, VOL. L. XO. 15,470. PORTLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENTS. AMES IS ANXIOUS TO SUCCEED LODGE ASPIRANT BITTER IN ATTACK ON BAY STATE SENATOR, FRIENDLY SPIBIT OF TUFT PREVAILS HEIRESS SEARCH ENDS; MAID WINS NOTED FOREIGNER DECIDES TO - : WED POOR GIRLu EMBARGO STILL ON, COLONEL-IS SILENT BRUTISH VIGOR OF FIGHTERS UNTRIED HANGS BRIBE JURY GOSSIP, HOWEVER, SAYS IM PORTANT CONFERENCE DUE.; ONE LORIMER MAN POWER OF DIAZ IS QUIETLY RENEWED Record of Achievement Rivals "Big Stick" CONGRESS WON BY STRATEGY Reforms Inaugurated in Which Roosevelt Failed. RECORD IS NOTEWORTHY Except for' Anti-Injunction Bill, President Has Won Every Point. Oregon. Unfortunate in Irri gation Bill Omissions. BT HARRT J. BROWN. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, June 25. (Special) Through conciliation' and compromise, and in a friendly spirit of co-operation, Presi dent Taft secured from Congress, dur ing the session just closed, more im portant legislation than has been en acted in any other one session of recent years. His whole legislative programme, with the exception of one bill, is now law. In no single session of the strenuous Roosevelt Administration were so many Important bills enacted, nor did Con gress so nearly carry out the wishes of the Executive. In those days Congress yielded to the big "stick, and gave grudgingly; In the late session Con gress met the President more than half way and gave him all that for which he made a special plea all save the anti-Injunction bin. Harmony Is Restored. . From the Administration standpoint and from the party standpoint it was a remarkably successful session, ' for the platform pledges largely have been fulfilled and harmony has been re stored between the Executive and Con press. It is noteworthy, too, that the most important legislation of the session forms' a part of the mueli-exploited "Roosevelt policies." This legislation was repeatedly urged Dy President Roosevelt, but Congress turned a deaf ear. Tet the lawmakers allowed them selves to fall prey to the persuasive smile and touching entreaty of Presi dent Taft and passed for aim the very bills that had been denied his predeces sor. All of which demonstrates the wisdom of a remark made by Presi dent Roosevelt when he declined to accept another nomination. He then said that some other man, in sympathy with his views, could accomplish more With Congress than he himself. Taft Loyal to Roosevelt. The legislative record of the recent session, by the way, is ample answer to those who charge that Taft' Is dis loyal to the Roosevelt policies. Of all the legislation enacted in com pliance with the recommendation of the President, the interstate commerce bill, creating a court of commerce and en - larging the powers of the Interstate commerce commission, takes first rank. It was the foremost measure on the Taft programme, and the one on which he spent the most time and ef fort; collaborating as he did with his - Attorney-General, and with the leading lawyers of Congress to get the most effective law possible to devise. Many of the changes made by this iaw were advocated by President Roosevelt, but Congress put aside his recommenda tions and waited for his successor to renew them. Next in Importance, undoubtedly. stands the postal savings bank law. This, also, was on the Roosevelt pro gramme, but never during the former Administration would Congress pass this bill, though all mannor of pres sure was brought to bear by the Ex ecutive. Conflict Is Overcome. There was wide diversity of opinion In Congress as to the best form of postal bank bill, and for many weeks this difference threatened to defeat '.he bill. In the end. however, the Presi dent brought about an adjustment, a compromise bill was pasred, and if It proves . imperfect in detail it will be' remedied in the future. Meanwhile the experiment will be tried. Those Influences which repeated'.y defeated the statehood bill during the Roosevelt Administration came close to accomplishing the same thing this past session, but President Taft saved the day, and Arizona and New Mexico, which had looked upon "Teddy" as the one man who could bring them in, nre now forced to transfer their allegiance to the man who did what "Teddy" could not do.1 As with the postal bank bill, the two houses of Congress were far apart on the statehood bill. "When the bill had passed the House, it was .delayed in the Senate committee by Senator Beveridge, who was opposed to the admission of two new states. When he did report, he had so altered the bill he supposed-as to make it utterly unacceptable to the House. His pur pose was to pass it late, have It sent to conference, and there let it die. But the President fooled him, and through his influence the House yielded its opinions, accepted the Senate bill, ob jectionable though It was, and the statehood bill became a law. Incidentally. Beveridge was left out Concluded- en. Page 8. Descendant of Historic Hindu Fam ily Gets Everything but Wealth. . in Hotel Employe, - - , , . CHICAGO, June 26. (Special.) Mo ses R. Penn, descendant of the his toric Hindu family of Rat Varma, after spending many months in ' a futile search, for, an heiress, in the . United States, . has 'abandoned the quest and. Instead, is to wed- a girl occupying the humble position of chambermaid in a Chicago hotel. ' Penn, whose father was ruler of the State of Sartari before the Indian mu tiny, was sent on extensive travels when he was 21 years old. He landed in Chicago after visiting many points of interest, and decided to remain in America and endeavor to win a woman of wealth, as he had heard so many foreign , noblemen had done. Not until he met Irene Smith, daugh ter of the manager of a Boston shoe establishment, whose home is in Cochi tuate, Mass., did he find a woman who satisfied him in every particular ex cept wealth. The girl, who is 18, pret ty and, according to Penn, well edu cated, applied at the hotel for em ployment to make her way back home. She soon met Penn and it was a case of love at first sight. PUTER SAVES LITIGATION Satisfactory Settlement With George Baldwin, Rich Investor, Reported. APPLETON, Wis., June 26. (Spe cial.) Word has been received from George Baldwin, who, with his mother, Mrs. Catherine Baldwin, and a party of friends, are now in the Yellowstone Park, en route home from a tour of the West, that he has made a satis factory settlement with S. A. D. Puter out of court. George Baldwin's father, the late Judge George Baldwin, who made several million dollars in timber lands, was among those who accused Puter, McKinley and others In connec tion with a land deal In Oregon. It was asserted that Judge Baldwin had lost $500,000. JACOB SCHIFF IN WEST New York Banker and Party to Be in La Grande Today. U' GRANDE, Or.. Juno 26. (Spe cial.) Jacob Schlff, member of the great banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., of New York, trustee of the Baron Hirsch fund, founder of a great Jewish theological seminary, and one of the leading financiers and philanthropists of the world, will be in La Grande to morrow for a short while. Mr. Schiff is accompanied by a num ber of New York friends and financiers. They ars traveling in a special train of seven cars. They go from here to Seat tle and from that point have a vessel chartered to take them to Alaska, whither they are bound on a Summer outing. JAP WEDDINGS TOO MANY Seattle Officials Have Suspicions of Slave Trade. - SEATTLE, Wash., June 26. (Special.) An unusual increase in the number of Japanese marriages has attracted the attention of County Auditor Case, who has asked for an Investigation by Prose cuting Attorney Vanderveer. Thirty-two marriages were held this month; 213 have come in six months; while th total tor the year nas been a&B. li a slave trade is going on," says Colonel Case, "it is very easily accom plished by allowing the women to come here and be married and that is the last we know about them." JEWS ORDERED OUT FAST Nearly 200 Expelled FromRussia Within Three Days. KIEV, June 26. From June 28 to June 25 Inclusive. 46 Jews were expelled from. Kiev, 37 from Salomenka and 37 from Demieffka. ' Twenty-seven were expelled from Kievvtoday. 24 from Salomenka and 17 from Demieffka. l r,r I .i U4U-IJEUO DIAZ, HE-JuLIiCTIiD Policies to Continue for . Another 6 Years. RAIN HELPS TAME OPPOSITION No Disturbances Reported in Any Quarter of Republic. CORRAL TO BE NEXT RULER American Capital Approves Present Administration, for President Is Friendly to Development of -Country Opponents Settled. EL PASO, Tex., June 26. (Special.) Porfirio Diaz, the 80-year-old statesman who has been President of Mexico con tinuously for 26 years, was re-elected to that Office todav. Ramon Cnrrnl un doubtedly wft chosen to succeed himself as "Vice-President. The result means that the policies of Diaz will continue another six years, or at least as long as the veteran ruler shall live. Returns of the voting, necessarily' are meager. Mexican processes are slow and anything like comprehensive figures from the various states on the balloting will not be available for days. Enough is known, however, to make it certain that President Diaz was victorious by a largo margin. Rain Dampens Opposition. Rain Jn the border states, where there was the greatest danger of trouble, damp ened the ardor of the opposition. The fight in Sonora, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon against the administration was very tame ' compared with what the radical papers had promised it would be. Further discouragement to the anti-re- electionlsts was found in the fact that their candidate for President, Francisco Madero. spent election dav in the Mon terey prison and that many of the active leadens of the opposition propaganda also were in custody and under guard of Fed oral troops. Vice-Presidency Storm Center. Whatever fight there was against the administration seems to have been con contracted on the candidate for the vice- presidency, Ramon Corral, who is being groomed by the party in power as the successor of Porfirio Diaz. Corral be lieves in the encouragement of American investments In Mexico and in the pro tection of all foregn interests in the re public on the theory that they are nec essary to progress. His active attitude In this respect has . engendered wide spread opposition to him, but by the same token, his candidacy has been fa vored by the capitalistic class, domestic and foreign. General Diaz Declines Office. Much interest has been aroused i nthe merits of General Felbz Diax, for many years Chief of Police of Mexico City. General . Diaz, who is a relative of the president, has been boomed for the vice presidency by one of the opposition parties. Over his signature there was printed in the Spanish and English pa pers of the capital three or four open letters in which he protested vigorously against his name being used In connec tion with the vice-presidency. He said he would not be a candidate under any circumstances, giving as his reason that he was satisfied with the office of Chief of Police of Mexico City and that he did not feel himself sufficiently equipped In statecraft to be vice-president. Reported Working, However. A few days ago General Diaz left the capital and came north. It was given out in local papers there that he had departed on a leave of absence, but it is rumored here that he had (Concluded on Page 3.) MEXICO'S DOMINANT FIGURE. HIS CHOICE FOR HIS SUCCESSOR. HIS WTFE ANT) HIS SEAT OF GOVERNMENT. PREStDJSAT OF SUiiXCO, KATIOAAL Meeting This Week Between . Roose velt, Taft and Hughes, Accord--ing . to Rumors. OYSTER BAY,. N. Y.,' June 26. The embargo that Theodore Roosevelt has placed on political news direct from Sagamore . Hill Was not lifted today. In the 'absence of visitor -who might be connected remotely with poll- tics there was no now development in the situation that the coming confer ences, with Governor Hughes nas created. There is a persistent buzz of gossip that the most Important political gathering of recent months is to be held this week at Beverly, Mass., or nearby. No positive confirmatory evidence has been produced, but much weight is placed on three words spoken by Colonel Roose velt. When asked if he expected to see President Taft at Beverly after his visit to Harvard University, he said: "I don't know." His manner showed clearly his unwill ingness to discuss the question, but he did not deny the possibility. Governor Hughts' secretary is quoted as having said yesterday that the Gov ernor would see Colonel - Roosevelt at Cambridge this week. It is thought pos sible that President Taft, Colonel Roose velt and Governor Hughes may gather together. Citizen Roosevelt had a day off to day. There was not a visitor at Saga more Hill. The Colonel spent the day with his family, with his two younger sons, Archie and Quentln, attending Christ Church-- in the morning. WHARFAGE CHARGES HEAVY W. A. Mears Calls Attention to Con ditions in Seattle. SEATTLE, Wash., June 26. (Special.) As bearing indirectly on the excessive .cost of living in Seattle. W. A. Mears, manager of the transportation bureau of the Chamber, has called attention to wharfage charges in this city. He points out that while so far as. charges against ships are concerned, Seattle is as free as any port in the world, the wharfage charges against cargo are the highest of any . city on the Coast. In a speech at the weekly dinner of the Rotary Club, Mr. Mears said: An immediate read justment of the wharfage charges of 50 cents a ton is necessary to protect the trade of Seattle. The expenses of main taining wharves here are - greater than elsewhere: taxation is onerous because wharves are classified as downtown prop erty. But a partial readjustment could be effected bv splitting the wharfaare r charges aivl placing half of it or$ ves- I , i-1 i .' a i - Hem, w iiiv.ii tijn at a jiul uwi, kiki 11a.lL on the cargo." The Rotary Club, which Is agitating the question of reduced wharfage charges. has . referred the question-to a committee consisting of George D. Weir, C. C. Finn. H. W. Hall. George O. Kretsinger and i,. innncKernorr. CHURCH PROPERTY TAXED AH Not Used Solely for Purposes of Worship to Be Assessed. HILLSBORO, Or.,. June 26.-(Spe- cial.) As a result of Instructions from tl Oregon State Tax Commislon,-Assessor Max Crandall will place on the assessment rolls- all church properly which Is not occupied and used solely as a house of worship. This will mean that all parsonages of whatsoever denomination will go on the tax roll this year, thus' adding sev eral thousand dollars to the assessable property. In Hlllsboro alone four resi dences will be assessed which have been exempt In the past. At Forest Grove there are ' also several parsonages which will be tabulated on the rolls. Throughout the County are many more which will hereafter contribute to the county administration. R. E. CLANTON IS INDORSED Grants Pass Man Would Succeed Mc Allister as Fish Warden. ROSEBURG, Or., June 26. (Special.) A petition Is being circulated here today indorsing R. E. Clanton, for the past two years deputy fish warden at Grants Pass, for the office of state game and fish warden to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Warden McAllister. PALACE AT MEXICO CITY, UBS. DUZ Endurance Will Play Big Part in Bout LONDON ANALYSES QUESTION Neither Jeffries. Nor Johnson Ever in Gruelling Match. RELAXATION BLACK'S ASSET Novelist Believes . White Pugilist Possesses Power to Battle On and ' On, but Is Not So Sure About Negro, Who "Loafs." BY JACK LONDON. (Copyright. 1910. by the New York Herald Company, Registered In Canada in .accord-" ance with the. copyright act. All rights re served. ) RENO, Nov., June 26. (Special.) In considering the relative merits of the two big men who are to try conclu sions a week from tomorrow, it must be remembered that neither man has ever been really extended, and that neither . man has ever been compelled to endure to the uttermost. Barring a lucky punch in the opening rounds, en durance will play a large part In de termining which man is the better. And by endurance is meant the capa city not only to assimilate punishment, but the capacity to administer punish ment and to keep on administering more and more punishment. This question of endurance Is worthy of analysis. Men are made differently. Some have but a slight life-grip In their bodies and muscles. ' Others are apparently Impossible to kill. One Man's Energy May Excel. One man can walk 75 miles In day, and walk a second 75 the next day. Another man will collapse at the end of a 20-mile Jaunt anrt be lame and a groaning wreck for & week to come. Yet both these men will be organically sound, of the same size and weight and their chance-of passing-a life insurance examination would be equal. Then - what makes the differ ence? In the fibers of the one resides a primitive vigor and capacity for exer tion that the other lacks. Their mus cles may look alike; may be of the same size and density, yet the proto plasmlc, . energy-generating quality is different, .r Take a profesional weight-lifter. He may tip the scales at 160 pounds. He can elevate a 200-pound dumbbell with one hand. ' Another man, tipping the scales' at the same mark, cannot ele vate 100 pounds.' He is as sound and healthy as the other man, yet he can not do It- He can faithfully train and exeaclse for five years, or ten, and yet he will be unable to elevate 200 pounds with one hand. Nor has will anything to do with it. He may have ten times more will-power than the other man. but will-power cannot lift the 200 pounds for him. He lacks in the qual ity of his muscle, that is- all. Vigor Good to Have. This protoplasmic vigor may be our brute' heritage, but whatever, it -is, it Is a good thing- to have whether one is prize-fighter or not. It was In describ ing the fight at Colma with Jlmle Bxitt, that I pointed out the possession of this macular quality by Battling Nelson. called him an abysmal brute, and he never forgave me. Tet I meant it as a compliment. Of two boxers, equal to look upon in every way, equally well trained, with equal organs, equal gameness and equal will-power, one will reach his limit in five or ten rounds; the other, fighting just as severely, will be able to last 30 or 40 rounds, or even 60. It was this (Concluded on Page 3.) AAO IUJIOAA COIUIAX., REELECTED Representative Says One Aim Is to ' Overthrow Massachusetts StatesJ . ' man -and His Machine WASHINGTON, June , 26. Representa tive Butler Ames, of Massachusetts, pub licly announced his- candidacy for the United States' Senate today . in a formal statement embodying an exceptionally bitter attack upon Senator Henry Cabot Lodge. Mr. Ames- In his statement says he becomes a candidate after having failed to induce any one else to "Take up the fight against Boss Lodge and his political machine." The statement continues: "This machine, backed by all the large corporations and all the state and Fed eral patronage aj its command, has for many years served as a reaay ana ef ficient tool to crush all political ambi tions, endeavors and opinions not sanc tioned by Lodge. 'His orders have gone out to crush sot only for his own political ends, but to advance the selfish schemes of the large railroads, banking and manufac turing interests he serves In the halls of Congress, as well as in the Massachusetts Legislature. ' "It is "reported that in his present ex tremity, fearing to seek re-election on his long public record in Congress and In the state, his one hope is that Roose velt may create new confidence In his behalf by speaking for him as an old friend. It is hard to believe that the ex- President would lend himself to the polit ical support of one, even though a friend, who has consistently violated all the moral teachings of which he is a great exponent. "With direct primaries. It is" universally admitted that Mr. Lodge would have no possible chance of re-election." AMERICAN VESSEL WINS Schooner Westward Noses Oue Over German Boat at Kiel. - KIEL, June 26. In a stiff breeze to day, the American schooner Westward, owned by Alexander S. Cochran, of New York, won the Jubilee prize, de feating Lieutenant Krupp von Behlen Und Helbach's Germanla by one min ute and 42 seconds. C. H. Williams' American-built Me teor, with the Emperor on board, fin ished third, only a few lengths behind the Germanla. xne tmperor today conducted, divine services aboard the Imperial yacht Ho- henzollern. He chose as his theme, "Did Jesus Live?" which recently has been the subject of much public dis cussion following the appearance of a pamphlet by Professor Arthur Drews, of Karlsruhe, who declares that Jesus never lived. The Emperor's text was St. Luke 23:44. FLOOD WRECK FIGHT OVER Railroad, Out of Commission Since January 1, Resumes Service. SALT LAKE CITT, June 26. Regu lar train service on the Salt Lake, Los Angeles & San PedTO's Pioche brnch was resumed today. The branch has been out of commis sion since January I, when floods car ried out a considerable portion of the roadbed. Many mines in the Pioche dis trict will resume operations at once. Mondayhas been declared a holiday and excursions will be run to Pioche, where the opening of the road will be celebrated. PORTLAND CALL DECLINED St. Paul Minister Will Not Come to Immanuel Lutheran. ST. PAUL, June 26. (Special.) Rev. Peter Peterson, of the First Lutheran Church, St. Paul, one of the oldest churches In the city, will not leave here. Rev. Mr. Peterson several weeks ago received an Invitation to the pastorate of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Portland. Rev. Mr. Peterson has written trustees of the Oregon church, however, declining the call. VICB-PBESIBEJIT YESTilRDAY. Supporter of Senator May Save Browne. SCANDAL MAY BE BREWING Politician's Presence in Court room Seems Significant. ORDEAL OVERCOMES JUROR Fact No Request for discharge Uu Been Made Indicates That 11 Men Who Favor Conviction See Hope of Agreement. CHICAGO, June 26. (Special.) From the locked and heavily guarded rooms in which the Browne bribery Jury still was struggling to reach a verdict, there emanated, piecemeal, a story of the obstinate fight being; waged by a lone Juror to save the ac cused minority leader from the peni tentiary. ' For 56 hours this Juror has stood out for acquittal against the ' determined arguments of 11 men who voted tlma and again for conviction. For 56 hours he has withstood the arguments and contentions of the other men who ara convinced that Lee O'Neill Browne is guilty of the charge of buying tho legislative votes that elected Senatoa Lorlmer. The account of this fight that reached the little knot of expectant watchers on the outer side of the) locked doors was meager, but it was sufficient to show the terrific pressura being brought to bear to reach a veri diet. Juror Collapses; Is Revived. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, ana of th Jurors had collapsed. Whethe It was because of the heat of tha closed chambers or the ordeal of tha long and vigorous arguments was not learned. The bailiff hurriedly pro cured medicine, however, and two) hours later It was announced that tha Juror's condition was such that tha 12 would cdntinue their efforts to de- clde the case. But this was not the only sensa tional development of the day. In formation came from the rooms that tended to confirm the reports that Charles P. Spare was the man who was waging the fight for Browne. Spare, a resident of Lorimer's district, and reputed a member of the Lorlmer political organization, was the man about whom everybody connected with; the case was talking. Early Incident Significant. And this discussion revived the de velopments of the early days of tha trial in a manner ' that gave s.dded significance to them in the minds of those familiar with the situation. It was recalled that " Ernest Krulwich, a, politician of the ' Ninth ward, and henchman of Senator. Lorlmer, had been a frequent visitor to the court room until he was violently ejected from the chamber by order of State's) Attorney Wayman. Krulwich was discovered on the sec ond day that evidence was taken lean ing against the railing and eyeing the) Jurors closely. Mr. Wayman declares that the man seemed to be trying to catch one of the Jurors' eyes whether he succeeded, the prosecutor says ho does not know. - It was Krulwich who was ejected , from the courtroom oa a charge iden tical with this at the hearing of the , "Skinny" Madden case. Krulwich also I was Indicted in connection with pri mary frauds In which dead men were-1 shown to have been voted In his ward. Serious Scandal Feared. Mr. Wayman spent all of today delving into the records and documentary evi dence piled high on his desk. He refused to reveal what he was seeking. . . . "I can only say that I hope this casa won't develop Into another and possibly more serious scandal," he said. The day's developments promised to bring the deliberations of the Jury up to the record the bribery case already has set for surprises and dramatic situa tions. Not one request has been sent out from the Juryroom for instructions from Judge McSurely, nor has there been the slightest Intimation that the Jurors de sire to be discharged as unable to ar rive at a verdict. This fact was taken that the 11 still hope to bring over tha ' one Browne adherent. FIRE WIPES OUT CANNERY Valuable Property Near Vancouver Destroyed Loss $25,000. VANCOUVER, B.-C. June 26. (Spe cial Starting from a bush fire in tha timber limits-to Its rear, flames today destroyed the Eagle "cannery wharf, new gear and boats for this season, 400 cords of wood and some timber limits to the cannery's rear, all located on Howe Sound. The loss entailed is estimated at $25,000, although It may prove considerably more. The cannery is a large one and was Just preparing for the season's oper ations. gnBel located on an island, it was Impossible to save It, as it is situ ated about 13 miles from Vancouver, r