5 THE MORNING OKEGONIAX, FRIDAY. JULY 1, 1910. TO EXCHANGE. CHOICE Sl'BURBAN; HIGHLY CULTIVATED. EIGHT ACRES AT MIIAVAt'KIE; all cleared; one acre grapes. 24 fruit tree. 4 fre walnuts. 5 springs, living creek, finest soil; county road, school, etc. Want nice home or house and lota. $10,000; worth $15,000. 68 ACS.ES GOOD FRUIT LAND. 4o ACRES has been plowed, balance enough wood to pay for all ; 4 miles to Junction City; $25 per acre; worth $50. Want h'xrse up to $12O0; $:H cash. T. A. R1GGS REALTY CO. Room Tlo Fliedner Bldg. Phone Marshall 1645. 14 ACRES near Reedvllle, good soil, want to trade for city property; price $2100. Good farm In Polk County, part under cultivation, fine soil and running water, on good county road, price $7.r00 ; will take good city property up to $5000 and balance can run at 6 per cent. $6500 worth of Portland and suburban property to exchange in whole or a part for a fine large valley farm well Improved; must be a good buy. GUODNOUGH & PEITZ. . 71S Board of Trade. 30 ACRES. LAKE COUNTY. In that beautiful Summer Lake Valley, rear the lake; lies nice and level for Irri gaticn; soil is known as volcanic ash; price $10 per acre; $960 cash, balance long time: will take mortgage or port land property in exchange. FRED C. KING. 506 Commercial block, ad and "Washington. FIVE hundred thousand dollars' worth of wheat land to trade for Portland or Or egon property; will trade any part of it ; will pav cash difference. SHOEMAKER INV. CO.. 527 Henry Bldg. Main 4465; A 7434. . 0 ACRES all under fence; about 4 acres set to fruit, pea'h trees and gooseberries. 4 acres In potatoes, balance In melons and com; price for land, crop and team. SlSOO, buyer to assume balance of indebtedness, $1125, and inter-.?. Phone A 1522. EXCHANGE $600O par Chicago N. Y. Elect. Air It. R. stock for 350 shares United Wire leas stock. 145 acres of land for 25t shares of United Wire lew stock. Phone A 7207. D., 307 Lumbermen. 5thst. WHAT have vou to trade for a brewery that cost $12S.O0O and has stood a loan of $40,000; this brewery is clear of all incumbrance. Shoemaker Investment Co., 527 Henry bldg. EXC HANGE 5 close-in acres, value :.hm (worth $3oOO). as. part payment on modern house; pay cash difference. Main 201. FOR BALE. Horses Veb ioies and Harness. WHY buy second-hand vehicles when you can get a new one from an old-estabhsiied wholesale house, 44 years in Oregon, at almost the same cost? We are located . outside the high-rent district, own our building, and can make the price, Ex clusive agents for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv ery, wagons, lop buggies, runabouts and farm vagons. Be sure and see us before you buy. It may save you money. K. M. WADE &. CO.. 322 Hawthorne ave., bet. East 1st and 2d. MULES MULES MULES We are now located at the Portland Union Stockyards, We have on hand a good stock of mule reigning from 12O0 to 14O0 lbs. that axe first-class In every particular; our prices are in line with the tias. Come and us and we will convince you. THE MUKPHY HORSE & MULE CO., Woodlawn 2400. ONE chested gelding. years old, 1 Studebaker buggy, one single harness, all in fine condition, the property of Mr. Geo. Flechie- Inquire or Kramer's sta bles, 15th and Alder sts. This first-ciasa outfit must be sold on account of owner leaving town, FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons for sale. Hawtnorue-ave Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. GENTLE horse that a woman can ride or .drive; also buggy and harness. Inquire Roberta Bros.. 3d and Morrison. MISSOURI MULES FOR SALE. lOo head. 1200 to 150u lbs., suitable for railroad, logging and farm work. Mules at Freedman Broa.' barn, corner 13th and Overton sts. Address Sparks & Wlggln- ton. Imperial Hotel. SNAP Big team horses, wagon, harness, $300; 1150 lb. mares, $65; ail broke single, double; gentle and good workers, 242 , Grand ave. S. WANTED Teams to haul crushed rock; $6 per day. 9 hourB; free barn. Apply 47 Lumbermens bldg. Main 2018 or E- 201 after 7 evenings. FOR SALE 1 team young, well-matched horses, weighing 2800 lbs. ; sound and without blemishes ; l young horse, weigh ing 1550. 220 Russell st, SEVERAL fine stalls for rent; take boarders too. East Portland Hiding School, E. 2lt Union ave., cor. E. Irving st. FOR SALE CHEAP. New 3 y Mitchell wagon. Laurelwood station. Take Mt. Scott car. 10 Stuart ave. PAIR of young horses, weight 2700, gentle . and sound ; great workers; bargain. 4 3 E. 50th st. North. a, SNAP 4-cylinder roadster, new top, new coils, just out of paint shop; $450 cash. Main S723. HUBERT 4k HALL'9 STABLES. 3S0 Front St.. livery business, rigs, horses, harness, wag ons. for sale or rent. Main 22i8. FOR SALE 50 pdntes, at Fulton stables. TakeFuHoncarp-2dave. PASTURE for rent near Portland. 339 Sherlock bldg. WANTE D A horse; 1400 or 1 500,' from" 6"t o 7 years old. Apply 102S East Alder st. 2&50-LB team $375; young, found, true, any work. 146 N. Walnut. Kern Park. BEST family pony, 2-seateT- surrey. In Port land. 345 Morrison. I WNT a good, sound team and wagon, -i;heap. Phone East 1433. WANTED Horses and cattle for pasture at Swan Island. Phone Main 8824. PI an oa. Organs and Musical lnstrnnie (a. VlCTOR phonograph records; over 3uo 10 and 12-inch records, almost as good as new. 20c each if you take all at once. C o me a n d t est t hem Weav e rH ot e 1 . ABSOLUTELY new, $450 upright grand p.ano; $200 cash; no certificate given or required. Call and Investigate. 225 Fifth street. VIOLINS, brass, reed and string instruments repaired. Any piece made to order. H- u Godard. room 16, 142 2d st. WILL exchange $125 piano check for canoe, bicycle or sell cheap. B 12, Oregonlan. Birds. Logs and Pet frtock. TWO thoroughbred English bull terriers. 5 months old. male and female; $15 each Call lo31 East Caruthers st. Phone Tabor rOR SALE 2-monthe-old Great Dame pup pies, pure breed. Inquire 151 North 6th st. THREE very fine Airedale terrier puppies. L. V. Woodward. Sellwood 1015. I'HOROUOHBRED cocker spaniel pups. 52 North 15th st. Automobiles. STANDARD STUDEBAKER 30 AUTOMO BILE. Will trade for city property to the value of $1 8O0. or will take part property and part cash: auto bought new last year, list price $.1300; must act quick ; top, glass front, robes and full set of tools. Phone C 2746. 1 1S-H. P. AUTOMOBILE, completely over hauled, repainted, etc.; will give any kind of trial trip; $4O0 on term, $350 cash. Owner, J. W. Lai ton, Jr., 530 elst North, Seattle. Wash. 7-PASSENGER 60-H. P. Thomas Flyer, in good condition; just the car for stage line or livery; $15v0 cash or installments. West ern Auto Co.. 531 Alder st. A. PICKUP Single cylinder runabout in good condition, new tires; a bargain for $100 If bought today. See owner, Graham . Motorcar Co. JEW 1910 Ford roadster complete; cost $1000. will sell for $850. J. B. Fryer, Carlton, Or. Miscellaneous, FOR SALE Half price, fine electric piano, also 200 folding chairs. Call 526 Washing ton st. Phone Main 8458. HOUSEBOAT for sale. Inquire 21ft Ore gonian bldg. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. S31 Stark St. Main 140T. JsOlES and mortgages bought and sold. Na tional Credit Ass'n. 601 Worcester bldg. fcOO BUSINESS CARDS $1 If yon bring this ad. Rose City Prlntery. 1B2H 3d. near Taylor. COO CORDS of good alder timber for sale. FINE Insutatea cooler fcr sale cnath Frlertms n. 295 1st. LAUNCH, in fine condition; bargain. Main 2116- . OFFICE furniture for sale; first-class con d It Ion. Phone Marshall 144 9. VIOLINS, banjoc. mandolins, guitars at aa. ' regular prices. Uncle Myers, 71 $ia a. " FOR SALE. Mi Bcellan eou s. LAUNCH Roamer. 40x10. in first-class con dition, sleeps 6; toilet. gaJlery and tender rn davits; speed 8 miles. lr. Freeberger, 206 Shetland bldg. ( 25 HEAD sheep, grade Shropshire. Inquire of H. G. Starkweather, Just west of Ris ley station, on Oregon City carllne. Phone Oak Grove Black 17. BRUSH runabout. Pacific gasoline drag saw and medium weight double set of harness for tale cheap. Owner, 1024 Vancouver ave.. or phone Wood lawn 458. FOR SALE cheap by owner one 16 h. p. traction Russell engine. Joplln &. Meeks, S03 Board of Trade bldg. FOR EALK Showcase, ws-ilcase. eoonten, cheap. No. 222 Grand tve. Fhont East W. FOR SALE Diver's pump, comolete sub marine diving outfit. S. W. Bailey, 387 East Washington, STOCK of decorations, novelties. Jewelry, re turn balls, canes, pennants, etc. 472 Wash ington st. FOR SALE $125 contest check on Hovenden Soule Piano Co. Mike Erunner, R. 1, Camas, Wash SAFES NEW AND SECOND-HAND. AM sizes; low prices ; easy terms. PORTLAND SAFE COMPANY. $7 5th St. SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines; libeial terms; $10 to $60. Northwest Type- wrlter Co.. M. 8870. 222 Abington bidg. BL1CKBNSDERFER TYPEWRITERS. $ $60. Ask for catalog. Rebuilt $15 up. N. M. Hayter Co.. 90 Cth st. Main &S- SHOWCASES, new and second-hand. ftU Everett. oor 6th. Also fixtures. HOUSEBOAT for sale. Main 2116. WANTED MISt f UAXEOCS. WANTED CLOTHING. Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing and shoes. The Globe Second hand store. 290 First. Main 2om). We also buy ladles clothing. WANTED Mens cast-oft clotnlng aa d shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal.'- 62 N. $d st. Main 0273 CELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get lesa P bones: a 2445: -Main 9."il. HAVE your furniture repaired by the Re liable Furniture Repair Co. 305 3d st. Phone Main 4418. SPOT casii paid lor your turnuure; prompt attention, aiwavs given pht ne East IOHT. WANTED To buy second-hand bicycle. F 92. Oregonlan. or phone A 3 5 OS. WANTED Standing green rorawoou stump age. 5O0 to 1000 cords. T SO. Oregonian. WANTED Motion-picture machine; gas out flt ,fl;mj. 5254 Wash. Phone Ma in 84 58. WANTED Second-hand buggy or runabout; SMALL roll or flat-top desk cheap for cash. AC US, Oregonlan. HFI.F WANTED M A LE. STEADY position, active, honest young man for delivery wagon; must understand care of horse. Apply evenings between' 7 and R. Bullivants Grocery, 13th and Jer-ft-rson st. WANTED Chinese cooks, 2d and pastry, $150. Inquire 12 N. Second st. WANTED Strong boy. solicit and deliver groceries; some experience; living in Up per Alblna preferred; wages $3; references rquired. Address AH bit, Oregonian. WANTED Good solicitors for easy propo sition; we have men making $5 a dav with little effort. Call alter 10 A. M-, 418 Mohawk bldg. PLUMBERS and steam fitters First-class re liable open-shop men; good wages regular work. Address Wm. E. Holmes, Sec. Se- attle. Wash. FOR $33 we learn you to operate motion pictures and secure you position paying $35 weekly. Office hours 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. 286 Washington st., room 612. WANTED A young man otherwise engaged who will give a few hours daily in ex ehanre for room and board. Apply 741, Washington st. tOLMi 3i.b.N wanted to prepare for railway .mall clerks, pos toff Ice clerks, carriers, eta Write or rgi for Book 20. It's free. Pacific tate ciooL McKay bldg.. Portland. Or MACHINISTS, call at 270 Alder st. be fore accepting positions in city. Strike on for 8 hours. Ed Carlson, business agent. BARBER wanted, $18 week or I win sell barber shop cheap. Address P. O. Box 171 Independence, Or. WANTED Reliable printer; steady position; state wages. Rosburg News, Rosuburg, Oregon. SALESMAN with own auto for first-class beach proposition. Inquire 9 to 12 A. M. 322 .Corlttjaldg. WANTED Young men as news agents on railroad trains; cash bond required. Cole .News Co.. 32 Johnson st. WANTED Hospital orderly with experience; $45 per month with board and room. Ad dress at once Dr. W. T. Phy, Hot Lake, or. YOU can make $35 weekly If you learn to operate motion pictures. Motion Picture School. 52H Wash, at., bet. 16th end 17th. MAN who understands grocery business; must have Portland experience and good solicit or. Address E Oo. Oregonlan. WANTED Sajth and door machine men; good wages and steady employment the year around. Address Box 462. Belllngham. Wash WANTED An experienced grocery man for a department store out of town; Al ref erence required. X 00. Orejonlan. WANTED Shoemaker who can buy a part of a good repair .ihop. Inquire 215 7th st., Oregon City. MACHIN ISTS WANTE D. Apply Smith & Watson Iron Works. Front and Hall sts. SALESMAN as resident agent for Summer at beautiful beach resort. Apply 9 to 12. at 322 Corbett bldg. $18 TO $35 week few months only learning; situations guaranteed. Watchmaklng-En-gravlng School. Box 182. Ashland. Or YOUNG man as assistant janitor; i ust u.i 1 era land window cleaning. Eastern Out- fitting Co. FINE opening for first-class job printer as manager of good plant; no money re quired. Address F 97. Oregonlan. THE OREGON EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 41 North Second st. Marshall 318. Ailkinas ofmale help. TWO solicitors of neat address; easy propo sition; workers only need apply. 127 11th street. 6 REAL ESTATE salesmen on easy payment Jots; good commission. Robertson & Philips 148 5th Bt. ' BREAD BAKER; must be gpd bench hand. Inquire between 8 and 11, Royal Bakery, 11th and Everett sts. WANTED A good, all-round printer; one who understands press work ; permanent position. Observer. Grants Pass. Oregon. INTEREST in a paying buslnness; only $75 required ; value in sight. Inquire 3 'i ,. Nort h 3dst., room 25. "UPHOLSTERERS wanted. Portland Furniture Mfg. Co., 1240 Macadam Road, Fulton car. WANTED-i-Metal or wood lathers. Stl Francis Church. East Pine and 11th. " BARBER for Saturday, guarantee $5. Es- mond. Front and Morrison. WANTED Young man or boy to" learn JTurkish baths business. B 93, Oregonian, BARBER wanted for Saturday at 101 Grand ave., cor East Washington at. GOOD barger wanted; steady work. 304 Burnside st., city. DISHWASHER Hoyt st. in boarding-house. BARBER wanted at Astoria; $1S guarantee, Forparticulars caU210Madison St., city. WANTED Experienced Turkish bath rub ber. Bodley s Baths, 331 Washington st. TWO barbers wanted at 146 1st st.. PorT land. Or.; steady j ob. Brownin g. WANTED Collector for Installment house; must have bicycle. AL 05. Oregonian. WANTED An experienced Ice cream maker. U f2. Oregonian. WANTED Bakers . 3 El ma. Wash. helper. Address box WANTED First-class soda dispenser. Haw- PHOTOGRAFH coupon and portrait agents; new offer. Catberth. studio Dekum bldg. Al BUSINESS man as salesman and col lector. Address AM 70. Oregonian. WANTED . 19th st. rirst-class upholsterer. 794 N. WANTED 1 first-class waiter. N. 6th st., 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. Apply 141 M A RKERS wanted. American Laundry, 12th and Flanders. PRESSER wanted at 615 Washington street. WANTED Presser. Broadway Dye Works, ?;53 Union ave.. N. FIRST-CLASS barber wanted by Shultz & Wl a eca rver a t Dal 1 a s. Or. NIGHT WASHER wanted. Applv Hess &" O'Brien, fnitip are, and Davis st. WANTED experienced pot washer. Peer less Cafeteria. 1Q4 Fifth st. BOY for janitor and kitchen work. Lam berson. ' fir4 Couch St. DI SH WASH ER wanted at the Auto Restau rant. 52S Washington st. HELP WANTED MALE. AT C. R. HANSEN &: CO.. 26 N. Second St. Main 1526; A 1526. Headquarters for railroad men, cooks, dishwashers, woodsmen, etc. We are ship ping daily to Klamath Falls. Eugene, Natron, Shanfko and other points. Rock men, tunnejmcn, laborers, teamsters, etc Top wages. FREE FARE. MISCELLANEOUS TODAY. Steamshovel runner. Camp blacksmith, $75 and board. Steam dredge engineer, $90; S hours. Shingle packer, S'ac per hour. Section foreman. $3.50; logging road. Man and wife on ranch. $50. Bridge carpenters, city, 40c per hour. Farmhands, $35 up. Chutemen, $2.50; city. Deckhands, $35; river steamer. Porter, beach resort, $40 per month and found. Camp cook. $75. free fare. Three camp flunkeys, $35; free fare. Camp cook. $60. , Dishwashers, city. $0 up. Camp flunkey, $40 and $45. . New jobs coming in all the time. A Job free to any able-bodied man who is broke. Do business with the old reliable firm. Established 1876. WANTED Man and wife, cook and waitress, for small country hotel. $70. Man and wife, cooks, for small camp, $nr to S70. Three carriage riders. $2.50. Lumber truck teamsters. $2..V. Lumber graders, $2.50 and ?3. Large list of other work. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Main Office; 12 N. Second St- FOR THE COPPER RIVER & N. W. CORDOVA, ALASKA. , 1000 white laborers for surfacing ana general railroad construction work; wages $3.S5 per day. Fare from Seattle to tna work. $15. Next shipments, July 1. M. J. HENfiy. Pier 2, Seattle. Wash. WANTED. Six laundry deliverymen; steady job to good men; salary or commission basis; can make from $15 to $25 per week; will not consider application unless following ques tions are answered in detail: Married, single, a?e. present and past occupation, employer's name, address, are you a hus tler ? Address F 93, Oregonian; give phone number. WANTED Hustler to sell Shurewin Polish (sure to win) ; cleans gold and silver plated ware. German silver, brass, cop per, tin, steel or any material where a brilliant lustre is required ; good oppor tunity for hustler; sells for 10 cents a packet ; confidential terms to agents ; would take in a partner or sell recipe, A p ply AM. 88, Oregonian. WANTED 35 men or women Monday to get one of the small farms that are to be sold at public auction; 35 small farms, 5 to 10 acres each, to be sold to the highest bid der; good river and rail transportation ; close to Portland; opportunity of a life time. For further particulars see M. E, Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. . WANTED Saddlemaker to take charge of department; must be able to do own cut ting, fancy stamping, etc., ene who can make chaps, cuffs, etc. preferred, union shop, steady work; state wages desired. AN 91, Oregonian. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women, to learn barber trade in 8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler Syctem of Colleges, 35 North 4th Bt., Portland. Or. , Y. M. C. A. The friend of .the young ma"J and stranger ; hearty welcome and good counsel are yours w ithout cost. Constant demand for men who can do something well. Special employment membership as sures employment. Investigate before you invest. WANTED Men and boys at Los Angeles; no. expense for instruction ; learn automo biles, electricity. plumbing, 'bricklaying trade in months instead of years; study half and work half time; catalogue free; United Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angelea. WANTED Hustler to sell popular-priced book, $1.50 ; has 500 pages good reading and humorous, half-toned photos, on "white slave traffic ;' 60 per cent sure to buy ; salary and commission to Tight party. AN 99, Oregonian. TWO high-grade salesmen wanted for first class fruit land proposition; must have good appearance; don't apply unless you consider yourself a high-grade man ; good money to right parties. Ask for sales manager. 407 Wells-Fargo bldg. WANTED Young man, 16 to 18 years old, for work in large office; good chance for promotion If competent. Must take posi tion with idea 01 being permanent. AD 90, Oregonian. A FIRST-CLASS opening for a good sales man accustomed to dealing with business and professional men. If you are alive here's your chance. Address AJ 75. Ore gonlan. SPECIAL, Energetic partner wanted for one of the best-paying real estate busi nesses in Portland, where the man Is ". needed more than his money. Particulars 417 Board of Trade. FIRST-CLASS carriage blacksmith for new work; good wages to eteady man. Apply Puget Sound Wagon Works, 1915 Sixth ave., south, and Holgate, Seattle, Wash. WANTED Young1 man to assist and learn automobiles, small capital required, experi ence unnecessary ; investigate. 326 Washington, room 416. WANTED Reliable man to check goods, etc.; pay $25 week, which can be In creased with interested help; small invet- m e n t r equired. Particulars 248 Stark s t . WANTED Printer to take charge country weekly, do job work and local writing; no boozer; send references-, state salary. Box 123, Salem, Or. WANTED A good meatcutter and sausage maker; also a man that understands man aging hutcher shop. Apply Braden & Adams, Astoria, O "INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. Call or send for new catalogue, answer puper. etc. 207 Marquam bldg. GOOD live canvassers wanted; best thing in the city for quick money. Room 23 Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Washington. BARBER An apprentice preferred, $10 per week; steady job guaranteed. 224 Taylor st., between 1st and 2d. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED chambermaid, hotel, $25; pastry cook, $10 week; camp helper. 5U Louis Agency. 303 Wash. Main 2030. GOOD opportunity to learn shorthand; op tional salary at same time; must, have fair education. Address D 93. Oregonian. WANTED Middle-aged woman : as no time keeper ; must be good cook; for 3 young men, city. H 99. Oregonian. GIRL, general housework, Scandinavian pre ferred. 7S7 Madison. Phone Marshall 16Q1. A 572S. WANTED -Girl for general housework; fam ily of 4 adults; good wages. Phone East 6352. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, 32H Washington St., Room 30 7. . Main SS3t or A 36. GOOD girl for general housework, small family. Phone Main 8986, or call 170 N. 22d st. WANTED A girl or woman to take care of a healthy baby 13 months old. Call or phone Woodlawn 303. e 2 GOOD, live women solicitors; good money See R. M. Plummer. 260 3d st. GI RL to assist general housework. 186 1 7th st. Norths WAITRESS and cooling helper for board- ir.g-house. 735 Hoyt at. WANTED Young lady stenographer; Ger mati preferred. 619 Lumbermens bldg. GIRL for general housework; $5 per week. 0013th st. CASHIER wanted at the Hongkong Cafe, 1Q7 0th st. GIRL for general housework; experience not necessary. 257 North 22d. cor. Northrup.- WANTED A girl for housework and cook lng; 3 In family. 770 Hoyt st. GIRL to assi.t In care for child to go to the beach. 253 'f. Waeh., room 5. GIRL for office work; $5 per week to start; o experience req ulred. E 94, Oregon! a n. EXPERIENCED cafeteria waitress, 12 till 2 P. M. Peerless Cafeteria, 104 5th st. HELPER In corset workroom; must be quick wit h n eed I e. 14 1 1 1 1 h st. YOUNG girl with neat appeaxance wanted at a fruit gland. 33 N. 4th st. NI'A-T. quick girl wanted. Stein's restaurant, 122 14th st. WANTED Girl for general housework; 3 in family. Apply at 375 E. 21st st. North. S-GIRLS between 20 and 35 years for'shoot Ing galleries. Apply today at 250 First st. GOOD plain cook to assist; good wages. Apply afternoons, 274 N. 25th st. HELP wanted, fnlumbla. Union La. unary Co.. WANTED Girl for general housework. 260 Grand aye. North, cor. Multnomah. WANTED Dining-room girl at 163 12th and Morrison. WANTED Experienced girl for general hou- work. Apply room 201 Oregonlan bide. LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewritipg y expert; $5 a month. 269 14th. Mala S&93, FEMALE. YOUNG LADY GRADUATES of high or grammar schools, 17 years of age and over will find a good opportunity to en ter a business career by applying at once OLDS. WORTMAN & KING- WANTED 35 women or men Monday. July 4. to quit working for other people and buy a small farm at public auction ; 35 small farms. 6 to 10 acres each, go to the highest bidder; river and rail transporta-. tion, close to Portland. mile fronting on Willamette River. For further par- tlculars see MLee.ll Corbett bldg. SUMMER SCHOOL for English branches, shorthand and typewriting. Day and even ing classes'. Portions- guaranteed. WO 0r cester block. Enroll now. WANTED Immediately, nurses for general hospital duty ; $55 per month with board, room, laundry. uniform. Address Ir. W. T. Phy. Hot Lake Sanitarium. Hot 'Lake, Or. MIDDLE-AGED or elderly woman to take charge of small boarding-house, ou of town. Call between 10 and 11, 506 Henry bldg. YOUNG lady who has hod some experience clerking in grocery, bakery or cenfection ery; steady position to right party. Ad dress E 92. Oregonlan. A PABLE girl or woman for cooking and general housework; good wages; willing to go to Summer resort. 809 Lovejoy st. Main 2029 and A 4940. WANTED A young lady, experienced in the tooth business. Address Goldsmith Bros. Smelting & Refining Co., 487 Ar- . cade bldg.. Seattle. Wash. m WANTED Reliable girl, general housework. Must be fond of children, healthy and clean ; Scandinavian preferred. Main 4412. A 4426. On Sunday call Tabor 1S94. Wa NTtD Benned. can&bie woman for fcpom-bIr posit iu 11. Vlavt Co.. 609 R3t&- hijd blog.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Neat, -willing girl for general housework, small family. Apply at 275 W i 1 1 ia ins ave. Phone C 1 529. COMPETENT girl for general housework, small family ; wages $25. Phone East 1392 W A NTED Girl for '--general housework, fam ily adult. Apply 532 E. 18th. N. Phone - East3604. . TEN trustworthy ladles to travel for manu facturing company; salary $75 month, city $2.50 day. Room 9, 2494 HoUaday ave. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Washington St.. Cor. 7th. -Upstairs. 'Phone Main 269. GIRLS for packing and labeling giass goods. Wad ham & Kerr Bros.. 4 th And Hovt. WANTED An assistant bookkeeper and stenographer at Jones Market, 151 4th st.; must have experience. GOOD girl for general work; small family. Appj y 821 I rvln g st. ; GIRL for general housework; 3 In family. 408 N. 32d st. Main 7S59. GIRL "for housework. 702 Northrup. ,IILP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FISK TEACHERS AGENCY offers god io"itMn to A. -1 Instructors. fll 1 SwetUait SITUATION WANTED MALE. HookKeepcrs and Clerks. ACCOUNTANT, expert, desires situation; thoroughly familiar with office detail work; best references. AG 98, Orego nlan. WANTING to locate in Northwest, do heVewith offer my service A as credit man, correspond ent or bookkeeper; IO years with large Eastern Jobbers. AL 97, Oregonlan. - BOOKKEEPER- and stenographer, with 8 years' experience, desires position with well-established commercial business; best of referencesfurnished. Y S6, Oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper and office man, 27, seeks opening; salary no object. W 99, Ore gon Ian. BOOKKEEPER, 15 years experience, wishes position with good, reliable firm; can fur njjsh best of references. C 91, Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER Young man, several years' experience, law, railroad, insur - an re. etc. K 99. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, rapid and ac curate, desires position at reasonable salary. Tel. A 5146. $1000 TO $4000 on Improved realty. Gruber, 927 Board of Trade bldg. Miscellaneous. WANTED Position about Sept. 1 by man IO years experience in wholesale and retail grocery and two years branch manager for packing-house; would like position in Port land or other good town in Oregon. AC 97, Oregonlan. EASTERN man with 12 years' experience as manager and buyer for general merchandise more would like position in some good Ore gon town about October first. Address AE S5. Oregonlan. YOUNG hotel man, 6 years experience in front and back part of hotel wants posi tion ; best of references. AK 97, Orego- nian. THOROUGHLY experienced clothing and gent's furnishing salesman wants posi tion: highest references furnished. H 78, Oregonian. LOOK Mr. Automobile Owner, if you need a strictly reliable chauffeur and repairman during your outing and pleasure trips phone 13. 554. SITUATION WANTED in livery stable by experlneced -washed carriage and light livery preferred. Address F. L. Davis, gen- eral delivery. A. YOUNG German, 26 years old, wants steady work of any kind; not afraid of hard work. A 06, Oregonlan. EXPERT accountant desires small set- of books to keep; books balanced, opened and closed. AO 99. Oregonian. BARKEEPER, German, wishes situation; 4 years In last place. San Francisco refer ences. i B, 95, Oregonian. A GOOD Japanese wants a Job for few hours in the early morning. K.. Musen, 251 First st. YOUNG man wants work on farm; has ex perience. Address Michael Anthony, gen eral delivery, Forest Grove. Or. FIRST-CLASS cook wishes , position in coun try hotel or Summer resort. AN 88, Ore gon ianJ BY laundryman, thorough, all branches, medium-sized town preferred; state wages. AN 98, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED Japanese cook wants po titU n in good family. Frank. AF 96. Ore gonian. TRUSTWORTHY young man with good habits wishes position as collector or driver. AX 85, Oregonian. COMPETENT chauffeur desires position; private family preferred. C. Cornell, 40 B. Sumner st. A JAPANESE, speaks good English, wants a position before 3 P. M. F 95. Oregonlan. PAINTER, paperhanger, wants work. A3 9 5 , Oregonian. GOOD Japanese wants situation at apart-ment-house or family. C 98, Oregonlan. MARRIED man wishes work, dairy ranch preferred 900 11th st., Vancouver, Wash. COLORED man wishes position as janitor. 106 North 8th. -Main 6379. YOUNG man wants situation "to drive bakery wagon. Main 488, 3 A. M. STRONG young man wishes to learn farm in g; small wages. B 91, Oregon ian. WINDOW cleaning, floors and rugs. Main 6573. evenings. Thomas Green. JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish all help. Main 4659. A 4073. 268 Everett. LICENSED chauffeur, mechanical, wants po slilon. AN 90. Oregonian. DAY work. Call 5 to 6 P. M. A 4065. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. STENOGRAPHER of four years experience, accurate and reliable, desires position four hours dally; salary weekly. Phone B 2042. - YOUNG lady stenographer, rapid and accu rate; permanent position preferred. 4i5 Main st. STENOGRAPHER, beginner, would like po sition; would work for small salary. Phone Sellwood 1809. COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER desires position would substitute during July and August. T 97, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER wants position for exper ience; good education. AH 97, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, with some experience, desires position. Phone A 5446. Dressmakers. TWENTY years experience, right from New York. Ladies' tailoring. fancy dresses, evening gowns a specialty ; work from nothing but Paris models; are strangers in the city and must get established. We do nothing but first-class work. Every thing guaranteed. Look for our sign. New York Tailoring. 432 Montgomery st. Mount Tabor car. Phone A 738. ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors. 826 Wasa ington st., suite 216. Main 982, A 53S1. WANTED Plain sewing and mending by the day. Main 2066. t LAuiiis Lui.ormg; alterations, coats reiiaed. Mm Mur kier. 430 Columbia st. A 4 7. SEAMSTRESS wishes to do sewing in hornet. Phone Main 433g. DRESSMAKER and seamstress wishes work by the day. 561 East Beech su SITUATION WANTED FEMALE Pressmsvkera. A. GOOD children's dressmaker and general seamstress would like work by the day. B 01, Oregonian. Nurses. REFINED young lady desires position as children's nurse; family going to beach or country preferred. Phone M. 3008. REFINED, edcuated young lady desires sit uation companion to lady or governess. St. Louis Agency. 3o3 'A Wash. Main 2039. EXPERIENCED German woman, children's nurse. would go beach. Main 2039, A 4775. TRAINED nurse would like cases. Main 925. Housekeepers. WANTED Position as housekeeper for vrid owner or invalid, care of children, nurs or companion, by middle-aged widow with 11-year-old boy; no objection to country; references. Address AG 79 Oregonlan. THOROUGHLY capable woman from the East wishes housekeeper's position; small private family; elderly couple preferred. X 97. Oregonlan. , FIRST-CLASS cook , wants position boarding-house, bakery cr delicatessen; best references. AH 98, Oregonlan. CAPABLE, chambermaids, housekeepers St. Louis Agency. 303 Wash. Main 239. Domestics. . WOMAN desires light housekeeping; small family; small wages; good home. AN 9i, Oregonian. ' COMPETENT cook in prlvat family? wages $45: only kitchen work I. Z., 702 Gan- . tenbeln ave. - Miscellaneous. TUTOR Normal graduate and experienced teacher gives -private lessons in work of any of the grades. Phone A 4479 at noon or from G to 8 P. M. m COLORED woman wants work by the day. 106 North 8th. Main 6379. GIRL wa-.itP to"ass!st in light housework for t small family. AL 93, Oregonian. WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Phone Main 22O0. JAPANESE girl wants situation as house work In smaH family. A 5032. .WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown nursery stock is In demand; sales this season will be immense: a flattering op portunity; cash paid weekly: outfit frss. Haiem Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 per week easily selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Co., Orenco, Or. Good territory open; lib eral proposition. Call or write to Orenco, Or. GENTS wanted to aid us supply tha de mand for choice nursery stock; outfit free; cash weekly. Address Capital Clu Nursery Co.. Salem, Or. WANTED TO BENT. Bouse. WANTED For the entire school year, a 4 or 5-room furnished house or apartment, near Washington High School, for 2 per sons; give description, price and location. AK 90, Oregonlan. , SMALL furnished house, city or suburb, by refined couple, no children: good care given property; must be cheap rent; ref- erences. Address AN 86, Oregonlan. WANTED Furnished house on East Side for Summer. House must have more than six rooms, and have nice grounds and garage, F9G.Oregonian. ATTRACTIVE 3 or 4-room bungalow, best part city; rent reasonable. F 90, Ore gonian. WANTED 1 or 2 rooms.- with sleeping porch or part of furnished house; must be In good location. AF 95, Oregonlan. TO U N G gentleman wants1 room in private family with no other roomers; must be near Multnomah Club. AK. 98, Oregonian. WANTED Furnished room on or around 17th and Alberta sts. AB 98, Oregonian. PERMANENT room in private family for gentleman: West Side. P. O. box 249, city. Rooms With Board. WANTED Steady rooms and board, youn-g married couple, in private home or select private boarding house; references; West Side preferred. Address "Whips," P. O. Box 436, Portland, Or. LADY, with child4 years, wants room and board In private family where child can be cared for while mother is employed; state location and terms. C 94,Oregonian. YOUNG gentleman would like board and room in private family; references. Ad dress S 98. Oregonian. FOB REKT. Rooms. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MILNBK BLDG.." 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL, REASONABLE. furnished Rooms. HOTEL MED FORD. 1 BLOCK FROM UNION DEPOT. JUST OPENED; liew. MODERN brick building; fine large ground-floor office; hot and cold running water in all rooms; steam heated; private baths; very richly furnished. Rates only $8 and up per week: 50c up per day. Call and see ua, Northeast corner Fifth and Glisan sts. COSY. OMJLIKJa. COMFORT AliLS. Homelike. Homeuka. Homelike "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." NEW SCOTT HOTB3U 7th and An keny ata. Free was tfcelr depot carriage, I took It on the spot; There may be other house Jut as good, but I guess nou A quiet home for quiet peopia. HOTEL BRESLIN, S. W. cor. A 1th and Washington sts. Modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold running water in rooms, well furnished and now under new management; excellent location, close to shopping and theater district; rates reasonable. Call and see what a comfort able house it is. Transients solicited. Both phones. DREXEL HOTEL. Third and Yamhill, only three blocks from Poetoffice; electric elevator runs day and night; free use of phones and bath, hot and cold water in each room; new fire 1 roof building; 130 rooms; special low tates for the Summer; also have one or two unfurnished r ooms. 246 Yamhill st. HOTEL SAVON 19 Eleventh st. New modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold wa ter in rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Rates very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade sollcitad. ' HOTEL. AN SON I A. 124 14th, Cor. Washington St. Everything new; large, airy rooms, sin gle and with bath ; telephone in every room, service free; rates by the day, week or month; also unfurnished rooms. M R3. J OSIE SMITH, Manager. THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, la now un dergoing a thorough renovation; 70 steam aeated, electric-it nted room, all outside. Rates 75c day; $10 month up. Suites wiia raisg w&ur $20 mouth up. Phones aad bath tre. , HOTEL BAKER. Fifth st., opp. City Hall. Phona Marshall 666 New. beautifully furnished, hot, cold water in every room, publio and private baths: permanent, transient, HOT bAKOKNT, Cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne Phone East 291, connecting every room. Private baths, elevator, first-class grill. Special rates by week or month. American or European. Tra-aslenta solicited. HOTEL IRVING. 812 Oak st., corner Sixth. Large, light, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, electric lights, running water; low rates. HOTEL BUSH MARK. " Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern coa venlencs; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647. THE ASSEMBLY. Fine furnished rooms; running water, large yard; reasonable rent. 6th and Madi- svn sts. " THE LANDORE 28S Tenth street, at Jefferson. Choice newly furnished rooms, within walking distance of business cen ter. v ' THE GAYOSA. Grand ave. and E. tetarlc Modern, $2.50 up. ; SUITE of two rooms, suitable for 2 or 3 people; all conveniences, close In, nice yardvery reasonable.2517th st. A PLEASANT room for two gentlemen on first floor; hot and cold water; $X25 each. 16510th at. The Colonial. f THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sta,, well furnished sleeping rooms $2.5u per week; electric lights, hot baths free. T IE MANSION Elegantly furnished rooms, modern, beautiful grounds, suitable for eentnaii.waikl ng distance, 6 th-Jefferson. YOU WILL. BE PLEASED. "MILNER BLDG.." 350 MORRISON ST. MODE HN', CENTRAL. REASON AB LE. APPLICATIONS received for rooms in build ing formerly occupied by Arlington Club, Alder and W. Park. Address P. Q. Box 223. FURNISH ED rooms. Bl m Place. formerly Elton Court Anaex. 414 Yamhill aad llta. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL G25 Washington street, between 19th and 20th. Just completed, tbe cosiest, completes and up-to-da teat residence hotel In the city. The ground floor office Is finished la real mahogany, marble and tile, is spacious and handsome; elevator service, private telephone ex change, steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, many with baths and wall beds, and Is .splendidly furnished. Tn rent la very moderate, rrooms from $15 per month up. Why cot get the best for your moaey? Now open, rooms by the day week or mo a th. Pfaon MsLrJiaU 1 &50. MODERN outside rooms, $2.50 to $3 per week, including baths; also housekeeping rooms. stab Washington st, Furnished Kooms in Private Family. ONE medium and one large room; can be used as suite, suitable for gentleman; well furnished, large closets, modern conven iences; y est Side. Pnone Marshall 166. A 1 RONT alcove room with sleeping porch; also single room in modern nat; J blocks oit Vvasiiington st. 52S - .Flanders st. arshaUl'j7. A NICELY furnished room on first floor, with free use of piano and telephone, and only 8 blocks irum-P. u. ; $2 per week. 309 Market st. N FURNISHED alcove room with or without use of kitchen; modern, 5 minutes' walk from P. O. ; also one room, large and sunny, suit able for two. 228 V. lvth st. Phone Main 8207. NICELY furnished. pleasant, tront room, suitable for one gentleman ; piano if de sired, reasonable rent. 567 Irving, phone Main 6035. BEAUTIFUL room, balcony, suitable for 2 gentlemen; most attractive location. 3u2V Park. NICELY furnished, rooms in private home, phone, running water, walking distance. 70l Irving st. LARGE, beautifu.Ily furnished front room. with alcove ; all 00 n ve n 1 e noes. 223 W e tt Park. COMFORTABLE quarters for quiet gentle man; nicely furnished, right atmosphere. PhoneMain5332. FOR RENT Large furnished room with al cove, suitable for two gentlemen ; also s 1 n g 1 e room ; p h one, b ath. 55 5 Y a m hi 1 1 LARGE, light, airy front room for 3, $25; pretty front room for 2, $18, in new mod ern home. 5ti9 Everett st. $7 A MONTH, nicely furnished room suit able for 1 or 2 ; walking distance ; use of phone and bath. 427 Harrison. NEWLY furnished rooms in steam-heated residence; with running hot and cold water. 564 Flanders st. LARGE front room, suitable for two gentle men ; modern conveniences ; references re- quired. 334 Mill st. A 3135. NICE clean room for rent, suitable or one gentleman. 133 12th st. REASONABLE room $9 month; bath, fine location, walklng distance. 4525th. FURNISH ED front room with fireplace, board optional. 321 West Park st. FURNISHED room, private residence. 254 X. 20th si. Main 4985 before 7 P. M. NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking tance, $1.50 per week. 431 6th at. dis- FURN'ISH ED front rooms, single or en suite. 344 16th St., near Washing ton. CLEAN, comfortable rooms. $10 and $12 mo walking distance. 429 Market. A 40o6. 2S6 121 H ST. Nicely furnished front room. all conveniences. FRONT rooms for one or two gentlemen, also amau one ana retusvjutiuic. - i.tu. 33 N. 17TH. 1 block off Wash, st., well fur nlahed rvoms. board optional. CLEAN, well-furnished rooms; fine location. 268 14th South. TWO new, neatly furnished rooms, suitable for, two. i 192 13th St.. near Morrison. t FURNISHED rooms with or without board. 208 Grant st. M. 5691. FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences, walklng istjince.26ylitlist.,South. J LARGE, well furnished bay window room; private; walking distance. Phone A 49h9. 1 NEATLY furnished room in private family, reasonable. 415 Mill. Main 7331. NICE furnished rooms at 27j 16th, near Washington, reasonable; walking distance. VFRY pleasant rooms, every convenience, -walking distance. Main 3312. 361 loth st. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE pleasant, convenient, unfurnished rooms, central, reasonable, adults. Inquire 233 Va Hall, afternoons. JUST WHAT YOU WANT ' "MILDER BLDG.," 35014 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. FOUR very fine unfurnished rooms for rent. Phone East 6381. 5 LIGHT rooms, upper flat, rent cheap. Call at grocery, 443 6th st. 4 UNFURNISHED rooms. 301 14th. Rent $15. Inquire 363 14th. 2 OR 3 unfurnished rooms, kitchen, fur nished, to adults; lower flat. 346 Hall. itoum. un ROOMS with board. $6 per week; home comforts; 4 minutes' walk from Postof flce; phone and bath free; rooms without board, $2 and up. The Llndell, 267 Mar ket st. ROOM AND BOARD for ladleTand gentlemen; nicely furnished rooms with running water, with or without board, at The Hazel, 385 3d st., corner Montgomery. ?OHTLAND Women's Union. 23d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and library. 610 Flanders st Miss Frances N. Heath, supt. BEAUTIFUL front rooms, first-class private boarding-house, facing the park. 374 Park. THE CALVARD-Choice accommodations. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th ; walking distance. Rooms With" Board prlrate Family. NICELY furnished front room, running water, beautiful grounds, ideal place for Summer, exceptional board. 90 East 8th st:.. corner, Washington. East 139o. NICE room, with board, for 1 or 2, In mod ern private house; use of piano, etc. ; 6 blocks from Hotel Portland, on Park blocks. Main 4S04. PLEASANT room adjoining bath; also smaller room; excellent board; private home ; parlor ; close in ; desirable. 521 Couch st.. cor 15t h Bt. NICELY furnished room, private family, suitable for two; 2 clothes closets; would serve breakfast and 6 o'clock dinner; fine c arse r v ice. Phone East 2460. LARGE front suit, with board; newly fur nished, electric lights and running water; also single room. 204 N. 22d st. FURNISHED room and board for 2 gentle men at $20 each; also single room. 549 Yamhill st. ROOM and board for two gentlemen, one block from carllne. Call 313 Marguerite ave., or phone B 2271. BOARD and room for three; bath, phone, home cooking, $6 per week. 191 11th, near Yamhill. - . NICELY furnished large front room; home cooking; reasonable rates. Phone Main 7016. ROOMS and board; beautiful rooms; ideal country home; Mount Tabor. Main 4412, A 442ij. On Sunday call Tabor 1894. CLEAN well-furnished rooms, with excellent homa cooking. 432 3d st-. flat C. LOVELY room, with board; home cooking; reasonable. 178 Ella st. NEWLY furnished rooms, with board. 595 East Oak, corner 15th. B 2619. ROOM and board In private family; home comforts. W 97, Oregonlan. m ROOM and board In private home for one or two gentlemen. 591 Davis st. LARGE room with board, home cooking, ali conveniences. 107 16th, near Flanders. ROOM and board for 2, $25 each. Phone Main 5486. ROOM and board for young women of good character; $3 per week. 6 Grand ave. N. $2 UP, board optional, $4.50, two gents $25 each. 191 1 1th, near Columbia. CHOICE corner rooms, select board, rea sonable. 761 Marshall St. A 492K WELL-FURNISHED room, suitable tor two; breakfast and dinners. Main 2071. Apartments. ST. CLAIR 715 Wayne St. Six room, mod ern apartment, two porches choicest loca tlon in city- Telephone Main 4930. ELEGANTLY furnished 3-room flat to two adults on West Park et. ; price 3o. S84 rjollege st. HARRISON COURT Unfurnished apartments, 2 and 3 rooms and bath. Phones Main 5143 or A 7363. B-ROOM apartment at 125 17th st. North; first-class in every way. Phone C. F, Read, A 5251. WESTMINSTER APARTMENTS. 6th and Madison ; furnished and unfurnished for rent. $20, $25 2 AND 4 rooms, furnished and un furnished, very desirable, choice location: adults. E. 5043. WAUNITA. 325 11th St., small two-room fur nished apartment; modern, walking dis tance. . STANLEY Apartments. 701 Washington St.; 3 and 4-room suites, nicely furnished apartments. : KING HILL APARTMENTS, King and Wayne ata. Apply to janitor. UNFURNISHED 8-room apartment; rent .til Tnoulro 225 Market st. . THE CHETOPA, ISth and Flanders, modern 4-room apartments. Apply to janitor. !OK RENT. Apartments. BurnsMe; new brick, opened the 1st of May; 3-room apartments, elegantly furnished ; all modern conveniences, including steam heat, private pno.e, private bath, hot and coii water, reception hail, bay windows, fire place, laundry and steam arter in basement; automatic freight elevaior, Janitor service; rent reasonable a few unfurnished apari- menu-. Phone B 1018. OKDELKlliM APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand ave. and Stark St. UNDER NEW MAN AGEM INT. New fireproof brick building, beautiful ly furnished two and three-room apart ments, private baths, wall beds, iarga clothes closets; plenty of hot water; 0un mer rates. Phone s. 300. 25 TO $33 Fine West"" Sldesteam-heated apartments; private bath and phone, hardwood tloors, small outside porcu, tinai new brick building; these are the bt st and cheapest apartments in tue city; tnoy are furnished witti bedsteads, hpriiia. urease r, aining-room table, ice box ; do look them up. Call 414 11th bl, Dammeief lnyestCo. ANGELA APARTMENTS, 37-39 Trinity Place between 19th ana 20tn, near amngton New brick builuing, newiy and elegamly furnished, complete for houscKepeing, in t 3 and 4-room u pertinents; uuu iue pore ties; electric elevator, not water, telephone e cnange, janitor service. Phone Mrnall 19 o. HEiNZ apartments, 14th and Columbia; 4 blocks outh from Morrison sU; new oncK building, completely nrt-clnss; turniaueu in 2. ii and 4 room tamny apartment, private bath, reception nan. st'jaiu heat, not water, elevator, tree phone, janitor service; rent from 25 per month and up. THE K-LA.S AfAxtTMENTS. Elaborately luiinsueu ; -r o o m apartmentJ. all mo u ern conveniences, large sucty lawn cool v era n a as. Janitor; rents reasonable, walking distance. 624 Marsnali st.; taka "W" car. Maiiib032 or A jilul. KEELER APARTMENTS. 141 h and Clay, nnest 3 and 4 room suius 111 tne city; pri vate batns and ptiones, steam heateu, uot . ana cold water, aiuppearing bu. irir Jund stoves, porceiain-iineu ret rigera tors, electricelevatur;35 to jo per month. CECILIA APARTMENTS. 22d and Glisan, 2 and 3 room apart men us, new 4-story brick Jutot completed, ail modern conven iences, each apartment has private ouuma balcony, rent reasonable. JULY 1. Beautiful unfurnished 5-room front apartment with ail modern conveniences; steam heat, hot ana cold water, phone, gas range, refrigerator, gas, electric iifcui, .Janitor service, etc. j-uone A 1133. THE BERXLE Al'AKTMhi.SXi, trictiy modern, large iuuulm ana thr closets to every apartment; cool and airy lor bumiani'. 69 Lovejoy at. ia.t tw. car. ELEGANTLY furnished 5-room apartment, all modern. also 4-room uniurmshed. apartment; will be ready july 1. itrain- tree Apartments, JU5 l.ui su Jrliuiio uam 774i. "ONEONTA" APARTMENTS, 117 17th, naar Y&mnlU (.W car at depot). 2, 3 and 4 -room, lurnished suites; hot and cold, phones and baths free, to per month, $5 pr wae a do. up. Main 4097. A 43 J 0. HANOVER APARTMENTS, cor. King and Washington sta, 3-room apartments, hava every modern convenience, including sta t heat, hot water, private batn. lie pboa mu jauuor service; rent very reasynabls. FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, modern in every particular; steam-heated, hot water. Janitor services, with nrst-cla furnishings. Apply to janitor. 66 iveax ney st. , HOW LAND APARTMENTS. For housekeeping In suites. iz and up; hot water, tree batfts. nrst-ciaa. 631 Washington, oor. 2uth. gTEAM -HEATED 6-room apartment, mod ern and. desirable; 525 Everett su Apply Morguui, Atleiun-x t J3oc, 6u3 AbuiLk bldg. THE beet 3 and 4-room furnished and un furnished apartments in the city at 69T Washington st. ; walking distance; evory thlng new and modern; all conveniences. HARRISON COURT, best 2 and 4 room un furnished apartments, wit r, all modern conveniences. 394 Fifth st. Main 5143 and A 7363. THE WESTFAL, 410 5th St., furnished and unfurnished apartments; private baths and pnone; elevator and Janitor service; rents reasonable. Phone A203 J ST. CROIX Apartments, 170 St. Clair st., near Washington; furniture of three rooms complete, ready to keep house, tor sale cheap; parties leaving the city - THEALTAMONT. Modern bric-K, 3 and 4-room apartments; telephone, steam heat, etc., $3u and $35; 5t han d Col 1 e y e. Main 6Oa0. THE LAURETTB Apartments, 229 11th One unfurnished 3-room apartment, all outslda rooms; wtxictly modern. Both pnone a THE GAY OS A. Modern furnished apartments. East 5465. ruts. HANDSOMELY furnished flat, 6 rooms, light end airy, sleeping porch it desired, t, ma.il fa mily, no children; to let lor one year ; swell nelgrborhood; lawn, flowen. 772 Kearn e y . FOR RENT New and strictly modern 3 room Oats on 20th and Laurel sts., port land Heights; rent 40. Apply - WAKEFIELD. FRIES at Co., b5 Fourth St. THREE new, up-to-date flats, best location, in city. Call Main 1505. W. Reidt, 401 Rothcnlld bldg. Money no object; want a good tenant. THREE, new. up-to-date flats, best location in city. Call Main 1505. W. Reidt. 4ol Kothchlld bldg. Money no object; want & . tcood tenant- , FOR RENT Good 5-room fiat. 4&7 Da via su; rent 20. Apply WAKEFIELD. FRIE3 A CO., i fe5 Fourth St. FOR RENT 2 new and modern lower flats of 6 rooms each; also 2 uppers of 7 rooms each. E. 17th and Belmont sts. MODERN lower flat in Irvington, after July 1. 45 E. loth st. North or phone E. ,56utt, 2 blocks to Broadway car. 4- ROOM modern tlat. reception hall, three closets, bath and fireplace; close In. 551 E ast Yamhill st. Pho ne East 1710. EXCEPTIONALLY pleasant flat with porch, central, reasonable. Inquire afternoons, 233Va Hall st. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. Main I0I8. A 194. All covered wag oiie. all experienced men. FOR RENT Fine 5-room Hat, 2 hreplaces, furnace heat, walking distance, 12th and East Taylor sts. Phone East 6000. MODERN C-room flat, 5th, near Jackson; West Side;easywalk; Main orA 1223. NEW 6-room flat, corner East 19th and Washington; rent $32.50. Taoor 414. 5- ROOM moaern upper Hat with attic. 50 X Belmont st. Tabor 1608. MODERN 5-room, corner 22d and Kearney sts. Main 5009. FURNISH BO flat for rent for the Summer. 44 E. luth N. MODERN 6-room flat, 733i Hoyt St. Ap ply 132 6th st.Main627. FOR RENT New, modern 5-room flat, Id E.Ash. Phone B 2U06. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall. Fur nished lor housekeeping, gas ranges, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free, $15 per month up; a clean place; best In the city for money; short distance from Union Depot. Take 'S" or ltitii st. cars northj get off at Marshall st. No dogs. WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, 2 $g month; 3 for 12; furnished cottage, large rooms, $20; lower flat, 4 rooms, $18. ob-i 20th, North (west side river). VV car from depot. 5th, Morrison to 26th; block north. UNFURNISHED, two-room, bay window suites, five blocks from Postorflce. yoo Jefferson, corner Fifth st. Beautiful oui- look. HOUSEKEEPING AND FURNISHED ROOMS. 370 East Morrison st. Phone E. 3375. $2 WEEK Clean, furnisntd housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas, heat, yard, clean linen. 406 Vancouver ave. HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms; strictly modern; three phones. 490 Morri- son st. , FINE DOWNTOWN HOME. 'MILNER BLDG," 350V MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL, REASONABLE. THREE rooms furnished for light house Keeping, furniture for sale $-0; rent 311 room fLSO wee, lam, clean furo. housekeeping rooms; laundry batn. gas. 184 tihermaa. THE ELMS 2 and 8-room apartments, fur- nished. 191 14th St.; transient solici t ed. TWO suites housekeeping rooms. Phone. ras. bath. 721 1st. 4S7 TA YLORi near 14th, desirable front .-room suite, modern conveniences. kl.16 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms. cent, ibuiiui v . paui piBHiun. vj .. HOUSEKEEPING suite. 2 or 3. also singls rooms; strictly modern. 563 Irving. . TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms melther en suite or single. 413 Main. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. 2 ROOMS, furnished for light housekeeping, closo in. Apply72 6th st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, very closf in. 214 13th at., cor. Salmon. TWO housekeeping rooms, close in, phone, clean, homelike. 307 Third st. TWO connecting rooms for light housekeep- i n g. 257 Cha p ma n s t. SUITE furnished housekeeping rooms. 611 Morrison st.