14 THE MORNING OREG ONI AN, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1910. FOR SALE. Horw Vehicles and HarnrM. WANTED Gentle, sound work horse. 1800 lbs. or more, front owner; state price and age- V 72. Oregonlan. PANEL top delivery wagon, hand made, painted red. second hand. Price $40. Call at The Nobby Stablea. 460 Flanders st. TEAMS, harness. 2 -wagons. Shaver st. cheap. 425 Automobile. WANT 1910 or 190 automobile; must be good car, not over $2500; have 2.6O0.0O0 feet fir on SO acres of land, four miles from railroad town. Southern Oregon; timber alone worth $2500; will trade same . for auto. Room GQ9 Couch bldg. 7-PASSENGER 60-H. P. Thomas Flyer, In good condition; just the car for stage line or livery; $1500 cash or installments. Weat ern Auto co.,531 Alder st. . B-PA8SENGER Oldsmoblle 40, good as new, will guarantee this car. If you are looking for a good car cheap, try this one. C. F. Fisher. 528 Hamilton bldg. 4 -CYLINDER, 5-passenger Studebaker E. M. F- 30 auto, 1900 model, fully equipped and extras; Al condition; price, $1050; no trades. AL 70, Oregon 1 a n. LEAVING CITT. Will sell my 5-pass. automobile for only $150. Main 5381, room 417, 326 Wash. street! . 1910 CADILLAC 80, deml-tonneau, used only 4 months, in perfect condition, $450 less than cost; a snap. Come early or you will mlas it. Western AutoCo. 5 3 1 Alder st. A FIRST-CLASS runabout, almost new, fer sale cheap at Van Mat so-Land y Auto Co., 503 Alder st. 4-CYLINDER Cadillac model G. In first class condition; Just overhauled and paint- d; $POO. "Wentpm Auto Co.. 631 Alder st. WILL exchange lot, free and clear, restrict ed district, for runabout In good condition; value $30O. W 08. Oregonlan. Pianos. Orphans and Musical Instruments. XEW PIANO CHEAP. ' Party desiring to buy new piano can learn something of value by calling. Phone Kwgt or B 1894. - CHECK on H oven dan-Sou le Piano Co. for 9125 to sell reasonable. Phones A 5144, Main 5180. VIOLINS, brass, reed and string instruments repaired. Any piece made to order. JbL Godard. room 1C. 142H 2d st. FOR SALE One hundred and twenty-flve-dollar check to apply on purchase of piano. , Address821Rodney ave. FOR SALE: $125 contest check on Hoven-den-Soule Piano Co. N 77. Oregonlan. CREDIT check, 1125, on purchase of new piano; make offer. AB 78. Oregonlan. FOR SALE, cheap, a check for $130 on Portland Piano Ifouse. J 75. Oregonlan. PIANO, Brewster make, new. never un , packed for $275. K 78. Oregonlan Birds. Dogs and Pet Stock. "A RUSSIAN war dog, a great watcher and fighter, weighs 85 lbs. Call Monday on Main st., between 3d and 4th. THOROUGHBRED cocker spaniel pups, cheap. 52t? North 15th st. Miscellaneous. BE WING machines, special sale on splendid lot of fine second-hand machines of all leading makes. Singer. "Wheeler & "Wil son, New Home. White. Domestic. House hold and others, to make room for new Singer 66 and rotary. Singer Sewing Machine Store. 9. S. Sigel. agent. 335 Morrison st. Phone Main 2183. A 459ft. FOR SALE Trays, carriages, graders and other fixtures of a 10-ton prune drier, a great bargain; quick sale desirable; build ing being dismantled. Call .or write to the Mosier Fruit Growers' Association Moeler, Or. 80 HEAD of certified dairy cattle and re tail route; write or call J. D. Pearson, R F. D. 2, Box 124. A good chance to buy a money-maker. FOR SALE Chandler A Price 23-inch hand cutter. Chandler Price 10x16 platen preset used 18 months; a bargain. Allen Eaton. Eugene, Or WILD BLACKBERRIES Clean and fresh from the woods; delivered at $1 per gallon ; send postal. J. B. Black. Boring, Or., R. 3, box 79. 5 H. P. electric motor, shaft, belting, pul leys, lathe, handsaw and circle saws; taken on mortgage. Room 10, Washing ton bldg. STOCK of decorations, novelties. Jewelry, re turn balls, canes, pennants, etc 472 Wash- ,lnffton at. SAFES NEW AND SECOND-HAND. All sizes ; low prices ; easy terms. PORTLAND SAFE COMPANY. 87 Kth St. SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines; liberal terms; $10 to $60. Northwest Type wrlter Co., M. 8870. 222 Ablngton bldg. BL1CKENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS. $ $50. Ask for catalog. Rebuilt $15 up. M. M. HayterCo.,90 5th St. Main 552a. m FOR SALE OR RENT Neat 2 -room house boat, large, at Yacht club. Inquire 521 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP Fine portable folding organ; also small baby upright piano. 6 2 6V Washington. Phone Main S4 58. T'OR SALE cheap 16-foot launch and launch house, fully equipped. Phone E. 2806. 421 B. Ash at. DESK, typewriter, chairs and filing cabi nets; all for $50. Room lO, Washington bldg. FOR 8ALB fhowpftfl. wallcases. counters. cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone Bast 53s. FOR SALE OR RENT Logging and hoist ing engines. Railway Equipment Co., 74 1st st. Both phonea. 22-FOOT launch, in fine order; complete equipment and canvas house, $250. W 76, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Diver's pump, complete sub marine diving outfit. S. W. Bailey, 387 East Washington. . 26-FOOT launch, 12-horsepower. 4-oyllnder engine and launchhouse ; fully equipped; $500 if taken at once. Phone Main FOR SALE. ' Ice box, 4 feet S inches high: 4 doors 3 feetwide, good as new. 220Thirdst. TWO houseboats and launch for sale, reas onable. Inquire of "Ben," across from the Oaks. 22-FOOT launch, $250. everything complete in first-class condition. J. A. Kelly, Woodlawn 1388. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. 231 Stark St. Mala 1407. GOOD ahort inside blocks for $2.00 per load. Be quick. Phone Main 166Q. A 5448. NOTES and mortgages bought and sold. Na tlonal Credit Asa'n, 601 Worcester bldg. SOO BUSINESS CARDS $1 If you bring this ad, Rose City Prlntery. 192tfr 3d. near Taylor. FOR SALE: Second-hand safe. .Inquire at o-j-t Aioer st. A $125 PIANO certificate for sale to high est bidder. L 78, Oregonian. fr'lN hi insulated cooler x.r caca-t. Friedman. 205 1st. FOR SALE Fullblooded Jersey cow, $45. iiu eiaware ave. SHOWCASES, new and second-hand 4X4 Everett, cor 6th. Also fixtures. VIOLINS, banjoo, mandolins, guitars at halt regular prices. Uncle Myers. 71 oth, 14-FOOT Clinker row-boat, first-class: 1617 Jordan s t. c 1 1 y . . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED. CLOTHING. Highest price paid for men cast-off clothing and shoes. The Glob Second hand store. 290 First. Main 20 Ho. We also . buv ladles clothing. WANTED Men's cast-orZ ciotnlng and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the -'Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d st. Main 927 X WANTED Six teams to haul sand and gravel. Phone East 4G26 or 492 Mteelserfppi .ave M. H. Orrell. feELL your second-nana furniture to tarn Ford Auction Co. or you'U set less. Phones: A 2445; Main o95L SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always riven. Phcne East 1067. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand shoes Htid inth-a Phonf Marshall 1929. WANTED Moving picture machine films, etc AM 73. Oregonlan. WANTED Paying store, ' ciTy or country about $1000. F 69, Oregonlan. . HELP WANTED MALE. FINE opening, neat young man, experience unnecessary, small capital required. Call B26H Washington at. Room 417. TAILOR wanted to take core of shop. 456 TWO Iron workers- familiar with structural MEATCUTTERS for Saturday. Ockley Green WANTED 2 boyn to work In factory. Car man Mfg. Co., 18t h and Upah u r. TWO first-class solicitors for cleaning and dyeing works. Call 409 E. Morrison st. MEN for factory near Portland; married men EXPERIENCED cutter for harness factory. P. J. Cronin Co., 129 1st st. i'Hul'UUUAi'il coupon ana porna.t aeaia; new offer. Cutberth, studio Dekum b 1 d si HIG H-CLA SS commercial salesman wanted. 215 Commercial bldg. , BOT9- wanted over 16 ' X04W- Taylor st. years; good wa. HJELP WANTED MALE. HANLEY A TR AVERS. 2Sfc. North Second St. Phones M. 727; A 2290. Rock foreman. $75 and board. Three cooks, $75 and board. Three flunkeys, $40 and board. Sawyer, $4. Two buckers. $3. Sawmill men. $2.50. Ten R. R. teamsters. $2.50. For J. W. Sweeney, station gang for the N. I. Double tracking. J.V. Austrian (board selves), $2.50. . - .0 -jlrians (concrete work). $2.75. W A"'2-'iiI.A-j-ADie coaled man for the U. B-&3i-?. Corps, between tne ages of 19 and 5; zGxist be native born or have first pa pers. Monthly pay $15 to $69. Additional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attendance free. After 80 years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at Breeden bldg.. Port- 1 an d. Or. WANTED LUMBER SALESMAN; WHOLESALE FIRM WANTS EXPERI ENCED AND CAPABLE LUMBER SALESMAN FOR SALT LAKE AND DENVER TERRITORIES; ONE AC QUAINTED WITH THAT TRADE PRE FERRED; MUST HAVE CLEAR REC ORD; GIVE AGE, EXPERIENCE. REF ERENCES AND SALARY. ADDRESS LUMBER WHOLESALER, K 77, ORE GOXIAJ 1000 MEN to know that I sell men's suits at less than wholesale price. How do I do it ? I buy manufacturers samples and cancellation orders and sell them in an of fice building, the rent of a ground-floor store; sell 433 to $40 suits, $1.75; $18 to $22.50 suits, $12.75. Knew Sample Suit Shop, room 315 Oregonlan bldg. Jimmle Dunn, Mgr. TWO hands, Germans preferred, to work on farm in the Willamette Valley; one single, one married; no objection to orderly chil dren; wages $40 per month; steady jobs for right men; house with running water, fuel, milk and garden furnished ; work for woman if desired. Applv Monday, 27th, after 0:30 A. M, at room 419 Falling bldg., 124 Third st. E HAVE an out-of-the-ordlnary proposi tion for competent men. Want only high class representatives who will be satisfied with $& to $7 a day; must be qualified to interview business people; exceptional opportunity for anyone who Is willing to make a fine income legitimately. Call 10 to 4. 413 Mohawk bid g. m WA NTE D A good washer, also to starch and polish if necessary, small laundry, but must turn out firBt class work, steady work and good wages to man that U not afraid to work. No boozer or bums need apply. Dallas Steam Laundry, Dallas, . Oregon. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohier System of Colleges, 35 .'orth 4th at., Portland. Or. WANTED Sawyer, small mill, $40 and board. Two painters. Ity, $3.50. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., 1 12 North 2d 6t. Y. M. C. A. The friend of the young man . and stranger ; hearty welcome and good counsel are yours without cost. Constant demand for men who can do something well. Special employment membership as sures employment. Investigate before you invest. BOOKKEEPER and office man for city representatives; my novel advertising con tract will dress you for 1 year-WITHOUT COST: 20 openings for men holding re sponsible positions. HE1MBACH IDEA, 291 Stark st. YOUNG man, good appearance, live ener getic hustler, best reference, wants po sition with reliable land company to- go East; advertise and sell lands; would pre fer colonization proposition. Address for WANTED Reliable man, able to check cvuu, , uwiivj- wnt guamuiee 0 weej now. which can be increased with inter ested help ; small investment required. Particulars, 248 Stark st. WANTED Experienced dairyman with iamny to tajce cnarge or Willamette Val ley ranch; must have references; also must want permanent place. V 80, Ore gonlan RELIABLE man and wife as janitor in apartment house; one who has experience and knows how to handle boilers, and willing to wtrk. References required. F 77. Oregonlan. WANTED. Independent or nonunion Machinists. UNITED METAL TRADES ASS'N. 222 Commercial Club Bldg. ALL-AROUND, energetic young man for general mercnanaise store, on St. Johns car line; good solicitor, German preferred; best references. Phone Wood lawn 1885. DRY GOODS Experienced fancy goods man to tan cnarge or notion, ribbon and lace department; give references and state sal ary. Apply Daly Bros.. Eureka. Cal. MAN and wife wanted for ranch work; wages $2.50 a day; all Summer's job. Phone or write H. C. Green, White Sal . mon, Wash. WANTED Five experienced salesmen to sell the best fruit and ornamental stock on the coast. Call 9 to 12 A. M. 169 2d St. WANTED Honest partner to insert equal amount in moving-picture theater; have fine location; no opposition. Newman, 526 Washington st. bet. 16th and 17th. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. Call or send for new catalogue, answer pa.pcr, etc. 207 Marquam bldg. WE want 4 men who can sell real estate; fine proposition to good men. See Mr. i Crowe, 10-12 A. M. Jno. p. Sharkey Co., 6th and Washington.. WE HAVE good routes open from time to time. If you are over 16 years of age and mean business file your application - f or a route. Room 203 Oregonlan bldg. GOOD solicitor, easy selling proposition, business section; men with experience sell ing books or ins. preferred; 30 per cent com. 10 Cambridge bldg., 3d and Morrison. WANTED Farmhand; must be able to handle horses. Apply between 8 and 10 A. M. today. 205 McKay bldg. WANTED Sash and door machine men; good wages and steady employment the year i around. Address Box 462, BelUngham. Wash. WANTED A singer who is able to plav piano in moving picture theater, out of town position. Apply 513 Rothchlld bldg. WANTED First -class coat maker; steady po sition for good man; give references1 and salary. O 81. Oregonlan. ADVERTISING solicitor, special edition work; commission Saturday nights. 21144 Oaka t. 2 EXPERIENCED subscription solicitors, high class weekly; references, good appear ance Call before 10 A. M. 329 C. of C. MOTION picture operators earn $35 weekly; learn business in short time. Motion Plc ture School. 5264 Washington st. S18 TO $35 week few months only learning; situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-En- graving School. Box 182. Ashland, Or. A STEADY, sober man to do Inside work; $75 per month; $14)0 cash security re quired. AC 7S. Oregonlan. WANTED Clerk and all-around hotel man runner; also bell boy, at Rainier Hotel. 128 N. 6th at. DRY GOODS MAN Experienced man for do mestic department. Apply, stating references and salary, Daly Bros.. Eureka, WANTED First-class Japanese cook for Hood River, Oregon. Call 697 Flanders street- WANTED Man to look after BO-acre fruit farm, half of the crop and $15 a month Valley Realty Co.. 414 N. 6th at. MAN and 'wife, run camp boarding-house on contract: 20 to 30 men. Pioneer Em ployment, 16 North 2d. STENOGRAPHER Must be experienced Apply to Clark A Wilson Lumber Co . Unn ton, Or. EXPERIENCED spinners wanted; steady work. Apply Portland Woolen Mills St. Johns, Or. WANTED Good trimmer man for auto matic trimmer; wages $3 day. Rainier Lumber A Shingle Co.. 511 Board of Trade. WANTED Experienced lumber grader for planing mill on night shift. Multnomah Lumber &, Box Co. WaNTED Young man for general office work, stenography and bookkeeping. 611 Lumbermena bldg. WANTED CONCRETE FINISHER 41 NORTH 2D ST. WANTED Pick and shovel men, 30c per hour. East 12th and Irving sts. BARBER wanted; a good man; steady job. 165 N. th st. MACHINIST wanted; $4 a day. Multnomah Mohair Mills. Sell wood, Oregon. WANTED Boy for printing office. F. W Pa 1 tes A Co. , Fi rst and Oak gts. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper; state age, ex perience and salary. T 79. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bottlewasher wanted. Ap- uiy at- v .Mm Btraei. WANTED Dishwasher, at once. 345 . Yamhill st. WANTED Two quick and neat draughts men, plain work. V 73, Oregonlan. WANTED One flrst-clasa assistant elec trical draftsman at $4 per diem; a com petitive examination will be held July 25, 1910, to All the above position. For fur ther information address "Commandant, Navy Yard, puget Sound, Wash." HELP WANTED MALE. REFINED, educated young woman, keeping tance from Portland, wishes to board and. care for 2 children ; city references. Ad? dress P. Q. Box 709, Portland. PLUMBERS and steam fitters First-class re liable open- hop men; good wages, regular work. Address W ra. E. Holmes, Sec., Se--attle. Wash. BOOKKEEPER and assistant credit man, wholesale house; good opportunity; state age, experience, references. D 76, Ore Ionian. M ,S wanted tu prpar tor railway mall clerks, pos toff Ice clerks, carriers, etc Write or call for Book 80. At'm free. Paclflo States School McKay bldg.. Portland. Or WANTED Good, live man, hustler, to handle stock for an oil company; exclusive terri tory; good opportunity for live man. Ad- fcdress JB5 lPhe 1 anb Id g., San Franclaco. RAILWAY mail clerks, city carriers, clerk. Portland, examinations announced July 15 Preparation free. Franklla Institute. Dept. 271 P. Rochester. X. Y. WANTED Shinglers; none but nrst-jclass gauge men need apply Address J. J. Bradfield, 301S North 29th su. Tacoma, Wash. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Young- lady, clerical work; one who is accurate, rapid, writes good hand; office experience not necessary; $6 per week. Apply own handwriting. Y J3, Ore gonlan. WANTED Experienced cook and house keeper, with references; middle-aged woman preferred; for Hood River house; has all modern conveniences, two In famr ily. Call 697 Flanders at. STENOGRAPHER Experienced and compe tent. Apply forenoons to superintendent, OJ d s. Wortman & King. WANTED Experienced, educated woman as housekeeper; must be able to manage servants and take entire charge of house- hold; references requirecLM 69, Oregonlan. LADY stenographer and bookkeeper wanted, one who is neat, accurate and can be relied upon to guard the interest of her employer. AG72,Oreconlan. WANTED Girl for general housework by July G; must be good, experienced cook; family of two; no sweeping; give refer ences. Address AL 60, Oregonian. WANTED Middje-aged l&dy to work Hi boarding house for her and her husband's room and board. 121U Russell at. phone East 3878. WANTED Honest partner to Insert equal amount in moving-picture theater; have fine location; no opposition. Newman, - 5264 Washington st. bet. 16th and 17th. WANTED Experienced lady who will take care and superintend a new, up-to-date apartment-house. Inquire Silvenneld's, 4th and Morrlson sts.. In the afternoon. WANTED Lady stenographer and book keeper for position in town of 600O in habitants. Call Saturday forenoon, 503 Commercial bldg. YOUNG lady for reception-room In photo studio; one who has had experience as raleslady or receptionist. X 79, Orego nlan. WANTED Thoroughly experienced salesiaay in dry goods and ready-to-wear; state ex perience and salary. Emporium. Toppen- Jph. Wash. WANTED Girl for general housework; two in family; good wages; must go home at night. Call phone Main 3651 before 1 P. M. SWEDISH girl to assist In general house work, small family, kind treatment, time off. Call 6S0 Tillamook St., or 52S Ham ilton bldg. GIRL for general housework; must be good cook; best wages; modern 7-room house, family of three, no children. 800 North rup st., corner 24th. SUMMER school for shorthand and type- writing; day and evening classes; po- po 630 sltions guaranteed; enro roa now. Worcester blag. OPERATORS wanted on custom-made trou sers and vests: steady work, good wages. Rlchanbach Clothing Mfg. Co., Phoenix bl d g. ,5 1 han d Oak. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, 626 Washington St.. Room 307. . Main 8836 Or A 3266. LADY demonstrators to call on Portland families; those with experience given pre ference; salary. D 79, Oregonian. WANTED Young capable girl for gen eral housework n small family. Apply mornings, 275 Williams ave. GIRL for general housework ; experience not necessary. 257 North 22d, cor. ,North rup. WANTED Renned. capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 609 Roth chUd bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Frst-class waitress. $9 a. week and board. Royal Bakery Lunch Room. Main 352. Vancouver. Wash. WANTED A singer who is able to play piano in moving picture theater, out of town position. Apply 513 Rothchild bldg. EXPERIENCED cloak saleswoman; steady position and good ealary. Apply, giving ref erences. to Daly Bros.. Eureka, WANTED A girl for general housework; one who understands cooking. Call A .7658 WANTED Girls who want steady work In all of our departments. Yale Laundry Co.. 50Q E. Morrison. FIRST-CLASS cook; three in family, phone Main 2957 or call 581 Jackson, Portland Heights. EXPERIENCED girl for second work. Ap ply morning, southeast corner 20th and Jackson sts.. Portland Heights. Main 2644. WANTED A capable girl for general house- worn. Appiy at isi jonnson st; 10 to 12 a. ai. or t to q if, jq. SEAMSTRESS wanted. experienced on ladies' coats. Apply at once. Gale Out fittlng Co.. 430 Washingxon st. WANTED Girl for general housework for Summer at beach: 2 in family. Phone East 2052 or Main 1046. WANTED Girl to assist in licht house work; no washing; small family. Phone C1791or call 243 Dixon st. EXPERIENCED cook In small family of adults, references required. Apply 415 Wes tParkst. WANTED Competent girl for general house work; family of 3 adults; good wages. Apply 381 12th st. GIRL wanted; housework, cooking;'' amaTl family grown people; wages $30. 570 Hoyt. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Washington St.. Cor. 7th, Upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED Head waitress: also two exper ienced waitresses. The Hill. 23d and Wash lngton sts. WANTED Girl for general housework; no children; evenings free. Apply 4 OS Mont g ornery. RELIABLE young girl assist general house work, three In family, good wages. East -0,360. CASHIER for wholesale house; must have experience and furnish satisfactory refer ences. AH 74. Oregonlan. GOOD cook, first-class, private boarding house, at once. 374 Park st- WANTED Girl for general housework. 651 Lovejoy at. Call mornings. GIRL for housework. 895 Clifton St., corner Tenth. WANTED Operator on custom pants. 253 Washington St., room 1 7. GIRL to assist in housework; small family. 652Overton st. WANTED Girl for housework, small fam lly. 606 Hoyt st. WANTED Bright, young- lady. Pacific Win dow Shade Co., 268 3d. WANTED Dining-room girl at 163 121 and Morrison. WANTED Lady to do cleaning and pressing . as partner or on salary. Woodlawn 27G6. WANTED Experienced girl for general hous- work. Apply room 201 Oregonlan bldg. LESSONS In Shorthand and Typewriting by expert; $5 a month. ,269 14th. Main 3&93. WANTED Girls to wait on tab lei Ann!v Hebe's, 404 Washington st. GIRL for general housework, 3 in family 408 N. 32d St., Willamette Heights. GIRL wanted for shooting gallery, $12 per week. 69 3d st. . GIRL for cooking and assist at housework good wages. Apply 603 Halsey. WANTED 'Waitress at once. 291 14th st. North. ; GIRL for igeneral housework; 2 In family good cook; good wages. 269 N. 22d. GOOD girl for general housework. 372 14th street. WANTED Waitress and chambermaid. Na- tlonal Hotel. First and Yamhill. WAITRESS wanted. Stein's Restaurant. 122 14th st. WANTED Girl helD every Sunday at new game at Council Crest. WANTED Supper waitress at the Oriental, 468 Washington st. GOOD girl for general housework In board-ing-house. 41 Ella st. WANTED Good cook, in family of 7 neo- pie. 445 11th st. GIRL for housework. 702 Northrup. V.NTED Lady waitress. 345 H Yamhill. GIRL for sreneral housework. Call 541 2d. at. TtEI.y WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS, 16 years of age and oyer, to work In ba factory. Apply at once, AMES HARRIS NEVILLE CO., 5th and Davis sts. WANTED. Hotel and boarding-house cooks, city ana country; $-10. $45 and $50. Waitresses, country hotels. $30, $35 and $40. Others too numerous to mention here- . PACIFIC "EMPIIVMPVT rflVPAW. Ladles' Dept. 2054 Morrison St. WA NT ED Good reliable dressmaker to take charge of dressmaking department; would consider partnership; not any capital re quired. Must give security. Thia dress making is In connection with the best tailor shop In Portland. Dressmaking to be apart from tailoring. The best loca tion in town. Would give reliable girl charge ot It and Interest In same. W 71- Oregonian. WANTED at once, young ladies to learn to weave woolens, flannels and blankets; good wages can be earned within a short time by those who will apply themselves; every consideration shown to steady workers. Apply at once to superintendent, Portland Woolen Mills. St. Johns. Oregon. MAN and wife, cook and helper country ho tel, $SO; chambermaid. $25 (out of city); 3 waitresses (out of city), $25, fare paid; chambermaid. $35 (citv) ; housekeper, $20. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 345 y Wash, st., Room 7. HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co.. 2d aa4 Columbia. HEjJWAjJTED MALE OR FKMTALB. E. B. U. MAKE stenographers happy with good positions. 63 Q Worcester bldg. FISK TEACHERS AGENCY offers goad potions to A-l Instructors. 611 S wetland. r SITUATION WANTED MALE. I5ook keepers and Clerks. SALESMAN, desires position In general store; ten years' experience in all branches; married, age 32, three years as manager; can take charge or part Inter est and invest up to $2.'00; solicits corres pondence with party desiring good, com petent man; A-l references and indorse- ments furnished. W 58, Oregonian. A YOUNG man of 30, steady and indus trious, thoroughly experienced in office work, as bookkeeper and stenographer, desires position; good references; willing ipjeavetnecity. a u 7JJ.o r e g on j an. THOROUGHLY experienced clothing and gent's furnishing salesman wants posi tion; highest references furnished. H 78, Oregonian. POSITION as night clerk, hotel or rooming house, by experienced hotelman; ref ,erences and bond. P 71, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer, railroad, real estate, lumber; will substitute. T SO, Ore onian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typewriter, temporary or permanent; references. P 74, Oregonian. YOUNG man -desires position as general of fice assistant and bill clerk or collector; well acquainted in city. S 72. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, experienced In banking, railroad and general office work, desires m permanent position. S 73. Oregonlan. GROCERY CLERK. A-l, wants position city; references furnished. Address F 76, Ore- gonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posl . tion where ability is needed. Phone A B4 46. Miscellaneous. MINING and oil engineer, young, of excep tional personality and capable of meet ing the best of people on their own ground seeks opening in any outside capacity that has opportunities in which case sal- ri ary would be no object. G 73. Oregonian A YOUNG man of experience In hotel and cafe work, clerical or otherwise, would like . position ; good references and no ob jection to leaving the city. 73, Orego nian. A YOUNG man-of 30. cnod habits stead v. in dustrious. " conscientious worker, lO years general orr ice ana nusmess experience, de- girej position, i-t oo. uregoman. CHAUFFEUR wants position with private family; 3 years' - experience; good me chanic; have first-class references. 1 T7, Oregonian. EASTERN bridge man, 7 years' experience steel and wood bridges, concrete work and pueariving, wants steady position. M 75, Oregonlan. WANTED Clerical or office position; served 5 years as postmaster Jn the East; am usea to aeaitng witn the public Ji. 75, Oregonlan. " LIVESTOCK or ranch work wanted by young man on shares or salary. Address .a. 'js, oregonian. POSITION by an experienced hotel drum mer; sober, steady and a hustler; gets the peopie. a vt, oregonian. CHINESE boy 17 wishes situation In good iamuy, nouseworK ana neip cook. AD 81, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED shoe man desires nosition. 10 years' experience in selling and raak- ing. iv to, oregonian. JAPANESE couple wants situation, man for all around and wife as second work. A for private family; very careful; no boozer A JAPANESE cook wants a position In first class family or Summer hotel; working. O t i, oregonian. EXPERIENCED cook wants a position, day. inquire iN. -ttn st POSITION as collector and office assistant. . yuung man. none aiain puua. BUTCHER, experienced meat cutter, wants a position. ad 77, oregonian. RELIABLE collector wants position. AC 71, YOUNG Japanese wants a position to work morning ana arternoon. m j, oregonlan, BA KER will work single-handed. Y 76, Oregonlan. AN elderly man wants work for room and 000x0. it 71, oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FTTNTA T. Bookkeep-rs nnd Stenographerm. WANTED at once Position as clerk or assist' ant bookkeeper or general office work; ex- perienced. AB 74, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER and stenogranher. 7 vearrf experience in real estate, abstract, loan , and insurance offices. T 76, Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer with experience desires permanent position. Y 75, Ore- gonian. STENOGRAPHER with some experience; ree- Dressmakers. STYLISH dresses, $5 up; waists. $1 up; fine wornj reierences. an . oLitl St. ast 5256. ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors. 32dA Wah- WANTED Plain and stylish dressmaking! 302 E. 50th st. LADl' tailoring; alterations, coats rellned. aurs Murmer, 450 Columbia st. A 4 70. GOOD seamstress wants position with dress- roaner. .oum rnone jaain o4 1 4. Housekeepers. WANTED Housekeeper, position by German-American ladv. middle-aged, first class business place preferred; write par ticulars in first letter. K. 74. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman housekeeper, ranch preferred, good- wages; references. sr. Louis Agency, 3034 Wash. Main 2039, A 4 i t rt. WANTED By a young lady, nosition as housekeeper for gentleman; references. AC ' .Jregonian. TWO Finn girls want a position In family. t-j pavier st. Nurses. PRACTICAL maternity nurse wants case Immediately; will do some work. Main KIND, motherly lady wishes care of small cniwren. 4i;o . market st. I HAVE room for Invalid, private sanitarium. oty rexerences. ja w. uregonian. CAPABLE German woman, children's ntimp S t . Lou is Agency, 303 Wash. Mai w 2o3 'J. Miscellaneous. FRENCH lady wishes position as lady's companion or -housekeeper; makes stylish aresK; witling no travel. AJ 13, Ore- gonian. RELIABLE young worrtan would like charge of rooming-house with view to buying in terest in same if parties aro satis tied. AC 7 I. oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes position as companion to lady or assistant in doctor's office: can do stenography and bookkeeping. X o, uregonian. TUTOR Private lessons in work of any of the grades; very best qualifications and references. Miss Smith, 390 Clay st. A AMERICAN woman wants small crew of men xo cook i or; neat. good, coo it. .Mat tie ttowaa, SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE woman would like chamber work in rooming-house; room and board, fair wages: would go out of city. AC 75, Ore gomai. JAPANKSE woman and girl want positions in same family for cooking and general housework. D 7S. Oregonian. GIRL General housework, small family, good cook ; after S o'clock. Main 6641. WANTED AGENTS. REPRESENTATIVES In Oregon and Wash ington to sell tropical Mexico lana ; titte perfect; free trip to land : grows citrus fruits without irrigation ; large commis sions; illustrated booklet. J 77, Orego nian. AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown nursery stock is in aemand : sains tma season will be immense; a flattering op portunity; cash paid weekly; outfit free. Fm Nurserv Co.. Salem. Or. AGENTS for staple article; sells like wild fire; pig commission; send ioc ror sample and terms, or call after 7 P. M. Z. B. Mitchell, 174 Front St., Portland, Or ACTIVE canvassers can make $r0 per week easily selling trees for tne Oregon Nursery Co., Orenco. Or. Good territory open ; lib eral proposition. Call or write to Orenco, Or. AT once, experienced solicitor to act as district manager Tor local territory, we can also use several salesmen- Room 308 Calumet Hotel. P.-rk street. AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de mand ror choice nursery stock; outxit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co,, Salem. Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT. We furnish the renter, collect the rent, pay taxes, Insurance and keep up repairs, the same for you as though the property was our own; references, any bank in Portland. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 245 Stark St. Phones A 3500. Main 35. Houses. m ' ' WANTED To rent 5 or 6-room furnished house. J. Partridge, 642 Hamilton bldg. Phone Main 4915. Rooms. WANTED 2 furnished housekeeping rooms, TCob CMa- ctoA nria XT 77 Aroirnnio n n- 1VWK Tina-A YOUNG lady wants permanent room in pri vate family, near good boarding place, Ad- tlress 5S2 Main St. LADY desires room and board or nice airy room Jn private family; Portland Heights preferred. Room 617, The Cornelius. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL 625 Washington street. between 10th and zoth. Just completed, the cosiest. completes! and up-to-datest residence hotel In the city. The ground floor office is finished In real mahogany, marble and tile, is spacious and handsome; elevator service, private telephone ex change, steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, many with baths and wall beds, and is splendidly furnished. The rent is very moderate, rrooms from $15 per month up. Why not get ths best for your money T Now open, room by tho day week tr month. Phone Marshall 1&50. HOTEL MEDFOHD. 1 BLOCK FROM UNION DEPOT. JUST OPENED; tew. MODERN brick building; fine large ground-floor office; hot and cold running water in all rooms; steam heated; private baths; very richly furnished. Rates only $3 and up per week; 50c up per day. Call and see us. Northeast corner Fifth and Glisan sts. COSY. HOUELIIU&. COMFORTABLE. Homelike Homelike. Homelike. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY," NEW SCOTT HOTEL. 7th and Ankeny si. Free was their depot caxriaf. I took it on the spot; There may be other house Jiurt a good. But I Cue) not. Jl crolet home for quiet peopla. HOTEL SAVON 12 Eleventh st. New modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold wa ter in rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Rates very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and. transient trade solicit id. HOTEL ANSONIA. 124 14th, Cor. Washington St. Everything new ; large, airy rooms; ain gle and with bath ; telephone in every room, service free; rates by the day, week or month; also unfurnished room. MRS. JOSIB SMITH, Manager. IHB BARTON, 13th and Alder, Is now un dergoing a thorough renovation; 70 steam seated, electric-lighted rooms, all outside. Rates 75c day; $lo month up. Suites with runaing water $20 month up. Phones and bath free. HOTEL BAKER, " Fifth st., opp. City Hall. Phone Marshall 666 New. beautifully furnUhed. hot. cold water In every room, publlo and private . patns; permanent, transient. HOTEL SARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne Phone East 291, connecting every room. Private baths, elevator, first-class grill. Special rates by week or month.' American or European. Transients solicited. "WB HAVE WHAT YOU WANT" Modern furnished or unfurnished apart ments, single or en suite, central, rea sonable ; Summer transient or permanent rates. "MILNER B LDG.," 350 hit Morrison. HOTEL, IRVING. " 312 Oak st.. corner Sixth. are. lirh airy rooms, elegantly furnished, electric ugnta, running water; low rates. HOTEL BUjSHMARK. Washington aad 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern coa- veniences; j weekly up. a. zow, Al. 5647. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts., well lurniBnea mitxyux rvums f..ou per week' electrio lights, hot baths free. THE MANSION Elegantly furnished mom. modern, beautiful grounds, suitable tor gentleman, wimug gi5wici,jnn.j elf erson. MODERN outside rooms, $2.50 to $3 per w tiAt uulib uouio , niBu uuuse&e e Din tr THS EBTES Good rooms, reasonable; new i uroi iui, i.eepuuuti o.uu ua.ian tree. 3Zi -S4 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. :ea. THE GAYOSA. &rand ave. and E. Stark. Modern. $2.50up. FURNISHED room, Elm Place, formerly t.uuii i. rtniir. . j wimii ana 11 in. Furnished Rooms In Private Family, FURNISHED room for rent, on West Side, $6 per month, nicely furnished room with phone and bath. 427 Harrison. Main 2S3 1 . SINGLE and double, large, airy rooms in new modern home; walking distance ; breakfast if desired ; also sleeping porch. 5';9 Everett st. JUST right for two or three chums; large room with alcove and porch; also single room; nicely furnished; central location. Main P332. $1.50 PER WEEK A comfortable room, good walking distance. Inquire 324 14th street. NEATLY furnished rooms, desirable for gen tlemen; modern conveniences. 271 Mont gomery. Phone M. S391. LARGE, beautifully furnished front room with alcove; also small room; all conven iences. 223 West Park, near Salmon. FOR RENT Large, light furnished room, with alcove, suitable for two gentlemen. 55." Yamhill, corner Chapman. LARGE well furnished double and single bedrooms, ajl modern conveniences, rea sonable. 787 Glisan. FURNISHED rooms In private family. 24& ,N. th. Main 3649. LARGEl airy, flrst-claas1 rooms, reasonable, cloae in, on West Side. Phone Marshall 1830. FOR RENT Two newly furnished room.; phone and bath. 105 JN'orth 20th st. FURNISHED rooms; modern conveniences; walking distance. 28 North 16th st. NICELY furnished suite, facing Park aU. or sin g le room. 32 8P a r ks t , NICELY-furnished front room with board for two gentlemen. 570 Williams avenue. NEATLY furplshed bedroom, $9 per month. 266 12th st. . LARGE, clean, well furnished front room; modern home. 540 Johnson. A 4681. $3 PER week, newly furnished front room, walking distance. 294 11th. FURNISHED rooms, $1.50 week up. 442 Jefferson st. Fhane Main 6425. " NEWLY furnished room, up-to-date, 8 min. f rom P. O. 391 10th st. NICELY furnished rooms, close in. 214 3 3th st.. cor. Salmon. $11 MONTH, nice front room, reasonable, hath, walking distance. 452 5th. FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms, all modern conveniences. 564 Flanders. BEAUTIFUL room, balcony, bet location, 6 mm. postofflce; gentlemen. 302 Park. NICELY furnished rooms, within walking mo.. ani-c. -til r-aji i.om:n pc, cor, tttn. NICELY furnished corner room. 32. 13th FOR RENT. l"n furnished Rooms. FOR RKNT--2 or 4 unfurnished rooms, .West Side, $1S. Phone Marshall 2163 forenoons. Roorow With Boar ROOMS with board. $6 per week; home comforts; 4 minutes' walk from P-ost of fice ; phone and' bath free; rooms without board. $2 and up. ' The LindelL 267 Mar ket st. PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and library. 610 Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath. u pt. ROOMS, with board; rates reasonable. The Waldorf,147i 13th st. Main 211S. . RoomsV it h Board fcn Pri vat e Fmi ly . READY about July 1. rooms and board for 4 gentlemen, consisting of 2 large front rooms, peeping porch and reception- . room: beat of home cooking. 414 H Jeffer- son street. NICELY furnished front room, running water, beautiful grounds, ideal place for Summer; exceptionally good table board. 90 Bast Sth St., corner Washington. East 1390. BOARD and room for two gentleman; bath, phone and good home cooking; $5.50 per week each. 420 East Couch st. Phone East 1S24. ROOMS with board, private boarding house, a no me ior worKingmen, terms reasonable, 20 minutes walk from business center. East 722. SO E. Sth gt., N. ROOM and board, all modern conveniences. excellent home cooking; also tent room for young man. phone B 2138. ST. CLAIR 715 Wayne st. : six-room, mod ern apartment, two porches, choicest loca- tlon in city. Phone Main 4U30. VERY neatly furnished room3 from $1.50 up; large rront rooms suitable ror Ji gentie menwithor without board. 280 11th st. LARGE front suite, with board; newly fur nished, electric light. and running water. Also single room. 204 N. 22d at. TO communicate with gentleman desiring to Join bachelors' co-operative housekeep jiing club; references. D 4 7. Pro gonian. LARGE furnished rooms, with board; home cooking; p banes; bath; all conveniences. 10 J 16th St., near Flanders. CHOICE, airy rooms, select board, home- like, reasonable. 761 Marshall st. NEWLY furnished rooms, with board. 595 EOak, cor. 15th. B 2619. ROOMS with or without board In private home. 591 Davis st., bet. 18 th andiutn. BOARD and room, bath, phone, home cook- lngr, reasonanie. jui J.ttn st. FURNISHED rooms and board, sleeping rnrrh. 355 11th St. A 1630. NICELY furnished rooms in boautiful home, with board; excellent table. 754 Hoyt. ROOM and board for 2, $25 each. Main 54K6. ROOM and board. 655 Irving. Apartments. THE LOIS APARTMENTS. 7O4-706 Hoyt St., Between 21st and 22d. New brick apartment house will be ready for occupancy July 1. Two, 3 and 4 room suites, completely furnished; extra large rooms, especially desirable for Sum mer, being equipped with electric and tire less cookers, built-in ice boxes, electrio lifts, large sleeping porches. The best equipped house in city; reference required. For reservations phone Ma rs h all 1841. THB BANNER APARTMENTS. 489 Clay St.. second house from 14th. the only modern completely furnished 2 roora apartment-house In the city; house and elegant furniture, brand new: just opened for business; steam heat, electrio light, hot and cold water In every apart ment; private phone, bath; walking dis tance. $18-$25. including light. See them now before they are gone and take your choice. M ars hall 2074. THE PAGE) APARTMENTS, E. Sth and Burnside; new brick, opened the 1st of May; 8-room apartments, elegantly furnished; all modern conveniences, including steam heat, private phone; private bath, hot - and cold ,- water, reception hall, bay windows, fire place, laundry and steam drier in basement; automatic freight elevator. Janitor service; rent reasonable, a few unfurnished apart ments. Phone B 1018. ORDE LEIGH APARTMENTS, Cor. Grand ave. and Stark 8t TJNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. New fireproof brick building, beaut Iful ' ly furnished two and three-room apart ments, private baths, wall beds, large clothes closets; plenty of hot water; buxa mer rates. Phone B 800. HEINZ apartments. 14th and Columbia; 4 blocks south from Morrison St.; new brick building, completely t irat-cluss; furnished in 2. a and 4 room family apartments, private bath, reception hall, attain heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, janitor service ;rent from $25 permoiuh and up. KEELER APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay, hnest 3 and 4 room suites in the city, pri vate baths and phones, steam heated, not and cold water, disappearing beds. Gar land stoves, porcelain lined re tr iterators, electric elevator; $o5to$50 per mouth. THE RE-U KAN APARTMENTS. Elaborately fuinisned 3-roora apartments, all modern, conveniences, large shady lawn cool verandas, janitor; rents reasonaole, walking distance. 624 Marshall st-; take "W" car. Main 6032 or A 311. 697 WASHINGTON ST. Best 3 -room apart ments in city ; all rooms outside ; janitor service, hot and cold water, free phone, heat and conveniences of -a modern, aparl mnt;runtreaaonable. CECILIA APARTMENTS, 22d and Glisan, 2 and 3 room apartments, new 4-story bricK just completed, alt modern conven iences, each apartment has private outside balcony, rent reasonable. JULY 1. Beautiful unfurnished 5-room, front apartment with all modern conveniences; steam heat, hot and cold water, phone, gas range, refrigerator, as, electric ligut anitor service, etc. Phune A1133. THE BERLE APARTMENTS Btrlctly modern. large rooms and three closets to every apartment; cool and airy for Summer. 605 Lovejoy su Take W car. WELLINGTON COURT, beautiful 2, S and 4-room furnished apartments, steam heat, free phone, janitor service and rent rea sonable. 15th and Everett sts. Phone Mam 1315. "ONEONTA" APARTMENTS, 187 17th. near Yamhill (W car at depot). 2, 3 and 4-room furnished suites; hot and cold, phones and bath free, $20 per month. $5 per week and up. Main- 4697. A 4730- HANOVER APARTMENTS, cor. King and Washington sts., 3-room apartments, havs every modern convenience, including steam heat, hot water, private bath, free phonos anck Janitor service; rent very reaa onabl e. FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, modern In every particular; sLeam-neateu, not water, janitor services, with nrst-clas furnUhin. Apply to Janitor, 66e K.ear--Pey...st. FOR RENT 4-room furnished apartment. including piano, for July and August; 5 minutes' walk from poatoince; no chil dron. Phone Main 5480; Main 5582. WELL furnished 4 or 5 room apartment for the Summer or longer; Nob Hill district; close in. Phone Main 5175. Inquire at 203 Ablngton Diag. MODERN anartments of 3, 4 or 5 rooms, in fiuiiinir all modern conveniences : 12 a n n,i up. Cor. 21st and Northrup. Telephone Alain iaa. ' THE WESTFAL, 410 5th St., furnished and unfurnished apartments; private baths and phone; elevator and Janitor service; reuts HOVVLAND APARTMENTS. ror nouKKovfiUB m and up; FOR RENT Furnished unttl September 1 m v verv fine 4-room corner aokn muni1! references. Apply apt. 5, Madison Park Apartments. FOR RENT Elegantly furnished 5-room modern apartment or will sell furniture. Apartment 19, Roscfriend, 7th and Jeffer son. Apply Sunday. blEAli-HJsiATED 5-room apartment, mod ern and desirable; 525 Everett su Apply Morgan, Jfleidiir 4t Hoyca, 603 AbL&$ui bldc . LAURETTE APARTMENTS. 229 11th st. iiegantiy iuiuibucu o-iuum apartment strictly modern; 5 mlnutws walk fro in CHETOPA. ISth and Flanders modern 4 room unfurnished apartments. Apply to janitor. ST. CROIX, 170 St. Clair street, near Wash ington street, apartment No 43, for rent furniture for sale; half price. 4-ROOM furnished flat; beautiful neighbor hood ; 7 minute Poetofflce; nice lawn - only responsible people need answer. 367 ldth ST. CLAIR 715 Wayne St. Six room, mod ern apartment, two porches, choicest loca- . tion in city. Telephone Main 4030. $20 AND $25, 2, 3 and 4 rooms, with bath furnished and unfurnished, choice loca tlon. East 5043. THE GAYOSA Modern furnished apartments. East 5465. KIN'G HILL APARTMENTS King and Wayne ats. Ap ply to j a ni t or. 4 AND 5 rooms, $25 and $27.50. Corner East 13th and Yamhill. East 6381. UNFURNISHED 3-room apartment: rent yit Inquire 225 Market st. 6-ROOM, modern flats, gas ranges, water hjeaters. East 16thand Salmon. 6-ROOM modern flat; $32.50; 449 7th- key upstairs, or apply 101 First. Edward's Co. xStSAi" zrrz., i i"- FOR RENT. Flats. FOR RENT NeT ana strictly xnodera reoxn flats on 20th and Laurel at Par land HeiRhts. rent $40. Apply WAKEFIELD. FRIES CO 85 Fourth it . FOR RENT Good 5-room flat. 4S7 Davis? su; rent $2. Apply WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., 85 Fourth St. SIX-ROOM UPPER FLAT. New, modern, attic room ; best location In city. Inquire 175 16th. West Side, cor. YamhilL UPPER 6-room unfurnished flat, modern, all light or will furnish to suit tenant. 666 Hoyt. Phone Marshall 1223. ELEGANTLY t ur n i shed flat, 6 rooms. Ms h t , airy; sleeping porch if desired; 'lawn, flowers'. Nob Hill. Inquire 772 Kearney. $16 Modern 4-room flat, with oorches and basement; airy and sunny; adults. 780 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 426. FLATS FOR RENT. Modern 6-room upper flat; adults. 160 E. 15th. near Belmont. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transf Co. Main 161$. a 19S4. All covers wag ana all experienced men. FURNISHED 4-room flat. stearri heat, walking distance; reasonable rent. Cottel Drug Co. Main 792. FOR RENT Two new. modern lower flats of six rooms each ; also two uppers of 7 . rdoms each. E. 17th and Belmont sts. NEW 5-room corner flat, strictly modern choice location; key 355 6 th.. MODERN 5-room upper flat, 621H East Stark near 16th st. Phone Woodlawn 85b. MODERN 5-room flat; good attio and base ment. 473 7th st. FOR RENT 4-room modern flat. Inquire miciriia ate. rnone ioui. "391,5 OVERTON ST. Modem flat. 6 sunny rooms; choice location. Main 850. $16 THREE-ROOM flat on West Side, M. L. LEK. 411 Corbet t H 1 d g. NEWLY tinted 5-room flat. E 24th and 2-ROOM flat, central, convenient, reasonable. p i ea sant; anuns only. 233 Hall st. MODERN 5-room flat, furnished, walking; distance. Adults. 1'none Mam ;Jtn 2. MODERN 5-room flat. 5th, near Jackson; JVest Sule; easyw alk. Main or A1223. SWELL upper 5-room flat, modern, corner z 2 da n d K e a r n e y . 1'hone Mam 5609. FOR RENT Six-room flat. $15 per month. v asi t sc.. .nount xaoor. Housekeeping; Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. Fur nished for houseeeplng, gas ranges, eleo-t-ic lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free: $15 per month up; a clean place; best In the city for money; short distance from, Union Deoot. Take 'S" or 16th st. cars north, got off at Marshall st. No dogs. 'JUST WHAT YOU WANT." Modern fur nished or unfurnished housekeeping apart ments, single or ensuite; reasonable; cen tral ; Summer, transient or per man eta rates. "MILNER BLDG.." 350 Morrison. WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, 2 $3 montn; a ior zurnisneu cottage, large rooms, $20 ; lower f Int. 4 rooms, $18. 304 2uth. North (west side river). W car from, depot, 5th, Morrison to 26th ; block north. UNFURNISHED, two-room, bay window suites. Ave blocks from Postoirice. 3o5 Jefferson, corner Fifth su Beautiful out look. 2 w EK Clean, f urnisned housekeeping rooms; launary. nam, pnone, gas. neat yard, clean linen. o6 Vancouver ave. 461 EAST Morrison, corner East Sth; com pletely xurnisue nuuaejttcping rooms. reasonable. THE DEL MONTE. 20th and Washington street; - niceiy lurni&nea. rooms, $ii0; all conveniences. THREE nice, clean housekeeping rooms, close in. 455 Alder st. A NICE suite of 2 light housekeeping rooms; also 1 single room witn running water. 120 10th st. CL&O wee, large, clean furn. housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman THE ELMS 2 and 8-room apartments, fur nighed. 191 14th st. ; transient solicited. ftl.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping room. best laundry, bath. 2Q3 Stanton. cr. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 4S9 3 Washington St., close in. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. SUITE) of elegantly furnished front rooms, euitable for light housekeeping or bachelor apartments, in a quiet modern home, with all conveniences and use of piano. 52i4 Mor rlson st. Main fM0. SWELL housekeeping rooms, beautiful lo cation ; walking distance ; yard. bath, phone, laundry, gas range, hot water. 656 Giisan. FIRST floor of cottage, furnished, newly tinted, well-lighted, good yard, central lo cation; references. Phone A 10uy, 26 N. 11th. TWO light, newly furnished basement house keeping rooms, rent cheap. 204 Williams ave., 10 minutes on U car. READY about July 1; 3 rooms and partly furnished for housekeeping. 414 Jeffer son street. DINING-ROOM, parlor, kitchen, completely furnished for housekeeping; extra nice. 56U Everett st. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS; clean, newly furnished; easy walking distance; $15. 308 M i lls L TWO very desirable outside furnished housekeeping rooms', reasonable. 26 7 Chapman st. TWO nicQly furnished housekeeping; modern, 69 E. 3Uth N. Phone East 400ti. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 2i4 Williams ave.; 10 minute on U car. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS, $12 up, at 54 234 st.. near Washington. Phone A 3271. $11 Two new modern unfurnished house- keeping-rooms. 71 East22d, near Stark. NICELY furnished housekeeping apartment. close in, aol Halsey st. Phone East 5280. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS. $12 month; first .floor. 542 Karl st. tellwood car. ONE large room, also sleeping porch. Phone Sellwood 30. TWO unfurnished rooms, desirable, conven- lent tor one or two adults. 220 Hali. SUITE 3 nicely furnished rooms, private res lde nce,fl ne location. 6'.0 E. Burn side. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single and en suite; first floor. .yard 450 Yamhill. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping; light, p h on ea n d bat h. $18. 370 7t list. UNFURNISHED. light, airy basement room, for housekeeping. 560 Everett. LARGE room with alcove, furnished, gas, bath, phono. 3.S5 11th st. 653 WASHINGTON ST. Room and board; large room, suitable for two men. Houses. HOUSES, flats and apartments for rent, MERCHANTS PAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY, S. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Streets. 6ROOM modern house, S5S Williams aveT near Shaver; rent $20. GRUSSI ZADOW, 317 Board ofTra.de Bldg.. 4t hand Oak. MODERN 11 -room house on Couch St., be tween lftth and 37th sts.; one block from Washington st.; $05 per month. Call 4X0 Failing bldg. TO RENT btricily modern 7-room house, first-class condition; corner; 434 Oregou st., cor. East 7th North. Call up otvaer. Tabor ISOO. NEW, 6-room house, 9&3 Commercial St.; ail modern convenience. 2 blocks from new Jefferson High School. Apply t3fl Chamber of Commerce or phone A 1756. LARGE. new, modern apartment-house, nearly all filled; modern convenience, good opportunity for right party. P 75, Ore- ponian. FOR RENT 6-room modern hoe, furnished or unfurnished, large yard with fruit trees. William Lueppell . M ain 1 221 $15 5-ROOM house, on pvrrton street. $15 7-room house, on East Side. M. E- LEE. 411 Corbett. bldg. 6-rROOM house, good condition, corner East Couch and 3d; rent $27.50. Phone Mala $13.50 McFarland's 6-room cottage, 272 Myr tle Station. Mount Scott carline. See Wells, Stewarts Station. Phone Tnbor 660. FURNITURE for sale and modern six-room hous. for rent. Call between 2 and 5 1. M. 7V12 Cleveland ave.. near Be a u h st. FOR RENT Modern 6-room furnished house in Irvington. 744 Clackamas st. Call be- tween 10 A. M. and 5 P. M. MODERN, desirable. 8-room house, close in. 306 San Rafael, near Union ave. Phones E. 16S5. C 1401. 6 ROOMS, all modern conveniences, good yard, pleasant neighborhood. 845 Front Bt. Main 6323. FOR RENT Nice 8-room house with gar age, roses, lawn, $30: close in, corner 10th and E. Pine. Call evenings. 5- ROOM cottage. 645 E. Clinton; $12; no bath. Apply Edwards Co.. 101 First st. 6- ROOM strictly modern house, $25 per month; East Side. Tabor 1663. MODERN fi-room house for rent. i07 Mar ket st. Main 40T'.. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, E. 22d and M ain. Call 771 E. Salmon s t . FOR RENT S-room house, modern. 770 IrvinR at. Phone Main 24. Z : A-51.S5. THREE-ROOM house for rent at &15 Com mercial SU