Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 18, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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14 miles from Portland. less than half
a. mile from an electric carline, on a
pood road with easjy rade to station.
We offer you timber land that will more
than Day for it&eif if cut for lumber or
cord wood This is not small trees, but
btpr growth that is worth cutting, and
the value can be seen by cruising. No
jruess work about it. The land is situ
ated in the heart of a great farming dis
trict, where the values are increasing
rapidly, and is composed of a deep black
soii, no rocks and not an inch of waste
land. Dor't take our ?timate on the
timber, but cruise it yourself. We will
fhow you the property and you make the
monev. Price p-r acre on easy
g.'lU rhamber o f C o m merce B 1 d g.
21 acres, near Lents, u mile south of
Gilbert station, i acre.3 in cultivation,
very rich soil, no trravel : Johnson Creek
through place, splendid land for garden
and fruit; 7-room houie. barn, 16x72:
must sell at once. Pri;e $70U0, one-half
cash, balance 6 per cent.
1T Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak.
Sir or seven in clover, balance timber,
1lA mUos from electric line; fine run
ning water, stream runs through place;
no waste land; best or, soil; part time.
84 Fourth St
Hoard of Trade I 1 d gT"'
TWO relinquishments, joining, all fenced.
3 wires, good buildings. P. O. and town
2H miles, school IV miles, en county
road, stock, crops and household goods.
32-page book explaining what each of
the 34 counties in best adapted for; gives
amount of Government land open to home
stead in each county ; map attached, 21x
28, showing new R. R. and towns, includ
ing Eastern and Central Oregon: counties
in different colors; drawn to March 1.
1910; latest map in IT. H.; price 25c. Nira-
mo & Runey. 313 Hamilton bldg.
TIMBER relinquishment. Douglas County; cut
four million. 4 per cent sugar pine; $4o0.
41 ii N. 6th St.
For Sali
-Fruli Lands.
10-ACRE orchard tract. unimproved, on
railroad, 25 miles from Portland; beat soli;
no rock ; $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange
with us to go and make selection; round
tr.'p same day. 3K Corrett bldg.
For Sale Farms.
FOR .SALE Two fine Eastern Oregon wheat
farms; 133 acres, 500 acres perfectly
level, balance slightly rolling. 400 acres in
w heat, t5 acres plowed and harrowed
ready for Fall crop; good house, large
barn and small house, windmill and plenty
of fine water; four miles to railroad; also
a fine half section, all plowed and fenced,
four miles to railroad. Either of thes9
fine places at $ JO per acre on very easy
terms from the owner direct. T. 11. Little
hales, Forest Grove, Or.
49 acres, Damascus locality, mile
from stores and post jff ic-, automobile
road to Portland by Fall. 2 miles from
electric line, 33 acres under plow, bal
ance timber; lies line on two county
roads; good terms on this.
K4 Fourth St.
. Board of Trade Bldg.
A well-improved farm of 72 acres, near
Warren. Columbia County; good 7-room
house, plastered, barn and outbuildings ;
living water; nearly 50 acres in cultiva
tion; cause of selling, old age ; this place
requires to be ween to be appreciated:
i:.o an acre if sold soon. For further
- particulars apply to John Dolan, R. F. D.
HMt acres finest bottom iand on river,
all in cultivation, 25 milts Portland ;
telephone and R. F. D. Three spring
brooks. All can be irrigated; $2000 worth
stork and machinery; 44500 worth good
luii Mings; most of 25' 10 crop; all for
$12,OtiO; part terms. See owner, room 3u3,
Sr ftn Hotel.
I0-ACHE tracts, unimproved. 23 miles by rail
from Portland; suitable for fruit raising an 4
chicken rancnee; well watered, plenty of
timber for alt purposes, best of soil, no rock
or gravel; $15 to $-5 an acre; easy terms.
These are the cheapest tracts on the miriri
and will bear inspection. Call and arrang
to go and tet them. 810 Corbett bldg.
3.000 ACRES land, 300 goats, 150 sheep50
head cattle, 4 horses, wagon, mower,
rake, plow, cultivator, shearing machine,
geese, tourkeys. hens, bees, 2 orchards, 2
houses. 2 barns, gnat sheds, will sell all or
In tracts; all $15,000; terms. AK 111. Ore
gonlan. " $55 AN ACRE. - -
ro acres, all in cultivation: fine build
ings, very best of soil, running water. -3
miles from sooil town; in Willamette Val
ley near Albany. 4U2 Lumber Exchange
bid g. I I. K. 1 Uac k.ovner. -
$55 AN ACRE.
155 ares in Willamette Valley, all in
cultivation; best of soil, well fenced, house
and good barn ; terms. 4t2 Lumber Ex
change bldg., 2d and S;ark. II. R. Black,
10-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved. on
railroad, 25 miles from Portland; best
oil. no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; ar
range with us to go and make selection;
round trip sa me day. 31 0 Corbett bldg.
160 ACRES. 2 miles from railroad station
on county road; 40 or 50 acres ciear;
small orchard, some timber; terms if de
sired ; $10 per acre. Address Box 5S4.
. .Albany, Or.
Good rich land, 6 acres in cultivation, one
mile from tar ur.d stores; lies fine. Price
only $21:ih. John Menke & Co., 7th st., near
Muln. Oregon City. Or.
For sale, farms, livery, business, ware
house and business; prices reasonable; no
exchange, p. O. Box 74. Carlton. Or.
80O acres first-class wheat land in East
ern Oregon, 2 Vz miles from railroad ta
tion. Address X 2O0, Ore g on ia n.
FIXE, 200-acre farm for salo or rent; walk
ing distance, to State College. 3S0 11th
1. Main 40 5.
Clow-In acreage, a wheat ranch or small,
w ell-improved farm, at low price and on
most liberal icrtn, see me. I handle my
cwn properties.
520 Corbett lildg.
NO RTH BEACH ow n and want an
otter in money or Portland property for
3:.' acres a short distance above the Break
ers Hotel; beautiful ocean frontage and
shade trees; one of prettiest properties on
the beach. The Hunt Land Co., 146 2d
at. Phone Marshall 1S85.
BOM E EXTRA CHOICE lots. In Klamath
Falls, must be sold to close up my busi
ness affairs. These are a bargain and
full particulars will be furnished by
722 Electric Bldg.
Going to California? Looking for irri
gated lands? If so. stop at Wii.uwa. Glen a
County, on the main line of the Southern
PacUic Railroad, where the representatives
of the Sacramento Valley Irrigation Com
pany will at lord you every opportunity to
ee the greatest irrigation project in Amer
ica. You will see the iirst awakening of
the GREAT VALL&Y. Many nullion of
dollars of inuxvasea valuta will be mad
there within a tew years. Will you share
This project Is financed by J. S. and W.
6. Kuhn, Incorporated, bankers of Pitta
burg. Pa., who so successfully developed
JECT In Southern Idaho comprising la all
Svo.OOO acres.
The same opportunities for money-making
that were given in Idaho will be seized by
many in the Sacramento Valley Project.
Price of land $125 per acre wita water
Very easy terms. Cash payment of only
$15 per acre, otbef payments extending over
10 years.
For literature and full information ad
IV par t men t A. '
'Willows, California.
Other office Pittsburg, Pa.: Chicago, IVL;
San Francisco, and Los Angeles. California.
feOOO ACRES finest volcano ash fruit land
on the Columbia River; platting and pre
liminary work done, ditches In and irriga
tion system practically completed; town
site on tract, in center of best irrigated
district in North est ; right parties can
gt control of this at figure to net at leabt
2oO per cent; unless you have means or
satisfactory cornier t ions, don't answer
Address Mti Electric bldg. Phone Marshall
TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. alcCracken.
St,H .McKy bldg.
RESIDENCE property to trade for acreage
or vacant lots. Si bray & Hart, AM Daw
yonst. Callahone Monday . Woodlawn 1124.
rOR SALE or traie. 10 acr4t of land- in
Fair Oaks, al ; tine orange or olive land,
F 133. m Oreconlan.
Tol can trade any kind of property at room
101B Hoard of irade.
vO cash equity in large corner lot for rua
abouL X 138. Oreg-.-nian. I
WILL, exchange $2200 equity in 114-acre
ranch, good team of heavy horses, wag
on, hack, and implements; 2 cows; 20
acres of good crop, aTe potatoes; good
house and barn; some bearing fruit; near
good town, on survey of United Electric
The balance, $6000, can run for 5 years. 5
to 20 acres near Portland preferred, or
good house and lot. Will pay some dif-
feience. E 13Q. Oregonlan.
WE can exchange your property, regardless
of location, for that which will suit you
22S-0 Henry bldg.
WILL trade my 20-a ere fruit tract all ready
for the plow, near Eugene; well worth
$oOOO; will take up to $2uoo in good room-ing-house,
balance to uit. p 135, Ore
3 good yellow pine claims in Wheeler
County for, sale or trade for good Portland
roperty. J. R. Horn In g ; , 3 1 iA 1 i sky bldg .
I HAVE some choice Seattle and country
property, also good securities, to trade for
Portland or farm property. Address Slti
Electric bldg. Marshall 1625.
You can trade it to us on a new, mod
ern bungalow. We have several nice ones.
3"i Hoard of Trade.
WANTED To exchange two lots, Caplee
Addition to Blaine. Wash., for moving-picture
outfit; outfit must be in good condition.
Address J. N. Hoffman, Forest Grove. Or.
WANT EI To exchange Southern Oregon
i Imter land for United Wireless Tele
graph Company stock. Address -Box 23i,
Stayton. Oregon.
I WILL trade my equity In acres or auto
mobile for Portland -or Vancouver property.
Builders Realty Co., Vancouver, Wash.
LOT 75xlOO feet, good 0-room house, close
in; will take mortgage notes or suburban
property part payment. M 133. Oregonlan.
40-FOOT, 20-mile motor-boat for a 4-pass-enger
automobile. Geo. G. Maier, 2 Lum
bermens bldg.
"WILL trade my equity In $900 restricted
lot for piano check: equity 275. G 121,
. Ore g on I an.
WILL trade my equjgy of $04o In 5-room
modern bungalow, price $2500, for acre
as e. ' Owner. 200 E. 3th. Phone B 2081.
WILL trade 20 acres of Wena tehee apple
land worth $200 acre for good automobile.
A B 335, Oregonlan.
WI LL trade my ?2'0 cash equity in 4 fine
lots for automobile; balance $2S00. Y 139,
. Oregon ian
WILL exchange 80 acres timber for auto
or Portland lots. X 128. Oregonian.
WE HAVE clients wanting large and
small farm tracts; if po?ible we
would like to have you meet them.
If you cannot call, write.
525-527 Board of Trade bldg.
Phones Marshall 2248, A 1274.
"W E have customer who wants to buy good
second-hand store.
We want best business lot 100x100 that
$5010 will buy.
Have client with $50,000 to Invest in
Portland property.
List your property with us and we will
sell it.
Room 25. 3 on Washing ton St.
RESIDENCE wanted, modern and well lo
cated, will pay for same in part with
fine lot situated 100 feet east of Missis
sippi car, two blocks north of Russell st. ;
price $2000, worth more, will assume dil
ference or pay. Room 000 Co u ch b 1 d g.
WANTED Large tract of land in Oregon,
Western Oregon preferred ; 5000 to 10,000
acres ; land must be cheap ad suitable
for colonization ; state price and full de
scription in first letter. T 126. Oregonlan.
WILL exchange my new 5-passenger tour
ing car and auto business for first mort
gage or real estate, close in; value $2000.
B 12S. Oregonian.
I WANT to buy small, modern home, 4
rooms will do; will pay cash; must be a
bargain. R 139, Oregonian.
800 ACRES of timber land. 12 miles from
Dufur Railroad; good water power, ca
pacity lO.OOO feet dally; feet
of standing timber on land ; all fenced
with 4-wire fence; timber and complete
outfit goes for $12,50o; will give terms.
Parties interested will ba shown the prop
erty upon calling on V. J. Kelly, Too
Dalles, Or,
SAWMILL 40.000.000 feet of pine timber,
excellent transportation ; HO.OOO capacity
mill; logging equipment, etc.; a snap. 308
Board of Trade.
80 ACRES yellow pine. 30 S., C W., Doug
las Co.; price JlOoO. R. Axtell, Doty,
J. M CRACKEN, 304 McKay Bldg.
claims, homes teacs. relinquish
219 Worcester I Idg.
THorses, Vehicles and,. Harness.
WHY buy second-hand vehicles when you
can get a new one from an old-established
wholesale house. 44 years la Oregon, at
almost the same cost? We are located
outsldo the high-rent district, own our
building, and can make the price. Ex
clusive agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv
ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and
farm vaons. Be sure and see us before
you buy. It may save you money.
R. M. WADE & CO..
$22 Hawthorne ave., bet. East 1st and 2 d.
WE have for sale S horses, ranging in price
from $175 to $1000. some that will surely
prove winners in the coming horse shows;
others that will suit the moderate buyers;
we only sell horses that we know will
suit and when dissatlslied, your money is
promptly refunded; we do not ask you to
take another horse and pay a little more;
these horses we offer are safe, sound and
very attractive; ask any responsible horse
owner in Portland the class of horses we
handle; look at our horses before buying.
Kramer t-table, 15th and Alder sts.
luu s aL fiorses. harness and wagons.
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and
mares. If not as represented they can ba
returned. We a Leo have on hand several
Cclivery, farm, vegetable and intlk wagons
for s.le. Hawtnorneava Staolea, 420
100 head, 1200 to 1500 lbs., suitable for
railroad, logging and farm work. Mules
at Freedman Bros.' barn, corner 13th and
Overton sts. Address Sparks A Wiggin
toq. Imperial Hotel.
S-YEAR-OLD gray horse, weight 900. good,
fast traveler; owner leaving town and
must sell this week ; price $&5.- Call 3SS
Glennave. Phone Tabor 3S8, JB26-ti.
PORTLAND Stables. 26 North 15th. Main
1 125: for fine horses and wagons FOR
HIRE by the day. week or month; first
class business rigs
FOR SALE Fine family mare, 6 years old
and sound; new rubber-tire runabout and
harness: must sell at once. T:i4 59th st,
end of -Hawthorne carline. Tabor 2;t04.
SEVERAL good horses, two delivery wagons,
new and aecond-hanti buggies, several sets
harness. Pacific Coast Stable?, 9th and
FOR SALE at Portland Stables. 26th North
35th street. 1 team, weight 310O ibs., ab
solutely true in every way ; a fine silp
or ranch team price $ 2 5 (X -
NEW, open runabout buggy, pole,
ble harness; will sell for 1-3
A 139, Oregonian.
and dou
of cost.
FOR SALE A fine span of matched black
horses, weight 2600 lbs. Hotel Moore,
Seaside. Or.
HUBERT & HALL'S STAB LBS. 380 Front sr..
livery bustnesa rigs. or. harness, w&g-
ons, for nale or rent. Main 22Q&.
RIDING and driving mare, aged 6. sound,
gentle tnd city broke. Sell wood 840.
ROOM for horyea for rent. 6M Johnson gt.
FOR SALE Pierce mMorcycle. 4 cylinder.
It 10 model, equipped with speedometer,
he-ad light, generator, carrier stand; best
hill climber in town; machine in perfect
condition; other reasons for selling. E 144,
WANTED Good five-passenger auto. lOOO
or 1010. Will pay part cash and part in
fine $1000 lot; price must be right and
machine in good condition. Room 609
jCo-uvh bldg.
7-PASSENGER G0-H. P. Thomas Flyer, in
good condition; Jiut the car for wage line
or livery; $1500 cash or inMallmenta. West
ern Auto Co.. 531 AUer st.
HOUSE Large lot. 80x100. 5-room house,
6 fruit trees, chicken park, block carline;
price SlSOO; want auto, fine terms; snap.
AO 13. Oregonian. '
MODERN 4-cy Under 5-paseenger auto. 1908
model, fully equipped, first-class condition;
a bargain at $1000. cash or terms! no
ALL kinds of second-hand automobiles for
sale cheap, among them one 1908 T-passea-ger
Thomas Flyer, in Al ehape. 329 Ever
ett st.
FOR quick sale will take 900 for my 5
passenger auto; a snap. AB 133, Ore-
B ARGA I N Four-cylinder Ford
See owner. 280 Grand ave.
Birds, Dogs and Pet Stock.
PEDIGREED Great Dane puppies 10 weeks
oid. 151 H X. 6th.
P1apo. Ornn np .lniral lntrnnif t
A M leaving Portland: mill sacrifice my
piano; paid S40O. will sell for $173 cash.
Call Jefferson st. Gardner.
FINE, high-grade p layer piano at a sacri
fice ; party going East, must sell. John
Meder. 302 H East Burne ide st.
WESTERN Salvage Company's new store Is
located at 547 Washington st. and will be
pleased to have our customers and friends
call and see us. We will be ready to do
business in about ten days; in the mean
time if any of our patrons require any
thing in the bouse furnishing line we can
take them to any of the wholesale houses
and get what they need at . wholesale
prices until we have our new store stocked
up again. Western Salvage Co., 547 Wash-"
1 ng to n st. . be t. 16th and 17 1 h sts.
ALL of the fixtures used in the McAUen &
McDonnell department store now for sale
veiy cheap, consisting of cash carrier sys
tem with IS stations, showcases, counters
with oak and walnut tops, nickel window
fixtures, mirrors, forms, wax figures and
hundreds of other articles useful in a store.
Third and Morrison Sts.
1HE North wtst Typewriter Company, 222
Aldington bldg. Phone M. h0, is the
only company selling strictly -Vctory re
. bu'.It typewriters: prices $lo tc $G5.
FOR SALE Milk route. 10 cows and one bull:
will consider renting premlfes, which has
capacity for doubling number of cows. In
quire northeast corner Fir-t and Ankeny.
FOR SALE 50-foot launch. 50 h. p.; good
lines and good construction; built last
year; will carry heavy load : price, $2SO"J.
Ii one Marshall 1625. Slti E lectric. bid g.
LI K E to sell new silk dress, $15. worth $25.
Hat. $32. for $4. Drcts fu small lady;
a bargain. Lev ens Hotel. , 3d and Ash
sts., room 4 4
SE VERA L sizes second-hand skylights for
sale. United Glass & Glazing Co., 94 14th
st. North. Phone Main 4431.
5o. Ak for catalog. Rebuilt $15 up. N.
M. Hayteri Co.. 9Q 5th st. Main 552i).
FOR SALE Showcase, wa Ilea sea counters,
cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East53A
STOCK of decorations, novelties, jewelry, re
turn . balls. canes, pennants, etc.. 473
Washington st.
FOR SALE A' second-hand traction wood
saw; used short time. Phone East 1345.
BEST 4-foot fir cordwood 5.B0. delivered.
Multnomah Fuel Co. Both phones.
231 Stark St. Main 1407.
NOTES and mortgages boug'ht and .sold. Na
tlonaf Credit Ass'n. 6ul Worcester bldg.
$4.V WEBER piano; almost new; will sell
for $175. BaHantyne. 225 Fifth st.
VIOLIN S. banjos, mandolins, guitars at baif
rcgularpriceg. Uncle My era. 71 6:h at.
SHOWCASES. new and second-hand. 213
Everett, cor. 6th. Also fixtures.
50O business cards, $1.25 if you bring this
ad. Rose City Printery, 1 y 2 Vi 3i st.
WOOD SAW, gasoline, will sell cheap. Phone
Main ltiG6.
Highest price paid for men's cast-off
clothing aiid shoes. The Glolpo Second
hand store, 290 First. Main 2O&0. We also
buy ladies' clothing.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoe;
we also buy household furnishings; highest
prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal U2
3d st. Main &272.
CONTRACT to clear 12 to 15 acres; party
to furnish tools and cabin. AK 142, Ore
gonlan. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford
Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phones: A
2445jMaIn 8951.
EPOT cash paid for your, furniture; prompt
attention always given Phone East 1067.
WANTED A good graphophone.
WANTED Handy man on email country
place, to help with housework and garden;
no stock or horses. 20 minutes from city;
good wigee: best kind of position for right
party. Address V 133, Oregonian. Phone
Main 9506.
WANTED Men and boys at Los Angeles;
no expense for instruction; learn automo
biles, electricity, plumbing, bricklaying
trade in months Instead of years; study halt
and work hail time; catalogue free; United
Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles.
T. M. C. A. The friend of the young man
and stranger; hearty welcome and good
counsel are yours without cost. Constant
demand for men ho can do something
well. Special employment membersuip as
sures employment- luveatigata before you
WANTED At once, first-class soda dis
penser, also second dispenser ; steady
work; good wages. See johnson, 110 N.
, Sixth st. (drugstore), after 0 P. M.
PERMANENT position now open for an all
around clothing man who thoroughly un
derstands window trimming. No curd writ
ing required.
x niru ana Morrison tits.
WANTED at once, young men to learn to
spin yarn; lair wajjes to start; steady
work guaranteed throughout the year. Ap-
- ply to superintendent Portland vVooitu
Mills. St. Johns, Oregon.
EXPERIENCED drivers, only" those who
know the city need apply, giving refer
ence ana pnone numoei. ae 130, Orego
SADDLE M AK ER wanted, must be a first
clasa man, fast and good flower stamper;
steady job at $4 for 10 hours da v. Write
C. A. Harrington, Elko, Nev.
WANTED Man and wife on ranch in Hood
River section ; must furnish reference; a
desirable place for the right parties. R
1 32, oregonian.
WANTED First-class moulding machine
operators; none but competent men need
apply. cnenaiis Fir Dour Co., Chehalis,
" ash.
lOL'NG MEN wanted to prepare for railway
mail clerks. postolTice clerks, carriers. eto
Write or call for Book 3o, it's free. Pacino
States fccnooi. aicivay Dicg.. Portland. Or.
PRIVATE family of 4 who are camping
out for the Summer want experienced
cook ana nusoana. inquire N. E. cor.
1st and AtiKeny sts.
WANTED Men to work in brickyard. Take
Heignt? car. grt on at .ion, g. west one
mite. Standard Brick & Tile Company, Svl
van. BARB E R wanted, first-class, married man
preferred ; steady job, good wages. C. L.
Mack. Dallas. Or.
BLACKSMITH for out of town; must be first
clftea man; steady work. "Call 222 Commer-t-ial
Club bldg. .
WANTED Office boy. Apply Sch wartzchild
& Sulzberger Co., Macadam road and Sey
mortave. PHOTOGRAPHER who can operate and un
derstands the business thoroughly. Cut
berth Studio, Dekum bldg.
THE Chinese cook who telephoned to Main
200O for position, please ring up again
Monday. '
BOY who understands grocery business
with good references to drive wagon. 420
MorrlsonSt. j
EXPERT automobile repair men; must be
Al; open shop. Keats Auto Co. See Mr,
Arnold, 7th and Burnejde sts.
LEARN to operate moving pictures; oper
ators earn $35 weekly. Moving Picture
School, 526-Wash., bet 16th and 17th.
WANTED Man who understands repairing
to work in second-hand furniture store.
Uail 3S5 E. Alder st.
PRINTER WANTED Good, all-round man;
$15 a week. Crook County Journal,
prir.eville. Or.
$18 TO $35 week few months only learning;
situations guaranteed. Watcnmaking-Ea-gra
v I n g S c hoo 1. Box 1 S2. As aland. Or.
EXPERIENCED bench and mlllhand for
small planing-mill; steady job to right
man. North Side Pla ning-rn ill. Rose be rg.
WANTED 3 experienced srunkmakers at
once. Portland Trunk Mig. Co.. 3d and
Pinests. I
JAPANESE man and wife wanted on a
ranch. Q 134. Oregonian.
WANTED A first-class cleaner. Broadway
Dye Works, 353 Union avenue, jfort h.
PINSETTERS at Oregon Bowling Alleys,
S4 Seventh st.
TWO barbers wanted. 231V Alder
WANTED Experienced helper on sweet
dough. Royal bakery. 11th and Everett.
ANTED A general blacksmith! Inquire
Nicola t. between 22d and 2-d sts.
CITY salesman to sell grocery stores.
Eureka Chemical Co.. 434 East Wash.
MEN for factory near Portland; married
men preferred. 339 Sherlock bldg.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents;
new offer. Cutberth studio. Dekum bldg.
WIRE workers wanted- steady work. Port
land Wire & Iron Works.
WANTED Oouchmakers a;id upholsterers.
Carnan Mfg. Co.. 18th and Upsh u r.
W A N T E D T w o first -c lass 1 adi eV tailors.
l'JH'i 5th st. A. Lippman.
W A N TED Boy about 17 years age.
Mount Hood Factory. couch.
Al STOCK salesmen wanted; cone other neei
apply. 519 Commercial bik.
26 North Second St. .
Phones: Main 1526; A 1526.
Established 1S76.
Engineer, concrete mixer. $3.00.
Teamsters, near cltv $2-50.
All kinds of restaurant, and hotel help.
$lo up.
Stenographer, bookkeeper. $65 and
Ratchet setter. $3.
Cook helper, $75. .
All kinds of laborers, teamsters, etc.,
for new railroad work, south and east;
free fare.
Splendid opportunity open to wide
awake, energetic salesman; best addition
in city. There is only one Council Crest
Park and we have the cream; all Im
provements, including hard-surface pave
ment. 1 want a few salesmen of good
appearance who can make good to handle
high-clcss clientage. Ask for Mr. Hen
derson, o to 10 A. M.
122 H 6th st.
WANTED Able-bodlea men for the U. S.
Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and
must be native born or have first papers;
monthly pay $15 to $6tf; additional com
pensation possible; food, clothing, quarters
and medical attendance free; after 20 year"
service can retire with 75 per cent of pay
and allowances; tervi'.-e on board ship and
asnoro in al; parts of the wcrtd. Applj at
Breeien bidg., 3d and Washington ls.,
Portland. Or,
MEN WANT ELD, age 1ft to 85. for firemen,
$100 monthly, and brakemen $Sw on nearby
railroads; experience unnecessary; no strike:
promotion to engineers, conductors; railroad
employing headquarters, over 60O men sent
to positions monthli; state age; send stamp.
Lailway Association, care Oregonlan.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to leaxn barber trade in
b weeks, help to socure promotion; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25 weeJtly; expert
instructors; tools free; write for cata
logues. Mahler Syrtem of Colleges, 33
qrui4thst.. Portland. Or. .
600 MEN wanted - to buy high-grade sample
suits at iei tnan wholesale cost; regular
1 to $22.50 values, $11; regular $25 values,
$13.50: regular $30 to $35 values, $16; offlca
ren i ($30 a mo a t n) and no expense Is the
answer to how does he do it? Jimxnie Dunn.
. room 315 Oregonlan Jldg.
WANT a first-class man as bookkeeper and
also a first-class man as clerk in general
merchandise store; will be at Perkins Ho
tel r.t room ill from 2 to 5 P. M. on
Monday and Tuesday, after which you
may write G 130. Oregonian. Must have
g first-class references.
GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write for
Portland examination schedule. Franklin
Instl tute. Dept. 24UR. Rochester. N. Y.
positions to A-l Instructors. 61 1 Swetland.
GIRL or woman to do general housework,
family of 3; modern. 3-room house, no
washing; must be good plain cook; wages
$:i5 per month. R 144, Oregonlan.
DESIRABLE girl for light housework, for
family of 3, at Riverdale; good wages.
Apply Sio Board of Trade. Phone Mar-
. shall 88.
WANTED Girl for second work; German
or - Scandinavian preferred. Apply 787
Madison st. Telephone Marshall 1601, A
WANTED Person to do general housework
at a country place for two months; liberal
wages. Call 710 Board of Trade bldg.
Phone Main SU'S or A 2968.
CA PA BLE". ambitious woman, over 25. for
responsible position during Summer; per-
manentj f satisfactory. II 134. Oregonian.
GI RL wanted. California, family two, good
home, moderate wages. Call 7tJ8 Osage
av.. near 23d and Wash.
STENOGRAPHERS should take the E. B.
U. road to good positions; always sure.
63Q Worcester block, 6S Third.
By elderly couple, a young girl to assist in
light housekeeping; small wages, good
home. 515 20th St., Portland Heights.
WANTED Oood girl for general house
work, small family. Phone Tabor 808.
11S7 E. Yamhill.
HOUSEKEEPER, by widow with boy 5.
girl 2 : Scandinavian preferred. 861 How-
ard street. Portsmouth.
WANTED Girl to operate Singer button
hole machine. Mt. Hood Factory, 233
Couch .
WOM AN for cooking and general work,
near city ; small family; good wages. 104
First St.. after 2 P. M.
GIRL for cooking and housework. 747 East
Madison st. Hawthorne or East Morrison
GIRLS for packing and labeling in man
ufacturing department. Apply Wadhams
& Kerr. Bros., 4thandHoytsts.
SCHOOL girl or middle-aged woman to
assist with housework. Phone East 151 1.
415 E. 12th St.. north.
BEs'T wages for first-class woman to cook
and Jo housework, small family, Portland
Heights. Phones Main 566 and A 5581.
WANTED Good plain cook for general
housework, small family; good wages.
CaIlS83 East Taylor, corner 29 th.
IMMEDIATELY Ladies and gentlemen to
travel: $75 month; city, $2.50 day. Room
0. 2-iiiv. Holladav ave.
EXPERIENCED operators for body ironers.
experienced mangle room girl. Call Port
land Laundry Co.. !th and Couch sts.
WANTED Exchange girl, one staying home
preferred. Call between S and 30 A. M.
today. Drexel Hotel. 240 Yamh,lll st.
WANTED Girl to assist with cooking and
general housework, 3 adults. 1043 Vaughn
st. Take W ear.
302 SALMON ST. Wanted. girl to do
chamber work and wait on tables in small
320 V Washington St.. Room 314.
Main 8836 or A 326Q.
843 Washington St.. Cor. 7th, Upstairs.
. Phone Main 28J-.
WANTED Refined capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 609 Rothchlld
b 1 d g.. 4th and Wash 1 n g ton.
GIRL for general housework, small family;
good wages, home privileges. Phone East
504. 440 E. Sth st. N.. near Tillamook.
LADY to learn beauty culture. Sanitary beauty
College, 400 to 412 Dekum bldg. Make your
self i ncepe nd ent.
LADY to work boarding house for reasonable
wage, or husband room and board. 121
Russell St. East 3S78.
GIRL for general housework in familv of five
adults. Phone East 1390. Call 65 East An
ken y. 9-12.
THREE chambermaids wanted at once;
good pay; steady work. Apply to house
keeper Hotel Foster. 247 Davis st.
WANTED Experienced waitress; good
wages. Imperial Kan ton g Cafe, 450
Wash lngton st.
GIRL for general office and store work.
Apply after 7 P. M- Albina Creamery Co.,
257 Russell Ft.
TEACHERS for Mission schooL Apply 2O0 &
Second st.. 7 P- M.
GIRT, wanted for general housework.
Kearney st.
GIRL to work In Delicatessen.
Pt. Main 94irt-
183 Third
GIRL for general housework and cooking.
family or four. 460 Clay st.
WANTED Girl to sew on power machine.
Carman Mfg. Co., 18th and Upshur.
W ANTED First-class waitress. $10 per
week. Peerless Cafeteria, 1 u4 5th st.
GIRL for general housework and cooking;
warm $30. Phone Main 4152.
GIRL for general housework. ISC North 17th
WOMAN cook for delicatessen, good wages.
51 5 Jefferson.
FINISHERS on men's neckwear. Columbia
Neckwear Mfg. Co., 291 yjt Stark.
WANTED A girl to assist with housework,
A p ply forenoons. 747 Glisan st.
LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by
expert; $5 a month. 69 14th. Main 3893.
WANTED An experienced cook; good
wages: small family. Phone Main 2999.
GIRL for housework and plain cooking;
good wages. 865 Love Joy st.
WANTED Waitress; Thompson's Restaur
ant. 144 4th st.
GIRL to assist in housework. 126 North
16th st Phone A ,5605.
GIRL for cooking and general housework.
Call Monday A. M- Main 2937.
WANTED Girls to make shirts and over
a 1 1 s. Mount Hood Factory 233 c ouch.
GIRL for general housework; no washing;
good home. AfVA loth st.. near Jackson.
GIRL for general housework. $25 per month.
3SS Park.
WANTED Experienced girl for general hous
work. 856 Northrup St.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Phone
Eist 1503. B 2175.
HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co., 2d and
Columbia. -
BOOKKEEPING Private lessons. 3 nights
S5 r month- 561 Belmont. East 14M.
WANTED Experienced girl for gen. hous
work. Apply room L'01 Oregonlan bldg
GIRT fr general
housework. 595 East
WNTED Waitress. Apply Rebe's, 404
Washington st., between 10 and 1L
GIRLS. 16 years of ace and over, to work
In hag factory. Apply at once. AMES
HARRIS NEVILLE CO.. 5th and Davis sts.
WANTED Several bright young women to
learn telephone operating; students paid
$2o per month while learning; a thorough
training given each student before as
signment to position. This is an excep
tional opportunity for such applicants that
qualify. Apply to SCHOOL PRINCIPAL
at our EAST OFFICE. East Ankeny and
6th sts., between S A. M. and 5 P. M..
week days. The Pacific Telephone & Tele
graph Co.
WANTED at once, young ladles to learn to
- weave woolens, flannels and blankets;
good wages can be earned within a short
time by those who will apply themselves;
every consideration shown to steady
worJcers. Apply at once to superintendent,
Portland Woolen Mills, St. John, Or.
WANTED at once, experienced saleslady for
suits, shirtwaists, knit underwear, hosiery
and notion department. Roberts Bros.,
2d and Morrison.
lunch counter and cash girls. $10 per week;
cook for private family. $3 per month;
housemaids, $t and $8 per week. We can
supply lady cook for logging camp, house
keeper for widower, office girl, department
tore girls. Room 25. 303 - Washington st.
CARPET SEWERS Experienced workers
wanted at once.
Mangle girls, machine girls, starchera
and hand Ironers; best wages; 0-hour day.
Second and Everett.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and house
work in country home, July and August;
preferably one who can continue on in
town afterwards ; second girl kept ; good
wa ges. Main 2528. A 2523.
WANTED A reliable girl for housework and
cooking; also young girl to a-seist with
housework, country place. Apply Monday
or Tuesday between 10 and 12, 205 N. 22d
CA PA BLE girl or woman for cooking in
small family, good wanes and home. Call
at once. East 303. 075 East Thompson
sr.. corner 10th.Take Irvington car.
WE teach ladies millinery and dresrmaklng
in a few weeks: tuition reduced for July.
Bostt n School of Millinery and Dressmk
ing. 274 Williams ave. Phone East 345.
TWO waitresses wanted. 282 Russell st.
WANTED To correspond with a well-established
real estate firm desiring an of
fice assistant or to sell a working inter
est. Ample real estate and office experi
ence, and can furnish some capital for
Investments. References exchanged. 6.
E. Trask. Blunt. South Dakota.
YOUNG attorney, with 2 years' experience,
and graduate of Eastern Institution, desires
position where he can learn the business;
abstract or Insurance company preferred.
B.. 8oa Belmont street.
EX PERT office man who has not worked
for less than $1500 per year the past 3
years desires posit i m private secretary,
bookkeeper, stenographer: temporary- po
sition accepted. T 143, Oregonian.
YOUNG MARRIED man seeks situation, posi
tion of trust quick and accurate, thorough
ly reliable; no Sunday work. Y 128, Ore-
gon ian.
BUSINESS manager, world traveled, fine edu
cation, appearance, desires land or automo
bile position: probably arrange partnership;
bond, references. Y130. Oregonian.
YOUNG man would like place in wholesale
house, city or country; references. X
1 44. Oregonlan.
ACCOUNTANT; expert of long experience;
cost accounting, systematizing, etc O 12S,
EXPERIENCED young man. steady, temper
ate, wants position as janitor or clerk in
apartment-house or hotel. R 134, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, 25 years old. desires clerical
position of any kind Address Af 132,
FIRST-CLASS clothing man with S years'
experience as buyer and salesman with
large clothing house, desires to locate
in Oregon; can furnish best of reference'
and tnorougniy unaerstanas tne Business.
S 144. Oregonlan. -
Fully trained, diploma, ten years" ex
perience, surgical or medical. Infectious
or clean : desires re-engagement ; experi
enced traveler: knowledge of French and
Spanish. Address A L 132. Oregonian.
AN honest, sober, industrious and thorough
ly reliable married man wants position as
night watchman; references given. Ad
dress B 126, Oregonlan, or phone Wood
lawn 304.
CARPENTER work of every description, job
bing, remodeling repairing a specialty. Cum
mings & Catlin, 871 First sx. Phone Mar
shall 2327.
YOUNG man. 21, living with parent, de
sires position with reliable firm, with
chance for advancement; good references;
salary no object. F. U. L . 840 Vpahur.
AN honest, sober man. with a boy 1 years,
wants a steady Job of work of any kind:
give good reference. Address room S
Appleton Hotel, Portland, 71 N. 6th st.
CA RPEXTER work of every description;
Jobbing. remodeling, repairing a special
ty. Cummin gs & Catlin. 371 First st.
Phot;e Marshall 2327. .
MAN wishes work in private house, garden
and housework. Address New Grand Cen
tral Hotel, room 11, between 11 and o
o'clock. i
EXPERIENCED auto repairman wishes
position in Portland ; 9 years experience.
A. H. Hissner, Commercial Hotel, Spo
kane,' Wash. -
JAPANESE wants situation By competent,
long-experienced general porter or house
work or hotel restaurant. - Address K. O.,
44 N. 3d st. s
EXPERIENCED man in brick laying, plas
tering and cement finishing- wants position
with contractor or private. F 131. Ore
gonian. COOK Competent, sober. reliable young
man wishes position in htel or clubhouse;
references. B 121, Oregonian.
POSITION by good baker as second or work
alone. AD KS2. Oregonian.
WANTED Inside work by good, reliable,
a ol er man. Address AK 127, Oregonian.
JAPANESE Emplovment Co. will furnish
all help. Main 4G5Q. A 4073. 26 Evere: r.
CARPENTER work, any kind, day or con
tract. Phne Marshall 2327.
FOR your housecleaning and lawn mowing
rhone P. Lennon. A 77o9. 264 2d st.
POSITION by good baker as second, or work
a 1 one . AD 132, Oregonlan.
Bookkeeper unu. ,i imjfMpaen.
BOOKKEEPER of some experience, writing
good hand, able to use typewriter, de
sires permanent employment; references.
Phone C 2303 or East 303.
LADY stenographer wishes position for prac
tice; small salary. AK 138. Oreg onian.
DRESSMAKING. skirts. shirtwaists and
gowns. Prices reasonable. Phone Main
03 4 2. 4tQ i lay.
DRESSMAKER, first-class, wants sewing by
dav: references. AD 137. Oregonian.
ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors. 326 WtM
lngton sc.. suite 216. Main 962. A 5381.
LADIES' tailoring; alterations, coats re lined.
Mrs. Muckler, 430 Columbia st. A 4709.
MIDDLE-AGED, experienced, practical nurse
wishes more engagements; doctors' refer
ences. East Iflul. B 1377.
MIDDLE-AGED, experienced, practical nurse;
doctors' references. Main C937.
WANTED Nice home for young lady o 19;
will aid in domestic work in part payment.
Address box 273. Hillsboro. Or.
SCANDINAVIAN girls (sisters want posi
tion as cook and second girl. P 143,
Oregonian. or phone B !5t53.
A NORWEGIAN gin, age 26, wants & nice
place -as dining-room or second gir;
wishes to go with the family to Seaside
if possible. E 138 Oregonian.
WANTED- Bv a lady, to be housekeeper
for a widower's family. R 142. Ore
gonlan. Mlscella neons.
WOMAN would like work by the day. 544,
Pettygrove st.
WOMAN wants work by the day; refer-
enres. Phone East 2030.
NORWEGIAN woman wants day work;
first-class ironer. Phone Main 8QS7.
LA D Y wishes to take charge of rooming-
house. AF 133. Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS chef wishes position, hotel or
restaurant. J 130. Oregonlan.
M Iwcell neoaa,
YOUNG lady living out of town wishes to
assist .with light housework in respectable
home for room and board; give full ad-
uress. t 140. Oregonian.
IADY cook and helper capable- of handling
large crews requires camp position. V
14V. Oregonian.
WOMAN wants housecleaning, etc. Phone
Main 4fttf3. Room t.
RELIABLE woman wants day
Tuesday and Thursday. Main
work for
SHAMPOO and scalp massage, at
home. Phone Easi 4642.
ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 per week
easily selling trees for the Oregon Nursery
Co., Orenco. Or. Good territory open; lib
eral proposition, call or write to Orenco,
AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown
nursery stock Is ln demand; sales this
season will be immense ; a flattering op
portunity; cash paid weekly; outfit frea.
baiem Nursery Co., Salem, Or.
AG-NTS wanted to aia us supply-thsde-
raand for choice nursery stock; outfit
free: cash weekly. Address Capital City
Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
YOUNG married couple desire to care for
furnished house in good neighborhood for
Hummer: will pay rental; references best
in Portland. T 142, Oregoniaji.
MIDDLE-AGED couple to rent furnished"
home for 3 months. Call Monday after
noon. 1 to 5. 412 Stark st.
WANTED Furnished 5 or t room bunga
low, modern. East Side. Call Palmer
House, room 21, between 10 and 12 A. M.
Kooqih 1th Board.
WANTED Home for child where father
can get board and room. P 144, Ore
gonian. FOR RENT.
Fur isbed Room.
building; fine large ground-tloor office; hot
and cold running water la all rooms;
steam heated; private baths; very richly
furnished. Ratts only $3 and up per
weeK: aOe up per day. Call and see us.
Northeast corner Fifto. and Gllean sts.
Seventh and Ankeny Sts.
This poetry may be bad
Not so this littla ad.
Which greets you in this paper
So plain, plain, plain.
This little ad's no shirk.
For each one gets in Us work.
Just try us once and you're sure to come
A a In. 's al n, 'gain.
S. W. cor. 1 lth and Washington sts.
Modern brick building, steam heated,
private baths, hot and cold running water
In rooms, well furnished and now under
new management; excellent location, close
to fihing .and theater district; rates
reasonable. Call and ee what a comfort
able house It Is. Transients solicited.
atk phones.
12U Eleventh st.
New modern brick building. steam
heated, private baths, hot and cold wa
ter in rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy
and comfortable. Kates very reasonable,
call and bee .us. Regular and transient
trade so licit sd.
124 14th, Cor. Washington St.
Every ting new; large, airy rooms, sin
gle and with bath ; telephone in every
room, service free; rates by the day, wees,
' or month, also uniurnisaed rooms,
MRS. JUalB SMITH, Manager.
FIRST-CLASS ROOM For $4"per week two
men can secure elegantly furnished out
side rooms, hot and cold water, mahogany
furniture, Brussels carpets, electric and
gas lights, etc., in the brand new Hotel
roster. Third and Davis streets.
MODERN ROOMs Lp-to-date rooms with
hot and cold running water, gas and elec
tric lights, baths, large lobby, lavatories,
all f ust-ciass. may be secured for $X50
per week in the new Hotel Foster, corner
Third and Davis streets.
HOTEL SARGENT, Cor. -Grand ave. and
Hawthorne. Phone t
291. -connecting every room. Private baths,
eievator ilrst-claas grill. Special rates by
week - or month. American r Europeaa.
Transients sullclted. '
BACHELOR apartments. open buildinz.
tormerly occupied by Arlington Club; will
rent; single rooms, baths, every conveni
ence, valet service; new iurnishinga
tnroughout; best class ln city. Alder and
W. Park. -
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, is now un-
dergoiug a thorough renovation; o steam
heated, electric iigntea rooms, ail outsiue.
Kates 75c day ; $lo munth up. Suites with
running water $2u month up. Phones and
bath free.
Fine furnished rooms, running water,
pone, bath, etc., from $3 per week and up;
nue yard, 4 blocks from PostofUce, tran
sient or permanent.
GRAND Union Hotel, 3b7i, E. Burnside; en
tirely new. new management, strictly mod
ern; rooms and housekeeping suites, fur
nished or unfurnished; the best in the city
for the money. Phone E. 5040, H 1275.
FOR RENT First-class, up-to-date rooms
with all the modern conveniences; hot and
cola water, buth, etc,, may oe obtained
at the brand new Hotel Foster, Third
and Davis streetB.
KOOMS Well furnished with running HOT
ana COLD WATER in each, lignt and
well ventilated, tine beds and clean; ri.tes
$2.o0 to $5 a week. 341 Harrison sc.. cor.
312 Oak su, corner Sixth. Largs, light,
airy rooms, elegantly furnished, electrio
lints, running wateriow rates.
tei, 3oO yamhiil; first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite, mouern, 5 up;
transients solicited. Main 31. A 7177.
Washington and 17 th. Iirst-class furnished
roonw, single or en euite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5tt7
Grand ave.. East Stark, modern, private
bath, pnone, elevator. East 4oo, t 2sbS.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts., well
f urnisned sleeping rooms -'.6u per week;
electric lights, hot baths free.
" ""you ill ee pleased! "" "
MODERN outside rooms. $2.50 to $3 per
week. Including baths; also housekeeping
rooms. 54a Va Washington st.
MASON HOUSE. 291 S E. Morrison; cool,
airy rooms; five mLnutes- walk to busi
ness center; $2 up.
FURNISHED rooms Elm Piace, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and llth.
THE LANDORE. 2SS 10th. near Jefferson.
Newly furnished rooms; centrally located.
Furnished Rooms in Private family.
NEWLY furnished steam-heated rooms in
residence, single or en suite. running
hot and coiq water. ob4 F:anders
NICELY furnished room, bath, phone, elec
tric lights, walking distance; reasonable.
547 Yamhill at.
N E W L Y furnished front rooms in private
home; walking distance; references. 454
ST. Modern, clean,
NICELY furnished rooms; close in;
bath and phone. 473 Alder st.
f ree-
CK A NGED hands, newly furnished rooms,
reasonable. . 12'- Wash, st.
NICELY furnished room : close in; home
comforts; phone. 3VT Third st.
WELL-.FURNISH ED front room, 3 windows,
tor gentlemen; private. 210 Vfe 22d st.
NICELY furnished front bedroom. 266 12th
street '
WELL-FURNISHED bedrooms, all modern
conveniences 77GlisanBt. Main 3S14.
LARGE front room, 235 llth st. Phone
Main 81 SO.
LIGHT, pleasant rooms.
$ 1 . 5t to 3 p er week.
walking distance,
093 Kd.
TWO looms, en suite or single, with, use of
kltchen. 36110tht.
FURNISHED rooms, modern -conveniences,
walking distance. 269 14th St.. South.
SPLENDID front room, suitable for 2; bal
cony ;wUtngde3 ViPark.
NICE room, $10 per month. &3 12th st.
Unfurnished. Rooms.
ONE front suite unfurnished rooms: cen
tral ; brick building ; rates reasonable.
342 S First St. "
UNFURNISHED basement rooms; modern
conveniences. 186 North 22d st.
Rooms With Boturd.
ROOMS with board. $6 per .week; home com
forts: 4 minutes' walk from Posioffice;
phone and bath free: rooms without board
?2 and up. The Lindell. 167 Market st.
PORTLAND Women's Cnion. 2od year, room
with board, U!e of sewing-room And library
610 Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Htfa
THE HAZEL For gentlemen and ladies.
nlcely furnished rooms, with or without
board. 3S5 3d su. cor. Montgomery.
BEAUTIFUL front rooms, first-class private
.board:r.g-houge. facing the park. 374 Park.
THE CALVARD. 452 Morrison,
walk i n g dista n ce.
cor. 13th;
Rooms Wit h Board in Private Family.
LARGE furnished room with board, home
cooking ; phones, batii, all conveniences.
lOV 10th st., near Flanders.
ROOMS with board. $-5 per week; free bath
and phone; without board, $3.50 and up,
. 2"s (..rant st. Take "S'' car.
PLEASANT front room, and board if de
sired, for two or three gentlemen. 14J
Lownscale. between Morrison and Alder.
42 3d st, flat C, near College; couple with
modern flat would rent two rooms with
board. References.
NEW house, new furniture, outside rooms,
with or without board, home cooking. 11M
K. 17th. N. Albertac a r.
BOARD and room for three. Bath, phone,
home cooking. $0. 191 llth, near Yam
hill. CLEAN
SMALL child to care for; reasonable.
Easl otiio.
ROOM and board in refined private family.
712 Hoyt St.
NICE rom and board for 1 or
5il Davis sr.
TWO clean, cozv rooms, choice board, rea
sonable. "01 Marshall st.
Nicely furnished rooms
witn board. a
$20 PLEASANT room and board, all mod
ern conveniences. 470 Main sL
302 SALMON ST.- Nicely furnished rooms
wiin poara. A 5.IU2.
704 Hoyt st.
New brick apartments, now ready fop
occupancy, 3 and 4-room suites. largs
sleeping porches. electric and fireles
cookers, built-in iceboxes, bath and phone
In every apartment; electric lifts, steam
heat, hot and cold water, janitor service,
vacuum cleaner; reference required. Phon
.Marshall 2O10.
4S9 Clay sireet, second house from 14th,
the only modern completely furnished 2
roora apartment-house In the city; house
and elegant furniture, brand new: Just
opened for business; steam heat, electrio
lip-lit, hot and cold water in every apart
ment; private phone, bath; walking dis
tance; $18-$25. including electrio light.
.Marshall 2074.
On Lucretia st., between 22d and 23d
sts., near Washington. About ready for
occupancy. Mrs. S. Silverfield has Just
completed this elegant and most modern
apartment building, the copy of one of,
the best New York apartment houses.
Apartments can be secured from $35 to
$io. References required. . Apply to
superintendent, on the premises.
Place, between 10th and 20th. near Wash
ington New brick building, newly and ele
gantly furnished, complete for housekeep
ing, in 2. 3 and 4-rooin apartments; out
siae porches; electric elevator, hot water,
telephone exchange. Janitor service. Fhona
Marshall 1970. '
Cor. Grand ave. and Stark St.
New fireproof brick building, beautiful
ly furnished two and three-room apart
ments, private baths, wall beds, large
clothes closets, plenty of hot water; Sum
mer rates. Phone E. 300.
HEINZ apartments. 14th and Columbia; 4
blocks south from Morrison st.; new brick
building, completely first-class; furnished
ln 2. it and 4 room family apartments
private bath, reception halL steam heat,
hot water, elevator, free phone, janitot
service; rent from $25 perrnonth, aod up.
RE-UKAN, Marshall, bet. 19th and 20th
Nob Hill; walking distance; has besldei
all modern conveniences of new and up-to-date
house, by far most beautiful sur
roundings any apartment ln city; all
rooms outside lignt; elegantly furnished.
Kith e r' "W." or "S" c a r. ,
finest 3 and 4-room suites ln the city; pri
vate baths and phones, steam heated, hot
and cold water, aisappearing beds. Garland
stoves, poreeiain-linea refrigerators, eectria
levator; $55 to $5Q per month. m
CECILIA APARTMENTS, 22 d and Glisan.
2 and 3 room apartments, new 4-story
brick Just completed, all modern conven
iences, each apartment has privaie outside:
balcony, rent reasona ble.
Strictly modern, large rooms and three
closets to every apartment; cool and air
for Summer. 005 Lovejoy su Take V
somely furnished, lowest rent in the city;
all the modern conveniences and strictly
up-to-date. Apply at the McKinley. cor
ner East Morrison and East Seventh.
FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, mod. era
In. every particular; steam-heated, hot
water, janitor services, with, nrst-clasa
lurnishings. Apply to Janitor, 666 Koar-
ney at.
Washington sts.. 3-room apartments, hava
every modern convenience, including steam
heat, hot water, private bath, free phones
and janitor service; rent very reasonable.
Mrs. T. D- Hughes. Modern 3 and. 4-
room apartments; every convenience; botb
Phones. , .
st. ; 1 elegantly furnished. 1 unfurnished
3-room apartment; strictly modern; cen
trally located; both phones.
COMPLETELY furnished 4-room, steam
heated apartment; walking distance, reas
onable rent. Inquire Cottel Drug Co.
Main , 702. .
THE WESTFAL, 410 Sth St., furnished and
unft-rnished apartments; private baths and
phone; elevator and janitor service; reuis
reasonable. Phone A 2 o 3 S. t
For housekeeping in suites, $12 and up
hot water, free baths, nrst-clasa. 631ifc
Washington, oor. 2uttu
i AM-i. ATD 5-ruoin apartment, moa
ern and desirable; 525 Everett st. Apply
Morgan, F lei drier &. Hoyce. 5U3 Ablngton
blag. .
4-ROOM elegantly furnished modern apart
ment, complete for housekeeping; easy
walking dista. nee. Marshall 1829. A. 1124."
FOR RENT Newly furnished three and four
room apartments; modern conveniences. The
Leonce, ISO North 22d st.
4-ROOM apartment, including all modern
conveniences; $2750. Corner 21st and
yort hrup sts. 1QS9 Main; A 404b.
THE KING DAVIS, corner King and Davis
sts. ; 3-room. cool ; references.
THE CHETOPA 18th and Flanders Mod
ern 4-room apartments. Apply to janitor.
THREE, new up-to-date flats, best location
ln city. Call Main 1505, East 1187. W.
Reidt. 401 Rothchlld bldg. Money no
object; want a good tenant.
FIVE-ROOM fiat, steam heat, hot and cold
water; 15 minutes' walk from business
district, on carline. Inquire 272 Wll
.liams ave.
FOR RENT from August 1. modern 6 -room
flat. $25; equal to $45 on West Side; on
carline. inquire at 4SVa East 12th or A
UNFURNISHED 4-room flat, bath. 3 closets
and fireplace; newly tinted. 651 East
Yamhill, between 12th and 13th. Phone
FOR RENT Good 5-room flat. 487 Davis
L; rent $20. Apply
85 Fou'h St.
WHEN moving call up Van Hum Transfer
Co.. Main 161S, A 1034. All covered wag
ons. all experienced men.
FIVE-ROOM flats for rent on Glisan sL.
with heat, water and janitor service; mod
ern in every way. C. F. Read. A .251-
STRICTLY modern upper 5-room flat. 541
Fifth, near Jackson, West Side, easy
-walk. ,
FINE modem 5 and 7-room flats, choice lo
cation. 23d and Johnson sts.. rent $35
each. C. H. Korell. 250 Stark sL
FOl'k rooms and bath. 3S6 Park. Inquire
:tfcS Park.
THREE rooms, new, modern lats. 22d near
Clinton. Phone Sell wood 1762.
FLAT for rent. 174 XL E. 2d, North, corner
.Oregon. Phone Woodlawn 302.
4 NEW. modern 4-room flats, every con
venlence. East 5. B 1404. m
LOWER flat. 6 rooms and bath,
quire 689 E. Morrison.
$20. In-
FOUR very fine unfurnished rooms for rent.
Phone East 03M. Rent $25.
UPPER 6-rootn new flat. E. 6th and Oregon
sts.; $37.50 a month.
Housekeeping Rooms.
$1.25 WEEK, clean fur. housekeeping rooms.
heat. laundry, bath. 203 Stanton., "U" car.
$1.50 TO $2.00 a week Clean furnished
housekeeping rooms. DeSoto House. 291 2d.