; walking distance; gas
range, hot water, porch, laundry, phone,
etc. 656 Glisan.
LIGHT housekeeping rooms. $S per month;;
good residence district. 1212 Moore st.. 1
block west of Williams ave. Woodlawn,
035. '
THREE well-furnished housekeeping rooms, in
private family: running- water- .gas. bath;
line location, walking distance, . W est Side
Address E 200. Oregonian. - - , .
TWO furnished housekeeplngoom9 at 160
7 East 14th, $4 per week, Xhz blocks oft Eaat
Morrison. .
FXTR NISHED 3-room flat, with bath; no
children Call after 6 in the evening.
400 4th st.
NICELY furnished 3-room oleePulAeJ
all modern conveniences, close in. o lltn
et. S.
THREE nice, furnished housekeeping room,
down stairs; no children. 2b 8 E. 33d St.,
near Hawthorne.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms by week or month;
flrst floor; very reasonable; centrally lo
cated. 350 Alder st.. cor. Park.
TWO suites elegantly furnished rooms, mod
ern convenience; good home. oil Lnioo
ave. North. .
FURNISHED for 2 with or without sleep
ins pnrr.h. Phone Sellwoodjjj. .
THP.ET3 unfurnished basement rooms, $7.50.
326 Park St. Main 4.'i98,
DESIEAELE flat cheap to riBht party; cen
terofbusneB32llJthst..N TWO finely furnished rooms with balcony.
Phone East 63S1.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 492
nay: Main :U2. .
LOWER floor. 3 rooms, furnished completa
for housekeeping, "
FURNISHED housekeepinK rooms.
1063 E.
Tavior st. riiunc
CONVENIENT housekeeping room, 28 North
;"oth St. Main 2046- ,
ONE completely ftinhM housekeeping
suite, close In. 214 13th st.
344 4TH ST. A nicely furnished front hous-
keeping room. ,
FOUR-ROOM and bath, partly furnished;
llKht and airy. $135MtKomery
THBFK nice unfurnished . housekeeping
rooms; rent reasonable. 026 Irving at.
MODFR.V 5-room buhKalo'. one block from
sirllne'. Phone Tabor 125.
Trrt-R RENT Residence 9 rooms, bath. 35
WU-iU r, and. Couch,