Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 27, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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Investigations Ordered by Con
gress Extend Half Way
Around World.
Interior Department of Philippines,
Ship Subsidy Lobby, Naturaliza
tion and Indian Lands All
Down as Vacation Tasks.
" WASHINGTON, Juno 26. (Special.)
Investigations of one kind and an
. other ordered by Congress before the
adjournment last night will extend
over the country and beyond the seas
to the possessions of the United States
in the Orient during the Summer and
Fall months. This means that probes
directed from "Washington will reach
approximately half way around the
Here are some of the things that
will keep a few of the members of
Congress busy, outside the fences that
are to be mended and kept in repair
in their districts between now and the
election in November:
Investigation by committees of both
houses of the charges made by Sena
tor Gore relative to Indian lands and
with -particular respect to the alleged
improper interest in Indian contracts
by members of Congress.
Senatorial Investigation to determine
the right of William Lorimer, of Il
linois, to his seat In Congress as a re
sult of charges that his election, was
procured by corrupt methods.
Philippines to Be Visited.
Investigation of the Interior Depart
ment of the Philippine government rela
tive to the administration of Philippine
investigation, independent of those
based on the latest Gore charges, as to
the necessity of employing private coun
sel in connection with the sale of Indian
asphalt and coal lands and of the reason
ableness of fees paid to such agants.
Investigation of the charges that a
lobby has influenced the course of ship
subsidy legislation in Congress.
Investigation into naturalization condi
tions existing in the large cities of the
In addition to these several Investiga
tions, the special Ballinger-Pinchot com
mittee continues its existence and will
meet September 5. at St. Paul, to prepare
its report; and the committee on in
creased cost of living may do some
further work preparatory to the submis
. sion of a report more elaborate than the
one filed shortly before the adjournment
Df Congress. .
Steel Trust and Alaska Escape.
A proposed investigation that failed
through refusal of the House in the
last hours of the session to adopt a
resolution on the subject was that of
the Steel Trust and steel industry. A
thorough investigation of Alaska af
fairs, suggested by the recent charges
and counter charges of alliance be
tween corporation interests and terri
torial officials also was proposed by
Senators, but it has been postponed for
the time being.
Plans already are making 1 r a
prompt beginning of the investigation
into the Indian land charges and con
ditions. The special committees ap
pointed are expected to me"t and or
ganize before the members leave Wash
ington for their homes. The Senate
resolution provides for Inquiry as to
Whether any Senator has been interest
ed in connection with legislation af
fecting the approval of Indian con
tracts during his term of office and
whether Improper attempts to prevent
or secure the passage of a statute af
fecting the approval of Indian con
tracts have been made at this session'
of Congress. The committee chosen to
conduct, the investigation consists of
Senators Jonea, of Washington; Burton,
Df Ohio; Crawford, of South Dakota;
Hughes, of Colorado, and Peny, of M:-;.
issippl. '
Indian Question Involved.
The investigation under the House res
olution is for the purpose of obtaining
Information for the use of Congress by
Inspecting conditions in any Indian res
ervations or agencies in the United
States. The committee that will prose
cute this work and which must report
before the close of the present Congress
is composed of Representatives Burke, of
South Dakota; . Campbell, of Kansas;
Miller, of Minnesota; Stephens, of Texas,
and Saunders, of Virginia. The commit
tee will visit the Indian country.
The Investigation as to the necessity
for the employment of private counsel
or agents in connection with the sale
of the segregated asphalt and coal lands
belonging to the Chickasaw and Choctaw
tribes and as to the fees that are reason
able if the necessity for the agents is
found to exist, will be conducted by the
.regular Indian Affairs committee of the
Senate. '
Friends of Lake Washington Scheme
. See lteopenlng of Case.
SEATTLE, Wash., June 26. (Special.)
The supporters of the Lake Washing
ton canal project are breathing easier
on account of an agreement looking to
a reopening of the case. An undertaking
has been signed on the one side by the
Lake Washington Canal Waterway Asso
ciation, represented by Harold Preston,
and on the other by the County Commis
lioners, represented by Prosecuting At
torney Vanderveer, that the State Su
preme Court be asked to grant a re
hearing to determine the constitutional
ity of the Jaw forming the canal district.
Under the recent decision the commis
sioners were upheld in theh- refusal to
equalize the ass3ment roll of the canal
district, the court having based its ruling
on the fact that the United States Gov
ernment has always expressly declined to
recognize the canal project, in having de
clared the appropriations to be for the
Improvement of Ballard harbor alone.
The progress made by Mr. Preston
brought out the Ballard . mill owners,
represented by Jesse V. Ives and W. L.
Bilger. .They succeeded in having the
case set' for Monday morning before the
commissioners, when the war between
the opposing factions, which has waged
intermittently - for years, is expected to
break out afresh.
County Treasurer Improves.
EUGENE. Or.. - June 26. (Special.)
R- E. Eastland, Lane County Treasurer,
who fell down a stairway, has regained
consciousness and is rapidly recover
ing. Mr. Eastlaand cannot account for
the accident; being unable to ' say
whether, he tripped or had a fainting
Senator Joofn, of AVanhlnRton,
Chairman of Senate Inveati
Kntlngr Committee,
William H. Taibot, Rich Tim
berman, Is Third Husband.
Payment of $1000 a Month Alimony
to First Wife Little Concerns
Him Bride's Second Spouse
Suicid Two "Weeks , Ago.
. SAN FRANCISCO, June 26. (Special.)
Romance, treading close upon heeis of
tragedy, brought happiness -once more
into the life of Mrs. Charles E. Paxton,
yesterday, when she was married to Wil
liam H. Talbot. For six months her
friends have been awaiting the announce
ment of her engagement but Mrs. Paxton
embarked upon her third venture with
few of the frills that adorn such gala
occasions. For Talbot it was a second
experience. With only their immediate
families as guests, the two were married
at 11 o'clock yesterday morning at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Darneal,
the bride's parents, in Alameda.
It was just two weeks ago that Mrs.,
Paxton's divorced husband ended - his
life with a bullet in his brokerage office
in Bush street He had fallen in arrears
in his alimony payments and faced tho
uncertainties that come with financial
reverse. .
Before 'her second marriage Mrs. Pax
ton had been the wife of B. A. Bowen,
but they found themselves unsuited to
each other and a divorce ensued.
Endowed with a rare beauty, a fortune
and charm, Mrs. Paxton was a brilliant
figure in local society. . After her second
divorce she lived for a time at the St.
Francis Hotel, where she waa the recip
ient of marked attentions from Talbot.
Talbot's long divorce . struggle In . the
courts attracted uoastwide attention, and
it was not until after three years of liti
gation that he gained his freedom. He
ia rated as one of the wealthiest men of
the Coast, his lumber Interests carryllng
his fortune into the millions. The de
cree which compels him to pay to his
first wife something more than $1000 a
month, is the least of his troubles.
After much publicity, Talbot and his
bride decided to arrange the marriage
with just as little fuss as possible.
The utmost secrecy was observed, Dep
uty County Clerk Paul Wuthe being
brought from Oakland at 1 o'clock Friday
night to issue the marriage license.
The wedding ceremony was witnessed
by the relatives only. The three chil
dren of the bridegroom were present.
The wedding party was completed with
the addition of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. DarneaL and her two brothers.
The bride and bridegroom were unat
tended, v
Immediately after the serving of the
wedding breakfast Talbot and his bride
left in a big automobile on Ihelr honey
moon. They will take up their temporary
residence at the St. Francis, later going
for an Indefinite stay to the Northwest,
where Talbot has extensive lumber in
terests. -
Movement to Buy Direct From Pro
ducers Begun, in Seattle.
SEATTLE. Wash., June 26. (Special.)
In their flght against the Produce As
sociation the hotel men and restaurant
keepers of Seattle have raised $500 to
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Representative Burke, of eutb.
Dakota, Chairman of House
Investigating: Committee.
conduct a searching investigation and if
necessary to cary the war . Into the
courts, in order to defeat any combina
tion in restraint of trade. The Seattle
branch of the International Stewards'
Association, which started the protest
against Western avenue merchants, is
considering three plans, any one or all
of which may be made effective. One Is
a legislative correction; the second Is an
Independent commission house, and tho
third is a system of purchasing direct
from producers. The last-named plan is
being considered by G-. J. Kaurman, man
ager of the Seattle Hotel, who is corres
ponding with the rural districts with the
object mentioned. State Representative
Norrls, who Is now Republican candi
date for Senator jn the Thirty-first Dis
trict, is flgbting ihe produce trust, and
has made it the issue of his campaign.
It has been demonstrated that rations
supplied to the War Department in Se
attle cost 25 per cent more than else
Land Office Telegraphs Reappoint
ments to Portland Division.
Telegraphic orders received yester
day by Chief of the Field Division
Ch.ristensen, of the General Land Office
for the Washington, Oregon and Alaska
district, will today cause the restora
tion of 14 special agents and one clerk
to the rolls. The men were furloughed
some weeks ago because of the ex
haustion of the funds appropriated by
Congress for investigation of land fil
ings. The specials ordered placed In the
field at once are Messrs.. Laughlin, Car
nahan, Rabb, Benedict, Lovegren,
Davey, Hallen, Hunt, Foraker, Parks,
Metsker, Farrer, Arundell and Lavin.
Clerk Kops will also be re-employed.
Since the special agents were allowed
to leave the service they have scattered
over the West, and it is probable that
some of them will report that they
have found other employment. Most of
them are young lawyers, and have en
deavored to find suitable locations for
the practice of their profession.
Iad Jumps From Wheel When
Crash Comes, Escaping Injury.
W. G. Arnold, a Western Union mes
senger boy, who lives at Mllwaukie, was
run over by S. Benson's automobile at
tho corner of Sixth and Washington
streets at 6 o'clock last night. Mirac
ulously, he escaped injury, a few ugly
tears in his trousers and spokes knocked
from the wheel of his bicycle being the
only Injury done.
Machine No.' 1879, driven by M. Shlsler,
of 533H Alder street, was going north on
Sixth street and the chauffeur attempted
to turn down Washington street when
Arnold tried to paps in front of .the
machine. When he saw he was so ciose
to the machine that a collision was un
avoidable he jumped from his wheel. 'He
said he did not see the auto until it was
close upon him. Those who saw the ac
cident say the auto's hot-n was not
.Vale Favors County Assembly.
ONTARIO, Or.y June 26. (Special.)
At a meeting in Vale the delegates to
the Republican county convention fa
vored the holding of a county assem
bly for the purpose of appointing dele
gates to the state assembly and, if
deemed advisable, to nominate a
county ticket and adopt a platform.
Precinct meetings are to be held on
July 9 to elect delegates to the county
assembly. The county assembly is
called for July 16 at Vale.
T. Tl., Jr., Motors on Honeymoon.
SAN FRANCLCO, June 26. Theo
dore Roosevelt, Jr., and his bride left
here tonight for Los Angeles, which
city they will make9.helr headquarters
while touring Southern California on
their wedding trip. . .
.....:...V '., 3
Achievements by Diplomacy
Loom Larger Than Those
' . . . of "Big Stick."
Except for Anti-Injunction Bill,
President Has Won Every Point. ,
. Oregon Unfortunate in Irri
gation '. Bill. Omissions.
fCnntlntitii From Flrat Page.)
on a limb, for under a provision of the
bill the objectionable restrictions im
posed by the Senate bill can be overcome-
by the constitutions of the new
states, and the President was shrewd
enough to see this before he induced
the House to- take the Senate bill.
So far as the general West Is con
cerned. Congress has not, since the pas
sage of the reclamation act in 1902
taken any step of such importance as
the enactment of the Borah proposal to
lend to the Reclamation Service ample
money to complete ' existing Govern
ment projects. This bill means that
projects, many of which have dragged
for years, will be rushed to early com
pletion, so that Buffering settlers may
get water In one, two or three years
at the outside, where otherwise they
might have been compelled to wait
eight or ten years, and perhaps even
then lose their property. For the en
actment of this law too much praise
cannot bo given Senator Borah, the
leader of the movement from the out
set, but it is also due to the President
to say that his insistence - was what
forced the House to act against the
will of the leaders, and for that reason
compelled the passage of the bill.
All along the President favored this
legislation, but not until the end was
he compelled to resort to drastic means
to get action in the House.
Oregon Projects Suffer.
An., unfortunate feature of the irriga
tion bill, however, is the repeal of the
'clause which required that a pro rata
sum must be expended In the state from
which the funds were realized from the
sale of lands. It is no longer required
that the Reclamation Service must dis
tribute its " expenditures in this way,
and this Is to the disadvantage of Ore
gon, because it probably means that no
new projects will be undertaken in that
state. Under the former law It would
have been the policy to extend the
Umatilla project or to adopt a new one,
in order that Oregon might profit by
the money realized from sales within
its own borders. The law now does not
require this and it is likely that it will
not be done. :
Great as was the President's interest
in the irrigation bill, he was equally
insistent upon the passage of the bill au
thorizing the withdrawal of public lands.
Early In the session, he presented and
urged a comprehensive system of con
servation laws. Western men In Congress
saw fit to ignore these bills; tucked them
away in pigeon-holes, and refused to
alloi, them to be considered When- tbe
President discovered that Western in
terests had checked the proposed revision
of the land laws, he concentrated his
efforts on the withdrawal bill, content
to .let the general subject- go over for
future consideration.
Development Is Checked.
The withdrawal bill permits him. in a
crude way, to prevent monopolyand
waste,' which, while not true conserva
tion, is a makeshift, and the President Is
satisfied that with this whip' he will be
able hereafter to force Congress to give
respectful attention to the revision of
the public land laws. The withdrawal bill
will largely check development in the
.West and that circumstance will even
tually compel Western Senators and Rep
resentatives to take up and dispose of
practical conservation legislation,, which
is what the President wants.
The West also will benefit from other
legislation passed this session: The bill
creating the bureau of mines, a Taft
measure and a Roooevelt measure; the
Mondell bill permitting the surface entry
of coal lands, another relic of the last
Administration; the bill permitting the
assignment of homesteads on Government
irrigation projects, and the bill granting
leaves of -absence to settlers on those
projects, whenever water is not available
for irrigation. - ' '
Congress authorized two battleships, as
urged by the President, where strong
Eastern sentiment favored only one; an
appropriation to defray the expenses of
the tariff board appointed to ascertain
the difference between the cost of produc
tion at home and abroad, an appropria
tion ' that waa bitterly opposed, and put
through only as an Administration item;
the Ballinger-Pinchot case was investi
gated with the approval of the President,
who wanted no opportunity neglected to
establish the innocence of his Secretary
of the Interior of the charges preferred
by Pinchot. Glavls and other muck
rakers, and the retirement of Associate
Justice Moody, so that there may be a
full Supreme Bench. The "white slave
traffic is being more thoroughly regulated
under a bill passed early In the session
and provision has been made for a com
mission of experts to report upon econo
mical expenditures In the Government de
partments, economy being a by-word of
the Taft Administration.
To cap the climax, the recent session
added to its record of regular appropria
tions not only an omnibus publio build
ing bill that brought joy Into most every
Congressional district, but a river and
harbor bill whose benefits are almost as
CContlnued From Flrt Page.)
been deposted from the superintend
ence of the police and that he was
quietly fostering his candidacy for the
second place on the national ticket.
Brief advices from Juarez and Chi
huahua are that the election passed
off with no disturbance and that Diaz
and Corral polled the usual largevote.
So far as has been learned .here, there
was "ho trouble along the border. The
closing' of saloons in the republic waa
rigidly enforced. In Jurez three ar
rests were made for violating the clos
ing regulations.
Corral Next Ruler.
The result " of the election today
means, according to -those well versed
In Mexican politics, that Corrall will
be the future ruler of the nation and
that the spirit of insurrection has been
pretty well quenched. All over "the
republic preparations have been going
on for months for the celebration of
the centennial of Independence next
September. The rivalry among the
states ' and municipalities to. make tbe
best showing during the festivities has
been a good thing In the way of creat
ing a stronger national sentiment. . It
is not anticipated there will be any
more trouble at that time than there
was today.
Opponents Disposed Of. ,
Of the three men on whom the opposi
tion forces had centered their hopes, one.
General Bernardo Reyes, is in Paris for
a stay of two years. Herlberto Barron,
& former member of Congress, who had
announced himself a candidate for the
vice-presidency, Is In the United States,
banished, he declares, on account of a
book, he had written in which he took
the administration to task. The third
"Insurgent," Madera, is still In Jail.
Those who have American capital in
vested In Mexico have been strongly fa
vorable to the re-election of 'Diaz and
Corral. It is estimated there is about
$1,000,000,000 In gold of such capital.
Undue Extension of Credit Finds
Correction In Abatement ot
Commodity Speculation.
'NEW YORK, June 16. Anxiety over
the' Spring wheat crop tempered the
feeling of hopefulness in financial
markets last week. The real situation
of the Spring wheat crop was obscured
by calculations for speculative pur
poses lri the commodities -markets and
by the inevitable difficulty of accurate
knowledge on the subject of multifari
ous details.
While 'the - perplexities surrounding
the financial outlook have been work
ing out in various ways,, a plentiful'
harvest would supply a comparative
solution of the whole problem. Hence
the sensitiveness of speculative senti
ment to the crop news. Attorney-General
Wickersham's Chicago address on
Government regulation of capital
issues has also caused some disturb
ance of sentiment. A strong effect on
speculative sentiment was produced by
the announcement that the great meat
packing companies had assented to in
creases in freight rates for" which the
railroads are asking.
On the side of the money market
there has been a sensible growth of
confidence. A factor in that result has
been the evidence that a season of
something like money plethora In the
Lopdon money market Is approaching.
Discount rates are receding there, for
eign exchange rates In New York are
declining and supplies of exchange
against foreign bond sales, cotton sales
and bankers' finance bills indicate the
recourse that is open for New York
borrowers in the London market.
Domestic banking authorities report
progress in correcting the credit exten
sion involving in commodity specula
tion, land deals, irrigation projects and
extravagance in automobile buylnK
Part of the relief comes from a slowing
down in business and its encouraging
influence is modified to that extent.
Kate Blancke, Who Sends Frantic
Telegrams to JRlckard, Insane.
CLEVELAND, O., June 26. Insane over
the Jeff rtes-Johnson' flght. Kate Blancke,
well-known ' character actress, was com
mitted to the State Asylum at Newburg
Since her arrival in Cleveland Jast
Thursday, Miss Blancke has been send
ing telegrams continually to Jack Gleas
on, and Tex Rickard. the fight promoters.
begging them to take her to the contest.
Her actions finally became so peculiar
that her relatives were appealed to, and
after medical examination she was ad
judged insane.
Miss Blancke, who has played with
Vaughn Glaser and other well-known
companies, has recently been engaged at
a stock theater in Toledo.
Attention was first attracted to her be
havior when she insisted on repeating
her lines in German. She left the theater
and came to Cleveland, apparently for
the purpose of persuading a local man
who is arranging a special train to go to
Reno, to include her -among the pas
sengers. '
Zeppelin Airship Trip Halted.
DUSSELDORF, Germany, June 26.
Because of stormy weather the Zeppe
lin airship Deutschland did not sail
today. The air voyage will be on Tues
day. SO Years Experience at Yonr Serv
ient S Yearn In the Leading;
Eye Clinics of Enrope.
Selling Spectacles
As a Business
Fitting Spectacles
As a Profession
Many use simple tests for determin
ing as nearly as they can what
glasses the eyes can wear and call
themselves opticians. Ours is strict
ly a profession we use scientific
tents that will find the cause of the
trouble and glasses are prescribed
that will strike at the evil and over
come the cause.
One Charge Covers Entire Coat of
Examination, Glasses. Frames.
Portland's Exclusive Optical Place.
Second floor Corbett Bid-.,
Kifth and Morrison.
ifi F! H I finnan c--- -1 -wv
I rr rrV--irmim'tin in-niitv irnm i''ihiii Wi 'Hf-TiTi -fiV ' n M
The best-equipped tin shop in
the entire Northwest.
We have the' best mechanics
and do the best work in tin, gal
vanized iron or black steel work.
We want your business.
Prompt execution and care
ful work. Prices reasonable.
the w.G. Mcpherson co.
Heating Engineers " '
The Purest is
Children require the purest of food. No mother would
knowingly sacrifice the
would choose discriminately
Ton can feed it to yonr children lcnoving that it ia
perfect that it has passed
and 'bears the stamp of
At Best Dealers,
UalB Meat Cosopamy. Portland. Orcsosi
Pioneer Packer
TIIE City and the Country are bounds
together by the telephone line.
The farmer and his family use the rural telephone con
stantly, calling up each other and the market town on all sorts
of matters and for all sorts of supplies and information.
City people also find the rural telephone of great advantage.
A traveler from his room in the hotel talks with the farm folk
miles away. "Without the telephone he could not reach them.
The farmer himself may travel far and still talk home over
the Long Distance Lines of the Bell System.
The Pacific Telephone and Tdegrapb
Every Bell Telephone is the Center o:
the System
All Work Done by Graduate Dentists Who Thoroughly Understand the
ur. wytnes system
Portland, Or,
Seattle, Wash,
328 Glisan Street
None too Good!
health of her children, If you
he snre to ask your dealer for
look for Nfk
Iaapet4 1
IuumhI -Ji
J38S tl
Ham and
the rigid government inspection
approval They'll like it too!
Hotels and Cafes
of tbe Pacific
Dr. Wythe's Dentists
148 5th St.
Opposite Meier A Frank's Flfth-at.
Incorporated Under the Ltwi of
the States of Orexon and
or fairness .Dentistry.
14S Fifth Street.
1119 Second Avenac.