I . - . ; ttte. jroRyiy g . joitEGOif riWEpyESDAY,- August jsiio. .,.. . j3 r, 1 ygjtr. ggTATs? pTlf THa KEAt BTATI. I REAL ESTATE. 1 REAI, ESTATE J REAI. ESTATE. ; I H ygW TOP AY. . I - I I c-,. I Homesteads. I For Sato Farm. I Horses. Vehicles and Harness. asssss-sasass S I INVESTORS! We hare some very choice pieces of unimproved property which only need the necessary capital to turn them into first elasa revenue producers. These properties ranjre in value from $5000 np to $20,000, and the class of improvements we have in contemplation for them, would call for an additional expenditure of from $3500 to $75,000. . These properties are all ripe for improvement and we would be pleased to talk them over with you and show you the detailed plans we have for improving one of the most desirable of the sites. By buying unimproved property and paying only, the actual cost of constructing the improvements, voa eliminate the middle-man's profits. The cost of maintaining a building is also to be considered, and it will be less on a properly constructed building than on one which has been built to sell at a big profit. A word to the wise is sufficient. Strong & Company Financial Agents 605 Concord. AND SPECULATORS JrST A MOMENT. 5-rr. farm for ult, land perfectly level; 400 acres under oulMratlon. sec ond rear: 00 acres has $16,000 worth of cruised timber on It; 1 T-room farm house and barn. Location 30 miles from Portland on two railroads and one electric line. Depot on property: also navigable river. Plenty of irood water. Price $100 an acre. Easy terms. If you mean business rail at office for Information. Ask for Mr. Bailey. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY S4 t- BtS ot TT Bids-. Choice Lots 25th and L Flanders Street $1500 Terms 1 per rent down. S per cent per month. Here la a chance to set a lot close In on very easy terms. r.r.n. n. pchalk. Mala a. A 23S. S2" Stark St. ARE YOU an inventor, and do you want to make mm taof money and lota of It. It to, ea us at once. Dubois & Crockett We have SO.000 shares of stock of the beet g-oM-dreriKing mine In Cali fornia for sale. We have put three davs on the property personally in vestigating It. and have founded a financial proposition without a rival as a monev maker, and money Is what we all want. For further Information' see us without delay. Dubois & Crockett WaaH.ato. Blda-. Heoaa 3. SOMETHING SWELL Strictly modem, nearly new 7 -room, 3-story house furnace. 3 fireplaces, sleeplnsr-porch. panel dining - room, beam celllna-s. laundry trays. 4 bed room lot &0xl0ft. south front: streets Improved and sidewalk In and paid: on J.. Madison, near 17th. walking: dis tance. Price $7150. only $1500 cash. Tou should see this If you want a nice borne In a desirable location. Grussi & Zadow SIT Board of Trade Bids- 4t and Oak. 3 Lots in Portland's Exclusive District WEST SIDE. Hard-surface streets and cement side walks. $3200. THE UPASTM CO, 81 000-8200 GASH Two lots and small house in South Portland. Call up J. A. Goodfellow, aaent for Kletnsarge estate. 2 Oak at. LADD'S ADDITION Modern, nine-room house, elegantly finished, rlard-eurface street near car. Very low prlce- MERCHAXT SAVINGS TRI ST COMPANY, . W. Tor. ta aad TVas)l.-tps) St. UK. HOME8ECKER or Unor. do vo want at lees than actual cost an extra fine and large, fully modern 7-roora bun galow; wilt poalurelr take the bst offer to Auf. lO; only f VX cash required: no eorr.mlsslon. Owner. 1039 E. lttth X. BE At. K8TS.TK. Tee le Lets. WEST SIDE cro.r at a bargain. -Kkl eprt. Trent tte. M. Fl Lee. 411 Corbett bic. . ONE lot. seal., near Irvlncton; part I cash. aE I... Orefonlaa. i CRE1KWAI las oa carllne. --XX W. J. I &ar. l. Board of Trade. INVESTORS - muum A US FWIln. hUlar Birr. II. A- H. A Co.. So- sicKajr bids. Real estate. ueiruKS. axx-tcaa. loaae. etc. Brubafcsr A Beaediet, IV'J McKay bide. It. MA CART KUILTT A INTEET KI.TT CO, r3 uT.nT ni rm WiUxWi! I. l&af. A IS4L Cos. B. A A Cew eO Curbect Ud. Jeaatere A Co.. Mala la, too Oraaoolam, Bitu l-o. inwrt m. H V SIS In mm UM VMia. rtia.-. On.D. RS Stark at. Ham A tt fHiwTM r a A AO Ablaa-to. aids. The Oram. Real Estate Co., Orasd aee. ablltaomaa St. UioUaoar at. B. Taompsoa Co cor. BXAL KsTATK. for Saie Lota. HIOH-CUAS3 LOTS. in. tim 10 0OO Choi OS. onobetructed view. 14X0 Portland Halrbta A araad bargain. TSO lAorelhuret -Roes Oty Park .'nlvarslty Park 25x100 See our select list of lot bargains. Block Realty Co 231 Leunbermens Bldg. PIEDMONT. . .1140. Beautiful lot en Height avenue, near Jarrett street! one-half cash; terms on balance. I1200. 100x115. East 2tn street, between Klick itat and Slaalyou; this Is caaa and a snap. $300. not. 23x100. on East Sth.. 100 feet from Saadr road; easy tsrme: $10 cash, balance 10 per cent per memo. 11O0. Corner lot. Alameda Park: two blocks from carllne: all Improvements Included; 1-3 cash, balance on terms. ATM AN INVESTMENT CO.. ROp37,;AiHI.N;GTjNBUDa; HAWTHORNE AVE. BLOCK. Price $l.O0O, terms $J00O cash, balance Ions time at S per cent: will release clause: block of twenty lots. 6Oxl0O feet each, within 100 feet of Hawthorne ave.j firoperty In this rlclnlty Is navlng a rapid ncrease In value owing to completion of the new Madison-street bridge and this block can be sold out In lots at a pront of tSOOO: now la the time to get In: this offer la open for a few davs only. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 312-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 88K9. A EASY LOT PROFIT FOR YOU. Lots 30x100. lust south of Hawthorne are., on lst and 42d streets, for a short time at $10 down and $lO monthly: the opening of Madison bridge will send values up quickly here and you will make a profit many times larger than your actual nreetmeat; act now: regrets later will not ?ut any many In your puree. Room 60 ouch bldg $4000 Flneet half block (100x190) at Mt Tabor; Investigation wfU prove this the tin ear" residence site on the east side of the river: worthy of a fine home; easy terms If desired: also one splendid sightly lot for SIOOO: same euburb: very efficient car aervlce and hard-surface street right to property. Phone Marshall 1SS3 or call HI becund t- The Hart Land Q. A OOOD SPECULATION. Must sell my equity In one of the choicest comers. lOOxlOS. In Alameda Park, contract carries all the Improvements: this Is a bargain for someone and must be sold this week. P. E. TAYLOR A COMPANY, 40S-3 Lewis Bldg- 4th end Oak Bis, KEW MAPS. 1. Latest map of Portland. Or., giving new additions. eectiio lines, etc. X. 25-mlle circle of Portland's eurroand leg. giving townehlpe. ranges and section Bumbera new electric line and .railroads, etc. Price 30 cents eacit. Send stamps. The Cro-eley Co.. 7u9 Corbett bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. 2-5.6S7 sq, ft.: excellent neighborhood: good view; beautiful treee; owner needs money: no reasonable offer refused; good Inveetment or charming home site. Main S33L EAST PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOT. Nice lot aoaioo. Met front, between two nice houses. ISO f-et from car. on E 3rd and Clinton. A fine place to build, or a good speculation. Price only $etio. terms. OR1SSI A ZADOW; 1IT Board of Trade Blir. 4th and Oek. 1 HAVE rOVR LOTS ON MACADAM ST.. IN SOITH PORTLAND. THEY ALL PACE ON TWO STREETS. I AM CROWD ED FOR MONEY AND WILL SELL ALL root for $.t:''o: $-io cash, balance tin PER MONTH. T 11. OREGON I AN. E. BTH AND GLADSTONE. A few choice lots left at $300 each: $? cash, balance $10 per month. The cheap. eet cloee-ln lots In the city. E. A. MoGrath. Xtl Chamhr of commerce bldg.. LOT FOR 4TH. Will sacrifice lot near Rose City carllne for $473. Slxe 30xl2O. Tou ran have 3 for $'23. These are pickups. Apply Henry binf. BAY OCEAN PARK. For sale, one or two lots near new hotel and park: price of lots $1'JOO; will sell for l&oo; terms. D. Clements, 620 Cor bett bldg. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. $3 each month payments: price $150 to glee; nothing down. Just $S per month; Oregon City carllne. National Realty A Trust Co., SIC1 Washington et.. room $14. 4UX100 WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS $00. On weet slope, with good view; street Imrroved; location 2wth and Kelly eta: adjoining lots will cost you more. Address S. H. D-. Box 131. Portland. FOR SALE Lot 42x130. with 10-foot alley, on 4h. between Holman and Atneworth sta.. by owner on easy terms. AL 167. Ore- fl CASH and $3 per month for a beautiful lot $ blocks from ML Scott So carllne; city water. HIOLEY A BISHOP. 132 THIRD St. COUNCIL CREST PARK. Some very choice sttee In this tract at prices under the market. W. J. Baker. SIS P"ri of Trade. k CHOICE 100x100 In Irvington at a bar gain. Gray-Cunnlngham-Gray, 722 Elec tric bldg. OREGON ABSTRACT COMPANY. 201 Swetland Bldg Phone Main 3037. NOT IN THE TRUST. ONE-FOURTH block In Alameda Park; on car line: with all Improvements. $2000; part cash. AS nt. tjregonian. CHOICE Irvington lot. l$a block from car- line eloae in. f Or ' UJ ."MM. AUU I AP 11W. Orrgoman. APARTMENT sites. West SH. We can save you money. If In the market It will pay you to se ns. M. tr Ke. 411 Corbelt bldg. RUSE CITY PARK bargains: choice lots r.30. Including all Improvements. J ISO. Oregonlan. BERKELEY lot for 1J10 If taken at once. KrabelU Marshall 6S 3200 WILL buy lot fronting on Oregon City carllne. E. Meldrum. Meldrum atatlon. PORTLAND HTJIGHTS Iota from-$S0O to $3"0O; tracts tor subdivision. Alain sooi. so, ft. M.000 aq. ft. 30x100 $330 up 1200 up A EAST front lot. e&th and Hancock M. $900; Improvements paid. Owner. Main 1192. IRVINGTON snap: east front. 30x100. one block from carllne. Owner. Phone C 1817. TEN lots In Madras. Or., to trade for resi dence m city. AG 163. Oregonlan. For gale Houses. IRVINGTON HOME. $1000 cash and $50 monthly will pur chase a most attractive 8-room house on E. 21st St.. In Irvington: hardwood floors and stairs to second floor; Gruby tile fireplace, ten-foot parches on front side and off dining-room: 4 bedrooms, one hav ing fireplsce; built-in book cases and buffet. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial flub Bldg. $2u00 IF taken this week, a 7 -room bun galow, between Alnaworth and Kll llngsworth avenues; a sacrifice, aa it Is worth $2W0- GRAY-CUNNINGHAM-GRAT. 722 Electric bldg. FINE suburban vlsw borne. 1M acres; s rootn bouse; not water beat: greeanooset all kinds of fruit. Best bargala la city. Might coaelder -fart exobeage. Call a premises, 36 East 63d St. Morrtaoa at, sit. Tabor car. Phone Tabor A Jl SNAP dfust be sold this week. 4-room bungalow, near car and school. $1050; $1M down. $10 per month. J. H. Dortnan. Fir land Station. Mount Scott car. $150 CASH aad $'.0 per month buys a neat 4 -room bungalow, lot 4uxlC0. 4 blocks Mt Scott. 5c carllne; price $lo30. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. $17An Good house aad three lota, on herd surface road, only 13 minutes car tide, s-c-nt tare. A snap. M. E. Lea, 411 Oorbett b.dg. I-ROOM house with a 40-foot lot In Holla day Park: 550; ( cash, balance ea time. AD 143. Oregonlan. FINE S-room reetdnce. brick basement. ground, lawn, fruit trees, scenery ur.sur- paeeed. central. West Side. Main 813U. Nrw bungalow and six large lots, cheao- Mllwauliie rark. Phone owner. East 4 SUA FINS house for sale: a bargain. See owner, 41'1 E. lth St,. North. , BUNGALOW for sale; Investigate. 1113 East llfc at. X. A VERY LXUBUAL BARGAIN. WHICH WB BELIEVE Is at least $230 under anything aim Mar In the city. A new 3-roomed modern bun galow wlLh modern convenience, situated on a SOxloO-foot lot. In a restricted district, two blocks from car; street Improvements tn and paid, except herd-surface peeing. The price Is $2730 $300 CASH, BA-L. MONTHLY. Do sot tall to come' early, as this should sell to the first person who looks at ru SUBURBAN LAND CO. Marshall 18f. A T103. FOR SALE A T-room house snd 2 lots In Holledsy Park; house new and thoroughly modern: lots covered with shrubbery; will take $1000. balance terms to suit. O. W. MERRILL. 416 Ablngton Bldg. THIS HOMO IS WORTH MORE. A boms not too large, nor too email, built not to sell, but to live tn, well finished, unique ideas, lots of them; d let 1 net features In living-room, dining-room and hall; every built-in feature 7-foot solid paneling In three front rooms, bookcases, buffet, etc. ; 6 ft. burnt-brick fireplace, beamed celling, solid art brass fixtures snd hardware throughout, stationary tub, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, linoleum tn bath and kitchen, ebadee. cement walks; an artistic place, well worth several hundred more than asked: double construction. 2 lsrge bed rooms. plDty of closet room. Price $3273. easy monthly payments. Address D 16L Ore gonlan MONTHLY PAYMENT HOME. We offer to reliable man wtlh steady employment an opportunity to buy nice, new, five-room and bath, modern bunga low, on full else lot, sewer connection, on monthly payment of $18 and Interest, without any down payment. Location Just off w. R. oar on Clinton at., about 13 minutes on cer. Price $2900. Here Is where the right party can turn hla rent money towards buying a home Instead of paying toll to the landlord. See owner, room 609 Couch building. Phone A 40A CHEAP HOMES. EAST TERMS." Walking Distance. West 6ide. $270,1 S-room cottage. $400 cash. J300 Nearly new 6-room strictly mod ern house, only $700 cash requlred $413o Nearly new modern 6-room house and full Int. $1000 cash. NICE EAST SIDE HOME. $2700 Nearly new 6-room modern house, cloee to Belmont and beat car service In city; $730 cash. FRED C KINO. 6O6 Commercial blk., 2d and Wash, sta. PIEDMONT HOMES. Pour modern homes, just completed, of S. A T and 8 rooms, all east facing, lots 50x100, with alley. double construction, first-class plumbing, cooling 00 lie, floors finished, walls tinted, combination lighting flxturtx, fireplaces, cement floors in base ments, ar.ades; must be seen to be appre ciated; terms If desired. F. G. Warner, owner, 1273 Williams ave. Pbune Woodlawa 143. GOING TO BUILD? WI ARB BUILDING MORS HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THB CITY. THERE ARB GOOD REASONS. OUR CUSTOMERS 8AVB MONEY AND GET BETTER WORK, ON TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOT WD WILT, FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUUJA PLANS AND ESTIMATES PR EH). OREGON BUILDING a TRUoX CO 806 HENRY BLDG. WEST 8IDE SNAP. Two good nouses on a lot 50x100; bouses will rent for. $-M per month, paying 11 per cent Interest on purchase price; lot alone worth $2300. Price of two houses and lot only $4ttci0. $2u cash, balance terms. On Ol 06a atreet. near 1st. GRUSSI A ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade Bliig. 4th and Oak. KUlLO MOW. LET US FINANCE THE BUILDING OF TOUR HOME. IF YOU OWN LOT. 8 MALI AMOUNT OF CASH IS SUFFICIENT OUH REPUTATION FOR WELL-BUILT HOMES, FAIR DEALING AND DISPATCH OF CON. STRUCTION IS BRINGING US MANY CLIENTS. NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUC TION -CO.. Successors to Portland Realty A . Canstrucl ton Co.. Sul-2-3 Lewis Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK " BARGAIN. Just completed. 8-room home on S2d St.; bath. Dutch kltcben, fireplace, furnace, eleeplng porch, full basement, laundry tuba etc; lot fruxluO; Improvements In and paid; splendid buy for $4000; owner will sail for $200 leas If taken at once; terms $500 cash, balance $20 per month. National . Realty A Trust Co.. 32h4 Wash. St.. room 516. A HOME close In on Grand ave., large. 8 room modern, full 3-story house, complete In every respect. This Is one of the most attractive homes on the East Side; full cor. lot. hard surface streets, within walk ing distance of the P. O. This will be sold at a sacrifice. DUBOLS A CROCKETT. Washington Bldg. TOY FARM ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Seven-room house and eight lots for $4000: only (7000 needed; greatest ever for man who wants to keep cow and chickens for a year, then sell half the property for $T500; beautful valley view; 20 minutes' walk; 7S fruit trees, etc; move quickly. Ring Main 11H. A BIG SNAP. Nice 7-roora two-story house electrio lights, full basement, bullt-ln ohln'g closet: laundry trays. iOxlOO lot. nice yard, some fruit, on East Taylor, near 23rd. Price only $400, $loo cash and $25 per month. GKLSSI A ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg. 4th and Oak. A EST BARGAIN IN RICHMOND. AND I CAN PROVE IT. If you have $723 caah you can buy my 6-room bungalow at 344 Greenwood ave., one block south of W-R car, for $2300, which Is $300 below anything In the dis trict of Its class: you also save agent's commission aa I am the owner. Phone Se:lwood H6S. A OOOD buy is offered In an elegant home; eight large rooms: location best In city. Price $4ooo; $1000 cash, balance four years st 4 per cent. Lot 2taxlO0; paved streets; car service best In city. Cell or phone Mr. Bailey or Easly, Columbia Trust Co.. Board of Trade bldg. A SNAP. Lot 43x143. on ' Mountain boulevard. Council Creat, with four-room house, gas, electricity, bath, etc; $3000; terms. This Is a bargain. Penn Inveetment Co., 614 Buchanan bldg. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. " $1$ payment each month will buy this beautiful place: $100 down; full lot and basement; on Woodstock carllne, &c fare. National Realty A Trust Co., 12t6 Wash ington St., room 614. BUILDERS. ATTENTION. We heve a 6-room house partially fin ished; full lot. on carllne, easy terms. See Crowe. J no. P. Sharkey Co.. 6th and "Washington. POUR-ROOM modern cottage at Treraont, $1400, terms; also seven-room modern bouse, full cement basement. $2700. B. T. TAGGART, 416 Chamber of Commerce. $725! $7251 $73 CASH ! $75 CASH! Neat, well-built. S-room house, room for 2 rooms upstairs, small lot Fred W. German. 3 -'it Bumslde. Main or A 2776. $104 DOWN and $20 a month. Including in terest, fine new modern 5-room bungalow, near car. In good neighborhood. Inquire 630 Worcester block; a bargain. 4. 5 AND 8-ROOM HOUSES. B. 25th end Ghvdetone; low price and easy terms E. A. McGrath, 831 Chamber of Commerce bldg- BEVEN-ROOM residence, on First st. South, West 61de. $4000. part cash, balance terms. GRAY-CUNNINGHAM-GRAY, 722 Electric bldg. NEW 7-room modern house at 335 East 4ftth st. Forty-sixth street la to have blthullthlc pavement: will sell at sacrifice on account of slckncim M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE 6-room house, modern, sleep ing porch: street improvements and side walk paid: $30 00 cash; $1004 t years. 721 ..Rodney ave. MUST sell house and 8 lots near Oak Grove Station; $12oO takes it; snap. Palmer. 5Q7 Couch bldg. NEW S-room bungalow, cheap, leaving city. Information eaU or write R. Wltxke, 40$ Webster St. FOR SALE by owner, 2-room house, full comer lot. 1H blocks from Alberta car. Price. $730. Phone Main 7700. IRVINGTON EXTRA FINE HOME. A bargain this week: come and see. Corner East lath ana ursxee. $54 MONTHLY Income; $1700 hand lee It. Mr. Renter pays the rest. Butterworth. owner. 33 Lafayette bldg. Main 8520. FOR SALE by owrcr: new 6-room house, strictly modern, near 36th and Eaat Yam hilf St.. 1 block south of S-S car. FOR SALE by owner, the nandsomeet 6 room bouse In Irvington. 46 East 30tk st, N. Call and see 'it HOUSE for rent or sale cheap on easy terms; doe In. Inquire at 189 Haleey St. BUT BUNGALOW FROM THE BUILDER. 62S50 GETS YOU A DANDY. $ DOWN, $1$ PER MO. AND INT, Tou would never have been able to buy such a bungalow aa we are going to tell you about for $2530 If the man who owna It was not a fine carpenter and did the work himself. Five rooms of latest design, front porch, Ilvlng-room. dining-room, bullt-ln china closet, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, all modem, kitchen with every convenience, latest designed pantry, full attic, back porch, cement wall and floor to basement, two part laundry trays, cement walk to front steps, cement walk around house, lot 45x 100; S cherrv trees, 1 early apple. 1 pear, all full-bearing; two short blocks to car; close In. We have more than 100 brand-new HOUSES and BUNGALOWS In the close-in sections of the city Portland Heights, Willamette Heights. Irvington, Piedmont. Sunnyslde. etc.. ranging In price from $2000 to 150.000. We have a new houae on Portland Heights for $11,500 that is an spec tally fine bargain. WTNN JOHNSON CO.. Room JOt Gerllnrer Bldg., 2d and Alder. Phone Marshall 18. IN IRVINGTON. HOUSE AND LOT. $4630. One of the most attractive and best sit uated bung alone In the city. On Wseco street. 6 rooms with a large attic. Both electricity and gss, also furnace: full lot, ouxloO- Small payment down, balance on easy terms Must be seen to be appreciated. In Irvington. East 11th St.. near Thomp son, a beautiful 7-room modern bouse, one rear old. oompletelv furnished. Owner must nave the city, will sell complete. Price $730. Part cash will handle. AST MAX INVESTMENT COMPANY. 27 Washington Bldg. $500 CASH buys this new, modern 5-room bungalow; only one-half block from Hawthorne ave.. the close-in district, where values are In creasing with astonishing rapidity. Why not get In with the wise ones and reap the advance that Is sure to come ' with the completion of the new Madison bridge. This bungalow Is a beauty, with fireplace, buffet, beamed celling, hand-pollshed woodwork: full basement; only $2800; $500 cash, balance easy monthly payments. SUTHERLAND A HUBBELL, 16th and Hawthorne. M'I)K!'.N' HOME. $2250 TERMS. You can chase your legs off running down bargatns In newly-constructed modern homes for sale by owners who must sacrifice, only to And from $300 to $1000 profit on actual first cost; I am offering this week a new, modern home on Know lea avenue, close to cer, T large rooms, full basement, at $600 lose; fine condition, convenient and a meri torious snap rarely found in Portland. Call at 507 McKay bldg. Main 4710, except Sun day. - ' $3600. Fine two-story residence: only one block from Hawthorne ave. This house Is equipped with every modern convenience. Including fireplace, furnace, library, buffet, den, sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, cement floor in basement; full lot. $1000 cash will handle, balance to suit. SUTHERLAND A HUBBELL, Tabor 2017. 88th st. and Hawthorne ave.. THREE lots. 50x100, each and nice modern 6-room house for only $2700; terms; 24 blocks to car: restricted district. Bast Side. This is cheap. See H. W. GARLAND A CO.. 181 4th st, Acreage. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE AT BARGAIN Pine tract of 21 acres, all in high state of cultivation; beet of soil, on macadamised road; running water; aljofnlng station on Ores ham carllne, and only 4 miles from city limlta of Portland. Price. $400 per acre; $3O0o cash, balance 6 per cent. CHAS. L. HUNTER. . 223 and 226 Board of Trade. 5 ACRES, COURTNEY. 6-acre tract, all under cultivation. In fruit, one acre grapes, some raspberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries. 30 fruit .trees, nice 5-room house, good small barn, cnirken-houee and yard. - nice grove, fir trees near house, an elegant home, only 4 blocks from Courtney Station, on an 80 foot street: quality of land can't be beat; price $7500, $2,v0 cash, balance to suit. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg. 4th and Oak. 10-ACRB TRACTS. We have left a few very desirable 10-acre tract at Canby. They are only a few min utes' drive from the station on a fine gravel road. Those who have bought these tracts are improving them and In a short time will have them ell under cultivation. It la fine soil. Come In and let us give you particulars and go and see them with us. REPASS A WOOD YARD, 300 Henry Bldg. 160 ACRES OF APPLE LAND. Ideal for planting; only 16 miles from Portland; will easily bring $250 per acre; In 6 and 10-acre tracts. Owner is com- ?elled to eell and will make big sacrifice f taken before August 13. Would make Ideal country home: no better sou in Oregon. It will be worth your while to look this up. Easy terms F. E. TAYLOR A COMPANY. 402-3 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sta. 10 ACRES. MILWAUKTB HEIGHTS. 10 acree. Mllwaukle Heights, high and sightly, good (t-room house, with brick base ment, large bam, 6 acres bearing fruit, 2 acres strawberries, 1 acre grapes, black berries, raspbeniee, etc. ; abundant water supply: high state of cultivation; on Ore City Electric, 7 tic fere. Price $12,000, terms. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg. 4th and Oak. ACREAGE. Five and 10 acre tracts, level and per fectly cleared land. In cultivation; on Ore gon Electric line: only a short distance from Portland; $200 to $226 per acre, -on easy terms. PACIFIC NORTHWEST '. DEVELOPMENT CO., 405 Couch Bldg., Portland. BY OWNER 6 acres, or will divide subur ban home, two blocks from station, one from church, two from school, four to river, fine orchard and berries, nice gar den; 7-room house, good barn and out buildings: Oregon Cltv care stop at Jen nings Lodge. Inquire at store for C D. Slocum. $2500 BEAUTIFUL, sightly 5 acres near Oregon City carllne. $1750 2 acres, cleared, fine soil, near car, just outside city limits; very easy terms - $1000 One acre, sightly location, near car: caah. Palmer, 507 Couch bldg. 4 'ACRES deep, rich soil, all high state of cultivation; living stream, on county road, mile from electric railway; 30 minutes from Portland. $1200. easy term. AG 167, Oregonlan. 110-ACRE farm. Ideal, one block from R. R. station. 26 miles from Portland; best bar gain to bs found. STATE INVESTMENT CO.. 6Q2 Buchanan Bldg. SEVEN acres, close In, 40 assorted fruit trees. 2 acres potatoes, half acre berries; good 6-room house; $1350; terms. '41ft Sixth st-. north. BEAUTIFUL half-acre tract, lays fine, on good macadam road, only 15 minutes' car ride. 5-cent fare. West Side; very easy terms. M. E. Lee. 411 Oorbett bldg. ONE ACRE on car line; good 5-room house; all In cultivation; terms. Inquire 41 s Sixth at-, north. 10 ACRES Reedville, Improved. $200 per acre, half cash. AH 160, Oregonlan, Homesteads. TWO relinquishments, joining, all fenced. 8 wires, good buildings, P. O. and town t miles, school lfe xnllee. on county road, stock, crops and household goods. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-pags book explaining what each of the 34 counties Is best adapted" for; givee amount of Government land open to home stead In each county; map attached. 21x 21. showing nsw R. R- and towns. Includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counties in different colore; drawn to March L 1010; latest map In U. A; price 25c Nim ' mo A Runey. 313 Hamilton bldg. 20 ACRES, two miles fine town: Umatilla project: all cleared, part seeded to alfal fa: 100 living fruit trees; good house. - well, bam and on Improved road. A fine opportunity; price $1600 cash, actual cost Owner has other business. Address Box 375. Hermiston. Or. I ACRE In city limits, close In; $3000; $600 cash, balance 1 to 10 years at 6 per cent 305 3d St. RELINQUISHMENT 190 acres. Crook County. 7 miles railroad; $225. Owner. B 164. Oregonlan. HOMESTEADS in Southern Oregon. Address H. L. Herxinger. Grants Pass. Oregon. 1 RELINQUISHMENT, 160 acres: running water. 2 million feet timber; slightly roU Ing; best of fruit land: cloee to Portland. 1 relinquishment. 180 acre, 20 acres In cultivation. 3 acres In berries and rhubarb: nelgbtxira. schools and church cloee; good housv and other Improvements; this is. a big bargala. ' J. A DAVIS, 214 Swetland Bldg. - For Sale Fruit Lands. ESTACADA STANDS FOR PROGRESS. About 30 miles from Portland, on the O. W. P. Electrio Road, you wUl find the enterprising little city of Estacada. A progressive town of wide-awake citizens, a good bank, up-to-date stores, splendid schools, a fine hotel and a beautiful city park, located right on the banks of the famoua Clackamas River. If you are look ing for an Inveatment or an Ideal location to go Into the business of raising fruit you will have difficulty In finding a more promising section than the country tribu tary to Estacada. This district is beau tifully situated In the foothills of Mount Hood, and is acknowledged by Hood River fruit growers and others to be the finest body of fruit land In the state. The new commercial orchards show a remarkably healthy growth and must be seen to be appreciated. . ... Located in the heart of this district Is the State Experimental Orchard, under the direction of the Oregon Agricultural Col lege of Corvallis. Here information of great value to the orchirdlst is given free of charge. The results of numerous valu able experiments are always apparent and aid the Inquirer, whether he de sires Information of a general or a tech nical nature relating to fruit culture. Land in this vicinity offers the same opportunity for quick and large profits to the early buyers as the Hood River and Medford lands did to those who bought several years sgo at $50 to $100 per see- Those lands sell today at $1600 to $2500 per acre set to trees, and there Is no reason why land In this section ehall not eventually be as valuable. We have listed hundreds of acres In this section at prices ranging from $25 to $150 per acre, according to improvements. The standlsh brothers. . recently from Chicago, have one of the finest orchards in the district, and. as they are acting as our sales agents In that territory, they will be pleased to show prospective buyers the country and the land we have to offer. CHAPIN A HERLOW, - - - 382 Chamber of Commerce. t HOOD RIVER. 10 acres first-class commercial orchard of Newtons and Spitz en bergs. Including - a family orchard of Summer apples, peaches, pears, etc. Exceptionally well loacated on main county road, right In the heart of the Valley. $3000 cash will handle It or will take suitable Portland property. Address owner, TV 167, Orego nlan. " SIMCOE ORCHARDS. MARYHILL LANDS. 10 ACRES of either of these new land openings will make you comfortable for the balance of your life. NO IRRIGA TION. Easy terms Springs of finest mountain water. See all others and see these. GEO. S. CASEDY CO., Lobby Oom merclal Club building. TWO HOOD RIVER BARGAINS. "Will sell or trade on easy terms my commercial apple orchards; on ditch and railroad; center of valley. 27 acre two-year-olds; house and barn; $488 per acre; 20 acres one-year-olds. $400 per acre; no agents. Address Y 162. Oregonlan. WB ARE offering 5 and 10-acre tract In Peach Cove; best Inveatment In the North west. See Peach Cove at our expense. M, E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. 10 .ACRES unimproved, good soli: 35 minutes ride by rail; running water:, seme timber: fine fruit land; $620. H. down. Palmer, t07 Couch bldg. For Sale Farms. 160 ACRES. With 30 acres under fine state of culti vation and In crop, consist of potatoes, oats and timothy and clover; plenty of good pasture: about 25 acres of this uncleared land can be cleared for less than $20 per acre; land lies fine and 1 well drained; good 7-room house, barn 48x6S. fine stone dairy and fruit cellar, with living water, engine house, including engine and feed chopper; 2 acres of assorted orchard in full bearing; personal property: 3 good horses, wagon, hack, top buggy, mower, rake, plow, culti vator 2 harrows 6 cow. 2 heifers, 6 bogs, double and single harness, separator, new atump-puller, 2 dozen chickens. and all small tools; all for $8000. terms; only 12 miles from Vancouver, 18 miles from Port land end S miles from a good country town. See this at our expense. THOMPSON A SWAN. 806 Rothchlld bldg.. 287V, Washington St. and National -Bank bldg., . Vancouver, Wash. GOOD FARMS. 7300 acres on Umpqua River. 1500 acre finest alfalfa land. 1250 acres worth $100 per acre. 1, can be cultivated; a fine sub dividing proposition; unequaled as a daily, fruit or sheep ranch; price, with terms, $16 per acre; beat buy on market. 1435 ACRES. Adjoining the above ranch, practically all but 200 acres tillable. Finest black loam soil, $21 per acre, good terms. 1384 ACRES. Less than 8tt miles from Oakland, fine improvement and excellent soil; price $27 per acre, fine for fruit, nearly all blue print and full Information at office. The above buys are unequaled and we Invite investigation. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. EXCEPTIONAL FARM BARGAIN. 120 ACRES. 60 acres under fine state of cultivation, balance pasture and timber; 6-room house, barn 60x54. granary, hoghouse and ell other necessary outbuildings; 8 acre fine orchard In full ''bearing; place fenced- and crose-fenced; living water on every forty, water piped to house and barns; 4f miles from river and railroad town; 2 miles from river town and 16 miles from Van couver. 1n excellent neighborhood, with good school and church advantages; price, $7500: terms. THOMPSON A SWAN, 206 Rothchlld bldg., Portland Or. Nat lonal Bank bldg.. Vancouver. Wash. COUNTRY HOME 6ITE. $300 PER ACRE. HALF CASH. BAL. 7 PER CENT. 18 acres, all under cultivation. 10 acres apples (set this year). 5 acres prunes (bearing). 3 acres timothy and clover. Some cherries and pears. On good country road, one mile south snd one mile west of Forest Grove. Will sell as a whole or cut up to suit pur chaser. Have 26 acres (Noted David Hill soil), two and a half miles from Forest Grove: 22 acres set to choice apples. Can sell as a whole, or cut up at same price and terms. F. E. TAYLOR & COMPANY, 402-3 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY To get one of the best subdividing propo sitions near Portland at $80 per acre. 220 acres near Forest Grove, IVi miles from R. R- Station, right on electric sur vey; macadamized country road. South and west slope, gently rolling: Ideal for fruit. 100 acres cleared; balance second growth: pole oak will pay for clearing. Large spring on place. There Is no land In the county of this kind that can be bought under $100 per acre. Can make good terms. Owner, 002 Lewis Bldg. FOR SALE 10 acres highly improved, 7 miles from Portland, 3 blocks from elec tric line- and steam railway; 5 acres In cucumbers, balance other vegetables: cu cumbers alone will net $300 to $400 per acre; good house and harn and outbuild ing: 2 mules 40 to 50 chickens. 1 hog. 1 wagon, 1 buggy, all necessary farm tools. There Is also a cider press, pickle factory and 2 horse-power engine; running water on place. Everything goes, crops and all, for $8000; $4000 cash, balance 8 to 5 years at 6 per cent. CONSOLIDATED REALTY CO., 314 Henry Bldg. ' 100 ACRES deep, rich loam soil, 50 acres cleared and cultivated, balance open pas ture, with timber lot for fuel; two good springs, good house and barn; well fenced; 2. horses. 1 cow, 60 chickens. 60 turkeys. 100 apple trees, berries, vegetables, farm Implements: one-half mile from railway; within 30 miles of Portland, on main coun ty road; no waste land. Just think a home like this for only $45 per acre. George G. Malr. 2 Lumbermens bldg. XO-ACRE tract, unimproved. 23 miles by ran from Portland; suitable for fruit raising and chicken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber for all purpose, best of soli, no rock or gravel; $15 to $25 as acre; easy terms, These are the cheapest tract on the market and will bear inspection. Call and arrange to go and see them. 310 Corbett bldg. EASTERN OREGON WHEAT RANCH FOR SALE. 1400 acres of good wheat lend for sale; 1100 acres under plow; 10 miles -. from railroad. Call Hawthorne Stables, 420 Hawthorne av enue. R ANDY RIVER FARM. Overlooking the valley and Mount Hood. For particulars see WILSON A MEYERS. 1606 Division St.. Portland. Tabor 1560. J. A. CUNNINGHAM. For aale. farms. livery, business, ware house and business; prices reasonable; aa exchange. P. O. Box 74, Carlton, Or, CHEAPEST BUY IN WILLAMETTE I VALLEY. 53 acres. 25 in cultivation. 10 acres of timber, balance pasture, all level; 5-room house, barn and outbuildings; good creek, spring and well; small family orchard. Personal property, one team of horses, 4 cows. 2 calves, 40 chickens, wagon, bug gv and farming Implements and tools to work the place with: located 16 miles - from Portland on main county- road. mile from graded school, high school. 2 .- churches and store. R. F. D. and milk route. If bought at once, can . be had for $3000; $3000 cash, balance 5 years ,6 per cent. Good reason for selling. M. E. THOMPSON CO.. Real Estate. Insurance. Mortgage Loans, S. W. cor. 4th and Oak sts.. Henry bldg. Main 6084. A 3327. 10-ACRB orchard tracts, unimproved. on railroad, 23 miles from Portland; best ' " soil, no rock: $40 an acre, easy terms: ar range with us to go and make selection; round trip same day. 310 Corbett bldg. BEE us for farm bargains, large and small: we make a specialty of farm lands; we .. ... . T W EV.n.ti A Can juu .1: wi. . . m. . - - - Co.. 412-413 Ablngton bldg., 106H 3d st. T-tVt- farm nt il BrM includin StOCk. crops and all farming implements; good buildings, situated on river bank. Inquire 41V Sixth St., north Miscellaneous. rF YOU ARB LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small. well-Improved farm, at low price and oa most liberal term, se me, I handle my own properties. J. O. ELR0D, 520 Corbett Bldg. LIST your property with Chas. I. Lewis. 616 Commercial block. 2d and Washington. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY. 411, acres, high state of cultiva tion; good 7-room houee, fine barn; 7 cows, 4 fine hogs; wells and run ning water; everything necessary on the place. There are too many val uable articles to mention -In this ad., so come in and let us tell you about it. REPASS A WOOD YARD, 300- Henry bldg. FOR SALE or exchange for land or city property, a hardware, furniture and im plement business in a thriving town in the Willamette Valley; price, including real estate. $30,000. Address box 217. Port land. Or. ' BUNGALOW, 7 rooms, renting for $25 per month, beautiful location; will take $800 In trade for what you have, balance $1!0, at $20 per month. This place Is cheap at o25U. D 163, Oregonlan. WANTED To exchange 13 acres. all planted to strictly commercial orchard A 4 and 10 years old, well located In the Hood River , Valley, for good. Portland property. Address owner, W 165. Ore go nian- INCOME property paying 10 Per cent In terest, flat buildings (new), In Minneapo lis. Minn., for bearing fruit orchard; give full description. Owner In city one week. F 160. Oregonlan. TIMBER FOR TRADE. 160 acres of timber, located 13 miles east of Portland; will trade for city prop erty or business of e.ny kind. EQUITY of $1500 In three fine lots in Ross mere; will exchange for like equity In well-located house and lot and assume mortgage. Call 616 Board of Trade. Mar shall 468. . ... 40-ACRB farm near Castle Rock. Improved, house, barn, fruit, etc.; price $3000; trade for hardware or harness store. Goddam, 615 Board of Trade. 27-ROOM rooming and boarding house, worth $2000, will trade for something I want worth $1000. Goddard, 615 Board ofTrade. 160 ACRES good timber, two miles from Bay Ocean, on Tillamook Bay, to ex change for Improved Portland property. AP 157. Oregonlan. TO TRADE 160 acres timber land on Rogue River for 5 or 10 acres Improved land near Portland. Chas.. E. Gatke, Ward- ner. a. u. WE exchange your property, regardless of location, for that which suits you better. Northwest Exchange. 228-9 Henry Bldg. EXCHANGE My Hood River 10-acre orch- am, x oiitc xmn, . - -r $7500. Owner. Box 175. Hood River. Or. EAST front, 100x100. Montavllle, clear value $500 and some cash for your equity: close in reagepreferreoAP63.regonjan. $1000 EQUITY In high-class residence lot to exchange as payment on house and lot. V.1UI YOU- can trade any kind of property at 310 Oak st. WILL sell or trade launch for real estate, value $250. Phone East 4080. IRRIGATED LAND. CALIFORNIA! SACRAMENTO VALLilS IRRIGATED LANDS. Going to California.? Looking for Irri gated lands I If so, stop at Willowa Glen County . on the main line of the Southern pacific Railroad, where the representatives of the Sacramento Valley Irrigation Com pany will afford you every opportunity to see the greatest irrigation project in Amer ica. You will see the first awakening of the GREAT VALLEY. Many millions of dollars of increased values will be made there within a tew years. Will you snare themT Inl project Is financed by J. 8. and W. B. Kuhn. Incorporated, bankers of Pitt. bunt Pa., who so successfully developed the TWIN FALLS NORTH SIDB PROJECT. TWIN FALLS SALMON RIVER PROJECT, and THE TWIN FALLS OAKLEY PRO j OCT in Southern Idaho, comprising la all $00 000 acres. The same opportunities for money-making that were given In Idaho will be seized by many in the Sacramento Valley Project. trice ot lanu 4w ritrht -v.-a.i-v Mir tsM-ma. Cuh D&rment of only 15 per acret other payment exceadlns qtt 0 year. For literature ana iuu uuunii dress VALLEJT IRRIGATION OOV Department "A." Willows, California. Other of flees Plttsburi;. Pa. ; Chicago. HL; 6an Francisco, and Loa Angeles. Callfornla. 45 ACRES, perpetual water right, paid up, 15 acres in alfalfa and fruit, pears, apples, cherries, plums, apricots, peaches, fair house, good aijring, about J1000 in fruit goes with the place if taken at once. On river and one mile from town. Owner compelled to sell; price $6000; $300 cash, $500 Nov. 1, 1011, balance in 5 years at 7 per cent. Place worth $9000. Address Box 375. germlston. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATB. WANTED To -buyt modern Portland resi dence or income business property from party who will accept Hood River or chard tract in part payment. AB 167, Oregonlan. and give telephone number. WANTED To" buy house and lot. $ 1600 to $2500 on West Side, not too far out; in nice locality; must be a bargain; will pay $5W cash, balance monthly. A 16tf, Ore gonlan. WANTEJD SO acres of unimproved farm lend. on small river, some timber, within 10 mi lea of Eugene; state price, best terms. AF 161. Oregonlan. HAVE spot cash client waiting to buy West Side home; modern, not over ft rooms or over $3500; South Portland preferred. Call 507 McKay building. Main 4-710. WANTED 15 to 20 acres unimproved land near Portland; rail or water transporta tion; state full particulars. B 163, Ore gonlan. WAN TED To buy from owner, modern residence or good building lot; must be a bargain. V 167. Oregonlan. -BLOCK, west of E. 9th, for manufactur ing purposes, prefer vicinity of Sullivan's Gulch. AB 163, Qregonian. ABOUT 40 acres on railroad, between Wyeth and Hood River; state price, location, etc. X 161. Oregonlan. 2 FULL lots fronting on Willamette River, not beyond Oak Grove; must be cheap. AL ' 164, Oregonlan, FOB RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 6 acres on Johnson'a Creek, cloee in on Estacada carllne; good house and Improvement; garden, free wood; only $12 a month. Inquire W. B. Mason, Wil son's Station. . FOB SALE TIMBER LASDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. , C. J. M'CRACKEN, 304 McKay Bldr. TIMBER claims, homesteads; rellnquiahmen'ta. 219 Worcester bldg. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Good timber claim, for cash or in exchange for improved property. Ask for Anachutz. 416 Rothchild bldg. TIMBER claim or relinquishment; give terms, location, etc X 162, Oregonlan. . TIMBER lands wan tea. S04 McKay bldg. C J. McCrackea. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. HUBERT & HALL' 9 STABLES. ZOO Front st, livery business, rigs, bors. harness. wf ctm. for ale or rent. Main 2206. HEAVY horses and trotting horse. Inquire at 206 Union ave. North. W H T buy second-h an a vehicles when y 04 can get si new one from an old-established wholesale house. 44 years in Oregon, at almost the same cost? We axe located outside the high-rent district, own our building, and can make the price. Ex elusive agents for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, delir ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts ana farm wagons. Be sure and see us before you buy. It may save you money. R. M. WADS & CO a22 Hawthorne ave.. bet. Eist 1st and go. HORSES FOR SALE. Two cars of horaes have just arrived and will be sold under our gaurantee. They range in weight from 100 to 1400 lbs.; age from & to 11 years; all good workers and prices reasonable. We also have three span of small mules, weight . 900 to 1040 lbs., for said. Call and Inspect these, if wanting horses. Hawthorne Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. FOR a A LB Some very fine combination rid ing and driving horses, also 1 children 't . saddle pony, - very gentle. We sell tha poor man's horse as well as the horse show prospect. A trial to any person of recognized responsibility. Terms, Kramer Stables, 15th and Alder sta, $250 BUYS 2900-lb. team, ages 6 and 7, trua to work anywhere; this team cost present owner $476 one year ago and are worth It today, only they are a little thin in flesh; warranted and trial allowed. 433 North 26th st., inside gate. MISSOURI mules for sale New shipment Just received, 1200 to 150o lbs., suitable for rail road, logging and farm work ; mules at Freedman Bros.' bam. 13th and Overton sts. Address Sparks & Wigginton, Imperial Hotel. A MATCHED span of bay geldings, 7 and 8 years old, weight 1100 each, strictly fancy drivers; can be seen at 03d and Bel mont sts., or call 324 jChamber of Com merce bldg. YOUR choice of 4 horses; must be sold this week; been used by the Shasta Water Co., who have replaced them with automobile delivery wagons; no reasonable offer re fused. 433 North 26thjBt.,lnside- gate. GOOD TEAM, well-bred mares, weighs 2350 lb. ; plow, harness, farm wagon, all com plete, $200. 642 East 15th. Take Brooklyn car. WANTED Team of young Eastern Oreg"oii mares, 1350 lbs., without blemish, true pullers, not to cost over $300. . AM It 7, Oregonlan. BLACK mare for sale, Altamont stock, weight 95U, 8 years old; also buggy and ' harness. Inquire 111 North 3d St., Bou- quet Saloon, from 1 till 3 P. M. $225 BUYS matched team of sorrels, weight . 2550 lbs., true to pull single or double; har ness is heavy breeching complete. Call resi dence, 874 Savier st. WE are now ready to sublet 12 miles of the Astoria Southern Railway; supplies fur nished. See Wilson, Rector & Daley, con contractors, today, room 414 Lewis bldg. CORTLAND Stables. 26 North 15th. Main. 1125; for fine horses and wagons FOR HIRE by the day, week or month; first class business rigs. WE are now ready to submit 12 miles of the Astoria Southern Railway; supplies fur nished. See Wilson, Rector & Daley, con tractors. today, room 414 Lewis bldg. BAY horse, weight 1600 Ibf true to pull anywhere; lost mato reason for selling, so low price $135. Call residence, 874 Savier , street, 6PAN of young mare, broke to work singis. and double; sound and gentle; weight lo50 lbs. each. 343 Williams avenue. HORSE-RACING BIKE WANTED Want light racing bike, 28 to 3a pounds. Merrill, Seventh and Oak sts. BARGAIN $250 buys mare and horse, true workers anywhere, and good harness, good wagons. 242 Grand ave. & FOR SALE Cheap, good 1150-Ib. horse and rubber-tired runabout. &34 69th St., end Hawthorne ave, car. $150 BUYS good, true, 2400-lb. team and harness; must sell today. 35 E 53d N. WANTED Teams to haul gravel; will give contract. Smith Gravel Co. Tabor 841. Automobiles. WANTED Good five -passenger automobile, 1910 or 1909 If in fine condition; will trade fine newly finished $2H0O well lo cated modern bungalow on same at cash price and take mortgage back for differ ence. Room 609 Couch building. Phona A 4O02. BEAUTIFUL limousine, aluminum body, new; $4800; will exchange at $2800 for lots or acreage. SMITH-PHELAN LAND CO., 616 Corbett Bldg. Main 113. IF you are In the market to buy a new Cadillac automobile be sure and see me before buying, as I can save you money. Write for particulars, AC 162. Oregonlan. WE HAUL in and repair automobiles. Smith Miller Auto Co. Phone Eaat 322 (Machin 1st) R. O'Brien. FOR SALE 1910 Chalmers-Detroit touring car, 5-passenger; good condition ; $1100. Inquire Ballou & Wright. FOR SALE Four-cylinder runabout. A-l condition. Inquire room 7, Hotel Phillips, 4th and Burnslde. Birds, liogs and Pet btoch. FOR SALE Some fine thoroughbred point ei puppies, 3 months old. male $15, female $10. Take Salem carllne to Tigard. Lloyd R. Peterson. GREAT DANE puppies, 3 months old, pedi greed, jam N. 6th. THREE Mo. male Spitz pupa for sale. llth. Main 5355. Pianos, Organs and M us teal Instruments. FOR SALE AT BARGAIN. One C. G. Conn cornet, Bb. silver-plated, gold bell, in case; used but short time, also C. G. Conn. Bb. tenor valve trombone, same finish as comet. Both In first-cLasi condition. One three-burner perfection blue flame oilstove, used but one month. Call 212 Bast 26th st, N., City. SPLENDID high-grade piano, almost newj will sacrifice for $140 cash. 322 Lumber mens bldg. ALMOST new Kranich & Bach piano at hal. price; French walnut Case. W 162, Oro gonlan. - 6NAP Rare old make piano; sell cheaj. for cash. 125 13th St., near Washington. PIANO check for $124 on Eilers; make aa offer. Y 160. Oregonlan. AtMceliiuieoai. CHOICE family cow; thoroughbred. Jersey, light fawn color; richest milk you ever tasted: fresh August 1; perfectly gentla and family pet; handsome spotted Shet land pony, perfectly gentle for child of any ege; rides .or drives; complete, with riding saddle and bridle, two-seated Eng lish cart, russet harness; all in good con dition and nearly new; will be sold cheap at once. 1242 Garfield ave.. near Aius wortty Piedmont. Woodlawn car. MOVING-PICTURE THEATERS. Our films are the pick of 28 indepen dent manufacturers; 14 new pictures re leased weekly. You need the best; we can furnish It. Write for full information. .USD. WESTERN FILM EXCHANGE, ' 615-519 Swetland Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE 50-foot launch, 50 H. P.. built last year; have had overhauled and re painted; carry heavy load; at a bargain if taken at once. Phone Marshall 1625. 816 Electric bldg. or Von der Worth, boathouse. 18-FOOT, all-round speed and pleasure boat, 2-cylinder, 6-H. P. engine, about 14 miles, fully equipped, at a bargain, gee J as. B. Welch. 141 First st. THB Northwest Typewriter Company. 222 Ablngton bldg. phone M. (M.70, la the only company selling strictly mctory re built typewriters; prices $10 to $65. B LICK ENS DERFER TYPEWRITERS, $44. $50. Ask for catalog. Rebuilt $15 up. N, M. Bayter Co.. 90 flth st. Mala 5529. . FOR SALE Showcase, wallcases, eouaters. cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone Eas: am, FOR SALE or rent; logging and hoisting engine. Railway Equipment Co., 74 First s t. Both phones. m COO business cards, $1.25 If you bring this) ad. Rose City Prlntery, 192H 3d St. BEST 4-foot fir cordwood $5.60. delivered. s Multnomah Fuel Co. Both phones. FOR SALE A second-hand traction wood gawaueed short time. Phone East 1345. NOTES and mortgages bought and sold. Ks tlonal Credit Ass'n. 601 Worcester i bldg. FIVE-FOOT mahogany desk and chair. Call 42S Mohawk bldg. VIOLINS, banjos, mandolins, guitars at ha2 regular prices. Uncle Myers. 71 6th st. BARGAIN Remington typewriter. No. . J. C. 9mith, 627 Oorbett bldg. FOR SALE Steam table. Phone East 89. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HIGH EST price paid for men's cast-off clothing, shoes and bicycles. The Globe Second-hand store. 290 First. Main 208. We also buy ladies' clothing. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes we also buy household furnishings; bigae prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal' 04 N. 3d st. Main 9272. CARPENTER work of all kinds; jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty. Cummtngl A catlin, 871 First st Marshall 2327. SELL your second-hand furniture to the ForoT Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phones. A 2445; Main 8951. WANTED Pool table, second-hand. Phon call Main 1909. m BPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt attention always given, Phona East lOil. j