Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 25, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Contrary to Doctor's Orders,
President Keeps on Feet,
and Pain Increases.
Injury Xot Believed to Be Sufficient
to Interfere With Cruise in
Maine Waters Executive
Makes Two Speeches.
ELLSWORTH. Me.. July 24. Presi
dent Taft is suffering from a severely
strained right ankle.
Despite the pain, which was evi
denced by a decided limp and facial
grimaces each time he had to climb in
or out of an automobile or train, the
President carried out a rather exacting
programme Saturday. It included a
speech, an automobile ride and lunch
eon in Bangor, and a speech and re
ception here. Last night he and his
party were guests of Senator Hale at
Senator Ellsworth's home.
They will spend Monday and Tuesday
cruising in Casio Bay, with stops at
Islesboro and Rockland.
Ankle Hurt In Golf Game.
The President hurt his ankle while
playing golf on the links of the Kebo
Valley Club at Bar Harbor yesterday.
He was climbing a steep grassy slope
when his right foot turned beneath
him. There was some pain at the time,
but Mr. Taft disregarded it and con
tinued his game. He suffered little
dtscomfort during the afternoon, but
this morning when he awoke on the
Mayflower the ankle was swollen.
Surgeon Grayson, of the Mayflower,
dressed it. He declared there was no
sprain, but a bad strain of some of
the tendons. He advised the President
to rest on board, but the engagements
of the day were of such a character
that Mr. Taft carried them out to the
last detail, even standing for half an
hour after speaking at Hancock Hall
to shake hands with several hundred
friends and neighbors of Senator Hale.
Pain Worse Last Xlght.
As a result the President's ankle was
worse last night and he is suffering
keenly. There is no thought, however,
that the hurt will be allowed to inter
fere with the plans for the remainder
pf the cruise.
Mr. Taft had Professor H. C. Emory,
chairman of the tariff commission, who
has Just returned from a trip to Ger
many, as a guest at the morning meal,
and received from him a preliminary
and informal report of the commis
sion's work thus far.
In his speech here Saturday afternoon,
which was wholly informal, the Presi
dent said his visit to Maine had
strengthened his belief that it was a
good thing to move around among the
President Is Complimentary.
In his Bangor speech the President
Bald In part:
"Through your great men. my
friends, you have exerted a great deal
more influence in Congress than you
were entitled to and you did it because
of the care with which you selected
your Senators and Representatives, and
the conservatism with which you kept
them in Congress until the country
knew their strength and bowed before
their influence."
At the Theaters
THAT incomparable actress. Mrs.
Fiske. made her appearance Satur
day afternoon at the' Bungalow
Theater in Ibsen's four-act play, "Pil
lars of Society." Both the drama and
its chief interpreter, as well as her
excellent supporting company, met with
a hearty reception.
From the doubtful glories of Salva
tion Nell, with her primitive passions
and pathetic tears. Mrs. Fiske, with
that fine genius and intellectual power
to interpret the basic truths of char
acter, has turned to the wholesome,
normal and optimistic charm of Lona
Hessel. and delights us with the por
trayal of an everyday woman as that
most difficult of playwrights, Henrik
Ibsen, has seen her.
So often has this author been ac
cused of harboring a strong and violent
antipathy to women, and so often have
critics and "alleged'- critics taken it
upon themselves to point out in his
plays lines or situations in which the
author lias seemed to evidence a keen
delight in attributing inherent hypoc
risy to his feminine characters, and of
giving to each of them sinister and ul
terior motives of ensnaring men to the
ultimate undoing of the latter so often
indeed lias Ibsen been described as
cherishing this antipathy, that his new
play. "Pillars of Society," would prove
quite the contrary.
In this play Ibsen has graciously
made an unusual and exceptional con
cession to the popular taste in the
matter of play endings. Having gath
ered together all the elements and ma
terials for another one of his trage
dies. Ibsen right-about-faces and ef
fects a most conventional and happy
ending; in fact, quite one of those
"and they all lived happy ever after."
It Is essentially much more a play
for the theater and for the average
theater-goer than any of his preceding
works of stagecraft, with their ex
haustive anil tiring studies of abnormal
characters and their unnecessary and
all-to-no-purposeful exposure of per
nicious social-evils.
The role of Lena Hessel, in which, of
course. Mrs. Fiske appears, is that of
a sane, wholesome woman of almost
any conventional walk in life: one ac
customed to suppressing and crying
down her ideals because of the in
fluence brought to bear upon her by
the confining walls of her narrow so
ciety, and who, through adversity and
social ostracism, is developed into a
woman of commanding and dominant
Interest, who looks upon society with
a sane and saving philosophy, and who
regards life and living in the broadest
possible sense.
Mrs. Fiske is all sufficient in the
role, and gives a strong and finely
tched, well-digested interpretation.
it is a matter of regret, however, that
the play affords us all too little of Mrs.
Briefly, the story tells of Karsten
Bernlck. a consul in a Norwegian sea
port town.-who is adored by the towns
people because of his munificent gifts
o the city and his employment of
thousands in his shipping Interests.
Ulna lorf. an illegitimate daughter
of an actress, who had died many years
before the story opens, has been taken
Into the Bernick home. She Is a
victim of the "pillars of society," who
lower their voices and discuss her when
she Is absent. A story is allowed to
circulate that Johan is her father.
Then It is that Lona, Bernlck's step
sister, comes back, from America and
probes the corrupt "pillars" to their
The action Is rapid, the unveiling of
character is most admirable, the lash
of satire strikes deep, the. situations
are abounding and the complications
are notably well handled.
In the end it is Bernlck who con
fesses he is responsible for the story
concerning Diana's paternity, and thart
he, too, gave publicity to the lie that
Johan, his brother-in-law, was a thief.
His whole life has been founded on
lies. But his wife forgives him, as
does Lina. and he goes unpunished.
Holbrook Blinn makes a smug,
plausible, morally spineless Norwegian
builder of ships, the big man of af
fairs in the community, a "pillar of its
Virginia Kline is most interesting
and domestic as Mrs. Bernick, and
Merle Maddern is a sympathetic Dina.
A line must be written of Sheldon
Lewis, who is seen as Aune, the fore
man in Bernlck's shipyards, who often
voices his protests against sending a
ship to sea in an unseaworthy condi
tion. The admirable production owes much
to the artistic direction of both Mrs.
Fiske and her husband-manager. Har
rison Grey Fiske. The same bill was
seen last evening.
Osteopath, Formerly ol Seattle,
Killed In Trivial Quarrel in
Presence of His Wife.
SANTA CRUZ. Cal., July 24. (Special.)
Mrs. Mary Wood, at Vine Hill, near
here, today shot and killed her son-in-law.
Dr. George Dresbach, who had at
tacked her in a fit of anger that bor
dered on insanity, and probably will be
After a quarrel over a trivial matter
he ordered Mrs. Wood, who is i!2 years
old, off her own place. She was in a
small bedroom, and reclining on a ouch
was Mrs. Dresbach. The doct attacked
the elder woman and struck her sev
eral blows, breaKi'iar her spectacles and
Injuring her eyes. She could r.ot escape,
but backed up to a sewing machine on
which was a valise containing a revolver.
She fired at Dresbach several times. The
first shot penetrated the lungs and he
reeled and fell into an adjoining room.
The wife bears out the story of the
The Dresbachs have a girl 3 years old
and a boy years old. Mrs. Dresbach
Is about t become a mother again. Dr.
Dresbach had practiced osteopathy in
Seattle ard Palo Alto, where he married
his present wife four years ago. Both
toman believe the doctor was tempo
rarily Insane when he attacked Mrs.
Prominent Sufraglsts Give Aid to
Cause in London.
LONDON, July 24. This has been an
other field day for the suffragettes. An
enormous crowd of women from all parts
of the world, after parading through the
streets, gathered at the historic meeting
place In Hyde Park and passed resolu
tions. A notable feature of the procession
was furnished by the contingents from
America, France, Germany, Holland,
Norway, Sweden, and Canada and other
British colonies. The United States was
represented by 25 women, each of whom
carried the Stars and Stripes.
The local suffragettes, in their advance
advertising, featured the American divi
sion, announcing as three star partici
pants, Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, Dr. Anna
Shaw, Miss Inea Milholland' and a few
others who have become known through
their advocacy of the cause.
Western Federation of Miners Goes
Against Editor and Papers.
DENVER, July 24. The Western Fed
eration of Miners today passed a resolu
tion declaring that the papers owned by
William R. Hearst were "unfriendly to
organized labor." The resolution was
carefully worded and evidently was in
tended to ward off danger of a prosecu
tion under the boycott law.
The case of J. P. Madigan, of Great
Falls, Mont., who was exonerated two
days ago of the charge of having served
as a deputy sheriff for the Great North
ern Railroad during a strike, was again
before the convention today, on alleged
new evidence, but the result was still a,
more complete exoneration of air. Madi
Furious Wind , Kills 2 5 Persons,
Damages Several Towns.
MILAN, July 24. A terrific cyclone
swept over the district west of Milan Sat
urday, doing great damage to the towns
of Saronno, Rovellasoa and Lanote Poz
zolo. It is estimated that 25 persons were
killed and wounded.
At Buste, Arizona, 19 miles from
Milan, a factory collapsed, burying
most of the workmen. Ten dead and
many seriously injured were taken
from the ruins.
At another village the collapse of
the roof of a building resulted in the
death of 14 workmen and the injury of
20 others.
FORTUNE IS $71,053,737
Ilarriman Inheritance Tax Shows
Amount of Estate.
NEW YORK, July 24. Edwin H.
Harriman was worth $71,000,000 at the
time of his death.
The records of the State Controller's
office, into which the inheritance tax
is paid, show, as made public Saturday,
that Charles A. Peabody. president of
the Mutual Life Insurance Company,
who has acted as Mrs. Harriman's ad
viser since her husband's death, paid
on March 5 last $875,000, the amount
to which the state Is entitled under
the transfer tax laws.
A little arithmetic shows that the
estate on which this tax was paid was
valued at J71.053.73T.
Buck Stove & Range Company Ad
mits Right to Organize.
ST. LOUIS, July 24. Formal announce
ment was made last night by J. T. Tem
pleton, secretary of the Buck Stove &
Range Company of the end of the fight
with organized labor. The employes of
the plant are to be organized. The
announcement says in part:
"The present management is, and al
ways has been, friendly to organized
labor. We believe labor has a right to
organize for its protection and ad-van.cem.ent'
Scotland Yard Gets Clew
Couple Coming Here.
Suspect Believed to Be Man, Attired
as Clergyman, Sow on Way to
Canada Girl Slay Be "Son,"
Registers Among Passengers.
LONDON, JULY 24. The belief is held
by Scotland Yard that Dr. Hawrey H.
Crippen and Ethel Leneve are on board
the steamship Sardinian, which sailed
from Havre for Montreal on July 18.
It is variously stated in the newspapers
that Inspector Dew failed for Canada on
the steamer Lauren tic. the steamer Caro
nia and the steamer Baltic, but the
police refuse to divulge which of these
is carrying the inspector as a passenger.
According to a circumstantial story
from Havre, two hours before the de
parture of the Sardinian two passengers,
who were registered as the Rev. Mr.
Robinson and son, boarded the vessel.
The former was attired in clerical garb.
He wore spectacles and had a short,
straggling, and apparently newly grown
beard, but no mustache. The most
noticeable feature was the man's heavy,
projecting eyebrows. The newcomers en
gaged a second-class cabin.
No suspicion attached to the couple
until the steward noticed that one of Rev.
Mr. Robinson's eyebrows was slightly
separated from the forehead. On fur
ther watching the steward was convinced
that the alleged son was a girl.
The captain of the Sardinian sent a
wireless description of the two to the
French police giving it as his opinion
that the couple were really Dr. Crippen
and the Leneve woman.
The French police communicated with
the British authorities, who are of the
opinion that Crippen and his companion,
after fleeing from London, separated in
the south of France, and rejoined each
other at Marseilles, traveling together
from that place to Havre.
Foreigners Hand Over $50 0 to Four
Highwaymen Lookout Gives
Warning and Is Captured.
"NEW YORK, July 24. Within sight
of the lights of Manhattan, four men
held up a carload of immigrants last
night and robbed them of perhaps $500
in cash, while their train was standing
at the West Shore terminal at Weehaw
ken, N. J. A cry of "Police!" from the
lookout gave warning, and the rob
bers escaped. The lookout was felled
by the night stick of a patrolman and
locked up.
There were perhaps a hundred immi
grants in the car. The order for "All
aboard'' had been given when two men
stepped on the rear end of the last car
of the train and two on the front plat
form. All four whipped out revolvers and
shouted: "Hands up, shell out."
Most of the immigrants did not un
derstand the language, but the revolv
ers were wholly intelligible. The four
men walked down the middle aisle of
the car from either end, taking jewelry
and cash. A trainman, stepping to the
rear platform, took in the Situation and
warned the police.
The lookout who was arrested re
fused to give his name or tell anything
about himself.
John Lind, Favorite in Minnesota,
Says He's Through With Politics.
ST. PAUL. July 24. The returns re
ceived last night from a large number of
the Democratic conventions, held Satur
day to select delegates to the state
convention, indicate an overwhelming
sentiment for John Lind. of Minneapo
lis, ex-Governor of the state, as a can
didate for Governor.
On the issue of county option the
party in the state seems divided.
"When seen late last night in regard
to the probability of his nomination
for Governor, Mr. Lind, who is In Port
land for a few days, said:
"The people of Minnesota understand
my attitude and I am not aware of
anything that has transpired since I
left home to change my determination.
I am out of politics and propose to re
main out irrespective of anything that
can occur during my absence."
Oklahoma Senator Thinks Himself
, Good Timber.
TULSA. Okla., July 24. Senator Gore
told an audience here Saturday that
he considered himself good timber for
the Democratic nomination for Presi
dent. "The difference between a Jeffersonian
Democrat, like myself, and a Lincoln Re
publican, like La Follette, Is so slight
that I. who am blind, can't see it and
you who have your natural eyesight
can't see it either," he said. "I hope
and pray that the Republicans' will nom
inate either Bristow, Cummins (Jr La
Follette, and I hops the Democrats will
nominate a good progressive Democrat,
like me."
Here the audience laughed.
"I can't tell whether you are laughing
for me or at me," Gore said.
"We are for you, for President," the
audience shouted.
Live Devil Fish Are Captured Far
From Salt Water.
SPOKANE. Wash.. July 24. Two well
developed devil fish or giant squids,
measuring over three feet from tip to
tip. were dragged from the Spokane
River Just back of the City Hall Saturday
morning. One was still alive when cap
tured. Their presence here, hundreds' of miles
from water and above the falls, is a
puzzle not yet solved.
Hop Sings Attacked for Refusal to
Divide Gambling Profits.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 24. (Special.)
Jtia, CJttflfigB tpog saf, which it was
predicted would result from efforts of the
police to close the gambling houses in
the Chinese quarter, broke out early this
morning when Jew Sing, a Hop Sing
highbinder, was fired upon by some un
known Chinese.
Jew Sing was not armed when arrested,
but he is noted as a highbinder, and his
society, which ran the Siberia Club, is
greatly wrought up over the closing of
this gambling headquarters and attri
butes it to the influence of rival tongs.
It seems the Hop Sings refused to keep
to the terms of a contract by which the
profits of the various gambling houses
were to be evenly divided among various
tongs. They retained the lion's share of
the profits and it was this perfidy which
caused some of the other tongs to be
tray the Siberia Club to the police.
The Hop Sing, the strongest tong in
Chinatown, Is now an Ishmaelite. with
every other highbinder society against
it. and bloodshed is sure to follow.
The gunmen of the Hop Sing Tong. em
ployed by the On Tick Tong during its
recent war with the Yee family, did
most of the killing. The news of the
shooting traveled like wildfire through
Chinatown and the streets this morning
were deserted.
WORTH $250,000.
Brain Affected by Blow Received
From Robber He Leaves
$5000 to Banker Friend.
SEATTLE. July 24. The old man who
blew his head oft with dynamite in the
woods near this city last Thursday end
who had provided himself with chloro
form and carbolic acid, evidently for use
if the explosive failed, was George E.
Hall, 65 years old. a pioneer of Seattle,
who was worth t250,000 two years ago.
C. E. Remsberg, president of a Seattle
bank and for years- Hall's financial ad
viser, says that Hall had money and
real estate valued at $125,000 e year ago
Last year Hall, then proprietor of a
transfer company, was robbed of a large
sum of money while on the way to pay
oft his men and was struck on the head
by a robber, since which time he had
acted strangely. He left a will be
queathing $5000 to Remsberg and small
sums to other friends. it is said that
property valued at $65,000 stood in Hall's
name recently.
He came here from New Hampshire 30
years ago. worked in a sawmill, Invested
in real estate and was engaged In a num
ber of business enterprises that yielded
him a fortune.
Extols "Progressives" and Predicts
Roosevelt Will Support Them.
SEATTLE. July 24. Congressman Miles
Poindexter, of Spokane, insurgent candi
date for the Republican nomination for
Lnlted States Senator to succeed Sena
tor Piles, opened his campaign In King
County last night with a well-attended
meeting at the Grand-Opera House.
Mr. Poindexter declared himself op
posed to state conservation, saying that
It meant merely the relinquishment of
Government control over National pos
sessions. He said that but for the pro
gressive element in Congress the Bal-linger-Pinchot
investigating committee
would have been a machine-picked body.
He also said that despite the state
ments of Speaker Cannon, if there is
anything of merit in the railroad bill
the credit should go to the progressive
element of the Republican party.
Mr. Poindexter said that he had been
misquoted in recent interviews, in which
he was credited with saying that Colonel
Roosevelt had indorsed his candidacy for
the Senate.
"Colonel Roosevelt is fully capable of
speaking for himself," he said, "and he
is going to speak for himself before
many days have gone by, and he will
make his position clear to you on those
subjects which my distinguished oppo
nents are making the central feature of
this campaign. These men. going about
the state supporting Roosevelt and at
the same time denouncing his policies,
are trying to ride into office through a
man whom they personally dislike."
Fern Hill Resident Badly Injured
by Tacoma Conductor.
TACOMA, July 24. Peder Jensen, of
Fern Hill, is in a hospital in a semi
conscious condition with an apparent
fracture of the skull from a blow In
flicted by S. R. Rainey, a conductor
of the Tacoma Railway & Power Com
pany about midnight last night.
Rainey is In custody and Justice
Arnston refused to admit him to bail
until the result of Jensen's Injuries is
Jensen is a well-known druggist and
was elected on the Executive Commit
tee at the State Pharmaceutical Asso
ciation yesterday. Warrants are out
for two other trainmen, and a man
said to be in the employ of the street
railway company.
One Spreckels Believes "Interests"
Would Injure Business.
NEW YORK. July 24. Rudolph Spreck
els. son of Claus Spreckels, of San Fran
cisco, and "grafter hunter," came back
today from Europe and spoke gloomily
of the business outlook, saying he be
lieved the "Interests" were preparing
some move to injure business temporarily
for the benefit of the "standpatters"
who want re-election to Congress this
"However," said Mr. Spreckels. "I
think the insurgents will be returned
to Congress in larger numbers and will
indirectly control National legislation.
Ultimately, I think, the great West will
prove to be the saviour of this country
from the corporation interests."
Typhoid Fever Patient Ends Suffer
ing at Spokane.
SPOKANE. July 24 Delirious after
three weeks" suffering from typhoid
fever, O. Matthias, 35 years old, a lum
berman of Bingen, Wash., leaped, from
a fourth story window of the Sacred
Heart Hospital here Saturday, meeting
instant death.
The first intimation of the tragedy
was when the man's body came whirl
ing through the air to the ground A
nurse had just left Matthias, thinking
that he was too weak to rise from his
Whisky Order Is Suspended.
WASHINGTON, July 24. The De
partment of Justice has acted promptly
In the "What is whisky" problem by
approving the recommendation of the
Treasury Department for the suspen
sion of any orders inconsistent with the
restraining order obtained from the
Louisiana courts by the molasses in
terests. The suspension will be in ef
fect during the pendency of the litigation.
Three W eeks of Travel Reaches Cli
max in Tour of Orchards and
Arrival In Portland.
One hundred and twenty-five homeo
path doctors and their wives, who
attended the American Institute of
Homeopathy at Pasadena,. CaL. arrived
In a special train at 8:30 yesterday
morning to spend a few days visiting
The party was in charge of Dr. Os
mon Royal, who accompanied them all
the way from Pasadena to Portland.
All the homeopaths in the- city were at"
the union station to greet them. The
visitors were taken to their hotels and
In the afternoon were given a trolley
ride about the city. The day's enter
tainment closed with a banquet at the
Commercial Club, tendered by the club:
President Harvey Beckwlth, of the
Commercial Club, welcomed the visit
ors, and responses were made by Dr.
John P. Sutherland, dean of the Bos
ton University School of Medicine, and
Dr. Galus P. Jones, the newly-elected
president of the American Institute
and dean of the Cleveland Homeopathic
School of Medicine. Local homeopaths
and their wives were present and as
sisted in the reception.
A reception will be given the visit
ors at the residence of Dr. B. E. Miller
tonight, and at 7 o'clock tomorrow
morning the visitors will be the guests
of the local fraternity on a trip up the
Columbia River on the steamboat Bai
ley Gatzert, returning on the Dalles
City at 6:30 Pi M.
The visiting physicians have had
three weeks of travel and pleasure.
Five hundred rendezvoused at Chicago
three weeks ago and left for Pasadena
on a special train, making the trip by
easy stages and stopping over wher
ever they liked. After a week at the
meeting in Pasadena a special train
carried them to San Francisco, where
they were entertained for two days.
Dr. Royal then took charge of the
party and brought them to Portland.
At Ashland the train was met by rep
resentatives of the Ashland Commer
cial Club, who carried large boxes of
peaches and freely distributed them
through the train. At Medford the
party was taken off the train and
given a ten-mile trolley ride through
the orchards. But the reception at
Portland and the banquet last night,
the visitors pronounce best of alL
The special train was broken up here
and the doctors and their wives will
take various routes to their homes in
the East.
Hundreds of Miners at Xew Boom
Camp 3Iay Suffer Xext Winter.
VANCOUVER, Wash., July 24. (Spe
cial.) That the placer ground in and
around Iditarod, Alaska, yields not
more than $1 a cubic foat, is the in
formation Larson Berglund writes
from there to Charles B. Masson. who
was in Vancouver today.
Berglund says that there are about
2500 people at Iditarod, and that there
is no work for hundreds of the miners
and things look dark for the coming
Winter, unless assistance is secured.
There is an ample supply of water at
Iditarod, too much in fact, as the town
site. itself is muddy, but there is little
use for the water, as there is no gold
to wash out. He advises Masson not
to come to Alaska, as the reports of its
dazzling richness have been exagger
ated beyond all reason and belief.
Masson was In Alaska last year and
took out 5000 buckets of placer ground,
and when he had paid all expenses for
the three months he had just $1 to
show for his season's arduous toil and
Strikers Who Return to Sugar Re
finery Attacked on Emerging.
NEW YORK. July" 24. There was a
riotous demonstration this afternoon at
the plant of the New York Sugar Refining
Company in Long Island City when 50
men, who with' about 450 others had gone
on strike yesterday but returned to work
this morning, came out of the refinery
to go to luncheon.
When the men appeared outside the
plant a volley of stones and bricks was
thrown and then a rush was made for
them by a mob. The rioters were dis
persed by policemen.
Multnomah Club, Overworked, De
lays Date to July 28.
The bond committee of the Multno
mah Athletic Club announced last
night that there were so many deaila
to be .arranged that the subscriptions
for the bonds cannot be received until
Thursday, July 28.
It was the intention to open the list
tomorrow morning, but the committee
has been so deluged with work that it
is impossible to have all matters ar
ranged by that time.
Chinese Restaurants Raided and
$18,750 of Opium Taken.
ST. LOUIS. July 24. The third raid
of Chinese restaurants within three
weeks was made today, and resuted In
the seizure of opium worth $18,750 at
retail, by revenue officers who believe
St. Louis is the headquarters for the
Middle West for the distribution of the
forbidden drug.
Wife Says Husband Drunkard.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. July 24. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. K. C. Luithle has filed suit
for divorce from K. C. Luithle, alleging
that he has been a habitual drunkard
for more than a year. She asks a dl
vision of the community property, alleged
to be worth at least $6000, and a perma
nent alimony of $50 a month. Luithle
owned the Log Cabin saloon until yes
terday, when he sold it to G. J. Keller, of
Portland. He has never been arrested
for being drunk. He owned the Log
caDin ior eignt years.
Boulevard Around State Planned.
DENVER. July . 24. The Colorado
State Highway Commission has under
consideration one of the most ambiti
ous road-building plans ever advocated
in any state, it is proposed to con-
with connecting roads to all interior
nnint, nf Interest Th .-,.. ... i 7 1
borne almost entirely by the counties
mrougn wnicn me oouievara will pass.
Aged Civil War Veteran. Dies.
Asa C. Cobb, who died in Portland,
July 20, 1910, was a native of Ellis
burg, Jefferson County, N. Y-. ad was
born March 22, 1S37. He was married
in Kane County Illinois. December 31,
1868. to Emma C. Ford. Besides the
widow, he leaves one daughter, Mrs.
Charles Hartman. of Silverton. Or., and
a son, C. H. Cobb, of Portland. He lived
iu New York until he was 24 years old,
vJ ' .:"S-1 :'rVi feXL
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N EVERY walk of life there 's praise for the Autopiano.
From an artistic standpoint the high position accorded
the Autopiano by the world's most celebrated musicians
leaves no question as to its supremacy over all other
player pianos.
Hundreds of letters in praise of the Autopiano have
been written by enthusiastic owners living in all parts
of the world, and who might justly be called represent
ative people of all walks of life. From His Holiness, Pius X, of Borne J
from the Sultan of Turkey, of Constantinople; from Prince Tadashigo
Shimadsu, of the Royal House of Japan; from Countess de Tournville,
Hon. Clifford Sifton, Alfredo Zayas, Admiral "Winfield Scott Schley,
Alexander Graham Bell, Dr. John Fryer, Al Ringling, Thomas E. Watson,
John Jacob Astor, "William H. Cummings, etc., and hundreds of others
who have purchased the Autopiano, come enthusiastic letters of praise.
When in San Francisco Mme. Luisa Tetrazzina, at the home of a
friend, became acquainted with the Autopiano, and immediately was an
Autopiano enthusiast. While there, we bad the distinction of having
specially made several Autopiano rolls for the accompanying of her glo
rious voice. Afterwards she had our San Francisco store ship to her
sister in Italy the first Autopiano ever sent to that country. Following
this, Pope Pius X ordered an Autopiano for his own private use.
As a musieal educator, this remarkable instrument has no equal. It
environs the home with an atmosphere of refinement; it brings into your
music-room, at a nominal cost, the fruits of the untiring efforts of the
world's best composers a musical education and privilege for which
thousands of people have spent enormous sums of money. An Autopiano,
placing at one's immediate command choice of everything in music, will
be found more entertaining and enjoyable than a library of good books.
The many exclusive features of the Autopiano mechanism make it su
perior to all other similar instruments. The opportunity to hear this
wonderful instrument, side by side with other player pianos which have
been extensively advertised, but which have not "met with one-half the
sales of the Autopiano, is afforded any music-lover by Eilers Music
House. This comparison will demonstrate to you most vividly the reason
why the Autopiano at Eilers Music House has superseded other makes of
extensively advertised rlayer pianos, as it has also done in the largest
music houses in St. Louis, Cincinnati and Chicago. In brief, the Auto
piano is the one "perfect player piano," and stands supremely alone as
claimant to this title. " It is also perfect as a piano for manual plaving.
Eilers Music Houses are the sole distributers of the Autopiano for West
ern America. We exhibit several styles, which are purchasable on ex
tremely convenient terms. . ' ,
351, 353, 355
Washington St, Cor.
Eighth, (Park) St
when he enlisted In Battery D. Fourth
United States Artillery. He was in
the battles of Winchester, Middleton,
Cedar Creek and Harrisburg. He was
discharged as a Sergeant, August, 1865,
after seeing three years of service. He
lived on a farm near Marquam, Or., 17
years, then removed to Portland, where
he died at his late residence, 415 Spo
kane avenue.
Grand Trunk Pacific Steamships
Most Luxurious on Pacific Coast
All steel length S20 feet twin screw 18 knots per hour double bottom
-watertight bulkheads wireless telegraph.
S. S. Prince Rupert
(Now Jn service.)
Leaves Seattle midnight every Sun
Including; Meals and Rerths.
For tickets ana reservations apply to local ticket agents or X H. Bono.
General Agent. First Ave. and Yesler Way. Seattle. Wash.
8 S. Rose City Sails 9 A. M. Friday, July 2T 8. S. Bear, Aoarust 1).
SailluffM Every Five Days Direct to
To San Francisco Flrstclass: WIO.OO, $12. OO, 815. OO
Second class: K 5.00
To Los Angeles Flrstclass: S21.SO, 823.50, S26.50
Second class: $13.35
Round-trip tickets at reduced rates. All rates include meals and berth.
H- G. Smith, C. T. A., 142 3d Street. Main 402. A 1402
J. W. Ransom, Agent, Ainsworth Dock. Main 268.
-hh coir tb. xnpotlm. of th.
Wholesale Dept.
Cor. Fifteenth and
Pettverove Sts.
S. S. Prince George
,... T..,.. ..T..
Leaves Seattle July 21 at midnight
every Thursday thereafter.