THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1910. 13 AMTSEXEyTS. Bungalow THEATER 12th and Morrison. rtion. Main 117 and A 422. MRS. F1SKE Tonight. 6:15. "BKKY SHAM" Tomorrow Afternoon and Night, "mX-lRH OF SOCIETY" Prions S2.00. sl.30. $1.00, 75c " SEAT SALE OPENS TODAY. BCNGALOW THEATER. FOUR. XIGHTS, beginning MONDAY. Margaret Anglin In her latest play success. THE'AWAKEMNG of HELENA RICHIE" Prlr.g $2,00, 11.50. tl.00. 7?5e. MATT , A ISM. MATLN'EE IYCKI DAT. 15-25-59A EIGHTS w a X K 1 . " LJ - WFf K Jtl.Y m Fonr Fords, the Pollca Innpertor. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mcfiremry, (iranvtUo A Rodsers. Valentine. IKxjl.T A Co.. Fennel & Tyson. Josia Heather. Flc tarea. Orchestra. GRAND Week July 18, 1910 A TV FT A niAZ'S MONKEYS Highly Trained Sim ian Wonders. In ' an Interesting and Amusing Perform ance. Estelie Wordette ad Company. Zinell A Boutelle. Harry and Kather- Ine Mitchell. T. Francis O'Reilly. Harry Trada. ran dascon e. Matinee Rv,r T.v 2:30; any seat ISO. Bvenlnr Performances at T:30 and 9:15; Balcony lie; Lower Floor 25c: Box 6oats 50c LYRIC PORTLAND'S FAMILY PLAYHOUSE All Weak. Edw Armstrong- Musical Com edy Co. In "DOOI-JEVB DAEXJNGS." Oallr at t:, 7:45 and 9:18. Friday night Chorus Girls' contest. . . July 2d. Monster Benefit. Proceeds go to Miss Marjorle Mahr. THE HAICQ Portland's Popular aa-t r.-s7fe.9 Amusement Parle CONTIJTUED SUCCESS OF Navassar Ladies' Band A DISTINCT HIT. Concerts Afternoons and Evenings. Audi torium Meets with Entire Approval. Trains at East Morrison and East Water. Transfers from Any Part of City. Baseba.ll RECREATION PARK, Co. Vanghn and Twenty-fourth Streets SAN FRANCISCO ; VS. ' PORTLAND JULY 19, SO, SI, 22, 23, 24. Oamca Begin Weekdays at 3:30 I. M. Sunday. 2iSO P. M. Admission Bleachers. 25c; Grand stand, 60c; Boxes. 2Bo extra- Children: Bleaohers 10c. Grandstand 25c LADIES' DAY FRIDAY '2, Poy Under 12 Prae to Bleachers Wednesday. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilson's- Auction Rooms, corner Sec ond and Yamhill, sale at lo A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. . . MEETING NOTICES. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12, A. F. AND A. M. Special commu- Kalrr mcauou mis Frway at 1:30 P. M. .... (tuiv.a conuucung xno funeral of our late brother. Isaac X - i . . T- . Lodge, No. 82, of Minnesota. Members are requested to attend. Visitors are cordially invited. v. M. rE UN. Secretary. PORTLAND LOnCE, NO. 55. A. F. AND A. M- Special com muni - lJ& cation. Masonic Tomple, this (Frl- oay) evening, o clock, woric 11 C (' rlAOT-na l'loltn,. 1 By order W. M. C. M. STBADMAN. Sec. WASHINGTON LODGE). NO. 46, A. F. AND A. M. Special com- yi -- hiiwiii una vTiiuoj; vcains, 7:X East Sth and Burnside. M. M. aegree. visitors welcome. order W, At. J. H. -RICH MOXD, Sec. HAfSALO LODGE, NO. 15. I. O. O. F. Regulwr meeting this (Frltlay evening; at o'clock. Work, in third decree. Visitors welcome. F. COZENS. Sec. DEED. tTHOMAS In this city, July 21, at 568 Miller avenue. An fie H. Thomas, aged 63 years, 3 months, US days. Funeral qo- m tice later. fc FTJNEKAL NOTICES. JtABINSKY Mrs. Henrietta Rabinsky, -wife of Christian Rabinsky and mother of Christian, Henry, Fritz and Frida Rabin sky and Mrs. Henrietta Bellamy, 59 years old. died July 20 and will be burled at Scarpoose. Or.. Saturday, July 23, &t 3 - o'clock P. M. Friends are invited. EKLLKR The funerat of the late Phillip J. Seller "will leave his late home, 720 Mis sissippi avenue, Saturday morning". Julv 23. at 8:S0 o'clock, thence to St. Mary's Church, Williams avenue and Stanton street, where a requiem mass will be sung at 9 o'clock. Services at grave pri vate. Please omit flowers. iJOHNSON At. Miles Glazier. Alaska, July 13, Charles Job neon, aged 55 years. The deceased was a member of the Bridge nd structural Iron Workers" Lolcal No. 2s. Funeral will take place Sunday. July 24. at 2 P. M.. from Dunning & McEntee Chapel. Interment Rose City Cemetery. Friends Invited. XXJIN July 20. John Henry Klein. aged 6 years, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam B. Klein, of East Thirteenth Street North. Friends are respectively in " Vited to attend the funeral services today at S P. M. Interment Riverview Cemetery. Private at grave. OILMAN July SO. Everett Gilman, aged 7 years, son cf Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Gilman. Friends are respectively invited to at tend the funeral services at Dunning A McEntee Chape!. Saturday, July r3, at il F. M. Interment Ktvervicw Cemetery TONSETH FLORAL CO. MAKV.UAM BLDO. FLOHAL MMGNS. rfaones: Main 51U2; A 110S. Dunning A MrEntM, Funeral Directors, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady -atmtant. Oil Ice of County Coroner. Ztl.lJER-BYRNKS CO.. Funeral Directors, Williams avv ; both phone; lady attend ant ;niostmodern estahlishuient In the city. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Funeral Direct ore, gap ad st. Lady Assistant, phone M. 607. J. P. KIN LET SON, 3d and Madison. Lady attendant, phone Main W, A Ltttf. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. Dnnnlng. Inc. E. &a. B ERIC SON CO. Undertakers: lady assist smtw Utf Alder. Al. 6133. A LERCH. Vndertakcr. cor. East Alder and th. Phones 1H. jj isSs. Lady assistant. OREGON HUR1ANE SOCIETY B-UJEsirjRNT, Mais 31a. iBtKKTAHV, Main Bfts. BIMAMJ OKurtR. East 77s. NEW TODAT. DOIBI.E VOI R MOXEY. TWELVE OK THE MOST SIGHTLY LOTS IN t'Ol'NCIL OREST ON FAIR MOUNT BOl'LEVARD. HAKD-Sl'R. PACE PAVEMENT. CEMENT SIPE VV ALKS. WILL BE COMPLETED THIS TEAR. A SMALL AMOUNT WILL. HANDLE THIS DEAL. THE fPAVl-OX CO 2i9 Oak ft. JNVErrORS Call en. owners' Realty Ass's. ' for timber. acrMge. bulHM& residence aad aeartmsnt properuesu 2v4 Ablngtoa. 3TEW TODAY. Tillamook Dairy Farm WILL TRADE OR SELL We have a 100-acre farm, right up against the City of Tillamook the finest kind of a platting proposition. It is -level and in the highest state . of cultivation. It has been operated as a dairy ranch upon which the cows have -been bringing their owner from $12 to I6 a month. They have erone as his;h as $150 per year per cow net income to the dairyman. One railroad has just been built Jnto Tillamook City an other is pressing rapidly towards it boat line between It and Portland. It has every earmark of a city which will have a rapid growth. Then this acreage, within a stone's throw of the depot, will make you money. We will sell this on terms or win take Portland property in trade. RALPH ACKLEY 60S Corbett Bids. Choice California Ranch, 720 acres located In San Joaquin County, California, mile from station on. S. P. R. R., hi from Btation on electric line, 20 miles from Sacramento, this ranch Is all In high state of cultivation, has 80 acres bear, infr Tokay grapes, is all fenced and crossfenced, house, barn and complete equipment, abundance of water, will sell for $65,000. one-third cash, time on balance at 6, or will exchange for good West Portland property close in at a cash valuation, worth up to $75,000. Grussi & Zadow 3t7 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. Must Sell to Close an Estate This choice 50x100 improved busi ness corner on Broadway, close to Union avenue. Income at present is $85 per month, which can easily be increased. A good speculation. In vestigate at once. F. E. TAYLOR & COMPANY, 402-3 Lewis Building, 4th and Oak Sts. 7 - Room House on Corner $2750 We have a modern 7-room house on ft corner lot in Haw thorne district. 3 blocks from carline for $2760, which is an exceptional bargain. The owner wishes to exchange it for a 5-room bungalow and will pay some difference. RALPH ACKLEY 60S Corbett Bids;. Beautiful Home ' AT A S ACRIFICE. In exclusive Irvington and close to the car; brand new and beautifully fin ished, 8 fine, large rooms, sleeping porch, toilets, bath, paneled walls, beamed ceilings, shades and handsome fixtures included. Am leaving town; $2000 handles it. Might trade for lot in restricted district. JOHN 1AM KM ART, QIO Chamber of Commerce. Block $9500 8 full lots one block from carline, be tween 19th and 20th sts..- East Side. Lots selling on all sides of this block from $1800 to $3000 per lot. $3000 cash will handle this property. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, BXS-527 Board of Trade Bids;. Phones Marahall 2248, A 1274. $5500 Warehouse Site WITH TRACKAGE 0"V THE O. R. A N. R. R.. E. THIRTY-THIRD AND BROADWAY This Is a snap. Locations like this are hard to find. See us at once. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., (C.1-S27 Board of Trade. Irvington Home Swell modern new 6-room, 2 - story house, with all the latest improvements, on improved st. and cement walk; on a lot ROxlOO, east front, on East I9th St., near Brazee. Price $5500, on terms. Worth $6000. Grussi & Zadow SIT Board of Trade Rids., 4th and Oak. PIEDMONT Seven-room house. Lot 50x100, 1201 Haight Avenue. Eight-room house. Lot 100x100. 1245 Union Avenue. Beautiful lawn and shrubbery. Very desirable homes at a low price. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY, S. W. Cor. 6th and Washfnston Sta. APARTMENT SITES 60x65 corner, close in. 14th St.; $6500 cash. Price $12,500. 60x100, close in, 13th st., corner; 3 houses; $25,000. $10,000 cash. Grussi & Zadow SI7 Board tf Trade Bids;., 4th and Oak. Irvington 6-room house at 500 E. 20th. North. Modern in every way, at a sacrifice price. See owner or MERCHANTS SAVINGS TRUST COMPANY. W. Cor, gth and Washing-ton Streets. Mortgage Loans MORGAN. FLIEDXER BOTCE. fc03-S Aklagtoa Buildlac APARTMENT SITE Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap! Bringing good Income from small residences. A bargain at $10,000. It is 60x100, and In the heart of the best. South of Washington and west of 9th. K 149, Oregonlan. $65,000 Large first-class apartment house close in. Bis: iticome. Cash Is needed. H.VRTMAN A THOMPSON. . Chamber of Commerce Bids;. new today. ATTENTION ESTORS Tenant will take 10-year lease paying 7 per cent net on close-in trackage, quarter-block, with 4 story and basement brick build ing. We have the location and want someone to erect building. Aggregate cost all not more than $95,000. Jackson & Deering 246 Stark St. On Vancouver Lake, is the coming suburban home location of Portland. All the Portland and Seattle trains pass the property and stop at the junction. It takes but SO minutes to go from the Union Depot to the junc tion. , The whole City of Portland is in sight, also the Columbia and Wil lamette Rivers, together with moun tains, Hood, Adams, Rainier, St. Helens and the Cascade Range. A few home sites of 5 and 10-acre tracts in a high state of cultivation, with bearing trees 7 to 12 years old, are now on the market by I. L. RAY, at Hotel St. Elmo, Vancouver, Wash, Acreage $50.00 Down, Small Monthly Payments. On macadamized Section Line road short distance from carline; splendid soil, all cleared, level and now in wheat crop. Nearly forty tracts from which to make a selection. Free transporta tion to tract. LAMBERT-WHITMER COMPANY, 70 Fourth Street, 4Q4 East Alder Street. MODERN Ten-Room House Lot 50x100, Nob Hill, can be bought cheap. Will take good property in part payment, up to $4000 or $5000. RAND & BRANT, 423 Board of Trade. BROADWAY SNAP Genuine barpaln. modern home, $3000 cash, balance on time. Marshall 1847. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Bck, William G., 813 Failing bid. Blrrell, A. H. & Co., 202-3 McKay bids. Real estate, lnfuranc. mortgages, loans, eto. Brubaker A Benedict, 502 McKay bids M. 540. CARD REALTY A INVESTMENT CO., 623 HENRY BLOO. MARSHALL 1567. A 15T. Chapln A Herlow, S3 2 Chamber Commerct, Cook, B. 8. A Co., 60S Corbett bids. Jennings A Co., MaJn 188. 200 Oregonlan. PALMER- J ON .QS CO.. H, P.. 213 Commercial Club bldg. Bchalk, Geo.TX, 228 Stark at.. Main 892, A 23t2 6HLVDLER & HALL. 205 Ablngtoa bdg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand aT. and Multnomah st. ( Holla-lay Addition.) M. B. Thompson Co.. cor. 4th and Oak st.. REAL ESTATE. I or Sale Lets. $23 EVERY 3 MONTHS. $575 Fine lot on E. ltth t., close to chool, 2 carlines; about 20 minuted walk to business center; $175 cash; interest 8 per cent; a snap. KKtiD C. KING. 606 Commercial block, 2d and Wash. sts. ARB YOU LOOKING FOR A SNAP? 2 -beautiful lots 100x100, in Terrace Park, 1H blocks from Montavilla car; fine homes or. all sides; must be sold this month; for ?rlce and terms call on Aetna Realty A nvestment Co., Suite 416 and 417 Rothchlld Bldg. - ALBERTa-ST. LOT. Corner lot, 4uxl00, with lOO feet on Al berta st.; this lot is on corner of 2Sth and the only lot for sale on Alberta st. ; price 110O oo cash, balance to suit. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. $7O0 EACH. A few choice lots on Rose City carline, adjoining Laurelhurst; lots r-OxloO; 3 0 per ceut cash, balance easy monthly payments, ASTMAN INVESTMENT CO.. Room 27 Washington Bldg. $1300 CASH. WORTH $2000. For two beautiful improved lots, garden, high and sightly, right on Woodstock car line. Need the money. See owner, J, F. Porters. 618 Commercial bldg. TWO LOTS PORTLAND HEIGHTS, $17o To see these, -both offered at price of one. is to buy; Smith's Addition, lovely trees, reasonable terms. Fred W. German, 320 Burnside, Main or A 277- THREE chonoe lots on East Side, near Pip- fitn St.. $8O0; only one block from car ine. Iavtd Lewis, room 1, Lumbermens Plug., om ana aiarn A FINE corner. 100x100. in IRVINGTON. at less than market value If taken this week. GRAY-CUNNINGHAM-GRAY. 722 Electric Bldg. ' " LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. $2 each month payments: price $150 to $200; nothing down, just $2 per month; Oregon City carline. National Realty Sc Trust Co.. 326 Washington st.. room 516. $10 CASH and $5 a month for a very pretty lot. 3 blocks Mount Scott carline. city ; $l.tO under the mnrkeu HIGLEY A BISHOP. 132 Third at. $6?o BUYS a beautiful acre tract, city water and street graded, near Mount Scott 5c carline. .HIGLEY A BISHOP. 132 Third st. $7." EQUITY In two splendid Council Crest lots, total value $22.0; forced to sell, as I cannot keep up the payments. R 149, Oregonlan. $250. 2 lots on Mt Scott line, 50x100 ?ach; $'0 cash. $5 per month. 402 Lumber Ex. bids., 2rl an-1 Stark. H. R. Black, own-ir. MUST sell at once. 89x307 f eet at end of Hawthorne-ave. car. Call at 534 59th st. Phone Tabor 2394. BELLE CREPT lot, $525; all improvements, one Mock Rose City park car. R 147, ore gonlan. I A Mooing to leave the city and will sacri fice my lOOxtOO corner lot on Council Crest. K 148. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Choice comer lot In Southern Portland ; streets Improved ; or will trade for acreage. N 146. Oregon lan . COMPELLED to raise money and will sell my lot in Elmhurst for a price below the market. 6 145. Oregonian. LOOK Snap, two lots at Swinton. two blocks from carline. Address F. A. Lacey. The Dalles. Or. TWO lots for sale by owner; easy terms. East Portland. AL 149. Orego n 1 an. PORTLAND HEIGHTS choice residence lota and tracts; $S0O up. Brooke. Main 355L B EAtT I FT." L La ure 1 h u rst lot; IrTt 12 bloJc 8; murt sell, owner. Main 2455. INV LAKE SIDE . REAL ESTATE. lor Sale -Lota. UNION AVENUE SACRIFICE. The southwest corner of Union ave. and Knott st., one block north of Russell St., on Union ave.; Improved with good resi dence bringing in $25 month rental; own er lives out of the city and has to raise money and has authorized me to make special sacrifice sale of this property.- Go and look at the property or have mo show It to you and make me an offer. I can make you terms on one half of the purchase price for a short time. A. M'GREGOR, 602 Corbett Bldg. 2 FINE Portland Heights lots on two streets, near car and nice home; $2000; terms. . HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of- Commerce. X HAVE a fine lot in Rose City Park, with in 250 feet o The Alameda. Thia is in a nice part of the tract and I will sell it cheap for cash or trade it for a lot, below the hllL K 102. Oregonian. ' $0 CASH, balance $14 per month takes the last lot to be had on Utaion ave. at this price. This will positively not be offered again. Phone at once. - Price $700. BRONG-STEELE CO., Lewis Bldg, Ground Floor. Phones: Main 1743; A 1743. BEbT bargain In town; must sell at once; 2 sightly lots on Portland Heights; 11,000 square feet; city view; $2000; will give terms. G. G. Bracken, White Garage, fith and Madison. TWO lots in the suburbs, S550, terms. Purse, 818 Chamber of Commerce. For Sale Houses. A HOME. $3150 $500 CASH. Six rooms; 200 feet to car; most sight ly location in Richmond street; improved; full cement basement, laundry trays, piped for furnace, large entrance hall, paneled dining-room, buffet. Dutch kitchen, three large bedrooms, linen closet, swell bath ; just completed and the work Is excellent. If you want something good, see this and be convinced. Take "W-R" car to Marguerite ave. and Clinton st. H. A. Ask with. Sellwood 1705; B 1207. OUR SPECIALS TODAY. " Price. .Cash. .Rooms. . . At $1700 $ 700 4 Kern Park. 20OO 500 5 Lents 2tU2 1612 5 Tabor Heighta. 250 LV.O 5 . Vernon. - 3050 800 5 Rose City. 3850 . 6K 5 Blumauer. 4000 800 5 Tabor Heights. And 11$ more Just as good. , C us H. A. VHANDLER. 610 Lumbermens bldg. HAVE YOU $500? Can sell you fine six-room and bath bungalow, full cemented basement, fire place, beamed ceilings. polished oak floors, built-in fancy cnina cupboard, open staircase. A place that you will buy if you see it. Fifteen minutes out on car; fine addition. price $3850; $40 monthly covers payments and interest. Room 609 Couch building. HANDSOME home in - Irvington. quarter block. In very attractive locality on Tilla mook, near East 19th; 25-foot park strip adjoining; 9-room house, hardwood fin ish throughout and modern in every re spect. Price $15,500. This Is a very handsome borne and a bargain. McCargar. Bates & Lively. 315 Failing building. ACKEAGE UOMb. 1 . acres. aU kinds of fruit. 6-room bouse and pantry and large verandas, bath, new barn, large chicken corral; cholcs flowers and shrubs; 4 blocks from car. Terms. LOUTS BRANDT. -, ' Oak Grove. Oregon City Line. A MODERN bungalow, 7rooms, between Kil ltngsworth and Ainsworth avenues. Just completed. Must be sold this week at a large sacrifice. Come and . make us an offer. GRAY-CUNNINGHAM-GRAY, 722 Electric BldgJ BEAUTIFUL HOME AT BARGAIN ALMOST GIVEN AWAY HAST SIDE, FINEST LO CATION. 2-STORY 6-ROOM NEW HOUSE) 100x100 CORNER LOT; MUST SELL THl4 WEEK; LITTLE MONEY REQUIRED PHONE SELLWOOO 1462, OR ADDRESS - N 142. OREGONIAN. WALKING distance. East 61de; splendid ft roora strictly modern home; we?t of 19th ; mis is a reai nne piace; $iK; your own terms; will consider Hood River prop erty in exchange. C. L. Bamberger, room 2 uuiuuci men a 'Uiug. 6-ROOM HOUSE. $15 payment each month will buy thla beautiful place ; nothing down ; full lot and basement; on Woodstock carline 5c fare. National Realty A Trust Co, SfiJA Washington St.. room 616. FTKe suburban view home. 1 - acres : J room house; hot water heat; greenho'use; an kiuuv vi uuiu .Dm. uargaia in city Might consider part exchange. Call at premises, 36 East 63d Bt. . Morrison at. Mt. Tabor car. Phone Tabor 8. I OWN a six-room house at Ockley Green my price has been $2700; am now asking $2250. Look at It, say what you will give. I don't need the money, so name the terms also. E. E. Miller. 430 Worcester bldg. Phone Main 1940. $o00, sacrifice; am leaving city; 1 have a nice modern home; close to car; good business center; price $1700; $700 cash, balance In 2 years. A. R. Barker, Arleta. O r. Mt. s cott car to Kern Park. 6-ROOM HOUSE IN IRVINGTON On E. 12th. near Thompson; two stories with full cement basement and modern throughout; price $5000. half cash. McCargar. Bates Lively. 315 Failing bldg. $1300 FOR A 9-ROOM HOUSE. Good 9-room "home on splendid lot for a very little money. RABB A- P ATT ON, 322 Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark. $1100 " takes two-rtiom cottage, chicken shed, woodshed, on 50x100, one block from Hawthorne-ave. carline, with a dozen fine fruit trees and plenty small fruit and flowers. AE 147, Oregonian. 7-ROOM modern house on corner; small 'barn, rose bufhes, awnings and screene; paneled dining-room and stairway; cost to build $.1150; If sold this month $2500, term. Owner. 416 Rothchild bldg. NEW, nist-class fancy 7-room home, re stricted district; nothing lacking; 100x100 corner; garage on alley ; near Jefferson High School; by owner; no agents. T 143, Oregonian. A NICE, MODERN, up to date HOME in the vicinity of 24th and Marshall sts.; 7 rooms, exclusive of maid's room. Call at 722 Electric bldg. GRAY-CUNNINGHAM-GRAY, CHOICE 8-room house, absolutely modern, every convenience, fine location, best streetcar; 50O cash, bal. $100 per month. East 273. C 1S66- SUNNYSIDE home cheap from owner; good 7-room house and beautiful corner lot 50x 100; fruit trees and roses;- must be seen to be appreciated. Phone Tabor 2135. 95700 BY owner, new. modern 6-room house In Ladds Addition; large atUc and sleeping porch. Call 610 Spruce St., Ladds Addition. FOR SALE One 7-room and one 5-room house, close to Woodstock marline; fine view and yard; improvements. Inquire at 7SS East 20th st. SNAP Strictly modern 7-room home, beau tiful grounds, lot 75x100. fine neighbor hood, close in. 832 E. Kelly, near 26th; price $3400; terms. Phone Sellwood 37. $675 Small house on beautiful corner lot 1 block from Alameda Park, close to car; $".75 down, $10 monthly. Phone Wood lawn 2674. $2750 NEW modern house; gas, electricity, full concrete basement; two porches; pleasant location. Call 1315 East Lin coln st FINE five-room house, full cement base ment, hot-water furnace, attic, corner, 3 blocks from three carllnes. Call B 192S, Tabor $4200 7-ROOM house, well built, corner lot. 57x50. Address owner, P. Zigler. 1077 FOR SALE by owner. S-room modern resi dence. East 12th at. North. $7OO0. Phone East 3646. FOR RENT $20. or sale $100 cash, $25 monthly; new 5-room bungalow. 51st. near Hawthorne. Dr. Darling. $3tlSl GOOD 6-room house and beautiful lot, near Broadway and in walking dis- tanre. Mill. 416 Chamber Commerce. $50 CASH $20- MONTHLY. 6-room new. modern house. Howard Land Co.. 420 Swetland bldg. ; FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest f rooin house in Irvington. 496 East 20th sc. N. Call and see It. A SACRIFICE This 8-room modern house; you cannot do better In Portland; terms. Owner, phone Woodlawn 1516. MODERN 5-room bungalow, close In on East Side; staap for- $230, terms. Rand A Brant. 423 Board of Trade. LIST your rooming-house with Rose A Campbell; money loaned to buyers. Room 14. 270 Vi Washington St.. A 380ft. $180i FOR new four-room house and two lots: nothing down and $15 a month. 630 Worcester block. WEST SID E 8-room mod era house, lot 6x 100; Nob Hill district;- $S000. Samuel Wel don. 506 McKay bldg. 12-ROOM house for sale by owner; good lease; close in on Washington, $900. Main 415S. taooo THREE cottages, close In: income 160 month. 487 East Couch. KEAL ESTATE. BUY BUNGALOW OF BUILDER. $2550 GETS YOU A DANDY. S30O DOWN. $15 PER MO- AND INT. You would never have been able to buy such a bungalow as we are going to tell you about for $2550 If the man who owns it was not a fine carpenter and did the work himself. 5 rooms of latest design, front porch. H-Ing-room, dining-room, built-in china closet. 2 bedrooms, bathroom, all modern, kitchen with every convenience, latest designed pantry, full attic, back porch, full cement basement, two-part laundry trays, cement walk to front steps, cement walk around house, lot 45x100 ; 3 cherry trees, 1 ear I y app 1 e. 1 pear, al I f ul 1 -bearin g ; three short blocks to car; close In. We have more than one hundred brand new HOUSES and BUNGALOWS in the close-in section of the city Portland Heights. Willamette Heights, Irvtrfgton. Piedmont, Sunnyside, etc., ranging In price from $2000 to $50,000. We have a new house on Portland Hts. for $13,500 that is an especially fine bargain. To use real estate slang. It la truly a SNAP and thoroughly modern. WYNN JOHNSON CO.. Room 209 Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder. Phone Marshall 1948. ' ALL the houses listed beiow can be bought on terms to suit and our agent will be at 35th and Clinton sts. all day Sunday. House 6 rooms, bath ; fine view ; lot 168 feet deep; Dutch kitchen, etc.; $3850. Bungalow 5 rooms, bath, reception hall, fine soil. lawn, etc.; $3000. Bungalow 5 rooms. bath, Dutch kitchen; modern In every detail; full lot; $2500. And about a dozen more from $3000 to S4O00. Special 1 rooms, disappearing beds, bath and near carline; full lot; $150 down, . $15 month. $2100. If you want us to build for you, see our agent on the ground and select your lot. Take W-R car to 35th and Clinton sta JNO. P. SHARKEY CO.. A 1550. Sellwood 768. $1500 CASK. HOUSE AND LOT IN GLADSTONE. Best location In iown. $4500. One of the most attractive and best sit uated bungalows In the city, on Wasco st.; 6 rooms with a large attic, both electric and gas, furnace, full lot. 50x100; price 4ft00 ; small payment down, balance on easy terms. Must be seen to be appre ciated - $6000. 100x100. near Overlook Addition; otto 5 room cottage and a 7-room houae; corner lot vacant and suitable for flats; present income $33 per month. ASTMAN INVESTMENT CO., Room 27. Washington Bldg. LARGE. MODERN HOME SACRIFICE. Best of construction; thoroughly mod ern; practically new; fireplace, beamed ceiling, Dutch kitchen, built-in bookcases, 5 bedrooms, electricity, gas. lawn, roses, trees, double lot, hard-surface streets; will sell furniture, too. On East Side. Small amount of cash, balance at 6 per cent. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CAN YOU BEAT IT? SOLD! CLASSY BUNGALOW, before It was reaay. A live-room beauty. Listen! A duplicate of this Is nearlng completion. Just off Hawthorne ave.. Mst-fnrlns. Price away down, less than $2900; easiest Kino. 01 terms. vv ny is tnis totaiiy dif ferent type of bungalow always sold be fore finished? Communicate with owner and by appointment look and judge for yourself. Think what Madison bridge will do to values w,hen completed. Better ln quire at once. Q 148. Oregonlan. "" t GOING TO BUILD T WE ARB BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THB CITY. THERE ARB GOOD REASONS. OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY AND GBT BETTER WORK, ON TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOT WS WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILJX - PLANS AND ESTIMATES FREJHL OREGON BUILDING A TRUST COl. 809 HENRY BLDG. BUILD NOW. LET US FINANCE THE BUILDINO 09 TOUR HOME. IF YOU OWN LOT. SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH IS SUFFICIENT OUR REPUTATION FOR WELL-BUILT HOMES, FAIR DEALING AND DISPATCH OF CON STRUCTION IS BRINGING US MANY CLIENTS. NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUC TION CO., Successors to Portland Realty A , Construe lion Co.. 9ul-2- Lewis Bldg. BUNGALOW SNAP, $500 CASH. Swell, new, 5-room bungalow, all latest Improvements, built-in china closets, beamed ceilings, etc. ; corner lot. East Lincoln St.; improved streets. cement sidewalks; price $3100, $500 cash and $20 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. AN IRVINGTON BARGAIN Modern and attractive 8-room house In fine locality on E. 12th at.; house well built and very attractively arranged. Four bedrooms upstairs. A modern, roomy and comfort able house at bargain price; $7250; half cash. McCargar, Bates & Lively, 313 Failing bldg. " EAST MADISON-ST. HOUSE. ' Nice, modern, 6-room, 2-story house, on a corner lot 50x83; street improved, cement sidewalk; a nice home for a lit tle money; cor. E. Madison and 20th; price only $5200. $1000 cash and $25 per month. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. HOMES FOR THE OLD FOLKS. Neat 4 -room house, large porches, lot 60x142; beauty of grounds must be seen -to be appreciated; $2650; terms. 399 Me chanic st. $1L50 for 4-room house, lot 50x158, 3 E. 64th; fruit, flowers. Fred W. German, 32q Burnside. Main or A 2776- FOR SALE: In Irvington, new 7-room resi dence; complete in every detail. For oar- ticulara,telephone C 2384. Business Property. THE best on the market at a price much too low. Reader, think of this: 30 rooms. 6 private baths, furniture excellent, all conveniences; near the Postoffiee; clears $2O0 monthly. As thla place requires little care, it is Just .the investment for one seeking big returns and little work or worry. The price Is so low that we are ashamed to mention It $3500. Put on your hat and see at once. H. A. CHANDLER, 610 Lumbermens bldg. $4000 Fine lot 50x100. 3 blocks south of Jefferson: 12 minutes' walk to Postoffiee; good flat or apartment site; owner wants cagji. M. B, Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. lo PER CENT net on $15,500 Invested In a new apartment; all rented and good run ning order; Investigate. Purse, 818 Cham br of Commerce. Acreage. 10 OR 20-ACRE SNAP. ' " Section Line road, near Rockwood road, 4 miles from city limits; under cultiva tion, balance easy to clear; 2 acres in strawberries, small house, and land that will grow anything; will cut up nicely into, one and two-acre tracts; one-third mile from electric car; price, $300 per acre; pat cash; will sell 10 or 20 acres. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. 32 ACRES. 714 miles from 3d and Washington, three blocks from station on the electric line, not a foot of waste land. 5 acres clear, 10 acres slashed. 1500 v cords of green standing timber; running water, absolute ly free from stone, two country roads; for quick sale I offer this at half price; r.00i. cash2 $20iK), balance 6 per cent. F. E. Denison. Gerlinger bldg. BY OWNER Six-acre suburban home at Jennings Lodge station, two blocks from station, one from church, two from school, four to river; fine orchard and berries, nice garden, 7-room house, good barn and out buildings. Oregon City cars stop at Jen nings Lodge station. Inquire at store for C. D. Slocum. COURTNEY ACREAGE. 5 acres at Courtney station; splendid soil that will grow any crop desired; all in tomatoes and berries ; good 5-room house, cost $iroo; price $7500. half cash. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. MI'ST sell at once 80x307 . feet, at end of Hawthorne ave. cajtine; will take good cleas lot for part ayment or will take good horse and buggy. Call 534 59th St.. end of Hawthorne ave. car. Phone Tabor 2394 7 ACRES, near, city, acre strawberries, 40 3-year-old assorted fruit trees; fenced, 6-room house, barn and woodshed: 2 acres potatoes; $1350; half cash; this la V value. 41V. N. 6th st. ft ACRES on Ocean Beach in Clatsop County, 1 mile south -of Fort Stevens; price only $200 per acre, half cash; land lies nice for platting. A. C Burdlck. 711 Chamber of Commerce. $550 4-acre tracts only 15 minutes car ride. West Side ; lies fine ; good soil ; terms $25 cash, balance $10 per month. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. ELEVEN acres, improved, near Vancouver Wash. Phones C 2239. Tabor 2046. tie grocery. East 37th and 9andyroad. FIVE acres, 8 minutes from station; 5 -cent fare; fine view; faces county road. Purse, 81 8 Chamber of Commerce. FROM 1 to 5 acres, close In. no agents. Phone Tabor 2208. REAL ESTATE. Acreage. NEW HOUSE; TEN ACRES. We have a 10-acre tract, all in culti vation, with a new house, 6 rooms down stairs, plastered and tinted, piped for hot and cold water, upper floor can be made into two or three big rooms, good bricked well, woodshed and outhouses, in all ways a complete, pretty home, only a mile from electric railroad station, on good road, "with rural delivery and telephone service established in the neighborhood. The soil is the richest kind of black earth, no rocks and no waste land. This property is lo cated only 14 miles from Portland in a prosperous farming district. .This can be had at a low price and on very eajsy terms of taken at once. "B" CHAPIN A HERLOW, 332- Chamber of Commerce Bldg - . ACREAGE. ISA down, smalt monthly pavments. On macadamised section line road, short dis tance from carline; splendid soil, all cleared, level and now in wheat crop. Nearly 40 tracts from which to make a selection. Free transportation to tract. m LAMBERT-WHIT M ER CO.. 70 Fourth St. 404 East Alder, CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. -0 acres at Multnomah station on Ore gon Electric: lo acres in cultivation, fine soil, no gravel, on Macadam road. S-room house and cement basement, 1 horse. 2 cows., chickens. Implements, tools, etc.; this land is adapted to any crop, is only i mile from city limits; price $900 per acre, terms $3000 cash, 3 years on balance at 6 per cent. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg-. 4th asd Oak. 1 TO 10-acre tracts, 5 miles from City Kali, West Side, cleared, level, cultivated -electric line building. Address owner. A 142, Oregonlan. Homeetetada. T WO relinquishments, joining, all -fenced. 3 wires, good buildings, p. O. and town 2 miles, school 1 miles, on county road, stock, crops and household goods. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the 84 counties Is best aaapted for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead in each county; map attached, 21x 28, showing new R. R. and towns, includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counties In different colors; drawn to March L 1910; latest map in U. S.; price 25c Nim mo A Runey. 313 Hamilton bldg. 1 RELINQUISHMENT, 160 acres; running water, 2 million feet timber; slightly roll ing; best of fruit land; 'close to Portland. 1 relinquishment, 160 acres. 20 acres in cultivation, 3 acres in berries and rhubarb; neighbors, schools and church close; good house and other Improvements ; this la a big bargain. J. A. DAVIS, 214 Swetland Bldg. TIMBER relinquishment, Douglas County; cut minion. v per cent sugar pine; 4uu. VALLEY REALTY CO., . 41 & N. 6th St. 160-ACRE relinquishment near Prineville, one of best In Central Oregon; no rock; aoil the best: water in 20 feet; no alkali. Price $200. R 148. Oregonlan. WANTED Homestead relinquishment near rorunnq, irom owner, j 14;, oregonian. orale A- ruib A. sums. ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY HOME WITH AN INCOME. SO-aere fruit ranch, on the Columbia mver, z miies irom underwood. Wash, opposite Hood River, on main countv road magnificent view of Mount Hood and the famous Hood River Valley; 31 acres in fruit, 2 acres In 4-year-old apple trees, 4 acres in 9 to i2year-old Baldwin Annies. 4 acres in Spitzenhergs and New tons. 8 u-cres in i-Anjou pears, peach trees 5 to 8 years old, some prune trees and other fruits and the balance of the cleared land in 1-year-old apple trees of a com mercial variety and all in a first-class condition. There are 2 acres of pasture land and the unlmn roved vnrt Inn m cov ered with fir and brush. Ihere is a neat little six-room house, with fireplace and plenty of water. The place is well fenced ana tne ynce inciuaes an tne tools and fiecessarv farm implements. Including a good road wagon, spray pump, and in fact everyenmg one neeas to go right to work, and if tanen at once the buyer will tret the benefit of the crop, which will amount to about $1200. This Is an ideal place in every way and we can guarantee it to be Just as represented. Price for a short time $16,OOu; one-quarter cash, balance on terms to suit at 6 per cent. CHAPIN A HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. EST ACAD A FRUIT LANDS. OREGON'S COMING FRUIT DISTRICT Estaca-ia and vicinity is destined to be come tne center of one of the most exten sive, the most productive and thickly pop- uiaicu iruu sections in tne state oi ure' gon. You will find here all the advan tages of a well-settled community, anlen- did transportation facilities, and hundreds of acres of cleared land available for im mediate development. If you are looking ior a nome or an investment, tnere is no place In the state where you will be able to secure better values, or where land Is as certain to advance In value, than it will do In E sta cad a during the next year. We have a number of 10 and 20 -acre tracts, ail cleared and ready for planting, at prices ranging from $75 to $150 per acre. Parties looking for acreage to plant or subdivide will do well to investigate this section before locating elsewhere. We have several good propositions for this purpose and will be glad to show them to you at any time at our expense. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. WASHINGTON COUNTY FRUIT RANCH. 20 acres block loam soil, al lcultl vation and set to fruit; trees are apple, cherry and Dear, lust comins- into bear ing; all kinds of berries between the rows, now yielding at the rate of $200 per acre. Property situated only one mile from HUIsboro and within 60 rods of sta tion on Oregon Electric; has roads on two sides, one being main county road from Portland to Hillsboro; all fenced, good well; combination house and packing house and working tools; price $500 an acre; small amount down, balance to suit at tr per cent. We have others. One acre or thousands. "It will pay you to see our list." HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. THE BEST ON" THE MARKET. 47 acres of nne land, all under cultiva tion and in crop: .10 acres of rood or chard in full bearing; lies on main county road. R. F. D. mail route, convenient to school. 1 W miles Irom Columbia River, boat landing and railroad and 5 miles from Vancouver. The crop on this place consists of timothy, clover and oats, and is a fine crop. This place is cheap and -will sell to tne nrst man that looks at it. See it at our expense. Price only $125 per acre ; terms. THOMPSON A SWAN. National Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Wash. 206 Rothchlld Bldg.. Portland. Or. BEAUTIFUL SUMMER HOME. 6-room artistic strictly modern rustic oungaiow. nuiit on a woonea Knoll over looking the beautiful Hood River Vallev. mountains and river. There axe 15 acres of choice apple land, acres of which is In trees. Complete equipment goes with place; near R. R. and on main county road; trout stream: an Ideal place for the person who is tired of business cares and worries and. desires a. healthful and profit- aoie open-air nie. $2500 puts , you in possession. M 149, Oregonlan. MOSIER APPLE LAND. 160 acres, every acre of which- is first class, tillable apple land, SO acres under cultivation, 18 acres in young commercial orchard 01 yenow .ewtowns and &pitzen bertrs. good 6-room house and lare-e barn. fine spring, exceptionally well located, on main county road, price only $126 per acre; one-half cash, or willtake good fort land property up to sig.yo and g 10 years' time on balance. ft Interest address owner. P 145, Oregonian. CLOSING OUT AN ESTATE. HOOD RIVER "0 ACRES MUST GO. This 20-acre Hood River home must be old at once; 17 acres under cultivation; 9 acres in commercial orchard, balance In clover and strawberries; conveniently located within 1 miles of station, schools, etc If you have $5500 cash and. are looking for a genuine bargain, ad dress B 147, Oregonian. ' HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. Must sell Immediately, lO acres of the finest apple land; 5 ac-es in 2-year-old trees; no rocks, fine spring, land all fenced, on main county road : this is a rare chance, one you will not get again. As I must sacrifice, will sell for $183 per acre; $550 cash down. Phone immediately A 7436- WILL seil 900 acres best fruit land In Western Oregon, surveyed, platted and ready for market; partly under cultiva tion; one mile from S. p. R. R. and good town. You can make 2O0 per cent on your money if taken at once. Price $40 per acre ; easy terms. Phone Marshall 1625. Address 816 Electric bldg. 10-ACRS orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad. 25 miles from Portland; best soil; no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange with us to go and make select loa; round trip same day. 310 Corbett bldg. GRAPE and cherry land close to Portland; 5 to 20-acre tracts; river bottom, rich soli and close to market; $100 per acre on termst A tract will make you independent. M. Fi. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. BF.AT. ESTATE. lor ale Fruit Lands. KLICKITAT FRUIT LANDS EXCEL No Irrigation, gold medal Spokane Expo sition; lO-acre tracts, easy terms; set booklets. GEO. S. CASED Y CO., Lobby Commercial Club bldg. For Sale CLARK COUNTY FARMS. 20 ACRES. Fine vel land, 1 miles from new elec tric carline and new townsite and i mi from Vancouver, on good level, road; enough vreen saw timber to pay for land; prtce $loOu. S3 1-3 ACRES. 8 acres under good state of cultivation, some cord wood ; land level, some swale ; good well, ferced, 2 miles from country town. S4 miles from railroad town and 12 miles from Vancouver; price $16o0. 120 ACRES. 60 acres under fine state of cultivation, balance pasture and timber; 6-room house, barn 50x54. granary, hoghouse and all other necessary outbuildiuizs: acres fine , orchard in full bearing; place fenced and cross-iencea; living water on every forty, water piped to house and barns; 4 miles from river and railroad town ; 2 miles from river town and 16 miles from Van couver; in excellent neighborhood, with good school and church advantages; price 50O; . terms. THOMPSON A SWAN. 206 Rothchlld Bldg., Portland. Or. National Bank Bldg.. Vancouver. Wash. 160 ACRES. With SO acres under fine state of culti vation and in crop, consists of potatoes, oats and timothy and clover; plenty of good pasture; about 25 acres of this un cleared land can be Pleared for less than $20 per acre; land lies fine and is well drained ; good 7-room house, barn 4Sx6S. fine stone dairy and fruit cellar, with liv ing water, engine-house. Including engine and feed chopper ; 2 acres of assorted orchard In full bearing ; personal prop erty: 3 good horses. , wagon, hack, top buggy, mower, rake, plow, cultivator. 2 harrows, 6 cows. 2 heifers, 6 hogs, double and single harness, separator, new stump puller, 2 dosen chickens and all small tools; all for $S00O. terms; only 12 m'les from Vancouver. 18 miles from Portland, and 3 miles from a good country town. See this at our expense. THOMPSON A SWAN. 206 Rothchlld Bldg.. S7 Washington St, and v National Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Wash, 21 ACRES. 15 acres in high state of cultivation, two acres of good timber, balance seeded to pasture; small young family orchard, aU kinds of berries; good family garden; good new 6-room house, barn, woodshed, chicken-houses, all new; some household furni ture; all farming machinery and tools; one full-blooded Jersey heifer; good team of horses two seta of harness : heavy wagon and spring wagon; about 50 chick ens; is tons of hay In barn. This place lieB in a beautiful open country. H mile from streetcar station, H mile from a good country town, Si mile from school', high school, -on main county road ; 13 miles from Portland. If bought at once, can be had for $KKH); $3000 cash- balance long time. M. E. THOMPSON CO., Real Estate, Insurance. Loans, Henry bldg.. 4th and Oak sta. Main 6084. A 327. ' MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. 20 acres, with 5 acres under fine state of cultivation, and in crop, some easily cleared; 1000 cords of green timber and wood, land lies level, fine soli, good well and spring, good 6-room house, barn 32x56, good chicken-house, all fenced, fine fam ily orchard; R. F. D. and telephone serv ice: one mile from school, 1 Vs miles from small town and 10 miles from Vancouver, on a good road; personal property: Good team worth $400, 1 cow, hack, buggy, har ness, single and double, all crop and small tools and some chickens. This is without doubt the cheapest place in the country and will sell to the first man that sees It- Price $2500. terms. THOMPSON & SWAN. 206 Rothchlld Bldg.. 287 Washington U and National Bank Bldg.. Vancouver, Wash, A HOME ON THE COLUMBIA. 5 sibres, with 187 feet deep-water fronts age. 187 on fine road; 4 mile from sta- tion of 8. p. A S. ; 3Vi acres orchard, liv ing water, fine view of Vancouver, Port land and Columbia River; 3H miles from business district of Vancouver; price $3500. 4 cash. THOMPSON & SWAN. 206 Rothchlld Bldg.. Portland. Or. National Bank Bldg.. Vancouver, Wash, 160-ACRE RANCH. 40 acres under cultivation. 40 acres pas ture and the rest consists of good timber; 1 an good soil; located on the Fish hawk, two hours from Columbia River and lha Columbia River Railroad station. New and better railroad connections in near future; land changes hands quickly in that vicin ity. Price $4000; easy terms offered. In quire of William U. Panckow, 1220 Geary; street. San Francisco, Cal. FA RM S. . 23 miles from Portland, 39 acres, 3 miles from town and R. R. rtation: 12 acres cleared, small stream on place; 5-room house, large barn, chK.kens, team and wagon. 3 cows, rural delivery; price $3000. " y cash, balance long time. We have lOO farms listed, from 5 to 260 acres, close to Portland. ASTMAN INVESTMENT CO.. Room 27 Washington Bldg. FOR SALE 200 acres of alfalfa land; 10 acres cleared; plenty of water; 1,500.000 feet of saw timber; good outside ranga for stock; house and two barns; 22 miles from Grants Pass, 1 mile from Selma, on line of proposed railroad ; price, $4u per acre; $4000 down, balance terms, 7 per cent Interest. Inquire H. L. Herzinger, Perkins Hotel, city, until Saturday 5 P. M. FOR SALE. A well-improved farm of 72 acres, near Warren. Columbia County; good 7-room house, plastered, barn and outbuildings; living water; nearly 50 acres in cultiva tion; cause of selling, old age: this place requires to be seen to be appreciated; $150 an acre if sold soon. For further particulars apply to John Dolan, R. F. D, No. L Warren. Or. 20-ACRE tracts, unimproved. 25 miles by rait from Portland; suitable for fruit raising and chicken ranches; well watered, plenty ol) timber for all purposes, best of sou. no rocs; or gravel; 815 to $25 an acre; easy terms. These are the cheapest tracts oa the markec and will bear inspection. Call and arrang i& go and see them. 810 Corbett bldg. 22ACRES Oregon Elect rio; all In cultiva tion; crops in ; good new house, fencing, buildings, stock, furniture and implement-; all goes for $3500, terms; near Donald sta tion; Vk mile to station; this won't last long. C. L. Bamberger, Main 2488, Room 2 Lumbermen's bldg. $55 AN ACRE. 506 acres. aU in cultivation: fine build ings, very best of soil, running water. 3 miles from good town; in Willamette Val ley, near Albany. 402 Lumber Exchange bldg. H. R. Black. ow"r.M FOR SALE- 10 acres, good rich land. 6 acres in cul- tlvatlon. one mile from car and stores; lies fine. Price only $2200. John Menke & Co.. 7th st.. near Main. Oregon City, Or. $55 AN ACRE. 155 acres in Willamette Valley, all In " cultivation; best of soil, well fenced, house and good barn; terms. 402 Lumber Ex change bldg., 2d and S:ark. H. It, Black, owner. 10-ACRE orchard tracts. unimproved, or railroad, 25 miles from Portland; best soil, no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; ar range with us to go and make seiectloms round trip same day. 310 Corbett bid g. J. A. CUNNINGHAM. For sale, farms, livery, bumness, ware house and business; prices reasonable; n exchange, p. Q. Box 74. Carlton. Or. LINCOLN COUNTY has plenty of rain, wood and water and mild climate; dairy and fruit lands; prices reasonable. O. G Dalaba. Efk City, Or. Miscellaneous. PUT your money where it will quickly growl Consult us for an ideal home farm or acreage, close In. that will make you- IN DEPENDENT and HAPPY. Right Land! Right Prices!! Right Terms!!! AMERICAN-SCANDINAVIAN REALTY COMPANY. 202 Henry Bldg. Phone Main 6701. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR N Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small, well-improved farm, at low price and oa most liberal terms, see me. 1 handle mj; own properties. J. O. ELROD, 520 Corbett Bldg. TOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE: A LARGE TRACT OF FIRST CLASS YELLOW FIR COLUMBIA RIVER TIMBER HANDY TO PORTLAND MAR KET; PRICE REASONABLE AND E ASIC TERMS IF DESIRED; NO MIDDLEMEN, ADDRJCSS A 143, OREGONIAN. - TIMBER LANDS ' BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M' CRACK EN. 204 McKay Bldg. FOR SALE 160 acres timber In Clatsop County, Or.; owners. Q 141, Oregonlan. TIMBER claims, homesteads, relinquish ments. 219 Worcester tldg. WANTED TTMBEB LANDS. TIMBER lands wantfV 304 McKay, bldg. C J, slcCracXeos,