1G THE MORNING OREGONIa, FRIDAY,- JTTI,Y 1. lyio. DIVDRGEQ WIFE1S TARGET:MANDIES Railroad Employe Follows Woman to Portland Hotel Grill Room. END OF TROUBLES TRAGIC Angered Because Spouse Secured Separation Month Ago, S. T. Bolcn Shoots ex-Wife Before Crowd Wounds Xot Fatal. S. T. Bolen, a brakeman employed toy the O. R. & N.. brought his domes lie difficulties with his divorced wife to a tragic close last night by shoot ing her through the head and then committing suicide, in full view of a dozen patrons In the Hotel Portland Grill. The wounded woman was hurried to Good Samaritan Hospital -with, a bullet wound in the neck below the left ear. She will live. Bolen died instantly as a result of two bullets fired into his head through ithe mouth. His body was removed to the morgue by Deputy Coroner Dun ning. Couple Recently Divorced. The Bolens were divorced four weeks ego. Since their legal separation Bo len is said to have constantly annoyed Jiis ex-wife and made threats against (her life. Last night, while she and Mrs. C. H. barker, the wife of a salesman residing .t Nineteenth and Everett streets, were walking leisurely about the downtown streets, Mrs. Bolen espied her former husband close on their trail. Antici pating that he was determined to ex ecute his threats against her life, she and Mrs. Parker walked briskly to Washington and Seventh streets. Hoping to elude Bolen, the woman 'walked hurriedly south on Seventh street. Bolen followed close behind. When both women reached the Seventh-street en trance of the Hotel Portland, Mrs. Bolen and her companion made a final effort to elude the revengeful husband by dodging Into the entrance. Bolen, discerning their movements, quickened his steps and hurried after the fleeing women through the corridor of the hostelry. Bewildered by the apparent determina tion of her husband to cause her bodily harm, Mrs. Bolen dashed through the cloakroom into the grill. Shots Startle Diners. Whipping out a 32-caliber revolver, the irate husband ran after her and, "with a curse, leveled the weapon at her head just as she passed the threshold of the doro leading into the grill. "When within four feet of her he fired. The bullet struck her under the lobe of the left ear. Before the startled patrons in the elite establishment real ized that a tragedy was being enacted two more pistol shots rang out. The would-be murderer had turned the weapon upon himself, sending two more Dullets into his own head. He fell dead on the floor less than six feet from his prostrated victim. A panic followed among the occu pants of the grill room. Several women fainted and had to be carried from the Xoom. William McHinton, a colored waiter who was a witness to the tragedy, was the first to reach the wounded woman's side. He lifted her upon a table, while other employes hastened to summon Dr. C. A. Macrum, the house physician. Bolen was pronounced dead by the phy sician a moment later. Upon a hasty examination of the woman's wound Dr. ilacrum stated that her injuries were iiot fatal, and ordered her removed to . hospital. Couple Wedded in Kansas City. The suicide is 30 years of age and his victim is several years his junior. They were married in Kansas City lour years ago. Two years ago they came to Portland. The couple quar reled frequently and at various periods lived apart. During their intermittent separations Mrs. Bolen secured employment in lo cal department stores. Her most re cent employment was in the toy de partment of one of the large depart ment stores. She resigned her position two months ago. Since securing her divorce from her husband a month ago Mrs". Bolen has resided with friend3 in various sec tions of the city. The culmination of the marital re lations of the Bolens last night was .expected by the woman and friends of the couple. TEMPLARS FINISH SESSION lAfter Officers Are Installed, Con vention at Tacoma Ends. TACOMA, Wash., June 30. With the Installation of officers, the Grand Com jnandery of the Knights Templar ad journed at noon. Following are the new officers: John G. Campbell, Tacoma, grand commander; Charles Coon, Port Town send, deputy grand commander; Henry I Kennan, Spokane, grand generalis simo; Charles G. Smyth, Everett, grand captain-general; Harry A. Raser, Se attle, grand senior warden; John G. Minton, Bellingham, grand junior war den; Horace W. Tyler, Tacoma, grand treasuren; Y. C. Blalock, Walla Walla, Errand recorder; Rev. William Pelan, Spokane, grand chaplain; W. N. Aouff, Spokane, grand standard-bearer; Dr. E. H. Van Patton, Dayton, grand sword bearer; Lewis Winans, Seattle, grand warder; Henry H. Day, Tacoma, grand captain of the guard; Willis D. Rea, Spokane, inspector-general. The Grand Commandery will meet in Spokane next year. The matter of preparing a memorial tribute to Conrad L. Hoska,- late grand senior warden, was referred to the grand commandery recorder. The to tal membership of the Grand Com mandery is 1725, a net gain during the year of 138. "STRAW VOTE" TOO CLOSE Estacada Xcar-Beer Situation Xot Cleared by Poll. OREGON CITY. Or., June 30. (Spe cial.) Conditions in Kstacada relative to the liquor traffic have not been cleared by the straw vote that was taken there Monday night. The Coun cil called an advisory election to as certain whether the people wanted regular saloon licenses or whether they wanted even the near-beer stands closed. The result gave a majority of one vote for the "wets." At the June election two years ago the precinct went dry by about 30 ma jority. Two resorts obtained licenses later to operate pool, billiard and card tables, at a stipulated fee of $25 a quar ter. The Council declined to Issue li censes for the sale of near-beer, but the men who are conducting the two resorts at Kstacada were given to un derstand, it Is said, that they might dispense near-beer without fear of be ing molested by the city authorities. Near-beer is sold openly, without li cense, and it is stated that real beer Is shipped from Portland to Currinsvllle and transported here by wagon. IDAHO MAY JSET $4,000,000 Estimated Share of Irrigation Fund to Complete Two Projects. BOISE. Idaho, June 30. (Special.) It is estimated that Idaho's share of the $20,000,000 irrigation bond- Issue will be approximately $4,000,000, enough to complete most of tne un finished projects, including the Mini doka and the Payette-Boise. According to F. W. Hanna, chief en gineer, the money should first be used for the completion of the Payette Boise project. The north side of the Minidoka project stands completed and about 56 per cent of the remainder is finished. Of the Payette-Boise project, the south side unit, exclusive of storage. Is nearly 75 per cent completed. The Deer Flat reservoir is practically com pleted for 186,000 acre-feet of water. Preliminary investigations have been made for reservoirs to build on the up per Boise River from which water will be used to irrigate land at the, upper end of the project. It is anticipated by engineering ex perts that the Payette-Boise south side unit will be done in 1912, except the storage on the upper Boise River, and it will take a much longer time to complete the reservoirs. A total of 243,000 acres of land is involved under the south side unit, 164,000 acres of which have no water rights at all. The north side unit involves about 75,000 acres, but the settlers have formed the Black Canyon irrigation district under the state irrigation law, and it is not known whether the Government will do any work on it. SALMON THEORIES UPSET Fish Marked Six Years Ago Are Caught in Traps." ASTORIA. Or., June, 30. (Special.) Several of the well-established theories regarding the habits of salmon are be ing upset b'y facts which have come to light during the present season. It has always been supposed that sal mon returned to the river the fourth year after being hatched, but this sea son no less than 15 marked salmon, which were turned out in the chlnook hatchery six years ago, have been caught in the Bakers Bay traps. Re ports from other points on the river also are that five female salmon which have spawned have been caught in the traps, although it has always been sup posed that the female fish perish im mediately after having spawned. These salmon were in fairly good condition, so that they could not have ascended to the upper reaches of the river, and they are believed to have been salmon which spawned, perhaps prematurely, in some of the tributaries of the Lower Columbia. EVERETT MINISTER TALKS Rev. Dr. West Attends Y. W. C. A. Meet at Breakers. THE BREAKERS. Wash.. June 30. (Special) Mrs. Dr. West, of the First Con gregational Church, of Everett, Wash., has arriyed here to attend the sessions of the Y. W. C. A. conference. Her mes sage on the subject of faith was in spiring. A most enjoyable reception was held this afternoon under the auspices' of the social hostess, Mrs. Honeyman, of Port land, and with Mr?. E. B. Burwell, sec retary of the Northwest board, and Miss Emma Hayes, the .National executive sec retary, of New York, acting as hostesses. Official members of the city delegation were the guests. Secretaries of the City Association assisted in the serving, Mrs. E. J. Carpenter and W. O. Winston pre siding at the tea table. The University of Oregon and Idaho girls held their delegation meetings on the beach tonight in the warmth of a blazing bonfire. SURVEYORS FINISH WORK Spaldings Thought Behind Proposed Railroads Along Coast. NEWPORT, Or., June 30. (Special.) Morris Wygant finished a location railroad survey along the Coast from Slletz Bay to Yaquina Bay today. The preliminary survey was made two years ago. Wygant would make no statement, but from remarks dropped around camp it is believed the Spalding Lum ber Company, of Falls City, is behind the proposed railroad. On the other hand, the United Railways Company has let a 24-mile contract for a line Into Tillamook, which is 25 miles above Slletz Bay. A railroad along the Coast to Ya quina Bay is needed for the removal of the valuable timber in the Slletz Reservation, as Yaquina Bay is the nearest deep-water harbor. POLES ROLL ON STUDENT Young Man Crushed to Death While "Unloading Car. CALDWELL, Idaho, June SO. (Spe cial.) Clarence Bicknell, son of At torney Bicknell, of Red Wing, Minn., was suddenly killed this afternoon about 4:30 while assisting in unload ing a car of poles for the Caldwell Interurban. One pole struck him on the back of the head and seven others mashed him to the ground. He was a student in -the College of Idaho, in the freshman department. He was prominent in athletics. The body will be shipped to his former home at Red Wing, Minn. LEWIS SEEKS RE-ELECTION State Engineer. Leaves Capital to Inspect Irrigation Projects. SALEM, Or., June 30.-(Specla1.)-John H. Lewis today filed with the Secretary of State his declaration of intention to' become a candidate for renomination for State Engineer on the Republican ticket, at the coming primaries. The declaration was filed at this time because he leaves tomorrow for the Deschutes country and Malheur County, where he will make an Inspection of various reclamation projects, and will probably be absent for a month. He will be accompanied on his tour of inspection by Attorney-General Crawford. GARDINER. Or.. June 30. (Special.) Jacob Rush, head trimmerman in the sawmill of the Gardiner Mill Co was severely injured yesterday. A piece of lumber thrown from a rapidly revolving pulley, struck him and broke his nose. His face was also badly bruised. PORTUHD'S TRADE TAKES BIG JUMP Activity in Industrial Lines In creases Rapidly in First Half of Year. ' BUILDING PERMITS HIGH Construction for 1910 to Date Totals Close to $8,600,000 Bank Clearings Show Decided Gain . Over Previous Year. Portland's stable and conservative growth along all industrial lines is vivid ly portrayed in official records for the first half of 1910 as compared with the same period of 1909. Building, real estate, bank clearings, postal receipts, livestock returns and shipping reports all unite in declaring the prosperity of Portland to the world. June, usually a month of no especial ac tivity, has held up strongly and shows increases over the corresponding month of last year which are really remark able. Building Permits Jump. For the first half of 1910 as compared with the same period of 1909 the increase In building permits is shown to be 36.54 per cent, in real estate transfers, 24.83 per cent; in bank clearings, 39.52 per cent, and In postal receipts, 16.88 per cent. Livestock reports show that busi ness has . developed to a gigantic size with a gain running into the tens of thousands in receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep but a loss in the shipments of horses and mules. The gain In cars utilized is 41.03 per cent. Marine statistics show that lumber shipments have been exceeding all pre vious records with an increase for the 12 months Just closed of over 22 per cent in both valuation and amount. June records are even more significant. The increase in building permits for the month over June a year ago is 95.04 per cent. Real estate transfers show an in crease of 49.63 per cent and the great wealth of business which was carried on in Portland last month resulted in an in crease of 40.28 per cent in bank clear ings. Postal receipts showed a gain for June of 12.38 per cent. Increase in the livestock industry is shown for these periods at between 10 and 50 per cent on the various commodities handled. The greatest increase for the month is in the item of building permits. Last month there were issued 3189 permits ag gregating in value $1,687,725 or 95.04 per cent greater than in June. 1909. This great record, which is in line with the general increase for the year, brings the total for the first six months of 1910 to $8,609,692. This is $2,304,257 more than were issued in the corresponding period of 1909 and with the great wealth of building projects now contemplated it is possible that this city will jump close to $18,000,000 for the entire year. It is interesting to note that for the first six months of this year, up to June 28 inclusive, Seattle has issued $8,311,207 in building permits, or almost $300,000 less than Portland. This in a year when Seattle is "remaking" the entire city and "moving the business district." Tteaity Men Keeping Quiet. Real estate dealers have not been mak ing a great noisre about their operations in the last month, but the statistics, show Portland to be more than holding its own In this item of trade. The increase for the month of June over the same period of 1909 is 49,63, as represented by deeds being filed for properties valued at $2,595,110. For the six months the total for Portland is $18,519,193, which puts in the shade the mark of $14,844,623 for the opening period of 1909. Here again a comparison with the Sound City can be made which indicates the greater interest in realty in Portland than in Seattle. Until June 28, inclusive, Seattle had so far this year issued and recorded deeds aggregating $13,740,189. Six months ago, when Portland overshadowed Seattle in the matter of realty transfers, the citizens of that city attempted to ex plain the decrease by pointing out that a great railroad deed had been filed in 1908 which caused the decreasa for the year. As there was a big deed mentioned in 1909 it is hard to see how the Sound City will explain the present low mark in realty transfers. As hag been. the case all year, the bank clearings have been going ahead rapidly. The increase of 39.52 per cent for the first half year is represented by a gain of $70,753,187 over the 1909 figures, bringing the mark this year to $249,811,723. The June record shows an increase of over $12,000,000 or 40.28 per cent. That this figure is not due to any unexceptional business transacted last month may be gathered from an inspection of the records, which show Portland's gain to have been uniform all year. Postal Receipts Jump. Postal receipts showed a good gain for the half year and also for June, the increase of 6.88 per cent for the opening six months of 1910 and of 12.38 per cent for the month of June being good indices of the general growth of the city. The figure of $72,370 for June is estimated owing to the returns for yesterday being incomplete last night. The Portland Union Stockyards have been in operation but a short time at the new plant on the Peninsula, but already the vast increase in business is notice able. According to a general report of conditions sent out by D. O. Lively, gen eral agent of the company, the market for cattle of top quality has remained unchanged, during the month while the inferior classes have declined. The call for light-weight steers of good quality and for cows, heifers and calves has not been met by the shippers. As compared with last year the hog receipts from local territory show a considerable increase, the total being 14,347. Cattle and Bhcep also show pro portionate, large increases. Mr. Lively places an estimate on the value of the livestock for the six months ending June 30, 1910, as $4,500,000. The establishment of this market ha? meant much to the livestock Industry of the Pacific' North west and it la said now to be but in its infancy. The value of the livestock handled in June is placed at abeut $1,000,000. Lumber shipments have increased won derfully, the fiscal year just closed show ing a grand total of 110.853.764 feet sent to foreign ports and valued at $1,268,682. In 1908-1909 the corresponding figures were 82,688,790 feet and $1,043,077. Wheat ship ments show Portland to command second place in the wheat shipping customs dis tricts of the United. States. A tabulated comparative schedule of the business In the various lines of in dustry is given for the first six months of 1909 and 1910, as follows: Postal Receipts. iho:. mm. January $r,7.l'1'J $71,205 February 5.:!K7 6!.0L'l March 6'J.oi:; 76.o:c; April . 61,263 71.JBU May B:!;.",72 6S.2fln June 64.405 .72,370 Totals 364.57., $426,141 Increase in six months, $Ul,i66-54; or 16.88 per cent. Increase for June, $7068; or 12. 38 per cent. Livestock Industry. 1909. Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Cars. January 5,204 6,372 4.0!)S 300 February 4.:!8 3.34T S.SSS 2SO March 4.3.1H 4.26.S 3,3U 200 April 3.944 3.875 10.101 2!5 May 6.022 2.91S 12.979 342 June 8.217 3,143 19.419 470 Total 32.663 23.723 03.854 1.933 1910. Cattle. Hops. Sheep. Cars. January ........ S.909 6.O07 X.279 -445 Feburary 8.7S5 3.472 5.902 409 March 8.30". 5.S04 5.011 421 April 6,936 5.S73 0.."-70 352 May 7.352 10.057 1 S.033 513 Juno 10,501 6.S57 22,033 084 Totals B0.7SS 3S.070 65.848 2,726 Increase 18,125 14,347 11.994 793 Police Moneys Increase. Fines and forfeitures in the City Police Court for the first half of the year 1910 aggregated $17,520.25. May was the month which showed the larg est income, the amount being $4521. For the past month the fines amounted to $2415, the forfeitures to $1068. and the costs to $38, making a total of $3521. as against $1753 for the corre sponding month a year ago. June marriages in Portland num bered 429, while last year there were 362. During June, 1905, while the Lewis and Clark fair was in progress, 202 marriage licenses were issued by County Clerk Fields. There were not as many fishermen last month as there were in June, 1909. During that month 897 licenses were issued, while last month there were 629. Combination licenses Jumped from 98, in June a year ago, to 132 last month, and hunters' licenses from 9 to 55. Marginal mortgage releases in creased from 355 in June, 1909, to 412 last month, and the number of instru ments recorded Increased from 2809 to 2981. CLANTON BEGINS DUTIES McAllister Turns Office of Master Fisli Warden Over to Successor. SALEM, Or., June 30. (Special.) After serving approximately three years as Master Fish Warden," Charles H. McAllister relinquished the office today to Edward Clanton, of Grants Pass, and left for Portland, where he assumes the management of the Ore gon Home Rule Association. Mr. Clanton said this afternoon that he will carry out all the policies in augurated by Mr. .McAllister and that he would make no new appointments save that of a deputy warden for the second district, which vacancy was created when he accepted his present position. He will recommend to the State Fish Commission that Samuel L. Sandry, of "Woodville, be appointed to the place. CONVENTION IS SOUGHT Invitation to Portland to Be Ex tended ty Missionary Delegation. TURNER, Or., June 30. The Oregon Christian Missionary Convention has appointed a delegation to attend the National convention at Topeka, Kan., to Invite that body to meet in Portland in 1911. The delegation will consist of Dean Sanderson, C. F. Swander, V. F. Reagor, T. G. Pictor, Lewis Montgomery and Mrs. Humbert. A committee was also appointed to send a telegram to the Governor of Nevada protesting against the Jeffries Johnson fight. G. E. Williams and Mr. Gregg were continued another year as evangelists. Davis Errett, of Salem, was elected president of the society and C. F. Swander was continued as secretary. Kiglity-Koot Boulevard Asked. SOUTH BEND, Wash., June 30. A petition will be presented to the Com missioners asking that body to appro priate sufficient funds' to construct a boillevard 80 feet wide between South Bend and Raymond, three miles. The Commissioners have been approached unofficially and appear to be in accord with the movement. It is confidently believed that the completion of this project will be the immedite forerunner of an electric line between South Bend and Raymond, which will extend through the valley towns and on to Chehalis. Moore 18 Years Justice. SALEM, Or., June 30. (Special.) Just 18 years ago today, Frank A. Moore, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, was elected to position on the Supreme Bench, and' ever since has seen continuous serv ice as a member. During that time, he has served three two-year terms as Chief Justice and has written 801 opinions. He is a candidate for re-election, and it is predicted he will secure it without oppo sition. He was born November 18, 1844, and will therefore be 66 years old next November. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, June 30. Maximum temper ature. 69 degrees; minimum temperature, 59 degrees. River reading;, 8 A. M-, 10.4 feet; change in last 24 hours, fall 0.2 foot. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M.), trace; total rainfall since September- 1. 1909. 42.09 inches; normal rainfall since September 1, 43.94 Inches; deficiency of rainfall since Sep tember 1, 1909, 1.85 inches. Total sunshine June 29, 1910, 9 hours 18 minutes; possible sunshine, 15 hours 42 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M., 30.13 inches. THE WEATHER. 5?3 Wind S m ft . , "2. o 3 2. T c c 3 S S c " 2 a -i . 3 3 " r . : : : STATIONS. State of Weather Boston ...... Boise ..1 ss o. S2!0. 7-ilO. ss'o. 74(1. 6610. S2IO nojo 90 O. BO'O. 69 iO. 72 O. 7X0. 86 O. 64 O. 71) IO 8610. 82 IO. 5S O. 70 O. 900. OO'lO .00 6 N" 'Pt cloudy NWClear 1m 'Pt cloudy N OIear SW Clear svv Pt cloudy E ICloudy S Icioudy W ICloudy NW Icioudy NW ICloudy NWClear SW Clear S IClear NWClear SW Pt cloudy Calicary .......... Chicago Los Angeles...... Marshf iela ....... Medicine Hat New Orleans..... New York North Head Portland . . Roseburg. ........ Sacramento. ..... Salt Lake San Francisco.... Spokane. ......... St. L,ouis Tacoma Tatooah Island... Walla Walla Washington. .0 Ca OO1 8 00'12 OO'lO, P 4 .34 8 00 141 OS'12' 001121 oolio' 00(10 OO'lO U0.1tl OOI 4 01 10 SE Pt cloudy Cloudy Clear Pt cloudy Pt cloupy SW SW SW OO,04 1 00 4 SE WEATHER CONDITIONS. The low pressure area over the Great Salt Lake Basin Is slowly decreasing in energy and the high pressure area along the North Pacific coast is increasing In intensity. Dur ing the last 24 hours light rain has fallen along the Oregon coast, along the extreme Northern California coast and In Western Washington and Southeastern Idaho. The amounts everywhere were very light and no rain of consequence has fallen in the in terior between the Rocky and Cascade Ranges of mountains. It is cooler In North eastern Washington, but elsewhere the tem peratures have remained nearly stationary. The Indications are for fair weather In thus district Friday, except in Southeast ern Idaho, where the fair weather will be preceded by showers. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity J-Falr; northwesterly winds. Oregon and Washington Fair; northwest erly winds. Idaho Fair. except showers southeast portion; cooler south portion. EDWARD A. BEAL8, District Forecaster. 0. UN. IS BEHIND TERMINAL DEALS Purchases Made in Warehouse District Are No Longer Secrets. $2,000,000 IS INVOLVED Broadway Bridge Proposition Causes Harriman Interests to Display Hand Tracts Will Xot Be Put to Immediate Use. After remaining a secret for IS months, the identity of the purchaser of the tier of blocks in the North Find warehouse and railroad terminal district, bounded by Twelfth, Hoyt, Thirteenth and Quimby streets, is now disclosed as the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. It is also now known that the same company was the purchaser last Kali of the three blocks opposite the main entrance to the Union Station, the two tracts involving an expenditure of more than $2,000,000. Both purchases were made very quietly and every precaution was taken to pre serve from public knowledge the real In terests back of' the two deals. Bridge Talk Bares Deal. Recently, however, duVing the consid eration of several factors connected with the proposed construction of the Broad way bridge, it became necessary for the railroad company to reveal to city offi cials its hand in the two real estate transactions and the deeds are now under course of preparation from those who have held the property in trust, and will be placed on record within a few days. (Both transactions were made through the agency of C. K. Henry. The pur chase of the first tier of nine blocks was ostensibly made, by a Los Angeles syndicate headed by John W. Craig, who, it later developed, is a brother-in-law of Mr. Henry. The tier of blocks is located advantageously for terminal property and adjoins, in part at least, holdings of both the Northern Pacific and the Terminal Company. All Roads Mentioned. Speculation as to the purchasers at the time the sales were made took in all the railways operating in Oregon and some that are not. At that time, officials of the Terminal Company denied that that company was the purchaser and Louis W. Hill, president of the Great Northern, declared that the sale had not been made to either the Great North ern or Northern Pacific. Strictly speaking, the assertion of the Terminal Company officials was correct, for the property was pur chased for the Oregon Railroad & Nav igation Company, but it was with the expectation that it would later be added to the holdings of the Terminal Company. That the property will be utilized In connection with the pres ent terminals is now known, but it has not been announced whether owner ship will remain in the O. R. & N. or be acquired by the Terminal Company. O'Brien liaised Money. The blocks included in the deal are numbered 118. 125, 136, 143, 185, 202, 215, 227 and 240. At the time the sales were made the aggregate consideration was estimated to be $1. 500,000. It is now said on good authority that J. P. O'Brien, vice-president of the O. R. & N., personally raised the money in the East for the purchase. It is "also related that the Hill in terests had their eyes on the same blocks, but were forestalled by the Harriman people. At that time the Terminal Company itself was prohib ited by injunction from acquiring more property, the restraining order hav ing issued in the "terminal war" In stituted in the courts by the James J. Hill Interests. Purchase Made in Fall. The purchase of the several blocks opposite the Union Depot came to light last October and the same mystery surrounded the transaction as in the earlier deals. C. A. Dolph, presi dent of the Northern Pacific Terminal Company, denied that that company had . negotiated the purchases and through other sources a Hill enterprise was hinted. The property thus trans ferred consists of blocks U, Y, V and W, with the exception of about five per cent of one of the blocks. The three tracts "square off" the corner of the Northern Pacific Termi nal Company holding's and were pur chased by the O. R. & N. Co. through the agency of C. K. Henry and the Wakefleld-Fries Company. It is the expectation that this property, in time, will be utilized by the Terminal Com pany. FIVE REALTY SALES ARE MADE East Side Corner Brings $45,000. Flats Sold Tor $17,000. East Side real estate took a forward step yesterday through the sale of a single lot at the southeast corner of Union avenue and East Burnside streets for $45,000. The property was purchased from B. W. Mutch by E. J. Daly, who will hold the corner for a client. The site is occupied by four frame buildings leased for three and one-half years and bringing in a rental of $223 a month. The buyer is an out-of-town man who intends to improve at the expiration of the lease. The property is in the heart of one of the best retail sections on the East Side. Through the agency of B. J. Daly , the Simpson flats on Northrup street, be tween Twenty?first and Twenty-second streets, were sold for $17,000. H. T. Hud son, a retired merchant, bought the prop erty. Mrs. Ada Simpson is the seller. The site is 50x100 feet and the improve ments consist of a four-flat frame build ing of two stories. It brings in a good, rental and will be held as an investment. Mr. Daly also reports that the same out-of-town buyer of the Mutch prop erty has bought a tract of ten acres, just south of and adjoining Council Crest Park. It was bought from the Hibernia Savings Bank, trustee, for $10,000, and will either be utilized as site for a country home or platted and resold. The Portland Pacific Investment Com pany, consisting of A. K. Poulsen and G. V. Johnson, has purchased block 14, Hawthorne avenue addition, from A. B. Scott for $15,000. The block is on East Forty-second, East Forty-first and East Clay streets. The buyers will improve it with homes. The sale was made through the agency of the H. P. Palmer-Jones Company. Announcement was made yesterday that James Sargent "auditor of the Hotel Portland, had purchased for $14,500 the Barry tract of 240 acres adjoining the townsite of Burlington on the United Railways. James Dowd, as executor of the estate of James Barry, negotiated the deal in conjunction with William M. Cake, attorney. The entire payment was made in gold coin. i AMUSEMENTS. Main 2 AS360 Geo. T- Baker, Mar Tonight All Week Matt.. Sat. Sun. Moo. Baker Stock Company In "THE THREE OF IS." Rachel Crother's Celebrated Play. Last week of the seasou. The end of Baker Theater for all time. Evenings 25c. 50c. 75c. Matinees 25c, 50c. HAW 0. A 109. MAXIXJSK EVXBT CAT. 15-25-505 RIGHTS THEATER 15-?5-59-15C A T"lcht In s Billiard Parlor," Introduc ing: Harry P. nine, Calvin W. Demarnt and Albert G. Cntler; Marrion Murray & Co.. Jol ly iannie Rice, Pringle and Whiting, Slgnor Trsvato. Forbes and Bowman, UquUlo, llo tureg. Orchestra. LYRIC PORTLAND'S FAMILY PLAYHOUSE Seventh and Alder Street. All Week; Matinees Daily. 2:43. Armstrong Musical comedy Co. In THE TWINS Thursdny Tflirht. Gold Watch Given Away Kriday Night. Chorus Girls' Contest. Two performances nightly. 7:43 and 9:15 P. M. Next week, "Attlnlty Beach." GRAND Week June, 27.1910 MR. AND MRS. PERKINS USHER, in "The Halt-Way House." ,TOE WIl.MRD AND HARRY BOND In the mOBt laugh able of military Sat ires. "The Battle, of Bunco Hill." The Monrta Five, in their Lyric luxury, "An Evening at Home." Mets Metm in their vocal novel ty. "A Minnlcht Re hearsal." Helen Stu art. "Polly Wiggles In Society." Nell SIC Klnley, in a series of syncopated melodies. Grandascope. THE OAKS Aument Park. Noteworthr Success, . LIBERATI His Famous Band and Grand Opera Artists. Afternoons at 2:30, evenings at 8:30. Pro nounced approval of the new and spacious Auditorium, best equipped concert hall on Pacific Coast. Many attractions on the beau lful grounds, admission to which Is only 10 cents. Transfer from any part of city to Oaks- cars at East Morrison and East Water streets, or take launch at foot of Morrison at. Baseball RECREATION PARK, Cor. Vangbn and Twenty-fourth Sta. VERNON vs. PORTLAND June 28, 29, 30j July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 0, 10. Games Beerlu Weekdays) at 3:30. Sundays 2:30 P. M. TWO GAMES JULY 4. Admission Bleachers, 25c; Grand stand, 60c; Boxes, 25c extra. Children: Bleachers 10c, Grandstand 25c LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Flnricrt Cut blowers always fresh I IUI lot from our own conservatories. Martin & .Forbes Co., 347 Washington Btreet. Both phones. Prtal Richmond and Wallsend Australt wUal an Independent Coal & Ice Com pany, opposite City Library. Both phones. AUCTION SALES TODAT. At Wilon's Auction House, corner Second and Yamhill. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At salesroom. 120 Second street, at 10 A. M. S. L.. X. Gilnian. Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Mcet ina: of unaffiliated members will be a hiM lonfirht. .Inlv- 1. at 1 OA Second street, third floor, for the purpose of organizing Cosmopolitan lodge. All unaffiliated Knights invited. Re freshments. Smoker. PORTIANU LXDGFI. NO. JS5, A. F.ANDA. M. Stated Communication Masonic Temple, thifl Friday even ing. 7:30 o'clock. Work In F. C. degree. Bv order W. M. O. M. STEADMAN. Sec. MYRTLE CHAPTER. NO. 15. O. E. S. Special meeting this (Friday) evening in Masonic Tem ple, at 8 o'clock. Reception to our worthy grand patron. H. J. Boyd. All O. E. S. members cordially in vited. By order W. M. JENNIE H. GALLOWAY, Sec. HASSALO LODGE, NO. 15, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this evening at 8 o'clock. In stallation of officers and reading semi-annual report.? the attraction, A iull attendance is desired. F. OOHKNS. Sec. FUN ERA t, NOTICES. SHELTON At. St. Vincent's Hospital. June 30. at 7:43 A. M., Mrs. Ad;ih L. Shelton, aged 50 years 9 months 2S days; widow of Dr. T. W. Shetton, mother of Mrs. Robert McMurphey. of Eugene; daughter of Elizabeth F. and the late A. W. Lucas, of Monmouth, and sister of Mrs. W. D. Fenton, of Portland; Jay P. Lucas, of Cascade Locks; Albert L. and Frank Lucas, of Portland. A brief service will be held at Flnley's chapel. Third and Madison streets, Friday. July 1, at 2 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend. Interment will be at Eugene, her former home. KENNEDY In this city. June 20. James Kennedy, native of Ottawa, Canada; aged 54 years: brother of M. J. Kennedy. Mrs. V. McCullough and Mrs. M. F. Sheehan. of this city, and John F. Kennedy, of Ottawa. Canada. Funeral will take place Saturdav. July 2. from late residence, 413 Sixth street, at 8:45 A. M., thence to St. Lawrence's Church, Third and Sherman streets at 9 A. M. Interment in Mount Calvary cemetery. Friends invited. Ottawa. Can., papers please copy: HEALY June 20. Michael" Healy. age 47 years 9 months; beloved brother of Thomas Healy. of Portland, and James Healv, of Tacoma, Wash. Funeral will leave Zeller-Byrnes Comyany's, parlors on Saturdav. July 2. at 8:4.". A. M., thence to St. Mary's church, Williams avenue and Stanton street, where services will be held at 9 o'clock. Friends respectf u'tly Invited to attend. Interment at Mount Calvary. LUSICH In this city, June 20, at the family residence, 6JO East Seventh street. Jerry Lusich. a native of Austria Island Brae, aged 55 years. The funeral services will be held at the cathedral, cor. 15th and Davis streets. Sunday. Julv 3. x Friends invited. Interment in Mount Calvary cemetery. DI GIDIO In this city, June SO. at the family residence. W4-I Fifth street. Fran cesco di Gidlo, aged 64 years. The funeral services will be held at St. Michael's Church, cor. Fourth and Mill streets, at 2 P. M-. Sunday, July 3. Friends invited. Interment in Mount Calvary cemetery. MUCHOW The funeral services of the late John Muchow will be held &t the family residence. 491 North 23d St., at 1 P. M.. Sunday. July 3. Friende invited. Interment Kiverview Cemetery. WILSON June 27. Samuel C. Wilson, age 01 years 27 days. Funlral services will be held today. July 1. from Holman's fhapgl. Third and Salmon sts., at 10 A. M. lONSETli 1LOBAL CO, MAtiyUAM liLlXJ. HOKaL DESIGNS, phones: Main 6102, A 110). Donning: A llctntee. Funeral Dlreetars. 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. La 4, a. inapt. Office of County Coroner. lilxLKK-BYRXES CO.. Funeral Directors, (84 Williams ave.j both phones; lady at teas. antf most modern etabllliment In the city. EDWARD HOI. MAN CO.. funeral DlreeU rt iiO ad st. Lady Assistant. Phone M- ftttl. 3 P. UN LEY ft SON. Sd and MadUaal I-ndy attendant, phone Main 9. A 158B. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors. en to P. S. Dunning. Inc. K. 62, 3 2523. ER1CSON CO. Undertakers: ladjr ant. 409 Alder. M. 61J3. A t23. UERCH, Undertaker, cor. East Alder ami tb. pnoaea 781. & 1888. Lady asairtaat. OREGON -HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT. Main 212. BECRETARV, Main r.nn. ULMANE OFFICEH, East 47T i NEW TODAY. H 2JL fcsa ale 0OD Bearing Orchard With Crop One of Hood River's prize or chards of 25 acres full-bearing commercial apples. Enormous crop now on trees. . Beautiful location near town, macadam road, running stream. Team and full orchard equipment. Fine apple house, with large storage capacity; irrigation and union stock. Owner willing to reserve crop at $15,000. For further in formation address Marion MacRae Hood River. 11000 Per Acre 13 Acres West Side, adjoining Macleay Park. This tract is located in Mountain View Park, close in, and should double in value soon. $5000 cash will handle; long time on balance. This is a splen did speculation. , , , . Lambert-Whitmer Co. 70 rourth Street. 404 East Alder Street. 35 Small Farms 5 to 10 Acres Each To Se Sold at Public Auction July 4. Close to Portland, very rich soil, nearly a mile of river frontage on the Willamette. A great opportunity to buy choice property. For particulars see M. E. LEE 411 Corbett Building. MR. INVESTOR We have an opportunity for invest ment that wo are sure will appeal to you, as it offers very attractive returns. TEN FII.I, LOTS In the best part of Rose City Park, only 2 blocks from car, for $4500, only $450 apiece. Separate lots in this vicinity are selling for $i50 and up. THINK IT OVKR Then come in and let us tell you more about it. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of" Commerce. D The French ship "BulTon Is on her war to Portland with a ranro of trlple-wcremed Anthracite hard coal lor The Kdlefsen Kuel Company. Inc.. who have discontinued their office In the Chamber of Commerce, but arranged with Hart man & Thompson to ao rept payment of fuel bills. Their main office Is located at the largest coal depot in Fort land, on Railroad and Kusaell streets, Alhlna, At present they are enframed In putting la thousands of tons of excellent Bock Springs lump coal for the needs of their patrons on the Wert Side, Ixvington and Pied mont. Customers on the Lower Penin sula will be served from St. Johns branch and those In Mount Tabor and Southeast Portland through a depot In that section. The company accepts orders for future de livery of coal of all kinds and for prompt delivery of hard wood and flr cord wood. References, any bank. Phones feast 303 and C 2303. IRVINGTON HOME New, modern. 7-room house, fras and electric, two fireplaces, furnace heat, hardwood floors, fine sleepins-porch, elegrant fixtures modern in evory re spect, on a lot 60x100 in the best part of Irvinjrton, K. 17th, between Thomp son and Brazee. Price a bargain $75U0, 2500, balance to suit. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade, 4i h and On It. FLAT SITE 60x100, on E. 20th, 100 feet south of HAWTHORNE AVE. The first time on the market, and will not last long:. Sengstake &. Lyman 00 Fifth St. 100x100 on "Williams ave., bet. Broad way and Russell St.. H cash. This week only. Call 301 tVridler st. ROSE CITY A $0O0 HOME, "WORTH 8000. Your own terms. Will take lots first payment. A M 99. Oregonlan. Extra Snap Magnificent Vt block, corner, near Glisan, on East 2Stli street, only $3200. Terms. Dubois & Crockett Washington BIdir,, Room 3. 6 Mortgage Loans UORGA.V, FLIEDXER BOTCB BOS-SOS -A-blnsjtOK Balldlnaj For Lease 100x100. S. W. cor. 17th and Morrison'sts. 60x100, 248 N. 20th St. Favorable terms. MKRCH AXTS SAVlMiS A: T1HST COMPAJiV, S. W. Cor. 6th and Washington streets. $10,500