Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 16, 1910, Page 18, Image 14

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Store Will Rtemain Open This Evening Until 9:30 Sale Prices on Hammocks RefrigeratorsIce Cream Freezers Low Shoes, Etc.
All Men's and Women's. Bathing Suits Reduced "Baseballitisi" the Latest Craze, Play Ball at Home Evenings Vudor Porch Shades
TodaysMen's Eay- QbSldren's j&&y cldul Meier (IVFraifrk Store
MMSMMMer SalesBaraiiis on Warm-Weatlher Needs
Chiidren'sUiMierwear 19c
Children's Dresses $ 1 . 9 8-
v , ;
Today, in the Children's "Wear section, second floor, a.'sale on Children's Wash
Dresses, Mothers of girls from 6 to 14 years of age will do well to read this
announcement with care, for,the savings presented are on garments you'll be
glad to buy.'. The materials are chambray, percale, gingham and linen. The
colors are blue, pink, tan and stripes and checks in all colors. Made in one
piece, sailor, Russian, jumper and long-waisted styles. Full pleat- A
ed skirt. Some have low' neck and short sleeves. Vals. to $5.50 at JJ) JL i O
The low price is because the offering consists of broken-lots. Not many of a
"number," that is, of any one style and size, but a goodly assortment, after all.
Pants and vests, the vest with high neck 'and long or short sleeves and the pants
in; knee-or ankle length. Quite a good assortment of sizes; regular t q
40c to 50c values.; during this sale1 the price has marked at, garment AiC
WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR, knit and swiss ribbed pants and vests, or union
suits i broken sizes in great assortment; regular 75c values, but on jq
account of being broken sizes, you may take your choice at, garment f3G
All Men's and Boys' FaRcy Suits in Our Store Reduced
i i- I ' 1 11 1 ... i ,. - . - m 1 1
Wait no longer Come at once and select a natty Summer Suit while the assortment is still so complete Bear in mind the fact that this is no sale
of a few hundred suits, but onr entire stock of fancy suits is included at the lowest prices ever known in Portland for good clothes If yon are
hard to fit that needn't keep you from taking advantage of this sale, for the assortment of sizes is so well selected that anypne may be fitted
If alterations are needed, we've expert tailors to make changes for you Best weaves, correct styles, all grades for men, young men and boys.
Every Man's Fancy Suit Is Now Reduced
Every Young Man's Fancy Suit Is Reduced
Men 's
Men 's
and Young
and? Young
and Young
and Young
and Young
and Young
and Young
Men 's
now on
now on
now on
now on
now on
now on
now on
sale at
sale at
sale" at
sale at
sale at
sale at
sale at
low price
low price
low price
low price
low price
low price
low price
All Boys' Wool Knicker Suits Are Reduced
All Boys' Wash Su i t s Now at Half-Price
Suits, regular $4.50 values, now selling at
Suits, regular $5.00 values, special, only
Suits, regular $6.00 values, special, only
Suits, regular $7.50 values, special, only
Suits, regular $9.00 values, special, only
Wool Knickerbocker Suits, rearular $10.00 values, special,, only
All Boys' "Wash Suits for this sale are marked at just ONE -HALF
"Wool ' Knickerbocker
"Wool Knickerbocker
Our Special
Dinner 75c
This evening,.. 5:30 to 8 o'clock,
we serve "the fojlowing inviting
menu in our 7th floor Tea Boom.
The Meier & Frank Orchestra will
render a varied programme of en
joyable music. Miss Forrest will also
sing one or more pleasing selections.
Canape Caviar
Chicken Soup with . Rice, 1 or
Cqnsomme Printanier
Olives ' Sweet Pickles '
Filet of Sole, Sauce Bernaise
Lamb CJiops glace, demi Duille
Wax Beans Saute
Baked, Mashed or .Steamed New
Salad Romaine en Mayonnaise
Caramel ; Custard Dome
Cafe Noir x
Specials in The
Tea Room
Filled Egg Salad 25 C
Head ' L'eVtuce' ' Saiad, with
Pnench Dressing, JSc
Assorted Cold Meats, with
Potato Salad, 25 C
Olive'sandwlcti Ifl
for lUC
Manhattan Club ' O C
Sandwich for fcOC
Splendid Suggestion for
Warm Weather Luncheons.
Rest awhile from y.our
shopping today and stop in
our newly-f itted-up mani
cure and hair-dressing: par
lors to have your nails
m a n 1 c u red or your hair
dressed while you are wait
ing:. Skilled operators to
attend to your wants and
moderate charges.
Men's $1.50 Hats 98c
This is the Hat for outing
or negligee wear. Many men
wear them about town in
preference to straw' hats,
and you'll notice many a
natty dresser with one on
today. They're light, cool
and can be folded up and
put into your grip when
you're going on a trip.
Come in several shades; all
sizes; regular $1.5(T values;
special for today sX rcy
this very low price JQC
Saturday Groceries
Specials from our. pure-food grocery that will save yoifwVrk
over, a hot stove preparing good things to eat, and you'll have
mem just as pure ana good as it you made them yourself.
Home-Mada AlmondOO
Cookies," special at, lb. C
Imported JapaneseOI
Brooms, today, at, each 1 C
Fresh Creamery Butter, eer
special; two-lb. sauare OOC
ee9s SMrts
'$1.5.6 Values 95c
$2 Values $1.29
The vacation trip will call for a
large supply of Shirts and you will
need the negligee as well as the
more dressy models This sale is
intended to supply your needs in all
styles The materials are fine silk soisette, imported
chambray, madras, French percale and oxford The golf style shirts are made
with closed fronts or in coat style, plain or pleated bosoms, cuffs attached or
separate or with the new style soft double French xuiffs Come in all the sea
son's best colorings and patterns The negligee shirts are made with soft turn
down collars, coat style or regular closed front with pearl buttons and pockets.
See Morrison-Street Window Display Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled
Shirts for boating fishing, golfing tennis, base-
ball and general wear All sizes in every style.
if! .
LOT No. 1 3000 shirts in all styles, all sues and
the best fabrics Shirts for all sorts of.
Summer wear Regular $1.50 values A 1
great special for today at the low price of
LOT No. 2 Shirts in all styles and sizes, very fine
makes selling regularly up to $2
each Fine quality materials Per
fect fit and style Your choice at
Specials at
the Soda
Take a cool drink at our
basement soda fountain.
Prompt and courteous
service, moderate prices.
Vanilla Ice Cream 10c
Strawberry Ice Cream.. 10c
Orange Sherbet ". 10c
Pineapple Sherbet 10c
Frozen Orange Sundae 10c
Fros'n Pineapple Sundae 10c
Peach Special 15c
Orpheum Special 20c
Fence Rail Sundae 20c
Visit the New
Optical Dept.
With the Big Store's
guarantee back of all op
tical work and all glasses
sold here, you are certain
.of getting the best. The
department is under the
direction of a skilled opti
cian with IS years' prac
tical experience. We fill
oculists' prescriptions, fit
glasses, repair frames and
lenses, .etc. Modest prices
$1.50. Cloves ?3c
50c Ribbons 23c
Women's Kid. Gloves, in cape, mo
cha and glace kid, broken line of
colors und sizes; one or two-clasp
styles, just the thing for beach and
outing wear; regular $1.25
and $1.50 values, the pair OC
S500 Yards Ribbon, in all silk taf
feta, all silk moire and' print warp
taffetas ' with satin edges; also
fancy striped moires and satin bro
cade effects. Regular '40c 00
and 50c values, sp'l., yard wC
A 'Kerchief Sale
Three for 50c
Women's and Children's Handier?
chiefs, with colored borders and
fancy initial corners; hand-embroidered
and hand-hemstitched; our
regular 50c to 65c values, CI"!
at low price of three for 3vlC
Women's and Children's Handker
chiefs, of plain hemmed sheer lin
en, regular 15c values, on spe- lT
cial sale at low price of, ea. C
Frou Frou Wafers, reg- CA
nlarly.COc lb., special""
Holland Rusks, today OP
only, two packages at .OC
Maconochie's PickledWalnnts,
regularly 40c bottle, on OC-
special sale at, bottle JC
eut renui uu, me new cooking oil that hasn't that Q 1
oily taste; small-size "bottle, on special sale for, each C
Medium-sized bottles at 37 Large-sized bottles at fin
io.. & x. UUllLL has that nch Java and Mocha fla- OO
vor, on special sale today at low price of, the pound "JC
Sheet Music for 1 5c
Today, in our fifth floor sheet music section, the following late
hits will be on sale at the very low price of 15c the copy: In
the Garden of Love With You, When You Dream of the Girl Yon
Love, Mid the Roses, Put on Your Old Gray Bonnet, Sure Fire
Rag, Pickled Beets Rag; Off Again, on Again, Finnegan; 1C
Why Don't the Band Play Dixie t new and others, at A3C
Extra Special With each $1.00 purchase of music today we win
-give a roll containing five popular songs and in
strumental pieces in the 5th floor music section
MOTHER, the great descriptive ballad, founded on Jules 1 CI
Goodman's play, and many others on sale at, the copy "C
Women's Emb'd Linen Collars
Reg. Values to'75c Each at 25c
'Women's Hand-Embroidered Linen Collars, slightly soiled; a
large assortment of pretty -styles, in broken sizes; regu- OC
lar 50c and 75c values, special at low price of, each "OC
. women'B JNecfcwear,. in tfroat stocks and Chantecler col- 1 f.
lars; regular 50c values, large assortment; special, each
Women's Silk Hose
Take advantage of this purchase to secure the daintiest hose a
woman can wear the kind that does not rip or run in the
threads; come in all shades and fast black, Italian CZ(
Silk Hose, placed on sale at this price, the pair P -Ovl
Women's Lisle, Hose, extra fine quality, in plain black or tan,
also fancy hose in boot lace effects; regular values npCQ
to ,$1.50 the pair, on special sale today at, the pair O C
Women's and Children's Hose, fast black cottton, goodOC,,
quality, just the thing for beach wear; 15c values, 3. for"
Children's Rnshline Hose, medium weight, splendid wearing
quality for beach and mountain wear; fast black; tOJ
regular 20c values, on special sale, for the pair 2rC
$ 1 Fishing Rods at 79c
Buy your fishing tackle in our fifth floor sporting goods depart
ment, where w.e have a large new stock of all kinds of tackle.
Jointed Bamboo Fishing Rods, regular $1.00 values, each, 79
Reels, regularly priced at 45c each, on special sale for, ea., 29
Trout Flies, regularly 40c the dozen, on special sale, dozen, 25
Collapsible Drinking Cups, regular 25c value, sale price, 19
White Canvas Hammocks, in bag, to carry on your $0 7Q
outing trip; regular $3.50 values, special today for V
viute auck nammociis, regular $3.00 values, sale price $2.69
Men's Oxfords $2.85
A lot of 1000
pairs of Men's
Low Shoes, in pat
ent colt; gun-
metal, ta n or ,
black Russia calf,
chocolate or black
glazed kid, etc.
There are blucher
and button styles, swing or medium round hV
toe lasts; all sizes and widths; $3.50-$4 vals. J)tQj
Boys' and Youths' Moccasins, of heavy tan chrome calf;
veryycomfortable and cool for Summer and outing wear.
Sizes 6- to 11, specially marked for this sale, pairjgl.lO
Sizes 12 to 2, specially marked for this sale, pair $1.35
Sizes 3 to 5, specially marked for this sale, pair 1.65
Men's, sizes 6 to 11, for this sale at only, the pair $1.85
Misses' and Children's Oxfords, in patent colt or kid,
blucher or button with extension or turn soles. Spring
or low heels. Sizes IIV2 to 2 at $1.69. d ! A f
Sizes 8Y2 to 11 at the very low price of Jj) i TJ
Wash Day Specials
Don't wait until you need these articles, for then your wash day
is aU the harder work because you have- to do without things
that yon can buy today for little money. On sale, in basement.
$1.5j0 Willow Clothes Baskets, on special sale at, each, $1.19
45c tJlass Washboards, on special sale at low price of, ea., 35
$1.25 No. 9 Galvanized Wash Boiler, special price, each, 99
$2.75 Clothes Wringers, special at low price of, each, $2.19
25c Wall Clothes Racks, special at the low price of, each, 19i
4$1.25 Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons, on special sale at, the set, 95
15c Soap Dishes, special, 12 30c Suds Dippers, special, 24
7c Ironing Wax, on special sale at this low price, .the cake, 5
Glomes nns isuy all you want oi then at this price, o;ozen, 1
Attorney McCourt Brings Corpse of
Ills Hoy From Denver.
United States District Attorney John
McCourt and family will arrive in
Portland at 10:80 this morning- with
f h K.ifW nf TVIlKtt- l.Pn..i-t VA.,na.A.
son of the official. The -, little boy
iled at rx-nver. Colo., Tuesday, of
spinal meningitis.
The party will be Immediately trans
ferred to the Oreson Electric Railway
and will jto to tfalem. The funeral will
occur at 3 o clock P. M. Sunday fronv.
me nome 01 Mrs. v. t . Boothby, mother
of Mrs. McCourt.
Mr. McCourt was In the East on a
combined business and pleasure trlD
and had been accompanied by his fam
ily. They were en route to Portland,
stopping- in various cities which they
had never before visited. At Denver
4-year-old Wilbur was suddenly at
tacked with the dreaded disease tod
died after a very short illness.
Pleasure Driveway Improved.
ETUGEXE, Or.. July 15 (Special.) En-
gene is to have an Improved driveway
from Pearl street to the top of-Skinner
Butte.. This will not only be convenient
for the people of Eugene, but sjwill also
be a pleasure trip for the tourists, as
this road will toe so Improved as to en
able autos and qfher vehicles to ascend
the butte without difficulty and obtain
a good view of the city.
And Hear the Hon. Jos.' W. Folk, ex
Governor of Missouri. .
Join the crowds that will visit Albany
tomorrow and hear one of the finest
addresses ever delivered from the
American platform and by one of the
greatest statesmen our country has
ever known. Sunday will be the last
and biggest day of Albany's first Chau
tauqua and preparations are already
made to accommodate 5000 visitors
coming to hear ejc-Oovernor Folk. Spe
cial rates on all trains to Albany Sun
day. '
"bttnrcuts frank l. SMITH MEAT CO.
Soup Bones ....4
Prime Rib Roast Beef, rolled, bone
less Veal Sausage 15
Pork Sausage 15
Pot Roast Beef 10
Beef to bake. .... ...... .7 to 10
Hamburg Steak , ; .". 12V-
Round Steak 12y2S 15
Shoulder Roast Beef ...10
Sirloin Steak 12y2, 15
Tenderloin Steaks 12MsS 15tf
Shoulder Beefsteak 12V
Beef to spice .. ........... . 7$ up
Fresh Eggs, dozen -30
Corned Beef, Brisket 8$
Corned Beef, Plate 8
Corned Beef, Rump.. . -10, 12
Corned Beef, Shoulder Cuts 10
Beef, to Stew .... ... 7, 8
Beef to Boil .7. 8
Beef for Hash .7$, 8
Steak for Beefsteak Pie 12V&
Beef Hearts -. 8
Tripe 10
Beef Tongues 15
Leg of Mutton 15
Shoulder of Mutton 10i
Mutton Chops 15J
Mutton Stew 8
Columbia River Salmon 15i
Smith's Hams, per lb 21
Smith's Bacon, by the piece,
per lb -.22y2
Smith's absolutely pure Lard, 5-lb.
pail 90
Smith's absolutely pure Lard, 3-lb.
Pail ......... 55
Smith's absolutely pure Cooking
Compound, 5-lb. pail 65
Smith's absolutely pure Cookinsr
Compound, 3-lb. pail.... 40
Halibut IO $
Salt-water Smelt ........... 12Y$
Black Cod ...l6
Hard-Shell Clams, per lb. ...5