THE 3IOR25TXG OITEGOlNTATv', TUESDAY, JVL.Y 19, 1910. 9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGONIAN TBXBPHQyga. Pacific State. Remt Ceontinr-room . . .-. city circnlation. .... Manaslng- Editor. ... Sunday Editor. ...... CnnpoilnC'rooia .... Cltr Editor Supt. Buildings.... . . ..Main TOT BOSS S093 OSS SOSI floS 093 eoes ....Main 7070 ....Mala TOTO ....Main T070 ....Main 7070 ....Main 7070 .....Main T070 AMCSEMILNT3. ORPHETJM THEATER (Morrison between Blxth and Seventh) Vaudeville- ThU afternoon at S:l and tonlcht at 8:15. GRIND THEATER (Park and Washtnrton) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:13; to nliht at TiSO ana 8. . . . X.YRIC Thxater (Seventh and Alderr Armitroug Mualcal Comedy Company In "Halleye Comet." Thla afternoon at 2:80 and tonight at 7:30 and tt. STAR THEATER (Park and Wahlnten Motion picture. Continuous, from 1:M te 10 do P. M. OAKS PARK (O. W. p. eerline Keveaser Ladles Band. Thla afternoon and tonight. OKJ9GONXAN AT RESORTS. For the Quickest delivery of The scribe tixroagh the folio wins Cttr rates. Sobeo-lpUons by mall an parable Invariably In advance. Ocean Park D. E. Bewchey. Beach, Stranhal Oo. Seavtew Aberdeen Store. Ilwaeo Ry. Ca Nem as-ent. Columbia Beach M. L. Oallngher. ' Gearhart Park K- J. Fairhuj-et. Seaside Oireeer Co. Bay Ocean Weaver A Weaver. Pacific City D. X'. Edmonds. - Newport Geo. Sylvester. Canon. Waeh ..Mineral Snclas-a Hotel Co. rC Martin's Snrlna-a Charles . CoUlns Springe C T. Belcher. Fotosrai, of A. Country sax Held. Tho funeral of All Countryman, who died July 16, va held from his late home, 925 Halght avenue, Albina, Sunday after noon, and burial was made In Rlvervlew Cemetery. Members of Mount Tabor Lodge, A. F, and A. M., of which Mr. Countryman had been a member, at tended the funeral services. Mr. Country man was an old resident. lie is sur vived by his widow and the following children: Fred Countryman, of Portland; Mrs. Clara Rafferty, of Vancouver, "Wash. ; Mrs. Harry Weaver, of Forbes. N. D., and Mrs. Byron McKlnley, of Portland. (Mrs. George R. Grayson, of Portland, and Fred Rafferty, of Vancouver, Wash., were his grandchildren. Prm Thefts Numerous. Petty thefts In unusual number were reported to the detective bureau yesterday, but no crimes of magnitude. H. Slavin, of 413 Taylor street, reported that while standing at tFVjurth and Alder streets Friday night, his pocket was picked of a Waterbury watch.- David Stein, of 47 North Third street, complained that someone stole an overcoat from his store. W. R. Sampson, of 327 Yamhill street, lost a $20 ring from his room. A watch was stolen from the room of T. P. Dillon, of 168 East Eighth street. A. F. Russell reported that some tools were stolen from a house in process of construction at Jennings Station. Rev. Owe Haoobs Rbsiqnb. Rev. Owe 'Hagoes has resigned as pastor of the Scandinavian Lutheran Church, corner East Tenth and East Grant streets, and accepted a call to the Scandinavian Luth eran Church of Rugby. N. D., and next Sunday will deliver his farewell sermon. Rev. Mr. Hagoes has been pastor of the Portland church for the past nine years, during which time the present new build ing was erected and the membership largely increased. In his new field Rev. Mr. Hagoes will have charge of three congregations, the principal one being at Rugby, and the other two being in nearby towns. Four Houses rt Street Mat Bi Bought. East Q lie an street between East Twenty-eighth and East Twenty-seventh streets is occupied by four cottages which were built several years ago. The East Twenty-eighth-Street Improvement Asso ciation has undertaken to open the street through this closed block. The rest of East GHsan street is opened. To Open the street will necessitate the purchase of the houses and lots in the street either through negotiation or by con demnation proceedings. A committee from the association has the matter In hand. Bondixo Act Cannot Be Applied. City Attorney Grant yesterday filed with City Auditor Barbur an opinion, stating that a property owner cannot take ad vantage of the Bancroft bonding act in cases where the city extends streets. Only for street improvements or the lay ing of sewers, he states, may this act be used. The opinion was brought forth by the action of the Auditor in refusing to grant the application of Dr. B. N. Hutch inson, who wished to bond his property for the opening of Morrison -street. Stoot Church Dedication Delated. Dedication of the fine stone church, which Is being erected by the Sunnyside Con gregational Church on the corner of East Taylor and East Thirty-second streets will be delayed several weeks on ac count of the difficulty in securing steel for the finishing. It will be some time early in the Fall. The roof is now being placed and the inside finishing has been started. Mr. Staub expects to take a she vacation in August. Drives Hurled From Wagon. In a collision between an express wagon and a streetcar, at Third and Couch streets yesterday afternoon, Albert Link, driver, was thrown to the street and sustained a severe cut on his right arm and a bruised leg. He was taken to St- Vin cent's Hospital. The Injured man lives at T&S Missouri avenue, and is 4S years old. Falling Elevator Harms. While em ployed at the city stables yesterday aternoon, Carl Hughes, an employe of tae Portland Sheet Metal Works, was thrown to the ground by the breaking of an elevator strap and -suffered severe In juries to his back. He was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital. Waverlt-Richkond Club to Meet. "Braverjy-ilichn-iond Improvement Club will meet tonight in the hall on the cor ner of East Twenty-sixth and Clinton streets to consider the water question and tho widering of East Twenty-sixth atreet between Division and Powell aixeeta. Picnic With Your Grocer at Caott. Wednesday. July 3D, Retail Grocers' tenth annual picnic; $600 in prizes given away. Excursion train leaves Union Depot at S A. M. Tickets at all grocers, SI. Get your groceries on Monday or Tuesday; all stores will be closed Wednesday. Funeral op Jesse Comstock Is Hild The funeral of Jesse Comstock, who died at his late home, ICQ Stanton street. Albina. July 15, was held yesterday after noon In Holman's Chapel. The burial was made in the Mulloy Station Cemetery on the Oregon Electric Railway. Insurance men, attention. Fine ground floor office for rent .260 Stark, near 3d St. Rate War. Steamer Northland sails direct for San Francisco Thursday noon, cabin JIO, steerage , berth and meals included. Frank Bollam, agent ICS Sd st. Tain Evert Hour to Greeham and intermediate points. First car, 6 :65 A. M.. 7:45 A. M.. then every hour up to 6:45 P. M.; last car. 11:35 P. M. Portland Railway. Light & Power Company. New Tradc Service. Train every 90 minutes to (Oregon city. First car, 4 A. M- 8:30 A. M.; last car. 13 midnight. Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. Diamonds. Gems of the first water only. C. Chrlstensen, second floor Cor bett building. Take elevator. Swiss Watch Repairing. C Christ en- son, sa floor coroett bid-. Take elevator. WiLHorr Auto Stage leaves Electric Hrtoli Cteefioa Citjr, tUiiy X P. M, Speeding Costs Heavily. W. Ray Gruellch was arrested In two diametri cally opposed portions of the city Sun day, he would have the court believe. Gruellch was reported by Patrolman Montgomery for violating the speed ordi nance, and a little later for the same offense by Patrolman Simmons. He sought to minimize the double complaint by telling the judge that the two offenses were practically one, being committed as parts of one burst of speed, but as It was shown that one report was made from Twenty-fifth and Pettygrove streets. In the northwest section of the city and the other from far out on Hawthorne avenue, the court thought that the de fense showed only an aggravation of the offense. A fine of $25 was imposed. E. W. Brown and C. A. Young, reported by Patrolman Montgomery for similar of fenses, were fined 310 each. Ice Must Be Full Weight. First to be caught in a campaign against short weight Ice, - Harry Joy and I Kaser. drivers, were called In Police Court yes terday but their cases went over until July 30. The prosecutions were brought by F. G. Buchtel, city sealer of weights and measures, who has begun a quiet in vestigation of the quantity of ice de livered by the drivers. It is said that In many cases the weight is short. The in spector follows the wagons closely and weighs the Ice as soon as it is delivered. He believes the shortage is made by the drivers on their own initiative in order that they may have a surplus to sell. Western Union Sued. Suit was filed in the Justice Court yesterday against the Western Union Telegraph Company by M. Lowengart, superintendent of the M. Ssller Company, for $103 damages, sus tained because of the alleged failure of tho company to deliver a message. Lowengart says that last April, while in Cairo, 111., he sent a message to a man in Memphis, Tenn., arranging for a meet ing. Upon reaching Memphis he found that the message had not been delivered, his man was gone from the city and he e-ufered a loss of JM8 in time and transportation expenses. Crrr Needs Phone Exchange. Seven young women yesterday took a civil serv ice examination at the City Hall for the position of telephone exchange operator, but it develops that the City Council has not as yet appropriated the funds for the Installation of the proposed exchange. The ordinance carrying the appropriation was to have been passed two weeks ago, but failed, neither did the Council pass it at the last meeting. The exchange is urgent ly needed, as it will save a vast amount of time of attaches in the transaction of the city's official business by connecting all department "Move-On" Arrest Upheld. Joe Ober meyer gave vent to his indignation in a high and sustained key when he told in Municipal Court yesterday how Patrol man Sinnott had arrested him for stand ing on the sidewalk during a socialist meeting. He complained that the police man did not make others move at the same time. Judge Bennett told the pris oner that the officer . could not move everyone at one time .and that It was his duty not only to obey, but to assist the officer in keeping the walks clear. He was dismissed with a warning. Monahan Is "Watched." Upon resign ing his position in. the contract depart ment of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, T. J. Monahan was yes terday made the recipient of a solid gold watch chain and fob from the employes or the company with whom he worked Mr. Monahan had been steadily with the railway company for 21 years. Upon being appointed postmaster of St. Johns, he resigned his position with the com pany and expects to take up his new duties at once. He has been a resident of St. Johns about eight years. Revenge Proves Bitter Pill. Walter MacDonald, a boy formerly employed by the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, went to the car bams Sat urday to take revenge for his recent ar rest on a charge of taking a car from the barns and running it through the streets. MacDonald had stones in his hands and stones in his pockets and was looking for trouble. He was fined $25 and sentenced to 30 days imprisonment yesterday, but the rockpile sentence was suspended. Fake Officer Releases Man. An unl dentihed man created a disturbance in a Chinese restaurant on North Fourth street Sunday night and struck one of the attendants. At the height of the disturbance another man appeared and showing a police badge, took the dis turber away. The Chinese say the al leged officer took his prisoner around the corner and released him. They gave a good description of the pair and the matter will be investigated further. Impatient Driver Fined. Five dollars fine was paid in Municipal Court yester day by Sam Donn, for being In too big a hurry. Donn was arrested by Patrol man Leavens at East Water and East Morrison streets for trying to force his way with a horse and wagon through a crowd which was about to get on a car. Even when the officer seized the horse by the bit, Donn continued to urge the ani mal on and to yell at the crowd to get out of his way. Mother Dexies Cruelty. Amelia Stark, an elderly German woman, was in the Police Court yesterday on a charge of assault and battery upon her deaf mute daughter. Another daughter ap peared for the mother, and denied that the woman was cruel. She said her mother and sister were guttering from the effects of an attack of scarlet fever five years ago. Judge Bennett suspended sentence during good behavior. Abraham Mudrick Dies. Word was re ceived at police headquarters yesterday from the Coroner at Missoula, Mont., that Abraham Mudrick is dead at that place, and the message requests that his relatives living In this city be notified. The name is not given In the city direc tory and the police were unable to find anyone who knew Mudrick. The tele gram does not state how the man came by his death. Secrbtart Rtkerson Resigns C. M. Rynerson yesterday resigned as secre tary of the City Free Employment Agency, assigning as a reason that his health had been shattered by overwork. G. J. Stack was given the temporary ap pointment. A civil service examination will bo had later to provide for a per manent secretary. Reinforcing Water Main Being Laid. Work has been started on the 16-inch water main to be laid on East Sixth street from south of Sullivan's Gulch to Hancock street. For two blocks the hard surface pavement on Grand avenue must be torn up. The main will be carried across Sullivan's Gulch on the steel bridge. " Championship Tennis Every Day This Week. 10 A. M. Till B M ; S P. M. to 1 P. M. Irvinoton Tennis Club. Take Broadway Car. Furnished House to let for two years, nine rooms, completely furnished through out, desirable neighborhood. AX 139, Ore gonian. Miss Tract will give a free bread les son this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Wood man Hall, East Sixth and Alder streets. Smith is glad the Hibernians have come. Read Smith's adv., back page. Wanted. Canvas covered canoe. Phone Main 3170. e Electric Cleaners rented. Main 133. COOLING. Loriot Peppermint, a confection, di gestive tablet, a thirst alleviator. On sale by confectioners and tobacconists. Sig. Slchel & Co.. 83 Third. Third and Washington and Wells-Fargo bldg. WHERE T0 DINE. Alt the delicacies of the season at the Portland restaurant. Fine private apart - , meat ins la-ait a, &ui !YVoh, ma bm New Bills Open at the Vaudeville Houses Orp tieum. ABETTER warm-weather bill than the Orpheum Is putting on this week could not be found on many cir cuits. It would seem. Indeed, that Mar tin Beck has outdone himself In the gathering- together, of the artists who contribute their more than able mites to tha grand ensemble of good things. If one act is better than another, it would require a straw-drawing contest to decide. The pre-arranged feature act is the four Fords, real brothers and sisters, who are particularly gifted terpsl chorean artists. ' Their act Is loaded to the muzzle with dancing of every kind known to man, and a few styles and side-steps of their own Invention. Also present is Granville and Rogers Bernard the former and William the latter. "Two Odd Fellows" they call themselves. If Granville hasn't a pat ent secured on himself he should see biggest and brightest prescriptions for to it at once. The two are one of the that indigo feeling that ever wandered out in front of the Orpheum curtain. If doesn't make any difference what they do, chatter or sing or pedal, they keep an audience In shrieks of laughter with the Informal, confidential nonsense and delicious drollery of the twain. An actual riot is Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGreevy, who stand sponsors for a rube act that Is chuck full and running over with quaint old-fashioned humor. Mrs. McGreevy, who is acutely plump, makes up as a country damsel who listens absorbedly to the gossip of "Uncle." Be it said that "Uncle" as protrayed by Mr. McGreevy is a con stant cackle. Their alleged musical number as a finale captured the last remaining laugh In the audience, and brought repeated recalls. Smacking a bit of "The Third De gree" the tabloid sketch by Clay M. Greene and Harrison Armstrong en titled "The Police Inspector" is decided ly strong and acted in excellent man ner. Scott Slggins is seen In the role of a police Inspector who by sheer bluff forces a confession from a sup posed "reformer" who has committed a murder. His methods as an actor are legitimate always, and splendidly sus tained. John Williams aa a scrub lady who has been retained as a wit nes is a near-riot all by his lonesome. John Doyle is highly satisfactory as the "reformer" from whom a confession is extorted, and Josephine Foy is most pongee as the fiancee of the murderer. One of the great big hits Is dainty, wee Josie Heather, an English comedienne,- who sings delightfully in a wee small voice. She is a pocket edi tion of Lily Lena, and equally as charming. Her songs are clean and fresh. "Any Little Girl Whose 'a Nice Little Girl Is the Right Little Girl for Me," went great yesterday, as did also her meek and demure rendition of "All I Want Is a Husband." Edward Fennell and Lena Tyson frivol away several pleasant minutes with their nonsensical banter and strenuous singing. Both dance accept ably, and the Tyson part of the team is a delightful Jack-in-the-box maiden. The opening act Is Valentine. Dooley & Co. in a bicycling act of unusual merit. Two men and one petite worn an (who must be the Co., as she doesn't do much besides add local color) give a little less than remarkable exhibition of riding on the elusive wheels. Their performance Includes many feats that have never been attempted on a local stage. Grand. Green is the predominating color at the Grand Theater this week. In honor of the visiting Hibernians, the pro gramme is printed in emerald ink, and many of the performers have donned that tint. The one glaring exception is the gorgeous orange and black cos tumes worm by Adeline Beutelle, who does a singing act with William Zln dell. They have better voices than any others on the bill. The only representative of Ireland in the show is J. Francis O'Reilly, who does a monologue. Another comedy act is that of Harry and Katherlne Mitchell. Anita Diaz has a troop of very mis chievous monkeys, and by dint of a hard struggle she made them do some clever tricks. The finish of the act de lighted the many children in the au dience, as the Simians rode on a min iature merry-go-round while the ba boon ground out tunes on a tiny hand organ and a monk in a pink frock danced. The act that won most ap plause was the opening one, that of Harry Tsuda. a Japanese equilibrist. Harry surely can do some balancing, notably his feats while on two chairs resting on a rolling ball. They had a proverbial "monkey and parrot" time in "A Honeymoon In the Catskills," a sketch in which Estelle Wordette Is featured. Iij-ric. D Lyric this week is a continuous laugh from the time the curtain rises till it falls. It is an appropriate show while the Hibernians-hold the key to the city. Ben T. Dillon, In the titular role, is a good-natured Irishman, who places home. domestic felicity and future happiness at stake In order to help a friend. Arthur Matthews as Dick has an Un cle Isaac, whom he depends upon for re mittances, and In addition to leading this moneyed uncle to believe he had settled down to married life and had a baby, carried on a violent flirtation with "Annie Suites," burlesque queen, all the time trying to keep matters square with Bessie, who was in love with him. An unexpected visit of Uncle Isaac brings things to a climax, and Dick so A very complete line of fumed oak furniture for living-room, dining-room, hall and den. Fifth and Stark. J.G.MacfcSGo. D For f Instance Y If you wish a piece of prop y. erty for a small home In the 'if near future, you no doubt wish L"J something that will advance in price. You certainly do not .5. desire to make an investment (3 that will "stand still." If you icj buy a lot, it may within two " or three years double in value 5y but that will amount to but 1X1 little. By purchasing a email lr tract in Banner Acres, if only five acres, you will not only thave one of the finest home sites around Portland, but the same relative advance in price will give you more than enough profit to pay for your x I houee and all improvements. & Let us show this choicest of j all choice tracts near Portland. X F. B. Holbrcok Co. 15 Room 1, Worcester Bid-., Ground Floor. llclts the aid of Dooley and his wife to help continue the deception. At the critical time or the visit of Uncle Isaac, the burlesque queen, believing Dick's love has cooled, demands a call and threatens to expose him in his own home unless he complies with her wish. Again Doo ley snoulders responsibility and invokes more trouble. Millie, the servant, adds to the discomfiture of Dooley and Dick by innocent breaks before Dooley s wife and Dick's real sweetheart, and Mrs. Dooley becomes suspicious of her husband and Bessie suspects Dick. When feminine Jealousy is at white heat the burlesque queen enters and both Dooley and Dick have the time of their lives keeping her secreted until the storm has passed. The show ends with an ensemble of the entire troupe and the leading characters each bring in an al leged orrspring of Dick, ranging in age from a few months to 15 years, to demon strate to the exasperated rtcn uncle that he really has a child. Miss Ethel Davis, taking the part of Bessie; Miss Anna Cassell as Mrs. Helen Dooley; Will King taking the role of Un cle Isaac; Clara Howard as Annie Suites; Naudia Melville as Millie, the servant, balances the cast of characters so that each of the stars in trie Armstrong Musi cal Comedy Company have an opportu nity to appear at their best. 4 44444444444 tt444tie4444 FUR 1A Pnrchue Kow at Summer Prices. flf Small Dep-oaflt. Free Storage. 1 REMODELING flf vAT SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. Safety and Perfect Fur Storage H. Liebes & Co. Corbett Bids;., 288 Morrison St. J. P. Plasemaim, Mkt. Ask for the Berger Line of li your dealer does not handle them call Berger Bros. 128 FIRST STREET Fifth and Stark. WALL Our STANDARD DESKS are SANITARY COOL, COMFORTABLE, CLEAN ESPECIALLY DESIRABLE DURING THE SUMMER TIME , . V We unconditionally guarantee our furniture not to shrink, warp, crack oreplit The best and largest-line of office chairs ever shown in Portland. All lines now complete and, shown In two Immense salesrooms in our new steel and concrete building. Carloads to arrive to care for orders of any magnitude. GLASS & printers) Catalogues for the Asking; SCHOOLS AND COLLI-KCF.S. A seleot home school for the training of manly boys. Instruction thorough and personal. Athletics encouraged; fine new gymnasium; a healthy country school life; modern buildings; pure water, wholesome food. Prepares for college and business life. Special col lege preparatory courses and instruc tion in languages. FaU term begins September 15, 1910. Located on Lake Steilacoom, eight miles south of Tacoma. For full information address D. 8. PtXFOHD, Principal, South Tacoma, Wnah. North Pacific College SCHOOLS OF . DENTISTRY AND PHARMACY PORTLAND, OREGON. UntmrpABawd In Equipment and JLdvJit&gea The RotrolAr Sessions Berii Monday. October S, 1910 The oolleffe is located near the heart of the oity, convenient to libraries, clubs, large business houses and public buildings, which contribute so much to the lite of the stu dent. For information and catalogue of either course address DR. HERBERT C. MTXJLER. Portland. Oregon. A Boarding: and lay School for Girls. A church school whose aim is the very best in instructors and equipment. Cheerful, homelike buildings; wholesome climate; gymnasium -music hall ; private theatricals. Special features are the art studio, giving Instruction in different art branches, and the music department with its staff of foreign trained instructors. Certificate admits to Smith, Wellesley and other Eastern colleges. For further information, address JULIA P. BAILEY. Principal, Spokane. Wash. m vPortlapd. Oregon S '? sJRsvsrfrlrWrt aA DttV School f Or QllfS Tinder hw 'care of Sisters of St. John Baptist EpisoopaI)l Collegiate. Academic and Elementary Xepta. Music, Art loeatiozt. Gymnasium. (Resident pnpils most be over 14 years of age sad well recommended. The number is limited to fifty. Application should be made early.) Address The Sitter Superior, Office 2 , St. Helens Hall, PertUnd,0r. ART SCHOOL OF THE PORTLAND ART ASSOCIATION Reopens October 8, 1910. Drawing, por trait, life, sketch, color, design and chil dren's classes. For circular apply to MUSEUM OF ART, Fifth and Taylor St.., Portland. Or. The School That Gets Results A select boarding and day school for boys and young men. Accredited at leading uni versities. Small classes, strict discipline. Fall term opens Sept. 14, 1910. Send for il lustrated catalogue. BTU Ml LI TART ACADEMY, 821 Marshall St.. Portland, Oregon. MISS MARKER'S SCHOOL. Palo Alto, California. Boarding and day school for girls; ac credited to college. Grammar and primary departments. Music arts and- crafts, home economics. Ninth year begins August 15. MANZ ANITA HALL Palo Alto. CavL Prepares boys for college or technical school. Fall term opens Au g. 30l Catalogue upon request. W. A. 8HEDD. Bead Master. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AJTD BATH. It makes the toilet something to b enjoyed. It removes all stains and roughness, prevents prickly heat and chafing, and leaves the skis white, soft, healthy. In the bath it brings a glow and exhilaration which no com mon soap can equal, imparting the vigor and life sensation of a mild Turkish bath. All grocers and drug rists. Protzman Camphell 146 Fifth SOLE AGENTS ASTHMA yields to scientific treatment. No pow ders, no smoke, no douches. This is "different." Send .for booklet. "TTree Air." to Dept. O. HE.VRI MILLAR REMEDY CO. Tacoma, Wash DESKS Office Chairs and Tables Y. & C Filing Cabinets Sectional Steel Filing Cabinets PRUDHOMR2E CO. bookbinders, stationers 65-7 SEVENTH STREET On Black NortJt The Eugene Dietzgen Co.'s line of ing Materials, Artists' Supplies, etc, carried exclusively Dy us, is so superior in quality that an inspection means buying, and its use means you'll obtain the best results possible. GEM UNION DRAWING INSTRUMENTS Are the HIGHEST GRADE KNOWN The Union Pivot Joint Gives Perfect Movement . THE MULTIPLEX SLIDE RULE Multiplication or division of three numbers in one setting. 'Also many other distinctive features. KILHAM Grand Trunk Pacific Steamships Most Luxurious on Pacific Coast ah steel length S20 feet twin screw 18 knots per hour double bottom watertight bulkheads wireless telegraph. S. S. Pri nee Rupert - oiTI i"!!.?. Leaves Seattle midnight every Sun day. VICTORIA, VANCOUVER, PROfCE GOLD FIELDS) PRCTCB3 RUPERT AJTD RETURN, $36 Inclndlnjr Meals and Berths. ' For tickets and reservations apply to local ticket agents or J. H. Bnrces, General Agent, First Ave. and Tesler Way, Seattle, Wash. WE REPEAT KNIGHT'S SHOE VALUES Painless Dentistry ont or town people can here their nlst and hridsework fin lined la one oaf W. ,. yoa re4 22k goU er.eorclala crawler $3.EQ olar Craern 5.00 22k BridraTevtb 3.60 eeMFmngs 1.00 Enamel FUttofs lOQ Silver Fittings .50 Inlay rimng 2.50 Good Rubber n PlatM 5.00 Bart Re4 Rah. - berrlatK 7.5 O PiMm. ExVWoe .60 EWORK OUARANTKKD FOR IS YEARS alnlee, EUraotioa freewhen plates or bride arerk ordered. OoMoltation ,PTee. Ton cannot tret bettes naiBJeM work done anrwaere. All work frilly rnar. anteed. Mortem elcertrioegnlpineat. Bott xnetaode Wise Bental o Patjuvs BmxBriro twcoaPOKAl al TarBn.W1s9.8T. PORTLAND, OREGON CIT ICS BODXB: A. M. as f . M. aiuxUTa- tel. Hotel Colonial SAN FRANCISCO. 6toolrton Bt, above Butter Euttsr-St. eaxe from Ferry repot- Select family hotel. Every modern convenience. One block from ehojjpin. and theater district. European plan, .i-60 a day. American plan, . fl.00 , , ... k . J i--... - s-i. ........ Uk .. A. MUJ, rami,! isiMiinsi n wum BTMuea, Manna f New imperial and Or goer ttotata Levels, Transits, Instruments, Draw- THE RICHTER, A DRAWING INSTRUMENT OF PRECISION, IS DIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHERS It Is Mechanically Perfect Better See It STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. FIFTH and OAK STS. S. S. Prince George Leaves Seattle July 21 at midnight every Thursday thereafter. FOR RUPERT AND STEWART (THE NEW SIX DATS' CRUISE. STEWART AND RETURN, Washington, Near Second The Opportunity Is Yours in these prosperous times to not only earn money, bat to save some of It. . Open an account now with -us, and see how It will help you in crease your funds. PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Accounts of .1-00 and up accepted. Open 8 A. 51 to 6:30 P. M Saturdays until IF, E 245 Stark St., Portland, Or, IBS-, 4