6 THE MORNING OREGONI4.N. MONDAY, JULY 23, 1910. PORTLAND. UKEOOX. ' Entered at Portland. Oregon. Postofflee aa Becond-Clasa Matter. Subscription Rates Invariably In Advance. b (BT MAIL). - Pally. Sunday Included, ona rear $8.00 : pally. Sunday Included, six months.... 4.2S Xally, Sunday Included, three month!. . 2.25 i J"y. Sunday included, one month.... .75 Jlly. without Sunday, one year .00 ..liaily. without Sunday, alx months.... 825 t ally, without Sunday, three month. .. 1.75 -JJJly. without Sunday, one month 80 Weekly, one year 150 Sunday, one year. 2.50 Sunday and weekly, one year 3-o0 ' (By Carrier). P"y. Sunday Included, one year "O Uajly. Sunday Included, one month.... How to Remit Send Postofflee money or oer .express order or personal check on your 'i?cl bank. Stamps, coin or currency are at "Vf, Mnder' risk. Give Postofflee address in ;" including county and state. Rates 10 to 14 pages. 1 cent: 19 8 pages, 2 cents; 80 to 40 pares, 3 cents: S J? 60 P". cents. Foreign postage .double rate. ,.5a,,era Business Office The S. C. 'BecX ' &Pial Agency New York, rooms 49 i?TTrlbune building. Chicago, rooms 610-?f-2 Tribune building. ; PORTLAND, MONDAY, JULY !5, 1910. . THE NEW NEW YORK BOSS. " I The current number of the Outlook t(Theodore Roosevelt, contributing edi tor) has an editorial article on. "News paper Accuracy." It is not, however, ; might readily be supposed, a gen eral or critical discussion by the great journalist of the many faults and Shortcomings of the newspapers, but it "is an official explanation of a recent utterance of the contributing editor that some irreverent journals had ven "tured to animadvert upon sharply. An important office of the Outlook, by the way. is to inform an eager and unen- : lightened world just what the Colonel , really said on any given topic, in due l.'correction of what the newspapers may say he said. Now is the time to -subscribe. In this particular instance the un fortunate substitution of one little Wprd for another little word led to embarrassments on the part of the -contributing editor that it takes no less c than two columns of the Outlook's ; valuable space, in its best minion style, X6 straighten out. In a public in terview Colonel Roosevelt had been quoted as follows: J J My position in regard to the Oovernorship i, ,thls Fall Is this: I want to find the best J 'man for the office: the man who Is most 'acceptable to the rank and file of the Re s iPubllcan party and Independent voters. I r 'Intend to do everything in my power to see .that such a man is elected. J j This modest emanation from Oys- -ter Bay led to the following caustic J ;remark from the New York Times: J Are we to understand, then, that the- Re- publican party in the State of New 'York .Is in such a condition of helplessness and 'servility that Mr. Roosevelt and none other must pick out Its candidate? "I want to 'find the best man." After the public has 'come to a realizing sense of the meaning '.of this amazing statement, if the Democrats t -cannot elect their candidate for Governor 'this FaJl they may as well go out of busi , jness forever. J ' "As a matter of fact," explains the Outlook (which ought to know), "Mr. f .Roosevelt made use of no such expres J si on. What he did say was that WE must find the best man for the office." 5 That the public may not be left in J 'doubt as to -who "we" are. the Outlook .declares that all who heard the orig 1 inal conversation agree that Mr. Roosevelt's statement was. really sub- stantially as follows: " l do not know whether I shall be consult- ed about the nomination for Governor: if J 'consulted, I do not know yet whether I n shall take any active part in the campaign: i but If I am consulted, my position in re- gard to the candidates for the Governor I ship is that we must find, not only the man best fitted for the office, but the man J "most desired by the great bulk of the Re i publican and independent voters. ', It is pleasant to note that the Out-' look excuses the reporter from any in- tentional misstatement of the Roose- velt remarks by saying that unless a reporter "has a stupendous memory, it t Is naturally impossible, even "with the J best intentions in the world, to quote verbatim words and sentences which have been uttered an hour before." It j is a subject of felicitation all around that the Colonel's memory is so per- feet and his candor so impeccable that his own recollection of what he said an i hour before is Infallible. It is this marvelous facility for remembering words and repeating conversations with absolute exactness that has on various notable occasions enabled him 'to swell the membership roll of the Ananias Club. The public understands perfectly who "I" is that now declares with great emphasis he will not select the Republican candidate for Governor in Npw York; but it would like to have something a little more explicit as to the company of which "we" are com posed. Yet it knows. Nominally all Republicans are meant; actually the various Republican leaders who have seen fit to consult Colonel Roosevelt on the troubled situation in New York are included. They have can vassed the whole field and they agree that without his powerful help the New York campaign this Fall will be hopeless. Therefore they have passed the problem up to Roosevelt for so- 4ution. and the candidate for Governor I ,arid the entire ticket must have his J "O. K." or it will not be nominated, t i Here, then, we have the unofficial 'direct primary with directed nomina ; tlons already in actual and successful . operation in New York. A coterie or J clique of politicians meets behind closed doors, fixes up a slate, passes the word down the line, and the party is called upon to ratify meekly the ac tion of its bosses. There is no pre tense whatever Of consulting the rank J and file of voters in arranging the or- ganizatlon or machine programme. ' The thing Is done for them, without J conference with them and with & view solely of determining what will suit 1 the general plans of the self-named ! leaders or bosses. The direct primary In New York today consists of Theo ! dore Roosevelt and such other gentle- men as he sees fit to take into his con- fldence. -It does not alter the situation 2 that Colonel Roosevelt is moved solely J by a high purpose to benefit the Re j publican party and the state in dlrect , .ing the nomination of candidates and J exercising the power ot approval or ' veto over all Important acts of the J 'orner New York bosses; the obvious and significant fact is that the Roose J velt autocracy exists, and there is no J denial whatever that it is doing busi- ness. ; Here in Oregon it is the same, except J ;:hat there is no Theodore Roosevelt to . Assume authority over the Republican J party, and there is no frank admis- sion that such control or direction is expedient or advisable. So everything J is left to Bourne and Hofer and ITRen t and McCusker and other little bosses who meet secretly and act silently (when they can), and stealthily offer their "slate" containing the names of sundry shining lights of the "system" to the voters for indorsement at the primary. And the voter fancies there are no bosses! IS THE PRIMARY FORGOTTEN? The excitement of th TTRen-Bourne-Chamberlain newspaper or gans over the recent state and county assemblies does not abate. Indeed, their alarm over the gloomy future of the Republican party grows in exact proportion with the spread of the as sembly idea and its general acceptance by the mass of Republican voters. The stale falsehoods about the assem blies being "fixed" and under "cor poration control" and being "self named" are repeated ad nauseam. Now, suppose these assemblies were the criminal affairs these inspired pa pers and procured orators say they are which they are not all is not lost. Indeed, here is the opportunity and now is the time for the people to rise in their might at the primaries and smite the assemblies through their nominees. Have these noisy jeremiahs forgotten the primary? Does not the primary render its judgment on the assemblies? Where is that rare and discriminating intelligence of the plain people of which we have heard so much, and, in the plurality primary at least, seen so little? Can it no longer be depended on to do exactly the right thing? What difference does it make what an assembly does, or a . back-room clique of Statement One slate-fixers does, haven't we the primary to settle the whole .business and settle it right, BLod thus satisfy everybody? IMPORTANT KING CORN. James A. Patten, erstwhile wheat, corn, oats and cotton king, has sailed away for Europe after another per manent retirement from the specula tive markets of this country. Prior to his departure Mr. Patten ventured the opinion that the crux of the finan cial situation lay with the grain crops, particularly corn. Admitting that oats, wheat and hay are somewhat short of former years, Mr. Patten ex presses fear that, if the corn crop should fail, we might have a period of dull times. There is still ample time for the corn crop to recover from most of the damage It has suffered. Even should it fail to do so. it is highly probable that there will be a sufficient amount raised to meet all require ments. The estimated output for 1910, based on the Government figures of July 1. was 3,166,374,000 bushels, or practically the same as the Gov ernment reporfindicated July 1, 1909. Last year this estimate of July 1 was reduced by the actual out-turn to 2.772,376,000 bushels, and there was still a sufficient amount to meet all home requirements, afford 34,000,000 bushels for export, and leave enough of a carry-over to prevent prices from soaring as high as they were last Fall, when the crop-killers (were busy. Should the damage to the crop reach such alarming proportions that the final out-turn will fall below a year ago, the effect would, of course, be felt throughout the country. It should be remembered, however, that for nearly a year the banks, the railroad presidents and the merchants every where have been cautioning the people against extravagance, and this advice has been acted on to such an extent that a "period of dull times" would mean less now than it ever did before. The farmers have saved enough from the proceeds of the many "fat" years of high prices to render them immune from anything but a protracted period of poor crops and low prices. Even if the crops should turn out better than now seems possible, there will be no hilarious waste of money. The people have gained wisdom with years, and they are prepared for emer gencies. REFORM IX RIVER AND HARBOR BIIX. 'If the management "of a railroad company engaged in constructing a new line through a country where traffic was plentiful were to appropri ate each year a sum inadequate to complete more than a small section of the line, the men responsible for such a -f asteful policy would be promptly retired by the indignant stockholders supplying the money. The United States Government in its river and harbor work has been endeavoring to supply the country with new facilities for transportation. In this work it has wasted millions by the penny-wise-pound-foolish policy of inadequate ap propriations which would not admit of improvement sufficient in most cases to prevent the loss of the money pre viously expended on the uncompleted projects. For this reason the an nounced policy of President Taft to in sist on abandonment of the old method of making river and harbor bills will be welcomed. Under the old system by which mil lions were wasted annually on un worthy projects, legitimate improve' ment work was not infrequently neg lected. This policy was responsible for the great delay in improving the entrance of the Columbia as well as in deepening the channel farther up the river. Our project of great merit was obliged, session after session, to take its chances along with numerous oth ers which never by the widest stretch of the imagination could be considered of value. Out of these abuses arose that objectionable term the "pork bar rel" as the river and harbor bill be came known. But there will be no more "pork barrel" if the President is sustained by Congress, and every item that cbmes up for consideration in the bill must stand on its merits and not on the ability of its sponsor as a log roller. All of which is exceptionally good for the Columbia River and other Oregon streams. The Columbia drains a territory of about 250,000 square miles of the richest country on earth. Through the mouth of this river the products of that "vast region can reach the high seas more economically than by any other route. It is for this rea son that the Pacific Northwest will welcome the new policy by which we may reasonably expect to have the necessary improvement of the Colum bia and its tributaries completed with the same degree of promptness notice able in similar undertakings by private individuals. All unworthy projects should be abandoned and the closest scrutiny made- of any new schemes of which there will always be many offer ing. The late E. H. Harriman, when asked if he regarded the Columbia River entrance as a menace to Port land's greatness as a shipping port, was quite emphatic in his statement that he did not regard it at all serious ly, and he supplemented his answer with the statement that if the river and bar were the property of a rail road company which needed them for transportation purposes they wpuld dump in a few million dollars and dredge out the bar to any desired depth. This could en done long ago by the Government, had we got away from the piecemeal policy which was a part of the old "pork barrel" system. OCBAX CARRYING PROFITS. London Fairplay, the British ship ping publication, has taken the trouble to answer some of the wild statements made by Representative Humphrey in his campaign for ship subsidy. ""From statements which are continually being made by United States Senators and others, one would imagine that British and other shipowners made huge profits in carrying cargoes to and from the States," says the British paper. "A study of the balance sheets of those companies which are engaged in the cargo-carrying trade would, however, convince them that American cargoes have for some years been carried at an absolute loss." This is a statement of fact that could easily be verified by almost any of Congress man Humphrey's constituents who are in the shipping business at Seattle. The very fact that these foreign ves sels are carrying American products to market at a loss is one of the principal reasons why the ship subsidy seekers are endeavoring to discover some method by which the cost can toe Increased. The shippers will not pay higher rates for the service, and the only manner in which the cost can be in creased is to extract money from the Treasury to make up the deficiency. This would be very profitable to the American shipowners, but not to the people, who are willing that Great Britain should continue to carry freight at less than cost. It might be stated that it is not philanthropy or patriotism that is causing the British to act as our benefactors in the ocean carrying trade. Europe is now, and will for many years continue to be, the headquarters of the world's carry ing trade. The British vessels carry the traffic of the. United Kingdom and continent to all parts of the world. The States' as yet do not supply enough cargo for all the vessels that, after discharging European outward cargo, are within easy reach of Amer ican ports. The rate on outward - cargo is ac cordingly placed high enough to cover the possible loss on being obliged to return in ballast or take a chance in the fierce competition that is always in evidence for all freight shipped from American seaports. Our states men, who orate learnedly on matters of this kind, should get out of the kindergarten class and take up the economic side of the ocean-carrying trade. It is instructive and even in teresting. BBOWSgnLLE AM) PORTLAXD. The Brownsville Times asks The Oregonian to take note of the fact that "Brownsville, a dry town for the past fifteen years, entertained no less than 20,000 visitors during the Linn County pioneers' reunion, and not a single ar rest was made for drunkenness." By which we may be led to suppose that nobody was drunk. Good record for a sober and steadfast community, which has prohibition through local option. So may every other town, or city, or county, in Oregon have' prohi bition under present laws if It desires. But if it does not desire, what then? The point the Times seeks to make doubtless Is that under state prohibi tion every part of Oregon could be made as dry as Brownsville is now. In other words, Brownsville would vote Portland dry. under the "mistaken belief that Portland would remain dry at the dictation and direction- of Brownsville. Never, unless Portland wants prohibition, votes prohibition, elects local officers who will enforce prohibition, and itself expels the sa loons. Portland is satisfied for Brownsville to remain dry and congratulates that town on Its happy condition. Why should Brownsville undertake to en force its own method of controlling the liquor problem in Portland against Portland's protest? It cannot be done. That is the reason The Oregonian is not for state-wide prohibition. POOR COUNTY ROADS. Washington County is one of the oldest-settled and most prosperous counties in the Willamette Valley. Crop failures are unknown, and the evidence of general prosperity is everywhere visible except on the coun ty roads. These roads are a standing reproach to the Washington County officials who are entrusted with the duty of providing suitable highways for the people. With bottomless pools of mud in the Winter time and count less billows of dust in the Summer, the..rqads-or Washington County are shunned toy all who can find any other route for getting across or through the valley. Even Tillamook, in its splendid railroadless isolation, has miles of finer roads than can be found anywhere in Washington County, and both Columbia and Yamhill Counties are also in a position to cry "shame" to their unkempt sister, reveling in wealth and wallowing in dust and mud. . " To the wretched condition of the roads more than to any other factor is due the clamor that is almost con tinually heard for annexation of a portion of Washington County to Multnomah County. While MuW nomah has not yet made the progress in road building that her position warrants, improvements have been coming fast within the past few years. With the continuation of the present systematic work we will soon be able to reach the boundaries of the county over a good road in almost any direc tion. The trouble with Washington County, according to a communication in The Oregonian yesterday, is said to be lack of enterprise on the part of some members of the Board of County Commissioners. Some one seems to have fallen into a rut. In the belief that the trails, which were made forty years ago, will still answer the pur pose for roads, an effort is being made to save the money that should be spent in building roads. This is a penny-wise and pound-foolish policy, very much at variance with the spirit of enterprise displayed by the men who are spending money in exploita tion of the resources of one of Ore gon's richest counties. It w-ould have a tendency to de crease the enthusiasm which a new comer might display over the fact that he could produce more fruit, hay, vegetables, etc., on a five-acre tract in Washington County than he could on five times as much land in the East, if he noticed that the condition of the roads was such that it would cost five times as much to haul his 1 products to market as it would In localities already reached by the gospel of good roads. Washington County should wake up. If her present County Commissioners are unable to build roads fit to travel over, they should step aside and give someone else a chance. Some "bold bad Bowery boys" or other inmates of New York held up a train at Weehawken Saturday night and robbed a carload of newly arrived immigrants. The name of the town where the affair took place sounds suitable for such a happening, but it appears strange that the village con stable did not interfere with the "cut ups" who were involved in the pro ceedings. If this train holdup had' happened in the wild and wooly West, and New York had received the news, old Father Knickerbocker would probably have shivered at the law lessness of the country. But down in "little" old New York" the business of holding up the newcomer is less noteworthy. It does not matter much Whether the aforesaid newcomer is from across the water or across the plains. He is expected to "come across" for the needy New Yorkers, even if it becomes necessary to take his money away at the point of a gun. The plundered immigrants in the case last reported certainly found that the new world lived up to part of its repu tation. Andrew Furuseth, the most prom inent professional jawsmith that has ever inflicted his presence on San Francisco, has sailed for Liverpool to take charge of a strike of British sea men, which is scheduled to take place July 29. Andrew is trying a danger ous experiment. In this land of the free and the home of the brave, the Furuseth jaw-tackle was given much "slack," but over In England things are different. John Bull may decide to tighten it up a little. Down on the 'Frisco waterfront, Andrew could talk of "yobs" and "inyunctions" as glibly as any Anarchist who ever left the old world for the old world's good, but John Bull never did take kindly to this interference, and it will not be surprising if he is invited to go back where he is needed. The last time Furuseth visited Portland he came for the purpose of convincing Portland that it would be a good plan to have the Legislature pass a bill giving the Coast Seamen's Union the right to steal sailors off foreign vessels enter ing the port. The bill did not pass. Andrew did. When a poor man dies, his financial rating, as a rule, is correctly stated. With the rich man it is different, and the tendency to overestimate his w-ealth' is always noticeable. The wealth of the late E. H. Harriman was. shortly before his death, esti mated at from $200,000,000 to $500. 000,000, with some eminent muck rakers throwing in a few more ciphers for good measure. Even at his death, the most modest estimates credited him with property worth $150,000,000. Now comes the administrator of the estate with a report showing the value of the estate to be $71,000,000. A million dollars is so much money that, when a man obtains possession of It, It becomes a very easy matter for an envious, admiring or curious public to apply the magnifying glass. What is true of over-estimated fortunes is also true of the census of a city. For particulars see Seattle. ' Editor Hearst, that graceful and daring performer who has been riding the bareback labor forces and turn ing flip-flops while tearing through the National arena at full speed, seems to have lost some of the resin off his moccasins, or else someone has slipped a burr under the tail of his mount. The Western Federation of Miners has declared that the Hearst string of papers are "unfair." This will be a hard blow for Mr. Hearst, but the Western Federation of Miners are not the first to discover that Mr. Hearst is unfair. As the bhampion of any old issue that would raise trouble and increase the sale of his papers, Mr. Hearst long ago secured a reputation for being unfair to nearly everyone except Willie Hearst. .The result of his numerous sorties into the political field shows that even Willie did not always get what the "sports" term an "even break." " They' are taking advantage of Mr. John Lind's absence in Portland to give him the Democratic nomination for Governor of Minnesota. If there is a hint in this otherwise harmless remark for Doc Lane, or Jeff Myers, or Os. West, let him, or all of them, make the most of it. Undoubtedly there are hundreds of young women in Chico who will tes tify that that normal school president never hugged them. But the skepti cal public does love to believe a naughty yarn about a school profes sor. A trust company in Louisville dis covers now that its treasurer has made away with its entire surplus, consisting of over a million dollars, after several years of speculation. Where did the company suppose the' surplus was dur ing that time? The Broadway bridge won't be built now and Kiernanism has won a great triumph. The bonds cannot be sold. It is quite an achievement for one man to reduce the credit of a great city, say about 10 per cent. , Senator Gore has everybody's con sent to run for President, though we haven't yet heard from Mr. Bryan. Anyway, no one will object to his run ning all this year. Little Eddy Flagg, who runs the St. Helens Mist, says the assembly was "a roaring farce." Little Eddie wasn't in it. So it was no farce. Speculator Patten has again gone to Europe and left the crops to take care of themselves. They can do it, if there's enough rain. Jack Johnson is not a natural fighter, says Mr. Corbett. It makes a difference, we suppose; but not in Reno. Hold-up - artists are in New York showing everybody how it is done. So that Is where they have all gone? The anti-fly crusade' has diminished the fly supply by several billions. No ticed the difference, have you? Boss Cox Is still doing business in Ohio at the old stand. Ohio does love a lJoss. All Mr. Pinchot wants Just new is to write that Ballinger report HERB 18 A PAIR SUMMARY' SMmatloa la orearosi mm Vlcvred From Washington. Centralia News-Examiner. The Republicans of Oregon seem to have adopted a plan of choosing can didates that will counteract the evils Of the direct primary law. If the prin ciples of the assembly system are car ried out at the polls the election of Democrats to office in a Republican state, will be impossible. The old convention plan of choosing candidates was in accordance with the American system of representative government; but the system was abused, making it possible for the will of the people to be overruled by pro fessional politicians and political ma chines. The people themselves were responsible Tor the abuse that crept Into the convention ays-tern, but In at tempting to correct the abuse by adopt ing, the direct primary law. they jumped from the frying pan Into the fire. The abuse was made possible by the indifference the people Showed in those preliminaries that provided for the choosing of convention delegates. The primaries 'were ignored, and. in fact, were only kept open for a few minutes, and. in many cae.es, at a time of the day when a full attendance of the voters could not be secured. Con sequently, a handful of men In a pre cinct could nominate delegates, making the ultimate convention a. farce, so far as representation was concerned. The convention became merely a medium of exchange of candidates between the various precincts or counties. The initiative and referendum is an other political absurdity that must be got rid of before Oregon can return to sane methods in state government and legislation. The people of Oregon will be. called upon to vote at the coming election on something like 30 or 40 legislative measures. Few will give the proposed laws much thought before they enter the polling booths, and then their verdict will be simply yea or nay. They will have no chance to con fer with their fellow voters in other booths; they will- hot be able to suggest minor or radical changes; there will be no opportunity to discuss amendments: they will be only allowed' to express their opinion by marking "yes" or "no" on their ballots. The assembly plan seems to be a return to the convention system with out any of the old abuses. To make the local assemblies representative the delegates should be voted for in pri maries remaining open the entire day, precautions being taken to prevent the adherents of one party voting at. the primaries of another party. Anyway, the delegates should bo obliged to pass muster politically be.fore a credentials committee of the assembly. Washington has certainly had an object lesson in her sister state of things to be avoided in attempting to reform present political proceedings. Whether Washington will profit by the object lesson remains to be seen. Democratic Frauds Here, Too. Yakima Republic. Democrats will not be deterred by extracts from the law from voting as Republicans at the direct primary election. They will, as a rule, call for Republican ballots, and they will vote for Poindexter. Why? The reason is plain and simple. If they can secure his nomination by the Republican party, and the nomination of enough pledged Republican legislative candi dates to elect him. they will make rea sonably certain the election of a Demo cratic Legislature in case the Demo cratic party is able to make the show ing they expect at the polls in NoVem ber. They figure that the West Side will not elect Republicans pledged to Poindexter when by putting in Demo crats it can elect a Senator who, even though a Democrat, is a West Side man. This Is the reason Democrats all over the state are going into the Republican primary, and it is one reason why so many West Side Republican legislative candidates are refusing to take the pledge. Alas, the Poor Votrrl The Dalles Optimist. SoOn we must begin the study of the measures we are to vote upon in No vember. Each voter will have some thing' like 40 or 60 names to ballot for for the various offices, and it will take some little erudition to vote intelli gently for them. - But in addition there will be pages and pages of "laws" to vote, up or down-initiative. referen dum and and, well, we forget what else but there are 32 of these measures to be decided at the polls. Nobody will understand them all, not one in a thou sand will understand the half of them -but they will be adopted or defeated Just the same, for better or worse, mostly for the worse. The voters will, as a rule, vote blindly, which is the first essential of these damfool laws We are doing business under. Matrimony In Missouri. Kansas City Star. The Carthage Democrat is conducting a matrimonial market, in an effort to marry off all the bachelors of the town. It' has a bunch of remnants, left over from June, that it is offering cheap. Walter Hubbard Is one of the "rem nants." The Democrat touches him up in verse: . Little Walt Hubbard Went to the cuoboard To aet some butter and bread; V hen he eot there The cupboard was bare. "I'll have to get married," he said. Gross Injustice. Grants Pass Observer. It is said that the State Tax Commis sion is issuing instructions to County Assessors to Include mortgages on the assessment roll. This is a moral crime. It is always the mortgagor who has to pay this tax, and it amounts to double taxation. Every newspaper in Oregon ought to place Itself in evidence against this rank Injustice. . Adjustable Speeches). Christian Science Monitor. From this time on until after the holding of the November elections it will not be difficult for the promoters of social functions to secure the at tendance of men who are running for office, each of whom will'e armed with a. speech deliverable on any and all occasions. The sociability and affability of the ante-election states men can always be counted on. Most Powerful of Dictators. Paris Opinion. The art fit cooking and the art of eating are not on the wane. The hostess who has not only a pleasant and brilliant salon, but also offers an ideal dinner, remains the most power ful of dictators. When Noah Was a Sailor. New York Sun. Noah was appalled. "Gee," he muttered, "suppose T&ft conserves all this for water power?" Herewith he made haste to land. CLEAR FORESTS OF UNDERBRUSH Oalr This Indian I.eues, It la Araracd, Can Prevent Ruinous Forest Fires- ASHLAND, Or., July 23. tTo the Ed itor.) The violation of natural law brings its own punishment. The pres ent forest fires all over the West are the result of neglect due to the igno rance of the white man as. compared with the wisdom of his predecessor, the red man; the administration of the for ests of the Pacific Coast by bureau crats located 3000 miles away In Wash ington. D. C, with theories that have long since gone to seed in older agri cultural countries, or propounded from a study of water conservation in South ern California, where these chiefs usually study forestry conditions in Oregon, and while conditions are as different as Coos County and In the Colorado desert. The same rules and regulations that are a great success in Southern California are just, the oppo site in Western Oregon. The fool idea being put Into law and backed by our state and National Governments, that brush and debris can be permitted- to accumulate year after year in our for ests, and the same be protected from fire by a few fire wardens and big. cloth, fire-warning notices tacked up on trees and posts along the roads, is like a drunken man sitting on an open powder keg as he smokes a pipe. Fires might be kept out. if a system of wide fire trails were built and 100 wardens put on guard where now there is but one. If such fires were not kept out, they might In some instances be con fined to .small areas. . The early settler In the West would have burned all the timber if he could nave done so, as he saw no value in it, but he could not then burn it. The In dian had kept the forests sq fri- of underbrush that no big fire could be started. He burned the surface when ever it would burn, and I am told by early settlers that it. was all burned over every two years on an average. While the Indian never heard of the word conservation, he has done ore towards conserving the 'forests of the West than the white man has done. The Indian had no fine offices in ritie and large Government appropriations to- pcna on iooi theories and forestry fads, but we have the forests as a re sult of his methods, and we have al lowed them to get in such bad condi tion that there is a grave danger of them all burning up, unless something worth while Js done, and that without delay. An old settler tells me that 35 years ago. he rode horseback from where Glendale now stands to Coos Bay in one day. straight through the mountains. To do it now would require a big gang of men a whole Summer to clear a trail that could be ridden over, if the same route taken 35 years ago were followed. This is an example of the Jungle that exists, as a result of our policies since we drove the Indian but. I have for five years argued with e forestry department on the folly or their ways, as applied to the Pacific Coast forests, and each year tends to prove my predictions that unless a change is made soon and something worth while done, nine-tenths of all our fine timber will never see a saw. Burning out the debris and underbrush fvS!e,n neSlected for so many years that it is now a big undertaking to do It without destroying the timber at the same time. But it can be done between October 15 and June 15, and the sooner it is done the better. The present excuse of forester for trying to protect the accumulation of brush and dead leaves, limbs and ferns In our forests is. that it is necessary to conserve the stream flow and that it is necessary to protect the small trees for a future growth of timber. W estern Oregon will have plenty of water in its streams and Just as much rain If all the forests- are kept clean of underbrush and debris, and it is better to save the present stand Of timber than lose bdth the present ma tured forest and the rising generation of trees at the same time. It is known that all cut-over areas in Western Oregon will reforest themselves, after slashings have been burned, previded there are seed trees in the vicinity. Let us wake up and make some laws requiring timber-land owners to keep the surface burned over. Under present conditions it will have to be done during the Spring and Far, but later on when -we get back to where the Indian left the forests, we can burn over the surface in the dry season, with safety to lives and property. Proper handling of the debris- in logging op erations should be required to lessen the loss of lives and timber in such fires as are now occurring, and pro vision should' be made for carrying out the provisions of such a law or laws as will bring about a different condition than now confronts us every dry season, with increasing losses. Bad fires have started much earlier this year than in the past. Usually, there are very few f'res until after the hunt ing season opens, when hunters find themselves unable to get through the jungles of brush and debris and the heat of their language sets the woods on fire. One might as well try to leg islate instinct out of animals as to leg islate fires out of the tinder beds which our forests, have become through pres ent laws. I am a timber-land owner and have had seven years' experience in West ern Oregon forests. N. F. THRONE. - Oregon aa a "Horrible Eranmple. Boston Herald. Under the initiative and referendum system of Oregon. 32 distinct measures have been filed for presentation to the people on their November ballot. The simplified ballot reformers have been telling us that one reason for the failure of the franchise in the election of popular governments has been that the ballot was so cumbersome and complicated that it could not be marked intelligently. What is to be said then of the Oregon ballot? Does any one reasonably believe that competent judgment can be rendered on 32 legislative matters by any percent age of the electorate not to speak of a majority in the time spent in the poll ing booth? Oregon bids fair to become the "horrible example" of excessive in dulgence in direct legislation. What nn Open River Docs. . Kennewlck (Wash.) Reporter. It is npt difficult for us to appreci ate the value of the river as a com mercial asset. We are told that river navigation Is in its infancy; that the river will bring terminal rates to Ken newlck; that the river will influence greatly, the upbuilding of Kennewlck; that eventually the river will bring us Into water connection with the great ports of the world. ' All- these we be lieve and rejoice. But do we not, as a community, lose sight of another great and peculiar benefit accruing to us be cause of our location on the bank of a great river? CURRENT NEWSPAPER JESTS. 'A fool and his money are soon parted." "Tel. but you never call him a fool till the money is sone." Cleveland Leader. "Was your husband kind to you during your illness" "Koind? Ah. indade, mum! Moike was more like a nelshbor thon a husband." Life. The Loafer Alast my ship 'doesn't come in. The Real Man Then set a move on and help some other fellow unload his. Boston Transcript. "What monorram would "you like on your stationery, madam?" "Why. I don't know; but the one that Is most in fashion, of 'course." Buffalo Express. "Some of de smartest men,'" said Uncle Eben. '"pears to use up delr smartness in makln' mistakes dat nobody else could have thought of." Washington 8tar. "That pedicurist is quite a literary char acter and especially fond of old Eng lish writers." "Then I suppose his favor ite authors are Foote and Bunyan." Balti more .Americas LIFE'S SUNNY SIDE The late O. Henry. whose flippant and slangy stories- gave him a greal reputation as a humorist, was, in prl. vate life, a serious student. A visitor to the library of Mr. Por ter's New York residence was amazed t the ponderous histories and biogra phies on every side. "But don't you read." said the vis itor. "Ellis Parker Butler and writer of that sort?" "Well, no," said Mr. Porter. He laughed and added whimsically: "I make fanev Va 1 1 . , . I 1 1 it-in, it I only eat bread and meat." Wash gton Star. During the recent financial rtT.rc- sion in England. Pat. and Mike enlisted in ine British army. After their first drill the captain, thinking the circum stances opportune for a little lecture On patriotism. demanded eloquently: cuiuicto, wny soouia a man ale tor his king and country?" mis struck Pat as a nroner ones. tion. Turning to Mike he said: "aitn, Moike. the Caritain is rnirhtl Whol?" e - In a speech In the Senate on Ha waiian affairs. Senator Depew, of New York, told this storyt v hen Queen Lilluokalanl was in England durina- the Ensrlish Oueen'a jubilee. She Was received at Bucking- nam faiace. in the course of the re marks that pasred between the two queens, the one from the" Sandwich isl ands said that she had English blood la her veins. "How so?" Inquired Victoria. 'My ancestors ate Captain Cook."" Everybody's. e "Drink," said Robert Edson. beckon ing to the waiter, "is a great evil. Both my father confessor and my barber agree on that. "The father went in the other day to get a shave. He observed that the barber was suffering from a recent celebration, but decided to take a chance. In a few moments the bar bers razor had nicked the father's cheek. " 'There, Pat. you have cut me. said the priest as he raised his hand and caressed the wound. " "Yis, y'r riv'rance,' answered the barber. " "That shows you,' continued the priest. In a tone of censure, 'v-hat the use of liquor will do." ",'Yis, y'r riv'rance,' replied the bar ber humbly: 'it makes the skin tinder.' " Young's Magazine. A diplomat was talking in Washing ton about the late Hon. Auberon Her bert, son of the Sari of Carnarvon. "Mr. Herbert was always original. I once heard him address a New Year banquet of clergymen. I'll try and re peat the address in his owp words. It ran: " 'Meeting this morning the gentle man called Mephisto or Beelzebub, I greeted him politely and said: " "How are things down your wayf " " 'He grimaced, and shook his head. He pointed to the mud on his hoof And tail. " . Vv-e are n a fleuoe of a mess down there," he said. "This is- the season, you know, when our pavements are be ing laid." "Washington Star. DEMOCRATS BOOST POINDEXTER. Plan to Throw Hint Nomination In Be publican Primaries Tacoma Tribune. Even if Miles Poindexter should re ceive a majority of votes at the pri mary election, he would he disqualified in the Legislature, because Poindexter agents are going about the state or ganizing Democrats to vote at the pri maries for Poindexter. A Tacoma Poindexter follower has just returned from Lewis County, and is boasting that while there he obtained the signa tures of some 700 Democrats to an agreement to vote in the primaries and vote for Miles Poindexter as the choice of the Republican party for United States Senator. Under the primary law it is not in tended that Democrats should select Republican candidates or assist in the selection. That Poindexter campaign managers are engaging in this sort of work should be sufficient warning to the Republicans of Washington to watch the voters until the day of the primaries arrives, and make a note of the Democrats who cast their unfair ballots. The Legislature will do the rest. In addition to continuing the dem onstration of the story that Theodore Roosevelt indorsed his candidacy, Poindexter is resorting to every polit ical trick known td betray the people into voting for him. Elected as a Re publican by the people of the Third Congressional District of the State of Washington, he has turned against the party which honored him with office, and today the Democrats of Tacoma, as well as of the state, are those men act ive in the promotion of Poindexter's candidacy. From Tacoma a Poindex ter lineup of the Democratic voters of the state Is being sought to be made. It will bring the plotters no reward, for Miles Poindexter cannot and will not be elected United States Senator by the Republicans. Those who are pledged will cast their votes for the Republican candidate who receives the larger number of votes, and that can didate will be James M. Ashton, of Ta coma. Truly Representative. Grants Pass Observer. The Republican assembly for Jose phine County was the largest and most representative political gathering ever held in the county, notwithstanding that some of the northern precincts were not represented. There were 100 delegates present, and all were enthu siastic in the Republican cause, and strongly in favor of the assembly. The county ticket chosen will appeal to the people of Josephine, for it is thorough ly representative, the nominations be ing spread over the county. There was nothing cut and dried in this assembly. No one knew what was going to hap pen until it did happen, and every dele gate was free to express his views and vote the ballot for the candidate of his choice. What Pinchot Tried to Do. Lewlston Tribune. Pinchofs wall against the explora tion and entry of lands for miner alogical operators, which he tried to prevent, is correctly stated. Mr. Pinchot did try to procure the total exclusion of those lands from pros pective useful service, and was de feated through the efforts of Senator Heyburn, who was able to modify the bill so that under certain circumstan ces Industry might be pursued there. It is a great pleasure to corroborate Hon. Gift, as to the facts In this case, tempered only by regret that there is not more of the same to report. Those Wicked Republ leans. Hillsboro Independent. Now that the assembly has been held and the call issued for another to con sider indorsements of candidates for county offices, doesn't all this hysteria about the wickedness of members of the parly getting together and recom mending a ticket to be voted at the primaries strike you in Its true light as an attempt to magnify a very sensi ble procedure into a crime and an en deavor to befuddle the voters Into con tinuing a practice profitable to oppo nents of the party