Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 22, 1910, Page 20, Image 20

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We're Portland Agents for White Mountain Refrigerators Men's Guaranteed Ajax Socks Women's Victor Guaranteed Hosiery
Portland Headquarters Here for the Nemo Corsets Butterick Patterns Sole Agents Madame Irene, Estelle and Gossard Corsets
Today, The Greater Meier d& Frank Store's Mldsiimmer Sales
ay 9 The 106
SHt&C See ur Additional Surprise
Offerings on Another Page
Our Great Annual Sale
9e E. & W. and
en s m.&'s
Today i for the great
1068th Friday Surprise
Sale, begins the great
est Shirt sale of the
season. The sale that
the most fastidious men
in Portland wait for
every year. Included
are the celebrated Earl
& Wilson and the Meier
& Frank brands of
Men's Fine Shirts.
J They are in the very-
latest colorings and pat
terns: made coat stvle.
with cuffs attached or detached. An endless assortment of light
or dark patterns, striped and figured effects and plain shades.'
The materials are, fine imported madras, pique, percale and ox
ford. Also fine pure China or heavy ribbed silk, also of French
flannel, with the new double soft cuffs. Regular N - 1 C
$1.50 values for this great Friday Surprise Sale, each S 1 0
r X - X'ViJl. : '-."'5SS
X - -i. -
Reg. $2.00 grades, fc - Ofi
special for this sale P 00
Reg. $2.50 grades, 7tt
special for this sale P A O
Reg. $3.00 gi-ades, d - QC
special for this sale P1.70
Reg. $3.50 grades, d- Qr
special for this sale
Reg. $5.00 grades, !0 OC
special for this sale PO.O
Reg. $7.00 grades, C C. O C
special for this sale pO0
See Big Morrison-street Window Display. Mail Orders Filled.
, 75c Ties 25c
Today, an immense assortment of Men's Stylish Neckwear,- in
the best colors and designs. The lot includes flowing ends, French
fold and the new tubular styles. The colors are navy, maroon,
green, helio, gray, white, black, tan, purple, brown, etc. The
tubulars are in two-tone effects or plain shades. The materials
are fine barathea, gros-grain and ribbed taffeta silk. Also the new
silk and wood fiber knitted and crocheted ties. Stripes, checks,
fancy floral and figured effects. Four-in-hand and bat- jr -wing
styles. Regular 50e and 75c values on sale at, each DC
See Morrison-street Window Display. All Mail Orders Filled.
420 Pair Fine Lace Curtains
Values to $7.50, Today $3.95
Today, for the great 1068th Friday Surprise Sale, a manufacturer's surplus
line of fine French Curtains. They are made of extra good quality French
net, with Cluny lace insertion and wide hems. Some have wide hem and
3-inch edging. Come in white, cream or ecru; 45 to 50 inches
wide, 2J2 yards long; values to $7.50 the pair, special price, hoy5
See Display in Sixth-st. Window. Mail Orders Carefully and Promptly Filled.
75c Fancy Ribbon 33c
Today, for the big 1068th Friday Surprise
Sale, a gigantic sale of Fancy Ribbon; 25,
000 yards in the lot. The season's prettiest
shades and most popular widths and de
signs; 5 to 6 inches wide; satin or moire
edges; regular 50c to 75c values, QQ
special Friday Surprise Sale price OOC
Kid Gloves $1.33
Today, in the Glove Section, first floor,
a special lot of Women's Fine Kid Gloves;
two-clasp style, overseam or pique sewed.
Trefousse and Perrin's make. A full line of
staple shades; all sizes; every pair fitted at
the "counter; regular $1.50 and f - O 3
$1.75 values, special today at Jp A 00
$1.25 Corded Silk 79c
Today, for the great 1068th Friday Surprise Sale, in the Silk Section, first
floor, a lot of 5000 yards of Corded Salome Silk, in all the new light and
dark colorings. The most desirable silk of the season; 27 inches wide; superb
$1.25 quality; specially priced for the great Friday Surprise Sale at jr
the exceptionally low price of, the yard take advantage of this sale C
Women's $2.50
Silk Hose $1.29
Today, for the 1068th Friday surprise
sale, 1(H) dozen pairs of women's extra
fine Silk Hose iu all shades and colors;
double sole, high ' spliced heel, medium
weight; also boot-lace effects in all colors
and black; values to $2.50 the C " OQ
pair, special for today at, pair
Women's Lisle Hose, extra fine quality,
plain or embroidered, or boot-lace designs.
All colors and black, values to S5c O O
the pair, special for today at only JOC
Children's and Infants' Silk Lisle Socks
and pure silk socks. All colors, OO,,
sizes 4 to 8, values to 50c pair, at C
Chiffon Veiling
Today, for the 1068th Friday surprise
sale, a lot of chiffon and tissue veilinsr,
single width, with dainty stripes and ring
dots. Also plain colors, including sky,
navy, alice, white, black, tan, gray, pink
and green. , Regular 35c to ode - re
values, special at, the yard, only JLOC
Blanket Fins. ree-ur1v Sn tha
card, special price for today at only
Improved Collar Stays, regular 5c
value, special for today at, card
Washington Pins, regular 5e the
paper, special, two papers for only
WUlimantic Sewing Thread, spe- O C
cially priced at only 6 spools for
500 Petticoats
$ 2.25 Val $1.24
For today, in the Petticoat - and
Housegown Section, 500 Women's
Heatherbloom Petticoats, well made,
with deep double flounce and rows
of shirring and pin tucks. Come in
black only. Every one stamped with
the Heatherbloom trademark. Reg
ular $2.25 values, spe- f O f
cial price today at only ,) J,
Oriental Rugs
$40 Values $24
Today,, in the big Third Floor. "Ori
ental Rug Section, 100 extra fine
Kabistans, average size 4x6 feet; reg
ular price $40 each, I0f
spee'l Surprise price tDTT.vlVJ
Every Oriental Rug in bur stock for
the 1068th Friday Sur- r. f-f-f
prise Sale on sale at just. . .
$ 1 5 Values 'at $9.98
This H ammo ck
Complete With
Today for the big 1068th
Friday Surprise Sale in the
Fifth floor toy department.
2QO Canvas couch ham
mocks, with 6-inch green
denim mattress. These are
made of 14-ounce white
army duck, with two sus
pension ends. Size of mat
tress 2-feet 6-inches wide
and 6-feet long. The stands
are made of selected
guaranteed to hold 8QO pounds. Folds up into small space, strong,
durable, sightly, comfortable. Regular $15.00 Q Q O
values, big special for today only at the low price of jf e v O
$3.50Emb'dery Strips $1.25
Today, for the big 1068th Friday Surprise Sale, a special lot of manufacturers'
lengths of Embroidery Edges and Insertion. Made on good quality swiss and
cambric. The designs are in English eyelet, filet and floral effect. Come in
four and one-half and five-yard lengths. Regular values to tf r r
$3.50 the strip, special for our Friday Surprise Sale, the strip 3) JL
ALLOVER EMBROIDERY Of good quality swiss, 18 inches wide, r
suitable for waists and yokes. Come in eyelet designs; values to $1 tjQ,
Young Men's Suits Half Price
Men's $25.00 Suits $ 1 6.25
For our great Friday Surprise Sale, today
a big special purchase of boys and young
men's Suits, bought from one of New York's
leading clothing manufacturers will be sold
at half price. All-wool tabrics, inchid ng
fancy worsteds. Tweeds, homespuns, fancy
cheviots. Made single or double-breasted
styles, light or dark colors and patterns in
cluding stripes, checks, and overplaids, in
sizes 1 4 to 2Q years; 30 to 36 chest measure
ment. Regular $2Q and $22. 5Q
values, on sale for today at just
Today, for the big 1068th Friday Surprise Sale,
an extra special in our Men's Clothing Section,
third floor, on Men's High-Grade Hand-Tailored
Suits. They are all-wool fabries. Come in light
and dark gray, brown, olive green cheviots and
cassimeres and fancv silk- mi-rt.nrpa Thocn
- " - " ' - . ' V. LI HI l.l Ll
are maae with ftand-padded shoulders, hand-felled collar, hand-made button
holes m fact, all the little details which distinguish the custom-made suits
are noticeable in this lot. Made by one of Rochester's "best-known tailors;
backed up by our full guarantee ; regular values $25.00 each, T t r r r
special today for this great 1068th Friday Surprise Sale at b 1 O.D
Willow Ostrich Plumes
1 06 Hth Friday Surprise
ToHay, for the big 1068th Friday Surprise Sale, we offer another remarkable
bargain on genuine Willow Ostrich Plumes at the lowest prices ever quoted
for equal qualities. These are fine French Willow Plumes, from African
male birds. There are over a thousand in this lot. Friday prices follow:
RICH WILLOW PLUMES, ree-ularlv nricerl t 7sn co;Qi . .
for the great Surprise Sale at-this exceptionally low figure, 3)4.55
Regular . $10.00 values QC
special today at only J) J &
Regular -$15 'values at only 11.95
Regular $20 values at only $15.95
Regular $28 values, (f Q f T C
speeial today at only tb X O
Regular $30 values -at only $23.75
Regular $33 values at only $26.45
Friday Sale of Women's Neckwear
35c to 50c Values at 18c Each
Today, for the 1068th Friday Surprise Sale, a great assortment of .Women's
Neckwear in Dutch collars, rabats, bows and jabots. Also cascades and middy
collars. The materials are fine Swiss, lace, net and mull. An immense variety
and a huge number over 5000 being included at this low price. - j
Regular 35c and 50e values. Special price for today's selling, each X OC
5000gf uareslhitter6 7 c
Today, for the big 1068th Friday Surprise Sale, in our Pure Food Grocery
Section, 5000 pounds of the famous Woodlawn Creamery Butter, not y
to be excelled at any price. Comes in two-pound squares. Special O C
Today's Specials in 7th Floor Tea Room
ntlta C1Ab- Sandwich, sp'l., 25 Salad Amhovie, at this price, ea., 25
Pumento Sandwich, at this price, 10 .New England Boiled Dinner, sp'l., 30
Women's Silk Dresses
Values to $45 at $18.45
Today, for the great 1068th Friday Sur
prise Sale, in Portland's leading Cloak
and Suit Store, a special line of Silk
Dresses, made of foulard, taffeta, pongee,
rajah and messaline silks. The colors are
navy, black, gray, green,, grape, white,
leather, tan, champagne, mode and fancy
stripes and polkadots. The models are
Princess and semi-Princess with dainty
lace yokes and pleated or tucked bodices.
Some are silk embroidery trimmed. Also
foulards in bordered effects or plain col
ored Marquisettes over figured foulards.
The skirts are in draped, pleated or over
skirt effects. All sizes. Values up to
$45.00 are specially priced Ci Q Att
for today at, your choice P A O.tO
See Fifth-street Window. Mail Orders Filled.
Lingerie Waists
$1.22 Each
Today in the Waist Section, a grand bargain on Wom
en's Lingerie Waists. 2500 waists and three strikingly
stylish models to choose from. One model is in the popular
Chantecler style, with allover pin tucks, etc. Another
trimmed with inch tucks and scalloped lace edges. A
third has a fancy pointed yoke of lace and - O O
insertion. Values up to $2.50, for today, each Jo 1
Women's Wash Dresses
Values to $8 for $2.85
Today, a complete line of Women's Wash Dresses, made in Princess or
semi-Princess effects. The materials are gingham, percale, lawn and linene.
High collar or Dutch models ; fasten in back or side front. Trimmed with em
broidered ruffle, pleats, bands, piping, etc. Many have paneled front. Colors
are light bine, lavender, pink, green, tan, Copenhagen,, navy and :
pin stripes, checks and plaid3. Values to $8.00, on sale at, each $2.85
7 5c Art Pieces for 2Fc
Today, for the big 1068th Friday
Surprise Sale, in the Third-floor Art
Needlework section, a large number
of Centerpieces, stamped and tinted,
floral or conventional designs, on
brown or natural shade lin- 9
en, 50c-75c values, special iSr C
50c, T5c Vests at 23c
Today, in the Knit Underwear Sec
tion, main floor, a large assortment of
Women 's Vests and Pants, the .vests in
long sleeves, short sleeves or no sleeves;
the pants knee or ankle length and um
brella style lace trimmed. Regu- OO
lar 50c and 75c values, special at
15c Percales 10c Yard.
Today, -in the Wash Goods Section, 100 pieces of percale, 36 ins. f
wide, regular 15c values, specially priced for today only, the yard JL JC
WHITE CAMBRIC Fine quality, 36 inches wide, 100 pieces in f ni
the lot, regular-20c value, specially priced for today; the yard X '2q
NAINSOOK AND LONGCLOTH 12 yards in the piece, regular
price $2.25 the piece, special price for today's selling- at only
Decorated Cups
and Saucers 14c
Today, for the 1068th Friday surprise
sale in the housefurnishing section, base
ment, 100 dozen white teacups and sau
crs, decorated with lace gold border, light
porcelain body with plain edge. Decided
ly handsome patterns and high- 1 A
gTade ware, special today, each
7-inch Plates, to match cups and saucers
like above, a lot of 100 dozen for 10
today, special at low price of, ea. fc
See Our Fifth-6treet Window Display
SI. 75
Polished Brass
Fern Dish $ 1.59
Today, for the 1068th Friday surprise
sale in the first floor silverware and
brass goods section. Four sizes in hand
some and artistic brass ferneries, with
pottery linings. They are made of high
grade hammered brass and are handsomely
finished. See them on display in the
Sixth-street window. Regular 85c Ay
values, special for today at, ea.
$1.25 values, on special sale at onlv 89d
$r.50 values, on special sale at SI. 11
$2.25 values, on special sale at S1.59