TTTE - MORTiTNCr OREGOXIAN, WEDXESDAT, JTTLT ZO, 1910. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF SESSION IS BRIEF You Gan Win Success if you save part of your earnings. We Invite Your Account 2 to 4 PAID ON DEPOSITS OBEGOXIAH TELEPHOXMl Pa rifle States. RflffliL roanttrnr-Toora ......... .Main 7070 A eottS City Circulation.. ....... .Mala 7070 A 0093 Xanag-lng- Editor. ....... .Main 707O A 6095 Bunday Editor. .......... .Main 7070 A 60S Composing-room ........ .Main 7070 A 809S City Editor Main 7070 A 6095 Eupt. Buildings Main 7070 A o AMCBEMENTS. CRPHECH THEATER (Komaon oerwaen eixth and Be-renth) Vaudeville- Tnls arternoon at J :1a and tonlsnt at 8:15- CRAND THEATER CPark and wuhlnitni) Vandavllle, Thla afternoon at 3:16; taw nlht at 7:30 and 9. LYRIC THEATER (Serenth and Aldar Ansttronf Musical Comedy Company In "Halleye Comet." Tnla afternoon at :30 and tonight at 7:30 and tt. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Motion pictures. Continuous, from 1:30 te 100 P. M. DAKS PARK C W. P. earllne) Navustf Ladles" Band. Thla afternoon and tonight. Workmen Lodqe Completes Work in Less Than Day. eason RECORDER'S SALARY CUT Committee Is Xamed to Confer With Degree of Honor to Perfect Con solidation of Two Orders. Officers Are Chosen. CLOTHES BARGAINS Old Soldier Drops Dead. Michael Orewiler, a veteran of the Civil War, dropped dead yesterday afternon in the basement of a dwelling be was building at Wood-meoe, on the Mount Scott Rail way. Orewiler was about 68 years of age and was a member of 8umner Post, No. 12, G. A. R. He la survived by his widow and family. The funeral will be conducted from the chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder street, tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, under the auspices of . Sumner Post. Saloon Open Aster Hours. Dennis O' Sullivan, a saloonkeeper at 347 Morri son street, had his place open at 1:05 o'clock yesterday morning . and was ar rested by Sergeant Keinlein. When ad monished for keeping open after hours, O'Sullivan told the officer to mind his own business, that he was running the place. Keinlein. did not wish to press the charge and O'Sullivan was dismissed with a warning. New Train Service. Train every 30 minutes to Oregon City. First car, 4 A. M-. :30 A. M. ; last car, 12 ml dilight. Portland Railway, Light & Power Cd. WooffTKR' s for popular prices, 406 Wash. BRIDGES SHUT MORNING I c Mid Sale OREGOXIAX AT RKSORT9. For tb quickest delivery of Ties Orecoaiaa at Summer resorts, sab scribe tbxoach to following swesua. T City rates, Subscription by mall are payable invariably In adTanea. Ocean Park D. K. Beeehey. Lonr Beacb Strauhal Co. eeavlew Aberdeen Store. Ilwaco Ry. Co. 'ewa agent Colombia Beacb M. L. Gallaarher. Oearbart Park B. J. Falrnurat, Seaside Dresser Co. Bay Ocean Wearer A Weaver. Paelfle City D. Edmonda Newport Geo. Sylveeter. Canon, Waah. Mineral Snrtass Hotel Co. St. Martin's Sawyer. Springe Charles O. Collins Spring-. C. T. Belcber. Club Committees Named. The ' new officers of the Sellwood Commercial Club ere now In harness. Dr. H. C. Fixett, president, announces the following stand lug" committees for the ensuing year: House and property L. J. Hicks, J. W. Campbell,. Miss D. Jameson; finance and auditing J. A. Miller, D. M. Donaugh, U. A. Thompson, A. C. MowTey; mem bership A. J. Hoover, J. F. Kertohem, Peter Hume; reception R. S. Stearns, A. J. Hoover, M. D. Jameson;' publicity "W. H. Morehouse, J. L. Hacks, J. W. Campbell. The club has decided to foster the formation of a merchants' protective association, and encourage hard-surface pavement in Sellwood and the establish ment of manufacturing establishments. Vrebland's Mother Dibs. In a letter to a Portland friend, Thad W. Vreeland, ex-Deputy City Attorney, announces the death of his mother, Mrs. Mary F. Hall, in Chicago, last week. Mrs. Hall has visited her son in Portland several times. Dr. Keihle to Preach. Rev. David L. Xelhle, D. D., LL. D., has been secured to fill the pulpit of the Spokane-Avenue Presbyterian Church during August. Rev. D. A. Thompson, the regular pastor, -will spend the month at the seaside. Dr. Keilile was for several years professor of pedagogy In the University of Minne sota, and is an educator of reputation. Me is making his home for the present In Portland. COkaHTSRS Okdbirbd Off Walk. An ap peal on ii&half of aged and Infirm citizens against boys who ride coaster wagons on the sidewalks was made to Chief of Police Cox yesterday by P. Ferdner, who ays that the baby-carriage Is the only iwheeled vehicle that has any Tight to use the sidewalks. Mr. Ferdner says that the coasters frequently monopolize the walks and that It Is practically impos sible for a slow-moving person to get out of the way. The suggestion appeared to Chief of Police Cox to be well made, and he issued an order to all patrolmen that they compel the coasters to keep oft the eldew-alk. Tonso WoMsrw Takxj Novm, Ourrao. With. Mrs. Black, wife of Rev. H. a Black, pastor of the Second Baptist Church, &m chaperone, several young wo men, Sunday school pupils of Mrs. Black, are taking an outing at Mount Tabor in tents. Most of the young women are employed In the city, and have taken this method of getting an Inexpensive outing in the opea air 600 feet above the city. They come to the city In the morn ing and return In the evening and are having & fine time at very little ex pense. Mercury Goes to 91. Climbing steadily from a. snappy and invigorating minimum in the early hours of the morning, the temperature yesterday reached an ener vating maximum of 91 degrees at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and hovered about that mark for more than an hour before the Influence of the coming evening was felt. Though a light breeze stirred through the streets, it seamed to do little to alle viate the heat. The relative humidity was low and no serious effects from an unusually warm d-ay were reported. New Chorus Ib Organized. The Port land A Capella Chorus, with Frederick "V. Goodrich as director, was organized Monday nlsrht, 105 singers attending, and this committee was appointed to summon h meeting of the chorus for October 3 to" report as to constitution and bylaws; Miss May Breslinn. Miss Elizabeth Kin sella, 9. A. McCartney, Joseph Macqueen and J. P. "Wentz. The chorus, as con stituted at present, will sing selections of Irish music at the banquet to the. Hiber nians tonight. Hibernians Will Banquet Tokioht. The banquet and concert to be given to night at the Armory to the National con vention of the Ancient Order of Hiber nians, begins at 7 o'clock Instead of 8, as had previously been announced. F. W. Goodrich, the musical director for the oc casion, asks that all members of the chorus and orchestra report promptly to night at 7 o'clock at the Armory. Rev. Mr. Hotchkinn to Speak. Rev. Mr. Hotchkinn. who recently returned ( from Armenia, where he had been en gaged in missionary work, will be the principal speaker at the camp meeting of the Oregon Holiness Association, at Tremont Station, at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. The services this morning at 11 o'clock will be conducted by Mrs. Dean. EP WORTH LEAOUE WlU, RALLT.-The first quarterly rally of Portland District Kp worth League for the year will be held Friday night In the Montavilla Metho dist Episcopal Church, of which Rev. Harold Oberg Is pastor. The programme will consist of musical and literary num bers and games, and will be under the direction of Fourth Vice - President Godfrey. Church Debt Raised. At the dedica tion of the new edifice of the First Knglish Evangelical Church, on East Sixth street, Sunday, 16500 was needed to clear the indebtedness. The sum of $7100 was raised, which leaves a starter for the building of a parsonage. Ad Men to Meet Todat. The semi annual meeting of the Portland Ad Club will be held this afternoon, at 12:15 o'clock, as the Oregon Grill. D. O. Lively, named for president, has announced he cannot accept- Air. Scctford's papers on adver tising will be continued. Championship Tennis Evert Dat This Week. 10 A. M. Till 12 M.; 2 P. M. to 4 P. M. Irvinoton Tennis. Club. Take Broadwat Car. Rats War. Steamer Northland sails direct for San Francisco Thursday noon, cabin 10, steerage 5. berth and meals Included. Frank Bollaro. agent. 138 Sd st- Train Evert Hour to Greeham and intermediate points. First car. 6:i6 A. M., 7:45 A. M. then every hour up to M P. M-; last car, U:3S P. M. Portland Railway. Light & Power Company. WrLHorr Auto Stage leaves Electric I Motel, OcfiKQA SUZa -rlRY, 2 -P. -t a MAJOR M'INDOE MAKES HIS RECOMMENDATIONS. Approval Expected From Washing ton in Order Regulations May Be Effective by August 1. If the Secretary of War approves rec ommendations yesterday forwarded to Washington by Major Mclndoe, Corps of Engineers, TJ. 3. A., there will be no closing, of bridge draws during the eve- Mm, Frances Bnell Olion, of St. Paul. Mian Superior Cblef of Honor. nlng rush hours and In the morning they will be closed from 6:30 to 8:30 o clock, with two intervals in which vessels may pass, from 7 to 7:15 o'clock and from 7:45 to 8 o'clock. It is hoped to receive ap proval from Washington so that the regulations will go into effect August 1 me recommendations are as follows: As drawn, the ret? illations nrmlt thrtA closed periods of one-half hour each between 6:30 and 8:30 A. M.. with two open periods of 15 minutes each (7 to 7:16 and 7:46 to )) to accommodate passenger boats, mall boats and other vessels which might arrive at these periods. After careful consideration It was concluded that sea-going; vessels should oe perm it Lea to pass tne araws at any hours. in oraer not to interiere witn their talcing proper advantage of the tides. While the traffic during the evening "rush hours la heavier than during the mornina- it Is not considered advisable to permit a closed period in the evening, for the reason that the prolonged delay due to opening the draws to pass several vessels following a. closed period would cause greater incon venience to some people than is now cansed by several shorter openings. Delays In the evening when passengers are returning to i near nomei vrtj doi so xrouDieaome as m the morning. While It is believed that nermittintr th bridges to remain closed for specified periods wilt prove a detriment to navigation and may invite results more serious tho the community ana to tne position ox the city as a port than the Inconveniences It is sought to remedy, it is recommended that the new regulations accompanying be approved, in the hone that towboats and other vessels will be able to accommodate themselves to the changed conaiuons. PERSONALMENTION W. E. Gilbert, of Salem, is at the Im perial. Leslie Butler, of Hood River, la at the Perkins. P. Fitzgerald, of Seattle, Is at the Ramapo. E. B. Watterman, of Medford, is at the Imperial. Roy K. Carey, of Baker City, Is at' the Cornelius. W. M. Parker, of Albany, Is staying at the Oregon. W. W. Shore, & merchant of Dallas, Is at the Lenox. P. J. Fox, of Janesville, ""n t j8 at the Ramapo. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Green are staying at the Lenox. J. A. Renter, of The Dalles, , is regis tered at the Imperial. John B. Denny, of Juneau, Alaska. Is staying at the Portland. C. L. Robblns, of Nampa, Ida., is reg istered at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McKever, of Mora, are staying at the Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Crawford, of Walla Walla, are at the Portland. P. H. Kinney and wife, of Butte, Mont., are registered at the Ramapo. Mr. and Mrs. E. Boyles. of Aberdeen. are registered at the Lenox. helmer and U. S. Strasburger, of Cas cade Locks, are at the Oregon. J. H. Dunlop, president of the Stats Lumbermen's Association; A. EUrah- A. B. Moss and Fred M. Moss, mer chants of Payette, Ida., are at the Per kins. Mrs. Elisabeth B. Spencer, of Portland, is reported seriously 111 at the Sisters' Hospital In Seattle. At a meeting of the Massachusetts del. egation of A. O. H. held in the Imperial noiei last nignt It was voted unanimous- ly to support National President Matthew Cummlngs for re-election. CHICAGO Jnlv -l a -r land people registered at Chicago hotels today as follows: E. C. Mean, at the uiosress; xsertna Hummel, at the Strat ford; Dr. and Mrs. W. W. McMillan, a the Great Northern. AN IDEAL TONIC. During the early days of tire Summer months a tonic that is Invigorating and a good tissue builder is required. All of the necessary Ingredients toward such a tonic are found In Hop Gold Beer. Order a case today from the brewery direct. Phone East 4S. B-114C WHERE T0 DINE. AM the delicacies of the season at Uw Portland restaurant. Fine private apart-rr,-rr Hfilr ItiS '"'-Bhi, nmr irh at ........................ if t - : The biennial convention of tw e-rimri lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, of Oregon, went into session yesterday morning and by yesterday afternoon had finished all its business and adjourned, although, it usually takes several days to transact the business of tne lodge. Officers were elected for the next two years, the salary of the grand recorder reaucea rrom 160 to 125 a month, and a number of committees appointed, among them one of five members to confer with the grand lodge of the Degree of Honor this morning, to affect a consolidation with the A. O. U. W., if possible. This committee consists of Edward Werlein, R. L. Durham, Ralph Fee Dev. Dr. David waiKer and i. (j. Herrin. The grand lodge opened at 9:30. with 85 lodges represented by 94 delegates. Thirty-flve candidates were given the grand lodge degree. Reports from officers were approved, and a committee on cre dentials appointed, consisting of W. M. Parker, of Albany; C. J. Wheeler, of Portland; F. Wynn, of Portland; J. D. Johnson, of Marshfleld: E. I. Coad, of The Dalles; Ralph Feeney. of Portland; N. Clark, of Hood River: J. M. Pit- tlnger, of Ashland; R. A. Winkler, of Ashland; P. T. Harbour, of Wester; C. Scheubel, of Oregon City: A. C. Brown. of Lebanon", C. A. Pohl. of Astoria; G. L. Ford and W. J. Shannon. The officers for the next two years, elected yesterday, are: Philip Gevurtz, past grand master workman; George T. Baldwin. Brand master workman, Klamath Falls; Harry McClelland, grand foreman, Roseburg; Peter H. de Arcy, grand overseer. Salem; J. M. Dickson, grand recorder. Portland; rt. L. Durham, grand receiver, Portland: C. E. Balrd. grand guide. Baker Citv: Jesse Spencer, grand Inside watchman. uorvallls; S. P. Cathoart, grand outside watchman. Marshfleld. The officers were installed by Ralph Feeney, grand master workman; F. Berchtold. past grand master workman, and J. E. Werlein, grand guide. Durham was the only officer re-elected, but Baldwin and Mc Clelland were each advanced one step. Ane committee on jurisprudence con sists of A. King Wilson, A. E. Werlein and P. H. de Arcy. The committee on grievances and appeals consists of J. S. Pennebaker, of Salem; Alexander Martin, Jr., of Klamath Falls, and C. Strang, of Medford. The committee on arbitration is as follows: Newton Clark, of Hood River; J. L. Anderson, of Portland, and P. P. Olds, of Lafayette. The members of the committee on finanoe are: A. W. Allen, C. M. Steadman and Ralhp Feeney. . The convention adjourned to meet In Portland two years hence on the third Tuesday in July. The 14th session of the grand lodge of the Degree of Honor Is being held in the new I. O. O. F. hall. East Sixth and Alder streets. The grand lodge degree was given to 35 past chiefs. Past Grand Chief Hilda Belknap delivering the address of welcome. Superior Chief of Honor Mrs. Frances Buell Olson re- ' sponded. Adequate rates in fraternal orders was the subject taken up yester day afternoon by Mrs. Olson. Mrs. Mamie Wagley Briggs, past superior chief of honor. Is present, as well as Miss Maggie Barter, chairman of the superior finance committee. Grand officers present are: O. C. of H.. Mra. Harriet C. Looney; Q. I of Tt.. Mrs. 8adl E. Moore; O. C of C, Mrs. Ada Kuykendall; Q. recorder. Mrs. Ollle F. Stephens; G. receiver, Mrs. Sarah J. Wagner; Q. usher, Mrs. Mora Hendricks. Past grand chiefs present are: Mrs. Carrie Holman, Mrs. Julie Oault, Mrs. Mag-gle Houston, Mrs. wllda Belknap. Mrs. Laura Smith, Mrs. Mary Randall, Mrs. Fi delia I. Mann; Mrs. Sarah Fastabend, Mrs. Margaret Heirin. The following representatives and vis iting past chiefs are in attendance: Elisabeth Kelly, Mary B. Hyde, Ella M. Rood, Lottie I- Howard, Chloe E. Klchola, Clara A. Gray, Annie B. Hyde. Pauline Hlnes. Minnie Vavender, Celeatlne Mathlot, Margaret Becker. H. E. Casey, Maud Bos well, Lorina Harrison, Belle Hamilton. Lizzie Davis. Mary Cotmrn. E. Albright. Lizzie Reed, Jennie C. Pierce, Lulu B. Crandall, Nellie Seckwlth, Jennie Hudson, Mary Sut ton. Lizzie JSUaworth, Louisa Maxon, Laura Tweedy. Alma wilkenaon, Eva XKak. Bertha Curl. E. O. Crandall. Annie L. Myer. Ma titlda Slg-mund. Emma Coad, Lola wllliama, Martha XMmg-berty, E. E. Cyrus, Emma An derson, Lena M. Jacobs, Rhoda Gardiner, Anna Gross. Kettle Parrlsh, Edith Rlne hart, Maude Baldwin, Samantha Dlllard. Mary Potts, Lillle Harris. Carrie Fisher, Sarah Flynn. Mamie Bowtln, Pearl M. Hen dricks. Anna B. High, Ivy potts, .Rekka Prltes. Laura Relmeri, Isabelle Kyle. Mary T. Lewis. Dora Twigger. Lottie Howard, Carrie Fisher. P. W. BALTES AND COMPANY PRINTING Main 165, A 1163 First and Oak $28.00 Beautiful enameled bedroom fur niture in white, gray and ivory. Fifth and Staxk. J.GLMackSCo. Call for our statement and book of ILLUSTRATIONS." Portland Trust Company BANK S. E CORNER THIRD AND OAK STREETS SCHOOLS AXP COIXLEBE8. Belmont School (FOR BOYS) Belmont, California JSsf Is tryinr to do for the moral, phyricmi and intellectual wel fare of ia boy. what every thoughtful parent moat wiibet to bare done. It location beyond the diversion and tempta tions of town or city, the fineness of ha climate, the beaary of its boildinrs and rronads. the ran re and attractireness of the surroundins: country are most helpful aids. Our new dormitory with cement plaster finish. Spanish tile roof, whits tiled bath and i bower rooms, steam heated and electric lighted. Is unsurpassed for beauty, comfort and faealthfulness. Ask our patrons, our rradnates and our boys about us, and writ us for specinc information. WM. T. REID. A. M. (HarrmrJ) Hsad-Mbr ' W.T.REID.JR..A.M.(rUrr.ri(A-tHeao-Mar. PORTLAND ACADEMY MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCES PHYSICS A course in General Physics, with special work in Electricity, in cluding measurements, primary bat teries and X-ray work. CHEMISTRY One year of General Chemistry. Advanced course In quali tative and quantitative analysis, and chemistry of carbon compounds. MATHEMATICS Pour years' course. Including Plane Trigonometry with Held practice in surveying. Send for catalogue. IHS ALL EX PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Prepares students for all Eastern and Western ColleKea and Technical Schools. This school Is characterized hy tha sim plicity of the school life and tha thor oughness of the work done. Fall term opens September 12. THK ALLEX PREPARATORY SCHOOL S35 East Salmon Street, Portland, Or. alnless Dentistry I J "3 town people 4 PQd brideworlc fla. xjp$ ished In one das j& neceesaxr. O We will give yoo a 0ro4 4 22k (old or eorcelaia vf crown ior $3.50 i Molar Crswn 5.03 i J 22k BridsoTeoth 3 . 6 0 Bold Fillings 1.0Q Eotntl Filling "L00 Silver FUlinga .Oli . 4. -A Inlay Filling Z.&UI PCt' 5.08 L...a "ttV-n , LJ 0t Red Rub - -n . . M(, rsnniawasH ' Bar riSM soOU n nisi nnium m frnnm PaMeti ErVttoii .50) WORK GUARANTIED FOR IS YEARS Painless Extraction free when plates or bridge work is ordered. Consultation Free, Yon cannot set better painless work done anywhere. All work fully nnr anteed. Modem electrio equipment. Best method, Wise Bent al o fimxa Brruirita incorposatid Hmr aWiiia. Sis. PORTLAND, OREGON Cre-ios Hooas: A. K. to . M. aadsya-SSO. MOUSK COMPANY PUBLISHERS OF MONTHLY MAGAZINES RINTERS JOB PRINTING of Woodcraft Building Tontti mmd Tarter Ste. Ur AU. KINDS PTOHONESl A 2281 M 6201 i and Stark. p u Genuine Bona Fide Cut Prices on All Spring and Summer' Suits, Trousers and Spring Overcoats MEN'S SUITS $40.00 Suits now. . a.,..r.$27.50 $35.00 Suits now... .$24.00 $30.00 Suits nOw. Sl.OO $25.00 Suits now..,.,. $18.75 $20.00 Suits now. w.?14.85 $15.00 Suits now, .t... .,. ,$11.35 Sharp Reductions on Young Men's College Suits and Boys' Knicker Suits COLLEGE SUITS KNICKER SUITS f $30.00 $27.50 $25.00 $22.50 $20.00 $13.00 $15.00 $10.00' College College College College College College College College Suits.. Suits w. Suits. . Suits Suits.. Suits . . Suits.-. Suits... Price-Boys'and Children's Wash Suits- Price EXTRA SPECIAL Our Entire Line of High-Grade 50c Neckwear 35c Each, Three for $1.00 Our STANDARD DESKS are SANITARY COOL, COMFORTABLE, CLEAN ESPECIALLY DESIRABLE DURING THE SUMMER TIME We unconditionally guarantee our furniture not to shrink, warp, crack or split The best and largest line of office chairs ever shown in Portland. All lines now complete and shown in two immense salesrooms in our new steel and concrete building. Carloads to arrive to care for orders of any magnitude. GLASS Y PRINTERS, Catalogues for the Asking ATHLETES TO KEEP IN GOOD TRIM MUST hOOK WELL TO THE CONDITION OF THE SHIN. TO THIS END THE BATH SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH HAND SAPOLIO All Grocer and Druggists STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Gearr Street, above Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up Rewsted and brick structure. Famished st cost of $200,000. Every comfort and con venience. On carlines transferrins; all over city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers. Send fox Booklet with map of Ssn Francisco CCHWAB PRINTING CO OSOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE 247i STARK STREET TROUSERS $10.00 Trousers now. $8.00 $8.00 Trousers now .-t.t.. $6.35 $7.00 Trousers now. .,..$5.85 $6.00 Trousers now. ... .$5.0O $5.00 Trousers now .-.t.;.r. $4.15 $4.00 Trousers now. $3.35 .$20.00 ,.$18.75 . $16.65 . .$15.00 $135 . . $lS.OO ...910.00 . . . $6.65 $15.00 $14.00 $12.50 $10.00 $80 $7.50 $6.50 $6.00 $5.00 Knicker Knicker Knicker Knicker Knicker Knicker Knicker Knicker Knicker DESKS Office Chairs and Tables Y. & E. Filing Cabinets Sectional Steel FUJns-Cablnets PRUDHORIRIE CO, BOOKBINDERS. STATIONERS 65-67 SEVENTH STREET On Block North of 649 23 NEW THROUGH SERVICE New S. S. "Bear- sails 9 A. M. Friday. July 22. Sailings every five days direct to SAN FRANCISCO and LOS ANGELES To San Francisco First class: SIO.OO, 312. OO, $15. OO Second class: 9 S.OO To Los Angeles First class: X21.50. S23.50, S26.SO Second class: $13.35 Roond-trlp tickets at reduced rates. All rates include meals and berth. H. a. Smith. C. T. A., 142 Sd Street. Main 402. A 1402. J. W. Ransom, Agent, Alnsworth Dock. Main 268. SAW FRAKCISCO PORTLAND STEAMSHIP COMPANY ...$io.oo $9.30 $8.35 $6.65 .t.t-t. $5.65 , $5.0O ...... . $4.35 . $4.00 ...,.T.: $3.35 Now Imparlal and Oraeem ttotoli GET A FAN We Have All Sizes and Prices O. B. STUBBS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO. 61 Sixth Street Portland, Or. PHONES MAIN 1696 A-1696 Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits. Suits Suits. Suits Suits Suits IOjIEIP