THE -MORXIXG- OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JULY 1, . 1910. FOR BEXT. Housekeeping Room in Private Family. 112.50 Nice clean, fully furnished suite of housekeeping rooms, close in. nice neigh borhood, overlooking river, walking- dis tance; light, bath, phone. Phone Sellwood 110. v J-F.OO-M home, with toilet, Lain, small yard and woodshed; $25-- per month; part of furniture for sale; $100; cost $150. 400 .Marketst.,city. 6WELL housekeeping rooms, beautiful loca tion, walking distance, yard. bath, phono, laundry, gaa range, hot water. 006 til isan. JTOL'R large rooms, first floor: bath, yard, piano; phone East 1TH Sunday, 7 P. M. week, dajs. EAST Portland Heights. 2 very desirabls furnished housekeeping rooms. Sellwood 28. , ' ONE large house-keeping room, 2-room suite, nicely furnished, walking distance. 235 12th st. Is'ICE front suite, running water, all modern conveniences, reasonable. 5-4? Morrison, near 17th st. 2 HOCSEK EEPING rooms, also single room; phone, bath, hot and cold water. 163 N. llith st. S3 N. J7TH. 1 block off Wash. St., 2 or more housekeeping rooms, furnished or un 1 urnished. ' TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, close in. 2uO Clay st. rOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms. $2.50 week. 471 Flander3 St. 10 AND 112 Housekeeping rooms, fur nished, walking distance. 370 1-th St. TWO, furnished housekeeping rooms, walk ing' distance. 474 Clay st. $15 2 bright, clean furnished housekeeping rooms. Main 0845. , ONE large room, also sleeping porch. Phone Sellwood 30. 3 1TM, 3 neatly furnished housekeep ing rooms. 3 PLEASANT rooms, well furnished, gas ran ge. $ltt. 535 Johnson st . FLAT of 3 furnished housekeeping rooms; also front alcove. 4j0 Yamhill. 8-ROOM housekeeping suite, very large and pretty yard and porch. Main 7172. WHEN you move you'll need new furniture. Buy it judiciously and the savings will ex ceed your moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of the largest furniture houses in the city in two years. Lookers shown same courtesv lb buyers. MORGAN-A TCH LEY FURNITURE CO. tf'J-75 Grand Ave., Cor. East Stark St. East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver carlines passour door. HOUSES, flats and apartments for rent, some furnished house.". MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. S. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Stg. $22.505 rooms, bath and basement. 604 East 41st. 20 4 rooms, bath and basement, 500 East 41st. Both thes Just completed. Take W.-R. car and Inquire at 2u3 N. 21st. Main3441. FOR RENT. 5-room cottage, bath, toilet, full base ment, all newly decorated, large lot. $15 per month. 1457 Rodney ave. Phone Main i421. Geo. F. Brice, 403 Corbett bldg. 6-ROOM bungalow cottage, modern! 2 lota, shrubbery and good garden, basement 2ix 40 with full-size attic, beautiful home for some one; S20 per month; must know by Monday. 1341 Milwaukie, Sellwood. FOR RENT New. modern six-room house, 912 Cleveland ave., between Skidmore and Mason sts. ; two carlines, reasonable rent. Inquire McKinley Mitchell, 2021 Stark st. Main 2131. A 2131. 20 RENT Strictly modern 7-room house, first-class condition; corner; 434 Oregon St., cor. East 7th North. Call up oivner. Tabor 1800. HOLLA DAY" ADDITION Bungalow Cottage, 5 rooms, hath, gas and fireplace. 409 Pa cific st. Tel. C 13:i3. TWO desirable S and li-room houses. 306 'AUif. San Rafael, near Union ave. PhoiKS E 10S3 . C 1491. FOR RENT A modern 5-room cottage with full basement and yard. Inquire at 540 7th st. FOR RANT New, modern, 6-room house, S'Jt?.Wi Tier month. Annlv fifift East .tilth sr. 'fake W. R. car. NEAT 5-room cottage, gas and bath; adults preferred. 749 East Irving st. $16. FOR RENT A 5-room house, $10 a month. Inquire at 24g Sheridan st. N K A T 5-room cottage, perfect order; $22. SSS 5-ROOM cottage, corner loth and Northrup; new, modern, gas. Inquire 571 Lovejoy. IN IRV1NGTON 8 rooms, nice lawn, good home. 345 Morrison. FOR RENT Modern C-room cottage, 138 . Blandena st. Apply same. Furnished Houses. NEWLY and nicely furnished 5-room house, iurnac-e, bath, gas, hot and cold water; lawn, flowers, finest air in the city; 10 minutes' walk from Morrison St.; 2 blocks from car; very reasonable to party who will take good care of home. 426 12th st. Main 450. . 9-ROOM house,' completely furnished; cor ner Madison and Nartilla sts. (same as 2l'th St.); rent $55 per month. Inquire 129 1st St. Phone Main 1200, A4670. Ref erences required. FURNISHED house for rent! Portland Heights; a nine-room bungalow. 4 bed rooms), for one year with an option of buying at expiration of lease; one block from car. Address P. O. Box 480. NICELY furnished house for rent; every thing modern; hot and cold water, elec tric lights and bath. 1U5 Blandena St., cor, Albina ave. Take "L" car. FURNISHED 6-room house for rent. July and August; piano, gas range; East Side, walk ing distance; references required. AL 04, Oregon iau. FURNISHED house of 7 rooms, nicely fur nished; No. 897 E. Burnside st. Phone Tabor 1448. J. L. Wells Co.. 630 C. of C. bldg. WELL furnished 5-room flat, including piano, heat and water; good location one biock from carllne. Phone M 58S. COMPLETELY furnished modern 5-room cottage; piano; lawn; nice residence dls-ti-ict: no children. 358 13th St. WELL-FURNISHED house with piano, fine location, lawn and flowers, call 800 East 'Salmon, or phone East IS'.K). NEATLY" furnished 4-room house, gas and bath; nice location; $25 per month, phone Main 1Q2. or call U05 Mood st. p D-KOOM bungalow, completely furnished; 15 minutes from F. O. ; rent $35. Phone Exchange 05. FOR RENT Furnished house, 6 rooms, for 1 month. L'07 Morris, near Williams ave. J'hcne East 5212. BEAUTIFUL, modern lower flat. furnished complete, nothing to buy. West Side, close ln.3536thst. ' WELL-FURNISHED house with piano, fine location, lawn and flowers. Call 800 East - Salmon or phone Kast 1800. 4--ROOM cottage, neatly furnished, walking distance; reasonable rent. 505 4th st. ELEGANTLY furnished 7-room house. Nob Hill, for 1 year. Main 4134. 777 Johnson. $25 JULY, August, part of furnished house, . 6 rooms, with piano; adults. E. 5043. DESIRABLE furnished flat. 4 rooms, bath, gas, r.14 East 21st st. W-R car. FURNISHED four-room cottage; electric lights, bath, central. Inquire 273H7th. MODBflN' six-room furnished house on 23d, near Kearney; rent $35. A J i7, Oregonian. Honses for Kent, Ftunltnre for Sale. FURNITURE of six rooms, including fine piano and sewing machine, ali in first class shape, at a sacrifice; teautiful sur roundings, reasonable rent. Owner, 1024 Vancouver ave. FURNITURE of a modern 5-room cottage for sale, cheap: 5 minutes' walk to post ofrice; newly furnished and strictly clean. Price only $300. 3 rooms - rented for $51 month. This is a snap. Call 101 4th st. ET. CROIX Apartments. 170 St. Clair St., near Washington: furniture of three rooms complete, ready to keep house, for sale; parties leaving the city. FURNITURE, used 10 months, 5-room house, coft $325; cheap If taken at once. Apply 5so East Ash St.. cor. 14th. Phone East 2'MS FOR SALE At sacrifice on account of sick ness, furniture of 10-room house; exclusive district: close in. Inquire 181 17th St.. after10A-M. FURNITURE of 7-room house for sale, will ,taSte $2'i0 cash for everything; house for rent. 167 North , 17th st. 9-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale; clears $25; gas. bath, electric lights, yard;' price $5oo. 267 Columbia at. FURNITURE of 18 rooms for sale, house fo-- rent; good lease. 2L'l 13th. Main 6302. ALL or part of furniture of 10-room house . for sale, reasonable. 17S Ella st. FURNITURE of 9-room house for sale; reasonable: call afternoons. 540 Yamhill. FURNITURE of Call afternoons. Si-room house for 549 Yamhill st. Summer Resorts. SEASIDE furnished cottage overlooking ocean: reasonable. Phone East 2829. FOR SALE By owner, 2 choice Bay Ocean lots. AL 96, Oregonian. FOB RENT. finmmer Besorta. ROPE CITY BEACH Between Tillamook and Nebalem Bays, the beauty spot of the Oregon coast; some choice lots left at lower than prevailing prices; terms to suit you. Full information may be obtained by calling on or writing to Vt. L. Sapping ton. Trustee. 226 Failing bldg. SEVEN-ROOM fJmlshed cottage, overlook ing ocean, at Gearhart, by month or for seajwn; bath and electric lights. ' H. J. Mansneld, Gcarhart. Or. FOR RENT A small furnished, cottage, beach lot, Seaview, Wash. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT Seaside, completely furnished cot tage, desirable location, ready for occu pancy. 180 E. 13th. B 172S. FOR RENT Furnished 3-room cottage on the river; also tent and camping privileges. Emmons- & Emmons, 005 Board of Trade. AT SEASIDE 5 rooms until November L $100. East 2587. SIX-ROOM furnished house at Gearhart. Call B 2140. from t to 5. SUMMER COTTAGES to rent at Seaview. Address G. Heltkemper. Seaview. W ash. FURNISHED cottage for rent at Seaside; terms moderate. Phone Main 1344. FOR RENT 5-room furnished house. Long .Beach, Wash. Call Main 4590. FURNISHED cottage on board -walk at Sea side. Inquire 307 Stearns bldg. Stores. FOR RENT Small store, 9-foot front, Mor rison St., down town; $100 per mo., long lease; fine for small jewelry, or curio store, phone Main 4493. FOR RENT All or part of stores, 184 and 18 Second st.. near Yamhill; big traffic assured for Second st. on completion of iXadlsoa-at. bildge. J. S. Morgan. 826 H Washington St.. room 4Q FOR RENT 4-story and basement brick store building. 50x165. southeast corner Front and Pine. Apply Chester V..Dolpa. 303 Mohawk bldg. FOR RENT Good corner store or manufac turing place: four living-rooms. Inquire over store. Sul Front st. Take S car. SMALL store building in good location, suitable for grocery,- meat market, etc. Phone Main 1176. TWO desirable stores and basement. Hotel Lenox. 3d and Main sts. Inquire at hotelr GARAGE, shop or factory, 50x100, new build lng. Belmont and East 6th st. Offices. HOST centrally located offices, single or ea suite: rentals $13 and up: all-night eleva tor service. Large room, second floor, Washington at. front, suitable for salesroom. Apply 803 Swetland bldg., 6th and aWa&ulngton sts. . OFFICES AND APARTMENTS. MILNER BLDG.," 3504 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. TWO splendid office suites for rent or lease at 362 Washlngton,cor. of Park. FOR RENT A few offices In Couca bldg, Lewis bids. CHOICE FRONT OFFICE, with use of reception-room. 508 Wells-Fargo bldg. LARGE, desirable store on Washington St., near 16th. Inquire 509 Oregonian bldg. . DESKR.OOM for rent. Apply room 227 Ab- Ington bhlg. DESKROOM for rent. 408-410 Couch bldg. TO LEASE. TO LEASE, li block for long term, south of Morrison, close In, fine apartment or hotel location. R 83, Oregonian. CORNER East Washington and Water, with building; good business location; rent rea sonabl a. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Clean stock of groceries. In voice about $2500: doing fine business, old-established corner. East Side: have otnei business: must selL- Apply room 414 Commercial Club bldg. . WORKINGMAN'S boarding hotel for sale by owner, clears $3O0 per month; 50 rooms, . good lease, cheap rent; stand closest in vestigation; quick sale $2750. C 03, Ore gonian. CONTRACTOR wants reliable partner; ex perience not necessary, but must have ordinary common sense; pay $UK) month salary besides share of profits. Call 248 Vs Stark st. . BAKERY for sale; a good reliable bakery In a city of 16.000 inhabitants, only 2 in the city; 6 years' lease; reason for selling is sickness in family; will sell whole or half interest. Address AB 70, Oregonian. WANTED Reliable man with $600 to take charge of a permanent business In Oregon- big net returns assured each month. See J. L. Bowers, at Hotel Arlington. 6th and Flanders sts.. room 3. SEND for our California Oil Journal; sam ple copy free; everybody should be poBted on California oil industry. . Sagar-Loomla Company. 834 Phelan bldg.. saa Fraxt- cisco, Cal. . $75 TO $100 DAILY. Confectionery, soft drinks and lunches; the onlv first-class place in town of 12,000 ; - open for thorough investigation. Call room 315, Lumber Exchange bldg. WANT small clear store for my $300 clear Port Orchard, Wash., residence lot; beauti ful Navy-yard view, suburb of Seattle. C 00, Oregonian. 50-ROOM hotel, bar in connection, best lo cation in city; good lease; clearing $1200 per month; price $18,500. Wrrlte for par ticulars. Box54NrthakJma,Wash. LONG established furniture business for sale; good reason for selling; stock can be reduced to any amount desired. AL 82, Oregonian. BEFORE BUYING or SELLING any MIN 1SO. OIL. WIRELESS or INDUSTRIAL stock, get our prices. Davidson & Co., Lewis bldg. Phone Marshall 778. A 1712. WANTED Live business man to invest and take active part in management of corpor ation; dividends and undivided profits to date. 330 per cent. Address J 68, Orego nlan. MEAT MARKET, invoices $2000, monthly re ceipts $20UO; $20 month rent; fine location; can be had for a few days at $18o0. Owner, Main 255 or Wcodlawn 461. GOOD paying cleaning and pressing business at 27 10th, near Washington; rent $35; can lease; m sell on account of health, very reasonable. 1 HONEST MAN to join me In 6-year-old busi ness; I do the work you handle. cash; tired of unreliable help; $500 required. T 06. Ore gonian. GROCERY. I have the bejst proposition In city for sale at invoice; ope! for investigation. W. Lawrence. 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. RFAL ESTATE Half interest in good, reli able office; control new townsite and have fine list and good furniture; $30O. A 92, Oregonian. HAVE you $150 to invest in a business that will pay $300 to $40O each month? If so. see J. L. Bowers, room 4, Hotel Arllng. 6th and Flanders sts. BARBER shop for sale, three chairs, good location, rent $25: price $550, half cash; owner must leave town at once. 127 N. 6thst BEAUTIFUL family grocery at invoice; clean stock; over $90 a day sales, which can be Increased. Call 248 Stark st CENTRAL cash Btore, clearing over $200 month: can try it before you pay one cent. Call 248 Hi Stark st. SUBURBAN grocery, invoices $1000; rdce living rooms; 4-year lease; $20 month rent ; growing a isLrict. 1 an -a' giarK. IF you have anything to sell, drop me a line. Louis Furcht. general broker. 615 Rothchild bldg. RESTAURANT in good town, near Port land. A No. 1 shape, goofci reasons for selling. AMS9. Oregonian. RESTAURANT for sale, good location, with long lease, doing good business. AC 70, Oregonian. GROCERY and confectionery, good caBh trade: rent, with living rooms. $20; at Invoice. W. & F.. 310 Lumber Exchange. GOOD paying business for $150; Just the thing for young man; make you $70 mo. See me today. 191 4th st. ' MOVING-PICTURE show for sale clearing $.'i50 a month: stand closest investigation; big bargaln, $3000. AN 90, Oregonian. MINING AND" INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought anl f-ld. Fletcher Inv Co. 225 Abington. FOR SALE Half price, fine electric nlann. also 200 folding chairs'. Call 526 Washing- ton st. rn-irf 31am r4D. PARTNER for a restaurant; pay you $25 weekly and board. Call room 523 Lum ber Exchange. LIST your restaurants, hotels, rooming and tpartment-houses with us: we sell without . commission. 228-220 Henry bldg. CASH GROCERY: best downtown Inwttinn. good business; will sell at invoice. W. A F., 310 Lumber i-xenange. STRICTLY cash grocery for $700; can clear $1.0 month, call -4S stark st. $10O0 SALOON, gonian. A snap. AM 9S. Ore- GOOD theater for sale in Portland. Mov-ing-Picture Exchange. 513 Rothchild bldg. CIGAR STORE, doing a business of $35 daily. Particulars. 523 Lumber Exchange. HORSESHOEING shop; cheap; owners can't egree. AJA 97, oregonian. Bl'SIXKSS OPrOKTUXITIES. VALUABLE BUSINESS INFORMATION. This agency Is In a position to furnlsb. reliable information regarding business open ings, city or country. Parties seeking locations here, or desiring to purchase an established business, should examine our list. Only legitimate propo sitions considered. THB AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. Abington Bldg. Established leva. YOUNG MAN! STRANGER! Make careful Investigation srt expense of seller before you Invest money in aay proposition. Advisory Department. Y. U. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A Grocery store, , Cigar or confectionery. General merchandise. Gents furnishing store. Restaurant or bakery, 5, 10 and 15-cent store. Barber shop or creamery. Come and SEE US. We have a splendid list to select from and handle nothing but legitimate propositions. BLOCK REALTY CO.. 221 Lumbermens Bids. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity; well-known cash bakery, with great future; splendid 5-year lease. Anyone can handle. Open air life. We invite investigation; busi ness consists of bakery, living apartments, stable, wagon shed, 2. horses and wagon; average Income $25 per day. Hire baker at $21 a week, rent only $20 monthly. Net profit $175 monthly, wife's ill health object of selling. This is a true state ment; only $1500. Owner. Tabor 1208. RESTAURANT AND LUNCHROOM. One of the best restaurants in the city, right downtown, doing a large business, clearing from $300 to $400 per month; we will show you before ou buy; owner going away and must sell the place, for 3 days price is $.1150; just like finding it. This is a bona fide nj-oposition and will make you $4000 in the next year. GRUSSI & ZADOW, ,317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. FOR SALE cheap, the exclusive territorial right to the State of Oregon; a new and Ideal irrigation system. The best ever In troduced for irrigating lawns, gardens, parks, orchards and other lands. If you are looking for a profitable business see this at 175 corner 3 2th and West Yam hill. P. W". Sweeney and O. J. Kennedy, o w n e rs. CIGAR and confectionary store and all fix tures at a bargain; a money-maker from ie start; owner sick and advises us to sell at any price; located on Morrison St., close in. PACIFIC NORTHWEST DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. 404 Couch Bldg. MACHINE WORKS And auto repairing shop, doing good busi ness, Portland, clearing over $2.0 month; years' lease at $25 month; $1000 cash will handle, balance terms. Would take property up xo $2500 as part payment. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 BoardofTradeBldg.,4th and Oak. LIGHT MANUFACTURING business wants partner to look after city salesmen and office work; must be sober and furnish references; owner will guarantee you $200 monthly; fully secured; references ex changed; good man needed more than money. Call room 5 23 Lumber E xchange. GENERAL STORE, will sell for cash only; this will stand close investigation; only 4o minutes' car ride from city; good stock of groceries and hardware; good store bldg., small storeroom, large 2-story tarn, 6-room house, horses and wagons. Phone Tabor 1430. A RELIABLE and capable retail clothing salesman can obtain position witn moo em and exclusive men's wear shop, a cor poration out of town; must be financially able to purchase interest of $2500; Btato . past experience, age and reference. Ad dress T ss. Oregonian. OIL AND GASOLINE BUSINESS. Active partner wanted in the wholesale and retail oil and gasoline business; estab lished 17 years: pays over $300 ter month clear profit; 8 days' trial given before buy ing. Price $1600 cash. For sale by owner. . 410 E. Market st. East C313. BAKERY BAKERY BAKERY This is the only first-class bakery in town of 12,000; turns out over tiOoO loaves weekly; satisfaction guaranteed. Particulars, room 315. Lumber Exchange bldg. MOVING-PICTURE films, machines; every thing for moving-picture- business for rent or .sale. If you are planning to open a show we are ready to assist you. Write for our best offer. Laemmle Film Service, Pantaees bldg.. Portland. Or. , REAL ESTATE man wants partner to show land; splendid chance for young man; am alone and must have help at once; no ex perience . necessar)-; little money 'required. National Kealty Co.. 326' Wash.. R. 516. PARTNER wanted in cash business; owner nas more work than he can do; can t de pend on hired help; will guarantee $25 weekly to begin with; try it before you buy; experience not necessary. Call room 215, Lumber Exchange bldg. YOUNG or middle-aged man who wants to get into a good, solid business and who is willing to do his part can secure in terest in old-established business chance office. Price very reasonable to right party full particulars, lftl Fourth st. GOOD THINGS. We have a fine list of small and large business investments and will be pleased to show them if you will call at our office. HALL at BOWERS. 321 Lumbermens Bldg. FOR SALE Modern 20,000 capacity mill, with 10.000,000 feet timber, located on L'nited Ry. Large, profitable tie and tim ber order will be furnished to buyer who will start prompt and active operation of mill. Y 70t Oregonian. FOR SALE IN VICTORIA, B. C. A well established photograph business; a snap for a good live man; good reasons for selling; only principals dealt with Jones & Co., 123U Government st., Victoria, B. C. FOR SALE Feed store, team and wagon, within 1 block of electric depot, Hilisboro, Or., in brick building, cement lloor, splen did location; will sell at Invoice price. F Dl, Oregonian. . LADY can rent millinery department in larg est city outside Portland; must buy goods now in stock; finest trade drygorKla house. AH 82. Oregonian. . RELIABLE merchant wants partner to help in store: $75') required: will pay good salary and share of larje profits: with b ank references. Call 21. Stark st. t STEAM LAUNDRY Controlling Interest la fene-paylng steam laundry In the best town in Eastern Oregon. For particulars addissA 44.Oregonian. RESTAURANT One of the best locations in Portland; doing between $70 and $100 a day; cheap if taken this week. 417 Board of Tr ade. FOR SALE On reasonable terms, the candy making tools formerly owned by Mr. Sten- ner. inquire of Sam L. Beary, 323 Mor rison st ' C.NL storeroom, zuxoo. la new block, sali- aole xor confectionery, ice cream an4 Irult- Apply at arustorfc front ail Clbhs st, BAKERY in town of 1500; good"trade:"prlce reasonable; will give particulars upon ap plication. Address AN 50. Oregonian. GOOD paying cleaning and dyeing business; must sell at once; good buy. Phone Ta fcor 2384. ; CASH STORE, owner wants partner .to over see help, check goods, etc. : pays $30 a week; $300 required. 417 Board of Trade. GOOD paying drugstore for sale; trade for real estate or cash. Inquire Laue-Davls Drug Co. GROCERY business, fine location; owner go ing East. Inquire H. Tuttle at Lang tCo. ; BELOW Invoice, cash grocery, doing a good business; fine location: 2 living-rooms: rent $25. Price $7O0. 417 B oa rd of Trade. PARTNER wanted to help in shop; experi ence not necessary; pay $4 day; $200 cash required. Call 248 Stark st SOLID furniture business, paying $400 a month; owner will take reliable partner to help him. 417 Board of Trade. BUGGY and harness, cheap. 374 E. Wash lngton st. SALOON; a snap; $700; near Morrison st. AL 00. Oregonian. BARBER shop; best paying 6-char shop in city. 28 Vt N. 6th st. ROOMING-HOUSES. FOR SALE $275; 6 nicely furnished rooms in two apartments; rent $o0; income $61) per month; always rented. 2oo 14th st., cor. Taylor. . SEE THIS 11 rooms, good furniture, rent $30: house clears $50 a month; near City Hall: price $550; terms. 417 Board of Trade. 10 ROOMS, all elegantly furnished, outside; will lease: a bargain; reasons for Eeiling cannot attend. 414 4th st. HAVE a good rooming-house for sale; board ers or suites of rooms. For information mil 257 Chapman st. HURRY for this bargain Fine furniture of C-room flat, rent $20; dandy place to rent rooms: price $200. 41 Board of Trade. ROOMING-HOUSES for sale or exchange. See my list. Mrs. Koontz, 2324 Wasn lngton st Phone Marshall 1194. KOOMIXG-KOISES. BEAT THIS FOR BARGAIN. Eight rooms with brand-new furniture; furniture alone Invoices $1000. This has to go at a sacrifice. It's a snap. 617 . Board of Trade bldg. IF you want to make money, this Is it 22 rooms, good furniture, rent $65: house clears over $100 a month; price $16f0, cash: would take a small farm in ex change. Particulars, 417 Board of Trade. WORKINGMAN'S boarding hotel for sale by owner, clears $300 per month; 50 rooms, good lease, cheap rent; stand closest in vestigation; quick sale $2750. C 03, Ore gonian. I.OST AND FOUND. LOST Pair of diamond loop earrings and brooch; gold bar with TOiit-aire diamond setting, 011 train between Megler and Iong . Beach. rReturn to Postmaster at Long Beach: $50 reward. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattresses and return same day. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metager. .228 Front. Phones Main 474. A 1374. FOUND Where watches, diamonds and Jew elry are sold for amount loaned and one month's Interest. Uncle Myers Collateral . .Bank. 71 6th St.. near Oak st. LOST Diamond butterfly pin, emerald center. Finder return to Mrp. J. A. Ellis, Alexandra Court; liberal reward. GOLD and black enamel Odd Fellows' pin: valued as a keepsake. Return to 35 N. 3sth st. Reward. FOUND Two bay mares. 615 17th st. Port land Heights, .or A 4508. FOUND Sorrel horse. Address G 61, Ore goqian. LOST Sunday afternoon, gold' bracelet marked "B. B." Reward If returned to 146 2d st. LOST A circle pearl pin. Liberal reward. Telephone East 6. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS for Forage and Bedding. San Francisco, Cal., July 1, 1010. Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, will be received here, and at office of Quartermaster at Fort Rosecrans and Presidio of Monterey, un til 11 A. M., August 1. J'JlO, and at the office of the Depot Quartermaster, Hono lulu, H. T., until 9 A. M., August 1, 1010, and then, opened, for furnishing, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 11)11, forage and bedding for posts and stations in the Department of California. Prefer ence given to articles of American pro duction, conditions of quality and price (including in the price of foreign produc tions the duty thereon) being equal, and such preference given to articles of Amer ican production produced on the Paojtic Coast to the extent of consumption re quired by the public service there. In formation furnished on application to the Quartermasters at Fort Rosecrans and presidio of Monterey, the Depot Quarter master, Honolulu, H.' T., or to under signed. F. Von Schrader, Chief Quarter master. OFFICE of C. Q. M-, Vancouver Barracks, Wash., July 1, 101O. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received' here until 11 o'clock .A. M., August 1, 101O, for fur nishing a--supply of forage and bedding for the posts in Department of Columbia embraced within boundaries of United States, deliveries of supplies to commence October 1, 1910. Information furnished here or by Quartermasters at posts. United States reserves the- rieht to reject or ac cept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: "Proposals for at ." addressed G. S. Bingham, C. Q. M. UNANCIAL. Money to Loan Keal Estate. CASH paid for mortgages or seller's interest In contracts on real estate anywhere in Oregon or Washington; mortgage loans negotiated on Improved property. H. B. Noble. Lumbermens bldg., 5tu and Stark. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to 5 years' time; liberal repayment privileges; money auvancea as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Association. 24o atailc sr. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estate security. KDW. P. MALL COMPANY, 309-10 Abington Bldg. $500,000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. J. M. McKenzie Co., 514-15-16 Geilinger bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purchased on lann ana city property, anywhere in Oregon or Washiugton. 12. 1 Devereaux. Fenton blag.. 84 6tn at. $4300 OH LESS, private money, to loan, S years, or lta Call 602 Fenton blug., 84 Bth St. MONEY to loan on what you have. Both phones. W. Lawrence, 315 Lumber Ex change Bldg. UUKIUAGK loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Blrrell Co., 2.U2 jdekay oldg.. 3a and Stark. $2000 to loan on real estate, first mortgage, 1 to 3 vears, 8 per cent. The Card Realty & Investment Co., sza Henry oklg. MORTGAGE LOANS Large or small amounts, for private investors. M. Ji. T hompsonCo.,Henrybldg.,4thana Oak. TO LOAN, largo loans a specialty; building loans, lowest rates. W. O. ileck. al2 Failing bldg.. IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $500, oa all securities. W. A. Hatnaway, room XUt Wasnington bldg. Phone Main 302. MORTGAGE LOANS AT KEASONABLB RATES. F. H. LEWIS. 3 LEWIS BLDG. LOANS ON INSIDE CITY PROPERTY, i 'ill 7 PER CENT. 814 LEWIS BLDG. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Taom as. state agent. Mulmoman Co.. 400 c C MONEY wanted to loan; get 7 and s, u, Mlley, rooni04, Gerllngerbldg. WILL loan $10,000 or less, real estate aeciir. lty. Farrlngton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. WILL loan 30O0 or less on real estates Hitchcocit, 01O Rothchild bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 233 STAKK ST. S6000 or part to loan on improved real es tatc. WT L. Page. 107 Sherlock bldg. Loans on real, personal, cnatlel or collat eralgecurity. c. VV. Pallett, 308-9 Fenton. HAVE these amounts to loan: $2500, $4000, $0Ou0. slocum, 402 Commercial block. w lii iju 1 Du.ns- accouiiL, secui-iues. iuriu money; loana. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis blax. TO loan on mortgage, $2000 or less at once. per cent, wara, ?iu aiibky Diag. fci.ONlj;i: loaned, building purposes, if coa sulted before buliamg begins, oUa Henry btL MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Ooodnough & Seitz, 718 Board uf Trade. PRIVATE money to loan In sums of $1000 to :looo. AK 90. Oregonian. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 512 Dekum bldg. We will loan you irorn 10 upward on furniture, pianos, storage receipts, real es tate contracts also on your salary at about half the usual ratea. Long time; easy installments. We make loans quickly and confidentially. if you need money for any purpose, call personally and talk it over with, us- The cost is small, the convenience great. Will .remove about J uly 20 to 307 Spaul ding bldg.. 3d and Washington. HUTTON CREDIT CO., 512 Dekum bldg. Phone Main 2300. MONEY FOR VACATIONS $10 TO $100. When you are in need of ready cash give us the opportunity to snow you our way of doing business. It will please you, because Uur rates are the lowest; Our service is superior; Each transaction strictly private and confidential. All we require is that you be employed on salary and you get the money quickly wllhout mortgage, iuaorser or other secur- llleS" STATE SECURITY CO., 308 Failing Bid. xyiLL loan in amounts from $5 up on ail kinds of securities, at reasonable rates; will buy seller's equities in real estate contracts, first or second mortgages; busi ness strictly contidential. QBAY -CUNNINGHAM-GRAY, 722 Electric bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, Insurance poli cies and all kinds of securities; REAL ESTATE LOANS from $3000 up. NEW ERA LOAN & MTG. Co. 416 Abington Bldg. we loan money on watches, diamonds, seal skins, mink, overcoats, trunks, dress suit cases and musical instruments. UNCLE MEYERS, XJNCLE MEYERS, 71 Sixth St., Between Oak and Pine sts. Main 910. MONEY loaned salaried people permanently employed; easy payments; confidential. 4'J7 Henry bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, watches. Jew elry and clothing. Bernhardt's Loan Ojflce, 93 6th St. WE loan money on diamonds and jewelry; reasonable interest; long or short time. A & M. Delovage. 269 Washington st. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and 4anralrv Ma ftn BlOCh. 74 3rd t 1 easy to pay. F. A. Newton. 615 Henry bid- IXN'-VNCIAL. Chattels and Salaries. $$ ?$$$ THE U. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE COMPANY. Makes liberal loans on real estate, furni ture, pianos (without removal), livestock, storage receipts, life insurance policies and all kinds of securities; terms to suit, easy weekly or monthly payments. We buy first and second mortgages and con tracts. Phone Main 2084. Room 312 Ham ilton bldg.. 131 3d st. $ $ ? A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. Loans lVanteg. . LET us place your investment funds in high-grade first mortgages on Portland property. Ask for Mr. Hooker. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED $6000 from private party for term of years, on gilt-edge country prop erty as security. D US. Oregonian. FIRST mortgages, $1500 to $2000 at 7 per cent for 3 and 5 years for sale; no brokerage. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. I WANT to borrow $1800 on excellent secur ity. I have a bungalow with fireplace, furnace, basement with cement floor, elec tric light fixtures, tinted. This is within one block of the car in Rose City Park. N 95, Oregonian. WANTED $5000 for 2 years at 1 per cent on close In highly Improved acreage; pri vate parties only." Call 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak.. WILL buy mortgages, notes, tax certificates, judgments or equities. Call or address '5u7 McKay bldg. Muln 4710. PEKeONAL. $40,000 OFFICE equipment, 14 treating rooms, most expensive, nnest equipped private oitice In America. We use raaium and all mcdern methods employed in America or Europe. We cure cancer and all skin troubles, scars of every kind, birth marks and moles, tumors and all enronic diseases or catarrn: ozone outfit Just arrived from Europe an I will cure every case. We have been 4 years In Portland without the loss of a patient. Examina tions free. Free lectures aiid demonstra tions Wednesday evening. Dr. W. E. Mallory, 312 Rothchild bldg. LADIES, now is the time to attend to your furs. Remodeled, repaired and stored, free of charge, when work Is ordered. Ke-dyeing sealskin garments a specialty. Get my esti mates. Miva large assortment of flue skins to select from. Ladies placing orders now will get the "pick," also save money. Sat isfaction assured. Adolpa Reiner, practical furrier and expert fitter, 129 lllh su Pnones A 3553, 8610. DR. ALICE A- GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur geryt chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods, up-to-date electrical appliances, private hospital accommodations; confinement cared for; consultation free. Room 10. Grand Tiiea ter bldg. Main 3928. A 50o7. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions; baths. No. 7 East Eleventh street, second door south from East AnKeny car line. Phono East 260, B 1803. . ARE you going to attend the great oppor tunity sale, 35 -small farms, 5 to 10 acres, close to Portland? Water and rail trans portation; will be- sold at public -auction .Monuay, July 4. For further particulars, see M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett blagJ DR. S. M. WENDT. Electricity, X-ray. Diseases of women and children, confinements attended. Private sanitarium if preferred. 4O5-406 Roth child bldg. Phone Marshall 1047; after 5 P. M-. Marshall 1648- FEBVET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; switches from $1.50 up. up-to-date parlors for hairdress Ing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment. (7 th st.. bet. Morrison and Aider. A STRANGER in the city, well educated, fairly good looking and exceptionally good habits, desires the acquaintance of a lady 25 to 32 years of age; no objection to widow; object matrimony. D 00, Ore- gonian. RHEUMO Promptly cures Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Sciatica. Blood Poison and Tainted Blood. Sold by all druggists. Sam ple by express, 60c T. J. pierce. 311 Allsky bldg. HAIR. HAIR AH shades In best quality at cost.' Closing out stock: scientitio face and scalp treatments; expert hairdresslug and manicuring taught. Aza H. Atibbecke. Grand Leader. Dtn anu Aiuer, DR. D. L. LEWIS. ' Diseases of women and children: electric treatment of nervous ailments; private hos pital Rooms 6o5-50J Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. Phones Main 4U47, A 2411. CHEMISTRY AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY private tuition or classes; good local ref erences. Dr. H. B. Pullen-Burry, P. O. box 165, Portland DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skfn ailments, kidney and bladder trouoles and piles. Consultation free. 181 1st St., Portland. WANTED To know the present address of Miss K. J. Biaijuuutiiu, iviinciiy i (.ne halis. Wash. Address reply to AN 05, Oregonian. DRESS suits for rent. $1.50 month keeps InrhpH rrleaned. Dressed. burr,m sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 30i) stark. HAVING closed out business, please call for your pledges at Keystone Jewelry Store, cor. First and Washington sts. Bernhardt's Loan VJlLlcta. DR. LORENS' NERVE TONIC TABLETS, 25. box, restore lost vitality. Stipe, Tay- lor Drug COIltpai'Ji .JJ jmiinaua ar. Dr. T. J. Pierce, drugless and painless physi cian; women and children; advice free. Call tr write. 311 Allsky blcig. LIQUOR and drug habits permanently cured in three aays; uo suiieiins. caruiuia insti tute, 1627 Peninsula ave., Portland, Or. CHINA painting taught by mail. Address the Jeanne M. Stewart Art Co., iioi, Morrison st., Portland, Or. ACQUAINTANCE of young lady, by young mechanic; object matrimony, as 06, Ore gonian. Mme. Courtwright, skin and scalp treat ments, laclal deformities corrected, plaa t:c surgery. 311 Fliedner bldg. M. 5042. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of women. 620 Belmont st. East 2103. tOO BUSINESS CARDS $1 if you bring this ad. Rose City printery. 192 j ad. nr Taylor OCCULT New Thought; liberal, sclentifto books. Jones' Book Store, 2S4 Oak St. DR. KETCHUM treats women's maladies. 179 lt 3d. corner Yamhill. MRS- SOPHIA B. SE1P. mental and spirit ual scientist. 21 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. M.6sa4 HEALTH treatments given by gTaduaTe nurse, 253Vi Alder, room 18. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 40 Fliedner bldg. M 3473. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. MACKENZIE. BAIRD & BERRIDQm. 22 WORCESTER BLOCK. AUDITS, INVESTIGATIONS. SYSTEMS. PHONES M. 736S. A 1448. E. H. COLLIS & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Municipal Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. 824 Worcester Block. Phono Main 6567. Awnings and Tents. PACIFIC Tent & Awning Co., tents, awnings and sails. 27 N. 1st. Main and A 1081. Architects. EASTMAN CO.. Inc.. Architects and Bulld v. Plans and estimates furnished free tr. builders. We build on contract, percentage or terms. . " -vj .musion o.qg. Assayer and Analyst. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 186 Mo rri3on st. Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, cheni' lats and assayers. 204 W'ashlngton st. Attorneys at Law. i.. E. COOPER, attorney at law. Practice la all courts. Abstracts examined. 716 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. M II. A 2071. Baths and Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths, 167 4th Elegant plunge, steam ana snower patns, 25c. Bicycles and Motorcycles. V? buy. sell, exchange or repair. Hummer Bicycle Ex.. 133 10th at.. Main 7058. Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass castings and machine work. 100 N. 5th. Main 3702. Collection Specialist. PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only. L- Plnckney White. Main 5074: A 7028. Chiropractic Physician. DR TICKNER removes the cause of disease. 600-1 Columbia bldg A 5255 Hrs. 12-5:30. Chiropody. WM. ESTELI.B and Flossie Deveney. the only scientific chiropodists in the citv. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunton. 640 Washington. Marshall 1329. BUSINESS uijitcrour. Chiropody. WHIT FEAR BLOOD POISON? Go to Dr. Laura Ai. Ranuolpn, toot spe cialist, a hospital aud cniropouy graduate, of New Y urn. City, for p.''iectly aseptic treatment. 181 0th, cor. Yamhill. Chiropody and peuicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 420 Fueoner plug, puoue mam 34i3. Collections and Law. NETU & CO., COLLECTORS COLLECT EVERl WHERfc.; ISO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE. uo5 Worcester bldg.. Portland. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR. YOUNG s CO., snip brokers, cont mission merchants. sneriock blug. Curios. SUN SOON HU1E, CHINESE GOODS. MAT--TING. SILK AND LUiUUS. 70 6 CH ST. Dancing. WAIi Z, two-step, three-step, stage dancing, lessons 25c. benooi open morning, after noon ana evening daily. Prof. Vval. Yv ni ton's School, oooi Wasnington st., bet. W. Park and loth sts. Dos; auU Aiorbe iiusollat. DR. BROWN, D. V. S. Office 324 Flanders sc.. Main 4Q6u. Hospital otf 12th at. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Mo lor j iurrent or sale. iaia su Feed Store. Z1GLER & MISNER, hay. grain, feed, ca meat, sningiea. 4 uracq avo. E. 4&2. Jr'urs. ORDERS taken for curing season. Furs ar tistically remoaeleu, repaireu and stored at reasonable rales now. Is. M. ungar, 4uu Mel cuama Xrus t bidg. phoueMarauail7 ad. Hat Factor'. Hats made to order cost no more, us. KoyaliatWoias, Fust st. xJLydxuuitc Runib. HYDRAULIC RAMS For Irrigation, mining and domestic purposes. J? i-anaim sweet, agiit, 411) Lum- per jcxcuangts biag.. punianu, Oregon. Launches. 16-FT. 3-11. P., $150; J.8-FT.. 3-H. P., $-00. Reiersun Mach. Co.. la- Morrison st. Leather and .fcuiuinjce. CHAS. L. MAST1CK & CO., 71 Front, leather o t every utdui' i pnou. taps, mira.' filming s. J.' A. STivOWBRlDGE LEATHER CO. Es utousaeo. laa. iao Front st. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN CO. Hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, logging, mining ma coinery All niuua of repair j. au4 etu. ' Mining Engineer. T.F. JAMES, mining geologist and M. E., 30 'years' experience in Mexico, 13. c and U. S. Keiiaule Epstein and Western reier ences. Portland aaure, tne lortonia, Mia- neaiioils. ooa pnoeaix li-l- MusicaL EMIL THiELHOKN, violin teacher, pupa aevcls:. 000 Maiquam. A 41ov, Mar. 16. Osteopathic .Physicians DR. R.' B. NOR'lHKUP, 415-io-41l Deaum Bldg. Phone, oince, M. 340; res. East or B 1028. p"r Arnold Lliiusey, specialist on rheuma tism stoniacu troubles and all ieuia.e diseases. toielFranaUn. Main 7104. DR. LE HOY SMITH, graduate Kirksvllie, Mo.1lit".Pus- grad.liu7, 31a Sweuaau. mug. Paints, U'ls and Olam. RASMUBBK-N' & CO., Jobbers paints, oil. glass, bd-a-i and auors. Cur. 2d ana Taylor. Patent Attorneys. INVENTORS of the West obtain best service from, their home oince. KOETHrACltiC PAXaiNX SuRBAU, Lumbermens blug., Portlauu, Or. Patents, traue-maras. etc., ail countries. H. A. ivELLoND, pis. 3d years' practice. H- C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat- 'ents, infringement cases. 004 l'atents. FFEE booklet Intormation lor inventors, j. K. Mock. 32.i Abington bldg. liate of U. s. Vatent oii-'cc. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 605 tjos i-aectrlc bldg. Cscar Huber, Portlauu. VjxHKtL.H Construction Co. Street paving, siaewailts aiid crosswalks. all Becaoiag. Pawnbrokers. 1-NCLE MEYERS Collateral Bank, 40 yea j'urtland. TlOth st. Main Olo. l'latlng. PORTLAND PLATING & MFG. CO.. 22d and xnurman. Main 04a, a 5s2. 'Piatmg "n aiiinei.ais in ail colors. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and Sice near 24th N. and York sis. M. 3ia. Printers. ,TT-rS3 S PR UD HOMME CO.. printers. hlknk book makers, legal blanks, loose leaf devices, townsnip plats. teo-67 itn -r bet, pan- rwACsSE-PRUDHoMME CO., Book, cata logue ana commercial. i.-iX.'n tn st. aiam m. a . rT . .u, printing Co.. lino commercial and color printing1G.Ofdnoug h blug:Maiu'J i i piuuo Factorx. ' somroer 4t Co.. established 1SUB; general repair irora; tunlng.475tn.MarsDali laix K.ubber Stamps. Kill, A iO-ii- - T co seals stencils, office stationery, etc ugn. 3lSlar.Ma - Bug Weavers. ORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old i-ariieis, colonial rag rugs, carpet cleaning and l-xls."-. 16i Un'"n ave" nn K- alornsun. Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d at. Bales at "rtorv prices. Second-hand safes. -" D.nk and Mtorn f.1 bliowcaao. - " rrrrj luTKE MB-G. CO., crancn urana Rapids Showcase Co., fcth and( Hoyt, H. i NEW and second-hand J. L M. Mfg. Co., 4 in aud Couch. Main 2iOJ. Cabinet work. " screens. ' i.aiKB s ij WINDOWS SCREENS. pD .you want first-class window SCvvenSmanufacture In Portland. Nothing but rustproof screens that fit. ms!WOLl) RUSTPROOF scree; N CO.. 14.1 H IrBL gtesmnnilGuBlinguies STEU1 and gas engines insta led and k in repair by the month: wide experien. Uoom 305. Occidental Hotel. Telephone ism. a 44us .11... storage ana Transfers. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO., coma, l?th and Everett sts. Just opened newest and most modern storage warenouse in .itv . l:vii J - .... yiupi ..afi.illng of goods; lowest lasmaucv in Nortnwesi. , . - vans lor ",,. Main or a jj.u. f u PICK iranster & Storage Co.. offlc, nd commodious four-story brick ware seuarate Iron rooms ana iirei.r.... vault for alu:ib1;?:. -?-..- cor- 2d ana Pine sts. r u movea ana packed for shipping. Main S96. A lay" OLSON-ROE. TRANSFER CO. .General transferring and storage; safes, nfanos and turniture moved ana packed xor shipment. 209 Oak .1, bet. Front ana 1st. Telephone Main 547 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. establlshedisTo" Transfer and Forwarding Agents Storage Office 310 Hoyt su, between 5th and atb. rhones Main 60. A 1160. WHEN moving, cail up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main 161S. A 10S4. All coverea WjX"n3r 8,11 experienced men. Kto ves. STOVES connected and repaired. Main mo. 614 Front. Therapeutic Physician. DR. FOSTER, master mechanic of the humaa lnuciime, . massage, electrical- and others combined. 418 Fliedner. SPECIALISTS, chronic diseases treated by massage, -lbration and electricity. Hours 10 to 5. .')lo iuarquaiii pic g. aiarsnall 1640. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $S0. fully guaranteed: easy payments: rentals. $J per month. Pacific Stationery & Printina Co.. 203 2d t. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; Investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. 2?7 j Washington sr. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rate3. P. P. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M 1407. Veterinarians. S. L. Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians. 331 AnKeny St. a -iam Veterinary Schools or Colleges. San Francisco Veterinary College; catalogue free. Dr. Keane, 181M Market St., S. F. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st St.. whole sale and retail. Samples mailed free. BANKS, GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKIN'J BUSINESS. ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE. 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCUU.-vis. SAFETY DEPOSIT vaULia. CR.yp CENTRA!. STATION. Southern Pacific. Lpavln Pni-thim) Ashland Passenger 8:30 a. m, 4 : 1 5 p. m. 6.O0 p. m. 6:20 p. ni. 7:45 p. m. I 1:111a.m. 7:20 a. m. , 4:O0 p. m. I 8:50 a. m. 1 :00 p. m. I 0:40 p. m. 7 :30 a. m. 10:00 p. in. 6 :30 p. m. II :00 a. m. 2 :30 p. m. 8:30 a. m- 6:20 p. rn. 10:30 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 11:50 a. m. 4-40 p. m. Roseburg Passenger Ghastii l.lmirfi Silverton Passenger caiiiornla Express rraiicisco Express. .... . West KIHf Corvallis Passenger .-uenuan i'assenger rorest urovo i'assenger FOi esf ;i-nv T.Q .aan Forest Grove Passenger....... Arriving Portland Oregon Express.... Ashhind Pn uuim.a. Roseburg Passenger.."...".... Shasta Limited Silverton Local West Side Corvallis Passenger... Sheridfin PnKsancAP Forest Grove Passenger!....!. A-oicat urovfl passenger.. rorest t,;rove t,. sorthern Pacific Leaving Portiana I North Coast Limited via Pugetl North Coast Limited 'via " North! Bank 1 10 a. m. :00 p. m. :I5 a. m. ;00 a. m. Atlantic Express via Puget Sound12 Atlantic Express via North Bank. 8 iwin City Express via Pugetl cuuna Twin City Express via North Bank 3 :30 p. m. 7 :00 p. rru .2:15 a. m. B:UO a. m. Eastern Express via Puget Sound Eastern Express via North Bank Missouri itlver Express via Puget ouuna ........................ Missouri River Express via North Bank Portland. Tacoma and Seattle Ex 10 a. m. :00 p. m. :45 a. rn. .10 a. rn. press, Grays Harbor, Olympla ewiu ooutti uend branches Portland-Vancouver Special. . . . .'. Puget Sound Limited. Grays Har bor and South Bend branches. .1-8: Yacolt Passenger 1 4; :30 p. m. :o0 p. m. 15 p. m. ;20 a. m. 30 a. m. 10 p. m. :15 p. m. :20 a. m. :15 p. m. ;3U p. Hi. :30 a. m. ;00 p. m, :00 p. m. ;10 p. m. :50 p. in. :00 a. in. Arriving Portland North Coast Limited via North Bank 8 North Coast Limited via Puget Sound 1 7 mtnern Paclttc Exuress via North Bank i 7 Northern Paciiln Exuress via Puget Sound j 7 racnic coast Express via North ' ! I J IV ........................ Pacilic Coast Ex Dress via Puge bound j 7 Western Express via North Bank 8: Western Express via Puget SoundllO; Missouri luver Exuress via North Bank 7; Missouri River Express via Puiret Scund I 4 .f oruanu-l acoma-Seattla Express! ana irom Olympia, South Bend ana urays Harbor Puget Sound Limited. v aucouver-Portland Special 110 aacolt .Passenger. . . .-10 urerrun Katlioad A Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Pendleton Passenger......... Baker City Passenger Chicago Limned The Dalles Local Soo-Spokane Portland........ Oregon Express fcpokane Flyer Arriving Portland Pendleton Passenger The Dalies Local Oregon Express boo-Spokane-portland , Baker City Local Passenger. , Chicago Limited Spokane Flyer , I . 6:30 p. mr ;i 7:40 a. in. .10:00 a. m. . 4 :00 p. in. .1 7 :00 p. m. 8:oo p. ru. . j U:U0 p. in. . 7:00 p. m. ,.10:15 a. in. io:3U a. m. 0:00 a. m, 7:uo p. m. b :00 p. in. 7:3U a. m. Astoria & Columbia, Uiver. Leaving jt'ortiaua SeuaiUe iiixpiesa ocean Kiiuie limitecl baiuriiay Seaside Special. . . . 00 a. m. 20 a. ui. 30 p. m. Jo p. in. ceabiQB Jxprciss Kainier 'as-senger Haimer .Pauuenger. Seaside .Dxpress. ................. MunUay faeasiau Special SeabiUe Kx press Ocean Share Limited. Kanner and Poriland Passenger. Uaimerand Jurtlanq Pasaencr. . .-ji .112 .112 :1j p. lu. ,4J p. 111. :03 p. m. oO p. in. :OU p. in. :lu p. 111. :00 a. m. 00 p. m. 1A0 llo I 8 Canadian Pucillc 'Kuilway Co.' Leaving purtiund 1 C. P. 1-t. Short Line via Spokane.) 7:00 p.m. Via Scatue J12:lo a. m. Arriving Purtlaud j C. P. It. short Line via Spokane. 0:00 a.m. Via Seattle 7:0Ua.m. Oregon & Washington Kailroad Co. Leaving Portiana Seattle i'assenger. ....... . buaala Limileu ........... Owl Arriving Portland Owl Shasta Limited ........... portiana passenger ... .1 8:30 a. m. . . . . 3:ou p. m. .ill:4J p. m 1 .. . . 7:15 a. m. . . . .1 b :-o p. tu. . . . .j 2:4i p. rn. JEJIr'ElUaON-STHEET STATION. Southern pacific. Leaving Portland Dallas passenger .... ualtas Pasuciifcer .... Arriving Portland Dallas passenger .... LallaB Passenger .... I 7:40 a.m. j 4:30 p. nu 1 10:15 a. m. j 5:o3 p. m. ELEVEN 111 ANI 1IOVT STltEEXS PAS. 6EN IjEltJS'X ATION. bpokane, Portland It Seattle Hallway Co. Leaving Portland Inland empire Express 9:00 a.m. ,j,ur cmeago. Si. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St, Louis. Billings, Spokane, Waehiucna. Eamotus, Pasei, itousevell, liranddalles. Ooia euuale, Lyie, While Salmon blevensua Van ceuver. The oregonian .....11:00 a.m. ior St. Paul, Spokane, Pasco, Clifts, Urand daiied, Lyle, White salmon. Stevenson and Vancouver. Coiumoia River Local 4:30p.m. North. Bank Limited 7 :W p. m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Washtucna. Eaniotus, Paaeo, Koosevelt, liranddalles, tiold euuale, Lyle, White Salmon, btevensua Van couver. Arriving Portland The oregonian 7:05 a. m. 'rom St. Paul, Spokane, Pasco, Clltls, Maryville, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson and Vancouver. ... North Bank Limited 7:30 a.m. Prom Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Washtucna, Kaniotus, Pasco, Koosevelt, Oranddalles, Gold endale, Lyle. White Salmon, Stevenson Van couver. Columbia Klver Local 12:23 p.m. Inland Empire Express 8:15 p. m. Kiom .;nicago, St. Paul, Omaha. Kansd, Cliv St. Louis. Billings, Spokane, VVaahtucua, EalliotUS, Pasco, Koosevelt, liranddalles, Gold- enuaie, Lyle, White salmon, Stevenson Van couver. Great Northern Hallway Company. i Mvlnir Portland 11th and Hoyt sts. Oriental Limited via Seattle ..... lo The Oregonian. via North Bank. ..11 :oo a. m. .00 o. m. :oo p. m. :00 a. m. :O0 p. m. :30 p. m. Ovwntal Limiieu. via North Bank Tacoma, Seattle 'Seattle 'Seattle and Vancouver, B. C. Tacoma, B. C. Tacoma, . lo and Vancouver, and Vancouver, B. C .11 aV-ivIi... Portland 11th and Hoyt sts. :40 a. m. :05 a. m. :1 p. m. 40 a, in. :30 p. m. Oriental Limited, via Seattle 6 Tre oregonian, via North Bank.... 7 oriental Limited, via North Bank. 8 Vancouver. B. C. Seattle and Ta coma 6 Vancouver, B. C. Seattle and Ta coma . - V Vancouver, B. C. ocaiue aim a- coma 9:50 p. m. Time-Card Oregon Electric Hallway Co. Passenger Station. 1'ront and Jefferson Sts. L.eaviUK Portland tor Salem and Int tar'ons 0:30. 7:00. 11.00 A. M. ; 2:00. .3.S0. ? to 8 lO P. M. Limited tor Tualatin and Salem a:13 A- M Local for ami Int. stations 5:10 P. M. Daily except Sllnrlav or points on the Salem. Palls city & Western Ky. via Salem, 0:30 A. AL. 2:0v S m Sunday only, 11:00 A. M. leavln- Portland ior Forest Grove and Tr,t stauons 7 :U5. 8:30, 10:20 A. M. ; 12:10. a -10. 3:0. 5:30, 8:25 P. M. Saturday only. 11 rwing'at Portland from Salem and Int. ations 8:40. 11:00 A. M. ; 1:15. 4:O0. 6:00. 5.00 10-60 P- M. Local from Wilsonvill. and intermediate stations 0:40 A. M. Daily Except Sunday, and 7:3a A. il. dally. arriving Portland from Foresi Grove and Tnt. stations 8 :U0. 9:00. 11:40 A. M. ; 1:30. ... o i'iiO, 8:10 P- M. Saturday only, ll:oO v l Sunday only, 4:40 P. M. j-r.t Front and Jefferson. Portland. Or. vortland. Kailway, Light & Power Co. Cars Leave. Ticket Olfice and Waiting-Room. First aud Alder and East Water and East Morrison Streets. f-AKS LEAVE KAST WA'I"EK AND - MORRISON STKEETS. Oregon City 6::i0 A. M. and every 0 minutes -o and ncluding OP. M., then ?LJ ,l:W P. last car midnight. rVpsham and intermediate points 8:3 .745 8 45. :43. 10:45 A. M.. 12:45, 2:45. a-A 4-45. 5.45. li.45. 11:35 P. M. Kiirviow and Troutdale 653. 7:45, 8:45, 9-45 1045 A. M., 12:45. 2:45.-8:45. 4:4$ Ki-' 6-45 P- M- f'iis'dero and Intermediate polnts:5s, 8.43"lO- A. M.. 12:4a. 2:45. 4:45. Ti P M. For Vancouver Ticket office and waiting-room. Second and Washington streets an? v! 6:15. 7:25. 8:00. 8:33. J:lo. 9-5; W:30, 11:10. 11:50. M 12:30. 1:10. 1.30. 2:30. 8:10. 3:30. 4:30. o:10. 5:50, 6:30. 7:05. 7:40. 8:13, 9:25. 10:S5, 11:45. On third lyionday In every month .. last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Daily except Sunday. '"Daily - except Monday.