T 14 THE MORXrXG OREGONTAN, TUESDAY, - JULY 19, 1910. REAL KSTATE. For Sale -Far S55 A X ACRE. 506 acres, all In cultivation: fine build ings, very beat of soil, running water. 3 miles from good town: in Willamette Val- jey near Albany. 42 Lumber bxcbaace .. bldg. H. R. Black, owner. allMClianma R you looking for a farm or acreage? Don't fall to call at "TOE CROSSLBT COMPANY." 706 and 709 Corbett bldg. It costs you nothing and we treat yon right. It surely will be to your advantage to see us before buying. We don't pub . lish our list IF TOU ARB LOOKING FOR Ooae-in acreage, a wheat ranch or amall. well-improved farm, at low price and oa roost liberal terms, see me. 1 handle aj wo properties. J. O. ELROD, 520 Corbett Bldg. kVORTH BEACH We own and want an offer In money or Portland property for 32 acres a short distance above the Break ers Hotel; beautiful ocean frontage and shade trees; one of prettiest properties on the beach. The Hunt Land Co.. 14& 2d .st. Phone Marshall 1585. SOME EXTRA CHOICE lots, in Klamath Kalis, must be sold to close up my busi ness affairs. Thess are a bargain and full particulars will be furnished by ORAfCLXXIXGHAMGRAT, 722 Electric Bldg. I HAVE a bargain in an apartment site only 7 minutes' walk from postoflice; J250 cash and balance on easy terms. K 143, Oregonfan. TO EXCHANGE. HOOD RIVER SACRIFICE. 20 acres, all set to Newtown, and Spitz enbergs, 1. 2 and 3 years old; 3 acres straw berries -between the rowa, from which there waa a big Income this year; good house and outbuildings; complete modern equipment to run place; magnificent view of the famous Hood River Valley and mountains; place ad joining of same size and treea of same age recently sold for S20.000. Owner must have money at once and will sacrifice for quick sale; ,460 handles one of the finest homes in the Valley; must sell thia week. P 142. Oregon lan. WILL exchange S22O0 equity in 114-acre ranch, good team of heavy horses, wag ons, hack, and Implements; 2 cows; 20 acres of good crop, acre potatoes; good house and barn; some bearing fruit; near good town, on survey of United Electric. The balance, ttinoo. can run for 5 vears. 5 to 20 acres near Portland preferred, or good house and lot. Will pay some dlf ference. E VJO. Oregonlan. 1 HAVE some choice Seattle and country property, ao good securities, to trade for Portland or farm property. Address 816 Ellectrlc Mdg. Marshall 1025. DO YOU OWN A LOT? You can trade It to us on a new, mod ern bungalow. We have several nice ones. B"8 Board of Trade. ED To exchange southern Oregon lmter land for l.'nlted Wireless Tele rr&ph Company stock. Address Box 237, 4itayton, Oregon. POME trade; 160 acres. V4-mlle Burlington, fine close-In platting proposition; onlv 80 per acre. Rogers Pigg, room 25, 303 Washington St. OT 75xlOO feet, good 9-room house, close in; will take mortgage notes or suburban .. property part payment. M 133. Oregonla n. tO-KOOT. 20-mlle motor-boat for a 4-pass enger automobile. Geo. G. Maler. 2 Lum bermen) bldg. WANTED To trade, a 6-room houso fit Spokane, Wash., for property worth $2000 In Portland. L. Burton. 611 Board of Trade bldg., Portland. WE exchange your property, regardless of location, for that which suits you better. Northwest Exchange. 228-9 Henry Bldg. WILL trade my equity In S',100 restricted lot for piano check; equity 575. G 121. Oregonlan. MY $;5o0 equity in wheat ranch for lots business chance, or merchandise. 253 u Washington St., room 6. CONFECTIONERY store; lovvrent: lease good location; for lots in city. 03 4th st! Rooming-house, clearing 75 month take good lot as payment. 88 10th st. ' WILL exchange 80 acres timber for auto or Portland lots. X 128. Oregonlan. WANTKI REAL ESTATE. OUR CLIENT WANTS The very best buy that he can get In the way of a 6, 7 or 8-room house. Must be thoroughly modern, in a good neigh borhood. Portland Heights or Irvlngton preferred. What have you? SUBURBAN LAND CO.. 510 Henry Bldg. Marshall 1SS0. A Tin's Wra HAVE clients wanting large and small farm tracts; if possible we would like to have you meet them. If you cannot call, write. CO-OPERATIVB REALTY COMPANY 825-52T Board of Trade bklg. Phones Marshall 2243, A 1274. mi ED Large tract of land In Oregon, Western Oregon preferred; 6OO0 to 10,000 acres; land must be cheap aad suitable Tor colonization; state price. and full de scrlptlon In Brat letter. T 126, Oregonlan. WILL exchange my new s-passenger tour Ing car and auto business for first mort gage or real estate, close In; value $2000. B 128. Oregonlan. 1 WANT to buy amaTT modern home. 4 rooms will do; will pay cash; must be a bargain. R 139, Orcgunlaji. WOULD like to buy small home, about $4500 or less by paying . down and 25 per "--' u mma. .m oregonlan WANTED A small rooming-house. Phone Main 7776. 4JO Swetland bldg. A 5o0 lot on the We.n side; i an pay cash must be a bargain. M 144. Oregonlan. IRRIGATED LA-ND. CALIFORNIA! 6ACRAMENTO V1LUK IRRIGATED LA-N Dei. Going to California? Looking for Irri gated lands? II so, stop at Willows, Gloria County, on the main lino of the Soulbera Paclflo Railroad, where the representatives of the Sacramento Valley Irrigation Com pany will afford you every opportunity to ee the greatest irrigation project In Amer ica. You .will see the first awakcBlui of the OHBAT VALU5I. Many million! of dollars of increased values will be made there within a lew years. Will you snare them? This project Is financed by J. S. and W S. ut . Incorporated, bankers of Pitts burg. Pa., who so successfully develotred the TWIN FALLS NORTH SIOB PHOJtCT TWIN i'ALUi SALMON RIVER PROJECT and THIS TWIN i'ALLo OAEx PKol JfcJCT In Southern Idaho, cotupriaoig la all U he same opportunities for irmn-.n.iri.... that were glvon In Idaho will be aelseo. by any In the Sacrameulo Valley Project. Price ot land H-0 per am wita water tight. ?Very easy terms. Cash payment of only 16 per acre, other payments extending over 0 years. For literature and full Information ad dress a.rfENTO VALLBY IRRIGATION CO. Department "A." Willows, California. x Other offices Pittsburg. Pa.; Chicago. 111.: fcan Francisoo. and Lus Angeles. California! FOR SAU TIM BE R LAX PS. 6AWM1I.L O.oOO.OOO feet of pine timber "SP"?"' transportation; S0.000 capacity mill; logsrlng equipment, etc; a snap. SOS Board of Trade. to ACRES yellow pine. SO . 6 W Doug ' -; price 100u. R. AxtelL ol3-. , , ash. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD -J. M' QUACK EN. 3Q4 McKay Bldg. FOR BALK ISO acres timber In Qlatson "amy. Or.; owners. O 141. OregonTan. TIMBER claims, homest.aaa, rellnauish menta 31, Woroester tldg. TO KXrHAXGB. ?R. SALE or trade. 10 ac res of land In. ta,r,VtVf' : 0u orange or olive land. . FJ133. Oregonlan. ?.YicML ""J'-!: mi of property at noa IQltt Board of Trade. WANTr;T TO RENT-FARMS. W,TED ? 'nt- 5 to 15 acre, of land with house and barn near Portland. AJ 144. oregonlan. . WAXTED T1MRKR T l vm FOR KA.ie Horses. Vfhlclww and Bnine . 1100 lbs.. Stip. 242 Gra-nd avenue. ffWAVTFrr Ohi"s pony. Address with price and particulars. M 132, Oregontsn. rJUIUXa and driving oirf, rM . auadl ( gc acilcitjt bcokft. SeUjwod &Qn FOB SALE. Hores. Yelilciea and Hiraew. WHY buy second-hand vehicles when you can ret a sew one from an oid-aatabllsbed wholesale h.oua, -44 years In Oregon, at almost the aame cost ? We axe located outside the high-rent district, own our build In, and can make the price. Ex clusive stents for the old reliable line of aaicnisan .Bussy to. line vehicles, deliv ery wagoni, top busslea. runabouts and farm agona. e sure and ses us before you buy. it may save you money. R. M. WA.DB CO, J22 Hawthorna ave.. bet. East 1st and 3d. WE have for sale 8 horses, ranging: in price from $175 to $1000, some that will surely prove winners In the coming horse shows; others that will suit the moderate buyers; we only sell horses that we know will suit and when dissatisfied, your money Is promptly refunded; we do not ask you to take another horse and pay a little more; these horses we offer are safe, sound and very attractive; ask any responsible horse owner in Portland the class of horses we nanaie; look, at our horses before buying. Kramer Stable, 15th and Alder sta. &vi.i,-t iiorxes, narness and wagons. Remember, we sell guaranteed horaei and mares, if not as represented they can be rLurnecu we also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetable and" milk wagons lor sale. Kawthorne-ave Stable axO Hawthorne ave. MISSOURI MULES FOR BALIS. 100 head. 1200 to 1500 lbs., suitable for railroad, logging and farm work. Mules at Preedman Bros.' barn, corner 13th and Overton sts. Address Sparks k Wlggin- xniLicria.1 nmei FOR -SALE 6pan black, geldings. 6 and 7 years, weight 3060; span browns, mares, weight 2300, 5 years old; bay driving horse, 7 years, arrived today, price $126. Ask for White's horses, Todd's stable, Front and Market. PORTLAND Stables, 26 North 15th. Main 1125; for fine horses and wagons FOR HIRE by the day, week or month; first class business rigs. TWO teams and harness, weight 25O0; one mule; must sell; come and try them. Watchman. Hawthorne Park, East lath and Madison. OK SALE r"lne family mare, 6 years old and sound; new rubber-tire runabout and harness; must sell at once. 534 59th st., end of Hawthorne carllne. Tabor 2304. SEVERAL good horses, two delivery wagons. new ana seoona-nana ouggiea, several sets harness. Pacific Coast eta. bits, tnh and Couch. NEW, open runabout buggy, pole, and dou ble harness; will sell for 1-3 of cost. A 13. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A fine span of matched black horses, weight lbs. Motel Moore, Seaside, Or. R. J. STEPHENSON, 433 North 26th street. Fairgrounds, will buy saddle horses, sad- dies and bridles; also teach riding. HUBERT A HALL'S STABLES, 3 SO Front su, Uvery business, rigs, borves, harness w&ge oos. for sale or rent. Main 2203. WANTED Ladies or gentlemen to join advertiser In board of three saddle horses." Stephenson. Sutherland Hotel. GOOD family mare, fine roadster, new "top buggy and harness. East 1985. ROOM for horses for rent. 6.89 Johnson st. Automobiles. PIERCE ARROW. 7-passenger car, fully equipped; car has been thoroughly over hauled, new tires, and is in first-class condition; will make terms; might take some real estate. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, 416 Ablngton Bldg. FOR SALE Pierce motorcycle 4 cylinder, 1910 model, equipped with speedometer, head light, generator, carrier stand; best hill climber in town : machine in perfect condition; other reasons for selling. E 144, Oregonlan. WANTED Good five-passenger auto. 1909 or 1910. Will pay part cash and part in fine $1000 lot; price must be right and machine In good condition. Room 009 Couch bldg. WILL take good 6-passenger auto 1909 or 1910 as part pay on fine 6-room and bath bungalow just completed; 15 minutes out; monthly payments for balance. Room 609 CouchJaldg. 1908 AUTOCAR runabount, 12-h. p., 3 "speed transmission, fully equipped; cost $1200; will take $475 cash. Biggest snap in town. D 142. Oregonlan. 7-PASSENGER 60-H. P. Thomas Flyer, In good condition; Just the car for stage line or livery; $1500 cash or Installments. West ern Auto Co.. S31 Alder St. MODERN 4-cy Under 6- passenger auto. 1909 model, fully equipped, first-class condition; a bargain at $ltX)0. cash or terms! no .trades. P 126, Oregonlan. WANTED A 4-cyllnder 1909 or 191o run about or 4-passenger car for cash. P. O. Box 128. city. ALL kinds of second-band automobiles for sale cheap, among them one 190S 7-passenger Thomas Flyer. In Al shape. 329 Bver ett st. 1910 AUTO CHEAP New 1910 o-paesenger auto for sale cheap, or trade; be sure and -e this. Y 141. Oregonlan. HIGGEST automobile -bargain 5-passenger Tourist, guaranteed first-class condition ; has been used 6 months. N 141 . Oregonlan. FOR quick sale will take $900 for my 5 passenger auto; a snap. AG 133, Ore- . Etonian. BARGAIN Four-cylinder Ford runabout. . See owner. 2 SO H Grand ave. Bird. Dogs and Pet Stock. BOSTON terrier pups, well bred; price rea mq n able. Gelinsky, 394 East Burnslde. PEDIGREED Great Dane puppies 10 weeks old. 151 N". 6th. .F1ano. Orran wnd Mnsla Innromentt, ELEGANT piano, almost new; will sacrifice for $125 cash. Room 3U1 Lumbermens .bldg.,5th and Stark. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Bush & Lane piano check, good for $110; make an offer. M 125. Oreja-onian. FINE, hlh-grado player piano at a sacri fice; party going East, must sell. John Meder. 392 East Burnslde St. FINE upright piano for sale cheap on ac . count leaving city. Call 543 Lovejoy st. Miscellaneous. WESTERN Salvage Company's new store Is located at 547 Washington st. and will be pleased to have our customers and friends call and see us. We will be ready to do business in about ten days; In the mean time if any of our patrons require any thing in the house furnishing line we can take them to any of the wholesale houses and get what they need at wholesale prices until we have our new store stocked up again. Western Salvage Co.. 547 Wash- 1 n gton st. ,b e t. 16th and 17th sts. FOR SALE Milk route. 16 cows and one bull; will consider renting premises, which has capacity Tor doubling number of cows. Inquire northeast corner First and Ankeny. THE Northwest Typewriter Company, 222 Abington bldg. phone M. Is the only company selling strictly Sctory re- FOR SALE Mil k route, 16 cows and one bull; will consider renting premises, which has capacity for doubling number of cow a in q ill re northeast corner First and Ankeny. For sale SO-foot launch. 50 h. p.; good lines and good construction ; built last year; will carry heavy load; price, $2o00t Phone Marshall 1625. Slo Electric bldg. FOR SALE Smith-Premier typewriter In good condition, price $25. 50S Board of ,Xr ad ebldg. - LARGE National electric cash register for sale. 'Will accept smaller register as part payment. Inquire 228 H Morrison st. BL1CK.ENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS, $50. Ask for catalog. Rebuilt $16 up. X. M. Hayter Co.. 90 6th at. Main o52. FOR SALE Showcase. wallcases, counters, cheap. No. 222 Grand am Phons East A3&. LAUNCH for sale. 18 feet long. 4 Vi-f oot beam, 4-h. p. engine, oak deck, cushion seats. A bargain. See owner. 622 Cham- ber of Commerce. ENGINE! aad boiler, also building on rented ground, suitable for factory or mill near river and railroad. H 130. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A second-hand traction wood saw; used short time. Phone East 1845. BEST 4-foot fir cord wood $s.50. delivered. Multnomah Fuel Co. Both phones. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. 231 Stark St. Main 140T. NOTES and mortgages bought and sold. -r?qu AW n. wu worcww Bldg. VIOLINS, banjos, mandolins, guitars at 'f regular pripes. UneleMyera.7igth mt. GOOD 22-ft. launch for sale cheap. Inquire 22S H Morrison st. CASES. Everett, cor. new and second-hand 313 6th. Also fixtures. DIAMONI5 Beautiful white 2 -car at for sale ajbaxgain. p wner. S01Iek.umbldg. 600 business cards, S1.25if you bring this ftd. Rose City Prlntery, 193 3d st. W2P l"0". wlil sell cheap. Phone Main 1606. BELL your seooad-hand furniture to the Ford Vta?n- l."11 " 6POT oasn paid tor your furaltur.; prompt attention m 1 a v ri . . - WANTED A 16-root canoe. H 114. Ore- WAN T E D 2 too delivery waarons in food condition. Phone A. TS WANTED A suoU. aTTaybopaunc proavnltn. - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED CLOTHING. Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing and shoes. The Glofca Second hand store, 290 First. Main 20oO. We also bu v ladles clothing. WANTED Men's cast -o 0T clothing and boe; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal, ' 63 N. 8d st. Main PS72. COXTRACT to clear 12 to 15 acres: psrty to furnish tools and cabin. AK 142, Ore gon ian. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED - SPECIAL TODAY. Full crew for sawmill at the Coast ; wages $.50 up. FARE PAID SHIP TODAT FARE PAID To California today. Free fare. For the McLeod River Lumber Co. Free fare Loggers Free fare. Ship every day. Miscellaneous: , Man and wife on ranch. $60. Ten farmhands, $30 to $45. Mill tallyman, $3. Carriage riders, $2.50 and $2.75. Lumber graders, $2.50 and $2.75. . Boom man, city, $2.75. Hundreds of other jobs. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Main office 12 N. 2d St. REPRESENTATIVE TO TAKE CHARGE PUBLIC SALE BRITISH COLUMBIA FARM LANDS. MUST HAVE BEST OF REFERENCES. APPLY AT ONCE BY LETTER TO BOX H 140. OREGONIAN. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN. Splendid opportunity open to wide awake, energetic salesman; best addition in city. There Is only one Council Crest Park and we have the cream ; all im provements, including hard-surface pave ment. I want a few salesmen of good appearance who can make good to handle high-class clientage. Ask for Mr. Hen derson, 9 to 10 A. M. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO.. 122i 6th st. WANTED Able-bod lea men for the U. S. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and so; must be native born or have first papers; monthly pay $15 to $09; additional com pensation possible; food, clothing, quarters and medical attendance free; after 80 years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances; service on board ship aad ashore in all parta of the world. Apply at Breeden bldg.. ftd and Washington sts., Portland. Or. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in 6 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $26 weekly; expert Instructors; tools tree; write for . cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 35 North 4th t-T Portland. Or. CLERKS who have had previous experience in operating, mechanical or transporta tion department offices, must be good penmen, quick and accurate at figures and come well recommended; state ex perience, age and about salary expected. E 140, Oregonlan. A STRICTLY first-class watchmaker, grad uate optician, jeweler and engraver. Don't write unless you can fill the bill. $35 a week and permanent position to the right man. Highest references requireo. Address M. Hammerslough, Anaconda, Mont. WANT a first-class man as bookkeeper and also a first-class man as clerk in general merchandise store; will be at Peykins Ho tel r.t room 111 from 2 to 5 P. M. on Monday and Tuesday, after which you may write G 130. Oregonlan. Must have first-class references. WANTED Men and boys at Los Angeles; no expense for instruction; learn automo biles, electricity, plumbing, bricklay .ng trade in months instead of years; study half and work half time; catalogue free; United Trade School Contracting Co.. Los Angeles. T. M. C. A. The friend of the young mas. and stranger; hearty welcome and good counsel are yours without cost. Constant demand for men who can do something well. Special employment membership as sures employment. Investigate before you invest. MEN WANTED Men can make $25 to $35 jw ween, aa-iary operating motion-picture machines; no experience necessary. We teach you. Many openings for good op erators. Call at 612 Buchanan bldg., 2o6 r turn m giuu at,. WANTED Thoroughly experienced man to iv i Bioi;, wiiuiesaie piummng house. Address in own handwriting, stating ex perience, age and wages. - E 142. Oregon lan. WANTED at once, young men to learn to pin yarn; rair . wages to start; steady work guaranteed throughout the year. Ap ply to superintendent Portland Woolen Mills, St. Johns, Oregon. WANTED Printer's appientice for ope rat - iiik a yrimugrj(n. Answer in own hand writing, giving age, references, salary ex pected and telephone number. o 14J. Qregonlan. SADDLEMAKER wanted, must be a first- class man. fast and good flower stamper; steady job at 4 for 10 hours day. Write C. A. Harrington. Elko, Nev. AT ONCE Competent billing operators on rtemingion typewriters. permanent posi tions. - Call Remington Typewriter C'ora f any Immediately. WANTED Man and wife on ranch in Hood Silver section ; must turn is n reference a desirable place for the right parties. ' R 132, Oregonlan. WANTED First-class moulding machine uperawre, ..una uuv competent men need apply. Chehalla Fir Door Co., Chehalis. "Wash. WANTED Good, live, active young man solicitor; no house to house canvassing; good compensation. Apply 309 Swetland bldg. X OU NG M EN wanted to prepare for railway mail clerks, pos toff Ice clerks, carriers, etc. Write or call for Book 80, It's free. Pacific States .School. McKay blg.. Portland. Or. WANTED Several live wires to present our coal and gas proposition to investors. Liberal arrangements made to right men. See M r. Rosenbaum, 400 Wa ah in g t on st. BARBER wanted, first-class, married man preferred; steady job, good wages. C. L. Mack, Dallas. Or. TWO solicitors of neat address; easy propo sition; $2 a day with advance according to ability. 127 11th st. WANTED Experienced man to care for Hood River apple orchard; steady lob M 140. Oregonlan. WANTED First-class automobile mechanic. Call, prepared to work. Hess & O'Brien. Union ave. and Davis st. WANTED 1 building laborers, $2.75 per day ; and metal lathers. St. Francis Church. East pine and 11th. EXPERIENCED pressers for ladles gar men t s; gooyd wages. Vienna Dye Works, PHOTOGRAPHER Steady position to good workman. Cutberth, photographer. De kum bldg. WANTED OfTice boy. Apply Schwartzchild &, Sulzberger Co., Macadam road and Sey- more ave. EXPERT automobile repair men; must be Al; open shop. Keats Auto Co. See Mr Arnold. 7th and Burnslde sts. . LEARN to operate - moving pictures; oper ators earn $35 weekly. Moving Picture School. 526 hk Wash., bet. 16th and 17th. PRINTER WANTED Good, all-round" man": $ 1 8 a week. Crook County J ournaL Prlr.eville, Or. ' SIS TO $36 week few months only learamg; situations guaranteed. Watch making. w.n graving School. Box 1S2. Ashland, Or. WANTED 3 experienced trunk makers at once. Portland Trunk MI g. Co., 3d and P in e sts. JAPANESE man and wife wanted on a ranch. G 134. Oregonlan. CARPENTERS for joobinfc shop. Also young man to learn trade. 371 1st. FURNITURE finishers, 15th and Thunnan. Carmen Manufacturing Company. SHEET metal workers wanted, good jobbers. Apply 103 Front st. WANTED Young man experienced In art department. D 140. Oregonlan. NEWS agent for railroad train service. Ap ply Bark alow Bros.. 326 Johnson at . FIRST-CLASS chef wishes position, hotel or restaurant. J 130. Oregonlan. PIN SETTERS at Oregon Bowling Alleys. S4 Seventh st. WANTED Bright office boy. Apply today American Can Co.. I4th and Front sts. GLASS beveler. steady work. Pacific Art GlassWorks. 1 51 Front street. WANTED Experienced helper on sweet dough. Royal bakery. 11th and Everett. MEN for factory near Portland ; married men preferred. 3 Sherlock bldg. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agerTIs; new offer. Cutberth studio. Dekum bldg WANTED Two first-class ladles tailors. 129 H Mh st. A. Lippman. Al STOCK salesmen wanted; none other need ait1y. M9 Commercial b'.k. BARBER wauted; steady work- 304 Buia alde atw. ... HELP WANTED MALE. MEN WANTED, age 18 to 85. for firemen. $100 montnly, aad brake men $80, on nearby railroads; experience unnecessary; no strike; promouo to engineers, conductors; railroad employing headquarters, over 60O men sent to positions monthly; slate age; send stamp. Railway Association, care Oregosian, BY with wheel. S24 Yamhill st. HELpH ANTET MALE O B FEM A T GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Writ for Portland examination schedule. Franklin Institute Dept 249R.. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Man and wife for cook on an apple ranch. F 144. Oregonlan. FISK TEACHBRS' AGENCY offers rood positions to A-l Instructors. 611 Swetland. JCELP W ANTED FEMAIX WANTED TODAY. Cooks. 40 to $50. Delicatessen cook. $10 wk. Restaurant cook, $11 wk. Waitresses. $7 to $9. Factory girls. $L50 to $2.50 per day. Camp waitress. $30. Chambermaid, $3u. Good general housework. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladles Dept. 205 Morrison. CARPET SEWERS Experienced wanted at once. OLDS. WORT MAN & KING LAUNDRY HELP WANTED. Mangle girls, machine girls, starchera and hand ironers; best wages; 9-hour day. OPERA HOUSE LAUNDRY. .obcw q ana n.veret t COMPETENT girl for cooking and house work in country home. July and August; preferably one who can continue on in town afterwards; second girl kept; good wages. Main 2528. A 2528. WANTED A reliable girl for housework and cooking; also young girl to aseist with housework, country place. Apply Monday or Tuesday between 10 and 12, 295 N. 22d st. W' A N TED A good pi an o p layer, one w ho can sing illuetrated songs and aocompany moving pictures for Eastern Oregon ; lady preferred. Apply Laemmle Film Service, Pantages bldg. GIRL or woman to do general housework, family of 3 ; modern, 3-room house, no washing; must be good plain cook; wages $5 per month. R 144, Oregonlan. CAP ABLE girl or woman for cooking In small family, good wages and home. Call at once. East 393. 675 East Thompson gt.. corner 10th. Take Irvlngton car. DESIRABLE girl for light housework, for family of 3. at Rlverdale; good wages. Apply 810 Board of Trade. Phone Mar shall 8S. WANTED Girl for second work; German or Scandinavian preferred. Apply 787 Madison st. Telephone Marshall 1601. A DAY and night school for shorthand, book keeping, typewriter. English, etc; enter now ; low tuition rate ; positions guaran teed. B. B. TJ.. 630 Woroester hlU v ?ED Lady with some experience in bookkeeping for Sellwood Laundry Co. Ap Py at U. S. Laundry Co. office. Grand CAPABLE, ambitious woman, over 25. for . .-c.t,ViiBiViV yuii.iun uurmg cummer; per manentifsatisfactory. H 8A,Ojgnian. GIRL wanted, California, family two, good home, moderate wages. Call 768 Osage av.. near 23d and Wash. BT eJ?eiy couP!. young girl to assist in light housekeeping; small wages, good o-. ruimmq noignis. WANTED Good girl for general house- iorTk-Bra11 J,mtIy- pn Tabor 866. iio7 E. Yamhill. WOMAN for cooking and general work, near city; small family; good wages. 194 at., a.x LCI" XT. 11. GIRL for cooking and housework. 747 East Madison st Hawthorne or East Morrison cars. SCHOOL girl or middle-aged woman to tft houork. Phone East 1611. 4 A KT 19th m in - W. WANTED Girl for seneral housework and plain cooking;. Good borne, rood waxes. 284 Park street. COMPETENT ookkeeper and stenographer; must be experienced. Ask for Mr. Cronanl ..-.ww.. w, cparq 01 ATa-se. 1 lor nrst-ciass woman to cook and do housework, small family. Portland Heights. Phones Main 566 and A 6581. WANTED Good plain cook lor general housework, small family; .rood waa-ea. dull R3 TT. a.t T- . IM!M.v2?AT,?LT it?dle? and gentlemen to s Jmu'h """': 'ty. 2.50 day. Room SEVERAL, competent stenographers for per manent positions; good salaries. Call and - " jj-ycw-rn.gr company. " 'ftu wxuuw wants - good. per- COMPETENT girl for housework. Food 4412IC?Ar4426ed' Bd Pay eiven- Maln EXPERIENCED operators for body Ironers experienced mangle room glrL Call Port land lliinrli-v C.it th ar,a r-' l. . THREE girls at once, handy at sewing; steady work ; good pay. 3 Waldo blk.. GIRLS for shooting gallery and bowling alley, $12 a week. Apply at Model The ater. 69 North 3d st. FAMILY cook, second girl, country; house keepers, chambermaids. St- Louis Agency 303 H Washington t. Main 2033. A 47761 YOUNG GIRL to take care of a baby7good wages. Apply 71i Wayna at.. St. Clair Apt 7. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES- AGENCY S26V4 Washington St.. Room 31a. Main 8836 or A 3266. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 S Washington St.. Cor. 7th, u nstalra : Phone Main 203. WANTED Refined capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 60S RotbchlM bldg.. 4th and Washington. LADY to learn beauty culture. Sanitary Beauty College, 4O0 to 413 Dekum bldg. laak. yoar self Independent. FOUR ladles between 20 and 30 years for hooting galleries; good -wag-ea. Apply to WANTED Experienced saleslady on cloaks and suits. Call at 4 SO Washington strrrt KilA'l T. quick girl wanted. Stein's Restau- rant, 122 14th at. EXPERIENCED cook. Johnson Hotel. 32114 Water st. EXPERIENCED waitress. Johnson Hotel H21 Water st. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; $40 per month. Phone Marshall 2123. GIRL wanted for general house-work. 813 Kearney st. RELIABLE girl wanted for general housed- W" A N TED Mangle girls at the U. S. Laun' dry Co.. Grand ave. and East Yamhill. WOMAN who can ' embroider monograms. Jacobs Shirt Co.. 291 Stark. FINISHERS on men', neckwear. Columbia Neckwear Mfg Co.. 201 H Stark. GIRL for general housework and cooking family or four. 469 Clay st. GIRL to assist with housework. 709 Mar shall. near 22d st. . REFINED young lady for vaudeville actl Apply 10 A. M. today. 167 16th st. GIRL for general housework and cooking wacea 30. Phone Main 4152. BALESLADY Salary and commission. Call 310 McKay bldg. WOMAN cook for delicatessen, good wagea. au - jeirers-jn. WANTED Housekeeper on ranch; must be good cook and not lazy. G 140. Oregonlan. LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by expert; $5 amonul. 269 14th. Main 3893. WANTED An experienced cook; good wages: small family. Phone Main 2999. GIRL to assist in housework. 126 North 16th St. Phon. A 5605. onn WANTED A waitress. Apply at once. Un . ion Depot Restaurant. WANTED Stenographer. Apply Studebalcei- Garage. Chapman and . Alder. WANTED Girls to make shirts and over- alla Mount Hood FactoryJ233 Couch. GIRL for general housework. 1 86 3; art h 17th street. WANTED Lady barber; steady lob. 242 Second st. GIRL fur general housework: no wahinjt- goo,l home. 466 loth st.. near Jackson GIRL for general housework. $2 j.r month- 3S8 Park. WANTED An experienced dry goods aalaa. lady. Inquire at 2S5 First st. WANTED Experienced girl for general hotue- work. 8.'i6 Northrup st. WANTED Girt for general houework. Phone Ea;-t lBi3. B :i75. rnone HELP wanted. Union Laundry. Co.. 2d and Columbia. BOOKKEEPING Private leesons. 3 niichts aer month. 661 Belmont. East 148-.. WZSTT EPrtencd Klrl for Ko. house work. Appiy roort. 201 Oregonlan bldy GIRL for central bouMWOck. oa vJL' HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS. 16 years of age and over, to work; in bag factory. Apply at once. AMES HARRIS NEVILLE CO, 6th and Davis sts. WAKTED Several brtht young women to learn telephone operating; students paid $20 per month while learning; a thorough training given each student before as signment to position. This is an excep tional opportunity for such applicants that Qualify. Apply to SCHOOL PRINCIPAL at our EAST OFFICE. East Ankeny and 6th sts., between 8 A. M. and 5 P- M week days. The Pacific Telephone se Tele graph Co, LADY stenographer. Apply Elliott Bros.. 414 Marquam bldg. today. WANTED at once, young ladies to learn to weave woolens, flannels and blankets; good wages can be earned within a short time by those who will apply themselves; every consideration shown to steady workers. Apply at once to superintendent. Portland Woolen Mills, St. John. Or. WANTED t once, experienced saleslady for suits, shirtwaists, knit underwear, hosiery and notion department. Roberts Bros., od and Morrison, LADIES' EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Wanted, lunch counter and cash girls. $10 per week; cook for private family. 3 per month; housemaids, ?6 and 8 per week. We can supply lady cook for logging camp, house keeper for widower. OfTice girl, department store girls. Room 25. 303 Washington st. WE teach ladies millinery and dressmaking In a few weeks; tuition reduced for July. Bostt n School of MiULnery and Dressmak ing, 274 Williams ave. Phone East 345. stfp ATTOX WA TTCT HALB. WANTED To correspond with a well-established real estate firm desiring an of fice assistant or to sell a working inter est. Ample real -estate and office experi ence, and can furnish some capital for investments. References exchanged. S. E. Trask. Blunt, South Dakota. YOUNG MARRIED man seeks situation, posi tion of trust, quick and accurate, thorough ly reliable; no Sunday work. Y 12S. Ore- gonian. BUSINESS manager, world traveled, fine edu cation, appearance, desires land or automo bile position ; probably arrange partnership; Jbond. references. Y 136. jOregonian. GOOD steady man, 30, wishes position on private place ; good horseman and gar dener; first-class references. O 143. Ore gonian. CHEMIST Young man. thorough mechanic, with knowledge of general chemistry, de sires position in laboratory or mine. AJ 141. Oregonlan. YOTJNO married man. stenographer, 4 yesrs' experience, rapid and accurate, wishes po sition downtown; credit experience. A 233. Oregonlan. ; EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires 3 or 4 hours work daily on small set of books. Phone A 3193. H. J. Parks. ACCOUNTANT; expert of long experience; cost accounting, systematizing, etc O 18. Oregonlan. YOUNG man, 25 years old. desires clerical position of any kind. Address AJf 13 J. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED young man wants " sltua tlon as bookkeeper or general office work. D141, Oregonlan. Al bookkeeper and office man; good reference. N 144. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. FIRST-CLASS clothing man with S years' experience as buyer and su lesman with large clothing house, desires to locate In Oregon: can furnish best of reference and thoroughly understands the business. 6 144. Oregonlan. GRADUATE MALE NURSE. Fully trained, diploma, ten years' ex perience, surgical or medical, infectious or clean; desires re-engagement; experi enced traveler; knowledge of French and Spanish. Address AL 132. Oregonlan. A 'HOLLANDER, thoroughly experienced gardener and fruitgrower, also good stockman, wishes position as manager, foreman or work at a private residence; can give A No. 1 reference. F 140, Ore gonlan. AN honest, sober. Industrious and thorough ly reliable married man wants position as night watchman ; references given. Ad dress B 120, Oregonlan, or phone Wood lawn 304. HONEST Japanese desires a position as vegetable gardener or general agricultural work; has many years' experience. O 144. Oregonlan. CARPENTER work of every description. Job bing, remodeling, repairing a specialty. Cura mlngs A Cat 1 in, 371 First st. Phone Mar shall 2327. YOUNG man. 2L living with parents, de sires position with reliable firm, with chance for advancement; good references; salary no object. F. Uj L.. 849 Upsh u r. YOUNG man, 33, wishes position at s-ny-thing; strictly temperate, would leave city. M 142. Oregonlan. JAPANESE wants situation By competent, long-experienced general porter or house work or hotel restaurant. Address K.. 0. 44 N. 3d st. ' EXPERIENCED man in brick laying, plas tering and cement finishing wants position with contractor or private. F 13 C Ore gonlan. COMPOSITOR, experienced all-around prin ter, desires steady position; reference. B 143, Oregonlan. COOK Competent, sober, reliable young man wishes position in hotel or clubhouse; references. B 121. 'Oregonlan. CARPENTER work of all kinds; Jobbing, re- diiuvoiaa.s, KjtwiiiiH o ocviauj. VJlli III lUgl & Catlln. 871 First st. Marshall 2327. WINDOW cleaning, floors and run a. rv c laity. Main 6573 evenings. Thos. Green. WANTED Inside work by good, reliable, xsol er man. Address AK 127, Oregonlan. YOUNG MEN. 22. 28. desire positions; farm or anyth ing. p 144. Oregonlan. JAPANESE Employment: Co. will furnish all help. Main 4659. A 4Q73. 268 Everett. LICENSED chauffeur wishes position In private family. E 144. Oregonlan. YOUNG Japanese wants position housework with garden work. D 143, Oregonlan. CARPENTER work, eny kind, day or con tract. Phone Marshall 232T. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper unn Mfnwgmpntfe, BOOKKEEPER of some experience, writing good hand, able to use typewriter, de sires permanent employment; references. Phone C 2303 or East 30S. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posi tion. Ph on e East 424 6. EXPERI EN" CED stenographer desires posi tion ; references. Phone C 273. liresemaaers. DRESSMAKING. skirts. shirtwaists and gowns. Prices reasonable. Phone Main 6342. 49Q Clay. ANGELES log ton st Dreasmsklns; Parlors. 336V& Was , suite 216. Main 982. A 538L LADIES tailoring; alterations, coats re lined. Mrs. Muckler, 430 Columbia st. A 4700k. DRESSMAKING reasonable; Hall su references. 326 PLAIN sewing quickly done. 370 12th st. NURSE 12 years' experience, confinement cases or care invalids specialty. Mrs. Hughes. Main 6o9- ' MIDDLE-AGED, experienced, practical nurse wishes more engagements; doctors refer ences. East 1601. B 1377. Domestics. WANT CD Nice home for young lady of 19 wlll aid ln domestic work in part payment Address box 73, Hillsboro. Or. MIDDLE-AGED woman desires housework. jjid-iii piace. jem-m y o ,. J. ( ( a. Howekeepera WANTED By a lady, to be housekeeper for a widower's family. R 142, Ore- gonl a n. YOUNG woman, boy 4, housekeeper; small family. Main 2039. A 4775. Miscellaneous. WANTED by experienced young ladyj po sition as cashier, hotel, cigar stand or exchange operator. Address a 143, Ore- go n lan. EXPERIENCED exchange operator wants position; can furnished best of references. O 142, Oregonlan. WOMAN wants day work, washing and .cleaning. 4I0 N. 25th st. LACE curtains washed and stretched; 40c pair. M 5733. WOMAN would like work by the day. 644 Pettygrove st. FIRST-CLASS chef wishes position, frfj or SITUATION WANTED FEMALE- . Miscellaneous. LADY cook and helper capable ofhandling large crew re-quires camp position. V 140, Oregonlan. TOt-'xa lady, experienced grade teacher. desires tUlonJno- rim-lii AummMi- Phnn EIiJiiMi0na calp massage at home. Phone East 4G42. your WANTED AGENTS. ACTIE canvassers can make 150 per week S "U traas for the Oregon Nursery Co.. Orenco, Or. Good territory open; lib eral proposition. Call or write to Oranoo, 'A'T8 wBtd Our excellent home-grown EJ-,1!0 ls ln demand; sales this season will be Immense; a flattering op ?rl!t v"' hpaid weekly; outfit free. Salem Nursery Co-.Salena. Or. AGENTS with $1 to $5 make SIO a day. " - mpie and inrorma- JZfXkJ" rrrunrs Dutch Supply EXPERIENCED book agents to take "orders for Roosevelt' tliriiiin . . , "adi leucea m lawn i 79 n commlton Call Wood- AG NTS wanted to aia us supply the de mand for choice nursery stock; outfit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. -TO KKXE. WANTED TO RENT. We furnish the renter, collect the rent, pay taxes. Insurance and keep up repairs, the same for you as though the propvrty m our own; references, any bank, ln Portland. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 244 Stark Su Phones a o5u0. Main 35. Hons WANTED & or 6-room furnished house or N orth Portland ferry, for at least 8 rr j f" wregonian. WANTED TO RENT 10 to 12-room house, strictly modern, good locality, close to car line; will lease. Address J 140. Oregonian, Koom-. wain l ED 2 or 3 f urn tuned rooms for jigm nouseKeeping for several months. near cor. Market and 11th sts. Address jx in, oregonian. Room a With Boaro. A CLEAN, airy room with good board, in "'iw privaio lamiiy, in good neighbor- aiuuu. wiLuin -io or m minutes irom city, by a young Eastern business man. Ad dress C. R. D.. 303 Corbett bldg. WANTED Two meals and room" In modern house, close to business section, by gen tleman. Address with terms, full par tlcularg. AJ 143, Oregon ian. Bufilness llaos. WANTED Suite of 3 ofnee rooms for music studio. Phone Main 3319. FOR RENT. Rooms. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. 'MILNER BLDG.," 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. Fpmlthed Room. HOTEL MED FORD. ONE BLOCK FROM UNION DEPOT. JUST OPENED; new, MODERN brick building; fine large ground-floor office; hot and cold running water in all rooms; steam heated; private baths; very richly furnished. Rates only $3 and up per week; &0o up per day. Call and see us. Northeast corner Fifth and Glisan sts. COSY. HOMELIKE, COMiXxKaTABLBL HOMELIKE HOMELIKE HOMELIKE NEW SCOTT HOTEL. Seventh and Ankeny Sts. This poetry may be bad Not so this little ad. Which greets you in this paper So plain, plain, plain. This little ad's no shirk For each one gets in its work. Just try us once and you're sure to come Again, 'gain. gain. HOTEL B RES LIN, 6. W. cor. llth and Washington sts. Modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold running water in rooms, well furnished and now under new management; excellent location, close to shopping and theater district; rates reasonable. Call and. see what a comfort able house it is. Transients solicited. B o Ui phon es. HOTEL SAVON 129 Eleventh su New modern brick building. steam heated, private baths, hot and cold wa ter in rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Rates very reasonable. Call and tee us. Regular and transient trade solicit 3d. HOTEL ANSONIA. 124 14th. Cor. Washington St. Everything new; large, airy rooms, sin gle and with .bath; telephone in every rvKm. service free; rates by the day, we or month; also unfurnished rooms. MRS. J OS IE) SMITH. Manager. HOTEL SARGENT. Cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. Phone a 291 . connect Lng every room. Private hatha elevator Xirst-claso. grill. Special rates by week or month. American or Eiuropean. Transients solicited. BACHELOR apartments, open building, formerly occupied by Arlington Club; wui rent; single rooms, baths, every conveni ence, ' valet service; new xurnishings throughout; beL class in city. Alder and V rail jl THE BARTON. 13ih and Alder, is now un cergoing a thorough renovation; 7u steam he a Ltd, electric - lignted rooms, all outsiue. Rates 75c day; llo month up. Suites with running water 2u month up. Phones and bath tree. AUDITOtftlUM. 208 THIRD ST. Under new management; light, clean rooms; transient, i -a nay anu up reg ular, 3. a week anu up; running water in all rooms. THE ASSEMBLY. 265 6TH Fine f urnishea rooms, running water pone, batn, etc., from ;s per week and up nne yara, 4 blocks from Postoince, tran sient or permanent. GRAND Union Hotel. 387 E. Burnslde; en tirely new, new management, strictly mod ern; rooms and Housekeeping suites fur nished, or unfurnished; the best in the city for the money. Phone E. 5940, Jd l27i. ROOMS Well furnished with running HOT and COLD WATER ln each, lignt and well ventilated, tine beds and clean- rates $2.50 to o a week. 341 Harrison st. cor TUh. HOTEL IRVING. 81S Oak su, corner Sixth. Large, light, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, electric lag nts. ru nni ng vw a tor; low rates. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. opp7PortlandHo tel. 33u Yamhill ; f irst-class furnished transients solicited. W ashing ton and 17th, first-class furnished room, single or en suite; all modern con yeniencea; 3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647. ' THE GAYOSA. '" Grand ave.. East stark, modern, private bath, pnone, elevator. East o4ti5. & 2tH&. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.." wefl furnished sie eplng rooms $ a. 6 u pr weak -electric lights, hot baths free. " youwTll be pleased -MILNER BLUij.," kUiOdiiON ST MODERN. CENTRAL, REASONABLE. MODERN outside rooms, 2.50 to S3 pr week, including baths; also housekeeping FURN1SH&D rooms Elm Place. formerly Elton Court Annex, ili Yamhill and llta. THE LANDORE. 288 10th. near Jefferson. Newly Jurnlstied rooms; centrally located. CI .RAN furniahed. rooms; $2 up. 4104 Washington su furnisheol Booms ln private Jamllv. NEWLY furnished front rooms in private home; walking distance; references. 45. Montgomery. ON tu large room and board for two. l;81 llth stree t- NICELY furnished room: close ln; home comforts; phone. 307 Third St. NICEI-Y furnished rooms; close ln ; free bath and phone. 47a Alder st. TWO rooms, en suite or single, with use of kitchen. 361 loth st. TWO modern nicely furnished housekeeping' rooms, reasonable, lotf N. 18th st. 2 NICELY furnished room in good walk ing distance. Inquire 3-4 14th st. 10 MONTH Nice front room. bath, fine location, walking distance. 452 5th St. WELL-FURNISHKD front room. 3 windows.1 for gentlemen; private. 210 V 22d st. 664 GLISAN. Neat front room, all con venlences; walking distance. TWO nice large outside rooms, 8 and 10- useplano; free phone and bath. A l0o! JflCETLY furnished front bedroom. 26612th street. . WELL-FURNISHED bedrooms, a'l modern conveniences. 7S7 Glisan St. Main 3814. LARGE front room. 235 llth st. Phone Main 8186. LIGHT, pleasant rooms, walking disu.ee. -&0 to .3 par mtk. AH a, POSREXT. fnrnlshed Booms tn Private lamiiy. ONE or two rooms, elegant and newly fur nished. In new flat: rent reasonable: high class residence ' district. If you see thfa. near 'llth'' n tunb"T- H11 - NEWLY furnished steam-heated rooms in residence, single or en suite. running -hot and cold water. 564 Fianders. S1.rfI"Y IT"1"1'.! ,room- bth. phone, eleo 7 4.shS w7;kln "u treasonable. o4 lamnill st. SPLE.ND1D front roonx, suitable for bal- cony; walking distance. 302 Park." CHANGED hands, newly furnished rooms. reasonable. 312 H Wash, st. FTrRNISHEO roonjs, modern conveniencas. walking. d is tan ce. 69 1 4 1 h at-. South. NICE room. $10 per month. 20S 12th at. Cnfurnlshel Rooms. LARGE unfurnished attic room for house keeping; reliable family wanted, &al Everett st. JUST WHAT YOU WANT ' -MILNER BLDG.." SSoH MORRISON rr MODERN. CENTRAL. REASON ABLB. UNFURNISHED basement rooms; modern, conveniences. IStt North 22d st. : Rooms With Board. ffOTEL JOHNSON, S2lt Water it. wTll open Sunday. July 24. Good home cook ing; newly furnished rooms; rooms with or without board. ROOMS with board. $6 per week; home com forts; 4 minutes walk from Postorfice; phone and bath free; rooms without board. $3 and up The Llndell, 267 Market st. PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and library. 610 Flanders st. Mias Frances N. HeaUi supt. THE HAZEL For gentlemen and ladies. nicely furnished rooms, with or without board. 3s.'. :- st.. cor. Montgomery. FURNISHED rooms In private family; gen tiemen preferred. 211 Montgomery. Phone jta l n c-ifll. BEAUTIFUL front rooms, flrst-ciass prtvat boarding-bouse, facing the park. 374 Park. THt,,cLv.ARD- 40- Morrison, cor. 13th; ualktng distance. Rooma With Hoard In Privat Family. PLEASANT room with board for one or two, modern conveniences; easy walking anCe" Term8 very reasonable. Mala LARuE rurnished room with board, home cooking; phones, bath, all conveniences. 10 1 loth St.. near .Flanders. BURNISHED rooms with board, clean rooms respectable taoie, at 4ii N. 22d st. Mrat dl ' A. Northup. COO I j, pleasant, modern room in private hpma for two young men. breakfast and dinner If desired. Main 4412. A 4426. ROOMS with board, $o per week; free bath, and phone; without board, and ud. -.20S Grant st. Take "S" car. 392 SALMON ST. month. a Krtfi-j " huAJtD and room for three; bath, phone; home cooking; $6. 191 nth sU, near amhill. 432 3d st, flat C, near College; couple with modern flat would rent two rooms with boardReferences. NEW house, new furniture, outside rooms, with or without board, home cookang. litix E. 17th. N. Alberta car. ROOM and board in refined private family. 712 Hoyt at. " TWO clean, cozy rooms, choice board, rea sonablc. ?6lMarshlst. , J20 PLEASANT room and board, all mod ern conveniences. 470 Main st. Apartments. THE LOIS APARTMENTS, 704 Hoyt sU New brick apartments, sow . ready for occupancy, 3 and 4 -room suites, large sleeping porches, electric and tireless cookers, built-in iceboxes, bath and phon in every apartment; electric lifts, steam heat, hot and oold water, janitor service, vacuum cleaner: reference required. Phone .Marshall 2O10. THE BANNER APARTMENTS, 4S9 Clay street, second house from 14th. the only modern completely furnished 2 room apartment-house in the city; house and elegant furniture, brand new: Just opened for business; steam heat, e lee trie light, hot and cold water ln every apart ment; private phone, bath; walking dis tance; $ 18-925. including electric light. Marshall 207 . LUCRBTU COURT, on Lucretia St., boL. 2 2d and 23d sts., near Wash. About ready lor occupancy. Mrs. iSllverfield has Jus, occupancy. Mrs. S. Silverf ield has Junt completed this elegant and most moucrs apartment building, the copy of one oC the best New York apartment houses. Apartments can be secured from $3i to . Reierences required. Apply to superintendent on thu premises. OHDBLE1GU ArAKTMBMS. Cor. Grand ave. and tit ark St. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. New fireproof brick building, beautiful ly furnished two and three-room apart ments, private baths, wall beds, larse clothes closet-; plenty of hot water; bum taer rates. Phone E. 300. HEINZ apartments, 14th and Columbia-. 4 blocks south from Morrison st.; new brick, building, completely first-class; furnished tn 2. 3 and 4 room family apartments, Erivate bath, reception hall, steam heat, ot water, elevator, free phone. Janitor service ; rent from 25 per month and up. EE-UKAN, Marshall, bet. 19th and 20th; Nob Hill; walking distance; has besides all modern conveniences of new and up-to-date house, by far most beautitui sur roundings any apartment in city ; all rooms outside lignt; elegantly furnished. Either "W," or "S" car. JtEELEJR APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay, hnest 3 and 4 -room mi lias in the city; pri vate baths and phones, steam heated, hot and cold water, a i appearing beds. Gar land sioves, porotiiain-linea rfc-i". orators, eiectria elevator; to $5Q per month, CECILIA APARTMENTS, 22 d and Glisan. 2 and 3 room apartments, new 4-story brick just completed, ail modern conven iences, each apartment has private outsid balcony, rent reasonable. THE BERYLE APARTMENTS. Strictly modern, large rooms and three closets to every apartment; cool and airy for Summer. Lovejoy su Take W car. ' FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, modern in every particular; tam-heated, hoc water. Janitor services, with nrst-clasa furnishuigs. Appiy to janitor, bo ex Qcy st, HANOVER APARTMENTS, cor. King and Washington sts.. 3-room apartments, have every modern convenience, including steam heat, hot water, private bath, fret phones and Janitor service; rent very reasonable. STANLEY APARTMENTS. 701 Washington Mrs. T. U. Hughes. Modern 3 ana 4 rouu apartments; every convenience; both phones. TH E LAURETTE APARTMENT, 229 llth st.; 1 elegantly furnished, 1 unfurnished. 3-room apartment; strictly modern; cen trally located; both phones. COMPLETELY furnished 4-room, steau heated apartment; walking distance, reas onable rent- inquire Cotusi Arug Co. Ald-n 792. THE WESTFAL. 410 oth St., furnished and unfurnished apartments; private baths and phone; elevator and janitor service; rents reasonable. .. Phone A 203. 6TA.-HATEU 5 -room apartment, mod ern and desirable; 6o Everett st. Apply Morgan, ITleiuuer & Hoyce, u3 Abingtoa bldg. 4-ROOM apartment, including all moderm conveuieucta, i.u. corner -1st ana Northrup sts., iy&9 Main; A 404S. 4-avoum elegantly furnished modern apart ment, complete for housekeeping; easy walking distance. MarshalllS29. A 1124.' THE KING DAVIS, corner King and Davis ts. ; 3-room. cool; references. THE CHETOPA ISth and Flanders Mod- crn 4-room apartments. Apply to Janitor. ALMIRA APARTMENTS. 14th and Salmon, 3-room unfurnished, reasonable prices. flats. UNFURNISHED 4-room flat, bath, 3 closets and fireplace; newly ..tinted. 551 East Yamhill, between 12th and 13th. Phone E astl 7 1 0; FOR RENT Good 6-room flat. 487 DsvU su; rent 20. Apply WAKEFIELD. FRIES CO, 86 Fourth tit. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. Main 1G1S. A 1984. All covered wag ons, all experienced men FURNISHED strictly modern three or four room flats. 1043 Gantenbein ave., cor. Alberta. NICELY furnished modern 5-room flat, beau tlful iew, walking distance, sleeping porch, piano; adults; rent $50. Tel. A 6347. FIVE-ROOM flats for rent on bi lsan su. with heat, water and Janitor service; mod ern in every way. c. F. Read, A 5251. STRICTLY modern upper &-room flat 54V Fifth, near Jackson. West Side, easy walk. NEW modern 5 and 6-room flats, corner 22d st. Inquire 712 Kearney. MODERN flat, 6 eunny rooms, choice loca tion. 759 Overton st. Main 4220. FOUR rooms and bath. 386 Park. Inquire FLAT for rent. 174 E. 2d. North, corner Oregon. Phone Wood lawn 362. 4 NEW. modern 4-room flats, every con- X-OWER fiat. 6 rooms bati.. A2o, in.