Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 16, 1910, Page 14, Image 12

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For Sale Farms.
60 acres, fine. deep, black Boll; 40 acre
in high state of cultivation, 20 more eas
ily cleared ; 2 wells, spring and" creek;
.food "-room house, large barn, all out
buildings, three good horses. 11 cows. 3
yearlings, l calf. 3 sows. 7 pigs. 11 geese,
6 dozn chickens, 2 wagons, 2 -sets new
harness, all implements and tools; 16
miles from Portland, on main county road.
1 hi mils from R. R. station and milk
route and in fine open country; price $6O0o.
$4500 cash, balance 5 years; this place is
not run down, but up in good shape; you
can't beat it. This Dlace is a money
maker. M. E. THOMPSON CO..
Henry BIO p.. Fourth and Oak Sts.
Main tt'4, A 8327.
sW A Citrus, all in cultivation, fine river bot
tom soil and cl o5e to good country town,
well fenced, p-od new house and barn on
place. Price per acre.
130 acres, 95 in crop, rest well seeded pas
ture land, fine rivtr bottom land, fine new
house, good bsrns, small orchard on . place,
for only $S0 per acre.
Iflo acre. 75 acres open land, .K acres
1n crop, big new 7 -room, house, good barn,
$35 per acre.
4"9 Qorlinger bldg.
glERE Is a cut of nbout $2000 on one of the
finest ranches near Newberg. This is a
cold fact- Owner has option on piece of
property that h- cannot afford to lose.
Better tiian 40 acres. 2 miles from New
berg; It; aores in cultivation. 5 acres tim
ber, bal. easily cleared: good family or
chard, fine lot of berrie?; good house;
barn cost $-SOO; water piped to house and
barn. Well fenced. This is an excep
tionally fine ranch and a big bargain at
$7750 White & Nichols. Newberg, Or.
" $.-,0 PER A ' RE. "
77 acres In Yamhill County; 20 arres in
crop, balance in good piling; running
water, well and 3 springs ; house, barn
and large orchard; everything goes with
place; terms. H. R, Black, 403 Lumber
Exchange hldg.
poo acres first-class wheat land in East
ern Oregon, 2 miles from railroad sta
. tlon. Address X 20, Oregonian.
90 ACRES fruit and stock land, 1 mile from
railroad depot. $12. 5o per acre; terms. 10
5 th it.
Clo.-e-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small,
well-In; prove.! farm, at low price and oa
most liberal terms, nee me. 1 handle my
own properties.
J. O. ' ELROD.
52 Corbett Bldg.
(TORTH REACH We own and want an
offer in money or Portland property for
S2 acres a short distance above the Break
ers Hotel; beautiful ocean frontage and
hade trees; one of prettiest properties on
the beach. The Hunt Land Co., 146 lid
t. I'hone Marshall liiSj.
ti 1UO Altl) LAN 1).
Going to Callioima ".' Looking for irrl
sated lands? it so, dtup ai Vwitows. Glen a
County, on the main line of the Southern
Pacltio Railroad, wnere the representatives
of the Sacramento Valley Irrigation Com
pany will a! lord you every opportunity to
e the greatest irrigation project in Amer
ica. You will see the first awakening of
the GKbAX VALL.B1'. Many nuiliontt of
dollar of lncrt-ased aluea will ha inaue
tnere within a ivw years. Win you snare
This project Is financed by J. S. and W.
. Kuhn, Inorporattu, bankers of Pitts
bur, Pa., who su successfully developed
JiDC'V In Southern luuav, comprising in all
The same opportunities for money-making
that were given in luaiiu will be seize a Dy
many In the Sacramento Valley Project.
Price u lanu .i i-r acre wnu water
Very easy terms. Cash payment of only
$ 16 per acre, other payment extending ovr
10 years.
For literature and full Information ad
Lie. par tmen t A."
Willu ws, California.
Other offices Pittsburg, Pa.; Chicago. III.;
San Francisco, and Loa Angeles. California.
fcOUO ACRES finest volcano ash fruit land
on the Columbia Rtvei ; platting and pre
liminary work done, ditches in and irriga
tion system practically completed; town
Bite on tract. In center of best irrigated
district in Northwest ; right parties cun
get control of this at figure to net at lea&t
20 per cent; unless you have means or
satisfactory connections, don't answer
Address H16 Electric bid. Phono Marshall
!WE HAVE a client for 5000 to ;;0,0O0 acres
farm land for Eastern colonies. What
have you to offer? Give location, describe
land, name lowest price and best terms.
1 ' E .V N 1 N V EST M E N T C O.
614 Buchanan Bldg.
BESI IEN( 'H wanted, modern und well lo
cated, will pay for same in part with,
fine lot situated lot f-et east of Missis
sippi car, two blocks north of Russell St.;
price 2oo, worth more, will assume dll
ference or pay. Room COM Couch bldg.
WANTED Residence $2500 to $5000; will
pay for same in part with line lot in
Lower Albina worth $20011 and assume
mortgage or pay difference. Room tioa
Couch bldg.
W1LL exchange my new 5-passenger tour
ing car ami auto business for first mort
gage or real estate, close in; value $2000.
.n 1 2M, oregonian.
1 WUI LD like to rent a place on your back
lot for my auto; West Side and walking
distance preferred. N 325, Oregonian.
iV 1 l.L buy home on West Side ; name lowest
price and give full description ; $8000 up.
T 133. oregonhm.
V A N T E 1) t .d dairy farm on electric line
within 25 miles of Portland. 1022 Board of
Twuit bldg.
, V A N T E D C heap pi
ild la.d on easy
iirnis- no n u on Is 'ilS Coiii-h tilde
"HAVE buyer for 5 arrej with house, near
city. AK 134. Oregon tan.
COO ACRES of timber land. 12 miles from
lufur liaMroaU; good water power, ca
pacity 10.000 feet dally; lO.Ooo.ouo feet
uf standing timber on land; all fenced
with 4-wire fence; timber and complete
cuirit goes for $12,500; will give terms,
j Parlies Interested will be shown the prop
' erty upon calling on V. J. Kelly, Tho
I Uailes, or.
VOR S A LE A small shingle and sawmill
combined; everything complete and ready
to make money; will contract for product.
Owner. M 121. Oregonian.
C. J. M' OR AC KEN, 304 McKay Bids;.
'TIMBER claims, homesteaasi rellnquish
inenta 210 Worcester 1 ldg. ;
TIMBEH claim by owner, cheap. P. M.
Jorgensen, enre C T. Co.
1'IMBRR lands wanted.
' SU4 McKay bldg.
C. J. McCracken.
15 acres in the famous Hood River all
set to commercial orchard, ft acres of
which is in full bearing. Near town. Own
er needs money in other business. $40t)0
handles. Will consider Portland property
in part trade. At' 131, Oregonian.
ltiO ACRES of land. Jackson County, Or.;
over 2 million feet pine and fir. accessible
crek near; $24ih; will take two-thirds in
Port land lots. Address AM 13t, Orego-
3.2M ACRES of wheat land in Eastern Ore
gon, will trade for Portland property. For
1 arUiu'ars call oa Alex Shives. 517 Hoard
of Trade Bldg.
3 good yellow pine claims in "Wheeler
Countv for sale or trade for good Portland
i roporty. J. K- Horn in g ,3 1 1 Ailsky bldg.
VN1U VIPBD interest in first-class garage and
auto repair hop; one ix v6 cylinder in
Hn fix. one Pvvpe-TvIet1o car; will exchange
for real citato. Apply4o3Corbett bldg.
HAVE 30 acres. mile from R- R.. will
take 4 or 5-passenger auto; value $15t0,
bal. S cash; price per acre. $140. S 132.
FOR EXCHANGE SO acres Columbia Co.,
also a lot and fraction in Seattle. What
have you. C. M. Crittenden. Hubbard,
JTO EXCHANGE for Portland property $5150
equity in a fine 103 w-acre tract near
HilWboro. T. 11. Littlchales, Forest Grove,
V'AS'l KD To exchange Southern Oregon
timler land for United Wireless Tele
graph Company stock. Address Box 237,
Stay ton. Oregon.
JOTi In good Eastern Oregon town to ex
change for equities, acreage or city lota.
W hat have you ? 014 Buchanan bldg.
Marshall 2189.
40-FOOT. 20-mile motor-boat for a 4-pass-enger
automobile. Geo. G. Maier. 2 Lura
bermens bldg.
"WILL trade my equity in $l00 restricted
lot fr piano check; equity $75. G 121,
WlL.b exchange SO ncres timber for auto
J or Portland jots. x 12. Oregonian.
hit'C can trade any kind of property at room
FOR SALEJ or trade for small farm or city
property, small stock of general merchan
dise and etore building. living rooms, fine
location; spring water, all kinds of garden;
w-ould trade stock and rent building. H.
Fallman. Hex, Or.
Ml" ST sell at onc 8x307 feet, at end of
Hawthorne ave. carltne; will take goor
clear lot for part payment or will take
good horse and buggy. Call 534 o'Jth St..
end of Hawthorne ave. car. Phone Tabor
Horses, "Vehicles and Harness.
WHY buy second-hand vehicles when yon
can get a new one from an old-established
wholesale house, 44 years In Oregon, at
almost the same cost ? We are located
outside the high-rent district, own our
building, and can make the price. Ex
clusive agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv
ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and
farm ago as. Be sure and see us before
you buy. It may save you money.
R. M. WADE & CO..
.22 Hawthorne ave.. bet. East 1st and 3d.
WE have for sale 8 horses, ranging in price
from $175 to $H)0M, some that will surely
prove winners in the coming horse shows;
others that will suit the moderate buyers;
we only sell horses that we know will
suit and when dissatisfied, your money is
promptly retunded; we do not ask you to
take another horse and pay a little more;
these horses we offer are safe, sound and
very attractive: ask any responsible horse
owner in Portland the class of horses we
hand le; look at our horses before buying.
Kramer Stable, 15th and Alder sts.
We are now located at the Portland
Union Stockyards.
- We have on hand a good stock of mules
weighing from 12oo to 1400 lbs. that are
first-class In every particular; our prices
are in line with the times. Come and see
us and we will convince you.
Woodlawn 2400. '
FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons.
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and
mares. If not as represented they can be
returned. We also have on hand several
oelivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons
for sale. Huwthorne-ave Stables, 420
Jiaffthorne av e. .
lOu head, 1200 to 1500 lbs., suitable for
railroad, logging and farm work. Mules
at Freedman Bros.' barn, corner 13th and
Overton sts. Address Sparks &. Wlggin-
ton, Imperial Hotel.
FOR SALE One team young horses, weigh
ing 2-S0O lbs. ; sound and without blem
ishes; one young horse weighing 150O lbs.
220 Russell st.
4 HEAD delivery horses for sale, weighing
from 1 1O0 to 130O pound. $125 each;
work any placed 14 both st., Montavilla.
I'hone Tabor Y..
FOR SALE Fine family mare 6 years old
and sound; new rubber-tire runabout and
harness; must sell at once. 5.14 50th St.,
end of Hawthorne carline. Tabor 2304.
FOR SALE Thoroughly Found and gentle
family mare, with stylish trap and har
ness; $300. Inquire Frazer & McLean
. Stables. 5th and Taylor.
6BVERAL good horses, two delivery wagons,
new and second-hand buggies, several sets
harness. Pacific Coast Stables-. lth and
"WANTED Will hire horses with harness,
with or without drivers ; steady work,
pipe hauling. 516 Worcester bldg., P. O.
Address. Box 51 (i.
PORTLAND Stables. 20 North 15th. Main
1125, for fine horses and wagons bv the
day, week or month; first-class business
FOR SALE at Portland Stables. 2th North
15th street. 1 team, weight 3iOO lbs., ab
solutely true in every way ; a fine slip
or ranch team; price $250.
A GOOD sound horse, thoroughbred and
city broke; 6 years old. Phone Tabor
1045. Address East 47th and Hawthorne.
FOR SALE One team heavy workhorses;
good condition. Oregon & Washington
Lumber Co.. Main 2163.
WANTED To rent a pony for couple of
ceks to drive with mine for camping
FOR SALE Cheap, email gray team, young,
1SMo lbs.' End Montavilla car, Idleman
H.4.M BLETONIAN standard-bred driver, age
5. weight l'oO. sound, city broke; single
harne as a n d bu g g y. Phone T a bor 2270.
2S00-LB. TEAM. $50 harness $400; not old.
skates; guaranteed sound ; try them any-
where. Metzger and Walnut, Kern Park.
SMALL span, young mare, sound and gen
tle, thoroughly broke; double and single,
jwelght 1050 lbs. each. 343 Williams ave.
$325 MARE and horse, weight 3O00, true
puller with harness; come try the team.
242 Grand ave. S.
HUBERT & HALL'S STABLES. 380 Front st,
livery business, rigs,, horses, harness, wag
ona, for -ale or rent. Main 2208.
FOR SALE 1000-lb. saddle and driving
mare, city broke. Phone Tabor 1013.
RIDING and driving mare, aged fi. sound,
gentle and city broke. Sellwood 840.
MI ST sell a
or double.
. a sacrifice, pony; drive single
430 East Burned.
WANTED rhild"s pony. Address with price
and particulars S 134, Ore gonia n
For Ken t Pa st u rc
PASTURE for rent near Portland. 339
h erlock bldg. I'hone Main 1410.
. Automobiles.
Trade or cash, a $3300 five-passenger
touring car for $1800 cash; or will take
property and some cash; price of prop
erty .must be right; city property pre
ferred; car In fine shape; has top and
glass front .etc. Phone C 2746.
WANTED By Y. M. C. A. Automobile
frciiool, automobiles to repair; no charges
except for parts furnished; references as
to the efficiency of work turned out by
school on application. phone Educational
Director, A 6501. Private Exchange 65 or
call at shop. 190 Chapman st.
TWO $150 piano certificates, three at $123
even up for a molar tooth of a six-cylinder
Orecalwas. If tooth has been filled
it will Ue accepted. Address N 129, Ore
.gonian. -PASSENGER 60-H. P. Thomas Flyer, In
good condition; Ju?t the car for mage line
or livery ; $1600 cash or Installments. West-
in Auto Co.. o31 Aider st.
MODERN 4-cy Under 5-passenger auto, 19o9
i njuiiiycu, in :t i-ciass condition;
a bargain at $10oo. cash or terms! no
tradeg. D 1 26. Oregon lan.
M Y 2-year-old daughter, for giving wrong
answer to piano puzzie, got $ioO anyway;
will trade even up for three crawfish.
Address N 126, Oregonian.
FOR quick sale will take $900 for my 5-
jmssenger auto; a snap. As Jita, Ure
gonian. 4-CYL1NDBR roadster. $390 cash; this sure
ia a snap. .Mam 72J. a 7ft i 2.
$tf(Mj SNAP, 5-passenger automobile, good
umiuuu'u. o-o i usiuiigmn st., room 41 1.
WI LL trade good stocks or bonds for a
roadster. Phone Main 6543.
BARGAIN Four-cylinder Ford runabout
owner. 2ut- liranq ave.
P1uno- Organ and MnMcal Inntrnmeau,
FINE, high-grade player piano at a sacri
fice; party going East, must sell. John
Meder. 302 East Burnslde St.
SQUARE Stein way piano, beautiful tone,
in good condition, $100. Phone Wood
lawn 2223.
Birds. Doss and Pet Stock.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Llewellyn setter
pups. 3 W months old, $5 and $10 each.
I'hone weekdays. A 7314.
PEDIGREED Great Dene puppies 10 weeks
old. 151 Ut K. 6th.
A FINE bulldog for reasonable price. Write
. 245 Couch st.
BARGAIN Roll-top desk, rexolving chair,
desk lamp, typewriter. J. C- Smith. Main
Jj 503.
50. OOO FEET of garden hose at 4c foot;
Suaranteea to oe new. j. &imon & Bro.,
1J Kwnn
KEFP COOL Alternating current electric
fan. practically new. for sale cheap. I.
Holaman. 149 3d st.
TEN-BURNER gae range for sale at second
hand rates. Inquire at Y. W. C. A., 7th
and Taylor sts. -
600 BUSINESS CARDS $1.25 if vou bring
this ad. Rose City Prlntery. 192 3d. near
Ta ylor.
FOR SALE 7 5-horsepower marine firebox
tubular boiler and 14x18 Gardner center-
orank engine. O 127. Oregonian.
TWO bake ovens for sale, suitable for a
coffee house or small bakery. S31 17th st.
Phone Marshall 1728
$105 PIANO check to be sold very rea
sonable. Apply Hedd & Bates' drug
store. Lownsdale and W ashing ton.
STOCK of decorations, novelties, Jewelry, re
turn balls. canes, pennants, etc, 472
Washington el-
BEST 4-foot fir cord wood $5.60 delivered.
r. Multnomah Fuel Co. Both phones.
231 Stark St. Main 1407.
NOTES and mortgages bought and o!d. Nt
tl-tral Credit Assn. Bui Worcester bldg.
VIOLINS, banjos, mandolins, guitars at halt
a regular prices. Uncle Myers. 71 6:h mt.
SHOWCASES. rew and scond-hand7 112
Svereu. cor. 6t& AJa fixtures
FOR bAij.
M i-eiT.n
ALL of the fixtures used in the McAllen &
McDonnell department store now for sale
very cheap, consisting of cash carrier sys
tem with 1 S stations, showcases, counters
with oak and walnut tops, nickel window
fixtures, mirrors, forms, wax figures and
hundreds of other articles useful in a store.
Third and Morrison Sts.
SEWING machines, special sale on splendid
lot of fine second-hand machines of all
leading makes. Sir.ger, Wheeler & Wil
son. New Home. White, Domestic. House
hold and others, to make room for new
Singer 66 and rotary. Singer Dewing
Machine Store, 9. S. Sigel, Agent. 335
Morrison st. Fnone Main 2183. A 45911.
MY children are papering the woodshed
with piano certificates; they have over
lloo. but are short about 250; for pale
greens they will give four pins; for
bright reds eight pins, and for dainty
azure shades, lit pina each. Address O
125, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Russel traction engine, 10 horse
power, in good running crder; also planer
24x8, with fan, ehaftin and belting.
Oregon City. Or., R. No. 3.
FOR SALE Graaing outfit, 11 borees. three
wheelers, three fresnos, 1 plow, shovels and
other equipment. See owner, working Lau
rel hurst, or address R. J. Potter, 1&2 Eat
23d. Tel. Eat 3732.
THE Northwest Typewriter Company. 222
Ahington bldg. Pnone M. 8b 70. is the
only company selling strictly factory re
built typewriters; prices $10 to $65.
FOR SALE A 1,000.000-gallon Worthlng
ton, outside packed double action, pump.
Jos. E. Hedges, Secretary Water Board,
Oregon City, Oregon.
I HAVE SS50 worth of fake piano checks;
will trade even for an old tooth brush;
brush must have at least six bristles left.
Addres N 127. Oregonian.
A BARGAIN, 2 steel-lined shoe drummers'
sample trunks. Beauregard's, 702 Main.
Vancouver, Wah.
50. Ask for catak-g. Rebuilt $15 up. N.
M. Hayter Co.. 90 5th st. Alain 5529.
FOR SALE: Showcase,
cheap. No. 222 Grand
wal leases, counters,
ave. Phone East 53d.
DESK, typewriter, filing cabinet and of
fice chairs for sale at a bargain, lo Wash
ington bldg.
:ii:SCKJ.LA N oca.
Highest price paid for men's cast-off
clothing and shoes. The Glol?e Second
hand store, 290 First. Main 2Oa0. We also
buy ladies' clothing.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoea;
w e also buy household furnishings ; highest
price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62
. &a st. Mam -2.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford I
Auction Co. jr you U get leas. Phones: A
24 4 5; Main 8951 .
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
WANTED at once, young men to learn to
spin yarn ; fair wages to start; steady
work guaranteed throughout the year. Ap
ply to superintendent Portland Woolen
Mills,St. Johns, Oregon.
WANTED Man to go on road with moving
picture show, act as manager; salarv and
percentage; must invest small capital; ref
erences exchanged. Call 612 Buchanan
bldg.. 2sp 3 Washington.
CARPENTERS wanted at East Ankeny and
'en st. carbarn; free transportation. Ap
ply today to superintendent at barn. W.
S. Barstow & Co.
WANTED at once, first-class soda dispenser;
good wages and steady work to right
man. Crescent Candy Co., 952 Pacific
ave.. Tacoma, Wash.
EXPERIENCED drivers, only those who
know the city need apply, giving refer
ence and phone number. AE 130, Orego
nian. SADDLEM AKER. wanted, must be a first
class man, fast and good flower stamper;
steady job at $4 for 10 hours day.' Write
Q. A. Harrington. Elko, Nev.
WORK for a few first-class heading bosses
in aqueduct tunnel. Yorktown Heights,
Westchester County, New York. John
- -Moran.
WANTED First-class barber, Saturday
work only ; hours 8 A. M. to 1 1 p M. ;
guarantee $5. Apply 704 Washington st.,
Vancouver, wash. C. Montgomery.
SALESMEN for the best strictly hiph-class
private residence or business office nnm-
ositicn ever brought to Portland. Apply
9 to 10 and 1 to 3. 210 Marquam bldg.
WANTED Man and wife on ranch in Hood
River section ; must furnish reference; a
desirable place for the right parties. R
132. Oregonian.
TO UNO MEN wanted to prepare for railway
mall clerks, postofTice clerks, carriers, etc.
Write or call for Book 30, it's free. Pacifio
States School. McKay bldg.. Portland. Or.
EXPERT automobile repair men ; must be
Al; open shop. Keats Auto Co. See Mr.
Arnold, Tth and Burnide sts.
WANTED 10 teams to haul e-and and gravel
$6 and up a day. 492 Mississippi ave. Phone
East 4526.
LEARN to operate moving pictures; oper
ators tarn $35 weekly. Moving Picture
School. 526 Wash.,bet. 16th and 1 7th.
WANTED Honest partner for moving-pic"
ture show ; $10 to $30 made daily Call
52 Wash., bet. 36t hand 3 7 th .
PRINTER WANTED Good, all-round man;
$18 a week. Crook County Journal,
prir.eville. Or.
FIRST-CLASS machinist wanted, permanent
position, good wages. United Metal Trades
$18 TO $35 week few months only learning;
situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-Engraving
School. Box 182. Ashland, Or.
VV ANTE D S t ead y ma n Ued to farm work
for orchard, close to Portland; $30 and
board. 709 Corbett bldg.
WANTED Good, first-class general jobbing
blacksmith. 371 North 17th st., bet. Sa
vier and Thurman.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitor, cath
olic magazine; acceptable contracts cashed
Ben edit; tine Press. Goodnough bldg.
FINE opening for young man, light and
clean work, small capital required. 326
Washlngton st., room 417; investigate.
RELIABLE business man wants partner to
oversee help, answer phone calls etc.; pays
$25 a week. Call 417 Board of Trade.
WANTED First-class deliveryman for gro
cery store, one with experience preferred
Apply 434 East Burnside st.
MAN and wife to work in kitchen of boarding-house.
243 Holladay ave. Phone East
WANTED Experienced helper cn cakes;
also a strong boy in cake dept. Royal
Bakery. Uth and Everett.
EXPERIENCED bench and millhand for
small planing-mill; steadv job to right
man. North Side Planlng-mill. Roseberg.
WANTED An active young man to work
nights In bakery. Apply fi P. M. Satur
day night. 63 Park at North, cor. Davis.
WANTED Drue; clerk, young man 16 or 17,
with 1 or 2 years' experience. 92 Klllings
worth. Phone Woodlawn 27 9.
WANTED Good boy. over 16; one anxious
to learn a business. Apply Lowengart &
WANTED 3 experienced trunkmakers at
once. Portland Trunk Mfg. Co., 3d and
Pi n es t s.
WANTED Gentleman 50 years old for ele
vator operator: experience unnecessary. Y.
M. C. A. Employment Dept.
WANTED Reliable man used to farm pro
duce; pay $23 week; pmall investment re
quired. Particulars 24 Stark m.
ANTED Young man solicitor, no house-to-house
canvassing: good compensation to
r 1 g ht party. 3Q9 Shetland b 1 d g.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced marker
and distributor. Address The Dalles Laun
dry Co.. The Dalles. Or.
WANTED Bright boy; good penman and
accurate, to do billing and assist with
office work. A J 13 4. Oregonian.
WANTED First-class finisher.
Sandy Road. Rose City car.
49th and
FIRST-CLASS bushier and presser. Pantages
Tailoring Co.. 2SS St a rks t. , n ear 4 th.
JAPANESE man and wife wanted on a
ranch. O 134. Oregonian.
WANTED A first-class cleaner. Broadway
Dye Works. 353 Union aye n u e,N or t h.
WANTED Terra-ontta pressers. Address 79
Milt bldg.. Pan Francisco. Cal.
TWO good cooks, man and wife or women
Phone A S762.
MEN for factory near Portland; married
men preferred. 339 Sherlock bldg.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents;
new offer. Cutberth studio. Dekum bldg.'
WIRE workers wanted; steady work. Port
land Wire Sc. Iron Works.
BOYS wanted with wheel; over 16 years of
age. Apply 26414 Taylor.
MAN wanted to sell Hibernian decorations.
Louis B- Marks. 472 W'ashington st-
WANTED Marker and distributor. Vancouv
er Laundry. Vancouver, Wash.
WANTED Coucb-malicrs and upholsterers.
Carman Mfg. Co.. lth and Upshur.
WANTED Competent apple orchardisi;
fteaCy job. T 134. Ore gc-nian.
LEARN driving automobile, day or evening.
i. Washington, room 417. Main 53S1
WANTED Manicure. lOI Fourth street.
WANTED Able-bodied men for the T7. 8.
Marine Corps, between the agea of 19 and
35; must be native bom or have first papers;
monthly pay $15 to $69; additional com
pensation possible; food, clothing. Quarters
and medical attendance free; aXter 30 years
service can retire with 73 per cent of pay
and allowances; service on board ship amd
a shorn in all part of the wend. Apply at
Breeien bldg.. 3d and Waahlnston .,
Portland. Or.
W e have a good position for a flrt
caFs man with thorough experience- In
carpets, draperies and general furnish
ings: a man who can look after and se
cure contracts.
MFX WaNTBD, age 18 to 35. for firemen,
ioo monthly, aad brakeznen $SO. on nearby
railroads; experience unnecessary: no strike;
promotion to engineers, conductors; rauroad
employing headquarters, over 500 men sent
to positions) monthly; state ass send stamp.
j. v Association, care oregonian.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade in
S weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $23 weekly; expert
Instructors; tools free; write tor cata
logues. Mohler System o Colleges. 35
L" tn -r poruand. or.
ow m h.N wanted to buy high-grade sample
0v i ta at less than w ho lesale cost ; regu iar
f to 22.5o values, $11; regular $25 values,
13.50; regular $30 to $35 values, $16; office
rent ($3o a month) and no expense Is the
i now coes tie do ill Jiinmie uunn,
. room 315 Oregonian bldg.
W ANTED Man to work on farm who under
stands horses and machinery ; none other
need apply ; good wage and permanent
place to right party; also boy of 15 or 16
. jears to do chores on farm. Call at 143
and"! P" Jkaturda"' between hours of 12
Ai" c A- The friend of the young man
and stranger; hearty welcome and rood
counsel are yours without cost. Constant
demand for men who can do something
well. Special employment membership as
sures employment. Investigate before you
PERMANENT position now open for an all
around clothing man who thoroughly un
derstands window trimming. No card writ
ing required.
. ... T h i r da ndM o rriso n Sts. r
WANTED Men to learn to operate motion
picture machine; we qualify you to com
mand a salary of from 25 to $35 per
week in 10 days; investigate; our school
strictly high class. Call at 612 Buchanan
bldg.. 286 Washington.
WANTED Handy man on small country
place, to help with housework und garden;
no stock or horses. 20 minutes from citv;
good wages; best kind of position for right
party. Address V 133, Oregonian. Phone
Main P506.
WANTED Men and boys at Los Angeles;
xPns fr instruction; learn automo
biles, electricity, plumbing, bricklaying"
trade in months Instead of years; study half
and work half time; catalogue free; United
Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles.
OUR motion picture operators' department,
the best on the Coast; competent Instruc
tors teach in two weelus; make men com
petent for position.; we have applications
daily for operators; pays $25 to $:5 week
ly. Pacific Amusement Exchange, Mar
quam bldg.
1 AM blind, but got two $150 piano certifi
cates for a guess submitted to one of
these fake guessing contests; will give
both certificates and 50 cents for a good
blind rooster; rooster must not be over 10
years old. Address N 12S, Oregonian.
WANTED A young man for night clerk ;
must have good recommendations; cigar
ette smoker need not apply. Apply at
Steward office, rfxth floor Commercial
Club building, between 10 and 11 o'clock.
YOLNG men to work In confectionery store
Saturday and Sunday nights. Apply 230 V
Washington st.
M E N w a n ted, Irvlngton Stable, Sixth and"
GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write for
Portland examination schedule. Franklin
Institute Dept. 249R. Rochester. N. Y.
FI S K T EAC H BP. S' AG EN CY offers good
positions to A-l Infractors. 611 S wetland.
GIRL or woman for eeneral hnnspurnrlr- -n
who cares to go with family for Summer
qui ing. t,jy 4tn st.
GIRL or lady to assist in care of child in
exchange for hoard and room, small com-
pensation. Phone Main 6534.
WANTED Girl to operate Singer lutton
hole machine. Mt. Hood Factory. 233
WANTED Experienced chocolate dinners:
steady work, good wages. Aldon Candy
v o.. i.ui ana unsan.
COMPETENT cirl to do cooking nnd eon
eral housework in family of 4; no wash-
in g . aiai nv;u. tw M arsnaii st
GOOD cook for general housework; must be
experiencea, small ranilly, good wages.
Phone morning. A 291.
GIRLS for Dackinz and labeling in mm
ulacturing department. Apply Wad hams
WANTED Girl for housework in family of
inquire journsiae st., between 4th
ana qui.
BEST wages for first-class woman to cook
and do housework, small family, Portland
neignis. rnones Alain ot and A 35S1.
HEAD waitress for large family hotel; must
be first class; give reference and telephone
GIRLS wanted to work in paper box factory;
steady employment. Apply F. C. Stettler
10th and Glisan sts. '
GIRL to go to coast and assist In light
ii uuse Keeping ; tamiiy or two. Call 174
E. ?Sth. or phone Tabor 1738 .
GIRL for general housework, smalt family,
good wages, home privileges. 440 E. 8th,
North, near Tillamook. Phone E. 504.
WANTED An experienced- second girl,
small family, good wages; references. 434
Park st.
. 326 Washington St., Room 314.
Main 8S36 or A 3266.
843 H Washington St.. Cor. 7th. Upstairs.
Phone Main 2C3,
WANTED Refined capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co., 609 Rothchua
bldg.,4th and Washington.
LADY to learn beauty culture. Sanitary Beauty
College, 400 to 412 Dekum bldg. Make your
self independent.
ASSISTANT In small cafeteria. 10:30 to 2,
Apply before 12. East 622. 194 Grand ave.
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, second girls SL
Louia Agency, 303 Wash. Main 20:19.
WANTED Girl to sew on power machine.
Carman Mfg. Co., 18th and Upshur.
GIRL for general housework and cooking;
wares $30. Phone Main 4152.
KITCHEN helper. 431 E. Morrison; no Sun-
d ay wo r k.
GIRLS wanted to sew hats, also makers
and apprentices. Apply Lowengart & Co.
GIRL wanted for general housework. 231
Shaver st.
EXPERIENCED waitress for hotel. Long
Beach. Inquire 3 71 Seventh st.
GIRL for general housework, 186 North 17th
WANTED Girl, about 17, to take care of
one little boy, wages $13. S15 Hancock st.
WANTED Waitress for Crystal Grille,
Russell. Phone East 4S3 3.
WOMAN cook for delicatessen, good wages.
515 Jefferson.
WANTED 3 girls at once at the Council Crest
FINISHERS on men's neckwear. Columbia
Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 201 H Stark.
4 GIRLS between 20 and 35 years, for shoot
ing galleries. 275 Burnside.
WANTED A girl to assist with housework.
Apply forenoons. "47 Glisan st.
LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by
expert;$3 a month. 269 14th. Main 3S93.
GIRL to help with light housework. Apply
322 E. 32d.
WANTED A girl. $6 a week and board, 564
Williams ave.
WANTED Girls for shooting gallery. Ap-
ply 273 Couch st.-:$1Q a week and np.
WANTED An experienced cook; good
wages; small family. Phone Main 2999.
GIRL for general housework: two in fam
ily. Call mornings. 787 Lovejoy st.
A GIRL for general housework. Apply 62
East Oak st. Phone B 2587.
WANTED Waitress; Thompson's Restaur
ant. 144 4tb st.
WANT ED Girl for Ice cream counter. 266
Everett st-
A GIRL to do general housework. Apply
at 55 N. 21st St.
WANTED Waitress. Apply Rebe's. 404
Washington st., between 10 amd 11.
HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co.. 2d and
BOOKKEEPING Private lessons. 3 nights
$5 per mo. 561 Belmont. East 14S4.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply641 "Washington st.
GIRL wanted for general housework. 816
Kearney at.
WANTED Experienced girl for gen. housa
(worJCt Apiy. joom 201 Oregonian. bldv
Wa NT ED Experienced salespeople, per
manent positions; good salary. Lipman,
Wolfe & Co.
LIPMAN. WOLFE CO. wants an experi
enced hairgoods saleslady, permanent po
sition ; good salary.
LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO. want experienced
need the services of large number of
experienced saleswomen in thhe following
16 years of age and over, who wish the
opportunity to entra business career.
GIRLS. 16 years of age and over, to work;
in bag factory. Apply at once. AMES
HARRIS NEVILLE CO.. Sth and Davis ats.
Cooks, $40 to $50.
Cook, delicatessen. $10 per week.
Waitresses, $7. $8 and $9 per week.
Factory girls, $1.50 to $2.50 per day.
Uiundry help, $1.50 per day.
Housekeeper, $20.
Good general housework.
Ladies' Dept. 25L Morrison.
WANTED Several bright young women to
learn teiepnone operating ; stuaents paia
$20 per month while learning; a thorough
training given each student before as
signment to position. Thi3 Is an execn-
tional opportunity for such applicants that
qualify. Apply to SCHOOL PRINCIPAL
at our EAST OFFICE, East Ankenv and
uth sts., between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M.
week days. The Pacific Telephone & Tele
jrraph Co.
giammar schools. 17 veara of ace and
over will find a good opportunity to en-
ter a business c rfr hv tnnlvlnir fit once
WANTED at once, young ladies to learn to
weave woolens, flannels and blankets;
good wages can be earned within a short
time by those who will apply themselves
every consideration shown to steady
worxers. Apply at once to superintendent.
f'Tuawq v ooien muis, at. jonn, ur.
WANTED at once, experienced saleslady for
suits, shirtwaists, knit underwear, hosiery-
ana notion aopartment, Roberts Bros..
sa and Morrison.
YOUNG woman of i lea Fin, address, accus
tomed to making good income, to travel
during Summer in the interests of an old
established house. Apply 9 to 10 and 1
to .. i;m aiannuam biog.
STENOGRAPHER, bright and have had of
flee experience; one who is willing to In
vest some money in sound mercantile busi
ness; splendid opportunity and good, per
manent position. aj 135, oregonian.
Mangle girls, machine girls, st archers
ana nana ironers; nest wages; -nour aay.
Second and Everett.
WANTED Shirt Ironer for laundry. Apply
S t a nd a rd Fa c tory No. 2, G rand ave. and
Last Taylor et.
DESIRABLE girl for light housework, for
iamiiy of ;i. at Rivera a le; good wages.
Apply sio Boara oi Trade. Phone Mar
shall SS.
EXPERIENCED ladies clothes ironers and
experienced girls for starch and mangle
rooms; good wages. Portland Laundry
co-. tn ana couch.
HOUSEKEEPER Eastern Oregon town
permanent position, good wages, home to
right party ; elderly lady preferred. AC
. i;2. oregonian.
IMMEDIATELY Ladles and gentlemen to
travel; $75 month; city, $2.50 day. Room
H, 249 Houaaay ave.
WANTED Good plain cook for general
nouseworK, small iamiiy; gooa wages.
Kjaii bsj -r-ast -j. ay i or. corner ztn.
WANTFD Experienced markers and sort
ers. Apply Star Laundry, Union avenue
and Last Ankeny.
COMPETENT dressmaker and tailoress
wishes sewing by the day. Phone Mar
shall 2170.
GIRL for general housework In small fam
ily; must be good cook; references re
quired. Call 87 N. 16th St.
WANTED Young girl for fruit and cigar-
atana. iz is. ttn st.
Bookkeeper and Clerks.
ACCOUNTANT: expert of long experience
cost accounting, systematizing, etc O 128,
Monk--!!.'- mna Clerk.
MAN of 27, position o fany kind, engineer's
office preferred: 9 years experience as
teacher. 5 as instructor In mathematics
in private college; a No. 1 penman; best
of references. AL 233. Oregonian.
YOUNG attorney, with 2 years' experience,
and graduate of Eastern Institution, desires
position where he can learn the business;
abstract or Insurance company preferred.
B.. 806 Belmont street.
YOUNG MARRIED man seeks situation, posi
tion of trust, quick and accurate, thorough
ly reliable; no Sunday work. Y 128, Ore
gonian. MIDDLE-AGED man. 12 years station
agent and telegrapher, bonded, wants
bookkeeping or clerical position. AG 134,
YOUNG man. 23 years old, desires clerical
position of any kind Address AF 132,
BOOKKEEPER and office man, with lumber
and other experience. V 129, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, ex-sold ler. good education, de
slres position. A 129. Oregonian.
WA NT ED Position as manager or steward
of h otel . city or cou n try ; capab le man,
single. K 127. Oregonian.
GOOD boy, willing worker, age 12, wanta
work, object, good home where can attend
sc h 00I ; references. W 12S. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Japanese laborers want cut
ting brush or sawmill job. AE 133, Orego
nian. JAPANESE wants a position before 3 P. M:
Y 126. Oregonian.
CAPABLE Japanese cook wants situation
in private family. AG 133, Oregonian.
COMPETENT chauffeur wishes position with
private family. AF 131. Oregonian.
CARPENTER work, any kind,, day or con
tract. Phone Marshall 2327.
SA W FILER, mill or crosscut ; want steady
position in good place. S 133, Oregonian.
JAPANESE young man desires position as
porter. C. Sato. 3Q N. Third st.
FOR your housecleaning and lawn mowing
nhone P. Lennon, A 7709. 264 2d st.
WANTED A position first-class stationary
engineer, marrled man. P 128, Oregonian.
FOR good chauffeur, with city references.
Telephone B 2853.
A GOOD driver and know the citv; would
like a laundry, route, B 127 Oregoniazu.
Fully trained, diploma, ten years ex
perience, surgical or medical, infection or
clean diseases; desires re-engagement;
experienced traveler: knowledge of
French and Spanish. Address AL 132. Ore
gonian, city.
COLLECTOR, with 12 years' experience ;
reierence and bond, wants steady position
with firm; have horse and buggy for
collecting. M 124. Oregonian.
AN honest, sober. Industrious and thoroughly
reuaoie marriea man wants position as night
watchman; reference given. Address B 126.
'-"j; or pnone oooiawn ,304..
W ANTED Position as head waiter or cap-
im in note or clubhouie. city or countrv.
by capable man, long experience. Address
"V125. Oregonian.
BRIDGE superintendent: can handle both
sub and superstructures: have had wide
c?perience: can to work August 1. AL
i.4. Oregonian.
CARPENTER work of every description, job-
wiiqs, miwDeimg repairing a specialtv. Cum
mingi? A Catlin, 371 First st. Phone Mar
shall 2327.
MAN wishes work in private house, earden
. and housework. Address New Grand Cen
tral Hotel, room 11, between ll and 3
EXPERIENCED auto repairman wishes
position in Portland; 9 years' experience,
A. H. H issuer. Commercial HoteL Spo
kane. Wash.
CHINESE boy. 16. wishes situation in good
general nouseworK, assist in cook
ing. AN 130. Oregonian.
Woodstock. Or.
MIDDLE-AGED man wants position, whole
aie nouse prete.rea; give me a Chance;
best references. T 132. Oregonian.
WANTED Inside work by frood. reliable,
gaol er man. Address A K 1 27, Oregonian.
JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish
ail neip. Main 465.i. A 4073. 26S Everett.
;ipn n
YOUNG LADT desires a good permanent po-
eniou. --t.p-rience or lour yearp wun wnoie
sale house as stenographer, cashier and gen
eral office assistant. Address J. Haugsten.
149 Porter st.
BOOKKEEPER of some experience, writing
goon nana, aoie to use typewriter, de
sires permanent employment; references.
Phone C 2303 or East 303.
STENOGRAPHY, bookkeeping or charge of
omce oy capame expenencea, retmea wo
man. AG 129, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants light of-
iice worn- rnone a .0:10.
BY experienced stenographer, capable, wilf-
iiiK. au i.;.;. urcgonyan.
A DESIGNER from the East will make suits
ana aressen special low price to introduce
work. The Westminster, cor. 6th and
Madison. Main 55S2.
GIRL wants apprentice work in dressmak
ing and plain sewing, phone Main 25J3.
ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors. 326 Wass
lngton sr., suite -up. main vsu, A nasi.
LADIES' tailoring; alterations, coats rellned.
Airs. iiucKier. 4du Columbia atA. 4709.
NEAT young woman, girl 5. desires house
keeping. Mam 20JO, a 4 1 (o.
MIDDLE-AGED, experienced, practical nurse
wishes more engagements; doctors refer
ences. East 10il. B 1377.
NURSE 12 years' experience; makes spe
cialty confinement cisps or care invalids.
Mrs. Hughes. M a i n 8699.
NURSE has room, best care, for Invalid;
city references. Tabor 2213.
SCANDINAVIAN girls tsisters) want po
sition as cook and second girl. Phone B
1 069.
LADY cook wants position, pastry or meat,
city or cnuni'i; best city references, good
wages expected. E. 3144.
RELIABLE woman will make herself eener-
ally useful on first-class fruit and chicken
farm. T I2K. Oregonian.
WANTED A child to care for. over 2 years
01a: nave our own cow. uwignt st.
LADY wishes to ta ke charge of rooming
hou?e. AF 133. Oregonian.
PIANO lessons, special rates for ptiplis be
ginning during Summer. Telephone East 1171,
ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 per week
easily selling trees for the Oregon Nursery
Co., Orenco, Or. Good territory open; lib
eral proposition. Call or write to Orenco.
WANTED Agents to sell National Trust
tomiKiny etock. This stock is KuaranttJ
most prominent business men in Portland are
stockholders. Address National Trust Com'
pany, 532 Worcester bldg., Portland. Or.
AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown
nursery stock is in demand; sales this
season will be immense ; a flattering op
portunity; casn paia weejtiy; outnt xree.
bale in .Nursery co.,aaiera. ur.
AGENTS wanted to ala us supply the de
mand for choice nursery stock; outfit
zree ; casn weekly. Address Capital City
Nursery to., faaiem, or.
We furnish the renter, collect the rent,
pay taxes, insurance and keep up repairs,
the same for you as though the property
was our own; references, any bank in
245 ft Stark St.
Phones A 35 00. Main 35.
WANTED To rent modern house. 3 bed
rooms, Irvington, Hoiiaday or West Side,
west of loth st.; no children; oest 01 refer
ences. Address 622 Chamber of Commerce,
WANTED 4 or 5-room unfurnished flat,
within 4 blocks of 10th and Alder. 135
loth st.
Two rooms, with bath, or one large
room, two beds, with bath, for two gen
tlemen: west siae. close in; give location,
price and pariiculats. Davis. Pacific
Amusement Kxcnangc. r-noiie aain 0010.
Booms With buaro.
YOUNG woman wishes room, with or with
out board, in refined family; not far from
business center; highest references. AO
134. Oregonian.
Furnished. Boo ma.
124 14th, Cor. Washington St,
Everything new; large, airy rooms, sin-
cle and with bath; telephone in every
room, service free ; rates by the day. week
or montn; also uniurnisnea room.
MRS. JOS1E SMITH. Manager.
HOTEL SARGENT. Cor. Grand ave. and
Hawthorne. Phone Eaat
291. connecting every room. Private baths.
elevator first -class grill. Special rates by
week or month. American or European.
Transients solicited.
BACHELOR apartments, open building,
formerly occupied by Arlington Club; will
rent; single rooms, baths, every conveni
ence, valet service; new furnishings
throughout; best class in city. Alder and
W. ParK.
THE BARTON, loth and Alder. Is now un
dergoing a thorough renovation; 70 steam
heated, electric lighted rooms, all outside.
Rates 75c day ; $lo month up. suites with
running water $20 month up. Phones and
hath, free.
Will sell my equity in Laurelhurst lots
at a big reduction. $250 will handle". V
3 o4. Oregonian.
Sl Oak BU. corner Sixth. Lars. 11 -,
airy rooms, elegantly furnished, electric
ugnts, rmmng wild . mw raiea.
tel. 3KO Yamhill; first-class furnished
rooms, aiugie i """c. muuern, $5 up
Washington and 17th. flrst-clas furnished
rwuio, w uiuueni con'
' yemncee; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647
NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for two
people. (3 and $4 per week; all conven-
KDCta, uuw ii . uito i u. tn SU
Grand ave.. East Stark, modern, private
pat 11, pupil's, cioccm. z.aaL S 20&3.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts., well
zurnisneu iieepiug rooms .v per week
electric iignts, not oatns xree.
"Vou "will bb pleased.
jl01Jcris. Cc.- inALi, nLABUA a hk
MODERN outside rooms, $2.50 to $1 per
WCK, mciuutUK Ottilia , aiau uuusejceeping
FUKMtHED rooms Elm Place, formerly
Klton court Annex. i and 11th.
TWO rooms, and alcove, bath. light. nfaon
Alao ainsle rooms. 23d and Glisan. A 7.
Furnished Rooms.
Seventh and Ankeny Sts.
Thia poetry may be bad
Not so tain little ad.
Which greets you in this paper.
So plain, plain, plain.
This little sd's no shirk.
For each one gets in its work.
Just try us once and you're sure to com
Apaln, 'gain, 'gain.
building; -Tine Urge ground-iioor office: hot
and cold running water ia all rooms;
team heated: private baths; very richly
furnished. Rate only $3 and up per
week : 50o up per day. Call and us.
Northeast corner Fifth and Oilman
S- W.eor. 11th. and Washington sts.
Modern brick building, steam heated,
private baths, hot and cold running water
in rooms, well furnished and now under
new management; excellent location, close
to shipping and theater district; rates
reasonable. Call and see what a comfort
able heme It is. Transients solicited.
Both phones.
129 Eleventh -New
modern brick building. steeun
heated. private baths, hot and cold wa
ter in rooms, beautifully furnished, con
and comfcrtable. Kates very reasonable.
Call and see us. Regular and transient
trade solicit ad.
GRAND Union Hotel. 3S7 E. Burnside; n-
m oi new, new niiiimgeinpni. siricti y mod
ern ; rooms and housekeeping suiti?. fur
nished or unfurnished: the best in t itv
torthemqnoy. Phone E- 5940, B 1275.
FurnihedRoomw in Private Family.
FOR RENT Private familv. one or two
rooms, new and n:ceiy furnished, in fine
looatitn; younc court I e referred. Address
424 Hall st., near. Uth.
NEWLY furnished steam-heated rooms in
residence, single or en suite. running
hot and cold water. 504 Flanders.
LARGE, airy, front room, hay window; also.
ior - or o in modern home. 569 Everett.
Sleeping porch.
NEWLY furnished rooms, strictly modern.
o iiuiiuics irom r. j. ; price right. 3HL
l"th st.
$10 -SM A LL furnished front room in mod
ern steam-neat ea apartment : 2d ilotor
flat D.469.Iefferson.Main 7594.
FRONT room with bath, for gentleman.
oiock on v asnington street. Ionian Court,
570 Couch.
FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen, with or
witnout noara. .isn Last Salmon St.. cor.
14th . walk in z d I s tance.
NICELY furnished room. bath, phone, elec
tric ngms. waiting aistance; reasonable.
547 Yamhill st.
LARGE, pleasant, clean front room, bay
window alcove, tor 2 or In modern
home; walking distance. 569 Everett.
NEWLY furnished front rooms in private
iiome; waiKing uistance; reierences. 4o4
Mon tgomery.
TWO beautiful rooitw, one suitable for
two gentlemen, balcony. 302 -j Park.
$10 MONTH Front room. bath, nice loca
tion, walking distance. 4-2 .th.
FRONT parlor for two gentlemen ; also
or.e light housekeeping suite. 135 Alder.
WELL-FURNISHED bedrooms, all modern
Glisan st. Main 3814.
FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences.
waiKing aistance. xs;orth Join st.
LARGE furnished front room, suitable for
two; board optional. 173 16th st.
NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, modern.
con vemenres. 32-3 N. 16th st.
PLEASANT 2-room. suite, also one large
room, nowiy rurmsnea. 2-.s iarranee.
TWO looms, en suite or single, with use of
kitchen. 361 loth st.
LARGE alcove room, suitable for one or
two gentlemen. l? 13th. corner Taylor.
MODERN outside furnished rooms, reason
able. 428 Mill. Phone Main 4573.
LARGE and small furnished rooms for rent.
941 East Glisan. Montavilla carline.
FT' RN ISHED rooms, modern conveniences,
w a lk in g U is t a nce. 209 1 4 1 h St.. South.
Unfurnished Rooms.
239 GRAND AVE., between Main and Madi
son. unfurnished rooms.
Rooms With Board.
OOMS with board, $6 per week; home com
forts; 4 minutes' walk from Postoffice;
phone and bath free; rooms w ithout board.
$2 and up. The Undell, 267 Market st
PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year, room
with board, use of tewlng-room and library.
510 Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath.
THE HAZEL For gentlemen and ladies.
nicely furnished rooms, with or without
aboard. 385 3d St., cor. Montgomery.
BEAUTIFUL front rooms, first-class private
. board ing -ho use, facing the park. 374 Park,
. Rooms With Board in Private laaiH t .
LARGE furnished room with board, home
cooking ; phones, bath, all conveniences,
loy loth st., near Flanders.
GENTLEM A N wishes room and board io
private family; German preferred. M 126
WANTED To board little girl between 3
and 7 years old; good suburban home;
$!) month. AN 132, Oregonian.
PLEASANT front room, and board if de
sired, for two or three gentlemen. 14U
Lownsdale. between Morrison and Alder.
VERY pleasant, cool, shady room? for rent,
with or without board. 475 Morrison st.
Phone A 7493.
NICE front room, private family; home
cooking; Nob Hill; gentlemen preferred.
52 Lucretia St.. near 23d and Washington.
NEW house, new furniture, outside rooms,
with or without board, home cooking. 1181.
E. 17th. N. Alberta car.
CLEAN room; home cooking; reasonable)
rates. Main 7016.
FURNISH ED room with board, also sleep
ingporch.355llth st. A 1636.
ROOM and board. 655 Irving St.
HEINZ apartments, 14th and Columbia; 4
blocks south from Morrison st.; new Lrlclc
building, completely first-class; furnished.
, In 2. ii and 4 room iamiiy apartments,
private bath, reception hall, Btam heat,
hot water, elevator, free phone. Janitor
service; rent from $25per month and up. '
RE-UK AN, Marshall, bet. 19th and" 20th;
Nob Hill; walking distance; has besides
all modern conveniences of new and up-to-date
house by far most beautiful sur-
- rounuings any apartment in city; all '
rooms outside light; elegantly furnished.
Either "W." 16th or 'S" car.
finest 3 and 4-room mil tea in the city; pri
vate baths and phones, steam heated, hoc
and cold water, disappearing beds. Garland
stoves, porcelain-linea refrigerators, eiectria
j. elevator; $35 to $56 per month.
CECILIA APARTMENTS. 2-2 d and Gliaan,
2 and 3 room apartment, new 4-atory
brick Just completed, all modern conven
iences, each apartment has private outside
balcony, rent reasonable.
Strictly modern, large rooms and three
closets to every apartment'; cool and airy
for Summer. 695 Lovejoy su "lake W
FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, modern
In every particular; steain-heateO. hot
water. Janitor services, with tlrst-claAfl
lurnishings. Apply to Janitor. 66tf K.eax-
ney st.
Washington sts.. 3 - room apartments, have
every modern convenience, including steam
heat, hot water, private bath, free phone
and janitor service; rent very reasonable,
For housekeeping in suites, $12 and up
hot water, free baths, urst-claas. tt3J.i
W ash ing to n. cor. 2uth.
m t AAi-nii ATto 6 -room apartment, mod
ern and desirable; 625 Everett st. Apply
Morgan, Fleidner & Boyce, &U3 Abington
ST. OROIX APARTMENTS.' 170 St. Clair, un
furnished 3-room apartments, all modern con
veniences, private porches, reasonable renu
Both p hones.
4-ROOM elegantly furnished modern apart
ment, complete for housekeeping; easy
walking distance. Marshall is29, A 114."
FOR RENT Newly furnished three and four
room apartment; modern conveniences. The
Li-onoe. 1&6 North 22d st.
FURNISHED two or three-room apartments,
clean and modern; rent $20 and 3o. The
j effersonlan. 514 Jefferson St.
HARRISON COURT Unfurnished: 2 rooms;
with all modern conveniences. Main 514a,
A. 7363. 394 5th St. j
JUAN1TA. 325 11th St., very nicely fur
nished 2-room apartment, modern, $27.50.
THE KING DAVIS, corner King and Davis
sts. ; 3-room, cool; references.
K I n g and Wayne .is. Apply t o Janl tor.
2 MODERN 4-room apartments for rent. 623
W illiams ave. Phone C 1697.
THE.CHETOPA 1 Sth and Flanders Mod
rn 4-rooru. apaxtmenta. Apply to Janitor,