Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 30, 1910, Page 20, Image 20

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Store Will Be Closed All Day Monday July 4th Do Your Shopping Today, Friday and Saturday Special Sale on FlagsFifth Floor ,
Take Lunch Today in Our 7th-FIoor Tea Room Good Music Tempting Menu 50c Agents Ostermoor Mattresses Perrin's Gloves
ore off the Qreaft ' Amaiverssiiry and Wonder Sales
aEhliSores,1065thFriday Surprise Sale
mOKTOW Greater
Only 3 Days M
Meier Fr
50cHatPins 23c Handbags $4.99 $1.50 Silk ?9c Wash Goods Vz Boys' Trousers Free for Friday
Tomorrow for the 1065th Friday Tomorrow for the 1065th Friday Tomorrow for the 1065th Friday Tomorrow for the 1065th Friday Tomorrow for the 1065th Friday 1 our toilet goods department, with
Surprise Sale, a special importation Surprise Sale in the leather goods Surprise Sale in the silk department Surprise Sale on the first floor, Surprise Sale, 200 pair boys' knick- every purchase ofMADAME ISE-
of women's hat pine, a large assort- dept., a special lot of genuine seal 5000 yards plain or corded colored REMNANTS of white and colored erbocker trousers, in serge, corduroy, DERrlrJARTTO"
ment of fancy stone setting, q leather handbags; reg- qq pongee silk, several shades, i-q ,wash goods, mulls, dimities, cheviots and cassimeres, or. ish BATlToiL. Takes the
50c values, special i'.t only ZjC ular $10.00 values, at bZjXj 27-inch width, $1.50 val., i ZC silk and cotton novelties, at 5to 16 years, $1.50 values, oiC place of soap and water.' P TCC
Women's Lingerie Gowns
Regular $22.50 Values
Special $ 1 2.45
Tomorrow for the 10 65th Friday
Surprise Sale in Portland's leading-
cloak and suit store Re
markable bargains on women's
and misses exquisitely dainty
lingerie gowns, made of batiste
and fine Persian lawns in all the
newest styles Made in semi
princess' or tunic effects with
trimmings of French Valenci
ennes lace Some have Irish
crochet yoke with Dutch neck
and ribbon girdles; f! 1 A C
if $22.50 vals.. spec'l P
y Orders Filled See 5th-St. Window
Jill llll -
11 dlay
; All Items in This Square on Sale Today
The Millinery Sale Continued
Women's $18 Dress Hats $7.95
Women's $3.50 Sailor Hats $1.95
Glove "Scale Continued
When you start on the vacation or 4th of July trip, see to it that you're
well supplied with gloves. Buy plenty now for the low prices that prevail
at our great sale afford remarkable savings. Women's Lisle Thread
Gloves in black and white, two-clasp style, sizes 5Y2 to 8. Special, pr X C
Women's Heavy Silk Gloves, with
double fingrer tips, 16-button lengths.
Come in black,, white and colors.
Regular $1.25 to $1.75 values Q
at, special price, the pair, OcC
Women's Silk Gloves, with heavy
double finger tips, two-clasp style in
black, white and colors, embroidered
back styles included. Sizes
5io to 8Mj ; $1 and $1.25 val., O C
Mdy Blouses ' at
There's no more popular blouse for young girls' wear than
these chic and sensible garments; they are made of white ma
terial with blue eollars, and trimmed with white braid; the
bottom is finished with fold and buttons; best P 1 QE5
regular $2.50 values, for tomorrow at, the garment P "OO
$1.75 W'sts
ecicil at
Tomorrow, in the waist department, a great special sale on the
famous "Country Club" Waists for women. Something new
and altogether different in a blouse. These waists are made
of linon, in white, with dark blue trimmings. Square sailor
collar, and jabot tie; short sleeves, with pocket on sleeve.
The correct waist for tennis, yachting, golf, etc. OQ
Regular $1.75 values, on sale at, the garment P vfO
4 Specials m the Basement
special today in basement OttC
long, regular 40e value, o
special sale price, basement 3 AC
ULAR 30c value, special r A
sale price today, basement, rC
HOLDERS, regular 25c val- q
ues, special today, basement lOC
Demi Made Corset Covers
Today in the embroidery section,
first floor, the famous "LILY
WHITE" demi made corset covers,
neatly embroidered on swiss, valu
ues to $1.00 each, to- Jf
day, special sale, each, atOvIC
PLAT VAL LACES in edges and
insertions, .widths from one to five
inches, 1000 yards in the lot, suitable
for trimming Summer, lingerie, val
ues to 20c the yard, special q
1.065th Friday sale price, at, 5C
Groceries for 4th of July Picnic
Chipped Beef, special for thisQC.
sale todav at low oriea of 2 eans!
Veal or Ham Loaf, special for
this sale at low price of 2 cans for
Deviled Ham, the famous Under- "1 Ag
wood brand, special the small can M.tC
Underwood Ham, large can, sp'l., 23
Lunch Lamb's Tongue, special, can, 18
Corned Beef, special price, the can, 1 7i
Frankfurter Sausage, imp., 35c and 45
Sardines, Albert Roche brand, Q C
fine French imported, two cans'
Smoked Sardines, special, 3 cans at 12 o
Pork and Beans, on special sale QCJ
today at low price of 3 cans forC
Stuffed Olives, in bottles, special for this
sale at these prices, bottle,
Ripe Olives, picnic size, at, the can, 10
Chow Chow Pickles, at, the bottle, 4
Fruit Jams, the jar, Od and 15
Swiss Cheese, genuine imported, 34
Grape Juice, the famous Walker brand ;
three small bottles for 25c ; two Q C
-pint bottles on special sale at OC
Shrimps, Barataria Brand, 2 cans 25
Lemons' extra fancy, dozen, sale at 25
Crab Meat, large can on sale for 26
Potato Chips, 3 cartons on sale for 2o
We carry a full assortment of Huntley
& Palmer's Biscuit. In the basement.
Women's Tailored Suits
Vols.- to $30 at $ 1 4.45
Tomorrow for the 1065th Friday
Surprise Sale in Portland's leading
cloak and suit store, a special line
of women's and misses' tailored
suits They are made .with me-
dium length jackets, semi-fitted
- ... . . . -g ' -
single breasted with silk trimmed
collars and cuffs Other models,
braid and button trimmed The
materials are taffeta, rajah, serge,
worsted and fancy mixtures
Colors are black, navy, brown, tan,
gray. Copenhagen, rose, green and
leather or black and white checks
and stripes Values
to $30, special for
$ 1 4.45
Mail Orders Filled See Fifth-St. Window
's Bath's
Suits, Special at
w km
S3. 1 $
Tomorrow, for the 1065th Friday Surprise Sale, on the second floor,
a lot of women 's Bathing: Suits in navy blue or black mohair, trimmed
round neck and arms with white braid; come in sizes 34 to CJO 1 Q
to 44; on special sale tomorrow's surprise sale, garment P AO
ouse Gowns at lU Off
For the 1065th Friday Surprise Sale, our entire stock of Tea Gowns,
Lounging Robes, Pullman Robes, Mandarin Coats, Kimonos, Matinee
and Dressing Sacques at one-fourth off. The materials are messaline,
Ottoman and. Japanese silk, Florentine-crepe, crepe de chine, swiss,
lawn, mull, challies, albatross, serpentine crepe, batiste, German flan
nel, quilted blanket and eiderdown robes Regular price Im acc
from $1.75 to $110.00, all placed on sale at reduction of I
$2.50 and $3.00 Pictures $1.19
Tomorrow, in the fifth-floor picture section, three lots of pictures
at this low price. One lot colored scenes, in 11x19 Circassian wal
nut frames, $2.50 values ; one lot colored pictures,' 16x20-ins., 2-incb.
gold frames, $2.50 and $3.50 values; one lot Gifford's famous
Columbia River scenes, 8x20, $3.00 values. Tour choice JJ I 1Q
of the entire assortment tomorrow at low price of, each P
Men's, Young Men's IS Suits $7.35
An astounding special tomorrow for the 1065th Friday Surprise Sale in our Third Floor Men's
Clothing Section. 500 Men's and Young Men's Two-Piece Outing Suits in single or double-breasted
styles, with quarter-lined coat and trousers with turned-up bottoms. Neat and attractive suits for
Summer wear. They come in light or dark grays, stripes, checks and over plaids.
are fancy worsteds, cassimeres and tweeds.
The materials
Young Men's sizes from 30 to 36 chest and tf 1-7 o Pf
Men's sizes 35 to 44 chest. A clean-up of suits that sold from $15.00 to $22.50. Choice, P Ow
$1.25 Embroidery at 35c
Tomorrow for the 1065th Friday Surprise Sale
in the Embroidery Department, First Floor, 3000
yards of 18-ineh swiss flouncing in floral designs,
exceptionally good styles. Regular val- oc
ues to $1.25 the j'ard. Special tomorrow, OOC
Semi-made robes of dainty swiss; flounce skirt trimmed
with embroidery insertion, and material enough for a
waist to match. Regular values up to d A Q Q
$12.00, for the 1065th Friday Surprise Pt'.JO
Mail orders will be promptly filled. See 5th-st. window.
H mm
I W If M I I ' I
25 c Values
Now 14c
Tomorrow, for 1065th
Friday Surprise Sale in
the women 's underwear
department, first floor,
1000 women's fine
ribbed Vests, plain or
with fancy lace yokes;
all sizes; regu- A
lar 25a vals. at
Women's $4 Shoes $2.48
Tomorrow, for the 1065th Friday Surprise Sale, in the
third floor shoe department, 1200 pairs of women's low
Shoes in desirable styles, sizes and widths. Gunmetal
calf, mat kid, tan Russia calf, button, blucher, oxford
and ankle-strap pumps. Flexible soles, Cu- JO AQ
ban or military heels; $3.50 and $4 values P"""0
Women's $1.25 Hose 97c
Tomorrow, for the 1065th Friday Surprise Sale, wom
n's Silk Hose, with lisle tops, toes and heels. A very
dressy hose that gives excellent wear; regular Q7
$1.25 values, on special"sale at low price of, pair f C
Women's Imported Lisle Hose, in black,. white or big
assortment of the wanted colors; lace boots, embroid
ered boots, etc. ; regular 50c values, on special O
sale tomorrow at extremely low price of, pair C
Window Screens for 19c
Tomorrow, in the basement, a sale of adjustable Win
dow Screens for all size windows. Measure your win
dows today and come tomorrow for these bargains.
Fly time is here prepare for it. On sale as follows:
Screens, 12 by 33 inches, 25c values, special for 19
Screens, 15 by 33 inches, 25c values, special for X9
Screens, 18 by 33 inches, 30c values, special for 24
Screens, 24 by 33 inches, 35c values, special for 28
Screens, 24 by 41 inches, 40c values, special for 32
Screens, 24 by 45 inches, 45c values, special for 36
Men's Reg. $1.50 Underwear at 5Qc
Two great lots are concerned in this tremendous bargain which we offer tomorrow for the 1065th Friday
Surprise Sale in our men's furnishing section, first floor. One lot is the entire sample line of the famous
Gotham Mills' beautiful and desirableTJnderwear, Shirts and Drawers, in pongee silk and linen, pure linen,
soisette, nainsook or lawn, in cream, blue, champagne or white, with colored satin stripes. The second lot is
a line of mercerized knit Underwear in plain and fancy weaves; 200 dozen garments included. Complete
range of sizes. They come in lace mesh, drop stitch and solid weaves; white, pink, blue and sal
mon. The valnes in both lots run to $1750 per garment. Your choice for tomorrow at, each OUC
See Our Sixth-Street Window
Screens, 30 by 45 inches, 50c values, special for 39 Mail Orders Promptly Filled
Tomorrow, for the 1065th Friday Surprise Sale, in the
third floor carpet section, a lot of Axminster Rugs, 27
by 54 inches, in large assortment of colors 1J "1 fZCt
and patterns; regular $2.50 values,, special
VELVET RUGS, 27 inches wide, large assortment of
Oriental patterns; regular $1.75 values, special, $1.18
Make ready for your trip and have a Suitcase at a low
price. Suitcases of bookbinders' cloth, 22, 24 and 26
inch sizes, 7 inches deep; linen-lined, shirt- tfJO 1 f
fold; regular $2.50, $2.75 and $3 values, at P'A-'
In the Basement tomorrow, a special on the famous
Universial Food Chopper, the standard of America for
quality. Chops all kinds of- meat, raw or cooked, and
all kinds of vegetables. Cuts fine or coarse. Complete
with three cutters coarse, medium or fine and QQ
a nut-butter grinder; regular $1.25 value, at, ea. 07C
In the basement tomorrow, wire cone Gas Toasters, the
kind that toasts bread evenly in two minutes; Ol
our regular 35c value, on sale at low price of C
Tomorrow for the 1065th Friday Surprise Sale,
a lot of 5000 squares of fresh creamery butter, on
sale in our basement pure food jrrocery jq
section; buy all you -want at 2-lb. sq., OOC
Dresser Scarfs 49c
Tomorrow, for the 1065th Friday Surprise Sale, a great
triple special in the third floor art needlework depart
ment. Hemstitched mercerized sateen damask Dresser
and Sideboard Scarfs, in white, blue, pink and nile.
Regular $1.00 values. Also 500 choice Burlap Pillow
Slips, in conventional and printed designs, assorted col
ors, for porch, canoes or Summer cottage ; 85c to $1.00
values. Also a special assortment of pure linen Huek
Towels, stamped in a hundred choice designs, ready to
embroider; French, eyelet and Wallaehian stitches. Our
regular $1.00 values. - Your choice of any of AQ
these tomorrow at th& extremely low price, ea. "C
See Fifth-street window display. Mail orders filled.
Sale Folding
Tomorrow, for the 1065th
Friday Surprise Sale, in
our new fourth floor fur
niture dept., 200 Folding
Rockers, for porch,
lawn or any part of house,
naturally finished, strong
ly made; on J" QQ
special sale at f -
Mail orders promptly filled.
See Fifth-st. window.