Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 05, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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New York Examiners Find Ir
regularities in Phcenix
Company Made Deception to Extent
of 1, OOO, 000 in Stating San
Francisco Losses and Pur
chased Its Own Stock.
ALBANY. N. T.. July 4. Irregularities
In connection with the management of
the Phoenix Insurance Company of
Brooklyn are again set forth in a report
made to State Superintendent of Insur
ance Hotchkiss by insurance examiner.
The examination just completed covers
the transactions of the company since the
last previous examination, which was
June 30, 1S87. The present examination
was made September 30, 1809. and what
the examiners found at that time was
a surplus above the capital of J421.200 in
stead of $1,546,648 as claimed by the com
pany. The difficulties, of the company seem
to be mainly traceable, according to the
Teport, to the purchase by the late Presi
dent Sheldon of large blocks of securi
ties of the Council Bluffs Water Works
Company and to an apparent general
"want of supervision by the state Insur
ance department, during a period of 20
Among the new matters brought out
by the report are:
That all dividends declared, at least
eince the losses incident to the San Fran
cisco conflagration, have been so de
clared on erroneous signatures; a con
dition of impairment rather than surplus
having existed during most of this time.
A deception to the extent of about
000,000 practiced on the department by the
company In stating its losses at San
The purchase of the company's stock
with its own funds and a number of
peculiar and questionable transactions at
the Chicago agency, particularly in con
nection with the sub-agency at San
Francisco which resulted in the ultimate
falsification of the books and seemingly
a constderable loss to the company.
Xlcaraguan Situation Is Xow Like
fhat Before Cuban Trouble. "
WASHINGTON, July 4. Indications
are not wanting of a change of policy on
the part of tills Government toward the
Nicaraguan imbroglio, though in just
what direction the State Department will
turn i it is impossible to say. The situa
tion begins to approximate that in Cuba
In 'the days preceding the war between
Spain and America, when President Mc
Kinley described it as a nuisance at our
A line seems to be drawn ' north and
south in Nicaragua, which neither side,
Madriz nor Astrada, can cross; fighting
Is- going on continuously, the country is
being ruined financially, and the con
siderable foreign business is seriously
Moreover, neighboring states in Central
America view with disquietude the prob
ability that the strife in Nicaragua will
extend over the borders into their own
states. So it is not improbable that
there will be a concerted movement on
the part of other interested governments
to get the two factions in Nicaragua, to
submit their causes to arbitration.
Young "Woman Is Discovered Aim
lessly Wandering Xear Creston.
Miss Bertha Ransom, who wandered
away from her home at East Forty-fifth
street and Gladstone avenue. Friday
afternoon, was found near the Creston
school house Saturday mArnlng. uncon
scious of the anxiety felt by her parents
and neighbors. The young- woman left
her home bare-headed to mail letters at
a box a few blocks distant.
When she did not return at night, a
search was Instituted. The district is
wooded and she could not be found.
Next morning, persons living near -the
Creston school house saw the young
woman walking aimlessly about the
streets and, having read of the disap
pearance of Miss Ransom, took charge
of her. Her parents were notified and
ehe was taken home.
The young woman was in an accident
last Winter and suffered an injury to
her head. Since that time she has been
Law Will Not Interfere With. Sweet
hearts in Asbury Park.
ASBURY PARK, N. J., July 4
Oh, joy! "Spooning" is to be permit
ted at Asbury Park this Summer, and
flirting Is to be tolerated within ,-
sonable limits. This will be good
jews lur me dojs ana girls who Sum
mer at that resort and who have here
tofore found the restriction,. irv.nn,.
Chief of Police Smith has said it. If
a man flirts-with a woman, the man
will not be arrested If the woman re
ciprocates his advances.
Of course, the police will Interfere if
they find any man forcing his atten
tions on a girl who does not desire
his acquaintance.. But the guardians
of the peace positively will not Inter
fere if any fair maiden takes the in
itiative and persists In flirting with
a man.
Vancouver Store's Glass Front Blown
Out by Explosion.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. July 4. (Spe
cial.) A firecracker exploding in W L.
Btirfs store Ignited his entire stock of
fireworks and blew out . the glass front
Burt's hand was badly cut by glass
when he attempted to save his stocky.
London Excavation Discloses -Craft
N of Roman Period.
LONDON, June 18. (Special). The
excavations for the new London County
Council Hall at Lambeth have revealed
various small objects of interest.
Jtmani them - is a -sunken ferryboat,
the date of .which has not been de
termined, but which probably belongs
to the period of the Roman occupation.
The excavation has cut the vessel
obliquely, and the section has revealed
a boat 16 feet in width by a length at
present unascertained, and a depth -of
1 foot 9 inches. It has a flat bottom.
It has cross-ribs 6 inches by 5' Inches,
and an outer covering of 3-inch plank
ing, all of oak, black, and nearly per
ished. It is intended to remove the earth down
to the level of the sides, and then, un
der careful inspection, to clear out the
remainder, so as to obtain a perfect
view of the vessel before its removal,
which, unhappily, cannot be effected
otherwise than by demolition owing to
its state of decay.
Its position is at the bottom of the
river deposit, and resting upon the
sandy gravel. From "the situation it is
quite clear that it must have sunk at
a time when a full flow of the river
was over this spot, since which time
the center of the channel has changed
or been diverted westward.
Neither Vessel Seriously Injured in
Accident That Happened at
Sea Last Thursday.
NEW YORK, July 4. The steamstiip
Baltic of the White Star line was in col
lision with the German tank steamer
Standard, bound from Philadelphia to
Copenhagen, some -time last Thursday
while 1SU0 miles east of Sandy Hook.
Neither ship was seriously injured, and
both continued their voyages.
It was. learned late tonight from quar
antine that the Baltic and Standard col
lided at midnight. One man aboard the
German steamer was injured. The Bal
tic had a small hole stove in her bows
and both ships "stood by" for two hours
until they found they could continue
without aid.
The Baltic was the first liner to come
to the assistance of the wrecked Repub
lic and Florida, when the vessels were
in collision off Nantucket shoals in
January, 1909. The passengers of the
sinking Republic were first transferred
to the Florida, and when it was later
feared that the Florida also might sink,
were taken on board the Baltic in .
rough sea by the Baltic's small boats.
It was the wireless aparatus of the Bal
tic, so effectually silenced tonight by or
ders of the captain, that first sent news
to shore of the rescue.
The Baltic sailed on her maiden trip
in June, 1904. She is 725 feet long, 75
feet beam and 49 feet deep. She has
seven declis exclusive of the holds.
Victory So Engrossing Though, That
Warrior's Horse Runs Away.
NEW YORK, July 3. A mosquito
that would not listen to reason caused
a runaway at Brookdale, N. J., yester
day. George Gordon drove the horse and.
barring visitation of mosquitoes and
other public calamities, George Gordon
would be able to drive his horse ad
libitum, without being annoyed by run
aways. The mosquito that shared so
largely in the runaway selected as the
time for his operations a crisis in the
struggle between Mr. Gordon and his
spirited horse.
Mr. Gordon was piloting the horse in
Upper- Broad- - street,- Brookdale, jwhen
he felt a mosquito on his nose. He
made this discovery at a time when the
horse was going so fast that it re
quired both of his hands to keep the
animal in the straight 'and narrow
Having dwelt in New Jersey- all his
life, Mr. Gord6n is acquainted with
the measures to be taken against a
mosquito in all ordinary circumstances.
He at once put into effect as many
of these measures as he could think
of. He tossed his , head, blew his
breath toward the implacable visitor
and tried with various delsartian ex
ercises to shake the Insect off. The
mosquito with a will of its own stayed
the harder it stung. .
Finally Mr. Gordon dropped thereins
and killed the mosquito. He did not do
this before he thought he had weigh
carefully the effects that might fol
low the relaxation of his vigilance
over the horse. He did not gauge
these effects accurately. For instance,
he did not know that while he was kill
ing the mosquito the horse would run
This is what the horse did. Mr. Gor
don was thrown from his buggy, and
hurt and the horse was stopped with
difficulty. The mosquito, however, arid
that is something, was killed.
Five Minutes Before He Playfully
.Asks That Wife Be Notified.
DENVER. July 4. "If I'm killed, wire
my wife in Fresno," laughed W. W.
Thorpe, a motorcycle racer, when cau
tioned against reckless riding at a local
amusement park this afternoon. Within
five minutes he was dead.
Thorpe, who rode under the name of
Ben Brazie, was warming up before a
race when he took the chance which
proved fatal. Running 6 miles an hour,
he attempted to pass between W. P.
Miller, amateur . rider, . and the track
fence. His wheels seemed barely to
touch Miller's machine, but he fell,
striking the track and spinning like a
top. He went 20 feet along the ground,
struck a fence post and was picked up
with his neck broken and his Jaw frac
tured. He died before aid reached him.
Mrs. Thorpe was notified.
Representative Says Cannon Would
Have Made Great Ballplayer.
Wearing a broad smile of satisfaction
despite the fact that his train was five
hours late, Representative W. W. Mc
Credie, of the Second Washington Dis
trict, arrived In Portland early t.iis
morning and registered at the Imperial
Briefly Judge McCredie expressed hm
self as satisfied with the work of the
last session of Congress, but explained
that he was too tired to discuss details.
He also refused to talk of his future
political plans pending conference with
his constituents.
"Ah, but Joe Cannon would have made
a great ballplayer," was one of Repre
sentative McCredie's confidences.
Father Slays Daughter, to Se
cure Whom He Killed Ex
Wife's Husband.
The Law and Commandments.
Woman's Home Companion.
The mother of little 6-year-old Mary
had told her a number of times not to
hitch her sled to passing sleighs, feeling
that it was a dangerous practice. It was
such a fascinating sport, however, that
Mary could not resist it, and one day her
mother saw her go skimming past the
house behind a farmer's "bob." When
she came in from play she was taken to
task, her mother saying severely. "Mary,
haven't I told you that you must not
hitch onto bobs? Besides, you know, it
Is against the law." Mary tossed her
head. "Oh," she said, "don't, talk to me
about the law. "It's all I can do to keep
the Ten Commandments:" -
Third Man Opens Fire on Belliger
ent One Who Returns It Before
He Drops Condition of In
terloper Is Serious.
BAST ST. LOUIS. 111., July 4. One
man and a young girl were killed,
another man probably fatally wounded
and a third man seriously injured, when
Robert Higinbotham, aged 40, of Kansas
City, attempted forcibly to remove his
daughter from the home of his ex-wife
here today. He killed the latter's pres
ent husband and his own daughter. The
Michael Moser, East St. Louis.
Evelyn Higinbotham, aged 11, shot
through head.
The injured:
Robert Higinbotham, ehot through
chest, probably fatal.
Henry C. Fellauer, shot through arm
and chestr condition dangerous.
Higinbotham was divorced from his
wife five years ago and two years ago,
she married Moser, retaining the custody
of her daughter, Evelyn. Higinbotham
came from Kansas City this morning
and, after making inquiries, ascertained
where hia former wife was living.
He went to the house and" was met
at the door by Moser, who refused to
allow him to take the girl. He pulled
a revolver and shot Moser, while the girl
stepped in line Just in time to receive
the second bullet.
Fellauer, a boarder, who then appeared,
shot Higinbotham and the latter re
turned the fire, when he fell to the
Some Races Do Not Mis, Says Rev.
Dr. Dyett, Deploring Drift of
Present Day Events.
"Actually, practically and immedi
ately it would- seem that we have not
enough patriosm in America to save her,
but I think I can prove that potentially
we have."
Such was the statement made by Rev.
Dr. Luther R. Dyott in the pulpit of the
yirsXi Congregational Church - Sunday
night .in answer to the question, "Have
We Enough Patriotism in America to
Save Our Country?"
He said that he did not 'speak of the
patriotism that killed men, but of that
which helped them to live. He decried
the modern love of excitement, said It
had come to be a disease which made
men go wild over the return of an ex
President or a prize fight, spoke of the
dangers arising from foreign immgration
and the intermingling of American blood
with that of other nations, said the
trusts in the hands of men who could
be counted on the fingers, and who
throttled the office holder were a men
ace, and said the children now in school
were the saviors of America.
"Patriotism Is something more than
flags on schoolhouses and other public
buildings, cuhrches included," he said.
"It is more than sentiment with a smell
of patriotism in it. It, Is more than
standing at the graves of dead soldiers,
and teaching children history and patri
otic songs. Patriotism is a love fdr all
mankind, not merely a love for one's
own country.
"There Is not as much danger from
foreign invasions as from the tendencies
of our modern life. - We may possibly
have to give Japan a little chastising,
that she may learn what she ought to
do, and what she ought to be; but no
one is seriously alarmed over that. We
share one thing that is Inevitable to
civilization. . With the intermingling of
nations there comes an international
spirit which Is good as far as it goes.
We are in danger of overlooking that
some races cannot mix to advantage, yet
in other cases the finest kind of man
hood can be produced. One of the best
things in the world is the Intermingling
of the Scotch and the Irish. Nations be
gin to disintegrate when they begin to
mix blood which was never intended to
be- mixed.
"The Little Italies, and Little German:
ies, and Little Irelands and Little Rus
Bias, unassimilatetd, with the allegiance
of their people somewhere else, are a
menace to us. These people must be
assimilated. ;
"We make it possible for a man to be
come disgracefully rich in a short time.
We are fast reaching the point when a
few men whom you can count on your
fingers can say to this country, 'If you
don't put in office the men we want we
will bring on a financial panic' That
Is a menace. I don't care how many
schools that man may endow, or how
much oil stock he has. Not one man in
a million can do right with this" sort of
"'America's hope is in her children."
Rich Hamburg: Merchants Feeling
"Touch" of Gang.
HAMBURG, July 4. (Special.) Once
more North German merchant princes are
being preyed upon by a bold Camorra of
blackmailers. Julius Heer, a shipowner,
has paid out thousands of dollars and
half a dozen others have temporized with
the gang.
But when Fra'u Vieth, widow of a rich
sportsman, received a dozen letters de
manding money with menaces of murder,
she handed the communications to the po
lice. No offense was alleged by the black
mailers they simply demanded money on
penalty of Jeath.
,A clew wes found and the police started
hot foot to the headquarters of the gang,
only to find they had all decamped. Since
then their activity has redoubled, but the
police have failed to lay them by the
Angry Mob Storms Jail and Gets
renter's Slayers.
CHARLESTON. Mo.. July 4. Two
negroes, Robert Coleman and Sam
Fields, were lynched here this after
noon for the murder of William Fox, a
planter of Mississippi County. They
were taken from the county jail by a
large crowd of infuriated citizens, who
broke down the doors ; with sledge
hammers shortly after 4 o'clock. The
negroes were alleged to have shot
Fox in the back while he was riding
in his wagon about two miles from
town last night. He died after identi
fying his assailants.
This morning farmers began flocking
into Charleston. Alarmed by threats of
lynching. Sheriff Culpap asked for as
sistance of Governor Hadley. The
Sheriffs were powerless to check the
mob, ' however. It required two hours
to break into the Jail. The men rushed
in upon the frightened negroes at 4:30
o'clock and, with yells, took them out
side. One negro was hanged in the Jail
yard, after he had confessed. The
other negro was hurried into an auto
mobile and taken to the spot where
he had hidden the revolver with which
Fox wis shot and was then taken
back to Charleston.
In the presence of nearly 5000 peo
ple the second negro was hanged from
a crossing sign. -
Another negro was taken from the
county jail here last night, horse
whipped and driven from town. It is
reported that many negroes are leav
ing the city.
At 2:30 A. M. order had been re
stored. A report that 'Governor Had
ley had ordered out troops could not
be verified. No troops had arrived at
that hour.
Spokane Delegation Arrives With
Banners Flying Jeffries Looks
Like Winner.
RENO, Nev., July 4. (Special.) There
must be something like 1000 fight fans
from the Northwest in Reno tonight and
it looks almost like walking down the
streets of Portland or Seattle. The Seat
tle delegation arrived in this morning
and the Portlanders are here in good
numbers. Ed Mendenhall is among the
Oregonians who are on the job, and he
says that he wouldn't miss this fight
top- the world.
It is the calm before 'the storm and
although there have been thousands of
visitors arriving on special trains from
California and the East, the fighters
have been taking life easy.
Jeffries has been around the house ,all
day. I was at Moana Springs this morn
ing for a short time, and he was on the
lawn playing with hie dog. That speaks
pretty well for the way he feels about
the fight. I have seen Jeffries prior to
many of his championship battles and
there was never one of them in which
he was apparently as confident as he Is
today. He acts and looks the part of
a. man who Is satisfied with his condi
tion. Fitzsimmons visited Jeffries while I
was on hand and he remarked afterward
to me that he never saw a man in as
fine physical shape. . "Fits" ought to
know something about condition, and his
opinion speaks well for the retired cham
pion. Fitz and -1 also think that it will
be a short fight.
There are three reasons why I think
that Jeffries : will win in this contest.
First of all, Johnson is afraid of him
and that is half the battle; second, Jef
fries has a better punch than Johnson,
who Is sadly lacking In that respect,
and third. Jeffries can stand punishment,
much better than the colored man. Of
course, everyone is entitled to his own
opinion of this fight, but that is the
way I have it doped out. Tomorrow we
will see how closely I come to the truth.
Jehnson, they tell me, is as supremely
confident as ever a fighter stepped
Into a ring. Billy Delaney joined the
JohnBon camp today and will act as
chief second and adviser to the colored
man. There are bitter feelings between
Delaney and his former charge. Jeffries.
k?f Tre?t
VI uie
Jul Pound
' ' and
finnrl all the
Safr Timev
Remember to Take
vrnmi- ofocodir
When Pleasure Bent
Uniform Success in the Treatment of
All Surface Skin Diseases. '
The remarkable work which poslam,
the new skin rerrfedy, is accomplishing
in the eradication of eczema includes
cases of many years' standing, the trou
ble having affected all parts of the
body. ,
"For fifteen years I have had eczema
on my head," says Mr. E. C. Staton;
Woodbridge, ,Va.. "the scalp being
nothing but blotches. I found that the
first box of poslam helped me, and now
my scalp seems to be entirely cured,
leaving it clear and perfectly white. I
think It is the greatest remedy In the
world for this disease." All other skin
diseases. Including acne, tetter, shin
gles, barber's Itch, piles, salt rheum,
skin scale, etc, are relieved and cured
by poslam in like manner. Itching be
ing stopped at once. The less serious
troubles, such as pimples, red and in
flamed noses, fever blisters, sunburn,
etc., respond so readily that results are
seen after an overnight application.
Write to the Emergency Laboratories.
82 West 25th street. New York City, and
they will - send you by mail, free of
charge, in plain wrapper, enough nos
las to cure a small affected surface,
clear the complexion or remove pimples.
Poslam is sold by the Owl Drug Co.,
and all druggists everywhere in two
sizes at SO cents or $2.
1 1 i v n ' w Mm
ft m
ale of
Maybe you haven't been a customer "of this store; maybe you've
never known the great advantage to be had in buying and wearing
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Maybe you've thought them high priced, too costly for you.
AY nether you have or not, here's a chance to learn something
about clothes values that you'd better not pass by. -'' If you
haven't known Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes by experience,
3rou can get a line on something extra good; the knowledge will
be wrorth something to you, and we're willing to give you part
of the price on these Summer Suits to induce you to get this infor
mation and experience.
We've marked our remaining stock of Summer and Spring Suits
at a "clean-up" price; new goods not sold yet; must get them out
.of Fall goods' way. You get the benefit. If you know what
Hart Schaffner & Marx's name in clothes means you don't need to
be told what this sale represents.
Suits Worth $20 now $15.00
Suits Worth $25 now $18.75
Suits Worth $30 now $22.50
Sam'l Rosenblatt &?Co
Northwest Corner Third and Morrison Sts.
and there may be' something doing when
the two meet in the ring.
I have Just learned that the Spokane
delegation haa arrived with banners
flying to Join the crowd of fight fans.
I never saw such a gathering of notables
as is here at the present time and I
doubt if I ever will again.
The fight is scheduled to start at 3
o'clock. No one looks for a long fight,
so we - should not be in the arena long
before the result is known.
" The betting has taken another tumble.
There is mightly little Johnson money
in sight and the price now quoted is
10 .to .
A crowd of something like 14.000 peopla
Is expected. The seat sale today was
reported at $60,000, and the promoters
are now assured of making some money.
A national physical laboratory in England
uses a whirling- table -with a flO-foot arm
to tent the thrust of airship propeller.
Yellowstone Park Excursion
Saturday, July 9, 1910
(Leaving Portland at 10 P. M.)
' ' via the
Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co,
Oregon Short Line
Special Round Trip $
Rate from Portland
Which" includes rail transportation to and from Yellowstone Park; stage
transportation through the Park; all meals and lodgings at Park hotels during
the five days' tour. ....... .
Grandest Scenic Trip in the World
Embracing stops at the famous Park Hotels, seeing the Geysers, Mountains,
Lakes, Cataracts, Canyons, Buffalo, Elk, Bear and other animals in their
wild stated
Parties desiring to return via Salt Lake through California can do so for
$200 additional, or $108.75 from Portland.
will be provided for this event, and will include Pullman Sleepers, Diner
Parlor Observation Car, and all the latest conveniences that go to make the
trip pleasant and comfortable.
Full details, with pamphlet descriptive of the trip, map of the Park, etc., can
be obtained by writing to our City. Ticket Agent, Third and Washington
, Streets, Portland, Oregon, or to
Wm. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent