14 tut: MOKXIXG OREGOXIAN, WEDXESDAY, JULY 13, 1910. FOR BALE. Hones. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE The handsomest, best-bred stallion in the Northwest, being: by a son of the great Robert McGregor, his first dam by Pancoast. the sire of Prodigal. Patron, etc.. second dam by Dictator, third dam by Mambrino time. -This horse car ries the best blood of Robert McGregor, Pancoast and Dictator with the right sort of Mambrino Chief crosses, he Is a good Individual and a promising sire; very gen tle for the most timid persoa to drive, can trot in 2:18 with little work, and is handsome enough to win in the show ring. This horse Is being sold for the rea son that we have no place to keep him in the city. He can be bought ou easy pay ments or will exchange for real estate. Kramer's New York -Stable, 15th and Al dersis. FOR SALE One team heavy workhorses; good condition. Oregon &. Washington Lumber Co.. Mala 2103. Automobiles. WANTED Pyx Y. M. C. A. Automobile School, automobiles to repair; no charges except for parts furnished ; references as to the efficiency of work turned out by school on application. Phone Educational Director. A 6061. Private Exchange 65 or c al 1 at shop. 100 Chapman st. HERB Ut your chance to get a superb ocean front lot on the famous boulevard at Long Beach In trade for a four-cylinder '09 or 10 auto; send full description. S 118, Ore- - ynian. -PASSENGER 60-H. P. Thomas Flyer. In good condition; jut the car for stage line or livery; $15o0 cash or Installments. West ern Auto Co.. 531 Alder st. MAXWELL JR., lf9 model; good as new; $:voo cash or terms. Address W 205, Ore . gonian. 11G MOTORCYCLE In perfect condition; chea p for cash. H 121. Ore gonian. Plan". Org-wn ami .Muiral Instruments- FINE, h i ft h-grade player piano at a sacri fice; party going East, must sell. John Meder. 302 i3 East Burnside st. 6QUARE Stein way piano, beautiful tone, in good condition, $1jo. Phone Wood lawn 2223. PIANO check, rilrt, for $20. Apply Miss Baker. 14th and Everett st. itinln. Joc anil Prt MouK. WILL sell stock of pure-bred poultry and lease land and. buildings. Phone Sell wood 4 SO. r " FOR SALE! One fine 2-year-olu Jersey bull, out of the Ladd herd; is a vei y sure breeder; also a splendid, full-blood Jersey cow, will ' be fresh inside of week; price $100 lor the two, $0O for either. P. L. Kennedy, Woodburn. Or. G AS OL I N E W OO D SAW. First-class condition, &-H. P. engine. 3 extra saws, big gasoline tank; engine cov ered ; worth new $40o; need money ; will eU 1175. O 122,Or;gonIan. . FOR SALE Gracing outnt, 11 horses, three w heelers, three fresuos, 1 plow, shovels and other equipment. sfce owner, working Lau relhurst. or address R. J. Potter, 1Js2 Eaat 23d. Tel. Eaat 3732. ' . .THE Northwest Typewriter Company, 222 Abinglon bidg. phone M. bbi 0, is the only co.npany selling strictly factory re built typewriters; prices $10 to $i5. FOR SALE 50-ft launch. 50-K. P. ; good lines and good construction ; built last jear; will 'arry heavy, ioad ; bargain. bone Marshall lti5, ltiElctric bidg. SAFES NEW AND SECOND-HAND. Ail sizes ; lo prices ; easy terms. PORTLAND SAFE COMPANY, hi 5th St. SO-FOOT launch, speed 13 to 14 miles, Al condition, a bargain. Phone or call P. E. Stowell,with M. Seller Co. p DAIRY if EN, ATTENTION. About 4o tons of hay near city, at a aac riflce. Room 206 Hoard of Trade bidg. BLICKENSDERFEH TYPEWRITERS, $45. $00. Ask for catalog. Rebuilt 15 up. N. M. Hayter Co., fro 6th s-t. Main S529. FOH SALB Showcase, wallcases. counters, cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East 638. A GOOD Jersey cow for sale; easy milker and gentle; also heiter caif. 144s Cleve land ave. $105 PIANO check to be sold very rea sonable. Apply Redd & .Bates' drug store. Lownsdale and Washington. STOCK, of decorations, novelties, jewelry, re turn balls, canes, pennants, etc., 472 Washington FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow, bargain. 1179 Gladstone. Woodstock cars. $45 TAKES new launch hull; be Quick; a bargain. PhoneSellwood 1015. BEST 4-foot fir cord wood $5.50, delivered. m Multnomah Fuel Co. Both phones. TYPEWRITER ' BARGAINS. 231 Stark St. Main 1407. NOTES and mortgages bought and sold. Na- tlmiMl I mrat1 t X us ' n Kill IVnrrcotAr hlHo- 4-H. P., completely equipped gasoline launch and boathouse, $17o. AC 130, Oregonian, FOR SALE Remington typewriter. No. 10, slightly used. Ca.U6l2 Lumbe: mens bidg. 600 BUSINES CARDS $1 if you bring thfjs ad" Rose City Printery. 102$ 3d. near Taylor. VIOLINS, banjos, mandolins, guitars at half regular prices. Uncle Myers, 71 6th mU SHOWCASES. new and second-hand? 312 Everett, cor. 6th. A1k fixtures. WA XT !: u ;; : s t p. t. l. i: o OS. WANTED CLOTHING. Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing and shoes. The Qlofce Second hand store. 290 First. Main 20&U. We also buy ladies' clothin g. MULTIGRAPH MACHINE. Wanted, to rent multigraph machine; state where I can ee machine. 010 Lumbermen's bidg. Main &706. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the ' Fair Deal," 62 X. 3d st. Main b272. BELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get lt?SL Phones: A ; Main fePOl. WANTED Good tent 10x12 with side-walls, or larger. aa 4th st., room 3ti. toi'U'i' cas-a paid tor jour furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. HELP k.N'fhl) MALK. "WANTED 1 boy 10 years old and man for laundry deliveryman; give present and past employment, reference, married or single, age; wages $10 to $20 per week; must be a hustler. Address AH IV.i. Oregonian. WANTED Pantryman; must be experienced and have references. Apply superinten dent's office. 6th floor. Portland Commer cial Club. 5th and Oak. bet. 10 and 11 WANTED First-class grocery salesman with established trade for hole's, restaurants and large consumers ; one capable of earninic a good salary. Address AK 120. oregonian. PRINTER WANTED Good, all-round man; $1 a week. Crook County Journal, Prlr.eville, or. FIRST-CLASS machinist wanted, permanent position, good wages. United Metal Trades Association. 222? Com'l Club bidg. BOY about 16 years of age wanted for office work and as messenger. F 123. Oregonian. WANTED Strong willing boy to work in canuy factory. Apply F. F- Haradon & Son. E. 6th and Couch. "WANTED Young man solicitor well ac quainted in city. Apply 3U Swetland bidg. after S A. M. "WANTED Rough painters. St. Francis Church. East Pine and 11th. FIRST-CLASS blacksmith for out of town. Call 222 Commercial Club bidg. CHIPPER wanted here in city Call 222 Commercial Club bidg. BOY for janitor and kitchen work! 654 Couch st. LKAKN driving automobile, day or evening 3201 Washington, room 416. Main 03Sll MEN for factory near Portland; married .men preferred. 339 Sherlock bidg. WANTED Assistant in ice cream depart ment. 160 4th. WANTED Office boy to attend phones, etc A p pi y Mt. Hood Brewery.2t2H a v t h orn e. EOY. over 16 years of age. Apply 104 E. 7th. North . at 8 A. M . NEWS AGENTS for railroad news service. Barkalow Bros.,326 Johnson st. ONE first-el a? waiter, one dishwasher. Ap ply 14t N. Oth st. WA NTED An experienced helper on cakes. Royal Bakery. 1 1th and Everett. EXPERIENCED stationary engineer and fireman. AD 126, Oregonian. "WANTED Young man to carry dishes. Peerless Cafeteria. 104 5th st. JH OTOG R A P H coupon and portrait agents; new offer. Outberth studio, Dekum bidg. PHOTOGRAPH operator and retoucher. Cut berth studio, Dekum bidg. WANTED Couch-makers and upholsterers. Carman Mfg. Co.. 18th and Upshur. WANTED Fin-setters at Oregon Bowling alley: good pay. S4 7th st. JAPANESE boy for garden work; must un derstand milking. Phone A 5531. SOLICITOR with references, on wagon. The Regal Cleaners & Dyers, 2TO Grand ave. t ANTED A Chinaman for general house lwork. Applyin morning. 794 GlLsan street. PA RPER- wanted, steady job 242 2d "st. I ii i Y to work in grocery store" 574 Is ti 6 1. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED SALESMEN TO JOIN AN OR GANIZED SALES FORCE THAT HAS PROVEN A BIG SUCCESS; REQUIRE MENTS ESSENTIAL ARB ENERGY, ABILITY AND HONESTY FOR SUCH MEN COMPENSATION IS UNLIMITED, POSITION PERMANENT, PROMOTION POSITIVE. IF YOU ARE AMBITIOUS. THIS IS A RARE OPPORTUNITY. CALL TODAY. ;30 A. M. THE SP ANTON CO., 269 OAK. ST. ASK FOR MR. HIC KEY- WANTED Dentist. Dr. D. E. Wright, 4 Washington. WANTED 3 mill carpenters, $3.50. 2 bench carpenters, $3.50. 2 rachet-setters. $3 and $3.25. 3 carriage-riders. $2.50 and $2.75. Log-deck man, $3. Cookhouse to let on contract; 20 to 30 men. Hundreds of other jobs. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Main Office. 12 North Second St. 6 MEN WANTED. G MEN WANTED. MEN WANTED. STEADY JOB ALL YEAR. STEADY JOB ALL YEAR. STEADY JOB ALL YEAR. Eaglecrest Orchards, near Salem. Kaglecrt-st Oleharcis. near Salem. Ea It crest Orchards, near Salem. For information, apply to J. O. KOL'NTKEE. Sh z Thlt d bU Up stairs. WANTED Able-bodlea men for the U. S. Marine Corps, between the agea of 19 and i&, must be native born or have first papers; monthly pay $15 to $6; additional com pensation possible; food, clothing, quarters and medical attendance free; aiter Stf years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances; service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at Breeden bidg., 3d and Washington tsw, Portland, Or. W A N T E D T wo young men, between age s of la and W2 year, those who have had . col lege or technical school training preferred. This la an exceptional opportunity for bright, energetic mn to learn a branch of the work of a large public service corporation. Reply In own ha nu writing, giving age and, prcs.-nt employment. AK 1-8, Oregonian. WANTED Solicitor for electrical supply house in Washington city of 2,000; must have experience as salesman in this line and be of a pieasing personality and able to work out details of a business-getting department; combination salary and com mission ; state age. terms, previous ex perience, etc. Aduress AH 12. Oregonian. AdEN W ANTED, age IS to 35. for firemen, $lo0 monthly, and brakemen $80, on nearby railroads; experience unneceaaurj ; no strike; promotion to engineers, conductors; railroad employing headquarters, over 5u0 men sent to positions monmly; state age; end stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonian. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in b weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler Syetem of Colleges, 5 North 4th t.r Portland. Or. 500 MEN wanted to buy high-grade sample euits at less than wholesale cost; regular $1S to $22.5o values, $11; regular $2o valuea, $13. oO; regular $ao to $35 values, $16; office rent ($3o a month) and no expense is the ana we r to how doerf he do it? Jimmie Dunn, ioum 315 Oregonian bidg. WANTED Delivery boy with bicycle. Mor gan's Department Store, Grand ave, at East Stark st. X. M. C. A- The friend of the young man and stranger ; hearty welcome and good counsel are yours without cost- Constant demand for men who can do something well. Special employment membersxilp as sures employment. Investigate before you invest. WANTED Men and boys at Los Angeles; no expense for Instruction; learn automo biles, elec trica ty, plumbing. bricklaying trade in months instead of years; study half and work half time; catalogue tree; United Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles. WANT live real estate salesmen to assist me in selling close-in West- Side business and residence property at $5-0 to $2oUO; tasy terms ; big money for hustler. J as. C. Logan, i Washington st. Room 44. WANTED MEN. Elegant opportunity for good men ; we quality you to command a salary of $lio to ?;i5 per week in 10 days' t'.mc; many openings for men. Call at til:: Buchanan bidg., OJ'S Vs Washington. WANTED Single man, L to 30, to collect and deliver for Eastern polishing house, salary in city $2.50 per day to start; good chance getting on road ; $21 per week and transportation ; bond and references necessary. AO 128, Oregonian. BOY FOR DELICATESSEN About 16 years of age, with experience. Apply to OLDS. WORTM AN & K I N G. THOROUGH machinist, capable of estimat ing and superintending in general machine shop ; man who could take a linanclal interest preferred. E 123. Oregonian. WANTED Good active young man to make himself generally useful, steady employ ment. Apply Northwestern Macaroni Fac tory. 109 North ith st. FIRST-CLASS marker and assorter. reliable, capable taking full charge this depart ment; good wages, steady employment. M a g n o 1 i a Laundry, A lbaiy, Oreg on. WORK for a few first-class heading bosses in aqueduct tunnel, Yorktown Heights. Westchester County, New York. John . ,Mt'.ran. WANTED Partner in real estate business; also have an opening in automobile line; experience unnecessary; small capital re quired. Call li'2H Washington st., room 4 1 7. W A N TED First-class barber, Saturday work only; hours 8 A. M. to II p. M. ; guarantee $.". Apply 704 Washington st., Vancouver, Wash. C. Montgomery. EOT of 16 wanted to run errands, etc; per manent position, good chance for promo tion; write, giving age and references to . A B 126. Oregonian. WANTED Stenographer in lumber office who Is well educated in English; stale ex perience and salary expected. AL 125, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced solicitor, commis sion or half interest in light manufactur ing business; little money T-eq,uired. AM 12ti. Oregonian. EX i il. HI ENCED coal mining engineer to take charge of lignite coal mine ; only competent man of proven ability need apply. Address F 12 2. Oregonian. ENERGETIC boy for office and collecting; good opportunity, permanent position; give particulars, phone number. D 120, Orego- nian. YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway mail clerks, pustofflce clerks, carriers, etc. Write or call for Book 30. it's free. Pacific States School. McKay bidg.. Portland, Or. EXPERT automobile repair men; must be Al; open hop. Kea; Auto Co. See Mr. Arnold. 7th and Burnido sts. WANTED Bread oaker. second h-and, mu.t be good man : wages $2o per week. 5o& Wash. st.. Vancouver, Wa.h. COLLECTOR Young man. about 20, neat appearance ; must live with parents. AB l'2i, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED house-cleaning man wanted; - i:t:t W. Park; permanent position for right party. WANT a man and wife to do janitor work for rent of apartment. F. I. Ball, 701 Dekum bidg. WANTED Y'oung man, not over 23 years of age, to run elevator. Apply janitor, Ainsworth bidg.. 3d and Oak 8t city. WANT. ED Platen and cylinder pressman for steady position; $18 per week. Address Rawlintrs. Albany. Oregon. $18 TO $35 week few months only learning; situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-En graving School. Box 182. Ashland, Or. MAN wanted to sell Hibernian decorations. Louis B. Marks. 472 Washington st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write for Portland examination schedule. Franklin Institute Dept. 24HR. Rochester, N. Y. MAX and wife can have free rent for care of furnace, etc. Phone East 6U87. Aek for landlord. TsK TEACHEJRS' AGENCY offers good positions to A-l Instructors. 611 Swetland. WANTED 2 telephone girls, 3 bellboys, for new hotel. Call 128 North 6th st. IF YOU'RE a live canvaraer. go to room 23 Raleigh bldgr. Something good. HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE GREATER OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORES Xeed the services of a large number of experienced saleswomen in the following departmnts: GROCERIES, HOSIERY, GLOVES. MEXS FURNISHINGS. NOVELTIES, ART NEEDLEWORK. GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN. 1 years of age and over, who wish the opportunity to enter a business career. OLDS, WORTMAN &. KING. YOUNG LADY GRADUATES of high or grammar schools. 17 years of age and over will find a good opportunity to en ter a business career by applying at once to OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. DRESSMAKERS and tailors; only first-class help need apply,. H. B. Litt, 351 Wash. st. PRIVATE family of 4 who are camping out for the Summer want experienced cook. Inquire N. E. cor. 1st and An keny sts. COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenog rapher; no others need apply. Call bet. 10 and 12 and IT and 4, Empire Invest ment Co.. 401-2-3-4 Board of Trade. WANTED- Rapid typewriter. capable of taking dictation on machine; knowledge of stenography not required. Address P. O. drawer 727. Portland, Or. GIRL for general housework, $30, permanent and desirable place for competent person in family-of three. St4 E. Taylor, near 0th st. DESIRABLE girl for light housework, for family of ,;. at Riverdale; good wages. Apply RiO Board of Trade. Phone Mar shall S-S. EXPERIENCED ladies: clothes Ironers and experienced girls for starch and mangle rooms; good wages. Portland Laundry Co.. inn and Couch. GIRL or woman to do general housework, family of 2 ; modern. 8-roora house, no washing; must be good, plain cook; wages $3." per month. AD 125. Oregonian. WANTED Good plain cook for general housework, small family ; good wages. Call 8 8 3 E a s t Ta yjor. corner 2 9 th; MAN and wife, cook and helper, country hotel, $75. Hansen's Ladies' Agency, 6i6 wasnington st., room 1. OiitL for general housework ; good wages; willing to go to beach. 505 East 15th st. North. COLLECTOR Young woman, about 22, neat appearance; must live with parents. AB 1 2. Oregonian. WANTED Able hairdresser; state exper ience. The Violet, 410 Sprague ave., Spo k ane, Wash. WOMAN for - cooking and general house work, small family adults ; country place, near city ; conveniences, yard. 194 1st st. WANTED Body ironer, starcher and hand washer st U. S. Laundry, Grand ave. and Eat,t YamhilL GIRLS for packing and labeling in man ufacturing department. Apply Wad hams & Kerr Bros..4thand Hoytsts. " WANTED Girl for general housework; Finnish, Swedish or Norwegian preferred. Evenings free. Apply 3S1 10th st. GIRL for cooking and general housework, 3 adults; good wages. Apply in morning, S07 Lovejoy. Phone Main 1877. WANTED An experienced second girl, small family, good wages; references. 434 Park st. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, ' 326 V Washington St., Room 314. Main SSaB or A 32Utl. WANTED Middle-aged lady to help with home work and care of children. Addres3 252 Yamhill sU COMPETENT girl to go to Gearhart beach; must be good, plain cook. 165 North 20th st., cor. of Irving. WANTED Reiined capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Roth child bldg.,4th and Washington. A REFINED woman to take care of home; no cooking. tjjt9 Lovejoy st. Call morn ings. LADY to learn beauty culture. Sanitary Beauty College, 400 to 412 Dekum bidg. Make your- self independent WOMAN, desiring nice home, family of 3, small wages, little work, nlc-s surround Ings. Call 155 16th st. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343 Washington St... Cor. 7th, Upstairs. .. Phone Main 269. GIRLS to work in macaroni factory, good pay ; steady work. Apply Northwestern Macaroni Factory. 109 North 6th st. W ANTED Neat dining-room girl with ex perience in confectionery store or delicat essen. 273 5th. - LESSONS In Shorthand and Typewriting by expert; $5 a month. 268 14th. Main 3893. AN experienced cook for small, first-class boarding-house. 617 Kearney. CAPABLE day worker, housekeeper. St. Louis Agency, 303 Wash. Main 2039. WANTED Experience shirtwaist ircner. East Side Laundry, E. 6th and Ash. WANTED Girl for general housework, good cook. Apply t41 Washington st. WAITRESS wanted. Stein's Restaurant. 122 14th st. HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, second girls. St. Louis Agency, 303 Wash. Main 2039. MAKERS and apprentices; also girls to sew hats. A pply Lowen g art & Co. WANTED An experienced waitress. The Hill Hotel, 23d and Washington. WANTED Experienced waitress. Restaurant, 203 Stark street. Aplin WANTED Middle-aged lady for housework. Apply at loop Eat Salmon street. WANTED A chambermaid at 230 H Burn side. WANTED An experienced cook ; good wages; small family. Phone Main 2999. W ANTED A Rirl for help in kitchen at Hotel Baumann. 412 N. 19tn. GOOD girl for general housework; go to beach for month. Call 330 Park st. MIDDLE-AGED woman as housekeeper and cook, two in family. Woodiawn 86. JAPANESE tfirl for general housework. jCall330Paxk st. WANTED Waitress; Thompson's Restaur ant. 1444tht. WANTED First-class salesladies from the East preferred. H. B. Lltt. 351 Wash, st. WANTED Waitress girl at the Crystal Grill. 2S2 Russell st. EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted. Call at Altman's Kosher Restaurant, 54 6th st. WANTED Girl for general housework, 260 Grand ave., N.. cor. Multnomah. GIRL to assist ganerai housework. Apply 315 E. 16th, North., cor. HaUey. WANTED Waitress. Apply Rebe's, 404 Washington st., between 10 and 11. WANTED Lady attendant for bath parlors by 10 o'clock. A 41S0. WANTED 2 girls to sew mattress ticks. Carman Mfg. Co., 18th and Upshur. COMPETENT girl for housework or to as sist; good wages. SGo Lovejoy st. m EXPERIENCED preesers on lady's garment. Vienna Dye Works. 226 3d gt. HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co., 2d and Columbia. BOTTLER wanted. "4S 21 street. Mt. Hood. Soda Works, BOOKKEEPING Private lessons. 3 nights toper mo- 561 Belmont. E as tJL A 84. GIRLS wanted. Western Mantle Co 28 Front st. " WAITRESS wanted. Stein's Restaurant. 122 1 4 1 h st. t GIRLS experienced In addressing and mail ing circulars. Phone Main 756. iiiKL wanted, good wages and good home, 410 E. 11th st.. near Hancock. WANTED 2 office girls. AC 126, Ore gonian. wan i E D Mangle help. Columbia Laun dry. Tabor lo or B 1512. WAN TED Experienced snort-hour wait resses at Woman's Exchange, 186 5th st. WANTED Girl for general housework; two . in family. Call mornings. 787 Lovejoy. GOOD girl for general housework, small family. Tabor 86- 1187 East Yamhill St. Li P MAN WOLFE wants experienced wrap pers. Apply Wrapping department. GOOD girl for general housework to go to J;he beach; two children. 733 E. Ankenv. REFINED woman to care for home; no oook lng. 619 Lovejoy. Call mornings. WANTED First-cla laundress laundry at 43 Jefferson st. for hand GIRL for general housework, good wages. Call 867 Lovejoy. WAITED Experienced waitress, young lady preferred. Dad's Restaurant, Kenton. GIRL for general housework, small family. fl."7 Schuyler st., near 19th. Irvlngton. WANTED Experienced girl for gen. house- work. Apply room 201 Oregonian bidg. WANTED Girl to do general housework. 163 N. 23d st. WANTED Office girl for figuring and to answer telephone. AD 12 7. Oregonian. GIRL for general housework. 372 14th st. H-E LP WANTED FEM A LE. COOKS $40 to $50. Waitresses, $7 to $9 per week. Chambermaid, 2 clerks. $30 and (S per week. Stenographer. $90. Cook. $55; second, $30; waitresses, $25; for boat. Housekeepers. $20. Kitchen helpers, $25. Girls for general housework, $-0 to-$40. Other good positions. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY". Ladies' Dept. 205 Morrison St. WANTED at once, young ladles to learn to weave woolens, flannels and blankets; good wages can be earned within a short time by those who will apply themselves; every consideration shown to steady workers. Apply at once to superintendent, Portland Woolen Mills, , St. John, Or. REALTY corporation desires permanent services of stenographer who Is willing to invest some money in business and willing to learn business; will be given opportunity to advance. Address for interview, X 127, Oregonian. WANTED Marker and sorter; experienced good wages and permanent position to right party. PACIFIC LAUNDRY CO., 231 Arthur St. MIDDLE-AGED lady, general housekeeping family of two; good home and kind treat ment. 22 Portland boulevard, Arbor Lodge station, St. Johns car. WANTED Lunch girl, 12 to 2; 25c per hour. Peerless Cafeteria, 104 5th st. .SITUATION WANTED MALE. HnnkkftriT iirrri CI eric ml BOOKKEEPER at present with one of larg est firms In city, on account of health would like, to make a change for posi tion as city salesman or collector; best of references. AB 18, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED office man. some "experi ence lumber business; also as salesman, desires change ; furnish reference, bond. AG 127, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, rapid and accurate, desires position ; reasonable sal ary. Phone Tabor 629. Mliu'eUaneous. AN American man would like position tak ing care of private horses and doing chores; can milk If necessary. Address W. G. Wood worth, 151 6th st. North. 0 1 ym pia Hotel. YOUNG man. understands steam heat, can run elevator and vacuum cleaner, do all kinds of' repairing, desires steady position. AD 12!, Oregonian. EX PERI FN CED porter, German, wants steady position, hotel, restaurant, saloon or any kind of work; best references. AEJ 12S, Oregonian. COLLECTOR, with Tl! years' experience; reference and bond, wants steady position with firm; have horse and buggy for . collecting. M 124. Oregonian. WANTED Position In circulation or busi- ness office of newspaper by experienced young man: can give references. AB 116. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by young man 22, light work; printer, but prefer change. J 129, O re g on i an. ATHLETIC young man wishes position of trust; have filled bonded position 15 years; watchman preferred. W 207, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED men's furnishing goods salesman would like permanent position. V 206. Oregonian. COOK Competent, sober, reliable young man wishes position in hotel or clubhouse; references. B 1 21. Oregonian. STEAM FITTER First-class; power work preferred; familiar with all branches of the business. AL 127, Oregonian. WANTED Position as manager or steward of hotel, city or country; capable man, single. K If", Ore-gonlan. GROCERY man. steady, wishes situation out of town job preferred; references. F 121, Oregonian. COMPETENT church organist seeks en gagement: certificate Asa Board. London, Eng. G 111, Oregonian. GERMAN-AMERICAN, first-class education, wants steady employment of any kind. C 1 23, Oregonian. LICENSED chauffeur wants position, good mechanic. A H 12i Oregonian. WANTED Inside work by goocf reliable, zfiol er man. Address AK 127, Oregonian. JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish all help. Main 4659. A 4073. 26S Everett. WANTED Position as collector by young man. Phone Tabor 2319. CHAUFFEUR wishes position at once; years experience. B 122. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Book kecPTw am 't- SITUAHON Bookkeeper or general office work; insurance preferred; have had five years' experience. Address AJ 127, Ore gonian. BOOKKEEPER of some experience, writing good hand, able to use typewriter, de sires permanent employment; references. Phone C 2303 or East 303. STENOGRAPHY", bookkeeping or charge of office by capable experienced, refined wo man. AG 3 29. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER Y'oung lady, well expe rienced in law work, desires position. AJ 129, Oregonjan. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants nets of books to post any time during the day. Phone E. 5558. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants light of fice work. Phone A 2.VJ5. uretiinBKM-k. DRESSMAKER, competent, would like en gagements by day ; references. AD 128, Oregonian. ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors. 326 & Wa Ington St.. suite 216. Main 982. A 5381. LADIES' tailoring; alterations, coats reiined. Mrs. Muckler, 430 Columbia st. A 4709. A TRAINED nurse would like more cases-; nervous cases a specialty. Call or write A'-M Taylor st. NURSE has room, best care, for invalid; c i t yr eferences. Ta bor 2 21 3 . WANT ED Young woman, not very strong, wants room where she. can do light service for rent; can board self or pay 32 per week for board : good companion for el derlv woman. Address Box 7U1I. Gen. Del. Y'OUNG lady wishes work for a few hours each day; chamberwork preferred. Phone .Main 3028. Miscellaneous. COMPETENT woman wants housekeeping, family of two, for comfortable home. K 128, Oregonian. DRESSMAKERS Shirtwaists, wash dresses, underwear, children's clothes. Address 124ti East 9th st. No rt h. AN experienced, middle-aged woman, good cook, wants position in boarding-house. AB 127, Oregonian. W A N T E D Day work by good woman. Phone Main 4394. LAUNDRESS wants work, from Sellwood, 434. References LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40c a pair. M 5723. . WOMAN wants work by day.. Phone Sell wood ISO. SH AM POO and scalp treatment at your h ome. Phone East 464 2 . PIANO player, lady, wants engagements; sight reader, any line. T 116, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. ACTIVE canvassers can make f50 per week easily selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Co., Orenco, Or. Good territory open; lib eral proposition. Call or write to Orenco, Or. . AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown nursery stock is in demand; sales this season will be immense; a flattering op portunity; cash paid weekly; outfit free. Salem Nursery Co., Salem, Or. AGENTS wanted to a to. us supply the de mand for choice nursery stock; outfit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. -TO KKST. SMITH'S AGENCY, 106 Sherlock Bidg. Main &454. Rent Collectors. WANTED to rent immediately for one or two months by adult family of 4 (one an . Invalid), a 5, 6 or 7-room furnished house or cottage, walking distance. West Side freferred; must not be on, but near, far ine, quiet surroundings and good fur nishings necessary; best of care guaran teed; references furnished. Give telephone address. AK 125. Oregonian. THREE adults want 6-room furnished house"; must have gas and bath ; anywhere be tween 7th and Willams ave., Holladay and Shaver st. W 129, Oregonian. WANTED To rent For 2 years. 4 or 5 room house with bath, walking distance preferred. AN 129, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. House. MODERN two-story six-room house; good neighborhood, near Mount Tabor cariine preferred. Phone Tabor 1723. Kooms. GENTLEMAN wants a large room In private family; no rooming-house must apply; state price. X 202, Oregonian. , Koomw Wit a Bo:ird. WANTED Room and board for semi-invalid and nurse in Irvlngton. V 205, Ore gonian. FOR RENT. DON'T OVERLOOK. THIS TODAY. "M1LMEK BLDG.," 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL, REASONABLE. Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENT Large front room, very neatly furnished ; hot and cold water, very rea sonable in price. Phone Main bJoo or call at 429 3d st. THREE convenient first-floor rooms, easy v.-alking distance, reasonable, adults. 2331 Hall. Furnished Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL 625 Washington street, between 19th and 20th. Just 'completed, the cosiest, completest and up-to-date residence hotel in the city. The ground floor office is finished in real mahogany, marble and tile, is spacious and handsome; elevator service, private telephone ex change, steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, many with baths and wall beds, and is splendidly furnished. The rent is very moderate, roorhs from $15 per month up. Why not get the best for your money? Now open, rooms by the day, week or month. Phone Marshall 1950. HOMELIKE HOMELIKE HOMELIKE NEW SCOTT HOTEL. Seventh and Ankeny Sts. This poetry may be bad Not so this little ad. Which greets you in this paper. So plain, plain, plain, This little ad's no shirk. For each one' gets in its work. Just try us once and you're sure to come Acaln. 'gain, 'gain. . HOTEL MEDFORD. ONB BLOCK FROM UNION DEPOT. JUST OPENED; new, MODERN brick building: fine large ground-floor office; hot and cold, running water in all rooms; Bteam heated ; private baths; very richly furnished. Rates only $3 and up per week: 50o up per day. Call and ee us. Northeast corner Fifth and Glisan sts. COSY. HOM ELI KB. C OM FOR TABLE. HOTEL BRESL1N, S. W. cor. 11th and Washington sts. Modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold running water in rooms, well furnished and now under new management; excellent location, close to shopping and theater district; rates reasonable. Call and see what a comfort able house It la. Transients solicited. Both phones. HOTEL SAVON 129 Eleventh st. New modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold wa ter in rooms, beautifully furnLshed, cosy and comfortable. Kates very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicit ad, HOTEL ANSONIA. 124 14th, Cor. Washington St. Everything new; large, airy rooms, sin gle and with bath; telephone In every room, service free; rates by the day. week or month; also unfurnished rooms. MRS. JOSIB SMITH. Manager. HOTEL SARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. Phone Kast 291, connecting every room. Private baths, elevator first-claas grill. Special rates by week or month. American or FAiropean. Transients solicited. BACHELOR " apartments, open building, formerly occupied by Arlington Club; will rent; single rooms, baths, every conveni ence, valet service; new furnishings throughout; best class in city. Alder and W. Park. THE BARTON, J3th and Alder, is now un dergoing a thorough renovation; 70 steam heated, electric lighted rooms, all outside. Rates 75c day; $10 month up. Suites with running water $2o month up. Phones and Jbath free. HOTEL BAKER. Fifth st., opp. City Hall. Phone Marshall 666 New, beautifully furnished, hot, cold water in every room, public and private jaths: permanent, transient. GRAND Union Hotel, 387 E. Burnside- en tirely new. new management, strictly mod ern; rooms and housekeeping suites, fur nished or unfurnished: the best in the city pfor the money. Phone E. .i40, B 1275. HOTEL IRVING SIS Oak St., corner Sixth. Larga, light, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, electrio lights, running water; low rates. THE LANDORE. 2S8 Tenth street at Jefferson. Choice newly furnished rooms, witbin walking distance of business cen ter. ; HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, opp. PortlandHo tel, 330 Yamhill; first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite, modern, is UD transients solicited. Main 31. 71 77. HOTEL BU9HMARK ' " Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooma, single or en suite; all modern con venienceg; $3 weekly up. A 2647 M. &tH7 2CICELY furnished rooms, suitable for two people, 3 and $4 per week; all conven iences; close in; nice yard. 251 7th st. NICELY furnished room. 'bath, phone elec" tric lights, walking distance; reasonable 547 Yamhill st. THE GAYOSA. Grand ave.. East Stark, modern, private bath, phone, elevator. East 5465, B 2SS8. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall s wefl furnished sleeping rooms $2.50 per week electric lights, hot baths free. YOU M ILL BE PLEASED 'MILNER BLDG.," 3504 MORRISON ST MODERN, CE-NTRAL, REASONABLE. MODERN outside rooms, $3.50 to$3 nTr week, including baths; also housekeeping rooms. 54St Washington st. FURNISHED rooms Elm Place, formerly Elton Court Annex, 414 Yamhill and lltli. Fumlshrd Rooms In Private Family. TWO rooms and alcove, bath, light, phone, 'suitable three nurses: also light house keeping suite. 126 23d st. North. Phone A3S74. ELEGANTLY furnished suite of two rooms, also one large room In a nice modern home; all conveniences, walking distance; moderate rent. 228 Larabee st. ROOMS, well furnished, with running hot and cold water in each, light and well ventilated, fine beds, clean. 341 Harrison, corner 7th. ONE large front room, always cool, with bathroom connected, suitable for one or two gentlemen; no other roomers, nice yard. 334 Hall st.. ccr. 4th. $1.75 FRONT room, modern conveniences, wall, in g ditsance. 624 Flanders. Phone Main 7815. NEATLY furnished room in private family $7 a month; modern conveniences. 475 Clay st. N EWLY furnished front rooms in private home; walking distance ; references. 45 4 Montgomery. FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences, . walking distance. 2S North 16th st. LARGE, well-furnished bedroom. $12 per month. 34-1 Graham ave.. Portland. TWO rooms, en suite or single, with use of kitchen. 361 10th st. NICE double front room, $ 12, for gentle men ; walking distance. 550 Taylor st. ELEGANTLY furnished modern rooms. 701 Irving st.. phone, walking distance. LA RGB alcove room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. 105 13th. corner Taylor. NICELY" furnished room, close In, free bath and phone. 4 73 Alder. t.8 MONTH, outside room, bath, nice loca Jtlon. walking distance. 452 5th. NEATLY furnished front room for one or two girls. Main 1104. MODERN outside furnished rooms, reason able. 428 Mill. Phone Main 4573. NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis tance. $1.50 per week. 431 6th street. LARGE, well furnished room for gentle men: private. Nob Hill. Phone a NEAT rooms, cloge in. reasonable. 268 12rh. Unfurnished Rooms. UPSTAIRS 5 rooms, bathroom, pantryan d large clothes closet in each room. 447 6th st. " JUST WHAT YOU WANT "MILNER BLDG.." 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. Rooms With Board. ' ROOMS with board, $6 per week; home com forts; 4 minutes' walk from Postofflce; phone and bath free; rooms without board, 92 and up. The Lindell. 267 Market st. PORTLAND Women's Union, . 23d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and library. 610 Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath, supt. THE HAZEL For gentlemen and ladies. nicely furnished rooms, with or without aboard. 385 3d St., cor. Mon tgomery. ROOM and board for young women, $3 per week, privilege of laundry, library and sewing. 6 Grand ave.. nortn. Pho ne E 2 6 1 . BEAUTIFUL front rooms, first-class private boarding-house, facing the park. 371 Park. FOR RENT. . Rooms With Board In Private Family. JUST the place for 4 gentlemen who would be congenial ; two large front rooms, re ception room and sleeping porch; the best of home cooking. 414 Jefferson at. LARGE front room, three windows, de lightfully cool; board optional. Havthorne and Sunnyside rars. 2o2 East 30th st. Phone Tabor 2004. - ROOM and board, one or two people; fine surroundings; walking distance; every thing modern : terms reasonable. Main .328D. - A COOL front room, 2 blocks from car line; two young men preferred. Ideal home. Phone Main 4412 A 4426. Sunday Tator I8b4. LARGE furnished room with board, homo cooking; phones, bath, ail conveniences. 107 1 6th St., near Flanders. CHOICE corner rooms, select board, fine neighborhood; reasonable. 761 Marshall st. ROOMS and board in private home. Home phone C 1963, 293 hi Weidler St. CLEAN room; home cooking; reasonable rates. Main 7016. 432 3D ST., Flat C. ; desirable front r.oom to let, with board; home cooking. LARGE, airy room for 2 gentlemen; good board. $20 each. 54U Yamhill. m Apartments. THE BANNER APARTMENTS, 4S9 Clay street, second house from 14th, the only modern completely furnished 2 room apartment-house in the city; house and elegant fu.-niture. brand new ; just opened for business; steam heat, electric light, hot and cold water in every apart ment ; private phone, bath ; walking dis tance; $18-$25. including; electric light. Marshall 2074. THE PAGE APARTMENTS. East 8th and Burnside; new brick, opened the 1st of May; 3-room apartments, elegantly fur nished; all modern conveniences, including steam heat, private phone, private bath, hot and cold water, reception hall, bay windows, fireplace, laundry and steam drier in basement ; automatic freight ele vator; janitor service ; rent reasonable; a few unfurnished apartments. Pnone B 1018 THE LOIS APARTMENTS, 704 Hoyt St. New brick apartments, now ready for occupancy. 3 and 4-room suites, large sleeping porches, electric and f Ireless cookers, built-in iceboxes, bath and phone in every apartment ; electric lifts, steam, heat, hot and cold water, janitor serv ice ; reference required. Phone Marshall 2O10. ORDELEIGH APARTMENTS Cor. Grand ave. and Stark St. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. New fireproof brick building, beautiful ly furnished two and three-room apart ments, private baths, wall beds, large clothes closets; plenty of hot water; Sum mer rates. Phone E. 300. ANGEJA APARTMENTS, 37-3v Trinity Place between 19th and 20th, near Washington New brif;k building, newly and elegantly furnished, complete for housekepeing, in 2 3 and 4 -room apartments; outbids porches; electric elevator, hot water, telephone ex change, janitor service. Phone Marshall 1970. HEiNZ apartments, 14th and Columbia; 4 blocks south from Morrison st-; new brick building, completely first-class; furnished in 2. 3 and 4 room family apartments, private bath, reception hall, steam heat. t hot water, elevator, free phone. Janitor service; rent from $25 per month andup- RE-UKAN. Marshall, bet. 19 th and 20 th"; Nob Hill ; walking distance ; has besides all modern conveniences of new and up-to-date house by far most beautiful sur roundings any apartment in city; all rooms outside light ; elegantly furnished. Either "W." 16th or "S" car. KEELBR APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay, finest 3 and 4-room euttes in the city; pri vate baths and phones, steam heated, hot and cold water, disappearing beds. .Garland staves, porcelain-lined refrigerators, electric elevator; $35 to $50 per month. CECILIA APARTMENTS, 22d and Gllsan, 2 and 3 room apartments, new 4-story brick Just completed, all modern conven iences, each apartment has private outside, balco n y ,jre nt reasonab le. THE BERYLE APARTMENTS. Strictly modern, large rooms and three closets to every apartment ; cool and airy for Summer. 605 Lovejoy st. Take W car. COMPLETELY' furnished apartment, furni ture for sale at a bargain; these apart ments are up to date, reasonable In price and beautifully located, giving a mag nincent view of the city. Call M. 5247. FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, modern in every particular; steam-heated, hot water. Janitor services, with lirst-claaa furnishings. Apply to Janitor, 606 K.ear jiey st. HANOVER APARTMENTS, cor. King and Washington sts., 3-room apartments, have every modern convenience, including steam heat, hoc water, private bath, free phones and janitor service; rent very reasonable. ON or about the 15th, on West Side, Nob Hill district, an apartment of 4 de sirable rooms, lamily of 2; rent $60; ref- erences. Main 6618. , HOWLAND APARTMENTS. For housekeeping In suites, $12 and up; hot water, tree baths, hrat-class. 631 Washington, cor. 20th. STEAM-HEATED 6-room apartment, mod ern and desirable; 525 Everett st- Apply Morgan, Fleidner & Boyce, 603 Ablngton bidg. THE best 3 and 4-room furnished and un furnished apartments in the city at 607 Washington st. ; walking distance; every- thing new and modern; all conveniences. THE WESTFAL, 410 5th st., furnished and unfurnished apartments; private baths and phone; elevator and janitor . service; rents reasonable. Phone A 2038. ST. CROIX APARTMENTS. 170 St. Clair, un furnished 3-room apartments, all modern con veniences, private porches, reasonable rent. Bot h phones. STANLEY APARTMENTS. 701 Washington Mrs. T. D- Hughes. Modern 3 and 4 rooin apartments; every convenience; botl - phones. ELEGANTLY and newly furnished five-room apartment with silver and linen ; close in. West Side: only $45. East 1084. NEW four-story apartment-house for lease ; automatic elevator, tine location. Apply owner, W 208. Oregonian. HARRISON COURT Unfurnished; 2 rooms with all modern conveniences. Main 514s, A 7;t6:i. 3U4 5th st. THE GAYOSA. Modern furnished apartments. Eagt 5465. 1HE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders, 4-room unfurnished apartments. Apply to janitor. JU ANITA. 325 11th st., very nicely fur nished 2-room apartment, modern, $27.50. THE KING DAVIS, corner King and Davis sts. ; 3-room. cool ; references. ' KING HILL APARTMENTS, Kin g and Wayne ats. Apply to j a n 1 1 o r . 2 MODERN 4-room apartments for rent. 628 Williams ave. Phone C 1607. Flats. FOR RENT Handsomest flats in Portland; hardwood floors, big. old-fashioned fire place, dining and living room extra large, two bedrooms, bath, kitchen and pass pan try finished in white enamel ; flats have been rented during the Winter for $45; if taken at once will lease or rent to de sirable tenants for $37.50; big front and rear porches and extra servant's room in basement ; location East 21st and Haw thorne ave. These flats would cost $70 . on the West Side. Apply on premises or come direct to my office. A. B. WIDNEY, 822 Board of Trade Bidg. Main 6074. FOR RENT. 3-room modern flat, close in on East Side. $14. 6-room modern flat, close in, on East Side. 520. 3-room flat, on West Side, $S. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO.. 1334 First Street. NICE bedroom, suitable for two,ladies or man and wife. privilege of dining-room and kitchen; gas and water, free rent; $20. Call SftS Williams ave. or phone Wood law n 2329. THREE, new up-to-date flats, best location in ' city. Call Main 1505, East 1187. W. Reidt. 401 Rothchlld bidg. Money no object; want a sood tenant. UNFURNISHED 4-room flat, bath, S closets and fireplace; newly tinted. 551 East Yamhill, between 12th and 13th. Phone East 1710. FOR RENT Good 5 -room flat. 487 Davis St.; rent $20. Apply WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 85 Fourth St. FINE fiat, 0 rooms. 2 fireplaces, modern, with all conveniences ; close in. Phone East 6000. East Taylor, near 12th. FOR RENT Furnished new modern upper fiat. 109 Burr St., South St. Johns. Phone Richmond 1551. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. Main 1618. A. 1984. AH covered wag ons, all experienced men STRICTLY modern upper 5-room fiat. 541 Fifth, near Jackson, West Side, easy walk. ONE three and one five-room modern fur nished flat, bath and phone. Tabor 1S10. i-ia '.fr rosi jog st. STRICTLY modern lower 6-room flat. 7S0 Johnson st. Tel. Main 4798. UPPER modern 5-room flat. $14. 811 Williams . ave. Phone Woodiawn 1 502. THREE and four-room upper fiat, porch, furnished or unfurnished. 233 H Hall. FOUR very fine unfurnished rooms for rent. Phone East 6381. FINE 5-room Cat. modern, corner 2 2d and Kearney st. Main 5G09. FOR KENT. TInusekeeplnsc Rooms. THE BEAV EH. 2th and Marshall. Fur nished for housekeeping, gas ranges, eloc fic lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free. $15 per month up; a clean place; be in the city for money; short distance from. Union Denot. Take "S" or loth st. cars north. ectoff at Marshall st No dog WELL-FL'RN'ISHED housekeeping rooms. 2 $8 month:. 3 for $13; furnished cottage, larp rooms, $20; lower flat, 4 ro.nw, $18. 364 26th N-rth (west ifiJe river). W. car from de pot, 5th, Momson to 20th, block north. UNFURNISHED, two-room. bav window suites, five blocks from Postoiftce. 305 Jefferson, corner Fifth st. Beautiful out look. FINE DOWNTOWN HOME) . "MILNER BLDG." 350A MORRISON ST .MOD ER N, C E NT R AL, REASON ABLB. 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th.; com pletely furnished housekeeping rooms, rea sonab I e. (2 WEEK Clean, furnished housekeeping; rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas, heat yard, clean linen. 4 U6 Vancouver ave. THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, fur- nished. 191 14th st.; transifentollcited. 1.B0 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath, gaa. 1S4 Sherman. HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms; ern ; free phones. 410 Morrison st. l.-i WEEK, clean fur. housekeeping rooms. heat, laundry, bat h. 203 S t a n t on. "U" car. $1.50 TO $2.00 a week Clean furnished housekeeping rooms. DeSoto House. 201 2d. NICELY furnished housekeepf ns rooms, all conveniences. SS lOtn, near Stark. ON E or tw o modern housekeeping rooms. 4 03 2d st. iiuuM-keepiUK Rooms in Private Family. SWELL housekeeping rooms, beautiful lo cation, walking distance. yard. bath, phone, laundry, private porch, hot water. tiS'i oilsan. THREE nicely furnished outside housekeep ing rooms. hot. cold water. electric Ilchts. bath, telephone. Woodiawn 222o. '1h."i Albina ave.,cor. Blamlena. L car. FURNISHED houjekeping 'room, suitable for bachelor. S a month. 370 12th St.. walking distance. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, also single, gas plates. $15 month. 255 11th st. near Main. TWO puitB el eg nt 1 v furnished housekeep ing rooms. See these for a nice home. 73 L N. Union ave. NICE, light front room, bath, telephone, electric, light, private family, $S. 214 E. 2iithst. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, light, phone and bath. 37o 7th St.; reas- .onahle. NICELY furnished room in modern, steam -heated flat; very reasonable. Phone A 470. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. Call at 269 7th st. ONE, two or three nice housekeeping rooms, walking distance. 421 7th st. FOR RENT 2 furnished housekeeping rooms, 471 Flanders Pt. SI NO LE housekeepfn g-room, close in, rea sona Me. Ea."t 1 427. CLE: AN. light, well furnished housekeep- ing rooms. 302 Columbia st. LARGE furnished room for light house keeping, $1-'. 311 Main. bet. Oth and 6th. Si'lTE of 3 housekeeping rooms. 690 E. Burnside st. 2 OR 3-room housekeeping suite, nicely fur nished. 4fi6 Main St. , $3.50 WEEK, su i te o3 housekeeping rooms at 4Q Columbia st. FLAT of three furnished housekeeping rooms; also single room. 450 Yamhill. TWO neat housekeeping: rooms, adults, 346 Hall st., lower flat. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; w a 1 k i n g distance. 31 1 Montgomery st. 3 NEATLY furnished housekeeping. Including; private hatlr 4 OH 12th. near H arri-scrv FURNISHED room with housekeeping privi lcgpg. rhoneMain 3102. t ONE unfurnished room, suitable for light housekeeping. 5.14 Yamhill. NEWLY furnished housekeeping-rooms, gas, bath, uhone. 4ti3 East Af h st. ONE very desirable housekeeping room, no children; walking distance. 347 Market st. T v O rurniHhed housekeeping-rooms, with bath, phone and gas. 408 4th st. Houses. . WHEN you move you'll need new furniture. Buy it judiciouHly and the savings will ex ceed your moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of the largest turnituro houses in the city la two years. Lookers shown same courtesy as buyers. MORGA.VATCHLKl FURNITURE CO. tiH-75 Grand Ave., Cor. East Stark St. East Ankeny snd Russell-Shaver carllnes. PAS OUR DOOR. FOR RENT. $20, bungalow just completed, nftver been occupied, on a corner lot, one block from W-R car. r.00 East 41st.; 4 rooms, bat Mi linen closets, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, etc. Phone Main 3441 at 205 21st st. North. COZY bungalow to couple without children or dogs, range, window shades and lin oleum furnished, beautiful view, flowers and lawn, furnace; references required ; $i'o. Phone Sellwood 1298. TO RENT Strictly moaern 7-room house, first-class condition; corner; 434 Oregon St., cor. East 7 th North. Call up onor. Jabor lSOQ. NEAT 6-room cottage, out In the country where it is cool; some fruit; near Oregon City cariine; rent, $10 per month. Call on H- a.StarJtwjather,Kisley Station. 11-ROOM house on Couch st., between 30th and lth xla; large commodious place, suit able for a rooming-house. $rt5 per month. Ci ue e n Inve s tment Co. . 410 Faill n gb 1 d. 6-ROOM modern house. S5S Williams ave.. near Shaver; rent $20. GRUSS1 & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg..4th and Oak- HOUSES, flats and apartments for rent, some furnished. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST CO. S. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Sts. FOR RENT Modern, 5-room cottage, fin condition, all conveniences. 016 East Mor rison, near 30th st-PhoneEast2 nS. 40 -ROOM house on Quimby st., near 23d, good condition, gas, electricity, furnace. 1 ' h o ne A 3 . j . . FINE, strlctlv modern 8-room house; Fox furnace, $28. Hf.7 East Ash. cor. 2Sth. Phono Tabor 187. FOR RENT Eight-room house; five bed rooms. 'i70 Irving street. Phone Main 2407. A 5135- MODERN 6-room house, bath, cement base ment, furnace and fireplace. 82 E. 12th. st. Inquire room 301. the Dekum. WEST SIDE, walking distance. 4-room cot tage. lo- SW5 4th st. FOUR modern four-room flats; every con-venl-nce. East S. H 1404. MOD ERIC 6-room houw, 830 East 32d st., ons block trom W. W. car. l-'urnirdied Houses. NOB HILL. 10-room house. $tki per month ; one year lease. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY, . gs. y. Cor. 6th and Washington Sta. FURNISHED cottage, $20; lower 4-room flat $16 month ; two housekeeping room. $15 month; west side river. Apply 364 North 26th. W. car from depot. Fifth or Morri sn to 2Cth, block north. TO LET for two years from about August 1. modern house, containing nine rooms, completely furnished throughout, most de sirable location. For particulars address J. 12'). Oregonian. FOR RENT Nicely furnished bungalow. 2 blocks t-j car; East 36th and Main ; will rt nt 2 months $3o per month. Phone Tabor 4i)8. MuDEKN 7-room house ; $16 ; partly fur nished; ii block from car. Call Phone Woodiawn 20.2. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 6-room flat with large porch. 6l0 Northru-j st. Phone Mar shall 1 276; references. FOR RENT Furnished 6-room. modern house. East 7th and Oak. Guy & Milier. 381 J3 E. Morrison. East 37S. WELL furnished 7-room house, easy walk ing distance, desirable neighborhood, 10 ,jnonths'lease.554 E. Taylor. COMPLETELY furnished 4-room bunga ow; bath, phone ; reasonable. Tabor 2370. FURNISHED 4-room cottage; electric lights, bath, central. Inquire 273Vi 7th. FURNISHED house, 7 ,2380. rooms. 663 5th. Main ELEGANTLY furnished 7-room house. Nob Hill, for I year. Ma in 41 3 4 -77 7 Jo hn son. MODERN 5-room cottage. West Side, close In. 204 Lincoln st. Hone for Rent. 1-urnlture for Sale. EIGHT-ROOM house for rent, some furni ture for sale cheap. 434 7 th st.. cor. College: rent $30 per month; possession given about July IS. Phone A 4104. 9-ROOMED house for rent, furniture for sale, electric lights, gas. bath, yard, clears $5; terms. 267 Columbia su FURNITURE of 16 roormTfor sale": house for rent ; good lease. 22113th. Main6302. 7-ROOM, well arranged boarding-house, good furniture cheap, terms. 344 4th. Summer Reports. NEW 4-room bungalow. Long Beach; also a 2-room, 3 block ocean, completely fur nished. 839 Williams ave.