BCsraEsa opToirrryrrica. a i 1 r v i WTCTW K NT..J Woodworking plant, clearing 14000 year. roofectlon-ry. doing a business ox 20.- sit" a y.ar. r.ir (Ma. maklna? a Bat PTOfl of Hantaan, making a Bt profit of t000 a -er. IM-Ucat-Men. clear In .13 a month. 'nnf-cllfo-ry. clearinc a month. Msny o(hrs; U you mot lo st Into nu.mtvs. wa ran b.lp you and sav. you tlma and money. Mills Investment Co.. 427 Henry Bint- Hardware. Involc: l.as; cenlraL Uiwary. Involc; nw, clean stock. nf-tlonery and cigars: good ones. Butcher shop, cheap, a-year lease, brlc balMins-. cheap rent; fine location. Hoomlnaj-house. bot and cold water In very room . 1 1 -u0. . mm house and lot SOxloO; $1000. i4I CUL . Other bustneas Investments. tall and " GOODNOroH SEITZ.. "IS Hoard or irauc HOV1NO picture machines, films, for sale or rent by Dlggest and best film renters In the world. Before closing deal alae whera Inquire If Laemmle Is reliable; If Laemmle has good standing; If Laemml. guarantees a square deal. We have no spire looking for guys to take down. We employ the best Instructor obtainable from Chicago to teach operating honestly and thoroughly In our operating achooL Terms Tery eay. Urinmla Kllra Service. Pan tages blilg.. Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE MOVING PIITI'KE SHOW. In splendid location. West Bide, good lease and fine furnishings, all complete: receipts .V to $74 a da. See Mr. orn. room $19 Oregonlan bldg. TT-HiiOM rommrfVlal hotel In live a s h -Incion city (population fx'): thoroughly mooern. all outside room . large lohbj. uming-room seats 1J0 persons; bar In con nection: doing big bu.ineas. long 'ease, cheap rent; price. ..: good terms. P. I. AI'STIN ftK F.xrluslv. hotel brokers. 1 and R. thchlld bldg. - FUR SALE Stock of dry goods. shoes, ladles' and mens furnishing goods, no tions, hats and groceries In good alley ton: brl. k building, low rent and doing a good busmers. Slock will Invoice about 11.1 Ono Might consider farm Property to the value of ISOuO la the deal. AN IB Oregonlan. .1 CASH business, doing from II.VO to l"0 per mnmb. for sale for good reasons. This place nets 2" to 2S per cent and can be i bought for firno cash. Inclndlng stock: no time wa-led unless you hare the money. Hot f roan's.U'-'o Belmont. DBI:liPTORE FOR PA I.E. Fine store In live Fasiern Oregon town, business aeraglng Io per day: outside business necessitates Immediate sale: rent tun month, particulars address AD 13. Oregor.lan. BUSINESS M fcN ro you want to sell your business? Do you want a partner r If yoa do. call and sea or write W. Lawrence. Jli Lumber Kvrhange bldg I bare buyers for good business proper! lea. Both phonea CKo'KRV business, averaging $.TJ50 month ly- lease on entire building I'. Income on furnished rooms !'. giving you rent free; this Is doe In. West Side; oOl. mostly cash. Fred V. German, 3.a Burn-slde- IMm. SHARES of Slock for sale In a I'ortland factory: good profits In the busi ness, will take part cash and psrt real estate; prefer selling to party who will tske active Interest. AJ li'J. Oregonlan. giluo HI'YS a first-class candy store, with factory a connection, soda fountain, cash rec-ister. show cases, scales, counters, lease over - years, good location and business. 'all 3:Is. Morrison St.. room . OROlEIlVSAS. If oa want a good grocery business thst will bear your closest Investigation, call and see me: no bonus. Hoora 315. Lumber Eschange bldg. JlKSTAL'RANT and lunch counter, best lo cation, new modern equipment, doing a fir.e business, long lease; rent only "": worth llou; terms Id suit, ela Rothchild t U- g- PAINT AND WALL PAPER "TORB. Fine location, no competition. estab lished business, cheap rent; must be sold. AI 15". oregonlsn. I'.MED Party to finance and manage building business: we have the prnpeny and b-.ivers for homes: will be run In connection with large realty operatora. AK lrt. tvregonian. HAM aTKA.Nlis:Ul Msks csrsful Investigation at axpansa af seller before you invest money In any wrepaaiUoa. Adviaary IMpsfUBtab T. M. C. A. OIVES away free to thoaa answering this advertisement within to days, a map of a. I the California oil fields. Sagsr-Loomts Company. 101 oregoniaa bldg.. Portland. Oregon. aCvO WILL PIT you In possession of ten acres of cleared land In cultivation.: close to electric line and Portland, tei Couch building niOTO gallery doing good business: splen did location, good light: owner called aaav on other business and will sell at sj.-nflce. w Id4. oregonlan. MKKCHANT wants energetic partner: profits large: bsnk references: $10im b required; money rerurne,! If at any time dlssatts fle.l. Particulars Jilt, stark St. t GUARANTEED to clear IUKI a month, a aorklngman's boarding "totel: price $:loon, half cash. If It does not, will forfeit 1mi. Must sell this week. AN Id I. Oregonlan. REST A I'll A NT on iHJi St.; long lease, low rent, clearing f.Nar" per month: prlca S-iHio. terms; grab It. It's a dandy. 41a No nth t . RFJiTAl RANT Will sell or trsde one of the beet restaurant propositions In the cltv. clearing from 'Mi to f.uni a month. i -a 1 1 room SIS. Lumler Exchange bldg. FOR 'ALE On reasonable terms, the caady maklng tools formerly owned by Mr. Stoats-. Imj-iU-e of tarn L. Beary. 323 ilor rlsoa st. i,l'i'H i-suntir, fine location, doing good business: rent reasonable; price 4173. AK. it.i, i'iti"' RESTAI'RANT and cafeloaia doing 1100 day: A-l location. -year lease: 1JU0U. Call JOi iTerltnger bldg MFRCHANIISH store, close to town, doing fina business. InewlKate. AG 162. Ore gonlan. BK'T clgar-stand In town: must sell st once on account of other business. Ad dress A'i li. Oregonlan. " Ml.MNli AND INDUSTRIAL ETOCKJ. Telephone sc5 othsr bonds bought aa4 sold, r lctcber lnv. Co.. I-s Ablagtoa. PARTNER wanted with H1.000; manufac turing business: no opposition In cha V. est. Write AX 159. Oregonlan. WAN'TKO Careful man to help In store; lav week: requires very little money, cell 5tS Stsrk st. FciR s M.E Steam Uundrv plant. Inquire or write. Mra L. Boyd. Box St. Hel ena r. M1N1NC2. OIL AND INDl'STRIAL STOCKS bought and sold. Liavidson A Cow Lewis ping. M a rs h a 1 1 T7S. A 1 713L FtiR s.LE-eCisar stand, good locatron: room for bootblack stand. 254 1st. Bear new bridge. ... PARTNER wanted for restaurant, to be cashier, etc.; pavs large profits; money follv secured. Call Stark St. PAVING bofneew: will stent closest investi gation: required. Pbona A be lwen a and P. M. t'l'NTRAi Tt R wants partner: duties esslly learned: will pav enerxetio man f 1.W per monih. Call Stark St. 1.AROE. dry basement, suitable for any kind of work or storing. 147 Lownsuale st. Phone MalnJtSL gijjlON In country town, good business, half bkick from depot: will sell cheap. Call at ' "Ve Oran.l ae. raul Holt. WE HAVE throe grocery stores, doing good bustnesa and close In. for sal at snap prl.es. 411 Corhelt bldg. GROCERY store. r.r:ce S1O0O; good locattoa. AD HQ- Oregonlan. FOR SXLE or tra1e. bakery, old etaad; tn veetlgate. at Cay at. tuvb tUeater lor sale In Portland. Mae Ipf -Picture Ex.-hanse. an Roth, hlld bldg. OO BUSINESS CARDS 1 23 If yoa bring this ad. RoaoCHy Ptintery.IJ Third. THREE-CHAIR barber shop, poolroom: oar gain If taken. at once. 34 Hawihorna BESTAVRANT Good business at less than mvolce. Goodwill. Q4 6th. CROCKRT Bargain: g.d corner: rah trs.le: price tleLMi. Ca'l SK's Stark St. pir-TI RK show far sale, will clear f JV0 monthly. P..wm Swetland bldg. FOR HALE cheap, good restaurant, good business In.iulre room 3M. Allsky Mdg. JOB printing office for sals. V 13L Orego niaa. WANTED a or 4 chair ttarbcrebop for cash. Box lii Arts. Or. COVFECT IONFRT. Ice cream, etc; fina for et..Q r I -i'? Sra-k st. TAILoTt shop for sale, established years. reasonable. QI Burnslde st. ii A r f : R shop, best paying c-chair shop In Portland, iS N. la si. 1 t.nn.n .. ma I BOO lirXG-BOr -IKS. I ri .i- i I ' i ; . .. , I u,.H.n Purltlf. VALUABLE BUSINESS INFORaf ATION. This agency I la a position ta furnish rellsbls Information regarding business openings, city or country. Parties seeking locations here, or desir ing to purchase an established business should examine our list. Oal legltlmats propcxltlor.s cocsldersd. . THfi AMES MERCANTILE AOBNCT. S Ablngton Bldg. Eslsnhlhed lot. VNTSVAL OPENINGS AT HIFTON. blfton Is a beautifully located town, the terminal point of the Vancouver in trrurban electric line, located mil es northeast of Vancouver. Wash. Larlins Bow In operation: fine depot and treignt warehouse, also stors Just complsleo, Spleudid openings at titfton For blacksmith. For livery and feed stable. For hotel, restaurant and confectionery. For lumbar yard. etc. Look thla up. Apply to MURPHY 4 CASWELL. 23o atarh street. DON'T READ THIS unless you want a first-class established collection business for lloo. half cash. $"oO accounts of some of biggest firms In city on hand now: as much again by end of week; commissions large; fine business for man requiring outdoor work and exercise; owner leaving city. AE 104, Oregonlan. iPLhMll 1 little Job printing business or bslf Interest for sals: very modern, wall selected, new plant -Including two Bew Goruona and Bew Colts Armory; wall lo cated In center of city, reasonable nab good line of established business; want ts devote whole time to my real estate business. U. L. liurd. 204 Stark st Port-la-.d. Or. READ THIS LIST. S. 10. 15c store; fine location: good trade, clean stock: at less than Invoice. Grocery store; f living rooms: $75u. Cigar stand in office bldg: I lloo. Confectionery, clean new stock: $750. Hardware: center of city: Invoice. Plenty more to chouse from. N. T. HALL. 321 Lumbermens bldg. GROCERY STORE. Nice srnall family grocery store, doing a good cash business and clearing 10O month. In a fine bustnesa district on Hawthorne ave.: wilt avll at invoice, about lloiu. UfU-XSI at ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Rldg.. 4lh and Oak. r OK SALbi A l A DAnwAi... Sharea In a concern doing business which will pay splendid dividends snd double your money within one year. Ab aolutely safe, sound and legitimate; in vestigation solicited. Full particulars. Addrcss R. S. llainer. Lents. Or. rvrt(r,La DiiiiC. Cash business for little money; pays ' good Winter anr-Summer for light party; 5 living -rooms; best reasons for selling; must leave city by August 15. legitimate; IF YOU are looking for a business opening we can fix you out In a light manufac turing pioposltlon doing a tine business: a chants of a lifetime. Kinney Stamuher. 531-332 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark gta. RESPONSir.LB real eacato dealer with more w..rk than he can attend to. wants steady, sober partner to show farms, etc. Small Investment required, which will be secured. Coll 417 Hoard of Tiwic. a"V elegant rooming-house In the heart of the city. SO rooms, finely furnished; a BARGAIN. ORAY-CVNNINOHAM-GRAT. 722 Electric bldg. A SPLENDID 0'pPORTTlNITT For a man with some money; a good In vestment, quick returns and a pos tlon for one who ran give references, call at 2IO-2J1 Board of Trade bldg.. B and 13 A. M. . " INVESTIGATE, TOflJ. BUY. Splenold real estate bud-iness. always clears .' mo.: am stck going to moun tains. 171 takes everything. AE IfcA Oregonlan RfiiTAl'RANT for sale, down town location; cn handle liquor if deelred. tlood lease. Or. ner e health Is falling, must sell Im- m-lj.tely. Phone Marshall laus. TtiR S"ALE Half Interest In a gcd paying bualne.s to a good competent man of busl- ness ability; prlca reaainable. 1 articular 1W 4th st. . "VICE family grocery, confectionery and lea cream storo doing a good cash business; rent 3. t living-rooms. Price iluo. .terms Call 417 Hoard of Trade. BUCKSMITH SHOP, motor power, shoeing eh-.n In connection: 17 years- established trade: only ahop In town; low rent. Address H W Koehler. owner. Oswego. Or. CONFECTIONERY store worth tM0 for onlv : it's mine and I csn sell It cheap: great snsp. Goddard. 13 Board of IF YOL want a good general merchandise store In the country on S. P. In Wa-wilng-l.n County, with a stock of ftUDO or 3ou0 w rite to r iw. ... s CLEANING snd dyeing works In the best town In Central Oregon at a bargain: stilt orders pays expenses and clearing IS per day myself. FlOLJDregonlan. RESTAl RANT'on Sixth st.; finest location In city: doing a fine business: long lease; snap If taken at once. Inquire 41Vx Sixth st.. nortn FOR SALE by owner, bakery. East Slds; A years' lease: 4 living rooms, sales 130 a day; price I11AJ0; stock at Invoice. Phone R 127. CONFECTIONERY, wholesale and retail busl- sble' rent; terms to right party. Boa S9. Euxene. Or. . RELIABLE bustnesa man wants partner In store, tlutles oversee neip. nwi iiton calls, etc.: salary a week and profits. Particulars 417 Board of Trade. ROOMtNG-IIOrSLS. FINE- HOTEL. Flrst-clasa hotel. 53 rooms. In brick building. 3 years' lease. palng over 550 ler month clear; fine location, right down town: furniture the very beet high-grade, all new. If you wish to step Into a paying business on easy terms, see thla Takes only 5trt to handle, balance can be paid out of the business. GKl'SSI ZADOW. 317 Board of Tra.le WOg., 4th and Oak. NEAT HOUSEKEEPING PLACE. 2" ROOMS, near Ladd School, furnished In QUARTERED OAK, B. B. CARPETS: the rent is a SNAP, only 0n. and rooms bring 14tL It is clean and neat and you get GOOD VALUE. Price 20tM. ELLIS. SMITH CO.. 2ti Washington St., Rooms 21)1-202. i MRS. LENT'S AOENCY. Hotels snd rooming-houses bought, sold and exchanged: real estate and rentals. Phone Main S.VI0; A 3475; i"1 Washing tor., rooms 4415-8. We rsve sn exclusive list of select rooming and apartment-houses: all sixes end prices. See our Bargains Today. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Of every description bought, sold and exchanged. We solicit nothing but legitimate prop ositions. , B I och Realty Co.. 221 Lumbermens Bldg. it ROOMS: clears JL'50: snap. 30 rooms; rent clears $254. 23 rooms: clears $?00: bargain. IS. rooms: rent 5: clesrs 9125. l; rooms; clesrs J7S; a dandy. See us for prices and terms. Main 3T7. 31 Board ot Trade. fr-'OO. Hotel and bar. I2I0O: one man's loss another man's gsln: owner Is sick and must sell: It clears IJ5n monthly: we can prove It- See Reed. 203 Gerllnger bldg, 2d and Alder. SNAP. SNAP. SNAP. 7t rooms, modern brick, corner hotel: rent only g4S9; lease five years: locstlon. furniture and carpets A - No. 1; now mak ing big money. Only $5ve required. 411 Corbetl bldg. 14 ROOMS, modern: 3-year lease, rent 150 per month: elegant furniture; i fireplaces; large lounging grounds. 10 minutes' walk to Postofflce. 15ut: only IlOial ensh. In quire Union Studio. 245, Morrison st. TAKE NOTICE. 3 rooms, private bsths. low rent: long lesse: large yard: close to postofflce; fur nished with the best of everything. See this todsy for .3500. 411 Corbett bldg. lo-!UnM ttouse In best location: elegantly furnished. doing big business: stand thorough Investigation: rent $50: el'loo takes It: clearing 17.1 each month: owner leaving cltv. Room 41o Rotrhlld bldg. 5 H.KMS. steam heat, hot and cold water, velvet Brussels carpets, furniture tha beet; lease. Price worth $VIOO: come quick: clears S2U0 month. Goddard. tlH Board of Trade. A HOME and $d0 a month profit. 11 rooms, very good furniture, bouse desirable In every respect: location best In Portland. Price gtSsJ. Particulars 417 B-ard of Trade. GUARANTEED to clear f.lOO a month, a worklngman's boarding hotel: price $:;oAO. half cash. If It does not. will forfeit ItniO. Must sell this week. AN ldl. Oregonlan. fT-KOOM rooming-house for only $425; rent S:l5: tcrma to aulL Goddard, dl3 Board of Trade. FOR S4.1.E by owner: one rooming-house, furnished, ll rooms: prlca 5o0t Call 2 North 6th St. DO YOIT want a hotel or rooming-house. We have a few -good buys In all sixes and prices. 411 Corbett bldg. 12-UOOM house for gaia, Mais 4133. Washington si. - in THE MORXrN'G OREGON-IAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1910. , - - - t . 1 1 T FnAI. NOTICES. r BrSINESS DIRECTORY. 1 CMXD CETBAI, BTAngg. TRADE OTI SKLL. THEKaVS .MONEY IN THIS. B rooms. NEW CORNER BRICK: phones In all rooms; STEAM HEAT, pri vate baths; HOT AND COLD RUNNING W ATER IN EVERY ROOM; furnished In - the best taste possible: all osk furniture; Axmlnster and Brussels d-pets: rent 3o'-. per month, with a 6-YEAR LEASE. This is a beauty. Better look at 1L or will trade for good city property or acreage. COINS MONEY. 100 rooms, corner brick. 5-year lease, cheapest rent In town: well furnished; al wsvs full and guaranteed lo make e50O per month over expenses; 10.uou. half cash. LITTLE DANDY. 37- rooms, close In. corner; finely fur nished, modern, rhean lent and good lease: makes money; onlv lo5A0: terms. SEE THIS. fc 18 rooms, elegant furniture, cheap rent and lease; clears J200 per month; a snap at lt: terms. BETTER THAM WAGES. 14 rooms, rent 355; lesse. good furniture: part housekeeping: good locstlon; clears S4 per month; see It: $700 cash. Now is the time to buy. DIETZ-MUEI.LER CO.. 313-18-17 Ablngton bldg. SOMETHING GOOD. IT ROOMS near West Side High School. NEW. MODERN HOUSE. FURNISHED ELEGANTLY: gas snd electric lights; re ceipts from rooms S2ti5: rent only 365 with lease; price S2350. cash tiono. ELLIS. SMITH & CO. 2V Washington St., Rooms 201-202. 40-ROOM hotel, center of city, on corner. 2 entrances, elegantly furnished; clearing SoOO ' per month: long lease; rent 9-Ou; price X30OO; easy terms. P. L. AUSTIN A CO.. Exclusive hotel brokers, suite 416-41 1 Rotlithlld bids'. il.VANCIAL. FINANCIAL EXPERT. Attention of manufacturers and mer chants An expert hnaucial man from liia East Is now in Portland and prepared to handle the financial department of large in stitutions requiring funds, either by means of stock or bond issue or by the sale of commercial paper; business of established, responsiule concerns only solicited; prin cipals only. Address with full particulars In confidence. FRANKLIN A. UMSTED. Hotel Seward, Portland. Oregon. Money to Loan Real Estata. CASH paid for mortgages or sellers' Intersst In contracts on real estate anywhere la Oregon or Washington; mortgage loans negotiated on improved properly. H. . flpblc. Lumbermens bldg.. 5Ui and Stark. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes: 3 to 6 yeara' time: liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Hav luaa sk Loan Association, am Stars; at. laONST to loan on Improved city pro parts, HARTMAN THOMPSON. t;nambvr of Commeroa Bids.. CONTRACTORS. ATTENTION! Cash paid for second mortgages oa iBftaa ment plan; also lot contracui and equA;jea SV7 McKay oiog. saaia - pi,k.3iTY of money to loan at 8 and 7. par cent on real estate aecurlty. EDW. P. at ALL COMPANY. 3UB-10 Ablngton Bldg. . I&0U 000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. J. 31. McKanaiS l.o,1 an-15-lti Gerllnger bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city property. a.iywlier In Oregon or Washington, al 1 ljyvereaux. Fsntua bldg.. 04 0th 1U IMMEDIATE loans from 33 to $500. oa all securities. Vi. A. Hatnaway, room lo. Washington bldg. Pboue Mam SOX cooo PRIVATE funds to loan on real es tute security; no commission. Y 1U5. ure gonian. IsoN b 1 to loan at reasonauls rates. In sums from $5tk up. The Jjunu-Lawrencs Jo.. 24S Aloer su MORTOAGE loans oa city property; lowest rates A. H. birnil Co.. 2Ua atexvay bids-. . fclandfcirx- S20O.OOO TO XAAN. largs loans a specialty; tui.ulng losna, lowest rales. W. U. Aaca. klx Failing bldg. fRlVATat money loaned ot real estate mort gag sa.ll. Mliey. room 2u4 Geriln gex bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved really. Gru- ter. "27 Board Trade bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE! XAwa. F. U. LKWia. LjyV.'la BLD.J, WILL loan I30UO or less on real aetata Hitchcock. 810 Rothcblld bldg. MONEY, any amount, 8 to $ per cent. Good- nough A Seitx, 71a Board of Trade. gtats funds loaned. 8 per cent. W. a. Thont- aa. st ate a g ent, almmomah Co., 4Uo C 0. Will loan llO.OtAI or less, real estate sec art :x, ysrrmgtun. 418 Commercial Cmb blog. MORTGAGE LOANS. AND 7 PER CNT. f-OLilS SALOMON. 233 B1ARK OfA LOANS on real, personal, chattel or tollat aral aecurlty. (J. W. Pallett, 3U- FentOB. MONEY loaned, building purposes. If con suited before building begins. Su Henry bd 92A.OOO TO loan In sums to suit at 0 per cent Interest. 2U3 Coucn bldg. Money to Loan Lbaltela anq balaries. 3 3 f 3 3 f t 3 I f I I I 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! SO CHEAP THAT NO ONE SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. SALARY LOANS WITHOUT SECURITY. YOU CAN REPAY US IN" SMALL WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Rebate Given if Paid Before Due. CALL AND SHE US. STATE SECURITY CO.. 3ut FAILING BLDG. THIRD AND WASHINGTON ST9. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 f f f - f 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33333333 THE L S. REAL ESTATE BHOKBAAOs COMPANY. Makes liberal loans on real estate, furni ture, pianos (without removal). lives:ock, storage receipts, life Insurance policies and all eUpds of securities; lerma to suit, essy weekly or monthly payment Ws buy first and second mortgages and con tracta Phone Main 2UB-4. Room 313 Ham Lion bids- 131 3d st. t J i I I f 3T5.00O. We want to loan mis amount on pianos, furniture, horses, aarenouse receipts, real estate mortgages, or any good cottateral A special low rate to get the muney out. We waul your patronage and are making a rate to get It. The King Loan at In vestment Co-. Room 810 Buchanan bulld- Ing. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furnltara, wsrenouse receipts, horses, Insursnoe poll ties and all kinds of securities; HHi, IkoTAlh: LOANS from 13000 up. JsBW ERA LOAN A Mil Ca. 4l8 Ablngton Bldg. WILL loan In amounts from 33 up oa aU kinds of securities, at reasonable rates; will buy seller's equities In real estate contracts, first or second mortgages; bus. Baas strictly confidential. CUAY-OtiNN INGHAM-GRAY, 723 Electric bldg. WE loan monsy on watches, diamonds, seal skins, mink, overcoats, trunks, dress sail cases and muslcsl Instrumsnta. VKCLK atgfKka, 71 Sixth su. Between Oak and Pins aba, Main lit MONETY advanced aalarleu. people. boase keepers and other upon their owa njunes without security; cheapest rates. easiest payments; offices la 6o iyrlncipa! cities; save ) our self money by getting my terms Oral, . TOLMA.V. ., 3IT Lumtwr Exchange. LOWEST RATES Loans oa all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co.. 35 Lafxyttts bldg.. bth and Wash. WE lean money on diamonds and Jewelry, reasonable interest; long cr short .lime. A 4V M. Delovage. 3o Washington st- WILL make liberal discount on good real estate mortgage for 3-IHH1. drawing 8 per cent Interest. V 1BU. Oregonlan. SALARY loans, confidential, easy to get. "nsV IT PftV- F. A- Newton. 513 Henry btuj. LO W rates; we losn money on diamonds aad jewelry. Marx a xiiociw t ra su A LOAN for tha asking, salary or coat tel. Iho Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. Lee ns Waolea. INVESTORS We will loan your money for you, real estate or personal securities, good Tata Interest; come and see us. Perm Invest- nivnt co.. ois ducimhwi oq.s 1000 Will pay S per cent for 2 or 3 years on S lots west of city; splendid loan. Na tional Realty A Trust Co., 32!4 Washlng ton St.. room 318. ' WANTED For 312UO. 3 years. 7 per cent., on close-tn residence property. Inquire at a. . I n T . . i Kill. Ill poet., vj. ' . WANTED $1000 on good real estate se- curlty. A 1W, urpgonmn. LET ns placa your money good mortgages; references. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis bldg. WANT quick losn. 315O0. first mortgage reel estaie. 8 per cent. C loo. Oregonlan. Canted $30O0 to $3500 at 7 per cent: will give good security. AG 188. Oregonlan. iiOoo WANTED on first-class real estate security. AJ let, .Oregoniaa. Loans Wantetl. LET tis placa your Investment funds la high-grade first mortgages on Portland property. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED a loan of 12000 at 7 per cent for 3 years on good West side property. Wanted A loan of glO.OOu at 7 per cent for 5 years on fine valley farm worth 3 -'". ftlu. Have to loan J5O00 at 7 per cent on Portland Inside property. F. FUCHS. 221 '.s Morrison st. WANTED 35OII0. 8 per cent. 3 years, first mortgage, on 120 acres highly-Improved farm, near Portland: money will be used for improvements; station on place. AF ItlO. Oregonlan. WANT 31000 for 3 years. 7 per cent, on modwrt o-room . house and full-size lot w-orth 33000. A. N. searle. Tabor 1449. or take M.-V. car, get off at E. 70th. WE can place $:;iMI0 on improved close-In property at 8 per cent net. See Crowe. Jnhn P. Sharkey Co. S5H) FROM owner. 7 per cent: ample real estate security. B 2nd. Oregonlan. hl'KIAl. NOT1LES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY SUP PLIES Office of the Secretary of State, Salem. Or., Aug. 3,- 1110. Sealed pro posals will be received at this office until 1 o'clock P. M., Oct. 3. HMO. and men publicly opened, for furnishing the State of Oregon the following stationery sup plies: 3o rms. Id-lb. legal cap paper, best quality No. 7 ruling tauomu sample). 15 rms. 12-lb. lotter paper, best quality. No. 1 ruling (submit sample!; typewriting papers as follows, or as good (submit camples): 75 rms. Colonial Bond, bxll, basis 20-lb. folio; 150 rms.Document Bond. Sxll, basis ld-lb. folio; 00 rms. Colonial Bond. M-X13. basis 24-lb. D. C. ; 50 rms. Strathmore. 8x13, No. IS" linen finish. Saxon grade, plain style. W.; 40 rms. Strathmore, 8Hxl3, No. 762, linen finish. cHruthmore grade, plain style, W. : 60 rms. Old Stamford Bond, HHxl3. basis 20-lb. D. C; 30 rms. A-l Onion Skin, 8x13; CO-lb. No. 1 rag XXX envelopes (submit samples), vlx: 10 M. No. 0. 7 M. No. 9. 7 31. No. 10; The Improved Columbian clasp envelopes. XXXX. vlx: u M. No. 05. 5 M. No. 75; Catalogue envelopes, open end (submit samples), vis: 3 M. 7X1U& ltiuO-2 O. E., 2 M. ttVsXlO. heavy manlla: 15 rms A-l Manila wrapping paper, 24x 30-60 lb. (submit sample); 3 rms. best quality blotting paper, 19x24. 140 lbs. to rm., selected colors (submit sample): 3 M. A-l manuscript covers, 9x15, light blue (submit sample); best quality car bon papers as follows, or as good, loo sheets to box. selected colors and weights (submit samples): 50 boxes Remtlco Para gon, 8x13: 15 boxes Remtlco Paragon, b'.jxll; 50 boxes Remtlco Red Seal. O'.isX 13; 15 boxes Remtlco Red Seal, sftxll: lilllO sheets Bull Frog carbon paper, 0x9. best quality. Zephyr weight, blue; 20 dog. typewriter ribbons. Paragon No. 1, or as good, best quality fresh stock, selected colors and degrees of Inking, to be delivered as needed (submit samples); E. Faber's typewriter erasers, vlx: tf dox. No. 102. 8 dox. No. 104, lo dox. No. 1030 stenographer rubber pencils, 24 dox. No. lOKT "Comet"; 6 dox. E. Faber's Union erasers. No.- 110; 3 dox. typewriter brushes, "New Franklin"; 8 dox. Perfect pocket oilers; 10- dox. small bottles Web ster Star brand typewriter oil; 10 dox. Isaac Pitman & Sons elastic bound (open flat) reporting note books. "Fono" Se ries No. 5. red line, 200 pages. ruled single, without marginal line; lo dox. do., with marginal line and pages numbered 1-200: 10 dox. stenographer's note books. Progress No. 175. or as good (submil sam ple). Dixon's stenographer pencils, vlx: 1 gr. No. 4t'0 S. M.. 3 grs. No. 491 M.: Kagle Pencil Co.'s Mercantile hexagon pencils, vlx: 6 grs. No. 39. 3 grs. No. 3'JO; 12 its Eagle Civil Service lead pencils, H. B. (Ergle Pencil Co.): I- C. Hara muth's "Koh-l-noor" pencils, vlx: 2 grs. Drawing, selected grades: 1 gr. "Copying Ink": 0 dox. colored pencils, selected. No. 7lo lEagle Pencil Co.): penholders, vix: 2 grs. E. Faber's "Korka." 2 grs. Eagle Pencil Co.'s No. 192M. 4 grs. Tower's "The Bank"; Ksterhrook & Co.'s steel pens, vix: 4o grs. Pacific Railroad No. 149. 10 grs. "J" No. 2oO (fine points), 10 grs. Falcon No. 048. 10 grs. Relief No. jl4. B grs. 1'robste No. 313. grs. Judge Quill No. 312; Joseph Gillott's steel pens, vlx: 5 grs. No. :il)3. 5 grs. No. 44; lo grs. M. Jacob's london Incandescent pens. No. 4; 30 grs. Spencerlan double-elastic pens No. 1: 10 grs. 1. Macowsky A Co.'s Zl-Nlckel College pens No. 101: 3 grs. Mason's No. 20 pens; lo grs. The Dreka engrossing pens. No. 3: 6 grs. No. itloc ball pointed pens (Ormlston A Glass!; 2 grs. Spen cerlan Subway pens No. 30; 10 dox. Sty lograph pens. "Independent" No. 1, per fect points l submit sample); 1 dox. Red Dwarf ink pencils (D. Wood Co. ) : 120 boxes A. W. Faber's pure rubber bands, assortment No. 3O0 (fresh stock); Good jear Purcer Co.'s "Gold Seal" brand pure rubber bands (fresh stock), vlx: 6 grs. No. 12. 6 grs. No. 15. grs. No. IB. 6 grs. No. 17. 40 grs. No. IS. 10 grs. No. 32. 10 grs. No. 33. 6 grs. U00 4 In.. 20 grs. 10O0 In., 6 grs. 00 U In., 2 grs. 0OO H in-. 4 dox boxes "Bank Assort ment"; 20 dox.' boxes (100 ea.) Gem paper clips (l.'ushman A Denison Mfg. Co.): 3 small boxes Renforce D B. oel letts: tl dox. Pvramid pins. Office & Toilet No. 4: IS dox. Terrace pins, as sorted sizes (A. C. McClurg & Co.'s cats-, logue): McGiil's paper fasteners, vix: 1500 each round heads No. 2. 3. 4. 1500 each flat heads Nos. 2. 3. 4: 4 dox. 2-ox. boxes Challenge eyelets No. 1; 1 dox. Hotchklss automatic paper fasteners. No, 1; 4 dox. boxes staples for same. No. 1: 6 dox- "Ever Handy" clips, selected sixes; 1 doz. Challenge evelet punch and fasteners. No. 1 ; 2 doz. Sevmours Banker's shears, 10 In. nickel plated blades: 25 doz. steel eraser and desk knives. Joseph Rodgers & tons' No. A18149. black rubber handle (submit sample!; 10 dox. bone paper folders. 9-ln.. smooth finish, straight and free from blemishes (submit sample): 14 doz. Goodyear hard rubber rulers. 14 Inch, flat, straight edges isubmlt sample); 1 doz. U. S. dating stamps. No. 2: 3 Bates automatic hand numbering machines, style F" six-wheel; 1 dox. Excelsior Jumbo Indelible pads. self-Inking. 3x8 In., black: 20 dox enameled Inkstands with postal card rack. 4x4.. No. 550 (A. C. Mc Clurg & Co.'s catalogue (submit sample): 15 dox. Sanford's mucllase reservoir stands.. No. 3:18. 8-ox. (submit sample); 15 doz. sponge cups, plain glass, round (submit sample); 1 gr. sponges, good quality, medium size, for sponge cups (submit sample); 1 gr. bleached slate sponges (submit sample): 20 doz. -waste paper baskets (round), height 12 In., in- side diameter at top 10 in.. Willow No. 130 (A. C. McClurg & Co.'s catalogue (sub mit sample); 16 doz. table pads, "Lie Flat" or as good, to hold paper 19x24 Inches, strong leather tips, must be sea soned so that they will rot warp (sub mit sample): 20 dox. Nonparlel gummed stub files. No. 22. 11x15 In.. 500 stubs (submit sample); 9 dox. The Improved Favorite Invoice files. 9x15 In.: 15 dox. board clips. 9xl5H In., full cloth, nickel plated clip, strong springs (submit sample)- 4 dox. box letter files, good quality (submit sample): V, dox. The Superior postal scales; 50 lbs. best quality No. 6 hemp twine (submit samplf); best qual ity Roval flax twine (Putnam Mills), vix: 40 Ibs.'each extra No. 18 and No. 36 (sub mit samples) : 6 dox. quarts Sanford's rtuperlor mucilage: 8 dox. quarts Staf ford's writing fluid (fresh stock): 5 doz. No. 507 Sanford's -fountain filler blue black ink (glass top); 4 dox. pints San ford's cardinal red Ink. with patent spout; 3 dox Sanford's I SB. eraser (absolutely fresh stock): 8 dox. Sanford's library paste. 8-ox. "Utopian" paste bottle; 15000 Dennlson's gold seals. No. 2 extra gummed: 10 dox. Congress tie envelopes. 10x4 14. lt In. thick. A more detailed description of the foregoing articles Is contained In the blank form of proposal, which may he had on application to the Secretary of State. All bids must be made on said blank form and all the articles mnst be ot absolutely fresh stock and strictly in accordance with the descrip tions given thereon. Delivery must be made before December 1. 1910. Certified check, payable to the order of the Sec retary of State, for 10 per cent ot Ihe amount bid. must accompany each pro posal Envelopes containing proposals should be Indorsed: "Proposals for Sta tionery." Price, fitness and quality be ing equal, preference will be given to articles manufactured In this state when a particular brand, quality or weight is specifically mired for. bids for other .' brands equally as good, will be enter tained, but In every Instance samples to rether with a full description of the ar ticles It is proposed to supply must ac company such bids to Insure recognition nf tbe same. The right H reserved to accept or reject any or all bldt or to accept or reject any part of a bid Auditing officers are hereby prohibited from confirming accounts of purchases which do not complv with section J4tl. chapter X. title XXIV. B. C. Code. F. W. BENSON. Secretary of State. SEALED proposals will be received by tha undersigned, up to 5 P. M-. August 10. 1910. for the improvement of Boulevard Addition to Centralla. Wash., to be grad ing of streets to the established grads and the construction of concrete slde- ' walks and curbs with cross walks and drains In accordance with the plans and specifications prepared .by C. D. Atter bury. City Engineer, Centralla. tt ash., and on file In his office. Bids shall be made In a lump sum for entire Improvement or any part thereof. Each bid to be accom panied by a certified check for 5 per cent of the amount bid. The right reserv? to reject any and all blda H. Allan Turner. Secretary Washington Live Stock and Agricultural Association. Centralla, Washington. . PORTLAND. Or.. Aug. I. 1910. Sealed bids will be received st the school clerk's office. 4i Tllford building, until 12 o'clock noon. Friday. August 5. 1910. for waterproofing exterior walls of the Jefferson High School. Plsns and specifications may be had at the office of Whltehousa aV Foullhoux. archi tects, 621-6:8 Lumbermen bldg. Proposals NOTICE Is hereby given that sealed bldswill be received for the purchase of 310,1100 ot construction bonds of School district No. 34. In Josepblne County. Oregon, drawing a per cent interest, payable semi-annually. a bonds payable absolutely in 20 years. Said bids ahall be sealed and be accompanied by a certified check for 31000. and Jill be re ceived up to and Including the 'b day of September. 1910, and that the school Board will open and consider asxid bldf beptember 7. 1910. at 3 o'clock P. M. of said day. EaJd board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids should be handed or ad dressed to FRANK THOMPSON. Clerk of the School Board of School Dis trict Nos 24. Merlin. Josephine County, Ore gon. OFFICE DISBURSING QUARTERMASTER. Portland. Oregon. August '1. PJ'-O. tea lea proposals, in triplicate will le received here, until 11 o'clock. A. M.. Pacific time. Septemttr 1. 1910. for IO.000 tons of hay and 10,000 tons of oats, for delivery at Portland. Oregon. Seattle Wash., Tacoma, With., or other prominent railroad points or at Manila, P. I. Information and blank proposaia furnished at this office on ap plication. The United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bios, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be indorsed "Proposals for Oats and Hay" and addressed to Lapt. Ira L.Fredendall. Quartermaster. U.S.A. ' Miscellaneous. ' NOTICE of sale of Capitol DUilding lands of the State of Wsshlngton Notice is here by given that sealed proposals or bids will be received by the State Capitol Commis sion of the State of Washington, at Olym pla. Washington, for the purchase of ap proximately 16,000 acres of Capitol build ing lands located in Clark. Cowiltx, Skagit, Skamania and Snohomish Coun ties; that blank forms of bids or pro posals containing a detailed list and de scription of all tne lands, timber and ma terials to be sold snd reservations made and setting forth the terms and condi tions of sale and the methods prescribed for the submission of bids may be had by addressing the Secretary of the Ctato Capitol Commission, at Olympia. Wash ington, or by applying to the county Au ditor of any county ot the State of Wash ington. Th printed lists may be used In submitting bids or proposals, as ' tnd' cateu therein. Bids or proposals should be inclosed- in a sealed envelope Indorsed "Bid for Capitol Building Lands of the State of Washington." and tills "vPe should be Inclosed In a mailing envelope where the bid Is transmitted by mail. All bids or, proposals, whether by mail o- otherwise, should be forwarded so as to reach the hands of the secretary, at Olympia. not later than 12 o 'clock me ridian on the fourth day Jf August. 1910. and each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for at least ten P cent of the total amount of the bid. At least one-fifth of the purchase price of each tract or parcel must be paid immediately following the acceptance of the bld b the State Capitol Commission. The bs, nee of the purchase price may be di vided into equal annual Installments not exceeding ten. as the purchaser may elect ill deferred payments to draw Interest at six per cent per annum. Pas""'' ; nually. No bid or proposal will be re ceived for less ihan the appraised value of each tract or parcel offered for sale. The sVate Capitol commission P"l.v "serve, the right to reject any or ll bids or proposals. Dated this 2d day 01 July. A. D. 1910. E. W. Ross, Secretary State Capitol commission. ROWENA acreage. Wasco County, Oregon. To all whom It may concern: Notice is hereby gTven T that the Union Bank & Trust Company, of Portland. Oregon, has niTutSorTy .0 sell or make contrac.sjor the sale of any lands at Rowena, Wasco Oounty. Oregon, be onglng "Jhe,"nier2 signed In sections 1. 2. 11 and 12. T. i ... F w. m.. and n sections 7, 8 and 17 T 2. N R. 13 E. W. M. The SJencv of the said Union Bank & Trust company has been terminated by the n dexsixned who will hereafter handle sata Property himself. This desirable property f. subdivided Into tracts varying from three to forty acres, which are wen ijZed for ffultralslng and market gar Senmg All applications to purchase m "d!'be made to the undersigned at The Lane?. Oregon. Geo. B. Bournill Owner. r will not be responsible for any debts con- 1 Sactedy mywTfe (Johanna OsteO from thle date on. Dated August 2, 1910. signed. V. Osier. PERSONAL. laniES now is the time to attend to your a? Remodeled, repaid and stored f re. of charge, when work Is ordered. ;)' . ,eakln garment, a specialty. Get my esumlTis Have large assortment of tine JiViS to select From. Lame, placing oroer. now will got the "pick." also save money. SatV.c't'iou'aaaureS "iIbC. tical lurrier and expert ntlur. 1-9 lltn su phones A 8oo3. 8010. ' DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur geryTcnronlc and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; up-to-5ate electrical appliances; private hosplla Sccommodatlons; confinement cared lor consultation fre8-,."00?1 '7 Granu Tn" ater blag. Main 3928; A ctOT. Leading wig and loupe, maaers; dnast stock it human hair goous; switches ir.mjl.llii "B up-to-oata parlors lor halrureasing. niaicnrlig, lace and scalps treatm.au 1. th sL.LMjorrlsonaadAlder. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom Icn aliments, under uhy.lciar,.. direc tions; baths, masseuse. io 7 Last 11th treat, second door south 1x0m hUtst An ?.f"UriTL Phone nasi 60. B 1SU3. HAIR. HAIR All shades In best quality at rest Closing out stock; acienunc face and. scalp treatments; expert bairdresamg and mimcuring taught. Aza H. AUbbecko. VJao4A.eaQ5r.5tnandAiaer. SCIENTIFIC lessons In truth, classes Sun day and Wednesday. 8 P. M. indlvldua lessons dally from 10 A. M. to 9 P. M.; booklet free. Mrs. L Cleaver, 28. 4th su Whone A 3092. Room 6. i.u t. I.KVV1S. Disease, of women and children; electric treatment of nervous aliments, private hos BitaL Rooms bui-ood commonwealth bldg., indAnkjnyPonesMain 4041. A 241L DR. T J PIERCE, woman', specialist; chronic troubles, nervous diseases suc cessfully treated without drugs. Call or write 311 Alisky bldg. DRESS suits lor rent. L50 month keeps Vour domes cleaned,' pressed, buttons lewcd en. rips repaired. Prompt calls and MISS DESALEE DE VOC. The Willamette, corner 0th and Stark. 2d floor: manicur ing phychlc healing; also scalp treat- B' . u- 111 to K. ments. i""1' - : . DP WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation Iree. 181 lsl St.. Portland. DR LORENS' NERVK TONIC TABLEId, "ae box. restore lost vitality. Stipe, iay grjutjmpajiy,2S9JiorrUonst. r TQUOR habit permanently cured In 3 days; no suffering and harmless. Cardlola lasti iot Veninsular ave.. Portland. Or. MARRIED LADIES I have "something that will Interest you If you will call at 422 Rosa it. . HFA.LTH T RE ATM HINTS given by graouate nurse and masseuse. Ropm 18. 253 is Alder JhoneMain-53il: URa sonhle B. Seip. mental and spiritual scientist. 21 selling-Hirsch bldg. Main lUlVi - - ' 0S24- WANTED Lady from 50 to 65, matrimo nially Inclined, to go into rooming-house huslnesa; must be neat. E 161, Oregonlan. Ume Courtwrlght, skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformities corrected, plaa ,c surgery. 311 Fliedner bldg. M. 5U43. Ft ALU OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of jrn. 829 Belmont st. East 2498. RATTLE CREEK baths, ladles days, gen- A. Ilr.i.l Kin. . .. . j lemeo. ma.". ' wwo OCCULT New Thought: liberal, scientlao v hooit. Jones' Book Store. 284 Oak at. dr. KETCHUM treats women's maladies. i?ou. 2d. corner Yamh.lL MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous 'hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg.- M.3473 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. MACKENZIE. BAIRD 4 .BERRIDGE. Counsel and experts In all matters relat ing to municipal, commercial, faotory cost and Industrial accounting. Moderate fees. Consultations free, 224 Worcester Block. phones Main 7369. A 1449. E. H. COLLIS & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, county and Municipal Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. y4 Worcester Block. Phone Main 6567. Architects. EASTMAN CO., Inc.. Architects and Build ers. Plans and estimates furnished freo to builders. We build on contract, percentage or terms. Main 3236, A 4116. Ablngton bldg. Awnings and Tents. PACIFIC Tent & Awning Co.. tents, awnings and sails. 27 N. 1st. Main and A 19S1. Ansayer and Analyst. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-tc.tlng work. 186 Morrison t. Wells At Proebstei. mining engineers, chem ists and assayera. wib wacmngton sc. Builders. OUMMINGS CATLIN, building In every branch- of the building trades. Jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty; showcases, counters, shelving, etc. Office and shop t71 First st. Phone Marshall 2327. atiavs A BHERRVBLE, cabinetmakers and lobbing carpenters; store fixtures a sper- T - UAe lann f . ,1 Olil ciatiy siii "" , Portland Swimming Baths, 167 4th Elegant ... anil ahoa-ee T.nrhs. y'""i a.m ...... . lmnclng. WALTZ, two-step, three-step, stage dancing lessons, zjc. otuwi "i"-" - . ' ; , , noon and evening dally. Prof. WaL Will son's School. 3S6Vi Washington St., bet. W. park and 10th ats. Bicycles and Motorryrles. We buy. sell, exchange or repair. Hummer Bicycle Ex.. 133 luth St.. Main 7U58. Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass castings e.nd machine work. 106 N. 5th. Main 3i0-. Chtronractlc Physician. DR. TICKNER removes the cause of disease. 6QQ-1 columnia bing. A atja. Collections and Law. NETH 4 CO., COLLECTORS COLLECT ......... . -. . . . . 1 1 T Er"Pinv ten CHARGE. 535 Worcester bldg- Portland. Collection Specialist. PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only. 1.. pinckney White. Main 5074, A 7026. Circulating Library". LATE fiction, 3c a day. Woman's Exchange li. -. , v-. T.,-ln, and Vamhlll. Chiropody. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Deveney. the only scientific chiropodists in the cio. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. -u anq Aiqer. rnoue aia'u ...v.. Dr. Laura M. Randolph, foot specialist, hos pital and chiropody graduate: JJjjjJ treatment. tamuui ai.io - Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill," room .!"! Tflte.lner hide. PllOIte Main 34 1- CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. . ... . uai-s.ria.il 132J. Comanisslon Mercuanta. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com- miBsion merchants. Sherlock hldg. Curios. SUN SOON HUIE, CHINESE GOODS, M AT T1NG. SILK AND CURIOS. 70 6TH ST. Dog and Horse Hospital. DR. BROWN. D. V. S. Office 324 Flander. st. Main 40S6. Hospital 89 12th st. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st. Kleelrlc Fixtures and Supplies. YOU wire for us and we'll wire for youi Phones C 2392. E. 3S22. Clagett Electric Co- 361 East Morrison sL Engines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machy. Co.. Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en glne. 281-2S3 E. Morrison St. Phone E. 8u. Feed Store. ZIGLER & MISNER. hay. grain, feed, ce ment, shingles, 294 Grand ave. fe.. 4B-. Furs. N. M. UNGAR CO.. INC., formerly of 406 Merchants Trust bldg., have removed to 109 Seventh st. Furs remodeled, repaired and stored. Marshall 753. Hat Factory. HATS made to order cost no more. See us. Royal Hat Works. 223 1st st, M. 8442. 16-FT. 3-H. P.. 3150; 18-FT.. 3-H. P.. 3200. Reierson Mach. Co.. 182 Morrison st. Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, mfrs.' findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. 189 Front st. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO. Hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining ma chlnery. All kinds ot repairs. 104 N. 4th. MuhicaJL EMIL THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 900 Marquam. A 4160. Mar. 16J9. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. LeRoy Smith, graduate Kirksville, Mo., class of 1908. post-graduate 19U7, under A. T. Still, the founder. 317-18-19 Swetland bldg. Main 1987. A 1985. . DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. A1-.A1II.A1T Dekum Rldff. Phone. Office, M. 3497, rea. East or B 10-8. jli. Aruuiu ijiiiuncj, oitt-ioiiov tiftm, stomach troubles and all nervoui diseases. Hotel Franklin. Main 7195. Fainting and raperhanginif. P. CHRISTENS EM CO., painting, kalso ilnlng. paperhanging. A 4711. Main Paints, Oils and Glass. KASMUSSEN & CO., jobbers, paints, oils, g lass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. B. C. WRIGHT, domestic. and foreign pat- ents. inmngment cases. ou ienuui. INVENTORS' free book. J. K. Mock. 419 Board of Trade (late II. S. patent office). Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 605 603 Electric b'.dg- Oscar Huber. Portland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank.. 40 yeara in Portland. 71 6th st. Main 910. Pipe., PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th N. and York sts. M. 348'J. Printers. GLASS & PRUDHOMMB CO.. printers, blank book makers, legal blanks, loose leaf de vices, township plats. 65-6T 7th bet. Oak and Ankeny. CHAUSSE-PRUDHOMME CO.. books, com merciaL 142H 4th St. Main 816. A 1555. Piano Factory. C. Sommer & Co.. established 1896; general repair work; tuning. 247 5th. Marshall 157L Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Main 1407. Rug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets, colonial rag rugs, carpet cleaning ana laying. IJJ union m..j. m. c,. .nuiuaun, Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d st. Safes at ractory pneca. pui.uuu-tia.iiu wicd. Showcases, Bank and Store) Fixtures. THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rapids Showcase Co., 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutke, Mgr. NEW and second-hand J. I. M. Mfg. Co., 4th and Couch. Main 2703. Cabinet work. Screens. WINDOWS SCREENS. Do you want first-class window screens? We manufacture in Portland. Nothing but rustproof screens that fit.' Call Main or A 2023. GRISWOLD RUSTPROOF SCREEN CO., 145 First st. Bh ingles. BEST in the city; car lots or less. S. E. Gilbert. 201 Washington st. Storage and Transfers. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO., corner 13th and Everett sts. Just opened newest anri mo.it modern storasre warehouse In city; every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest insurance rate in Northwest; free trackage; vans for moving. Main or A ioaj. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., office nH rnm modlous f our-storr brick ware house, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and pine sts. pianos ana rurniture move a ana packed for shipping. Main 596. A 1996. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. Cmneral transferrins and storage: safes. pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 2U9 Oak st.. bet. Front and 1st. Tetepnone aiam j. or a t OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Transfer and Forwarding Agents Storage. Office 810 Hoyt st., between 5th and tfth. Phones Main 69. A 1169. WHEN moving, call up Van Horn Transfer CO. M ain ioi9, A J o. ah covereu -ft- a gons. ail expenencea men. Swiss Dairy. 67 N. UNION ave. Phones East 5556, B 201L Puf-e bottled milk a specialty. Trasses and Supports. ARE YOU RUPTURED T Th Perfect truss is made and fitted iv a snecialist: no charge If I fall to hold hernia, age or sex Immaterial. Jay W. Wilson. 66 Cth st. Stoves. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110. 614 Front, Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to 00. fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, $3 per month. Pacific Stationery & Print ing Co.. 203 2d st. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. 2S7J4WasintOTist: NEW. rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. P. C Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. Veterinarians. s. Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians. 381 Ankeny st- A 3999. Main 2402. Veterinary Schools or Colleges. San Francisco Veterinary College; catalogue free. Dr. Keane, 1S18 Market St.. S. F. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO., 172 1st St.. whole- sais and, retail, Samples mailed frstt , Lvnvlnr Port Innd - Ashiand Passenger ......... Rose burg Passenger ........ Shasta Limited SiiVfirtrtn P.imnrr - 8:30 a. m. 4:15 p.m. ttroo p. m. ' 6:20 p. m. 7:43 p- m. 1:30 a. m. 7:20 a. m. :!H p. m. 8:50 a. m. 5:40 p. in, 7:30 a. m. 10:t)0 p- m. 5:30 p. m. California Express san Francisco .Express West Side Corvallis passenger ......... Sheridan Passenger forest u rove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger ... A rrlvlnir Pnrilana Oregon Express Asnland Passenger ......... Roseburg. Passenger I'ortland Express Shasta I.lmiro.1 11 :0 a. m. 2:30 p. m. tf ;U0 a. m. 0:20 p. m. 10:20 a. m. S :Ot a. m. 4:40 p. in. tiilverton Local West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger ......... Forest Grove passenger Forest JLiroyeJ Passenger . . . . Northern Pacific Leaving Portland i North Coast Limited via Puget Sound ,10:10 a.m. North Coast Limited via North Bank . 7:00 p. m. Atlantic Express via Puget Sound12:15 a. m. Atlantic Express via North Bunki U;Uu a. m. Twin City Express via Puget ' Sound 3:30 p. m. Twin City Express via North Bank 7:00 p. m. Eastern Express via Puget Sound12:l5 a. m. Eastern Express via North Bank) U:0ua.m. Missouri River Express via Pugetl Sound 10:10 a. m. iiissouri ttiver Kxnress via Nortn Bank 7.00 p. m. ortiana, Tacoma and Seattle Ex press, Grays Harbor, Olympia anu toouih fend branches... .1 6 m. m. Portland-Vancouver Snecial 1U: Puget Sound Limited. Uravs Har-I bor and South Bend branches.. 3:30 p. l Yacolt Passenger 4:00 p. l Arriving Portland North Coast Limited via North Bank 8:15 p. i North Coast Limited via Puget Sound 7:20 a. i Northern PaclUc Express via North Bank 7:30 a. i Northern Pacific Ex Dress via Puget Sound 7:10 p. Pacific Coast Express via North Bank I 8:15 p. m. m. facinc coast Express via Puget) Sound I 7:20 a. Western Express via North Bank) 8.15 p. Western Express via Puget Soundll0:30 p. Missouri River Express via North) Bank 7 30 a. Missouri River Exnress via Puzetl m. m. Sound 4:00 p. Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Express and irom olympia. South Bend and Grays Harbor 4:00 p. Puget Sound Limited 7:10 p. i Vancouver-Port land Special...... 10:30 p. i Yacolt Passenger V:00 a. 1 Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Baker City Passenger Oregon-Washington Limited. . . Tne Dalles Local Soo Spokane Portland Oregon Express Spokane Flyer Arriving Portland The Dalles Local Oregon Express ..... Soo-Spokane-Portland Baker City Local Passenger.... Oregon-Washing ton Limited. . . Spokane Flyer 40 a. m. 00 a. m. oo p. m. :oo p. m. i)y) p. m. oo p. m. 15 a. m. :30 a. m. :U0 a. m. 00 p. m. 00 p. m. ;'M a. m. Astoria A Columbia River. Leaving Portland Seaside Express 8:00 a.m. Ocean Shore Limited 9:20 a.m. Saturday Seaside Special I 2:30 p. ni. Seaside Express 6.L10 p. nu Rainier Pa-ssenger ............... 1:16 p.m. Rainier Passenger..... .... 5:4o p. m. Arriving Portland . J Seaside Kx press .12:05 p. m. Monday Seaside Special 112:0 p.m. Seasidt, Express. jlU:U0 p. nu Ocean Shore Limited .s. 1 10:15 p. m. Rainier and Portland Passenger.. 9:40 a. m. Rainier and Portland Passenger..) 5:U0p. nu Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland C P. R. Short Line via Spokane I 7:00 p.m. Via Seattle ;12 :15 a.m. Arriving Portland ( C. P. R. Short Line via .Spokane) 9:00 a.m. Via Seattle I 7:Q0 a. in. Oregon & Washington Railroad Co.. Leaving Portland I Seattle Passenger. . . 8:30 a. m. '. .. . .j 3:00 p. m. 11:45 p. m, 1 7:15a. m. i 5:20 p. m. j 2:45 p. nu snasta limited Owl Arriving Portland Owl Shasta Limited Portland Passenger. . . . . JEFFRRSON-STRKET STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Dallas passenger , Dallas passenger Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Dallas passenger . Dallas Passenger Forest Grove Passenger 7:40 a. m. 4 :05 l. m. 1:00 p. ru. ..10:15 a. m. t 5:55 p. m. 12:00 noon ELEVENTH ANI HOYT STREETS PAii SRNGRR STATION; Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Co. , Leaving Portland inland Empire Express rrr9:00a. m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, ' Pasco, Roosevelt, GranddaJles, GoldenUale, Lyie, White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver. The Oregonlan 11:00 a.m. For St- Paul, Spokane," Pasco, Washtucna, Kahlotus. Cliffs, Lyle, White Salmon, Ste venson and Vancouver. Columbia River Local 4:30 p.m. North Bank Limited 7:00p.m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Washtuc na, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granudalles, Goldendale, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver. Arriving Portland The Oregonlan 7:05 a. m. From SU Paul, Spokane, Pasco, Cliffs, Maryvllle, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson and Vancouver. North Bank Limited 7:30a.m. From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Washtuc na, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, Goldendale, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson Vancouver. Columtla River Local 12:35 p. ma inland Empire Express 8:15 p.m. 1 For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis. Billings, Spokane. Washtuc- -na, Kahlotus. Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, ' Goldendale, .Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson Vancouver. Great Northern Railway Company. Leaving Portland 11th and Hoyt sts. Oriental Limited, via Seattle 10:(Ka. m. Ihe Oregonlan. via NorthN Bank. .11:00 a. m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank 7:00. p. nu International Limited, Seattle, Ta coma and Vancouver, B. C ,10:00 a.m. The Owl, Tacoma, Seattle ana Vancouver, B. C 5:00 p.m. Shore Line Express, Tacoma, Se attle and Vancouver, B. C 11:30 p. m. Arriving Portland 11th and Hoyt sts. -Oriental Limited, via Seattle.... 6:40a.m. The Oregonian. via North Bank.. 7:05 a. m Oriental Limited, via North Bank 8: '15 p. m. The Owl, Vancouver, B. C Seat tle and Tacoma 6:40 a.m. Shore Line Express, Vancouver, B. C. Seattle and Tacoma.. 3:30p.m. International Limited, Vancouver, B. C, Seattle and Tacoma 9:50 p. m. Time Card Oregon Electric Railway Co. Passenger Station. Front and Jefferson Him, Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. stations 6:30, 7:50, 11:00 A. M. ; 2:00, 3:50. 630 8-30 P. M. Limited for Tualatin and Salem 9:15 A. M. Local for Wilsonvilla and Int. stations 5:10 P. M. Daily except Sunday for points on the Salem, Falls City & Western Ry. via Salem, 6:30 A. M. 2:00 P M. Sunday only, 11:00 A. M. "Leaving Portland for Forest Grove and Int. stations 7:05. 8:30, 10:20 A. M.; 12:10. 2:10, 3:30. 5:30, 8:25 P. M. Saturday only. 11:30 P. M. Arriving at Portland from Salem and Int. , stations 8:40. 11:00 A. M.; 1:15, 4:00, 6:00, 8-20, 10:30 P. M. Local from Wilsonvilla and intermediate stations 6:40 A. M. Daily except Sunday, and 7:35 A. M. dally. Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and Int. stations 8:00, 9:50. 11:40 A. M.; 1:30, 2-50, 5:20, 8:10 P. M. Saturday only, 11:00 P. M. Sunday only. 4:40 P. M. Depot Front and Jefferson. Portland, Or. Portland Railway, Light fc power Company Ticket Office and Walting-Room. First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. Oregon City 4:00 and 6:30 A. Mt and every 30 minutes and including last car, miGresham and intermediate points 6:55. 7-45 8:45. 9:45. 10:45. 11:45 A. M. ; 12:45, 1-45, 2:45. 3:45. 4:45. 5:45, 6:45, 11:30 P. M. .Fairvlew and Troutdale 6:55, 7:45, 8:45, 9:45. 10:45 A M; 12:45, 2:45, 3:45, 4:45, 6:45. 'caxadero .and Intermediate points 6:55, 8-457 lO:45 L M.; 12:45. 2:45. 4:45. 6:45 P. M. o.-tj, x FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket office and waiting-room. Second and Washington Sts. A m. 6:15. 6:50. 7:25, 8:00, 8:35, 9:10. 9:5P- i2"6!:h:l:. 2:30. 3:10. 3:50. 4'30 510. 5:50. 6:30. 7:05, 7:40,, 8:13. 9:25. 10:35, -'llS. On third Monday In every month the last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. -Dally except Sun day. Dally except Monday. BANKS. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR- SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS. TRANSACTS A GEXEPAL, BANKING BUSINESS. ISSUES DrlAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL, PRINC'PAL CITIES OP - THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE: i PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS. SAFETX DEPOSIT VAULTS, . ': f LET 105.0