Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 02, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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Stock Market Shows a Decid
ed Improvement.
Cotton and Wheat Crop Keports Are
Ignored by Traders Call for
Reports of Condition of
National Banks. s
NEW YORK. July I. The action of the
stock market wa In accordance with the
Usual symptoms following so violent a dis
turbance as that of yesterday. The mere
fact of the arrest of the decline relieved the
toarket of a weight of forced liquidation,
through wiping out margins and uncovering
stop-loss orders.
The imminence of a triple holiday Inter
val emphasized the efforts of larger short
Interests to cover, and this constituted an
Important sustaining Influence. There was
perceptible also, the operation of the usual
secondary cause In the reselling of stock
bought at the bottom prices yesterday by
lucky speculators, eager to secure quick
profits, or by banking interests and insiders
who bought yesterday solely for the purpose
of checking demoralization and with no de
sire to retain their holdings. Still another
class of selling came from belated liquida
tion that had been carried throuRh the break
of yesterday to save heavy sacrifice with the
condition of retirement at the first available
Aside from the buying by the shorts there
was not an aggressive demand and the hes
itation of the buying Increased as prices
extended their recovery. The needs .of the
jiotrn still uncovered were indicated in raid
ing tactics on special stocks.
The Issuance of the call for the condi
tion of the National banks by the Controller
of the Currency was given additional In
terest by the simultaneous call of the New
Tork banking department on the state
banks and trust companies. The statement
of the condition of all the great credit in
stitutions on an identical date is particu
larly illuminating, owing to the check on
any shifting of accounts between them
which might disguise the real condition.
There U no doubt that a synchronous report
from all credit Institutions throughout the
country would be particularly valuable at
this time, owing to the suspicion of exten
sive interest by National banks indirectly
through operations of allied institutions in
the land speculation. The present call from
the controller, coming fully three months
after the preceding call, represents an un
usually long interval.
The large decrease in cash holdings of the
K( Tork banks estimated for this week Is
due mostly to collections of the corporation
tax by the sub-treasury, payments being
made through the New Tork banks by In
terior corporations.
The poor showing of the July condition of
cotton in the Government report and the
upturn In the wheat market were little re
garded In the stock market.
Bonds were firmer. Total sales, par value,
2.624.0OO. United States bonds are un
changed on call, from last week.
Sales. High. Ixw. Bid.
'Alllis Chalmers pf. 400 30 30H 31
lAmal Copper .... 4L300 61 h bH'i, '
.Am Agricultural .. 400 40 3 88
Am Beet Sugar .. 2.10O 30M 30 30
lAmerican Can 1 6O0 7 T .i
Am Car A FMy .. 2.600 51 Va 60 50Vi
Am Cotton Oil .. 3.50O b9 684 69
Am Hd A Lt pf. 300 30" 30 30
Am Ice Securl .. 500 22. 22 22 S
Am Unseed Oil .. 700 Hi, 11 lli
Am Locomotive .. 1.200 40Mi 3!-1i 40
Am Smelt & Ref.. 8,.'.0O 71?, 6!yt 70'i
do preferred ... 700 101 JOOi lOOVi
Am Steel Fdy . . . 200 51 51 61 M
Am Sugar Ref .. 8)0 12014 117 1184
Am Tel & Tel .... 3.200 1324 131 H 1324
.Am TODacco pt .. juo wt '4 w
Am Woolen 8J0 27 1 26 24
Anaoonda Min Co. 2.300 38(4 37 37 '4
Atchison j... 2S.7UO J7"4 93 IXSVj
do preferred ... 50O iflvi 97 88
At! Coast Line... 300 J12 HO 111
Halt A Ohio .... 6.20O 10714 10 1064
Bethlehem Steel... 300 25 23 224
Brook Rap Tran.. .7O0 744 724 . 744
Canadian Pacific .. 1.80O 1H7 187 187
Central leather .. 2,OoO 32 31 32
do preferred ... 100 1034 1034 lO
Central of K J 285
:hes A Ohio 7.5O0 744 724 3
Chicago & Alton.. 100 28 28 29T4
Chicago Gt West.. 9JO 244 234 23
do preferred 45 4
Chicago & N W ... 2.500 1424 1414 1414
C M A St Paul .. 14.800 US, 115"s 118.
C. C A St L.. 10O 75 75 75
Colo Fuel Iron. lOO 31 314 314
Colo ; Southern.. 4o0 6414 54 54
Consolidated Cu.. 1.800 133l 131i 132
Corn Products ... 2.000 13j 12 134
Del Hudson ... 700 10 158 159
D & R Grande ... 1,400 31 2T4 304
do preferred ... ft"0 69 68 694
Distillers Securl .. 500 28'4 28 2SV
Erie 4.0O0 25 244 24
do lrt preferred. 500 414 41 41
do 2d preferred. 200 30, 304 31
Oeneral Electric .. .TOO 141 140 140
Gt Northern pf ... 7.900 125"4 1244 125
Gt Northern Ore .. l.floO 54, 534 52
. Illinois Central ... 900 1284 127 128
Jnterborough Met.. 3.400 18 174 17
do preferred ... 10.400 51 49 51
Inter Harvester 2.2O0 5i 83 94
Inter-Marine pf .. loo 164 154 154
Int Paper 1.200 10 8 94
, Int Pump k 434
' Iowa Central .... BOO 174 16 16
X C Southern ... 7o0 2S-T4 26"4 284
do preferred ... 10O 62' 62"4 62
Laclede Gas 2.SOO 8814 971-4 9714
Louisville A Nash 1.6O0 1444 142 1434
Minn & St Louis 25
M. St P & 9 S M. 700 130 130 129
Mo. Kan Texas 9.1O0 334 31 33
do preferred ..... 66
"Missouri Pacific .. 3 300 60 56 57
National Biscuit 108
National I.ead ... 1.0OO 704 694 70
M Nat Ry 2d pf IOO 26 26 25
N T Central 5.900 31374 11214 11.1
N T. Ont A West. 1.30O 42 4114 414
iNorfolk A West.. l.lOO 88 1J 8754
INorth American .. 40O 66 65 66
Northern Pacific 12.000 11874 114 II814
rPaclflc Mall "OO 244 24 24
Pennsylvania 13.700 130 128'4 129T4
Peoples Gas 1.60O 105 144 104-14
P, C C 4 St L... 900 96 96 95
Pittsburg Coal .... 400 164 (j
Pressed Steel Oar. 400 325 32 32
Pullman Pal Car ..... 1T7
Ry Stele Spring 31
Heading 186.500 146 143 1454
Bepubllc Steel .. 1.000 ..04 2ft4 30
do preferred ... 300 92 92 92
Rock Island Co.. 67.100 33 254 31 74
do preferred ... 3.900 79'4 73 764
Pt L A S F 2 pf. .VK 41 U. 40 404
St L Southwestern 500 30. 29TJ 30
do preferred ... 300 71 71 71 !
f-losa-Sheffleld .... 10O 65 65 64'4
Southern Pacific .. 52.70O 13'4 HOW 1124
Southern Railway. 3.fi0 234 22 22J
do preferred ... V1 56 5514 65
Tenn Copper .... 7X 2214 22'-4 224
Texas Pacific. TOO 254 27
Tol. St L West. '"O 24 '4 22 Uj 23
do preferred . . . 700 50 4Rti 4t
tnn.n raruir .... inr. 1,8-14 IKttv,
do preferred ... 60O 9074 0Z poi
I." S Realty 300 71 71 70
T S Rubber
U S Steel . .
er 3K'i 274 374
174.5X 72 704 72
do preferred
l..v Jl.1'4 114-14 115
7 tah Conner .... 4.000 414 40U 41
a a-Caro C hemical. 1,600 57 56 5614
"Wabash 2.20O 174 1612 inu.
do preferred ... 9.30 38 33U 364
Western M4 4ipO 424 4114
Westinghoupe Elcc 4oO 2 5914 o
Weetern Union ... TOO 62 62 60
Wheel A L Erie.. 200 3 8 34
Total sales for the day, 823,800 shares.
Eastern . Mining stocks.
BOSTON. July 1. Closing quotations:
AUouez 37 (Mohawk 4($it
Amalg. Copper.. 604Nevada Con. ... 184
A. Z. U & Sm.. -.'2 IViplssine Mines.. 10
Arizona Com. .. 13(.orth Butte 21
Atlantic 5'4North Lake 974
A C C S M. 11 Old Dominion.. s-t
Butte Coalition. 16!Osceola 124
ral. & Arizona. 50 IParrott (S. & C.) T
Val. Hecla. . .515 Qulncy eg
I'entennial 14 Shannon 9
Cop. Ran. C. Co. 60 iSuperior 394
K. Butte Cp. M. 7 ISup & Bos Mln.. 8
Franklin 94!sUp & Pitts Cop. 974
ttiroux Con 6 Tamarack 474
Granby Con. ... 31 IU. S. Coal Oil 34
Greene Cananea. 64 ju. S. S. R. & M. 3714
I. Royale (Cop.) 15 I do preferred .. 394
Kerr Lake 7'4 Utah Don 471
Lake Copper.... 444 Winona eii
la Palle Copper 104 Wolverine 106
Miami Copper... 144 I
Money, Exchange. Etc.
NEW TORK, July 1 . Money on call
strong. 2'4t314 per cent: ruling rate 3 per
-cent; closing bid. 3 per cent; utTered at 3 per
cent. Time loans very firm; 60 days, 3&314
per cent and 90 day per ceat; six
months, 44 per cent.
LONDON. July 1. Bar silver steady,
244d per ounce.
Money. 2 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open m&rkft
for short bills is 1 3-10Sl'4 per cent: OJ
three months bills Is 1 74 41 1 15-16 per ceot.
Consols for money. 82 0-16; do account
82 7-16c. 1
SAN FRANCISCO. July 1. Sterling on
London, 60 days. 4.S4V4C; do sight, 4.86c.
Silver bars. 534c.
Mexican dollars. 45c.
Drafts Sight, par: telegraph. 3c.
CHICAGO. July 1. New York exchange,
10c discount.
Dally Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, July 1. The condition of
the Treasurv at the beginning of business
today was as follows:
Trust funds
Gold coin 1S62.936.R69
Silver dollars 489.117.000
Silver dollars of lSKO 3.672.000
Sliver certificates outstanding 489,117,000
General fund
Standard silver dollars in gen
eral fund 3.062.527
Current liabilities 93,849.991
Working balance in Treasury of
fices 36,679.618
3n banks to credit of Treasurer
of the United States 41.629.593
Subsidiary silver coin 19,992.375
Minor coin 919.085
Total balance in general fund.,. 100,490,784
New York Cotton Market.
NEW TORK. July 1. Cotton futures closed
barely steady at a net gain of
2 to 10 points. July. 15.36; Au
gust, 14.79: September. 13.26; October. 12.60;
November, 12.45; December, 12.40; January,
12.37: February. 12.36; March, 12-SO.
Spot closed quiet: middling uplands, 15.35;
mid-gulf, 15.60. Sales, 19,900 balea
Condition of Cotton Crop.
WASHINGTON. July 1. The monthly Te
port of the crop-reporting board of the De
partment of Agriculture shows the condition
of cotton on June 25 to have been 80.7.
Bullion for Bank of England.
LONDON. July 3. Bullion amounting to
153.000 was taken into the Bank of Eng
land on balance today.
After Three Years, Youths Will Uose
Officers' Papers,, and Must
Scour Decks Besides.
Apprenticed aboard the British bark
Iverna when 15 and 36 years old, respec
tively. Leonard Saunders and Oscar Tur
ner passed last night in the County Jail
as deserters from the ship at Portland.
Should Captain Patrick Fegan get his
vessel in shape to sail today the boys
will be placed aboard. Otherwise' they
will be detained until after July 4.
The young fellows obtained shore leave
on Thursday, drew some spending money
and were ordered to report back to the
ship that night. Instead of obeying or
ders, the young sailors sought employ
ment and obtained positions with the
Gauld Company, on North Twelfth street.
They, were arrested yesterday by Deputy
United States Marshal Nicholson and
later identified by Captain Fcgan.
"We expect to pay dearly for our little
trip," said Saunders, who says he is a
stenographer and typewriter. "The skip
per can do anything he wants to with
us after we cross over the bar and get
out to sea. He probably will not flog us,
as that sort of thing has been abolished
by law, but he can keep us scouring the
deck and traveling aloft until we will
wish that we had never seen Portland.
"The trouble was this: We paid 30
sovereigns each to be entered as appren
tices aboard the ship, and for more than
three years we have traveled over the
world. After four years we get the 30
sovereigns back as wages. We wanted
to get away and earn something.
"We never will get our papers as ship
officers after this. It will be the duty of
the skipper to report us when we get
back to England again."
Both young fellows rebelled against be
ing placed in the County Jail, and wanted
to go aboard ship, but Captain Fegan re
fused to receive them until ready to sail.
"I will attend to you lads aboard ship,"
was the ominous statement from the
captain 3 he left the Federal building.
Cause of Trouble Between Smith and
Helvey Xot Disclosed.
OREGON CITT. Or., July 1. (Spe
cial.) The Clackamas County author
ities are puzzled over the killing of
George Smith by Curtis Helvey at
Carus, last night. Two young men,
both aged 26 years, had a bitter grudge
against each other and a strange part
of it all, there is no woman in the
case. Of all the probing that has been
done since ithe murder, the original
cause of the trouble between the two
has not been disclosed.
There were no witnesses to the crime.
Young Helvey maintained a calm de
meanor today and insists that he killed
Smith in self-defense. The authorities
are Inclined to disbelieve his story, for
the bullet that killed Smith entered
his right side and ranged up through
his heart, going clear through his body.
There are no marks or powder burns
on the body or clothing, such as would
probably be noticeable had the two
men clinched, as Is stated by the mur
derer. Helvey declares that Smith laid in
wait and attacked him with a club and
that he fired twice at Smith's arm, with
the intention of crippling his assailant,
hut the bullets went wild and when
they closed he pressed his gun against
Smith's side and fired. The gun was
an automatic Colt's nine-shot 32
Deputy District Attorney Stipp will
probably lodge a formal complaint
against Helvey tomorrow, charging
him with murder in the first degree.
With Sheriff Beatie, Mr. Stipp visited
the scene of the, tragedy today in
search of evidence. Helvey has retained
George C. Brownell to defend him.
Walter Reed Sues for Divorce.
OREGON CITY, Or., July 1. Spe
cial.) Walter teed has filed a suit
for divorce against Donah enrlmo
iieed, a vaudeville actress, to whom he
was married in Seattle, Wash., March
16, 1909, soon after he was divorced
from Mrs. Rose Coursen Reed, now Mrs.
Hanscome. The complaint charges de
sertion June 24. 1909. Reed is repre
sented by Attorney John F. Logan, and
service wilt be secured on his wife by
Qui nil's Suit Is Sustained.
OREGON CITY, Or., July 1. (Spe
cial.) Judge Eakin today decided the
suit of W. W. Quinn against he Wil
lamette Pulp & Paper Co. in favor of
Quinn, who claimed title to one and
one-half acres of land on the river
front at Canemah. Quinn sued for the
restoration of the property, $100 dam
ages and 20 a month rental from Jan
uary 8, 1906.
New Post Musters Officers.
KLAMATH FALLS. July 1 The mus
tering in of the officers of F. B.
Sprague Post No. 48 of the Grand Army
was perfected Wednesday night, J. N.
Adams acting as mustering officer. The
post starts with 12 members. A beau
tiful flag , was presented the post by
Mrs. Will S. Worden, In honor of her
Portland Becomes Great Mar
ket for Livestock.
In First Half of Year, Value of Re
ceipts at Portland Yards
Reaches Four and Half
The growth of the livestock business of
Portland is shown by a report Just Issued
by General Agent D. O. Lively, of the Port
land Union Stockyards Company, on- the
operations of the past month and past half
year. The report, which shows a business
of $4,500,000 done since January 1, follows:
"Receipts at the Portland Union Stock
yards for the month of June were: Cat
tle, 10,501; hogs, 6857; sheep, 23,033; horses
and mules. 213. The total number of cars
was 584. This is an Increase of 3149 cat
tle, a decrease of 3200 hogs, an Increase of
3980 sheep, an Increase of 61 horses and
mules and an increase of 69 cars over last
"The market for cattle of top quality has
remained unchanged throughout the month,
while the Inferior classes have declined.
The demand for warmed-up steers has not
been strong, while the call for light-weight
steers of good quality and for cows, heifers
and calves has not been answered by ship
pers. "The shortage In hog receipts, as compared
with May, Is due to the fact that there were
fewer Missouri River hogs shipped in. As
compared with last year, hog receipts from
local territory show an Increase of 132S
head. There were 3049 more cattle than
there were last month and 2284 more cat
tle' than In June, 1909.
"The market has been over-supplied with
poor quality sheep, in consideration of which
prices have held up surprisingly well. Good
quality stuff brought prices that were equal
to the May market. As compared with last
month, sheep receipts increased 3980; as
compared with June, 1909, there was an
increase of 2614 head.
"The receipts at this market for six
months, as compared with the first half
of last year, show an increase of 18.125 cat
tle, . 14.347 hogs, 11,994 sheep, or 793 cars.
The value of the livestock receipts for the
six months ending June 30, 1910, approxi
mates 14.500,000.
"The establishment of this market has
meant much for the livestock industry of
the Pacific Xorthwest and It will continue
to grow with the country. Conducted along
constructive lines with open competitive
methods, seller and buyer meet under con
ditions that , are fair to both."
Kecelpts at this market for the. month of
June, 1910, as .compared with last month
Cattle Hogs Sheep HM Cars
June, 1910... 10,501 6,807 22.033 213 584
May, 1910 7.352 10.057 16.053 . 152 515
Increase .... 3,149 '3.200 3,980 61 69
Receipts for June, 1910. as compared with
June, 1909, are;
Cattle Hogs Sheep H& M Cars
June, 1910 10.501 6,857 22.033 213 584
June, 1909 8,217 3.143 19,419 552 416
Increase .
. 2,294 3,714 2.614 339 108
In addition to the half yearly comparative
statement of cattle, hog and sheep receipts,
printed In The Oregonian yesterday, the
following comparative receipts of horses ana
mules Is furnished by Mr. Lively:
Head. 1910. Head.
.. 257January ......... 80
.. 329February 21
. . 488 March 3S
. . 620! April 223
. . 559 May 152
.. 552 June 213
..2725 Total 727
February ...
March ......
May ........
June .......
Total ....
Increase. 1998.
The market yesterday was quite steady
all around. Hogs again sold at (10 and cat
tle, sheep and lambs showed no material
change in price.
The receipts for the day were 212 cattle,
28 calves and 147 hogs.
Shippers of the stock were Davenport - A
Stroud, of Shantko, three cars of cattle and
hogs; J. E. Reynolds, of Condon, three cars
of cattle and hogs; Mrs. Gassner, by boat,
109 i hogs; B. S. Norwood, of Harrisburg,
one car of cattle, calves and hogs, and G.
K. Edwards, of Drain, one car of cattle and
The day's sales were as follows:
Weight. Price.
16 hogs 203 110.00
6 hogs 220 10.00
1'S cows ' 980 3.75
22 cows 1140 3.35
57 cows 992 4.00
28 cons .'. 959 3.80
74 lambs 64 5.75
22 lambs, culls 54' 4.25
49 sheep - 90 4.25
16 steers 909 3.75
5 heifers 732 3.25
7 steers 101 0 4.00
1 steer 1470 4.50
4 steers 1185 4.50
17 steers .....1100 4.75
9 steers'......... 960 4.00
11 steers .....1126 4.75
2 steers 995 4.25
1 cow 1170 4.50
5 cows H-S 3.75
1 bull ....1380 3.75
27 cows 986 4.00
7 cows 1055 3.40
17 cows 904 4.25
3 cows 846 3.75
7 steers -.- 1109 5.00
36 ewes 123 4.00
91 ewes 96 4.00
22 ewes, culls 103 3.00
126 lambs, contracted 69 5.85
103 lambs, contracted ........... 71 5.85
22 hogs 212 10.00
Prices quoted on the various classes of
stock at the yards yesterday were as fol
lows: Beef steers. good to choice
California $ 5.50 3.75
Beef steers, good to choice
Eastern Oregon and Valley 5.40I& 5.60
Beef steers, fair to rneuium.... 4.-5t& 4.75
Cows and . heifers, good to
choice 4.50 4.75
Cows and heifers, fair to me
dium 3.753 4.25
Bulls 3.00ij 4.0O
3.50 0.00
calves, nznt .........
6.754 6.75
Calves, heavy 4.00 6.00
Hogs, top
Hogs, fair to medium
Sheen, best wethers .
9.60(9 10.00
S.SOiii 9.50
4.25'g 4.50
Sheeo. fair to eood wethers.... 3.00a 3.75
Sheep, best ewes 3.75 4.00
Lambs, choice 3.503! 6.00
Lambs, fair 4.65 6.15
Eastern livestock Markets.
CHICAGO. July 1. Cattle Receipts, esti
mated. 1500; market, strong to lOo up.
Beeves, JS.K'SS.yS; Texas steers, $4.25fl.80;
Western steers, S5.40S7.35; stockers and feed
ers. $3.605.75; cows and heifers. 12.80&7;
calves, S5.50lBS.25.
Hogs Receipts, estimated, 13,000; market,
slow. Light, $9.20ig9.45; mixed. S9.0569.45;
heavy. $8.759.30; rough, S8.75g8.93; good
to choice heavy, $8.939.30; pigs, S9.2O-8.70;
bulk of sales, S9-10g0.35.
Sheep Receipts, estimated, 10,000; market,
strong. Native. t2.7f3j-4.85: Western, $3.25
4.85; yearlings, 5f-: lambs, native, $4.75
8.40; Western, S5.25g.75.
KANSAS CITT. July 1. Cattle Receipts.
300o; market, steady. Native steers. S5
8.25: native cows and heifers, S2.50iff7.25:
stockers and feeders. S3.258S.75: bulls. S3.2.V8
4.90; calves. $3.75&T.50: Western steers, S4&
7.75: Western cows. S36.25.
Hogs Receipts, 5K)0; market, steady to 5c
lower. Bulk of sales, 10.10 9. 25: heavy. S9
9.10: packers and butchers, S9.10'39.2o; light,
S9.15fi9.35: pigs. 8.rtG59.
Sheep Receipts, 2v0v; market, steady. Mut
tons, $3.754?5; lambs, ?(Vff 75; feS wethers
and yearlings, S46; fed Western ewes, 3.76
4.75. 1
OMAHA. July 1. Cattle Receipts. 1000;
market, strong. Native steers. $4.7538: cows
and heifers. SSipS; Western steers, 3.25&.25;
cows and heifers. S2.75g5.25; canners, 2.76
R.50: stockers and feeders, S3g3.75: calves,
S3.50gT; bulls stags, etc.. S3.20i5.50.
Hog Receipts, 830O; market. lOo lower.
Heavy. 8.75g8.95; mixed, 8.856.90: light,
S8.95ft9.10; pigs, $7.508.75; bulk of sales,
Sheep Receipts, 100: market, steady. Tear-
lings. S4.85.50; wethers. S3. 7594.25; ewes, I
t3.4CMST4.10; lambs. IS.2.-.&7.50. - j
But Increase la Business Is at Expense of
Values. j
BOSTON, July 1. The Commercial Bulla- j
tin will say of the wool market -Saturday : 1
The market is assuming a little healthier j
tone on buying by some mills in need of .
small fflllng-in quantities of wool, but bust- ;
ness In the aggregate is still small. A prom-
inent New Rngland mill bought from 15O0
to 200O bales of New Zealand crossbred 40s
to 4fts at losses of HCtvHc to owners and
another consumer took 10,000 pounds of Ohio .
fine unwashed at 21c. the record low price
for the last two years. , It is doubtful If
conditions will improve radically within a
few weeks.-
Wool at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS. July 1. Wool Higher: terri
tory and Western medium, 1822c; lino me
dium, 1617c: line. 12(S14c.
After an Opening Dip Prl-ces Ad
. vance on Good Buying and
Close Steady.
CHICAGO, July 1. Efforts to curtail open
risks, pending possible weather develop
ments during the suspension of business
until July 5, took all the surplus energy of
wheat traders today. The. outcome of the
evening was a net advance of He to c.
Corn closed He to Hc up, and oats -c
to He A flurry In July pork occurred,
raising the price of that option to 67 c, a
fraction higher, but otherwise provisions fin
ished with losses of 2Hc to 710c.
The Oklahoma crop report, showing a
record yield 17.33 per cent larger to the acre
than a year ago, and making a total of 2i.
209.000 bushels, gave wheat a weak' start.
Another bearish influence was a little rain
in the Northwest, but the effect from this
cause was only temporary, the trade, appar
ently, having a settled belief that the Spring
crop had Irretrievably suffered considerable
damage and that favorable weather was in
dispensable to prevent further damage.
Heavy selling during the ' preceding two
days had placed many dealers In a position
not conducive to ease for a triple holiday.
Kxcellent buying on the part of some of
the leaders set in after the opening dip in
prices. Smaller Interests were also soon ar
rayed on the same side of the market. An
estimate was received that the average crop
in the best wheat counties in North Dakota
was only 80 per cent, word came, too, that
Western Canada will not produce more than
three-fourths of last year's crop, notwith
standing increased acreage. However, Illi
nois sold more new wheat here today than
at any time previous and eased off quota
tions during the last hour. The close,
though, was steady, with September He up
at 98c to 08 54c. after ranging from 97 He to
98 c.
Buying from strictly professional specula
tive sources made corn firm. September
fluctuated between 59H59c and 604c,
finishing with a net gain of c at
60H(&0Hc. The cash market was firm.
No. 2 yellow closed at 61H61c.
High temperatures advanced quotations
for oats. September variations had as lim
its 37T438c and 37.c. Last figures were
He above last night's level.
Deliveries of 1750 barrels of pork on July
contracts did not prevent a stampede among
ahorts In that month. The rest of the pro
vision market did not sympathize..
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High.
July .' S .97 S .98 V,
Sept 97H .98
Low. Close.
$ .96 T4 $ .97
Dec 98 1.00 V
.57 5
.S8i .59
.68't .60
..68 .59
.38H .39
.31 .39.
.3& .39
.38 74
24.37 '4
2 2. 4 2 4
July. ..
24.00 24.37
22.50 22.55
12.22', 12.25
12.30 12.32 Vi
12.924 12.92H 12.80
12.33 12.3714 12.274
July. .
cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Firm.
Rye No. 2, 74 76c.
Barley Feed or mixing. 4856c: fair to
choice malting, 60g'67c.
Flaxseed No. 1 Southwestern, $1974; No.
1 Northwestern. $2.07.
Timothy seed S5.
Clover $11.60.
Pork Mess, per barrel, $24.50 24.75.
Lard Per 100 pounds, $12.274.
Short ribs Sides (loose!, $1313.37-4-Sides
Short, clear (boxed), $1414.25.
Grain statistics:
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 101.000 bushels. Exports for the
week, as shown by Bradstreet's were equal
to 1,531.000 bushels. Primary receipts were
360,000 bushels, compared with 209,000 bush
els the corresponding day a year ago. Es
timated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 8
cars; corn, 237 cars; oats, 103 cars; hogs,
90 00 head.
Flour, barrels 13.100
Wheat, bushels 3.600
Corn, bushels 283,700
Oats, bushels . ...172.800
Rye. bushels 1000
Barley, bushels 45,000
" lY,300
Grain and Produce at New York.
NEW TORK. July 1. Flour Unsettled.
Spring patents. $3.40(8' 5.70: Winter straights.
(4.3.Vitl.:.(': Winter patents. $4.50&5; Spring
clears. ?4.30i 4.60; Winter extras No. 1. $3.75
"83.90: Winter extras No. 2, $3.503.65;
Kansas straights, $-1.63(i34.S5; receipts, 20,
048 barrels; shipments, 15,013 barrels.
Wheat Spot steady. No. 2. red. $1.0
nominal c. I. f. to arrive, elevator; No. 1
Northern, $1.22 nominal f. o. b., to ar
rive. Wheat was firmer on covering by
shorts over the holidays and influenced by
lack of rains in the Northwest and the
strength in outside markets, but eased off
a little late on reports of rains. In North
Dakota, closing lc advance. July closed
$1.03; September closed $1.04: (December
closed $1.09. Receipts, 71,500 bushels;
shipments. 15,593 bushels..
Hops Easy.
Hides Easy; Central America, 22e; Bo
gota. 21 22c.
Petroleum Steady: refined New York
barrels. $7.56: refined New York bulk. $4.15;
Philadelphia barrels, $7.65; bulk, $4.15.
Wool -Quiet; domestic fleece, 3233c
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 1. Wheat
Steady. r
Barley Steady.
Spot quotations Wheat Shipping, $1.424
(1 .45.
Barley Feed, 11 ? 1.014: brewing, $1.074
Oats Red. $1.20 1.30; white, $1.451.50;
black, nominal.
Call board sales Wheat No trading.
Barley December, $1.04 (SI .0474 .
-Corn Large, yellow, $1.531.S5.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. July 1. Wheat July closed
$1.11 Vs: September, $1.05j; December, $1.04.
Cssh: No. 1 hard, $l.Wj; No. 1 Northern,
$1.131.15; No. 2 Northern, $1.1101.13; No. 3
Northern, $1.0801.11.
Flax Closed at $2.10.
' Corn No. 3 yellow, S54&564c
Oat No. 3 white. 39g404c
Rye No. 2, 68(g71c.
European Grain Markets.
LONDON. July 1. Cargoes easier. Walla
Walla for shipment at 32s 6d.
English country markets steady; French
country markets, quiet.
LIVERPOOL July 1. Wheat July closed
6s 6d; October. 6s 8d; December, 8s 9d.
Weather showery.
Grain Markets of the Northwest.
TACOMA. July 1. Wheat Bluestem, 83
S4c: club, 80c. Receipts Wheat 9 cars, cora
1 car.
SEATTLE. July 1. Milling quotations:
Bluestem, 85c; fortyfold, 83c; club, 2c; Fife,
Men Cured
Examine Yourself
Thousands of young and middle-aed men
are annually swept to a premature grave
through nervous complaints and blood ail
ments. If you have any of the following
symptoms, eonsult me before it is too late.
Are you nervous, weak, specks before yonr
eyes, with dark, circles under them, weak
back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the
heart, bashful, sediments in urine, pimples
on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks,
careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless,
distrustful, lack of energy and strength,
tired mornings, restless nights, changeable
moods, premature decay, bone pains, hair
loose, sore throat, etc.? If so, I ca& promise
you a permanent our or no pay.
Call and let us give you a careful, pains
taking examination absolutely tree. Our
opinion and advice will cost you nothing.
Perhaps a little advtoe Is all you need.
X-ray examinations, when necessary, free.
No money required to commence treatment,
and you oan arrange to pay fee when oared.
$5.00 TO $10.00 FEE
Remember, There Is No Man
Too Poor to Get Cured by Us
We Treat Ailments of Men Only and
Nerve Weakness
cured In a few weeks. Improvement from the start.
If you suffer from loss of energy and ambition, feel
tired when you arise in the morning, lame back, dls
siness. spots before the eyes, and feel you are not the
man you once were, I will cure you for life.
Call and I will explain why It cures when all else
falls. A friendly chat will cost you nothing. Call at
once, don't delay.
Contracted Ailments
We cure these ailments by a method peculiarly our
own. Our cure removes every obstruction from the
urinary passage, allays Inflammation, cleanses and
heals the bladder, kidneys; Invigorates and restores
health and soundness to every part of the body of
. f llcted with ailments.
Our fees as specialists for cures are less than thosecharged by family physicians or surgeons. Medicines fur
nlsned from our own laboratory for the convenience and privacy of our patients, from 1.E0 to $6.60 a course. If
you cannot caiL write for our FREE SELF-EXAMINATION BLANK AND BOOK. Hours, A. M. to S F. M.
Evenings 7 to 8. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 12 M. only.
S2c; red Russian, 80c. Export wheat: Blue
stem, 82c: fortyfold, 80c; club, 79c; Fife. 79c;
red Russian. 77c. Yesterday's car receipts
Wheat 12 cars, oats I, barley 1. Total car
receipts for the month of June Wheat 281,
oats 78. barley 39 cars.
' Duluth Flax 'Market.
DULl'TH, July 1. Flax on track to ar
rive and July. 2.10: September. J1.93 asked;
October. 1.81 asked.
Boss, Out on Ball, Must Show Why
He Should Xot Be in Custody.
SAX FRANCISCO. July 1. Superior
Judge Lawlor today issued an order com
manding Abraham Ruef, convicted of
bribery and now at liberty on bail, to
appear in court Saturday and show cause
why he should not be remanded to the
custody of the Sheriff.
This action follows the filing of Ruef's
appeal in the District Court of Appeals.
Wellesiey Land Co. to Hanna Hall,
lots 7. 8. block 4. Wellesiey $ 450
Same' to Lina Johnson, lots 3, 4,
block 4, Wellesiey 450
Irvington Investment Co. to Anna
Roth, lot 14. block 4. Irving-ton 1,400
Alice B. Powell to T. H. and Lucy
Powell, west 33 1-3 feet of lot 5
and east 33 1-3 feet of lot 7. block
B, Richmond ' 10
R. L. Stevens (Sheriff) to M. Kut
ner. lots 7. 8. block 28. C'aruthers
Add. to Caruthers Add 5,807
Title A Trust Co. to Catherine EHiza-
beth Hill, lot 13, block 4. Rochelle. . 1
Katie Gerlach and husband to Re
glna W. Oeder. lot 10. block 37,
Rose City Park 10
F. I. Fuller and wife to Alvin W.
Bag-ley, lot 14 and easterly half of
lot 15. block 5; southerly half of
lots 7. 8. block 4; Easterly 2T, feet
of lots 2. X. block 3. all In Willum
bla; also land in John Waud . L.
C. Sec. 7. T. 1 N., R. 1 B 1,000
Frank Amato and wife to Giovanni
Dlndla, lots 7, 8, block 2, Tlbbetts
Add 2,330
Bartha A. Collidse et al. to Guy A.
Gowen, lot 1. block 1, Auer's Add.. 1,400
F, C. Forbes and wife to F. G. Bar
tholf.east half of lots 8. 9, block
5, Kenilworth Add 10
Edw. Pedersen and wife to Lewis N.
Bissonnett, east half of lots 12, 13,
block 3, Vernon 10
James J. Shea to Cora E. Shea, lota
13 to 16. block 11. Aiblna Home
stead Add 1
R. V. Jones and wife to Westers Ore
gon Trust Co., lots 1, 2. block 269,
city 10
Emery J. Huehey to Theodore Kay
et al. lots 1. 2. block 4, Redllchton 1,000
Union Guarantee Association to Thos.
Plppy, lot 1. block 2. Woodward's
Subd. of lot 1. Riverside Home
stead 1
University Land Co. to Werner Apian
alp, lots 39. 40. block 123, Univer
sity Park 450
Michael A. Schappert and wife to L.
D. Volheye, west 31.5 feet of lot 7
and north 10 feet of west 31.3 feet
of lot 8. block 34, Sunnyside 3,400
Wakefield, Fries & Co. to Louis P.
Beno et al.. lot 18 and west 45 feet
of lot 15, block 16. Goldsmith's
Add. 1
William Ballls et al. to Joseph Good
man, west 47 Vi feet of lot 18, block
16, Goldsmith's Add 1
Same to J. P. O'Brien, west 45 feet
of lot 15 and east 2 reet of lot
18, block 16. Goldsmith's Add 1
Flora Hubert and husband to Mabel
C. Flanders, lot 17, block 28, Wil
lamette Heights Add 9.28T
Hiram Links and wife to Mark Wal-
sted, lot 12, block 107, Norwood... 480
Henry Metzger to Roy W. Glbbs et
al.. a right of way across land commencing-
112 rods south of half
section corner between Sees. 9 and
10 1
James D. Hart and wife to Mary L.
Root, lot 13, block 13, Katharine... 375
Thomas Nelson et al. to Susanna
Viercke. lot 22, block 3, Tekonka
Park Add 200
Joseph M. Healy to Fred Fritz. lots
1. 2, "block 93, East Portland 17.000
T. S. McDanlel and wife to Sylvlna
Golf, lot 10,b lock 2, Rockwood
Park 650
Ladd Estate Co. to Thomas Vlgars,
lot 21. block 16. Ladd's' Add 3.100
Kate L. Gllham to Fred A. Jacobs.
20 acres in the D. L. C. of Newton
L. Gllham and George B. Gray, Sec.
32. T. 1 N.. R. 2 E 1
Security Abstract & Trust Co. to O.
O. Hall, lot 7, block 99. Rose City
Park 80
A. S. Rosenthal and wife to Laura
Rosenthal et al.. east half of lots
14, 15, 16, block 15, Capltan Add..
Security Savings & Trust Co. to
Ukase Investment Co.. lots 7. 8,
block 6. city
R. McC. Michler to Sarah A. Shan
non, lot 8 and east 16 2-3 feet of lot
7, block 68. Sunnyside Third Add..
E. E. Sharon and wrife to C. A. Hoy,
lot 2. block 15. Hanson's Second
Richardson-Sharkey Co. to A. C. Ban
croft et al.. south 40 feet of lot 2
and all of lot 3. block 15, Waverly
C. T. LeTourneau and wife to R. E.
, Phillips, lots 5. 6. and south half
of lot 7. block 4. Hanson's Add....
Maude H. Holmes and husband to B.
Boyson. east half of lots 1. 2. and
south 8 1-3 feet of east half of
lot 3. block 34, Sunnyside
S. T. Watts and wife to Moody A.
Rogers, 24 . feet square in Sec. 16,
T. 1 S.. R. 2 E
Fred H. Fruiht and wife to James
L. Conley, lots 42, 43, block 0, Lee
Bow Park
George D. Barton, trustee, and wife
to Thomas E. Read et al.. lots 5,
6. block 5. Ideal View ,
A. H. Blrrell and wife to H. R.
Scheuerman, lot 4. block 4, Howe's
Add .'
M. L. Degnen to M. Hoff. lots 3. 4.
block 12, Lincoln Park Annex
Charles Routen and wife to G. A. R.
McGrew. lot 1. block US. Wood
stock .
Yerex Bros. Co. to David Lewis, lots
4 to 14. 18 to 25, block 6. Span
ton's Add
S. E. Stansbery and wife to Robert
E. Brown, lots 1. S, 3, 4, 13, 14, 15.
16. block 1. Lowell
Robert L. Stevens (Sheriff) to C. C.
Murton ct al., 3 acres in Sec. 34,
T. 1 N.. R. 2 E
C. C. Murton et al. to the Mount
Hood Co.. same
Walter Goss nnd wife to H. H. Tur
ner, lot 1. block 72. Afblna
Sophie Gerllnger to L. Gerllnger. lots
7, 8. block 102. Holladay Add
Rosa A. Buchanan to William J.
Hawkins, lots 5, 6, block 71, Car
ter's Arid, to Portland
The Northern Counties Investment
Co., Ltd., to Oregon Mortgage Co.,
Ltd., lots 2. 3. 4. block 27, Carson
Heights; lots C, D, P, O and north
5 feet of lots B and Q. Subd. of
lots ,1. 4. block 4. Portland Home
stead Overlook Land Co. to Stanley W.
Greene, lot IO. block 5. Overlook.
John Thomas to William Mortenson,
lot 30 block 5. Tremont Place....
Boom 8. Board of Trade bldg.
Abstract a specialty.
GUARANTEED certificates of title and ab
stracts made by Title A Trust Co.. Lewis
bid., cor. 4th and Oak sts.. Portland. Or.
1 -irs s
:"iLs Ll-,1
"I have used your valuable Cascareta
and I find them perfect. Couldn't do
without them. I have used them- for
come time for indigestion and biliousness
and am now completely cured. Recom
mend them to everyone. One- tried, yon
will never be without them in the
family." Edward A. Marx, Albany, N.Y.
Pteant. Palatable, Potent. Tasrs Good.
Do Good. Never Slcken.Weaken or Grips.
10c. 25c, 50c Never sold ia bulk. The gen
uine tablet stamped C C C Guaranteed to
cure or yonr money back. "
Inflammations, Irritations
or ulcerations of all mu
cous membranes, unnatu
ral discharges from nose,
throat or urinary organs.
TkErwCWiciio.. Sold by Druggists
, unau,uM I I
-or la plain wrapper, ex
press prepaid, on receipt
of $1. or three bottles, $X76
Booklet oa request.
f.JtfV'.V ' V
I I".' ET?1
I r
rf-rcatsrrli, clas
Guarantee Cures
Varicose Veins
I daily demonstrate that varicose veins can be
cured, in nearly all cases, by one treatment, in such
a satisfactory way that a healthy circulation is rap
idly re-established, and instead of the depressing con
ditions I guarantee you a cure or refund the money.
Blood and Skin Ailments
If you have sore throat, sores and ulcers, bone
pains, falling hair or any other symptoms of this
ailment, you should consult us and be forever rid of
It. Our treatment cleanses and eradicates every taint
and every Impurity of the blood and system. All dan
ger of transmission or recurrence is removed. Why
take poisonous drugs for years when a thorough cure
can be obtained without? Consult us at once.
2 9 IV2 Morrison St.
Bet 4th and 5ih, PORTLAND, OREGON
I am an expert specialist, have had
30 years' practice In the treatment ot
ailments of men. My offices are th
best equipped in Portland. My meth
ods are modern and up to date. My
cures are quick and positive. I do not
treat symptoms and paten up. I .thf
oughly examine each case, rind the)
cause, remove it and thus cure the all
I CURE Varicose Veins, Contracted
Ailments, Plies) and Specific Blood Pol
son and all Ailments of Men.
CURE Oil NO PAY I am tne only
Specialist In Portland who makes no
cbarire unless tbe patient is entirely
satisfied wit h the results accomplished,
and who elves a written guarantee to
refund every dollar paid for services
If a complete and permanent cure is not
tracted and chronic cases cured. All
burning-, itching- and inflammation
stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected la
seven davs. Consultation free. If un
able to call write for list of questions.
Office hours A. M. to 9 B. M. Sun
days, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
12S6 Second St., Corner of Alder,
Portland, Or.
Btrowbrldg-e bide.
183 H First St.,
room 11. and 223 4
Alder St- Chinese
Koot and Herb
Medicines. Cures
Csncsr. Rbeuma
tlsm. Coasumptloo.
Dropsy, Catarrh.
6tomach, Luns,
Liver and Kldaer
troubles. All
Chronic ailments
of men and wom
en. Examination
tree. Drugstore
2b i Flanders 8L
lee A Son's Medicine Co. spent
lifetime study of herbs and re
search In China; was granted
diploma by the Emperor; won
derful cure of all ailments of
men and - women wben others
failed. If you suffer, call or
write to YEE SON'S MEDI
CINE CO., 142V4 First, cor.
Alder. I'ortland. Or.
L. I. Yes.
Vonnir Ming- Chinese
feiiicine Co. Wonderful
remedies from herbs and
roots cure all diseases of
men and women. Honest
treatment. No operations.
We cure when others fall.
Hundreds of testimonials
from grateful patients.
Consultation free. 47 Tay
lor St.. bet. 2d and Sd.
yields to scientific treatment. No pow
ders, no 6moke, no douches. This is
"different." Send for booklet, "Free,
Air," to Dept. O.
214 St. Helena Ave., Xievna, Wash.
.i r