Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 30, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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    16 .
BEW1NQ machines, special sale on splendid
lot of fine second-hand machines of all
leading makes, ytnger, "Wheeler & Wil
son, New Home, White, Domestic, House
hold and others, to make room for new
fclnger 66 and rotary. Singer Sew In
Machine Store. 9. ti. Slgel. agent. 335
Morrison st. Phone Main 2183. A 459S.
LAUNCH Roamer, 40x10. In first-class con
dition, sleeps 6; toilet, fcallery and tender
-n davits; speed 8 miles. Dr. Freeberger,
306 Shetland bldg.
S5 HEAD sbeep. grade Shropshire. Inquire
of H. G. Starkweather, Just west of Kls
ley station, on Oregon City carline. Phono
Oak Orove Black 17.
liRUSH runabout. Pacific gasoline drag saw
and medium weight double set of harness
for eaie cheap. Owner. 1024 Vancouver
ave.. or phone Woodlawn 4?8.
FOR SALE cheap by owner one 16 h. p.
traction HusBell engine. Joplln & Meeks,
SQ3 Board of Trade bldg.
IX) R PALE Showcase, walleases. counter.
ch..p. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East 3a
FOR SALS Diver's pump, complete sub
marine diving outfit. S. W. Bailey, 367
East Washington.
STOCK of decorations, novelties, Jewelry, re
turn balls, canes, pennants, etc 472 Wash
ington st-
IFOR SALE $125 contest check on Hovenden -fcoule
Piano Co. Mike Erunner, R. 1. Camas,
All sizes; low prices; easy terms.
SPECIAL, prices on factory rebuilt machines;
liberal terms; $10 to $60. Northwest Type
wrlter Co.. M. 8870. 2 Abington bidg.
MOTORCYCLE, magneto, 1910 model; a bar
gain If taken at once; leaving city. 2044
60. Ask Cor catalog. Rebuilt $15 tip. at.
M. Baxter Co.. WO Sth al. Main 652s.
PORTABLE engine and boiler; also 16-ft.
gasoline launch. Oregon City Machine
Works, 111th and Main. Oregon City.
HOUSEBOAT for sale. Inquire 216 Ore
gnian bldg.
231 Stark St. Main 1407.
NOTES and mortgages bought and sold. Na-
tional Credit Ass'n. 601 Worcester bldg.
FURNITURE for four rooms, no reasonable
offer refused. Call afternoon?. 215 11th st.
too CARDS $1 if you bring thts ail.
Rose City Printer-. 1921 3d. near Taylor.
FINE) Insulated cooler Icr sals cheap. Alas
Friedman. 2t5 1st.
SHOWCASES, new and second-band. Ui
Everett cor fltp. Also fixtures.
LADY'S bicycle. Columbia, fine condition,
cheari. Phone Main 57"'4. 7 North Park nt.
FOR SALE First-class lawn mower. 173
East 35th st.
HOUSEBOAT for sale. Main 2116.
Highest price paid for men's cast-off
clothing and shoes. The Globe Second
hand store, 290 First. Main 21180. We also
buy ladies clothing.
WANTED, young man, with wheel, to take
trip with me, and see some good Govern
ment land; good roads. Call at once.
B 2126. East 1622.
PLUMBERS and steam flttera First-class re
liable open-shop men; good wages regular
work. Addrtsa Wm. E. Holmes, Sec, Be-
. attle. Wash.
FOR $35 we learn you to operate motion I
pictures ana secure you position paying
$35 weekly. Office hours A. M. to 4
. P. M. 286 H Washington St., room 612.
7 OUNQ MEN wanted to prepare for railway
maJl clerks, postofflce clerks, carriers, eta
Write or call lor Book 30. It's free. Pacing
Btatea School. McKay bldg.. Portland. Or
MACHINISTS, call at 270 Alder st. be
fore accepting positions in city. Strike
on for 8 hours. Ed Carlson, business
WANTED Men's cat-otr clothing sad
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal.' 82 N. 3d st. Main B272
ONE horned man's saddle; must be bargain
state price and where be seen. AH 86 Ore-
CELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co. or you'll get lesa
.Phonee:A 2445; Main 8951.
BARBER wanted. $18 week or I will sell
barber shop cheap. Address P. O. Box 171
Independence, Or.
WANTED Pipe-threading machine from 1
JncjLto6"in" ai-d a s-h- P- gasoline engine.
S85. Oregonian.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt
attention always given. Phi ne East 1087.
HIGHEST price paid for second-hand shoes
and clothes. Phone Marshall 1928.
"WANTED Standing green cordwood stump
age. iO0 to 1000 cords. T 611, Oregonian.
'WANTED Second-hand, golden oaOC. roll-
. niuai oe cneap. main 7S6S.
"WANTED Motion-picture machine; gas out
fit. Alms. 526 Wash. Phone Main 8458.
WANTED Second-hand busgy or runabout;
rnuat be reasonable, w 85. Oregonian.
SMALL roll or flat-top desk cheap for cash.
AC h. Oregonian.
WANTED AH around registered dentist.
-Lnion Dental Co.
BARBER wanted at Astoria: $18 guarantee.
Jot Pa rtlculars call 21i Madison at.
WA NTED A barber. 206 4th St.
WANTED A first-class washer; must be so
ber; married man preferred; good wages
Apply 3H8 East Wash. St. '
WANTED Hospital orderly with experience
$4i per month with board and room. Ad-
dresa at once Dr. W. T. Phy, Hot Lake, Or.
YOU can make $35 weekly if you learn to
operate motion pictures. Motion Picture
Sihool. 52b'A Wash, st.. bet. 16th and 17th.
WANTED Sash and door machine net: good
wages and steady employment the year
nrmmil , -) .-. 11 . ... ....... .
... ....... VM ' . oyiiuiKnam. w asn
WANTED An experienced grocery man for
a department store out of town- Al ref
erence required. X 86. Oregonian.
WANTED A slrl or woman to take care
of a healthy baby 13 months old. Call or
phone Woodlawn 303.
I'ANTED An experienced driver for gro
eery wagon; must furnish best of refer-
. mil m Mayer & Co.. 14S 3d.
WANTED Shoemaker who can buy a Da
anROd r5pair nop. Inquire 215 7i
Apply Smith & Watson Iron Works.
Front and Hall sts. v orks,
WANTED An experienced sash and door
clamper. Enterprise Planing Mill Co Bint
Tiamhill and Water. '
S"iLELSMA.?i ?1 resident agent lor Summer
at beautiful beach resort. Apply 8 to l'
at 322 Corbett bldg. " '
$18 TO $35 week few months only leamlns
sttuationa guaranteed. Watchmaking-i-
. graving School. Box 182. Ashland. Or.
YOUNG man as assistant Janitor- r.ust uu
mUnancoWindW cleaning. Eastern Out-
WANTED Competent motion-picture operat
or: steady job. big salary. Call 526V4 Wash,
lngton st.. between 16 and 17
BOY to learn harness business; must liv
with parents. Lind Harness Co 2sf
Front street.
WANTED Boys from 14 to 18 years old to
sell at baseball park. 24th and Vauihri
sts. Mctsger & Read. saD
FINE opening for first-class Job printer as
manager of good plant; no money re
quired. Address F 87. Oregonian.
ENGINEER, cut-off man." off-bearer 4
pliers. Alta Lumber Co., 735 Chamber of
WANTED All around registered dentist.
Union Dental Co. n st.
WANTED Baker's helper. Address box
355. Elma, Wash.
DENTIST Licensed. Apply Modern. 2531
Alder, cor. Third.
BUSHELMAN tailors wanted. R. M Grav
273-275 Morrison st.
WANTED Meat carver and server Call
early. Standard Cafeteria.
WANTED First-class soda dispenser. Hawt
kins. Walla Walla, Wash.
WANTED A young man butcher at 863
Sandy Road.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents;
new offer. Cutberth. studio Dekum bldg.
Al BUSINESS man as salesman and Vol
lector. Address AM 76. Oregonian.
BOY wanted to work In grocery. Apply 574
1st st.
WANTED Janitor, Angela Hotel. 625
Washington st.
WANTED First-class upholsterer.
18th St.
784 N.
WANTED 1 first-class waiter.
Apply 141
N. 6th St.. 11 A. M. to 2 P. M.
"O K"
) Night dishwasher and helper.
Coffee House. 264 1st at.
WANTED All around registered dentist.
Union Dental Co.
CARRIER for down-town route. Inquire
Portland Daily Abstract, 90 1st st
MARKERS wanted. American, Laundry.
J4it.ll and Fland&v,
AT C R. HANSEN & CO.. 26 N. 2D 6T.
Phone Main 1526, A 1526.
Offices at
Spokane ........424 Front ave.
Sacramento ..................... 020 2d st.
fan Francisco.... 87-89 4th st.
Los Angeles 136 S. Los Angeles st.
Established 1876.
Headquarters for railroad, hotel 'and
restaurant work, w'e ship dally to Klam
ath Falls, Eugene, Natron, Deschutes and
other points. New work opened up at
Klamath Falls. Natron, etc.
Section foreman, logging road, $3.50.
Blacksmith. $3.50.
Cement finisher, 5 per day.
Teamsters, dirt wagon, no strike, $2.50,
4 buckers. $3.
2 bridge carpenters, 40c per hour.
Deckhands, $35 up.
Farmhands. $35 up.
5 chutemen, 3(12.50.
2 chainmen, $2.50, mill.
All kinds of kitchen help; $9, $10 up.
Fry cook, $75.
Camp flunkey, $35.
New Jobs coming in all the time; a Job
free to any able-bodied man who Is broke.
WANTED Shingle sawyer, upright ma
chine; union wages.
Sawyer, small mill. $4.00.
Engineer, small mill. $2.75 and board.
Two lumber graders, city. $3.00.
Two cement finishers, city; union wages.
Walter for hotel at Hood River: $40.00.
Man and wife on stock ranch; $60.00.
Large list of other work.
Main Office, 12 N. 2d st.
WANTED Able bodied men for the V. S.
Marine Corps, between tlie ages of 19 and
B5: must be native bom or have first pa
pers. Monthly pay $15 to $6t. Additional
compensation possible. Food, clothing,
auarters and medical attendance free.
After 30 years' service can retire with 75
per cent of pay and allowances. Service
on board ship and ashore In all parts of
the world. Apply at Broaden bldg.. Port
land. Or.
1000 white laborers for surfacing and
general railroad construction work; wages
$3.85 per day. Fare from Seattle to the
work. $15. Next shipments, July 1.
M. J. HEKEY, Pier 2, Seattle, Wash.
WANTED 35 men or women Monday to gel
one of the smalt farms that are to be sold
at public auction; 35 small farms, 5 to 10
acres each, to be sold to the highest bidder;
good river and rail transportation; close to
Portland: opportunity of a lifetime. For fur
ther particulars see M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett
WANTED Saddlemaker to take charge of
department; must be able to do own cut
ting, fancy stamping, etc., one who can
make chaps, cuffs, etc., preferred, union
shop, steady work; state wages desired.
AN 01. Oregonian.
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade in
8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert
instructors; tools flee; write for cata
logues. Mohlcr Syctem of Colleges, . 35
North 4rh St.. Portland, Or.
Y. M. C. A. The friend of the young man
.and stranger; hearty welcome and good
counsel are yours without cost. Constant
demand for men who can do something
well. Special employment membership as
sures employment. Investigate before you
CHICKEN business pays; buy one of the 35
small farms. 5 to lo acres each, to be sold
at publlo auction July 4: greatest oppor
tunity ever offered, near Portland. For fur
ther particulars see M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett
TWO high-grade salesmen wanted for first
class fruit land proposition; must have
good appearance; don't apply unless you
consider yourself a high-grade man; good
money to right parties. Ask for sales
manager. 407 Wells-Fargo bldg.
Independent or nonunion
222 Commercial Club Bldg.
WANTED Chinese, cooks. 2d and pastry,
Inquire 12 IT. 2d st.
WANTED Young man, 16 to 18 years old.
ior work in large ornce; good chance for
promotion if competent. Must take posi
tion with idea of being permanent. AD
09. Oregonian.
A FIRST-CLASS opening for a good sales
man accustomed to dealing with Dusinesa
and professional men. If you are alive
here's your chance. Address AJ 75, Ore-
SPECIAL Energetic partner wanted for
one of the best-paying real estate busi
nesses in Portland, where the man Is
needed more than his money. Particulars
417 Board of Trade.
WANTED A No. 1 salesman to handle our
clients on commission basis: we have a
follow-up system that gets you the
customers; no one but an A-l man need
apply. 269 Oak St.. bet and 10 A. M.
WANTED Strong boy. solicit and deliver;
some experience; living In Upper Alblna
preferred; wages $9; references required. Ad
dress AH 88, Oregonian. -
YOUNG man living at home to learn tea
and coffee business; one with experience
in groceries preferred; salary $7 to start.
Grand Union Tea Co., 448 Washington St.
WANTED Reliable man, used to rarm
produce; will pay good salary and share
of the profits. Small investment required.
Particulars. 24SVii Stark st.
I WANT a young man to help me in my
steam-cleaning and pressing business; will
make you $75 mo.; little money required.
See me today. 193 4th st.
WANTED Printer to take charge country
weekly, do Job work and local writing; no
boozer; send references, state salary. Box
123, Salem, Or.
Call or send tor new catalogue, answer
paper, etc. 207 Marquara bldg.
WE want 4 men who can sell real estate;
fine proposition to good men. See Mr.
Crowe. 10-12 A. M. Jno. P. Sharkey Co.,
6th and Washington.
THE Meier & Frank Company can now
place several competent floor-walkers. Ap
ply superintendent, 6th floor, annex, 8 to
10, A. M. or S to 6 P. M.
WANTED Young man with wheel to take
a trip with me and see some good Govern
ment land: good roads. Call at once. B
2126. East 1622.
BARBER Good, clean young man with over
one year's experience, for first-class shop.
Club Barber Shop, 575 Wash. St.
WANTED At once, a first-class Janitor. Call
at 15th and Everett sts. The Wellington
WE want a young man bill clerk who can
operate Remington billing machine. E. C.
. Atkins & Co.. 60 1st st.
WANTED A good, all-round printer: one
who understands presswork; permanent
position. Observer. Grants Pass. Oregon.
WANTED Delivery boy. 367 Stark st.
TEACHER for tutoring In French and
mathematics. 611 Sweetland bldg.
3 GIRLS between 20 and 35 years for shoot
lng galleries. Apply today at 250 First gt.
GIRL for general housework; good home,
good wages. Call 284 Park St.
WANTED Girl for general housework,
small family. 733 E. Ankeny.
GOOD plain cook ' to assist; good wages.
Apply afternoons, 274 N. 25th st.
GOOD girl for general work, small familyl
Apply 824 Irving st.
COAT finishers wanted; must be experienced'.
Apply 263 Yamhill, room 9.
HELP- wanted. Union Laundry Co.. d aad
GIRL to label bottles. Eureka Chemical Co
434 E. Washington.
FRENCH maid for two children; city refer
ences. O. M. Smith. 685 Davis.
YOUNG lady for cashier in picture theater.
Y 96. Oregonian.
HELPER in corset workroom: must be quick
with the needle. 141 16th st.
WANTED Young lady stenographer in at
torney's office. Apply 914 Lewis bldg.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 260
.Grand ave. North, cor. Multnomah.
GIRL for general housework; $3 per week.
360 13th st.
WANTED Experienced waitress. The Hill,
23d and Wash, sts.
EXPERIENCED waist finisher wianted. Max.
506 Dekum blrg.
NEAT, capable woman, pastry cook. St.
Louis Agency. 303 H Wash. Main 20S9.
NEAT, quick girl wanted. Stein's restau
rant. 122 14th st.
WANTED Girl to do general housework. 163
N". 23d.
WANTED Dining-room girl at 163 12th and
WANTED Experienced girl for general hoase-
work. Apply room 201 Oregonian bldg.
BT'SHELMAN tailors wanted. R. M. Gray.
273-276 Morrison at.
LESSONS lm Shorthand and Type writing- h
expert; $3 sv month. 268 14th, Mala 3SS
WANTED Hotel and boarding-house cooks;
$40.00. $45.00 and $50.00.
Second cooks. $35.00 and $40.00.
Kitchen helper and waitress for same
camp. $30.00.
Hotel waitresses. $25.00, $30.00 and
Restaurant waitresses, $7.00, $8.00 and
Chambermaids, $25.00.
Laundress, country hotel, $30.00, room
and board.
Practical nurse, $10.00 week.
Shooting gallery girl at the beach;
$30.0 0, room and board.
Others too numerous to mention here.
Ladies' Dept., 205 Vs Morrison St.
WANTED Good reliable dressmsker to take
charge of dressmaking department; would
consider partnership; not any capital re
quired. Must give, security. This dress
making is in connection with the best
tailor shop In Portland. Dressmaking to
be apart from tailoring. The best loca
tion in town. Would give reliable girl
charge of It and Interest in same. W 71,
grammar schools, 17 years of ago and
over will find a good opportunity to en
ter a business career by applying at once
THE Meier & Frank Company require sev
eral competent salespeople for their rib
bon department; only those knowing how
.to make ribbon bows need apply; also
competent saleswomen for the hosiery,
knit underwear. Jewelry, toilet articles
and neckwear departments. Apply super
intendent, 6th floor, annex, 8 to 10 A. M.
or 5 to 6 P. M.
WANTED 35 women or men Monday. July 4,
to quit working for other people and buy a
small farm at public auction; 35 small
farms, 5 to 30 acres each, go to the highest
bidder; river and rail transportation, close
to Portland, 94 mile fronting on Willamette
River. For further particulars see M. - E.
Le. 411 Corbett bMg.
OPERATOR wanted for fur work.
H. LIEBES & Co.,
288 Morrison SU
WANTED Girl for general housework by
July 0; must be good, experienced cock;
family of two; no sweeping; give refer
ences. Address AL 69, Oregonian.
SUMMER SCHOOL for English branches,
shorthand and typewriting. Day and even
ing classes. Positions guaranteed. 630 W0 r
cester block. Enroll now.
HOTEL cook, $15 week, city; man and wife,
ranch, $60; chambermaid, J30, fare paid.
Hansen's Ladies' Agency, 3453 Washing
ton st.. room 7.
WANTED A young lady, experienced in
the tooth business. Address Goldsmith
Bros. Smelting & Refining Co., 487 Ar
cade bldg.. Seattle. Wash.
Wanted Kenned, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavi Co.. 609 Botlf
child bldg.. 4th and Was hlngton.
WANTED A capable girl for general house
work. Apply at 721 Johnson st; 10 to 12
A. M. or 7 to 8 P. M.
STRONG, reliable girl or woman for house
work; experience not necessary. 393 Clif
ton St.. cer. loth. .
TEN trustworthy ladies to travel for manu
facturing company;, salary $75 month, city
$2.50 day. Room 0. 249 s Holladay ave.
843V4 Washington St.. Cor. 7th, Upstairs.
. ; Phone Main 2691.
GIRLS for packing and labeling glass
goods. Wadham & Kerr Bros.. 4th and
. Hbyt.
SCANDINAVAN or German girl wanted for
general housework. Call today. 69 4
Montgomery st.. or phone Woodlawn 223.
EXPERIENCED waitress. Altman's Kosher
Restaurant. Call between 8 and 10. 54
6th st.. corner Pine.
WANTED Middle-aged woman aa nouse
keeper; must be good cook; for 3 young
men, city. B 99, Oregonian.
WANTED A girl to do light housework and
go to Long Beach; steady place for right
girl. Phone Sellwood 1402.
GIRL, general housework, Scandinavian pre
ferred. 7S7 Madison. Phone Marshall
1601. A 5728.
GIRL for general housework and plain cook
ing: good home, good wages. Apply 284
Park st.
WANTED An assistant bookkeeper and
stenographer: one who has had experience.
RELIABLE woman to take care of baby
afternoons. Phone A 2420, 7131 Frank
lin St., Willamette Heights.
WANTED -Girl for general housework: fam
ily of 4 adults; good wages. Phone East
326 Washington St.. Room 30 7.
Main 8SS6 or A 3266.
Hand ironers. starchers. machine girls
and mangle girls. Opera House Laundry.
GOOD girl for general housework, small
family. Phone Main 8i,86, or call 170 N.
22d St.
WANTED Cook, with references, for pri
vate sanitarium. 446 East Marl:et. East
TEACHERS for mission school. Apply 2064
Second St., 7 o'clock P. M.
EXPERIENCED second cook for boarding
house. 735 Hoyt st.
2 GOOD, live women solicitors: good money.
See R. M. Plummer. 280 3d st.
GIRL to assist general housework. 186 17th
St.. North. '
CAPABLE chambermaids, housekeepers. St.
Louis Agency. 303 Wash. Main 2039.
WANTED Young lady stenographer; Ger
maa preferred. 619 Lumbermens bldg.
GIRL for general housework; experience not
necessary. 2o North 22Q. cor. Northrup.
GIRL for general housework; 3 in family.
.IMC -M 9rt at Vnln 7 S i O
WANTED Lady as cashier. 60 3d t
GIRL for housework. 702 Northrup.
WANTED Man or man and wife to work
in small country place near Portland;
steady job. Phone Milwaukie red 462, or
address box 346, Milwaukie, Or.
MAN and wife wanted, fruit ranch, furnished
house, near town. Call before noon today
at 535, near W-R car.
FI8K TEACHERS' AGENCY offers -good
Do.irlnm to A-l Instructors, en Swetland.
bookkeepers and Clerks.
ACCOUNTANT, expert, desires situation;
thoroughly familiar with office detail
work; best references. AG 98, Orego
nian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, with S
years experience, desires position with
well-established commercial business: best
of references furnished. Y S6, Oregonian.
EXPERT accountant wants small set of
books to keep; books opened, closed, bal
anced. r Terms reasonable. E 83. Ore
gonlan. THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper and
all-around office man desires, position
where efficient services will gain pro-
motion. Best references. E 82. Oregonian.
COMPETENT bookkeeper and office man, 27
seeks opening; salary no object. W 89, Ore
gonian. STENOGRAPHER Young man. several
years' experience, law, railroad. Insur-
ance. etc. K 99. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi
tion, real estate, railroad, lumber, electric
light business. H 99. Oregonian.
SOBER German and English-speaking bar
tender, no fancy worker need apply, but a
man not afraid to work. Milwaukie saloon.
Milwaukie, Or.
LOOK Mr. Automobile Owner, If you need-a
strictly reliable chauffeur and repairman
during your outing and pleasure trips phone
SITUATION WANTED in livery stable by
experineced washer: carriage and light
livery preferred. Address F. L Davis, gen-
eral delivery.-
RELIABLE youne married man. with ex
. - perience. wishea position as Janitor, night
"watchman, or any position of trust. AK
' 82. Oregonian.
A YOUNG German. 26 years old. wants
steady work of any kind; not afraid of
hard work. A 96. Oregonian.
EXPERT accountant desires small set of
books to keep; books balanced, opened
and closed. AG 99. Oregonian.
YOUNG man who takes Interest in the work
would like position in photographic house
.or Btudlo. AddressG86. Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants position In DENTIST'S
OFFICE; experienced laboratory work. A J
87. Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese wants situation at apart-ment-house
or family. c 98. Oregonian.
BILL clerk or' general office work by ex
perlenced young mah. Y 99. Oregonian
MARRIED man wishes work, dairy ranch
preferred. 900 11th st.. Vancouver. Wash.
COLORED man wlshee position, aa Janitor.
106 north Sth, Mala 6379,
YOUNG man with intelligence wishes po
sition on 'fruit or grain farm, willing to
work. Phone Main 7309 or call at 818
Chamber of Commerce.
FIRST-CLASS toolmaker and all-around
machinist and millwright wishes position
in mill or factory; wages not less than
$4 a day. X 86. Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY experienced clothing and
gent's furnishing Balesman wants posi
tion: highest references furnished. H 78,
BARKEEPER. German, wishes situation; 4
years in last place. San Francisco refer
ences. B 95, Oregonian.
A GOOD Japanese wants a Job for few hours
in the early morning. K. Musen, 251 W
.First st.
YOUNG man wants work on farm; has ex
perience. Address Michael Anthony, gen
eral delivery. Forest Grove. Or.
EXPERIENCED Japanese cook wants po-titu-n
in good family. Frank. AF 86. Ore
gonian. COMPETENT chauffeur desires position:
private family preferred. C. Cornell, 40
E. Sumner at.
YOUNG man wishes situation to drive laun
dry wagon or something of that sort. Call
between 10 A. M. and 11 A. M. Main 4SS3.
EXPERIENCED Janitor and wife want posi
tion In high-class apartment-house. AK
91. Oregonian.
A JAPANESE, speaks good English, wants
a position before 3 P. M. F 95. Oregonian.
PAINTER, paperhanger, wants work. AB
t U5t Oregonian.
JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish
all help. Main 4659. A 4073. 268 Everett.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
DRESSMAKER wishes to go out sewing
by the day; tailored skirts and shirt
waists a specialty. Call Miss Elwood.
Phone Maln 110SC113t
STENOGRAPHER of four years' experience,
accurate and reliable, desires position four
hours daily; salary weekly. Phone B
would substitute during July and August. T
97, Oregonian.
YOUNG LADY wishes position as book
keeper and stenographer. Phone Wood
lawn J343:
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per
manent nosi tion. s 0O. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, with some experience,
desires position. Phone A 5446.
SEAMSTRESS wishes to do tewing In homes.
Phone Main 4338.
STENOGRAPHER wants position for exper-
lence; good education. AH 97, Oregonian.
"WANTED Sewing by experienced seamstress.
-. Call for and return work. Mrs. O. Dowd.
Phone Bast 3589.
ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors, 326 Wastt
lr.gtun St.. suite 216. Main 9S2. A 6381.
WANTED Plain sewing and mending by the
day. Main 2066.
WANTED Plain and stylish dressmaking.
302 E. 50th st.
DRESSMAKER, capable, would like sewing
by day. East 1208.
LADIES' tailoring; alterations, coats relined.
Mrs. Muckler. 430 Columbia at. A 7.
DRESSMAKER and seamstress wishes work
by the day. 561 East Beech St.
WANTED Position as housekeeper for wid
owner or invalid, care of children, nurse
or companion, by middle-aged widow with
11-year-old boy: no objection to country;
references. Address AG 79, Oregonian.
POSITION as housekeeper, by reliable, com
petent woman; good cook and manager:
-widower's home or bachelor's club; best
references. Address AJ 95, Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY capable woman from the
East wishes housekeeper's position; small
private family: elderly couple preferred.
X 07. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS cook wants position boarding-house,
bakery cr delicatessen; best
references. AH 9S. Oregonian.
REFINED, educated young lady desires sit
uation companion to lady or governess.
St. Louis Ah-cncy. 303 'b Wash. Main 2039.
PRACTICAL nurse, unertakes any case, ex
cept maternity. Phone East 4018.
COMPETENT cook In private family: wages
$45; only kitchen work I. Z.. 702 Gan
tenbeln ave.
LADY wishes situation, small family, no
washing, no children. Address lol2 Brod
wlek. Miscellaneous.
TUTOR Normal graduate and experienced
teacher gives private lessons In work of
any of the grades. Phone A 4479 at noon
or from 6 to 8 P. M. .
WOMAN Wants house cleaning, etc.. for
Friday and Saturday: references. Phone
Main 4003. room 9. 25c hour and car fare.
SINGER, with several years' experience, de
sires position with picture show or vaude-
vllle act. J 98. Oregonian.
FINNISH woman wants position as house
keeper, country preferred; Cave little boy.
- Ad.iress 624 Guild ave.
WOMAN wants work Fridays; no half1
days; references. Woodlawn 1611.
USE of a piano from 1 to 3 hours a day;
terms very reasonable. 412 loth st.
LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40
yeota a pair. M. 5723. A 5514.
COLORED woman wants work by the day.
106 North Sth. Main 6379.
NORWEGIAN woman wants day work; flrst
olasa lroner. Phone Main 8687.
JAPANESE girl wants situation as house
work In small family. A 5032.
RESPONSIBLE lady wishes care of child;
. no other children. G 95. Oregonian.
WORK by day or hour. East 5524.
AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown
nursery stock is In demand: sales this
season will be immense: a flattering op.
tortunity; cash paid weekly; outnt free.
alem Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 per week
easily selling trees for the Oregon Nursery
Co., Orenco, Or. Good territory open; lib
eral proposition. Call or write to Orenco,
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de
mand for choice nursery stock; outfit
free; eash weekly. Address Capital Citjr
Nursery Co., Salem. Or.
We furnish the renter, collect the rent,
pay taxes, insurance and keep up repairs,
the same for you as though the property
was our own; references, any bank in
245 Stark Su
Phones A 3500. Main 35.
WB ARE having calls for houses and flats
but have nothing vacant, where we collect
the rent and look after the property (which
we can do cheaper than you can). We make
no charge for renting your house. Better
let us boow you how we do it. Smith's
Agency, K5 Sherlock Bldg. Main 8954.
WANTED Furnished house on East Side
for Summer. House must have more than
six rooms, and have nice grounds and
garage. F 86. Oregonian.
WANTED 1 or 2 rooms, with sleeping porch
or rart of furnished; must be in good lo
calion. AF 95. Oregonian.
WANTED TO RENT Cottage at Seaside. Or
for month of August. Phone East 5943.
WANTED One large or two small unfur
nished rooms, on ground floor, lone wid
ower. 6o years: housekeeping privileges.
.AC 90. Oregonian. .
WANTED Furnished room on or around
17th and Alberta sts. AB 98. Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
WANTED Steady rooms and board, young
married cfcuple. in private home or select
private boarding house; references; West
Side preferred. Address "Whips," P. O.
Box 436, Portland, Or.
GOOD board for man, wife and small boy,
where there is ground for child to play.
Y 97. Oregonian.
YOUNG gentleman would like board and
room In private family: references. Ad
dress S 98. Oregonian.
A GENTLEMAN wants room and board in
private family, located in Alblna. Ad
dress A 98. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wishes room with evening
meal in private family. AE 97. Oregonian.
Business Places.
WANT to buy small cigar store; state price.
1) 97. Oregonian.
Furnished Rooms.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and batha free. 327)4
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Etstea.
Grand fl-va and. El. fitarlc- Vmlam
1 $2.60 up, .
Furnished Rooms.
ANGELA HOTEL 625 Washington street,
between IBth and 20th. Just completed,
the cosiest. completes! and trp-to-dateat
residence hotel In the city. The ground
floor office is finished ia real mahogany,
marble and tile, is spacious and handsome;
.elevator service, private telephone ex
change, steam heat, hot and cold water
In all rooms, many with baths and wall
beds, and ia splendidly furnished. The
rent ia very moderate, rrooms from $10 per
month up. Why not get the best for your
mosey 7 Now open, rooms by the day. week
.. or month. Phone Marshall 1850.
building; fine large ground-floor office; hot
and cold running water in all rooms;
team heated; private baths; very richly
furnished. Rates only $3 and up per
week; 30c up per day. Call and see us.
Northeast corner Fifth, and Gllsan sts.
Homelike. Homelike, Homelike,
7th and Ankeny eta.
Free was their depot carrl&.
I took it on the spot;
There may be other houses Just aa good.
, quiet home for quiet people.
S. W. cor. 11th and Washington sts.
Modern brick building, steam heated,
private baths, hot and cold running water
In rooms, well furnished and now under
new management; excellent location, close
to shopping and theater district; rates
reasonable. Call and see what a. comfort
able he use It is. Transients solicited.
Both phoneu.
Third and Yamhill, only three blocks from
Postofflce; electric elevator runs day and
niht; free use of phones and bath, hot
and cold water In each room; new flre
1 roof building; 130 rooms; special low
lates for the Summer: also have one or
. two unfurnished rooms. 246 Yamhill st.
129 Eleventh St.
New modern brick building, steam
heated, private baths, hot and cold wa
ter in rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy
and comfortable. Rates very reasonable.
Call and see us. Regular and transient
trade sollcltad.
124 14th. Cor. Washington St.
Everything new ; large, airy rooms, sin
gle and with bath; telephone in every
room, service free; rates by the day, wees
or month; also unfurnished rooms.
TUB BARTON. 13th and Alder. Is now un
dergoing a thorough renovation; 70 steam
eeaied, electric-lighted rooms, all outside.
Rates 75c day; $iu month up. Suites wlta
running water $20 month up. Phones aaJ
bath free. .
Fifth st.. opp. City Ka.iL Phone Marshall
666 New, beautifully, furnUhed. hot. cold
water in every room, publlo and private
baths; permanent, transient.
HOTEL SA-KGENT. Cor. Grand ave. and
Hawthorne Phone East
291. connecting every room. Private baths,
elevator, first-class grill. Special rates by
week or month. American or European.
Transients solicited.
'312 Oak SU, corner Sixth. Large, light,
airy rooms, elegantly furnished, electric
lights, running water; low rates.
Washington aad 17th, nrst-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M. 5647.
All outside rooms; hot and cold water,
steam heated; $3 and up per week. Grand
ave. and East Ash.
THE LANDORE 288 Tenth street, at
' Jefferson. Choice newly furnished rooms,
within walking distance of business cen-
ter. .
NEATLY furnished rooms, modern In every
respect; phone and batu. $1.50 a week
ana up. 151 Lownsdalo, near 15th and
SUITE of two rooms, suitable for 2 or 3
peopie: all conveniences, close In, nice
yard.veryreasor-able:2517th st.
rsii BEAVER. 12th and arehaU sts., weu
lumished sleeping rooms $2.5o per wee,
electr to lights, hot baths free.
I E MANSION Elegantly furnished rooms,
modern, beautiful grounds, suitable for
gentleia. wai-iniiatance, 6th-JeIf ersoo.
MODERN outside rooms, $2.50 to $3 per
week, Including baths; also housekeeping
rooms.. 548 Washington it.
APPLICATIONS received for rooms in build
ing formerly occupied by Arlington Club
Alder and W. Park. Address P. o. Box 223.
Ii'LhMah-O' rooms. Elm Place, formerly
EUor. Court Annex. 414 Vamnlil and lltn.
Furnished Rooms In PriTate Family.
LARGE, elegantly furnished front room
with alcove; also largo well-furnished
room with running water; bath, gas,
.phone. 233 Wrest Park.
ONE medium and one large room; can be
used as suite, suitable for gentleman; well
furnished, large closets, modern conven
iences; West Side. Phone Marshall 1366.
FURNISHED alcove room with or without of kitchen; modern. 5 minutes' walk from
P. O. ; also one room, large and- sunny, suit
able tor two. 228 loth st. Phone Main 8207.
NICELY furnished, pleasant, front room,
ruitable for one gentleman; piano if de
sired, reasonable rent. 567 Irving. Phone
Main 0035.
NICELY furnished front room suite, single
rooms; modern conveniences. 573 Irving,
near 18th.
BEAUTIFUL room, balcony, suitable for 2
gentlemen; most attractive location. 3u2
CICELY furnished rooms in private home,
phone, running water, walking distance.
701 Irving st.
COMFORTABLE quarters for quiet gentle
man: nicely furnished, right atmosphere.
Phone Main5332. "
FOR RENT Large furnished room with al
cove, suitable for two gentlemen; also
single room; phone, bath. 555 VamhllL
175 17TH AND Yamhill sts.. nice front
room, furnished, suitable for 2 gentlemen,
close in, cheap rent.
NEWLY furnished rooms in steam-heated
residence: with running hot and cold
water. 564 Flanders su
FURNISHED front rooms, single or en quite,
all modern conveniences. 34 16th SU, N.,
near Washin gton.
NICE furnished front room; modern con
veniences; suitable for two; central. 213
13th su
NICE, pleasant room for gentleman. Call
413 East Pine, bet. Grand ave. ' and 6th.
NICE clean room for rent, suitable for one
.gentleman. 133 12th su
286 121 H ST. Nicely furnished front room,
all conveniences.
NICE room, $9 month: b-ith, good location,
walking distance. 452 5th.
33 N. 17TH, 1 block off Wash. St., well fur
nlshed rooms, board optional.
NICELY furnished room, free phone and
bath ; close In. 473 Alder st.
FURNISHED rooms with or without board.
2U8 Grant st. M. 5691.
NICELY furnished rooms; terms reasonaole.
321 West Park su
TWO neatly furnished rooms, suitable for
two. 192 13th. near Morrison.
FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences,
vUkinBdisJLanc.268jl4thst., South. .
LARGE, well furnished bay window room;
private; walking distance. Phone A 4989.
FOR RENT Newly furnished front room
$15. 395 3d St.
VERY pleasant rooms, every convenience,
walking distance. Main 3312. 361 10th su
$7.00 A MONTH, small, neatly furnished
room, all cenvenlences. 476 Clay su
Unfurnished Rooms.
UNFURNISHED rooms, free phone, bath
water and light, $10. 473 Williams
TK HEH pleasant, convenient, unfurnished
rooms, central, reasonable, adults. Inquire
233 Hall, afternoons.
BEAUTIFUL front rooms, first-class prlvato
boarding-house, facing the park. 374 Park.
FOUR very fine unfurnished rooms for rent.
Phone East 6381.
itwun, WUn Isoara.
ROOMS with board, $a per week; home
comforts; 4 minutes walk from Postof
flce; phone and bath free; rooms without
board. $2 and up. The Lindell. 267 Mar
ket su
ROOM ANDBOARDfor ladles" and gentlemen;
nicely furnished rooms with running water,
with or without board, at The Hazel, 363
3d st., corner Montgomery.
Portland "Women's Union, 23d year, room
with board, use o wwlng-room and library.
610 Flanders st MUi axioas K. Meatik
. ?rot-
THE CALVARD Choice acom , at lo. 452
-lorriaon, cor. 13th; waUtUg
RoonW 1 1 hBoaxd In rivateramlljr.
READY about July 1, rooms and board for
4 gentlemen, consisting ot - large front
rooms, sleeping porch and reception
room: best of homo cooking. -il-Va Jeffer-
KICELY furnished front room, running
water, beautiful grounds. Ideal place for
Summer, exceptional board. 90 East Sth
t corner Washington. East i:'.)o.
LA RGB front bay-window room with alcove
and sleeping porch; modern conveniences,
ieam heat; will serve breakfaat and even
ing dinner. Matn 7785.
LARGE front room with alcove, suitable for
t wo, with board ; home prt v i I eges ; gen t le
men preferred. Phone East 35y3. Ktust
Madison., at.
LARGE front room, bath adjoining, excellent
board, fine location, one block, from Wash
ington; special terms for 2 young men. 714
Xav, cor. 2d,
SUNNY room and board, first-class homo
cooking; walking distance, reasonable, otid
E. Main. B 5'.6.
ROOM and board for one or two. pleasant lo
cation, walking distance; terms very rea
sonable ;ejreything modern. Main
LARGE front suit, with board; newly fur
nished, electric lights and running water;
also single room. 204 N. 22d st.
NICELY furnished large front room; home
cooking; reasonable rates. Phone Main
BOARD and room, nicely furnished parlor
suite with piano; good home cooking.
11th near Yamhill.
CLEAN, well-furnished rooms, with excellent
home cooking. -432 3d -t-. flat C.
LOVELY room, with board; home cooking;
reasonable. 178 Ella st.
FURNISHED room for two gentlemen with
board at S20 each. 549 Yamhill.
NEWLY furnished rooms, with board. 595
Kaet Oak, corner 15th. B tU9.
ROOM and board in private family; home
comforts. W 97, Oregonian.
NICELY furnished rooms In beautiful home,
with board; excellent table. 75, Hoyt.
ROOM and board in private home for one or
two gentlemen. 5yl Davis st.
LARGE room with board, home cooking
all conveniences. 107 16th, near Flanders.
NICELY furnished room and board. 321
West Park st.
63 Irving bt.
WELL-FURNISHED room, suitable for two;
breakfa-t and, dinners. Main o71.
A pa rt merit s.
469 Clay St.. second house from 14th.
the only modern completely furnished 2
room apartment-house in the city; house
and elegant furniture, brand new; Just
opened for business; steam heat, electric
light, hot and cold water in every apart
ment; private phone, bath; walking dis
tance. $18-5, Including light. See them
now before they are gone and take your
choice. Mar-hall 2074.
Burnide; now brick, upened the 1st of May;
3-room apartments, elegantly furnished ; all
modem conveniences, including steam heat
private phonw, private bath, hot and cold
water, reception hall, bay windows, fire
place, laundry and steam orler in basement;
automatic freight elevator, janitor service;
rent reasonable. & few unfurnished apart-
men-s. Phone B 101b.
$2v TO $33 Fine West Side steam-heated
apartments; private bath and phone, hard
wood floors, small outside porch, tine new
brick building; these are the best and
cheapest apartments in the city; they are
furnished with bedstead, springs, dresser,
dining-room table, ice box, do look them
up. Call 41-4 11th st., Dammcier Invest. Co.
Cor. Grand ave. and Stark St.
New fireproof brick building, beautiful
ly furnished two and three-room apart
ments, private baths, wall beca. large
clothes cloaet; plenty of hot water; fiuia
mar rates. Phone Jfl 00.
$25 TO $33 Fine West Side steam-heated
apartments; private bath and phone,
hardwood floors, small outside porcii, tine
new brick builUin ; these are the best
and cheapest aparuuents in tne city; they
are furnished with bedsteads, springs,
dresser, dining-room taole, ice box; do
look them up. Call 414 llth St., Da,uimeier
ANGELA APARTMENT-. 37-39 TiinltyPlace,
between 19th ana otn, near awning ton.
New brick builaing, newly and elegantly
XurnLsned, complete for houscKepeing, in 2
3 and --room apartments; out-iue porches;
electric eievator, hoL water, telephone ex
change, janitor ervice. Pnou MarjiaU 19o.
HExNZ apartments. 14th and Columbia; 4
blocks uouth trom Morrison st.; new brick
builuing, completely irst-cltss, furnished
in 2. a and 4 room tamiiy apartment-,
private bath, reception hall, SLeam heat,
hot water, elevator, free phone, janitor
service; rent lro 25prmonth and up.
KEELER APAKTMENS, 14th and Clay,
iuie-l a and 4 room suites In the city, pri
vates batns and phones, steam heated, not
and cold water, disappearing beds. Gar
land stoves, purceiain lined refrigerators,
electric elevator; to $50 per month.
Elaborately furmsned 3-room apartments,
ail moarn conveniences, l&re snady lawa
cool verandas, janitor; rents reasonaole.
walking distance. 024 Marnall su; uUce
- ."Wcar. Main 6032 or A 31-1.
2 and 3 room apartments, new 4-story
bricK. Just completed, all modern conven
iences, each apartment has private outside
balcony, rent reasonable.
JULY 1. Beautiful unfurnished 5 -room front
apartment with all inouera conveniences;
steam heat, hot and cold water, phone, gas
range, reirigerator, a, electric lint
Janitor service, etc. phone A 1133.
THE BEiX lt A,AK'i'M.SXd.
Strictly modern, largu rooms and thres
closets to every apartment; cool and airy
for bummer. tiui Lovejoy su Take w
ELEGANTLY furnished 5-room apartment,
all modern. also 4-room uniurnisheu
apartment ; will bo ready j uly 1. .Brain
tree Apartments, 295 12th su Phone- Main
"ONEONTA" APARTMENTS, 187 17th, near
Yamhill iVV car at aepot). 2. 3 and 4-room
furnished suites; hot and cold, phones and
baths free, $20 per month. 0 per w
sou up. Main 4oa7. A 473 9. -
W anning ton sts., 3-room apartments, have
every modern convenience, including steam
heai, hot water, private bath, free phones
anu janitor service; rent very rcasunable.
FIVE-ROOM furnished, apartment, modern
in every particular; steam-heated. hot
water, janiLor services, with hrst-clas
furnishings. Apply to janitor, 0o6 er
jy ; ;
For housekeeping in suites, $i aad up
hot water, free baths, i-rst-ciduas. A3l
Washington., oor. 2Qth.
UTEAM-HEATED 5-room apartment, mod
ern and desirable; 65 Everett at. Apply
Morgan, ifleiuner A oyce, U3 AbinLua
THE best 3 and 4-room furnished and un
furnished apartments In the city at oi7
Washington st. ; walking distance; every
thln; new and modern ; all conveniences.
UNFURNISHED 4-roora apartment; fire
place, ice reirigerator, laundry tub, yard,
janitor service. Phone Main o0o5, 5S Lu
cretia Place.
MODERN five-room apartment for the
bummer or longer; Nob Hill district,
close in; well furnished. Phone East 1U&4.
tAiM bargain.
THE WESTFAL, 410 Bth St., furnished and
unfurnished apartments; private baths and
phone; elevator and janitor service; rents
reasonable. Phone A 203..
ST. CROIX Apartments, 170 St. Clair stT,
near Washington; furniture of three rooms
complete, ready to keep house, for sale
cheap; parties leaving the city.
Modern brick. 3 and 4-room apartments;
telephone, steam heat. etc.. $3u and too;
5th and College. Main tstifsO.
B-ROOM apartment at 15 17th st. Vorth
lirst-class in every way. Phone C p
Kead. A 6251.
ELEGANTLY furnished 3-room flat to two
adults on West Park st; price 30. J
Oregonian. '
$20. $25 2 AND 4 rooms, furnished and un
furnished, very desirable, choice location
adul ta. E. 5 04 3.
WAUNITA. 325 11th st-, small two-room fur
nished apartment; modern, walking dis
tance. STANLEY Apartments. 701 Washington st
and 4-room suites, nicely furnished
THE LEONCE Apartments, 183 North 22d
between Johnson and Kearney, just opened
In 3-room suites, completely furnished.
ST. CLAIR 715 Wayne St. Six room, mod
ern apartment, two porches choicest ioca
tlon In city. Telephone Main 4930. 1
FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment,
private bath, large closet. 501 y.,
hill. Phone East 1710.
Modem furnished apartments. East 5463.
King and Wayne ate. Apply to janitor.
UNFURNISHED 8-room apartment! rent
S1K Inquire 225 Market St.
THE CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders, modern
4-room apartments. Apply to janl tor.
WESTMINSTER One 4-room apartment,
unfurnished, lor rent. 6th &nd Madison,
Apartment s.
704-706 Hoyt St.,
Between 2ist and 22d.
New brick apartment house will
ready for occupancy July 1. Two. 3 and 4
room suites, completely furnished; extra
largo rooms, especially desirable for Sum
mer, being equipped with electric and flre
les cookers, built-in ice boxes, electrio
lifts, large sleeping porches.. The best
equipped house in city; reference required
For reservation- phone Marshall 1S41.
FURNISHED apartment, 'four rooms and
private bath; every modem convenience,
5 minutes' walk from Postofftce; 45 per
month; no children. The Csheftield,
tn-b-Ialir-;i0U. A 3149:
HANDSOMELY furnished flat, 6 rooms, light
end airy, sleeping porch if desired. malL
family, no children; to let for one year;
swell neigrborhoou; lawn, rio we is. 77:5
FOR RENT New and strictly modern -room
Hats on 20th and Laurel sts.. port
land Heights; rent 40. Apply
S5 Fourth St.
THREE new, up-to-date flats, best location,
in city. Call 'Main 1505. W. Reidt, 401
Rothcnild bldg. Money no object; want
a good tenant.
THREE, new. up-to-date flats, best location
in city. Call Main 1505. W. Reidt. 401
Rothchild bldg. Money no object; want a,
good tenant.
FOR RENT Good 5-room flat. 487 Davis
u; rent $20. Apply
85 Fourth St.
FOR RENT -2 new and modern lower flats
of 6 rooms each; also 2 uppers of 7 rooms
each. E. 17th and Belmont sts.
MODERN lower flat in Irvington, after July
1. 4j5 E. loth t. North or phone E. 5to
2 blocks to Broadway car.
EXCEPTIONALLY pleasant flat with porch,
central, reasonable. Inquire aiternoons, 233 W
HaH wt.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co.. Main liilS. A 1984. Alt covered wag
ons. ftll experienced men.
FOR RENT Fine 5-room flat, 2 fireplaces
furnace heat, walking distance. 12th and
EastJTaylor sts. Phone East 6000.
7394 OVERTON ST. Modern flat, " 6 sunny;
rooms; choice location. Main S59.
MODERN 5-room flat, 5th, near Jackson;
West bide; easy walk, Main orA 1223.
FOR RENT Newly furnished apts.; all
modern conveniences. IbtJ North 221 st.
FIVE-ROOM lower flat for rent, furnisfie
cheap. 44East3dst:Nortl "
FOR RENT 4-room modern flat. Inquire
023 Williams ave. Phone C 1097.
NEW 8-room flat, corner East 19th and.
Washington; rent $3.5t. Tabor 414.
5-ROOM modern upper flat with attic 50?
Bel m ont st. Tabor 1 00 8 .
MODERN 5-room. corner 22d and Kearney
sts. Main 50O9.
lioukerplnr Rooms.
THE BRAVER, 12th and Marshall. Fur.
nished for housekeeping, gas ranges, elec
t-'lc lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all
free; $15 per month up; a clean place; best
in the city for money; short distance fron
Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th st. cars
north. get oft at Marshall st. No dogs.
WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, 2 $4
month; 3 for $12; furnished cottage, large
rooms. $20; lower fiat, 4 rooms, $13. 304
20th, North (west sido river). W car from
depot. Sth, Morrison to 20th; block north.
UNFURNISHED, two-room. bay window
suites, five blocks from Postotf Ice. 305
Jefferson, corner Fifth su Beautiful out
look. GARLAND Apartments, corner of Trinity
and Wa-shington sts.; 3-room basement
suite, $t; good location for dressmaker
or delicatessen.
370 H East Morrison st.
, Phone E. 3375.
$2 WEEK Clean, furnisned housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas, heat
yard, clean linen. 40ttV ancouver ave.
HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms;
strictly modern; three phones. 490 Morrl-
son st.
THE DEL MONTE. 20th and Washington
street; 2 nicely furnished rooms, $20; all
CI. SO wee,, jarge, clean f urn. housekeeping
rooms ; laundry, bath, gas. 184 aflermm.
THE ELMS 2 and 8-room apartments, fur
ntahed. 191 14 th st.; transient solicited.
487 TAYLOR, near 14th, desirable front
2-room suite, modern conveniences.
TWO suites housekeeping rooms. Phone
as, bath. 721 1st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, central
rates reasonable. 342 ya Ist st. 1
week, clean Xur. housekeeping rooms,.
heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. XT' otr.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family.
FOR RENT CHEAP, private family .Threa
furnished housekeeping room;?, clean, mod
ern, gas range, walking distance. Phone
East 12U3. or call before 4 P. M., 60 East
fcth st. near Oak.
$12.50 Nice clears fully furnished suite oj
housekeeping rooms, close in, nice neigh
borhood, overlooking river, walking dis
tance; light, bath, phone. Phone bell wood
THREE neat, clean, furnished housekeeping
rooms, aiL modern conveniences, bath,
etc. Call today. 2i9 Montgomery su
or phone Woodlawn 223.
472 7TH ST., near College, upper flat. 1
rooms, furnished for light housekeeping,
$12 per month; adults only.
SWELL housekeeping rooms, beautiful loca
tion, walking distance, yard. bath, phono,
.laundry, gaa range, hot w ater.05ti Glisan.
A PLEASANT room, all modern conven
iences; hot water continually. Apartment
4, 5S1 Flanders. A 6145.
FOUR large rooms, first floor; bath, yard,
piano; phone East 17bO Sunday, 1 P. M
week days.
READY about July 1. 3 rooms and pantry,
furnished for housekeeping. 414 Jeft'er
son si.
EAST Portland Heights. 2 very desirable
furnished housekeeping rooms. Sellwood
ONE large house-keeping room, 2-roora
suite, nicely furnished, walking distance
235 12th st.
CLEAN, well furnished housekeeping suite's
. in new, modern house, excellent location.;
509 Everett.
TWO elegantly furnished housekeeping
rooms. bee these for a nice home. 7-34
Union ave., N.
33 N. 17TH. I block off Wah. St., . or
more housekeeping rooms, furnished or un-
f urnlshed.
445 COLUMBIA ST., 2 well furnished rooms
for housekeeping; fine location; modern
3 NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms,
10 10th st.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
modern, close ln. 209 H Clay at.
FOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping
rooms. $2.50 week. 471 Flanders st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, walk
ing distance. 474 Clay st.
TWO suites housekeeping rooms, gas, phone,
t ath. 421 0th st.
$15 2 bright. ' clean furnished housekeeping
room 9. Main 645.
3 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms at 644
Lake st., cheap.
ONE large room, also sleeping porch. Phons
Svllwood 30.
FLAT of 3 completely furnished rooms; cen
tral, yard, bath, phone. 450 Yamhill.
FURNISHED housekeeping1 rooms, very clo
.in. 214 13th at., cor. Salmon.
WELL furnished housekeeping rooms. $2.50
per week and up. liOl tith st.
TWO connecting rooms for light housekeep-
ing. 257i Chapma n ot.
TO RENT Strictly modern 7-room house,
first-class condition; corner; 434 Oregon
st., cor. East 7th North. Call up oar,
Tabor 1SOO.
6-ROOM modern house. 658 Williams ave,.
ner Shaver; rent $20.
317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak.
TWO desirable 8 and 6-room houses. 396
393 San Rafael, near Union ave. Phones
E 10S5 . C 149 1.
FOR RENT East half modern double
house. 7 rooms. 502 East Main St., cor
ner 33th.. Hawthorne Park. East 4901.
FOR RENT A modern 5-room cottage with
full basement and yard. Inquire at 540
7th st.
FURNISHED fiat, choice location, "West
Side, handy to business; reasonable. Main
FOR RDNT New, modern 6-room house
$22.50 per month. Apply 669 East 35 Ih st.
Take W. R. car.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room cottage. 133
Plnnciena st. Take L car.
NEAT 5-room cottage, gas and bath; adults
preferred. 749 Eaat Irving st. $16.
IN Irvington. S rooms, nice lawn, . good,
hrome. 325 Morrison.
NEAT 6-room cottage, perfect order; $22,
East 9th at. N. Broadway car.
6-ROOM cottage, corner 19th and Northrup
new, modern, gas. laoulr 671 irovejoy.