12 TITE 3IORNIXG- OTIEGOXIAX, MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1910. JlEAL EST ATE. For Sale Farms. 186 ACRES IMPROVED. 186H acres, 7 miles from Vancou ver, 13 miles from Portland. mil from railroad station, 1 miles from electric line, 140 acres under culti vation and In crop, 20 acres slashed, 26 acres of good saw timber, 40 acres of this is fine onion land; 10 acres of English walnuts, place all fenced and cross-fenced, fine 10 room, .2-story house, with hot and cold water plumbing; 1 barn 60x100, 1 barn 45x60, brick dairy-house, woodshed, chicken-house, and all necessary outbuildings; R. F. D. mall route, telephone in house, liv ing1 stream running ' througn place, well and water system at house, water piped to barn; including ol- lowing personal property: 8 cows, 1 heifer, registered buil, 6 horses, 29 young hogs, 6 brood sows, thorough bred boar. 5 sheep, 150 chickens. 23 geese, 3 stands of bees, 2 lumber wagons, 1 surrey, 1 hack, 1 open buggy, l top buggy, 1 cart, 2 set. of double harness, seta single harness, 4 plows, 2 harrows, roller, culti vators, binder, mower, hay rake and tedder, disc, seeder, corn sheller, 2 fanning mills, potato digger, sheep cheering machine, and dipping tank, manure spreader, disc harrow, 3Vi horsepower gasoline engine, with wood-saw attached. 100-gallon oil tank, feed grinder, cream separator, cider mill and all small tools and crops to the value of at least $3000; all for $40,000; terms cash, bal. at 6 per cent Interest; would accept some gilt-edged property as part payment; this is an ideal tract to subdivide and the beaverdam land alone is worth H the price asked for the entire place. THOMPSON' & SWAN, 206 Rothchild Bldg., Portland, Or. National Bank Bldg.. Vancouver, Wash. Phones: .Marshall 1859, A 7516. WHEAT RANCH. 640 acres, near a good town on railroad; about 500 In wheat, looking fine, 1-3 of crop goes to purchaser; has house, barn and running water; $."(K0 mortgage can stand ; will take good income property to $4000, duly $22.50 per acre; deal with the owner. AD 75. Oregonlan. FOK SALE 154 acres, 6. 10 and 12-acre tracts, at Estacada, the best town -on Cazadero line; land partly cleared, apples and prunes already set out ; will sell as a whole; this la a snap in fruit land. H. E. Richardson, 70 4th St., Portland. yOR fa ALE 202 acres river bottom, lj miles Tillamook City, finest dairy land la the world, 234 a. Willamette River bottom, 1 mile .Corvailis, raise alfalfa or anything; cell cheap. Add. owner, L. Q. Freemka. Corvailis. Or. BEND for our list of WlMatsetta Valley farm before buying; land s no vra xr Qj instead Land Co.. Salem. Or. Miscellaneous. IP YOU ARB LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small, well-Improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me. I handle my own, properties. J. O. ELROD. 520 Corbett Bldg. TO EXCHANGE. 160 ACRES, near new electric line, in Cp lumbbia Co.. for residence or new auto.' Choice lots near Hawthorne for modern home. Rose City Park lots for fruit land; $3Uo0. West Side cottage for close-in acreage. Real traders answer. I will call. AL 8"). Oregonian. ,1103 ACHES. I have a fine stock and wheat ranch near Morrow, which 1 wish to exchange 350 acres in wheat, 530 acres tillable, b&ance fine grazing land; plenty of running water, two sets buildings; price $16,000; will take half in trade, either farm or city property. W.hat have you? Plenty of time on balance. 3U8 Board of Trade. FOR SALE OR TRADE. A fine new 8x10 camera, carrying case, double " plate holders, will trade for good 80-30 rifle or tent and fishing equipments, or anything of good value ; what have you ? I have no use for camera. E. H. Wright. 1611 East D st.. Vancouver. Wash. HAVE 100 -acre farm, close to Woodburn, all In cultivation ; will take as part pay ment an automobile, prefer a "Packard" or a "Pierce Arrow ;" $1000 cash, balance easy terms; price less than any farm sold in the neighborhood. Y 71, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY 1 -z acres, with new 8-room bungalow, in Uoquille, Oregon. Call or write R. R. Pu wader, 67C Besmoat St., Portland. 80 ACRES walnut land, 7 H miles from Sheridan ; county road ; running water; hoitbe. barn; phone, K. F.D. $32.50 acre. Owner,Tabor2213. EXCHANGE for hardware stock Chicken and fruit ranch, joins county seat of Lincoln County; owner only. B. S. Kingsley, Toledo, Or. VrOOM house, close In, cash value $2000; -wiil exchange $r."j0 equity for anything of value, phone Main 2U1S. flMBER claim, a manufacturing business, house and lot, to exchange, one for the other. Boggeea, room 5, 221 Morrison. WILL exchange rood Oregon property lor property in New York stale. Laldlaw. 605 Comme rclalbld g. tWO Laurelhurst lots to trade for diamond, small auto or cheap lot, or anything of value. 403 Couch bldg. tOU can trade any kind of property as room 1019 Board of Trad. IRRIGATED LAND. CALIFORNIA! SACRAMENTO VALLEY IRRIGATED LANDS. Gorng to California? Looking for irri gated lands? If. so, stop at Willows, Glenn County, on the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad, where the representatives of the Sacramento Valley Irrigation Com pany will afford you every opportunity to see the greatest Irrigation project in Amer ica. You will see the first awakening of the GREAT VALLEY. Many millions of dollars of increased values will be made there within a few years. Wifl you share them? This project is financed by J. S. and W. S. Kuhn, Incorporated, bankers of Pitts burg, Pa., who so successfully developed the TWIN FALLS NORTH SIDE PROJECT, TWIN FALLS SALMON RIVER PRO J EOT, and THE TWIN FALLS OAKLEY PRO JECT in Southern Idaho, comprising in all 300,000 acre. - The same opportunities for money-making that were given in Idaho will be seized by pi any in the Sacramento Valley Project. Price of land $125 per acre with water right. Very easy terms. Cash payment of only $15 per acre, other payments extending over 10 years. For literature and full information, ad dress SACRAMENTO VALLEY IRRIGATION CO. Department "A. Willows. California. Other offices Pittsburg, Pa.; Chicago, 111.; San Francisco, and Los Angeles, California. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLO. J M'CHACKSN. 304 McKay Ttlda, TIMBER claims, homesteads, relinquish ments. 219 Worcester t ldg. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lasds wanted. $04 McKay bldg. C J. Mc Crack so. FARMS WANTED. HAVE $S00 as payment on improved 10 to 15-acre farm close to electric car line. What have you? Give full particulars. N 7o, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. WANT lot from owner; must be reasonable. Call 30S Board of Trade. A 6 OR 7-room house at about $2500; must be easy terms. Phone Main 2uih. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. COMBINATION PONY Fine saddler, snow white. 850 lbs., for sale or trade; ai fine driving mare, standard bred, safe for lady to arlve; both bargains. Aiernii, long distance, Twelve-Mile, or on ice dJ4 oak. GOOD horse, weight 1250 lbs., gentle and good traveler, or will trade for kooq anv ing horse; dealers need not apply. Phone MPllWOOq 141. PANEL too delivery wagon, hand made. painted red. second hand. Price $40. Call at ine otby stables, 400 Flanders st. HAL B., 2-year-old futurity colt, wel! broke, for sale cheap, inquire 189 Morrison St., af terSunday. FOR SALE One team young well-matched norses, .-weigning iMn; one o-year-oid ae- livery mare.welghing 12O0. 22 Russell St. ONE heavy goose-neck furniture wagon, near ly new. A-l condition. Phone East 4304. DRIVING horse and buggy for sale. Pioneer Paint Co.,35 FjcsU . 6TALLS for rn. IluIto at Herrick'a Grocery, 55 Jefferson x v FOR SALE 50 ponies, at ulton stables. Taker FjJlton car, 2da. GOOD horse, harness and delivery wagon, $75. 674 Hood st Phono Main iSV FOR BALE. Horace Vehicles and Harness. WHY buy second-hand vehicles when you can get a new one from an old-established .wholesale house, 44 years In Oregon, at almost the same cost? We are located outside the high-rent district, own our building, and can make the price. Ex- rhlalvA a o-un to trr- t ho rl ET1 n 111 llnA of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv- f erv waicons. too buc tries, runabouts and farm wagons. Be sure and see us before you buy. It may save you money. R. M. WADE & CO.. 322 Hawthorne ave., bet. East 1st and "23. MULES MULES We are now located -MULES at the Portland Union Stockyards. We have on hand a good stock of mules weighing from 12u0 to 1400 lbs, that are f irst-cla&s in every particular; our prices are in line with the ties. Come and see us and we will convince you. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO Woodlawn 2-400. 2 MARES with colts by side, must be sold at once; can't keep them in city; the colts are Percheron bred; also pair 3-year-old mares, sound and gentle. I have left my team at 48 E. 24th st. and will sell them cheap; also set harness; this team will weigh 23oO and, are in good working, condition. Price $150 com plete. ONE chested gelding. 7 years old, 1 Studebaker buggy, one single harness, all in fine condition, the property of Mr. Geo. Flechle. Inquire or Kramer's sta bles, 15th and Alder sts. This first-class outfit must be sold on account of owner leaving town. - FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several ' delivery, farm, vegetable and inllk wagons for sale. Hawthorne-ave Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. GENTLE horse that a woman can ride or drive; also buggy and harness. Inquire Roberts Bros., 3d and Morrison. A MISSOURI MULES FOR SALE, 3 00 head, 1200 to 1500 lbs., suitable for railroad, logging and farm work. Mules at Freedman Bros.' barn, corner 13th and -Overton sts. Address Sparks & WiggAn . ton. Imperial im Hotel. FINE pair 5-year-old brown horses, weigh 2S40; $5."0, pair black geldings, 5 and i. weigh 2U50; $550, pair black and brown geldings, 5 and 8. weigh 2T0O; these horses are all sound and broke to work; must be sol d. Call at 334 Front st. . WE have several 6od horses for delivery work; all city broke and guaranteed; trial given; prices will suit; will weigh from 1075 to 1X00 lbs. Todd's sale barn. Front and Market. . J235 TAKES my fine driving rig, consisting of fine standard-bred pacing mare, safe for lady to drhre or ride; good rubber tired runabout and harness. 534 East 50th st., end to Hawthorne-ave. car. HUBERT & HALL'S STABLES. 3 SO Front St.. livery business, rigs, torses, harness, wag- ona, for wale or rent. Main 2203. Pianos. Organs and M usical Instruments. UPRIGHT piano Tn good condition for amount loaned and interest. U. S. Real Estate & Bkge. Co., room 312 Hamilton bldg. k CH ECK on Hovendan-Soule Piano Co. for $125 to sell reasonable. Phones A 5144, Matn5180. VIOLINS, brass, reed and string Instruments repaired. Any piece made to order. H. Godard, room 10. 142 Ifr 2d st. ; FOR SALE One hundred and twenty-five-dollar check to apply on . purchase of piano. Address 821 Rodney ave. PIANO check, value $200, for sale very cheap: make offer. AL 02, Oregonian. A BEAUTIFUL solid rosewood square piano, will sell clfeap. A 7US0. Birds, Dogs and Pet Mock. BOSTON bull, six months; he is a dandy; his came is Dandy; can catch a rubber iball and do great stunts: he is a family pet, but we are compelled to sell him; $15. Call up owner. Sellwood 116. THOROUGH BRED cocker spaniel pups, cheap. 52 4 North 15th st. Automobiles. WANT A GOOD SECOND-HAND CAR? Then look this iist over carefully. 1009 Oldsmobile touring car. fully equipped, good condition, ready to run and give good service, only $1000. 1009 Chalmers-Dei roit 40 roadster, has only been run 3000 miles; the paint on this car Is hardly scratched and all me chanical parts are practically good as new; it goes for $1600. Brand new Babcock electric Victoria, never been run a mile; all complete; $1450. 1009 Cadillac touring car. newly painted and in the pink of condition ; dirt cheap at S1250. 1 hese low prices are made to move the cars quickly; we need and must have the room thev occupy. COVEY MOTO& CAR CO.. 7th and Couch Sts. 4-CYLINDER"' -passenger Studebaker E. M, F. 30 auto, 1900 model, fully equipped and extras; Al condition; price, $1050; . no trades. AL 70. Oregonian. T-PASSENGER 60-H. P. Thomas Flyer, In good condition; just the car for stage line or livery; $1500 cash or Installments. West ern Auto Co., 531'Alder st. Will sell my 5-pass. automobile for only $150. Main 53S1, room 417, 326 ft Wash, street. - ESTABLISHED automobile business for sale or will sell half interest to right party. AB 77. Oregonian. 7-PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE Fine big machine, for sale or trade. Merrill, long distance. TweWe-Mile, or office 334 Oak. WILL exchange lot, free and clear, restrict ed district, for runabout in good condition; value $H. W 68, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. . FOR SALE Trays, carriages, graders and other nxtures oi a iu-ion prune oner, a, ereat bareain: auick sale desirable: build ing being dismantled. Call or write to the Mosier Fruit Growers' Association. Mosier, Or. HOGS Young thoroughbreds. 50 averaging 150 lbs. each, increasing pouna per day; will sell one or all of them on their feet. Merrill, long-distance Twelve-Mile, or of flce 334 Oak. 30 HEAD of certified dairy cattle and re tail route; write or can j. u. fearson, rt. F. D. 2, Box 124. A good chance to buy a money-maker. FOR SALI-3 Chandler & Price 23-lneh, hand cutter. Chandler & Price 10x15 platen press, used 18 months; a bargain. Allen Eaton, Eugene, Or FOR BALE Showcase, wallcases. counters. cbeap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East ftda. FOR SALE Diver's pump, complete sub marine diving outfit. S. W. Bailey, 3S7 East Washington. TWO houseboats and launch for sale, reas onable. Inquire of "lien," across from the Oaks. 22-FOOT launch, $250, everything complete In first-class condition. -J. A. Kelly, JWoodlawn 13S8. STOCK of decorations, novelties. Jewelry, re turn balls, canes, pennants, etc 472 Wash- Jngton st. SAFES NEW AND SECOND-HAND. All sizes; low prices; easy terms. PORTLAND SAFE COMPANY. 87 5th St. SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines; liberal terms: $10 to $00. Northwest Type wrlter Co.. M. 8870. 222 Abln g ton bidg. BL1CKENSDERFER T V1E WK1TER3, $60. Ask for catalog. Rebuilt $15 up, N. M.Bay terCo..06tbal. Main 632aL FOR SALE CHEAP Fine portable folding organ; also small baby upright - piano. 520 W as h in gton. Phon e M ain S4 5 S. FOR SALE Chatham vacuum house cleaner with electric motor; guaranteed; $50. In- quire cor. L'nlon ave. and East Yamhill. BICYCLE, Crescent, for sale cheap. JS j. liiamooa. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. 231 Stark St. Main 1407. NOTES and mortgages bought and sold. Nsy tlonal Credit Asa'p. 601 Worcester b ldg. 400 BUSINESS CARDS $1 if you bring this a4 Rose City Prlntery. 124 3d. near Taylor. FINE insulated cooler for sale cheap. Ale tTledman, 295 1st. BHOVVCASK3. new and second-hand Everett, cor 6th. Also fixtures. VIOLINS, ban Joe mandolins, guitars at hall regular prices. uncle flayers, il Ota su $125 CHECK on Hovenden-Soule Piano Co. $15. AE 88, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANT to let contract to clear 20 to 100 acres land. Donkey outfit preferred, v anduyn A anon, oio vnamoer or commerce. WANTED Six teams to haul sand and (travel Phone East 4526 or 402 Mississippi ave. M. ei. urreu. fcELL your second-hand furniture to me ora Auction vjo. or you u get lesa y nones A o :aoainowaj.. WANTED 2 or 4-H. P. second-hand sta tionery gasoline engine in good working oruer. cor. n.aat lamniu ana union ave. SPOT oaih paid for your furniture; prompt sttention always given, truna h.at 1007. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand shoes sn.i pinthpi rnnne Marshall 19-'H. WANTED Moving picture machine, films. etc. am. id. wregonian. SUMMER home In country for children con- WANTED MISlFXLANEOra. L REFINED, educated young woman, keeping house for aged father in country short dis tance from Portland, wishes to board and care for 2 children; city references. Ad dreys P. O. Box 709. Portland. WANTED. CLOTHING. Highest price paid for men's rsst-o!I clothing, and shoa The Globe Second hand stcre. 200 First. Main 2080. We also V"" dteg' 1otnr "WANTED Men's cast-off clothing svad shoes; we also buy household furnishings: highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Peal.' 02 N. 3d st. Mala 9273. WANTED To buy or rent half or three fourths yard orange peel bucket. Inter national Contract Co., E. 12th and Irving sts. Phone East 745. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Able bodied men for the U. S. Marine Corps, between the ages of 13 and S5: must be native born or have first pa pers. Monthly pay $15 to $6. Additional compensation posslbia. Food, clothing. Quarters and medical attendance free. After 30 years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at Breeden bldg.. Port land. Or. FOR THE COPPER RIVER & N. W.R. R-, CORDOVA, , ALASKA. V 1O00 white laborers for surfacing and general railroad construction work; wages JM.S3 per day. Fare from Seattle to the work, $15. Next shipments, July 1. M. J. HENE Y. Pier 2. Seattle. Wash. 10C0 MEN-to know that I sell men's suits , at less than wholesale price. How do I , do it? I buy manufacturers" samples and cancellation orders and sell them in an of fice building, l the rent of a ground-tioor store; sell 35 to $40 suits, $lS.7o, $1& to $J2.50 suits, $12. 7o. Knew Sample Suit Shop, room 313 Oregonian bldg. Jim ml D un n,M gr. TWO hands, Germans preferred, to work .on farm In the Willamette Valley; one single, one married r-ti j objection to orderly chil dnn; wages $40 per month; steady Jobs for right men; house with running water, fuel, milk and garden furnished ; work for woman if desired. Apply Monday, 27th. after 9:30 A. M-, at room 419 Fall.ng t'lag.. i nira sc MEN wanted for firemen and brakemen on nearby railroads; age 18 to 35; experience unnecessary; no strike; oermanent employ ment; firemen $100 monthly, brakemen $75; promotion to engineers, conductors; 400 men sent to positions monthly: state age; send Btainp. r.aiiway ASscci a tion, c are uregonian. WANTED A good washer, also to- starch and polish If necessary, small laundry, but must turn out first class work, steady work and good wages to man that h not afraid to work:. No boozer or bums need apply. Dallas Steam Laundry, Dallas, Oregon. WANTED Saddlemaker to take charge of department; must be able to do own cut ting, fancy stamping, etc., one who can make chaps, cuffs, etc., preferred, union shop, sieauy work; state wages desired. . AN 91, Oregonian. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 35 North 4th st.. Portland. Or. m -T. M. C. A. The friend of the young man and stranger; hearty welcome and good counsel are yours without cost. Constant demand for men who can do something well. Special employment membership as , sures employment. Investigate before you Invest. BOOKKEEPER and office man for city representatives; my novel advertising con tract will dress you for 1 year WITHOUT COST; liO openings for men holding re sponsible positions. HEIMBACH IDEA, 201 Stark st. WANTED. " Independent or nonunion Machinists. UNITED METAL TRADES ASS'N, 222 Commercial Club Bldg. A FIRST-CLASS opening for a good sales man accustomed to dealing with business and professional men. if you are alive here's your chance. Address AJ 73, Ore gonian. WANTED Two first-class high-grade wire less stock salesmen. Only those who can deliver the goods need answer. A-l con tract that will net $300 per month upward to producers. L 75, Oregonia n A NUMBER of men wanted who think they can sell oil stock at 25c per share. The right men can make big money, as this is a gilt-edge proposition. &!1 Board of Trada bldg. rDRT GOODS Experienced fancy goods man to take cnarge or notion, nooon ana lace department; &lve references and state sal ary. Apply Daly Bros.. Eureka. Cal. WANTED Honest partner to Insert ecrual amount In moving-picture theater; have fine location ; no opposition. Newman, SliOVi Washington st. bet. 10th and 17th. "INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE " SCHOOLS. Call or send for new catalogue, answer p ape r , etc.2Q7 Marquam b Id g. - WE want 4 men who can sell real estate; line proposition to good men. See Mr. Crowe, 10-12 A. M. Jno. P. Sharkey Co., 6th and Washington. PLUMBERS and steam fitters First-class re liable open-shop men; good wages regular work. Addre&s Wm. E. Holmes, Sec, Se attle, Wash; WANTED Experienced man for general work in family liquor store; one who knows city preferred. Brunn & Co., 1st and Alder. ivtNG MEN wanted to prepare tor railway mail clerks, postoffice clerks, carriers, eta Write or call for Book 30. it's free. Paclno States School. McKay bldg.. Portland. Or WELL-EDUCATED young man required as stenographer; must be quick at figures. Good prospects. Write full particulars. AN 75, Oregonian. PARTY to take camp boarding-house, SX) iiiKu , ouiii a. ii linn nanus, fo.ov; con centrator man, $2 and board. Pioneer Employment Co.. 1 0 North Second. MACHINISTS, call at 270 V6 Alder st. be- rore accepting positions in city. strike on for 8 hours. Ed Carlson, business agent. RAILWAY mall clerks, city earners, clerks; Portland, examinations announced July lo. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, Depi. 271P. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Shlnglers; none but first-class gauae men need apply Address J. J. Bradtield, 3018 North jatlt su, Tacoma, Wash. WANTEJB Sash and door machine men; good wages, and sreaay employment the year around. Address ox 4J. Belllngharn, Wash S A LES M EN I f you wan t to hand le so me- thtng good and make good money call at ai .Hoard or xraae Dtag. GOOD second cook, $100 per month; three gooa waiters. per ween. Olympus inn. WANTElf-Barber; rent or work on 60 per cent. Aaaress roriiana iiotei, Lmig WANTED Bright. energetic young man. smaii capita, i requirea. axa1 washing- ton, room, tio. LEARN to drive automobile, only $3: Ias- sons day or evening. 326 Mi Washington, i tnj m !-, m a. vi main oosi. EXPERIENCED spinners wanted; steady wt-Tjt. Appij ruriiaou yv ooien JU.ll is. fat- $18 TO $35 week few months only learnlna situations guaranteed. Vatchmaking-En- gravmg acnooi, rsox iga. yBtiiand, Or. DRY GOODS MAN Experienced man for do mestic department. Apply. tatJng references and salary. Dcly Bros., Eureka. WANTED Experienced lumber grader for planing mill on night shift. Multnomah Lumber & Box Co. WANTED Shoe shiner in barber shop; col- ored boy. lolMa Grand ave. WANTED Man to do general work in second-hand furniture store. AM 94, Jre- gonian. . WANTED Elevator Loy, over 18 years. Ho tel Lenox. . BARBER wanted; a good man. steady lob. ie..- N. Gth st. BARBER wanted ; first-class; steady job. Portland Barber Shop. WANTED Ironworkers for bench work. 404 Davis St. WANTED Pick and shovel men, 30c per hour. East 12th and Irving sts. WEAVERS wanted at once. Apply Port land Woolen Mills, St. Johns. Or. METAL lathers, building laborers, cement mixer. E. Pine & 11th. EXPERIENCED platen pressfeeder; steady work. Klelst & Schuele. 123 First st. WANTED 2 boys to work In factory. Car man Mfg. Co. , 18th a n d U p s h u r. MEN for factory near Portland; married men preferred. 3.",9 Sherlock bldg. , PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents; new offer. Cutberth. studio D ek umb ldg. HIGH-CLASS commercial salesman wanted. 215 Commercial bldg. TEAMS T E R wanted. Park and FTand era. 'all for Mr. Jacobs. ELEVATOR boy wanted. Sargent Hotel, "wthorne and Grand ave. Al BUSINESS man as salesman and col elector. Address AM 76, Oregonian. SALESMEN, all lines bookkeepers, sten ographers. 313 H Washington, room 18. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Good reliable dressmeker to take charge of dressmaking department; would consider partnership; not any capital re quired. Must give security. This dress making is In connection with the best tailor shop In Portland. Dressmaking to be apart from tailorings The best loca tion in town. Would give reliable girl charge of It and interest in same. W 7L Oregonian. WANTED at once, young ladies to learn to weave woolens, flannels and blankets; good wages can be earned within a short time bx those who will apply themselves; every consideration shown' to steady workers. Apply at once to superintendent, Portland Woolen Mills. St. Johns. Oregon. SALES girl wanted,' 16 to 18; must be re spectable and have first-class references; others need not come. Apply mornings, from 8 to 9. Postal Shop, 3234 Wash ington at. LADY stenographer and bookkeeper wanted, one who is neat, accurate and can be relied upon to guard the interest of her employer. AQ72,Oregonian. . WANTED Girl for general -housework by July ii; must be good, experienced cook; family of two; no sweeping: give refer ences. Address AL 60, Oregonian. WANTED Middle-aged lady to work In boarding house for her and her husband's room and board 1214 Bussell sU Phone East 387S. ? WANTED Honest partner to Insert equal amount in moving-picture theater; have fine location ; no opposition. Newman, 5'2(iVi Washington st. bet. 16th and l?th. GIRL for general housework; must be good cook; best wages; modern 7-room house, family of three, no children. 800 North- rup at., corner 24th. 'm SUMMER school for shorthand and type writing; day and evening classes; po sitions guaranteed; enroll now. 030 Worcester bldg. FIRST-CLASS experienced a la carte wait ress for the new Dalles Hotel at The Dalles, Or. Meet our representative at Hotel Se- ward. Monday, after lO A. M. WANTED Mfrfdie-aged woman of refinement to assist with housework and care of child; permanent position, home and reasonable wages. Phone Woodlawn 403. " FIRST-CLASS girl for general housework m family of three adults; a desirable position, good wages. Apply at 835 Overton t-, . rornfr of 2."t h. COMPETENT girl for general housework; must be good cook; well-paying position In suburban home. Phone Main 3398 or A 7734. WANTED At once, reliable girl or woman for general housework; must be good plain cook; good wages. Apply 8M Union ave. North. Phone C 3 IPS, Woodlawn 137. TWO competent girls for general housework. In two suburban homes, located 15 min utes ride from city, references Phone A 7734 or Main 3598. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 6264 Washington St.. Room 307. Main or A 3206. WANTED Kenned, canabie woman for re sponsible position. Vlavi Co.. ttott RotJs child bldg.. 4th and, Washington. EXPERIENCED clc4k saleswoman; steady position and good salary. Apply, giving ref erences, to Daly Broy., Eureka. WANTED A girl for general housework; one who unaerstanas cooking. call A 7658. " WANTED Girls who want steady work In all or our departments. . Yale Laundry Co.. 500 E. Morrison. FIRST-CLASS cook; three in family. Phone Main 29o7 or call 581 Jackson, Portland Heights. WANTED A capable girl for general house- worK. Appiy at izx jonnson st; iu to iz A. M or 7 to 8 P. M. WANTED Girl for general housework for Summer at beach; in jamily. Phone East 2U52 or Main 1046. GIRL wanted ; housework, cooking ; small family grown people; wages $30. 570 Hoyt. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 H Washington St., Cor. 7th, Upstairs. ir'none aiam WANTED Head waitress; also two exper ienced waitresses, ine mu. zza ana waah- lngtou sta.- WANTED Girl for general housework; no children; evenings free. Apply 408 Mont gomery. TEX trustworthy ladies to travel for manu facturing company; salary $ ft month, city $2.50day. Rooxn9. 240 Holladayave: WAIST and skirt makers; dressmaking department; first-class only need apply. H. B. Litt, 351 Washington st. GIRL to do general housework, 6-room bun galow, 3 aauits; wages so. oux iast 2utn North. phone C 1200. GIRL for general housework; family of 2; Eastern uregon. Call i28 Irving st., mornings: wages. AN experienced girl for second work; one that will go with ramiiyto beach tor Summer, 304 Yamhill. t YOUNG lady who has had experience as bookkeeper ana stenographer by automo hile concern AL 89. Oregonian. AMBITIOUS, energetic woman over 25 for position with wholesale house. Experience unnecessary. AB 7y, Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework, must be good cook; i in ramiiy. Mrs. N icolal, 051 Melinda ave., head of Joh nson su GIRL for general housework. 054 Ravens- view drive, Portland Heights. Main 735 or A 1667. FINISHERS and operators on men's neck wear. Columbia Neckwear -Mrg. Co., 2U1 Stark at. HOUSEKEEPER for widower, two small boys A. J. Henderson, 1721 Berkley St., St. Johns car toMcKenna ave. s WANTED A cook, a helper and a cham bermaid In a boarding-house. 350 Glisan street. WOMAN Experienced In home bakery. Call nt :M) East 11th, corner Harrison. $25 WANTED, girl, general housework, 212 East'Oth . Tabor 1 7 08 , B 1 63 4 . .. BON BON dipper wanted. Coff man's, 350 Washington st. DINING-ROOM girl at Winter's Restaurant, 230 First st; WANTED Practical nurse for out of town hospital: wages $25. Call 31 N. 16th st. WAITRESS wanted. 14th st. Stein's Restaurant, 122 2 GOOD, live women solicitors; good money. See R. M. Plummer. 260 3d st. WANTED Competent girl for general house work : wages $30. 461 Haggalo gt. GIRL for general housework. 425 Tilla mook. C 1416. E 1416. GIRL for general housework, two In family; good cook, good wages. 269 N. 22d. EXPERIENCED telephone girl. Oregon Creamery Co.. 1 30 Second st. WANTED Experienced second girl. Apply to Mrs. C. H. Lewis. 19th and Glisan sts. WANTED Girl for general houpowork. July Pt the beach. Phone East o9S6. GIRL to assist general housework. Call Monday. 186 North 17th. HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co., 2d and Columbla- GOOD cook, first" class, private boarding house, at once. 374 Park st. GIRL for housework, 393 Clifton St., corner Tenth. WANTED Good girl for housework, small family adults. 739 Kearney gt. WANTED Girl for housework, small fam- i 1 y 69 6H oyt st. WANTED First-class waitress at Moore's Re.staurant. 148 ftth St. WANTED Dining-room girl at 163 12th and Morrison. ' WANTED Experienced girl for general house- w ork. Apply room 201 Oregon la n bid g LESSONS In Shorthand and Typewriting by 'expert; $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893. -GIRL wanted for shooting gallery, $3 2 per week. 69 3d st. GIRL for cooking and assist at housework; good wages. Appiy uaj naisey. WANTED Waitress at once. 291 34th st.- North. GOOD girl for general housework. 372 14th street. GIRL to assist in housework; small family 852 OVerton st. - WANTED Girl for general housework. 260 Grand ave.. cor. Multnomah. WANTED Middle-aged woman to work in lagging camp. 112S Hawthorne av e. WANTE first-class ladies' tailors, li'flu. rth 3t. A Llpman. IRL for general housework; good wares rrtS E. loth. North. s - GIRL for general housework; pleasant room , 174 East 15th. (jlKlj lor general nouseworK; experience not necepary. 257 North 22 d, cor. Northrup. GIRL for housework. 702 Northrup. WANTED Chambermaid. 42 North 4th st. WANTED Good cook. 274 N. 23th st. WANT a waitress. 227 Alder st. sXELP WANTED MALI? OR FEMAtB. E. B. U. MAKE stenographers happy with good positions. '630 Worcester bidg. FOR private hoarding-house, dishwasher, pan try girl, waitress. 735 Hoyt st. F1SK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good positions to A-4. instructor - 611 SweU&ad. SITUATION WANTED MAT.K. HooSskeuerw anil Clerks. SALESMAN, desires position In general store; ten years experience in all branches; married, age 32, three years as manager; can take charge or part Inter est and invest up to $2500; solicits corres pondence with party desiring good, com petent man ; A-l references and indorse- me nts furnished. W 58, oregonian. WANTED Position by young man stenog rai her and. bookkeeper, with ten years experience. Aaaress i. a. xuiiuii, rcuci m delivery. Portland. EXPERT accountant wants small set of books to keep; books opened, closed, bal anced. Terms reasonable. E 83. Ore gonian. THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper and all-around office man desires position where efficient services will gain pro- motion. Best references. E 82, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, 27 years old. with eight years experience and has first-class references, desires position. Y SO, Oregonian. , EXPERIENCED stenographer, railroad, real estate, lumber; will substitute. T 80, Ore onian. Ml see 1 1 an eon s. YOUNG man, handy and a good worker, would like to learn cooking; would work " for small wages in nice place. R 88, Ore- gonian. A YOUNG man of 30, good habits, steady, in dustrious, conscientious worker, lO years general office and business experience, de ires position. L 68, Oregonian. CHaV'FFEUR wants position with private family; 3 years experience; good me chanic; have first-class references. L 77, Oregonian. , A JAPANESE cook wants a position in first class family or Summer hotel; working. O 77. Oregonian. - , SITUATION A Japanese boy wants a few , hours' work 1n the morning; till 10 A. M. Apply 231 Burnside. YOUNG Japanese wants position housework wlih garden work. R 87. Oregonian. JAPANESE family cook wants position at Summer resort. M. 0361. 121 N. 15th. JAPANESE bov wants position for house work and help cook. AK 04, Oregonian. CARPENTER does new or repair work. Main 3203. SITUATION W A N TE D FEMAXJk Bookkeepers and Stenographers. COMPETENT stenographer with experience desires permanent position. Y 75, Ore . gonian. STENOGRAPHER Six years' exuperience, would like position In lumber or law of c e. Address AJ 77. Q r e g on 1 a n . FIRST-CLASS young lady stenographer desires position; three years' experience; reference. tl Ho. Oregonian. Dressmakers. DESIGNER from tho East will make suits or dresses for special low prices' to Intro duce work. The Westminster, or. 6th and Madison. Matn 65S2j p ANGELES Dressmsklng Parlors. 326 Wash lng ton st . , suite 216. MalnfrS2.A63Sl. WANTED Plain and stylish dressmaking. 302 E. OOtll Bt. FIRST-CI ASS seamstress by the day. Phone Tabor W0S. Mrs. Muckler. 430 Columbia st. A 479. Norses. KIND, motherly lady wishes care of small children. 426 E. Market st; , Houekccper. WANTED Position as housekeeper for wld owner or invalid, care of children, nurse or companion, by middle-aged widow with 11-year-old boy; no objection to country; references.AddressAG70, Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER wants position with fam ily going to the beuch; good cook. Main 9L08. Miscellaneous. A GIRL, attending business college wishes a good place to work for room and board. Address 621 E. Washington St., cor. loth. Phones B 1704. E. 2552. . A MIDDLE-AGED lady wants housekeeper's position In a widower's home, 1 or 2 chil dren. . Call or address Mrs. A. E-, 20S Mill at.. Portland. TUTOR Private lessons In work of any- of the grades; very best Qualifications and references. Miss Smith. 390 Clay st. A 4479. WANTED Washing and ironing by the day. Mrs. Strom, 228 v est ave. L CE curtains washed and stretched, called for and delivered. Main 3965. WOM AN wishesr cleaning and other work by itne-nay. main .m. v -n A GOOD woman wants work Dy me aiy. Phone East 2412. wanted Agents. AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-growa nursery stock Is in demand ; sales this season will be immense; a flattering op portunity ; cash paid weekly; outiit free. Salem Nursery Co.. Salom. Or. irTTVR canvassers can make $50 per week easllv selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Co., Orenco, Or. Qood territory open; lib eral proposition. ijau or wruo 10 uin. ur. AGENTS wanted to aid us upply th de mand for choice nursery stock; outfit lree; casta weekly. Address Capital Cltjr Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. WANTED TO RENT. Bouses. WEJ ARE having calls for houses and flats but have nothing vacant, where we collect thA rfnt and looK. after the property (which we can do cheaper than you can). We make no charge for renting your house. Better let us how you now we ao n. ouum Agency. 105 Sherlock Bldg. Main 8954. WAN'lED To rent a nicely furnished house of 4 or $ rooms, with Darn ana pnonei wa'king distance or po to nice. vo, Oregonian. WANT to rent for a year or longer, a new five or six-room bungalow; responsible parties. AL 86. Oregonian. JFOKJRENT Rooms. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MiLXEP. BLDG.," 359 MORRISON ST. MODERN, C EN T K A L, itKA SO A 131-. JfuniUhed Rooms. Homelike, Ho me use. He mails. "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. NEW SCOTT HOTEL' 7th and Ankeny 01. Free was tneir depot carrUg. I took It on the spot; There amy be othur houses Just as good But S guess BOX. i Aqulet home for, qnlet people. THB BARTON, 13th and ' Alder, ts now un dergoing a thorough renovation; 7o steam peated, electrlu-lignted room, all outside. Kates Ibc cay; $lu mouth up. Suites wits, runaicg water $20 month up. Puonos a4 . b"p tree. HOTEL SAVON Eleventh bu New modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold wa ter in rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Rates very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. HOTEL BAK.BR. Fifth st., upp. City Hall. Phone Marshall 666 New. beautifully XumUhed. hot, cold water in every room, publio and private baths ; perm an en t, transien u HOTEL SA-KiiENT. Cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne Phone East 291, connecting every roora. Private baths, elevator, first-class grill. Special rates by week or month. American, or European. 1 raasl" n t se ol lclted. NICELY furnished rooms, also unfurnished basement rooms. The Mercedes, Jt5 Stout, near 2oth and Washington. Phone A 3346. Main 904. HOTEL IRVING. 312 Oak at., corner Sixth. Large, light, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, electric lights, running water; low rates. HOTEL BUSHMAHK. Washington aad 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern coa- vcnlencfcs: $3 weekly up. A 2647. M.. 6647. THE BEAVER. 12th and Msrshali sta, wall lurnished sleeping rooms 2.5i per week; tlectrlc lights, hot baths free. IrfE MANSION Elegantly furnished rooms, modern, beautiful grounds, suitable for gentieman.jy alklng distance, 6th-Jefferson. YOU WILL BE ' PLEADED. "M1LNER BLDG. 3iH MOKRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL, REASONABLE. MODERN outside rooms, $2.50 to $3 per week, including baths; also housekeeping rooms. &48 Washington st. . APPLICATIONS received for rooms in build ing formerly occupied by Arlington Club, Alder and V. Park. Address P. O. Box 223. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; nw " furniture, telephone and baths free. 321 i Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Ea:es. THE GAYOSA. " - Grand ave. and E. Stark. Modern, $2.50 up- FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place formerly Elton Court Anaex. 414 YamoiU and 11 to FOR RENT. Pumihed Rooms. LNGELA HOTEL 625 W ashlngtoa street, between 19th and 2otJx Just completed, tbe cosiest. completes! and up-to-datest resdden co hotel in th s city. The ground floor office Is finished la real mahogany, marble and tile, is spacious and handsoms; elevator service, private telephone ex change, steam heat, hot and cold water "" In all rooms, many with baths and wall beds, and is splendidly furnished. The rent la very moderate, rrooms fnom $15 per month up. . Why not get the best for your money? Now open, rooms by the day, week or month. Pooae M axs hull 1960. HOTEL MEDFORD. t BLOCK FROM UNION DEPOT. JUST OPENED; tew, MODERN brick building; fine large ground-aoor office; hot and cold running water tn -all rocms; steam heated; private oaths; very richly furnished. Rates only $3 and up par week; 50o up per day. Call and see us. Northeast corner Fifth. snd Glisan sta COSY. HOMELIKJa. COM. FORT ABLE. HOTEL ANSONIA. 124 14th, Cor. Washington St. Everything new; large airy rooms, sin gle and with Bath; telephone In every room, service free ; rates by the day, week or month; also unfurnished rooms-. MRS. JOSIS SMITH, Manager. Furnished Rooms -in Private Family. WIDOW lady living aione who is building oeautuui new home, would like gentleman and wife oi two gentlemen to room and board in Kose City Park; thLs home is strictly privat end modem, new furnishings and home cooking. Ad areas G. S. B., Post offlce Box 61 tf. city. LARGE, beautifully furnished front room with alcove; also small room; all conven- iences.223 W est Park, near Salmon. COMFORTABLE quarters for quiet gentle man; nicely furnished, rtgnt atmobpnere. Phone Main5332. FOR KENT Large front room with modern conveniences. lZtf East- 12ih st.. corner Morrison. Phone East 2S01. VERY nicely furnished room In modern steam- heated flat, with every convenience. Phone A 4070. TWO elegant furnished rooms, one withs al cove; steeping porch if desireo. pnone ana bath. 23Q N. ISth. LARGE, well furnished bay-window room. private, walking distance, 2iUVa 22d St., N. FURNISHED rooms in private family. 248 . -jyn n. .Main ao-ii. . FOR RENT Two newly furnished rooms'; phone and bath, loo North 2Uth st. FURNISHED rooms; modern conveniences; walking distance. North 16th at. NICELY-furnlshed front room with board for two gentlemen. 00 w iiiiumi avenua. Sod llth Largo well-furnished room, 1 or 2 gentlemen; reasonaDie. NICELY furnished rooms, reasonable; bath. walking distance. t4i4seconq st. Via R Y pleasant rooms, every convenience, walking distance. Main 3312. 361 loth st. NICELY furnished rooms, close in. 214 13th Bt.. cor, salmon. Unfurnished Rooms. SUITE of two unfurnished housekeeping rooms. $i.2. per weeK eacn; gas plates fur nished. Belmont Apartments. 4SO Bel mont st. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. "MILDER BLDG.," 300i MORRISON ST. MODERN, CE N T R AL, REASONAB LE. FOUR very fine unfurnished rooms for rent. Phone iast tdti. Koomn Witn boars. ROOMS with board, $6 per week; home comforts: 4 minutes' walk rrom postor flee; phone and bath free; rooms without board, $2 and up. The Lindell, 267 Mar- Ket st. ROOM ANDBOARb for"la"dlesand gentlemen; nicely furnished rooms with running water, with or without board, at The Hazel, 3S5 3d st.. corner Montgomery. POhTLAND Women's Union. 23d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and library. 610 Flanders sc. Miss Frances N. Heath, upt. ROOMS, with board; rates reasonable. The W aldorf,14713thst.Main 2118. THE CONCORD. Choice accommodations. 452Morrison, cor.13th; walking distance. RoomsWith Board ln Private Family. ROOMS with board, private boarding-house, a home for workingmen, terms reasonable. 20 minutes' walk from outiness center. East 722. SO E. 8th St.. N. NICELY furnished front room. running water, beautiful grounds. Ideal place for Summer; exceptional boar a, uu Hiast oia rt.. corner Washington. East ldi'U. NICELY furnished rooms, with board: suit able for two gentlemen; terms reasonable. 34S College at. SUNNY room, with boarJ, home cooking. walking distance, for couple or 2 young men. 000 E. Mam st. jj ow. Tt,HRn and room, elegant narlor suites with piano; good home cooking, reasonable. 191 tievenca, near x mnniu.ruuii aitttiiuiu.j. ROOM with or without board to young man; light, airy room, easy walking distance, homecooking; references. 363 13th t. TO communicate with gentleman desiring to Join bachelors' co-operative nouseKeep lng club: references. D 47, Orcgoqlan. LARGE front suit, with board; newly fur nished, electric lights and running water; also single room. .'Ja st. FURNISHED room and board. Main st. Phone Main 43S4. Apply 564 LARGE front room with board. 515 Morrison st., corner loth. NEWLY furnished rooms, with board. 595 East Oak, corner iotn. uit. BOARD and room for two; single beds, home cooking. 11 llth. near lamniu. CHOICE, airy rooms, select board, home- like, reasonable. 761 Marsnait st. 653 WASHINGTON ST. Room and board large room, suitable ror two men NICELY furnished roo'ms In beautiful home, with board ; excellent table. 754 Hoyt. La rgb room with board, home cooking. all conveniences. 107 16th, near Flanders. ROOM and board for 2, $25 each. Main 5486. Apartments. ao? WASHINGTON ST. Best 3-room apart ments in city; all rooms outside; . janitor service, hot and coia water, iree pnones, heat and conveniences of a mouern apart me nt;rent reasonable. CECILIA APARTMENTS, 22d and Glisan 2 and 3 room apartments, new 4-story brick just completed, all modern conven iences, each apartment has private outside balcony, rentreasonaoie. JULY 1. Beautiful unfurnished 5-room front nnartment with all modern conveniences; steam beat, hot and cold water, phone, gas range, refrigerator, gas. electric ngnw iu.ii nor service, eic rnone a aim, WELLINGTON COURT, beautiful 2, 3 and 4 -room furnished apartments, steam heat, lree phone, janitor service and rent rea sonable. 15th and Everett sts. Phone Main 1245. THB HKRYLfi APARTMENTS. Strictly modern, large rooms and three closets to every apartment; cool and airy for bummer. owa xovjojr su iui w car. "ONEONTA" APARTMENTS, 17 17th, near YamhlU (W car at depot). 2, 3 and 4 -room furnished suites; hot and cold, phones and batn free, 2 per month, $5 per wes and up- Main 46'J7. A 4 39. HANOVER APARTMENTS, cor. King and Washington sts., 8-room apartments, have vrv modern convenience, including steam beat, hot water, private bath, free phones and jamtorservicc ; rent. wy n-aunKOH. FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, modern in every particular y steam-heated, hot water. Janitor services, with lirst-clajis furnishings. Apply to Janitor. 60S K.ear- neysL ; TrrR RENT 4-room furnished apartment. including piano for July and August; 3 minutes' walk from postoffice; no chil dren. Pbqne Main 54"u; Main 5o32 n-u it- wF.STFAL. 410 5th St.. furnished and unfurnished apartments; private baths and phone; elevator and janitor service; rents reasonaDie. r a v. . . , v . , X.- r . A U 1 W 'P V V T" v-.lfABnlnff In JMlttea. X I '2. an4 nn. hot water, free bat ha, flrst-ciass. 631 STEAM -HEATED 5-room apartment, mod ern and desirable; 525 Everett sL Appiy M.OrfcLJl iviuuv. ww awmv wm tobl4 . extra large, lifcht rooms. Inquire Tabor th k. i.KONf E Apartments. 386 North 22d. between Johnson and Kearney, Just opened in 3-room suites, completely lurmsnea. biy 4-room apartment, furnished, rea. snnahle. Westminster, 6th and Madison r Apt, a. Tel. aiain oioo. rwRTOPA. 18th and Flanders, modern . room unfurnished apartments. Apply to janitor. r rt CLAIR 715 Wayne St. six room, mori ern apartment, two porches choicest loca- tion in cu y. leiepnune aiam 3U. $20 AND 23, 2. 3 and 4 rooms, with bath, Xurnisnea ma umurninea, cnoice loca- THE GAYOSA. Modern furnished apartments. East 5465. KING HILL APARTMENTS. King and Wayne ,ts. Apply to janlton UN Fu K.Ni&Htu o-room apartment; rent flo. xaa.uixe aorjici mi FOB KENT. Apartments. THE LOIS APARTMENTS, 704-706 Hoyt St., Between 21st and 22d. New brick apartment house will be) ready for ocoupancy July 1. Two. 3 and 4 room suites, completely furnished- extra large rooms, especially desirable fair Sum mer, being equipped with electric and fire less cookers, built-in ice boxes, electrio lifts, large sleeping porches. The best equipped house in city; reference required For reservations phone Marshall 1S4L THE BANNER APARTMENTS. 489 Clay st.. second house from 14trw the only modern completely furnished 2 roora apartment-house in the city; house and elegant furniture, brand new ; Just opened for business; steam heat, electrio light, hot and cold water in every apart ment; private phone, bath : walking dis tance. $lS-$25. Inducing light. See them now before they are gone and take your choice. Marshall 2074. THE PAGE APARTMENTS, E, Sth an Bumalae; new brick, opened the 1st of May; 8-room apartments, elegantly furnished ; ail modern conveniences, including steam heat, private phone, private bath, hot and cold water, reception hall, bay windows, fire place, laundry and steam drier in basement: automatic freight elevator. Janitor service; rent reasonable, a few unfurnished apart nients. Phune B 101s. ORDELE1GH APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand ave, and Stark St. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. New fireproof brick building, beautiful ly furnished two and three-room apart ments, private baths., wall beds, larsja clothes closets; plenty of hot water; fium mer rates. Phone & 300. HEINZ apartments, 14th and Columbia; 4 diocks south from Morrison st-; new ones; bullaing, completely first-class; furnished In 2. 3 and 4 room family apartments, private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator free phone, janitor service; rent from $25 per month and up. KEELER APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay. nn est j and 4 room suites in the city, pri vate baths and phones, steam heated, hot. and cold water, disappearing beds. Gar land stoves, porcelain lined refrigerators. electric elevator; $3o to$50 per month. THE RE-TKAN APARTMENTS. Elaborately furnished. 3-rooxu apartments all modern conveniences, large shady lawn, cool verandas. Janitor; ' rents reasonable, walking distance. 024 Marshall U; taksi "W" car. Main tt032 or A 3191. FINE 4-roora basement apartment, heat, hot water, e tc. 32 month. boa a landers. flats. -ROOM FLAT, on Ella St., Just off Wash ington; modern ana elegantly xurnisnea. Including $700 piano and player; will rent from July 6 to Sepu 6. Phone Main li6. Main 5026. FOR RENT New and. strictly modern S-i room fiats on 20th and Laurel sta.. iron-i land Heights; rent $40. Apply WAKEFIELlA FRIES ft CO , i5 Fourth St. , FOR RENT Good 5-room flat. 487 DavU st.; rent $20. Apply WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO.. S5 Fourth St. , SIX-ROOM UPPER FLAT. New, modern, attic room; best location In city. Inquire 175 16th, West Side, cor. Y amhUL FOUR-ROOM FLAT with modern con veniences ; choice location. near car, adults. $16. 2S0 Beech su Inquire at 7b0 Williams ave. . FINE modern upper flat of 7 rooms; choice location. 172V 23d St., near jonnsou St.. rent $35. C. H. Korell. 50 Stark. FURNISHED 4-roDm flat, steam heat. walking aistance ; reasonable rent, vuuiei Drug Co. Main 792. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. Main Jois, A iua. au covvrea nns, all experienced men FOR RENT Twb new, modern lower flats of six rooms eacn: uiso uupib ut rooms each. E. 17th and Belmont sts. FOR RENT 4-room modern flat. Inquirer 62S Williams ave. rnona . . 739 OVERTON ST. Modern flat, 6 eunny: rooms; cnoice iochuwm. MODERN 5-room fiat, 5th, near Jackson; West aiae;eaay wai- mmu j. j. j. 6-ROOM modern flat; I32.G0; 449 7th; key upstairs, or appiy it't r irst. nuwarua FOR RENT Newly furnished apta; all modern conveniencea. jod jrm u. mw. FOR RENT Six-room flat, $15 per month,'1 94 East 7.q St., mount iaour. NEW 5-room flat, close In. Stokes & Zeller, li'j East StarK. Houtvkeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. Fur- nlshed for houseKeeping, gas ranges, eisc fic lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free: $15 per month up; a clean place; best in the city for money; short distance from Unl&n Depot. Take "S" or loth st- cars) north, set off at Marshall st. No dog , WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, 2 J month; 3 for $12; iurnisneo conu.se. rooms, $20; lower flat, 4 rooms, 1S. rft4 , 2rtth. North (west side river). W car front depot, 5th. Morrison to -otn, umi:. im m. UNFURNISHED, two-room. bay wmao7 suites, live diocks irom roswunr. ovui: Jefferson, corner Fifth st. Beautiful out look. $z WEEK. Clean, furnlsncd nouseaeepma rooms; launary, cam, piiuuw. s. yard, clean linen. 406 Vancouver ave. ptv m rrA.v TrvWV POM Fl "MILNER BLDG." :!50Vii MOKKlSON ST MODERN, CENTRAL, REASONABLE. THE DEL MONTE. 20th and Washington. street; 2 nicely furnisiiea rooms, -u, i conveniences. A NICE suite of 2 light housekeeping rooms; also 1 single room witn runumi 12ij 10th su , NICELY furnished housekeeping roonvu 4S9 Washington' st. : ciose i. THREE nice, clean housekeeping rooms. close in. 4o5 Aiaer st. (l.&O week, large, clean furn. housekeeplas rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman, THB ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, fur nished. 11 14th at.; transient solicited. $L26 weetar clean fur. housekeeping rooms, beat, laundry, bath 2Q3 Stanton. "V" car Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. NICELY furnished front housekeeping suite. river view, walking uibiaiice, in dren. 204 Margin St., East end Steel bridge. . . THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms; clean, convenient, separate entrance. is Multnomah eU East 4SOS, Broadway or Irvlngton car. . TWO cool, shady housekeeping rooms in, cottage, close in; gas, pnono. oath. 531 Morrison St., between 16th and 17th. SWELL housekeeping rooms, beautiful loca tion, walking distance, yard. bath, phone, laundry. aaarange. hot water. 606 Glisan. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS; clean. . , newly furnished; easy walking distance; $L. 308 Mill st. - TWO very desirable outside furnished n. housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 27. Chapman st. FOUR large rooms, first floor; bath, yard. piano; phone East 17WJ Sunday. 7 . P. M. week days. . FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms; two sleeping rooms with gas and phone. 26d Hall street. West Side. NICELY furnished 3-room housekeeping suite, all modern conveniences, reasonable rent 20 817thet.South. .. SUITE 3 nicely furnished rooms, private res- idence, fine location. 690 E. Burnside. $13 2 furnished housekeeping room; bath. i . : 11 iZ.l IT "WiT-f f J .11 TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. hfto Colonial ave. ian; nnwcu 1 FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. 753 Corbett st. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, $25. 147', llth st., or call Main 7024. FRONT housekeeping rooms. 153 13th st. Houses. FURNITURE for sale and modern six-room house for rent. Call between 2 and 5 P. M. 702 Cleveland ave.. near Beach st. TWO desirable 8 and 6-room houses. S0Q San Rafael, near Union ave. Phones E 16S5. C 1401. t FOR RBNT New, modern 6-room house, $22.50 per month. Apply 560 East 35th su. Take W. R. car. p LARGE modern home, 11 rooms, close In, one) block from Washington st.. $65 per month. ueen Inv. Co.. 410 Falling bldg. 5-ROOM cottage. 645 E. Clinton; $12; no both. Apply Edwards Co.. 101 First ft. 5- ROOM cottage, corner 10th and Northrup; new, modern gas. Inquire 071 Lovejoy- 6- ROOM strictly modern house, $25 per month; East Side. Tabor 1663. MODERN 6-room house for rent.1" 567 Mar ket Bt. Main 4070. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house. E. 22d and Main. Call 771 E. Salmon st. MODERN 6-room house, 9 East I4th st. South. Phone Eart 5S52. 7- ROOM home, near 24th st ; H-blrck from car, $25 per month. Call 410 Falling bldg. 418 EUGENE ST., 6-room house. Gas, bath, yard. Owner. Roomfl, 245 Morrlson. v MODERN 8-room house, Holladay Addition. Inquire 186 E. 7th ft. N. $18 NEW 5-room bungalow. 343 East 51st near Hawthorne. Dr. Darling. NEAT 5-room cottage, perfect order; $22. 3S6 . East 9th st. N. Broadway car. MODERN 6-room house, corner E, 26 th an Davis. Phono B 1130. 1