15 NEW TODAY. 61-Acre Farm 17 Miles From Portland Water $7000Trade for City Property We have a fine 61-acre farm within 17 miles of Portland, highly Improved, stocked and ready to move upon, which we can trade all or In part for Port land property. It has 37 acres in cultivation, 15 acres of the finest of creek bottom on which 7 acres are in hay. A nice large creek runs through the place. There is a good 8 room house, a new barn 56 x76 ft., an orchard of li acres, all varieties of fruit. This farm Is close to a good railroad town and In the heart of one of the richest farming districts near Portland. The owner recently met with a mishap and moves off the place, leaving stock. Implements, etc.. Just as they are; 3 cows, 1 wagon, 1 buggy, 1 hack, set of hack harness, 1 mower, 1 binder, cultivators, rakes, plows, small tools, har. rows, etc Price 17000. We will sell it on easy terms or will take city property in trade up to the full amount. RALPH ACKLEY 605 Corbett BuHdiOl . 40-Acre Farm Close to Newberg Price $3500 Stocked, Trade for City Property We have 40 acres, right near the railroad close to Newberg, the finest kind of fruit and garden land, for $3500. It has 10 acres in cultivation, 4 acres of good timber, good B-room house, fair barn 43x30 ft., one of the finest springs In the country right on this place. Water is piped to the house and barn. 6 acres in orchard, young and bear ing trees, all varieties of Iruit. At this price we include 1 horse, 2 fine dairy cows, 1 hog, 18 chickens, 1 buggy, 1 set harness, 1 plow, 2 harrows, all small tools, etc . ' The house is within mile of store and railroad station. If you have good Port land property to trade we will consider it on this ranch. Price $3500 RALPH ACKLEY 605 Corbett Building. SAFE INVESTMENT 100x100 on the East Side close in, ine site for apartment house or flats, the price Is right, $13,000, part cash. Phone or call at the office. H. H. URDAHL S03 Lnmbermeu Building Marshall 1858 A 4535 150 Feet On 15th St.. close in. Warehouse prop erty, with switch, very desirable. Make offer. Other warehouse locations. MERCHANTS RAVINGS TRUST COM PAN V, S. W. Corner 6h and 'Washington Sts. WILL TRADE For Portland Real Estate. Hood River Orchard Well improved. Principals only. OWXER. 3T0 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and terau to auiti spe cial rale and favorable terms oa large loans ou business properties. Funds Loaned for Private Investors. A.H.BIRRELL CO. Q3 McKay Hidjc. 4 A Star. 990 Ellsworth House' of eight rooms, on large lot. Additional lots on either side can be purchased cheap. Other Waverleigh Heights lots below market. MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TIltST COM PAN V, g. W. Cor-Sixth, and Washington, St. XEff TODAY. 6'A Acres Portland Heights $7500 We are now platting and preparing for market 19 acres of choice Heights view land, which will bring from $420 to $800 per lot. We want some one to buy these 6 acres and throw in with us. This will cut into about 39 lots, and we can make a higher average, as it Is closer to car and lays much bet ter. $4500 cash: balance 2 years. We'll make you money. See us. EfttJITY INVESTMENT CO., 508 fierllnjeer Bids;., cor. 2nd and Alder Sunnyside Home One block from car, 7-room house with large reception hall, full basement, fireplace, furnace, nice lawn, corner lot 52x100; cement walks. Fine location and a bar gain at $4600. Ghas. L. Hunter 223 and 225 Board of Trade. $300 Per Acre All under cultivation and in crop, fin est ranch in Oregon, only 8 miles east of the city on best county road and at O. W. P. station. High, sightly with full view of Portland and Columbia River. 12-room residence, 2 immense barns, ' and all outbuildings;' orchard; Johnson Creek runs through place. Let us plat this for you, and we'll agree to sell it out at $500 to $800 per acre. Nothing now under $600 per acre adjoining. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO., R08 Gerllnger Bids., cor. 2nd and Alder INVESTORS Call on owners' KeaJty Ass'h. for timber, acreage, baslnem. rejridencft and apartment properties. 2o6 Ablngton. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William G., 312 Falling bldg. Blrrell, A. H. & Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg-. Real estate, insurance, mortgages, loans, etc. Brubaker & Benedict, 502 McKay bldg. M. 542. CARD REALTY A INVESTMENT CO., 23 HENRY BLDG. MARSHALL, 1BBT, A 1567. Chapln & Herlow. 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. S. & Co., 503 Corbett bldg. Jennings & Co.. Main 188. 200 Oregonlan. PALMER-JON E33 CO.. H. P., 213 Commercial Club bldg. Schalk. Geo.D.. 228 Stark t, Main 392, A 2392 EUIKDLEB & HALL, 205 Abington bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah St. (Holladay Addition.) M. B. Thompson Co., cor. 4th and Oak sts. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots.. INVESTMENT. I need money, will sacrifice my 2 lots overlooking the "Willamette, on the Pen insula. $100 cash will handle it; small monthly payment; will sell ONE. Box 235. Bt. Johns. Or. ALAMEDA PARK LOTS. " Are high and sightly, overlooking Irving ton; near Broadway carllne; best city im provement; priced 25 per cent below the market. Inquire Alameda Land Company, 822 Corbett bldg. FACTORY SITE. 15 lots, full size lots at 23d and Holgate; alongside of the Southern Pacific car shops; $900 is the price if taken at once. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermen! bldg., fith and Stark. LOT 50x100 In Windsor Heights on East 48th St.. 3 blocks from Hawthorne ave., one block from car; price $700; $200 cash will handle. McCargar, JBates & Lively, 313 Failing bldg. LOTS West Side. For a few days we will sell you a fine view lot only 20 minutes' ride for $10 down and 5 per month: 6 per cent interest. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bld $900 LOT. 35th and Tillamook. 50 Lot 30th and E. Irving. $1000 37xlOO. 34th. near Hawthorne. 27.-0 100x100. 14th and Alberta. 416 Commonwealth bldg. Main 1529. 75X100. 75x100 in choicest residence section of Irvington. Lot is high; all Improvements are in, and is surrounded by beautiful .homes. C. J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. LOTS! LOTS1 LOTSI $2 down and $2 each month, on Oregon City car Una. Price $150 and. $200. Na tional Realty & Trust Co, 321 V4 Washing ton St.. room 616. BIO SNAP. $3600 for a fine lot 76x100, with mod ern 7-room house in good location; $4500 would be the real value. F. FUCHS. 321 'A Morrison St. $500 BELOW VALUE! Alameda Park. lOOx 108-foot corner, carrying all improvements. F. E. Taylor & Co., 402-3 Lewla bldg., 4th and Oak sts. ONLY $10.00 cash and $5.00 per month buys a very pretty lot 2ft blocks Mt. Scott car line; only few left. HIOLEY & BISHOP. THIRD ST. IXTTS 11 and 12, each 60x100, in block 27, . East Creston, near car station on Mount Scott car. Inquire at 1143 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 2277. " MUST sell; $900 will take my fine lot 50x100 on East 81st street, near Gllsan west of Laurelhurst; terms. Iubols & Crockett. Washington bldg., Room 3. BUY a lot on easy monthly payments and we will furnish you, free of cost, a place to live. Gregory Investment Co., end of Rose City Park carllne. VERNON SNAP. Lot near Alberta and 25th; $700. C. L. SHEETS. 420 Swetland Bldg. Phone Main 7776. 100 FEET on Alberta St., with store, store rented; price $2000; paying 10 per cent and room for three more stores on lot. Address H. If.. U32 E. Glenn ave.. N. - THIS IS A SNAP. Lot near 2Uth and Alberta, $650. C. L. SHEETS, 420 Swetland Bldg. Phone Main 7776. LOT in Menefee Addition Attractive loca tion; price. $S00, on very reasonable terms This is a snap. McCargar, Bates & Lively 315 Falling bldg. CORNER $2500 West Side, suitable for stores and flats; . $1500 cash, balance 3 years at 6 per cent. J as. C. Logan, 326 Wash. St.. room 404. FACTORY site. 100x100, West Side, close in. only $3000. $1000 cash, balance 6 per cent; it's fine Investment. Jas. C. Logan, a'-'6' Wash. St., room 404. FOR SALE! $6000 cash, six of the choicest lots on Council Crest; excellent view. Ap ply 810 Board of Trade or phone Har- shall 88. : A BARGAIN 50x100 In Hyde Park, two blocks from car; will sell below market price as I need some cash; investigate. D 105. Oregonlan. LAURELHURST EQUITY. Choice lot. right in the center of Lau relhurst; lot 15, block 2. Phone Tabor 826. IRVINGTON LOTS. $150 and monthly pay ments; choice. 27th, near Tillamook. In ouire 835 Tillamook or Main 7314. IRVINGTON lot on 17th . St., between Knott and Brazee; $2000; easy terms. AD 111. Oregonlan. A SNAP Fine 5-room cottage, close in. on East Side, one block from car; price $2000. PhoneEast 3682. FOUR lota in Portsmouth Villa extended for sale at a bargain. McCargar, Bates & Lively. 315 Falling bldg. IF you want a house, lot, farm, a business, we will locate you. Penn Invest. Co., 614 Buchanan bldg. QUARTER block In Mount Tabor; very de sirable for handsome home. Owner, B 2301. , FINE view lot, close in, only 12 minutes' walk: very reasonable. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. ' FINE 100x105 on Tillamook St.; $1700, easy terms. Dubois & Crockett, Washing ton Bldg., Room 3. ALAMEDA PARK. 2 lots, old contract. 1 bloclc from, car- llne. cheap. rnone Main 3308. WEST SIDE corner, 110x100. 15 minutes' car ride; fine view; cash, $850. W. Diets. Hotel Oregon. AND H-ACRE tracts. West Side, only 20 minutes' car ride: good value and on very easy terms. ai. r. x.ee, in uorpett bldg. HAWTHORNE AVE lots, $650 and up; on terms to suit you. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. APARTMENT and flat sites. West Side. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. LOT In Alameda Park $250 cheaper than,, iota adjoining. Phone .Woodlawa 2291, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. 6 ELEGANT $1500 LOTS FOR $1250 EACH These lots are absolutely located in the best residence section of Portland; they are 50x100 feet in size, facing on a most sightly street; the Improvements are water, gas, sewer, electricity, sidewalks, 9-foot parking strips, shade trees, asphalt pavements; they are 2 blocks from carllne and 17 minutes from 6th and Washington streets; I also have one of the " most beautiful double corners in Portland at a snap; there are over 10,000 square feet In this lot and it is so well located that it commands a view of 5 different streets; the lot Is worth $3000 but I can deliver It for $2300. You can have the best of terms on any of these lots. J. W. GAS KILL. 522 Corbett Bldg. Main 1503, Marshall 214, Marshall 215, A 1515. . LOTS $30 EACH. We have few fine lots In our addition, close to Oregon City carllne. at prices $30 to $40 each; this is excellent soil, with plenty of good spring water; also five adres In this tract at $80 an acre, with best soli, plenty of spring water, make an excellent chicken ranch. Terms. 10 per cent down and 5 per cent a month. EMPIRE LAND COMPANY. 501 Merchants Trust Bldg., 326 Wash. St! LADD ADDITION LOTS. A fine lot on Ladd ave., east front, not far from Hawthorne. $300 below the mar ket: $1100 cash will handle; another lot on Elliott ave.. near the Rosa Park, price $2250 for quick sale; worth $2500; $700 cash will handle. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. BUSINESS LOT ON BELMONT STREET. $1650 for a business lot 40x100. walk ing distance, excellent location for garage, laundry or greenhouse; this lot is worth over $2000. See GEISER & STRACHAN. Phone Main 5H56. 221 Mt Morrison St. For Sale Houses. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $300 cash, balance $15 per month, with interest; 2 blocks from carllne; good service; this is a good buy for a man of lim ited means who wants to own his own home: it has 5 rooms, also den and bath. If interested call Mr. Guthrie, COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 4 4th St.. Board of Trade. HAVE TOU LOOKED AT MANY HOUSES ? If so, you will appreciate the value and bargain in this 14 -story, 8-room bungalow in Overlook. Everything complete; hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, laundry trays, bookcases, china closet; house 40x40 with full front porch 8x40; flower boxes; mag nificent view of the city and mountains, sewer in and all paid (for; price $4000, easy terms. 802-3 Lewis Bldg. Marshall 646, A 7183. NEW 5-ROOM BLTNGALOW. IN WESTMORELAND. A bargain for someone, as owner must sell. Ask for Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 84 4th St.. Board of Trade. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to buy a most DESIRABLE CORNER Close in, on West Side, where values are rapidly increasing. Income $150 per month. Price $20,000. For particulars, terms, etc., see BLOCH REALTY CO., 221 Lumbermens Bldg. IN IRVINGTON. Fine 7-room house. 60x100 lot. facing south, on a hard-surface street, surround ed by fine homes, for sale for $6500. less than half cash down; this home is thor oughly modern, very beautiful in its set ting, surroundings and arrangement and Is worth over $7000 of any man's money, but it must be sacrificed. See us at onca. V. VINCENT JONES REALTY CO., 82-303 Lewis Bide. OWNER MUST HAVE CASH. Finest and best-built bungalow, 15 min utes' ride, 5 rooms, furniture linish, swell fixtures, elaborate bath, toilet, big tire place, enameled Dutch kitchen, solid ce ment basement with laundry, beautiful exterior; owner must have money at once; will sell cheaper than you can build; all built by day labor; ready to move into. Phone East or B 1894.-" IRVINGTON. 6-room new and modern, home on FJast 22 d near Knott St., 60xlOO lot, full base ' ment and finished complete with furnace, cement wash trays, living room, hall and dining-room finished in selected Oregon fir, oak floors, three large bedrooms and sleep-, lng porch upstairs, lighting fixtures and plumbing first-class. Price $5750, terms, H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. GOING TO BUILD? WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE- CITY. THERE ARB GOOD REASONS. OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY AND GET BETTER WORK, ON TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FREEX OKEGON BUILDING &. TRUST CO., 809 HENRY BLDG. BUILD NOW. LET CS FINANCE THE BUILDING OB" YOUR HOME. IF YOU OWN LOT, SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH 13 SUFFICIENT. OUR REPUTATION FOR WELL-BUILT HOMES. FAIR DEALING AND DISPATCH OF CON STRUCTION IS BRINGING US MANY CLIENTS. NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUC TION CO., Successors to Portland Realty & . Construct len Co.. 9U1-2-3 Lewis Bldg. KENN1LWORTH DISTRICT. 6-room house and bath, with two high and beautiful lots, for sale cheap and on very easy terms; 4 blocks from car; fine cement basement, Dutch kitchen, modern plumbing and hot-water boiler; street Im proved; small amount down and balance like rent. V. V1NCP1NT JONE3 REALTY CO.. R02-303 Lewis Bldg. ACREAGE HOME. 1M, acres, all kinds of trult, 6-room house and pantry and large verandas, bath, new barn, large chicken corral; choice flowers and shrubs; 4 blocks from car. Terms. LOUIS BRANDT, Oftk Grove. Oregon City Line. JUST FINISHED. THIS IS GOOD. $300 down buys this bargain: five-room modern bungalow, 32d and Clinton; pan eled dining-room, gas, eletrlclty, sewer and cement sidewalks, retaining walls, steps and lawn walks; price $2S50. C. L. SHEETS, 420 Swetland Bldg. Phone Main 7776. BIGGEST SNAP IN PORTLAND. Six-room house, with room for two more, on corner lot 50x100, on East 80th street; this can be had for $200 down and $20 monthly; only $2300; this beats rent and has good speculative value. THE VAN DER9AL COMPANY, Bin Board of Trade. Marshall 408. I MUST SELL, I have a 5-room cottage and lot In "Sunnyside" on East 34th near Salmon: cement walk, bath, etc. I need the CASH and the first person who brings me $1800 will get it. but it MITST GO this week A E 114 Oregonlan. m MUST SELL THIS WEEK. 5-room cottage with full lot on East 34th. one block off Sunnyside business center; cement walk. Must be all cash. Price $1800. SHEFFIELD & RIELY. Russcl Bldg., 4th and Morrison. DO YOU WANT A HOME? Private builder will build to suit pur chaser, cash or monthly installments; if you have an equity In a lot will accept same as first payment. Phone Woodlawn 639. " SEE IT AND MAKE OFFER. 707 E. l'Oth, near Rhone. 1 block to car: 6 rooms, fine condition, basement, lawn, garden, flowers, fruit, chickens, 51x 103: must have some cash; make offer on your own terms. Owner. Main 8064. 8-ROOM house on East 12th bet. East An keny and Ash; also 2 houses and full lot on East 7th between Couch and Davis. These properties pay interest and will In crease in value. Inquire 309 East Washing ton st. $400 CASH and balance easy, new 5-room modern bungalow, basement; lot 50x100; 25 minutes out Mt. Scott car line; price $2000. H1GLET & BISHOP, 132 THIRD ST. $300 DOWN Modern bungalow, near car line, restricted district. Phone owner at Main 1192. $2750 NEW 7-room house, concrete base "ment, gas. electricity. See owner, 1315 East Lincoln: must sell; attractive terms. FOR SALE Bargain, 8-room modern resi dence, Ladd's Addn. $1,000 cash, balance easy. Thos Vlgars, owner, phone E 2725. $"Ioo"cASHr$25 monthly, beautiful bungalow 12700, 61st, near Hawthorne, Dr. Darling. REAL ESTATE. NEW 6-ROOM HOME FOR $300 CASH. Balance $30 per mqnth: lo cated In WESTMOKEWAND; GOOD CAR SERVICE. large living and dining-room, recep tion hall, 3 large bedrooms, white enameled bathroom, large Dutch kitchen. cement basement, stationary wash tubs, wood llrt. cement walks in front and around house; a bargain; $3300, easy terms as stated above. Ask for Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 84 4th St.. Board of Trade. RIVERDALE HOME. One. of . the handsomest homes in the Riverside district: 7 beautifully designed and artistically finished rooms, a recep tion hall, a full-length living room with large fireplace, bookcases and seat, case ment and French windows, paneled and beamed dining-room with artistic buffet, Dutch kitchen; 4 bedrooms, each in sepa rate color schema; sleeping balcony: large bathroom; attic spaced for two rooms ana bath; full cement basement: extra large furnace; private water system under heavy pressure; beautiful grounds about an acre In extent and commanding sweeping view of the city, river and moun tains. For further particulars apply to R. F. BRYAN, 505 Chamber of Commerce. A 1227 : Main 163. WEST SIDE HOUSES. BEFORE BUYING A WEST SIDE HOUSE LET US SHOW YOU SOME WE HAVE. WHICH ARE DESIRABLE IN EVERY WAY WITH 6 TO 14 ROOMS RANGING IN PRICE FROM $3000 TO $30,000. NORTON & WALSH. 28614 WASHINGTON ST., ROOMS 402 & 403. BUNGALOW. $500. Brand new 5-room bungalow, just fin ished, has all latest improvements, is on a lot 50x100, east front, i block from car, on E. 25th St., near Alberta; a big snap at $2350: $500 cash and $20 per month; beats paying rent. GRUSSI & ZADOW, S17BoardofTrade Bldg..4thand Oak. HANDSOME HOME IN IRVINGTON Quar ter block in most attractive locality on Tillamook, near East 19th.; 25-foot park strip adjoining; U-room house, hardwood finish tnroughout; thoroughly modern; price $15,500; this is a very handsome dwelling and is a bargain at tho price. McCargar, Bates & Lively, 815 Failing -bJdiL . THIS IS A BARGAIN. Fine 2-story house, 7 large rooms, with bath and toilet; lot 60x100; nice lawn and fine garden, with strawberries, currants, also plum, pear and two apple trees; house faces east, close to school, and 150 feet from Aberta streetcar. Price $2300. F 89, Oregonlan. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. Very good 6-room. 2-story house, all In first-class order, only a few minutes' walk from down town; on Arthur St., near Water; price only $2500; $500 cash and $20 per month; hurry. GRUSSI & ZADOW, .217 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. ONLY $2650, fully equipped home, close to Rose City Park car; 5 rooms, new. full basement and attic, fireplace, flreless cooker, etc.: east front, cement walks paid; $400 down, balance monthly; nice place to live; it's bargain for some one. Jas. C. Logan, 326 Vg Wash. St.. room 404. BEAUTIFUL WEST ' SIDE APARTMENT SITE ON CORNER, WITH SPLENDID 10-ROOM RESIDENCE. IN FINE CON DITION; NO AGENTS. AD 112 Oreg-. onian. ' FINE IRVINGTON PROPERTY Handsome 8-ror.m house, on Hancock, near East 19th, on lot 75x100; thoroughly modern and a very attractive home: price 412,000, half -ash. McCargar, Bates & Lively, 315 Falling bldg. MODERN and attractive dwelling of 6 rooms on Clackamas near East 26th; lot 50X123; house new and very conveniently ar ranged: price, with street improvements "paid, $4S0O; good terms. McCargar, Bates & LiV6ly. 315 Falling bldg. $2250 SACRIFICE of a modern 7-room bungalow; new, worth $2600; one block south of Ainsworth avenue on East lbth St.; owner must sell at once. QRAY-CUNINGHAM-GRAY, 722 Electric Bldg. HOME- AND LOTS OF FRUIT. Fine 7-room house and large lot In Sun nyside. 1 block from car, for sale cheap; lots of fruit; half cash will handle it. V VINCENT JONES REALTY CO. 3QZ-303 Lewis iiing. FINE suburban view home. Hi acres; 8 room house: hot water heat; greenhouse; all kinds of fruit. Best bargain In city. Might consider part exchange. Call at premises, 36 East 63d st. Morrison at. Mt. Tabor car. Phone Tabor 8. IRVINGTON. A CHANCE TO MAKE EASY MONEY. Well-built modern home, seven large rooms, a beautiful corner 50x100. conven ient to two carlines. Call 506 East 18th., N.. and be convinced. 515 HOME. . 5- room house, lot TiixllO. on Oregon City carllne: price $1800: payment $13 each morth; nothinu down. NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO., 3264 Washington st..room 516. E. 33d AND .CLINTON ST. HOME. 6- room modern house, just completed, on carllne. Price $3000, can be bandied on $700, balance like rent. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. $2900 buys a beautiful 7-room modern house, lot 50x100; only 2 blocks from Alberta car line; everything first class; $1000 down, balance easy. This looks good to us. HIGLEY fc BISHOP, 1:12 THIRD ST. WE have homes in Irvington, Ladd's Ad dition, Rose City Park, and all over the East Side. Some can be handled on very easy terms. See our list, 617 Board of Trade. FINE little home, built by owner; 3 lots, garden, chicken yardm a city ranch, near two carlines at Alameda Park; $2000 cash handles it; no agents. Address . H. H., f52 E. Glenn ave.. N. $2050 5-ROOM bungalow practically new; lot 50x100. close to car; range, heater, dining table and linoleum gb with the place: $1200 cash. Phone Main 2275, 421 HamiitonDiag. SNAP Strictly modern 7-room home, beau tiful grounds, lot 75x100; fine neighborhood, close In. See Werner Wrenn, 313 Lewis bldg. Price tJ-nju; terms. FOR SALE One of the most attractive homes in Irvington. If you really want to buy a home It will pay you to answer this ad. B 107. Oregonlan. BUILD Just the kind of home you like. I make building loans on terms that will suit you. A. C. Furlong, contractor, 233 Uth at. Main 352U. 6-ROOM bungalow 12 minutes from business center, on Hawthorne line, $300 down, $25 month; price $2750; no commission paid on this price. AM 110. Oregonlan. LOOK HERE. 5-room house and 3 full lots on East Gllsan, fine shrubbery, fruit, etc.; only $2500: terms. Dubois & Crockett, Room 3, Washington bldg. LEAVING city, will sell modern five-room home at sacrifice: one block from car; improved, restricted district; terms. AH 113. Oregonlan. S26O0 Modern cottage on East 7th St., cor. OOX1UV VIIUJO uuntio " " ' . ' i' 1 . 1IIIB IS A pretty home ana is oiierea oeiow the mar ;et. Call 410 Falling bldg. $10 A MONTH paya for a neat, cosy home on a 60x100 lot in Gregory Heights. Call at 'end of. Rose City Park carllne. Gregory In- vestment Co. OWNER must sell at sacrifice, 7-room house and lot in Sunnyside, six nice fruit trees, one block from car. Phone Main 3678, be- tween 12 andl.noon. EXPERIENCED business woman wishes po sition as head waitress or stewardess in first-class establishment; best references. A Lj 114. Oregonlan, 6.6O0.O0O FEET, near Buxton, in Washington County, for sale cheap. Inquire 83 Fourth at.. Portland, Or. NICE home, plenty of flowers and shrub bery, near Broadway st. and within walk Ing distance. Miller, 416 Chamber Com. FIVE-ROOM house and full lot for sale; price $lt00.5O. t85 Albina ave., corner Blandena. L car. FOR SAXETby owner, the handsomest 8- rooiu house in Irvington. 490 East 2uth st. X. Call and see it. $1150, $100 DOWN, $15 a month, six rooms, full lot, fruit trees. 28-229 Henry bldg. FOR SALE: Bush & Lane piano check, $115. . for $15. A 106, Oregonlan. Business Property. CHOICE INCOME PROPERTY. Ou 2 2d. st., near Hoyt, 2 beautiful flats bringing in 90 per month -r owner leav ing for Europe; price $11.000 ; terms. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermens bldg., nth and Stark. ELEGANT BUT. 20x100 on Market, near 14th. with fair house; Income $25 per month; can be in creased ; $1300 wil handle same; price $3300, balance 2 years. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark. WELL. If you want that acre all in fruit at Mt. Tabor for $3200, you better ee the owner at ones at 305 3d st-- REAL ESTATE. Acreage. MILWAUKEE HEIGHTS. 10 ACRES. 10 acres at Milwaukie Heights, high and sightly; good 9-room house, with brick basement; large barn; 6 acres bearing fruit, 2 acres strawberries, 1 acre grapes, blackberries, raspberries, etc. ; abundant water supply; in high state of cultivation; on Oregon City Electric, 74-cent fare; price, only $12,000; easy terms, GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oalc. IN order to make a quick sale of the 5 and 10-acre tracts of cleared land ad joining the new townsite of "SIFTON," 11 miles from Portland, in the heart of the fruit center of Clark, County, we will give, absolutely free, to each purchaser of a tract, a full-size lot in the townsite; cars leave 2d and Stark sts. every 40 min utes, connecting with the electric cars at Vancouver, direct to the property; $250 an acre. Murphy & CaswelL 230 Stark st. BY OWNER Six-acre suburban home at Jennings Lodge Station, two blocks from station, on from church, two from school, four to river; fine orchard and berries, nice garden, 7-room house, good barn and out buildings. Oregon City cars stop at Jen nings Lodge fetation. Inquire at store for C. D tslocum. $1500 BUYS 5 acres convenient to Southern Pacific and Oregon Electric depots, not to exceed 7 miles from center of Port land by shortest route; a little less if all cash; lies exceedingly well for a sung country home. J. F. Compton, 100 Ab- lnpton bldg. NORTH BEACH 32 acres; nothing prettier on whole beach; fronting directly on ocean and with beautiful trees; fine chance for a few people wanting places together; $5000; will entertain exchange for Portland prop erty or timber. Phone owner, Marshall 1585 or call 146 2d Bt. FOR SALE BY OWNER 160 acres land two miles from railroad and 20 mi lea from city; has nearly 8.000,000 feet good timber; no improvements; fipe platting tract for five ecre lots ; terms. A 108, Qregonian. B8H ACRES of choice, level, cleared land on the Oregon E3ectric R. R. bet. Portland and Hilleboro.. at $200 per acre. Thia is $50 an .acre below the market. Queen Inv Co.,410 Falling bldg. 12 ACRES on good carllne; 5-room house and outbuildings, chicken houses, etc.; all new; place fenced, 6 acres cleared; fruit and berries. Call 410 Falling bldg. 40 ACRES of fine land, unimproved, on the O. W. P. line; will take part payment automobile; must be in good condition. Ad- dress 309 Bast Washington st. TEN or 20 acres, 10-cent fare; nearly all cultivated; $200 per acre under the market; for a short time only at this low figure; terms. AF 112, Oregonlan. A SPLENDID PLATTING PROPOSITION, west of Mount Hood, on the Randy River. For particulars see James Wilson, 16U6 Division street. Phone Tabor 1560. $400 AN ACRE; 5 acres, near Oregon Elec tric Ry. ; must sell to settle an estate. Newton McCoy, room 715 Oregonlan bldg. 10-ACRE TRACTS Irrigated land, $400; $10 down, $10 a month, no Interest, no taxes. AH 108, Oregon lam 1 ACRE! full-bearing orchard, c!ofe to Golf Links. Price $1500, or exchange. C 105,- Ore- gonian. ACRE tracts, close In. West Side, only 15 minutes' car ride; 5-cent fare; terms to suit you. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. FIVE-EIGHTHS of an acre at Mt. Tabor, all in fruit; a good Investment for $1200. Call 305 3d st. 5 ACRES on Willamette River; ideal for peach s. M.E. Lee, 411 Co rbe t tb 1 dg. 5 ACRES fine fruit land; Mt. Hood district; s:too; u. cash. Main 1 520. H.ometetads. GOOD locations in Crook, Lake, Harney and the coast; 2 timber claims on the coast, 6 fine relinq.uishment3. cheap; low rates for June. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the 34 counties is best adapted for; gives amount of Government land open to home steaa in each county; map attached, 21x 28, showing new R. R. and towns, includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon ; counties In different colors; drawn to March L 1910; latest maD in U. S. ; price 23c Nim mo & Runey. 3l3 Hamilton bldg. 3,000.000 RELINQUISHMENT, 30 miles from Portland, on railroad; good agricul tural land; $600. 2.500.0UO, 13 miles from town, $330, If taken quick. 733 Marquam bldg. Main S314. YOU ARE SENSIBLE. Make us of it; you know the advantage of owning a farm; we can get one for you as a gift from Uncle Sam. Benson Invest m ent Co .. 508 Board of Trade bldg. EASTERN OREGON homestead and desert land. Oregon Homestead Co., 217 Ablng ton bldg.. 106tfr 3d st. l-'or Sale fti-uit Lands. HOOD RIVER HOME: $25u0. 20 acrea best volcanic ash soil, 6Mi miles from Hood River; o" acres clear, balance fir timber; house and barn on place; good trout stream; this pla:e commands a magnificent view of Hood River, the mountains and the valley, and with a few improvements would make- a beautiful home; the soil is A-l, in fact it Is close to some of the prize or chards of Hood River Valley; if you happen to be looking for A SNAP, this Is It; only $ lOOO cash will handle it, balance ea?y terms. AF 114, Oregonlan. CHICKEN RANCH. 5 acres, all in cultivation, well fenced, with wire fence, good new .6-room house, all within 2 blocks of the business center of a town of 1500 inhabitants. Price only $1300. 3 acres, all in cultivation, 2 acres in young fruit trees, good new 5-room house, barn and woodshed; property all within 2j blocks of business center of good-eized town. Price $1650. HYLAND. JONES & CO., 409 Gerllnger bldg. 150 ACRES, all In crop, fine rich black loam river bottom land, all fenced with wire fence, H-j miles from town of 1500 popula tion; only $100 per acre. 160 acres. 70 acres in cultivation, rest timber land and etump pasture; situated three miles from town on good county road; only $85 per acre. SO acres, 15 acres In crop, 8 acres plowed, in cultivation, all fine soil, balance land covered with timber; about 1500 cords wood; -price $3000. HYLAND. JONES & CO., 409 Gerllnger bldg. A HOOD RIVER SNAP. 10 acres, all in strictly commercial or chard, 2 years' old. in A-l condition; there is a heavy stand of clover between the trees; this is good for 3 crops this year; place is very sightly, affording unsurpassed scenery; refined neighbors, good district, right at station on Mt. Hood R. R-, near school and etore; $1500 puts you in possession, bal ance In ft years. 6 per cent. AF 110, Ore- gunlan. DECIDED BARGAIN. 3S acres, 35 miles from Portland and 32 miles from railroad town; all cleared and crop Included ; good 7-room house, barn and outbuilding; family orchard; ex cellent fruit land, red shot soil. Price $1700 cash; improvements alone worth $10U0. NORTON & WALSH, 2SGH Washington St. Rooms 4 0 2 & 403. BIGGEST SNAP IN OREGON. Yamhill County orchard at Lafayette. 45 acres of 2-year commercial apple trees, near the famous Lownsdale orchards, - near railroad station; fine fence, on ma cadam road. Orchards adjoining two sides; vacant land near by selling for $200 per acre; we offer this for a short time for $175 per acre. Phone Marshall 1853. 520-ACRE BARGAIN. 100 acres bearing fruit, 200 acres fruit land, 220 acres farm and pasture, house, barns, 60 head cattle, 8 work horses, har ness, wagons, plows, mowers, rakes, har rows, a supply of smaller farm tools; all this tor $30,000. part cash, balance terms; A bargain. Penn Investment Co., 614 nrhainn bldg. Phone Marshall 2180. WILL sell 900 acres of best fruit lacd in Western Oregon, surveyed, plotted and ready for market; partly under cultivation; 1 mile from S. P. Railroad and good town. 200 can be made on this investment if taken at once. PHONE MARSHALL 1623, S16Electric Building. INVESTMENT COLONIZATION Rogue River Valley, Oregon, pcardale tract, 175 acres best pear land in the world, $5O.0u0, half cash; pears for profit, home and Income for 25 families, money-maker. Full, particulars. H. H. Basler. Grants Pass,' Or. 10-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad, 25 miles from Portland; best soli; no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange . with us to go and make selection; round trlp same day. 310 Corbett bldg. MOSIER. A few real snaps in Mosler, Hood River fruit land; improved and unim proved. H. F. B othfu r, 415 Henry bid g. For Sale Farms. J. A. CUNNINGHAM. For sale, farms, livery, business, ware house and business; prices reasonable; no exchange. P. O. Box 74. Carlton. Or. FINE 35-acre farm. 3 miles east of Gresham; 20 acres hay, 2 acres of bearing orchard, new house, big barn; price $200 per acre. Address owner, Frank Mlchels, Gresham, Or.. Route4: "WILLAMETTE VALLEY 1 00-a ere farm, 20 miles from Portland, $50 an acre, worth $150: sacrifice. C 17. Oregonlan. FARMS I have some nice ones, all sizes, prices and terms. A. Cleveland, 527 . Chamber of Commerce. NEAR M EX) FORD Orchard land timber, buildings, water, 3 miles R, R. ; $30 acre. Owner. YK O. Box-245, iledford. Or, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms FARMS NEAR PORTLAND. Best Large Farm Buy Close in to the City; Only 7 Miles from City Limits. 133 acres. 80 acres In a high state of cul tivation, 20 acrea almost cleared and in fine pasture, balance beautiful fir timber with strong, never-failing epring and fine stream of pure water; you would not change the way the land lies if you had the power; the entire tract lies perfectly; very rtohest of mellow soil, no waste land, no wet land, no gravel; splendid 6-room houee, very large, fine barn, best of outbuildings, choice fruit of all kinds; the most inviting and home like place you have ever seen; public road along three sides or it; just right to cut into email tracts if you so desired; we know this to be the best large farm buy left so near the City of Portland; it will be a for tunate man who gets it; remember it is only 7 miles from the city limits of Port land; good graveled road all the way; price $2O,00o; 3 cash, balance long time 6 per cent interest. Best Improved Farm Near Portland; $3500 jCaeh Will Handle. 52 acres, 48 acres In a high state of cul tivation, balance nice grove; the very choicest of rich, dark mellow loam soil, no gravel; all ia crop; splendid 8-room house with cement cellar; water piped to house from pure, never-falling spring; first-class barn 60x90. with water piped from spring; fine granary with cement cellar, machine shed 4ux00, with horsepower feed-grinder; chicken-house, lathed and plastered, hog house with plank run and cement cook vat; buildings easily worth, $5000; good orchard; personal property. 6 head cattle, all imple ments and household good?; this place is only 8 miles east from the city limits of Portland; convenient to store, schools and churches ; pric only $10,000; $3500 cash, balance 6 per cent. Rich Small Farm, 6 Miles City Limits. 11 acrea; not a foot of waste land, not a rock or gravel; fine living stream of water; good 6-room house, plastered, concrete foun dation, full-size basement, large barn, con crete foundation, cement basement for cows; fine concreted well, all buildings almost new and in first-class condition; personal property, 1 horse, harness, 2 wagons, 1 Jer sey cow, 75 chickens, good range, heating stove and other personal property; price only $370u; $1500 cash, balance 6 per cent interest. If you want a farm sear the City of Port land,, any size, you should call and make a trip with us; it costs you nothing; our teams go out most every, day; you are Ju3t as welcome to go If you don't buy as if you do; we don't want you to buy unless we have something that suits you; It is to be your, home; your money that buys it, and you are the one to be satisfied. Call and see us. HARGROVE & SON'S, 122 6th st. N., cor. 6th and Glisaa, Main 4381, A T25U. 80 ACRES And 5-room house, good large barn, good chicken-house, garden, picket fence, 22 acres in cultivation, more cleared and still more slashed: 50 acres of good marketable saw timber, all fenced and cross fenced. Price $3600; $2000 cash, balance at 6 per cent. There goes with this place: 1 span horses, 3 good fresh cows, 2 hogs, 150 chickens. Wagon and harness, hack, Mower and rake, and all . necessary farming tools. This is the cheapest offering in Wash ington County today; only 24 miles from carllne. W. W. ESPEY, Z19 Commercial Block, 2d and Washington. 10 ACRES $2000. All cleared, 2 Vz acres in prunes; will net about $250 this Fall; crop goes with the place; lies on main county road and in a beautiful open country with dozen schools within a -mile radius, high school and graded school Y4. mile of place; about 8 blocks to electric line and his mile to small country town; 11 miles from Portland Courthouse; this place will make a good paying farm for fruits, berries, po tatoes and chickens; good heavy black loam; this season 11 acres of strawberries, within hi mile of this place, netted $350 per acre; price $2000; $860 cash, balance long time; land adjoining this place sell ing from $250 to $350; first party to see this place will buy. M. E. THOMPSON & CO., S. W. Cor. 4th and Oak. Henry Bldg. 1 CHEAPEST FARM IN WILLAMETTE - VALLEY. SO acres of fine soil. 40 acres in high state of cultivation and crop, balance good pasture; family orchard and spring ; good 6-room house, large barn and outbuild ings; 2 horses, 6 cows. 7 pigs, 200 hens, 2 stands bees. 1 mower. 1 rake, harnesses, plows, cultivator, cream separator; - all tools, all household goods; 2 seated hack, buggy; 8 miles from railroad statjon and town; 14 mile to good school; on main county road in R. F. D. ; cleared $120 last month off cows and hens. Price $4000, $2000 cash. You can't beat It. M. E. THOMPSON. Ground floor, Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak. COUNTRY HOME. 70 acres, near Oregon City, 3 miles from New Era, on good road, 8 acres black soli along creek, balance red loam, 26 acres under cultivation, 40 acres good saw timber, M mile from sawmill, barn 36x45, house 6 rooms under construction, horses, 2 cows, pigs, 2 plows, 2 wagons, disc mower, harness, buggy, cultivator, all tools and Implements; possession at once; price $5ti00; $2100 cash, terms to suit, 6 per cent. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. BARGAIN FOR SOMEBODY. 40 acres of choice fruit land, partly Im proved, at Mosler at a positive snap for owner must sell at $1)0 per acre; when we say CHOICE we mean CHOICE. Raw land adjoining was bought recently for speculation at $115 per acre. Phone owner, Marshall 1948. DOUGLAS COUNTY. OR. FOR BALB-1700 acres choice land on good county road, 3 milea from railroad said good town; this land Is very suitable for platting and Is 'at present in good condition; price $25 per acre. For particulars and terms apply to William MacMaster, 302 Worcester Jjlork. Portland, Or. 20-ACRB tracts, unimproved, 25 miles by rail from Portland: suitable for fruit raising and chicken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber for all purposes, best of soil, no rock or gravel; $15 to $25 an acre; easy terms. These are the cheapest tracts on the market and will bear inspection. Call and arrange to go and see them.310 Corbett bldg. ONE of the greatest bargains ever offered: 25,000 acres of good land, for only $8.50 per acre; very easy terms; will double In 2 5'ears; 6 miles to R. R., 20 miles of fine wire fence; 20,000 head of sheep and cat tle are running on rhis farm; fine water; buildings of ail kinds. See W -G A R LAN D & CO., 11 4thSt. 160-ACRE WHEAT RANCH. Located near Rock Creek, in Gilliam County, 6 miles from R. R., nearly all the land has been in cultivation; only mile from the John Day River; owner will ex change for city property. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermens bldg.. 5th and Stark. S00 ACRES good agricultural land, 200 acres cleared, and balance easily cleared ; 3 miles from S. P. station. This will make an excellent stock ranch, as It is well wattered and black loamy soil. Price $15 per acre, terms. Norton & Walsh, 2S6a Washington Street. Rooms 4Q2 & 403. FOR SALE at a bargain, -or exchange for city property and some cash, a 700-acre farm in the Willamette Valley, lying lhi miles on good county road, near a rail road town; a good proposition for subdi viding; price $55 per acre. Box 217, Creswell, Or. 1000 ACRES land, 300 goats, 150 ameep, 50 head cattle, 4 horses, wagon, mower, rake, plow, cultivator, shearing machine, geese, tourkeys, hens, bees, 2 orchards, 2 houses. 2 barns, goat sheds, will sell all or In tracts; all $15,000; terms. AK 111, Ore- gonian. . FOR SALE By owners, 200-acre improved farm one mile from good town on main line S. P. Ry-; will sell at bargain and give terms; best fruit land to be had and can be platted very easily. A 109, Ore- g-'mmn. EeRRT and orchard lands, in 6 and 10-acre tracts .easy terms; also have farms of all sJzes for sale: prices $30 to $20o per acre. Thoroughly organized fruit association here. Thos. 11. Blackstone, Rldgefield, Wash. , 10-ACRB orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad, 25 miles from Portland; best soil, no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; ar range with us to go and make selection; rAimd trin sama dav. SIO Corhtt hMr 50 ACRES, 20 miles from Portland, river and rail transportation, and on a good road to Portland; you can make money buying this at $3000. M. E. Lee, 411 Cor bett b I djr. 120 ACRES, 4 miles from Woodland, Wash., partly improved: a bargain for como one. & Lee, 411 Cor bddx, RE.AL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. SUBDIVIDERS, LOOK THIS OVER. OPPORTUNITY IS HERE. 227 acres all first-class bottom land, 60 to 70 acres under cultivation; on a goo4 road and mtlK route; 3 miles from Hilis boro, the best town in Washington County, and 24 miles from Portland, on eieotna line (lnterurban . On the plare is a good new 10-room dwelling, barn 60x8 0, and all necessary outbuildings; good orchard, plenty run ning water and ever-living springs, well at the house. This place is on the market for a few weeks at $ 100 per aero ; half cash, bal ance at 6 .per cent. You can't beat this: soil for 5 and 10-acre garden tracts, otf for raising chickens and small fruit. ESPEY Has the place for sale. Call or write Jtlf Commercial block, 2d and Washington sis. Portland, Or. A GOOD BUY. 10 acres, all in high state of cultivation and in crop, perfectly level; two acres o bearing orchard, one-qarter acre of ber ries; old 5-room house, good well with, force pump; all fenced; this place lies on main county macadamized road, 12 miles from Courthouse, 5 blocks from ejecirio) station, with 40-minute service. 2 blocka from school, 10 blocks from high school, churches and stores. In tine npun coun- on balance; you can't beat this. M. E. THOMPSON CO.. Ground Floor Henry Bldg., Fourth andl Oak Sts. Main 60h4, A 3327. FOR SALE. RENT OR TRADE. 800 acres first-class wheat land In East ern OreKon, 2 a miles from railroad sta tion. Address IPS. Qregonian. Miscellaneous. ARE you looking for a farm or acreage H Don't fail to call at "THE CROSSLBY COM PANT," 708 and 709 Corbett bldg. It costs you nothing and we treat yotj right. It surely will be to your advantage to see us beore buying. We don't pub Ifsh our lift. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Ckwe-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small, well-Improved farm, at low price and i most liberal terms, see me. 1 ban die my; own properties. J. O. ELROD. 620 Corbott Bldg. CITY PARK HUNG A LOW; You want something nice, see this. Yontf chance to get a modern bungalow in ervery respect; $800 cash, rest eu.ry terms. M. L. ARTHUR, 3 Chamber of Commerce, care Ruth Trusfi Company. GOOD BUY in income property. West Siii See me; It will pay you. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. IRRIGATED LAND. CALIFORNIA! SACRAMENTO VALLEY IRRIGATED LAN DS. Going to California? Looking for irri gated lands? If so, atop at Willows, Glenn County, on the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad, where the representatives of the Sacramento Valley Irrigation Com pany will afford you every opportunity ta see the greatest irrigation project in Amer ica. You will see the first awakening of the GREAT VALLKi'. Many mililons of dollars of increased values will be mad a there within a few years. WiU you shar them? This project la financed by J. 8. and W. B. Kuhn, Incorporated, bankers of Pitts burg, Fa., who so succetisf ully developed the TWIN FALLS NORTH fclDIS PROJECT TWIN PALLS -SALMON K1VER PKOJfcX,T. and THE TWIN PALLS OAKLEY; PRO , JHCT in Southern Idaho, comprising la aU 30 o.OOO acres. The same opportunities for money-making that were given in Idaho wl!l be seized by. many in the Sacramento Valley Project. Price of land $125 per aero with water right. Very easy terms. Cash payment of only $15 per acre, other payments extending over 20 years. For literature and full Information ad dress SACRAMENTO VALLEY IRRIGATION CO, Department "A." Willows, California. Other offices Pittsburg, Pa.; Chicago, Til.; San Francisco, and Los Angles, California. WANTED RfAL ESTATE. WANTED Lot in district bounded by Hawthorne, East Morrison St., East 12ti to East liOth. Phone or call at office. 11. 51. IHDAHL, 503 Lumbermens Building. Phone Marshall 18.VS. A r. DO you want to sell your house, lot, farm or business, we have buyers. If price is right; come and see us. Penn invcot. Co., fil 4 Buchanan bldg. GOOD lot facing north between E. Morrison and E. Couch, not farther out than L'Otli street. Price not to exceed $-OOo. M i'il Oregonlan, I AM looking for a 4 or 5-room house con venient to car. Be fare ; can pay 1 15l to $200 down ; give full particulars. X 114, Oregonlan. WANTED Some cheap lots in Vernon; owners only. C. L. Sheets. 4J0 Swetland bldg. PhoneMain 7770. W "CAN sell your property. Send descrlptirv and price. Northwestern Business Agency Minneapolis. i HAVE $5000 for investment: what havs you? prefer property rented. Address "Widow, AF Qregonian. t WANTED H acre. 5-cent fare; cleared AN Ho, Oregonlan. I 'Oft BALK TIMBER LAS OS. CHEAP TIMBER. 2S.0OO.0O0 feet good timber for only $15, 0O0. Timber is located In Western Lanf County, Oregon. C. J. McCracken, H'jA McKay bldg. " TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M' CRACK EN, 304 McKay Bldg. TIMBER claims, homesteads, xellnqu I s h mnnts. Hl'J Worcester t Idg. 600.000,00 No. 1 yellow pine from home steaders, a snap. 73:t Marquam bldg. T1MHER CLAIM by owner, cheap. V. M. Jorgensen, Scappoose, care C. T. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT Beautiful farm, ISO acres, acres tillable land. 4H acres orchard, IS acres meadow, acres potatoes. I.i0" acres timber pasture; fine assortment oC chickens, 5 cows, 3 yearling heifers. J pigs, 2 work horses, 1 pony, besides farm ing implements, all for sale; rent reason able. A 103, Oregon ian. WAXIED TO RENT FARM S. WANTED to rent Farm, 10 acres or over. C 108, Orcyonian. WANTED- TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. 304 McKay bldg. C. J. McCracken TO EXCHANGE. ONE MILE FROM SHERIDAN. In the heart of Yamhill County; owner has 20 acres which he will trade for 4 fine automobile; this land is worth $150 an acre. David Iewls, room 2 Lumber mens bldg., 5th and fetark. TRADERS I have 8 good-paying rooming houses, a fruit ranch, some timber land, houses and lots, business propositions, stocks of every description, or anything; you want. 417 Board of Trade. WHAT have vou to trade for a brewery that cost $128,000 and has stood a loan of $40,000; this brewery la clear of alt incumbrance. bhoemaker Investment Co. 527 Henrybldg. TO EXCHANGE Nearly new $400 Daven port 6c Tracy piano for small euto runa bout. Brush, Maxwell, etc. ; no Junk. H ynson, L'O Washln g ton st. HAVE gilt-edge industrial stock, real est aw In Washington and some cash to trade for rooming-houfie, city or country property. Ad- dress B U'5, Oregonlan. TO exchange, $100 piano bond check for 5 tomato cans and 2 old shoestrings ; bonds are the latest fake kind. Address AD 114, Qregonian. WILL trade $6T00 worth of lots In Medford, Or., for apart ment-house in Portland. ! f. Benson. 508 Board of Trade bldg INCOME-PAYING- Chicago fiats for Port land real estate on a cash basis; value $10,000 AK114, Oregonlan. LOTS in good Eastern Oregon town to ex change for equities, acreage or city lots. C14" Buchanan bldg. Marshall 2s$. WILL tak diamond or anything of value to $4oO as first payment on fine now home. V 03. care Oreconian. RESTAURANT and coffee house, exchange for rooming-house, 25 to 40 rooms; pa . cash difference. AB 114. Qregonian. CLOSE IN acreage, trade for good rooming-house; want to trade with owner. V 110. Qregonian. SMALL restaurant, with lease, to trade for lot; price $500. AB 113 , Ore gonian. A LOT in Astoria to trade for anything of value. Call MA Board of Trade. YOU can trade anV -kind of property at room 1019 Board of Trade,