Tire 3TORNIXG - OEEGONIAN WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1910 15 FOR. RENT. FOR RENT 5 cottages at Seavlew, Wash., up to ?11."(. Inquire Mrs. E.J. Walker, Seavlew. Wash., or s. Oreen, Columbia Rt., care Pacific Hotel. U.N1 BEAt'H, Newton station,' very desir able furnished cottage for season; ocean front and corner. Dr. Templeton. Haniil Jon nldg. I'OR KENT A 7-room cottage at Seaside, overlooking the ocean, opposite Necani cum Inn, for the season. Apply 246 Washington st. WEBB COTTAGE, Seaside; pletely furnish td itli 1 i nen. Kast 1 1 1. moriern, com bedtiing, table HAVE a home at the coast Cottage and lot at Gearhart only $4-5. Atlas Land Co., '). Lumber Exchan;f. , Sl'MMER COTTaGEH to rent at Seavlew. Aunrtrss Li. HeitKemper, fceaview, w asn. BEAl'TlFt'L new cottage, rent season. In- quire"! yy Cottage,"' Long Beach. AT SEASIDE. desirable 5-nxim cottage, cloee to ocean. Phone Ka.t 25S7. GTBSOX cottage for rent at Seavlew, Wash. I'hone Wood lawn 1705. Fuli KENT LaiKe r.-room cttage at Long Ben.-h. Inquire Main au. SEA It HA KT 5 room furnished cottage. 33 or window 3 Firht National Hank. Store. FOR RENT 4-story and basement brick store building. 501 15, southeast corner" Front and Pine. Apply Chester V. Xolph, 303 Mohawk bldg. FINE brick store, suitable tor drug store, deiicatessen or any retail trade or light mfg.; low rent. East 89. , GARAGK, shop or factory. SOxluO. new build- ing. Pelmont and Ea.i 6:h at. Offices. MOST centrally located offices, single or en suite; rentals $13 and up; ali-nigat eleva tor service. - . Large room, second floor, Washington St. front, suitable for saleroom. Apply 3 03 S wetland bldg., 6th and .Washington sts. AVILL rent a few rooms for offices, form erly Arlington Club building. Alder and W. Park; also sample rooms for good c I a rs line. OFFICES A.'D APARTMENTS. "MILNER BLDG..' 250 MORRISON' 3T. MOnERN". CENTRAL. REASONABLE. DE.- K ROOM in front office. See Bowman, 117 Board, of Trade. DESIRAHLE front oifice room. Apply Hvl Lewis hitig. m DESK ROOM for rent. 408-410 Couch bldg. FOR RENT A lew offices In Couch bldg.. Call ttt2 Lewis bldgi TO LEASE. VEJ are now prepared to offer for LEAFS at .reasonable prices the GROUND FLOOR of the N E W GREY-WlflTNEY BUILDING, now iri course of construction at the south wert corner of TWELFTH and STARK streets. Plans may be wen at the office of GHA F-CUX N IN G H A M-GRA Y. 722 Electric Building. . BrSIXESS OPPORTUNITIES. CAFETERIA AND LUNCHROOM. One of the best cafeterias and . lunch room in the city, right down town, doing a large business, clearing from ?.T-o to $4w per month. We will show you before iu buy; owner going away and must Price only $M150. Just like finding it. This is a bona tide proposition and will make you $4OO0 in the next year. GRLSI & ZADO 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak.' GOOD opportunity for a man of ability to get into an old -established business chance and real estate office, making good money ; I am alone, been established over 7 years and lind I cannot handle it myself; will let the right man in very reasonable. Cull 111 4th st. AN opportunity ror me right party to secure the agency for the State of Oregon for the most efficient, simplest and cheapest household vacuum cleaner on t he market. Call between 10 and 12 A. M. Hotel port- land. Inquire for M. L. Cooper. MOVING -PICTURE him?, machines; every thing fur moving-picture business for rent or eale. it you are planning to open a show we are ready to awslnt you. Write for our best offer. Laemmie Film Service, Pamagea bldg., Portland, Or. WOODWORKING plant, good location, cheap rent, wel 1 established business; must have help; fine place for carpenter; $275 will get half interest. See J. E. Smith 513 Cham her of Commerce. OLD, established restaurant In heart of bii5i r.ess district, for rale at a sacrifice; fir--t-ciast trade : long lease. K l-t5, Oregonian, or i ihone Main to7. PARTNER wanted in cash business to over see help, answer phone calls, etc.; exper ience unnecessary". $4ij to $50 a week; $350 r.'Quired. Call 404 P.othehild bid g. LIVE man with small capital to join good l eal ettate proposition ; can clear fOOO first year. Rogers &. Pigg. room 'J3. 303 y Wash. st. WANTED Energetic young man as partner; must have knowledge of Portland real estate and be able to exchange high-class re ferences. AC 125, Oregonian. To KENT A well equipped dining-room and kitchen and three sleeping-rooms. lt5 10th st., across from new Olds. Wort man King building ; very reasonable rent RESPONSIBLE real estate man with more work than ho ran attend to. will sell M interest to a party willing to learn the lHisiri" g. Call 417 Bonrd of Trade. MEAT MAKKET In thriving town; first class fixtures and machinery, also slaughter-house, low rent; must sell. AN 112, Oregonian. ' STEAM LAUNDRY Controlling Interest in fine-paying steam laundry in tha best town in Eastern Orpgon. For particulars address A iM4. Oreyonian. INVENTOR, having new tvpe of biplane, all completed, but the motor, wants party with money to rut in motor for in- GROCERY and confectionery, fine location, good cash trade; no deliverv; rent $15 price $Soo. W. & . F., 310 Lumber Ex change. WE make a specialty of selling- grocery stores'; have tnem from fSfiu to $7000; let us show you. W. & F., 310 Lumber Ex change. WANTED Partner with $-00 for small busi ness on Washington st. ; a good Invest ment for right party; investigate. AM 1-5, Oregonian. 1'OU will lind any kind of business 'oppor tunity at Rogers & Pigg, room -o, 303 W ash. st. MuVING-l'ICTl'RE show for sale, clearing $:,50 a month; big bargain; price $:OUu. Phone M a. in 4 -'.. or AN 1 la. Or egonian. FOR LEASE Cafe, barber shop, bootblack stand ; line location. Call J. W. Blaney, North 6th st. Phone Main 3-413. IF you have anything to seih drop me a line. Louis Furcht. general broker. 615 Rpthchildbldg. . . tFOR SALE Cleaning, pressing and repair ing place, good location, must be sold account of sickness. ior,o Hawthorne ave. I WANT right party to look over my prop osition; investigate. Owner, 7SO Washing- CASH business; owner wants honest part ner, willing to hustle; pays large profits; $rno cash required. Call 24SVi Stark st. PARTNER wanted to help in store; will pay energetic man $30 week ; requires very little money. Call 24 8 S Stark st. GOOD proposition for first-class restaurant man; factory district. Landorholm & Nelson. 415 N. th st. Phone M. 7G!t9. FOR SALE St-ck of groceries; snap ir taken at once. Phone East 0?3 or call 75Union ave:. North. SOLID business; guarantee sales $3500 month; trade all cash: can't lose one dol lar; price $1700. Call 24Si Stark st. RELIABLE business man wants partner to overcee help, answer phone calls, etc. ; pays $25 a week. Call 417 Boardof Trade. REAL ESTATE Half interest In good sub" st-iutiai office; call and see' us. 321 Lum- berrnens bld. CONFECTIONERY, ice cream, etc.; will sell cheap; owner has had it '7 vears, wants to retire. Call 24Sa Stark st. MINI N G AND I N D USTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold. Fletcher Inv. Co., 225 Abington. REAL ESTATE to exchange for grocery store. Address AC 127. Oregonian. UP-TO-pATB millinery store for sale. Address lo:t Central avenue, Medford, Or. BAKERY shop for rent; over '2. years' lease. E 14. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL family grocery doing good business; will invoice. Call 2482 Stark st. NEAT 2-chair barber shop; snap owner leaving city. T: 1 2Q. Oregonian. FOR SALE 7-chair barber shop, cheap. :;ij-. A lder st. . GOOD theater for sale in Portland. Mov lrg-Pic:ure Exchange. 513 Rothchild oldg. GROCERY Stock nnd fixtures, $iK). for $750 cash; great sacrifice, aicknegs. 93 B. 15th X. BY owner, cigar and confectionery store, laf". i opt business. A L 12S. Oregonian. POOLROOM and ten-pin alleys for renL :;07 Rtisseii st. BARBER shop, best paying 6-chair shop in fity. 2S'4 N. fith street. ,-JtsLAt " KSM ITH shop In thVivfng village, near ijrUaJ2d; wiU JUsvoice In qui re SS XQth u BrSINKSS QPFORTUNITIES. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES. Lapidary business at popular seaside town ; rush, season just coming on ; old established business; big money; am com pelled to sell; $t5u takes It. Groceries, paints and oils; store In good, nearby town; invoice about $1700. $1700 will buy one of the best money making concessions in Council Crest. Cleaning and pressing . . ? 10 up Restaurants 750 up Cijfar stands 40 up Creamery ;'0 up Groceries 750 up Gents' furnishing - 2500 up Livery stable 3600 up 5, 10 and 15-cent store discount Oil and gasoline business $ltuo We have the bargains in all business opportunities. Come to see us. EtOCH REALTY COM PANT, 2lX Lumbermens Bldg. VALUABLE BUSINESS INFORMATION. This agency is In a position to furnish reliable information regarding business openings, city or country. Parties seeking locations here, or desir ing to purchase an established business, should examine our list. Only legitimate propositions considered. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, Abington Bldg. , Established lay 5. A FEW GOOD BUYS. 4 hardware stores. 1 outside city. Several cigar and confectionery stands. rocery stores, $7 JO and up. Miiiiiiery store on Washington st. 4 saloons. 'J independent licenses, good restaurant on tth st. Pool hall, cen ter of city. Plenty more to select from. Call and see us. H ALL & BOWERS. 3J1 Lumbermens Bldg- WE CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS QUICKLY AND QUIETLY. Have cash buyers waiting ; confidential matters handled with tact and discretion. BLOCH REALTY COMPANY, 211 Lumbermens Bldg. FINE HOTEL. A fiiit-class hotel of 53 roomy, in a brick building, with 3 years' lease, paying over $55o per month clear; a fine location, right down town; furniture la the very best, high grade and all new. If you wish to step into a paying bu.sine.&9 on easy terms you should see thu; takes only $5ou0 cash to handle, balance can be paid out of the business. GRUrti & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. SPLExS D little Job printing business or half Interest for sale; very modern, well selected, new plant including two new Gordons and new Colts Armory; well lo cated in center of city, reasonable rent, good line of established business; want to devote whole time to my real estate business. G. L. Hurd. 204 Stark St., Port- 1 , or. ONE BLOCK in KLAMATH FALLS. Or., the FIRST ADDITION to the town; this block contains- 10 lots; th,ey are the most sightly and command the finest VIEW of any block in this, growing town. For priced, etc.. se GRAY-CUNNINOHAM-GRAY, 722 Electric Building. FOR SALE An old established, suburban dry goods store doing a business of $1iuO monthly ; this is open to your fullest in vestigation, and trial given to the pur- " chaser before one cent is invested ; busi ness can be bought at invoice; takes about $i00 to handle it. Call room 523 Lumber Exchange. STATE l ights on a line of successful house hold specialties for sale; all money makers; we control sale and manufacture. but distance requires personal representa tion. Unusual opportunity for live man. Pease Mfg. Co., 144 Broad w ay, Buffalo, N. Y. GOOD investment for the right party. $10,000 wanted, have $20,000; absolutely can show 10O.0O0 net gain per year on $:U.O;o invested ; manufacturing business. No opposition west of Chicago. Write for particulars. AH 125 Oregonian. WANTED Live business man to invest $2, OoO and take active part in management of corporation; undivided profiLs to date 250 per cent ; assets in collateral and real estate seourities. We' invite close inspection. Address K 123, Oreyonlan. DO YOU WANT A HOTEL LOCATION? If so, we have it, located in the central part of our business city; all fixtures and lease, at reasonable terms and priced. Please call on W. E. MILLS, 114 East 2d St., The Dalles, Or. BUTCHER wants partner to open new shoo, will teach you the business ; can guar antee you $ 25 to $ 50 per week ; no ex perience necessary; little monev required. National Realty Sc. Trust Co., 320 Wash, st., room 510. LADY or gentleman partner wanted to take care of office and help in studio; no ex perience necessary; little money required. National Realty & Trust Co., 220 Wash. st.. room 51d. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for paying real estate, established furnishings and dry goods business ; long lease, best lo cation, anrfual sales $4J,0oO, cash busi- mss. invoice $15. QUO. Box AiKl. Chlco, Cai. WILL EXCHANGE MY Equity of $200 in 9 -room modern house, close in, - 1 block from car. for a good rooming-house, close in, with lease. For particulars, call room 416 Rothchild bldg. YOUNG MAN ! STRANGER! Make careful investigation at expense of seller before you invest money In any prooositlon. Advisory Department, Y. M. C.A. GIVEN away free to those answering this "advertisement -within. 30 days, a map of all the California oil fields. Sagar-Loomis Company, Ol Oregonian bldg., Portland, Oiegun. DRUGSTORE for sale, fn best residence por tion of -city; good building with long leaite and cheau rent; - will invoice. TliS AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY,- UP Abington IJldg. MANC K AC TURING AGE N C Y So 1 e agents for one of the largest factories in the East ; will take partner who understands tiie business and guarantee him ?20tt monthly. Call room 523 Lumber Exchange. WANT party understanding stock compa nies to assist financing new but thor oughly proven and world-wide needed in vention; big thing for right party. S 94. Oregonian. REAL ESTATE owner wants steady, sober partner ; this requires very little money and will pay energetic man $175 month. Particulars 24SVs Stark St. SOLID business, owner has too much, work, wants steady, reliable partner to tend of fice, etc.; will 'guarantee $1S a .month. particulars 417 Board of Trade. RESTAURANT and lunch counter In fine location, doing big business, long lease, rent only $50; worth $100; make us of fer. Owners. 41ti Rothchild btdg. GEN ERA I merchandise stock for sale; a live business, valley town; invoice $12,500, half cash, terms on balance. C 121, Ore gonian. PGR SALE On reasonabio terras, tb candy making tools formerly owned by Mr. Sten ner. inquire of Sam L. Beary. 323 Mor- rison t. WOULD you like to own a 2Hl-acre orchard rancli ? Entire cost to you $1000 cash ; will tell you how. Address AE 127, Oregonian. GROCERY and drygoods. doing big busi ness in town of 10,000 inhabitants, 8-year lease, cheap rent; sell af Invoice; about s.-o0o. W. & F., 310 Lumber Exchange. UEFORE BUYING or SELLING any MIN ING. OIL. WIRELESS or INDUSTRIAL stock, get our prices. Davidson. & Co.. Lewis bldg. Phone Marshall 778. A 1712, ROOM IVCK?IOUS& SOMETHING GOOD. 17 ROOMS, near West Side High School. NEW. MODERN HOUSE, 'FURNISHED ELEGANTLY, gas and electric lights; re ceipts from rooms $2 05, rent only $65 with lease; price $23 50. cash $1600. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 326 Washington St., Rooms 201-202. THIS GOES TODAY FOR BEST OFFER. 18 roms. worth $1200; no reasonable offer refused ; come early, you may get this for about $700; terms, or take city lot; clearing $100 month; sickness; forced to leave city. Inquire SS 10th st. FOR SALE Furniture and fixtures, of a completely equipped rooming afcd boarding house in elegant location. For particulars inquire 5o2 Commercial block, 2d and Washington st ., or phone Main 1S13 or A4345. 67 MODERN, light rooms, long lease, low rent, insured for $5ho and cost SS000; owner will take $5ooo cash or $0000 on terms; selling on account of sickness; house doing good business. Phone A 1S5C,; no agents. $7--0; $450 DOWN". , Greatest bargain in the city, 16 well furnished, good location. 402 Commer cial block. 10 ROOMS, rooming anci boarding-house, nicely furnished, nice yard, for sale cheap; o w n e rl e avi n g tow n.B y own er. Main 3070. 10 ROOMS, all elegantly furnished, outside; will lease; a bargain; reasons for selling' pan apt attend. 414 ita st i KOO MING-HO U SLS. ONE OF THE BEST. 10 ROOMS, near Salmon and 12t,h, vel vet and Brussels carpets, iron beds, CLEAN as a NEW RIBBON; NICE LAWN, MODERN, FINE APPEARING HOUSE; you can clear all family ex penses and that should satisfy you on $S50 invested. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 326 Washington St., Rooms 201-202. WILL SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE. PAYING $200 PER MONTH NET. 5 rooms. elegantly furnished with quarter-sawed o;ik. mahogany and birds eye maple furniture. Wilton velvet and Axmlnster carpets and the best of every thing; hut and cold running water, fur nace heat, large Lath and all conveniences; long lease, low rent; if you want an in come of $200 per month and. a nice horn? and have $25oo cash to invest and are ' looking for a genuine bargain, j answer thls. A d 1 1 re s s o v ner , AC 12 2, Ore g o n ian. apartment-house, for lea;-:. ; New. modern, brick, i and 4-room apartment-house. 4 stories, just finished and ready to occupy; Nob Tiill district; elec tric elevator, steam heat and all modern conveniences; will leusi for 5 or 1 years, moderate rent; good money to be made on this. See us quirk. HAAS Ac R1NGLRR,. "1 1 Iwia Bldg. Marshall -o47. PRICE CUT DON'T DELAY. 11 ROOMS, near West Side High School, rent on I v J -TV; furniture and carpets fair and can b made to look much better ; owner is stck and has cut price to $4 00 ; you can improve this and sell in the Fall for $750. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 326 Washington rit.. Rooms 201-202. A HIGH-CLASS PROPOSITION. New 80-room brick, recently furnished with A-l carpets, furniture and fixtures, SO apartments. 2, 3 and 4-room; all mod ern conveniences; heat, hot water and tel ephones included in rent; 5-year lease; low rent; choice location, waiting list; clears $4:0 monthly; this is one of the most modern and elegant places In . the city; owner will consider good acreage or city property in trade ; $8000 cash puts you in possession. X 125, Oregonian. 5 ROOMS Except ion al location, well fur nished ; reasonable rent with lease ; price $2tJ0, terms. IS ROOMS, all housekeeping, well lo cated1 and nicel vfitrnished, 5-year lease if desired; price 140'i; terms. We HANDLE ONLY PLACES WHICH ARE DESIR ABLE AND HAVE MANY TO SELECT FROM. NORTON & WALSH, Washington St., Rooms 402 and 403. CLEARS S200 MONTHLY. ' UNEQUALLED OPPORTUNITY. 32 rooms, exquisitely furnished with Ax minster carpets, mahogany, B. E. maple and G. O. furniture, modern ; Ideal loca tion ; a hipli-class place with beautiful lawn and shrubbery; close in, low rent, good long lase; clears $1S0 to $200 above all expenses; $2500 puts you in posses sion; a sacrifice which will not last. II 1-5. Oregon ian. LEAVING city; wish to sell my 24-room housekeeping place ; fine location ; furni ture and carpets; good long lease ; $1350 ; terms. Address X 129, Oregonian. FORCED to sell, $7O0 if said today; 2-'I rooms furnished, all full; $120 rent paid in advanre; lease; rent $40. 512 Javier st. Main 4'Jtj. A SNAP FOR TODAY. Xew f urn tture of 7-room house, close In; 5 rooms rented; owner goinc East, will sell cheap. Call 417 Board of Trade. LOST AND FOUyP. $25 REWARD Black male dog, short hair, white spot on breast, also front feet, left eve little dim, weight 25 to 35 lbd., on Front and Morrison, June 24, if returned to Esmond Hotel. B. O. Stampe. LOST Monday night, between Grace Church and i:3th street, between Taylor and Mar ket, a gold watch fob; initials S. B. en graved on pendant. Reward, 319 Lumber Exchange. LusT Spectacles and case, between Cham ber of Commerce and 411 East Couch St., bv way of Washing ton-street Public Mar ket; reward. I'hone East 617 or call 522 Chamber of Commerce. iuw.Mj Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; w renovate mattresses and return same day. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzfcer, 228 Front. Phones Main 474. A 1374. LOST Contract belonging to Mrs. D. T. Davis; address on envelope, 400 Exchange St., Astoria, Or. ; Under please notify D. T. Davis at Bay City Market, Portland. Phone M a i n2bJo. FOUND Where watches, diamonds and jew elry are sold for amount loaned and- ons month's interest. Uncle" Myers Collateral V.ank. 71 th rt.. near Oak st. LOST On Mount Tabor, scissors with or namental handles. Finder will be liber ally re war led b1 returning same to a IS Mohawk bldg., :)d and Morrlso n sts. LOST Monday, envelope containing 3 rug ged spear-shaped pearls; finder please call up phone Mam 4700.Liberal reward. LOST Gold sleeve button with Initials T. E. M. in script; liberal reward iX returned to rno m 203 Hamilton bids. LOST Waterman fountain mounting engraved "S." street. pen with silver Return to 122 tith FOUND Irish, brindle bulldog. Lovyjoyst. Call G51 LOST Lady's gold pinfc antique heirloom; . r,w ar- Murra y Levy.4oE '.tiOth st. FOUND Small sorrel horse. nian. G 6L Orego- LOST. Bunch of currency; few hundred dol lars. Reward. N 120, Oregonian. SPECIAL NOT ICES 1 ropoH a Ulnvit e d. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the- District of Oregon In the matter of W. T. Seholfield, bankrupt Tiie undersigned will receive sealed bids at his office, 7 First street, room S, Portland, Or., up to 12 o'clock noon of Wedne?day, July Ho, 1VH0, for the following described prop erty belonging to said estate in bankruptcy, namely: A stock of merchandise consoling principally of groceries of the inventory value of $4t;i0.la, , together with a lot of store fixtures of the inventorv value of $212Jf ail located at 124 12th street, in the City of Astoria. Cash or a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount 'offered must accompany each bid and the saits Is iuaie subject to connruuitlon by the court. Tne property may bo inspected upon application at the store in Astoria, and an inventory may be seen at the office of the undersigned. R. L. SARIN, Trustee. Dated: Portland. Or.. July 7, 101O. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of the Secretary. Washington. D. C. June 2U, 1010. Proposals are hereby solicited, to be opened in the office of the Supervising Architect. Treasury Department, Wash ington, D. C, at lo o'clock A. M. on Au gust 2. 3 iUo, for the sale or donation to the United States of a comer lot, ap proximately oux210 feet, centrally and conveniently located and suitable for - a new Federal building site at Portland, Oregon. if there are streets on three sides of lot, one dimension could be re duced 40 feet. If surrounded by streets, both dimensions could be reduced 40- feet. Upon application the Postmaster will sup ply prospective bidders with a circular f riving particulars as to requirements and nst ruction for preparation of bids and data to accompany same. Franklin Mac veagh, Secretary. . IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THa UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of the Christiansen Art Co.. bankrupt: The un dersigned will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise, consisting princi pally of pictures, picture frames, bronze goods, stone goods, moulding and glass goods, all of the inventory of $5117.2, together with fixtures of the inventory vaiue of $409.45, located at West Park and Alder streets, Portland. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, July 19, 1910. A certified check or cash for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid and the sale is 'made subject to con firmation by the court. Property may be inspected on application. ' Dated at Portland, Oregon, July 7, 1910. R. L. SABIX, Trustee, - 7 Firs t street, room 8. SEALED bids will be received at the office of the School Clerk, City Hall, up to three 3 P. M. on Friday, July 15, 1910. for heating and ventilattrrg the following school buildinga, viz: The Buekman School build ing, the Tabor-dale and the Tabor-side School buildings. Plans of the buildings and specifications of the requirements can be eeen at the office of the architect. City Hall. Bids mu.i: be separate for each building. A cer;ified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal must accom pany each bid. The Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any and all bids. . T. J. JO XES, Arc h it c t . SEALED bids will be received at the office of the School Clerk, City Hall, up to a P. M on Friday, July 15. 191o, for the finish icg of four class rooms, wardrobes, teach ers rest room, etc., in the Ockley Green School building. Plans and specifications for the came can be seen at the architect's of fice. City Hall. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of proposal must accompany .each bid. The Board of Di rectors reserve the right to reject anv and aU bidfir - J. Architect L' E t i A 1 OTI C ES. proposals invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of Baker Hut chason Company, an Oregon corpora tion, and the Hutch ason Company, a partnership composed of J. F. Hutcbason, C. W. Zorn and Kugler, bank rupts: The undersigned trustee of the above entitled estate in bankruptcy will receive staled bids at the office 1 First street, room S, Portland, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, July 23, 110, for the following described property belonging to said estate, namely: A stock of merchandise, consisting principally of ladies furnishing goods and shoes of the inventory value of $23.Kii.25. u-eth;r with a lot of store fittings and fixtures of the inventory value of $2031.75, all lo cated in store building at Nos. 14-IS North Central avenue in Medford. Ore gon. Cash or a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accom pany each bid and the- sale is made sub ject to confirmation by the court, the right being reserved to reject any and al 1 bids. An Inventory is on file at the office of the undersigned and the property may be inspected upon application at the store in Medford. Dated at Portland, Oregon, July 7. 1910., - R. L. SABIX. Trustee. MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOUSE. Mealed- proposals will ba received at the ofiice of Whldden & Lewis, architects, 701 Corbett bldg.. Portland, Or., until noon. Friday, July 22, liflO,"" for rooting and sheet metal " work, glazing, ornamental - iron work, carpenter and cabinet work, electric clocks and intercommunicating telephone system as called for in speci fications, for the east wing of a new Court house to be erected for the County of Multnomah. Sta of Oregon. Plans and specifications -may be ob tained at the ofrice of the architects. No proposal or bid will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to the order of the County Court of Multno mah County, certliied by a responsible bank, for au amount equal to 10 per cent of tiio aggregate proposal, to oe for feited as lixed and liquidated damages in case thebidder neglects or refuses to enter into contract and provide a suit able bond for the faithful performance of said work. In the event the contract is awarded to him. The rig lit to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved. KRANlv B. FIELDS, County Clerk. SEALED bids will be receives at the office of .the School Clerk. City Hall, up to 3 P. M. on Friday, July 15, 1910, for the building of the Manual Training buildings on the grounds of the following school buildings, viz: The Holman, Kerns, Lents, Ockley Green and Vernon School. Bids must be teparate for each building. Plans and specifications for same can be seen at the office of the architect. City Hall. A certi fied check for lo per cent of the amount of proposal, must accompany each bid. The Board of Directors reserve the right to re ject any and all bids. T. J. ju.NBJ, Architect. SEALED bids will be received at the office of the School Clerk, City Hall, up to 3 P. M. on Friday, July 15, 19lO, for the paint ing of the exttrior, metal work, etc., of the Washington High School building. Plans and peclilations .lor the same can be seen at the architect's office. City Hall. A cer tified check for 10 per cent of the amount Board of Directors reserve the right to re ject any and ail bids. T. J". JuNES, Architect. Miscellaneous. NOTICE of sale of Capitol building lands of the State of Washington Notice is here by given that sealed proposals or bids will be received by the State Capitol Commis sion of the State of Washington, at Olym pia, Washington, for the purchase of ap proximately ltJ.OOO acres of Capitol build- inff lands located in Clark. Cowlitz. Skagit, Skamania and Snohomish Coun ties; that blank forms o bids or pro posals containing a detailed list and de scription of all the lands, timber and ma terials to be sold and reservations made and setting forth the terms and condi tions of rale and the methods prescribed for the submission of bids may be had by addressing the Secretary of the State Capitol Commission, at Olympia, Wash ington, or by applying to the County Au ditor of any county of the State of Wash ington. The printed lists may be used in submitting bids or proposals, as indi cated t lie re in. . Bids or proposals Bfeoul' be inclosed in a" sealed envelope indorsed 'Bid for Capitol Building Lands of the State ot' Washington," and this envelope should be inclosed in a mailing envelope where the bid is transmitted by mail. All bids or proposals, whether by mail or otherwise, should be forwarded so as to reach t he hands of the secretary, at Oljmpia, not later than 12 o'clock me- ridian on the fourth day of August, 1910. ' and each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for at least ten per cent of the total amount of the bid. At least one-fifth of the purchase price of each tract or parcel must be paid immediately following the acceptance of the bid by the State Cajdtol commission. The bal ance of the purchase price may be di vided into equal annual installments, riot exceeding ten, as the purchaser may elect, all -deferred payments to draw interest at six per cent per annum, payable an nually. No bid or proposal will be re ceived for less than tne appraised value of each tract or parcel offered for sale. The State Capitol Commission expressly reserves the right to reject any or all bids or propojala. Dated this 2d day of July, A. D. 1910. E. W. Ross, Secretary Slate Capitol Commission. m TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The partnership heretofore existing between Carl C. Landy and James Van Matre under name and style of VanMatre Landy Automobile Company, is dissolved and the business will hereafter be con ducted by Carl C. Landy under the name of Landy Automobile Company. Both jarties are collecting outstandings and paying accounts of VanMatre-Landy Company. PIN ANCI AL. FOR SALE By owner; land contract half value; runs 3 to 5 years at t'c scjtii-annual-ly. $1400; will sell for $1300 cash. AJ lz0,uiei;onian. , Mont y to Loan Keal iTstute. CASH paid for mortgages or sellers' interest in, contracts on real estate anywhere in Oregon or Washington; mortgage loans negotiated on improved property. H. E. Noule. Lumbermens blag.. 5th and Stark. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing pmposes; 3 to 5 years' time; liberal lepayment privileges; money advanced as buLding progresses. The Equitable Sav lns, &. Loan Association. 240 Stark SU MONEY to loan on improved city property. HAKTMAN & THOMPSON", Chamber of Commerce Bldg.' CONTRACTORS;, ATTENTION I Cash paJd tor second mortgagee on install ment plan; alo lot oonirdcu and equities. 507 McKay bldg. Main 47lo. PLENTi of money to loan at U and 1 per cent on rsal estate security. Ei-W. P- WALL COAiPANY. aoO-lO ALiiig ton Bl d . a 500,000 ON improved city or farm property; builoing or Linall loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. J. M. Icblenzie Co.r 514-15-10 Gerlinger bids- FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purchased, on farm and city property, anywhere in Oregon or Washington, E. L. MONEY to loan on what you have. Both phones. W. Lawrence, 315 Lumber Ex- chan kb. bid g. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates A. H. Birrell Co.. 202 McKay bldg., :iJ and Stark. - MORTGAGE LOANS Large or small amounts or private investors. M. E. .Thompson Co., Henry bldg., 4th and Oak. JO-O 0O0 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty; "building, loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 312 raiangbldg. "SlONEY to loan at reasonable rates, in sums from 5u00 up- me juunn-j-awrence o., 24S Alder st. IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $500, on all securities. W. A. Hathaway, room lo, Washington bldg. Phone. Main 302. MON E 1' to loan, any amount: 6 to 8 per cent. Goodnough Ac Seitz, 718 Board of Trade., PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort g a g es. H. Miley. room 204 Gerllnger bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS. 3 LEWIS BLDG. H O N S ON 1 N S 1 DE CITY PROPERTY, 0 TO 7 PER CENT. S14 LEWIS BLDG. State funds loaned, 6 per cent, W. E. Thom a s. slate a ent. Multnomah Co. . 400 C C. Will loan $10,000 or less, real estate security. Farrington, 416 Commercial Club bldg. $S00 S100O, TO loan on mortgage; slight expense. Ward , 2 1 0 A J i s k yb 1 d g. HAVE $2000 to loan on good real estate security. Phone Olson. Main 60a. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 P ER CENT. i.OI !S SALOMON. 233 STARK ST. LoN5 on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallett, 308-9 Fenton. MOVEY loaned, building purposes, if con Riiiied before building begins. 309 Henry bd WE BUY bank accounts, securities, foreign m o n t-y; lo a n s. F. H. Lewis, S Lewis bldg. Chattels and Salaries. MONEY advanced salaried people, house, keepers and others upon their own names without security ; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 6(S principal cities; sav yourself money by getting my terms first. TO-LMA.N. 317 Lumber Exchange SALARY loans, confidential, easy to get, easv to pay. F. A. Kewton. 515 Henry bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and jewelry. Marx & Bioch. 74 3rd st- 7LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. JlJae I-oaa t. ili tkum,-blds. 1TNANC1A-L. Money to Loan Chattelsand Salaries. MONEY FOR VACATIONS. $ 1 0 T O " WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED OP . READY CASH GIVE US THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOU OUR WAY OF DOING BUSINESS. IT WILL PLEASE YOU. BECAT. PB OUR RATES ARE THE LOWEST. OUR SERVICE IS SUPERIOR. EACH TRANSACTION STIUCTLx PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. All we require is that you be employed on salary and you get the money quickly, without mortgage, nidorser or other to curity. STATE SECURITY CO.. 303 Failing Building. $ 5 $ $ $$ THE U. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE COMPANY. Makes liberal loans on real estate, furni ture, pianos (without removal), livestock, storage receipts, life insurance policies and all kifds of securities; terms ta suit, easy weekly or monthly payments. e buy first and second mortgages, and con tracts. Phone Main 2054. Room 312 Ham ilton bldg-, 131 3d st. !$$$$ $75,000. WE WANT TO LOAN THIS AMOUNT ON PIANOS." FURNITURE, HORSES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS, REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES. OR ANY GOOD COLLATERAL. A SPECIAL LO W RATE TO GET THE MONK 1' OUT. WE WAN1 YOUR PATRONAGE AND ARE MAK ING A RATE TO GET IT. THE KING LOAN & INVESTMENT CO.. ROOM iilU B U C HAN AN -U U Li. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furnltura, warenouw receipu. horse j, insurance poli cies and all kinds of securities; toXA'ib' LOANS from. $oOtl up. . NEW ERA LOAN & MTG. Co. 410 Abington Bldg. WE loan money on watches, diamonds, seai SKins. mink, overcoats, trunks, dress suit ca, and musical instruments -UNCLE ME Y. ERS, 71 Sixth St., Between Oak and Pine sts. Main 910. WILL loan in amounts from $5 up on ail kinds of securities, at reasonable rates; will buy seller's equities in real estate contracts, first or second mortgages; busi ness strictly confidential. URAX-CUNNIN GUAM-GRAY, 722 Electric bid . WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry; l easouable interest ; loiij- or short time. A M. Delovage. 2u9 Washington st. Loan wanted. 5 lots sold on contract for $1995, payments coming in $47" monthly; interest b'o ; contracts for sale at discount. Call to day. Jas. C. Logan, olUH-a Washington street. Room 404. WANTED Loan of $35,OOU for business ex pansion; asfcwLs ' over $75,000; excellent col lateral ana improved real eitaie securities. Address K 124, oregoniao. W A N T E D F rom private party, loan of $10,000 for term of years on gut-ease country property; will pay S per ceut. II 122. Oregonian. $3000 MORTGAGE for sale on first-class farm land near Portland; exceptional dis count. tiOl Worcester bldg. WANTED 41000 real estate security from private party ; no commission. P. O. Box , 223; . WILL pay 10 per cent for $500 on 0 lots. AL 129, Oregonian. PEltSONAL. DR. W. E. MALLORY, 312 Rothchild bldg. lias the most complete modern oil ice in Oregon. J.4 treating rooms, fitted up with the most expensive appliances on the market- Radium, X Rays, Static ma chines, X Ray cons. Ozone machines, Gal vanic, Fdiuuic and Smusoidai batteries. Cautery batteries, Vibrators, Radiators, Electric igh batn, cabinets. Hot oven bakers. Electric, Mineral, Herbal, Steam and Siiawer baths. jUO to lz.oou candle power lights, Finccs' light, Miuiu s v 10 let. Ultra- oile-t lights, fcolar and Helio lights, and others. Cancer, Tumors, all Skin Trouble, Mother marks, all kinds of chronic dis eases are treat eu and permanently cured by these methods. Investigate. Office open Wednesday evening tot- demonstrations. LADIES, now is tne tune to attend to your Jura. Remodeled, repaired ana stored, txs of charge, when worn. i& oraered. Re-dyem ealskiu garments a specialty. Oet my eu xnaLes. iiive large as sort me at ot fine skins io select from, i-auies placing orcers n-jvr Will gt the "pick," aiM save money. Sa: iiilactum assured. Adolph Reiner, practical lurrier ana expert httcr. Litf 11 tU su Pnoaea A 553, btilO. ' DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, lur-g-ery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to tne latest methods, up-to-date electrical appliances, private hospital acCuimodations; conhncnieni cared rwr; consultation free. Room 10. Grand Thca- ler Lid g . Ma in 3 9 2 S . A 5 OO 7 . w T SCON SI N PICN IC. If you Were ever a resident of W is consin. como v. itn us; we will go up tne river on the Bailey Gatzert Sunday, July .17, 8: SO A. M. Bring your w j. irienos with you. Eimer x'QW n, sec, Ladger State Assn. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician direc tions; batns. No. 7 East Eleventh street, second door south from East Auitony car me. Phon East 200. B 1503. DR. S. M. WEN 91. Electricity, X-ray. Diseases of women and children. Confinements attended, private sanitarium if preferred. 4O5-40G Roth cmld bldg. Phone Marshall 1947; after 5 P. M-. Marshall 1U43. FEB VET ifc HANERUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; switches from $L.50 up. Up-to-date parlors for hairaressing. manicuring, face and ecalps treatment. 147 7th St., bet. Morrison and Alder. HAIR, HAIR All shades in best quality at ccsu Closing out stock; scientific face and scalp treatments; expert hair dressing and manicuring taught. Aza H. Ri ubecae. Grand Leader, 5th' and Aid er WELL-EDUCATED widower of 31, with amis means, sober, industrious and established business in Portland, desires corcsuonuenco with -a. rehned lacy of .some means; object matrimony. T 2o4, oregonian. " jjtt. D. L LE WIS. Diseases of women and enildren; electrlo treatment of nervous ailments, private hos pital. Rooms 505-5ou Commonwealth bldg., 0th and Anketiy. Phones Main 4o-i 7, A 2-111. DRESS suits for rent. $1.50 mouth keeps j-oud clothes cleaned, ureused, buttons sewed en, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring t'u., 309 Stark. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and pilt-s. Consultation I ree. 1S1 1st St.. Portland. DR. T. J. PIERCE, specialist, women and children; conhdential advtce; expert and ipainless treatments. Address 311 AlLaky bldff, , IF William A. Gay, formerly of Guclph, will communicate with J. H. Walker, care of Aldon Candy Co.. he will learn of o m ething to his advantag c . THE Count of Monte Christo is requested to communicate w'tli his sister at this office within threedays. V 2o7. Oregonian. DR. LOR ENS' NERVE TONIC TABLETS. 25c tox, restore lost vitality. Stipe. Tay- jor prug Company, 2S9Morrisonst. HEALTH TREATMENTS given by graduate nurse and masseuse. Room IS, 23a Alder st. Phone Main 4533. Mme. Courtwrigbt. skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformities corrected, pias Uc surgery. 311 Fliedncr bldg. M. 5042. LIQUOR and drug habits permanently cured in three days; no suffering. Cardiola in stitme, H127 Peninsula ave.. Portland. Or. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for d leases o women. 629 Belmont st.Ea st 249S. 600 BUSINESS CARDS $1 if you bring this ad. Kobe ctty Print ery. 12', 3d. nr laylr BATTLE CREEK baths, ladies days, cn tlemen nights. 221 Drexel bldg. Main MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spirit ual scientist, 21 Selling-Hirsch bldg. M. 6S24 .OCCULT New Thought; liberal. scicntiUc books. Jones' Book Store. 264 Oak tz. LEARN driving automobile, day or evening. 3-o 'Washington, room 41ti. Main 53sl. DR. K ETC HUM treats women's maladies. 179 Va 3d- corner Yamhill. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 42J Fliedner bldg. M.3473 BUSINESS DIR ECTOR Y. Accountants. MACKENZIE, BAlRD & BE It RIDGE, Counsel and experts in all matters relat ing to municipal, commercial, factory cost and industrial accounting. $ Moderate fees. Consultations free, 224 Worcester Block. Phones Main 7309. A 1449. ' E. H. COLLIS Sc. CO.. ACCOL-rsiTArviTsk Commercial, touaty and Municipal Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. H24 Worcester B:ock. Phone Main 05ti7. Awnings and Tents. PACIFIC Tent &. Awning Co.. tents, awnings and. Balls. 27 N. 1st. Main and A Architects. EASTMAN CO., Inc., Architects and Build ers. Plans and .estimates furnished free to builders. We build on contract, percentage o r terms. Main 3236; A 41 10. Abington b 1 d g. "Baths and Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths, 167 4th Elegant plunge steam apd shower baths, 25c BUSINESS DiKEt TORY. Art. CHINA PAINTING taught by mall. Address ine Jeanne .a. Stew ait. Art Co., Mor fcison Portlauu, Oi Abbayer andj&Alj'st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. lap Morrison at. Weils Ac ProebsteL mining engineers, chem ist a and aaja ye rs. y ik v a h l u ton au Uicyclea and Motorcycles. We buy. ee;i, exchange or repair. Hummer Bicycie Li-.lW lom tt..Ai,ain 705s. 13ras and Machine Works. HARPER S BRASS "vVOKKS Brass castings and machine work. loi j.5th. Ala. in 37u2. C Ulrypractic l'uy aiciau. DR. TICKN ER removes the caue of disease. tii'0-1 Co-umbia m bldg. A 62oo. lira. 12-5 :3u. Collections and Law. NETH & CO., COLLECTORS COLLECT EVERY WHERE; NO COLLECTION, NO CHARGE. odo Worcester uiug., Portland. CoilectionSpeiaiih.t. PHYSICIANS and ueutLcts' collections only. L. PiiiLkucy White. Mam 5ui4; a 7u-& Chiropody. WM. ESTELLE and, Flossie Deveney, the only scitniiiic er.fropouista iu ttie city. Pariors 3U2 Gerlirier olug., S. YV. cor, 2d anqAider. i'hone Main xJOl. Dr. Laura M. Randolph, ioot specialist, hos pital ana thiix-pouy graauu.te; aseptic treatment. Yamhid and utn. Tti. A -t ilw. Cidropody and peuicuriug iu ii -i 2UiFlieuner bi u g . Mrs. M. D. Hill, Pt:une Maia 34(3. CHIROPODY manicuring and scalp. Mrs. 132U. pu:iton. Circulating Library. LATE fiction, 3c a day. Woman's Exchange uiug., 160 th at., beu Taylor and xamniii. Coiumibpion Merchants. TAYLOR, VuL.Nti 6c Co.v snip brokers, coni jiiictenoii uicrunants. rantrlo-.a bmtf. Curios. SL'N SOON HUIE, CHINESE GOUDS, MAT- .TIN Ci , SiLK AND C ( n l oS . 7 0 bih S 1 liog anjlli.arse lloapital. DR. BROWN. D. V. S. utUce 324 Flanders .st. Main -juau. Hoaitai b J l-i u jhU Electric M.otor. PA CI PIC E DECT RiC ENGINE EU1 N G Aiotors lor r.iu or ake. 213 2i st. 1'eeU btore. Z1GLER Miy.SKK, in cut. m 1 1 n t itf. -j 4 iitf, grain, uiaiiu ave. ce 402. P urs- N. M. UNGAR CO., INC., formerly of 40G Merchants J. rust bluj;., have removed to loj toeventn m. I- uia remoueleu, repairea and bioi'eu. Aiarsiiu.il t liat 1 uctoiy. HATS made to order cost no more. See us. itoyaiiaat Woras,22i xa". bt M. o4i2. iiy or a u lie imis. HYDRAULIC RAMS. For Irritation, mining and , domestic purposes. rianiviin swt-ci, beiL, 4iW Lum uer Excnaiijjc biug.. iortianu, or. Launches. ' 10-PT. 3-H. P., i50; KciLfjyn Maca. Co., 18-FT. 3-H. P., 200. 1S2 Morriaon st. Leather and; linduits. CHAS. L. MAST1CK fc CO.. of every uescription, taps, (i Front, leather inirs.' linuUiH--. J. A. STROW BRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es ta.Plisb.fca. lboS. lsJ Front ji, lachinery. B. TRENKMAN c CO. Hyuraulie and p gial pipes, tfcreens, logejing. mining ina cnitery. All kincs of rc,j.iis. iu- 4tn. .- Musical. EM1L THiELHOKN. vioim teacher, pupil Sevcik. jj'jKi Alai ij,uaiii. A 41 GO. Mal. loJ. Osteopatuic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTHRCi', 415-410-417 Dekum Bidtf. Phone, ofiice, M. 3-1; res. East or B lo2a. Dr. Arnold Linlsey, specialist on rheuma tism, stomach trouuk-i and all leniaie d Dafi. Hotel FranKl i ii. Ma in 1 15. DR. LE ROY SMITH, graduate Kirksvtlle. Mo.f .ibaa, pst giad. 10y7. 3la a w e t la n a b la tj Paints, Oils a n d C. lass. RASMUSEN & CO., Joubers paints, oils, M. 1 -s adii and doors. Cor. 2d aua'i'a y iur. I'atent A ttorney s. R. C. . jgiR& WRIGHT, aomestic and foreign pat infringenient easels. to-k benuw. patents. FREE booklet Information for Inventors. J. K. Mock, 323 Abington mdg. Gate vf U. S. Patent Onice). Fa v iug. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, tkifj-ti'-S Eiectric big. Oscar H uber, Purtlund. WARREN sidewalks Construction Co. Street paving, ar.d crosswalks. 317 Beck biug. Pawnbroker. UNCLE MYER: lnPortland.. Collateral Bank, 40 71 0th st. Main PlO. Ple. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and .office nL-ar 24th N. and York sts. M. 34aU. . Printers. GLASS & PRUDIiOMME CO., printers, blank book makers, legal blanks. loose Jeaf devices, townsnlp plats. 05-07 7th st.. bct. oak and Ankeny . CH A U SS E-PR U D HOMME CO., book, cata logue and commercial. 112 Vit 4th sL Main blO. A 1555. "WATSON Printing Co., fine commercial and coior printing. Qootlnougli blUg. Mam 77-13. piano Pa ct o ry . C. Sommer fc Co., established 1 v.0 ; general jepair work; tuning. 247 5th. Marshall 1571 Rubber Ma nips. ALSO seals, stencils, office Cunningham's. 2-" 1 Stark. stationery, etc Main 1407. Kug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets, colonial rag rugs, carpet cleaning and laying. 153 Union ave. nr. E. Morrison. Sui'ca. TIIE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 d st. Safes a t factory prices, mnu-iiaiiu .J'.Vl. Showcases, Bimk ttiiu Store t ixtures. THE LL'TKE MFG. CO., brunch Grand Kapios snowcaso to-. Lutke, Mgr. Gth and Hoyt. NEW and second-hand J. I. M. Mfg. Co., 4th and Couch. Main 2i03. Cabinet work. Screens. W IN DO V S S CREENS. Do you want first-claua window screens? We marrui'aclure in Portland. Nothing but rustproof screens that fiU Call Main or A 2j23. GR1SVVOLD RUSTPROOF SCR KEN CO., 3 45 Pirst at. Hforage and Transfers. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO.. corner 13th and Everett sts. Just opened newest and most' modern storage warehouse in city" every convenience for safe and proper hand lin sr of goods; lowest insurance rate In Northwest ; free trackage; vans Rr moving. Main or A 3 52Q. C O PICK Transfer & Storage Co., office and commodious four-story brick ware house separate iron, rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and pine sts. pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 5 IHj. A pj'jti. OTSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transilerring and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 2rt Oak St., bet. Front and lHt. Telephone Main 517 or A 2217. OREGON 1RANSFER CO., established 1S7'). Transfer and Forwarding Agents Storage. Office 3lu Hoyt -t., between 5th and Oth. phor.es Main tl!. A llt:. WHEV moving, call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main HV1S. A Rsl. Ail covered wagons, all experienced men. Stoves. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110. jjl t-ror.i. Therapeutic Physician. DR. FOSTER, master mechanic of the human machine; chiropractic, vibration, massage, 'lecirical and others combined. 41.3 Fliedner. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $2o to fully guaranteed; easy pay menus: rentals, $3 per month. Pacific Stationery & Printing t'o., 2u3 2d st. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex chan ye. 27 S Washington st. NEW rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. Co. . 231 Stark. M. 1407. Veterinarians. g i,. Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians. '331 Ankeny st. A Main 2-102. Veterinary Schools or Colleges. San Francisco Veterinary College; catalogue .free. !-'' Keane. IS 1 s Market St., S. F. Wall i'aper. ERNES T MILLER CO.. 172 1st St.. whole sale and retail. Samples mailed free. BANKS. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON ST? TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKIN'J BUSINESS. ISSUES .DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATUS AND EUROPE, 4 p PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS. SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS, GRAND CENTRAL STATION. fcoutheru Pacific. Leaving Portland Ashland passenger Rose burg Passenger Ghista Limited Silver ton passenger California Express San Francisco Express. . .... West Side Corvallia Passenger Sheridan Passenger r orest Grove Passenger. . . . . . Forest Grove Passenger i orest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland OreKon Express Ashland Passenger. .......... Roseburg Passenger Portland Express Shasta Li m i t ed SilverUm Local West Side Corvallia Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove passenger Forest Grove Passenger 8:30 a. m 4:15 p. m 0.00 p. in, 6:2iJ p. nu 7:45 p. m. 1:3d a, m, 7:20 a. in. 4:W p. tiw , b;.")0 a. Iiv. 1 :u p. nu 5:40 p. m, 7 :30 a. m. lU:oo p. in. & :li0 p. in. 1 1 :o a. nu i 2:3d p. nu , U:30 a. m. ' C ;?0 p. rru Hi:.,o a. nu , h :"0 a. in. i;i:5d a. nu 4-4U p- nu j.-vivjl m.-acn ger. Northern Pacific. Leaving Portland . North Coast Limned via Pugetl Sound (10: North Coast Limited via Nortin 10 a. nx Hank j 7 Atlantic Express via l uget Sounu.tl2 Atlantic Express via Noiih Xiank i U in City Express via Pugei fcound . . -. 3 Twin City Express via North! Hank 7 Eastern Express via Puget Sound)i2 Eastern Express via North liaiiki U Missouri River Express via. Pugeti Sound jio MiSM.nri River Express via North Hank ( 1 Portland. Tacoma and Seattle Ex- pres. Grays Harbor. uimpia and South HeiiU uranchea. ; . . . . 6 Portlana-Vancouver special 1U Puet Souiid Liiiiiteu. Oras iiar- bor and Soutn jjeud tranches..! 3 lacjlt I'asseiiger 4 Arriving Portland Korlh Coast Limited, via North! Hank 3 North Coast Limited Wa Pugotl Sound j 7 00 p. nu 15 a. nx. UU a. nu 30 p. nu, 00 p. m. ;15 a, nu 10 a. nu, 0U p. m. 45 a. m. lo a. nu 30 p. m. UU p. iu. 15 p. m, .20 a. nu, 30 a. nu 10 p. m. :15 p. m. :20 a. nu :15 p. m. :3U p- uu ;30 a. nu : 00 p- m iNoruiurn 1'aciflc North Hank. Express via; Northern Pacllic Express Puget Sound via) Pai-iiic Coaait Exoresa viii. XorLhl -I Lank S Pa i: i nc Coast Express via 1'Uifeti Sound j 7 Western Express via North Banal b Western hxpresa via Puget SounUtlo Missouri River Exprebd via North I Han it j i Missouri River Express via Pugeti St und , 4 Port land-Tacoma- Seattle Expred and from Olympia, Soutii Aend and Gras Jiaruor j 4 Puet Sound uaimted 7 Vancouver-Portlana Special jlO sacoit Jr'aasfiij.-u'r . u 00 p. rru lu p. nu 3U p. UU uu a. ia. Oregon itaiiruud A: Navigation to. Leaving Portland Penuietuu rust:ukar .ttaaer city asaenger Ciiiuago i.imn.cu i li AJulieM UOCdi soo-tpoaaiie ruriuua uregou ixprebs .lojk.aiio i er .... Arnvuia I'oMlaUii-i-Penuieton rcuer Tne Daii.es Lotiii Oregon li,xpie3 boo-ipoiia.iiw-x-(jiLiaiiu Laker City Local Passenger. Cnicago li nu leu &4oKtue x- ij ei I .1 0:30 p m. . t :4U a. . lU.uO a. . -;uu p. .i ;ou p. ..I a.uu p. iiu in-. . 1 U.UU p. UK i . 7:00 p. nu ,. to, 1C i. . i IU ,JU . lu. .( v.uu a, -I ;uu p. . :uu u. im i .i: nu nu nu Aiiori n C oluxuoia JUivcr. Leaving Portlana Cceuu fcuui e i-l mi Led SittLUi ua ol'uu special. . . a cuaiUe iliXpl eaa .............. Ibrtiiiier I'MMCiitiCi'. j.vaiiiier ruASi.'iiiicr. Ai'iivin; rbi ni-.uU btjaiao x.ivicM. Aj.unu.iy ficaciuo jpeciai ...... iSCdttlUtf il-AJl Si .............. ocean Snoio iimiteu Rainier uuu Pornaiia pacseny uttiiiivr u a. xjoil la.m r"aioii- . .1 b:UU a. nu . .1 P .20 a, in, . . I '- ,uU p. in. . .1 u.uu p. 11. ,. a.ij y. uu l w :a v 1 .(12:05 p. nu . . 1 12 .ou v m. ..io.uu v nu . . ,iu.ia o. uu . . i y ;-u uu jLaiiadiun X'uciue liaiiwajr Cu. Leaving x'ui iiauu J C. xJ. iw iiuLi, x.iua via Spokane.) 7.00 V la toeuiue ,li;i p. m. AliiviUK X'urliauu snort uiiid via baukan&.i l:Oii .- m se(.i.Lie. ................. 4 a. 4u, Orcoa diy ttBamtoq xiaixioaU Co, Leaving Portlana I Seull ., 1 t.3u a. in, ..f d.VU y. lit. .I ll.lV i. lli 1 ....... -i 7:15 a. nu, 1 u ..o p. tu. . . . . ... . j . iy. iM -. - J Luucu . . . V- V. 1 .,1........... Arriving iroi tiaud Ov.1 OiiaSt4 UllUilcU. ... boutueru x.'ucixic Leaving x-01 nana xvuiiaa 1 A&aii,ui' .... Jjd.lld.4 X" Li Wi .... Uu..ll I'llCuai' .... .1 7:40 a. in. i ;wu a. 1 .tl0:15 a. in. . 1 :aa v iu- ---4 x.iJc v jLm in .i.nw u-Jii a x i -jl. x a X'xa- C5.U.- O-LXW DIALOG. fpoitaiie, xorii uu J :u.exiiiU ay JL. Leaving I'oitiaud Iniana x-uivi -,pi'cs Ll.Wa. m. r or un-.fco, 1 uui, uiuauu, Xxuiia-J Iwoo-ovetl, ' iiuJu-lie.i. Cij--.eiiuu.ie. xj it, vv nite oaimo.i, tot, v eiiauu, ancuat er. xne uitiuiiida 11:00 a. 111. jc or -l. X i-u puaauc, i auco, tt duluiliu, KiinloLua, iiiii-ij, X.J ic, V iile caiiuou, isna veuaoa aud vancou.ci. Coioixiuiu. liivcr locui ......4 :30 p. m. .NOii.ii xauii. ju.iii.tcu ' :uu p. 111. r 01' c-iiicut.", 4'u.ui, uniana. KtaUoAd Cit , St- l.ot.-i3, LilllUaJ, SpOAaiic, '. UiiLUc na. xvaiiiotus, I'aavjy, j.wuobev en, utauuuaUed, UOiO.t-i.uaie, ! le. .1 111 Oil, CLev eiibuu Ai-rik'inii Portland 'X llU U'l C 0 vil lUll j? rout ai. Paui, Spokane, 7 ;5 a. m, laco, Ciilla, Mary v ulo, Lj i-', Vuito tauuuu, ai.evcnuu auu yaiicouv ei. Aui-tU uuim i-iinited 7:50 a.m. J: roui l'uk utio, ai. X'aui, Uinlia, lavaua-ivj Cit , oi. j,ouis. Emu1 -s, cpoiiunvi W ujUlui 11a lv xnlotud, x'a-aco, xwoscii, uraauiiuiKS, oolueiiuaie, x-iic, khiie aaiuioii, bvcuiuu, VUUC-UVet'. Cuiuiuoia River Local Uioo p. m. xmaua xxnp.ie Exprcid i:iovm. i: ro.n Cniciio, st. X'aul, Omaha, iwuiidifc- C1l, at ioUc, xiiiiuibs. t-poKaue, iVadaiuc 11a kaiiioi.ua, x-'asco, root eu, uraimaUiUi, oolueuaale. Lid. White Salmon, aiveuayj, un-ouver. " TJToriJieriRailvvuyCoiupaiiy. Leaving- Portland 11th and Hoyt sis. Oriental xmniteu. via heattic xu:uu a. m. The oresoitian. via North HaJik. . 1 1 :w a. uu oriental Limited, via Norm xiank 7 :uo p. m. eat tie and 'i'dL'UHia, H. C Tacoma, Liicouver, 10:tH a. m. Vuncuuvtr, . 5:00 p. nu, Vancouver, 11 ;30 p. in. Seattle ana Tacona, 'Seattle and Vancouver, H. C ticaLCle and 'ia- . . li :20 p. m. coma. . ii. O. feeatLle und 'la . . U :50 p. rn. Time Card Oregon Electric liailuuy C 4aeiisHii!!t tSn-'--HH4Jr,AV,.,!1 Leavine roruanu ir a., f. .,, l-4 p. M. Limiled lor luaialiu and. al"in A. 3,1. Local lor H liaonv.U. and int. stations 5 : lu 1 M. Daily eict jt ;n?duy fur points on th saU-m. U'alU city f ,rn Ity. via Sale,,,. UMU A. M.. :0 U m suiiilay only. U:JO A. I. leavins Portland for i-H,rcst Grove and ln:Zt A. 11.: 1..HJ. Int. statums-2:l-. 3:. i : 5:'o 1'. M. Saturday only. 11:. ill i: 'rrlvi'nc at Portland from Salem and Int. t'ltions U:o A. M.; 1:IJ. 4 :uu. ti:0l. ,: l;td" M. Lot-ill from Wiisonvllis and Intermediate stations u..v except Sunday, and . ::io A. M. daily. Arrivinis Portland tram t orest Grove and IntT stations s:w. W:o. U :4) A. M.-. 1:30. "50 5:.. 8:10 I'- M. Saturday only. ll:0O p. M. Sunday only. 4:4l I'. M. Dt-pot Front an.l Jeffers i o r 1 1 a n d ,Or. I'.Tlland Knllwny. l-iHt l'ower (. omimny. Tl'-vket Oili-re and AVaiilns-K.xim. Firat an.l Aluer and Kart Water ar.d I-ia.t sr.jrriwm Streeta. CAKS'l.KAVK EAST U'ATKIl AND CA MORRISON STREETS. Ore-Ron Citv 1:" and (i-M A M. and every 30 minutes to and including last nr, n.ii n iiv. t Ore-ham and ir.trmeaiat0 p,,int-l5:r,.. 7 45 s 45. 0:45, 1 :.-. l' 4o A. M ; 1:4.. r, 3 45, 4:45. 5:45, :45, 11:311 P. M. Kairview an.l Trodtdai. :.V.. :45, R:l. 9 45, 1U:45 A. M.; 1:45. 2:15, 3. 15. 4:15, 5.45, U4.V 1. M. Vazalf,ro and IntrrmedUte iiolnt, o:55, 8 45 10:45 A. M : 12:4.'.. 2:4.-., 4:4., 6:45 P. M. FOH VANC'JIJ VIJK. Ticket office and wa it ing-room Second anl A'afhing:on Sslrf. K M 6:15. '". 7:-i, S.W, 8:35, 8:10, 9 HK'M 11:10, 11:51-. p" M. 12:.1. 1:1 :. ZAt 3:5o. 4-K," f.l'1. 5:5. 0:31, 7.C5, 7:40, S:15, U:5, io!35 11:45. . On third Monday In cvtrv month the l:ist . . T..,-. r ti i.t-.nu. ...,i.t .lin ear i 1 ' 5 - ' . ; . - day. "Uaily except Monday. Arrivins Portland lith and Hoyt sis. Oriental i-luteu, via Seattle ii:40a,tru tiie" uregonian. via North Lank . . . . ;U a. m. oriental Limned, via .North Jjaiik.&.la p. nu vancuN.. j-" ... 1 . , toma. . '