Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 21, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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TIMBER tracts; give full descriptions, maps,
blue prints, cruisers' reports; lowest price,
terras. D. M. Fnlmer, 145 La Salle ,
TIMBER lands wanted.
304 McKay bide
C J. MoCracken.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
WHI buy second-hand vehicles when you
can get & new one from an old-established
wholesale bouse, 44 years in Oregon, at
almost the same- cost? We are located
outside the high-rent district, own our
building, and can make the price. Ex
clusive agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv
ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and
farm wagons. Be sure and see us before
you buy. It may save you money.
R- M. WADE & COh
B22 Hawthorne avc, bet. East 1st and 3d.
WE Have for sale 8 horses, ranging In price
from $175 to $1000, some that will surely
prove winners in the coming horse shows;
others that will suit the moderate buyers;
we only sell horses that we know will
suit and when dlasatished. your money is
promptly refunded; we do not ask you to
take another horse and pay a little more;
these horses we offer are safe, sound and
very attractive; ask any responsible horse
owner In Portland the class of horses we
handle; look at our horses before buying.
Kramer Stable. 10th and Alder sts.
Weight 23aO, sound, sale and fat. work
single or double, or ride; also nearly new
breeching harness, with collars and nearly
new farm wagon; sell team and harness
for $165. wagon r $65; make tine camp
ing or ranch Call 433 N. 26th at.
Itith st. car to L'tith, 3 blocks north.
UK SALE Horses, narness and wagons.
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and
mares. If not as represented they can be
returned. We also have on hand several
delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons
lor sale. Hawthorne-ave Stables, 429
r Hathtir" ave.
Standard and registered stallion, 4
years old and speedy ; cheap for cash or
will trade for Portland residence lot or
equity; owner leaving city. AM 148, Ore
go n i a n .
AllioOUUl MULKa UK ti-A.J.i2.
100 head, 120U to 1500 lbs., suitable for
railroad, logging and farm work. Mules
at Freedman Bros. barn, corner 13th and
Overton sis. Address Sparks s W iggia-
ton. Imperial Hotel.
IFOR SALE Span mares, blocky built, well
mated, sound and true, weight 23X; good
driving horse, 7 years old, weight lObO;
owner leaving city. Ask for "V hite, 334
MUST sell at once, fine 2400-lb. team horses,
6 and 7 years old; fast travelers; true
pullers, single or double; gentle; $J5.
uwner leaving city. Call 326 Tth st.
A 125 BUYS handsome horse. 6 years old,
weight 1400; tine looker and true puller;
taken on debt; useless to owner; must sell.
Call 43a North U6th st.
iOKTLA.D Stablest 2d North 15th. Main
1125; for fine horses and wagons FOR
HIRE by the day, week or month; flrst-
class business rigs.
FOR SALE Fine family mare, 6 years old
and sound; new rubber-tire runabout and
harness, must sell at once. 534 59 th st,,
end of Hawthorne carline. Tabor 2394.
OR SALE 1 Cleveland bay horse, perfectly
gentle. 8 years old; I will sell with him a
Babcock surrey with harness, etc. Call at
544 Williams ave.
A BEAUTIFUL, saddle hone, nicely gaiied,
6 years old, weight 1100 lbs., a thorough
bred and cUy broke. The Nobby Stables,
12th st. and Flanders. Phone Main 8020.
NEW. open runabout buggy, pole, and dou
ble harness; will sell for 1-3 of cost.
A 139, Oregonlan.
Ton SALE A fine span of matched black
horses, weight 2600 lbs. Hotel Moore.
Seaside, Or.
livery business, rigs, horses, harness, w&j
QgSjfpr wale, or refit. Main 2208.
MUST SELL fine 150-lb. horse, 7 years
old; work single or double; gentle; $125.
Owner leaving city. Call 326 Tth st.
KEW wagon, new harness, horse and mare
for saifr cheap. 736 Raleigh st.
fWANTED Child's pony. Address with price
and particulars. M 132. Oregonlan.
EASTERN Oregon horses for sale.
Stables. 12th and Flanders.
PIERCES ARROW. 7-passenger car, fully
equipped; car has been thoroughly over
hauled, new tires, and is in first-class
condition; will make terms; might take
some real estate.
416 Ablngton Bldg.
Will trade for city property to t he
value of $1700, or will take part property
and part cash; car bought new last year
and Is In good condition; 5-passenger.
extra large tonneau, top, glass front, tools,
etc. Phone C 274 6.
WILL take good 5-passenger auto 3909 or
1910 as part pay on fine 5-room and bath
bungalow just completed; IS minutes out;
monthly payments for balance. Room 609
Couch bldg.
T-PASSENGER ,80-H. P. Thomas Flyer, In
good condition; Just the car fur mage Una
or livery; $1500 cash or installments. West
ern A u to Co.. 531 Alder st.
MODERN 4-cy Under 5-passenger auto, 1909
model, fully equipped, first-class condition;
a bargain at $10oO, cash or terms! no
t radeg . D 1 26, Oregon lan.
AUTOMOBILES for sale, most any size and
make. Will also make old machines into
new ones. Hess & O'Brien, Union ave.
and Davis.
IOR quick sale, $250 cash, 10 h. p. Olds
mobile, in good condition, call 534 Borth
wlck st. after 5:30.
"WANTED A 4-cyllnder 1909 or 1910 run
about or 4-paasenger car for cash. P. O.
Box 12S. city.
23IGG EST automobile -bargain 5-passenger
Tourist, guaranteed flrst-class condition; ha
been used 6 months. N 141, Oregonlan.
FOR quick sale will take $90u for my 5
passenger auto; a snap. AB 133, Ore-
EUNNYSIDK lot. 35th St., trade for auto.
AF 143, Oregonlan.
BahGA IN Four-cylinder Ford ruosbout.
Se owne r. 2S0H Grand ave.
Birds. Dogs and Pet Stock.
CHOICE family cow; thoroughbred Jersey,
light fawn color; richest milk you ever
tasted. Fresh August 1. "Perfectly gentle
and family pet. Handsome spotted Shet
land pony, perfectly gentle for child of
any age; rides or drives; complete, with
riding saddle and bridle, two-seated Eng
lish cart, russet harness; all in good con
dition and nearly new. Will bo sold cheap
at once. 1242 Garfield ave.. r.ear Ains
worth. Piedmont. Wood law n car.
FOR RENT Good Kranlch & Bach upright
piano. Call Main 1774. from S A. M. to
13 P. M.
3L.t3A.'T piano, almost new; will sacrifice
for $125 cash. Room 321 Lumbermen!
bldg.fcth and Stark.
GOOD piano cheap. Call after 7 P. M.
Helns Apartmen t 15.
HAvE 2 riaiio checks will sell reasonable.
Phone .Marshall loll.
-Uscelian eons.
FOR SALE Milk route. 16 cows and one bull;
will consider renting premises; which has
capacity for doubling number of cows, in
qulre northeast corner Ftrit and Ankeny.
FOR SALE Milk route. Id cows and one
bull; will consider renting premises, which
has capacity for doubling number of cows.
Inquire northeast corner First and Ankeny.
19-FOOT pleasure launch and boat ho use in
food condition, $150. Sellwood 1622 this
IHKEE-ROOM houseboat, completely fur
nished, for sale; $HH will take it If Quick.
M. H- Baldwin. 129 4th at.
FOR SALE Complete office equipment,
desks, typewriter, etc.. In first-class bulld
1ns; . Telephone Marshall 2272.
xV. Ask for catalog. Rebuilt $15 op. N
M. Hayte r Co.. 9Q 5th St. Main 5529.
FOR S ALTO -Showcase, wallcasea, counters.
chotp.No, 222 Grand ave. Phone East 53d.
DAIL.Y NEWS route tn North Portland170
customers; price. $5. Phone A 1467 be-
fore 10 A. M.
FOR SALE A second-hand traction" wood
BEST 4-foot fir cordwood $5. B0, delivered.
Alultnomah Fuel Co.n Bqth phones.
231 Stark St. Main 14Q7.
NOTES and mortgages bought and sold. Na
t tonal Credit Ass'n. 601 Worcester bids-.
VIOLINS, banjos, m&ndollns. gutters at half
rnular rripes. Uncle Myers. 71 6th at.
FOR SALE Antique black walnut parlor set.
J 141. Oregonlan.
MOTOR-CANOE, good condition, for ssl
cheap. Main 1796.
GOOD 22-ft. launch for sale cheap. Inquire
2'JS H Morrison st.
bHOWCASES, new and second-hand. SIS
Everett, cor. 6th. Also fixtures.
WOOD SAW. steam; will sell cheap. Phone
Main IrtOrt.
boo business cards. $1.25 it you bring this
- ad. Rose City Prlntery. lit 2 3d st.
GOOD pitno. bedroom suite, carpenter's
tools, cheapfor cash. 23 Eugene st.
X-AUNCH tor sale cheap. Investigate. Ta
boc loAS. J
bE WING machines, special sale on splendid
lot of fine second-hand machines of all
leading makes. Singer. Wheeler & Wil
son. New Home, White, Domestic, House
hold and others, to make room for new
Singer 66 and rotary. Singer Sewing
Machine Store. 9. S. Sigel. agent. 35
Morrison st. Pnone Main 2183. A 4599.
FRENCH Automatic Card Press, with 20
ionts or type, cabinet and full equipment,
for sale; will take $100 down, balance
easy payments; price $300. a hustler
should have no trouble paying for this
with results of his work. Room 6C9 Couch
LAUNCH for sale, 18 feet long, 4 H -foot
ucw-ji. -u. ciisiue, oax oec, cusnion
seats. A bargain. See owner, 622 Cham
ber of Commerce.
THE Northwest Typewriter Company. 223
only company selling strictly ctory re
built typewriters: nnrn. tin r
BARGAIN. $50 No. 1 milch cow, giving 4
p , ..m.. M .mm. rnuuu laDor so.
Highest price paid for men's cast-off
clothing and shoes. The Globe Second
hand store. 290 First. Main 080- We also
buy ladles clothing.
WANTED At once, second-hand gasoline
v"6""' wiiarjiie or auto;, iz to 24 no teg
power; must be cheap; give price and de
scription. William C. Baxter, contractor,
Kelso, Wash.
WANTED A small, 2-cyllnder. double drum.
pile driver engine with boiler; also pul
leys and irons to put frame together with;
write with full particulars. at once
Wrhlte Bros., box 281. Olympia, Wash.
W ANT two motorcycles: give complete de
scription and lowest cash price; leave re
ply AG 149, Oregonian office not later than
. Thursday noon.
WANTED Men'a cast-off clothing and shoes-;
we also buy household furnishing, ; highest
prices paid. Call at the "Fair DeaL 63
" d st. Main 72.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford
Auction Co. r you'll get less. Phones: A
2445- Main 8651.
WANTED OfTice desk and chairs, 3 rugs.
about 9x12; must be reasonable. Y 146,
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
jri"1011 alwaya given. Phone East 1067.
WANTED A 16-foot canoe. H 144. Ore-
WANTED Good leather suitcase. State
price. AH 140. Oregonlan.
DRLG clerk wanted, man of 40 or more,
who wants a good Job; windows, show
cases and floor to be kept clean; no mani
cure artist need apply. 2 to 4 P. M. 375
11th st.
SALESMEN WANTED To sell vetch sepa
rators and foul-seed cleaners throughout
Central Oregon; an exceptional opportun
ity for the right man. Globe Grain Sepa
rator Co., 660 East 17th st.. Portland. Or.
WORKING men wanted ; all-around men
lor work on farm and racetrack; all
kinds of work; steady Jobs for steady
men at fair salaries. Call afternoons.
Merrill, 334 Oak st., near 7th'.
WANTED Experienced pantry man, $40
per month with board and room. Address
Hot Lake Sanatorium. Dr. W. T. Phy,
Med. Supt and Manager, Hot Lake, Ore
gon. WANTED at once, young men to learn to
spin yarn; fair wages to start; steady
work guaranteed throughout the year. Ap
ply to superintendent Portland Woolen
Mills, St. Johns, Oregon.
HOSTLER wanted; must be good horseman,
sober and "industrious, married man pre
ferred, best of references required ; good
wages. Inquire Royal Bakery, 11th and
Everett sts.
STENOGRAPHERS and typists to famlllar-
i;ce inemseives witn taming a lc tat ion on the
Dictaphone; lessons free; positfons guar
anteed. Gall between 1:30 and & P. M.
nuom ii i iienry oiag.
MAN, with some experience as camp cook.
cruisers; wages $05 per month. Call
Thursday at 314 WellB-Fargo bldg.
WANTED Man and wife on ranch In Hood
River section; must furnish reference; a
desirable place for the right parties. R
132. Oregonlan.
YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway
mall clerks, pustofflce clerks, carriers, etc.
Writs or call for Book SO, it's free. Pacific
EUtea School. McKay bldg.. Portland. Or.
DAY bartender and wife for light upstairs
work; middle-aged man, not afraid of
work preferred. Call afternoons. Merrill
834 Oak st., near 7th.
WANTED Good man for work in young
o r l. 1 1 w-u . Bicauy joo. z you aisiiKe work
don' t answer this. D. L. McLeod. Lyle,
WANTED Stenographer who undemtanri
bookkeeping; wages to commence $30 per
mwit ii. AiJyiy Pin i.
WAITED Experienced man to care for
Hood .Kiver apple orchard; steady Job.
M 140, Oregonian.
LEARN to operate moving pictures: oper
ators earn $35 weekly. Moving Picture
iacnooi..-o.o wasn., pet iothand 17th.
YOUNG man for restaurant work; one that
can wait on table; $10 per week. 506
vvasnmgton st.
WANTED Reliable man used to farm pro
duce; pay $25 week; small investment re
quired. Particulars 248 Stark at.
A GOOD, steady. Industrious married man
no children, to take care of horses. Apply
W ANTED A man to teach French and
Herman in a private school. AddIv at
room 202, PortlandHotel, today.
WANTED Busboys. Portland Commercial
Club. Apply to head waiter, between 8 and
10 A- M.
WANTED Butcher; one . who can also
care or storeroom in large restaurant.
AU a-, urt gonian.
MEN to work in brickyard. Take Heights
car, get vil a.-, v ion, waiK i mile to stand
ard Brick & Tile Co.. Sylvan.
RELIABLE partner wanted to oversee hfin
answer phone calls, etc; pays $25 a week
., jrom start. laa -ai i .poara or Trade.
WANTED First-class automobile repair
jiiuu, nunc uuicrs ueeajappij-. AIOSS &.
u orien, cnion ave. ana Davis.
WANTED Hotel clerk, state exnerience.
referencea and telephone number. Address
A a no, oregonian.
WANTED Two cigar salesmen; must be
expenencea men. Appiy to A. O. Par
sons, room xix. sicnay biag., alter 4 P. M.
COLLECTOR. 22 to 26 years old. ii-isti.--
surety bond, advancement. $14. Apply 10
FOCNDRYMAN. first class, capable of hold
ing icremansnip, tor position out of city.
$1 TO $o5 week few months only learning;
graving School. Box 1S2. Ashland. Or.
WANTED Strong boy. IS to 20 years old.
Apply 8 A. M. southeast corner 12th and
WANTED Strong young man to handle
stock in wholesale house. C 143. Ore
gon lan-
WANTED 3 experienced trunkmakers at
once. Portland Trunk Mfg. Co., 8d and
Pine sts.
LIPM AN, WOLFE & oo! want aii expe
rienced salesman in the silk department.
YOUNG experienced dishwasher $10 week
.so 6 Washington st.
EXPERIENCED pot washer. Peerless Cafe
J e r-la, 1 04 oth st.
BITCH ER wanted,
and Yamhill.
Bay City Market. -4th
WANTED Pressed Call 432 Stark itT
Crown Tailoring Co.
FIRST-CLASS blacksmith for out of town"
Apply 222 Commercial Club bldg.
GLAZIER wanted. Portland Sasti & Door
iK. wanted; must be over 14. Apply 64-i
Union block. 22TH Stark st.
DiMiWASHBR wanted at Auto restaurant
mo2S Washington st.
Good location. B 140, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man to work in restaurant. Thomp
son's Restaurant. 144 4th st.
W ANTE D A first-class tailor and presser
SSH Sd St.. room 10.
WANT ED First-class shoemaker. Inquire
at the store. 2S2 Grand avenue.
FURNITURE ftnishern. 15th and Thurman.
Carmen Manufacturing Company.
FIRST-CLASS chef wifhes position, hotel or
restaurant. J 130. Oregonian.
WANTED Bright office boy. Apply today
American Can Co.. 14th and Front sts.
WANT reliable slaughter-house man for
country. Apply 220 Front st.
MEN for factory near Portland; married
men preferred. 33 Sherlock bldg.
GENERAL helper, children's home. SS7 Cor-
bett su
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents;
new offer. Cutberth studio. Dekum bldg.
BARBER wanted; steady work. 304 Bern
side st.
SALESMAN ; salary and commission. Call
between 8 and 9 A. M. 310 McKay bldg.
NIGHT man and a dishwasher. 1.18 KU
Ilr.gsworth ave.
HELPEa -wanted. Columbia Wire v Iron
SVorks. at fiUk- and. Market, at.
WANTED Pour millwrights; new construc
tion work, $44)0.
Rough and bridge carpenters, $3 to
Mill fireman, $3 day.
Planer feeder (sirer), $3.
Mill blacksmith. $3.50.
General blacksmith, count rv shop, $3-30.
Donkey engineer, $90 month.
"Donkey -fireman. $2-75-
Night fireman, hotel, city, $60 month.
Lumber graders, $2.50 and $2.75-
Camp flunkeys, $35 up.
Waiters. $40 up; dishwasher, $25 to $35;
Chore man, $25.
Farmhands and hay hands, $35 to $45.
Hundreds of other Jobs, too numerous
to mention here.
Main Office. 12 N. 2d st.
AT C. R. HANSEN & CO., 2S North 2d St.
Phones Main 1526, A 1526.
Hotel and Restaurant Work.
Head faller, $S.75.
Second faller, $3.50.
4 buckers, $3.
Rigging rustler, $3.25.
Loader, $3.50.
Blacksmith, $90, and board.
Bridgeman. $4.
Blacksmith's helper, $2.75.
Flunkey, $40.
Track foreman, $85.
Concrete formsetter, $3.50.
2 drillers, city, union wages.
8 br4dge carpenters, $3.
Extra gang foreman, $S0.
Ratchet-setter, $3.
Second cook, $50, $55 and found.
Fry cook, beach resort. $60.
All kinds of kitchen helpers, etc, $10
New Jobs coming In all the time.
Splendid opportunity open to wide
awake, energetic salesman ; best addition
in city. There Js only one Council Crest
Park and we havo the cream ; all im
provements, including hard -surface pave
ment. I want a few salesmen of good
appearance who can make good to handle
high-class clientage. Ask for Mr. Hen
derson, 9 to 10 A. M.
122 6th st.
WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. 8.
Marine Corps, between the agee of 10 and
85; must be native born or havu first papers;
monthly pay $15 to 6d; additional com
pensation possible; food, clothing, quarters
and medical attendance free; after SO years'
service cam retire with 75 per cent of pay
and allowances; service on board ship aad
ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at
Breeden bldg., Ad and Washington tsv
Portland. Or.
MEN WANTED, age 18 to 35. for firemen,
$100 monthly, and brakemen $S0, on nearby
railroads; experience unnecessary; no strike;
promotion to engineers, conductors; railroad
employing headquarters, ever 500 men sent
to positions monthly; state age; send stamp.
Railway Association, care Oregonlan.
Manufacturer's broken lines seized by
Jimmie Dunn at 40 per cent less than
wholesale price and sold by him at no
. rent prices. Regular $20 to $25 suits at
$10.S5. Regular $30 to $3o suits at $14.85.
Knew Sample Suit Shop, 315 Oregonian
bldg., Jimmie Dunn. Mgr.
MAN" IN DELICATESSEN, experienced man
to assist in our delicatessen. Apply at
once to superintendent-
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
S weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert
instructors; tools free: write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges, S3
North 4th st.. Portland, Or. '
THE Greater Meier & Frank Store requires
the services of an experienced kodak
salesman. Also experienced crockery pack
ers and a young man who understands
how to run a card-printing machine. Ap
ply S A. M- to superintendent, sixth floor,
WANT a first-class man as bookkeeper and
- also a first-class man as clerk in general
merchandise store; -will be at Perkins Ho
tel r.t room 111 from 2 to 5 P. M. on
Monday and Tuesday, after which you
may write G 130. Oregonlan. Must have
first-class refere nces. .
WINDOW DRESSER wanted by large firm;
only those having several years' experi
ence with large concerns need apply; a
high-grade position for the best man in
the business; state age, salary and full de
tails of experience ; application conil
dential. Address X1L, Oregonian.
W ANTED Men anu ooys at Los Angeles;
no expense for Instruction; learn automo
biles, electricity. plumbing, bricklaying
trade In months Instead of years: study half
and work half time; catalogue free; United
Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles.
T. M. C. A. The friend of the young man
and stranger ; hearty welcome and good
counsel are yours without cost. Constant
demand for men w ho can do something
well. Special employment membership as
sures employment. Investigate before you
FLOOR MANAGERS Thoroughly exper
ienced first-class men. Apply io superin
tendent Olds, Wortman Ac King.
OUR motion-picture department, the best
on tho Coast; competent instructors teach
In two weeks; make men competent for
position: we have applications daily for
operators; pays $25 to $40 weekly. Pacific
Amustment Exchange, Marquam bldg.
EXPERIENCED drivers, only those who
know the city need apply, giving refer
ence and phone number. AE 130, Ore
gonian. WANTED Wide-awake salesmen to handle
an established line; salary and commls
sion. AK 144, Oregon Ian.
BARBER wanted, good man, steady Job. 165
N. 6th st.
MOTION-PICTURE operator, salary $30 per
week, steady work. AN 148, Oregonian.
WAN TED- Strong boy in cake department
Royal Bakery, 11th and Everett.
CUTTER and glazier for art glass. Edward
Bruns Co.. 68 lj 1st st.
EXPERIENCED young man in grocery sip re.
293 1st st.
WANTED Barber; steady job.
CARPENTERS wanted at Peninsula schooL
BARBER wanted; steady. 266 1st st.
WANTED Men and women solicitors for
low-priced magazine ; experience not nec
essary; pay every night. Call after 4 P.
M. Hotel Acme, room 1, 1314 Union ave.
A JAPANESE boy wants a teacher of Eng
lish In the day time. R. Takeda, 94 8th
st. North.
GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write for
Portland examination schedule. Franklin
Institute Dept 249R. Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Bellboy, also chambermaid, Sar
gent Hotel. Hawthorne and Grand ave.
positions to A-l Instructors.
oflers good
611 S wetland.
WANTED Experienced saleslady on cloaks
and suits. Call at 430 Washington street.
MANICURIST Lady wanted to open parlor
at Club Shaving Parlor, 575 Wash, st.
GIRL wanted for general housework. Phone
Marshall 1611.
WOMAN cook, small crew. $45. St.
Agency, 303 Waah. Main 2U39
WANTED Boy for messenger service. Ap
ply Public Library, 7th and. Stark sts.
WANTED Marker and distributor. Vancou
ver Steam Laundry, Vancouver, Was h .
WANTED Waitress, at California Oyster
House. 106 N. 6th st.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
$40 per month. Phone Marshall 2123.
J WAITRESS, 431 E- Morrison st.; no Sunday
lil RL for general housework,
mook. C 1416, East 1771.
425 Tilla-
DINING-ROOM girl for private boarding-
house, tao noyt bl
WOMAN who can embroider monograms.
Jacobs Shirt Co.. 291 Stark.
FINISHERS on men's neckwear. Columbia
Neckwear Mfg Co.. 231 Stark.
GIRL to assist with housework,
shall, near 22d st,
709 Mar-
GI RL for general housework and cooking :
wares $30. Phone Main 4152.
SALESLADY Salary and commission.
310 McKay bids-
WOMAN cook for delicatessen, good wages.
515 Jefferson.
LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by
expert; $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3S93.
WANTED Stenographer. Apply Studebaker
Garage. Chapman and Alder.
WANTED An experienced dry goods sales
. lady. Inquire at 2S5 First St.
GIRL wanter for fruit stand. 275 Burnslde
GIRL for general housework, small family.
Apply 541 East 17th st. North.
hr-Lf wanted.
Union Laundry Co 2d and
BOOK KEEPING Private lessons. 3 nights
J5 yeri month. 561 Belmont. East 14S4.
WANTED Experienced girl for gen. houa
fFOffkt ALy. room, a 01 OregoiUaa fckXtv
need the servicese of large number of
experienced saleswomen in the following
16 years of age and over, who wish the
opportunity to enter a business career.
Cooks, $40 to 50.
Cooks, - restaurants. $10 to $11.
Cook and second, private family, $55.
Waitresses, $25 to $30.
Waitresses $S per week.
Factory help, $L50 to $2.50 per day
Camp waitress, $35 per month.
Other good positions.
Ladles' Dept. 205 Morrison St.
WANTED Several bright young women to
learn telephone operating; students paid
$20 per month while learning; a thorough
training given each student before as
signment to position. This is an excep
tional opportunity for such applicants that
qualify. Apply to SCHOOL PRINCIPAL
at our EAST OFFICE, East Ankeny and
6th sts., between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M..
week days.. The Pacific Telephone & Tele
graph Co.
GENERAL housekeeper on Hood River
ranch; must be good cook and have pleas
ant disposition; strong, middle-aged wom
an preferred; wages $40; permanent posi
tion and ideal home for the right party;
family of young men. Address Box 617,
Hood River, Or.
WANTED AT ONCE Experienced seam
stress for cloak and suit alterations.
Roberts Bros., 3d and Morrison sts.
WANTED Stenographer, rapid operator;
bright, good appearance; must have ex
perience; state full particulars as to speed,
age, experience. Address box AH 149, Ore
gonian. STENOGRAPHERS end typists to familiar
ize themselves with taking dictation on the
Dictaphone ; lessons free ; positions guar
anteed. Room 417 Henry bldg. Call bet.
1:30 and 5 P. M.
Mangle girls, machine girls, st archers
and hand ironers; best wages: 9-hour day.
e cond and Everett.
EXPERIENCED tick sewer and cutter,
competent to take charge of sewing-room
in large mattress factory. Address, stat
ing previous experience, AN 147, Oregon
lan. THE Greater Meier & Frank Store requires
the services of an experienced kodak
saleswoman. Apply - to superintendent,
sixth floor, annex.
TWO modern six-room dwellings, good lo
cation. East Main at., $20 and $22; per
month. Western Oregon Trust Co., 7
Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED Reliable housekeeper, 2 bache
lors, new home; a good, easy place; no
objection to child; reference. Woodlawn
1935. Phone between 6 and 9 A. M.
WANTED Lady for housekeeping; prefer
middle-aged lady, one who can sleep at
home; good wages. Phone A 4353 or call
703 Irving st.
Day and night school for shorthand, book
keeping, typewriter, English, etc; enter
now; low tuition rate; positions guaran
teed. B. B U-. 630 Worcester blk.
MIDDLE-AGED woman, unincumbered, for
general housework in family of three
adults. In good country home; must be
good. cook. W 147, Oregonian.
WILL furnish housemaids and any and all
kinds of competent help on short notice.
u,aii or pnone so.. 303fc Wash St..
GIRLS wanted, experienced with power sew
ing machine, only steady workers wanted.
Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. 27 North
1st st.
WOMAN for cooking and housework, coun
try home, near city; small family, city
conveniences; good wages. After 2 P. M-,
194 First st.
EXPERIENCED cashier, able to do simple
bookkeeping ; reference required. Peerless
Cafeteria. 104 5th st.
GIRL for general housework; 5 rooms, in
family; take W.-R. car to 37th St., go 4
blocks north. 10S2 Arnold st.
WANTED Woman for general work out
of the city; nice placeL Call 230 10th
WANTED Manicurist, temporary position.
Call after 6:30 P. M. Marshall 1660,
Room 415.
WANTED A girl over 16 years old, to take
care two small boys. Call 114 N. loth.
Take S. car. Call before noon.
WANTED An experienced waitress; good
wages. Apply Imperial Kant on g Cafe,
450 Washington st.
GIRL for cooking and housework. 747 East
MadlBon st. Hawthorne or East Morrison
WANTED A lady to work in boarding
house for her and her husband's room and
board. 1214 Russell st- Phone East 3878.
DEPENDABLE maid for 2 children; must
have good city references. O. M. Smith,
695 Davis st.
GIRLS for shooting gallery and bowling
alley, $12 a week. Apply at Model The
ater. 69 North 3d st.
WIDOW woman with one child to cook on
farm for one man most of time. C 131,
COMPETENT girl for housework,
service required, good pay given.
4412, A 4426.
FAMILY cook, second girl, country; house
keepers, chambermaids. St. Louie Agency,
3'3 Washington st. Main 2039, A 4775.
COOK, country, $50; beach help, $30; city,
country, family; camp help. Howe's
Ladies' Agency, room 314, 326 Wash.
WANTED Typewriter, abstract work, $33
per month ; $45 if experienced. Y 145,
EXPERIENCED operators for body Ironers,
experienced mangle room girl. Call Port
land Laundry Co., 9th and Couch sts.
WANTED Girl for general housework and
cooking. 455 East 14th North. Phone
E. 4409.
GIRLS WANTED Press operators and help
for mangle. Yale Laundry, 500 East Mor
rison. MIDDLE-AGED responsible woman for gen
eral housework; must be good cook. 705
LADY musician wanted; state age and ex
perience; steady position. AJ 145, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED pressers for ladies' gar
ments ; good wages. Vienna Dye Works,
226 3d st.
WANTED to hire a strong, healthy boy 9
months old. cared for in a good home.
AK 146, Oregonlan,
326 hk Washington St., Room 314-
Main 8836 or A 3266.
S48H Washington St.. Cor. 7th, Upstair
Phone Main 269k.
WANTED Reflaed capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 609 RotbchUd
bldg.. 4th and Washington.
LADY to learn beauty culture. Sanitary Beauty
College. 400 to 412 Dekum bldg. Make your
self independent.
FOUR ladies between 20 and 30 years for
shooting galleries; good wages. Apply to
275 Burnslde st.
GOOD girl for general housework; small
family. 733 E- Ankeny.
WANTED Competent cook; good wages.
Apply 779 Marshall, mornings.
GIRL for gene ml housework, small family,
easy work. 692 Schuyler st.
GIRL for housework; 2 adults; plain cook
ing. 437 Marguerite ave. W. R. car.
MILLINERY makers and trimmers wanted.
Apply Lowengart & Co.
NEAT, quick girl wanted,
rant. 122 14th st.
Stein's Restau-
W ANTED A competent girl for general
housework, family of 3. Call 697 Flanders.
GIRL for fruit stand at 269 Everett st.
TWO teachers, grade and high school. Call
today. 611 Swetland bldg.
YOUNG man. with fair education, quick and
accurate, wishes to learn banking or real
estate business; will commence with small
salary. W. 149, O regonian.
YOUNG MARRIED man seeks situation, posi
tion of trust, quick and accurate, thorough
ly reliable; no Sunday work. Y 128, Ors
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, experi
enced railroad and commercial, desires
position; Hke3 work. AB 147. Oregonlan.
1 I'PEWKITING wanted to do at home; ex
perienced stenographer; prices reasonable.
Phone Tabor 629.
GERM AN-AM ERIC AN. University educa
tion, wants steady employment. AG 142,
SITUATION wanted by wideawake sales
man. AC 146. Oregonlan.
Al bookkeeper and office man; food, reference.
St Uii Oregaxrtan,
.Bookkeepers and Clerks.
YOU N G man, hard, consclen tious h ust Ver.
w ho can prod uce Its. d estires posi ti on ;
formerly In business in New York; hours
no object and small salary expected until
ability hast been proven. Energetic X 149,
MR. BUSINESSMAN: Dc you need a live,
up-to-date accountant? Nw office man
ager for firm in East; $lSOO a. year talks,
nothing leas; references. Address Room 320,
Perkins? Hotel.
OFFICE MAN; long experience locally. C
142, Oregonlan.
FR E NCH salad chef. -French designs, also
Bengal curry dishes, wants position club,
hotel or restaurant, by day or week.
Augustine Alansone. 1S7 6th St.. Portland,
AN honest, sober, Industrious and thorough
ly reliable married man wants position as
watchman or janitor; references given.
Address B 126, Oregonlan, or phone Wood.
lawn S04.
STEWARD, experienced In hotel, restaurant
or club, wishes position: best of refer
ences, city or country. Address AJ 148.
5-PASSENGER auto for hire, with driver;
would like employment by day, week or
month. Cor. Union and Wasco. Phone
East 322.
CARPENTER work of every description, job
bing, remodeling repairing a specialty. Cum
mings & Catlin, 371 First at. Phone Mar-
ehall 2327.
JAPANESE boy wants work; few hours
daily, but not over 7 hours. Q 127, Ore-
COOK Competent, sober. reliable. younjr
man wishes position in hotel or clubhouse;
reierences.Hl 21 ,Ore gonian
POSITION wanted as porter; 21 months' ex
perience first-class hotel; good reference.
N 145. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED, all-around carpenter wants
employment, day or contract. Phone Sell
wood 1665.
A JAPANESE boy wants position doing
housework or any kind of work. Y.
Takeda. 94 8th st. North.
EXPERIENCED young German wants steady
place as gardener or as janitor. 792 Mon
tana ave.
TELEGRAPH operator. with experience,
wishes place as helper or small station.
Phone Woodlawn 2438. 790 E. 6th st.. IM
POSITION by young man, experienced Jan
itor and clerk; steady, temperate. B 143,
WANTED Position as interpreter by gen
tleman, speaking six languages. Address
AG 140, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, 33"! wishes position at any
thing; strictly temperate, would leave city.
M 142. Oregonlan.
HONEST Japanese desires a position, any
kind of garden work; has many years
experience. AN 145. Oregonian.
CARPENTER work of all kinds; jobbing, re
modeling, repairing a specialty. Cummlngs
& Catlin, 871 FlrBt St. Marshall 2327.
CHAUFFEUR, careful driver, wishes posi
tion with private family; can make, own
-.repairs. AG 144. Oregonlan.
YOUNG MEN. 22. 28. desire positions; farm
or an y thing. D 144. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish
all help. Main 4659. A 4073. 268 Everett.
LICENSED chauffeur wishes position in
private family. E 144. Oregonian.
LICENSED chauffeur wants position; good
mechanic. K 141. Oregonian.
AN old man to keep office open at low
wages.AB145, Oregonlan.
FOR housecleaning and lawn mowing phone
A 7709. Lennon.
CARPENTER work, any kind, day or con
tract, jrnone -Marsnau xazt.
. Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
BY a trustworthy young lady a position of
trust; has a good knowledge of Jewelry
Dusiness; Dest business references given.
AK 14Sj . Oregonlan.
YOUNG woman, experienced In bookkeep
ing and cashier work, wishes position. AH
WANTED immediately, temporary position
by competent stenographer with over three
years' experience. y 149, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posl-
tion immeaiateiy. a as, oregonian.
A DESIGNER from the East will make suits
ana aresses special low price to Introduce
work. The Westminster, cor. 6th . and
Madison. Main 5oS2.
ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors, 326
suite 216. Main 982. A 538L
LADIES' tailoring; alterations, coats re lined,
Mrs. Muckler, 430 Columbia st. A 4709.
NURSE 12 years experience, confinement
cases or care invalids specialty. Jura.
Hughes. main b99.
MIDDLE-AGED, experienced, practical nurse
wishes more engagements; doctors refer-
ences. iiiast 1001. $ mn.
LADY of refinement, with business ability
and experience, wants management of a
nrst-ciass apartment or rooming-nouse;
rererences given. Aaaress ir". u. ox 63,
WANTED By lady of experience, position
as lanaiaay or rooming-nouse or notei:
references given. Call or address Room
29, Hotel Hresim.
A LADY wishes position as housekeeper for
wiaower. rnone At a in
SITUATION wanted by German woman,
general housework, or widower's family;
willing to help with washing. Phone Main
6b after 6:30 P. M.
EXPERIENCED exchange operator wants
position; can furnished best of references.
O 142. Oregonian.
LADY cook and helper capable of handling
large crews requires camp position. V
14Q. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work.
214 Union ave. Nort h .
YOUNG German woman would like work by
the day. Call Main 8398
CHAMBERMAIDS, housekeepers, cooks. SU
Louis Agency, 303 Wash. Main 2039.
ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 per week
easily selling trees for the Oregon Nursery
Co., Orenco, Or. Good territory open; lib
eral proposition. Call or write to Orenco.
AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown
nursery stock is in demand ; sales th is
season will be Immense ; a nattering op
portunity; cash paid weekly; outfit free.
Salem Nursery Co., Salem, Or.
AGENTS with $1 tG $5 make $10 a day.
Send 10 cents for sample and informa
tion. Dept. B.. Krullefs Dutch Supply
Co.. Hillsboro. Or.
AGENTS wanted to aia us supply the de
mand for choice nursery stock ; outfit
free; cash weekly. Address Capital City
Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
We furnish the renter, collect the rent,
pay taxes, insurance and keep up repairs,
the same fur you as though the property
was our own; references, any bank in
245 H Stark St.
Phones a 3500. Main 35.
MARRIED couple, with baby, desire to rent
unfurnished, for long term, new. strictly
modern bungalow or flat, four to six
rooms; rent must not exceed $20, must be
select neighborhood, reasonable distance
from car; no objection to going out If
property, location, neighborhood and car
service is good. AF 147. Oregonian.
WANTED By married couple, no children. 5
or 6-room cottage. West Side, not too far
out; willtake long lease. K 137, Oregonlan.
REFINED couple wants small furnished
cottage close in; must be reasonable.
P h o n eA7 29 L,
THREE or 4 rooms, modern; steady renter
if suited. Call up phona Sellwood 1090
or, 794 9th st..E-
Modern furnished house, about eight rooms,
vicinity Willams and Russell. . AJ 147,
UNFURNISHED 4 or 5-room cottage or flat.
154 North 18th st.
NICE clean rooms, free bath, $2 a week and
up; corner of 12th and Washington. Phone
- Main 1038. 123 .12th st.
MODERN outside rooms, $2.50 to $2 per
week. Including baths; also housekeeping
rooms. 6&t Washington st.
FURNISHED rooms Elm Place, formerly
mm Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th.
THE LANDORE. 288 10th. near Jttmriutn-
AStfwJor Xurnished. rooms; oontraUy ioc&tec.J
Famished Rooms.
building; fine large ground-floor office; hot
amd cold running water In all rooms;
steam heated ; private baths; very richly
furnished. Rates only $3 and up pr
k: 50o up per day. Call and see us.
Northeast corner Fifth and GlLsan sts.
Seventh and Ankeny Sts.
ThU poetry may be bad
ot so this little ad.
which greets you in this paper.
So plain, plain, plain.
This little ad's no shirk.
For each one gets in its -work.
Just try us once and you're sure to com
Again, -gain, 'gain,
B. W. cor. 11th and Washington sts.
Modern brick building, steam heated,
private baths, hot and cold running water
In rooms, well furnished and now under
new management; excellent location, close
to shopping and theater district; rates
reasonable. Call and see what a comfort
able house It la. Transients solicited,
Both phones.
129 Eleventh st.
New modern brick building, steam
heated, private baths, hot and cold wa
ter In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy
and comfortable. Kates very reasonable.
Ca 1 1 and see us. Reg ular and transient
trad solicited.
124 14th. Cor. Washington St.
Every thing new ; large airy rooms, crin
gle and with bath; telephone In every
room, service free; rates by the day. week
or month; also unfurnished rooms.
MRS. J OS IB SMITH. Manager.
THE) BARTON, 13th and Alder, la now un
. dergoing a thorough renovation; 7o steam
heated, electric lighted rooms, all outside.
Rates 75c day; $lo month up. Suites with
running water $20 month up. Phones and
bath free.
HOTEL SARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. and
Hawthorne. Phone i
291, connecting every room. Private baths,
eievator lirat-cls grill. Special rates by
week or month. American or Euxope,
Transients solicited.
BACHELOR apartments, open building,
formerly occupied by Arlington Club; will
rent; single rooms, baths, every conveni
ence, valet service; new furnishings
throughout; best class In city. Alder and
W. Park.
Fine -furnished rooms, running water
pone, bath, etc., from $3 per week and up;
hne yard, 4 blocks from Postoldce, tran-
stent or permanent.
ROOMS Well furnished with running HOT
and COLD WATER In each, lignt and
well ventilated, fine beds and clean; rates
$2.50 to $5 a week. 341 Harrison sc. cor.
LARGE, pleasant, cool room on first floor
for two gentlemen, $11 each; also rooms
upstairs, $ and 4-.50 each. 165 and 167
loth st.
81S Oak su, corner Sixth. Large, light.
Airy rooms, elegantly furnished, el ec trio
lig nts. running water; low rates.
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, opp. PortlandHo"
tel, 330 Yamhill; first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite, modern, sj UD
transients solicited. Main 31. A 7177.
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; ail modern ooa
venienceg; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5M7.
PLEASANT rooms, light housekeeping if de
sired, .one block to Washington. 67
Grand ave., jast stark, modern, nrlvate
bath, pnone, elevator. East 5465. j
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts. well
furnished sleeping rooms .ou per Week
electric lights, hot baths free.
Furnished Booms lnjPriva teP -tT ij
ONE or two rooms, elegant and newly fur
nlshed. In new flat; rent reasonable; high
class residence district. If you see these
you'll look no further. 42-1-Va Hall su,
near 11th.
PARLOR, dining-room. front bedroom,
clothes press, bath, first floor, one block
from carline. Gas. lawn, use of phone,
some use of kitchen. For adults only.
Call Phone E. 3958, or inquire 8o2 E A s n.
TWO very desirable connecting rooms, either
en suite or single, for light housekeeping;
all mcdern conveniences. Phone Marsuall
IS 66.
LARGE outside front room, all modern
convenience; lawn, tine neighborhood; 5,
$10 and $12 per month, by week or day.
A 520. 575 Couch Bt., N. E. corner Ifatn.
VERY attractive, well furnished f"ront"foom,
bay window, for 2, in modern home; also
smaller front room, sleeping porch. 569
Everett St.
'A'VVO very desirable front connecting rooms,
suitable for 2 or 3 ladles. Home priv
lleges. 210 V 14th st.
$1.75 NICELY furnished frorTt room, mod
em, walking distance. 624 Flanders.
Main 7S15.
GOOD room, stylish new house, large porch,
fine bath. West Side, walking distance;
'breakfasts served; gentlemen. Main 2219.
2 GENTLEMEN can have large furnished
btrictly clean front room, $1.50 a week
each. 005 Everett st.
NICELY furnished rooms; modern conven
iences; reasonable. 495 East Clay. Phone
East 1606.
ONE room. $10; single, hot and cold water,
new, modern house on cool Mount Tabor,
breakfast if desired. Tabor 2169.
$U MONTH Nice front room, hath, fine lo-
cation, walking distance. 452 5th st.
FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences,
walking distance-269 14th st-, South.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room. 230 10th
A niceily furnished room cheap; in good
walking distance. 324 14th st.
NICELY furnished room $2
Main 8594.
per week, phone
ON E large room and board for two.
llthstreeU .
TWO rooms, en suite or single, with use of
kitchen. 361 10th st.
NICELY furnished front sleeping room! 450
LARGE, pleasant front room in quiet fam
lly; central; references. 327 7th st.
LARGE front room, corner Sixth and Mont-
gomery. 372 6th.
WELL-FURNISHED bedrooms, all modern
conveniences. 7S7 GUsan st. Main 3814.
LARGE front room.
Main 8186.
235 11th st. Phone
NICELY furnished front room. 153 13th st.
Unfurnished -Rooms.
Rooms With Board.
Hotel johnson, 321 water sZ win
open Sunday. July 24. Good home cook
ing; newly furnished rooms; rooms with
or without board.
ROOMS with board, $6 per week; home com
forts; 4 minutes' walk from Potoff tee;
phone and bath free; rooms without board,
$2 and up. The Llndell. 267 Market at.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and library.
610 Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath,
BEAUTIFUL front rooms, first-class private
boarding-house, facing the park. 374 Park.
THE CALVARD. 452 Morrison, cor,
w a 1 kin s distance.
13 th;
ROOM and board for young women.
Grand ave. N. Phone E. 201.
. Atoo ma Witn Atorj ui Jrriv tc ramny.
NICELY furnished, airy room. beautiful
grounds; exceptionally good table board.
Ideal piaoe for Summer. 90 East Sth st.,
corner of Washington- Phone East 1390.
FRoNT room for rent, with or without
board, for 2 or 3 young men; nice shade,
all conveniences. 475 Morrison at. Phone
A 7495.
PLEASANT, airy room, with board, nice lo
cation, walking distance. West Side; good
home cooking; reasonable. Main 3280.
buARD and room, bath, phone, home cook
ing, $6 per week. 191 llth, near Yam
hill. COOL, pleasant, modern room In private
home for two young men. breakfast and
dinner If desired. Main 4412. A 4426.
FURNISHED rooms In private family; gen
tlemen preferred. 211 Montgomery, phone
Main S39L
BOOM and board In refined private family.
712 Hoyt st.
TWO clean, cozy rooms, choice board, rea
sonable. 761 Marshall st.
King and Wayne sts. Apply to janitor.
THE KING DAVIS, corner King and Davis
sts. ; 3 -room, cool ; references.
THE CHETOPA 18th and Flanders Mod
crn 4-room apartments. Apply to Jan 1 to r.
AXMIRA APARTMENTS. 14th and Salmon.
swoon nuirjnnt.i x-awnaoio prusea
704 Hoyt st.
New brick a par tments. now ready f of
occupancy. 3 and 4-room suites, large
sleeping porches. electric and flrele&si
cookers, built-in iceboxes, bath and phone
In every apartment; electric lifts, steam
heat, hot nd cold water, janitor service,
vacuum cleaner; reference required- Phona
.Marshall 2Q10. m
On Lucretia st., bet. 22d and 23d sts-,
hear Wash. About ready for occupancy.
Mr. S. Silverfleld has just completed this
elegant and most modern apartment
building, the copy of one of the best New
York apartment-houses. Apartments can
be secured from S35 to $75. References re
quired. Apply to superintendent on th
459 Clay street, second house from 14th,
the only modern completely furnished 2
room apartment-house In the city ; house
and elegant furniture, brand new ; Just
opened for business; steam heat, electrlo
light, hot and cold water In every apart
ment; -private phone, bath; walking dis
tance; $lS-$25. including electrlo light.
Marshall 2074.
$25 TO $33 Fine West Side steam-heated,
apartments ; private bath and phone,
hardwood floors, small outside porch, fine
new brick building ; these are the best
and cheapest apartments in the city; they
are furnished with bedsteads, springs,
dresser, dining-room table, ice box ; do
look them up. Call 414 11th it, Dammeiec
Invest Co.
Cor. Grand ave. and Stark st.
New fireproof brick building, beautiful
ly furnished two and three-room apart
ments, private baths, wall beds, large
clothes closets; Summer rates. Phone
HEINZ apartments. 14th and Columbia-. 4V
blocks south from Morrison St.; new brick
building, completely first-class; furnished.
Id 2, 3 and 4 room family apartments,
Srivate bath, reception hail, steam heau
ot water, elevator, free phone. Janitor
service; rent from $25 per month and up.
RE-UKAN. Marshall, bet. 19th and 20th:
Nob Hill; walking distance; has beside
all modern conveniences of new and up-to-date,
house, by far most beautiful sur
roundings any apartment In city; all.
rooms outside light; elegantly furnished.
Either W." or "S" car.
finest 3 and 4-room suites In the city; pri
vate baths and phones, steam heated, hot
and cold water, disappearing beds. Garland,
stoves, porcelain-lined refrigerators eieaui
elevatorj $35 to $50 per month.
CECILIA APARTMENTS, 22 d and. Gllsan
and 3 room apartments, new 4-story
brick Just completed, all modern conven
iences, each apartment has private outside)
balcony,rent reasonable.
Strictly modern, large rooms and three
closets to every apartment; cool and airy
for Summer. 695 Lovejoy su Take Wl
car. m
FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, modern
In every particular; steam-heated, hot
-water. Janitor services, with flrst-clasa
furnishings. Apply to Janitor. 66. Kear-
ney st.
Washington sts., 3 -room apartments, have
every modern convenience. Including steam,
heat, hot water, private bath, free phones
and Janitor service; rent very reasonable.
su 1 elegantly furnished, l unfurnished
3-room apartment; strictly modern; cen
tra 1 1 y lo c a ted. ; both phones.
unfurnished 3-room apartments, all mod
ern conveniences, private porches, rea-
sonable rent Both phones.
Mrs. T. D. Hughes. Modern 3 and 4
rouia apartments; every convenience; botfe
THE WESTFAL, 410 Sth St.. furnished and
unfurnished apartments; private baths and
phone; elevator and Janitor service; rents
reasonable. Phone A 2038.
STEAM-HEATED 5-room apartment, mod
ern and desirable; 625 Everett st. Apply
Morgan, Fleldner & Boyce. 603 Ablngton
FOR RENT Newly furnished three and
four-room apartments ; modern conven
lences. The Leonce, ISO 2d st. North.
4-KOOM elegantly furnished modern apart
ment, complete for housekeeping; easy;
walking- distance. Marshall 1,29, A lli
THE CHETOPA, lSth and Flanders Mod.
ern 4-room apartments. Apply to janitors
- Flats.
THREE, new up-to-date flats, best location
in city. Call Main 1505. East 1187. W.
Keiat. 401 .rtotncnua Diag. Aioney na
object; want a jiood tenant.
FIVE-ROOM flat, steam heat, hot and cold
water; 15 minutes' walk from business
district, on carline. Inquire 272 WU
llams ave.
UNFURNISHED 4-room flat, bath, 3 closets
and fireplace; newly tinted. 551 East
Yamhill, between 12th and 13th. Phona
East 1710.
FOR RENT Good 5-room flat. 487 DavU
su; rent $20. Apply
85 Fourth. St.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co.. Main 161S. A 1984. All covered wag
.., ons. all experienced men.
NICELY furnished modern 5-room flat, beau
tiful lew, walking distance, sleeping porchc
piano; adults; rent $50. Tel. A 5347.
STRICTLY modern upper 5-room flat. 541
Filth, near Jackson, West Side, easy
THREE rooms, new, modern flats. 22d near
Clinton. Phone Sellwood 1762.
ST. CLAIR, 715 Wayne, modern 6 -room
apartment; two porches. Phone Main 4930.
NEW modern 5 and 6-room flats, corner
22d st. Inquire 712 Kearney.
MOUh'KN flat, 6 sunny rooms, choice loca
tion. 739 H Overton st. Phone Main 4220.
FLAT for rent. 174 E. 2d, North, comer
Oregon. Phone Woodlawn 362. .
4 NEW, modern 4-room flats, every con
venience. East 6, B 1404.
LOWER flat, 5 rooms and bath, $20.
quire 6S9 E. Morrison.
FOUR very line unfurnished rooms for rent.
Phone East 6381. Rent $25.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. Fur
nlshod for housekeeping, gas ranges, eleo
flo lights, hot water, bath, laundry, ail
free; $15 per month up; a clean place; best
In the city for money; short distance irons
Union Depot. Take "6" or 18tU it cars
.north, jget off at Marshall at. No dogs.
UNFURNISHED, two-room, bay window
suites, five blocks from Postoff Ice. 3o5H
Jefferson, corner Fifth st. Beautiful out
461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East Sth. com
pletely furnished housekeeping rooms, rea
sonable. THREE-ROOM furnished housekeeping
apartment; modern. Phone B 2516, East
$2 WEEK Clean, furnished housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas, heat.
yard, clean linen. 406 Vancouver ave.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping room, gas
plates furniahed, $1.00 per week. Belmont
Apartments. 480 Belmont at.
THE ASSEMBLY" 265 6th St., 1 large, fine
housekeeping suite, fine yard, use of phone
..and bath.
THE NEWCASTLE. 8d & Harrison. House
k'p'ng rms.Free phones, baths, hot water.
THE ELMS 2 and S-roora apartments, fur
ni3hed. 191 14 th su; transient solicited.
$1.60 week, large, clean f urn. housekeeping
- rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman,
$1.25 WEEK, clean fur. housekeeping rooms.
heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. "U" car.
$1.50 TO $2.00 & week Clean furnished
housekeepin rooms. DeSoto House, 291 2d.
HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms, strictly
modern, freephones. 490 Morrison st.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms,
walking distance; swell location; bath,
phone, laundry, porch. 656 Gllsan, between
2(nh and 21st.
MODERN 3-room flat, all furnished com
plete for housekeeping; rent very reason
able. 9S3 Mississippi ave. Take L car.
3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms on
ground floor; phone, light and water free.
215 East 34th St.
ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping, bath,
phone, laundry, gas plate. 165 North 16th;
adults only.
FOR riRht housekeeping, 3 furnished rooms
and kitchen, $14 a month. 614 E. 9th.
S- &. S. R. L. car; no children.
TWO finely furnished housekeeping-rooms. 1
sleeplntj-room, also tent. 353 12th bL
Phone Main 8643.
$18 FRONT parlor, regular kitchen. 148
. North 16th;walking dlstance. Main 6173.
$3 PER week, suite of housekeeping rooms.
walking distance. 409 Columbia st.
NICE large modern housekeeping rooms,
fine location. 392 Columbla-
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 148
13th st.. near Morrison.
2 OR 3 housekeeping rooms, gas plate, rea
sonable. 255 llth St., near Main.
VERY desirable housekeeping rooms, 32 N.
llth st., across from Armory.
FIVE large rooms, hall. bath, pantry, clothes
closet in each room. 447 Sth st.
ONE large furnished front housekeeping
room as. lnK and water. eo& Everett mU