13 TIIJ3 MOItXIXG :OREGONIA?T, TUESDAY,: AUGUST . , 2,. .1910. SALE OF HIL! LMArl LOTS HAS CEASED Townsite Boon Languishes as District Attorney Begins Probe of Alleged Fraud. SITE LOOKS BARREN NOW f rot I RrmOTrd and Coyote and Babbit Hold Full Sway at "Com ing Metropolis of Central Ore gon AnU Absent. Eala of Htllman lot is said o riatra m1 In Fortlsnd. sine Attorny-Gn-ral Crawford wrot a latter to District Attorney Canwron a few rtays ao. rail ing attention to th alleged fraud oeins" I TOWNSITE BOOM IS BEHTO INVESTIGATED AS FRAUD BY AUTHORITIES. - v:"":"':v - VIEW OF H1I.LMAV. T """SBRSPPEARE BACKGROISD ARB LATA ROCKS. perpetrated upon purchasers of k)U In th townsite. The offices of the com pany were In charge of a lone rapher yesterday, who said that both F. P Cooper and T. M. Taylor, the sales at rant a. wer out of town. it reported, however, that activity lias been transferred to Spokane and that vicinity, where the glories of tha coming metropolis of Oregon" ara being heralded to anyone that has SIS to Invest In real estate. District At torney Cameron endeavored to probe the enterprise yesterday, but found no one who could tell him anything about It. If an attempt to sell lots In this Jurisdic tion to renewed, a thorough investigation will be made. Between 150.000 and WX00O Is said to Iiave been cleaned up by Cooper and traylor on the deal and about 35 per cent of the alleged townsKa lias been dis posed of. Literature) Is Enthusiastic. That sales were brisk Is not surprising, tor the literature Issued by the promo ters stands at th head in optimistic en thusiasm and in glittering adjective. Be ginning with a general view of the wealth f Crook County, adverting at length to the entry of two railroad Into the region. Quoting Theodore. B. WUcox on the future of Central Oregon, the booklet Anally arrive at Hlllman. which it Bays Is In the exact center of Oregon, on both railroad lines, In a -wonderful rolling Valley." The statement la given promi nence that Hlllman ha been promised a railroad station by tha Oregon Trunk line. Tha town la aald to be high and lry. . In m fervid peroration, the promoters ay: "What mora at tractive investment could the man of small means wish than hls? It requires but a small amount of money to become Identified with the town of Hlllman. Everyone should become the owner of as many lota In Hlllman as he can prudently buy. for the more Hlllman property one buy a now, the bigger will be his reward.' Townsite Is Platted. On tha a!ta shown in the Illustration Sierewlth a townsite has been platted consisting of about ISO block of M lots each. Running through the town Is sn ample space reserved for railroad pur poses and side-tracks. The reader Is in formed that lots In ths -business section will wt from 376 to 3J0O. while residence lots may be hsd as low as 10- There I no additional charge mentioned for sage brush and lava rock. The tent which ap pear In the pkturs has since been re moved, tt is said, and the coyote bowla plaintively and the Jackrabblt wanders undisturbed over the site of "the coming metropolto of Central Oregon." Attorney-Oeneral Crawford says that any of the county officials of Crook Coun ty will support his charge that th project ta a fraud and detrimental to the best Interest of the section. He asks Judge Cameron to bring. If possible, th per petrators before the courtta JULY HAS LITTLE RAIN Record In 11 Far Below Average, Other Julys Hire Bern Dries, ASTORIA. Or., Aug. 1. (Special.) The records In Local Weather Ob server Ollmore's office show that the rainfall during the month of July was only four one-hnndredths of an inch, being 1.21 Inchea less than the average for the corresponding month of pre vious years. There was no rain during July in 1S51 or during either June. July or August In 1SSJ. the year of the big fire In Astoria. In July. 1885. there waa the same amount of rainfall a wa re corded last month, while In the corre sponding month of 189C there was only one one-hundredth of an Inch. BURKE NOW ASKS PRIMARY Senatorial Candidate) Wants King County to Name Choice. SEATTLE. Aug. 1. Thomas Burke, one of the three candidates for United States Senstor from this (King) County, today Issued a formal statement pro posing an advisory primary In King County, th defeated candidate to withdraw from the state-wide contest. In his statement Judge Burke says: "There Is still smple time to hold an advisory primary in King County and let th people of the county choose their own candidate to be presented to the people of the state. If I am not ths choice of th people of my borne county I will withdraw from the contest-" Tha fact that h Insurgent andi-. data for Senator. Reprentatlv Mile Polndsxter. baa developed great strength, where the regular Republican vote is likely to be divided among- four candi date ha made the Waahlngton contest of -National Importance, and It 1 said that Senator Murray Crane s mission to Washington deals with this matter. WESTERN IDEAS WANTED Chinese Naval Leader to Study Fleets of Ame-lca. "WASHINGTON. Aug. 1. China Is looking for Western ideas for her navy. In September hi imperial highness. Prince Tal Haun. and Admiral San. the Imperial naval commissioners, win arrive In the United States to study naval affairs. Mr. Calhoun. Minister to China, advised the State Department to day that the royal party will sail on the steamer Manchuria, on August 14. Details for his reception will be ar ranged soon. A number of American naval officers probably will meet the Prince when he lands and escort him to the various naval establishments on his way across the United States. POTATOES GROW PRECIOUS Price Break Record at Walla Walla and Many Are Sold. WALLA WALLA. Wash., Aug. 1. (Special.) Potatoes here broke the price record today, selling at II a 4 hundred. Many large sales and con tracts were ms8e at this price, which Is the best ever recorded at this time of the year. The crop of the valley is estimated at 1000 carloads and. if the price holds up. the tuber will bring return of $800,000. The yield thl year run from "5 to 250 sacks per acre. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. POBTI-AND. Aug. 1. Maximum tem perature. 71 degrees: minimum, ftl degree. Mm reading at 8 A. M.. . feet: chanse In last 24 hours, 0.2 foot fall. Total rain fall 15 P. M. to S P. M. none; total rain fall since September i. 1900. 42.09 inc.h.f X normal rainfall since September 1, 44.48 Inches: deficiency of rainfall since Septem ber U 18n. 24U tnehes. Total sunshine July SU hour. minutes: possible sunshine. 14 hours. 4 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-lereu at 6 I'i- Jt.. ao.l Inchea THE WEATH8R. 37 Wind Z m S -2 O 3 rrs i a , . c - c state of a-TATlO.sa. J ! ! Wsathsi - 5 2 ? ; ! Boise........... Boston. Cslnmrr. ........ Chicago.... ..... Denver. .... I Molr.es...... Eniluth Eureka Galreatoa....... Helen. Jacksonville. .... Kansas City..... Msxsr.neld....... Montreal. New Orleana..... w York. North Head..... Phoenix. Pocrtello. Portland. Roeeburff. ....... Sacramento. . . . 6t. Louis. ....... ft. Paul......... Salt Lake San Dieira San Francisco. .. , Siskiyou. ........ Spokane. ....... . Tscoma . Tatoosh Island... Walla Wall. .... Washington. .. . . Wlnnlpe. ....... Telle wstone 0.001 81 NW 7S 0.0112 SW TZi0.0OlSt-l.NE 8 0.12I10SW iCIear Clear ' Pt. clouar (Clear ;s.o.04i e ss Clear (".- . 00 14 NE To o.oniioiroE SKO.on :xw Cloudy k'loudr Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy 80.00'tO'S 8(V0.0Oll2iW StVO.OOl 4 f E S4 0.00 8 SB S40.OO!2;NW 74!0.O4il0lW yoio.co; 8 SW JMVO.OOl 8iE H8!0.00'14'N"W Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy 1O4 0.0OI 8W Pt. clouay Clear Clar Clear Clear Clear OO.O.OU!1U W 82 0.0O 1S N eo.o.oo-12 s S60.OO 8! 84 0.00 4 NIC Clear SKI 0.0OI 4 3 8-SW 14IW 4NE 14W k-loudy 72 0.0O SO 0.00 70O.0O ICloudy clear Clear 7SO.OOI k:ier ert o.ih 4 NE 8'S 8 W 4 S 8 SB iCloudy Cloutiy ICIear Cloudy SA'O.OO J 84 0.0O s o.uo 7 O.OO T8!0. lOl Icloudr 12 Pt. cloudy WEATHER CONDITIONS. The Alberta depression has moved east to Saskatchewan and the An son a depression Is central this evening over Southwestern Kansas. Local rains have fallen In tha Tellowstone Park. Eastern Colorado. Eastern South Dakota and In portions of the South Atlantic State, belns heaviest In Florida. It Is jrenerallr cooler In the Northern States from the Cascade Mountains . east to 4he Mississippi River and warmer over a strip of territory eatendlns from Utah east to the Appalachian Mountain Klsewhere the temperature has remained nearly stationary. Th condition are favorahla for fair weather In this district Tuesday. It will be warmer In Oreon. Washington and North ern Idaho and cooler In Southern Idaho. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair and warmer: northwest winds. Oreson and Washington Fair, warmer, except near the coast: northwesterly winds. Idsho Fair, warmer north, cooler south portion. F pwaBP A yKATA Tltnt TVrecaytr. HOUSEHOLD " NEEDS pn. Richmond and Wallsend Au trail -1Ud.l an Independent Coal Ice Com. pany.opposlteClty Llbrarv. Both phone OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE, CITY HALL MAIN OS. A TSSS. HTMAXE OFFICER. EAST 477. ACCTIOX SALES TODAT- At salesroom. 120 2d St at 10 A. If. S. 1 N. Gllmaa. auctioneer. At Baker Auction Bouse. 1S3 Park street. Furniture, etc. Sale at 10 o'clock. Geo. Baker Co.. auctioneers. r At residence. 474 Salmon street, comer Fourteen m. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. WUson. auctioneer. mxumsa jtowcEa. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER. O. E. ft Social Club will give a social at Masonic Temple this (Tuesday! rt a o'clock. Danclns and cards. Members of the O. E. 8. and friends corolaUy In vi tea. uiwce v cent. ' rVANHOE LOIXIK. NO. X, KNIOHT3 OF PYTHIAS meet every Tuesday night In It Caatl HalL lltb and Alder ate. Work In tna nasa rank. Visitors are welcome. E. M. LANCE. K. B. S. OREOO-e COUNCIU ROTAI ARCANUM, meet at th Audi torium. 205 Third street, tha first and third Tuesday of eaeh most a at S P. M. Visitor cordially wal eome. O. O. HALL, secretary. Cre Bonermaa Hardwar Ce vinnntRrra CAMP will give a shirt ..rv -rhurwdav evening. August 4, at 10 second street. TJnioa moslo, Oood Uaan tool haili t . AMTSEMEXTS. 4IV a ftsLAIlKKE KVIvUT AT &2S-50. BIGHTS TT4TL4.TER 15-25-5W58 WEEK Arr.rST 1 Special mgement "One ratio eetival. flfteen hlxh-cla eolo- i , n Krn I VSl OI Venice." FUnagaa and Edwards In "On end On i. C. uent In "On the tiouarer." the Harrey-De Vora Trio. Melmee and Kenneay. A. o. itams. Pone and Loo. l'lcturea, or chestra. dRANP Week Aog- l 1910 Me Hah on. ''Pull man porter Maidi," with Ned I t"ork Dorsch ft RuMelU Rose ft Ellta, Rmwson ft Clar. Will Pftvl. Bymonds, Ryan and Adams. rnnnaimDn. Norton. Tha great- 6Kt of all muBlco fpectacuiar crea- tiona. "'at. ' vs. ---w MatlnM ETery Day. :80; any tt: ialcony lie; Lower Floor liSo. Boi Soata ftOo. LYRIC PORTXAXD'B FAMTL'1 FLA V HOUSE th and Alder Streets. AU week. Edward Armstrong Musical Com edy co. present BAROA1N DAY. Sales commence daily at 2:4X. T:4S. 0:1S. Friday Night CHORUS OIRLS- CONTEST. Coming week. Aug. 8. "-The College Girls THE OAICS Transfer at E. Mor- rlson and E. Watet LAST DAT LAST DAT KAVAftftAR LADIES' BAND Next Musical Attraction WEBER'S PRIZE BAND Of America Opening Day, Angus 5. 8KOOO In thl city. August 1, Glldv I.lnne ekoog, daughter of Mr. and sirs. George koog. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOnCEa, VINv'ENT At residence of his son-in-law. J. It. Howard. S17 East 74th street nortn. August 1. George Vincent, aged 62 years, beloved husNand of Fteila and father of Waldo L... Elisabeth M. Vincent and Mrs. Robert Bianton. Remains are at Dunning A McEntee parlors, wher they have been prepared lor shipment to Heppner, Or. TENNIS In thl city, July 81. Orvllle Ten nis. ged 22 years. A member Of Forest Grove ldge. I. O. O. F. Remains have been prepared for shipment to Forest Grove. Or., by Punning A McEntee. where Interment will b held Tuesday. August 2. DAVIDSON Friends are respectfully In vited to attend the funeral services of the lata 6smuel R. Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Davidson, at Dunning and McEntee chapel todsy. 2 P. M. In terment Rlverview cemetery. CHASE In thla city. July SO, Seth Chase, aged ! years. 7 months, 28 days. Funeral services will be held at HoUnan's chapel, corner Third and Salmon streets, today (Tuesday). August i. at J:S0 P. M. Friends Invited. Interment Rlverview Cemetery. MATHEWS Th funeral services of Mrs. L. 8. Mathews will , be held at Holman's chapel. 3d and Salmon, at 10 A- M. today (Tuesday). Friends Invited. Interment In Rose City Cemetery. SCHUMANN In this city. July 30. Louis C. Schumann, aged 28 years. Funeral will take place from the parlors of the East side Funeral Directors. East Alder and East Sixth streets, today (Tuesday), Aug ust 2. 2:30 P. M. FISHER Funeral services of William J. Fisher will be held at his late resilience, 0U.1 Miller avenue. Tuesday. August 2. at 3 P. M. Interment at Mlluakee cemetery. Friend invited. DAVIS In this city. July 28. Clyde Davi. aged 81 years. Remains shipped to Ada, Ohio, today by East Side Funeral Dl rectors. East Alder and Sixth streets. IONSETI1 ILORAL CO. MAKHCAM BLDti. ii itn 4 1. lK-.It.NS. Phones: Main 6102; A 1102. rwmnlng McEntee, Funeral Directors, th and pine. Phone Main 4S0. Lady ae .i.".pl Office of County Coroner. ZELLEB-BYRNES CO., ronenu Ulrecwrs, Km uii.m. ave.t both ohones: lady attend- .... nt modern eatabUnbment in the city mm mow iuuupim EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Funeral Dlrect T. K0 3d St. Lady Assistant. Phone M. 607. .." . . enu . .1 .. .1 1 . n 9. tl. w w. mr J P. FIN LEY SON, Sd and Madison. .tid.oL Phone Main 9. A 1680. LadX to K M. Dunning. Inc. K. St. it tSiS. ' VRIf PON COi Undertakers: lady aasist- 0Q Alder. M. 133. A SISi. " ujirH. TJndertaker, cor. East Alder and Kb. rhone 78U B 18. Lady aasUtant. KEW TODAY. On Broadway $5500 Completely furnished, new, thorough ly modern bungralow, located on hand somest residence street of the East Side; fine lawn and grarden, flowers and younir fruit trees, cement sidewalk, hard-surface streets, water, gas, elec tric lights, up to date In every particu lar. The price $5500 Includes every thing and about one-half cash will close 'the deaL Owners must leave city soon. ' 60S Gerllnger Bid-., 2d nd Alder Sta. FIandersSt.,$ll,000 FULL SOxlOO NOB HILL Near 19th Btreet. on car line, choicest location In city for mod ern apartment building, district a nat ural park, where no vacancies can ex ist and high prices are obtainable; only lot of its kind left in this neigh borhood. Take time to compare this with other districts, and. If you are In the market, at the price of $11,000 youll buy. EQ.CITY INVESTMENT CO (loft Oerllnger Hid., 2d a ad Alder Sis. Irvingtoii Home Tour choice of four beautiful new houses, in the best parts of Irvington. Must be sold at once, and we want your offer for any one of them. You make your own terms. Grussi & Zadow S17 Board of Trade Bids;., 4th aad Oak. THE HYLANDS Off YAMHILL. 570 acre. H ready to plant: could get 400 acre ready with little work; $50.00 per acre: good terms. This Is by long odds the cheapest fruit land tract in Yamhill County, because of perfect slope, depth of soli and percentage ready to plant. Many springs and nice stream on one corner. 12 acres In young orchard. Part set to alfalfa. Fair Improvements. ' GEO. E. WAGGONER, 2S Board of Trade. $2100100x1 14 This is located 200 feet from the boulevard and 3 blocks from the en trance of the new Williams Park, and stands high on the west slope of Mount Tabor, with an excellent view of the city improvementa Included and now under wav. You can't touch anything In neighborhood within $1000 of this price. If sold before the 16th of August $2100 takes If- . Errrr investment o- 50fl Ccir linger Bldg 2d and Alder St. Immediate Loan Wanted $6000 wanted on excellent farm ' of 116 acres valued $15,000. 'Will pay 8 per cent Interest. High-grade Improve menta Land values constantly in creasing because of growing- demand. Addrea AL 105. Oregonlan. Derby Street Two concrete houaes, 8 rooms, mod ern. In Kenton, on carllne. Very de sirable at the price. MERCHANTS SAVINGS Te TRCST COMPANY a. VV. Cor. 6th and IVanhlnarton street. LNVESTOKS Call on owner iteauy A' a. tor timber, acreage, businea. restdenoa aad - aDATtrosnt properties. 2tjo Ablngtoa. IfrTW. modern bo usee. In Irvington. R. B. SUos, 90 Wsaoo. Both .phouav. . 5v . r WbVjvwwwiivvT NEW TODAY. LAKE SIDE On Vancouver Lake, is the coming suburban home location of Portland. All the Portland and Seattle trains pass the property and stop at the junction. It takes bnt 30 minutes to go from the Union Depot to the junc tion. The whole City of Portland is in sight, also the Columbia and 'Wil lamette Rivers, together with moun tains, Hood, Adams, - Rainier, St. Helens and the Cascade Range. A few home sites of 5 and 10-acre tracts in. a high state of cultivation, with hearing trees 7 to 12 years old, are now on the market by L L. RAT, at Hotel St. Elmo, Vancouver, Wash. 100x200 HALF BLOCK Modern 9-room house, full cement, 10-foot high basement, new furnace, fireplace, well fenced, 35 bearing fruit trees, 25 shade trees, 20-foot high holly tree, 8x26 feet fine bear ing "grape arbor, automobile garage, two god chicken-houses, plenty fine roses, all kinds of other fine flowers; good location, only two blocks from car and only 15 minutes from West Side. This is a beautiful home; all streets will be hard-surfaced and fin ished in four weeks. Price $9500. A. T. GANTNER, 618 Board of Trade Building, Fourth and Oak Streets. Office Phone Main 3875; Residence Phone Sellwood 138. racle High-grade, close-in city warehouse property, with trackage, for other city property or acreage. Apply owner, 606 Concord Bldg. Phone Main 1373. MORTGAGE LOANS Laweat rate atid term to svlti ap clal rates and fa vora bl terms a lnr-a la bruin ess properties FvDda Lroaoed for Private iMTeatorm, A.H.BIRRELL CO. 303 MeKaw Hlaa. 3d el Stark. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William O., 312 Falling bldg. Blrrell. A. H. A Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Itsal state. Insurance, mortgages, loans, ste. Brubaker Benedict, 602 McKay bldg. M. 649. CARD HEALTT INVESTMENT CO.. S HENRY BLDO. MARSHALL. 1S6T, A 1M7. Chapin A Herlow. 332 Chamber Comnsroa Cook. B. & Co.. 603 Corbatt bids. Jennings Co.. Mala 188. 200 Oresaalan. JPALilER-JONBS CO.. U. P., 218 Commercial Club bid. V Sehalk. Geo.D., S28 Stark at.. Main 382. A 23M SUINOLEB HALL. 205 Ablngtoa bids. Ths Oreson Real Estate Co., Grand are. as Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition.) M. E. Thompson Co., cor. 4th aad Oak st REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lets. 4000 Finest half block (100x190) at ML Tabor: Investigation will prove this the "llnest" residence site on the east side of the river; worthy of a fine home; easy term If desired; also one splendid sightly lot for dlOOO; same suburb; very efficient car service and bard-surface street right to property. Phone Marshall 1585 or call 148 Becond slThe Hart Land Co. PIEDMONT SNAP. For sale, lots Nos. IS and IS, block 23. on corner of Rodney a vs. and Jarrett St. ; price S200, easy terms. BGGMAN & BLAKE, 114214 Union Ave. Phone woodlawg 2928. . A GOOD SPECULATION. Must sell my equity In one of the choicest corners, 100x108, In Alameda Park, contract carries all the Improvements; this - Is a baraaln for someone and must be sold this week. F. E. TAYLOR A- COMPANY, 402-3 Lewis Bldg- 4th and Oak Sts. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. $2 each month payments; price 3150 to 2M; nothing down, lust 12 per month; Oregon City carllne. National Realty & Trust Co.. s2H Washington St.. room 616. SNAP. 8 choice lot. 60x100. at Mbntavllla, In cluding corner lot: 3450 each, or will sell all three for 31300, half cash, balance terms, by owner. A. Q. Wllhelm. S0ta 6th St. FOR SALE 15 lots near Kenton, has 124 . feet frontage on O. R. & N. Troutdale extension; 34000 cash. DOVE-THOMP-BON CO.. successors to Willamette Realty Co.. 41'0-422 Board of Trade. - 40x100 WAVERLEIOH HEIGHTS $800. On west slope, with good view; street Improved; location 29th and Kelly sts; adjoining lots will cost you more. Address S. H. P.. Box 131. Portland. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. Five and a third full lots; good view; beautiful trees; fine Investment or charm ing home site; no reasonable offer refused. " Main 8551. BIG DISOOrNT. IRVINGTON QUARTER, on Stanton St., close to Irvington carllne; 3200; Inside lot 31250: also a bargain on Brazes su A. Backus. D19 Board of Trade bldg. LAliREbHFRST Read. Not the cheapest, but one of the very finest lots In Laurel hurst; 1st quarter: Just right or your home. AK 162. Oregonlan. 1100 DOWN and 320 a month. Including In terest, line new modern 5-room bungalow, near car. in good neighborhood. Inquire 6.S0 Worcester block: a bargain. 3400O buys 50x100 lot. West Side, only 12 minutes' walk to postoffice. On of the best buys on the West Side. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. 110 CASH and 35 per month for a beautiful lot 3 blocka from Mr- Scott fie carllne; CHIGLErr' BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. 31200 BUYS corner. 100x100; high, sightly ground; this Is lower than adjoining prop erty; near good car Una, not too far out. call iu r iiiim A CHOICE 100x100 In Irvington at a bar gain. Gray-Cunning ham -Gray. 722 Elec- trie blag. ACRE tract: lays fine; only 15 minutes' ride: West Side; a bargain at 31200; terms to suit you. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. LAfRELHURST. corner. 3S00; must sell. 10 dav Room 2i Y. M. C. A.. 11 A. Ml to , 1:30 P. M. CHOICE corner. 50x100, only 15 minutes from heart of city. A snap for somebody; moo. Call 410 Falling bldg. ooxft) Willamette boulevard, near Patton. SOxlSO. Kllllngsworth. Fine property. Zel- la Goasett. T West Kllllngsworth. ottc, K.tf,il lots. 80x120. 20 mln. ride on West Side; easiest terms; $10 will handle them, owner, rnona a opq. (mr.t'U AD-' ' I . 1 , ...... . r. 1 , 201 Swetland Bldg. Phone Main 203T. NOT IN THE TRUST. .-iti-itI-v. Trvlnrton lot. 1 W blocks from car- line, close in. for sale by owner. Address AF 198. Oregonlan. ROSE CITY PARK bargains: choice lots 1550. Including all Improvement. J 160. oregonaan. BERKELEY lot for 3350 If taken at once. Krapeii. a"""11 two lots for sale, easy terms, by owner, East Portland. P 197. Oregonlan. x"0O WILL bny lot fronting on Oregon City carllne. E. Meldrum, Meldrum station. PORTLAND HEIGHTS lots from 3900 to loooo: tract i'x au..... " EAST front lot, 59th and Hancock ts. 300: Improvements ihio. '- MUST sell my 100x100 lot at Council Crest unaer oost. .a-- IRVINGTON snap: east front. 50x100, on Owziiiv iW G lU7J bioclt tram callny ToT SEAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lota. PIEDMONT. 31150. . Beautiful lot on Haight avenue, near Jarrett street; one-balf cash; terms on balance. ' ' $1200. 100x315. East 2Sth street, between Klick itat ana Siskiyou; this U cash and a snap. $300. Lot, 25x100. on East 89th.. 100 feet from Sandy road: easy terms; 310 cash, balance 10 per cent per month. SHOO- , w Corner lot, Alameda Park: two blocks from carllne: all Improvement Included. 1-3 cash, .balance on terms. - ASTMAN INVESTMENT CO.. . ROOM 27. WA3HINPTOjfB.LpOi. HAWTHORNE AVE. BLOCK. Price 316.000. terms 33000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent: clause; block of twenty lots. 50x100 feet each, within 200 feet of Hawthorne ave.. property In this vicinity Is having a rapid Increase In value owing to completion or the new Madison-street bridge and tnis block can be sold out In lots at a Pront of G00O: now Is the time to get In; tnis offer is open for a few days only. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. rhonea Main 8699. A 2653. EASY LOT PROFIT FOR YOU. Lots 50x100. Just south of Hawthorne ave.. on 41st and 42d streets, for a short time at 110 down and 310 monthly: the opening of Madison bridge will send values up quickly here and you will make a profit many times larger than your actual Investment: act now: regrets later will not put any mony In your purse. Room sua. t Couch bldg. . BltINES-S CORNER LOT. el?. Fine comer lot. 50x100. on 22d and Divisclon streets. Joins Ladd's Addition, store all around and a good place to build fnr an Income or flne speculation, price 31500 for a few days. only, halt cash. -T3TTBCT a. 7 A nnnr SIT Board of Trade Bldg-.thndOak FOR SALE Lot 42x130, with 10-foot alley. on 9th. between Holman ana ainmorui ".. by owner on easy terms. AL 167, Ore gonlan; For Sale -House. PIBDMONT HOMES. Four modern homes. Just completed, of 8,6.7 and 8 rooms, all east facing, lots 60x100, with alley, double construction, first-class plumbing, cooling coll floors finished, walls tinted, combination lighting fixtures, fireplaces, cement floor In base ments, shades; must be seen to be appre ciated; terms If desired. F. G. Warner, owner, 1275 William ave. Phone Woodlawa 1339. GOING TO BUILD? W ARB BUILDING MORS HOUSES - THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THB CITT. THERE ARB GOOD REASONS. OUH CUSTOMERS 8AVB MONEY AND GET BETTER WORK. ON TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOT. WB WILL FURNISH THB MONEY TO BUUA PLANS AND ESTIMATES FRBHt OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO, 80S HENRY BLDG. BUILD NOW. IJT TJS FINANCE THE BTJILDIN9 OT TOUR HOME. IF YOU OWN LOT. SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH IS SUFFICIENT. OUB REPUTATION FOR WELL-BUILT HOMES, FAIR DEALING AND DISPATCH OF CON STRUCTION IS BRINGING US MANY CLIENTS. NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUC TION CO.. Su-iceasors to Portland Realty a Construction Co.. 901-2-3 Lewis Bid. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Just completed. 8-room horn on 52d st,; bath. Dutch kitchen. fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch, full basement, laundry tubs. t(, kit fiOxluO: Improvements In and paid: splendid buy for $4000; owner will sell for soo lea ir taken at once; terms ew iuu, balance 320 per month. National Realty A Trust Co.. 326 Wash, st,, room 016. EEST BARGAIN IN RICHMOND. INn 1 LAN rtiuvu 11. If you have $725 cash you can buy my 6-room Dungaiow at uenwuwi one block south of W-R car, for 32500, u.hlH X34IO helow anvthlne In the dis trict of Its class; you also save agent's commission as I am the owner. Phone Sellwood 1468. . . attractive- 7-room house In one of best Holladay district, 7 rooms and sleeping norch: large living-room, with beautiful nre- place; floors solid hardwood; Interior ai rangement and decoration very handsome and artistic; price $8500; could not be dupli cated at that price. McCargar. Bates A Lively. 316 Falling bldg. BEAUTIFUL home In attractive Irvington dunrict; on lliiamooa near zj. loin; new and thoroughly modern. 7 rooms, very at trctlvlv arranged: sleeping porch, cement basement, furnace, large fireplace. Price muji' urmi: must be seen to be appreciat ed. McCargar, Bate & Lively, 315 Falling .building. FOR SALE BY OWNER, ; 6-room bungalow on Mt. Scott carllne, at Stewart station: $2000. 6-room house on W-W carllne, over looking city; large porches, etc.; 122.50. au. .nrM at I.lnmann Junction, on Esta- cada carllne; creek on place; $800. Terms . to suit. Phone benwooq uij. FINE HOME In Holladay T rooms, new and modern, very attractive Inside and out, on rinfliajiiju In ono of finest residence dis tricts. Price $8250. If yon are looking for a handsome home on the East Side at a bargain price, investigate tnis. atct.axKar, Bates at Lively, 316 Falling bldg. AN IRVINGTON BARGAIN Modem and at tractive 8-room house, on E. 12th near Han ncirr well built, large rooms, and vary at tmctlvAlv arranged: 4 bedrooms, fireplace. furnace, large basement and attic. This is a bargain at 37250. McCargar, Bate A Live- ly. 315 failing omg. " A SNAP. t , A.-, -r 1.13 on Mountain boulevard, rvinncll o-est. with four-room house, gas, owtricitv bath, etc.: 33000: terms. Thla Is a bargain. Penn Investment Co., 614 Buchanan bldg. SAVR TOTTR RENT. We will sell you a home and you can nay for It by monthly installments. PROVIDENT INVES. & TRUSTEE CO:, 524-526 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Marshall 473. R1X-ROOM HOUSE. 315 payment each month will bny thl beautiful place; $100 down; full lot and basement; on Woodstock carllne, 5o fare. National Realty A Trust Co., 326 hi Wash ington St., room yia. BUILDERS. ATTENTION. utrm Tinve a 6-room house partially fin ished- full lot, on carllne, easy terms. Pee Crowe, Jno. P. Sharkey Co., 6th and Washington. wrttiRRN 6-room house in Holladay Addition, on Clackamas near B. 26th; lot 60x123; house practically new nuu ,wr aimwiive. Price $4800. only $2000 cash required. Mo- Cargar. nates m.w. -.-n-i,,",, FOITR-ROOM modern cottage at Tremont, $1400. terms; also seven-room modern house, mil '' t 416 Chamber of Commerce. iT25! $725! $75 CASH! $75 CASH! Neat, well-built, 8-room house, room for 2 rooms upstairs, small lot. Fred W. German. S29 Burnslda. Main or A 2776. A HOME for the asking; $150 down and easy monthly payments buys new 7-room home on East 41st street, near Holgate at. Don't rent, but see at once. 410 Falling building. SEVEN-ROOM residence, on First st. South, West Side. $4000. part cash, balance term. GRAY -CUNNINGHAM-GRAY. 722 Electric blag. v- ,r w modern. 5-room cottage; owner wants to sell and will therefore give aood bargains; $1850. Call 410 Failing bldg. t? , . r. tu v ft - room house, modern, sleep. lnr porch; Btreet Improvementa and aide- walk paid: $3000 oaan; iiuvu z years. iai Rodney ave. S ROOMS Portland Heights, $2500; strictly modern, full lot. 3 blocks from car. A decided bargain: term. Fred W. German. Main or A .HP- MUST be sold this eek. $825 equity In new v-rm- Kwn btm-raJow. cheap, leavinr city. Information call or write R. Witzke. 409 A e tatter at. r ' TDvivaTON EXTRA FINE HOME. A bargain thla week: come and see. Corner Kant iatn anu xi,.cc t iiT .n-i house. Dftitly finished, for vale for the price of vacant lota around; terms. C lCli, uregonian. 154 MONTHLY income; $1700 handles it. Renter uaya the rest. Butter-worth. ner. oo uftiaj"- wr- - Z m VI,!. Un W 'XJ FIRST-CLASS modern bunsalow for sale In .line. Inoulrfe Woodlawn 1515, RnM I 11 V P-tallf., aui fc.av.-i aua irriR SALE by owner; 'new 8-room house. strictly modern, near SOtti ana East Yam hill st.. 1 block south of S-8 car. "WALKINXJ distance: grood T-room house, ce ment oase merit, oov urtraii. um xiu iui( t erma. 4-ROOM nous, rente U0, full-size lot, near car. uu. "" i 'w-ts 4 th. Room 8. tvin ciT.in Yiv owner, the Handsomest room house In Irrinrton. 496 Bast 2uta sC K. Call and see It- BUNGALOW for sale; Investigate. 115 East lath sc. 5ROOM house, E. 31st near Francis; $1400. Main -tn-o. r-o r tiling mug- v- rtr k.,n.alria- anrl kIy lAffA lots. CheaD. Miiwaukle Park. Phone owner. East 45r36 FINE bouse for sale: a bargain. Sse owner, 491 E. lflth ste. North. BOTT3H for rent or sale cheap on easy, terms; cke to, Uwiuir At 0& BaOsey RJEAJ, ESTATE. For Sale Hon - R1YERDALE HOME. One of the handsomest homes In the RtY erside district: T beautifully designed and artistically finished rooms, a reception nail, a full-length living room with large fire place, bookcases and seat, casement ana French windows, paneled and beamed dining-room with artistic buffet, Dutch kitchen. 4 bedrooms, each In separate color scheme; sleeping -balcony, large bathroom, at tio paced for two rooms and bath; full cement basement; extra large furnace; private water system under heavy pressure ; beautl f ul grounds about an acre in extent and com manding a sweeping view of the city, river and mountains. For further particulars apply R. F. BRYAN, 605 Chamber of Commerce, A 1227. Main 1&63. . THIS HOME IS WORTH MORE. A home not too large, nor too small, built not to sell, but to live in, well finished, .unique ideas, lots of tbem; distinct features in living-room, dining-room and hall; every built-in features, 7-foot olid .paneling in three front rooms, bookcases, buffet, etc. ; ft ft. burnt-brick flreplaa. beamed ceiling, solid art brass fixtures and hardware throughout, stationary tub. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, linoleum In. bath and kitchen, shades, cement walks; an artistic place, well worth several hundred more than asked; double construction, 2 large bed rooms, plenty of closet room, price 3275. easy monthly payment. Address D ltil. Ore gonlan. TYPICAL CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. With living-room and dining-room entirely across the front, beamed ceilings, S-ft. fire place, bookcases, window seat, 6-ft. buf fet, complete Dutch kitchen. 2 large bed rooms with double windows and extra large bath; complete plumbing, cement basement ana r;oor ana cement waitu; to hi nrv trio fixtures. Duplex shades, waxed floors, flne lawn and X3uo in furniture, all for 43300; $H50 cash, balance like rent. This is a nffty place, all ready to move into. For ap pointment with owner call Sellwood 1705 or B 1207. MONTHLY PAYMENT BOMB We offer to reliable man. with steady employment, an opportunity to buy nice, new, five-room and bath modern bunga low on full-sired lot, sewer connection, on monthly payment of $18 and interest, without any down payment; location Just off W-R car on Clinton at., about 15 minutes on car: Drice S29O0; here is where the right party can turn his rent money towards buying a home insteaa ot payms toll to the landlord. See owner, room 6oy Couch b l d g. (IWRI.I. Ri;XOATOW. gftOO CASH. Brand new. strictly modern, 7-room, fine Swiss bungalow; not water neaung piiui., tirniar. mmAnt floor in basement, ce ment wash trays and all the latest Im provements; on a lot 47x8S; some nice fruit, street Improved; on East 9th st., near Karl, Brooklyn Heights; price SS50, tRCtfi 4-nr. tanri L!f. nnr month: this Drop- erty coat (4500; owner has left the city and it must be sola. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 81T Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. MODERN' HOME. 2250. TERMS. You can ohase vour leers off running down bargains In newly-constructed modern homes for sale by owners who must sacrifice, only to find from o00 to xiuuo pront on actual first cost: I am offering this week a new. tnodar-n home on Knowles avenue, close to car, 7 large rooms, full basement, at fSOO loss; fine condition, convenient ana a meri torious snap rarely found In Portland. Call at 507 McKay bldg. Main 4710, except Sun- flay. IRVINGTON HOME. SI 000 cash and S50 monthly will pur chase a most attractive 8-room house on E. 21st st., in Irvington; hardwood floors " and stairs to second floor; Gruby tile fireplace, ten-foot porches on front side and off dining-room; 4 bedrooms, one hav ing fireplace; built-in book cases and b une t. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. TWO new dwellings on Tillamook, just east of 33d; one 6 rooms, one 7 rooms; admirr ably designed; workmanship first-class, fur- - naces, nrepiaces, xuii cement oasemenis, ' waehtravs. large closets, pantries and all modern conveniences; fixtures all in; rooms Drettilv tinted: 50-foot lots: street being hard surfaced and superior neighborhood. Prices low and terms to suit, inquire or A. A. Arend, 1025 Tillamook. Take Rose City fark car. BARGAIN. WEST SIDE. Very good 6-room, two-story house, 'all in nrst-ciass oraer. oniy a lew minutes walk from down town: on Arthur street. near Water; price only 12500, $500 cash and -U per montn. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. $2000 IF taken this week, a 7-room bun galow, between Alnsworth and Kll llngsworth avenues; , sacrifice, as It is worth $2000. GRAY-CUNNINGHAM-GRAY, 722 Electric bldg. IRVINGTON. Modern 8-room house on E- 21st at., near Knott; 2 fireplaces, library, hard wood floors, etc.; an elegant home; $8000, $1500 cash. . HARTMAN ft THOMPSON, 14 Chamber of Commerce. $250 A BEAUTIFUL HOME. $250. $250 cash, balance like rent, 5-room, strlrtlv modern bungalow, lust completed. rooms nicely arranged with all modern conveniences ; house 2 blocks from Kll llngsworth ave. Particulars 417 Board of Trade blag. BARGAIN. Beautiful 9-acre home for sale or ex change for city property, near electric line and best of improvements, farming implements, cows and chickens. Call at once; must oe soia. lapor i.a. fins suburban view home. 114 room bouse; bot water heat: green ho as ; all kinds of fruit. Best bargain In city. Might consider part exchange. CaU at premises. SO East 63d sU Morrison M- Mt, Tabor car. Phone Tabor 8. THREE lots, 50x100 each, and nice modern 6-room house for only $2700; terms; 2H blocks to car; restricted district. East side; this is cheap. See H- W. GARLAND & CO., 11 4th st. $150 CASH and $10 per month buys a neat 4-room bungalow, lot 40x100, 4 blocks Mt. Scott, 5c carline; price $1050. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. Business Property. ifOR SALE by owner, new store-rooms and flats, good building. In splendid location; Income at present about $100 per month nri iiint a. little more than half rented: owner will explain why be i offering for sale. J uregonian. Acreage. T1-TR.E 12 SELECTED BARGAINS. 8 acres, 4 mln. walk from Durham Sta., 0 mi. out. finest fruit soil, full set buildings, 5 acres cultivation, some iruit, will set acres to young fruit to suit; f -ivt acre, verv easy terms. adloinlnrz above, grand view. 1 acre strawberries, on fine road, $250 per acre, $850 casn, oat. yeariy 10 acres finest garden soil, near Tigard Rt hlirh state of cultlvatlonv-bulldings; $3000; this and above are best buys on the market. CLOD FELT ER BROS., 414 Couch bldg, SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS, . Office hours tor August, iv to a. J.OO AUXsCiS i-'jr . ' Ideal for planting; only 16 miles from Fortiana; win ewny u T in 6 ana Ju-acro n . 1.-1.0. vsmua. pelled to sell and will make big sacrifice f. . 1 kaAta a ,iriiBf- in "W mi id make ir 1&B.CU usi. - - - , Ideal country home; no better soil in Oregon. It will be worth your wmie to loo p TAYLOR & COMPANY, 402-3 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sta. BY OWMlH o acres, or " w ban home, two blocks from station, one from church, two from school, four to river, fine orchard and berries, nice gar- . mm v. b a arwul harn tariff nn t buildings; Oregon Citv cars stop at Jen nings Lodge. Inquire at store for C D. 8 locum. . j K mllaa frnm rrtnrfhflllKft. 20minute ride, few minutes' walk from carline; has running stream, every foot could be irrigated; plenty of fine timber for log house and cordwood for many yeSra the McCarthy Co.. 403 Rothchlld .... h .i..t. I....I pi.. t- InnA with running water; on Hlllsboro division of the Oreffon Electric R. R. ; all platted this acreage; only 33000 cash required to handle this. Call 410 Falling bldg. a ACRES deep, rich soil, all high Mate of cultivation: living stream, on county road. U mile from, electric railway; 30 minutes from fortiana. fiw, i". .v., Oregonlan. 5 ACRES. Tii miles from City Hall, good nouse.. ti"" .,3-. MKl KaaS to sitf price TlSOoT 1 Owner, aio Lewis piog. 1 1 f. AfTRS farm, ideal, one block from R. R. station. 26 miles from Portland; best Dar gain 'ItatiSvestment CO.. For 6ale Fruit land. 10 ACRES unimproved, good soli; 35 minutes nn. rruitrTana?3o25." doaVt' T Palmer; WT Coucn piag i AND 10-acre tracts in Peach Cove, th best Investment In Oregon; let us show. M. E- lee, ill 'ooroPi.t. viMB rt i rRKa OI A-X 11 un iiauu ""-' 315 per acre; apple belt- C. H. Plggott. owner. t amine Homesteads. THREE relinquishments near White Salmon; p.pgntt. 14 Muiaey Diag HOMESTEADS la Southern Oregon. Address JbClT Bwatnger, Grant Pass. Oregon, . REAL ESTATE. " Homesteads. tWO rellnqu lshmen tsL. Joining, all fenceo s wires, gooa uuuu.ug., i . yj. uu " 2H miles, school miles, en county road, stock, crops and household good. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of, the 84 counties Is best adapted for; give amount of Government land open to home stead In each county; map attached. 21X , showing new R. R. and towns. Includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon: counties In different colors; drawn to March u 1910; latest map in U. S.; price 25c Mm mo ituney. aia xnm.."!- " 1 RELINQUISHMENT, 160 acres; running water. 2 million leet timoer; susnLijr Ing: best of fruit land; clce to torUand. - 1 relinqulsnment, 160 acre. 20 acres In cultivation, 3 acres in berries and rhubarb; nelgbWrs. schools and church- close; good hous and other Improvements; thw 1 a big bargain. . J. A. DAVIS, 214 Swetland Bldg. So ACRES, two miles fine town; Umatlil project; ail ciearea. pan -o-iieu iu fa; 100 living fruit trees; good house, well, barn and on Improved road. A fine opportunity; price $l00 cash, actual cost. Owner has other business. Address Box 37r. Hermlston, Or. 3.UU0.0UO relinquishment. 30 miles from Portland, on railroad; good son; iouu. 7S3 Marquam bldg. Phone Main odn. RELINQUISHMENT 160 acres, Croolc County. 7 miles railroad; 225. Owner, t 1H, uregonian. or bale arm -u ACREAGE HOMES. 20 acres, Powell Valley tarm: half cul tivated, cattle, implements, crop, etc.: In cluded: positively pick-up at half price; 20 -acres, Cottrell land, partly cleared; 6 room house, good wells, auto road. .These places are splendid; $2'J00. 16 acres slashed, seeded, partly surface cleared: running water; JOO. Powell Valley. - We have many tracts and small farms. Call at office for details. '' RAYMORE REALTY - COMPANY. 430 Worcester Bldg.. 3d and Oak Sts. s-ahm FOR SALE OR TRADE. 40 acres rich bottom land with water right. All in crop, alfalfa and oats; never falls, two miles of city of 10.000; price per acre. Will trade for .Portland property. P 1ST. Oregonian. UPPER White salmon Valley. 41 acres; 33 cleared, level; abundance free water: SO apple, prune and pear trees, healthy, full bearing: house, barn, sheds; snap, 33600; half cash, balance 6 per cent. A. G. Eelahelm. Guler, Wash. ' EASTERN OREGON WHEAT RANCH FOR SALE. 1400 acres of good wheat land for sale: 1100 acres under plow; 10 miles from railroad. Call Hawthorn Stables. 420 Hawthorne avenue. . . . SANDY RIVER FARM. Overlooking the valley and Mount Hood. For. particulars see . . WILSON : MEYERS. 160S DivistontPortiand.TaborJI560. 10-ACRB orchard tracts. unimproved. on railroad, 23 mile from Portland; best soil no rock; 340 an acre, easy terms; ar range with us to go and make selectloa: round trip same day. 810 Corbett bldg. J. A. CUNNINGHAM. For sale, farms, livery, business, ware house and business; prices reasonable; aa exchange, p. O. Box 74. Carlton. Or. l or bale Farm. LOOK AT THESE, . . EXCEPTIONAL FARM BARGAINS. 120 ACRES, -50 acres under fine state of cultivation, balance pasture and timber: 6-room house. . barn 50x34, granary, hogaouse and all other necessary outbuildings; 3 acres flml orchard in full bearing; place fenced and cross-fenced; living water on every forty) water piped to house and barns.; 4H mile from river and railroad town; 2 mile from river town and 16 miles from Van couver, in excellent neighborhood, witn good school and church advantages; price, 37500; terms. 80 ACRES. With 22 acres under cultivation, 10 acrel slashed, and seeded, all fenced and cross fenced; fine orchard of assorted fruits, several feet of good timber; 6-room house, good barn 44x48. chicken-house and wood shed. living stream and spring water, piped to buildings; fine land, no rock of gravel: only iVi miles from a good town, close to a good school and in a nne neigh borhood; including personal property, team, harness, wagon, 2 cows, neller, plows, harrows, disc and all tools, somi chickens; price 36500: terms. 15 ACRES. " With 4 acres cleared and 2 more easlll cleared. 1 acre of potatoes, balance ot land has at least 35.U0O leet of good saV timber; new 4-room house, fine spring ana trout stream; He, on main county road, only lli miles from country town, S miles from electric line and town and 10 mile from Vancouver; this Is a snap and will sell to the first man who ee it; price, 31750, terms. THOMPSON SWAN. 206 Rothchild Bldg.. Portland. Or. National Bank Bldg.. Vancouver, Wash. COUNTRY HOME SITE. S300 PER ACRE. HALF CASH. BAL. 7 PER CENT.. 18 acres, all under cultivation. . 10 acres apples (set this year). 6 acres prunes (bearing). S acres timothy and clover; Some cherries and pears. On good country road, one mile soutn and one mile west of Forest Grove. Will sell as a whole or cut up, to suit pur- ChHaeve 26 acres INoted David Hill soil), two and a half miles from Forest Grove; 22 acres set to choice apples. Can sell a a whole, or cut up at same price and termF. E. TAYLOR & COMPANY, 402-3 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Bts. 160 ACRES, deep rich loam soil. 2H mile, from railroad, -on main county road and . within 30 miles of Portland; 30 acres now In crop 2 acres In orchard and berries, balance all cleared, but now nsed for pas ture: no waste land; watered by two ooJ springs and well: good 8-room house and h,m with water Piped, to. them. well fenced. R. F. D.. phone end cream route; some stock, farm Implements and first-class sou tor cwmi;n.t land lies with right slopes. If you . 1 n In Irtrtlr thl. MO- Dric6 chard, want ift acre. Geo. G. Mair. 2 Lum- bermensJ)ldg. , " BY OWNERS. 160 acrea near Gresham; will divide in 104 or 60-acre tracts, 40 acres cleared; house and two barns and other buildings: water pined to house and barn; a large amount of timber for cordwood. Also 6 acres at Pleasant Home, good house and barn, large blacksmith hop and a good location for blacksmith. -Apply to Alva Hevel, or Orland Zeek. Gresham. Or. FOR AN ACRE OF GOOD LAND. For a short time we are able to oftes snme very line fruit and garden land at the low figure of from 315 to 340 per acre; 14 mile from station and less than 20 mile 'ACIFIC'w. DEVELOPMENT .CO.. 405 Couch Bldg. . FOR SALE 160 acres fine farming land, 3 miles north of Madras. Crook -County. Oregon, on Agency Plains; all good wheat land: Is in wheat this year; the Oregon Trunk and Deschutes Railroads will be within a mile of this land by the first ot January. 1911; good prospects for Irriga tion; 'can be had for a Fhort time for 33500, on .reasonable terma,? Inquire ot I), p. Rea. 801 Chamber of Commerce. 30ACRtt tracts, unlmprovea. 2d mllee by r-t from Portland; suitable for fruit raising an chicken ranches; well watered, plenty ot timber for ail purposes, best of soil, no roea or gravel; 316 to 325 aa acre; easy terms. These are the cheapest tract on th mark and will bear Inspection. CaU and arrang to go and see them. 810 Corbett bldg. . DOUGLAS COUNTY. OR- FOR SALE 1700 acres choice land, on good county road 3 miles from railroad and good town; thl land 1 very suitable for platting and is at present in good condition; price 3f5 nor acre For particulars and terms apply to William MacMaster, 303 Worcester block. Portland. Or. . SEE us for farm bargains, large and small: we make a specialty of farm lands: wa can save you money. J. M. French & ' Co.. 412-413 Ablngton bldg- IQftfr 3d st. Miscellaneous. ARB you looking for a farm or acreage! Don't fail to call at THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, 708 and 709 Corbett bldg. It costs you nothing and wa treat yon right. It surely will be to your advantage to see us before buying. We don't pub- llsh our 1U- IF YOU ARB LOOKING FOR Close-In acreage, a wheat ranch or small, well-improved farm, at low price and o most liberal term e ma X banal m ewa properties. J. O. ELROD, . 520 Corbett Bldg. LIST your property with Chas. I. Lewis. 614 Commercial block. 2d and Washington. TO EXCHANGE. WILL exchange for Income city property. 11 4 acres. Improved, close In, value $10. 000. Will assume difference. See or phon Bloch -Realty Co.. 221 Lumbermen's bldg. TO TRADE 160 acre timber land 00 Rogue River for 6 or 10 acres Improved, land near Portland. Chas. E. Gatke, Ward ner. B. C. ; WE exchange your property, regardless ot location, for that which suits you better. Northwest Exchange. 228-0 Henry Bldg. EXCHANGE My Hood River lO-acre ordw ard, 1 mile from- town, for Portland, up ttt 37500. Owner, Box 175. Hood River, Or. YOU can trad any kind of property at 814 Oak t.