THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, -JULY 11, 1910. 11 MERCURY AT 97; 1 BELIEF PROMISED Portland Has Hottest Day of Season, With Roseburg Only Hotter City. HUMIDITY IS MODERATE Thirty-five Per Cent Makes Weather More Nearly Bearable Expan sion of Rails on Bridge Causes Some Traffic Delays. ( Continued From First Page.) swung open to allow a vessel to pass. It refused to close again, and. for an hour all traffic was suspended. Frequent efforts to swing the draw were unavailing and the draw-jpan quivered like a living thing as its ends grated on the edges of the fixed span. Indications of the predicament were seen on Saturday, when, in the hottest hours of the day the bridge stuck and was moved with difficulty. As the heat rays poured down upon It yesterday its action became more and more difficult and at last the engineer found that he could no longer close the gap. All cars routed over the bridge were turned to the railroad bridge and for a t-ime the congestion at that point was extreme. As soon as the trouble developed, an inspector of the streetcar company sent word to the car barns to prepare the street-sprinkling car, which has not been In commission this year. It took an hour to prepare the car. fill it with water and get it to the bridge. As soon as the car rolled up on the bridge and had poured less than a barrel of water on the heated point where the draw span was jammed against the approach, the expanded steel returned, to Its normal dimensions and the bridge swung shut. One trip over the bridge and back with her water-cocka all open, and the car had cooled the struc ture so that it acted normally the rest of a torrid day. Streetcar Rails Crawl. The stoppage in the action of the bridge was due to the "crawling" of the street car rails. Only a few weeks ago an inch of eteel was sawed from every rail on the draw span, but even with this precaution, eo great was the heat yesterday, they "crawled" until their ends rubbed against the approaches and kept the bridge from closing. The trouble would not have .occurred had the city street-cleaning department heeded the requests of the bridge fore man and sent a sprinkling cart to the bridge. One wetting in the heat of the hottest day, it Is said, will keep down the expansion within a workable degree. In former years the bridge was sprinkled by the streetcar company's water car, but this year the company has no contract with the city and the bridge goes un watered. Frequent requests for water on the bridge have been Ignored by the street-cleaning department, the bridge tenders say. Two years ago, on an occa sion when the water car broke down, the bridge stuck for half an hour. The delay yesterday was the longest in many years. The Burnside Bridge has more devices against expansion than any other bridge In the city, but is the worst to "crawl." It is an old bridge, and Its piers are out of line, due to the heavy battering by drift and by errant vessels. Steel Bridge Congested. Long strings of cars extended far up Third street at times, during the conges tion on the Steel Bridge. For a time it looked as if that bridge also would be out of commission, as It stuck quite tight under the influence of the heat. It was opened five times during the hour that the Burnside bridge was closed to traf fic, and the stream of vehicles was al most continuous during the remaining portions of the hour. No trouble was re ported from the Morrison bridge. Once before, streetcar traffic was in terrupted yesterday, when a slight acci dent at the Cazadero power plant caused a suspension of all electric traffic for 23 minutes, from 10:50 to 11:15 A. M. The accident was quickly repaired, but in the meantime streetcars, elevators and motors of all kinds were at a standstill. HEAT MAV IXJtKE APPLES Hood River Swelters and Fruit growers Are Uneasy. HOOD RIVER, Or., July 10. (Spe cial.) Today is the hottest experi enced at Hood River in several years and one of the most torrid in the his tory of local weather annals. Street thermometers registered from 90 to 98 In the shade. The heat became oppressive early in the day and grew worse until 2 P, M., when the highest temperature was recorded. Considerable concern is be ing felt by fruitgrowers who fear that many apples will be sunburned. IST FANS HEATED ASTORIA Breeze Relieves Record-Breaking lligli Temperature. "ASTORIA, Or., July 10. (Special.) Today was a record-breaker in Astoria for high temperature this season. At 9 o'clock; this morning the thermometer at the local Weather Bureau registered 80 degrees, and at 11 o'clock It had risen to 82, remaining at that mark for several hours. Later, however, a strong northwest wind came and by 4 o'clock the mer cury had dropped 10 degrees. Seattle Has Heat Prostration. SEATTLE, July 10 The hottest day of the year in Seattle was recorded today, when a maximum temperature of 86 de grees was registered by the Government thermometer. A sea breeze minimized the suffering and only one prostration was reporUd. 3 GO MAD FROM HEAT IX X. Y. Hottest Day of Year Counts Many Prostrations, Also. NEW YORK. July 10. This was the hottest day of the year In New York. Three persons went mad with the heat and eight others died of it. The list of prostrations was long. At 12:30 P. M. the temperature was 92 de grees, one degree hotter than yester day's maximum at 4 P. M., but the hu midity was not so high and early in the afternoon a refreshing breeze arose. At 4 o'clock the temperature had gone down seven degrees. The forecast for tomorrow is continued heat. Heat Fatal at National Capital. WASHINGTON. July 10. The Na tion Capital sweltered today in heat which caused one death and four pros trations. On Pennsylvania avenue the thermometer registered 102 degrees. TEX DEATHS IX PHILADELPHIA Humidity at 85 During Day, but Cool Breeze Saves Night. PHILADELPHIA, July 10. Ten deaths and many prostrations occurred here today as a result of the heat. The humidity was 85 during the morning hours and the mean temperature for the day was 84. The maximum temperature was 93. Late In the ' afternoon a cool breeze from the west brought relief and at S P. M. the mercury had fallen to 77. 2 DIE IX BOSTON; MERCURY 9 3 For First Time, Electric Fans Are Used In Churches. BOSTON, July 10. This was the hot test day of the year In Boston, the of ficial temperature being 93 degrees at 2 P. M. Two deaths and a score of prostra tions were reported. For the first time in ' Boston electric fans were used in some of the churches. TEXAS HEAT WAVE BROKEN Following Dry Weather, Rio Grande Goes Dry. EL PASO. Tex., July 10. The hottest period of eight days ever recorded by the Government weather station here was broken today by a heavy rain and a decided fall in temperature. For eight days the temperature averaged 99.8. The Rio Grande River at this point is entirely dry. DAILY SlETEOROIXXilCAI. REPORT. PORTLAND, July 10. Maximum tem perature. 97 degrees: minimum, 67 degrees. River reading at 8 A. M., 8.9 feet; change in last 24 hours. 0.5 foot fall. Total rainfall 5 P. M. Ui 5 P. M.. none. Total rainfall since September 1. 19011. 42.00 Inches: nor mal rainfall since September 1, 44.19 inches; deficiency of rainfall since September 1. 1S0. 2.10 Inches. Total sunshine July 9, 15 hours, 32 minutes; possible sunshine. 15 hours. 32 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level) at 5 P. M.. 29.76 Inches. THE WEATHER. K g? Wind - 5 mo I E- -a o 3 EE s. T STATIONS. I ft Wealhe'. 5 e g 3 ? ? : - w ; : r ; . Boise 2j0.00 12W Bostrn 02 O.OO 12ISW Calgary G6 0.OO10INE Chicago 76 0.00 4 SB Denver 82 0.00 6 N Des Moines 8410. 00 4 W Duluth 74 0.00 10INW Eureka 58 O.OO V-IW Oalveston SC0.0O14SE Helena 74 0.00 20!N Jacksonville 90 0.00 8 PE Kansas City 78 0.00. 6 NE Marshneld 72 0.00 10 NW Montreal 80 0.02 4 NW New Orleans S8 O.OO 8lS Now York 92 0.00 S North Head C4 0.00 2O NW Pocatello 88 0.00 121W Portland..; 117 O.OO l.iNW Roseburg 98 O.OO 12 N Sacramento 82 0.0O101S St. Paul 80 0.00 4 3 Salt Lake 04 o . oo 10 NW Ran Francisco 60 0.00 18 SW Siskiyou 88 0.00 -t N Spokane 881O.O0 6N Tacoma 80IO.00 8 N Tatoosh Island 7210. 0O 10 NW Walla Walla 9610.00 4 NW Washington 9210.001 4W Clear Cloudy fx. Cloua) Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy (Cloudy Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy . Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy WEATHER CONDITIONS The pressure Is decreasing over Washing ton. Oregon. Idaho and Utah, and is in creasing over California. Generally fair weather obtains over the western half of the country, rains having fallen in Alberta, the Lake region, the St. Lawrence Valley, the Mississippi Valley, the Ohio Valley and on the West Coast of Florida. Thunder storms . have occurred in Colorado, Texas, Tennessee, New York and Utah, though in only two instances was there rain in con nection. The weather is considerably cooler over North Central California and In sec tions of the country east of the Mississippi River, and Is much warmer in Western Washington. Fair and continued warm weather is in dicated for this district Monday with gen erally northerly winds. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair; northerly winds. Oregon and Washington Fair; winds mostly northerly. Idaho Fair. THEODORE F. DRAKE. Observer. Schooner Condor Repaired. NEWPORT, Or., July 10. (Special.) The gasoline schooner Condor, Captain Hirsch, is lying on the Newport beach undergoing repairs. A patch has been put in the hull, the engines, which re cently refused to work off Tillamook, have been gone over and other slight repairs have been accomplished. The Condor is expected to sail In the near future. CLAb&XFIED ADVERTISING RATE BOUT or tiuiMlr On ttfflt 19m CMimo ad tw caneeoatlra time. ........ ,2t tMioe stl tbr cunitecutftv tlmas. ....... .SIM hauie vd six or saveu consecutive time. .Mo bix worl- count m one lino oi fH mm vcrtucmefiU as.t dw tuft vunt4 lm Imam lata two Usao. When m dvertteaat to sot rem miwn Kliv itaktt s-t-a oBo-iun rata applies. On cUiirge t boo 4vruiuea4 tae ciiarge wili bo baaed en iae actual nomto ml Uuea appearing In tbe paper, resaxuiea of tue nuuiucr of worn In ucb line. In hw XtxiMy all aavertleeoaenta are t-luufM tor men aura onljr. 14 line to t luck. Xfce afceva Mtea apply te irrrtlar ni la an4r ow Tone? and ali evnoa c.ssir.a uon eiceittna; tn follow Inert bktueUwae Wanton, Main. feUnations Wanton Female. Far JSant, Koeme. PriTMta Fans! Ilea. Uootua and Board. fTWata fy nil Hen, X eneefcx -uin Koams, JLHate hymUlra. 'AUa vate W tn above clnetvU fccncWae te 2 eeu a line eacrn ineertlen. TO OCTOl-viOWM IfATBONS Tbe Ore ffociaa wiU receive copy by email, prorldod aaltLuieoi remittance for a definite amber of. lena 4a tent. Ackatrwiedgu.... of even teratttance wilt be forwarded nromptly. In eaaa box office nddraeo la required, regular form given, nnd count tnia en pnra of tbe an. Ax, aw ere te advertisements wu ue foryadc4 te pat runs, provided seif-ad- IX yon have either telephone In your hens we will accept your ad over tbe phone and xmd you fti-a blU Ute next dny. paeaa Want Ad Dept., Main .070 or A tiOVS. sit uation Wanted and personal advertisements pot accepted ever tne pnene. Jbrrvra nre more easily made In telepnonln; ndvertWe tneots, therefore Tbe Oregonlun will est bold itself rpensiile for uch errors. AUCTION SALE TODAY. At Wilson's auction house, corner Second and Yamhill. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. MEETING y OTICKS. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL ROY AL ARCANUM meets at K. P. Hall. 11th and Alder streets, the second and fourth Mondav of each month at 8 V. M. Visitors cor dially welcomed. H. Claussenlus, Jr.. secretary. 1-3 11th st. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12, A. F. AND A. M. Stated communica tion this (Monday) evening; at 7:30 o'clock. Visitors ore cordially In vited. W. M. DB LINN, Sec MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER. NO. 14. O. E. 8 Stated meeting this (Monday) evening. East 8th and Burnside. Degrees. Order W. M. BELLE RICHMOND, Sec MULTNOMAH COUNCIL. NO. 1481 ROYAL ARCANUM will hold regular meet ing tonlftht at K. of P. Hall. All members are requested to be present. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Pool Richmond and Wallsend Austrmll OUcll an Independent Coal A Ic. Com- lia.Dy.QBaLi UtjpUfrrau:. Eoth, phones. It AMUSEMENTS. Bungalow THEATER 12th and Morrison. Phone Main 117: Ay42. . TONIGHT TOMORROW WEDNESDAY. Phone Main 1 NIGHT TOMORRO Charles Frohm; 1 Charles Frohman Presents William Collier In Comedy, "A Lucky Star." Prices $1.00. tl.ou, fl.UO. Toe. 00c MAIN . A MATIN JCE. IVKBT DAT. ti-25-Kt NIGHTS ATKP 15-95-50-75$ WEEK JULY 11 Mamll Opera Company, Clifford and Burke. The Four Clifton. MJa MydJiey Shields and Co.. In 'Broadway, U. H. A..." Uoynton and Huurke, Harry AtKtn Bon, Bert and Lottie Walton. Orchestra, Pic tures. GRAND Week July 11, 1910 JOSEPHINE SAXTON. And Her "Dixie Kids." Toney and Norman Cabaret's Dokb. s r.oiujox HIUHLANUE1U Scotland's supreme Instrumentalists Mildred Stoiler, Murray K. Hill, (jriudnscope. 2:30; any seat 16c Matinee i2vei-v hrv Evening; Performances 7:30 and w:io Balcony 15c; Lower Floor 25c; Box Seats 00c LYRIC fUK'lLAAU 9) FAMILY PLAYHOUSE SeTcntU and Alder. Streets. ALL, THIS WEEK "IIALIJDV'S COMET." Visible at x:45, 7:45 and 9:15 P. M. Thursday Nlsrbt, Void Watch Olven Away Friday Niiciit. Chorus oirls Contest. NEXT WEEK "DOOLEY'S DARLINGS." ' - a K" Portland's favorlta X ICi Vas Aii.uciiieni Fark. Besinnlnc July 11 the Musical Sensation of the Times. NAVASSAR LADLES' BAND, 40 Accomplished Musicians in strikingly beautiful uniforms. Bring the children to see Don Carlos and his dog and monkey circus. Great show without extra charge. Oaks regular attractions neveq surpassed on the coast. Transfer to Oaks from any part of city. Iaum-heg at foot of .Morrison street. DIED. SHERMAN Charles W. Sherman, at his lite residence. 400 North 31st street, aged 63 years. Brother of Mrs. N. M. Ward and Mrs. E. K. Mills. Funeral announce ment later. lXINtKAL NOTICES. MERCER At his late residence. 35 East 27th St., July 9, George Mercer, aged 77 years, 0 months, 5 days. Funeral will take place from the above number Tuesday, July 12. 2 P. M. Friends respectfully in vited. Remains at private roceptlon-rooms of the East Side Funeral Directors, East Alder and East Sixth sis. LEMEKY At his late home In Oswego, Joseph Lemery, aged 7a years. Funeral T.ill be held from the Oswego Catholic Church today (Monday). July 11. at 8:30 A. M. Interment at (Jervais, Or. Friends . invUed. XONSUTH JTLOKA1. CO. MAHUCAAl BLUO. ILUKAL DEtUONS. ' rhonesc Mala 6102. A 110. Dunning A McEntee, Funeral Dtreeter Jth and 1'lne. Phone Main 430. La Or it, letant. Qttice of County Coroner. IKLLElt-Bi'RNES CO.. Funeral Dlr cetera, 84 Williams ve. : both phones; ludy aUeaav ant; most modern establishment In tne city. " EDWARD HOI. MAN CO.. Funeral JMreetL rt lito 3d t. Lady Assistant, l bune JkL oL J. F. UN LEY SON. Sd nnd Madixuv LAy attendant. Phone Main 9. A 139a. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, ncosmm to F. S. Dunning. Inc. E. Oi. 3 XS2S. EH1CSON CO Undertakers: lady -sslst ant. 401) Alder. M. 8133. A g88. LERCH. Undertaker, eor. ast Aide ui Ctb l'boue 781. B 1888. Lau assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY I'llESlDENT. Mala 213. ' SECRETARY, Mala fsnn. HUMANE OPFICtlt. TCast 477a, NEW TODAY, on Section Line road, close In, all clear, g-ood solL now In crop. 160 down and small monthly payments. LAMBERT-WHITMER COMPANY No. TO Fourth St.. No. 40-4 FJaat Alder St. FROM OWNER Rich Marlon County farm In heart of Willamette Valley, R. R. within 3 miles; both east and west county roads on two sides; mail and cream route; telephone. Very choicest sandy river bottom, beaverdam and upland. Thou sands of dollars' worth of oak, ash, cedar, .yew and fir timber. Pure run ning: water and good pasture for stock. arm machinery, cows, horses, pigs, hay and grain crop may be arranged for; 160 acres and up at from $125 per acre and down. Terms. L. A. ESO!V, OwBfr, Gervata, Oregon, Home Phone Red 233 Sllverton. FLATS 100x110, corner, on Vancouver ave., with 2 nice 6-room flats on Inside, rented for $45 gier month, leaving 70x 100 on corner vacant. A fine place to build for more Income. Price Is only $10,500, on reasonable terms. Grussi & Zadow S17 Beard of Trade Bldn-., 4th and Oak. Beautiful Home AT A SACRIFICE In exclusive Irvington and does to the car: brand new and beautifully fin ished, 6 fine large rooms, sleeping porch, toilets, bath, paneled walls, beamed ceilings, shades and handsome fixtures included. Am leaving town; $1000 handles It. Might trade for lot. Phone East 167. For Exchange 20 acres, located at Witchazel, S. P. R. R., Vz miles from Orenco on Oregon City electric line, in high state of cul tivation; cash value $5000, will ex change for good Portland property at cash price and worth up to $12,000. West Side preferred. Grussi & Zadow 317 'Board of Trade BIdK- 4th and Oak. $500 South Portland Lots To close up the estate of Frederick Kleinsorge the administratrix is selling lots $200 below their actual worth on very easy terms. Right on carline. For particulars see J. A. GOODFELLOW, , A sent Kleiaaorge Entnte, 260 Oalc St. Phones Mala 2S3S, A 2838.. 6 Mortgage Loans MORGAN, FLIEDXKR ft BOTCH. COS-OQ Abl-tytOai Bulldlmg. I HAVE three of the bet stock rancfees Eastern Oregon for sale; must be 9old Id nxt six days; some eplendld timber, wheat, a? fa if a on each tract. OU1 room 339 Im perial Hotel. rKTESTORS Call on owners' Keaity Ass' n. for timber, acreage, busiprras. residence an4 vpartmcot properties. 20ft A bins to a. ACRE TRACTS NEW TODAY. I am instructed to sell at PuMicAuetioii Tuesday, July 12th, at I P. ' M. sharp, At 19th, iMarket, Chapman and Mill streets, and the choice income property at 401' to 40312 12th, lot 48x 100, consisting of 4 strictly modern flats, 2 6-room and 2 5-roorn. Sale will take place at Market and Chap man sts. You are invited to attend this sale. M. E. LEE 411 Corbett Building. Phone Main 6860. Immediate Loan Wanted $7000 wanted on excellent farm of 200 acres on value of $16,000. High grade Improvements. Land values con stantly increasing because of demand and settlement. No agents. Address N 121, Oregonian. . REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck, William G., 312 Failing bids. Blrrell, A. H. & Co., 202-3 McKay bldg Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, etc. Brubaker &. Benedict, 502 McKay bid. M. M2. CARD REALTY & INVESTMENT CO., 623 HENRY BLDG. MARSHALL 156T. A 1567. Chapln & Herlow. 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. S. &. Co., &U3 Corbett bldg. Jenninrrs & Co., Main 18S. 200 Oregonian. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P., 213 Commercial Club bldg. Schalk. Geo.D.. 228 Stark Main 392. A 2392 BHi.NDLEH & HALL. 205 Ablnston bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition.) M. 3D. Thompson Co., cor. 4th and Oak sts. REAL ESTATE. For Salt! Lots. IT Is close-in property that sells Quickly and brings the big money. Just think a lot on the West Side, within easy walk ing distance of P. O. with 50-ft. frontage on one of the principal streets In Port land for $1500. Terms. Then consider what a snap it is when this price Includes all Improvements, pavement, sewer, K&s and water mains and excellent car service. The West Side is the place to live and It is the place to Invest your money. G 124, Oregonian. HAWTHORNE AVE. 8 1-8 acres or 20 50x100 lots, within 200 feet of Hawthorne ave. ; this property Is worth $21,500 according to surrounding values; It can bo bought now for $16,000 with $6000 cash, balance within 9 years at 6 per cent Interest aJid prlrllege of release clause; this Is a big bargain; look It up. H. P. PALMER-JOXES CO.. 212-218 Commercial Club Bldg! HAWTHORNE) AVENUE. NO MONEY DOWN. About 300 feet south of Hawthorne ave. on 41st street, we offer a few fine 50x100 lots for nothing down and $10 per month. The large Increase in value of .property in thla section, which will come with opening of Hawthorne bridge, will be yours on prac tically no investment. This is an exceptional opportunity to make money In real estate. See owners, room 600. Couch bldg. IRVINGTON QUARTER. 100x100 feet at corner East 24th and Knott St., facing south and east, beau tiful view of Mount Hood, which cannot be cut off; paved streets, on carline; this Is the cheapest quarter block in this exclusive residence district; price for Im mediate sale, $3500. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-313 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main 8699. A 2663. PIEDMONT. Four adjoining lots, each 60x100 feet, with 16-foot alley in rear, on Commercial St., between Jarrett and Alnsworth; price for immedlato sale $1000 per lot; terms; these lots will be sold together or sep arately. H. V. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. BUSINESS CORNER LOT. $1500. Fine corner lot. 50x100. on 22d and Division sts.. Joins Ladd's Addition: stores all around and a good place to build for an Income or a tine speculation; price, $1500, for a few days only: half cash. GRUPfil & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. XOB HILL. Choice residence lot on Irving- street, near a good carline. This Is one of the few desirable residence sites to be had In Nob Hill and one of the most reason able buys in the city. R- F. BRYAN. 505 Chamber of Commerce. A 122T. Main 1003. $8000 A BEAUTIFUL oorner. 100x100. In LAURELHUR8T. , Can arrange TERMS on this. It la one of the BEST in this elegant addition and you should MOT MISS this bargain. GRAY-CUNNINGHAM-GRAY, 723 Electric Bldg. $900 Full lot, Belmont and Eaat 67th a Is. Finest view at Mt, Tabor and right on car line. We also have two auperb pieces of 8 and 4 lots respeoti vely , near the above and at same price.. Pbone Marshall 15&5 of call the Hart Land Co.. 140 Bd t , ALAMBJDA PARK LOT8. Are hieh and sightly, overlooking Irving ton; near Broadway oallne best city lm provementa; priced 3 per cent below the market. Inquire Alameda Land Company 822 Corbett bldg, ' PIANO manufacturers checks, no matter by whom Issued, will be accepted as part or In full payment for lots in one of portland.'s moat beautiful residential ad dltlons. Address C 117, Oregonian BIX awell bungalow sites in new plat, on the West Bide cloe in, near oar and across from City Park: exclusive district, amid fine homes; $1250 to $1800; terms. JH 134. Oregonian. ' POR prospective builders only: city view lot. In high-class residential district; level, no ellmb, near car, exceedingly close in and on West Side; $300O; terms. F 124, Oregonian. AN absolutely unobstructed view lot, facing . on the proposed scenic boulevard of Port land, beautiful foliage, easy walking dis tance to P. O. on the West Side. A 124, Oregonian. CHOICE) lot. 50x100, including hard surface pavement, sewer, gas and all improve ments; half block from car; price $1250: $780 cash, balance monthly. Phone c 1004 Or 544 Williams ave. LOTS! LOTS1 LOT81 2 down and $2 each month, on Oregoo. City car line. Price $150 and $200. Na tional Realty & Trust Co., 326 Vs Washing ton St., room61$. BUY a lot on easy monthly payments and we will furnish you, free of cost, a plas to live. Gregory Investment Co., end of Ross City Park carline. y WILL sacrifice equity in my 100xl08-foot corner. Alameda Park; old contract carrying all Improvements. Call owner, C 214i. LAURBLHUBST EQUITY. Choice lot, right In the center of Lau relhurst; lot 15. block 2. Phone Tabor J26. TWO beautiful sightly lots, close in, each a corner, 50x100, about 100 ft, from car Station, between two carlines; $600 each. CI1 410 Falling bldg. 8475. Buys lot on 37tn and Going. C. L. SHEETS. 420 Swetland bldg. phone Main 7778. BEST corner lota in Capitol Hill, 110x100; One view: $850; $800 down, rest monthly. Wm. Diet;, Hotel Oregon. ' QUARTER block in Mount Tabor; very de sirable for handsome home. Owner. 3 230L PORTLAND HEIGHTS' grandest view lot; choicest lmnroved residence section: about to market jjrJc-e for tew days. Mala i5il. OTS REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lota. LOTS $80 EACH. We are Just opening the west half of our Nob Hill addition. In Clackamas Co.. at prices. $00 to per lot; this includes graded streets and lots cleared; this is finest soil ' and good water; tract Is very sightly. with grand view of mountains, short distance from Oregon City carline . and will have new line by this addition in one year. We assure all purchasers of very rapid rise In these values. Let u how you this beautiful property; to see Is to bo pleaded. Terms, 11 per cent down, 5 per cer.t per month. EMPIRE LAND CO., 501 Merchants Trugt Bldg., 326 Wash. St. MT. TABOR SNAP Full lot, $700 cash, OU East 53d st. Phone Tabor 286. for Sale Houses. CALIFORNIA bungalow, large living and .dining-room extending entirely across 'front of house; extra lurge fireplace, built in bookcases on both sides; beamed ceil ings, plate rail; built-in buftet. window seat, polished Floors, two bedrooms, white tile bath.' Dutch- kitchen, wood lift and stationary tub, screened back porch, large front veranda, elegant fixtures, amber dining-room dome; shades and linoleum, seeded lawn, flowers and garden; leaving oity: price $3250. $b50 cash, 15 monthly orlrade for anything. Owner, Tabor 1208. BEAUTIFUL WEST SIDE. Just completed, a magnificent West Side residence on the side niil. back, of Port land Academy; grandest unobstructed views from three grand porches; house built big. very substantial: 5 bedrooms, living-room 20x25, hardwood floors, very modern; better than rent; owner going away, will accept $1000 down from respon sible party, balance easy terms. Call 018 Abingtun bldg. IN 1KVINOTON. Fine 7-room house. 60x100 lot, facing south, on a hard-surface street, surround ed by fine homes, for sale for $6000, less than half cash down; this home is thor oughly modern, very beautiful In its set ting, surroundings and arrangement and is ' worth over $700u of any man's money, but It must be sacrificed. See us at once. V. VINCENT JONES REALTY CO, jtii2-:io:i Lowis Mian, BUILDERS' REALTY COMPANY. Houses Where you want them Builds When you want theui. To suit you. on installments. To rent. One new 4-room house, $1000; terms. Let us locate you. BUILDERS' REALTY COMPANY, 810 Washington St.. Vancouver, Wash. GOING TO BUILD? ' WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE ARB GOOD REASONS. OUR CUSTOMERS SAVli) MONEY AND GET BETTER WORK. OX TERMS TO SUIT. IP YOU OWN YOUR LOT. WS WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLAN'S AND ESTIMATES FREE. OREGON BUILDJNQ & TRUST CO.. 809 HENRY BLDG. FINE HOME SACRIFICED. Must be sold at once, in prettiest part of Irvington, magnificently built In every way; new Ideas, not common, but stylish and swell, with sleeping-porch, tireless cooker, completed attic for billiards .and bowling alley, plate glass windows, 2 fire places, parage in basement, beautiful ex terior, tjrand Interior; will sacrifice at $3500; wortn $Uouv. Address AJ 121, Ore jonian. BUILD NOW. LET US FINANCE THE BUILDINO OF YOUR HOME. IF YOU OWN LOT. 3 MALL. AMOUNT OF CASH IS SUFFICIENT. OUR REPUTATION FOR WELL-BUILT HOMES. FAIR DEALING AND DISPATCH OF CON STRUCTION IS BRINGING US MANY CLIENTS. NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUC TION CO.. Successors to Portland Realty A Construction Co.. HU1-2-3 Lewis Bldg. 4-ROOM, new, modern cottage for only $1250; terms; lot 41x100, full basement, hot and cold water, porcelain bath, sink, toilet, etc., oantry, closets, large porch In front and rear house Just completed and a little dandy, located on East 25th st. Owner leaving and must sell; a snap. See H. W. GARLAND & CO.. 191 4th St. SUNNYSTDE HOUSE. Fine.' new. li-room. two-story house, gas, and electric, full cement basement, laun dry trays. Dutch kitchen, built-in bullet, 3 bedrooms, one E. 37th, near Market: 3 - bargain at $3750, $1000 cash, balance $20 per month. i GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. KENNILWORTH DISTRICT. 6-room house and bath, with two high and beautiful lots, for sale cheap and on very easy terms; 4 blocks from car; fine cement basement, Dutch kitchen, modorn plumbing and hot-water boiler; street lm- E roved; small amount down and balance ke rent. V. VINCF.NT JONES REALTY CO.. y.02-:lQ:l Lewis Bldg. WEST SIDE HOME. Modern S-room house, furnace and fire place, all latest improvements, on a lot 50x100 with all street improvements in and paid, on Front street, near Caruthers, a few minutes' walk from down town; price a bargain. $tiuoo, cash. GRUSSI it ZADOW, .817 Board of Trade Bids- 4th and Oak. COUNCIL CREST HOME. 6-room modern house, furnace, large fireplace, unobstructed view of Mount Hood and Tualatin Valley: lot 50x90, near carline; price for immediate sale, $3800; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bids". ACREAGE HOME. IK acres, all kinds of irutt. 6-room house and pantry and large verandas, bath, new barn, large chicken corral; choice (lowers and shrubs; 4 blocks from car. Terms. LOUIS BRANDT. , Oak Prove. , Prefer. City Line. THIS IS A BARGAIN. Fine 2-story house, 7 large rooms, with bath and toilet; lot 50x100; nice lawn and fine garden, with strawberries, currants, also plum, pear and two apple trees; house laces east, close to school, and 150 feet from Aberta streetcar. Prloe $2800. F 09, Oregxnlan. FOR SALE BY OWNER. New, modern, 6-room house, on East 88d St.; full cement basement and floor, Dutch kitchen, built-in china closet, walls tinted, floors polished, fixtures and shades in. Address 344 E. 33d st. Phone B 2613. TABOR HEIGHTS. 8-room modern house on E. Taylor St., near West ave., paved street, lot K5xl3o feet, nice yard and bis; vegetable garden; price $40 00; attractive terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 313-818 Commercial Club Bldg. SELECT YOUR HOMB IN WOODSTOCK. Near school, stores and carline; Just completed: modern 6-room house, full ce ment basement; lot 50x100. east face; built right; .yours for $32O0. $looo down; fet located now; prices higher this Fall. juv from owner, 208 Henry bldg. E, 88D AND CLINTON StT HOME. ' 6-room modern house, Just completed; on gjirline; price $30i0; can be handled on $700T balance like rent. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. $1-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main 8689. A 2653. - JJ1NT21 suburban view home. 1 acres; o room house: hot water heat; greenhouse; all kinds of fruit. Best bargain In city. Might consider part exebaage. Call at premises', 36 East 63d st. Morrison it Mt. Tabor car. Phone Tabor q, ?15 HOMB. 6-room house, lot 75x110, on Oregon City rarllne; price $1800; payment $13 each morth; nothing down, NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO.. 320Vs Washington St., room 516. BUNGALOW-COTTAOK 6 rooms, strictly modern, 100x100, choice, sightly ground; $300 cash, balance to suit. This is a dandy. If you want a beautiful home at your own terms oall 410 Falling bldg. FINE new 5-room house and lot, 100x100, nice garden and flowers, 4 minutes to Reed Institute; leaving oity! must sell at onoe; price $L'3uo; terms. T20 Insley ave.; take Sellwood car. $2050 5-ROOM bungalow practically new; lot 50x100. close to car; range, heater, dining table and Unoletim go with the place: $1200 cash. Phone Main 2276, 421 Hamiltonbldg BUILD just the kind of home you ilka, make building loans on terms that will suit you. A. C. Furlong, contractor, 233 11th St. Mam 3526. $10 A MONTH pays for a neat, cosy home on a 50x100 lot In Gregory Heights. Call at end of Rose City Park carline. Gregory In- vestment Co. . $300 CASH, balance term. 4-roora. house, with bath, electrio lights, plastered; price $140ix Mt. Scott car to Grays Crossing. Inquire Homes, store. 100x100 Issproved with 8 flats and cot tage. West Side, on carline, cheapest buy In city. Price $8500. L. E. Thompsua & Co.. 228 Third. $3000. $200 DOWN. $15 per month; modern 7-room. 2 full lots, fruit, good location. $1700, $100 down, $10 a month, modern 4-room. 228 Henry bldg. $2000. WITH $106 down buys modern 4 room cottase; a home for the asking. 410 JTalling bldg. FOR SALE Modorn 5-room cottage, 87T East Davis st.. between 28th and 20th. Phone B 1549. STRICTLY modern, new, double Brooin house, $5700. 1028 E. 19th st. North. Owner. Take Alberta car to 19th; terms. 1 $300 DOWN Modern bungalow, near car line, restricted district. Phone owner at Main 1102. FOR SALE by owner, tbe handsomest 8 rootn house In Irvington. 4&6 East 2utb, St. i N. Call and se lu REAL ESTATE. Ifoir Sale Houses. RIVERDALK HOME. One of the handsomest homes in the Riverside district; 7 beautifully designed and artistically finished rooms, a recep tion balk a full-length living room with large fireplace, bookcases and seat, case ment and French windows, paneled, and beamed dining-room with artistic buffet, Dutch kitchen; 4 bedrooms, each in sepa rate color scheme; sieeptng balcony; largo bathroom; attic spaced for two rooms and bath; fun cement basement; extra large furnace; private water system under heavy pressure: beautiful grounds about an ecre in extent and commanding sweeping view of the city, river and moun tains, jfor further particulars apply ' R. F. BRYAN, 605 Chamber, of Commerce. A 1227: Alain la3- , 6-ROOM HOUSE IN BEAUTIFUL WOODTOCK. . CORNER LOT. 100x100. HOUSE COST ME $3500. Am leaving town, and must sell and will therefore accept any reasonable offer. Cash or terms. Phone Sellwood 14J2 or address X Crick, care Studebaker Bros., chapman and Alder nta. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. By owner; new 0-room house ; fire places, hot water heat, hardwood floors, up to date In every particular; unequaled per manent view of city and mountains; walk Ins distance; $12,500;' easy terms. V 1-iO, Oregonien. IRVINGTON. . 6-room modern home, completely and handsomely- furnished; hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace; built one year ago. Price $0760; terms. $304)0 cash. H. P. PALM KR-J ONES CO.. 2111-Sia Commercial Club Bldg. SPLENDID BARGAIN Good 0-room. mod ern, convenient house; pantry, 2 porches, 3 closets, Kood basement ; lot 43x137. set to trees, fruit, roses, garden. Inquire of owner, 1143 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 2277. 6-ROOM bungalow, new, modern, corner lot. Will sell at cost this week, $2650; terms; or will build a house to suit - on fine lot, big trees, $500 down, $20 month. Bee owner. Hans Therkelsen, corner 2 6th and Francis. 7-ROOMS, ARTISTIC MT. TABOR HOMB with all modern conveniences including stable, and over two lots ; grounds and street improved. Price $5u00 ; can make good terms. Owner, 24 East 53d st. Phone Tabor 2Sti. HOMB AND LOTS OP FRUIT. Fine 7-room house and large lot in Sun nycrlde. 1 block from car, lor ale cheapo lots of fruit, half cash will handle it. V. VINCENT JONES REALTY CO. 302-303 Lewis RJdg. $2034) A STRICTLY MODERN bungalow at 544 Greenwood avenue ; $50O cah will . handle. This Is a bargain and will rent well. GRAY-CUXNINGHAM-GRAT, 722 Electric Bldg. $2500 Modern 6-room bungalow 50x300 lot. 007 Mississippi ave. ; -O minutes' ride on lower Albina car. Must be taken at once at this price; terms. Call mornings. F. H. Lonsdale. $S0OO THREE modern cottages, close Income $00 month. 487 Eas t Couc h . In, $100 CASH; $25 monthly, beautiful bungalow $2700. 51st, near Hawthorne, Dr. Darling. Business Property. $350 GIVES possession of nice snug beach Summer resort hotel; fully furnished, equipped and running. Will lease or sell at bedrock figures If taken at once. See Oregonian editorial July 2; railroad survey between Siletz Bay and Yaquina Bay, with comments thereon, and get busy before the raise. Particulars or interview letter first. Capt. Wakefield, care Drexel Hotel. 2d and Yamhill, city. 13TH AND EVERETT. 100x100, choice wholesale property, close to Washington st. This is the best avail able wholesale property on the market. If Interested don't fall to look this up. Call 410 Failing bldg. BY" OWNER, best corner bwrtneFj block in vi cinity; income from, rents $it0 per year. Price ySoPO. AN 110, Oregonian. Acreage MILWAUKEE HEIGHTS. 10 ACRES. 10 acres at Mllwaukle Heigh t3, high and tightly, good 9-room house, with brick basement, large barn, 5 acres bear ing fruit, 2 acres strawberries, 1 acre grape3, blackberries, raspberries, etc. ; abundant water supply, in high state of cultivation, on Oregon City Electric, 7 c faie; price only $12,000, easy terms. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317Board of Trade B 1 d g 4th and Oak. SMALL tracts, unimproved, good soil, no rock, living water, near railroad station ; 35 minutes out. Very cheap, easy terms. Investigate before buying elsewhere. Palm er, 507 Couch Bldg., 109 4th street. 5 acres on OCRAN BEACH in Clatsop Coun tv, 1 mile couth of Fort Steven; price only $200 per acre, half cash; land lies nice for platting. A. 4j uruicK, ill cnamoer of Commerce. WILL sell my equity on 2 acres on new . United carline at bargain if taken at once. Phone Marshall 1102 or call today Apartment 103, Dammeler Hall, 414 11th Btreet. ACREAGE. 70 acres on carline close to city, par tially Improved, running water, to ex change for city property. Vanduyn & Wal ton, 535 Chamber of Commerce. 6 ACRES on Kelly ave., close to Reed In stitute; ground high and elghtly; $10,o4X, terms; this Ls an A-l buy. See attorney, 410 Falling bldg. Homes tet ads. TWO relinquishments, joining, all fenced, 3 wires, good buildings, P. O. and town 2hk miles, school li miles, on county road, stock, crops and household goods. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the 34 counties Is best aaapted for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead in each county; map attached, 2Ix 28, showing new R. R. and towns, includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon: counties in different colors; drawn to March 1, 1910; latest map in U. 8. ; price 25c. JSlm mo & Runey, 313 Hamilton bldg. H OM EST B A D3 A N D DESERT CLAIMS. WANTED Single ladles to take home steads and either married or single ladles to take desert land In the Deschutes Val ley or Central Oregon. Have party of ladles leaving Tuesday. The trip from Shanlko to Laid law will be made by auto mobile. If you want a good claim, this is your opportunity. Call Monday. Des chutes Valley Land & Investment Co.. .101 803 Buchanan bldg., on Wash., near 6th st. 3,000,000 RELINQUISHMENT, SO miles from Portland, on railroad; good agricul tural land; $600. 2.500.000. ltt miles from town. $350. If taken quick. 733 Marquam bldg. Main . 3 14. TWENTY acres, volcanic- ash, near town, on railroad, under Irrigation, three years' water right paid and house on place; best homestead left In district; Improvements $55Q. Box 375, Hormlntoii. Or. GOVERNMENT HOMESTEADS. Free Information. Hatch, 402 Cummer clalr block. For Sale Fruit Land. FINEST ORCHARD tracts, partly planted to selected fruit trees, on carline, near faa lem, Or, For a SHORT TIME offer at $150 PER ACRE. This is about half price. You can save money buying. One-fourth cash, balance easy payments. BEST FRUIT LAND on the market, most all In cultivation. We guarantee satisfaction in every way. Property lies Just right, on gently sloping foothills; old bearing orchard adjoining, which will be ahowo. APPLE8. PEARS, CHERRIES. PEACH ES, WALNUTS. GRAPES and BERRIES of all kinds. Don't overelook tliie, but see us at office, 310 Corbett bldg.. Fort land. Or. M ' FA R LA KD INVESTMENT CO, COMMERCIAL; ORCHARD 240 acres, 100 acres best varieties In orchard, 80 acres bearing (fine' crop). 50 acres ready to plant, balance easily cleared, fine stream of water that as sures plenty of water for irrigation (an important consideration in all fruit dis tricts) and all other purposes; soil deep and rich, above the frost belt location the best, good improvements, will give good terms; will take part Portland prop erty in trade; photos at office. This is a rare bargain will be sold with or with out tbe crop ; for terms, price call at office. ZIMMERMAN, 651 Board of Trade Bldg. WILL sell 00 acres of best fruit land in Western Oregon, turvayed, plotted and ready for market; partly under cultivations 1 mile from S. P. Railroad and good town. 200 can be made on this investment if taksa at once. PHONE MARSHALL 1625. 816 Electrio Building. ORANGE and lemon orchard, 15 acres, fine location, good soil, nursery stock between trees which will almost pay off debt, at Ontario, Cal. ; also 6-room house and large lot at Covina, Oal., $2t,000; will ex change for close-in property or good busi ness. Address ownes, J. W. Armstrong, Covina, Cal. 10-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved. on railroad, 25 milea from Portland; beert soil; no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange ith us x go and make selection; round trip same day. S10 Corbett bid if. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Kruit Lands. EST AC AD A FRUIT LAND. j If you have never seen this beautiful' section it will pay you to look It up at once. You will find here all the necessary requirements for an ideal fruit district, and also the advantages of a well-settlecL community, with splendid transportation, facilities, and a thoroughly organized fruit growers union of competent business men. We have some splendid bargains in this vicinity, where land Is advancing rapidly in value. If you are looking for a coun try home or an investment, now la ther time to Investigate. We have a variety of 10 and 20-acre tracts, partly cleared and set to trees, or good roadB, and in a settled community, and not over 4 miles from Estacada, Price from $75 o $200 per acre, on easy terms. 40 acres, 15 under cultivation, 4 Va acres in 2-year-old trees, balance of land in fir timber and brush, running water, 4-room, house, on main road and only S miles from Entacuuu. Price only $5200; half, cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. 40 acres, all cleared and under cultiva tion, with the exception of a few trees and stumps, good 5-room house and barn,' 2 acres in family orchard and small fruits, 2 wells, telephone. It. F. D-. good roads, close to school and store, beautiful view of mountains, fine neighborhood and only 36 miles from Estacaila. Price $t000 half cash, balance 5 years at 7 per cent. 80 acres, all under cultivation, family orchard, running water, fine new 8-room house and good barn, all fenced, no waste land, good soil for fruit, 1 acre of tlm-j ber for fuel included in price ; on rclc road, close to store, school and church, beautiful view, splendid neighborhood, tel ephone, R. F. D., and only 3 Vi nwlus froin; town, fair team and farm wagon. Price $12,800; $5000 cash, balance 3 years at ti per cent. This is a .snap and one of the best-located ranches In tho district, and the price quoted is for a short Um only. This la only a few of many good propo sitions, which we have in this district. It will pay you to see us before you da- clde to purchase elsewhere. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 322 Chamber of Commerce. M. 30 ACRES., all in cultivation; good orchard, and berry land; within city limits of Rid dle, Or., in famous Valley and on the S. P. railroad ; fine platting prop osition; city water; $175 per acre on very caey terms; will sell part or all. Clarcncej E. Vest. Riddle. Or. For Sale -Farms. 100 ACRES. ' With 30 acres under fine state of cult!- ration and in crop, coii-iists of pota toes, oats and timothy and clover; phnty of good pasture; about a 5 acres of this un cleared land can bo cleared for lees than $;o per acre ; land lius lino and is wo it drained; f.ood 7-room house, barn 4txrtS. fine stone dairy and fruit cellar, with liv ing water, engine-house. Including engine, and feed chopper; li acu-s of assorted orchard in full bearing; rsonal prop erty; 3 good horses, wagon, hack, tup buKgy, niuwer, rake, plow, cultivator, S harrows. 0 cows. - heifers, fl hojrs, double and single harness, sparator, new stump puller, 11 dozen chickens, and all smalU tools; nil for if.SOOO. terms; only 1.1 mile from Vancouver. 1M miles from port! a ml' and 3 miles from a good country town; see this at our expense. , ICo ACRES. All fine, level, rich la-id; 125 acres un-! der cult i vat ion, 5 acres green timber. acres In prune orchard. 2 acres in as-' sorted fruits, balance iu pasture ; plac.-a' fenced and cross-fenced; barn 64xUM, granary, good S-rooni, 2-story plastered house, good fruit dryer and all outbuild--Inge; R. F. D. mail and telephone serv-j ice ; convenient to school and church, 1 1 .i miles from Columbia boat land ing and1 railroad and 5 miles from Vancouver, oil line level graded road. This place is onn of the best fruit ranches in the coun try ;j will subdivide and sell 47 acres, which i4 all cleared, or the whole tract at $lt. per acre, one-half cash, balance at 6 pen cent Interest. This tract Is less than 10 miles from, the heart of Portland. $4700 CASH. And $;t000 on or before 5 or 7 years b0 0 per cent buys 100 acres, u 11 rich, 1 over land ; 35 acres under cultivat ion and iiL crop, HO acres more easily cleared. som timber; 4 acres fine be:verd:irn land worth at least $1:00 per acre; good G-rooni; house, barn oUx7., dairy, wood and out houses; personal property: teum, light. and heavy wagons, harness. 1 heifer calve: and a good milch cw. mower, half in-' teres t in hay rake, disc, drill, plow, har-j row, all small tools and all crops. whicli are worth at least $ looo. go with place, if sold soon ; place situated - miles f rony country town, 4 miles f mm good rail road town and 11! miles from Vancotiverr absolutely the best buy on the market; cee this place In our autos at our i pense. THOMPSON & SWAN". National Bank Bldg.. Vnncouvor, Wash. 200 Rothchild Bldg.. Portland. Or. 200 ACRES WITH 15 ACRES OF A LAKUl SITUATED 0 MILES FROM KAM LOOPS. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Main line C. P. Ry., Canada's Los Angeles. 45 acres In crop, mostly oats ; about Si acres in wheat and 3 acres in spuds ; MY fruit trees, 10O acres could be plowed and. put in crop; some timber in place, main ly Cottonwood and a little fir; 5-rocnie.I! loKhouse and a barn ; good open range adjoining to run cattle ; good well ; tli. best of fishing and hunting; price 6ooo;; $2000 cash, balance 1. 2 and 3 years. Crop averages tf5 to 45 bus hols to acre. List of stock and implements which cair be bought with the place if so desired for $1)000 extra: 4 brood mares in foul, A 2-year-old mares. 1 3-year-old mare, 4 suck ling' colts, 3 yearlings (2 mares and t gelding), 1 team geldings, & and 6 ear old ; 1 saddle horse. 1 thoroughbred Clydesdale stallion, 0 years old. 1 2- ear- oici neiier. j. sow, uoz. eniet.eno n:m set of farm implements. This bargain and other H. lands for sale. THE BRITISH AMERICAN TRUST CO.. (Limited. , Real Estate Dept., 4.".T Seym our St., Vancouver. B. C- 43-ACRE FARM. 43 acres. Yamhill tv-unty, IU miles from Wapeto station, S. p. R. R., 23 acrea In high state of cultivation, best loan soil. 22 acres blaek soil, jjood family or chard, good 7-room house, barn 2-lx::0, good graded school, mile : 2 horses, H cows, all farming implements, furniture, crops and possession; a line home, beauti ful surroundings and a snap at $125 per acre, easy terms. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 31T Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and On k. FOR SALE Two fine Eastern Oregon wheat farms; 1336 acres. oOO acres perfect 1 level, balance slightly rolling. 400 acres in wheat, 005 acres plowed and harrowed ready for Fall crop; 0nl house, larga barn and small house, windmill and plenty of fine water; four miles to railroad. Alsr a fine half section, all plowed and fenced, four miles to railroad. Either of tries a ftne places at $20 per acre on very easy terms from the owner direct. T. H. Little- hales. Forest Grove, Or. 80S ACRES; 05 acres well improved; house, barn, orchard. Be-st of soil and watr Price $100 per acre. 3 Vj miles from Sil- verton. Old man wants to retire; will pay fare both ways. tiee GLOBE REALTY & INVESTMENT CO., ' 2215 Morrison St., Room tf. i phone Main f17d. . IE0-ACRE tracts, unimprovea. 25 miles by ra.S from Portland; suitable for fruit raising and chicken rancnes; well watered, plenty ofl timber for all purposes, best of soil, no roc; or gravel; $15 to $25 an acre; easy terms Tt.eje are the cheapest tract on the murkti and will bear inspection. Call and ariangq to go and them. 310 CorboLt bldg. FOR SALE at a bargain, or exchange for city property and some cash, a 7uo-acrfj farm in the Willamette Vulley. lying 1 miles on good county road, near a rali-j road town; a good proposition, for subd!- viding; price $.5 per acre. Box 217, Creswell, Or. 830 ACRES of valuable wheat land In Mor- row County; clear of all Incumbrance This land has been known to pay for It- self in one crop and caji do it every yeaj Good volcanic ash soil, no sand, no stone What have you to offer? Owner too old ta farm. Address W, J, S., 82i) E, Everett BU- lOOO ACRES land, HOo" goats, 150 sheep50 head cattle, 4 horses. wagon, rnowerj rake. plow, cultivator, shearing machine geese, tourkeys, hens, bee. 2 orchards, Jj houses, 2 barns, goat sheds, will sell all or in tracts; all $15,000; terms. AK 111, Ore Ronian, l SAUVIES ISLAND 400 acres, $70 per aore, income now: $500 for hunting, $l front Government, grazing extra, Columbi River frontage niile, 2 Vi miles front Portland, Ideal for dairying aaid invest ment. Terms. L 117, Oregonian,. FOR SALE S5 acres; 80 cultivated, 2 ij miles It. R. $7500. 4 5 acres, 40 culti vated, $4200! 20 acres, 12 cultivated, $l&ooft near electric line, C. M, Crittenden, Hub bard. Oregon, W-ACRE orchard tracts. unimproved. or railroad, i5 miles from I'ort.and ;; best ffoll. no rock; $4'i an acre, easy terms ar range with us to go and make -.eiectiuaj round trip same day. 3 lo Corbett bldg. 160 ACRES, -iVa miles from railroad station on county road ; 40 or 60 acrs clear; small orchard, some timber; terms if de sired; $10 per acre. Address Box 5o4 Albany. Or. J. A. CUNNINGHAM, For sale, farms, livery, business, ware- house and business ; prices reasonable; na exchange. P. Q. Box 74. Carlton. Or. FARMS I have some nice ones all size, prices and terms. A. Cleveland, 52f Chamber of Commerce. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 467 Eab Pine- ' . Ml-eltaneoit IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR' Ckw-in acreage, a wheat ranch or email, well-improved farm, at low price and oa moat liberal termi aa ma. 1 handi my cwn properties, J. O. ELEOD, 5.10 Corbett Bid. t