TTTE MORXIXG- OREGONIAN. 3IOXDAY, JUNE 27, 1910. 11 BRADY DENOUNCES CHARGES OF FRAUD Idaho Governor Says Poindex ter of Washington Seeks Notoriety. STATE LANDS PROTECTED Resolution for Investigation Called "Work of "Pothouse" Politician. Earl Marvin's Work of Great Benefit to State. Indignantly denying: the accusation made in the House of Representatives by Representative Polndexter, of .Washington, alleging- fraud on the part of Idaho officials in securing lands for the state. Governor Brady of Idaho yesterday denounced Polndexter with the short and ugly word, and asserted that Polndexter was chagrined because the valuable timber had not passed Into the control of large holding com panies of the Northwest. Governor Brady was in Portland In the afternoon. He had finished read ing the Washlngton dispatch giving the text of the resolution which Polndexter had Introduced and attempted to push through the closing hours of Congress. "It seems that Polndexter feels it his duty to come over into Idaho and cause the actions of our officials and their agents to be investigated," Bald Gov ernor Brady. . "Idaho has high-class, able and representative men in the Senate and House of Representatives, and there has never been a time when they have not "fully protected and looked after the Interests of the people of our state. It is an outrage, in my Judgment, for a pot-house politician to Intro luce a resolution of that kind in Congress. Every, member of either house knows that if such conditions existed Borah, Heyburn and Hamer would be the first to ask an investigation. Marvin Warmly Defended. "The charges Polndexter made, with the exception of the one against Day, concern transactions that occurred be fore my occupancy of the executive chair, but I happen to know the facts. Mr. Marvin, whom he accuses of being In the employ of the Weyerhaeuser concerns, was working for the state under' specific Instructions and dlrec- tlnnR et ttia riAvarni. and tnA ntotA land board. The result of his labors was to secure for the State of Idaho $1,000,000 of timber land which Poin--ctexter and men of his ilk would like to have seen go into the Northern Pacific corporation, or some other company of that character. "If Bully and Tyler went into the 'Marble Creek country as the agents of 'anybody, they represented the forces which have been aligned against the State of Idaho. My opinion is that they were members of the small crowd of toughs who attempted to deprive .honest settlers of their lands. "The constitution of the , State of Idaho places the minimum price at rwhich timber lands can be sold at $10 an acre and has always made such .eales at public auction. That state . tnent shows up Polndexter's contention that we were endeavoring to aid the Weyerhaeusers or any other corpora tion. Fire Protection Sole Aim. "Relative to the statment by Poln dexter that Commissioner George A. XJay is interested in the Potlatch Lum ber Company, I simply say that it is en absolute He. The Earl Marvin alluded to In the , Polndexter resolution has recently be come associated with the Oregon & Western Colonization Company, which ' purchased the Willamette Valley & -Cascade Mountain Wagon Road grant. He is at the Portland Hotel and is do ing expert work for his company. "Aside from the ' infamy which is teing heaped upon Idaho as a state and the integrity of every state ad ministration of the past few years, I have been personally attacked and fol lowed by these human ghouls for the past five years," said Mr. Marvin. "The Wisconsin Log & Lumber Com pany, which I helped to organize, was- a strong competitor of the Weyer- jiaeusers, ana xne statement by Con gressman Polndexter that It was a sub sidiary company contains not a particle of truth. "In 1901 I concluded that our com pany would some day want some of the Marble Creek timber, and observing the manner in which it was passing " Into the hands of our competing com panies, I suggested to Governor Hunt that the state chould select a large . area Of it as rtn rt r1 t ha n rrnn a . ed Idaho under the enabling act by . which the state was admitted to the Tnlon. Our idea was to' bid later for . the timber under the law which re ' quires all timber of Idaho to be sold at tuuiiu auction. Interests Sold In 1902. "In 1902 my company, the Wiscon sin Log & Lumber Company, sold all of its noidlngs to a syndicate which or ganized the Potlatch Lumber Comnanv and I retired with my profits'. Among the assets turned over to the Potlatch - syndicate was a contract with the State of Idaho for an acreage of timber land . which we had purchased from the state. . and which required that the land be Hogged within 20 years-. "During the 'session of the Idaho Leg islature of that Winter, I went to Boise to oppose two ' measures which the .Weyerhaeusers had caused to be intro . duced. One was an extension of the 20- year period on the state logging con tract which we had made, and which . had passed to them through the Pot 1 latch syndicate. The other measure was to give them an exclusive right to run . logs . down the Clearwater. It provided -, that every other logger should pay them a, toll. Those measures failed to . pass. "At that time I met Governor Good . ing. and through him was engaged to ' make an adjustment of their land grants. While with the board, I se cured 250.000 acres for the state. "We caused every acre to be filed upon, whether it was occupied by a bona fide homesteader or one of the . fraudulent class, and there-were many of the latter, and also upon every tract ..upon which the Rutledge Lumber Com pany, representing the Weyerhaeusers, .- had placed scrip. That was done in order that all adverse claims to the state's filings might be passed upon by the secretary or tne interior. It Is true that since that time all of the contests have been passed upon In conformity with the facts, the state winning most of the contests, but in no case was a bona fide settler defeated. " Salem Minister Arrested; Fined. SALEM, Or., June 26. (SpeciaD- Rev. W. II. Selleck. pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, who has been active in promoting the cause of prohibition and In the campaign against the social evil, was .arrested yesterday by Patrolman Frank Jory for riding a bicycle on a forbidden side walk. The minister appeared in police court and paid a fine of $2.60 without protest. SHOWER OF COINS FALLS Patrolman Cameron Gets $1.50 and Asks Wbat to Bo Witli It. Showers of silver coins coming from overhead and rolling about the pavement at Seventeenth and Washington streets attracted a large crowd about midnight Saturday night, and thrifty persons helped themselves to such of the coins as rolled their way. Patrolman. Cameron was passing when he heard the coins Jingling merrily. He looked about to see where they were coming from, and thinks that he saw someone tossing them from an upper window in the Bushmark Hotel. He called out to the spendthrift and the shower abruptly ceased. The officer then busied himself in gathering up the scattered wealth and succeeded In collecting ji.oo. Much more, he says, was secured by other persons before he had an opportunity to interfere. "What shall I do rath the $1.60?" the officer asks In his import. Inquiry at the hotel-failed to di. ser anyone who appeared to be in a condi tion of preparing for the mlllenium In that fashion. CRATER LAKEFUND BEGUN Medford Men Start Movement to Make Park Accessible. J. M. Root, editor of the Medford Tribune and president of the Crater Lake Highway Association; Juoge William Oolvig, president of the Medford Com mercial Club: W. T. Lawton. of Medford. and others, are in the city to open head quarters for the movement to make the National Park accessible. "We expect to raise $25,000 In Port land," said Mr. Root yesterday. "A sub scription list will be, started out this week among the manufacturers, jobbers and retailers and I believe that there win be no difficulty in raising that amount. Everyone recognizes the value of making Crater Lake accessible, as it will bring thousands of tourists from all parts of the United States, and the world, to Oregon. In the omlnibus bill passed by Congress $15,000 was appropriated for the Crater Lake road, providing we raise $20, 000. We'll get the $20,000 all right." . SPECIAL CARSERVICE DUE Portland-Vancouver Trains to Hun Frequently on July 4. VANCOUVER, Wash.. June 26. (Spe cial.) Special car service between- Vancouver and Portland on July 4 will be given by the street car company. Cars will be run every 30 minutes from 6 o'clock in the morning until 11:30 o'clock at night. This special service is to accommo date the thousands of 'people In Port land who desire to witness the motor boat races when the championship among motorboats on the Pacific Coast will be decided. It is expected that there will be motorboats from Seattle, Portland and San Francisco. Vancouver is making preparations to accommodate 60,000 visitors July 4. Beside the motorboat races there will be a number of yacht races and ath letic sports. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING EATE SaUr er Bandar. Fes Una. One. time ....... ........... . .1 bauie ad two consecutive times. ........ bsjne id turee consecutive times ..Sua wmo sk1 six or hvcd consecutive times. .Mc bix wirii cuuul ho ouo Uud os c ail od rexusemenls ana no a countoa toe less luuu two lines. When an aarerttaeme t is not run eons tttivo times iue one-time rate applies. On onarge of book sdvttUMmuiU the ciuugo wilt be based, on tne actual number of lines appearing in the paper, regardless of tne nniuoer of word in tsudi line. In Kew '.today all advertisements are charged tor measure only, 14 linos to tne Inch. Tne above rate apply to advert Isemen (a on tier ".New Today" and all otner rlnsslfina Uons executing tne following bituationa Wanted, Male. "situation Wanted, eiuale. J-or Kent, Kooms, private Families. Kooms and Board, Private anlies. liousekc Kooms, Private families. Xne rate of the above classifications as 7 cents a lino eacik insertion. TO OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS The Ore gonlan will receive copy by malt, provided sufficient remittance lor a dennito number of issues is sent. Acknowledgment of sucu temlttanco will be lorwnrded nromptly. In case box office address is required, use regular form given, and count this as part ot the ad. Answers to advertisements will bo forwarded to patrons, provided self-ad- Lf you. have either .telephone in your boose we will accept your ad over the phone and send you the bill tao next day. phono Waul Ad Dept., Main 7010 or A 6O0S. Hit nation Wanted and Personal advertisements not accepted over the phone. lrrors are more easily made in teiepnonlng advertise ments, thereforo The Oregonlan will not bold Itself responsible for suoit errors. MEETING NOTICES. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12. A F. AND A. M. Special communi cation this (.Monday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work in the F. C. degree. "Visitors are cordially in vited. W. M. CK LIN. Sec. i MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP- IER. NO. 14. O. E. S. Stated .meeting this (Monday) evening. E. Sth and Burnalde. Social. By or der W. M. BELLE RICHMOND, Bee WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A. F. AND A. M. Special commu nication this (Monday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work in E. A. de gree. Visiting brethren welcome. W. S. WEEKS, 6ec. CAMELIA CHAPTER, NO. 27. O. E. S. Special communication this (Monday) evening. 8 o'clock. Ma sonic Temple. Degrees. Order of W. M. FLORENCE P. JOHNSON. Sec. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL ROY AL ARCANUM meets at K. P. Hall, 11th and Alder streets, the econd and fourth Monday ot each month at 8 P. M. Visitors cor dially welcomed. H. Claussenlus, Jr.. secretary. 125 11th st. rUXEBAL NOTICES. STEINMETZ At St. Vincent's Hospital, June 25. Peter Jerome Steinmetz, aged 15 years, 1 month, 31 days. Residence 701 Vanderbllt street. Friends Invited to at tend funeral services, which will be held at Holman'i funeral parlors. Third and" Salmon streets, at 10 A. M. tomorrow (Tuesday). June 28. Interment River view Cemetery. - KIRKLAND June 24, Berton F. Klrkland. aged 81 years lO months and 3 days. The ' deceased is survived by a wife and two children. The funeral services will be held at Flnley's chapel at 2- P. M-, Monday, June 27. under the auspices of Multnomah Camp No. 77. W. O. W. Friends invited, interment Rose City Cemetery. HASSON Friends and acquaintance are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral services of the late Mary Hasson, at Dun. nlng A McEntee chapel today at 9:30 A. M. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. IONSETU FLORAL CO, UAKQCAM BLLX2. FLOKAL DKSUiNU. phones; Main 61 Cut. A 110X. Dunning A McEntee, Funeral Directors. Itu and lino, phone Main 4SO. Ladr a. sistant. Office of County Coroner. yvi T KR-BVRXEa CO., Funeral Directors, $94 William ave.j both phones; lady attend ants most modern establishment In the city. EDWARD HOI-MAN CO., Funeral IHreet ors, tO 3d st. Lady Assistant. Phone M. 0X. f. P. FIN LEY SON. Sd and Madlse-ml Lady atteadant. Phone Main . A 151 a. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, mrnoassas to F. 8. Dunning. Inc. E. g, 3 tSZ&. EKICSON CO. Undertakers; lady asalsa. ant. 409 Alder. M. 6133. A 1233. IXKCH. Undertaker, cor. East Alder aad eth. Pbonea 78L B1S8S. ld assistant. astcsements. BAKER Main 2 A5360 Geo. L. Baker, MKT. Tonight All Week Bargain Mat. Wed., 25c Baker Stock Company in '-THE THREE OF US.' Rachel Crother's Celebrated Play. Last week of the season. The end of- Baker Theater for all time. Evening 25c. SOc, 73c Sat. Mat. 25c. BOc. main e. a lose. UAT1NJEB KVLEf DAT. 15-25-530 SIGHTS THEATER 15-75-50-153 "A Night In a Billiard Parlor," Introduc ing Harry P. CUne, Calvin W. Demareet and Albert G. Cutler; Marrion Murray it Co., Jol ly I'annle Rice, pringle and Whiting. Slgnor Travato, Forbes and Bowman, Equillo, l'ic ture. Orchestra. LYRIC PORTLAND'S FAMILY PLAYHOUSE Seventh and Alder Streets. All Week; Matinees Daily, 2:45. Armstrong Musical Comedy Co. in THE TWINS Thursday Night, tiold Watch Given Away Friday lght, Chorus Girls' Content. Two performances nightly, 7:45 and 9:15 P. M. Next week, "Affinity Beach." PORTLAND'S AMUSEMENT PARK. Noteworthy Success, LIBERATI HIS FAMOUS BAND AND GRAND OPERA ARTISTS. Afternoons at 2: SO. Evenings at 8:30. Pronounced approval of the new and spa cious Auditorium, best equipped concert hall on Pacific Coast. Many attractions on the beautiful grounds, aamission to which is onlx 10 cents. Transfer from any part of city to Oaks' cars at East Morrison and East Water streets, or take Launch at Foot of Morri son street Benefit Entertainments for PORTLAND NEWSBOYS' ASSOCIATION by Columbia park Boys' club, of San Francisco. SPORTS DAY. MULTNOMAH FIELD Australian Football TOMORROW (Tuesday) afternoon, 2 o'clock. ORIGINAL VAUDEVILLE PROGRAMME, Portland Theater. Tuesday evening (TOMORROW), 8:13 o'Clock. Fancy Dress Football and Baseball. Multno mah Field, Wednesday afternoon, June 2v),- 2 o'clock. Minstrel Show, Portland Theater, Wednesday evening, June 2M. 8:15 o'clock. Grand Rally for Boys and Carnival of Sports, Multnomah Field, Thursday even ing. June 30 at 8:15. Boy Mayor to en tertain Mayor of Portland. Admission to theater performances Adults fl. children ftOc. Admission to Multno mah Field Adults 25c, children 10c. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At 218 hi Fourth at.. 18 rooms good furni ture. Sale 10 A. M. sharp, by Ford Auction Company. At private residence. 733 A Hoyt st. Fur niture, etc. Sale at 10 o'clock. Baker & So;., auctioneers. At Wilson's auction house, corner Second and Yamhill. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. DIED. BARENSTECHER In this cits-, at the fam lly residence, 768 Marshall street, Charles Uarenetecher, aged 51 years. Funeral. no tice hereafter. STEVENSON In this city. June 28. 1910, George I. Stevenson, aged 28 years 11 months and 14 days. Remains are at Fln ley's parlors. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT. Main 213. SECRETARY. Alain Sn. - HUMANK OFFICER, Bsat 4 77 a. NEW TODAY. FULL BLOCK 200x200 feet, close in, just, north of Washington, $150,000 Residence Site Best buy in the "really restricted dis trict, 110x100 feet, Johnson st., between 19th and 20th, S1G.OOO ACREAGE y Adjoining Laurelhurst on the east, 5 acres, on carline, ready to subdivide, gl5,OOQ. Smith & Everett , Failing Building. Corner,100xI00 High-class warehouse corner, near Washington street, with good track age $52,000. A high-class : uy. Queen Inv. Co. 410 Failing Bldg. A Swell Home Strictly modern 7-room hnnu n-itk furnace and fireplace, . full cement basement, tras and electric and all the latest - Improvements, on a corner lot, ouxiuv, street improvements In and paid for, on E. Yamhill, corner of 28th price $6000, half cash, balance to suit! If you want a nice home, don't fall to see tints vats. Grussi & Zadow 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak 69b Mortgage Loans At ORGAN, PLIEO.NER' Jt BOTCS, Bog-ooa a bin a: top aiuicuna;. $4250 New hrfme on Willamette Heights- R rooms and sleeping-porch: hardwood iioore; iuh iol t,ay terms. RUSSELL .. BI.TTH, Commonwealth Bnlldlng. Laurelton Heights Just east of Laurelhurst. Full lots, $500 and up. Easy terms. Let us show you! HART LAND CO., 146 Second St. GEORGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) S23 Worcester Bids. Phones Main 8371: A 401 A INVESTORS Call oti owners" Realty Ass's for timber, acneage. business. residence and apartment properties, 20$ Ablngton, SEW TODAY. One -Acre Lots West Side, 5e fare, 25 minutes' ride on electric cars. The most beautiful, scenic homesites. Acres fof $400, ad joining lots which have already sold for $500 per lot. They will not last long at this price. J Acres $400 EASY TERMS V Glen Harbor Realty Co. 431-432 Mohawk Bldg., Third and Morrison f treets. : North Beach : . PARCEL. 1. - Fenr Beautiful front lota on. ' railroad with good 7-room house and furniture complete. PARCEL 2. Choice 32-acre tract, fine ocean frontage and beautiful growth of trees. J PARCEL 5. A tract of 250 acres ju'st north of "The Breakers" Hotel. Finest hotel or platting proposition on beach. T We are owners and solicit T negotiations to purchase. HART LAND CO. I J 146 Second St. The French ship "BnflToa" le en her wy -to Portland with a cargo of trtple-trreened AntliHU-lte bard coal for The Edlefaen fTunl Company, Inoc, who have discontinued their office In the Chamber of Commerce, but arranged with Hartmao A Thompson to ac cept payment of fuel bills. Their main office In located at the largest coal depot In Fort land, on Railroad and KuMell streets. Albina. At present they are engaged In putting In thousands of tons of excellent Rock Hp rings lump coal for the needs of their patrons on the West Side. Irving! on and 'Pied mont. Customers on the Lower Penin sula will be served from Si. Johns branch and those In Mount Tabor and Southeast Portland through a depot In that section. The company accepts orders for future de livery of coal of all kinds and for prompt delivery of hard wood and fir cord wood. Reference, any bank. Phoned ast 303 and C 2303. Laurelton Heights Just 'east of Laurelhurst. Full lots, $500 and up. Easy terms. Let us show youl HART LAND CO., 146 Second St. PIEDMONT A beautiful house on corner 100x100. union avenue. il you want a nice home look this over. MERCHANTS SAVIXGS A TRlST ' COMPANY, S. W. Cor. Oth and Washington Streets. KKAL ESTATB DKAXJCR9. Beck. Will am O.. Ill Falun bids. Blrrell. A. H. A Co., 202-3 McKay bids. Real cstata. Insurance, mortgages, foaas. etc Brubakar A Benedict. 003 McKay bids. M. (M CARD REALTY A INVESTMENT CO., 623 HENRY BLDG. MARSHALL, 1567. A 1397. Cbapln A Herlow, 332 Coamaer Commeroa, Cook. B. 8. A Co.. 603 Cor bete bide. Jennings A Co., Mala 188. 200 Oregontaa, JON Ed A SHERMAN. 30- Lewis bids. PALMES-JONB3 CO., H. pV 71 ' Commas eial Club bldg. Behalk. Geo.D.. 228 Stark' at. Mala 392. A 2SM SHLNDLKR A HALL. 206 Abbagtoa bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand are. aa4 afultfiomah st. Holladsy Addition M. E. Thompson Co., cor. 4th and Oak sts Walker. 8. T.. q Corbett bldg. REAX.ESTAT1E. For Sale Lots. TO CLOSE an estate, sacrifice must be made . of four lots, 100x200, near the Hawthorne avenue Walter Burrell residence; view . of the entire city and all the snow-capped mountains; positive speculation for wnen tne Aiaaison onage is done, in Aug ust, there'll be a boom in all this district; best lots in the neighborhood and the lowest priced; ideal home site; will be only 10 minutes out. Phone Marshall 1948. . IRVIXGTOX . QUARTER. 100x100 feet at corner East 24th and Knott street, facing south and east; beau tiful view of Mt. Hood which cannot be cut .off, paved streets, on carline: this Is the- cheapest quarter block in this ex clusive residence district. Price for Im mediate sale. 13500. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8089, A 2853. ' HAWTHORNE AVE. V acres, or 20 60x100 lots within ZOO feet of Hawthorne ave. ; this property is worth S21.SO0, according to surrounding- values; It can be bought now for 1. 000, with 35000 cash, balance within years at per cent interest, and privilege or release clause; this is a big bargain: look It up. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. 3775. Lot on Glenn ave., south of Hawthorne. easy terms, fOO down, balance $10 per monin. x ne onijr easy term proposition on this beautiful avenue, and the price is riguu BRUBAKER A BENEDICT. C02 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. Phone Main S4!i. IRV1NCTON LOT. 60x100. A fine lot In Irvlngton, 60x100. east front, on carline, in a swell part of Irving ton. on East 22d between Knott and Stan ton. Price $2000; part cash, balance 6 per cent. GRTJSSI A ZADOW, BIT Board of Trsde bldg.. 4th and Oak. A GREAT BARGAIN. Lot 50x100. in Laurelhurst. east front' age, between 32d and 33d sts.. close to car: cement sidewalks, water, gas and graded streets now In. This is 50Q cheaper tnan aa joining jots, .trice, iiooo; terms, one-third cash, balance to suit. B S2. Oregonlan. $373. 60x100. high and sightly. East 48th e 'tween Clinton and Ellsworth; $50 down. Daiaaco lt per montn. . VBRUBAKER A BENEDICT, 602 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. 1'UKRE additions for sale; the mon ds slrabls that can be bad Inside the city limits, aa a whole, on easy terms to ths nsnt parties. oet tne owner at iia&a Land Co. office. 622 Chamber of Com merce bldg.. 3d and Btark sts. LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! X2 down and $2 each month, on Oreron City car lino. Price $1(0 and $200. Na tional Realty A Trust Co.. $28 ft Washing ton st room MB. 1RVINGTON 30x100 on 14th st.. between Thompson and tlrasee. improvements all in, bonded. $1250; $430 cash. bal. 3 years at 0 per cent, u ia, ureggman. EQUITY in two choice lots In 8WINTOW. block from carline. streets graded. Bull Run water, at great bargain. Owner leav- lng city, ti 7U. urcgonian. LOTS OF GROUND. $45060x120 feet, graded streets, city mater. oc tare, idu level, clear, popular n.raiion. rcapp st raun. w ;tn st. V. H I Buy a lot wnea yon can get a ojllI acre inside the city with all tba advaa tas for the sama price? 420 Lumber fian Hlgg.. cor, ptn nq LOTS. Snap 100x100. on comer E. Oth and Beach sts.; $1500, $400 cash. 808 Board of Trade. WILL sell a S0x70-foot lot on E. Salmon, between 17th and 18th sts., for $2400; terms to suit. W 74. Oregonlan. $750 LOT, 80x100, on Church street, close to Patton ave. Owner must sell this. Call 410Fallingbldg. . TWO nice corner lots, on carline. bargain if taken at once; owner going Ease N 70, Oregonlan. Phone A 1858. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Excellent view lot for $250O. AH 67. Oregonlan. $30 DOWN $10 per month, lot 17th' and Alnsworth. See owner, 48 N. 6th. A 2A24. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lots. IRVINGTON, a beautiful 60x100 lot on Til lamook St., near East 12th. No nicer lot In this most exclusive residence section. Price $200, Including all street improve ments. C. P. Pfluger & Co., room 6, Mul key b.dg., 2d and Morrison sts. ALAMEDA PARK LOTS. Are high and sightly, overlooking Irving ton: near Broadway carline; best city im provements; priced 25 per cent below the market. Inquire Alameda Land Company, osj corbett bldg. QUARTER BLOCK, $2300. 100x100. corner E. 27th and Pacific sts.. near concrete bridge and Sandy boule vard; cheap for cash. H. 'P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Cominorcial Club Bldg. A SACRIFICE. Lot 60x100 in Laurelhurst, next to cor ner, with east frontage. Price, $900. Terms. $90 cash,, balance monthly; be sure and see this. B 8a, Oregonlan. HOME-BUILDERS I own a fine corner on Stanton street in Irvlngton: all improve ments In; a snap. $50o cash will handle it. This property is 20 per cent lss than market price. .Eaat 614, Tabor 2376. $633 ROSE CITY PARK. 60x100. east facing lot. only 100 feet from Alameda ave.; s'.te of nice home, lilce trees on lot. Address AG 81. Ore gonlan. . LOTS. Knnn lOOxlOO. on corner E. Sth and Beech sts.; $1500, $100 cash. 308 Board" of 'Irade. CLOSE-IN CORNERS. ) . Three close-In corner lots and quarters at attractive prices. Vanduyn A Walton, 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BUT a lot on assy monthly payments aad wa will furnish you. free of cost, a place to live. Gregory Investment Co., end of ROM City Park carline. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Corner In Irvlngton. 81st and Tilla mook, 80x100; very reasonable. L S3, Oregonlan. WALNUT PARK. M. block. Alberta and Halght, facins Xillingsworth home place. Price $32o0. C 81 Oregonlan. WILL sell my 4 low facing on Fowler ave., lOuxllVi. $200 cheaper than property ad joining ; am- forced to let my contract go. This is a snap. AJ 83, Oregonlan LOT 60x100 feet, north of Columbia Pr.rk. University, Or., on Hurst su . E. McClaln. Keeovllle. Or. FINE BUY of 2 lots, each 60 x 100, on 63d. near Belmcnt, at a bargain. 722 Li ec trio Building. M. 6743, A 6437. GENUINE snap; big Mt Tabor lot on East 63d for $700 cash. Includes street im- provements. Phone Tabor 2aa. ROSE CITY PARK corner lot, $1000, is less than half block to car: improvements in and paid. Address AG 80, Oregonlan. TWO lots, Penn. Add No. 8; 3 lots Willam ette boulevard, near station; beautiful site for home. Owner. AE 79. O regonlan. 30x100. ROSE CITY PARK, east facing. $390, Improvements In, good location. AP 83, Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL Elmhurst lot, 50x100, corner, reasonable, terms. Y 89. Oregonlan. 100x100. S. Wv COR. B. 13th and Main. Apply owner, 70 4tU. For Sale -Houses. GOING TO BUILDt ' WB ASE BUILDING MORE HOtJSS) THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THB CITY. THERE ARE GOOD REASONS. OUR CUSTOMERS BAVB MONEY AND GET BETTER WORK. ON TSRM3 TO tUIT. IP YOU OWN YOUR LOT. WB WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND fcSTIMATEd FREJi OREGON BUILDING A TRUST COk. 09 HENRY BUM. . lie 1RVTNRTON. Fine 7-room house. 60x100 lot. facing south, on a hard-surface street, surround ed by fine homes, for sale for $6500, less tnan half cash cuwn; this nome is iuut oughly modern, very beautiful in its set- 1 1 1 1 ( iiirrAimHInri nri ftrrannament and iS worth over $7000 of any man's money, but it must be saennceu. bee us at once. V. VINCENT JONES REALTY CO.. 802-303 Lewis Bldg. E. 37TH-ST. HOME. $1000. Brand new 6-room house, 3 bedrooms, (fnln. rutrph finx BRm And electric fix tures, window shades, double floors up and down stairs, fireplace, full cement base ment, laundry trays, lot 50x06 2-3, on the corner of E. Washington and 37th; .price $550O. siuoo and -3 per montn. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. BUILD NOW. ' LET US FINANCE THE BUILDING OP YOUR HOME. IF YOU OWN LOT. SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH 13 SUFFICIENT. OUR REPUTATION FOR WELL-BUILT HOMES, FAIR DEALING AND DISPATCH OF CON OTRUCTION 13 BRINGING US MANY CLIENTS. . NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUC TION CO., Successor to Portland Realty A . Construction Co.. eol-2-8 Lewis mag. SWELL BUNGALOW, 500. New 6-room bungalow, with full lot, 30x100: with all modern conveniences. In a fine residence district, on carline and close to school; must be sold at once; price $3200, $300 cash and $25 per month; this is an elegant place on uiaostone ave, GRUSSI A ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. SPLENDID property on paved street at a bargain. 6-room house furnished or un furnished; hall, 3 closets, pantry, two porches, modern conveniences, large ce ment floor lasement; lot 43x137; trees, fruit, roses, garden, everything In good condition: terms. Inquire owner, 1143 Hawthorne or phone labor 27 1. A NICE HOME CHEAP. $1050 2 fine lots. 40x100 each, fruit and flowers, splendid lawn and a com fortable house. Bull Run ; water, streets graded; terms; this 'is a decided snap and must oe soiu. R ABB & PATTON. 90 Sth St. sar AND CL1NTON-ST. HOME. O-rOOm, UlUUBl ll 1 1 HI juai LUIllViciru. on carline; price $30Oo; can be handled on (700, balance like rent. H. P. PALM EK-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. HOME AND LOTS OF FRUIT. Fins 7-room house and large lot In Sun ny side. 1 block from car, for sale cheap; lots of fruit; half cash will handle iu V. VINVKNT JONES RKALTi" CO.. 802-803 Lewis Bldg. FINE suburban view nome. lii acres; 8 room bouse; hot water heat; greenhouse' 11 kinds of fruit. Best bargain in city. Might consider part exchange. Call at remises. 86 East 63d st. Morrison il Lt. Tabor car. Phone Tabor 8. $600 $600 $600 $600. Large 2-story 4-room house, lot 40x105 between 2 canines, $300 cash. $800, $100 cash, takes 3-rojm house. 2 lots, corner. Fred W. German, 82U Burnsids. Main or 4-roora house, lot 60x100, on Oregon City car Una. Price $700. Payment (10 each month. Nothing tlown. NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO.. Z26hk .Washington St.. Room 618. $3000 MODERN 6-room cottage, bungalow, every modern convenience, choice, sightly corner, 7714x100. This is $750 below the " market. Let us prove it. Queen Inv. Co., 410 Falling bldg. A BIG sacrifice, must have money, will take $2000 for new 6-room artistic house, big lot, street improvements paid. ML ' Tabor district or East 53d. Owner. Phone . Tabor 2S6. $300 LOT. 40x120, WITH A NEAT LITTLE HOUSE OF 3 ROOMS, $230 CASH. BAL ANCE MORTGAGE. R.yiB It l'ATTOM. wll Oth St NEAR BROADWAY BRIDGE 10 feet front, house 8 large rooms, pantry, bath, fur nished. Including handsome piano. 347 .1. Pine 7-room house, full lot, lawn, nice roses; price $4300; $500 cash. 308 Board ot Trade. $10 A MONTH pays for a neat, coxy homa on a 60x100 lot in Gregory Heights. Call at and of Rose City Park carline. Gregory la- vyi'tment Co. FOR SALE. Trouble 5-room apartment-horse, str'ct ly modern: $5700; terms. Call 1028 E. 19tb st. Take A car. $4000 COZY home, near Broadway at., and In walking distance, choice flowers and shrubbery. Miller, 416 Chamber of Com merce bldg. BEST buy on eunnvBlde from owner; 6-room modern bungalow; improvements in and paid for; party going away; $2400; $600 5i.,.r Call 226 E. 36th St. $300 AND monthly payments gets "the best modern 8-room house In Portland for the price. Come see it today. Call up the owner for particulars, Woodlawn 1516. 7-ROOM HOUSE. " Modern Improvements. Vernon Addition near carline; $3800. or leas for caabj C 2692. ; MODERN 6-room house. Irvlngton, N. W cor. B. 17th and Hancock. $6000. Main 1314 or 208 Fliedner bldg. HOUSE of 7 rooms and attic, large lot, beau tifully located on Mt. Tabor. Telephone Tabor 177. $2750 New 7-room house, concrete basement, gas. electricity. See owner, 1315 East Lin. iNjln: must gell; attractive terms. BARGAIN Highland Addition. 6-room house, full-lot. shrubbery and bearing fruit trees. Call at 1019 Grand ave. North. FOR SALE In Irvlngton new T-room resl dence, complete In every detail. For par ticulars phone C 23S4. FOR 6ALE by owner, the handsomest 8 room home in Irvlngton. 496 E. 20th su, N. Call and see It.,, t REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Hon RIVERDALE HOME. One of the handsomest homes In the Riverside district; 7 beautifully designed and artistically finished rooms, a recep tion hall, a full-length living room with large fireplace, bookcases and seat, case ment and French windows, paneled ana beamed dining-room with artistic buffet. Dutch kitchen; 4 bedrooms, each in sepa rate color scheme; sleeping balcony; large bathroom; attic spaced for two rooms and bath; full cement basement; extra large furnace; private water system under heavy pressure; beautiful grounds about an acre In extent and commanding a sweeping view of the city, river and moun tains. For further particulars apply to R. F. BRYAN. 305 Chamber of Commerce. A 1227: Main 1963. ' BUNGALOW. WILL TAKE GOOD LOT IN EXCHANGE. Fine, new. modern bungalow, one block from ear, nice reception hall, fireplace, paneled walls, beamed ceilings, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, full lot, sleeping porch, 7 rooms; price $3760; will take good lot as first payment, balance $25 per month. 308 Board of Trade. IRVINGTON. 6-room new and modern home, on East 22d. near Knott st.: 50x100 lot, full baso ment and finished complete with furnace, cement wash trays, living-room, hall and dining-room finlshad in selected Oregon fir; oak floors; three large bedrooms and sleeping porch np stairs; lighting fixtures and plumbing first-class; price $5750; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Beautiful modern 6-room bungalow; two hort blocks from Hawthorne ave.; nice Dutch kitchen with stationary wash tubs, electricity and gas. wood lift: well fur nished; bathroom; rot 50x90; lawn, rosea and garage; $3500, $000 down, easy pay ments. You must see to appreciate; bar gain; must sell at once as I am leaving . the city. Call resident phone Tabor 1013. KENNILWORTH DISTRICT. . -room house and bath, with two high and beautiful lots, for sale cheap and on very easy terms; 4 blocks from car; flne cement basement. Dutch kitchen, modern plumbing and hot-water boiler; street im- 8 roved; small amount down and balance ke rent. . V. VINCENT JONES REALTY CO, 302-303 Lewis Bldg. w $530, ALL CASH 2-room house, nice lot; 3 blocks to Mount Scott carline. $1130 New 4-room house, extra fine lot; 4 blocks to-Arleta school. $2000 Good 6-room house, lot 5X)x88. In Albina. a rare bargain; terms. v $775 cash for a lots in Kenton; 100 feet from the main street. RIETER A SEELEY. 226 Lumber Exchange Bldg. YOU CAN'T FIND ANOTHER. 7-room desirable home at $2600; 6-room - bungalows may run under $3000. but room is necessary for your family and you don't want en old. out-of-date, worn-out house; 35 minutes' ride. St. Johns car. restricted district, near river and Park, schools, stores, churches near: .forced sale, under cost. crner. woodiawn 2272. A 7-ROOM modern home, laundry, with sta tionary wash trays, wide porch, part base ment, full lot, with fruit and rosea1, wood shed and toolhouse. wide graded street; owner offers this nice home for $2800, $3O0 down. Vancouver car to Dekum ave., then two blocks west to 329. Twenty minutes from Washington at. DANDY 6-room' house; lot 80x100; nicely fenced, beautiful lawn, 14 bearing fruit trees, roses, chicken-yard and wood shed; price only $2000; will take lot to the value of $360 if desired, balance monthly pay ments. Act quick. DESHON A HAWK. . 407 Lumbermens Bldg.T cor. 3th and Stark. SNAP. Just finished five-room bungalow: pan eled dining-room, toilet, bath, pantry, wood lift, 60-foot porch, cement walks, steps and retaining walls. 32d and Clinton; lot 60x75; $3000. $400 cash, balance like rent. C. L. SHEETS, 420 Swetland Bldg. Phone Main 7778. ACREAGE HOME. 14 acres, all kinds of Irult. 6-room house and pantry and large verandas, bath, new barn, large chicken corral; choice flowers and shrubs; 4 blocks from car. Terms. LOUIS BRANDT. ' Oak Grove. Oregon City Line. CLOSE: TO CAR. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow. In restricted district. black to car; lot 50 xlOO: rooms tinted, beamed ceilings and paneled work; lots of book cases, large attic; price $3960, terms. Address AG 82, Oregonlan. t PORTLAND HEIGHTS COTTAGE. Corner lot. beautiful view; modern throughout; automobile garage ia near; trees and rosea; Improved street; all for $5300: reasonable terms. Hartman A Thompson, Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE 12-room double house, plas tered; lights and water; near car- east slope of Mount Tabor, at 84 72d st. east also six unimproved lots in Summit An nex Add., at West ave. and Barr road. Address Stewart, 94 East 72d St., Portland. I HAVE an 8-room and a 5-room bungalow and a 6-room house which you should seo before you buy; strictly first-class and modern, in good location, on very easy terms. Pettenger, 119 KUllngsworth ave. U-L or St. Johns car. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. $1430 House of 4 good rooms, all A-1 condition; two splendid lots in finest state of cultivation; prettiest foliage in town; terms. RABB A PATTON. 10 Sth St. HOUSE and lot on Savler St.; also lot at Willamette Heights, by owner. 285 Rus- Bell Bt. Phone Woodiawn 813. Business Property. FOR SALE $12,000 stock dry goods, shoes and gents' furnishings; in the live city of Raymond, Wash.; other business reason lor selling; cash trade. $100 per day; write for particulars. Herln Mercantile Co., Raymond. Wash. FINE APARTMENT PROPERTY. East Side. 15 minutes' walk from 3d and Morrison; large grounds. 8-room houe; $95o0, term. or part trade, H. HATFIELD, 165& 4th St. BY OWNER Income paying property, busi ness block; yearly rent $1020; price $840O. X 66. Oregonlan. MY business block, corner of principal busi ness street; Income from rents $060 per year; price, $8300. X 63, Oregonlan. Acreage. DO YOU WANT TO INVEST? $12.50 per acre, 160 acres, 30 in culti vation, house, barn. etc.. some fence, 4 miles to C A E. R. R. and town, land roll ing, some bottom land and good timber. This is as good FRUIT LAND as there is In the state today, being protected-agalnst late Spring frosts. Every acre can be set to fruit; $12.30 per acre; $1000 cash, easy terms. NOW THEN. LISTEN. WE HAVE A RELINQUISHMENT of 160 acres that adjoins the above-mentioned 14 section that can be had for $300; you must act quick. T. A. R1GG-S REALTY CO.. Rm 223, Fliedner bldg.. Ph. Marshall 1645. 30 ACRES at Reedvllle at $120 per acre, run ning water; one-half cash, balance 6 per cent. 26 acres at Reedvllle. old house and barn, 20 acros cleared; $123 per acre; $2000 cash, balance 6 per cent. Also 5. 10 and 20 acre tracts, small pay ments - down, balance monthly payments or mortgage for balance. 615 COUCH BLDG. SUBURBAN HOME. 2H acres and 4-room house, on Foster Road, east Lents Junction; J1500; $300 cash will handle this. The price is below value. BRUBAKER A BENEDICT, 602 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. . Phone Main 549. 5 ACRES. On Oregon Electric, at Metzger Station, cleared; 600 feet to station; price $2500; only $500 down. BRUBAKER A 'BENEDICT, 302 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. Phone Main 549. 280 ACRES, near good town and railroad, in Coos County: excellent fruit and farm land; 1.230.000 feet timber; only $13.50 per acre. Address N. E. Llndquist, Genl. Del., Portland. SELL OR TRADE 5 acres, close to car. $2500; also 6 acres well Improved, a fine home, can't be beat, close in, $4500: also 8 acres, all in fruit, close to car $3750 and others. Bishop, 828 Mohawk bldg. LET me sell you a halt acre or mora la side the city; Bull Run water, paved street, building restrictions, etc 420 Lumkeo mans HMg-. cor. 6th and fltara. TWO ACRES good soil, fine location for " suburban home, near car, 85 minutes out; $1750. $350 down, balance monthly. Pal- mer. 507 Couch bldg. ACREAGE. -On electrlo line, close to city, partially Improved, only $200 per acre. Vanduyn A Walton. 513 Chamber of Commerce. $250 CASH will buy my equity In 14-acre tract; worth double: long terms on bal ance. B 77. Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL acre, short ride on West Side; stream runs through; also spring. 384 College street. Terms. 430-ACRE dairy ranch, 8 miles Sheridan. Owner. Tabor 2213. 6 ACRES, Firland station, platting proposition; a bargain. See owner, 70 4th. S CLOSE-IN acres. $6000. Mala 2018. KKAL ESTATE. Acreage. ANY number of 5, lO and 20-aore tracts cholae Improved fruit and garden lud; water and rail transportation; -SO to 60 minutes' ride from Portland; price is right; easy terms; will exchange for Port land property. For desirable homes see Dean Land Co., 622 Chamber of Comment - bldg,. 3d and Stark sts.. Portland. Or. 10 ACRES choice fruit land, unimproved; 85 minutes' ride from Portland; overlooks Columbia river; $730. easy terms. THIS will suit YOU. Palmer, 507 Couch bldg. Homesteads. GOOD locatlona In Crook. Lake, Harney and - the eoast; 2 timber claims on the coast. flne relinquishments, cheap; low rates for June. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the $4 counties latest adapted for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead In each county; map attached. 21x It, showing new K. R. and towns, includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counties In different colors; drawn to March 1. 1810; latest map In U. 8. ; price ISc Nim mo A Runey. 13 Hamilton bldg. EASTERN OREGON homestead and desert land. Oregon Homestead Co., '217 Abing tonbdE106H3dst. . RELINQUISHMENT, cut 4,000,000; $400. . Valley Realty Co.. 41 N. Oth st. Pnr Kale Pratt Lands. CULTIVATED. 6. 10, 20 or 72 acres, all rich, level, cul tivated land, and In crop; this land Is in thickly settled locality, convenient to new electrlo carline. Vs mile from R- R. station, country store. 2 churches, etc.; R. F. D. mall and telephone service, and 7 miles from Vancouver, on level graded road; this Is ideal fruit, vegetable or wal nut land and is dirt cheap at the price of $1S0 per acre; easy, terms, or will sell without the crop for $160 per acre, as above stated in amouuts to suit pur chaser. THOMPSON A SWAN. 206 Rothchild Bldg.. Portland. Or. Vancouver National Bank Building. Vancouver, Wash. Marshall 1859. A 7316. HOOD RIVER, 20 ACRES. Fruit land. 8 miles from Hood River. Every foot of It can be cultivated, ths best of fruit soil and a good spring on the place. Never again will you have the op portunity to buy aa cheap as this. 3.000, terms to suit. JOHN DICK. 626 Henry bldg. Phone Main 3572. , ORCHARD PLATTING PROPOSITION. $30 per acre takes 433 acres one mile from R. R. station ; about 300 acres ready to plow, balance oak timber; adjoins land now platted and selling tor $3iK) per acre; $5000 will handle Una. Call 308 Board ot Trade. IF you want to Join the "Apple King," the man who won the $lom eweeivnake prise at Spokane Apple Show, In developing an or chard on the payment plan, $20 and $10 monthly, write AJ 84. Oregonlan. 280 ACRES, near good town and railroad, in Coos County: excellent fruit and farm land: 1,230. 00O feet timber: only $13.30 per acre. Address N. E. Llndquist. Genl. Del.. Portland. . X0-ACRB orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad. 25 miles from Portland; best eoll. no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms;, arrange with us to go and make selection; round trip same day. 310 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE 10 acres of choice orchard land 5 miles from Hood River, Or., on Wash ington line: price, $1200. Address "C Ros enkrans. Underwood. Wash. BECAUSE I need the money, will sacrlrtc my equity in flve-are fruit tract. $100; tracts adjoining mine are selling for an ad vance of $50 per acre. AK So, Oregonlan. for Bale- Farms. FARMS FOR SALE. A few bargains; 6 acres, all bottom land; will raise onions; five minutes' walk station; ten miles out: all under cultivation; price $2450. 49 ACRES. 49 acres at Damascus, 12 acres cleared, balance fine tim ber, the wood will pay for the clearing; only one-half mile from stores, Postoffice; Is ex cellent fruit land; macadamized automobile road entire ' distance from city by -this Fall; can be bought cheap and on terms; 14 miles out. S ACRES. S acres, i-mlle from 6-cent fare, has house, barn, nine chicken-houses; lies level; terms. 2tt ACRES. 2i acres In the city. all planted to fruit, lies rolling. 2 blocks from car. will double In value In short time; $1000 will handle, long time on balance. 1 80 ACRES. SO acres, right at station on electric line, all planted to ap ples, Spltsenherg. Yellow New towns and Baldwins, 3 years old; lies nearly level, has small house and barn, good well, on county road: Base Line 10 nilb-s out from center of city; terms, one-third cash, balance time. 40 ACRES. 40 acres. White Salmon apple land, 10 miles from White Sal-niort-. Wash.; excellent apple land. There Is 1,000.000 feet of saw timber on thiR land; lies nearly level; $2400, half cash. 14 ACRE3. 14 acres at Newberg on Ore gon Electric. 9 miles from city; improved, only five minutes' walk from station; will subdi vide if purchaser docs not care to take all. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. Board of Trade Bldg.. 84 4th St. FARM FOR SALE. 80 acres in Yamhill County. 8 miles from Dayton. Or., on the county road, 40 acres in choice fruit. There are 1500 ap ple trees, 2000 peach trees and 1O00 cherry trees. All 8 years old and in per fect condition. House and barn. This Is the cheapest place in this state and someone is going to get a great bargain. The price is $10,000. and half cash will handle lt. Inquire of Shelffleld-Riely, 2S Russel bldg., 4th and Morrison sts. J. A. CUNNINGHAM. ' A few and all choice farms far sale. ' In Yamhill County. P. O. Box 74. Oar 1 ton. Or. FOR SALE PRICE. l.-.OOo! 30-acre farm, 22 improved, balance brush; 10-room house; good barn, largo and small fruit; V-mlle from town, churches, graded school and railroad; river front; 2 cows. 1 wagon, 1 mowing machine, 1 buggy. 1 work harness. 1 har row, 60 hens. Call on or address R. M. Woolworth, Dayton. Or. $5300-5200 ACRES, 25 acres under plow". 30 acres pasture, balance timber. 3.000 -000; fair buildings, creek on place; 7 milch cows. 8 young heifers, team horses. 1 sow and 6 pigs, all tools, machinery and most of furniture; everything goes. Call at St. Charles Hotel, Tuesday. Arthur Bozarth. 20-ACRE tracts, unimproved. 25 miles by rail from Portland: suitable for fruit ratting and chicken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber for all purpo5es, best of soli, no rock or gravel; $15 to $25 an acre; easy terms. These are the cheapest tracts on the market and will bear inspection. Call and arrange to go and gee them. 310 Corbett bldg. 190 ACRES. 135 In cultivation,- 20 In oak and fir timber, balance in stump pasture; 8-room house, good barn 52x70. Price of this farm is $10u per acre; $13, 000 cash, balance at 6 per cent. This price includes crop and all stock and farm machlnerv. For further particulars call at 670 Bei n.ont t. J0-ACRB orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad, 25 miles from Portland; best soil;, no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; ar range with us to go and make selection; round trip stfme day. 310 :orbett b 1 d g . 20 ACRES. 13 miles out. on Oregon Electric end S. P. Ry.. fine fruit land, about 5 acres in young orchard: cheap for cash or part ensh. AF 43. Oregnnian. SO ACRES Irrigated land and 320-acre home stead relinquishment in the Deschutes Val ley; good buildings; price $36O0. Raa Leonard. Bend, Or,