THE MOItN'IXG. OREGONIAN, TIIURSDAT, JUXE 30, 1910. 15 NEW TODAT. WASCO STREET Holladay Park 7 Rooms A beautiful home, seven larpe rooms, large- finished attic, fine finished dining-room, fine electric dome. Price in cludes many extras, such as linoleums, hades and fixtures. Price $7000; terms $1800 down. See this today. HARTMAJT A THOMPSON', Chamber of Commerce Bide- Look 100x159 on 62d and East Burnside, $100, half cash. If you see It you wll buy. Phone Owner, B 1599 INVESTORS Call on owner Rsaltr All's for timber, acreage, business, residence and aD&rtraent proDertlea. 20S blnslon. REAL ESTATE I1KAUR3. Beck. William Q.. SIS Filling bids. Blmjll. A. H. Co., 202-2 Mo Kay bids. Real estate. Insurance, mortgagee, ioaae, eta. Brubakar A Benedict. 602 McKay blcg. M. Ms CARD REALTY A INVESTMENT CO., ij HENRY BLDa. MARSHALL. 1567. A 15S7. Cbapln A Heriow. 332 CnamtMr Commexca, Cook. IB. 8. A Co.. bos Corbett bldg. Jennings A Co.. Main 188. 20ft Oregonlsa, JONES A EBBR1UN, 302-S Uwla bide FAUIER-JONBS CO.. H. P 21s Coamo dal Club bids. Bchalk. CXso.D., T2H 8tark at. Main SM. A 33M A BALL. 06 Abinsua bids. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. aa4 Multnomah sc. Holladar Addition. M. E. Thompson Co., cor. 4th and Oak sts Walker, a. T.. Co Corbatt bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Bale -Lota. APARTMENT-SITES. Park street, close In. Kleventh street, close In. Montgomery street. Harrison street. East Side, close In. Above are bargains for quick sale. PBNN IXVE8. CO., 614 Buchanan Bldg. UNIVERSITY PARK. N. E. corner Erma and Exeter, ,V)xtOO Bowdoin, corner Hodge, 66 2-3x110 Make offer. MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY. fi. TV. Corner 6th and Washington ' Sts. LAURELHITRST. $125, SACRIFICE. 2 lots at 1225 less than present price, $125 less than original price. 60 feet of the Sandy road carllne and by the Stone orchard: balance to pay.$S32.oO. at 22.50 per month; price, $1125: nothing down. 4i3 toucti piag. t'none Ajiii A PICK-UP. T50xl00 lot, streets graded, cement -walks and curb. Bull Run water, electric light, shade trees; $600; 20 per cent below mar ket price of surrounding lots; close to good car service; Inside 3-mile circle; terms. Rabb & Patton, 80 5th st. HAWTHORNE AVE. About 300 feet south, on Glenn ave.. ia the prettiest corner in that vicinity; for a ferw days only at $1600. ROSS ENGLISH l.N'V. CO., 822 Mohawk Bldg. LOT BELOW MARKET VALUE. Lot 100x100 on 33d St., 100 ft. oft Clin ton, for etUe at a bargain if taken this week. PACIFIC NORTHWEST DEVELOP MENT CO.. 404 Couch Bldg. sVE have for sale general merchandise store, doing $50,000 annually; grocery store, sales $25,000 a year; saw and plan ing mills, several million feet pine tim ber. These are good properties. Call for details. PENX INVES. CO.. 614 Buchanan Bldg. fcAST front. 60x110, all improvements paid; worm $800; close to car. in Rose City Park; will sacrifice at $600, easy terms. L 87. Oregon lan. DOUBLE T40UR MONEY. Three acres of land on 39th St., near Clinton, for sale for. a few days for $6300; will bring $12,000 when platted into lots; $2000 will handle it; balance at 6 per cent; a big chance to make money. Room 60D Couch bldg. ARE you looking for a bargain in a small farm? Attend the public auction Monday, July 4; 35 am all farms, B to 10 acres each, to be sold to highest bidder: this is an op portunity of a lifetime. For further particu lars see M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. IRVINGTON, a beautiful 50x100 lot on Til lamook St., near East 12th. No nicer lot in this most exclusive residence section. Price $2600. including all street improve ments. C P. Pfluger & Co., room 5, Mul key bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. ALAMEDA PARK LOTS. Are high and sightly, overlooking Irving ton; near Broadway carllne; best city im provements: priced 25 per cent below the market. Inquire Alameda Land company, 822 Corbett blcjg. 3BEAUTTFTTL Mount Tabor; very choice cor ner. 100x114, directly opposite main en trance to the New park; substantial ad vance in values due here In next two years. Phone owner B BUNGALOW SITE, very close in on the West Side, beautiful surroundings, with a wild scenic nature view, absolutely no climb and near car: a garden spot ior sibuu, terms. V 98, Oregonlan. LOTS! LOTS1 LOTS1 $i down and $2 each month, on Oregon City car line. Price $150 and $200. Na tional Realty A Trust Co., Sit Vi Washing ton st.. room61tt. 63x100. CORNER lot. 31st and Pacific, near andy road, for $1250. cash, balance $20 per month. Apply Kaufman, 64 Thlrd st. WOODSTOCK bungslow-cottage, modern and new, 6 rooms, 100x100 choice corner: will take $300 down; must sell. Call 410 Falling bldg. INSIDE LOT Williams ave., 60x100, goes this week for $2500, easy terms; but this; it is growing Into big money. 617 Board of Trade. BEAUTIFUL lot in an exclusive residential district, 6uxl40, exceedingly close in. on tha West Side, too; 3O0O, terms. T 80, Ore gonlan. SvHY GO on the East Side when you can get a lot within walking distance on the West tilde in a restricted locality for $850, terms. A 80, Oregonlan. ONLY $10 down and $5 per month, $150 cheaper tnan any aajacent jot; city water. Mt. Scott oc carllne. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. 100x100. HIGHLY improved: you can dou ble your money, as it is 3 blocks from Broadway oriage. uwner, 38, college. Term s. BUY a lot on easy monthly payments and we will furnish you. free of cost, a nlac to live. Gregory Investment Co.. and ox Son City Park carllne. WHY buy a lot when yon can get a hall, acre Inside the city with all the advaa tsges for th. same price T 420 liiimof Dans Bldg-. cor. 6th and Stark. BEST corner lot. 100x100. 5th St., on Clin ton, right on carllne. owner leaving town; sell I34O0. Call evenings, Peter Ferrarris, oil Market. orjaaan aaoo. 100 FEET square, near the Alberta line cheapest lots in thia lovely district; only !iui. easy aerms. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. EXCEPTIONALLY FINE. For several good buys on the Park streets see vanauyn st waiton, 015 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. THREE lots, each 40x100, two blocks from .archer i-iace station, jit. ncott carllne; cash or terms; owners. Phone Main 2275. 4Z1 Hamilton Diog. CORNER LOT Alameda Park, 24th and kili- lngswortn; street assessment paid; $1200 X0 down. VALLEY REALTY CO., 41 H N. 6th St. TOR SALE $6000 cash, six of the choicest lots on Council Crest: excellent view. Ap ply 810 Hoard or Trade or phone Mar. shall 88, FOR SALE by owner, cheap, one of the best located lots In Walnut Park; terms. AB 88. oiegonian. TWO lots. Penn. Add No. 8: 3 lots will. ette boulevard, near station; beautiful site tor home. owner, ae. tv, uregpnla n. la, XI LOT 50x00. Tillamook st: HI ftoo 67x100, 34th and Hawthorne. . 416 Com mon weal in piag. jaain 13J. WILL sell a 50x70-foot lot on E. Salmon, between itn ana xstn su. zor $:uiG terms to suit. W 74. Oregonlan. KLAMATH FALLS lots, easy terms. 821 T.iimoermens diuk. LAURELHURST equity, lot 15. block east facing, lies fine. Phone Tabor 826. 800 CASH Choice sightly lot on Clinton st. See owner. 410 railing pidg. T.CKT in Kenton at a bargain. Innuira at This REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. CHOICE RESIDENCE SITE BELOW MARKET VALUE. Lot 100x100. on 33d St., 1O0 feet from Clinton St., for sale at a bargain if taken this week. Phone Marshall 351 or B SlO, cr ca!l on PACIFIC NORTHWEST DEVELOP MENT COMPANY. 404-5 Couch Bldg. 4n I HAVB a fine lot in VIberg Heights that I mujt sell; it is surrounded by nice homes. This Is an Ideal spot for home. I will take $750, $2oo cash, $10 per month. Iora are selling one block away for $1200. If Interested, call up Mr. Guth rie. Main 880O, A 627L IT IS close-in West Side property that sells quickly and brings the big money, just think of ailot on the West Side, within easy walking distance of P. O.. with 50 . ft. frontage on one of the principal streets in the city, for $15X, terms. And consider when this price includes all Improvement pavement, sewer, gas and water mains and excellent car service. The West Side Is the side to live and to invest your money. T 88,' Oregonlan. HAWTHORNE AVE. 3 1-8 acres, or 20 50x100 lots within 200 feet of Hawthorne ave.; this property Is worth $21,500, according to surround ing values; it can be bought now for $16. 000, with $5000 cash, balance within years at 6 per cent interest, and privilege of release clause; this is a big bargain; look it up. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. IRVINGTON CORNER. $500 BELOW MARKET. 100x103 feet. 2 blocks to car. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 84 Fourth St.. Ask for A. R. Johnson. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. .. A DECIDED SNAP. Lot on Sandy Road, near 22d, walking distance; Sandy road is a business street and best boulevard on East Side; property will double in year; make offer. E. R. MARKHAM. 205 Gerlinger Bldg.. M. 830. Second and Alder. LADD ADDITION LOTS. A fine lot on Ladd ave., east front, not far from Hawthorne; $300 below the mar ket: $1100 caBh will handle; another lot on Elliott ave.. near the Rose Park; price $2250 for quick sale, worth $2500. $700 cash will handle. CRUSSI & ZADOW, S17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. $750 BUYS two nice lots near 41st and Richmond car, deep rich soil, $100 down, bal. monthly 6 per cent. It's your oppor tunity to buy close in sightly property without paying high prices; another 83x xl 70 for $1250, easy payments. Call to day. J as. C. Logan, 3264 Wash. St., room 4M. KLAMATH FALLS lots. 5 down. $5 a pionth. 321 Lumliermens bldg. lor Sale -Houses. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW IN WEST MORELAND. Reception hall, large living and dining room, paneled celling, built-in china cloaet and bookcases, large firoplace, 2 large iu'drooms, big closets. Bide closets and drawers In wall, window seats in dining and bedroom; white enameled bath, large Dutch kitchen, cement basement, station ary wash tubs, cement walks, new duplex window shades, electrlo fixtures, new lino leum in kitchen. Trice $.;5oO, $1100 cash, $27.50 monthly., carries interest and pay ments. Ask for Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 84 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Large reception hall, living and dining room, beamed ceiling, paneled walls, built in china closet, white enameled bath, 2 large bedrooms with large closets, Dutch kitchen, woodlift, large front porch, ce ment ( walks; on carline, less than 20 min utes' 'ride to center of city; price $2850; $500 cash, balance to milt. If Interested, call for Mr. Guthrie, COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 84 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg. $2100 6-ROOM HOUSE. 6-room house, large attic, bath, toilet, lot 50x100: 1 block Mt. Scott carllne; fine lot, good neighborhood; terms to suit you. If Interested, call for Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 84 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg. IN IRVINGTON. Fine 7-room house. 60x100 lot. facing south, on a hard-surface street, surround ed by fine homes, for sale for $6500, less than half cash down; this home Is thor oughly modern, very beautiful In Its set ting, surroundings and arrangement and is worth over $7000 of any man's money, but It must be sacrificed. See us at once. V. VINCENT JONES REALTY CO- 80-303 Lewis Bldg. IF YOU are looking for a well-built, con venient home, don't fail to see this 5 room strictly modern bungalow; best of plumbing, piped for gas, wired for electric light; china closet, nice pantry, double walls, double floors; large basement; handsomely finished throughout; lot 50x 100; near car; $2300; $400 down, $20 per month; restricted district. J. H. Dorman, Firland Station. Mt. Scott car BUILD NOW1! LET US FINANCE THE BUILDING OF YOUR HOME. IF YOU OWN LOT. SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH IS SUFFICIENT. OUR REPUTATION FOR WELL-BUILT HOMES, FAIR DEALING AND DISPATCH OF CON STRUCTION 13 BRINGING US MANY CLIENTS. NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUC TION CO., Successors to Portland Realty A .Construction Co., 801-2-3 Lewis Bldg. YOU ARE TIRED of looking up so-caled snaps, only to find an out-of-date, worn-out house; but this is a genuine, modern, new 7-room home, 85 minutes out, ISO feet from car. near Columbia Park and river, restricted dis trict, selling under coat to keep children in college. Take the trouble to see for yourself; it will pay you. Woodlawn 2272!. SPLENDID property on paved street at a bargain, 6-room house furnished or un furnished: hall, 3 closets, pantry, two porches, modern conveniences, large ce ment floor lasement; lot 43x137; trees, fruit, roses, garden, everything In good condition; terms. Inquire owner, 1143 Hawthorne or phone Tabor 2277. A BEAUTIFUL new home for $300 cash, the balance may remain on a loan; no monthly payments; 7 rooms, fireplace, full cement basement, wash tubs, two toilets. Bleeping porch, everything complete and modern, corner lot; can see house at Marguerite and East Grant, or phoue . Tabor 1051. FOR SALE Beautiful Irving-ton home, very conveniently arranged, on 50x100 lot and hard-surface street: grounds Just rightly elevated: worth $7000; can be bought right, direct from owner; must sell quick; some terms if desired. Address P. O. Box 376- 5-ROOM cottage, front and back porch; lot 50x100, fenced;- faces east, lawn, flowers, bearing fruit trees and chicken yard; must have some cash this week; price $2000. terms. Deshon A Hawk. 407 Lumbermens bldg., corner 51h and Stark. HOMEj AND LOTS OF FRUIT. Fine 7-room house and large lot In Sun nyslde, 1 block f-om car, for sale cheap lots of fruit: ha f cash will handle lt V. VINVENT JONES REALTY CO - 802-303 Lewis Bldg. FINE suburban view borne, 1 acres- 8- room house; hot water heat; greenhouse' all kinds of fruit. Best bargain in city' Might consider part exchange. Call at remises. 36 East 63d st- Morrison mt :t. Tabor car. Phone Tabor 8- $10 HOME, (-room house, lot 60x100. on Oregon cit. car line. Price $700. Payment $10 Vah month. Nothing down. NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO 326 hi Washington St.. Room 61 A GET ABOARD St. Johns car. Ask the conductor to stop at Goddard station; 150 feet to left you will find the attractive 7-room house you have been looking for, under cost at $2800 Owner leaving city. Woodlawn 2272. 5-ROOMED house, 2 stories, everything right up to the minute, will be ready to move into In 60 days; $3500; $350 cash, balance $35 per month, including interest. This is In Rose City Park; all Improvements in and paid for. O 993. Oregonlan. A BARGAIN. - A new, up-to-date, 4-room bungalow for sale: bath, toilet, lavatory, sink, house wired; locatea on a corner lot; on your own terms; price $1750. 421 Henry bldg. SMALL payment down, $25 per month, will buy 6-room modern home, with sleeping porch, one block from U car; 20 minutes from center of city; price $3600. AE 99, . Oregonlan. FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest 8 room home in Irvington. 496 E. 20ta St.. N Call and see It. BEST family pony 2-seated surrey in Port- land. 345 Morrison st. MODERN 4-room. $1700. $100 down. $10 a month. 229-220 Henry bldg. EIGHT-ROOM house. 654 E. Ash. Inquire SOS Salmon St.. room S. REAL ESTATE. For Sale ROSE CITY PARK. We have a modern bungalow in Rose City Park within a block of the car that we can sell at a snap. Seven rooms fin ished, room for three more in attic, fire place, living-room frescoed and beamed, bookcases. dining-room paneled and beamed, laundry trays, cement basement, lawn In roses and shade trees. This is a beautiful home but circumstances force it to be placed on the market cheap. It can be bought on eaey terms. Come in and we will take you to see it In our automobile. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. THE BIGGEST SNAP IN THE CITY. Is here for you; the ground is 125x100, 2 full lots, with fruit trees, berry bushes, fine lawn and roses: the bungalow is a dandy, 5 large well-arranged rooms, fur nished elegantly and every detail, modern, including full cement basement and fur nace; words cannot express this place, you will have to see it and if you want the best buy In Portland, see me at once and be convinced; the ground is worth $2000 and the house cost $2500. all offered at $3500, $1500 cash, balance to suit. Ask ASKWITH. Sellwood 1705; B 1207 or take W-R car to Marguerite ave. Office on the corner. NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSE IN WESTMORE LAND. Large reception hall, large living and dining-room, white enameled Dutch kitch en, 3 large bedrooms, white enamel bath, cement walks in front and around house; stationary tubs in basement, woodlift, lot 60x100; a bargain at $3H00; easy terms; $250 cash, $30 monthly carries interest and payment. Ank for Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 84 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. New. modern bungalow of six rooms, re ception hall 19x10, living-room 15x16 with large fireplace, paneled dining-room 13x17, J?ulit-in buffet, tiled kitchen, large pantry, three nice bedrooms, five closets, bath 7x9. SSfoot porch, full cement basement, cement floor, steps and walk; in restricted district of beautiful homes; price $3750, $350 cash, balance $40 a month, including lnterest- R. F. BRYAN, 605 Chamber of Commerce. A 1221; Main 1903. A DREAM. If you are looking for a nice, neat, well-cared-for little home, close to carline, 15 minutes' ride, look no further; four rooms and bath, fine lawn, beautiful flowers, win dow boxes, plants, garden, fruit, furnished, everything new last year; $2800, $1000 down. This will not last. INVESTIGATE- NOW. Ak for Staples. M. E. THOMPSON & CO., Henry bldg. . 4th and Oak. ' FINHJ BUNGALOW IS OFFERED CHEAP BY OWNER. 6-room strictly modern bungalow; east front, near Hawthorne ave.. West 30th St.; corner lot; $2850. $1000 cash. Your own terms on balance. CHAS. L. HUNTER. Owner, 223-225 Board of Trade. WHY PAY RENT? We have the lots and will build you the house; terms lo per cent down and the balance at 1 per cent per month. This is better than paying rent. Write L 98, Ore gonlan. UOl.NU TO bUlLUI WB ARE BUILDING MORB HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THH CITY. THERE ARE GOOD REASON A OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY AND GET BETTER WORK. ON TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOT. WS WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FRKJJ OREGON BUILDING A TRUST CO 800 HENRY BLDO. RENTERS ATTENTION. One of the best-known firms In the city will build you a home on a small cash payment and the palance payable as rent. We have the lots to build on In a re stricted district. L 89. Oregonlan. CLEVELAND AVENUE. HOUSE, $450. Fine -6-room house, electric and gas, full basement, good plumbing, nice lawn and fruit trees, in a fine neighborhood on a full lot, 50x100, on Cleveland ave., near Going Bt. A big snap at $3400 for a few days only: $450 cash and $20 per month. GRUSKI & ZADOW, S17 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. SUBURBAN HOME. S17S CASH Balance like rent, will buy swell new five-room bungalow right on carllne, 25 minutes out. with 65:200 feet ground, house has cement basement, large fire place, beamed celling. bookcase, wood elevator, cabinet kitchen, largo covered front porch, very best plumbing, owner going away; a bargain; $2950. See owner. 171 Third street, near Yamhill st. $100 CASH. $20 PER MONTH. $2460 6-room modern bungalow on East 27th street, complete, bathroom, linen and china closets, Dutch kitchen, paneled dining-room, beamed ceiling, rooms all tinted, wired and piped for gas; attic basement; will take a lot as part. F. A. BEARD & CO, 32BV4 Washington St., Room 215. KENNILWORTH DISTRICT. 6-room house and bath, with two high and beautiful lots, for sale cheap and on very easy terms; 4 blocks from car; fine cement basement, Dutch kitchen, modern plumbing and hot-water boiler; street im- roved; small amount down and balance ke rent. V. VINCENT JONES REALTY CO- H02-303 Lewis Bldg. THIS IS A BARGAIN " Fine 2-story house, 7 large rooms, with bath and toilet; lot 60x100; nice lawn and fine garden, with strawberries, currants, also plum, pear and two apple trees; house faces east, close to school, and 150 feet from Aberta streetcar. Price $2800. F 99, Oregonlan. $50 DOWN AND $50 PER MONTH. For sale 5-room bungalow, double con structed, new and well finished: lot 50x 100 feet. $50 down and $50 per month to responsible party. In restricted district and less than block to car; polished floors, flieplacee, large rooms, furnace, shades, fixtures, street improvements in and paid. Price $3500. Address M 86, Oregonlan. west s"idebargain! Three houses, on a corner lot. 60x100- in come now $60 per month: walking dis tance, Kelly st.:- price $7800; a snap; $1000 .ash, balance to suit; better look today, they will not last. GRUfeSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. IN HOLLADAY'S ADDITION 6-room house on E. 9th between Halsey and Weldler Lot 76x100; house modern and convenient ly arranged; location very attractive; Broadway ear 1 block. Price reduced to $5300, which is $700 below value of prop erty. McCargar, Bates & Lively, 315 Fall . lng bldg. ACREAGE HOME. 1 acres, all kinds of truit. 6-room house and pantry and large verandas, bath, new barn, large chicken corral; choice flowers and shrubs; 4 blocks from car. Terms. LOUIS BRANDT. Oak, Grove. Oregon City Line WILLAMETTE! HEIGHTS. House, 7 rooms and reception hall, lot 60x 10O, fine unobstructed view, full cement basement, with laundry tubs, furnace and fireplace; newly painted inside and out $63o0; terms; adjoining lot $3500. Phone -Main 4428. SNAP BARGAIN SNAP. Corner on Mississippi ave.. with 5-room modern house, within 4 blocks Jefferson High School; price $300 0; good terms. E. R. MARKHAM. 205 Gerlinger Bldg. M. 8430. Second and Alder. OWNER must sell at once; if you are looiT ing for- a new 5-room modern bungalow, with lawn, roses and garage, call 1118 . E. Market; take Hawthorne car, get off at 87th. walk south 2 blocks to Market. rnono i aoor imp. EXAMINE 425 Alleghany st.; 9-room house, on plot 100x100; chicken corral, hen house, fruit trees; 3 blocks from business center from St. Johns. Mortgage $1200 for 5 years. Am going to accept best of fer received. W. D. Haynes, Shaniko, Or. MARKET STREET. NEAR lTTTL 7-room house, renting for $25 per month. $3300; $1300 will handle same balance 2 years. David Lewis, room 2. Lumbermens bldg. FOR SALE One lot, COxlOO, with house, 2 rooms, with basement, fruit trees, small fruit, extra good garden, 1396 Everett. Phone Tabor 446. HALF acre and 5-room modem bungalow; furnace, bath, basement, fireplace; a lovely home: $4000. part cash. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. HOUSE and lot on Savier St.; also lot at Willamette Heights, by owner. 2S5 Rus . sell st. Phone Woodlawn 815. IRVINGTON LOOK Only $5800; owners leaving for Hood River; beautiful home. 5o8 K. ixtn st. .. cor, rsrazee. rnone i-.ast 394. RICH new bungalow, oak floors, fireplace, shower bath, buffet, double walls, close to oar. Phone Owner, East 1392. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. .. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. 2 stories. 8 rooms; first floor, hall, par lor, reception room, dining-room, kitchen; first-claes light fixtures, Dutch fireplace, built-in wall seats, hardwood floors; dining room has nice plate .rail, large alcove tor buffet, Dutch kitchen, basement; A-l gas heater, furnace, laundry tubs, wood lift, clothes chute. Second floor, 4 bedrooms, large closets, sewing room, sleeping porch, white enameled bathroom, large attic, part ly ceiled and floored. This is a beautiful home; owner Is leav ing city; will sell for $6500, part cash, bal ance good terms. If interested, call for Mr. Guthrie, COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 84 Fourth St., "Board of Trade Bldg. $4O0 CASH and $25 per month will buy the finest new 5-room bungalow, with all modern improvements, lire place, furnace, full cement base ment, cement walks around house, lot 1 ft. above grade; street all graded, cement walks and water in, all paid for; 1H blocks from Rose City Park carllne. Price $;uoO; terms as above. Auk for Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST CO... 84 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg. RIVKRDALE HOME. One of the handsomest homes In the Riverside district; 7 beautifully designed and artistically finished rooms, a recep tion hall, a full-length living room with large fireplace, bookcases and seat, case ment and French windows, paneled and beamed dining-room with artistic buffet, Dutch kitchen; 4 bedrooms, each in sepa rate color scheme; sleeping balcony; large bathroom; attic spaced for two rooms and bath; full cement basement; extra large furnace; private water system under heavy pressure: beautiful grounds about an acre In extent and commanding a sweeping view of the city, river and moun tains. For further particulars apply to R. F. BRYAN, 603 Chamber of Commerce.' A 1227; Main l'J63, WEST SIDE HOME. Let us show you one of the best built, best planned, most artistically finished 6 room bungalows to be found; It is NEW, built by owner for his home, and leaving city is cause of sale; enly one block from car and THE PRICE ONLY COVERS COST; on verv easy terms. NORTON & WALSH. 2E6H Washington St.. Rooms 402-403. ONLY $750 CASH REQUIRED. $2750 Nearly new 6-room modern house and lot. ioo feet from Belmont, nice neighborhood and fine car service; good terms on balance. FRED C. KING, BOB Commercial block. 2d and Washington. $550 READY FOR HOUSEKEEPING. Neat, well-built. 2-room house, unfin ished inside: plenty of furniture to get along with; $100 cash. Fred W. German, 1-29 Burnside. COSY, new. 4-room bungalow, well built throughout, with large casement, corner lot with fine garden, one block from car; price $1276. terms. Norton & Walsh, SStiVs , Washington su, room 402. SEE IT AND MAKE OFFER. 707 E. 10th st. near Rhone St., 1 block to car, nearly new 6 rooms, modern, fine condition; lawn, flowers, fruit. 51xlo3; .grand view; muat sell. Owner, Main 8064. NEAR BROADWAY BRIDGE 40 feet front, house 8 large rooms, pantry, bath, fur nished, including handsomo piano 347 Wheeler st.; $1000. STFilCTLY modern 6-room bouse. Dutch kitchen; sightly view; on Woodstock car line. $100 down, terms on balance. By Owner. Sellwood 816. $10 A MONTH pays for a neat, cozy home on a 60x100 lot in Gregory Heights. Call at end of Rose City Park carllne. Gregory la- vestment Co. FOR SALE. Double 5-room apartment-horse, atr'ct ly modern: $5700: terms. Call 1023 E. lath st. Take A car. FOR SALE in Irvington new 7-room resi dence, jcomplete In every detail. For nar tlculars phone C C384. A HOUSE and lot for sale by owner cheap. Address Box No. 567. St. Johns. Or. Duslnesw Property. DOWN-TOWN INVESTMENT. Right In the heart of the business dis trict is an apartment-house, with a -gr,u-s annual income oi, wnicn could be In creased. Price $30,000, $18,000 cash, bal anee long -time at 6 per cent. This nronnsi. tlon is worthy of Investigation. L 96, Ore- gonian. BELMONT AVE.. BUSINESS PROPERTY" Nearly now brlr-lt building, renting for $42.50 per monti; ; - .-'-ooo : terms. DAVlii LEWIS, Room 2 Lumbermens bldg.. 5th and Stark. WANTED, young man. with wheel, to take trip witn me, ana see some good Govern ment land: good roads. Call at once. B 212B. East 1622. 19O0 BUYS 100-ft corner store building, 20x30, 2-story. Owner, McCray, 109 4th st, room 203. - Acreage. 10 OR 20-ACRB SNAP Section Line road, near Rockwood road 4 miles from city limits: under cultiva tion, balance easy to clear: 2 acres in strawberries, small house and land that will grow anything: will cut up nicely into n.i iwg-atro iracw; one-tnira mile rrom electric car; price $300 per acre, part cash: will mll to n. ' ' GRUSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. BEAUTIFUL 160 RANCH FOR SALE. Within 3 miles of Portland: lies perfect for cutting up into small tracts; this can be purchased for '$200 per acre and soid for $500 an acre up. Can you beat it? Over half In cultivation : t P rm m eun Via made. David Lewis, room 2, Lumber- mens p.qg., am ana btaric. 6 AND 10-acre tracts, S5 of them, to be old at public auction July 4; river and rail transportation, close to Portland; of , iiiij-s nujuiiiK -uii me Willamette itiver. Attend this (treat ODPortunitv sale. For fur. ther particulars see M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett PlOg. 6 ACRES. 5o0: 16 acres. StiSG- -rt 90- all near station 20 miles out; unim proved; running water, some timber, good soil; suitable for fruit, vegetables, poultry raisins; round trip in four houra; 1-3 cash, balance ea?y terms. Palmer, 507 Couch DOUBLE YOUR MOX'RY. Three acres of land on oOth St., near Clinton, ior sale ior a lew days for $0000; will brine SI 2. 000 when nlattfd intr. lnm- $2000 will handle it; balance at 6 per cem; k. oig cnance in maice money. Room nytf Loucn ping. FIVE acre mile from city limits. East eaae; n in rrun; acres lo-year-old or chard, walnuts, almonds, cherries, apples, grapes, etc.; line soli, beautiful view and location; oia age reason ior sjetunK; SoOOO, part cash. Palmer, 507 Couch bldg. 6-ACRB TRACT; with Rood house; all im proved: within 2 miles of Multnomah Km. tion and Oswego; all farm implements inrown in; oniy f iow; an cash. O. F Pfluger & Co., room 5, Mulkey bldg., 2d ana ji oitisph bib. 20 ACRES fine fruit land, Mt. Hood dis trict, $40 per acre; $250 cash, balance quarterly. 125 acres river front land, 25 miles below city, $70 per acre; terms. In quire 416 Commonwealth Bldg. Main 152. 800 ACRES. DESCHUTES. 800 acres with riverfront, in the heart of the Deschutes country; there la nothing in Oregon better than this and It will not be open long. Phone Marshall 1628. 816 Elec trlc bldg. FROM OWNER. 1 acres at Tigard, on Salem Electric all clear and in cultivation; acre potatoes balance garden ; about 100 chickens go with place; small shack. Price, $950. w PR, Oregonian. RIVER FRONTAGE in large or small tracts, beautiful home sites, on easy trms. H G. Starkweather, just west of Ridley sta tion, on Oregon City carllne Phone Oak Grove Black IT. SELL OR TRADE 6 acres, close to car $2500; also 5 acres well improved, a fine home, can't be beat, close in. $4500; also 8 acres, all In fruit, close to car $3750: and others. Bishop. 828 Mohawk bldg. 12 ACRES on good carline with 5-room house, barn and chicken-houses; 5 acres cleared, some fruit, growing garden; $2000. Don't miss this. Queen Inv. Co., 4io Fallln g bldg. 584 ACRES choice level land on Oregon Electric R. R-. between Portland and Hillsboro: $200 per acre; carline runs through the place. Call 410 Failing bldg. LET zne s-sll you a halt acre or more v side the city; Bull Run water, pared xrec building restrictions, etc. 420 Lunger tuans Rldg.. cor. 6th and Stark. BIG SACRIFICE: 11 acres within 3 blocks of cltv limits; adjoining land sells for $1000 an acre; our price, $500. 417 Board of Trade. ONE ACRE full-bearing orchard, close to Golf Links. Price $1500, or exchange. E 95. Oregonlan. 604 ACRES on Barr road, three miles from Grand avenue; easy terms. 504 Goid , smith. 10O ACRES 16 miles out; all or in part; half clpar; good creek;- 225 5th St., room 3. 430-ACRE dairy ranch, 8 miles Sheridan. Owner, Tabor 2213- REAL ESTATE. Acrcage. ONE TO FIVE-ACRE TRACTS. UNITED RAILWAYS TO BE COMPLET ED TO CALVARY CEMETERY IN 00 DAYS. These tracts on this line of survey can not be advanced in price until our contract expires; now is the time to buy to get the greatest profit on the first cost. Call a L.d arrange to see them. OREGON LAND CO.. 215 Henrv Bldg. SO ACRES at Reedvllle at $120 per acre, run ning water; one-nan casn, Daiance u per cent. 26 acres at Reedvllle, old house and barn, 20 acres cleared; $125 per acre; $2000 cash, balance 6 per cent. Also 5. 10 and 20 acre tracts, email pay ments down, balance monthly payments or mortgage for balance. 615 COUCH BLDG. 10-20-40-ACRE TRACTS. $1 per acre cash, balance easy monthly payments; best pf fruit land; fine red shot soli, about 30 miles from Portland ; hk mile to railway station; will all go in a few days; come in and Investigate; we are the owners. ACME REAL ESTATE AND INVEST MENT CO.. 830 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN RANCH. 5 acres iti good suburban town; all cleared; has new 6-room house; price 41SOO. 3H acres; has two acres of young fruit trees, good new house, in good suburban town; price $1650. H Y LAND JONES 4 CO., 409 Gerlinger Bldg. Homesteads. GOOD locations in Crook, Lake, Harney and the coaat; 2 timber claims on the coast, 6 fine relinquishments, cheap; low rates for June. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the 34 counties is best adapted for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead in each county; map attached, 21x 28, showing new R. R. and towns. Includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counties in different colors; drawn to March 1, 3910; latest map in U. S-; price 25c. Nim- mo & Runey, 313 Hamilton bldg. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT. Homestead relinquishment. ltH acres, in Douglas County; cruises 12,000,000 feet yellow fir timber, between two streams; logs can be floated into t'mua River; owner is going there Saturday, July 2, and will show land to intending purchaser. Owners Realty Association, 205 Abington bldg. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, in Tp. 2T S.. R. 17 E. ; fenced ; 40 acres cleared good ; will sell cheap. Johnson & Stout, 616 commercial blag., city. 3,000,000 RELINQUISHMENT 30 miles from .r-ortiana; gooi agricultural land; $ow. i&l Marquambldg.Maln 8314. i EASTERN" OREGON homestead and desert land. Oregon Homestead Co., 217 Abing tonbldg.. 106 3d st. RELINQUISHMENT, cut 4,000,000; $400. Valley Realty Co.. 41 N. 6th st. For Sale Fruit Lands. ESTACADA FRUIT LANDS. THE HEART OF THE MOUNT HOOD FRUIT DISTRICT. This section presents the most advanced development of the Mount Hood fruit dis trict, hundreds of acres set to a com- mercial variety of apples, close to trans portation, crushed rock roads, beautiful homes, telephones, electric lights, rural free delivery, good schools, congenial neighbors, and a progressive Fruitgrow ers' Association; close to Estacada; a good, live, wide-awake town, with a hrst-class hotel, city park, bank and up-to-date stores. We have a choice selection of 10 and 20-acre tracts at prices ranging from $75 to $150 per acre, all cleared and ready for cultivation. In the very heart of the district, and not over 3 miles from the O. W. P. Electric R. R. Investigate now before prices advance. CHAP1N & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. FRUIT LANDS. SO acres. 15 in cultivation. 8 acres old slashings, rest has' 12,000 cords of fir wood; l miles from market; wood will more tnan nay for nlace : urice SHOOO. SO acres unimproved hill land; best kind of soil ; no rock ; 5 miles from town, on gooa county roaa; per acre. 20 acres, all cleared; fruit land; $00 per acre. 25 acres, all cleared; fruit land; $GO per acre. HYLAND JONES & CO.. 400 Gerlinger Bldg. A BEAUTIFUL APPLE ORCHARD TR ACT IO acre; perfect soil, drainage, climate ana aiutuae, ior tne oest results in apple raising; cleared, cultivate, planted and cared for four years and delivered to you a -complete apple orchard, which will be worth at lowest estimate $10, OIK). I will sell you this tract now for $3000; $tiOO casn, oaiance easy j. .ymenta. bee nr. Carr, 804 Lewis bldg. MT. HOOD APPLE LANDS. Hood River orchardists have bought 500 acres of our apple lands along the auto and Mt. Hood electric roads. It's up to you. 40 acres, 7 in bearing or chard. 8 more cleared less than a mile to auto road. Heauuful, sightly location, new painted house, barn, well, etc; $3300; $1300 cash. MU Hood Land Co., 712 Rothchild bldg. $000 ACRES. Will sell 90O acres best fruit land West- era Oregon: surveyed, platted ready for mar ket; partly cultivated; 1 mile from railroad and good town; chance for somebody to make 200 per cent on their money: dirt cheap. See me quick. Address 816 Electric Piag. rnone aiargnan LO' HOOD RIVER. A scenic property of 15 acres, beauti fully located; 7 acres in orchard, house and barn. For further details address R. F. D. No. l, 3QX 7S c. 10-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad, 25 miles from Portland; best oil, no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange with us to go and make selection; round trip same day. 310 Co rbett bldg. 5-ACRE orchard tracts, 2 miles from .town; iiuu per acre; 10 per cent down, $15 per mo. AF 9. Oregonlan. For Sale F 15 ACRES. 11 acres under cultivation. 5-room hmisa woodshed, chicken-house, good garden, good wen. i miies to eiectnc line, and mile to R- R. station and good town. Ex cellent view. Telephone; R. F. D. ; good neighborhood, near school, and only 16 nines ii om i-oriiaiiu. i-rice ffdu; terms Would take part trade. Inquire for few days, owner, commDia riotei. AH 02, Ore gonlan. FORCED SALE ON HOOD RIVER HOME 20 acres best volcanic ash soil; 6 acres cleared, balance In fir timber; house and barn; close to B. P. Tucker's beautiful or chard; magnificent view of mountains and Hood River; fine trout stream; owner leav ing for Europe and will sacrifice place for oniy izzvv, wnicn is way oeiow the mar Ket.. iv vs, uregonian. DOUGLAS COUNTY, OR. FOR 8 A LIS 1700 acres choice land on good county road, A in lies zronx raw roaa ana gooa town; this land, is very suitaDie ior piatitng and is at present In good condition ; price $23 per acre. For particulars and terms apply to William Mac Master, 3 02 Worcester block. Portl and. Or. FARMS FARMS FARMS. 35 small farms, 5 to 10 acres each, close to Portland, on Willamette River, to be sold a: public auction Monday, July 4; if you nave a xrienu jJUMiig ivr a mai I arm, you will do him a favor to tell him of this great oppununuy eaw. cwr lurtuer particulars See oa.. . iee, xx sjoroeix Diag. 20-ACRE tracts, unimproved, 25 milesby rall r 4-1- ,4 . .lto hi. rn- n.i. 1 I rum jtwi tioji-j , Bust-owm u tuu musitif ana chicken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber for ail purposes, best of soli, no rock These are the cheapest tracts on the market and will bear inspection. Call and arranga A nnri me, them. 3iO Corbett hlrto- WHEAT RANCH. 640 acres, near a good town on railroad; about 600 In wheat, looking fine. x-B of crop goes to purchaser; has house, barn and running water; $5000 mortgage can stand; will take good income property to $4000, only $22.50 per acre; deal with the owner. AD 75. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 164 acres. 6. 10 and 12-acre tracts, at Estacada, the best town cn Cazadero line; land partly cleared, apples and prunes already set out; will sell as a whole; this is a snap in fruit land. H. E. Richardson. 70 4th St., Portland. SM A LL farme to be sold at p ubl ie auction July 4; 35 small farms, 5 to 10 acres each, to be sold to highest bidder; don't work for other people; start In for yourself; this is an opportunity of a lifetime. For further particulars see M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. "WILL sell or exchange for Portland or Bend property, my 16o acres In Rogue River Valley. 40 acres set to commercial orchard Price $12,000. B. F. Benson, 508 Board of Trade bldg. 10-ACRB orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad. 25 mil from Portland; best soil; no rook; $40 an acre, easy terms; ar range with us to go and make selection; round trip same day. 310 Corbett bldg. J. A. CUNNINGHAM. For sale, farms, livery, business, ware house and business; prices reasonable; no exchange. P. O- Box 74, Carlton, Or. RANCH for sale by owner, 120 acres, Yam hill County, stock and Implements; write for particulars. G. W. Gray, Carlton. Or. BEND for our list of Willamette Valley Harms before buying; land shown rea, lmstead Land Co. Salem, Or REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Fa num. 49 ACRES. All good, rich land; 18 acres under cult!-, ration, 5 acres slashed and in pasture, bal ance In green saw timber; 4-room house, barn 30x56, chicken-house, woodshed, work shop, etc. ; place fenced and cros-fenced ; family orchard, fine well water; school at corner of place, church mile; R. F. D. mall route, telephone service; 4 miles from railroad and Columbia River town and 13 miles from Vancouver, on tine road, in good locality ; includes personal property as fol lows: Team worth $300, new harness, fine mare, colt 16 months old, 5 good milch cows, 3 hogs, new rake, 2 wagons, 2 plows, cultivator, spring and spike-tooth harrow, cream separator end all small tools. On above place there Is over 2COt cords of wood, besides several hundred telephone pol-s. Thia place is dirt cheap at $53uO and will sell to the first party that sees It. Terms $2800 cash, balance at 6 rer cent interest. THOMPSON & 9WA.V, 208 Rothchild Bldg., Portland, Or. National Bank Bldg., Vancouver. Wash. S5 ACRES IMPROVED FARM. MUST SELL THIS "WEEK. Highly Improved 35-acre farm, 7-room house, good barn, 60xSO. 15 head of cattle, 8 milch cows, good team horses, buggy, farm wagon, new farming implements, family orchard, good garden, all in high state of cultivation; elegant tract for or chard well watered. 12 miles from Port land on macadamized road; 1 miles from electric line; owner cleared over $l2o0 on place last year; can give satisfactory rea sons for selling; half cash, balance 4 years at 6 per cent; price $7000; $3500 in im provements now on place. AK 87, Ore gonlan. 1 SOME CHOICE FARMS. l."K acres, all In cultivation; black loam river bottom soil, close to large valley town; only $100 per acre. 130 acres, well improved; good build ings; all in cultivation: river bottom soil; 8 miles from town; $75 per acre. 200 acres fine river bottom land; good buildings; all in cultivation; 3 miles from town; $120 per acre. 100 acres. 70 acres in cultivation, rest in stump pasture and fir timber; 3 miles from town ; cood new 7-room house, new barn; only $35 per acre. HYLAND JONES & CO.. 409 Gerlinger Bldg. A FRE3 farm in Central Oregon; don't re quire a residence; any man or womon (mar ried or single) can have one. Benson ln vestment Co., 508 Board of Trade bldg. Miscellaneous. ARE you looking for a farm or acreage? Don't fail to call at 'THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, 708 and 709 Corbett bldg. It costs you nothing and we treat yon, right. It surely will be to your advan tage to see us before buying. We don't Publish our list. IF YOU ARB LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small well-Improved farm, at low price and oa most liberal terms, see me. I handle my own properties. J. O. ELROD. 620 Corbett Bldg. 10O ACRES. 2 miles from railroad station; some timber, 40 or 50 acres bench and bottom land; snap; $10 per acre. Box 5b4, Albany. Oregon. IRRIGATED LAND. CALIFORNIA! SACRAMENTO VALLEY IRRIGATED LANDS. Going to California? Looking for irri gated lands? If so, stop at Willows, Glenn County, on the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad, where the representatives of the Sacramento Valley Irrigation Com pany will afford you every opportunity to see the greatest irrigation project in Amer ica. You will see the first awakening of the GREAT VALLEY. Many millions of doll are of Increased values will be made there within & lew years. Will you share them? This project is financed by J. S. and W. S. Kuhn, Incorporated, bankers of Pitts burg, Pa., who so successfully developed the TWIN FALLS NORTH S1DH PROJECT, TWIN FALLS SALMON RIVER PROJECT, and THE T W 1 N V A LLS OA K LE Y P KO JQCT in Southern Idaho, comprising in ail 300,000 acres. The same opportunities for money-making that were given in Idaho will be seized by many in the Sacramento Valley Project. Price of land $125 per acre with water right. Very easy terms. Cash payment of only $15 per acre, other payments extending over 10 years. For literature and full information ad dress SACRAMENTO VALLEY IRRIGATION CO. Department "A." Willows, California. Other offices fittsburg. Pa.; Chicago, 111.; San Francisco, and Los Angel-s. California. ACRES irrigated land, $400. $1 an" acre flown, i an acre per month; no interest, no taxes. V 98, Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. SHEEP RANCH WANTED. We have been commissioned by Eastern party to buy a well-arranged sheep ranch, nanuy to .fortiana. maraei. 1IASKINS & HUDSON REALTY CO., 20t Henry bldg. phone A 329S. BEAR IN MIND that I pay cash for dwelling-houses not to exceed $4000 on meritori ous sacrifices. Call or address 507 McKay mag.. Main FULL lot (with or without house), west of 18th, between Burnside and Overton or south of Jefferson and west of Sixth. AF 97. Oregonlan. WANTED Income property in down-town business district; will invest $50,000 or ,$75.000; must be good. G 97, Oregonlan. I WANT a 5 to 7-room house, name loca tion, best price and terms; no agents. AG 97, Qregonian. I WISH to buy a desirable West Side resi dence lot. north of Washington St., from AB 96. Qregonian. IF you have anything to soil we can sell It If price Is right. 614 Buchanan bldg. MarBhall21S0. WANT a No. 1 tract of land in Oregon; submit with price, terms and full de scrlptlon to lock box IS 8. Salem, Or. MODERN house, value $3500; party to take a ciose-in acres, value .vi (worm 5juuo Jtalance cash. Main 2018. LOT between river and 20th, Hawthorne and Russell, for $1jOO. Main 201b. FARMS WANTED. WE have Eastern buyers for large tracts of agricultural and fruit land, improved or unimproved; owners, what have you to oirer.' INTERNATIONAL LAND & TRUST COMPANY. INC., 619 Lumbermens Bldg. WE want several thousand acres farm land for colonizing; must be cheap. -PENN INVES. CO., 614 Buchanan Bldg. Phone Marshall 2189. WANT from owner 1 to 5 acres or 1 to 3 lots; must be cheap, state location, price and terms. AG 96, Oregonlan. WANTED Farm or acreage, also acreage overiooKing river or ocean. Newman. Z6 Washington. W AN T ED TIMliK It IAN DS. WE are in the market for large tract of tlmberland in Western Oregon, offers only from owners will be considered. INTERNATIONAL LAND & TRUST COMPANY. INC., 619 Lumbermens Bldg. TIMBER Uxds wanted. C J. atcCraoksva, $04 McKay bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. WE have for rent 103 acres fine pasture land, adjoining Oregon City; good 5-room furnished house; abundance of running water; place well fenced; 5 blocks from electric car; fine view. For rent cheap to responsible parties. See Morgan, OH A PIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J M'CRACKBX. 104 McKay Tlldg. 800.000.000-FOOT tract, Siletz timber. AD 98. Oregonlan. TIMBER claims, homesteads, relinquish ments. 219 Worcester Mdg. WANTED TO RENT- -FARMS. WANTED TO RENT- acres or more with house and barn near city. AC 99, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE.' WILL exchange good Oregon property for property In New York state. La id law, 605 Commercial bldg. WILL trade my $375 equity in a restricted corner lot for a runabout auto. K 97, Qregonian. WILL trade my $1800 cash equity in 4 beau tiful lots near Laurelhurst for good auto mobile. J 99. Oregonlan. WILL trade my $400 equity in a rine, large", corner lot for good diamonds. K 96. Ore gonlan. WILL exchange Irvington home for good orchard land or timber. Phone C 2429. XOUcan trade any kind 'of property at room 101$ Board oX Trade TO EXCH.VNG E. PORTLAND HOUSES FOR SMALL FARMS. 7-room house, modern, Montavllla, $-56 6- room house, modern. Sunny side. $S0iO 5-room house, modern, Mt. Tabor, $30K) 4- room house, modern. Piedmont. $35o 5- room house, modern, Vernon, $3750 7- room. house, modern, Irvington, $0000 9-room house, moedrn, Sunmside. $4.'O0 6- room house, modern, Woodstock. $2 7. so 7- room house, modern, Annabel, $2250 5-room house, modern. High land, $:oo (room noose, modern. Glen wood. l- joo 8-room house, modern, Willamette, $4500 7-room house, modern. Irvington. $4300 6-room house, modern. Waverlolgh, $185o All the above HOMES to tradt- for small improved farms. Near carline. T. A. R1GGS REALTY CO.. Room 225 Flieduer bldg. Marshall 1645. 160 ACRES. LAKE COUNTY. In that beautiful Summer Lake Valley, near the lake; lies nice and level for irri gation ; soil Is known as volcanic ash ; price $10 per acre; $9ti0 cash, balance long time; will take mortgage or Port land property In exchange. FRED C. KING. .V0 Commercial block, 2d and Washington. FIVE hundred thousand dollars worth of wheat land to trade for Portland or Oregon property; will trade any part of it ; will pay cash difference. SHOEMAKER INV. CO., 527 Henry Bldg. Main 4465; A 7434. 160-ACRE WHEAT RANCH. On the Condon branch of the O. R. & K.. only 6 miles from Rock Creek and -mile from the John Day River; will trade for a home in Portland or good lots. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark. CON FECT ION E R Y. 50x100 corner lot. $350, including grad ed streets and water mains, $130 paid, -balance $6 per month; will exchange for first-class otfice desk and rug. "W 90, Or egonlan. TWO NEW MODERN HOUSES. On the East Side, near the new high snbonl on corner lot: will exchange for close-In acreage or vacant lots. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark. 30? ACRES walnut land. 7 miles from Sheridan; county road; running water; house, barn; phone, R, F. D. $32.50 acre. Owner. Tabor 2213. 10 LOTS, on Base Line road. East Mount Tabor, to trade for rooming-house, dia monds, auto or anything good. 321 Lum .. bermens bldg. IRVINGTON 6-room residence, my equity $ 10O0, to exchange for unincumbered city lots, acreage or farm property. East 4673. or AK 83, Oregonlan. WHAT have you to trade for a goodpay ing rooming-house, a house and lot, a farm, a good-paying business or anything you want? 417 Board of Trade. EXCHANGE 5 close-in acres, value $2500 (worth $3000), as part payment on modern hpuae ; pay cash difference.Main 20 IS. WILL trade my $2000 equity jn high-class residence lots for cheap land or Umber. V 99. i Oregonlan. A NEW, 2-atory brick in one of the best Eastern Oregon towns for lots or acreage. Inquire 713 Mississippi ave. SIX-ROOM house, with 2 lots; nice loca tion, to trade for small place, value $1.M0. S 99, Oregonlan. I WILL trade my $1J5 piano check tor a. good second-hand sewing machine or any thing useful. 673 Mllwaukie st. FOR y.VLE. Horses Vehicles and Harness. WHY buy second-hand vehicles when you can get a new one from an old-established wholesale house. 44 years in Oregon, at almost the same cost ? We are located outride the high-rent district, own our building, and can make the price. Ex clusive agents tor the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv ery wagons, tup buggies, runabouts and farm vagons. Be sure and see us before you buy. it may save you money. R. M. WADE & CO.. 322 Hawthorne ave.. bet. East 1st and 2d. MULES MULES MULES We are now located at the Portland Union Stockyards. We have on hand a good stock of mule weighing from 1200 to 14O0 lbs, that are first-class in every particular; our prices are in line with the tla Come and see us and we will convince you. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO-, Woodlawn 2400. . ONE chested gelding. 7 years old. 1 Studebaker buggy, one single harness, all in fine condition, the property of - Mr. Geo. Flechle. Inquire ox Kramer's e ta bles. 15th and Alder sts. This first-class outfit must be sold on account of ownttr leaving town. FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand loveral delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons for sale. Hawthorne-ave Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. GENTLE horse that a woman can ride or drive; also buggy and harness. Inquire Roberts Bros.. 3d and Morrison. MISSOURI MULES FOR SALE. 100 head, LiOO to 1500 lbs., suitable for railroad, logging and farm work. Mules at Freedman Bros. barn, corner 13th and Overton sts. Address Sparks & Wlggin- ton. Imperial Hotel. FOR SALE No. 26 N. 15th st., 1 pair horses, about 1050 lbs. each; one a mare; both a trifie sore in front; absolutely true single or double; a bargain; also 2 teams, 24QO and 2f00 lbs.; price for a quick sale. $110 BUYS Canadian mare, handsome and fat, weighs 12iiO lbs. ; ride or drive ; war ranted every way or money refunded. Call 874 Savier st. TWO matched gray horses, handsome, city broke, perfectly sound. Apply Auanxs Bros-, P.. F. D. No. lr Box 90, Columbia Slough Road. WANTED Teams to haul crushed rock; $6 per day. 9 hours; free barn. Apply 407 Lumbermens bldg. Main 2018 or E. 29L after7evening8. GOOD pair bay horses, bargain; will pull 6 tons any place without a whip, aged 7 and 8, weight 2700; gentle and perfectly so un d. 43K. 50th St., N a FOR SALE CHEAP. New 3 Mitchell wagon. Laurelwood stat ion. T a k e Mt. Scott car.3 0 Stuart ave. HUBERT & HALL' 9 STABLES, 380 Front st.. livery business, rigs, horse, harness, waj ona, for sale orj-ent. Main 22l8. BARGAIN Team. 2100 lbs.. Spring wagon and harness complete, suitable for caaip- J.n g- 145-294 Montgomery. EIGHT head horses, suitable for grading or farm puruoses. 294 Montgomery. FOR SALE 50 ponies, at Fulton stables. T a k eFu 1 ton ca r, 2d ay e . GOOD, strong, true team for sale. Inquire 35 E. 53d st. North. PASTURE for rent near Portland. 333 Sherlock bldg. WANT EI horse, 1400 or 1500. from o to 7 years old. Apply 1028 East Alder st. WANTED Horses and cattle for pasture at Swan Island. Phone Main 8824. I'lapoH. Organs and. Musical lnstrnmente. PIANO for sale, elegant San Domingo ma hogany case, brought here from Cnicago; used less than 30 days; worth $375. need money, will sacrifice for $150 cash. X 9J;Oregonian. IF you want a splendid piano very cheap and good as new, call up phone Main 7375 or 118Q. Owner leaving city. ABSOLUTELY new, $450 upright grand p.ano; $200 cash: no certificate given or required. Call and investigate. 2-5 Fifth street. m VIOLINS, brass, reed and string instruments repaired. Any piece made to order. H. Godard, room 16, 142 2d st. , Birds. Dogs and Pet Stock. TWO thoroughbred English bull terriers, 5 months old. male and female: $15 each - Call 1031 East Caruthers su Phone Tabor --2L FOR SALE 2-months-old Great Dame pup pies, pure breed. Inquire 151 North 0th st. x THREE 'ery fine Airedale terrier puppies. L. V. Woodward. Sellwood 1015. THOROUGHBRED cocker spaniel pupa, 52 North 15th st. Automobiles. 4-OYLINDER, 5-passenger Studebaker E. M. F- 30 auto, 1909 model, fully equipped and extras; Al condition; price, $1U50; no trades. AL 70. Qregonian. 7-PASSENGER 60-H. P. Thomas Flyer. In good condition; Just the car for stage line or livery; $1500 cash or installments. West ern Auto Co., 531 Alder st. NEW 1910 Ford roadster complete; cost $1000. will sell for $850. J. B. Fryer. Carlton. Or. MODEL M Cadillac; 5-passenger; good con dition; $650. Phone Tabor 4S4; N. W. cor. E. 39th and Yamhill. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE- New houseboat cheap. Phont Marshall 1765. $125 PIANO credit certificate; make offer. Phone Tabor 1760. LAUNCH, in fine condition; bargain. Main 211. OFFICE furniture for sale; first-class coa- qiii'iii. rimnB Jiarsnaii ma. VIOLINS, ban Joe mandolins, guitars at bu$ regular prices. Uncle Myers, 71 6 Jr. u