Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 24, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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After Spirited Contest in Upper
House, Appalachian For
est Bill Wins.
Campaign Publicity Measure, Prov
ing Favorable, Meets With Trou
ble Only Over Amendment on
Ante-Klectlon Publication.
soldier and when in the army shot his
-ieg off. Many acquainted with the sltua.
tion make the charge that he shot the
leg ofl so that he would be able to re
ticeon a disability pension. He received
146 a month from the Government since
he lost the limb.
In 1890 and 1891. Buch was a special
policeman in the Marquam-Grand Theater
in Portland, now the Orpheum. His duty
was to keep the gallery gods quiet. It
was after this time that he re-enlisted
and lost his l-cg.
Three years ago Christmas, Buch at
tempted to commit suicide by shooting
himself. The bullet passed above the
heart and he lived. He was a hard
drinker and when in liquor many thought
he was insane. It is said he attempted
to kill his whole family several years
ago. He was a bartender here for years,
and established the Banquet saloon. A
"year ago Buch was found on the street
car track when a number of bank di
rectors were going home. The car was
stopped in time and Buch was not run
Bessie Rauch, the daughter, is three
times married, her first husband living
with her but a short time. Her second
husband did not live with her long. She
was in . Vancouver last night and today
with friends. She was here when she
learned that her father and husband were
WASHINGTON, June 23. No sooner
had the Senate disposed of the postal
savings bank bill than there ensued a
spirited contest among Senators for,
precedence in the Interest of other
Among the Important bills before the
Benate there were three candidates for
first place on the calendar. These were
the Appalachian forest reserve bill, the
Irrigation and reclamation bill and the
campaign publicity bill.
Senator Brandagee, in charge ofthe
Appalachian bill, was the first to cfo
tain recognition, and on a rollcall his
bill was made the unfinished business.
Satisfied with the attainment of this
advantageous position, he graciously
gave way for the presentation off the
other two measures, and both of CTiem
were passed within 30 minutes.
Committee to Adjust Conferences.
The reclamation bill, authorizing the
issuance of $20,000,000 In certificates of
Indebtedness to aid in the completion
of Government irrigation projects al
ready under way, was called up by Sen
ator Lodge of the committee on finance,
from which it was reported. Senators
Lodge. Smoot and Bailey were ap
pointed conferees on the bill to adjust
differences with the House.
The campaign publicity bill was pre
sented by. Senator Burrows, chairman
of the committee on -privileges and
elections. This bill requires the pub
lication, 30 days after election, of all
contributions made in National or Con
gressional committee In the election of
the members of the House of Repre
sentatives. As it passed the House, it required
publication of contributions before
elections. The measure met with great
favor in the Senate. Senators Bailey
and Beveridcre thought the measure
was not as inclusive as it should be
but they consented to accept the bill
as it stood rather than risk a fight,
which would mean delay and perhaps
Ante-Election Publication Hit.
Mr. Bailey's objection was to the
elimination of the House provision re
quiring the publication of. campaign
contributions in advance of elections,
while Mr. Beveridge thought state
committees, having to do with election
of members of the House and Senate,
should be required to publish contri
butions made through them. The only
rollcall was on the committee's amend
ment, striking out the ante-election
publication. This was granted on a
demand of Mr. . Bailey, but the com
mittee's action was sustained by a
vote of 37 to 30.
The negative vote was cast by Demo
crats and eight Republicans, the nega
tive Republican vote being cast by
"'Beveridge, Brown, Borah, Bristow,
Clapp, Cummins, Flint and LaFollette.
There was no rollcall on the bill as
a whole and it was passed unanimously.
The publicity and reclamation bills
are House measures and both will go to
conference before being finally acted
The Appalachian bill will receive first
attention from the Senate after the dis
posal of the routine business tomorrow.
Mother Wants Back Property She
Deeded to Her Son.
VANCOUVER, Wash., June 23. (Spe
cial.) After deeding her property to her
son, M. O. Brace, uporl his promise to
care for her the remainder of her life
and give her a Christian burial when she
died, Mrs. M. Brace, 87 years old, has
become dissatisfied with her bargain and
has brought suit to recover her property.
In the complaint Mrs. Brace says that
on April 8, 1908, she entered Into an
agreement with her son and deeded to
him lot 6, block 21, in Vancouver. For
the property he was to support her, buy
her clothes, giving her medical care, if
she needed any. He was to treat her
with kindness and consideration consis
tent with her advanced age of 85 years.
If these conditions were not fulfilled, it
is alleged, the deed to the lot was to
become null and void.
Besides alleging that her son has failed
to support her, Mrs. Brace alleges that
he has been unkind, cruel and abusive
and has heaped Indignities upon her to
such an extent that she was forced to
seek a home with friends. She asks in
the suit to have the home restored to her.
Davles Says Facts Alleged in Reso
lution Are False.
SPOKANE, Wash.; ' June 23. (Spe
cial.) Branding the Poindexter reso
lution in Congress for the investiga
tion of the Edward Rutledge Lumber
Company as a cheaply woven fabric of
falsehoods, concocted for political pur
poses, Frank J. Davles, manager of the
company today denies in toto the al
legations of fraud and facts set forth
in the resolution, and especially resents
the statement that he was one of the
, principals who hired assassins to mur
der Marble Creek settlers.
."If Congressman Poldexter had been
anxious to find out the real facts in
this matter he could have satisfied
himself after a half hour's examina
tion of the records at Washington that
a majority of his allegations were
falsehoods," stated Mr." Davles. "I do
not think that more than a half hour
of his time would have been required."
On the legal phase of the Marble
Creek controversy the settlers have
lost out at every turn, which Is a mat
ter of record.
Shot Off Leg to Secure Pension Is
Charge Friends Make.
VANCOUVER. Wash., June 23. (Spe
cial) C. A. Buch, who killed, his son-in-
law, G. W. Rauch, and later killed him
self last night in Portland, spent many
ayears in Vancouver as a blacksmith, and
left this city last August.
Buch's career was eventful. Ha was a
Races May Be Held on Smooth Sands
'at Gearhart Tillamook Will
Get Delegation.
At a meeting of the board of directors
of the Portland Automobile Club held
last night, it was decided to hold two
official club runs on July 4. One run
will be made to Gearhart Beach and
the other to Tillamook. Invitations were
received from both places and as St was
pointed out that there would be sufficient
machines to send a large delegation to
each place. It was voted to aceept both
A committee was appointed to make
arrangements to hold races at Gearhart
Beach on July 4. and it Is probable that a
number of amateur drivers will enter
cars in the race. The beach at Gear
hart is 13 miles long and about 600 feet
wide, affording one of the finest straight
of way boulevards for racing in the coun
try. If the race is held. President George
B. French, of the Astoria & Columbia
Railroad will put up a 100 cup as a
Some members of the club will ship
their cars to Astoria and drive from
there to Gearhart, while others are
planning to make the entire run from
Portland to the beach. Those who drive
from Portland plan to leave Portland on
the . morning of July 3, and will reach
Gearhart the same evening.
A big reoep'lon will be given those who
go to Tillamook, including a banquet and
a boat ride on the bay. Two days also
will be required to make this run.
The proposed boulevard from Medford
to Crater Lake, which is being promoted
by John M. Root, of the latter place, was
Indorsed by the board and the members
will give Mr. Root their assistance in
raising funds among Portland business
men, to build the road.
An active campaign Is to be commenced
against members of the club who per
sist In running without lights and ex
ceeding the speed limit. To this end, the
Bpeed committee was increased from
three to five members. Each of this
committee will be vested with police au
thority and instructed to arrest every
man caught bieaking the law. governing
the operation of automobiles.
State Senator Stewart, of Kelso, Dis
cusses Political Situation Any
body's Fight Just Now.
State Senator F. L. 'Stewart, of
Kelso, Wash., was- at the Oregon Hotel
Wednesday night, on his way home from
a business trip to Eastern Oregon. Re
garding the Senatorial campaign,
around which political interest in
Washington now centers, he said:
"There are six candidates in the field,
but I have made no selection. Neither
would I try to pick the winner at this
time. .General James M. Ash ton, of
Tacoma, is now In the fight strong.
With four candidates from King Coun
ty and only one from Pierce, his
chances are bettered. Judge Thomas
Burke, I believe, is making the most
active campaign of any of them and
seems to be gaining strength. John L.
Wilson, of course, has his friends and
his enemies. Representative Poindex
ter is an insurgent and will likely get
a large voteffrom that element. The
regulars will not vote for Poindexter
and I doubt If he will get a heavy vote
from the East Side, because that part
of the state does not want to lose Sen-
ator Jones.
"Senators Jones- has made a good
record in Washington, stands high
among his colleagues, and Is recog
nized as a strong" man. To nominate
Poindexter would endanger the future
of Jones, because of the -common un
derstanding that the east side and the
west side of the state should each have
a Senator.
"Judge Humphries is becoming rath
er socialistic and is bidding for sup
port through appeals to prejudice. He
will get many votes in King County
from the element he represents, and
will also add to his- strength on the
east side by his methods.
"I believe our district wants to re
turn Representative McCredie to Con
gress, and it might be possible for
Ashton to strengthen himself by throw
ing Pierce County to McCredie in ex
change for support from Vancouver
and the southwest part of the state."
Fight for Control of-Sport of
Air Is Threatened by Wid
ened Breach.
New York Mayor's Daughter Weds
Clubman at Wilmington.
NEW YORK, June 23. Augusta Gay
nor, the second daughter of Mayor
Gaynor, eloped with Harry Vlngut.
clubman, horseman and broker, and
was married yesterday In Wilmington,
Del., according to a special dispatch
which the World will print tomorrow. ,
At Mayor uaynor s nouse last nignt a
servant answered all Inquiries, saying
the family could receive no one.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vlngut registered
last night at the Hotel Plaza in this
city. They would receive no callers.
Sheep, Gaelic and English.
London Daly News.
A true specimen of the Highland man's
difficulties wth the English language:
Farmer (who had Instructed his Gaelic
shepherd to look for a number of sheep
that had wandered from the fold): "Well,
DonaW, have you found them?" "Aye,
master." "Where did you get them?"
and "three among one of McPherson's."
"Well, I got two by itself, one together.
Aero Club of America Nucleus of
One Faction, While National
Council and Aeronautical As
sociation Are Others.
NEW YORK, June 23. Instead of t,he
harmony aviators hoped for, delegates
representing aviation clubs In different
parts of the country only widened the
breach that has separated them last
night. v
A Joint meeting of the Aero Club of
America and the Aeronautical Associa
tion, held here tonight, broke in hostile
factions and a fight for the control of
the new sport Is threatened.
The Aero Club of America, which
hitherto has dominated domestic avia
tion by virtue of Its membership In the
International Aeronautic Federation
and its agreement with the, Wright
brothers, is the nucleus around which
one of . the organizations will be
formed. ' Opposed will b,e the American
Aeronautical Federation, organized last
night from a bolt from the Joint con
vention. Conference Is Held.
The bolting delegates, representing
iS clubs and a membership of 3000,
later held 'a conference and decided to
launch the National Council of Affil
iated Clubs of the Aero Club of Amer
ica. An organization will be effected
today. ...
The National council was authorized
by the directors of the Aero Club at a
meeting last night. A resolution adopted
confirms the Aero Ciub as the repre
sentative In this country of the Inter
national Aeronautical Federation, but
provides that all National affairs are
to. be referred to the council, which
consists of one member from each af
filiated club. The Aero Club will name
the chairman.
Council Will Decide Meets.
The selection of sites for Interna
tional meets will be vested In the Na
tional council after 1910, and a com
mittee from the council is to deal with
questions involving the sanctioning, of
National meets.
After the retirement of the faction
supporting the Aero Club, the American
Aeronautical Federation elected Hudson
Maxim president, Thomas E. A. Hill,
secretary, and R. C. Northwood, treas
urer. Separate, meetings of the federation
and association were held yesterday
morning, when temporary officers were
named by each.
The trouble began when the two
organizations met in a joint conven
tion yesterday afternoon. The rights of
delegates from the Federation to sit in
joint convention was challenged by t .s
Aero Club,' and a four hours' wrangle
followed. Eventually, all were seated
and the convention took a recess, but
when it reassembled the temporary of
ficers resigned and led the march of
bolters from the hall.
Couple Wed Just Two Years to Day
7 After First Meeting.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., June 23. (Spe
cial.) Choosing as their wedding day the
second anniversary of the date on which
they fir at met. Miss Bertha Bradbury, a
beautiful young, woman of Chicago, and
Arthur C. Hupp,- cashier of the Bank of
Southern California, were married here
Miss Bradbury, who is a daughter of
Martin Bradbury, of Chicago, was visit
ing in Seattle two years ago, when she
first met Mr .Hupp, who was then a
resident of that city, and it was a case
of love at first sight. Although the young
woman returned East and Mr. Hupp
came to Los Angeles, the attachment con
tinued and the marriage today was the
culmination of a long engagement.
New Department Is Added to .Japan
ese Cabinet.
TOKIO, Japan, June 23. (Special.) The
establishment of a colonial board was
gazetted officially today. Marquis Kat
sura. Premier .awT Minister of Finance,
Is president, and Baron Goto, Minister
of , Communications, is vice-president.
The board is to supervise all affairs In
Corea, Formosa and Japanese Sagalin
andjolnt diplomatic affairs of this coun
try's leased territory in Manchuria..
It appears that when the term "Japan"
is used It includes not only the original
islands, together with Formosa and Sa
galin, but also Corea, the status of which
is similar to that of the colonies named.
In Importance the new colonial board is
equal to the Department of State.
George Huthmann, Contractor,
Passes Two Bogus Checks.
George Huthmann, 23 years of age, a
contractor residing at 1057 East Tenth
street North, was arrested in his home
by Detective Sergeants Carpenter and
Price on the charge of forgery Wednes
day night. He is held at police head
quarters without bail. Huthmann admits
his guilt.
Huthmann secured J135 by passing two
checks for $95 and $40 respectively. Both
checks were orT a local bank and were
drawn in his favor, ostensibly by two
Under Tonic Treatment Her Appetite
Was Restored and Every Symptom
of x Her Trouble Disappeared as
Her Blood Wa Built Up.
Weak, pale, nervous, ambitionless peo
ple have their' most trying time in the
spring and early summer when the effect
of the shut-up, inactive life of the past
winter shows itself. To be strong, active,
energetic, hungry may seem impossible
to the sufferer with thin, sluggish blood
but it is not as the following case shows:
Mrs. L. H. Litecher, whose husband is
a grocer, of Dayton, Ore., has found
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to have so much
merit that she gives them hearty praise.
She says :
"About fifteen years ago my blood
became thin and I was generally run
down owing to weakness common to my
sex. My heart bothered me, my stomach
was weak and I had no appetite. I was
Bubject to dizziness and headaches and
felt tired and without ambition. I was
nervous and could not sleep well. This
was my condition every spring as the
confinement indoors during the winter
seemed to impoverish my blood.
"The doctors said that I needed some
thing to build me up but they never
seemed to help me. It was not until I
tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that I
found a medicine adapted to my case.
The pills helped me in a few days. My
appetite picked up and I grew stronger.
By the time I had taken six boxes my
blood was in good condition and I waa
"I take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills every
spring and am in good health as a result.
I have taken the pills after childbirth
and I hare found nothing better to
strengthen me. They are good for the
nursing mother and child. I can hardly
find words to express my gratitude for
being restored to good health."
Our valuable booklet,-"Plain Talks to
Women," will be sent free to any suffer
ing woman upon request.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are highly
recommended for anaemia, chlorosis, de
layed development, after-effects of child
birth and leucorrhcea.
Dr. Williams Pink Pills are sold by all
druggists, or will be sent, postpaid, on
receipt of price, 50 cents per box ; six
boxes for $2.50, by the Dr. Williami
Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
East Side merchants.
Confronted with the bogus script last
night, Huthmann broke down and con
fessed. When the officers were4 about to
take him to Jail there was an affecting
scene enaeted between Huthmann and
his young wife, whom he married less
than a year ago.
Out-of-Town Delegates Would Re
turn HereHome Folks Willing
to Go Away.
Aid of the Portland delegates proving
valuable at" the crucla,! moment. the
grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias
voted yesterday to hold Its meeting in
1911 in Astoria. The decision carried
with it the session of the grand body of
the Pythian Sisters.. Astoria desired the
meeting especially so that it will be
made a part of the centennial celebration
now being prepared by the oldest town
in Oregon.
Portland delegates to the session of
the grand lodge were responsible, vir
tually, for the selection of Astoria as
the meeting place. The sentiment of
members from some of the smaller towns
of the state was in favor of continuing
the session in Portland. The outsiders
are alive to the attractions of Portland
and desire to come here, while the Port
land members want to get out of the city
once in a while. The vote of the Port
land members so inclined turned the
For the purpose of Installing the offi
cers previously elected, J. C. Bozarth,
of Bay 'City, was placed in the chair of
the grand chancellor, being assisted by
Edward D. Curtis, of Portland, acting
as grand vice-chancellor; M. F. Davis,
of Union, acting as grand prelate, and F.
S. Grant actlng'as grand master at arms.
Following his installation, Grand Chan
cellor D. E. Yoran appointed F. S. Grant,
City Attorney of Portland, a member of
the grand tribunal, the law body of the
order, for a period of three years, and
Grant Dimick, of Oregon City, for a
period of one year. The latter appoint
ment was made necessary by the election
o'f Grand Tribune F. T. Wrightman to
the position of grand vice-chancellor.
The grand chancellor appointed the
following district deputies: .
District No. 1 (Multnomah and Clack
amas counties), J. H. Rod da, of Port
land; district No. 2 (Columbia and Clat
sop counties), J. E. Brallier.'of Seaside;
district No. 3 (Washington County and
part of Yamhill), R. Benson, of Cor
nelius; district No. 4 (Linn, Benton and
Lincoln counties), Willard L. Marks, of
Albany; district No. 5 (Lane and Doug
las counties), F. H. Rosenberg, of Cot
tage Grove; district .No. 6 (Josephine,
Douglas and Klamath counties; Earl
Whitlock, Klamath Falls, district No.
7 (Coos and Curry Counties). J. O.
Stemmler, of Myrtle Point; district No.
8 (Wasco, Hood River and Sherman
counties), W. L. Bradshaw, of The
Dalles; district No. 9 (Gilliam and Mor
row counties), W. W. Smead, of Heppner;
district No. 10 (Umatilla County), A. R.
Shumway. of Milton; district No. 11
(Union and Wallowa counties), Bruce
Cox, of Wallowa; district No. 13 (Baker
and Malheur counties). H. L. Poorman, of
Ontario; district No. 13 (Crook, Wheeler
and Grant counties), John Combs, of
Prineville; district No. 14 (Tillamook
County), James Walton, Jr., of Tilla
mook; district No. 15 (Polk County and
part of Yamhill), W.. B. McKonn, of Falls
City; district No. 16 (Marion County),
George W. Knight, of Hubbard.
A Husband-Successor.
This story comes from a lawyer: A
From 12 to 2 P. M. Daily for 50c
The Very Best Service
Try It and See
and GIRLS at
The style and character of WASH GOODS
we are showing this season are so superior
to those carried in any other store in
Portland that we would like the
privilege of showing them to you.
When added to their excellence-the cut in prices
should bring every woman who appreciates
good tailoring and style to our store at once.
The entire 3d floor devoted to this department. N
worthy and provident man went to this
legal adviser to make his will. He gave
many . Instructions and it seemed that
everything was arranged. The lawyer be
gan to read over his notes and put a
point to his client. "Oh you have made
provision for your wife In the event of
her surviving you. Does that remain
unaltered if she should marry again?"
am I leaving her? One thousand dollars' a
"No, no," said the client eagerly. "What
year. If 'she marries again make It
$3000.". The lawyer thought there must be
a misunderstanding and pointed out that
most men put it the other way about. "I
know," said the client; "but the man who
takes her will deserve it."
Since Its establishment In 171 to June 3
last year the llfe-avlng service of the
I'nited States has been the means of saving
propertv valued at t2g4.D34.7Sa.
134 Sixth St. SB.
409 Washington Street
A stupendous and marvelous purchase for spot cash, bought from R. 11. Sabin,
Trustee in Bankruptcy for Cleaver & Haverlick, 409 Washington st. One of the
best stocks of Tailor-made Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists, Petticoats and Skirts
that has ever been shown on this Coast. Bought from the Trustee at 35c on the
dollar. Every garment will be sacrificed at once. Don't miss this opportunity.
This is a money-saving chance that you will never have again. $15,000.00
worth of Cloaks and Suits to be sacrificed at half and less of wholesale cost.
White Serge Coats, Pongee Coats, every style Suit and Dress that can be found
in the highest class stores at Bankrupt prices. The stock is divided and will
be on sale at both stores. ; ,
nfilinii i"
Read, look, buy an opportunity . like this will never present itself to you again.
Stylish House Dresses Many styles and colors,
$2.50 to $7.95 values ; at this sale
$3.98 down to only
Beautiful White Serge Suits Values to $35.00.
Bankrupt sale 19.85
200 Stylish Wool Tailored (hi a Q C
Suits Values to $50.00; price A 7,OJ
3000 Beautiful and stylisn waists
$2.00 values for OiC
Nobby Tailored Linen Suits All dQ Q Q
styles and colors; $8.50 values u)0tO
300 All-Wool Tailored Suits d O f Q E?
Values to $85.00; at this sale ipfKiO
Nobby Long Pongee Coats ?V" O QC
Daintily made; $25.00 values u)l ()
409 Wahington Street 134 Sixth St, Cor. Alder '