THE MORZNIXG OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 191C 16 TO EXC HANGE. 20 ACRES. 20 acres, all In high state of cultiva tion: 8 acres of full-bearing orchard, rge 7 -room house, good barn, pood windmill and tank, on main macadamized road. 12 miles from Portland: in fine open level country; price $4500; will trade for good he use and lot. M. E. THOMPSON CO.. ' Ground Floor Henry Bldg, Fourth and Oak Sts. EXCHANGE FOR FARM. New livery barn, 100x120. with old-established business; 13 horses, 11 rigs, fully equipped and in rtrst-class condition; also the owner's residence of 10 rooms, mod ern, all located in a city of 4000 people; river navigation; owner getting old and -wishes to retire on a farm; will exchange for good farm; price of all. $12,000. GKL'SSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. 1 BEAUTIFUL. ACRES. All cleared and most all in fruit; only 3 blocks from a carline. near Vancouver, "Wash.; surrounding country all In fruit; place Is better than represented; will trade for a home in city or fine lots. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermena bldg.. 5th and Stark- 170x100 IX HOOD RIVER. Close in to town, on a nice residence street; overlooks the Columbia River; owner will exchange for a good auto mobile. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermena t)dg Mh and Stark. .WILL trade four $60 piano checks Issued by the latest fake scheme, for one small yellow dog. Address AC 110, Oregonian. FOR Ai-E. Horses. Vehicles- and Harness. WHY buy second-hand vehicles when you can set a new one from an old-established wholesale house, 44 years in Oregon, at almost the same cost? We are located outside the high-rent district, own our building, and can make the price. Ex clusive agents for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and larm vagons. Be sure and see us before you buy. It may save you money. R. M. WADE & CO.. Z22 Hawthorne ave.. bet. East 1st and 2d- M ULES M ULE S M U LB3. We are now located at the Portland Union Stockyards. We have on hand a good stock of mules weighing from 12uo to 14O0 lbs. that are first-class in every particular; our prices are In line with the times. Come and see us and we will convince you. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO., Wood lawn 2400. FOR SALE. On account of the Merchants Express Transportation Co. being forced out of business, they have for sale several teams of heavy horses; weight from 11:50 lbs. to IbOO lbs.; all young horses; also several goose-neck wagons, trucks and harness. Inquire stable, 327 Flanders, between bth and 7th streets. GENTLE horse that a woman can rids or drive; also buggy and harness. Inquire Roberta Bros. &d and Morrison, FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons for sale. Hawthorne-ave Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. MISSOURI MULES FOR SALE. 100 head. 1200 to 1000 lbs., suitable for railroad, logging and farm work. Mules at Freedman Bros.' barn, corner 13th and Overton sts. Address Sparks & Wlggin . ten, Imperial Hotel. PAIR young horses, jujt in from the country, weight 2TOO. wonderful pullers and guar anteed gentle and sound; if sold today, $450, cheap at $000. 43 E. 50th st. North. Take Montavilla car, get off at 52d gt. BARGAIN for $150; big team, weighs 2500 pounds ; sound and good pullers ; also a set of good, heavy breeching harness; all complete. 874 Savier st. HUBERT & HALL' 9 STABLE3. 380 Front C livery business, rigs, bur?es, harness. &! oss1. for sale or rent. Main 2208. JTOR SALE Two first-class logging or dray teams. Address 243 East tith su Phone East 5341. STYLISH mare, suitable for lady, also run about and harness, at a bargain. i 105, Oregonian. PASTURE for rent near Portland. 839 Sherlock bldg. TWO good saddle ponies, weight 730 lbs. 30 tf N. 19th st. Phone A 3210. FOR SALE 1000-lb. saddle mare. city broke and gentle. Phone Tabor 1615. rluooK, Organs ind Musical inbiruinent. $105 PIANO certificate; latest series; printed in most approved manner; this will be a curiosity in years to come; will accept 30 cents for same. Address AE 111, Ore- gonlan. FOR SALE Piano certificate, face value 9155, real value, problematical; will trade for two linen collars, size 15 Va. Address E 112. Oregonian. PIANO certificate. $150, beautifully done in green ink ; nice size for framing ; cer tificate free if you furnish the frame. Address AE 113, Oregonian. BARGAIN Beautiful piano, almost new; must have cash; no reasonable offer re fused. AL 1 13. Oregonian. VIOLINS, brass, reed and string Instruments repaired ; any piece made to order. H. Ooddard. room 1. 142i 2d st. 4125 PIANO MAKERS' check, good at four piano stores. What will you give ? Ad dress AF 111, Oregonian. $125 PIANO credit check; will trade even up for a bet on Jeffries. Address AE 110, Oregonian. "WANTED From owner, lot in Irvlngton. A 107, Oregonian. FOR SALE Bush &. Lane piano check, $100, for tlO. Phone Woodlawn 304. $105 CHECK on Bush & Lane piano, $10. Call 273 Clay st. Automobile MIGHT TAKE AUTO. Nice, big lot, 42x170. near 41st and car; deep, rich soil, sightly property: Max well automobile or other good make con sidered; price $1023. $28 cash, balanoe 6 per cent. Jas. C. Logan, 320 Vi Wash St., room 404; 6-PASSENGER, 4-cylinder, 40-H. P. car, in good condition ; exchange for acreage or lots and small amount in cash. 1019 Board of Trade bldg. -PASSENGER 60-H. P. Thomas Flyer, in good condition; Just the car for stage line or livery; $1500 cash or installments. West cm Auto Co.. 531 Alder srt. GOOD 4-passenger steamer; price only $300. Room 417. a2y& Washington st. Birds, Dogs and Fft Stock. iA PAID of china pheasants for sale or trade for setter bird dog. J. E. Geiger, Oswego, Or. Route No. 1. FOR SALE Pedigreed Great 2 months' old. 1514 X- 6th. Dane pups. Miscellaneous. BAFES NEW AND SECOND-HAND. Ail sizes; low prices: easy terms. PO RTLAN D SAFE COMPANY. 87 Sth St. (NEW Singer shoemaker's patching machine; $30- E. J. Marvin, 2J0 Main St., Oregon VOR SALS cheap, new brass bed. spring and mattress, also mahogany dresser. Call at 551 Ladd ave. OFFICE furniture, also photographic show cases, at sacrifice. Houghton, Selling Hirsch bldg. FOUR $125 checks which can be applied on pianos marked up $150; all four for $4 or less. Address AC 111, Oregonian. DAIRYMEN. ATTENTION. About 40 tons of hay near city, at a sac rifice. Room 2O0 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Girl to go in country, four in fam ilv. no children; will pay good wages. Call Main 3851, by 1 P. M. BLICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS, $. 50. Ask for catalog. Rebuilt $15 up. N. M. Haytcr Co., 90 6th at. Main 5529. IOH SALE Showcase. wallcases, counters, cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East 638. FOR SALE 2 rood fresh cows, one Durham and one Jersey. 6b4 Harold St., Sell wood . car. . LEAVING CITY; must sell boathouse with one nice living-room, and launch, com plete; snap; $425. M 98. Oregonian. BOO BUSINES CARDS $1 If you bring thl ad. Rose City Prlntery. 182' 3d. near Taylor. VIOLINS, banjos, mandolins, guitars at half regular prices. Uncle Myers. 71 6th at. WOODSAW. gasoline, 5 h- p.. fine condition. 240 Second st. MREL range, cook stove aad 5 airtight heat era, very cheap. Apply 811 Ail sky bldg. SHOWCASES. new and second-hand. 812 Everett, 00 r. 6th. A 1 fixtures. WILL SELL 110 certificate to be applied on piano for $40. AN 111. Oregonian. 24-FOOT launch for sale. 7-H. f engine; $250. Stark st dock Sunday, from 11 to 12. 3 One $100 Bush & Lane piano check. Phone East 5339. JJEST 4-foot fir cordwood 15.50, delivered. Multnomah Fuel Co. Both phones. " TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. 231 Stark St. Main 1407. iKOTES and mortgages bought and sold. Na tional Credit Ass n. 601 Worcester bide J FOR SALE. M tscellaneoas. BE WING machines, special sale on splendid lot of fine second-hand machines of all leading makes Singer. Wheeler A - Wil son. New Home, White, Domestic, House hold and others, to make room for new Singer 66 and rotary. Singer Sewing Machine Store. 9. S. Sigel. agent. 335 Morrison st. Fnone Main 2183. A 459ft. WILL sell 10 $S5 piano fake checks for one copper each, or the entire $850 worth for a small piece of gas pipe not over two feet long. Address AL 111, Ore gonlan. 1500 ASSORTED art pictures, cheap. Pan els, hangers, mounts, cut outs. Can be iiMpri for -nlpnlHra. Inoulre for Middle- brook, care Baggage Transfer Co., 0th and Oak sts. " . WILL sell piano check, good at several piano stores; check is for $100; will take J3 cents for the check and will sell two more for same amount for 3 cents each. Address AC 112. Oregonian. THE Northwest Typewriter Company. 222 Abington bldg. phone M. ST0. is the only company selling strictSy factory re built typewriters; prices $10 to $05. YOUNG lady wanting money to attend col lege, desires to dispose of Pen?ian latnb coat, best grade fur, mink trimmed, ex- t r e m e 1 y low price. C 1 06. O re g o n i a n . ENGINEER'S transit, full vertical circle, five inch compass and level, perfect order, cheap. E. B. Thomson, 507 East Harrison. STOCK of decorations, novelties. Jewelry, re turn balls, canes, pennants, etc., 472 Washington st. PIANO check for sale. Phone Marshall 1444. WANTED nsKLLAOQl WANTED CLOTHING. Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing and shoes. The Globe Second hand store, 200 First. Main 2Ob0. We also buy ladies' clothing. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoea; we also buy household furnishing; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 N 3d st. Main 9272. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phones: A 2445: Main 6951. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. WANTED 75 R. I. Reds or Ancoma pullets, April or May hatch. Phone E. 4477. WANTED Motion-picture machine; gas out fit, films. 5263 Wash. Phone Main 8458. HELP WANTKD MALE. WANTED. Rough carpenters, $3.60. Oann edsrerman. city. S3. 50. Carriage-rider, city, $2.75; setter, city, $3. 3. Mill oiler, $2.50; lumber graders, $2.50 up. Gang trimmerman, $3 up. Mill blacksmith, city, $3 up. Second cook, hotel, city, $50 to $60. Man and wife, kitchen helper and dish washer for camp, $60. Two camp flunkeys, $35. Dishwasher, camp, $30. Three waiters, city, $30 up. Ten farmhands, $35, $40 and $45. Hundreds of new jobs every day for millhands. loggers, teamsters, farmhands, cooks, flunkeys, dishwashers, . etc, etc. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Main Office. 12 North Second St. CITY and country salesmen to handle on side chest protector; sells at $2.50 ; big field, good commission. Call at 330 Lum ber Exchange bldg., afternoons. WANTED Married man as Janitor for. apart ment house; one with some experience and not afraid of work; references. Address X 1 13. Oregonian. WANTED First-class sash and door ma chine men; also an experienced stock cutter on special doors. Oregon Planing Mills. 19th and Vaughn. WANTED Young man. that has had tin work and plumbing experience; steady work for a hustler. Estacada Mercantile Co.. Estacada, Or. WANTED Steady, sober man to take care of 3-acre suburban home; $20 per month Summer and Winter. Inquire- room 5 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. SALESMEN wanted, 10 per cent cash com mision; addition property; list of wait ing buyers furnished to experienced men. Call 414 Lumber Exchange before 10 A. M. CAN place good amateur leading man. heavy and juvenile as well ; must be tal ented ; city employment; stock. Pacific A m usement Exchange, Marquam bldg. FIRST-CLASS man to sell new addition, at prices one-half that or adjoining property; liberal terms and good commU-slon. Main 4970. BIG clearance sale of men's fine clothing now proceeding at the Knew Sample Suit Shop, room 3i oregonian oiag. jimmie Dunn, mgr. YOUNG man, 18 to 25 years of age, to work in laundry; must not smoke cigarettes. Call Portland Laundry Co.. 9th and Couch s treets. --------. RELIABLE partner wanted for a business paying $400 a month and a trial given before you invest a cent. Call 417 Board of Trade. YOUNG man to work in furniture store; one with some experience preferred. Gelsler & Dorres, 386 E. Morrison st., furniture and carpet house. WANTED Lady or gentleman to act as treasurer theatrical company; $150 re quired : experience unnecessary. Call Windsor Hotel, 326 Stark st., room 1. YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway mall clerks, pas ton ice . cierKs carriers, etc. Write or call for Book 30. it's free. Pacific States School, McKay bldg., Portland, Or. AGENTS call at 314 Columbia st - out-of- town work; big money for hustlers; $50 o r more requirea. it.. Kramer. BOY wanted to answer phone and care for shop while men are out. 230 6th su, 8 A. M. WANTED Bops painter for steady employ ment; experienced man only considered. Call after 2 P. M. toaay. 300 Henry bldg, EXPERIENCED young lady would like po sition in doctor's or dentist's office. AK 110. Oregonian. WANTED Partner, energetic and willing; small capital. 320 t Washington st., room 417. tlfi TO $35 week few months only learn In r situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-En- graving sen 001. boi lea. Asniana, (Jr. WANTED Machinist, first-clase, capable of holding loremanamp in ractory out of the, city ; reicrences. oj commercial diock. THE OREGON EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 41 North Second st. Marshall 3ia 1 All kinds of m a le h e 1 p. WANTED At once, first-class soda dis- penser ana good secona aispenser. O. B, Dewey. 052 pacific ave., Tacoma. Wash. SALESMAN with own auto for first-class beach proposition. inquire v to 12 A. M. 322 Corbett bldg. ; WANTED Reliable man used to farm pro duce: pay $-" week: small investment required. Particulars 24t Stark st. WANTED Man and wife totakecharge and work small ranch. Apply Brunswick House, OregonCity. . DISHWASHER, with some experience in working for private boarding-house. 733 Hoyt. WANTED Barber, Oregon Hotel barber shop. Hood River, Or. Phone or address C. G. Newman. WANTED Several experienced window clean era. Call Hoyt and 22d sts.; new building. 7A.M. TWO grocery clerks at Seaside; experienced. Apply Waecher Bros.,15th and Broadway. WANTED Coat maker for out of city. Ap- ply D. B. McBrlde & Co. WANTED Couch makers and upholsterers. Carman Mfg. Co.. ISth and Upshur. WANTED Man to clean floors mornings. Call 95 4th st. Anderson. WANTED One first-class potwasher, 10 per wek. Peering Cafeteria, 104 Bth St. 25 GOOD laborers wanted at 24th and Thur .rnan; wages $2.50. Jas. H. O'Brien. WANTED Boy for office. Oregon Fuel Co., 471 Overton t. WANTED Platen press feeder. Mercantile Printing Co.. 92 1st st. BOY wanted to learn trade. Oregon Brass Works. 2d and Everett. WANTED 2 boys to work in factory. Car- man Mfg. Company. ISth and Vpshur. WANTED Union barber at 313 Oak at.; goodguarantee: GOOD ladies' tailor; no others. V. K a spar. 401 Merchants Trust bids:. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents new offer. Cutberth studio Dekum bide WANTED Boys over ltt with wheels. 12 Second St., room 9. WANTED -Matcher feeder who can set up machine. Inquire Pltchless Lumber Co. BAKER wanted at once. 7th-st. Bakery, TWO solicitors, good mone to hustlers. 189 Burnside. WANTED Lady to assist and" learn bath business. W 111, Oregonian. WANTED Two first-class barbers; steady work. Address E. Anderson, Salem, Or. WANTED Barber ;flrstc!ass7steady "job. ."0! Burnside st. WANTED Man to sell wood anrj coal in city. Address. AL 105 Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. DO YOU WANT A JOB 7 TRY THE MUNICIPAL EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 270-272 Madison St-, Between Third and Fourth.' IN THE CITY. Cement finisher. 50 Concrete men. Horseshoer. Millwright. 2 woodshoppers, $1.50 per cord ; tools furnished. Warehouse laborers. $2.30 per day. 50 common laborers, $2.50 to $3 per day. 6 men for ditch work, $2.23 per day. Brickyard laborers, $2.30 per day up. 23 mill and yard men, $2.20 per day. Restaurant cook. Presser for tailor shop. Carriage rider. Tallyman. Stable man, $00 per month. Scraper teamsters, $3.30. Scraper holders, $2.73. Dishwashers. OUT OF CITY. Farm hands, $30 to $40 per month. 4 barge men. 2c per hour, and board. Man and wife for fruit farm. Camp cook. $60 8 men. Men to load ties, $2.50 per day. Milkers. $40 per month. Woodchoppers, $1 to $1.50 per cord. 6 men to clear land, $2.50 per day. 3 5 acres of land to clear. Hotel cook. Millwright. Mill hands Man and wife for farm; Germans. Chore man. Deck hands. Brickyard laborers, $2.50 per day. Grubbing, $1.75 and board. 3 first-class carpenters, $4 per day. WANTED SALESMEN TO JOIN AN OR GANIZED SALES FORCE THAT HAS PROVEN A BIG SUCCESS; REQUIRE MENTS ESSENTIAL ARE ENERGY, ABILITY AND HONESTY FOR SUCH MEN COMPENSATION IS UNLIMITED, POSITION PERMANENT, PROMOTION POSITIVE. IF YOU ARE AMBITIOUS, THIS IS A RARE OPPORTUNITY. CALL TODAY, 8:30 A. M. THE SP ANTON CO., 269 OAK ST. ASK FOR MR. HICKEY. WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. S. Marine Corps, between the age of 19 and 35; must be native born or have first papers; monthly pay $15 to $tlt; additional com pensation possible; food, clothing, quarters and medical attendance free; after 30 years service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances; service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at Breeden bldg., 3d and Washington ta., Portland, Or. MEN . WANTED, age 38 to 35. for firemen. iou monthly, and brakemen $a0, on neamy railroads; experience unnecessary; no strike; promotion to engineers, conductors; railroad employing headquarters, over 500 men sent to positions monthly; state age; send stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonian. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructors ; tools free ; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 35 North 4th st., Portland. Or. Y. M. C. A.-The friend of the young man and stranger: hearty welcome and good counsel are yours without cost. Constant demand for men who can do something well. Special employment membership as sures employment. Investigate befora you Invest. WANTED Men and boys at Los Angeles; no expense for instruction; learn automo biles, electricity, plumbing, bricklaying trade In months Instead of years; study half and work half time; catalogue free; United Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles. AGENTS, canvassers, solicitors, call today. An opportunity awaits you; $5 per day up wards; alHo general agent wanted. 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. The Barton, 13th and Alder, Room 4. WANTED Bright young man, capable of drumming up business, to drive laundry wagon ; references showing honesty. In tegrity, ability and energy will be re- quired AB 111. Oregonian. BARBERS Board of Examiners for Oregon will convene in this city July 11, 12 and 13, at 107 H First st., for the purpose of examining all those holding permits. T. M. Leaho, secretary. EXPERIENCED night janitor for clothing store; must be able to furnish bonds; state age, salary wanted and former experience; give telephone number. AG 112, Ore gonian. WANTED An experienced stock salesman " who is a member of the order of Elks .. In pood standing. R 105. Oregonian. GOOD barber wanted. 42 North 3d st. NIGHT CLERK wanted. Sargent Hot el. W A NT ED A pressor. Call 309 Stark. BARBER wanted. 231 Alder st. WANTED Cook at 129 Russell st. HEM' W ANTE I -FEMALE. WANTED Cooks. $43 and $50. Restaurant cooks, $11 to $12 week. Cook and helper, hotel, city, $75. Kitchen- helper, camp, $30. Two camp waitresses, $30. Waitress for boat, $25. Waitresses, restaurants. $7 to Hotel waitresses. $30 to $35. Housekeepers, $20 and $15. Chambermaids, $30. Girls for general housework, month. . $9. $25 to $45 New places all the time. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Ladies' Dept. 205 Morrison St. EXPERIENCED stenographer, railroad of fice; state experience and salary expected. V 112. Oregonian. A COMPETENT girl for general housework; good pay given, good service required. Phone Main 4412, A 4426. WANTED At once, an experienced chil dren's nurse; good wages. Phone East 2348 or C 1306. WOMAN, middle-aged, to care for elderly woman; good home and wages. 732 Fern ave.. Portland Heights, Patton road. GIRL to assist general housework. 186 X. 1 7t h st. DINING room girl for private boarding house. 735 Hoyt st. WANTED at once, girls at Yale Laundry, Ea st 10th and Morrison. GIRLS wanted. Western Mantle Co., 28 Front st. GIRL wanted for light housework. 672 Locust et., Ladd 'a Addition. WANTED Strong young girl for work in ll brary. Apply Public Library, 7th and 9tark. WANTED Woman to come to house and do washing andlronlng. Phone A 7480. AN experienced children's nurse; references required. Phone C 1306. WANTED Young girl for fruitstand. North 0th st. 153 EXPERIENCED pretsers on lady's garments Vienna Dye Works. 226 3d at. FIRST-CLASS waitress and dishwasher at 280 H Yamhill st. ; top w ages. WANTED Girl or middle-aged womanfor housework. AK 107. Oregonian. GIRL to help with housework. Apply 322 East 32d. FURNISHED rooms for rent. 300 12th Phone Marshall l2C7. WANTE D G i r 1 to mind baby afternbofiT Apply S hannon, 687 Flanders s t . WANTED Good girl for general hoiue work; small family adults. 730 Kearney st. GIRL for generau housework in small fam lly. 5S5 Marshall at., near 18th. HELP wanted. Columbia. Union Laundry Co., 2d and WANTED -Experienced girl for gen. house work. Apply room 201J3regonlan bldg. LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by expert; $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893. WANTED Waitress at the Newport Restau- rant, 53 3d st. WANTED Cashier for clothing store. Ap pl y Bowman Bros., 3d and Burn s 1 d e. PASTRY cook, second girls, waitress. Rt. Louis Agency, 303 hi Wash. Main 2039. WANTED Experienced girl to work in con fectionery store. 225 N. 23d. YOUNG girl to assist in light housework". 501 Jefferson st. WANTED Girl for general housework; one willing to go to beach. Phone Main 4048. WANTED Girl for general housework. 260 Grand ave. N.. cor Multhnomah. WANTED A practical nurse for out-of-town hospital. Call at 31 North 16th st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap Ply morning. 296 Tillamook. WANTED Woman to take care of halls. The Rainier Hote 1, 128 North 6t h s t GIRL wanted to work In bakery store. 227 Madison et. WANTED A girl to do general housework. Apply 63 North Twenty-second st. WAITRESS wanted. 14 th st. Stein's restaurant, 122 A GIHL for cooking and general housework. Main 4132. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS, 16 years of age and over, to work In bag factory. Apply at once. AMES HARRIS NEVILLE CO., Bth and Davis sts. COOK, country hotel. $50 and $40. Camp helper, $33, fare paid. Chambermaid, $23 and $20. 2 waitresses, Hot Lake, $30; fare paid. 3 waitresses, $8 week; no Sunday work. 2 nurse girls. $30 and $25. Kitchen helper. $1 day. Family cook. 40. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. . 345 4 Washington st.. Room 7. YOUNG LADY GRADUATES of high or grammar schools. 17 years of age and over will find a good opportunity to en ter a business career by. applying at once to OLDS. WOHTMAN & KING. "vVe are organizing a pony ballet of 12 young ladies for the city; prefer ladies who have had some experience, if talented, our in structor will teach and rehearse you. Must be shapely as well as possessing some singing voice. Pacific Amusement Exchange. M arq uam bid g. t WANTED Teacher or well-educated lady for position calling less for specific ex perience than for ability and initiative: unusual opportunity for advancement if competent. Applicants must give full name and address. AL 112. Oregonian. CAN place a good leading woman in reper toire company; manager will accept ama teur if c levei-; splendid chance for a tal ented woman; exceptionally good company, small salary to start. Pacific Amusement Exchange, Marquam bldg- WANTED at once, strong competent woman over 20, for general housework in home of four in the country. 35 miles south of Portland ; good, permanent florae and good wages to right woman. AK 113, Oregonian. GIRL WANTED. ExDerienced cook wanted for country home; 5 minutes ride from Portland ; good wages ; references required. Phones Main 3518. A 7734. WANTED Competent, nurse to care for small children at country place ; good wages to right person; references re quired. Inquire 295 N. 2 2d, between 9 and 10 A. M. WANTED A young girl to help with housework, and care of children. 1176 Garfield St., Piedmont. WANTED Young ladies fcr training to be come nurses; course. 2 years, di ploma: first year. $10 per year; second year, $12.50; third year, vl3. Address Box 24, F.atonvllle, Wash. WANTED Eight chorus women for road company; must be experienced and good voices; salary $25. Pacific Amusement Exchange, Marquam bldg. EXPERIENCED saleslady wanted for ho siery department; good position for com petent help. Apply Bannon & Co., 38&- 390 E. Morrlson st. SU M M ETR SCHOOL for En gl is-h branches, shorthand and typewriting; day and eve ning clauses; positions guaranteed. 30 Worcester-block . En r ol lnp w . WANTED Competent billing clerk and stenographer, one familiar . with telephone exchange preferred. Address J 107, Ore- gonlan. EXPERIENCED cook wanted for small cafe teria; service from 11:30 to 1:30. Inquire Young Women's Christian Association, h ours 10 to 4. GIRL for general housework, family of 2 ; $3 0 per month. Miss Cad well. Ravens- view ana tiiiicrest a rive. Slain us. WANTED Girl for general housework and cooking: 2 In famijy. Call 715 Flanders, corner 22d. WANTED Girl for rooming and boarding- house; no washing. 326 East 1st North. Take U car. Mrs. Paul Kramer. WANTED Refined capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Rothchnd bldg., 4th and Washington. - WANTED A woman to quilt; can take the work home. Call 734 Hawthorne ave. or phone B 2282. WANTED Girl to help with housework and look after babies. 4 89 21st st. Phone Main 2257 or Main 8S20. GIRL for housework, mall family, permanent position, washing done out ; easy place. Phone Main 9202, 686 Hoyt st. WANTED A girl for general housework ; Finnish. Swedish or Norwegian preferred ; no children. Apply 38110th st. WANTED Shirt polisher, finisher, body ironer and lady clothes ironers at once. Pacific Laundry Co., 231 Arthur st. LADY to learn beauty culture. Sanitary Beauty College, 4O0 to 412 Dekum bldg. Make your relf independent. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY 326H Washington St., Room 307. Main 8836 or A 3266. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 843 Washington St.. Cor. 7th, Upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WOMAN wanted at home bakery; steady posi tion, good wages. t-au at aau iast 11th. Gilbert DeIicatreon. EXPERIENCED ironers, mangle feeders and folders. Call at Portland Laundry Co., iUh and Couch. YOUNG girl for Itglit housework; 5-room cottage: 2-year baby; 2 in family. Sell wood 1045. FIVE ladies for shooting galleries, between 20 and 35 years; good wages. Apply today at 275. Burnside st. WANTED Good girl for general housework; small family. 764 Schuyler. Phone East 1858. WANTED Girl to work in paper box fac tory; steady employment. Apply . C. -Stettler. loth and Gllsan sts. WANTED Experienced bakery sales lady. must have references. Apply to J. E Miller. Royal Bakery. 30O Washington st. WANTED Middle-aged woman to do gen eral housework ; good home and fair sal ary. Call Pacific Hotel, 214 Columbia st. THOROUGH course of millinery taught In 6 weeks; Summer rates. 701 Washington St.. Apt, .no. 2. WANTED An assistant bookkeeper and stenographer ; must have experience. Y 112, Oregonian. WANTED A first-class bookkeeper and stenographer. x 11 s, oregonian. WOMAN for Kearney st. general housework. 829 WOMAN to do weekly washing and ironing JVestSide. X 112. Oregonian. WAIST help wanted. Max, 506 Dekum bid e. WANTED Experienced waitress-. 490',$ Wash. GIRL for general housework. 816 Johnson st. CJ1RL for housework. 702 Northrup at. GIRL for gene ral housework. GIRL for general housework. 313 11th st. 248 N. 20th. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WE want people In all lines, professionals and amateurs ; have some good engage ments for stock people; salaries comoara tlvely small, but sure. We co-operate with all Eastern and Southern independent ex- cnanges. pacinc Amusement Exchange, 6Zi-Zis 31 arq uam omg. WANTED. Men and women to sret riaht with God now ; camp meeting every night except Saturday night, at root or California st. ; take Fulton car to grounds, seats free no collections. WANTED 50 loganberry pickers at once; erood place to camp. Apply I. M. Bales, iJroo Kg. ur. GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write for Portland examination schedule. Franklin Institute Dept. 24UK, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED First-class man's, 350 Wash. st. 'bookkeeper. Coff- FISK TEACHERS' AGEXCY offers good positions to A-l instructors, oil S wetland. SITUATION" WANTED MALE. Itookkegpcrs and Clerks. SALESMAN wants position out of town: ex perienced in the ladies and gents wear departments; can tane charge; also fa miliar with other departments. A 102 Oregonian. SITUATION" wanted by salesman exne rienced in handling building materials ana contractors supplies. am. 1 12, Ore gonlan. YOUNG man, several years experience in general office work, bookkeeping and sten ography. desires position. Address AM in, uregonian. YOUNG man bookkeeper and grocery man. nas iuuu ana ume to invest. x lif, ore gonian. EXPERT accountant wants set of small books to keep; books opened, closed, rors locatea. j V4. ureg oni an. EXPERIENCED stenographer, good speller. accurate and rapid, reasonable salary. A 544a COMPETENT bookkeeper wants position; no objection to going out of city. Address G 1 Oregonian. POSITION as timekeeper, anywhere in Washington. Oregon or California. AC 114, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. SITUATION wanted by a steady, temper ate, all-around man, aged 45, married, small family, recently from the East and whose present means are tied up in East ern Oregon property; can give reference. Address S2 E. Everett st. W. J. S- CHEF DE CUISINE desires position in a Iirst-class hotel in Portlana. riave I erai years' experience as cnet in hotels in England. Speak four languages and can show best of references. Address H. Graf, care Princess Hotel, city. I WILL GIVE A FEW EVENINGS of my time to earn board; can act in cler ical capacity or lend services in musical line. Employed in day time in advertis ing work. B 100 Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR Careful driver, good repair man; foreign or domestic cars; not afraid of work; best of references. AM 114, Ore- gonlan. YOUNG man (German) wants job as baker. A good baker and on cakes. Address John Zahler, New Western Hotel, 332 GJisan st. HAVE 13 years experience on fruit ranch and understand all branches of the work. Would like steady position. State wages. F 1 07. Ore g onian. BARKEEPER. German, wishes situation; 4 years in last place, San Francisco refer- ences. B 95, Oregonian. GOOD experienced Japanese cook wants pos ition private family or hotel; city or coun try. F 108. Oregonian. RELIABLE man of experience wants work in city as collector; references and bond. Address M IPS, Oregonian. CHEF Steward, competent, reliable man, is open for position in hotel or cafe, city or nearby. E 106, Oregonian. MARRIED man wants steady position; has best of references; is not afraid to work. 431 East 0th st. South, city. WANTED Position as chauffeur in a pri vate family or garage; 3 years experience. A G114,Oregonian YOUNG married man wishes position in auto repair shop, four months' experience. B I08, O r eg on i an, POSITION as first and senond cook in camp, by man and wife, first-class cooks. Address B106. Oregonian. COACHMAN, first-class, wishes position New York and Sao. Francisco references. ,.N J OA. Oregonian. . HAVE your windows cleaned and houe cleaned by J. rt. uoms. jaaranau 110. SCOTCH gardener wants position with pri- vate lamliy. AU 1 1.5. uregoiuan. JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish all help. Main 4tto. A oa Everett. FIREMAN wants work; good references. , j H 1 07. Oregonian. JAPANESE family cook wants position at Summer resort. izi isortn i&tn. m. sooi. POSITION wanted by good baker. aa second, or work alone. D 100, oregonian. JSI TUATION WANTED rr.MT.fL Bookkeepers and Stenographers. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, with ten years' experience, desires position ; cap able of taking charge of office; thoroughly competent; beat of references. AH 112, .Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, young lady. 8 years ex perience- mxiirt and accurate: tnoroucniy experienced in machinery. Phone Main 4U5U. BOOKKEEPER 'and stenographer, 13 years experience, accurate and rapia, wants po sition. AL lOO. Oregonian. TVCII'R a TCCxr. Btnnernnh(r eieht vearS ex perience in home ana local uince. 110, Oregonian. . . $80O0 THREE modern cottages, close In, Income SoO month. 47 iast t;oucn. FIRST class stenographer wants permanent position. F 100. oregonian. COPYING, or set of books to keep at home. - AH lit), oregonian. STENOGRAPHER wishes substituting work; terms reasonaoie. .fnone jaam wtq EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi tion immeaiaieiy. x -&"... Dressmakers. tut oo-n r'T a cc raanmaLlne' tn llnrin er. alter atlons ; prices reasonaoie. ana. x 1 woi, 1 Alder. EXPERIENCED dresemaker wishes position In first-class oressmaKing panui; v i w py nay. w ooaww 11 ajo WANTED Plain sewing by the day or hour FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wants work by day.- Phone A 1303. 434iamniu. ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors, 326-4 Wash ington St.. suite ZIP. juain a ioox. STYLISH dresses, $5 up; waists. $1 up; fine work: rererenaes. n.. ami st. cagi uo- DRESSMAKING done. reasonable; reier ences. can 31:13 nan sr. . Blouse k eeperm. WANTED A position as housekeeper in a nice home by a refined, midale-aged lady, or would care for invalid: could go to trie coast or iravei. auui AK 112. Oregonian. A REFINED Eastern woman wants position as housekeeper In widower's home in coun try ; good cook and butter maker and all- around nouseKeeper. v vx. uieguuiu. WIDOW With boy. 15 years, would lik position as housekeeper for man. EUis ave. 644 GIRL, wishes general housework at the beach: gooa Pla in cooit. r i-vt. v- cb""'-" MlaceUaneou.. REFINED, cultured woman would like po sition In refined family as companion and to assist with the work; object, home. AH 110. oregomaiL TrvpFPiFvrpn woman, washing:. Irontnc, Krlrtavs. full days: after 6 P. M., Main 4 59 8. 1 ' ' YOUNG woman wants work by the day or hmir: Rewind. washing. Ironing. 6u Vaughn st. LADY wishes act companion to lady even ings for room ana Doara. v n, -m gonlan. JAPANESE- couple want position, town or country, man as nousewom or k"-- . wife as cook. M lwi, uregoman. SHAMPOO and scalp treatment at your home, pnone mast toi- GERMAN girl wants housework; no cook- ing. AG IIP. ureKuaii. OTirrnTsH riri wishes work bv the day washing and Ironing. Phone A3Tbl. , HOUSEKEEPERS. cooks, chambermaids. St. Loula Agency.MalnV!03U.A4 'J-. LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40o pair. M. oia. a qui. W.VX TED AGENTS. ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 per week easily selling trees for the Oregon Nursery eral proposition. Call or write to Orenco, Or. THE London Printed String Co.. 48 Cranley Gardens. London. N-, England, requires the services of a rellagble agtnt in the State of Oregon for the sale ol tneir aa vertlsing string. Applications must be ac comranied with reierences. AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown nursery stock Is in demand; sales this Season Will ijiijhcubc, a, vv- portunity; cash paid weekly; outfit free. Salem Nursery Co., Salem, Or. AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de mand for choice nursery stock; outnt free; ' cash weekly. Address Capital City TEX agents and demonstrators; call morn WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT. We furnish the renter, collect the rent, pay taxes. Insurance and keep up repairs, ih n m a for vou as though the property was our own; references, any bank in Portland. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 245 hk Stark St. Phones A 3500. Main 35. Bouses. WANTED to rent, 7, 8 or 9-room house by family of grown people. in, ure gonian. Booms With Board. WANTED Room and board for man, wife and child, in Montavilla or Mount Tabor section, wnere cnua can . nave ouiaw life. X IP". Oregonian. ROOM West Side., by young man, purser away part of the time. Ai 113, Ore- gonlan. WANTED Private board close In, by lady that worKS. in auo. uregonmn. FOB RENT. Rooms. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MILNER BLDG.," 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. Furnished Rooms. . THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall ata., well furnished sleeping rooms 2.50 per week; electric lights, hot batha free. TOU'WILL BH PLEASED. -MILNER BLDG.." 3o0 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE!. MODERN outside rooms, $2.60 to $3 per week. Including baths; also housekeeping rooms. 58 h Washington st. FURNISHED rooms Elm Place, formerly LUon Court Annex. 41 i Xamhiil and llth. FOR KENT. mrnlshed boom. HOTBI MEDPORD. ONE BLOCK FROM UNION DEPOT. JUST OPENED; new, MODERN brick building; fine large ground-floor office; hot and cold running water in all rooms; steam heated; private baths; very richly furnished- Ratea only $S and up per week; 50o up per day. Call and see us. Northeast corner Fifth and Gllsan sts. COSY. HOMELIKE. COMFORT ABLE. HOMELIKE HOMELIKE HOMELIKE NEW SCOTT HOTEL Seventh and Ankeny Sts. This noetry may be bad Not so this little ad. Which greets you in this paper, So plain, plain, plain. This little ad's no shirk. For each one gets In Its work. Just try us once and you're sure to come Again, 'gain, 'g ain. . ANGELA HOTEL 625 Washington street. oetween J9tn and :;otn. Just completed, the cosiest, completest and up-to-date residence hotel in the city. The ground floor office is finished in real mahogany, marble and tile, is spacious and handsome; elevator service, private telephone ex change, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, many with baths and wall beds, and is splendidly furnished. The rent is very moderate, rooms from $15 per month up. Why not get the best for your money ? Now open, rooms by the day. week or month. Phone Marshall 1850. HOTEL B RES LIN, S. W. cor. 11th and Washington sts. Modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold running water in rooms, well furnished and now under new management; excellent location, close to shipping and theater district; rates reasonable. Call and see what a comfort able house it is. Transients solicited. t h phones. HOTEL SAVON 129 Eleventh st. New modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold wa ter in rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Kates very reasonable. Call and bee us. Regular and transient trade solicited. ' HOTEL ANSONIA. 124 14th, Cor. Washington St. Everything new; large, airy rooms, sin gle and with bath; telephone in every room, service free; rates by the day, wee or month; also unfurnished roonw. MRS. JOSIB SMITH, Manager. OTEL SARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. and - Hawthorne, Phone Eat 291, connecting every room Private baths. elevator first-class gnu. Special rates by week or month. American ur European. Transients solicited. THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, is now un dergoing a thorough renovation; iu steam heated. elctric lighted rooms, au outs ice. Rates 75c day; $lu month up. Suites with running water -H) month up. X'honea and bath free. HOTEL MAJESTIC, new, modern and ele gantly furnished rooms, single or en suite, with or withouth bath, $1 a day and up. Rates by week or month. 427 Alder su, bet. 11th and 12th. HOTEL BAKER. Fifth st., opp. City Hall. Phone Marshall 6Gti New, btuutifuliy lurniwhed, hut, cold water in every room, publio and private baths;i permanent, transient. THE MERCEDES Large pleasant rooms. ail modern conveniences; suitable for two; also basement room, unfurnished. 20th and Washington. HOTEL IRVING. 812 Oak st., corner Sixth. Large, light, airy rooms, elegantly . furnished, electric llgnta, running water; low rates. " HOTEL BU3HMARK. " " Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooma, single or en suitef all modern cun venlencoa; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5047. THE NEW OSBOHN HOTEL. All outside rooms; hot and ci water, steam heated; $3 and up per week. Grand ave. and East Aah. . THE ASSEMBLY. Fine furnished rouiua; running water, large yard; reasonable rent. tth and Madl aon st-3. THE GAYOSA. Grand ave.. East stark, modern, private bath,pnpne, elevator. East54tf5, Jtt 2hS. CLEAN furnished rooms at 18H West Park. Furnished Koom. . inlJriyateFmaJly. FOR RENT Very nice double room suit able for two or more gentlemen ; also single room. In private family wnere there is only man and wife ; situated in nice residence district, half block from Wash ington st.; walking distance, .phone Main 771-i. : ELEGANTLY furnished suite of 2 rooms, suitable for two; also one large room; nice home, all conveniences, walking distance. 22tt Larrabee st. LAKGK bright furnished room in cozy modern flat; reasonable, electric light, line porcelain bath, phones free ; gentlemen only. 351 oth st. , ROOMS, well furnished, fine beds, light and well ventilated; running hut and culd wa ter; rates, $3 to $5. 341 Harrison, cor. 7th st. NICE, large, furnished rooms; modern con veniences; central; suitable for one or two. 213 13th st. A PLEASANT . room, all modern conven iences ; hot water continually. Apartment 4. rS4 Flanders. A 5145. FURNISHED rooms for two young ladies with breakfast If desired, near two car llnes. Woodlawn l7l. FURNISHED front rooms, all modern con veniences; reasonable. 34 N. 10th St., near Washington st. ONE neatly furnished housekeeping room at 169 E. 14th, S2.7o per week. ; 1 'a blocks off E. Morrison. '-.wi,Y furnished rooms, electric light and phone, good location. 54'J Wasningtun, Flat C. NEWLY furnished steam-heated rooms In residence ; running not ana com water, 564 Flanders. FINE ROOMS, nicely furnished, central, rea sonable rates. 2u 10th st. WlUonlan. 248 N. 20TH St. Furnished rooms In pri yate family. Main 3640. FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences, walking distance. 2a North ldth su TWO rooms, en suite or single, with use of kitchen. 361 10th st. DESIRABLE, airy room, for one or two gentlemen, reasonable. 305 12th at. a t.ttti.r den with sleeDina norch suit able for a gentleman. 67 -uth st. North. 5-ROOM furnished flat, modern. East Side, 18 per month. Tabor 21-4. FURNISHED room In private family; quiet. 5411 Jo h n son st. pnone a 4 o 1 a 10 NICELY furniBhed room for 1 or 2 walking distance. West Sid e. A 1 036. $8.50 MONTH, nice outside room, hath, fin location, walking distance. 452 5th. NICE front room, suitable for two; one aide room. 143 luinsL. Unfurnished! Koomft. J L'ST WHAT VOU W A N T. "MILNER BLDG.," 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL, REASONABLE. thrf.r unfurnished rooms, large, light. convenient; ten minutes walk; $15. 233 Hall. FOUR very fine unfurnished rooms for rent. Phone East bj&j.. Rooms With Board. tjooms with board. Stf Der week: home com forts: 4 minutes' walk from Postoffice; phone and bath free; rooms without board $2 and up. The Linden,. 267 Market st. PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year, room with board, use oi sewing-room ana nurary 510 Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath, aupt. th u hazrl For rentlemen and ladlet, nicely furnished rooms, with or without aboard. aajaa su, cur. launiB"'". 33 17TH ST. NORTH, 1 block off Wash ington, part of lower ti-room flat, fur n lulled or unfurnished. BEAUTIFUL Iront rooms, nrat-ciasa private boarding-house, facing the park. d4 Park, THE CALVARD Choice accommodation. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th; walking distance. ROOMS wlUi board, reasonable rates. Th Waldorf. 147 13th st. Main 21IM. Rooms With Board In Private Family. NICELY furnished room, private family. suitable for two; 2 clothea closets; would serve breakfast and 6 o'clock dinner; fine car service. Fnone fc.ast.i460. NICELY furnished front room; runnintr water, beautiful grounds. Ideal place for Summer; exceptionally goo a board. 90 E 8th St.. corner Washington. East 1300. BOARD and room for two; bath, phone home cooking. 96 per week. 191 11th, near Yamnill. FURNISHED rooms with board. porch. 355 11th st. A 1636. sleeping NEWLY f urnishesd rooms with board. East Oak, cor. 15th. Phone B 2G19. ROOM and board for gentlemen of good habits; private family. M ain 33otf. NICE rooms, good home cooking for one or two gentlemen. 5'JIH Davis st. ROOMS with flrst-clasts table board. Northrup near 23d. A 36tf. 745 1 ROOMS with board for 2 or 4 gentlemen afE g2 each; also gmgle room. o49 Yamhill. FURNISHED rooms and board. Main st. Phone Main 43S4. Apply 564 TWO nicely furnished suites, lights, phone ana uavn. ov ia u io ana FOR RENT. Rooms With Board In Private Family. MODERN furnished room with board; horaa cooking. phone, batii, - all conveniences reasonable. 107 lath st., near Flanders. Apartments. THE BANNER APARTMENTS. 481) Clay street, second house from 14th the only modern completely furnished 2 roora apartment-house in the city; hous and elegant furniture, brand new ; juM opened for business ; tf am heat, elect rid light, hot and cold watt-r in every apart ment ; private phone, bath ; walking dis tance ; $lS-'.:5. including - electric light Marshall 207. ?25 TO $33 Fine West Side steam-heated apartments ; private bath and phone, hardwood floors, small outside porch, nna new brick building; these are the best and cheapest apartments in the city; they are furnished with bedsteads. springs, dresser, dining-room table, ice box; do look them up. Call 414 11th St., DanimeUC Invest Co. ORDELEIGH APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand ave. and Stark St. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. New fireproof brick building, beautiful ly furnished two and three-room apart ments, private baths, wall beds, larga clothes closets; plenty of hot water; Sum- rner rates. Phone EX 3H). , ANGELA APARTMENTS. 87-39 Trinity Place, between lUth and 20th. near Washington New brick building, newly and elegantly furnished, -complete for houaekepeing, in 2 3 and 4-room apartments; out-side porches; electric elevator, hot water, telephone ex , change. Janitor service. Phone Marshall 1870. HEINZ apartments, 14th and Columbia; 4 blocks south from Morrison st-; new iriclc building, completely first-class; furnished, in 2. 3 and 4 room family apartments, private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, janitor service; rent from 25 per month and up. THE RE-UKAX APARTMENTS. Elaborately furnished 3-room apartments, all modern conveniences, large shady lawn, cool verandas, janitor; rates reasonable, walking distance. t24 Marshall at.; tak -W" car. Main B032 or A 3111. . KEELER APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay, finest 3 and 4 room suites in the city; pri vate baths and phones, steam heated, hot and cold water, disappearing beds. Gar land stoves, porcelain-lined refrigerators, electric ele v a tor ; to $ 0 oper mon th. CECILIA APARTMENTS, 22 d and Gllsan. 2 and 3 room apartments, new 4-story brick Just completed, all modern conven iences, each apartment has private outside balcony, rent reasonable. HOW LAND APARTMENTS. For housekeeping in suite. $12 and upj hot water, froe baths, Urst-class. t&lVa Washington, cor. 2uth. THE JBER YLE APARTMENTS. Strictly modern, large rooms and threa closets to every apartment; cool and airy for Summer. tiuo Lovejoy st. Take VV car. FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, modem In every particular; steam-heated, hoc water, ianitor services, with tirst-clasa furnishings. Apply to Janitor. 6o4 Keax oey at. HANOVER APARTMENTS, cor. King an 4 W ashing ton sts., ,-ruom apartments, nav every modern convenience, including steam; heat, hot water, private bath, free phone A and janitor service; rent very reasonable. STEAM-HEATED 5-room apartment, mod ern and desirable ; -i t-verctt st. Apply Morgan, Fleidner & JLtoyce, 603 Abington bldg. , UNFURNISHED 4 and 5-room apartments! newly finished, all modern conveniences! free phones. 21st and Northrop sts.. West fc' id e. Phono A 46Q6. HARPiSON COURT, best 2 and 4-room un furnished apartments, witn ail modern conveniences. 3U4 Flf tn at. Main 01,41 and A 7363. THE LAURETTE Apartments. 22fl 11th su 1 elegantly iui nisnea ana i uniuiiiisnea 3-room apartment; strie'ly modern; both. phones. THE b-est 3 and 4-room furnished and un furnished apartments in tne city at 6li Washington st. ; walking distance ; every -thing now and modern ; all conveniences. THE WESTFAL. 410 Gth at., furnished and unfurnished apartments; private baths ana phone; elevator and Janiior aervicu; reuta reasonable. Phone A 2038. FO R RENT Furnished 3-room apartment. $37.50 ; 3 mont hs. Answer giving refer ences AB 105 care Oregonian. $20 AND $25 2 or 4 rooms; with bath, fur nished ana unrurnisneu ; ounce location. Pi i oneEiiat 5043. ALMIRA Apartments, 14th and Salmon it., unfurnished, reasonable prices. KING HILL APARTMENTS. King and Wayne ts. Apply to janitor. THE GAYOSA. Modern f unlimited apartments. Kafft 545 MODERN 4-room basement apartment, heat, hot water, etc.. s.o niont.ii. o. r lanaers. .tints. FOR RENT New and strictly modern 3 room ilats on 20th and Laurel sta.. Port land Heights; rent J o. Apply WAKEFIELD. PRIES &. CO.. 85 Fourth St. THREE, new up-to-date flats, best locatlot in city. Call Main 1505. East US7. W. ReMdt, 40I Rothchild bldg. Money na object; want a iood tenant. FOR RENT Good 5-roora flat. 487 Davla at.; rent $20. Apply WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. Wo Fourth St. MODERN four-room furnished fiat in de sirable East Burnside district ; also flve room unfurnished Ha t. Phone East 32 1L BY OWNER, best corner bu.ine..- block in vi cinity; income from rents $iKM per year. Price $H5'M. AN 110. Oregonian. 4-ROOM modern Hat. reception hail, thre closets, bath and fireplace; close in. &51 East Yamhill st. Phone East 1710. A NICE 5-room flat, partly furnished, close In, no children. Apply rear cottage 230 Hall st . . FOR RENT Furnished new modern uppe flat, loft Burr it.. South St. Johns. Phona Richmond 1551 . MODERN K-room flat, with yard; 449 7th st.; $32.50; key upstairs. Apply Edwards Co., 101 lstst. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. Main 1018, A 1984. All covered wag one, all experienced men MODERN 5-room flat. Cth, near Jackson; West Side ; easy walk Main or A 1223. MODERN flat, 6 minny rooms, choice loca tion. 739 1 j Overton st. Main 4220. MODERN 8-room flat, 733 Va Hoyt at. Ap ply 132 Cth st. Main 6278. FURNISHED flat, 5 rooms, no children. A 5054. UPPER modern 5-room flat. bll Williams ave. Woodlawn 1502. NICELY furnished 4-room flat, 383 & 5th at. Phone Main 8'JiJ4. 5-ROOM flat, corner,- modern, in Nob Hill. Main 50Ul. 4 LARGE, airy rooms, private bath, porch. walking distance; $25. 233 Hall. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. Fur nisiicd for housekeeping, gas ranges, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free; $15 per month up; a clean place; bs In the city for money; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or ldth st. caxa north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs. WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, 2 $3 month; 3 for $12; furnished cottage; large rooms, $20; lower flat, 4 rooms, IS. 314 2((th, North (west side river). W car from depot,, 6th, Morrison to 26th; block north. , FIRST floor cottage, 2 or 3 rooms, large, well-lighted, newly tinted, furnished, good yard, central location, references. 2. N. 1 1th, 2 blocks north of Washington. Phone A -------. PRIVATE flat of three nicely furnished out side housekeeping rooms for rent, hot, cold water, electric lights, bath. Woodlawn 220. 985 Alblna ave., corner Biandena. L car. UNFURNISHED, two-room, bay window suites, five blocks from Postortice. 305 Jefferson, corner Fifth st. Beautiful out look HOUSEKEEPING rooms by week or month; hot water, free phones; centrally located. J. 506 Alder gt., cor. Park. FINE DOWNTOWN HOME). "MILNER BLDG." 350H MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASON' ABLE). 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th.; com pletely furnished housekeeping rooms, rea son a ble. . 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping room. f?as range, bath, phone. 480 ' Washing ton. 2 WEEK Clean, furnished housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas, heat. yard, clean linen. 406 Vancouver a ve. THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments; fur nmhed. 101 14th St.; transient solicited. $1.50 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath, gas. I&4 Sherman. $L2o WEEK, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. "U" car. $1.50 TO 12.00 a week Clean furnished housekeeping rooms. DeSoto House. 2S)1 2d. Two-suite housekeeping room ; phone, gas, bath ; cheap. 721 First. 3 ROOMS housekeeping suite; $10 a month. 742 Savler. near 23d. NICE suite of unfurnished rooms. 223 V Fine st.- brick bldg.- corner of 1st. 427 6TH ST. 1 furnished 3-room house keeping suite. . Rooms With Board tn Frtvate Family. NICELY furnished housekeeping Moms; bath, telephone, running water. 46 -North 21st U