16 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1910. TO EXCHANGE. X OWN an equity of $3'M in nice little home, near trolley. 5-cent fare, fine garden, two nice lota, flowers, lawn, city water, price $1350; monthly payments 915 on bal ance; I will trade my equity for furnish ings of 5-xoom house worth that money or two good horses. AB 146, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL 5-acre tract, on Salem Electric, 30 miles frorn,Portland; on this place is a new house, barn, chicken-houses, well, vtc, ; lies on main county road; owner will trade for home In Portland. David Lew-is, room 1. Lumbermena bldg.. 5th and Ptark. HOOD RIVER. If you have a good, modemhome, well located in the city to exchange for my Hood River property consisting of 14 acres all In commercial orchard and well lo cated, address owner, X 147, Oregonian. 160-ACRE WHEAT RANCH. Located 6 miles from Rl R., on Condon tiranch : only hk mile from John Day River; will trade for city property. David Lewis, room 2. Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark sts. KEW 5-passenger, 4-cylinder automobile; will demonstrate car till satisfied ; ex change for lots, clear, or half value in mortgage, or same amount in house and lot. 718 Chamber of Commerce. 1 HAVE a beautiful i-room bungalow, on carline. with 55xllO size, corner lot: will consider a good auto as part payment. David Lewis, room 1, Lumbermena bldg.. fitn and Stark- FOR EXCHANGE Good buggy and har neu( worth $45, for cordwood or loose hay. Phone Tabor 1765 or address AJ 143. Oregor.lan. WILL exchange for good larm In Oregon on Washington, my one-fourth interest in business making 20 per cent and salary of i UK) per month. A 144, Oregonian. ACREAGE in city of 18.000 population to exrhange fur automobile or house; value $4mmj; what have you? AB 349, Orego nian. TWO first-class houses, close in, on sub urban line; exchange for lota, acreage not far from transportation, or small farm. 718 Chamber of Commerce. $.;.M) EWCITY In 2 U acre to exchange fo'r like equity In house and lot, balance in payments. What have you? Address 635 Vs East Main. WANTED to exchange Piano check for fur niture, dining-room or sitting-room pre ferred. 533 East 81st North. WI LL trade $225 equity In select Columbia Beach lot for furniture or what have you? C HQS or East 9ft 1. WILL trade 1 acres, all cleared, near Courtney station, for residence lot or new runabout Addres S J.40. Oregonian. EXCHANGE Pine river bottom ranch, all Improved, for Portland Income property. See owner, 303 Scott Hotel. EXCHANGE 4 lO-acre tracts of A-t fruit land for Portland property or farm land of like value. 41 N. 6th at. VERY capable Norwegian girl desires chamber work good hotel. St. Louis Agency, 303 H Wash. Main 2039. A 477.'.. WANTED To trade for business or Port land property, 167 acres, Douglas County; r.MOUn0 feet timber. 623 Board of Trade. WI LL exchange Oregon land for Portland property, improved or vacant. AH 145, Oregonian. WILL trade two lots and some cash for 5 passenger car In good condition. phone Tabor 2135. WE exchange your property, regardless of location, for that which suits you better. Northwest Exchange. 228-9 Henry Bldg. EXCHANGE for real estate, one 7-passen-ger Stoddard-Dayton automobile. Call 475 East Burnslde or phone B 1 18ft. YOU can trade any kind of property at room 101ft Board of Trade. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE clientst wanting large and small farm tracts; if possible we would like to have you meet them. If you cannot call, write, CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO. 625-627 Board of Trade bldg. Phones Marshall 2248, A 1274. WANTED High-class country home, 2 to 5 acres, all In cultivation; must have beau tiful buildings, on carline, ;o minutes from Postoffice, everything must be high-class; will pay 910,000 to $15,000. Do not answer unless you can comply absolutely with the above. H. E. Chapman. 517 Chamber of rommprrp, hours IT to 12 A. M. "W A.n 1 fc-D Kfb.Ufnre, good location, $2500 to $50u0, no inflated values considered; will pay In part with desirable $2000 lot in lower Albina two blocks north of Russell at. ; will assume mortgage for balance. Room 609. Couch bldg. jJODERN residence wanted, from owner. 6 to 8 rooms, full lot, on East Side, west of 60th, between Hawthorne and Thomp son, not to exceed $6000. X 146, Ore gonian. - V A M'bL) Good house and lot, near car, aft (irst payment on 12u-acre farm -. - price, $M acre ; Hit acres under cultivation. Call a t HO Chamber of commerce. WANTED A 3 or O- room bungalow or cot tage with nice lawn, close in. Address 414 4th St. lKKlQ Alt U LAN 1. CALIFORNIA! SACRAMENTO VALLUJs' IRRIGATED LANDS. Going to California? Looking for Irri gated lands T If so, stop at Willows, Glenm County, on the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad, where the representatives of the Sacramento Valley Irrigation Com pany will afford you every opportunity to see the greatest Irrigation project In Amer ica. You will see the first awakening of the GKiuAT VALLblY.. Many million of dollar of Increased values will be made there within a few years. Will you share them? This project U financed by J. 8. and W. E. Kuhn. Incorporated, banker of Pitts burg, Pa., who so successfully developed the TWIN FALLS NORTH SIDE" PROJECT, TWIN FALLS SALMON RIVER PROJIOUT. and THE TWIN IT ALLS OAKLEY PHO J frXTT in Southern Idaho, comprising In ail $00,000 acres. The same opportunities for money-making that were given In Idaho will be seized by many in the Sacramento Valley Project. Price of land $126 per acre with water right. Very easy terms. Cash payment of only $15 per acre, other payments extending over 10 years. For literature and full Information ad dress bAUUMRNTO VALLRT IRRIGATION OCX Department "A." , Willows, California. Other offices Pittsburg, Pa.: Chicago. m.; San Francisco and Los Angeles, Call form la. FOR KKN'T FARMS. FOlt KENT Dairy ranch of lOO acres near Vancouver, Wash. ; about 40 acres clear, good springs, creek, comfortable house, implements, team and 3 cows. Phone Woodlawn 2-2. $ 1 1 PER MONtFh rent, small Improved farm Rny 1 IM Tin-nil- tt- FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles aud Harness. 1 SPAN of horses, weight 2S0O pounds. 1 set chain harnesn. new. 1 complete rmnp wagon. ' 1 mare, weight 1150 pounds. 1 camp wagon and double harness. Corner Kith and Flanders Sts. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Standard aud registered stallion, . 4 years old and speedy; cheap for cash or will trade for Portland residence lot or equity; owner leaving city. AM 14-6, Ore gonlan. MISSOURI MULES FOR SALBL lOo head, 120O to 1500 lbs., suitable for railroad, logging and farm work. Mules at Freedman Bros.' barn, corner 13th and Overton sta Address Sparks eV Wiggm- ton1 Imperial Hotel. PORTLAND Stables. 26 North 15th. Main 1125; for fine horses and wagons FOR HIRE by the day, week or month; first class business rigs. FOR SAL.K Fine family n.are, 6 years old and sound ; new rubber-tire, runabout and harness, must sell at once. 534 50th il, end of Hawthorne carline. Tabor 2304. FOR SALE 1 Cleveland bay horse, perfectly gentle, years old; I will sell with him a Babcork surrey with harness, etc. Call at M4 Williams ave. ' NEW, open runabout buggy, pole, and dou ble harness; will soil for 1-$ of cost. A 139,Oregontan. FOR SAL B Tc am and name s with m eady job. $&kV A.idresct ti-l'2 Sherlock ave. Inquire at the Pacific Pottery. FOR SALE A fine span of matched black horses, weight 3600 lbs. Hotel Moore. Seaside. Or. FOR SALE. Coming o-year-okl colt. 1300 lbs., Just off the farm, 1028 East Alder St. HUBERT A UALL'9 SlABIJS. iAO 1-Yoai m. livery buslaesa rigs, hores, harness. wax- . on, tor sale or rent. Main aaua. Bid bay work horse, sound and true, $0; small bay mare, $35. 334 Front st. NEW wagon, new harness, horse and mare $125 HAY team of mares. 2300 ; one with fisl: harness $1S. 334 Front st. EAs-TERN Oregon horses for Stables. 12th and Flanders. Lie. Nobby FOR SALE Hones. Independent Laundry Co., Third and Ollsan. FOR SALE 3 span heavy work horses- Call fi p. M.. a.w r:an tiers. TEAM So me mares and h o roes ; must se U today; $lOi tait.es them, ass Front aU FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. WHT buy second-hand vehicles when yon can get a new one irom an oia-esiaousnea w he legale house, 44 years In Oregon, at almost the same cost? We are located outside the high-rent district, own our building, and can make the price. Ex clusive agents for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and farm wagons. Be sure and see us before you buy. It may save you money. R. M. WADE A- CO.. 322 Hawthorne ave.. bet. East 1st and 2d. WE have for sale 8 horses, ranging in price irom $175 to siouu, some that will sureiy prove winners in the coming horse shows; others that will suit the moderate buyers; we only sell horses that we know will suit and when dissatisfied, your money is promptly refunded; we do not ask you to take another horse and pay a little more; these horses we offer are safe, sound and very attractive: ask any responsible horse owner in Portland the class of horses we handle; look at our horses before buying. Kramer Stable, loth and Alder sta. FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several cell very, farm, vegetable and milk wagons for sale. Hawthorne-ave Stables. 4Ji0 .Hawthorne ave. Automobiles, ONE pair of fine hay gelding. 5 and 6 years oia. weigh 200 lbs.; 1 fine pair 01 gray geldings. 4 years old, weighing 2500 lbs.; 1 pair of bay geldings, Q years old, weighing 2700 lbs.; 1 pair of black mares. 4 and ii years old, weighing 2200 lbs.; 1 pair of grays, mare and gelding. 8 years old. 210O lbs. ; one fine saddle mare, all broke. Pacific Coast Stables, yth and Couch. L. c. McCormlck. manager. PIERCE ARROW, 7 -passenger car, fuliy equipped; car has been thoroughly over hauled, new tires, and is in first-class condition ; will make terms; might take some real estate. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, 416 Abington Bldg. STANDARD STUDEBAKER AL'TOMOMILE. Will trade for city property to the value of $17oO, or will take part property and part cash; car bought new last year and is in good condition ; fl-passenger, extra large tonneau, top, glass front, tools, etc. Phone C 274 6. . FOR SALE or trade for automobile, 15 acres raw land adjoining town 6000, and one mile electric line; value $2000; adjoining land $100 to $250 per acre. X 147. Oregonian. FOR quick sale, $250 cash, 10 h. p. Olds mobile, in good condition. Call 534 Borth- wick st. alter &:3U. BIGOEST automobile bargain 5-passenger been used 6 months. N 141, Oregonian.' FOR quick sale will take $900 for my 5 passenger auto; a snap. AB 133, Ore .gonian. SUNNY AIDE lot. 35th St.. trade for auto. AF 143, Oregonian. ISird. JJogt and Pet Stoca. CHOICE family cow; thoroughbred Jersey, light fawn color: richest milk you ever tasted. Fresh August 1. Perfectly gentle and family pet. Handsome spotted Shet land pony, perfectly gentle for child of any age; rides or drives; complete, with riding saddle and bridle, two-seated Eng lish cart, russet harness; all in good con dition and nearly new. Will bo sold cheap at once. 1242 Garfield ave., r.ear Ains worth. Piedmont. Woodlawn car. oriraiii. and Mu NEED money and will sacrifice splendid high-grade nearly new piano for $150. Phone Marshall 828. FOR RENT Good KLranich & Bach upright piano. can main xt i, irom s a. Ai. to 12 P. M. BROKE and must sell nearly new and splen- i ia piano; siov. Koom iunxbermens bldg. GOOD piano cheap. Call after 1 P. M. Heinz Apartment 15. Mi tc ell aneo as. FRENCH Automatic Card Press, with 20 fonts of type, cabinet and full equipment, for sale will take $100 down, balance easy payments; price $300. A hustler should have no trouble paying for this with results of his work. Room 09 Couch building. FOR SALE 50 feet launch, 50 H. P., good iines ana gooa construction; ouiit last year; will carry heavy load ; have had boat overhauled and repainted; will sell at a bargain. Phones Marshall 1625. 816 Electric bldg. FOR SALE Milk route. 16 cows and one bull; will consider renting premises, which has capacity for doubling: number of cows. Inquire northeast corner First and Ankeny. TH E N:nrtha-HHl Tviiawritov Pnmnnnu Abington bldg. Phone M. SJ0, is the only company selling strictly Vctory re built typewriters; prices $10 tc $65. THREE-ROOM houseboat, completely fur nished, for sale; $ltKJ will take It if quick. M. H. Baldwin. 120 4th St. BLICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS, $45, $50. A 9k for catalog. Rcbuilta $15 up. N. M. Hayter Co.. 90 6th st. Main 6529. FOR S ALB Showcase. wallcases, counters, chea p. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East 53&. HOUSEBOAT, furnished, cood stove, wood- house and two boats; $.V cash. Inquire 235 unott st. .f none FOR i saw ; iALE A second-hand traction wood used short time. Phone East 1345. BEST 4-foot fir cordwood $5.50, delivered. J. Multnomah Fuel Co. Both phones. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. 231 Stark St. Main 1407. NOTES and mortgages bought and sold. Na- tionai wreait ass n. eui v orcester bldg. VIOLINS, banjos, mandolins, guitars at half rt-guiar pnpes. uncie aiyers. 71 eth a. SHOW CASES. new and second-hand. 313 iCTerett. cor. etn. Also nxtures. WOOD SAW, steam; will sell cheap. Phone Main I6O6. 600 business cards, f 1.25 if you bring this ad. Rose ' Cit y Prlntery. 102 3d st. GOOD piano, bedroom suite, carpenter's . toois,cneapior casn. L'ia Eugene at. 40 LOADS of dirt free for hauling away. Call up Woodlawn 140. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WAN T ED CLOTHING. Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing and shoes. The Globe Second hand store, 200 First. Main 2080. We also puy lames clothing. WANTED At once, second-hand gasoline engine (marine or auto), 12 to 24 horse power; must be cheap; give price and de scription. William C. Baxter, contractor. HA.MLD A small. 2-cvlinder. double drum pile driver engine with boiler; also pul leys and irons to put frame together with: rite with full particulars, at once fc'hlte Bros., box 281, Olympla, Wash. Wa.NTKD Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings: hi it heat price paid. Call at the "Fair DeaL" 03 is . oil st. Mam t&TZ. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phones: A 2445: Main SBS1. WANTED Office desk and chairs. 3 rugs, about 0x12; must be reasonable, Y 1-46. Oregonian. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone Sast 1067. 1LELP WANTED MALS, WANTED Wide-awake salesmen to handle an established line; salary and commia sion. AK 144. Oregonian. GLAZIER wanted. Portland Sash & Door Co.. 230 Front st. bOl' wanted; must be over 14. Apply 64-06 Union block. 227 H Stark st. WANTliD Carpenters to do work by con tract. Call 322 Falling bldg. WANTED First-class marker and assorter at once. Star Laundry, Olympia. W as h . CARPENTER or cabinet maker with $100 to start shop with me. Phone C 1504. WANTED--Fartner in real estate and business chance ttTice. N 140, Oregon i an . YOUNG man to work in restaurant. Thomp son's Restaurant. 144 4th st. WAN! ED First-class shoemaker. Inquire attheatore. 2t?2 Grand avenue. MEN for factory near Portland married men yieiri 1 cu. 409 oaertocK oidg. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents; new offer. Cutberth studio. Dekum bldg" BARBER wanted; steady work. S04 Burn side st. " SALESMAN ; salary and commission. Call between 8 and 9 A, M. 310 McKay bldg. BARBER wanted, good man, steady Job. HV-, N. 6th st. WANTED First-class drug clerk; must be regUnered. M I4j. Oregonian. WANTED Plasterer, lather and ahlnlers to take contract. House, K. Oak and II th. BARBER for Saturday, guarantee $5. xs,- mond. Hotel, Front and Morrison sts. WANTED Night cook, out f town. Hotel Hood. S2S 6th St. North. LADY to travel$75 month; city, J2.50 day. Room $. 240 Tolladay ave. WANTED Strong boy in cake department. Royal Bakery. 11th and Everett. CUTTER and elaxier for art glass. Edward Bruns Co.. 6 S 1st st. WANTED An experienced grocery driver; rAffrnoM. "M over A "Vv 1 4 1r ,t WANTED Metal lathers and fauilding oorers. xa. i uio- ana aw. HELP V AN TK 1 SPECIAL SHIPMENT TO DA Y AND T OMO RRO V NIGHT. FREE FARE FREE FARE FP.EH FABB LOGGERS. TEAMSTERS, LUMBER FILERS AND YARDMEN For the MxrCloud River Lumber Company, McCloud, Cal. Remember we ship tonight and tomorrow night. Rough carpenters, $3.5A 8 carpenters' frtelpers. $2.75. for lumber compatiy, part, fare paid; go out today. Four millwrights, new work, $4. Twenty loggers for new camps; wages $2.75 to $4. Ten men for light work around caWh and door factory, $2.25. Three shingle bolt cutters, $2.75; 2 wood cutters, $1.25 and $1.40 cond. Two waiters out of city, $40. Camp flunkeys, $35 up; dishwashers. $25 to $33. Man and wife on ranch. $500 per year. Ten farmhands, $35 to $40. NOTH. We have hundreds of jobs not 1 isted in thia ad. If you want to get a tfood Job, do not fail to see us. We guarantee you work or refund railroad fare to and from where we send you. Do not forget our California shipment to night. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Main Office. 12 N. 2d St. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN. Splendid opportunity open to wide awake, energetic salesman ; best addition in city. There is only one Council Crest Park and wo have the cream ; all im provements. Including hard-surface pave ment. I want a few salesmen of good appearance who can make good to handle high-class clientage. Ask for Mr. Hen derson, 8 to 10 A. M. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO., 122 6th st. - WANTED Able-bodied men for the Tj! &. Marine Corps, between the age of 19 and 6; must be native born or nave first papers; monthly pay $15 to $6; additional com pensatlon possible: food, clothing, quarters and medical attendance free; after 30 years' service cam retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances; service on board ship ail ashore in all parts of th world. Apply at Breeaen bldg., 3d and Washington sit.. x-ornana, ur. WANTED, salesmen; splendid side line for men now selling hardware, sporting goods, department store trade; the new Cplum bian air rifle; liberal commissions, exclu sive territory. Write exact details regard ing towns covered, how often, what lines now handled and experience. 1420 North 21st. Philadelphia. MEN WANTED age IS to 35, for firemen. $100 monthly, and brake men $80, on nearby railroads; experience unnecessary; no strike; promotion, to engineers, conductors; railroad employing headquarters, over 500 men sent to position monthly; state age; send stamp. Rail wa y Association care Oregonian. MEN WANTED FOR HIGH-GRADE SUITS. Manufacturer's broken lines seized by Jlmmie Dunn at 40 per cent less than wholesale price and sold by him at no rent prices. Regular $20 to $25 suits at $10.85. Regular $30 to $35 suits at $14. S5. Knew Sample Suit- Shop, 315 Oregonian bldg.. Jlmmie Dunn. Mgr. MAN IN DELICATESSEN, experienced man to assist In our delicatessen. Apply &t once to superintendent. OLDS. WORT MAN & KING, 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in & weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; tools free: write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 35 North 4th st.r Portland, Or. WANT a first-class man as bookkeeper and also a first-class man as clerk in general merchandise store; will be at Perkins Ho tel s.t room 111 from 2 to o P. M. on Monday and Tuesday, after which you may write G 130. Oregonian. Must have first-class references. WINDOW DRESSER wanted by large firm; only those having several years' experi ence with large concerns need apply; a high-grade position for the best man in the business; state age, salary and full de tails of experience ; application contl dential. Address XIL, Oregonian. OUR motion-picture department, the best on the Coast; competent instructors teach in two weeks; make men competent for position; we have applications dally for operators; pays $25 to $40 weekly. Pacihc Amustment Exchange. Marquam bldg. M. C. A. The friend of the young man and stranger; hearty welcome and good counsel are yours without cost. Constant demand for - men who can do something well. Special employment membership as sures employment. Investigate before you Invest. YOUNG man between 16 and 18 years of age for general office work; good chance for advancement. Answer in own hand writing, giving age and experience if any. AE I4i. Oregonian. V ANTED Men and boys at Los Angeles; no expense for instruction; learn automo biles, electricity, plumbing, bricklaying trade In months instead of years; study half and work half time; catalogue free; United Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles. DRUG clerk wanted, man of 40 or more, who wants a good job; windows, show cases and floor to be itept clean; no mani cure artist need apply. 2 to 4 P. M. 375 11th st. SALESMEN WANTED To sell vetch sepa rators and foul-seed cleaners throughout Central Oregon; an exceptional opportun ity for the right man. Globe Grain Sepa rator Co., 660 East 17th st., Portland, Or. WANTED Experienced pantry man $40 per month with board and room. Address Hot Lake Sanatorium, Dr. W. T. Phy, Med. Supt and Manager, Hot Lake, Ore gon. STENOGRAPHERS and typists to famillaF Ize themselves with taking dictation on the Dictaphone; lessons free; positions guar anteed. Call between 1 :30 and 5 P. M. Room 41 7 Henry bldg. WANTED Man and wife on ranch In Hood lilver section; must furnish reference; a desirable place for the right parties. R 1S2. Ore g onia n. YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway mail clerks, postoffice clerks, carriers, etc. Write or call for Book 30, it's free, Pacihc 6tates School. McKay bldg.. Portland. Or- AN experienced solicitor for retail; grocery; none but a first-class man need applv ; will pay good salary to right party. H 141. Oregonian. WANTED Good man for work in voung orchard, steady Job. If you dislike" work don't answer this. D. L. McLeod. Lyle, Washington. WANTED Experienced man to care for Hood River apple orchard; steady Job. M 140, Oregonian. LEARN to operate moving pictures- oper ators earn $35 weekly. Moving Picture m School. ...526 Wash., bet 10 1 h a n d 17tn. A GOOD, steady, industrious married man no children, to take care of horses. Apply 88 East 7th. North. WANTED youne men to sell on commis sion and salary. 24th st. and Vaughn. Metz ger & Read, baseball park. WANTED A good, sober man to fix up a home for room and board; a good, home for richt iurty. 1475 East Glisan. WANTED Solicitor; no house-to-house work; excellent opportunity for a live ma n. 30 S wet land bid a. WANTED Two cigar salesmen; must be experienced men. Apply to A. O. Par sons, room 212, McKay bldg., alter 4 P. M. $18 TO $35 week tew months only iearag; situation guaranteed. Watchmaking-Engraving School. Box 182. Aanland. Or. BREAD and pastry bakers wanted by the Golden West Baking o.. Seattle; open shop. jolden West Baking Co. WANTED Old man wants to work on small farm; must furnish reference; good place for the right party. V 145. Oregonian. WANTED 3 experienced trunkmakers at once. Portland Trunk Mfg. Co., 3d and Pinests. EXPERIENCED man to run small city drusstore; answer with references. H 140. ureKonian, WANTED Busboys. Portland Commercial Club. Apply to headwaiter, between 8 and 10 A. M. WANTED An experienced grocery delivery - man. Apply Ben A. Bellamy, grocery, 4ol Hawthorne ave. BREAD baker, bench hand. Inquire from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. Royal, Bakery, 11th and Everett. MEN to work in brickyard. Take Heights car. get off at Vion, walk 1 mile to Stand ard Brick & Tile Co. .Sylvan. RELIABLE partner wanted to oversee help, an&wer phone calls, etc.; pays $ -7 a week from start. Call 417 Board of Trade. HELP WANTED MALE. THE GREATER OLDS. WORT MAN" & KING STORES need the services of large number of experienced saleswomen in the following departments: GROCERIES. HOSIERY. GLOVES. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. NOVELTIES. PICTURES. ONE WHO CAN TAKE FRAME ORDERS. EXPERIENCED SALESWOMAN FOR CANDY DEPARTMENT. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR BAKERY. GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN. 16 years of age and over, who wish the opportunity to enter a business career. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. EXPERIENCED drivers, only those who know the city need apply, giving refer ence and phone number. AB 130. Ore gonlan. BARBER wanted: steady. 2dti 1st st. BARBER wanted; steady. 3ti4 N. 2"d st. WANTED Barber; steady job. 302 1st sU HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. A JAPANESE boy wants a teacher of Eng lish in the day time. R. Takeda, 94 8th st. North. GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write for Portland examination schedule. Franklin Institute Dept. 249R. Rochester. X. Y. FISK TEACHERS AGENCY offers good portions to A-l instructors. 611 S wetland. WANTED A music teacher. 293 Weid ler st. Phone C 1063. HELP WAXTED FEMALE. WANTED Several bright young women to learn telephone operating; students paid $-0 per month while learning; & thorough training given each student before as signment to position. This is an excep tional opportunity for such applicants that qualify. Apply to SCHOOL PRINCIPAL at our EAST OFFICE, East Ankeny and Cth sts., between 8 A. M. and 5 P- M., week days. The Pacific Telephone & Tele sraph Co. COOK, country hotel, $50. Cook for harvest crew, $1.50 day. Laundress, seaside. $25. Two chambermaids. Coast, $25. Waitresses. $8 and $! a week. Two waitresses; out of city; $37.50. Second girl, $25. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 345Vi Washington St., Room 7. GENERAL housekeeper on Hood River ranch ; must be good cook and have pleas ant disposition; strong, middle-aged wom an preferred; wages $40; permanent posi tion and ideal home for the right party; family of young; men. Address Box 617, Hood River, Or. WANTED AT ONCE Experienced seam stress for cloak and suit alterations. Roberts Bros,, 3d and Morrison sts. YOUNG MEN, about 18 years of age, want ed in several positions. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING, STENOGRAPHERS and typists to familiar ize themselves with taking dictation on the Dictaphone ; lessons free ; positions guar anteed. Room 417 Henry bldg. Call bet. 1:30 and 5 P. M. WANTED Experienced woman for general housework and cooking, small family; wages $;;:. Call 403 Tilford bldg., 10th and Morrison today, Friday, from 10:31 to 5. EXPERIENCED tick sewer and cutter, competent to take charge of sewing-room in large mattress factory. Address, stat ing previous experience. AN 147, Oregon ian. PHOTOGRAPH reception lady and re toucher; gooa oner to experienced party. Will G. Cutberth, photographer, Dekum bldg. WANTED. Good girl for housework in family of two ; small six-room house; good wages. Phone C 19U4. WILL furnish housemaids and any and all kinds of competent help on short notice. Call or phone M. 2402. 303 Wash St., room 25. WOMAN for cooking and housework, coun try home, near city; small family, city conveniences; good wages. After 2 P. M., 14 First st. . WANTEp A girl over 16 years old, to take care two small boys. Call 114 N. loth. Take S. car. Call before noon. DEPENDABLE maid for 2 children; must have good city references. O. M. Smith, 695 Davis sU WANTED Typewriter, abstract Work, $33 per month; $45 if experienced. Y 145, Oregonian EXPERIENCED operators for body Ironers, experienced mangle room girL Call Port land Laundry Co.. 0th and Couch sts. BOOKKEEPER wanted; experienced pre ferred. Albina Creamery Co., 250 Russell street WANTED Girl for general housework and cooking. 455 East 14 th North. Phone E. 4400. GIRLS WANTED Press operators and help for mangle. .Yale Laundry, 500 East Mor rison. MIDDLE-AGED responsible woman for gen eral housework; must he good cook. 705 Overton. EXPERIENCED pressers for ladies' gar ments ; good wages. Vienna Dye Works, 226 3d st. WANTED to hire a strong, healthy boy 9 months old. cared for in a good home. AK 146. Oregonian. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 326 Washington St., Boom 314. Main fcb-iti or A 3260. HANSEN'S LADIES" AGENCY. 848 Washington St.. Cor. 7th. Upstairs, Phone Main 2Qd'. WANTED Refined capable woman, for re sponsible position. Viavi Co., 60& Rothchiid bldg., 4th and Washington. LADY to learn beauty culture. Sanitary Beauty College. 400 to 412 Dekum bldg. Make your self Independent. WANTED Woman cook in private fcoard-ing-house. Call 404 Madison et. Phone Main 2006. CAPABLE woman, washing. Ironing, clean ing. St. Louis Agency, 303j Wash. Main 2".0. WIDOW woman with one child to cook on farm for one man most of time. Dr. W. Shafer. R. F. D. 1. Turner, Oregon. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher. Apply Seward Hotel, between 9 and 10 A. M. WANTED Women to do general house work, family of four. Apply 604 Patton road, or phone M 7031. WANTED Companion and nurse to elderly lady; some light housework. P 148, Ore gonian. GIRL to help with housework; must be coin ivetent and have references. Call 285 Fatl ing. Phone C 2609. WANTED Experienced saleslady on cloaks and suits. Call at 430 Washington street. GIRL wanted for general housework. Phone Marshall 1611. WANTED Marker and distributor. Vancou ver Steam Laundry. Vancouver. Wash. GIRL for general housework. 425 Tilla mook. C 1416. East 1771. DINING-ROOM girl for private boarding house. 735 Hoyt st. NEAT, Quick girl wanted. Stein's Restau rant. 1 J2 1 4 th st. GIRL to assist with housework. 709 Mar shall. near 22d st. A RELIABLE girl for light housework. 415 E. 12th st. N. Phone East 1511. G1KL for general housework and cooking; wates $30. Phone Main 4152. SALESLADY Salary and commission. Call 310 McKay bldg. LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by expert;$5 a month.200 14th. Main 3893. WANTED Two chambermaids; must live at home. 2HS Third st. GIRL for general housework, small family. Apply 41 East 17th st. North. W ANTE D A competent woman as house keeper. Apply 6 Grand ave.. North. HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co., 2d and Columbia. BOOKKEEPING Private lessons. 3 nights $5 per month. .61 Belmont- East 14S4. WANTED Experienced girl for gen. house work. Apply room 201 Oregonian bldg. GENERAL helper, children home. S87 Cor- bett st. BARBER wanted for Saturday guarantee, EXPERIENCED waist finisher wanted. Max. r0rt Dekum bldg. WANTED A good lady cake baker. 444 E. Burnside FINISHERS on men's neckwear. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 291 Stark. GIRL wanted for general housework. Phone Marshall 1611. GIR1-S wanted on power sewins machine. Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. 27 North 1st st. WANTED Girl about 16 to work- in bakery swre. Call at 331 17th. WANTED Competent cook; good wages. Apply 779 Marshall, mornings. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply mornings. 53 Ella su HELP WANTED FEMALE. MILLINERY makers and tttmmera wanted. Apply Lowengart & Co. ' GIRL for fruit stand at 269 Everett st. A KITCHEN helper. 431 E. Morrison. TTTT ATT ON WANTED M4TW - Ttook knT miH CI erica. MR. BUSINESSMAN: Dc you need a live, up-to-date accountant? Now office man ager for firm in East; $1800 a year talks, nothing less: references. Address Room 320, Perkins Hotel. WANTED By first-class man. position as hotel clerk; In or out of town. O 149, Oregonian. - MECHANICAL draftsman. experienced, wants work evenings. Inquire T 146, Ore gonian. TYPEWRITING wanted to do at home; ex perienced stenographer; prices reasonable. Phone Tabor 629. GERMAN-AMERICAN, University educa tion, wants steady employment. AG 142, Oregonian. WANTED Position by experienced hotel clerk. E 149, Oregonian. WANTED Position by experienced f urni ture salesman. K 1 46, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by wideawake sales man. AC 146. Oregonian. AJ. bookkeeper and office man; good reference. N 144, Oregonian. OFFICE MAN ; long experience locally. C 142, Oregonian. BY experienced young man in general office work. M 14S. Oregon ian. Miscellaneous. YOUNG man of neat appearance, fair edu cation, 21 years old, living with parents, wants position where he can learn architeo tura"l drafting; will commence with very small salary. N 145. OTegonian. YOUNG man, with several years experience in real estate, renting and fire insurance Susfness, desires position ; Insurance pre ferred ; best of references. J 147, Ore gonian. FRENCH salad chef, French designs, also Bengal curry dishes, wants position club, hotel or restaurant, bv day or week. Augustine Alansone, 187 -6th St., Portland, Oregon- AN honest, sober, industrious and thorough ly reliable married man wants position as watchman or Janitor; references given. Address B 126, Oregonian, or phone Wood- lawn su WANTED By man of 33 years, work in, city or country, board ana room for wifo and self with small wages. Address R 146, Oregonian. STEWARD, experienced in hotel, restaurant or ciuD. wisnes position; nest oi reier ences. city or country. Address A J 148, uregonian. CARPENTER work of every description. Job bing, remodeling repairing a specialty. Cum mings & Cat it ii, 371 First st. Phone Mar shall 2327. ENGINEER wants position, boiler tender or stationary' engineer, .t none w wwiawu ,JP1' or 1689 Hodges st. , COOK Competent, sober, reliable, young man wishes position in hotel or clubhouse; references. B 121. Oregonian. POSITION wanted as porter; 21 months ex perience first-class hotel; good, reference. X 145. im Oregonian. A JAPANESE boy wants position doing "housework or any kind of work. Takeda. 94 Sth st. North. POSITION sh- porter in rooming-house or ho tel; experienced, reliable, middle-aged; city or Vancouver. AE 14. oregonian. EXPERIENCED young German wants steady place as garaener or as janitor. jou tana a v e " W A 'TFn pnNftlnn as interpreter bv sren tleman, speaking six language J- Address AG 140. Oregonian. POSIT ION as chauffeur of 3 years experi ence in repairing and driving; willing to Keep busy. ai uregonian. YOUNG man, 33, wishes position at any thing; stne 1 1 y tern pe ra te, wo u id leavo city. M 14H, Uregonian. CARPENTER work of all kinds; jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty. Cummings & catnn, 371 t irst st. Marsnaii uzi. NON-UNION painter wants work In or near city; gooa mecnanic. I' I4tf, uregonian JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnlsa all help. Main 4659. A 4073. 268 Everett- BXPERIENCED automotoile driver wants po- sition. Apply 36S loth st. JAPANESE boy wants work few hours daily, but not over 7 hours. P 147, Oregonian. LICENSED chauffeur wishes' position in private tamiiy. ti 144. uregonian. WINDOW cleaning, floors and rugs specialty. Alain t&73 evening. l 'nomas lire en, LICENSED chauffeur wants position; good mechanic. K 141. oregonian. CA R P ENT E R work , any k ind, day or con tract, rnone Marshall FOR a private chauffeur, with the best of city reference?, call t JAPANESE laborers want any kind of job. v 14 1 . oregonian. WANTED Position as gardener on gentle man s private place. J 140, oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. SITUATION as bookkeeper or general office work, insurance preferred; nave had 5 years' experience; can use typewriter. S 148, oregonian. YoUnG woman, experienced in bookkeep ing and cashier work, wishes position. AH 146, Oregonian. YOUNG woman of refinement and good ad dress seeks position as stenographer: com' petent ; A-l references. N 148, Oregonian. threes rnanert. A DESIGNER from the East will make suits and dresses special low price to introduce work. The Westminster, cor. 6th and Madison. Main 5582. LAJJlKb" tailoring; alterations, coats relined, Mrs. Muckler, 430 Columbia t.A 4709. Mi MIDDLE-AGED, experienced, practical nurse wishes more engagements: doctors' refer- ences. East q6UL B 1377. Housekeepers. POSITION as housekeeper and gardener in suburban or country home by man and wife; woman good cook and neat house keeper, with good references, G 147, Ore gonlan. LADY of refinement, with business ability and experience, wants management 'of a first-class apartment or rooming-house; references given. Address P. O. Box 63, City. WANTED By lady of experience, position as landlady of first-class rooming-house or hotel; references given. Call or ad dress Room 21. Hotel Breslin. WIDOW lady with girl, age 5. wants house keeping for couple; competent and willing to work. 383 Davis st. Phone Main 7728. A LADY wishes position as housekeeper for widower. Phone Main 2492 UUUiektlt'k. EXPERIENCED houseworker wants a slt uation in good home by August lo. where daughter of 7 may attend school; good plain cook. Address Box 126, Kelso, Wash. Miscellaneous. SITUATION wanted, housework in good family of two or three. Pelase call at the New Occidental Hotel, cor. 1st and Morri son sts. Phone Main 4861, A 440S. EXPERIENCED exchange operator wants position; can furnished best of references, O 142. Oregonian. FOR SALE Moving picture outfit, cheap; will trade. What have you? K 147, Ore gonian. - CHAMBERMAIDS, housekeepers, cooks. St. Louis Agency, 303 & Wash. Main 2Q39. POSITION in quick work studio by first class workman. G 14S, Oregonian. SHAMPOO and scalp massage at your home. Phone East 4642. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. 214 Union ave. North. WANTED AGENTS. ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 per weak easily selling trees for the Oregon Nursery C., Orenco, Or. Good territory open; lib eral proposition. Call or write to Orenco. Or. GENTS wanted. Our excellent home-grown nursery stock is in demand; sales this season will be Immense ; a flattering op portunity; cash paid weekly; outfit free. Salem Nursery Co.. Salem, Or. AGENTS wanted to aid: us supply the de mand for choice nursery stock; outnt free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. WANTED TO RENT. Bums- WANT by August 1, 4. G-room house, fur nished or partly furnished. East side, for one year or more; adults only; can give reference. V 149, Oregonian. REFINED couple wants small furnished cottage close in; must he reasonable. Phone A 7291. . SMALL furnished flat or cottage, modern. West Side; must e dean. Address H 147, Oregonian. Modern furnished house, about eight rooms, vicinity Wiliams and Russell. AJ 147, ' Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. Rooms. YOUNG man desires well-furnished room wnn congenial private f amilv where piano practice not objected to. H 145. Orego nian. MOTHER and daughter want unfurnished "' mi Duiiet Kitcnen; waaainff ai tance: permanent; must be clean and rea sonable; references. T 148. Oregonian. Room With Bosrq WAN TED By young married couple, no cnuaren, strictly modern S-roora flat, fur nished; must be reasonable. R 145, Ore gonian. YOCNG woman wishes board and room in pnvaio iamny, west Side. T 149, Ore gonian. FOR RENT. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MILNER BLDG.," 350H MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL. REASONABLE. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL MEDFORD. ONT3 BLOCK FROM UNION DEPOT. JUST OPENED; new, MODERN brick building; fine large ground-floor office; hot asd cold running water in all rooms; steam heated ; private baths ; very richly furnished. Rates only $3 and up per week : 50o up per day. Call and see us. Northeast corner Fifth and Glisan sls. COSY. HOMELIKEL COMFORT ABLSL HOMELIKE HOMELIKE HOMELIKE NEW SCOTT HOTEL Seventh and Ankeny Sts. This poetry may toe oad Not so this little ad. Which greets you in this paper. So plain, plain, plain. This little ad's no shirk. For each one gets in its work. Just try us once and you're sure to come Again, 'gain, 'gain. HOTEL BRESLIN, E. W. cor. 11th and Washington sts. Modern brick building, steam heated. firlvate baths, hot and cold running water n rooms, well furnished and now under new management; excellent location, close to shopping and theater district; rates reasonable. Call and see what a comfort able house it is. Transients solicited. Both phones. , HOTEL SAVON 129 Eleventh st. New modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold wa ter in rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Kates very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. THR BARTON. 13th and Alder, la now un dergoing a thorough renovation; TO steam heated, electric lis hted rooms, all outside. Kates 75o day; $10 month up. Suites with running water $0 month, .up. Phones and bath free. HOTEL SARGENT. Cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. Phone Ettst 2ftt connecting- every room. Private baths. elevator first-class grill. Special rates by week or mon t h. American or Eturopean. Transients soi lotted. RACHELOR apartments, open building, formerly occupied by Arlington Club; will rent; single rooms, baths, every conveni ence, valet service; new furnishings throughout; best class In city. Alder and W. Park. THE ASSEMBLY, 265 6TH Fine furnished rooms, running water, vrnM hath. etc. from a3 per week and ud: tine yard, 4 blocks from Postofhce. tran- sient or permanent. ROOMS Well furnished with running HOT and COLD WATER in each, light and well ventilated, fine beds and clean; rates $2.50 to $d a week. wwi. xiaxrison su, cor. 7 th. , LARGE, pleasant, cool room on first floor for two gentlemen, $11 each; also rooms upstairs, 42 and $2.50 each. 16o and 167 loth, su HOTEL IRVING. ftis rkn.it sL. corner Sixth. Large, lixht. airy rooms, elegantly furnished, eieatxis lignts, ruuuiuK wot . " uotfi. BUCKINGHAM, opp. Portland Ho tel 3oO Yamhill; first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite, modern. J up; transients soiicitea. Mam ai. a. tut. Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooms single or en suno, mi mouern con venlencee; $3 weekly up. A 2047. M. SfcW. PLEASANT rooms, light housekeeping if de sired, one block to .Washington. 0U7 Everett. NEATLY furnished rooms, modern; phone, bath $1 0 per week up. lol LownsUale, near loth and Morrison. THE GAVOSA. Grand ave.. East Stark, modern, private p ath.pnone. elevator. East 5 4 0o, B2S&j. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts.. well xurmsnea Bieeps i ujihb pox- wees:; electric iigni.s, uoi NICE clean rooms, free bath, $2 a week and up; corner of lth and Washington. Phone Main loaa. l. YOU WI LL BE PLEADED. MILNER BLDG.," ttoOfei MuiixtiSON ST, MODERN outside rooms, $2.50 to $3 per week. mciuuiuK uiu, msu uuuo.eepmg rooms. fab Va w asnmgton st- FURNISHED rooms Elm Place, formerly Elton Court Annex. 414 Yam h 111 and l 1th. THE LANDORE. 2S8 10 til. near Jefferson. Newly lurnisueu luuiua, S u nany iocateu. furnished Rooms in Private Family. TWO very desirable connecting rooms, either en BUlte or single or lor ngnt nousetteep lng; all modern conveniences. Phone Mar- LARGE, pleasant room, well furnished, all modern conveniences; moderate. i-.ar rabee at. LARGE, w'ell-furnished front room, suitable for 2, with breakfast and dinner; men or business people preferred. Main 2071. 2 GENTLEMEN can have large furnished strictly clean front room, $1.30 a week each. 505 Everett st. NICELY furnished rooms; modern conven iences ; reasonable. 403 East Clay. Phone East 160tJ. . GOOD room, stylish new house, large porch, fine bath. West Side, walking distance; breakfasts served ; gentlemen. Main 2210. NEWLY furnished steam-heated rooms in residence, single or en suite, running hot and cold water, 564 Flanders. N EATLY furnished rooms, $1.75 ' "to $2.75 week; free bath, phone. 22d 12th, near Salmon. 1 1 LARGE, pleasant front room in quiet fam jly; central; references. 327 7th st. $9 MONTH Nice front room, bath, fine loca tion. walking distance. 452 5th at. FURNISHED rooms from $1.0O to $5; free phone and bath. 2 14th st. North. TWO rooms, en suite or single, with use of kitchen. 361 loth st. LA-RGE front room, corner Sixth and Mont- gomery. 372 6th. WELL-FURNISHED bedrooms, all modern conveniences; 7b7Glisanst.Main3814. LARGE front room, 235 11th st. Phone Main 8186. ' NICELY furnished front room. 153 13th st. yiC-ELY furnished front bedroom. 266 12th gt. Unltiralshedi Booms. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. "MILDER BLDG.," 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL. REASONABLE. Rooms With Board. HOTEL JOHNSON. 31 " Water st. .Will open Sunday. July 24. Good home cook ing; newly furnished rooms; rooms with or without board. ROOMS with board, $6 per week; home com forts; 4 minutes' walk from Postoffice; phone and bath free; rooms without board, $2 and up. The Lindell. 207 Market st. PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and library. -610 Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath, supt. 33 17TH ST.. North, one block off Wash ington, well furnished rooms. modern; board optional. BEAUTIFUL front rooms, nrst-class private boarding-ho use, facing the park- 874 Park. ROOM and board for young women. 6 Grand ave. N. Phone E. 201. Koonm With Board in rnvatg Jramily. TWO connectinfcr rooms, with private bath, either board or housekeeping-rooms; mod ern. io e lito. a z;itt. BOARD and room, bath, phone, home cook ing. $6 per week. 191 lith, near Yam hill. VERY nice rooms, suitable for two gentle men with board ; $5.50 per week. 2-SO 11th et- ROOM and board, modern, bath. $18 per month to $1 per day. 203 Weidler st. Phone C 1063. ROOM and board In refined private family. 712 Hoyt st. r TWO clean, cozy rooms, choice board, rea sonable. 761 Marshall st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. I4 14th st., near Morrison. 430 YAMHILL ST., nice -room suitable fox gentleman or lady, with board. FOR KENT. Room With Board In Private Family. NICELY furnished, airy room, beautiful grounds; exceptionally good table board, ideal place for Summer. y East Sth st.. corner of Washington. Phone East 1S4H. FRONT room for rent, with or without ooaro, ior : or j young men; nice shade, all conveniences. 47." fArnnn .t ph,-in A 7405. Apartments. THE LOIS APARTMENTS. 704 Hoyt st. New brick apartments, now ready for occupancy, 3 and 4 -room suites, large sleeping porches, electric and tireless cookers, built-in Iceboxes, bath and phone in every apartment; electric lifts, steam beat, hot and cold water, janitor service, vacuum cleaner; reference required, phone Marshall 2tU0. LUCRETIA COURT. On Lucretia st., bet. 2d aud 23d sta. near Wash. About ready fur occupancy. Mr. S- Silverneld has just completed this olesrant and most modern apartment building, the copy of one of the best New York apartment-houses. Apartments can be secured from $35 to $75. References re quired. Apply to superintendent on the premises. t THE BANNER APARTMENTS. 4S9 Clay street, second house from 14th. the only modern completely furnished 2 room apartment-bouse in tho city; house and elegant furniture, brand new ; just opened for business; steam heat, electric light, hot and cold water in every apart ment; private phone, bath; walking dia- tance; $18-$25, including electric light Marshall 2074. ORDELEIGH APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand ave. and Stark st. New fireproof brick building, beautiful ly furnished two and three-room apart ments, private baths, wall beds, large clothes closets; Summer rates. Phone E. 300. HEINZ apartments. 14th and Columbia; 4 blocks south from Morrison st-; new brick building, completely first-class; furnished In 2. 3 and 4 room family apartments private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water., elevator, free phone, Janitoa service; rent from $25 per mon t h and up. RE-UKAN. Marshall, bet. 19th and 20th: Nob Hill; walking distance; has besides all modern conveniences of new and up-to-date house, by far most beautiful sur roundings any apartment in city; all rooms outside lis ht ; elegantly furnished. Either "V." or "S" car. KEELBR APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay, finest 3 and 4 -room suites in the city; pri vate baths and phones, steam heated, hot and cold water, disappearing beds. Garland stoves, porcelain-lined refrigerators, eiectrio elevator; $35 to $50 per month. CECILIA APARTMENTS, 22d and Glisan. and S room apartments, new 4-story brick just completed, all modern conven iences, each apartment has prlva; outsidej balcony, rent reasonable. THE BERYLE APARTMENTS. " Strictly modern, large rooms and three closets to every apartment; cool and airy for Summer. 605 Loved oy SU Take W car. ' F1V E-ROO.M furnished apartment, modern In every particular; steam-heated, hot water. Janitor services, with nrst-clasa furnishings. Apply to Janitor, 666 Kear uey st. ; HANOVER APARTMENTS, cor. King and Washington sts., 3-room apartments, have every modern convenience, including steam, beat, hot water, private bath, free phones) and janitor service; rent very reasonable. THE LAURETTB APARTMENT, 229 11th st. 1 elegantly furnished, l unfurnished 3-room apartment; strictly modern; ctn trally located ; both phones. ST. CROIX APARTMENTS. 170 St. Clair, unfurnished 3-room apartments, all mod ern conveniences, private porches, rea- sonable rent. Both phones. STANLEY APARTMENTS. 701 Washington Mrs. T. D. Hughes. Modern 3 and 4 roorn apartments; every convenience; bo tlx phones. THE WESTFAL. 410 6th st., furnished and unfurnished apartments; private baths and phone; elevator and janitor service; rents reasonable. Phone A 203S. STEAM-HEATED 6 -room apartment, mod ern and desirable; 625 Everett at. Apply Morgan, Fleldner & Boyce, 60S A b In g tun, bldg. FOR RENT Newly furnished three and, four-room apartments; modern convene lenccs. The Leonce, ISO 22d st. North. 4-KOOM elegantly furnished modern apart ment, complete for housekeeping; easjr walking distance. Marshail l20. A 1124 KING HILL APARTMENTS. King and Wayne sts. Apply to Janitor. THE KING DAVIS, corner King and Davis sts.; 3-room. cqol ; references. ALMIRA APARTMENTS, 14th and Salmon. 3-room unfurnished, reasonable prices. ST. CLAIR. 715 Wayne, modern 6 -room apartment; two porches. Phone Main 4930. THE CHETOPA, ISth and Flanders Mod ern 4-room apartments. Apply to janitor, JUANITA, 35 11th st., very nicely fur nished 2-room apartment, modern, $27. oO. Flats. THREE, new up-to-date flats, beat location in city. Call Main 1505. East 1187. W. Reidt, 401 Rothchiid bldg. Money no object; want a good tenant. FIVE-ROOM flat, steam heat, hot and cold water; 15 minutes walk from business district, on carline. Inquire 272 Wil- Hams ave. T UNFURNISHED 4-room flat, bath. 3 closets and fireplace ; newly tinted. 551 East Yamhill, between 12th and 13th. Phono E ast 17 10. FOR RENT Good 6-room flat. 487 Davis st.; rent $20. Apply WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO- 85 Fourth St. WHEN moving call up Ven Horn Transfer Co.. Main 1618. A 1US4. All covered wag- ons. all experienced men. STRICTLY modern upper 5-room flat. 541 Fifth, near Jackson, West Side, easy jwalk. THREE rooms, new, modern flats. 22d neaC Clinton. Phone Sellwood 1762. NEW modern 5 and 6 room flats, cornea1 22d st. Inquire 712 Kearney. FLAT for rent. 1744 E- 2d, North, corner Oregon. Phono Woodlawn 362. 4 NEW, modern 4-room flats, every con- venience. East 5, B 1404. FOUR very fine unfurnished rooms for rent, Fhone East 63S1. Rent $25. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. Far nisbod for housekeeping, gas ranges, elec tlc lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free; $15 per month up; a clean place; besa In the city for money; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th st. cars jiorth. get off at Marshall st. No dogs. UNFURNISHED, two-room, bay window suites, five blocks from Postoffice. 305 fc Jefferson, corner Fifth sc. Beautiful out look. 2-ROOM front housekeeping suite; bay win dows, bath, gas range, telephone; closet in ; reasonable. 302 ja East Burnside st, cor. Grand. 33 17TH ST. North, one block off Wasa Ington. two or three furnished or unfur nished housekeeping rooms; part of lower flat. FINE DOWNTOWN HOME "MILKER BLDG," 350 MORRISON ST MODERN. CENTRAL, REASONABLE). 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8 th. com pletely furnished housekeeping rooms, rea sonable. Z WiiiEK Clean, furnished housekeeping rooms ; laundry, bath, phone, gas, heat. ard. clean linen. 406 Vancouver ave. FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms in brick; building ; central; rates reasonable. 342 s 1st st. UNFURNISHED housekeeping room, gaai plates furnished. $l.oo per week. Belmont Apartments. 4SOta Belmont st. THE ASSEMBLY 365 6th St., 1 large, fine housekeeping suite, fine yard, use of phone and bath. THE WENDUIST, 546 Washington St.; newly furnished housekeeping rooms rea sonable. THE NEWCASTLE, 3d & Harrison. House k'P'QK rms. Free phones, baths, hot water. THE ELMS 2 and J-room apartments, fur mshed. 1S1 14th St.; transient solicited. $1.60 week, large, clean f urn. housekeeping; rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman. $1.25 WEEK, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. "U" car. $1.50 TO $2.00 a week Clean furnished housekeeping rooms. DcSoto House. 201 2d. HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms, strlotly modern,f reephqnes. 4'JO Morrison st. r Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. TWO finely furnished housekeeplng-rooms,""t sleeping-room, also tent. 353 12th st. Phone Main 8843. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, close in. corner 20th and East Morrison. Phone East 1433. $2.75 PER week for well furnihsed house . keeping room, 51 0th st. $1 FRONT parlor, regular kitchen. 14 North 16th; walking distance. Main B17S. THREE clean, airy rooms, light, private bath and phone, first floor. 2iH"ys 12th st. $3 PER week, suite of housekeeping rooms, walking distance. 409 Columbia st. ONE large furnished front houekeeplnK' room ; gas, sink and water, isa Everett st. ROOM for adults, may arrange for light housekeeping, close in. 240 Grand ave. N. $12 FOUR housekeeping rooms, gas steel range, 18 7th st. Main 529. NICE, large, modern, housekeeping rooms fine location, 302 Columbia.