STRIKE STILL DELAYED TXIOX COMMITTEE TAKES NO DEFIX.TC ACTIOS. Proposal to Hnr Both Sidf at Mass Meeting Appeals to Represen tative of Employers. Some of the union men of Portlsnd in talklne; strike. Bonn are aruln Sf-sanst a walk-out. While the camp of labor appears thus to be somewhat divided, the employing Interests era a unit In belief that there will be no strike. Today l the day which the union hare said will decide the ques tion. " , . Before a strike will be called here. If such a contingency should develop, the local unions will get sanction from the International bodies of which ther are a part. A strike can take place without this sanction, but If It does, all strike benefits are forfeited. Portland union men feel they cannot afford to lose the chance of this re lief, so they hesitate. The unions committee of SO held Its regular meeting; Isst night, but no definite action looking to a strike was taken. ' As to the division In the camp of lahor over the question, one nnlon man estimated that seven out of every 10 unionists In the city favored a strike. It Is pretty welt assured that those unions connected with the building trsdes are strongly airalnst a strike, with the union mans figures as a basis, then. If such a thing as a strike should occur, those unions going out would not be the ones that would ar rest to any great extent the Industrial life of Portland, and at the start the walkout would fall of its object "ty ing up the town." Those men who are working for the employing Interests feel all the con fidence In the world that Portland Is won to the cause of the open shop. Psrtly they Judge from the effect of the open-shop csrds tlrat are In the windows of the retail stores. The re sidence to these cards met with is trifling, they say. One of the largest houses In Its line in the city has lost one customer by Its stand on the open shop. A letter was received yesterday morning by this store from a man who had been a customer and who felt that his sym pathies would not let him longer buy there. This Is the only case of this kind, said the head )t the firm. The committee of 13. worker for the employing Interests, held a short meet ing yesterday morning, but so sure did the outcome of the light appear, and so ucalarming the general situation that It adjourned after a brief ssslp The proposal advanced by the unions of holding- a mass meeting, at which both sides are to express their views, appeals strongly to Harvey Beck with, chairman of the committee of 12. Such a move." he said, "would be a severe rebuke to those men who are yelling loudest for a sympathetic strike. Our committee Is making It a point to get In touch with those union men who are of the broadest and best educated minds, and we find that to a man they axe entirely satisfied with existing schedules and abhor the Idea of a strike. Today Is the day when It has been said the Question of a strike would come to a focus. This Is the day when the committee of K Is expected to have threshed out the whole situation and to have derided whether or not It will strike the severe blow at Portland's Industrial life that a general strike would mean. Pointing out the advantageous features of tha open-shop policy. William H. Cor- bett. president of the Willamette Sleel Works, addressed the weekly meet tnc of the Rotary Club at the Imperial Hotel yesterday afternoon. Reports of an Increased membership and of grow- Ins Interest In the club were received. S-veral applications for membership aere received. Blood Still oa rocket knife. SALEM. Or- Aug. J. Special.) With bloodstains on a pocket knife still In his possession. Jack Flinch waa arrested by the police today cnargea with assault with a desdly weapon. It Is alleged Flinch stabbed E. M. Tucker and George Bunn In the course of an altercation In the Wilson House In this city Saturday night. Tucker Is stHl In the hospital. DAILY METKOROI.fX.lCAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Ass. - Maximum tem pera tur. 77 derrea : minimum. (3 dgre. River reading at S A. as feet; chance in last -4 hour, nona. Total ralnrall i f. at. in & . 11 t none: total rainfall since Septem- her 1. 42.09 Inches, normal rainfall inre September 1. 44 32 Inch: deficiency of rainfall since September 1. 10. i 41 Inches. TotaJ sunshine August 2. 10- hours. S mlnutsa; posalhls sunshine. 14 hour. 44 mlnutee. BiremMw traaucaa to .lri st a P. S0.07 Inches. THE WEATHER. State of TATIO.ta, We in as Jtntse alt-err Chu-aso. Denver F'e Moines...... Duluth. Eureka. ........ Galveston. ...... Helena Jacksenvllle Kansas City Marshf.eld Montreal . Near Orleans.... Sew York. ...... North Had.... Pocalsllo. . Port and. ....... Rooebure. ...... Sacramento. .. . . t-l. l.oul St. Taul. Kill Lake tan Pieso. ...... hen Francisco. .. Ivsktvou, Vaokan T aroma . Tstoosn Island.. Walla Wal.a.... Washington. ... T'lnn:pc . Ye':-.i stone 4 u. 4 NW IClear ( S Clear 7 i e- 0 fXi 0 imiiIS SW IClear M IE IClear CV INT iClear M 0. TJO. fto o. M 0. 2 O. 0. O. 2 TS 0. tM o. 72 o. 64 O 0. 0 77 02 0 H 0 SO O 2 0 rt 7f rt On.20 W Clear i 10 XW Clear 00,1:; k'lsar Oil: 4 E tl'lear 041 4 .4 IClear uo! NW IClear 0 20 N W Cloudy Cloudy Cloudv cloudy T. i a 0V n 1! S OO IS SW Icioudy tli 4 w II letsr oi 4 W IClear o 12 S W'Clrar niMW IClear no lrt 9 IClear . lfM VW Pt. clOOdj s N v t'lear o 11 SWlCloudy O' " w t icar 31 IS W Cloudy 'clear iv 4 N tH 4 E iWl x rt-rt 0l V Claar 74 0 M 0 t: a Pt. cieudj Pt. c ouo Pt rtouds Clear (Ml 0 4 SB 7 0 .on K N Pt- cloudy 7 : a NWclear WEATHER CONDITIONS. TTl North waa tern .lh pressure are hsl rrtrd into two parts ona of which la central this evanln over th uper Mis souri Vallsy snd the othar haa rmam-a sta- t--v ovee w . .cam ontoo and Western Washington. No rain haa fallen on th Panne Klop. but showers have occurred la many or ma toutnern o.ates in a " " " Ser of Northern Statea eaat of th Mtele lrr It la cooler In Oklahoma. Kan sas. Nebraska. Mlnneaota and th Dakota and warmer In Montana, unio ana tn - . . A- n nreeon end lVllMni tOL Th eondltlona ar farorabl for fair weather In tbl district Taursdav. with lower lempwratura la ursson. except tut iuuia west portion ana m Bms iw FORECASTS. Port land snd vicinity Probably fair .eetertv Wind Oreron Kair. cooler, except southwest portion anfl near Irlt coass; weeieriv wioue. Washlnmon Fair, waaterly wind. Idaho probahlv fair; cooler couth portion. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Coal Richmond and Wallsend AustraU a n Indenandant Coal aV Ice Com. gispy.opposiisClty Library. Both phena ArCTIOX SALES TODAY. At fatkafe A action Ronaa. lftl Park St. rarsinxra. see. PaJ at 1 'eioca. Geo. SaJtar ' as Cos, aiirssinaara. SIAXAXBX ITUY BAT. ItGHTl tutater 1S.R-50-T5O WEEK ArorT 1 Wpertal "SSnent -Oprrmtle Faatlvat," nfteea klh--f- ... . . j -rsnlral off Veole" Flanaa aad Cdsrards la "2"i OT'I i. C. Nasent I. -ttm tbe 1"' " Hai-rer-Ie t era Trto. Melrose auid KMaeuy. A. o. Dmaaaa. Pope aad Iss. ileterea. or chestra. fiKANn Wwt Aut- 1910 MeMshon's -Pull- Dorsch A Russell. maa Porter Maids. will. Ned f.'nrtcl ftoae at r-1 1 Rawsoa A Clare. will Davla gymonds. Ryan and Adama Norton. TS rat- set or all muai co spectacular crea Orsndsscope. tions Matin Every Day. ' Evenln, Perform sues St T:3 sno a-j". Balcoo? isc: Lower Floor lfi Box Boats SOa. LYRIC PORTT.A3fWg FAMILY PLAVUOCSB - AlAew gU sets. AH weak. Edward Armstrong Musical Com- eay v j- i . . . . . . K A Kl. A IX DAY. Rale, emmea. dally at Comln wiek. Au. The College Girls." TU C il A IcT G Traaafer at E. Msr 1 sTlCs UAIVS rtsoa and X. Hate! A3r?-OrCEME.T EXTRAORDINARY t PRIZE BAND OF AMERICA John C. Weber and His Justly Famous Band in conceria. .Beginning auiui JfAMK I IUFFICIEXT. MJtETlXO 'OTICM R T n ELKS-Reaular aeaakm of Port- . , J li" l.tni.M iThutlAtVl. nou fcejiv. ..w. - - - - Cmbak commute will mail report, mil attendance Is requested. VIMimg brothers in vited te ns pre;t. D V. SS. - DIXD. TEROEN" At th residence of her daughter, . . . .. ..... . .. r i . M m n t h street. August 3. Elisabeth Yerira. aged 77 yeara. Funeral nolle later. rCS ERA L KOT1CM. DEPUTY At hl home. II Belmont street. August X. William dmcoii vrimij. Bu year. 11 months, j days. Funeral will take place from tha abov number Thura- . . ... . in . 1J. Frlenda r- auectfully Invited. lntrmnt lAam Fir Cemetery. CrPHINO August t. st th femlly rai- dnnce, HI Itoaa rm. Hampton Cunning. ad 4 yeara. lO . n. t . n .... ( r funSrSl moniM. iimiw, . . . . . - services, which will be held at above reslJ dene at X P. M. today. Tnursuay. une. interment. Lein Fir Cemetery. HARNACK Is this city. August I. st the I' IS nsrsrii. '"'" " . .. F. - C Harnack. aged 8 months and 11 days. Tlia funeral aerrlcea will 1 be "eia at the above resiaanc at j r. Thorsdar. Frlenda lnvtd. lnlrmnt. Riv.rvi.e Cemetery. - . . i un i.m of ranll Iarr.i .n- -"- T.. ' .,.ra - V?rZ will o- -;-.' ""-JLT'JZ at 3 - M. tooay, J -.. . . . . vlted. Intrmnt. Rlvrvlar emetery. XONSETR fXORAI. CO. MAhUiCAM BLXHi. Wfcanaa: Mala BlOSl A HOt. Ttb aad line. Pnooe Mala e. a-oy mm- atstant. tJJios ' j EEl-Ull-BYRMES CO.. raaoral : IA UUUama ave.1 btb nboaea: lad eatabflshment la tl ISTeP tOr tV. , V , I .lv L j-I...OC 3dT MIL . . r . & ww... . . . w Mi BOV mjt H liSltT flteauaat. I'hona Ma?o A IjSS, t. " L iAtnSlna. lac E. . B ERirSOV CO. Cades-takers: lady ,B, i.wa Alder. M. 1-A. A liM. I r RCM. Cadertaker. cor. Eaa Alder and K 1S1. B !. Lady aastataou OREGON HUMANE SCQETY omCK, CTTT HAIX maim sea. A TBSS. HUMANE OmCtK. EAST 477S WEW TOD AT. $150,000 For a Whole Block 200x200 feet,' Centrally Located. $45,000 Corner on Burnside, , Close in. Smith & Everett Failing Building. A SNAP FOR SUBDIVISION 111 acres at station, on electric line, Johnson Creek runs through one end, mnet of land hlsrh and sightly, splen- ... - . I . rMtn. trAtl N VV slope, overloo'ke 8. Portland. S acres In high stste oi ruiiiviiiHii. iim r ravel; Improvements cost $5000. W orth S.iOO per acre, will sell at $350 per acre on easy term. Grussi 8c Zadow SIT Beard ef Trade Bids", 4th aed Oak. To Trade High-grade, clo6e-in city warehouse property, with trackage, for other city property or acreage. Apply owner, 606 Coneord Bldtr. Phone Main 1373. Income Property From 115.00 to 300.00. All transactions confidential. Information by Interview only. MFRCHAXTe, SAVIX.e A TRUST COMPASs'. W. Car. tk aad Washlactea Street. $10004200 CO Two lota and small house In South Portland. This Is $500 under the mar ket. Call up J. A. OoodfelloW, agent for Klelnsorge estate, 269 Oak street WE HAVE a two-story brick building. 0s An inion aear fiurnsld. con taining S atorea. baaament and 10 rooms on second floor: will less tor raa yaara to sood tnant. Apply to BART LAND OCX. 14 Seoond &u NEW. wKdem boesea. In Irvmrtoa, Mos. M Wssoa, Betk osnev R. B. LAKE SIDE On Vancouver Lake, is tho coming gabnrban home location of Portland. All the Portland and Seattle trains nass tha DrooertT and stop at the junction. It takes but SO minutes to go from the union Depot to tne junc tion. The whole City of Portland Is in sixrht. also the Colombia and Wil lamette Rivers, together with moun tains. Hood, Adams, Rainier, bt. Helena and the Cascade Range. A few home sites of 5 and 10-acre tracts in a high state of cultivation, with bearing trees 7 to 12 years old, are now on the market by L I. EAT, at Hotel St. Elmo, Vancouver, Wash. Fine Suburban Residence Near Portland r. . .,.,t. .c.if Ana arm of ground. Very sightly and finest of nolL Right at station. Solid hlue-stone foundation, large outside stone chimney, reception hall, living and dining-rooms with beam ceilings. Dining-room paneled ana hiiiu-in nnrritT w in m rnir s lu m v- glass doors. Dutch kitchen with tile alnscoting. . . i.ikNPv artA screen norcn. Three sleeping apartments, slno two small bedrooms. Bathroom 10x14. white til ing and . ventilated. two cionoia mm bath all cast enameled and nickel fin ish, un-to-date water system, gasoline engine, septic tank. Porch and pergola 15 feet wide, teau tlftil view. Ate. In fact, a perfect home, as good as man can build It. Only 20 minutes wltn car iroro city, eignt-cent tare. f or particulars can ai A. J. GANTNER 18 Board af Trade Bids Fourth and Oak Stiu BARGAIN! 90 ACRES Bounded bv three county roads, in cluding the Base line. The Mount Hood Railroad will run close to tract. Sightly location. Big profit in sub dividing. I. G. Davidson 819 Chamber of Commerce. Choice Lots 25th and E. Flanders Street $ 1 500 Terms 10 per cent down, z per cent per month. Here Is a chance to get a IOC Close in on voijr coo win". GKO. D. SCHALK, Mala StrZ, A 2382. 23S Stark St. ARE YOU an Investor, and do you want Jo make some easy money ana igu oi it, & , see us at once. Dubois & Crockett We have 50.000 shares of stock of the best gold-dredging mine In Call for sale. We have put three days on the property personally In vestigating it, and have founded a financial proposition without a rival as a money maker, and money Is what we all want. For further information see us without delay. Dubois & Crockett lYaahlaertoa Bide, Room S. Splendid site for one or two good homes, beautiful view, facing east, fine homes around It. two blocks from cars. sS feet on Mountain boulevard. 143 f.nt nn White ave.. 90 feet deep. Will make two good-sized lots; has a good four-room house with concrete base ment. A BARGAIX AT S2700 Penn Investment Co. 614 Buchanan Bldg. HOTEL Down-town corner. Owner will build hotel for reliable party. See Mr. Easly. Columbia Trust Company 84 Fourth Street Irvington Home Swell modern, new, l-room, 2-story house, with' all the latest Improve ments, on Improved street and cement sidewalk, on a lot 50x100. east front, on East lth St.. near Braxee. Price $5500, on terms; worth $6000. Grussi & Zadow 1T Board af Trade Bldg 4tk aad Oak. MORTGAGE LOANS Loemf saaes aad femes ts anltl ape rial rat insurable teraaa lars loaaa a kaalaeae properties. mmmmm Uair4 far Privala Iatea. A.H.BIRRELL CO. aw alKaw Blsuc Sal s Staak. 3 Lots in Portland's Exclusive District WEST SIDE. Hard-surface streets snd cement slde walks. $3300. THE SPAXTON CO, S69 Oak S- Portland Heights APARTMENT SITES tf-vCC Corner close in, 14th sr. OUxD3 16500 cash, price $12,600. -k i An Close In, 13th St., corner, OUlUU 3 houses. 125,000; 10.000 cash. Grussi & Zadow IT Board af Trade Bldg 4th aad Oak. IXYESTOBS Call on owners' Realty AaVa. for tlmosr. acraare. nusmi i iwoots apartment propsrtlsa au Aplng-toa. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William O 813 Faillna bids. S na A M . at A Co.. '202-S McKay bids. Bru baker ft Benedict. 602 McKay bldg. At. 54a CARD RBALTT A l.WSSTMMT CO.. KJ Cbapln A Hcrlow. &32 Chamber Commerce, Cook. B. a. A Co.. 601 Ortsu biim. Jennlns Co.. Mela 1M. 00 Onsgonlaav PALMER-JOKES CO.. Hi f H ConMaaretal Club bias. Scbalk. Geo.D.. S28 Stark at . Mala SSI, A DM SU1NDLR A UAXI 10S Ablnftoa bids. Tba Oreson Real Estate Co., Orsnd av. aad atultnoman SI. mouaoay aouiuvh.f . M. E. Thompson Co.. cor. 4th aad Oak sta REAL KSTATK. For Sale Lota. WiTOTUflBMI? IVK TIT-OCK. Price S10.0UO. terms 30OO cash, balance lona time at per cent: will release clause: block of twenty lots. 60x100 feet each, within 200 leet ol nawmoruw i n ihi. i.inii I. hivlnv a rabid increase In value owing to completion of the new Madison-street bridge ana vi i. - i .n,j in in, .t a nront of OOU: now la the time to net In; this offer Is open for a few days only. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. Zl'J-213 Commercial Club Bide rhone Main SBI'9. A 2053. ITAHV T CtT PROFIT FOR YOU. Lola 50x100. lust south of Hawthorns are., on 4 let and 42d streets, for a short time at $10 down and $10 monthly: the opening of Madison bridge will send values up quickly here and you will make a profit many time larger than your actual Investment; aot now; regrets later will not out any mony in your purse, nuoiu Couch bldg. FOR LESS THIS VACANT LOTS. 1 can sell you a good 6-room house, on onxiou lot. In st- jonn; a diocks io mn and public schools and carllne; overlook ing river, close to mllla and factories; am leavlna city and must aell: price $ltfi0. email amm.nt M,h hnlttnra VOUf 0'H terms. Phone Marshall 3U9 and ask for Mr. Beck. i.Ann AnniTiov LOTS. A fine lot on Ladd ave., east front, not far from Hawthorne: 1300 below the mar ket; $1100 caah will handle; another lot An TTlllot ave near the Rosa Park. Price $2250 for quick sale; worth I25O0; $700 casn win nanuie. GRUSSI A ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. mvivdTnt. Choice bulldlna lot on Halsey St.. 123 feet In deoth. three block from car; ce ment walk, vraveleri street, water and gae all In and paid; this Is a fine buy at $1000 on terms. R. F. BRYAN. 505 Chamber of Commerce. Main 19S, A 122T. Evenings C 11T4. Must sail mv eaulty In one of the hni.utMmrt lAOvl OA. in Alameda Park, contract carrlea all the Improvements; this la a baraaln for someone and must be sold this week. F. E. TAYLOR ft COMPANY. 402-3 Lewis Bldg.. 4th aad Oak Sta. Ovi V SlrtOO rhnlpd fnetnrv site. 100x100. West Bide, only 12 minutes ride, railroad and streetcar right tner now; sjvuu cau, w.i.n ,a , I 1. 1 a ner inl' safe and re. liable, close in; Investment with splendid future. Jas. C. Logan, alto vvasn. au, room 404. l?e c a 9H balance 114 ner month, buys lot 2txl00 on Union ave. If you want vnuF vnnnev in arow. buy this. Price for a few days. $700. Brong-Steele Co.. Lewis bids., ground floor. Phones: Jfu use, A 174$. PORTI.AVn H Kin H TS BARGAIN. uiMT so. ft.! excellent nelahborhood good view; beautiful trees; owner needs money; no reasonable of for refused; good Investment or charming horn site. Main S551. BUSINESS corner. West Side, on carllne. only $2000. 50x100, $000 down to quick buyer, suitable for stores and Hats; line to hold for Investment, balance long tlm at g per cent, J as. c. Logan, 32v waan. st.. room 404. t E. 25TH AND CfLADSTONE. A few choice lot left at $500 each; $25 caah. balance $10 per month. The cheap est close-In lots In the city. E. A. McGrath, 8.H Chamber of Commerce bldg. $76 CASH. $15 per month, buy a beauti ful lot 50x100. near Union ave.: flne for a home: profitable Investment. Price $750. Brong-Steele Co.. Lewis bldg, ground floor. Phones: M. 1743. A 1743. BAY OCEAN PARK. For sale, one or two lots near new hotel and park; price of lota $1200; will aell fof $wm; terms. D. Clement. 026 Cor bett bldg. 130,) Large building lots 80x120. only 20 minutes from city hall; secure a few of these lots now and double your moneys M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. ' Lots. lots. lots. $2 each month payments: price $150 to $200; nothing down. Just $3 per month; Oregon City carllne. National Realty ft Trust Co, 32tV Washington st, room 816. "aUxlOO WAVERLEIOH HEIGHTS $800. On west lope. with good view; street Improved; location 29th and Kelly sta; adjoining lot will cost you more. Address B. H. P.. Box 131. Portland. COUNCIL CREST PARK. Some very choice alte In this tract at prices under the market. W. J. Baker, S19 Bard of Trade. $10 DOWN and $5 per month for a beauti ful lot 8 blocks Mount Scott 5c carllne; city water: only a few left on these terms. HIQLEY ft BISHOP. 132 Third t. OREGON ABSTRACT COMPANY. ' 201 Swetland Bldg. Phone Main 3037. NOT IN THE TRUST. tUXti) Choice apartment lte. only 3 blocks south of Jefferson. Will be worth double before spring. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. KENTON 50x100. one of the best business lots In Kenton; price $3500 cash. Owner, K 212. Oregonian. 5VE-FOURTH block In Alameda Park; on car line; with all Improvements, $2000; part cash. AJ3 HI. Oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK bargains; choice lots $550, Including all improvements. J 100. oregonian. 1550 for tine half-acre tract on a macadam road; only 15 minutea car ride from city hall. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. BERKELEY lot for $350 If taken at once. Krabell. Marshall 60S. 1200 WILL buy lot fronting on Oregon City carllne. E. Meldrum. Meldrum station. PORTLAND HEIGHTS lot front $fo" To 5UW: tract 1U1 emm...-.vw. ww.. SAST front lot, SOth and Hancock sta.. $900; Improvements paid. Owner. Main 1192. IRVINGTON anap; eaji front, 50x100. on block from carllne. Owner. Phone C 1817. TEN lot In Madras. Or., to trade for. resi dence In city. AG 163. Oregonian. 40x100-FOOT dead broke. lot cheap, on terms; V 174. Oregonlana. ONE lot, 50x100, near Irvington; $850; part cash. AE 160. Oregonian. GREELVWAY lot on carllne. $800. Baker. 619 Board of Trade. W. J. for Bale -Hoi BEAUTIFUL home In attractive Irvington district; on Tillamook near E. 13th; new and thoroughly modern. 7 rooms, vary at tractively arranged; sleeping porch, cement baeement, furnace, large fireplace. Price So250 term; must be seen to b appreciat ed. McCargar. Bate ft Lively, 315 Falling building, $"OOQ will buy 7-room house on Morris, near Mississippi; owner anxlou to. move to Germany. A real bargain. OODDARD ft WIEDRICK. 24S 8tark at. a200 will buy 6-room house, full basement, E. 19th at., near Iaaley; $1000 cash. Thl la cioae In. OODDARD ft WIEDRICK. 243 Stark eL NEW. modern, wants to sell good bargain: bldg. 5-room cottage; owner and will therefore give $1650. Call 410 Falling Lim: your property with us- we have buy er. Penn. Invest. Co, 614 Buchanan bldg. Thone Marshall 21S9. .ROOM bouse with a 60-foot lot In Holla day Park; IS500; 3i00 cash, balance on time. AD 165. Oregonian. FINE 8-room residence. brick basement, ground, lawn, fruit trees, scenery unsur pawed. central. West Side. Main 5130. 441 ACRES, on Tualatin River, flne build ings. tock. crop. Implements, all go cheap. 41 H NORTH 6TH 6T. BUNGALOW for sale; investigate. 111 East l&ta st. N, DivrDnii B TinMB. On of the handsomest homes In the Riv erside district: 7 beautifully designed ana artistically finished room, a reception nau. a full-length living room wfth large nre place. bookcases and seat, casement ana French windows, paneled and heamea tuning-room with artistic buffet, Dutch x'"'0 4 bedrooms, each In separate color scheme, sleeping balcony, large bathroom. stuo spaced for two rooms and bath: full cement basement; extra large furnace; private water system under heavy pressure; he"""" ground about an acre In extent and com manding a sweeping view of the city, river and mountain. For further particular apply R. P. BRYAN, 603 Chamber of Commerc. "A. 121-7 Main ltna. TYPICAL CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW, with 4-ft. eaves, clinker brick iirepmce porch column!, double constructed through out, window seats, bookcases. -ft. fire place, aoltd paneled dining-room. 6-It. bur ret, beamed ceilings, complete D"tc" kitchen, including cooler, screened-ln back porch, a large bedrooms with double wln downa and extra large closets, with win dows: linen closet and complete bath, ce ment baaement and attic large enough for 3 rooms; wired with wall switch In vry room; cement basement and walks; $3500. $500 cash, balance eaay terms; all Im provement paid. Take W-R. car to 3ith t.. go one bis. south to bungalow on the corner. See owner or phone Sellwood 1703. B 1207. . -rules urwc la unRTII MORE. A home nt tv laree. nor too small, built n eel! hut tSl liVA In. Well finished. unique Ideas kits of them: diMlnct features In living-room, dining-room and ball; every hum. in feiinr,. 7-fnnt solid paneling in three front moma. bookcase, buffet, etc.; 6- et i....-r.r-hT.i,.ir flmniAM beamed celling, aolld art bra fixtures and hardware h-n...h..,. .i.iuit,rv tntv Dutch kitchen, cement basement, linoleum in bath and kitchen, ahadea. cement walks: an artistic place, well worth several hundred more than asked; double construction, 2 large bed room Plenty of closet room. Price $32.5. easy monthly payments. Address D 181, gonian. Ore- NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE $2350. 3 short blocks from car line: Includes window shades, electric fixtures, hardwood floors In liv ing and dining rooms. Call for Mr. Easly. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 84 4th at. Board of Trade Bldg. inTHI V PITKEST HOME. Wo offer to reliable man wtih steady emnlovment An aDDOTtunltr to buy nice. new, five-room and bath, modern bunga low, on full size lot, sewer connection, on monthly payment of $18- and Interest, without any down payment. Location Just ore w. T? ear nn Clinton St.. about 15 minutes on car. Price S2W0. Here la where the tight party can turn his rent money towards buying a home instead of paying toll to the lanaiora. ,e u""i room 609 Couch building. Phone A 4081 WILL TAKE LOT. Nlc 5-room modern bungalow. 150 feet to Rose City Park car: full basement, attic, fireplace, seat, model kitchen, fire- ,u enoker lfLiinrirv t'lbs. electric fixtures. shades, tinted walls, etc; lot 60x100, shade trees, cement waikr in and paid; build ing restrictions: good homes all round; it worth seeing, will take lot. aa ni yr ment. Owner. 326t4 Wash. St.. room 404. pinnMOST HOMES. Vnitr moriern home, lust completed, of 6 6. 7 and 8 rooms, all east facing, lot funrinn with nllav. double construction, flrat-claas Dlumblng. cooling coil, floors finished, walls tinted, combination lighting fixturea, fireplace, cement floor in Dase mnti ai'ii. I , u - ir. ii. f be aeen to be appre- ointeri! termn If rfe.s!red P. G. Warner, ow ner, 1275 Williams av. Phone Woodiawn 1339. WEST SIDE HOME. -Modern R-room house, furnace and fire place; all latest Improvement; on a lot 5UX100. with all street Improvements in and nald. on Front street, near uarrucn- ers; a few minutes' walk from down town. Price, a bargain, $6000; one-half cash. GRUSSI ft ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. iERE'S a very unusual opportunity buv a flne piano, combined with prac tical philanthropy; one of our customers is leaving for Africa and authorizes us to sen nis magninceni manogany piauu, not quite paid for. for what It will bring, Oelivering wnatever we receive over uir ance due us to the Marlorle Mahr fund for particulars, apply Ellers Music House, East biae btore, 64 uranu ave. ROS-B CITY PARK. BARGAIN. Just comnleted. 8-room home on 52d St. hath. Dutch kitchen. fireplace. furnace, eleepltig porch, lull basement, laundry tub, etc.: lot 50x100: improvement In and paid; splendid buy for $4000; owner will sell for $200 less if taken at once; terms $500 cash, balance $20 per month. National Realty ft Trust Co.. 32oH wasn. st, room oio. EEST BARGAIN IN RICHMOND. A I J uain I HUI 11, 11. If you have $725 cash you can buy my 6-room bungalow at a ureenwooa ave., one blcck south of W-R car, for $25O0. which is $300 below anything In the dis trict of its class: you also save agent') commission as I am the owner. Phone .Sellwood 1463. EAST MADISON ST. HOUSE. Nice modern 6-room a-atory house, on a corner lot 60x83; street improved; cement litewnlk: a nice home for & little money cor. E. Madison and 20th. Price only $5200; $1000 cash and $25 per month.' GRUSSI ft ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade bldg, 4th and Oak. kkw x-room bungalow In Westmoreland modern, large rooms, electric fixtures, shades, linoleum, owner will make terms - to suit. Price $3350. Call Sellwood 1018. 1440 E. 17th St. So. HERE you are. for a few day only, direct from the owner; you save the commission; a house and lot. house of 6 rooms, grounds 60 by 100; fruit trees. Bowers, raspberries and strawberries, for only $1900. $900 down: In West Piedmont. Call 1248 north wick St. Take L. car. A SNAP. Lot 46x143. on Mountain boulevard, rvti,n-n crest, with four-room house, gas. electricity, bath, etc.; $3000; terms. Thl is a bargain. Penn Investment Oa., 614 Buchanan bldg SIX-ROOM HOUSE. tit navment each month will bur this beautiful place: $100 down; full lot and basement; on nooiwiwi; vaxutie, oc lare. National Realty at iruai vvasn lngton st, room oio. a ii A Ri: A IV in a flne 7-room modern house, furnace, gas and electric lights, fine yard 60x100. cement walks, flne neighbors, close In. near two canines; terms; xrom owner. 63 P Worcester block. ip vn want A bargain, look at 463 Sum ner (Mildred), near E. 9th. Price only $2300. Terms, $300 casn. GODDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark at. BUILDERS. ATTENTION. we have a 6-room house partially fin- i. full lot. on carllne. easv terms. gee Crowe. J no. P. Sharkey Co., 6th and Washington. l CHEAP home; five-room new modern cottage, Roeelawn. near Union; $500 cash, balance easy; price -iou. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st. for SALE New 6-room house and corner t. nne block of carllne: furniture, lnclud inr rilano. if desired: bargain if taken soon Owner. 65 N. Taylor st, Laurelwood, Mt. Soott car. t-'fiiin for 7-robm house on Dekum ave, near Union; full lot with fine lawn and fruit trees; easy terms. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK, 243 Stark sc. 1725! $725! $75 CASH! $75 CASH! Neat, well-built, 3-room house, room for 2 room upstairs, small lot. Fred W. German. 329 Burnsld. Main or A 2776. $1050 buys nice 4-room bungalow; lot 50x 100: $150 down and $10 a month; 4 blocks Mount Scott 5C car service. H1GLEY ft BISHOP. 1.12 Third st. A 5 AND 6-ROOM HOUSES, E 25th and Gladstone; low price and easy terms E. A. McGrath, 331 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALB2 6-room house, modern, sleep ing porch; street Improvements and side walk nald: $3000 cash; $1000 2 yeara 721 Rodney ave. MUST aell house and 3 lots near Oak Grov Rtation: i --" - - -, . e.u,c., r.07 Couch bldg. l bunaalow. cheap, leaving city. Information call or write R. Wltzke, 409 Webster st. IRVINGTON EXTRA FINE HOME. a bargain this week: come and i Corner Kast lath and Brazee. S54 MONTHLY Income; $1700 handle it. Mr Renter pays the rest. Butterworth, owner. 35 Lafayette bldg. Main 8529. FOR SALE by owner; new 6-room house. - strictly modern, near 36th and East Yam hill St.. 1 DlQCK suuin C. o-a car. eoo ciT.n be owner, tne nanasomeat room house In Irvington. 496 East 2uta at. N. Call snd see It. lo,K) 5-ROOM house, lot 50xlS0, near Mt. i anor car, in .a-. " FOR a rood Investment sea th B. B. cor per Belmont and 8 7 til IP YOU KNOW VALUES IN IRVINGTON, WE WANT YOU TO SEE US IN REGARD TO THIS HOUSE. It Is situated on 11th ave, near Broad way car: has 7 great big fine rooms, thor oughly modern, with beautiful lawn and flowers: the street improvements) are all paid. We can deliver this property $4750. SOME TERMS. And we are thoroughly convinced after a thorough canvass of this district that It is THE CHEAPEST HOME by a margin of AT LEAST $750; in fact we are not able to find anything as good for $5500. Our automobile is at your service. SUBURBAN LAND CO.. 610 HENRY BLDG. Marshall 1SS9, A 7105. CLOSE-IN RESIDENCE. Thoroughly modern home of 8 rooms, hall, altling-room. library, dining-room and kitchen; lour good bedrooms, lath, attic and full cement basement, furnace heat, full equipment of closets and conven iences; walking distance; $5500. terms. . R. F. BRYAN. 605 Chamber of Commerce. Main l63: A tazi. ARB BUILDING MORS HOUBES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THS CITY. THERE ARB GOOD REASONS. OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY AND OBT BETTER WORK. ON TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOT. WB WILl FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUIIeU PLANS AND ESTIMATES FREHL OREGON BUILDING ft TRUST CO SOS HENRY BLDG. BUILD NOW. v tm Akrre thr tanTT.tftTTCn Civ TOUR HOME. IF YOU OWN LOT. .SMALL AMOUNT HIT IJA&tl 13 buitiumi. vw REFUTATION FKJtl WHIU.DUAI.1 nyeiw. FAIR DEALING AND DISPATCH OF CON- m-orTWinW TO. U III VC! V CI T 1 MANY CLIENT8. NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUC TION CO, fiuoceavars to Portland Realty A construction uo, avi--a. i-ie inYlrtiaAVAi e.AStn v. . .. .4 mnn.hlv will nilC iww cuan aji " f . -i I" n cnase a most suiauu.a E. 21st st. In Irvington; hardwood floors ana stairs to aecona uwi . fireplace, ten-foot porches on front side , m j, ..... . A . .. .1 nii 111 . one nav in fireplace; built-in book cases and n w. a T irtriD T-.XTTJ"C fTi 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. ATTBifrriVn. 7-room aous In m of beet Mollaaay oistricta, i room anu mwuinj, tor(?h: lareTe llvine-room. with betvutlful nre niarw tu,nm nnl id hardwood: interior ar rangement and decoration very handsome and artistic; price $8500; could not be dupli cated at tkat price. McCargar, Bate & Lively. SIB Failing bldg. riNK etuburb&n view borne. lAfc room bouse; not water otai; r"i"i all kinds of fruit. Best bargain u oity, Might consider part exchaage. CaU aj premises. 30 East 63d it. M-arrtson st. Mt. Taior car. Phone Tabor 8. NICE HOME CHEAP. S ClaVriy HCW W-l Wis aiavtjca aa asvuw, aw tween Belmont and TamhUl. Sunnyside YZi aXJ, easy iern. r XX-A v VI, 806 Commercial blk., 2d and Wash, ats. .-)JE hlnlr G. a rav anvan rnnmS. tWO lOtS. fruit and siiaae trees; worm t"w; sell for $a-000. SO0 down. $30 month. Phone A 3467 or Owner, K 200, Oregonian. $100 DOWN and S20 a month. Including in- lerKol, JlilO Hon iiwuci as u-i uuiai vci . near car. In good neighborhood. Inquire 6iQ Worcester diock; a oargain. Bu&iness Property. A REAL SNAP. 90 feet frontage on Union avenue, near Atnsworth. with two-story store miuaing. Income $2: per month. A good chance to speculate. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st- Acremge. k Ar-nir.s rni'RTXEY. 5 -acre tract, all under cultivation, in fruit, grapes, raspberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries, 30 fruit trees, nice 5-room nouse, gooa smaii Darn, tuitaau house and yard, nice fix grove near house, elegant home, only 4 blocks from station, Aon sin-f.-ftt mtTttt- nualitv of land can'i be beat; price $7500; $..500 cash, balance to suit. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. Ideal for planting; only 16 miles from fortiana; wm eaony dhui rv uci . in o ana iu-acro iracio. w w n c i aa vu peuea 10 sen uiiu nui iuo.n.u a. If taken before August 15. Would make laeai country uwiue, -' ui..a , , : Oregon. It will be worth your while to lOOU tniS up- n.aay iei'.. 402-s' Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak' Sts. 10 acres. Milwaukie Heights, high and sightly, good j-room house, with brick basement, large barn, & acres bearing blackberries, raspberries, "etc; abundant water supply: high state of cultivation; on Oregon City Electric, 7c fare; price $12,000; terms. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak AUKliiAUCi run ruAiiuiu. 10 sightly acres, high and level land, ten minutes wain irvm wuuc, iu ni- DUUt UP ueiguuuiiivuu, -"o t.uii(ivv.-" the Madison -street bridge will make this property oniy ow iuiuui-m wu Bide; abundance of Bull Run water close by; a nne mvesuoea w(iuauivu. r,i Dan DOme, IWU UlUtn-a AA v lis iwuvu, from church, two from school, four to river, line orcnara ana ucnieo, den ; 7-room house, good barn and out nlngs Lrodge. Inquire at store for C D. tsiocura Owner leaving Portland. Must sell at once my new irvingiuu "'"uc' " home, including all new furniture, rugs, range, piano, sewing machine; in fact all the furotehings. On sale with J. E. Doles. Office 590 Broadway. Phones: East S6, J IVV9. - ivn in-APRK TRACTS. Level and perfectly cleared land, In cul tivation; on wicsuu fici-"". i" v""- -short distance from Portland; $200 per m. Aaev farm . PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO 4UO COUJq l"6'l A KJl LIOIIU. $2500 BEAUTIFUL, sightly 5 acres near Oregon City carllne. 1750 2 acres, cleared, fine soil, near car. Just outside city limits; very easy ell000 One acre, sightly location, near Car; 4 cann. ramii,. v""-' ajmB. S 5 OR 10 acres, running water, cloie to Portland on Electric -tine, at station, $80 and up. BR0,WN A ST AVER 4L1 COUCH JJIQg. 110-ACRE farm, ideal, one block from R. R. ' BtailOIl, SO IIls.tSB AlUll a, w. va rain to D iouii". STATE INVESTMENT CO.. OU.. cucnanan diub. ACRE in city limits, close in; $3000, $600 easily Uia"i- a. . -w j - - a- Homesteads. two re Una u Is hm en IB, joining, all fenced. 8 wires, good buildings, P. O. and town Za mile, itiiuui .7, ui.., vu road, stock, crops and household goods. ADVANTAGES OF OREGOX. 82-page book explaining what each of the 84 counties is best adapted for; gives SmOUni OL WWeiuiiu. sa.u w- w - stead In each county; map. attached. Six S8, showing new R- R- and 'towns, includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counties In cumereni cuiu. n; ui w aa iu a.. 1910; latest map in U. S.; price 25c Nim- rimr TvrtTTTBUUClKT lAfl B.Orej Tl 1 n H i tl IT water. 2 million feet' timber; slightly roll- m i . a .i. -imnA- nlrvasa In Portland. 1 reUnquisnmsnt, 160 seres, 20 acres In CUluvaxion, a acre 11 , --, : 1. 1 ..i.Mla mnA philrrh ClOfJS: atOod uaigLwis, .iawav - - , bousv and other improvements; this is a Dig Dargaia. . 214 Swetland Bldg. Vt ivonfiHMENT 160 acres. Crook County, 7 miles railroad; 2ii5. Owner B 164. Oregonian HOME6TEADS in Southern Oregon. Address 4. , -. avaaA Tca at a 11 aV TV . For Sale Fruit Lands. 1 W U n.JJ -r Ave. m-m e. Will sell or trade on easy terms my commercial appie orcnar, railroad: center of valley. 27 acre two- Veiir-Olua , Ilu niiu av -v 30 acres one-year-olds, $400 per acre; no aen IS. Aim'--3 1 ' w - r,.. -. .'. AAA .m v.... nne a. thnM hemitlfiil tract at Peach Cove; will pay 100 per cent a year alter inrw j cn um... salary. Terms easy. M. B. Lee. 411 Cor bett birtf? 10 . ..r. .A..0n m.nrA anllT 35 minutes' i in ui iiui,. .j-- --------: v. fin fruit land; 625, Va down. Palmer, 607 Miucn SJOa. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD LAND. 80 acres ft uncultivated orchard land. 6 miles southeast of Hood River, eastern slope; a snap for anyone that haa the cash; NO TRADE and no fancy price. Ad dress P. 0. Box 6SL Portland. BEAUTIFUL. HOOD RIVER HOME. 20 acres. mile rrom station, on main county road, all at to commercial apples 1 to fi ve&ra old: modern 5-room house and outbuildings, crop Included: J4."it'0 puts you on one or tne nnest place in me ioj, will consider rood Portland property In part trade. Y 170. Oregonian. BARGAIX. 10H acre- near Hood River: acre in e-year-old trees, 3 acres In 2-year-oMs: all commercial varieties-; good crop this year: beautiful view of Mt. Hood and the Hood River Valley from the house: on main traveled road In one of the choicest dis tricts: only 2CO0 handles this anap. Y 171, Oregonian. For Sale Farms. COUNTRY HOME SITE. S3"0 PER ACRE. HALF CASH. BAL. 7 PER CENT, lit ares. all under cultivation. 10 acres apples (set this year). 5 acres prunes (bearing). - 3 acres timothy and clover. Some cherries and pears. On good country road, one mile soutlv and ona mile west of Forest Grove. Will sell as a whole or cut up to suit pur- Have 29 acres (Noted David Hill soil), two and a half miles from Forest Grove; 22 acres set to choice apples. Can sell as a whole, or cut up at same price and terms. F. E. TAYLOR COMPANY, 402-3 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak St. WINTER WHEAT LANDS. Now Is a good time to go and Inspect the Winter and Spring wheat land In Al berta. Canada. Harvest will soon be on and you can see what crops the country will produce. REDUCED RATES FOR LAND SEEKERS. IDE-M CARTHY LAND COMPANY. COLONIZATION AGENTS CANADIAN PACIFIG RAILWAY. 425-2G-27-28 Lumbermens Bldg to-ACRE tracts, unlmproTea. 23 miles by raj from fortiana; miiiaoi wr iniu twin chicken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber for all purpose, best of soli, so roes er gravel; .15 to $23 as acre; asy term a T be are th cheapest tract on th market and will bear inspection. Call and arraaga to go ana ee tnem. Bio i-oriwu DOUGLAS COUNTY. OR. FOR SALE 1700 acrea cnoica wun. . . ' 7 1. 1 miles from railroad and good town; this land Is very suitable for platting and Is at present in good condition; price f-3 ner acre. For particulars and terms apply to William MacMaster. B02 Worcester block. Fortiana. ur. 10 ACRES, half cleared, new house, old orchard, near aiouni nouu rv. uu.out." road; fine fruit land. Will double next year; $1500, easy terms. d.vmArBI P1TAT.TT fOMPAVT. 430 Worcester Bldg.. 3d and Oak sts. EASTERN OREGON WHEAT RANCH FOR SALE. 1400 acre of good wheat land for sale; 1100 acres under plow: 10 miles from railroad. Call Hawtnorn Stables. 420 Hawthorne avenue. SAND? RIVER FARM. Overlooking the valley and Mount Hood. For particulars see tiTiT haw e. wtT.VITRS. 1606 Division St.. Portland. Tabor 1560. 10-ACRB orchard tracts. unimproved, oa .. . . ii. , Dn,ilnl. Km, ranroaa, o nm . ........ , no rock: 40 an acre, easy terms; ar range with us to go and make selection; round trio same day. 810 Corbett bldr. SEE us for farm bargains, large and small; we make a specialty or 1.&111 .n...", can save you money. J. M. French & Co.. 412-413 Ablngton bldg., 106tt 3d st. J . A. v. U For sale, farms, livery, business, ware house and business; prices reasonable; a . 1 , , r.,llnii flf. exenange. r. w. p . FOR SALE California ranch, one of best In &acramemo vancj. i w. y - A. E Morton. . Chlco. Butte County, Cal.. R. D. No. 1. ' Miscellaneous. ARB you looking for a farm or acreage 1 Aion 1 laii w wan i THE CROSSLEY COMPANY." 70S and 709 Corbett bldg. It costs you nothing and wa treat yos right. It surely will be to your advantage to see us before buying. W don't pub lish, ourllt. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Close-In acreage, & wheat ranch or small. well-Improved farm, at low price and oa moat liberal term. e me. I aandi my own properties. . -T O ELHOD. 520 Corbett Bldg. WE aell or trade anything anywhere. Penn. Invest. L.O.. Q-14 nucnunmijiiuii LIST your property with Chas. I. Lewis, 61fl Commercial block, za ana wnsumBm. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE sell real estate on contract and com mission only. Lrist your pruuvitj. .wu. dentlal transactions solicited. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY, S. W. Cor. 6th and Washington streets. WANTED Best J2000 house in city; spot w. . J.lou Unin 1040. 40 Worcester Bldg. I WANT to buy a nice home in Irvington or Holladay; give me full description, lo cation, price and how much cash required and how balance is to be paid; I am no ment AB 173. Oregonian.. 1 ACRE and V- acre tracts from owners. East or West "Side: have customers wait ing. Sold tne last 5 tract we had this HMLET & BISHOP, 132 Third St. WANTED In Irvington, north of Tillamook, Improved Quarter uim, . -. ----- preferred; must be two or - more blocks ; from carllne; state location and price. E WANTED To buy houso and lot, $1506 to S250O, on West Side, not too far out; in Sice locality: must be a bargain; will pay $600 cash, balanoo monthly. . A 168, Ore gonian. WE have client who wants to buy 10 to -5 acres: $35 to $50 per acre, near Estacada. GORDON & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. WANTED-By bullderT lot. $600 . ,1000: Sc on paymentsr also" ; building loan 517 Worcester bldg. Phone Woodiawn 2Ji-'. WANTED 80 acres 5 unimproved farm land. on small river, some tlniber. " Ii. in miles of Eugene; stale price, best terms. AF 161. Oregonian. HAVE spot cash client waiting to buy T est Side home; modern, not over 6 rooms or over $3500; South Portland preferred. Call OUT MCltttJ mi..m..a. WANTED 15 to 20 acres unimproved land near Portland; rail or water transporta tion: state full particulars.- B Ida, Or- goiiiau WANTED Between Madison and Montgc-m-ery. Fourth and Front st... fu l quarter m.i for hotel. K 207,Oregonjan. I WANT a good lot cheap. East Side pre-ferred- give location, price and terms first letter. AB 17L Oregonian. 1 ri OCK west of E. 0th. for rhanufactur w puosesl prefer vicinity of Sullivan's Gulch. AB 163, . Oregonian. 2FULL lots fronting on Willamette River, not beyond Oak Grove; must be cheap. AL COT suitable for a flat, between Hawthorn. Ankeny ana in t. .o FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. GOOD saw mill, logging cars, locomotive, road and all equipment including 60J acres of uVnd containing 8 to 10 million, fir and ' nine timber, part of land A-l fruit land wSen Egged off. all for $15,006. worth $20 000; will take city property as half payment; Southern Oregon. For further fnfoVmation. Jos. C. Gibson. 306 Gerllnger bldg.. Portland. Or. SAWMILL, planer, edger, good dam. on O. W. P.. 35.000 capacity; 4.000.000 leet timber- SAllllO- you make terms. bBrRAYMORE BEALTT COMPANY ; 430 Worcester Bldg.. 3d and Oak sts. TIMBER LANDS. Tlmbermen: We have two good tracts thlt musTbe sold at once, wjll pa you to Investigate If you are looking for a "od buy. Call 417 Board of Trade. TIMEER LANDS : ' BOUGHT AND SOLD. c J. M'CRACKEN. $04 McKay Bldg. TIMBER claims, home.teads, relinquishments. 319 Worcester bldg. . FOB RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 6 acres on Johnson's Creek, close In on Estacada carllne; good house and Improvements; garden, free wood; only $12 a month. Inquire W. B. Mason, Wll son's Station. WAXTEL TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wantaa, 04 Mr-Kay side. C, J, MoCracaen.