THE MORNING OREGONIAN. - FRIDA5T, JUNE 24, 1910. 7 TUIJL GIB! '3 Hoc. MORRISON AT SEVENTH TUEJL Hoc Portland Agents for the South Bend Malleable Range, Leonard Refrigerators, New Domestic Sewing Machines '' ' ' - ... TIbe Jorae IRos Bale blo Oceaisioini for Eeomioonieail Hoynimg Undeniably the greatest bargain-event of the month a sale that has demonstrated its supremity in value-giving that will, during its last days, offer attractions equally as interesting as at any time during its progress. '91.98 $2.19 $1.98 $1.48 $1.75 $2.95 $1.95 DRESSES AT $1.48 Of light figured percales. Cuffs and belt piped in dark colors. Imitation yoke and full box-plaited skirt. $3.95 DRESSES AT $2.95 Of fancy plaid ginghams. Piping of white pique. "1Side button effect. Large pearl buttons. Full plaited skirt. $1.50 DRESSES AT $1.19 Of black and -white check percale. Collar, cuffs and belt piped and trimmed in scarlet. White pearl buttons. Waist has box plait down" front. Full plaited skirt. $2.50 DRESSES AT $1.98 Of French g'ingham in large plaid. Yoke of plain material trimmed with fancy white braid. Plait over shoulder. Full skirt. $2.95 DRESSES AT $2.19 Of French gingham, in a variety of colors and plaids. Beautifully trimmed in solid colors and large pearl buttons. Waist with deep plait over shoulder. Two plaits down front. Full box plaited skirt. 89 osft Kmmpoirtaofc IBaurgaimi Yefc lo OMldlirerf's Mew Waish Presses Savings That Will Induce Many Mothers to Complete the t Children's Summer Apparel Sale Today and Tomorrow Indeed the best offerings so far this season in Washable Dresses for little girls ' such pretty practical styles and splendid assortment klainty frocks in hundreds of styles and at prices that mothers would not hesitate to pay for materials alone. Ginghams and per cales, linens and lawns, in fact all the desirable wash fabrics, and in such pretty colors and absolutely fast. Simple little morning frocks, starting in price at 69c and ranging up to $2.95, and well made. The new little pipings and strappings show what can be accom plished with tub materials where skilled workmanship in designing and making is em ployed. : The following describe but a few of the models that make up this remarkably low-priced collection j - . 95c DRESSES AT -89 Of navy and cadet blue per cale print. 1 Waist, collar and cuffs piped. Large and small plain and ring dots. Practical for morning wear. $1.50 DRESSES AT $1.19 Of checked percale; col lar, cuff and waist strappings in plain colors, daintily trimmed with soutache braid. $1.25 DRESSES AT 89 Of light figured percale. Waist with two side box plaits and panel of solid color. Finished at belt with large, white pearl buttons. $1.75 DRESSES AT 69 Of dainty sheer French lawns. Dutch necks and short sleeves. Waists made with fine tucks. Finished at belt and neck with bias facings of narrow striped lawn, cool thin frocks for the hot days. $2.25 DRESSES AT 89 Of white French lawn with small figures. Square Dutch neck and short sleeves. Full plaited waist and skirt. Trimmed with piping of solid colors in pretty contrasting shades. 6 Unusual Values Are These Corsets a 9Sc Worth Up to $2.00 Pair A Friday - Saturday sale that should create unusual interest an exceptionally good assort ment of models for every type of figure stout, medium or slen der. Made of excellent quality of coutil and batiste and boned with rust-proof steel. Low and medium bust with extreme long hip or medium length hip models. ' i Complete range of sizes in this special collection 18 to 30. mm vi 07 j iaLvirags iira Fmrraiitoir Store In the displays of the second, third, fourth and fifth floors and annexes are savings as important as these. ON DINING CHAIRS $1.50 Hardwood Dining Chair, in golden finish, SI. 15 $2.25 Dining Chair, of golden oak, pol ished finish, at $1.65 $2.45 Dining Chair of golden oak, seat and back quarter-sawed stock, $1.95 $4.45 Dining Chair of quartered golden oak, with leather upholstered box seat, at SS.7S If Jg K til $8.50 Arm Chair to match at $6.75 NJ U 17 $6.50 Dunns? Chair of srolden oak. auarter- sawed, with leather seat, at $4.95 $11.00 Arm Chair to match, at.. $8.75 ?39.00 Dining Table at $27.50 Golden oak Table with top of quarter - sawed stock. Carved claw feet; 48-inch top. Extends to 6 feet. $57.00 Dining Table at $39.75 A heavy pedestal base table, with large claw feet ; in golden oak ; 54-inch top. Extends to 8 feet. $53.00 Dining Table at $41.25 Of solid oak in golden finish. Top of solid quarter-sawed stock. Top is 48 inches in diameter. Pedestal base and IN DINING TABLES $15.00 Dining Table at $9.75 Of solid oak, golden finish ; 42-ineh top and ped estal base. Extends to 6 feet. $21.00 Dining Table at $12.50 Round Table of solid oak in golden finish; five leg style, 44-inch top. Extends to 10 feet. $37.00 Dining Table at $22.50 Of golden oak, top being of quarter-sawed stock and 48 inches in diameter. Mas sive pedestal with claw feet. Extends to 10 feet. scroll feet. Extends to 8 feet. IN CHINA CABINETS $36.50 Cabinet in polished golden oak, at $19.75 $44.50 Cabinet in quarter-sawed golden oak, with plate glass shelves and mirror back, at $28.75 $39.00 Cabinet of quartered golden oak, with mirror back, at '. $29.50 $39 Cabinet of fumed oak, plate-rail top, $22i50 $25.00 Cabinet of fumed oak, with bent-glass sides, at .-..$17.50 irai'S FIGHT FOB LIFE ENDED Washington's ex-Governor Js Dead After Illness of Four Months. FUNERAL TO BE PRIVATE Wish of Late Executive Is to Be Complied With, Although In Ar mory, Chamber of Commerce Will Hold Memorial. SEATTLE. Wash., June 23. (Spe cial.) John H. McGraw, ex-Governor of Washington, died at his residence here at 6:45 o'clock this morning:. He had been ill for nearly four months, suf fering: from typhoid fever, with compli cations, and for a month his life had been despaired of. For the past week nearly every hope of recovery had been abandoned, and last nlgrht.' beaten at eery turn, the doctors ceased to ad minister the oxygen and strychnine that had prolonged the losing fight, and waited for the end. Ex-Governor McGraw was a man of strong constitution and iron will, and he kept up the fight long "after it was seen that he had little chance for life. He was unconscious to the end. With him at the tfedslde were his physician. Dr. E. R. Kelley, who is a nephew of Mr. McGraw: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hudson Baxter, daughter and son-in-law, and Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. McGraw, son and daughter. Funeral arrangements have not yet been announced. It was the wish of the ex-Governor .that no public funeral service be held, and this will doubtless be followed. The Chamber of Com merce, however, from the presidency of which Mr. McGraw only recently re tired, is planning to hold a public me morial service in the Armory within a few days. Mr. McGraw's last public service was at Washington, p. C, where he ap peared before the Congressional com mittee in behalf .of the appropriation which was passed by Congress for the construction of the Lake Washington canal. Perhaps the most important feature of the picturesque career of ex Governor McGraw was his 20-year fight for the construction of this canal, and he lived to see work begun on his fa vorite project. K'GRAW ROSE BY OWX EFFORT Born Into Poor Family, He Made His Way to Top. SEATTLE, Wash., June 19. (Special.) Born in poverty and obscurity, John H. McGraw became clerk in a little country store, then Its proprietor. Unable to withstand the fierce panic of '73, and com pelled to abandon the general merchan dise business in which, with an 'older brother, he embarked three years before, he came to the Pacific Coast, worked ftg a horse-car driver in San Francisco and then, drifting to Seattle, became in turn hotel clerk, hotel proprietor, police man. City Marshal. Ohief of Police, Sneriff. bank president and Governor of his adopted state. John Harte McGraw. son of Daniel and Catherine (Harte) McGraw, was born at Barker Plantation, Penobscot County, Maine, near the Canadian border, Octo ber 4. 1850. When he was a. little more than two years old his father was drowned In the Penobscot River. His mother was left with three small children, and as Gov ernor McGraw often expressed it, "pov erty in abundance." At 14 He Was Driven From Home. Upholding Law Brings Defeat. He continued to fill .these offices by annual re-election until February, 18S2. when he was elected Sheriff of King County to fill the unexpired term of L. V. Wyckoff. He was re-elected to this position in November, 1882, and again two years later. During hie third term as Sheriff oc curred the anti-Chinese agitation, with its accompanying disturbances of the peace. He promptly made known his intention to uphold the laws and main tain the peace of the county at any cost, and for this stand he Incurred the hos tility of those who sympathized with agi tation in its lawless phase, and when he was nominated for re-election in Novem ber, 1SS6, he was defeated, together with all the other candidates who had been nominated for county offices by his party. During his .occupancy of the office of Sheriff he had devoted much of his time to the study of . the law and was admitted to the bar. Shortly after his retirement to private life he formed a partnership, in March. 1887, with Roger 8. Greene, who had formerly been Chief Justice of Wash ington Vrerritory, and C. H. Hanford, at present United States District Judge for the district of 'Washington, and began the practice of law. Later Joseph F. McNaught entered the firm, and the firm name of Greene, Han ford & McGraw became Greene, -Hanford, McNaught & McGraw. In. 1SSS he retired from the law firm and again accepted the nomination for T Sheriff of King County and was elected by an overwhelming majority. In 1890 he refused to be a candidate for re election, and accepted the presidency of the First National Bank of Seattle. Still Interested In politics, he was a member of the National Republican con vention in 1892. He was elected Governor of Washington that year and served the four-year term beginning January, 1893, and ending in 1897. McGraw has always been known as a fighter in politics. When nominated for Governor in 1892, lie was knifed in Pierce County, but King County rallied to his support with the slogan of the Lake Washington Canal. He was practically elected by his own county, for the vote in the rest of the state was almost a tie. McGraw Strong for Sound Money. In 1S96, when the silver agitation had split the Republican party, he led the sound money forces in the state conven tion at Everett and after . a bitter fight secured the Insertion in the platform of a more emphatic sound money plank than was to be found in the Republican plat forms of many coiservative Eastern states. He foresaw defeat in the election, but that did not daunt him. When McGraw returned as Governor, in January, 1897, he was a poor man, for the long-continued depression -had lm- ........... ......f t ASTORIA PIONEER STRICKEN, t Sir. Elizabeth Talbot O'Connor. t ASTORIA, Or.. June 23. (Spe- 1 cial.) Mrs. Elizabeth Talbot I O'Connor, wife of Edward O'Con- nor, who died in this city on " t Monday morning;, after an illness t of several years, was born in I Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland, 69 , , I years ago, and came to- this i, i country with her parents when t she was five years of age. ' 1 t She had lived in this city with " I her husband for the past 42 years, I and had a large circle of personal ,, I friends who mourn her death. ...................... .4 paired the value of his property and de stroyed the market for it. At this time it was discovered that one of hie sub ordinates during his last term as Sheriff had embezzled nearly $40,000. for which McGraw, though not implicated, was legally liable. He immediately deeded all his property in trust to make good the amount and went out to retrieve his for tunes. He resigned the presidency - of the First National Bank, went to Alaska, laid the foundation of a new fortune at Fair banks and returned after two years. He then formed the real estate firm - of Mc Graw, Kittinger & Case, through which he amassed a considerable fortune. He several years ago paid the county the entire amount of his deputy's defalca tion with Interest and sedeemed the prop erty he had deeded. ,. - During a large part of the time when the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition was open, he was its chief executive as vice president and the success of the fair was largely due to his energy and ability. MARRIAGES NOT RECORDED Oregon City Clergymen Faif to Fill CANBT. Or., June 23. (Special.) The funeral of George W. Rauch, who was shot by his father-in-law, C. A. Buch. in Portland Tuesday, was held here today. The services were in the Methodist Church and the sermon was preached by Rev. Creasey. The funeral was largely attended and interment was in Zion Cemetery. Mr. Rauch was raised on a farm a few miles east of Can by and had many friends here. A widowed mother and a brother are left, the father having died a few months ago. TWO MEN DIE ON TRACKS Fall Kllls'one, Other Is Struck hy North Bank Train. " VANCOUVER, Wash., June 23. (Spe cial.) Two dead men have been found on the North Bank line this week. One was found- near the track at Ash. Wash., Wednesday, where he had apparently been struck by a passing train. The body was turned over to the Coroner at Ash'. , A trackwalker found the body of a man hanging on a bridge near Stevenson Monday. He had evidently fallen from some worktraln passing over the bridge, the fall killing him. Sugar alone will sustain life for a. con siderable time.- ASSEMBLY IS IN FAVOR PLAXS ARE PLACED TJXDER WAY IX BEXTOX. Precincts to Hold Assemblies ant Choose Delegates to County As sembly to Be Held 16. CORVALLT3, Or., June 23. (Special.) The County Central Committee of Benton County met In Corvallis June 21 at the call of Chairman George E. Lilly, to discuss the advisability of an assembly and the best methods along which to proceed. There was a good representation of the committee present, and considerable discussion as to the best methods along which to proceed in the selection of dele gates to the state convention. The plan which met with general favor was the one of iiaving a county assembly as out lined by the State Central Committee. Each pnecinct is to hold its assembly and elect delegates to ' the county as sembly. The matter of apportionment was left to be worked out by the chair man and secretary. In all probability the apportionment will be one delegate-at-large for each precinct and one for every 10 voters or fraction thereof over five. This will make a very representative county as sembly, and every Republican voterN of the county will have a voice in the se lection of candidates. The precinct assemblies will be held July 9 and delegates wil be elected to the county assembly, which meets In Corvallis July 15. and at such meeting the delegates to the state assembly will be chosen. The number of delegates from Benton County will be 24. ASSEMBLY PXiAX IS INDORSED Republicans of North Independence Elect Eleven Delegates. INDEPENDENCE, Or, June 23. (Special.) In accordance with, a regularly-called Republican primary for North Independence precinct, held last evening, after earnest and spirited ad dresses, all in hearty sympathy with the assembly idea, the following gen tlemen were elected delegates to the Republican county assembly to be held in Dallas, Saturday, June 25, all of whom will attend: W. W. Percival, F. A. Patterson, J. S. Cooper, M. Goetz, J. E. Hubbard, J. L. Hanna, A. Dee Davidson, E. M. Young, R. H. Knox, A. Wilson, E. E. Paddock. BALLS BAY TO BE GOAL Oregon Trunk Engineers Move to West Side of Klamath Lake. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., June 23. CSpeclal.) The engineers who are run ning the preliminary survey for the Ore gon Trunk road have moved their camp from the east side of the Upper Klamath Lake to the west side. For the past sev eral weeks this crew has been camped at the mouth of Williamson River on the east side of the lake and has worked through the straits and marsh land of the north end of tills body of water to the west side near the late E. H. Harrl man's Pelican Bay Lodge property. The removal ,of the surveying crew to the west side of the lake has dispelled the belief that the Hill line would use the Southern Pacific tracks, and ' it is now conceded that It will come into the city down the west side of Link River and will have its station on the west borders of the city. The Weyerhaeuser lumber Interests and the Hill railroad interests are closely allied, and where the. Weyerhaeusers have large timber holdings the Hill rail road will bund sooner or later, it is be lieved. Because of this it is believed that "the present survey is headed for Balls Bay, on the west side of the lake. haeusers expect to build one of the larg est sawmills in the world as soon as transportation can be secured. The Wey erhaeusers own an immense body of the finest yellow pine to be found in the country on the borders of Balls Bay. Milton Has School Election. MILTON, Or., June 23.-(Special.) At the school election held here today S. A. Miller was elected clerk and J. H. Piper. F. A. Sikes and C. E. Spence were chosen members of the school board. The board was tendered a vote of thanks for the efficient manner in whloh :he school has been handled during .the past year and for the erection of two handsome school buildings at a cost of $o.(x. A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. Baby's coming will be a time of rejoicing, and not of apprehension and fear, if Mother's Friend is used by the expectant mother in preparation of the event. This is not a medicine to be taken internally, but a liniment to be applied to' the body, to assist nature in the necessary physical changes of the system. Mother's Friend is composed of oils and medicines which prepare the muscles and tendons for the unusual strain, render the ligaments supple and elastic, aids in expanding the skin and flesh fibres, and strengthens all the membranes and tissues. , It lessens the pain and danger at the crisis, and assures future health to the mother. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book con taining valuable information for expectant mothers. THE BRAD FIELD CO., ATLANTA, GA. FREE ABSOLUTELY FREE 10 CHESTS SOLID SILVER 26 Pieces in Beautiful Lined Chests To the 10 neatest correct solutions to this Father Time puzzle DIRECTIONS There are 10 faces in this picture. Can you find 7 of themt Outline each face with pencil on this or a separate sheet of paper, or number them 1, 2, 3, etc. To the 10 neatest correct answers we will give absolutely free a Beautiful Lined Chest of Silver. To each one finding 7 faces we will give absolutely free a Hand some Souvenir. All correct answers will receive a valuable prize. Be sure your answer is correct. All answers must be in our hands by June 25, 1910. Every correct solution will receive a prize. Ilemember, prizes will be awarded to the neatest correct answers received, and you must find at least 7 of the faces. The contest will be judged by the representa tives of our leading newspapers. Send your solution and name and ad dress plainly written (be sure to write plainly) to When McGraw was 8 years old' his mother married a second time. When he was 14 years' old he left home because of a disagreement with his stepfather, and thereafter he was compelled to rely upon his own exertions. His scant edu cation was acquired at a few terms' at tendance at a country school, but in spite of all disadvantages he succeeded in maintaining himself, and at 17 he secured employment as a clerk in a general mer chandise store. There he remained for three' years,' although it does not appear to have e.n grossed him entirely; for he was mar ried October 12. 1874. During the Winter of the following year the firm of McGraw Bros, suc cumbed to the business depression that followed the panic of '73, and John H. McGraw was once . more thrown upon his own resources. After this reverse he determined to set out for the Pa cific Coast. San Francisco was his objective point when he left the Pine Tree state. There he arrived July 10. 1S76. and for the next few months he worked as a horse-car driver in that city. It was a casual acquaintance he met, who induced and assisted him to come north to Seattle, and he arrived In this city December 28, 1676. For the ensu ing several months he was employed as a clerk at the Occidental Hotel. During the next year, however, he be came one of the lessees of the American House, a 6mall hotel located near Yesler's wharf, and he conducted the business of that hotel until the building was destroyed by Are 1878. After this last reverse a more favor able current set In. He solicited and obr tained a position on the police force of Seattle, which then consisted of four men.xHe served one year and in July, 1879, ' he was elected City Marshal by the people, and chosen by the City Council as Chief of Police. Law's Requirements, Charge. OREGON CITY, Or., June 23. (Spe cial.) Indictments may be returned against more than one clergyman or other official authorized to perform marriage ceremonies because they failed to make returns to the County Clerk as provided by law, within 30 days from the date of Issuance of the license. From the records of County Clerk Greenman has been compiled a list of the licenses Issued since January 13, 1908, upon which no returns have been made. The names of the persons securing the licenses and the name of the-person mak ing the affidavit in each Instance follow: Anna Eva Pfiester and Arthur E. Pierce, by Rev. R. G. Pierce; Jennie Hilliker and John H. Cochran, by Ed ward Pendergast; Bertha Robertson and Amos Strait, by John Green; Martha Frey and Edward C. Schlung, by Livy Stipp; Lena Buchel and A. N. Paddock, by A. Buchel; Marie Anastasie Leveque and V.- L. TIbbetts. by Joseph Deters; Eva R. S. Clark and John F. Douglas, by G. A. HIbbard; Lillian P. Burrow and Harry E. Taylor, by William Masters; Bernice M. McKlnley and George E. Mclaughlin, by George C. Brownell; Fri da H. Duus and W. L. Kirchen, by Mrs. W. P. Kirchen; Mary E. Hoisington and J. D. Pfiefer, by W. W. H. Samson; Susie Cole and E. A. Trusty, by B. Rich ardson: Claudia Miller and Fred A. Stev ens, by J. U. Campbell; Ida Laviers and Charles .Emmerson, by R. D. Wilson; Dena Dlckelman and Frank Dunmlre, by J. W. McAnulty. MURDERED MAN IS BURIED i""uneral of George V. Ranch Held In Canby, His Old Home.