THE MORNING OEEGOXIAN, 3IOXDAY, JULY 25, IDIO. 5 POINDEXTERRUSE MOUSES' LEADERS Possibility of His Getting Dem ocratic Assistance Is Opposed. COTTERILL IS PROTESTING Republicans Say That if Candidate or Senator Is Indorsed Through ' Help of Other Side, Legisla te tors Need Xot Vote tor Him. SEATTLE, TVaeh.. July 22. (Special.) The possibility that Miles Poindexter, Insurgent candidate for Senator, will receive Democratic support at the Sep- tember primary has aroused the op position of leaders of both parties. Re publicans have gone so far as to say that if the insurgent secures indorse ment through Democratic votes, the legislators will not feel bound to vote lor him. A notable instance is thtr attitude of Senator Arvid Rydstrom, of Pierce, who has declared emphatically that no insurgent could get his support, no matter how the indorsement as a Republican might be obtained. Democrats are taking the same ground. When George F. Cotterill, of lieattle, filed as a Democrat for the Senatorial indorsement, he issued an Address to members of his party throughout the state. Cotterill has heretofore defined his politics as ad herence to the principles of Jefferson Ian Democracy and Lincoln Republi canism. At the same time, he is unal terably opposed to any member of the Democratic party calling for a Re publican ballot at the primary in order to vote for Poindexter. He Insists that unless Democrats file for legislative nominations, and Democrats call for Democratic ballots end nominate them at the primary, there can be no possibility of success ful opposition to the Republicans. He States the case thus: Cotterill Makes Protest. "We would have no names on the official ballot in most of the legislative districts, and no method of getting names on the official ballot would then toe practicable either for Democrats or for Republicans who would desire Folndexter's election. Regular Repub lican nominees for the Legislature, openly rejecting and repudiating Poln 3exter's nomination, would be elected In November unopposed, and the elec tion of a 'standpat.' reactionary, con servative Republican Senator at Olympla In January would thereby be made certain. I do not propose to en courage action which would risk the almost certain loss of every opportun ity to apply Democracy at the Novem ber election in order to engage in a "loaded-dice" Republican primary in September." Advocates of direct legislation have een hurling darts at Governor M. E. Hay. on account of expressions used by him in a recent speech at Tacoma. Christopher W. Horr, executive secre tary of the Direct Legislation League of the state, takes exception to the iollowlng utterance of the Governor: "There are those who now advocate a return to the system that a race out- rrew as it emerged from barbarism they would have us, who are in the midst of highly-organized civilization, attempt to govern ourselves with a sys tem that met the needs of a simple, pastoral and barbaric age." Mr. Horr cites the nomination of Supreme Court Judges in convention as o. betrayal of the people's interests, and declares that direct legislation is the most Important question before the tate today. Paul Holbrook, candidate for Representative in the Forty-Seventh District, goes further, saying that 'once we fix the matter so that no Legislature can 'deliver the goods' in the way of special favors, then bribery of legislators will cease." Humphries Makes Denial. Judge John E. Humphries corrobo rates Senator John L. Wilson's denial of a report that the two Senatorial candidates had entered into a compact whereby Humphries was to quit Sena torial politics and try for the Supreme Court. Judge Humphries declares that at no time have he and Senator Wilson lind any conversation, directly or In directly, about the Senatorial race or the Supreme Court Judgeship. Senator S. H. Piles is now making a tour of the northwestern counties in the interest of the Burke Senatorial campaign. 11 will visit Snohomish. Kagi-t. Whatcom, and possiblv Jeffer son. Counties. Jefferson has elected a delegation to the Turoma convention to be held August 3, which, it is said, will recognize both the Wilson and Burke factions without discrimination. The county is likely to oppose Poindexter on account of his trend toward Plnchot conservation. Both Jefferson and the adjoining county of Clallam have been victims of forest reserves ever since President Cleveland's order setting aside the major portion of the terrltorv as a National forest. State Senator I. B. Knickerbocker who is a candidate for re-election In the Thirtieth District, announces two planks in his platform. The first is economy in legislative appropriations and the second is the reduction to the minimum of Ill-considered and freak legislation. Freak Legislation Opposed. i-".If, 1 am re"elec,e' " sas Senator Ivnlckerbocker. "I intend to introduce bill submitting to the people a con stitutional amendment which will pro hibit the introduction of any bills ex cept appropriation bills for the main- iVnC.Z I. existln "ate Institutions, after the first 10 days of each biennial ?f "J.f,na PrhbiUr.s- the introduc tion of bills for the maintenance of ex isting state Institutions after the first 40 days of the session." ..?i,h "? amn''n'nt. he contends. Tlv n,ordU;',e ,he nur of bill, and . m8 for ,heir consideration. nc'lried to think that good would be accomplished by going even "and!nCrHy SnRtr Knickerbocker! and inserting a provision that all bill, must originate in the House " Loral Democracy is in high feather Fo.kCCof'ntMrf ,he. V,Slt f "-Oovernor rolK. of Missouri who 0 , . .lecture tour of the Nohwes t address --rn Feple on "'rhe IVmocraVv"; Today." in furtherance of his campaign for the Presidency n 1912. The r rangements for his reception in Seattle have been in the hands or part "leader, ronsp cuous among whom is chaS theH;trDC,.trdictate fr Democrats Are Interested. Other Democrats who are stimulated to renewed Interest are P. C Leonard ex-Mayor W. H. Moore. Oeorge Mu,-" S00AfecFKCo0hter,m- Th-le: Rochester. H. C. Bohlke. Al- CANDIDATE WHOSE SEEKING AROUSES EEGUIiAR 4 MILES POIXDEXTER, CANDIDATE FOR PRIMARY IXDORSEMEXT FOR SENATOR FROM "WASHINGTON. fred Battle, John S. Jurey, M. M. God man. A. A. Booth and O. T. Erickson. President Leonard, of the King County Democratic Club, says the party will have a complete legislative and county ticket at the September primary. Charles H. Phillips, city detective, aspires to the Republican nomination for Sheriff of King County. He is mak ing his campaign on a pledge to sup press gambling, which he says has been permitted to run wide open in various parts of the county during the past two years. The Public Welfare League continues to agitate the question of the recall of Mayor H. C. Gill, on account of al leged failure to enforce the laws against vice. ESTACADA VOTES TUESDAY Ballot to Be Taken on Three Amen J ments to Charter. ESTACADA, Or., July 24. (Special.) A special election will be held here Tuesday to vote on three amendments to the charter, as follows: To increase the term of two Council men from . two to four years, so that experienced men will always be mem bers of the Council; to enable the Council to either pay the Marshal a salary or pay him in fees; to reduce the time of six months now required to allow a .citizen to vote to 60 days; to empower the city to levy a tax greater than 6 mills, which at present is the limit; to change the charter so the Council can direct the expenditure of the money collected by the Marshal for poll tax. , LIQUOR-SELLER EXPELLED Eugene Justice Sentences Offender to Jail, Fine and Banishment. El'GENE, Or.. July 14: (Special.) Clarence Beaupre, convicted of selling liquor illegally, was sentenced by Justice Bryson yesterday to pay a fine of $300, serve 30 days in jail and at the expira tion of his Jail term to leave Lane County. Leslie Gordon, of Medford, was sen tenced on his plea of guilty to 30 days in Jail and. fined $100. Bessie Johnson will be tried Tuesday on a similar charge. PIOXEER REAL, ESTATE MAN, EX - SHERIFF HERE, RETIRES. Jacob Stltxel. COLV1LLB, Wash.. July 4. (Special.) Jacob Stitzel. who probably holds the record in point of long-time service in the real estate business in this sec tion, retired from active business yesterday, after conducting an office In Colvllle continuously since the Spring of 1SS3. Mr. Stitzel was Sheriff in Mult nomah County in 1S72, and in 1S74 was appointed to a position In the United States Customs service which called him to the patrol of the international boundary between Brttish Colum bia and the United States, with headquarters at O'Sooyoos Lake and later at Fort Colvllle. He was the first County Clerk of Stevens County after statehood, and in 18S2 was elected to the Upper House of the Territorial Legislature, receiving all but six of the votes cast in Stevens Coun ty, which then included the terri tory now embraced In Stevens, Ferry. Okanogan and Chelan counties. He will be 80 years old next February. Or DEMOCRATIC VOTES REPUBLICANS. c. -i ASHES YIELD BODY Woman Lost From Home Is Found Dead in Woods. SEATTLE POLICE ON HUNT Authorities Undecided IVhether Mrs. Hannah Reynolds Committed Suicide or Was Slain and Then Burned. SEATTLE, July 24. The finding of the badly burned body of Mrs. Hannah Rey nolds in the midst of the smouldering embers of a funeral pyre this morning revealed one of the most horrible cases of suicide or possibly murder that has been brought to the attention of the King County authorities. The body of Mrs. Reynolds, who was 45 years old andi who liveji with her two sons at 131 Sixteenth avenue, was found In the woods near Ravenna Park by a searching party that had been out all night. The body was found lying face down in the middle of the smoking rem nants of what had been a huge bonfire. All the clothing had been consumed, and the body was charred almost beyond recognition. Coroner Doubts Suicide. Although all the evidence points to the theory of self-deatruction. Coroner J. C. Snvder Wan not uniimlw eatin 3 late today placed the case in the hands vi me ponce detective bureau and asked that a thorough investigation be made. He KAiri that thara - points that were not satisfactorily clear and hinted that the woman might have been murdered and her body thrown on me uuimre 10 aestroy evidence of the crime. The strongest point in favor of the suicide theory is the fact that Mrs. Reynolds has suffered from mental de rangement at different times. Although she had never become violent or ex hibited a tendency to barm herself, it is thought that i mlf-ht i , j. .... . . . vj rt-JXt..lA by a sudden fit of insanity and while in this deranged, state of mind set about to destroy herself In the horrible manner Indicated by the finding of the body this morning. Search Lasts All Xlght. Mrs. Reynolds left home early yester day afternoon and although she was still absent when her sons returned in the evening, no thought was given to the matter until darkness began to fall. Then her sons became alarmed and a search ing party was organized. The searchers scoured the woods without success until long after daylight this morning when they came upon the charred remains of the woman. Her husband. . iB. Reyn-is, lives with three other children c- a ranch near BothelL He was summoned today and is taking part In the investigation being made Into the woman's death. HUNTERS HEADED NORTH British Columbia Mecca for Sports men From All Over World. VANCOUVER. B. C. July 24. (Spe cial.) Big game hunters seem to be heading for Vancouver -from all parts of the world, to be present at the open ing of the season September 1. Accord ing to advices received by the provin cial game warden, several large par ties will leave Vancouver for the Cas siar district the middle of next month. Franz Rosenberg, a noted Norwe gian shot. Is the first of the hunters to arrive. He will also go to the Cas 6lar shortly. Mr. Rosenberg is an an nual visitor to the big game haunts of various parts of the world and has Just come here from a long hunt in Patagonia. Laborer's Scalp Laid Open. EUGENE. Or.. July 24. (Special.) Roscoe Stuart, of Eugene, while working for the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company at Wendling yesterday, got under a pile of falling lumber and his head was cut so that 40 stitches were required. He was taken to the Eugene Hospital. Portland People in Chicago. CHICAGO. 111.. July 24. (Special.) The following Portland people are regis tered at Chicago hotels: At the Con gress, F. S. Stanley; at the Brevoort, George W. Fott; at the LaSalle, H. S. Hastings, CABINET OFFICERS IN POLITICS Wickersham and Nagel Leave for Alaska to Smooth Out Situation. RETURN NEXT SEPTEMBER Though They Do Xot Admit It, Trip Is Thought to Be at Request of President Xagel Gives Praise to Payne Tariff. VANCOUVER, B. C, July 24, (Special.) On their way to Alaska, where ij; is understood they are going at the request of President Taft to investigate and straighten political conditions In that ter ritory. United States Attorney-General Wickersham and Secretary of Commerce and Labor Nngel arrived here this morn ing from the East and took up quarters at once on the steamer Albatross on which they sail tomorrow morning. Included in the party were Private Sec retary to Mr. Nagel, H. A. Stevens; Dr. W. E. Fischel and J. S. Lionberger, St. Louis, and Charles Coolridge, Boston, the last two being nephews of Mr. Nagel. Although Secretary Nagel. speaking for "Wickersham, who felt indisposed, would not admit it and steered around the sub ject, it is intimated that the Alaskan political situation needs smoothing out at once in order that the party leaders can give their attention to fighting the grow ing insurgency movement in many of the states. Republican Victory Foretold. Nagel prophesied, however, a Republi can victory at the Fall elections; praised the Payne tariff bill as the country's best revenue producer and -urged the merchants of British Columbia and the States to study the industrial conditions in Latin-America in order that they might profit from the opening of the Panama Canal. The Secretary also had a few words of high praise to bestow upon the' grow ing importance of Canada in the com mercial world and upon Vancouver s pro gress as a city. Attorney-General Wickersham and Secretary Nagel expect to be gone until September. Their itinerary will include all the principal points on the Alaska Coast as far north as Kodlak Island. At Skagway, Cordova, Valdez and Seward brief excursions' inland will be made, but none of them will consume more than two days' time. Attorney General Wickersham said that they could not spare the time to make the trip over the Valdez trail to Fairbanks. Portland Will Be Visited. Attorney-General Wickersham de clined to be drawn into any sort of discussion concerning the tour. "Tou know Alaska is looming large nowadays and we wish to be familiar with the country and its resources," was all he would say. Upon their return to the United States they will stop at Seattle and will be guests of Secretary of the In terior Richard A. Ballinger. They will visit Portland before returning to Washington. ONE LONE DEMOCRAT FILES He Is on List With SO Republicans in Clark County, Washington. VANCOUVER, Wash.. July 24. (Spe cial.) Would-be county officeholders are apparently overwhelmingly Republi can, as of the 31 candidates to file their notices of intention to run for office 30 are Republicans and only one a Democrat. George E. Thompson is the lone Democrat. He is seeking renom ination and re-election to the office of constable in Vancouver. Just because Thompson is a Demo crat, a full set of poll books for each precinct in Vancouver will have to be supplied for the Democratic voters. No one else has filed notice for constable for Vancouver. Those who have filed since the first day are as follows: For County Clerk and Clerk of the Court, W. S. T. Derr, merchant; H- R- Caples, farmer, (Caples was Clerk of the Court a few years ago); A. W. Calder, real estate agent; County Treasurer, J. J. Waggener, mer chant; Sheriff. Charles McCafferty, liveryman; County Auditor, J. G. Ed dings; County Commissioner, W. N. Marshall, teacher; County Commis sioner, F. M. Lawhead, farmer; Sur veyor, F. J- Bailey, incumbent; County Commissioner, o. a. Aagaara, incum bent by appointment, farmer. Three candidates are out for Repre sentative from Clark County and they are E. L. French, of Ellsworth, incum bent: G. R. Percival, attorney, of Van couver, and C. S. Blair, of East Mill Plain.. The Senator is a holdover office and is filled by Senator A. B. Eastham. UNRULY MERCHANT FIGHTS Wife Sees Husband Beaten for In terfering With Officer. NEWPORT. Or., July 24. (Special.) Howard Bush, a merchant of Summit, Or., . was beaten into submission in the presence of his wife and 1500 persons today by City Marshal M, B. Grant, a brother of Sherirt Grant, or -oik uounty. Grant arrested Bush for interfering with him while performing his duty in direct ing the crowd which had assembled to witness the arrival ot the Sunday excur sionists from the Valley. Grant was clearing a passageway through the crowd to enable buO persons, who came on the ferryboat Newport, to get from the dock to the street. When Grant approached Bush he in sisted that he step back. Bush refused and struck Grant on the nose with his fist, following the blow up with kicks and other blows which brought Grant to the ground on his back. Then Bush threw himself on the officer and con tinued to thump him. Deputy . Marshal Blattener pulled Bush off. Grant then struck Bush three times on his head wfth a loaded billy, cutting his scalp severely. Bush was submissive by this time and Grant took the offender, followed by his weeping wife, to jail, where Dr. Carter sewed up the wounds. Later Bush was released on $100 cash bail to appear be fore the Justice of the Peace Monday morning. DRAW 260 FEET IN LENGTH Albany Has Longest Wooden Span In Whole World. - ALBANY, Or., July 24. (Special.) Work has begun on the construction of X a new draw span in the big Corvallis & Eastern Railroad bridge spanning the Willamette River at this city. A draw 260 feet long will be built, replacing one of similar length and a new pivot pier constructed beneath it. This pier will be 22 feet in diameter at the top and 34 feet in diameter at the bed of the river. This 260-foot draw is the longest wooden draw span in the world. Local railroad men say there is no other draw in existence so long as this one which is not constructed of steel. For many years the local bridge has held this record. The next longest wooden draw span, which was 240 feet in length, was on a wagon bridge in California, which has recently been replaced with steel, -so now the local bridge has by far the longest swing ing wooden span on earth. It is said conditions in the river here are such that as strong a draw can be built of wood as of steel. The bridge and the long trestle which adjoins it on the north end are built entirely of wood and the structure has stood in good con dition for many years. It will require about two months to complete the new pivot pier and draw span and the work will cost about 16. 000. The work Is under the direction of John H. Stevens, of Albany, division en gineer for the Corvallis & Eastern road. CHAUTAUQUA IS ENDED ATTENDANCE OX IiAST DAY AT GLADSTONE BREAKS RECORD. Dr. Fletcher Homan, President of Willamette University, Dellv- . ers Final Sermon. CHAUTAUQUA GROUNDS. Gladstone Park. July 24. (Special.) With an other record Sunday attendance, the 17th annual session of the Willamette pValley Chautauqua Assembly came to a close tonight with a sermon by Dr. Fletcher Homan, president of the Willamette University. The feature of this afternoon's programme was . a sacred concert, under the direction of Irving M. Glen, of the University of Oregon, who has had charge of the music during the session. The solos by Mr. Glen were especially pleasing. Dr. D. F. Fox, a noted Congregational divine of Pasadena, CaL, preached this' afternoon's sermon. He is one of the finest historical lecturers ever heard on the Chautauqua platform here. Devo tional exercises and Sunday school, under the direction of State Superin tendent R. R. Steele, occupied the morning hours in the auditorium. The attractiveness of Gladstone Park as a camping place was evidenced this session as never before. Every tent was secured prior to the opening of the assembly and the resources of the Chautauqua management were tr.xed to the- utmost to provide accommodations for the campers, who came here from all parts of Oregon, one family coming from far away Prlnevllle, in Crook: County. The absolute restfulness among the trees is peaceful, and the accommodations provided by the X. W. C. A. delicatessen and the stores on the grounds made the life of the campers truly ideal. The 17th annual session has been one of the most successful in the his tory of the "Willamette Valley Chau tauqua. The programmes have been entertaining and instructive through out and the Chautauqua officials are gratified at the unusual attendance, which insured the financial success of the session. APPLE IS APPETITE-WINNER Schoolteacher Sinks Fortune to Slake Fortune. DAYTON. Wash., July 24. (Special.) Appetites often destroy fortunes, but sel dom make them. Yet, to an insatiate liking for good, mellow, Juicy apples. Professor J. L. Dumas, ex-president of the Washington Horticultural Society, who recently sold a Pomona, apple or chard three miles west of Dayton for J150.000 after he had profited himself $125,000 from the sale of apples grown on the tract, owes his success. Professor Dumas admitted today that success came through his appetite, when he said: "While I was teaching school In the Hawaiian Islands in the early 90's, I fre fluently had a craving for apples such as had often eaten in the JNorthwest be fore I went to Honolulu. I often searched through markets of the tropical city, but the best apples I could find were always diminutive, shrivelled, flavorless speci mens. They sold for as high as five cents apiece. This led me to think that surely there was not enough apples grown to supply the world's demand, and so I re turned to Dayton and purchased 140 acres near Dayton for $3000, which repre sented my earnings from 20 years of school teaching. My appetite was really my making." LOGGERS INSPECT PLANT Delegates to Convention Entertained by Chapman Timber Company. SCAPPOOSE, Or., July 24. (Special.; One hundred loggers, delegates to the annual convention in Portland, yesterday saw the model plant of the Chapman Timber Company as guests of that con cern. They arrived in a special car and were taken out over the company t own line on Scappoose Creek. Superin tendent McNaughton gave the visitors a splendid reception. The plant consists, of. 10 miles of stand ard railroad and several first-class loco motives, fully equipped machine shops, roundhouse and electric light plant, and the most modern devices for handling 10,000,000 feet of logs a month. There are mxre than 300 men on the payroll. The road is built substantially and soon will cross the summit Into the Ne halem Valley to take out new timber. FRASER CATCH IS LIGHT Northern British Columbia Canner ies Get Bulk, of Salmon. VANCOUVER. B. C July 24. (Spe cial.) According to the salmon-fishing returns thus far this year Northern British Columbia canneries are going to reap all the harvest and the Fraser River canneries will have to be con tent with a small pack. Up to the end of last: week, it is es timated. 160.000 cases have been packed by the canneries along the Skeena River. Rivers Inlet and the Naas, and the outlook for a large total pack is excellent. On the Fraser the boats have scarcely averaged more than 15 fish each, and many fishermen, dis couraged by the result of their efforts to capture sockeye, have returned to the use of Spring salmon nets. Eugene Pastor Going Away. EUGENE, Or., July 24. (Special.) Rev. Ora C. Wright, who for the past six years has been pastor of the First Bap tist Church of this city, will deliver his farewell sermon tomorrow night. He has accepted the pastorate of the new State Reformatory at Monroe. Wash. A call has been extended to Rev. H. W. Davis, of Palo Alto, Cal.. to fill the vacancy. Toll &z Oibbs, Inc. MORRISON AT SEVENTH Fourth and Last Week of the Qearaimce The Wind-up of This Important Event. Saving: Opportunities Offered in Every Section Store SEE YESTERDAY'S FULL PACE ANNOUNCEMENT SECTION 1, PAGE 9 Toll & QiTbTbs, fae. MORRISON AT StVENTH SCH1FF IS PLEASED Alaska's Development Sur prise to New York Banker. YACHT REACHES CORDOVA Million-Dollar Steel Bridge Over Copper River Inspected Gla cier Discharging Ice Im presses Visitor. CORDOVA. Alaska, July 24. Jacob H. Schiff, the New York banker, and a party of his .Eastern friends arrived from Skagway yesterday on the steam yacht Ramona. Mr. Schiff and his party were the guests, while here, of the officials of the Copper River & Northwestern Railway. The entire party boarded a special train and made the run to the end of the line at Mile 104. A stop was made at Miles' Glacier, where the Eastern visitors got out and inspected the new million-dollar steel bridge which was recently completed over the Copper River. Much time was also spent in front of the Childs Glacier. While there the visitors were given an opportunity to see one of the grandest spectacles of the north the glacier discharging huge masses of ice weighing many tons into the water below. Mr. Schiff char acterized the sight as one of the most interesting he has seen on his northern trip. Mr. Schiff also expressed great sur prise at the character and progress of railroad building in Alaska. He said that he never before realized the ex tent to which the development of the territory is being pushed. J. J. VANDERVERT DEAD Pioneer of State Passes Away at Age of 88 Years. PRINEVIDLE, Or., July 24. J. J. Van dervert, one of the oldest pioneers of Oregon and of Crook County, died Mon day morning at the residence of his son, William Vandervert, at Lava, about 50 miles southwest of this place. Mr. Vandervert was 88 years of age and came to Oregon from his birthplace. Pike County, Ohio, in 1848. driving an ox team all the distance. On coming to Central Oregon, Mr. Vandervert settled eight miles southwest of this place at Powell Butte and remained there most of the time until his death. It was said by his companions that he never uttered an oath nor played a game of cards In his life, although his entire life was spent in frontier communities. Death came after an Illness of over a year. The funeral was held here Wednesday. Mr. Vandervert leaves three sons. Will, Walter and Dick. WRECK DELAYS SPEAKER Barney O'Xeill, Stumping Idaho, Fails to Keep Appointment. ELGIN. Or., July 24. (Special.) Bar ney O'Neill, of Wallace, Idaho, Is tied up here today on account of an auto mobile wreck. He was going with his wife. Mrs. Hugh Francis and M. K. Chissler, of Wallace, and W. B. Martin and Foster Russell, of Spokane, from Lewiston, Idaho, where Mr. O'Neill ad dressed a large meeting and was booked to speak at Weiser Friday night. Mr. O'Neill is in the race for the nomination for Governor of Idaho on the Republican ticket. The accident occurred about three miles out of Elgin, where the party at tempted to come down the Walla Walla road, hill at too high a speed. It struck the bank and overturned. None of the occupants were hurt to any extent. Mr. O'Neill and wife and Mrs. Francis will proceed by automobile to La Grande, where they hope to make connections to convey them to Weiser to fill the de layed appointment. MISSING FIREBUG FOUND? Sheriff Hears Girl Incendiary Is at Home of Cousin. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., July 24. (Spe cial.) Cora Seaton, the girl incendiary who confessed to having set fire to the Shook house, in Langell Valley, last April, and who escaped just be fore she was to testify before the grand jury against Mrs. Maggie Jones Deal, accused of being implicated in the deed, is said to be at the home of her cousin in Sand Hollow, about 25 miles south of here. N The Sheriff has gone out to investi gate the report, hut he'has little hope of finding the girl. It is generally believed that interested "higher ups." who were afraid of her testimony, con nived at her escape. Superintendent Rlgler to Lecture. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene, Or., July 24. (Special.) The fifth week of the university Summer school begins to morrow. City Superintendent Rigler, of the Portland City Schools, is scheduled as the special lecturer. Mr. Rigler will give five lectures on "Problems of Indus trial Education." This subject' has not been taken up by any of the former speakers and is attracting much atten tion. Added to the Long List due to This Famous Remedy. Oronogo, Mo. "I was simply a ner vous wreck. I could not walk across the floor without my heart flutterincr and I could not even receive a letter. Every month I had such a bearing down sensation, as it the lower narts would fall out. Lydia E. Pinkham's vegeta ble Compound has done my nerves a great aeai or gooa and has also relieved the bearing down. I recommended it to some friends and two of them have been greatly benefited by it." Mrs. Mat, McKnight, Oronogo, Mo. Another Oratef ul Woman. ' St. Louis, Mo. "I was bothered terribly with a female weakness and tiad backache, bearing down pains and pains in lower parts. I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound regularly and used the Sanative Wash and now I have no more troubles that way." Mrs. Al. Herzoo, 6722 Prescott Ave., St. Ijouis, Mo. Because your case is a difficult one, doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving JLydia E. Pinkham's "Vegetable Compound a trial. It surely has cured many cases of female ills, such as in flammation, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, indigestion, dizziness, and ner vous prostration. It cost3 but a trifle to try it, and- the result is worth mil lions to many suffering women. - i nnuni rpiuM-TOBcca stitnte in Oregon. Write tar Ulos. PMHAM CURES I M1 11 liJ WE.