Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 23, 1910, Image 1

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    VOL. L. NO. 15,493.
m l a
Non-Partisan Judiciary
Plan Gets Blow.
Four Recommendations for
Supreme Bench Are Made.
sAf Adjournment Is Taken, Delegates
reel Sure That Rehabilitation
of Party in Oregon Is Firm
ly ' Got Under Way.
State officers recommended yester
day by Republican assembly:
Justices Supreme Court (six-year
term) P. A. Moore, of Columbia
(present incumbent), George H, Bur
nett, of Marloo
Justices Supreme Court (four-year
term Wallace McCamant, of ' Mult
nomah; Thomas A. McBrlde, Clack
amas (present incumbent).
Railroad Commissioner (at large)
Frank J. Miller, of I.lnn.
State Engineer John H. Lewis, of
Multnomah (present Incumbent).
Commissioner of J-abor Statistics
O. p. Hoff, of Multnomah (present
. incumbent).
Delegates to the Republican State As
sembly finished their work early yester
day afternoon, after an arduous and dln
nerlesa session, and adjourned with three
hearty cheers for the party. Harmony
preva'"fnM for the most part through the
closing; hours and the concourse of dele
gates left the Armory firm In the belief
that rehabilitation of party had been
got firmly under way.
Completion of the state ticket, ratifica
tion of the various district recommenda
tions and consideration of resolutions
consumed the session. Choice of men for
the remaining places was made expe
ditiously, although balloting was required
In most cases.
A firm foot was set by the assembly
on the movement for the so-called non
partisan Judiciary. The delegates recom
mended four Republicans for the Supreme
Bench. Circuit Judge George H. Burnett,
of Marion County, and Supreme Justice
F. A. Moore, from Columbia, were named
for the six-year terms, the selection be
ing unanimous and by acclamation. Wal
lace McCamant. of Portland, and Su
preme Justice Thomas A. McBrlde. from
Clackamas, were recommended for the
Tour-year terras. J. c. Fullerton, of
Douglas. ' was brought before the as
sembly, but when the ballots began com
ing In with a strong lead for McCamant
and McBrlde. Fullerton withdrew. The
rholce. on Mr. Fullerton's recommenda
tion, was made unanimous.
Sentiment Is Divided.
In the selection of a Railroad Commis
sioner sentiment was fairly well divided
between Frank J. Miller, of Linn County,
and E. C. Kirkpatrlck. of Polk, the first
ballot, however, giving the Linn" County
man a bare majority. The vote was 633
for Miller and 577 for Kirkpatrlck.
John H. Lewis, from Multnomah, had
things all his own way In tne matter of
the recommendation of a State Engineer.
Attention was called to the fact that Mr.
Jewis has held the place with credit ever
fslnce Its creation. His selection was
made by acclamation.
Penumbra Kelly, of Multnomah, with
flrew from the contest for Commissioner
of Labor Statistics even while there
seemed an excellent chance of his win
ning over O. P. Hoff. present incumbent.
Mr. Kelly, an llth-hour nominee, had
the whole Multnomah delegation behind
him. and when the rollcall of counties
began, he was getting his share when ho
arose suddenly and withdrew for Mr.
Hoff. and in the interest of harmony. It
was his view that the place possibly
should go to someone outside Multnomah
County. At least he regarded such a
selection as in the best interests of the
party and explained that it was no time
to consider personal ambitions.
Greetings Sent to Taft.
While the judicial and water districts
were holding separate meetings to deter
mine on recommendations for the Circuit
Bench and Water Commissioners, it was
decided by the assembly to send its greet
ings to President Taft. The following
telegram was drafted and dispatched to
Mr. Taft's Summer home at Beverly,
"Hon. William H. Taft. Beverly. Mass.
"The Republicans of Oregon in assem
bly convened send greetings and indorse
ment of your Administration. With a
reunited, rejuvenated Republican organi
sation in this state, we will continue to
rally to your standard as our chosen
leader. (Signed)
"W. C. BRISTOL, Chairman."
The assembly also paid its respects to
Harvey W. Scott, a committee being se
lected to await on Mr. Scott at his home,
where he is ill. and express the condo
lence of the assembly upon his ill-health,
together with sincere best wishes for his
early recovery and appreciation of his
endeavors In behalf of the Republican
party. W. C. Bristol and S. B. Huston
were named as a committee of two to
carry out the will of the assembly in
this respect.
When the reports from the district can
(Concluded on Pas 8
Jelews Left in Secret Place When
Household Hurries to Daughter,
But They Are Gone, Later.
A new-born babe is held indirectly
responsible for the mysterious disap
pearance of $1400 worth of diamonds
from the home of Maurice Marx, 746
Kearney street, Thursday afternoon.
The Jewels were the property of Mrs.
Marx and consisted of two diamond
rings with the aggregate appraisal of
$900 and two eardrops valued at $500.
Members of the Marx household con
tend that the precious stones were
stolen during the period of excitement
that prevailed about their home follow
ing the report that Mrs. S. H. Goldsteln
a daughter, had given birth to a bounc
ing baby boy. The police, however, are
of the conviction that the diamonds
were mislaid.
Since the report of the supposed theft
of the jewelry was received early
Thursday afternoon, Detective Ser
geants Day and Hyde have made a tire
less effort to solve the mystery of the
disappearance of the jewels. Their in
vestigation has thrown little, if any,
light on the case.
The jewels were invariably kept in a
small chamois sack secreted in Mrs.
Marx's dresser drawer. As was her
custom, she deposited the jewels in the
sack the last time she had worn them
last Tuesday. Thursday afternoon, dur-,
ing the time a chiropodist was paying
a professional visit at the Marx home,
the news was received that Mrs. Gold
stein, a daughter residing in the Beryl
Apartments, 695 Lovejoy street, had
become the mother of her first-born.
The news created unbounded exultation
and commotion in the Marx home. It
continued to such a degree that the
chiropodist was compelled to abandon
his treatment of the feet of a younger
daughter in the home, who joined Mrs.
Marx and another daughter in a visit
to the mother and babe. The foot spe
cialist was shown out by a servant,
after Mrs. Marx and her daughter had
When Mrs. Marx returned home later,
she had occasion to look In the dresser
drawer In which she kept the Jewels.
The small chamois sack and diamonds
were missing.
Horse Is Killed, but Rider Escapes
When Dogs Come to Rescue.
EUGENE. Or.. July 22. (Special.)
Two dogs saved the life of Hugh Hamp
ton, a local cattle buyer, when scenes
were enacted here this morning not un
like those in a Mexican bull fight.
Hampton had roped a monster steer
which had broken from its Inclosure, but
before horse and rider could get out of
the way the maddened animal charged
upon them. One horn of the steer
plunged into the heart of the horse and
felled Hampton to the ground.
Two cattle dogs then gave their at
tention to the steer until Hampton could
make for a place of safety. Hampton later
returned and captured the thoroughly en
raged steer.
Donahoos Agree to Quit Hostilities
in Dayjon Courts.
DAYTON, Wash., July 22. (Special.)
Suit to recover a rolling pin and for
$2000 damages brought by Ansellett Dono
hoo against her husband, Dr. Phillip
Donohoo, proprietor of the City Hospital,
has been dropped. The couple have been
estranged but have agreed to call off
the battle in the courts. Dr. Donohoo will
return the rolling pin. Both are promi
nent socially.
Accompanied by her father, General
Loudermllk, a Confederate veteran, Mrs.
Donohoo has gone to Joplln, Mo., to make
her home but Dr. Donohoo will remain
Man Who Divorced Insane Wife
Held In Contempt of Court.
CHICAGO, July 22. Willis Counsel
man, broker and clubman, whose divorce
from his insane wife, Lulu Counselman,
was set aside by the courts after Coun
selman married Miss Clara French, was
sentenced to three months in Jail by
Judge Chetlain in the Superior Court
here today.
Judge Chetlain held Counselman in con
tempt of court because of the broker's
testimony in the divorce hearing.
Offender Tries to Enter White
AVoman's Room; Kills Constable.
DALLAS, Tex., July 22 Henry Gent
rey, a negro who attempted to enter the
room of a white woman at Bellon. Tex.,
this morning and who later killed Con
stable Mitchell, who tried to arrest him,
was burned at the stake tonight by a
Constable Also Wounded When Try
ing to Arrest Virginian.
ROANOKE, Va., July 22. Robert
Hudson was shot and killed. Ernest
Hudson, aged 14, his son. was fatally
wounded, and R. A. Walk, a constable,
was wounded at Max Meadows, Va.,
today when Constable . George Alford
went to arrest the elder Hudson.
Pledge Violated, Says
Iowa Senator.
Growth Fostered by Cannon
and Aldrich, Speaker Says.
Rule Should Permit Amendment of
Single Schedule Without Re
quiring Opening of Whole '
Issue, Is Declaration.
COUNCIL GROVE, Kan., July 22.
Senator Cummins, of Iowa, in a speech
before a Chautauqua audience here to
night asserted that the pledge of the
Republican National platform for a revi
sion of the tariff was not fulfilled ' and
that Senator Aldrich and Speaker Can
non and the others who took the lead in
framing the tariff bill had "never at
tempted and never intended to keep the
Mr. Cummins spoke in the district of
one of the Kansas "regular Representa
tives, James Miller, to give this message.
He said that Cannon and Aldrich and
other Btand-pat leaders were driving the
Nation into socialism or co-operative
control and away from the Individual or
competitive theory.
Issue Not Local.
"I am an exponent of the progressive
Republican idea," he said. "I believe the
Republican party can be made the most
progressive party on earth; the one that
does things for the good of the whole
country. But the special interest man
must be eliminated. That is my sermon.
That is what I advocate and, if It hurts
any of my audience, it does not bother
men. For ten years I fought for prog
ress In Iowa arid we have won and are
winning. This is not a local matter at
all, but one covering all this country
and affecting other countries.
"Our forefathers organized this Gov
ernment on the broad principle that in
dividual effort was better than the co
operative or collective theory of gov
ernment; that the wor kof the Individ
ual was of more importance and better
for the country than the development
of the socialist or monopolistic theory
of government and industry.
Competition Is Essential.
"It is the competitive against th3 so
cialist theory of government. Compe
tition in the individual or industry is
the only safeguard against avarice and
"Speaker Canno and Senator Aldrich
are driving the country into a socia
listic form of government and industry
by promoting the cause of monoplies.
They are unwilling to take measures
to' prevent the rapidly-growing ten
dency toward monopoly or to disin-
tegflrate and destroy the monopiles al
ready In existence, whereby the prices
of commodities are fixed, not by the
usual laws of trade hut by the fill of
a single man or group of men. Monop
oly does not mean a single factory with
absolute control of one article, but a
combination of factories making the
same article whereby the preces are
(Concluded on Faga 3.)
frrtATii take- ahwy -!IIJl1 lj tPAYlikWil
Idea Is for Summer Show at San
Francisco and Winter One in
New Orleans.
-WASHINGTON, July 22. (Special.)
The Idea persists that the Taft Adminis
tration will favor two Panama exposi
tions, as was originally suggested by the
T-iHent at th- California dinner, and
it is regarded possible that Congress will
extend desired authorization to w. and New Orleans if they make
satisfactory subscription showings.
The objection to attempting to conduct
two great fairs at the same time is met
with the suggestion that xne x-acinc me
tropolis should have its- exposition in the
mi New Orleans in the Win
ter. Summer being the travel and va
cation season, is of course the preierame
time to give an exposition. The blistering
Southern Mississippi weather of these
months would make it Impossible, or at
least very undesirable, to hold the fair
Those favoring a year-round show di
vided between the two cities urge that
better exhibits will be made, and be
lieve that President Taft and Congress
would regard it favorably.
Raymond Gets New Warehouse.
RAYMOND, Wash., July 22. (Special.)
Tle Raymond Water & Light Company
is constructing an up-to-date reinforced
concrete warehouse which will be 90x90
feet and will cost $12,000.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 73
degrees; minimum, 5tf degrees.
TODAY'S Fair and warmer; northwesterly
winds. XationaL
President Taft says vacations are too short.
Page 2
Brlstow charges Cannon with favoring
Smelter Trust In tariff. Page 2.
Senator cummins says "Standpatters" foster
Socialism. Page 1.
Republican state assembly completes its
work. Page 1. '
Russo-Chinese Bank's New York branch
mysteriously robbed of $70,000. Page 3.
Normal school girl testifies professor tried
to hug her. Page 1.
Two negroes form clew to Rawn mystery
Page 1.
Panama fair may be held in both San
Francisco and New Orleans. Page 1.
Great Lakes section swept by forest fires.
Page 2.
Coast "League results: San Francisco 3,
Portland -; Vernon 3. Sacramento ;
Oakland 2, Los Angeles 0. Page 14.
Oregon state tennis championship finals
are today. Page 1 4.
Pacific Northwest.
Grand Army will take part in Chautauqua
programme today. Page S .
Five lives lost in hotel fire at foquiam.
Page . 5.
Constitutional amendments would simplify
taxation problem. Page
Commercial and Marine. '
Red spiders appear in Oregon hop yards.
Page 15.
Chlcaco wheat prices affected by break in
corn. Page 15.
Bears have their own way in stock market.
Page 15.
Better feeling in K as tern wool market.
Page 15.
New law requiring lights on small boats
being enforced. Page 10.
Portland and Vicinity.
Loggers' congress discusses Government
forestry rules and liability insurance.
Page 8.
Bride of 14 days seeks divorce from second
4 husband. Page 14.
A. T. Charlton says Fall crop in Western
Washington and Idaho will be large.
Page 6.
Mrs. Fiske lays cornerstone of new Heilig
Theater. Page 8.
Mayor assents to building by city of con
crete dock. Page 9.
To avert strike. Manager Armstrong per
mits company to remain for Mahr bene
fit. 'Page 7.
Newborn babe indirectly blamed for theft
of diamonds. Page 1.
Arrest of Pair Gives
; Case New Trend.
Discharged Employe Said to
Have Made Threats.
Accident Insurance Companies Will
Await Outcome of Inquest Illi
nois Central Officials Tight
en Lips About Scandal.
CHICAGO, July 22. (Special.) While
the remains- of Ira G. Rawn, late presi
dent of the Monon Railway, were being
laid to rest in Rosehill this afternoon,
two negroeS were run down on a mys
terious tip received by Coroner Hoffman
and hastened secretly to the City Hall,
where they are being subjected to a se
vere grilling. One of them, Ernest
Hoffman, a chauffeur, formerly em
ployed by Mr. Rawn, was discharged last
December and as late as May is de
clared to have threatened Mr. Rawn's
life. He is held as a suspect in connec
tion with Rawn'a death.
Coroner Hoffman refuses to give tlje
name of his informant, but says he is
a man of such prominence that his in
formation carries great weight. The
letter to the Coroner said Rawn had, been
slain hy a negro from motives of re
venge. There are many facts in the
mysterious case to support this theory.
Witnesses have been found who saw
two negroes lurking in the vicinity of
the Rawn house and neighbors heard
two men discussing some crime in the
Rawn shrubbery on the night of the
Negroes Seen on Train.
The negroes came out from Chicago on
the lest, suburban train. Residents of
Winnetka who saw them were so im
pressed by their evil appearance that
they sought to warn the authorities, but
for some reason this was not done.
Coroner Hoffman attaches much im
portance to the clew he received and to
the arrest of the two negroes. On the
other hand, members of the Rawn house
hold scoff at the idea that he was slain
for revenge and insist he ' had no ene
mies. Developments of the day were:
Illinois Central attorneys who yester
day claimed they had positive proof that
Mr. Rawn was the head, front and brains
of the conspiracy which robbed that com
pany of $1,500,000, today refused to re
iterate the charges. All apparently were
acting under instructions -not to discuss
the case.
insurance companies holding straight
life policies of $47,000 on Rawn will pay
without contest.
Inquest Is Awaited.
Accident companies carrying $110,000
await the Coroner's inquest and verdict,
but meanwhile are conducting their own
investigations. The Hartford Insurance
Company says it is convinced Rawn was
murdered and will not contest the policy.
Mrs. Rawn, widow, makes a long
signed statement, telling of the struggle
between her husband and the invader,
(Concluded on Page 3.)
From North Dakota They Cross Into
Manitoba, Stripping Off All
' Green Things as They Go.
GRETNA, Man., July 22. (Special.)
The black grasspopper or black locust,
the greatest pest that has ever at
tacked the crops of Manitoba and the
northern states, has arrived in swarms,
and the injurious insects are headed
north, having come from Dakota, where
they have already done great damage
to the grain crops and the garden stuff.
The black- grasshoppers are to be
seen in great numbers and are attack
ing the gardens, showing a special
fondness for cabbage. Where they do
not find succulent garden forage, they
attack the standing grain and strip the
straw bare In an incredibly short time.
"Tim" O'Brien, the veteran customs
collector at Neche, N. D., recalls that
In the years 1871 to 1874 the black
grasshopper was a terrible pest, strip
ping the whole country bare and eating
the bark off the poplar trees when they
had cleaned everything else green off
the face of the earth. They came sud
denly after a long dry spell In 1871 and
at times were in such swarms that
their flight obscured the light of the
sun. '
In 1874, after doing tremendous dam
age, they disappeared as suddenly as
they had come.
Car Breaks Down and Owner Dare
Not Get Out to Fix It.
JACKSONVILLE, Or., July 22. (Spe
cial.) Walter McCallum, of Medford.
while returning home across the "desert"
in his auto yesterday, was held captive
by a bunch of rattlesnakes. About 12
miles north of here, the steering gear
went out of commission, and when Mr.
McCallum climbed out to investigate, a
chorus of rattles made him climb hastily
back in the car.
For four hours he perched on the top
most part of the back seat, wondering
bow he was going to get home. The
snakes Anally retired, and Mr. McCallum
pursued his way, after ascertaining that
there were no more rattlers under the
car and fixing the steering gear.
Vancouver Jury" Decides Realty Men
Must Not Misinterpret.
VANCOUVER, Wash., July 22. (Spe
cial.) That a real estate dealer has no
right to misrepresent property or tell his
customer that it is twice as large as It
really Is, was decided by a jury which
this morning returned a verdict for $1500
for the .plaintiff.
John Eckbert brought suit against F.
A. Rugg and wife and G. S. Smith for
$2500 damages or the difference between
the price he -paid for certain real estate
.and the price it was really worth. Eck
bert said he had been told by the real
estate dealer, Smith, that there were 40
acres of land in good cultivation, where
as there were only 19 acres in cultiva
Bank Clearings Greater by 73.3 Per
Cent Than Year Ago. "
Portland of all cities in the United
States had the highest percentage of in
crease in bank clearings during the past
week, over the corresponding period of
last year. The increase for that period
was 77.3 per cent. The next to the
highest was Oakland, Cal., with 65.4 per
cent and the next highest was Savannah
with 52.6 per cent.
The percentages for all other cities
showed only moderate increases. The
total of Portland clearings for the week
was $11,857,000.
Zanesville Mayor May Be Removed
for Failing to Enforce Laws.
COLUMBUS,'. O., July 22. Specific
charges against Mayor A. H. Gorrell. of
Zanesville. O., whose removal from office,
by Governor Harmon was asked last
month; were filed with the Governor to
day. It is charged that Gorrell, by his fail
ure to enforce the laws, "has permitted
to arise in Zanesville a condition of ctvio
affairs bordering on anarchy."
Mob of 100 Sets Upon Grand Trunk
Conductor and Brakeman.
BELLEVILLE, Ont., July 22. As the
result of an outbreak here last night on
the arrival of a Grand Trunk train,
from Toronto, John McMann, its acting
conductor, and M. Donovan, brakeman,
are lying In a hospital in a critical condition.-The
men were set upon by 100
persons and severely beaten. The In
jured men . were carried into a hotel,
which was shortly afterward oombard
ed with stones.
Relief Map to Advertise Weiser.
WEISER, Idaho, July 22. (Special.)
Rallin Caughey, of Portland, has just
completed a magnificent relief map of
Washington County showing all of
Malheur . County known as "Dead Ox
Bench" and the Idaho country as far
north as Salmon River. The map is to
be used in connection with an extensive
advertising campaign for the benefit of
Eastern persons looking in this direc
tion lor homes.
Girl Pupil Insists He
Tried to Hug Her.
Attempts of Attorneys to Con
fuse Her Fail.
Sympathies at Beginning of Hearing
Are With Dr. Vanliew, Defend
ant, Who Is President ot 'j
Chico Normal School. . '
CHICO. Cel.. July 22. (Special.)
Without hesitation, showing no sign of
weakening and making no contradic
tory statements. Miss Ada Clark for
more than two hours this afternoon
withstood a grilling examination at the
hands of Attorneys A. M. Seymour and.
Archibald Tell in the investigation of
her charges against Dr. C. C. Vanliew.
president of the Chico Normal School.
She told her story of how Dr. Vanliew
endeavored to embrace her and howr
she repelled the attacks.
Dr. Vanliew is facing five distinct
charges of misconduct made by Gov
ernor Gillett, who alleges the pro
fessor's reputation generally is so bad
that his presence as the head of the
state educational Institution was not to
its best interest
Story Is Substantiated.
The investigation began at 10 o'clock
this morning and at 5 o'clock this
afternon an adjournment was taken,
with Elmer Ranker, a former student,
on the stand.
Miss Nona Lindley was the first wit
ness this afternoon. Her testimony
was only in substantiation of Miss
Clark's story concerning the' latter's
appearance when emerging from Van
llew's office on the afternoon of the
attempted hugging.
Professor Likes Liquor.
Elmer Ranker, the last witness, tes
tified that he had seen Dr. Vanliew drink
liquor in the Diamond Cafe many times.
Asked if Vanliew wad intoxicated, he
said he did not know how much it re
quired to nil Vanliew, but he had seen
the normal president drink five or six
glasses of beer.
In endeavoring to break down the pro
secution's case, Vanliew's attorneys will
toiffbrrow make an "effort to unseat Ed
ward Hyatt, State Superintendent of Pub
lic Instruction. They allege bias and
prejudice on the part of Hyatt.
Seymour and Tell made an effort to
prove by Miss Clark that her charges
were blackmail, but they apparently
Girl Relates Story.
Miss Clark, a sister of Rev. J. Todd
Clark, preferred the charges against Dr.
Vanliew and was the first witness this
morning. Relating the incidents which
culminated in the charges against the
head of the State Normal School, she
said: . '
"When I came into Vanliew's office ha
was busy at the telephone. I had been
absent on account of the sickness of a,
friend. I sat down on a window-sofa to
wait until Dr. Vanliew was through.
After he had signed my excuse he said
he wished to speak to me. He said:
Tou will be sad now that your friend
Is gone. I think I can sympathize with,
you so that you will not be lonesome.'
"Then he placed his arm around me
and tried to draw me to him. I jumped
up and said: 'I heard before that you
were this kind of a man; now I know it."
Dr. Vanliew got real angry and said:
How can you say that to me? I am
president of the State Normal."
"Don't Get Angry," Says Vanliew.
"I told him the president of the State
Normal is no better than anyone else.
He said: 'Don't get angry; you must
not blame me; because you are a very
attractive young lady. I told him that
I did not think him fit to be president of
the Normal, and that I would never
attend again as long as he was there.
I then went out of the door and met my
friend - Nona Lindley. She asked me
what was the matter. I told her if she
came outside I would tell her. We went
outside and I told her of the incident, as
I tell it now, and as I told it when the
charges were preferred."
At the conclusion of the statement of
Miss Clark, the committee took a reces3
until 1 o'clock.
President Vanliew's office was crowded
both morning and afternon -with promi
nent men and women of the city, whose
sympathies at least at the beginning of
the hearing, were with Vanliew. At one
time during the examination, in an effort
to disqualify the State Superintendent of
Instruction, Attorney Tell exclaimed:
"There Is no law to prevent you sitting
on this board, but I hope to God that
justice will yet prevail, yon will be re
paid for unfairness."
Applause Is Forbidden. '
Applause started, but it was promptly
subdued by Chairman Coggins, who said
that no demonstration would be allotted
from spectators.
Attorneys Seymour and Tell for Van
liew filed an affidavit asking that Superin
tendent Hyatt be disqualified from acting
on the committee," alleging he is biased.
(Concluded on I ago av