THE MORXTXGr OKEGOXIAX. SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1910. 10 REAL ESTATE. Acreage. CELL OR TRADE 5 acres, close to car, $2500; also & acres well improved, a fine home, eant be beat, close in, $4500; also acres, all in fruit, close to car 3i50; and others. Rishop. 32s Mohawk blag. Hometitfada. GOOD locations in Crook, Lake, Harney and the coast; 2 timber claims on the coast, 6 tine relinquishments, cheap; low rates for Jur.e. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON". 32-page book explaining what each of the ;i4 counties is best auapted for; gives amount of Government land open to heme steau in each "county ; "map attached, 21x 2S, showing new R. R. and towns, includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counties In different colors; drawn to March 1, 1910; latest man in U. S.; price 2Sc Nim- mo Runev, 313 Hamilton bldg. ; HOMESTEAD relinquishment. In Tp. 27 S-. R. 17 iZ-i fenced; 40 acres cleared good; will fell cheap. Johnson & Stout, 616 Commercial bldg., city. a,mv0u Ki:LI.QUIaHME.'T SO miles from Portland; good agricultural land; $ou0. 733 Marquambldg. Main fc3U. a EASTERN OREGON homestead and desert land. Oregon Homestead Co.. 217 Ablng ton bldg., IPG ad at - HOMESTEADS to locate this side of mountains for farming. 218 Worcesterbldg. , For Sale FrrU Lands. ?A0 ACRE-S. Will sell J0O acres best fruit land West ern Oregon; surveyed. platted ready for mar ket ; partly cultivated ; 1 mile from railroad and good town; chance for somebody to make 2'0 per cent on their money; dirt cheap. See me quick. Address bid Electric bidg. Phone Marshall 1625. JO-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad. 25 miles from Portland; best oil, no rock; 140 an acre, easy terms; arrange with us to go and make selection; round trip same day. 310 Corbett bldg. B-ACRE orchard tracts, H miles from town; $100 per acre; 10 per cent down, S 1 5 per mo. AF Oregonian. For Sale Farm. 417 ACRES in the Tualatin Valley, mi 1 es from Forest Grove and l:j mile from ship ping point on S. P. R. R. ; 2bt acres choice bottom land, balance fine rolling fruit land; 250 acred in cultivation, all fenced; fair buildings; fine hophoust-; complete with crops stock and farm implements, $32. '. Thi- must be seen to be appreciated. S-1K. 160 acres fine bottom land in the Tualatin River Valley, same location as the place above; Tualatin River on one aide and S. P. R. R. on other, convenient to shipping point, churches and schools ; all level and finest possible deep rich loam soil; 130 acres cleared and in crops. Complete with crops, $17,500; good terms on either of thee. S-il. 225 acres in Clear Creek Valley, 18 miles from Portland and 7 miles from Clackamas on S. P. R. R. ; good macaoami-d road all the way; 70 acres cleared and in crop, 844 bearing prune trees, about 3,50,000 ft. fine timber; fair buildings, all fenced; about half choice bottom land. An ideal place for diversified farming or stock raising. Complete with stock, crops and implements $ 1 .",ooo, terms. S-b5. THE CARD REALTY & INV. CO., ti25 Henry bidg. 3.fi6 ACRES in .Multnomah County, on Foster road. Now in trees, stumps and brush. Adjacent to Johnson Creek. 5 minutes to car ; will sell all or any part. Only $450 an acre. We have others. One acre or thousands. "It will pav vou to see our list." HAHTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 74 ACRES. 50 in cultivation, family or . chard of assorted fruit, rt-room house, ' barn, granary and other outbuildings; 1 mile from town, R. K. and boat landing, Clark County, "Washington. Come and Fee the crops on the place and you will buy. No a cents. Address Box 9, Wash ougal. Wash. $1200. 20 acres, 30 miles from Portland (on R P. 4th-st. R. R. ) ; 6 acres in hay. 1 acre in potatoes, 2-room house; spring on place; 2 miles from R. R. ; some grow ing fruit trees, balance timber : tine wal nut or fruit land. Chas Hall. Gaston. Or. DOUGLAS COUNTY, OR. FOR SALE 1700 acres choice land on good county road, 3 miles from railroad and good town; this land is very suitable for platltog and U at present In good condition; price $24 per acre. For particulars and terms apply 10 William MacMaster, J02 Worcester block, Portland, Or. 20-ACRE tracts, unimproved, 23 miles by rail from Portland; suitable for fruit raising and chicken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber for all purpose, best of soil, no rock or gravel; $15 to $25 an acre; easy terms These are the cheapest tracts on the market and will bear inspection. Call and arrange to go and eee them. 310 Corbett bid g. 70 ACRES, only S miles from centerf city and 1 mile east of Oregon City carline 30 acres clear, balance timber; land Is all level, best of soil, live springs. Only $SoO per acre. C F. Pfluger & Co., room 5 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison Fts. ' GOOD valley farm of 0o ares to exchange for 40 to V -0-room apartment-house with lease; value $Ko(hi, $15,(kh; will take or give difference. Address box 204 Oregon City Or. JO-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad, 25 mils from Portland; 'best oil; no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; ax range with us to go and make selection; . round trip same day. 310 Corbett bldg. J. A. CUNNINGHAM. " ' For sale, farms, livery, business, ware house and business; prices reasonable; no exchange. P. O. Box 74. Carlton, Or. fcO ACRES, gond soil, fine water, fenced, fair improvements, orchard, close to station; easy terms or will trade. 32 Worcester Mdg. A 121.".. Miscellaneous. IP YOU ARE) LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small, well-improved farm, at low price and oa . most liberal terms, see me. 1 handle my wn properties. J. O. BLROD, 620 Corbett Bldg. BESCKt'TES Valley city property or Fale by owner at Madras, Or.; rental per month $175; cheap, on easv terms. Address Har- ry G. Key, Redmond. Or. NORTH REACH I want an offer for prettiest frontage on ocean; 10ox20O ft., with good 7 room house and furniture complete. Hart, l4lSecond n. Phono Mars-halt 1583. -jVAjgTEn HEAL ESTATE. SHEEP RANCH WANTED. We have been commissioned by Eastern rarty to buy a well-arranged sheep ranch, handv to Portland market. H ASK INS & H I'DSON REALTY CO., 200 Henry bldg. Phone A 3298. 10x100 CORNER, or one-fourth block, in Jrvington district, with or without dwell ing; give description and price; owners only; must be two blocks of car. A 1KJ, Oregoninn. BEAR IN MIND that I pay cash, for dwelling-ho ues not to exceed $4Goo on meritori ous sacrifices. Call or address &07 McKay bldg.. Main 4710. WANTED For client, desirable home, mod ern, $2f00 to $3000, at $150 down; monthly payments. 517 Worcester bldg. Marshall 1647. WANT 5 or fi-room bunpralow on or off 'Hawthorne ave., around $3000, from ovner onl y. P 01. Oreg on Ian. WANTED 1 to 3 acres, vicinity Richmond cariinc, near 39th or 41st. Call today. Jas. C. Logan, 320 Wash, at., room 404." "WANTED Modern home, desirable locality 6 or 7 rooms; not far from Union ave AddreFs A il. Qregonian. WAXTJ.D Lot, close in, East or West Side; state lowest price and location; no agents ...L. i'4.Gregonian. WANTED Platting proposition either for city or orchard land; if you own such cali at once. SOS Hoard of Trade A COUPLE want bungalow for Summer, completely furnished; references furnished' not over $30. R 1)4. Oregonian. . "WANTED Bargain In Alameda Park" state lot- block and terms. Address R U3, Ore- gonian. WANTED Cheap lots In Fair-port, near Al bina avenue; give numbers and terms. Ad- dress L 02. Oregonian. WANTED Lowest price on good Olmsted , Park lot. Address L ft3, Oregonian. FOB fiAI.l -TIMEEtt LANDS. SECTION 16-37-7, 644 acres. 14 miles from Grants Pass; will cut 14,000,000- ft timber or more, 65 per cent fir. 35 per cent yel low and sugar pine; has been holding for $L'u per acre; must sell by July 15; make an offer ; terms cash. Address W. L. S P. Q. box 1SS, Qoldendale. 160 acres, upper White Salmon Valley, 3,000,000 yellow pine and fir, irrigation ditch, first class fruit or dairy land; $4o00, if taken at once; good terms. Danforth, Main 37S7. TIMBER LANDS BOl'GHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN, 304 McKay Bldg. buiU-Mju.ouu-FOOT tract, Sileu timber, IN, Oregonian. AD TIMBER claims, homesteads, relinquish ments. 21 J Worcester Mdg. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. FARM, about 20 acres, within 10 miles Port land ; good house, water, reasonable rent; option buying. X So, Oregonian. IRRIGATED LAM). CALIFORNIA! SACRAMENTO VALLEY IRRIGATED LANDS. Going to California? Looking for irri gated lands? If so, stop at Wiliows, Glenn County, on the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad, where the representatives of the Sacramento Valley Irrigation Com pany will afford you every opportunity to see the greatest irrigation project in Amer ica. You will see the first awakening of the GREAT VALLEY. Many millions of dollars of increased valuta will be made there within a few years. Will you share them? . This project Is financed by J. S. and W. S. K.uhn, Incorporated, bankers of Pitta burg. Pa., who so successfully developed the TWIN FALLS NORTH SiDH? PROJECT, TWIN FALLS SALMON RIVER PROJECT, and THE TWIN FALLS OAKLEY PRO JECT In Southern Idaho, comprising in all iX0,000 acres. The same opportunities for money-making: that were given in Idaho will be seized by many in the Sacramento Valley Project. Price of land $ 125 per acre with water right. Very easy terms. Cash payment of only $15 per acre, other payment extending over 10 years. For literature aid full Information ad dress SACRAMENTO VALLEY IRRIGATION CO. Department "A." Willows, California. Other offices Pittsburg, Pa. ; Chicago, 111.; San Francisco, and Los Angeles. California. 10 ACRES Irrigated land, $400, $1 an acre down, fi an acre per month; no Interest; no taxes. V its. Oresonian. 10 ACRES irrigated land, $400. $1 an acre down, St an acre per month; no interest; no taxes. V 9S, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. FIVE hundred thousand dollars worth of wheat land to trade for Portland or Oregon property; will tiade any part of it; will pav cash difference. SHOEMAKER INV. CO.. 527 Henry Bldg. Main 44o0; A 74o4. EXCHANGE $6000 par Chicago X. Y. Elect.' Afr R. R. stock for 350 shares United Wire less stock. 145 acres of land for 25o shares of United Wireless stock. Phone A 72o7. I. , ao7 Lumbermen, 5thst. WHAT have vou to trade for a brewery that cost $12S,U0o and has stood a loan of $40,000; this brewery is clear of all incumbrance. Shoemaker Investment Co., 527 Hen ry bldg. . 30: ACRES walnut land, IVs miles from Sheridan ; county road; running water; house, barn; phone, R, F. U. ' $32.50 acre. Owner. Tabor 2213. . , , - WILL take diamond or anything of value to the extt-nt of $4mj as first payment on fine n e w home. V U3 , Ore gonian. WILL exchange Irvington home for good rc h ard land or timber. Phone O 2429. YOU can trade any Kind of pruptru room 1 01 a Board of Trad. FARMS WANTED. WANTED Improved farm. lO to 20 acres, with running water or sprirgs; must be good grass land, in 20 miles of Portland, on carline; will pay $500 cash, $500 good notes, payable $50 each month ; balance SIT) per month. G tM). Oregonian. WANTED Farm or acreage, also acreage overlxking river or ocean. Newman. 520 Washington. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. ;io McKay bldg. C. J McCracken, FOB a ALE. Horses Vehicles and Uaruesi. WHY buy second-hand vehicles when you can get a now one irom an old-established wholesale house. 44 years in Oregon, at almost the same cott ? We are located outride the high-rent district, own our building, and can make the price. Ex clusive agents for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and farm vagons. He sure and see us before you buy. It may save you money. R. M. WADE & CO.. C22 Hawthorne ave.. bet. East 1st and 2d. MULES MULEas MULES We are now located at the Portland Union Stockyards. We have on hand a good stock of mules weigning from 1200 to 1400 lbs, that are first-class In every particular; our prices are in line with the tiaes. Corn and. see us and we whl convince you. THE MURPHY HORSE Ac MULE CO.. Woodlawn 2400. FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetable and znilk wagons for sale. Hawlhorne-ave Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. f GENTLE horse t"hat a woman can ride or drive; also buggy and harness. Inquire Roberts Bros.. 4d and Morrison. FOR SALE. One team of matched black horses; one team bay and gray in fine condition; just through grading and have no further use for them; no skates. See owner, 1078 Hol gate st. or phone Sellwood 489 Mi;STbe sold at once, if taken today will let them go for $105, team and harness; weight 2500 lbs.; horses guaranteed true pullers; come and try them. Ask for watchman, Hawthorne Park, East 12tb MISSOURI MULES FOR SALE. 100 head, 1200 to 1500 lbs., suitable for railroad, loggiilg and farm work. Mules at Freedman Bros.' barn, corner 13th and Overton sis. Address Sparks. & Wiggln- ton. Imperial Hotel. WANTED Teams to haul crushed rock; $6 per day. 9 hours; free barn. Apply 407 i.umiermens bldg. Main 201S or Jbi. 291 after7 evenings. FOR SALE 1 team young, well-matched horses, weighing 2SO0 lbs.; sound and without blemishes; 1 young horse, weigh ing 15 50. 22 tj Rus sell St. PAIR of young horses, weight 2700, gentle and sound; great workers; bargain. 43 E. 50th st. North. A. SNAP 4-cy Under roadster, new top, new coils, just out of paint shop; $450 cash. Main .7-:t SEVERAL fine stalls for rent; take boarders too. East Portland Riding School, C 2Mti Union, ave., cor. E. Irving st. STENOGRAPHER, beginner, would like po sition; would work for small salary. Phone Sell wood H.8U. HUBERT & HALL' 9 STABLES, 380 Front at., livery business, rigs, horses, harness, wag oaa, for Kale or rent. Main 2208. FOR SALE 50 ponies, at Fulton stables. TakeFulton car, 2dave. PASTURE for rent near Portland. 339 Sherlock bldg. - BEST family pony, 2-seated surrey, in Port-r land. 345 Morrison. WANTED Horses- and cattle for pasture at Swan Island. Phone Main S824. WANTED Young sound horse, city broke, 11.00 to 120P. 2S'a Union ave. N. Piano, Organs and Musical lnstruweata. VICTOR phonograph records; over auo 10 and 12-inch records, almost as good aa new, 2Uc each if you take all at once. Come and test them. Weaver Hotel. VIOLINS, brass, reed and string instruments repaired. Any piece made to -order. H. Godard, room 10. 142 H 2d st. WILL fell $105 check on piano "certificate. Main V38L Birds, Dogs and Pet Stock. TWO thoroughbred English bull terriers. 5 months old. male and female ; $15 each Call 1031 East Caruthers su Phone Tabor -a&it : FOR SALE 2-montha-old Great Dame pup pies, pure breed. Inquire 161 North tith st. m THREE very fine Airedale terrier puppies. L. V. Woodward, Sellwood 1015. THOROUGH BRED cocker spaniel pups, 52 's North 15th St. Automobile. STANDARD STL'DEBAKER 30 AUTOMO BILE. Will trade for city property to the value of $1 800. or will take part property and part cash: auto bought new last year, list price $3o00; must act quick ; top, glass front, robes and full set of tools, phone C 2746. 7-PASSENGER 60-H. P. Thomas Flyer, in good condition; just the car for stage line or livery; $1500 cash or installments. West ern Auto Co.. 531 Alder st. A PICKUP Single cylinder runabout in good condition, new tires; a bargain for 100 if bought today. See owner, Graham Mo t o rc a rCo. MODEL M Cadillac: 5-passenger; good con dition; $650. Phone Tabor 484 ; X. W. cor. E. 39th and Yamhill. WANTED 1910 Chalmers Detroit, toy tonneau; state cash, price. X 91, Orego- nlan. MUST have runabout or light touring car at once. What have you? 320 Washington St.. room 417. Main 5381. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Half price, fine electric piano, also 2O0 folding chalre. Call 5264 Washlng to n st, Pho n e M a 1 n 845 8. BLICKBNSDERFER TYPEWRITERS $45, $50. Ask for catalog. Rebuilt f!5 up N. M. Hayter Co., 90 6th t. Main 5529. FO RESALE A nice lot of good lumbeo, cheap. 34S 1st st FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. SEWING machines, special sale on splendid lot of fine second-hand machines of all leading makes Singer. Wheeler & Wil son, New Home. White, Domestic, House hold and others, to make room for new Singer 66 and rotary. Singer Sewing Machine Store, B. S. Slgel. agent. 335 Morrison st. Fnone Main 2183. A 4599. LAUNCH Roamer, 40x10, in first-class con dition, sleeps 6: toilet, gallery and tender '.n davits; speed 8 miles. Dr. Freeberger, 206 Swetland bldg. ' - 25 HEAD sheep, grade Shropshire. Inquire of H. G. Starkweather, just west of Rls ley station, on Oregon City carline. Phono Oak G rove Black 17. FOR SALE cheap by owner one 16 h. p. traction Russell engine. Jopiin & Meeks, S0:i Board of Trada bldg. FOR SALE Diver's pump, complete sub marine diving outfit. S. W. Bailey, 387 East Washington. TO BE GIVEN AWAY. 100 yards dirt, will pay part of hauling. 7"5 Belmont st. STOCK of decorations, novelties, jewelry, re turn balls, canes, pennants, etc 472 Wash Ington st. FOR SALE $125 contest check on Hovenden Soule Piano Co. Mike Brunner, R- 1, Camas, r Wash. SAFES NEW AND SECOND-HAND. All sizes; low prices; easy terms. 1 PORTLAND SAFE COMPANY. 87 5th fit 6PECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines; liberal terms; $10 to $60. Northwest Type writer Co.. M. 8S7Q. 222 Ablngton bidg. FOR SALE Showcase. wallcases, counters, cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East 538. WOODSAW. gasoline, 5 h. p., fine condition. 249 Second st. L. C. SMITH typewriter, latest model, with back-spacing. $05. K 9o. Oregonian. SHOWCASES. new and second-hand. 312 Everett, cor. 6th. Also fixtures. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. 231 Stark St. Main 1407. . NOTES and mortgages bought and fwld. Na Credit Assn. 601 Worcester bldg. 50O RUSJNES CARDS $1 if you bring thtfi ad. Rope City Prlntery. 392' 3d, near Taylor. FINE insulated cooler for sale cheap. Alex Friedman, 295 1st. VIOLINS, banjos, mandolins, guitars at half regular prices. Uncle Myers, 71 6th et. HOUSEBOAT for sale. Inquire 216 Ore gonian bldg. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED CLOTHING. Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing and shoes. The Globe Second hand store, 290 First. Main 20&0. We also ' buy ladles' clothing. i WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal 62 NV 3d Pt. Main 9272. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get les3. Phones: A 2445; Main 895 1 . SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. WANTED Motion-picture machine; gas out flt, filma. 526& Wash. Phone Main 8458. WANTED Second-hand buggy or runabout; must be reasonable. W 95. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED An experienced salesman for city v ork. One of good address and pre vious successful record. Lo not reply tin less qualified to produce results. Give reference and phone. Address K 94, Ore gonlan. YOUNG man, living at home, to learn tea and coffee business; fine chance to advance; me with experience in groceries preferred; salary $7 to start. Graad Union Tea Co., 418 Washington st. A FIRST-CLASS opening for a good sales man accustomed to dealing with business and professional men. If you are alive here's your chance. Address AJ 75, Ore- gonian. FIRST-CLAPS carriage blacksmith for new work; good wages to steady man. Apply Puget Sound Wagon Works, 1915 Sixth ave., south, and Holgate, Seattle, W'ash. WANTED Youns man to assist and learn automobiles, small capital required, experi ence unnecessary; investigate. tf26 j Wash Ington. room 416. YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway mail clerks, postoffice clerks, carriers, etc. Write or call for Book 'S It's free. Pacific States School, McKay bldg.. Portland, Or. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors; ao ceptable contracts cached upon verification; German-Catholic weekly having 26,000 sub- scribers. Benedictine Presa, Goodnough bldg. ENERGETIC stenographer wanted with. ome knowledge of bookkeeping, with re ply state age, references and phone No. M 94, Oregonian. WANTED A good meatcutter and sausage maker; also a man that understands man aging butcher shop. Apply Braden & Adams, Auto r la. Or. - PLUMBERS and steam fitters First-class re liable open-shop men; good wages, regular work. Address Wm. E. Holmes, Sec, Se attle, Wah. FOR $35 we learn you to operate motion pictures and secure you position paying $35 weekly. Office hours A. M. to 4 P. M. 2bt4 Washington, st, room 612. MACHINISTS, call at 270 Alder st- be fore accepting positions in city. Strike on for 8 hours. Ed Carlson, business agent. - WANTED Young man room-mate, reliable party; references exchanged. W Ore- gonian. BARBER wanted, $18 week or I will sell barber ehop cheap. Address P. O. Box 171 Independence. Or. CASH STORE Owner wants partner to over see help check good', etc.; pays $30 a week; $300required.417 Boardof Trade. WANTED Reliable printer; steady position; state wages. Roseburg News, Xtoaeburg, Oregon. SALESMAN with own auto for first-class beach proposition. Inquire 9 to 12 A. M. 2 2 Corbett bldg. EXPERIENCED spinners wanted at once. Apply Portland Woolen Mills, St. Johns, Oregon. ; WANTED Hospital ordeny with experience; $45 per- month with board and room. Ad dress at once Dr. W. T. Fhy, Hot Lake, Or. YOU can make $35 weekly if you learn to operate motion pictures1. Motion Picture School, 526Mf Wash, st.. bet. 16th and 17th. WANTED Shoemaker who can buy a part of a good repair shop. Inquire 215 7th St., Oregon City. - MACHINIST'S WANTED. ' Apply Smith & Watson Iron WTorks, Front and Hall sts. $18 TO $35 week few months oniy learning; situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-Ea-graving School. Box 182. Ashland, Or. YOUNG man as assistant janitor; t ust u ' aersland window cleaning. Eastern Out iitting Co. FINE opening for first-class job printer as manager of good plant; no money re quired. Address F 97, Oregonian. THE OREGON EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 41 North Second st. Marshall 318. AJ lkinds of male h e 1 p. MAN and wife for country place; man to do general work, wife to cook for family ; state experience had. P o, Oregonian. WANTED A preeser and bushelman at Tlie Wardrobe, 751 Washington st., cor. 23d; good wages. YOUNG man for office work, stenographer and typewriter preferred. 339 Sherlock bldg. WANTED Reliable man used to farm pro duce; pay $25 week; small investment re quired; particulars 24S Stark st. GOOD live canvassers wanted; best thing in the city for quick money. Room 23 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. BUSHELMAN. tailor and presser wanted. R. M. Gray. 27:?-275 Morris o n s t. WEAVERS wanted at once. Apply Portland Woclen Mills, St Johns. Or. BUTCHER wanted immediately. sVoThuF man street, corner 25th. STRONG boy. 17 or over, to assist porter at Sealy-Lowell, cor. 5th and stark. WANTED 1 first-class waiter. Apply 141 N. 6th St., 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. WANTED Young, experienced man to work a t fruit gtand. Ap ply at 61 & 3d. WANTED Boy for evening work In librarv. AppIy Public Llnrary. 7th and Stark sts. BOY wanted to work in cigar and fruit store . A p p 1 y at 61 Vj 3d ' st. PRESSER wanted; steady position. Clothing Co.. 3d and Oak sts. Moyer "UPHOLSTERERS wanted. Portland Furniture jurg. uo. . J. 4 i acaoam rtoaa, iruiton car. rnuiuuAArxi tuupuu aim agents; msw offer. Cutberth, studio Dekum bldg. Al BUSINESS man as salesman and col- lector. AuureBa am. try, oregonian. WANTED First-class upholsterer. 794 N. lth st. MARKERS wanted. 12th and Flanders. American Laundry, BOY wanted. Call at cigar stand, Corbett bldg., bet. 8 and 8:30. WANTED Dishwasher, Hungarian Restau rant, 345 Yamhill st. WANTED Bushelman for Saturday. Sara- uel Rosenblatt & Co.. 3d and Morrison. JBAKBEa wanted, fit 253 Holladay veiiuevj HELP WANTKO FOR THE COPPER RIVER & N. W. Ft. R., CORDOVA, ALASKA. 1000 white laborers1 tor surfacing and general railroad construction work; wages $3.85 per day. Fare from Seattle tothfe work $15. Next shipments1. July 8. M. J. HENEY, Pier 2, Seattle, Wash. 9 WANTED. Six laundry deliverymen; steady job to grod men; salary or commission basis; can make from $15 to $25 per week;-will not consider application unless following ques tions are answered in detail: Married, single, age, present and past occupation, employer's name, address, are you a hus tler? Address F 93, Oregonian; give phone number. WANTED A young man seeking an oppor tunity to learn a good business where he will be given expert attention and advice, we feeling responsible for his1 success-, pro vided he Is honest and ambitious; this po sition is worth at least $200 per month to hegin with; call not later than 10 A. M., w2'ji Oak. WANTED Saddlemaker to take charge of department; must be able to do own cut ting, fancy stamping, etc, one who can make' chaps, cuffs, etc.. preferred, union shop, steady work; state wages desired. AN 91, Oregonian. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates, earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 5 North 4th st.. Portland. Or. Y. M. C. A. The friend of the young man and stranger; hearty welcome and good counsel are yours without cost. Constant demand for men who can do something well. Special employment membership as sures employment. . Investigate before you Invest. WANTED Men and boys at Los Angeles; no expense for instruction; learn automo biles, electricity, plumbing, bricklaying trade' In months instead of years; study half and work half time; catalogue free; United Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles. WANTED AT ONCE Several young men to learn to spin yarn in a woolen mill. Light work ; medium wage guaranteed to start; steady employment. Apply at once to Superintendent, Portland Woolen Mills, St. Johns, Or. W4VTEI1 FEMALg. WANTED Hotel and hoarding-house cooks, $40, $45 and $50, Camp waitress, $30. Three hotel waitresses, $30, $35 and $40. Chambermaids, $25. Practical nurse, $lo week, room and board. Kitchen helper, $25. Housekeeper, $20. Other places too numerous to mention -here. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Ladles' Dept. 2o5 Morrison St. Main Office. 12 N. 2d St. YOUNG LADY GRADUATES of high or grammar schools, 17 years of ago and over will find a good opportunity to en ter a business career by applying at once to OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. WANTED Experienced woman to take en tire charge of woman's garment depart ment and undermuslins In biggest depart ment store in Bakersfleld, Cal. Salary commensurate with ability. Position will be open August 1. Address, with full let ter of experience and references, Hoch- helmer & Co., Bakersfleld, CaL. WANTED AT ONCE Several young women to learn to weave plain flannels and blankets; wags guaranteed to start; steady employment. Appty at once, Superintend entPortjand Woolen Mills. St. Johns, Or. SUMMER SCHOOL for English branches, shorthand and typewriting. Day and even ing classes1. Posit Sons guaranteed. 630 0r ccster block. Enroll now. WANTED Immediately, nurses for general hospital duty; $55 per month with board, room, laundry, uniform. Address Dr. W. T. pny. Hot Lake Sanitarium, Hot Lane, or, CAPABLE girl or woman for cooking and general housework; good wages; willing to go to Summer resort. 809 Lovejoy st. Main 2929 and A 4940. WANTED A young lady, experienced in the tooth business. Address Goldsmith Bros. Smelting & Refining Co., 467 Ar cade bldg., Seattle, Wash. WANTED Reliable girl, general housework. Must be fond of children, healthy and clean: Scandinavian preferred. Main 4412. A 4426. On Sunday call Tabor 1S94. WANTED Girl for general housework, fam ily adults. Apply 532 E. ISth. N. Phone JBaat 3604. WANTED A chambermaid who lives at home. Call Fairmount Hotel, 29 Vz North' Sixth st. TEN trustworthy ladies to travel for manu facturing company; salary $75 month, city J2.50 day. Room 0, 249 Holladay ave. WANTED Refined capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Rothchua bldg., 4th and Washington. WANTED Young lady stenographer for general office work. Call 5263 Wash. st- between lotn ana j un. LADY to go in with me and buy out a pay- Oregonian. LADY to learn beauty culture. Sanitary Beauty College, 400 to 412 Uekuin bidg. Make your- - wel independent. YOUNG lady stenographer for wholesale house; answer in own hand writing; state wages wanted. T 92, Oregonian. GIRL, general housework, Scandinavian pre ferred. 7S7 Madison. Phone Marshall 3 6Q1. A 5728. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, 320 Washington St., Room 307. Main 8836 or A 3266. WANTED 2. lady skirt pressers, good wages. Broadway Dye Works, y53 Union a vo. GOOD girl for general housework, small family. Phone Main S980, or call 170 N. 22d st. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343 Vk Washington St.. Cor. 7th, Upstairs. - Phone Main 2692. WANTED Experienced cook for small fam J1y. 474 Market gt.. corner 14th st. GOOD girl for general work; App 1 y 821 Irving st. small family. WANTED A waitress1. Depot Restaurant. Apply at once. Union WANTED Experienced lady presser. Carl son & Ramage. 2S Union ave. N. WEAVERS wanted at once. Apply Port land Woolen Mills, St. Johns, Or. AN assistant bookkeeper and stenographer at Jones' Market. 151 4th. FIRST-CLASS waitress, $10 per week. Meves, 105 6th st. GIRL for cooking and general housework. 648 Lovejoy St. $30 CAPABLE woman, general housework; small family. 54 North 21st st. NEAT, quick girl wanted. Stein's restaurant, 12314th st. . GIRL for general housework; 3 in family. 40S N. 32d st. Main 7S59. 2 GOOD, live women solicitors; good money. gee R. M. Plummer. 260 3d st GIRL to assist in care for child to go to the beach. 253t Wash., room 5. YOUNG girl with neat appearance wanted at a fruit tan d. 33 N. 4 1 h at. WANTED Girl for general housework: 3 in family. Apply t 375 E. 21st st. North. 3GIRLS between 20 and 35 yearsf or " shoot Ing galleries. Apply today at 250 First st. HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co.. d anil Columbia. WANTED Young lady to sell tickets for snow. Apply 49 3d St.. after 0:30 A. M. WANTED Girl for general housework. 200 Grand ave. North, cor. Multnomah. WANTED Experienced girl for general houss wor k. Apply room 201 Oregonian bldg. LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by cTpe-t: t5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3s93. PASTRY cook. $12 week; waitress. 9t. Louis Agency, 3r3 Wash. Main 2039. WANTED Waitress for dinners. 293 Stark st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good positions- to A-l instructors. 611 S wetland. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Rook Keepers and Clertem. WANTING to locate in Northwest, do herewith offer my services aa credit man, correspond ent or bookkeeper; lO years with large ' Eastern jobbers. AL 97, OregoBlan. SALESMAN for general store conversant with all departments wants position out of town; capable and industrious, well recommended. Q 94, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, with 8 years' experience, desires position with well-established commercial business; best of references furnished. Y SO, Qregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper and office man, 27, seeks opening; salary no object. W 99, Qre gonian. WANTED Positioa by regular pharmacist. . la or out of tity y, so, Oregonian, SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERT accountant wants set of small books to keep ; books opened, closed, er rors located. J 94, Oregonian. BOOKEEPER or clerk, 15 years' experience. desires position; salary no consideration. V 94, Oregonian. Miftceltaneotia. CHAUFFEUR, careful, sober and reliable, wishes position with private family; can make own repairs. Call Main 5999, or A 2578. YOUNG hotel man. 6 years' experience in front and back part of hotel wants posi tion; best of references. AK 37, Orego nlan. THOROUGHLY experienced ciothing and gent's furnishing salesman wants posi tion: highest references furnished. H 73, Oregonian. . LOOK Mr. Automobile Owner. If you need a strictly reliable chauffeur and repairman during your outing and pleasure trips- phone B. 554. A YOUNG German, 2b years old. wants steady work of any kind; not afraid of hard work. A 96. Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese wants a position as a helper of any kind in any house for few - hours (from 7 P. M .). W 91, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man wishes position as head sawyer in band mill. N 91, Orego- nian. BARKEEPER. German, wishes situation; 4 years in last place. San Francisco refer ences. B 95, i Oregonian. MAN with good references wishes positioa as porter or janitor in office building or club. G 93. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS cook wishes position in coun try hotel or Summer resort. AN SS, Ore- gonian. BY laundryman, thorough, all branches, medium-sized town preferred ; state wages. AN 98, Oregonian. t EXPERIENCED Japanese cook wants po titicn in good family. Frank. AF Db. Ore gonian. PAINTER, paperhanger, wants work. 95, Oregonian. MARRIED man wishes work, dairy ranch preferred. 1X30 11th st.. Vancouver. Waah. COLORED man wishes position as janitor. 106 North 8th. Main 6370. J APANESB Employment Co" will furnish all help. Main 4650, A 4U73. 68 Everett. GOOD Japanese cook wants situation, fam ily or boarding-house. M QQ, Oregonian. LICENSED chauffeur, mechanical, wants po sitinn. AN 98. Oregonian DAY work. Call 5 to 6 P. M. A 4065. . SITPATIOy WASTED fiaULLB. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. YOUNG lady stenographer, rapid and accu rate; permanent position preferred. 475 Maln street. YOUNG lady stenographer, rapid and accu rate: permanent position preferred. 475 Main st. STENOGRAPHER, beginner, would like po sition; would work for small salary. Phone Sellwood 1809. ' COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER desires position, would Bubstitute during July and August. T 97, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, with some experience, desires position. Phone A 5446. Dressmaker. TWENTY years' -experience, right from New York. Ladies' tailoring, fancy dresses, evening gowns a specialty; work from nothing but Paris models: are strangers in the city and must get established. We do nothing but first-class work. Every thing guaranteed. Look for our sign. New York Tailoring, 433 Montgomery . at. Mount Tabor car. Phone A 7358. ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors, 328V4 Waah ingtun at., suite 216. Main 9S2. A 5381. LADIES' tailoring; alterations, coats relined. M-s Miiklsr. 430 Columbia St. A 47i TvurBes. REFINED young lady desires position as children's nurse; family going to beach or country preferred. Phone Al. .iuui. WANTED To care for child; good sub urban home. Arleta, Or., box 4''2. TRAINED nurse would like cases. Main 925. Housekeepers. WIDOW with two children would like posi tion In some good place, city or country; prefer some country place; have good ref erences and would accept moderate wages. Address W 92. Oregonian. THOROUGHLY" capable woman from the East wishes housekeeper's position; small private family: elderly couple preferred. X 97. Oregonian. . Miscellaneous. RESPECTABLE woman wishes position in home of two refined elderly people to as sist with housework and sewing; good home more essential than big wages. M Oregonian. TUTOR Normal graduate and experienced teacher gives private lessons in work of any of the grades. Phone A 4479 at noon or from a to 8 P. M. YOUNG woman wishes position In printing office; can do presswork and typesetting; some experience in Job work. Phone Wain MU'.'H, AMERICAN woman wants to cook for small crew of men, heat, good cook. Mat tie Gowan. general delivery, Portland. COOKS! housekeepers, chambermaids, nurses, laundresses. St. Louis Agency, 303V& "Waah- inglon SI. .vmin A".., r ..... YOITNG ladv would like position doctor's office, or with some graduate nurse. T 34, oregonian. SHAMPOO and scalp treatment at your home. Phone East 4IU2 before 9 or after 6. COLORED woman wants work by the day. 106 North 8th. Main 6379. WANTED AOEXI8. RESIDENT agent wanted for Portland and surrounding territory to handle line of cot t..n prtrin nuitable for wholesale and retail dry goods trade, also manufacturers; can be handled m conneciiun wilii uurei miro, e.-f opportunity for hustling salesman; refer ence required. XA, Oregonian. AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown nursery stock is In demand; sains this season will be Immense: a nattering op portunity; cash paid weekly; outfit fr falem Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 per week easily selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Co., Orenco, Or. Good territory open; lib eral proposition. Call or write to Orenco, or. AGENTS wanted to aid us supply ths de mand for choice nursery stock; outfit free; cash weekly. Address Capital Oils Nursery Co., Salem, Or. WAXTEP TO KENT. We furnish the renter, collect the. rent, "pay taxes, insurance and " keep up repairs, the same for you as though the property was our own; references, any bank in Portland. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 245 Stark St. Phones A 3500, Main 35. Houses. WANTED A five-room flat, wit! buy fur- niture; west of fifth, south of Flanders, north of Harrison. R SKt. Oregonian. tv a vTF.n To rent nicely furnished houe, five or six rooms, in Montavilla section, for aiKIUL V v l""1"1" " COTTAGE for July and August; must have 2 beds, batn ana. piiuiie, w amin umLiwjtu Tiot over $Smonthly. phone A 7t-8. WANTED Care furnished house for the Summer; best of references. S 96, Ore- -tx-atevjt tv rent or leae unfurnished to 2u-room house, West Side preferred. V ft 'J. Oregonian. SLEEPING porch wanted for the Summer by young man: oon t n.e io oicep muuuia., K Vl, Qregonian. Rooms With Board. W ANTE dA-S t e ad y rooms and board, young married couple, in private noma or select private boarding: house; references; West Box 436, Po r t land. Or. YOUNG gentleman would like board and room in private lamny , l klki euuoa. Aa. dress'S &8.Oregonian. WANT lady to board 2 babies, 6 months old. O 93, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Koom. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MILNER BLDG.." 3oX MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL. KEASOKABLEL ynrnlshed Boomt THE GAYOSA. Grand ave. and E. fetark. Modern $2.50 up.. A PLEASANT room for two gentlemen on first floor; hot and cold water; $3.25 each. 1G5 10th at. The Colonial. XHS BEAVER, I2th and Marshall Bta, well furnished sleeping rooms 2.5i pr weelt; electric lights, hot baths t ree. YOU WILL BE PLEASED. "MILNER BLDG.," 3o0H MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL, KtiAbU.NABLH. APPLICATIONS received for rooms in build ing formerly occupied by Arlington Club, Aider and W Paxiu Addxeaa f p. Box 223 FOR RENT. Furnished Room. ANGELA HOTEL 625 Washington aTreet between 19 th and 20th. Just completed, the cosiest. completes! and up-to-datest residence hotel la the city. The ground floor office Is finished In real mahogany, marble and tile. Is pacloua and hanaaome; elevator service, private telephone ex change, steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, many with batbs and wall bed, and la aplendldly fumUhed. The rent ie very moderate, rrooma from $19 per month up. Why not get the beat tor your money? Now open, rooms by the day. week armpnth. Phone Maxstuqi liaO. HOMELIKE HOMELIKE HOMELIKE NEW SCOTT HOTEL. Seventh and Ankeny Sts. ThU roetry may be bad Not so this little ad. Which greets you in this paper, So plain, plain, plain. This little ad's no shirk. For each one gets in its, work. Just try us once and you're sure to come Aain, 'gain, 'gain. HOTEL MEDFORD. J BLOCK FROM UNION DEPOT. JUST OPF5NED; new, MODERN brick Xmildlng; fine large ground-floor office; hot and cold running water In all rooms; team heated; private baths; very richly furnished. Rates only $3 and up per week; 50c up per day. Call and see ua. Northeast corner Fifth and G lis an sts. COSY. HOMELIiU. HOTEL BRESLIN, S. W. cor. lltn and Washington sts. Modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold running water in rooms, well furnished and now under new management; excellent location, close to shopping and theater district; rates reasonable. Call and eee what a comfort able house it is. Transients solicited. Bpth phones. DRKXEL HOTEL. Third and Yamhill, only three blocks from Postoffice; electric elevator runs day and nipht; free use of phones and bath, hot and cold water in each room; new 11 re iroof building; 130 rooms; special low i a tea for the Summer; also have one or two unturnished rooms. 246 Va Yamhill st. HOTEL SAVON 12U Eleventh st. New modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold wa ter in rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Rates very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. - HOTEL ANSONIA. 124 14th, Cor. Washington St. Everything new; large, airy rooms, sin gle and with bath; telephone in every room, service free; rates by the: day, week: or month; also unfurnished rooms. MRS. JOfcSIB SMITH, Manager. THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, 1 now un dergoing a thorough renovation; 70 steam Mated, electric-lighted room, all outside Kates 7&c day; $10 month up. Suites with runalng water $0 month up. Phooee a&4 . bath free. HOTEL BAKER. Fifth st., opp. City Hall. Phone Marshall 666 New, beautifully furnUhed. hot, cold water in every room, pubiio and private hatha; permanent, transient. HOTEL SARGENT. Cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne Phone East 281. connecting every room. Private baths, elevator, first-class grill. Special rates . by week or month. Ainericaa or European. Transients solicited. . ' HOTEL IRVING. SIS Oak st., corner Sixth. Large, light, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, electrlo lights, running water; low rates. ' HOTEL B16UMAKK. Washington aad 17th, lirst-clase furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern coa yenlences; $3 weekly up. A 2t47. M. 6647. THE ASSEMBLY. Fine furnished rooms; running water, large yard; reaeonaole rent. 0th and Madi 9ou ats. THE LANDORE 28S Tenth street, at Jefferson. Choice newly furnished rooms, within, walking distance of business cen ter. t i SUITE of two rooms, suitable for 2 or 3 people ; all conveniences, close in, nice yjd.veryreasonable:ol7thst. MODERN outside rooms, $2.50 to 93 per week, including baths; also housekeeping rooms. 54Sla Washington st. FURNISHED rooms. Elm .Place, formerly Elton Court Annex. 41 yamnlil and 11th. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. ONE medium and one large room; can be ust'd as suite; suitable for gentleman; well furnished. large closet, modern conven iencea; West Side. Phone Marshall lStKi. A B RONT alcove room with sleeping porch; also single room in modern flat; 3 blocks otf Washington U 0-tiVa Flanders tt. Marshall l'J77. A NICELY furnished room on f Irnt floor, with free use of piano and telephone, and only 8 blocks from P. O. ; 2 per week. 8(H) Market at. " FURNISHED alcove room with or without use of kitchen; modern, u minutes' walk from I. O. ; also one room, largo and sunny, suit able for two. 228 loth st. Phone Main 8207. A. PLEASANT room, all modern conven iences; hot water continually. Apartment 4, &S4 Flanders, A 5145. .. . BEAUTIFUL room, balcony, suitable for 2 gentlemen; most attractive location. 3u2 Park. NICELY furnished rooms in private home, phone, running water, walking distance. 701 Irving st. COMFORTABLE quarters for quiet gentle man; nicely furnUhed, right atmosphere. Phone Main NIOELY furnished front rooms; modern con veniences; suitable for two; central. 213 i:ith at. FOR RENT Large furnished room with al cove, suitable tor two gentlemen; also -ingle room; phone, bath. 555 Yamhill. A PLEASANT room, all modern conveniences; hot water continually. Apartment 4, 564 Flanders. A 5115. NEWLY furnished rooms in steam-heated residence; with running hot and cold water. 504 Flanders st. NICE comfortable room in quiet home, strictly modern ; good neighborhood. 54t Johnson. FURNISHED front rooms, single or en suite, i4 10th St., near Washington. FURNISHED rooms; free phone and bath; walking distance. 327 W. Park st. 48 N. 2tTH ST. Furnished rooms in pri- vate family. Main o04'J. ; LARGE, clean, well-furnished single rooms, front and back parlors. 10th st. $1.50 PER week, good, comfortable room, wa 1 k 1 n g distance. Inquire 24 1 4 1 h s t . 2S6 121 H ST. Nicely furnished front room, all conveniences. FRONT rooms for one or two gentlemen, also s m all one and reasonable. 212 1 2th. 33 N. 17TH, 1 block off Wash. sU, well fur- n ished rooms, board optional. CHEAP outside room; bath, fine location, walking distance ; j'd month. 452 5th. CLEAN, well-furnished rooms; fine location. r8 14th South. FURNISHED rooms with or without board. 2U8 Grant at. M. 56U1. FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences, walking istance 26Ul-ithst.,South. 1 NEATLY furnish-eci room in private family, reasonable. 415 Mill. Main 7331. NICE furnished rooms at 27 16th. near Washington, reasonable; walking distance. VFRY pleasant rooms, every convenience, walking djHtance. Main 3312. 301 10th su XJnfurnlshed Kooms. THREE pleasant, convenient. unfurnished rooms, central, reasonable, adulu. Inquire 2331 Hall, afternoons. JUST WHAT YOU WAXTT "MILNER BLDG.." 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. FOUR very fine unfurnished rooms for rent. Phone East 63S1. 4 UNFURNISHED rooms. 361 14th. Rent $15. Inquire 363 14th. 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, kitchen, fur nlshed, to adults; lower flat. 340 Hail. Kooniy WHO bQ-rO. ROOMS with board. $6 per week; home comforts; 4 minutes walk from Postof fice; phone and bath free; rooms without board. $2 and up. The Lindell, 267 Mar ket st. ' ROOM AND BOARD for ladles and gentlemen; nicely furnished rooms with running water, with or without board, at The Hazel, 385 3d st.. corner Montgomery. PORTLAND Women's Union, 28d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and library. 610 Flanders su Miss Frances N. Heath. supt BEAUTIFUL front rooms, first-class private boarding-house, facing- the park. 374 Park. THE CALVARD -Choice- accommodations. 402 Morrison, cor. 13th; walking distance. NICK front room suitable for two; home cook Jng. 435 Yamhill gt. Rooms With Board in Private Family. FURNISHED rooms with board. 515 Morri son sc.. cor. 10th. A 328. FURNISHED rooms and board. Apply 564 Main st. Phone Main 4384. ROOM and board for young women of good character; $3 per week. 6 Grand ave. N. CHOICE corner rooms, select board, rea sonable, 761 Marshall at, A- -4-9 2 0 FOR RENT. RoomsWith Board In Private Family. NICELY f urnished front room; running water, beautlTuI grounris, ideal place for Summer; extortioned board. 0i hxist bth st.. corner Wnhlngton. E:ift J 39' PLEASANT room adjoining bath ; also smaller room : excellent board ; private home ; parlor ; cluse in ; desirable. 521. Couch st.. cor 15th st. NICELY furnished room, private family, suitable for two; 2 clothes closets; would serve breakfast and 0 o'clock dinner; fine carservice. Phone East2400. LARGE front suit, with board; newly fur nished, electric lights and running water; also single room, tldi N. 2l'd st. LARGE room suitable for 2 single beds. 2 large closets, bath, phone, use of piano. B2GS. FURNISHED room and board for 2 gentle men at $"0 each; also single room. 5 Yamhill su ROOM and board for two gentlemen, one block from carline. Call 313 Marguerite jave., or nhone B 2271. BOARD and room for three; hath, phone, home cooking, $6 per week. Vj llth, near Yamhill. NICELY furnished large front room ; horn cooking; reasonable rates. Phone Main 7010. ROOMS and board ; beautiful rooms ; ideal country home: Mount Tabor. Main 4412, A 442fi. On Sunday call Tabor 1M4. LOVELY' room, with 'board; home cooking; reasonable. 17S Ella st. NEWLY furnished rooms, with board. f5 East Oak, corner 1 5th. B 2019. ROOM and board in private home for one or two gentleman. 591 Davis st. LARGE room, with board, home cooknr. all conveniences. 107 10th, near Flanders, DESIRABLE rooms reasonable, i n g ton s t. 53 Waah- KOOM and board for 2, $25 each. Phone laia Apartments. THE BANNER APARTMENTS. 4S9 Clay street, second house from 14th, the only modern completely furnished 2 room apartment-house in the city; house and elegant furniture, brand new ; Jut opened tor businens; heat, elect no, lighL, hot and cold water in every apart ment ; private phone, bath; walk mg dis tance; $l8-$25, including electric light. Marshall 2u71. ORDELE1GH APARTMENTS, Cor. Grand ave. and Stark St. VNDEK NEW MAN AG-MSNT. New fireproof brick building, beaut If al ly furnished two and three-room apart ments, private baths, wall beds, larg clothes closets; plenty of hoc water; bu mer rates, phone K 300. ?25 TO 533 Fine West Side steam-heated apartments ; private "batn and phone, hurdwood flours, small outside porcn, line new brick building ; these are the best and cheapest upartinents m tne city; tney are furnished with bedsteaus, springs, dresser, aining-room table, ice box; at look them up. Call 414 11 Ui su, Dammler 1 nves t C o. ANGELA APARTMENTS, 37-3i Trinity Place. between liKh and om, utur -iiington New brick buiiuint, uewiy and elegantly 1 urn bailed, complete for hui-K.epemg, in A H and 4-room apartment; ouibiue porenea; electric elevator, hoL w attr, telephone ex change, janitor service, i'uuuu Maraii U iyU. HEiNZ apartments, 14ta and Columbia; 4 blocks south from Morrison st-; new brick bu:luing, completely firtL-cl-ss; furnished in 2, 3 and 4 room tamny apartments, private bath, reception hali. stvam heat, not water, elevatur, tree phone, janitor service; rent from 25 per mouth. audup. THE RE-LKAN APARTMENTS. Elaborately luanisiieu 3-rooin apartments, all mouern convenience-, lare nay law a. cool veranaaa, Juuitor; reuLs reaon&tit walking distance. ti4 Marsnali ; La e 'W" car. Mam u032 or A 3lUL KEELEK APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay, nnest 3 anu room suites in mo city; pri vate battia ana piiuncs, steam heateu, not anu cold water, a appearing beas. Gar land stoves, Dorceiam-uiied renif ratuis. electricelevatur;3o lo5t permon,tu. CECILIA APARTMENTS, d and Gllsan, 2 and 3 room apartment-, new 4-story bricit Juat coiiipleLcU, all modern conven iences, each apartment has private ouusiUe balcony, rent reasonable, JULY 1. Beautiful unfurnished 5-roora front apartment witii all uioutra couvenieiicus; steaiti heat, hot ana cola water, phone, gu lange, retrigerator, gas. electric Ubl .janitor fecirwee. etc. Pune All3. THE B-liiL- Ai' Strlcuy luoaeru. laru iouiua and three clone ts to every apartment; cool and airy lor ttva Luvcjoy ae W car. ELEGANTLY furnished 6-room apartment, all modern. aiso 4-room uniurnisned apartment ; will be read y j uly 1. Hi ain tree Apartments, L5 X-Ui su Phune Ataia ?-. "ONEONTA" APARTMENTS, 187 17th. near Yam n Hi (W car at uepot. 2, a and 4-roout furnished suites; hot ana cold, phones a4 batns free, $u per uiunin, par ana up. Maia jUJl. A 4 73 V. HANOVER APARTMENTS, cor. King and Wasmu.ton sis., 3-iooiu apartments, have every modern convenience, including steam k heat, hot water, private batn, tree pnones tnu jaait-or service; rent very reason pla. FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, modern in every particular; steam-heatea, hot water, janitor services, with ni st-cla-s furnishings. Apply to janitor, t05 lear- ney st. H O W LAN L AP Al ITMEN T d. For housekeeping lu suites, $12 aad. upj cot water, tree oaths, hrl-Uu. tJ3l W ash in g to a. cor. 2uth. TEA.J-HEATED 6-room apartment, mod em and aesirablei t Everett, su .Apply Morgan. Fluiuuer - Joyce, 6U3 Abingw J)ld. THE best 3 and 4-room furnished and un turnished apartments in the city at wT Wasnington st.; walking distance; every thing new and modern ; all con venlencea, THE WESTFAL, 410 5th St.. furnished and unfurnished apartments; private uaihs and pnone; elevator and Janitor service; rents reasonable- Phone A 2035. ST. ACROIX Apartments, 170 St. Clair St., near Washington; tunuture of three rooms complete, ready to keip house, for salu cheap; parties icav ingtiie ity " " THE ALTAMONT. Modern bricK, 3 una 4-ruutn apartments; telephone, steam heat, etc., $iu and $35; ' 5 than dC o liege. M a i nou s 0. THE- LEONCE Apartments, lbO North 22d, between Johnson and Kearney, Just openeJi in 3-room, suite-, completciy turnujlied. ELEGANTLY furnished 3-room flat to two adulta on West 1'aik t.; price $30. College st. HARRISON COURT Unfurxtishcd apart ments. 2 and 3 rooms and bath. Phones Main 514b. or A 7311. THE LAURETTE Apartmenur, 229 llth One unfurnished 3-room apartment, aJl outside rooms; strictly modern. Hoth pi .ones. HARRISON COURT Unfurnished apartments, 2 and 3 rooms and bath. Phones Main 514tt or A 73i3. WESTMINSTER APARTMENTS. 6th and Madison; furnished and unfurnished for rent- KING HILL APARTMENTS, King and Wayne ata. Apply to janitor. UNFURNISHEL 3-room apartment; rent $H inquire 225 Market st. THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders, modern 4 - r o om ap a rune n t s. A p p 1 y to J a nitor. THE GAYOSA. Moderq furnished apartments.Eaet5405. MODERN 4-room basement aportment, heat, hot water, etc., $ 2 0 m o n th. tiOfr Fi a n d e r s. Flats. FOR RENT New and strictly modern 3 room Hats on 20th and Laurel sts., port land H'.-igrts; rent . Apply WAK.EF1ELO. PRIES - CO.. 85 Fourth St. THREE, new, up-to-date liats, best location In city. Call Main 15U5. W. Reidt, 4ul Rothchlld bldg. Money no object; want a good tenant. FOR RENT Good 5-room flat, 487 avis SU; rent $20. Apply WAKEF1ELO. FRIES & CO., bo Fourth SU FOR RENT 2 new and modern lower flats of 6 rooms each; also 2 uppers of 7 rooms each. E. 17th and Heimunt sts. MODERN" lo wer f 1 a tTn I rv I n g ton , after JuTy 1. 4;5 E. It'th st. North or phone E. GSOii 2 blocks to Broadway car. 4-ROOM modern flat, reception hall three closets, bath and fireplace ; dost iu. 551 East Yamhill st. Phone East 171G. EXCEPTIONALLY pleasant flat with porch, central, reasonable. Inquire afternoons, 233 ,HalI st. , WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. Main 111 8, A l'JS4. All covered t ag ons. all experienced men FOR RENT Fine 5-room flat. 2 fireplaces, furnace heat, walking distance, 12 th and East Taylor sts. Phone East 6U00. MODERN 5-room flat, 0th, near Jackson; West Side ; easy walk. Main orA 1223. NEW 6-room flat, corner East llth ami Washington; rent $2.50. Tabor 414. FOR KENT -plenuid flat of six roon.s and Lath ; iense. 733 Kearney. 5-ROOM modern upper flat with attic. 567 Belmont st. Tabor 1 008. MODERN 5-room. corner 22d and Kearney sts. Main 5tQ9. MODERN 6-room fiat. 733 ft Hoyt SU Ap ply 132 6th st. Main 6278. FOR RENT New, modern 6-room flat, 14 . Ash, Phone H 2U0. I